D3D11 DLL starting init - v 1.3.16 - Wed Sep 07 01:06:27 2022 Game path: D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\ACOrigins.exe 3DMigoto path: D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\d3d11.dll ----------- d3dx.ini settings ----------- [Logging] calls=1 input=0 debug=1 unbuffered=1 unbuffered return: 0 force_cpu_affinity=0 debug_locks=0 [Include] include_recursive=Mods Searching "D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\Mods\*" Not a directory or ini file: "Icons_ACO.jpg" Processing "D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\Mods\effect_settings.ini" Processing "D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\Mods\eiom.ini" namespace = debug_2d Renaming namespace "Mods\eiom.ini" -> "debug_2d" Processing "D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\Mods\hud_settings.ini" Processing "D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\Mods\key_binds.ini" Processing "D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\Mods\outfit_settings.ini" exclude_recursive=DISABLED* [System] load_library_redirect=1 allow_check_interface=1 allow_create_device=1 allow_platform_update=1 check_foreground_window=0 [Device] upscaling=0 full_screen=0 force_stereo=0 get_resolution_from=swap_chain hide_cursor=0 [Stereo] automatic_mode=0 create_profile=0 force_no_nvapi=0 [Rendering] shader_hash=3dmigoto override_directory=ShaderFixes cache_directory=ShaderCache cache_shaders=0 rasterizer_disable_scissor=0 assemble_signature_comments=1 disassemble_undecipherable_custom_data=1 patch_assembly_cb_offsets=1 export_fixed=0 export_shaders=0 export_hlsl=0 dump_usage=0 stereo_params=125 ini_params=120 fix_sv_position=0 [Hunting] hunting=2 reload_config=no_modifiers VK_F10 wipe_user_config=ctrl alt no_shift VK_F10 monitor_performance=ctrl no_shift no_alt F9 freeze_performance_monitor=no_ctrl shift no_alt VK_F9 monitor_performance_interval=2.000000 take_screenshot=no_modifiers VK_SNAPSHOT toggle_hunting=no_modifiers NO_VK_DECIMAL VK_OEM_5 repeat_rate=6 marking_mode=skip next_marking_mode=no_modifiers VK_DECIMAL VK_NUMPAD0 marking_actions=hlsl next_pixelshader=no_modifiers NO_P NO_M 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$disablecs_gladiatorarenaicon global $disablecs_greenquesticon global $disablecs_hermitlocationcompleteicon global $disablecs_hermitlocationicon global $disablecs_hippodromeicon global $disablecs_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon global $disablecs_hippopotamuslairicon global $disablecs_hyenalaircompletedicon global $disablecs_hyenalairicon global $disablecs_ibexlaircompleteicon global $disablecs_ibexlairicon global $disablecs_leopardlaircompleteicon global $disablecs_leopardlairicon global $disablecs_lionlaircompleteicon global $disablecs_lionlairicon global $disablecs_mediummilitarycompleteicon global $disablecs_mediummilitaryicon global $disablecs_mythsofthepharaohsicon global $disablecs_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon global $disablecs_nomadsbazaaricon global $disablecs_papyruscompleteicon global $disablecs_papyrusicon global $disablecs_pharaohscurseicon global $disablecs_phylakesicon global $disablecs_ptolemystatuecompleteicon global $disablecs_ptolemystatueicon global 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$disablem_forticon global $disablem_gladiatorarenaicon global $disablem_greenquesticon global $disablem_hermitlocationcompleteicon global $disablem_hermitlocationicon global $disablem_hippodromeicon global $disablem_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon global $disablem_hippopotamuslairicon global $disablem_hyenalaircompletedicon global $disablem_hyenalairicon global $disablem_ibexlaircompleteicon global $disablem_ibexlairicon global $disablem_leopardlaircompleteicon global $disablem_leopardlairicon global $disablem_lionlaircompleteicon global $disablem_lionlairicon global $disablem_markedquestobjectiveicon global $disablem_mediummilitarycompleteicon global $disablem_mediummilitaryicon global $disablem_mythsofthepharaohsicon global $disablem_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon global $disablem_nomadsbazaaricon global $disablem_papyruscompleteicon global $disablem_papyrusicon global $disablem_pharaohscurseicon global $disablem_phylakesicon global $disablem_ptolemystatuecompleteicon global $disablem_ptolemystatueicon global $disablem_questobjectiveicon global $disablem_questgivericon global $disablem_redquesticon global $disablem_redatimedquesticon global $disablem_scorpionlairicon global $disablem_scorpionlaircompleteicon global $disablem_senuicon global $disablem_shadowofthescarabicon global $disablem_smallmilitarycompleteicon global $disablem_smallmilitaryicon global $disablem_stablesicon global $disablem_targetyellowpointer global $disablem_tombcompleteicon global $disablem_tombicon global $disablem_tombportallocationcompleteicon global $disablem_tresurelocationcompleteicon global $disablem_tresurelocationicon global $disablem_trialofanubisicon global $disablem_trialofsekhmeticon global $disablem_trialofsobekicon global $disablem_unvisitedlocationicon global $disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon global $disablem_viewpointicon global $disablem_viewpointsynchronisedicon global $disablem_villageicon global $disablem_vulturelairicon global $disablem_vulturelaircompleteicon global $disablem_warelephantcompleteicon global $disablem_warelephanticon global $disablem_weavericon global $disable_lootsparkle global $disable_weapontrail global $disable_arrowtrail global $disable_overpowerweapontrail global $disable_levelupglow global $disable_heavyattackwarningcircle global $disable_heavyattackwarningflash global $disable_headshotkillflash global $disable_enemyhitredstripe global $disable_heavychargedglow global $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow global $disable_eaglesensewave global $disable_containerglow global $disable_shieldsmoke global $disable_enemypoisonedsmoke global $disable_followroadpath global $disable_enemyoutlines global $disable_bayekhiddeneffects global $disable_pulseonarrowhit global $disable_breaklineofsighteffects global $disable_avengequestcorpseglow global $disable_crosshair global $show_hbindicator global $show_iconskey global $show_hbkey global $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey global $show_elikey global $disable_balistatrail global $disable_cursedhealthbar global $disable_animalinwaterglow global $disable_speedeffectwhitestripes global $\debug_2d\amplify=4.000000 global $\debug_2d\flip=0.000000 global $\debug_2d\channel=4.000000 global $\debug_2d\power=1.000000 global $\debug_2d\cursor_is_visible global $\debug_2d\map_is_visible global $\debug_2d\legendvisible global $\debug_2d\last_legendvisible global $\debug_2d\tutorialbckg_visible global $\debug_2d\leveltext_visible global $\debug_2d\totalleveltext_visible global $\debug_2d\bayeklevel_visible global $\debug_2d\crosshairpoint_visible global $\debug_2d\compass_visible global $\debug_2d\senyutextfloat_count global $\debug_2d\message_visible global $\debug_2d\message_visible_current global $\debug_2d\results_visible global $\debug_2d\results_visible_current global $\debug_2d\message_text_count global $\debug_2d\bar_count global $\debug_2d\bar_count2 global $\debug_2d\bar_visible global $\debug_2d\bar_visible_last global 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Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_hyenalaircompletedicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_hyenalairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_ibexlaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_ibexlaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_ibexlairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_leopardlaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_leopardlaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_leopardlairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_lionlaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_lionlaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_lionlairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_mediummilitarycompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_mediummilitarycompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_mediummilitaryicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_mythsofthepharaohsicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_nomadsbazaaricon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_papyruscompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_papyruscompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_papyrusicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_pharaohscurseicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_phylakesicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_ptolemystatuecompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_ptolemystatuecompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_ptolemystatueicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_questgivericon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_redatimedquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_redquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_scorpionlairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_scorpionlaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_shadowofthescarabicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecb_smallmilitarycompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" 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Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_alignthestarscompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_alignthestarsicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_anubisshadowicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_assassinbureauicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_avengequesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_blacksmithicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_cityicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_cobralaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_cobralairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_crocodilelaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_crocodilelairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_fortcompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_forticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_gladiatorarenaicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_greenquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_hermitlocationcompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_hermitlocationicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_hippodromeicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_hippopotamuslairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" 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tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_mythsofthepharaohsicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_nomadsbazaaricon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_papyruscompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_papyrusicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_pharaohscurseicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_phylakesicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_ptolemystatuecompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_ptolemystatueicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_questgivericon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_redatimedquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_redquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_scorpionlairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_scorpionlaircompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_shadowofthescarabicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_smallmilitarycompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_smallmilitaryicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_stablesicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_tombcompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_tombicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_tombportallocationcompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_tresurelocationcompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_tresurelocationicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_trialofanubisicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_trialofsekhmeticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_trialofsobekicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_unvisitedlocationicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_viewpointicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_villageicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_vulturelairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_warelephantcompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_warelephanticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablecs_weavericon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_allyicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_anubisshadowicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_assassinbureauicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_avengequesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_balistafloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_beaconfloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_blacksmithicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_clueicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_cluecompleteicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_custommarkericon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_greenquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_hippodromeicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_pharaohscurseicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_phylakesicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_questobjectiveicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_questgivericon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_redatimedquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_redquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_stablesicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_targetyellowpointer = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_treasurefloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_trialofanubisicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_trialofsobekicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_viewpointicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_weavericon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_yourmountcamelicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefb_yourmounthorseicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_alignthestarsicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_animalattackfloatingwarningicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_anubisshadowicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_assassinbureauicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_avengequesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_balistafloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_bayekicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_beaconfloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_beaconlitfloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_blacksmithicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_cityicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_cobralairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_crocodilelairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_custommarkericon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_forticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_greenquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_hermitlocationicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_hiddenentrancefloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_hippodromeicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_hippopotamuslairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_hyenalairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_ibexlairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_leopardlairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_lionlairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_markedquestobjectiveicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_mediummilitaryicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_mythsofthepharaohsicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_nomadsbazaaricon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_papyrusfloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_papyrusicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_pharaohscurseicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_phylakesicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_ptolemystatueicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_questobjectiveicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_questgivericon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_redatimedquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_redquesticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_scorpionlairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_shadowofthescarabicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_smallmilitaryicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_stablesicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_tombicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_treasurefloatingicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_tresurelocationicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_trialofanubisicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_trialofsekhmeticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_trialofsobekicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_unvisitedlocationicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_viewpointicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_villageicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_vulturelairicon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_warelephanticon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disablefs_weavericon = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $cleanwhiteredoutfit = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $graciousattire = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $darkisuarmor = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $disableisuarmorglow = 0 [Key\Mods\key_binds.ini\Show_ELI1] type=hold delay=0 release_delay=0 $show_ELIkey=1.000000 Key=XB_LEFT_THUMB [Key\Mods\key_binds.ini\Show_ELI2] type=hold delay=500 release_delay=6000 $show_ELIkey=1.000000 transition=0 release_transition=0 transition_type=linear release_transition_type=cosine Key=XB_DPAD_UP [Key\Mods\key_binds.ini\Show_HB1] type=hold delay=0 release_delay=0 $show_HBkey=1.000000 Key=XB_LEFT_THUMB [Key\Mods\key_binds.ini\Show_HB2] type=hold delay=500 release_delay=6000 $show_HBkey=1.000000 transition=0 release_transition=0 transition_type=linear release_transition_type=cosine Key=XB_DPAD_UP [Key\Mods\key_binds.ini\Show_Icons1] type=hold delay=0 release_delay=0 $show_iconskey=1.000000 Key=XB_LEFT_THUMB [Key\Mods\key_binds.ini\Show_Icons2] type=hold delay=500 release_delay=6000 $show_iconskey=1.000000 transition=0 release_transition=0 transition_type=linear release_transition_type=cosine Key=XB_DPAD_UP [preset\debug_2d\barvisible] $bar_visible2=1.000000 [preset\debug_2d\bayeklevelvisible] $Bayeklevel_visible=1.000000 [preset\debug_2d\compassvisible] $compass_visible=1.000000 [preset\debug_2d\crosshairpointvisible] $crosshairpoint_visible=1.000000 [preset\debug_2d\cursorisvisible] $Cursor_is_Visible=1.000000 [preset\debug_2d\playerlevelvisible] $player_level_visible=1.000000 [preset\debug_2d\questupdatevisible] run=CommandListQuestUpdate [builtincustomshaderdisablescissorclipping] scissor_enable=0 rasterizer_state_merge=1 Registering command list: builtincustomshaderdisablescissorclipping draw = from_caller handling = skip [builtincustomshaderenablescissorclipping] scissor_enable=1 rasterizer_state_merge=1 Registering command list: builtincustomshaderenablescissorclipping draw = from_caller handling = skip [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] vs=ShaderFixes\debug_2d.hlsl ps=ShaderFixes\debug_2d.hlsl blend=ADD SRC_ALPHA INV_SRC_ALPHA cull=none topology=triangle_strip Registering command list: customshader\debug_2d\debug2d run = builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets o0 = set_viewport bb Tokenising "x" Identifier: "x" Final syntax tree: Operand "x" local $bak_x = x Tokenising "y" Identifier: "y" Final syntax tree: Operand "y" local $bak_y = y Tokenising "z" Identifier: "z" Final syntax tree: Operand "z" local $bak_z = z Tokenising "w" Identifier: "w" Final syntax tree: Operand "w" local $bak_w = w Tokenising "$amplify" Identifier: "$amplify" Final syntax tree: Operand "$amplify" x = $amplify Tokenising "$flip" Identifier: "$flip" Final syntax tree: Operand "$flip" y = $flip Tokenising "$channel" Identifier: "$channel" Final syntax tree: Operand "$channel" z = $channel Tokenising "$power" Identifier: "$power" Final syntax tree: Operand "$power" w = $power Tokenising "4" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operand "4" Tokenising " 0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" draw = 4, 0 post ps-t100 = null Tokenising "$bak_x" Identifier: "$bak_x" Final syntax tree: Operand "$bak_x" post x = $bak_x Tokenising "$bak_y" Identifier: "$bak_y" Final syntax tree: Operand "$bak_y" post y = $bak_y Tokenising "$bak_z" Identifier: "$bak_z" Final syntax tree: Operand "$bak_z" post z = $bak_z Tokenising "$bak_w" Identifier: "$bak_w" Final syntax tree: Operand "$bak_w" post w = $bak_w [commandlist\debug_2d\questupdate] Registering command list: commandlist\debug_2d\questupdate Tokenising "time" Identifier: "time" Final syntax tree: Operand "time" pre $questupdate_appearence_time = time [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] Registering command list: builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets o0 = null o1 = null o2 = null o3 = null o4 = null o5 = null o6 = null o7 = null od = null [commandlistunbindallrendertargets] Registering command list: commandlistunbindallrendertargets run = builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_BalistaTrail] Hash=ada0119b5d2de5d9 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_BalistaTrail Tokenising "$disable_balistatrail == 1" Identifier: "$disable_balistatrail" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_balistatrail", Operand "1" ] if $disable_balistatrail == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 208" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "208" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "208" ] if vs-t70 == 208 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_ChargedEffect] Hash=a939ef229a63ca19 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_ChargedEffect Tokenising "$disable_heavychargedglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_heavychargedglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_heavychargedglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_heavychargedglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 25" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "25" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "25" ] if vs-t71 == 25 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow1] Hash=f1b4017649a0d3c0 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow1 Tokenising "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow2] Hash=0addc891b30340bf Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow2 Tokenising "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow3] Hash=dc3d3d56b70635b5 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow3 Tokenising "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextPS1] Hash=8b6c8f3deb569a8f Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextPS1 Tokenising "$senuminimizeinterface == 1" Identifier: "$senuminimizeinterface" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senuminimizeinterface", Operand "1" ] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS0] Hash=0b9068082f1e5e18 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS0 checktextureoverride=vb0 [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] Hash=6478e72c071bb668 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1 checktextureoverride=vb0 Tokenising "vb0 == 226" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "226" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "226" ] if vb0 == 226 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $underwaterhint_visible = 1 endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Tokenising "$boss_visible_previous == 1 || $boss_visible == 1" Identifier: "$boss_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$boss_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$boss_visible_previous", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$boss_visible", Operand "1" ] ] if $boss_visible_previous == 1 || $boss_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 == null" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "11" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Resource Slot: "null" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "11" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "null" ] ] if vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 == null Tokenising "vs-t72 == null || vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Resource Slot: "null" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "null" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] ] if vs-t72 == null || vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "$boss_count + 1" Identifier: "$boss_count" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$boss_count", Operand "1" ] $boss_count = $boss_count + 1 Tokenising "$boss_count_previous == $boss_count" Identifier: "$boss_count_previous" Operator: "==" Identifier: "$boss_count" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$boss_count_previous", Operand "$boss_count" ] if $boss_count_previous == $boss_count handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$boss_visible_previous == 1 || $boss_visible == 1" Identifier: "$boss_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$boss_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$boss_visible_previous", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$boss_visible", Operand "1" ] ] if $boss_visible_previous == 1 || $boss_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 == null" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "11" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Resource Slot: "null" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "11" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "null" ] ] if vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 == null Tokenising "vs-t72 == null || vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Resource Slot: "null" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "null" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] ] if vs-t72 == null || vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "$boss_count + 1" Identifier: "$boss_count" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$boss_count", Operand "1" ] $boss_count = $boss_count + 1 Tokenising "$boss_count_previous == $boss_count" Identifier: "$boss_count_previous" Operator: "==" Identifier: "$boss_count" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$boss_count_previous", Operand "$boss_count" ] if $boss_count_previous == $boss_count Tokenising "$show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] if $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Tokenising "$boss_visible_previous == 1 || $boss_visible == 1" Identifier: "$boss_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$boss_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$boss_visible_previous", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$boss_visible", Operand "1" ] ] if $boss_visible_previous == 1 || $boss_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 11" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "11" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "11" ] if vs-t71 == 11 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] if vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "$boss_count + 1" Identifier: "$boss_count" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$boss_count", Operand "1" ] $boss_count = $boss_count + 1 Tokenising "$boss_count_previous == $boss_count" Identifier: "$boss_count_previous" Operator: "==" Identifier: "$boss_count" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$boss_count_previous", Operand "$boss_count" ] if $boss_count_previous == $boss_count handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "===" Resource Slot: "null" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "==="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "null" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 5 Tokenising "vb0 == 172 || vb0 == 173 || vb0 == 184 || vb0 == 187 || vb0 == 192 || vb0 == 194 || vb0 == 199 || vb0 == 198 || vb0 == 200 || vb0 == 203 || vb0 == 207 || vb0 == 212 || vb0 == 213 || vb0 == 215 || vb0 == 217 || vb0 == 218 || vb0 == 220 || vb0 == 223" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "172" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "173" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "184" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "187" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "192" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "194" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "199" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "198" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "200" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "203" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "207" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "212" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "213" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "215" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "217" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "218" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "220" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "223" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "172" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "173" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "184" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "187" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "192" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "194" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "199" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "198" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "200" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "203" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "207" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "212" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "213" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "215" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "217" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "218" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "220" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "223" ] ] if vb0 == 172 || vb0 == 173 || vb0 == 184 || vb0 == 187 || vb0 == 192 || vb0 == 194 || vb0 == 199 || vb0 == 198 || vb0 == 200 || vb0 == 203 || vb0 == 207 || vb0 == 212 || vb0 == 213 || vb0 == 215 || vb0 == 217 || vb0 == 218 || vb0 == 220 || vb0 == 223 endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_hintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_hintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_hintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$parchemnt_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$parchemnt_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$parchemnt_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_otherhintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_otherhintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_otherhintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_otherhintmessages == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 12" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "12" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "12" ] if vs-t71 == 12 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_bayekdistancetext == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekdistancetext" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekdistancetext", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekdistancetext == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$results_visible_current == 0" Identifier: "$results_visible_current" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$results_visible_current", Operand "0" ] if $results_visible_current == 0 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 == 193 || vs-t71 == 35" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "===" Resource Slot: "null" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "193" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "35" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "==="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "null" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "193" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "35" ] ] if vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 == 193 || vs-t71 == 35 Tokenising "vb0 == 174 || vb0 == 175 || vb0 == 176 || vb0 == 186" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "174" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "175" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "176" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "186" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "174" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "175" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "176" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "186" ] ] if vb0 == 174 || vb0 == 175 || vb0 == 176 || vb0 == 186 ps-t70 = resourcetextm endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 5 || vs-t71 == 204" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "204" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "204" ] ] if vs-t71 == 5 || vs-t71 == 204 Tokenising "$message_visible != 1" Identifier: "$message_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$message_visible", Operand "1" ] if $message_visible != 1 Tokenising "time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout" Identifier: "time" Operator: "-" Identifier: "$questupdate_appearence_time" Operator: ">" Identifier: "$questupdate_timeout" Final syntax tree: Operator ">"[ Operator "-"[ Operand "time", Operand "$questupdate_appearence_time" ], Operand "$questupdate_timeout" ] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout ps-t70 = resourcetextso endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_hintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_hintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_hintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$tutorialbckg_visible == 1" Identifier: "$tutorialbckg_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$tutorialbckg_visible", Operand "1" ] if $tutorialbckg_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] if vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "$text_visible + 1" Identifier: "$text_visible" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$text_visible", Operand "1" ] $text_visible = $text_visible + 1 Tokenising "$text_visible == 1" Identifier: "$text_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$text_visible", Operand "1" ] if $text_visible == 1 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$parchemnt_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$parchemnt_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$parchemnt_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$tutorialbckg_visible == 1" Identifier: "$tutorialbckg_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$tutorialbckg_visible", Operand "1" ] if $tutorialbckg_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] if vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "$text_visible + 1" Identifier: "$text_visible" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$text_visible", Operand "1" ] $text_visible = $text_visible + 1 Tokenising "$text_visible == 1" Identifier: "$text_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$text_visible", Operand "1" ] if $text_visible == 1 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] Hash=b2e4afe8f1bbb6ea Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2 Tokenising "$disable_bayekdistancetext == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekdistancetext" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekdistancetext", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekdistancetext == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "2" ] if ps-t70 == 2 Tokenising "ps-t71 == 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 == 1 Tokenising "ps-t72 != 3" Resource Slot: "ps-t72" Operator: "!=" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t72", Operand "3" ] if ps-t72 != 3 ps-t70 = resourcetextm endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_compassicondistancetext == 1" Identifier: "$disable_compassicondistancetext" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_compassicondistancetext", Operand "1" ] if $disable_compassicondistancetext == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "2" ] if ps-t70 == 2 Tokenising "ps-t71 == 7 || ps-t71 == 204 || ps-t71 == 6 || ps-t71 == 5 || ps-t71 == 4 || ps-t71 == 114" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "7" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "204" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "6" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "114" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "7" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "204" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "6" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "5" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "4" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "114" ] ] if ps-t71 == 7 || ps-t71 == 204 || ps-t71 == 6 || ps-t71 == 5 || ps-t71 == 4 || ps-t71 == 114 ps-t70 = resourcetextm endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "2" ] if ps-t70 == 2 Tokenising "ps-t71 == 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 == 1 ps-t70 = resourcetextm endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "2" ] if ps-t70 == 2 Tokenising "ps-t71 == 7 || ps-t71 == 204 || ps-t71 == 6 || ps-t71 == 5 || ps-t71 == 4 || ps-t71 == 114" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "7" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "204" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "6" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "114" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "7" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "204" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "6" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "5" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "4" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "114" ] ] if ps-t71 == 7 || ps-t71 == 204 || ps-t71 == 6 || ps-t71 == 5 || ps-t71 == 4 || ps-t71 == 114 ps-t70 = resourcetextm endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "2" ] if ps-t70 == 2 Tokenising "ps-t71 == 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 == 1 ps-t70 = resourcetextm endif endif endif endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Gametextwatermark] Hash=5014843cf9fd9b3e Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Gametextwatermark Tokenising "$disable_acpwatermark == 1" Identifier: "$disable_acpwatermark" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_acpwatermark", Operand "1" ] if $disable_acpwatermark == 1 Tokenising "ps-t99 == 13" Resource Slot: "ps-t99" Operator: "==" Float: "13" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t99", Operand "13" ] if ps-t99 == 13 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] Hash=10d67258146796cd Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS Tokenising "ps-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "2" ] if ps-t70 == 2 Tokenising "ps-t71 == 11" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "11" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "11" ] if ps-t71 == 11 Tokenising "ps-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "ps-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t72", Operand "3" ] if ps-t72 == 3 Tokenising "vb0 == 224 || vb0 == 225" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "224" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vb0" Operator: "==" Float: "225" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "224" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vb0", Operand "225" ] ] if vb0 == 224 || vb0 == 225 Tokenising "$leveltext_visible + 1" Identifier: "$leveltext_visible" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$leveltext_visible", Operand "1" ] $leveltext_visible = $leveltext_visible + 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 ps-t70 = resourcetextnn endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "0" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "1" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 ps-t70 = resourcetextnn endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 ps-t70 = resourcetextnn endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 ps-t70 = resourcetextnn endif endif endif endif endif endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Loadingscreenground] Hash=0a4b98709421d4f7 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Loadingscreenground checktextureoverride = ps-t70 [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad1] Hash=58a6e9cd7a46462a Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad1 [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2] Hash=06001dbf9acb64f6 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2 analyse_options = deferred_ctx_immediate dump_tex dds Tokenising "ps-t70 == 245" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "245" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "245" ] if ps-t70 == 245 Tokenising "$graciousattire == 1" Identifier: "$graciousattire" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$graciousattire", Operand "1" ] if $graciousattire == 1 ps-t70 = resourcewhiteredoutfit4 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 237" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "237" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "237" ] if ps-t70 == 237 Tokenising "$cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1" Identifier: "$cleanwhiteredoutfit" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$cleanwhiteredoutfit", Operand "1" ] if $cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1 ps-t70 = resourcewhiteredoutfit4 endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] Hash=f0752a352adcbc4a Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps analyse_options = deferred_ctx_immediate dump_tex dds Tokenising "ps-t70 == 248" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "248" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "248" ] if ps-t70 == 248 Tokenising "$darkisuarmor == 1" Identifier: "$darkisuarmor" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$darkisuarmor", Operand "1" ] if $darkisuarmor == 1 ps-t70 = resourceisuoutfit1 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 249" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "249" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "249" ] if ps-t70 == 249 Tokenising "$darkisuarmor == 1" Identifier: "$darkisuarmor" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$darkisuarmor", Operand "1" ] if $darkisuarmor == 1 ps-t70 = resourceisuoutfit2 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 250" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "250" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "250" ] if ps-t70 == 250 Tokenising "$darkisuarmor == 1" Identifier: "$darkisuarmor" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$darkisuarmor", Operand "1" ] if $darkisuarmor == 1 ps-t70 = resourceisuoutfit6 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t71 == 253" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "253" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "253" ] if ps-t71 == 253 Tokenising "$darkisuarmor == 1" Identifier: "$darkisuarmor" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$darkisuarmor", Operand "1" ] if $darkisuarmor == 1 ps-t71 = resourceisuoutfit5 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t72 == 251" Resource Slot: "ps-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "251" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t72", Operand "251" ] if ps-t72 == 251 ps-t72 = resourceisuoutfit4 endif Tokenising "ps-t72 == 254" Resource Slot: "ps-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "254" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t72", Operand "254" ] if ps-t72 == 254 Tokenising "$disableisuarmorglow == 1" Identifier: "$disableisuarmorglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disableisuarmorglow", Operand "1" ] if $disableisuarmorglow == 1 ps-t72 = resourceisuoutfitglow1 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t72 == 255" Resource Slot: "ps-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "255" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t72", Operand "255" ] if ps-t72 == 255 Tokenising "$disableisuarmorglow == 1" Identifier: "$disableisuarmorglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disableisuarmorglow", Operand "1" ] if $disableisuarmorglow == 1 ps-t72 = resourceisuoutfitglow2 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t72 == 256" Resource Slot: "ps-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "256" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t72", Operand "256" ] if ps-t72 == 256 Tokenising "$disableisuarmorglow == 1" Identifier: "$disableisuarmorglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disableisuarmorglow", Operand "1" ] if $disableisuarmorglow == 1 ps-t72 = resourceisuoutfitglow3 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t72 == 257" Resource Slot: "ps-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "257" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t72", Operand "257" ] if ps-t72 == 257 Tokenising "$disableisuarmorglow == 1" Identifier: "$disableisuarmorglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disableisuarmorglow", Operand "1" ] if $disableisuarmorglow == 1 ps-t72 = resourceisuoutfitglow4 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 247" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "247" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "247" ] if ps-t70 == 247 Tokenising "$graciousattire == 1" Identifier: "$graciousattire" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$graciousattire", Operand "1" ] if $graciousattire == 1 ps-t70 = resourcegraciousoutfit1 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 246" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "246" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "246" ] if ps-t70 == 246 Tokenising "$graciousattire == 1" Identifier: "$graciousattire" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$graciousattire", Operand "1" ] if $graciousattire == 1 ps-t70 = resourcegraciousoutfit2 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 234" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "234" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "234" ] if ps-t70 == 234 Tokenising "$cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1" Identifier: "$cleanwhiteredoutfit" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$cleanwhiteredoutfit", Operand "1" ] if $cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1 ps-t70 = resourcewhiteredoutfit1 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 235" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "235" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "235" ] if ps-t70 == 235 Tokenising "$cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1" Identifier: "$cleanwhiteredoutfit" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$cleanwhiteredoutfit", Operand "1" ] if $cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1 ps-t70 = resourcewhiteredoutfit2 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 236" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "236" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "236" ] if ps-t70 == 236 Tokenising "$cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1" Identifier: "$cleanwhiteredoutfit" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$cleanwhiteredoutfit", Operand "1" ] if $cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1 ps-t70 = resourcewhiteredoutfit3 endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_outsidemap] Hash=f584b974c9a89ad0 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_outsidemap checktextureoverride = ps-t74 Tokenising "ps-t74 == 106" Resource Slot: "ps-t74" Operator: "==" Float: "106" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t74", Operand "106" ] if ps-t74 == 106 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $map_is_visible = 1 endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regenglow1] Hash=16704af9d1535249 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regenglow1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 25" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "25" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "25" ] if vs-t70 == 25 Tokenising "$disable_weaponregencharglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_weaponregencharglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_weaponregencharglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_weaponregencharglow == 1 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regenglow2] Hash=eac281d5bd02b7ad Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regenglow2 Tokenising "$disable_weaponregencharglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_weaponregencharglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_weaponregencharglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_weaponregencharglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 25" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "25" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "25" ] if vs-t70 == 25 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regentargetsmoke] Hash=e73f1758be125325 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regentargetsmoke Tokenising "$disable_regentargetsmoke == 1" Identifier: "$disable_regentargetsmoke" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_regentargetsmoke", Operand "1" ] if $disable_regentargetsmoke == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 54" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "54" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "54" ] if vs-t70 == 54 Tokenising "$regenaura_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$regenaura_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$regenaura_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] if $regenaura_visible_previous == 1 handling = skip endif endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] Hash=3318701c96152796 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext Tokenising "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] if vs-t71 == 5 Tokenising "$message_visible != 1" Identifier: "$message_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$message_visible", Operand "1" ] if $message_visible != 1 Tokenising "time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout" Identifier: "time" Operator: "-" Identifier: "$questupdate_appearence_time" Operator: ">" Identifier: "$questupdate_timeout" Final syntax tree: Operator ">"[ Operator "-"[ Operand "time", Operand "$questupdate_appearence_time" ], Operand "$questupdate_timeout" ] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 11" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "11" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "11" ] if vs-t71 == 11 Tokenising "$disable_senyudistancetext == 1" Identifier: "$disable_senyudistancetext" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_senyudistancetext", Operand "1" ] if $disable_senyudistancetext == 1 ps-t70 = resourcetextm endif Tokenising "$disable_senyudistancetext == 2" Identifier: "$disable_senyudistancetext" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_senyudistancetext", Operand "2" ] if $disable_senyudistancetext == 2 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 2" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "2" ] if vs-t70 == 2 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] if vs-t71 == 5 Tokenising "$senuminimizeinterface == 1" Identifier: "$senuminimizeinterface" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senuminimizeinterface", Operand "1" ] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuZoom] Hash=2a5efadfe736680f Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuZoom [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects1] Hash=d751b650e889988b Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects1 Tokenising "$disable_lootsparkle == 1" Identifier: "$disable_lootsparkle" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_lootsparkle", Operand "1" ] if $disable_lootsparkle == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 24" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "24" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "24" ] if vs-t70 == 24 handling = skip endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 26" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "26" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "26" ] if vs-t70 == 26 handling = skip endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 167" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "167" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "167" ] if vs-t70 == 167 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects10] Hash=78abbf5b4309c92d Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects10 Tokenising "$disable_eaglesensewave == 1" Identifier: "$disable_eaglesensewave" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_eaglesensewave", Operand "1" ] if $disable_eaglesensewave == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 33" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "33" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "33" ] if vs-t70 == 33 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects11] Hash=ad4c473a055929c7 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects11 Tokenising "$disable_containerglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_containerglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_containerglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_containerglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects12] Hash=1a4a24c4575a5da5 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects12 Tokenising "$disable_shieldsmoke == 1" Identifier: "$disable_shieldsmoke" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_shieldsmoke", Operand "1" ] if $disable_shieldsmoke == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 54 || vs-t70 == 228 || vs-t70 == 230" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "54" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "228" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "230" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "54" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "228" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "230" ] ] if vs-t70 == 54 || vs-t70 == 228 || vs-t70 == 230 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects13] Hash=53613fb95b24e208 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects13 Tokenising "$disable_followroadpath == 1" Identifier: "$disable_followroadpath" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_followroadpath", Operand "1" ] if $disable_followroadpath == 1 Tokenising "vs-t75 == 156" Resource Slot: "vs-t75" Operator: "==" Float: "156" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t75", Operand "156" ] if vs-t75 == 156 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects14] Hash=6d069ed80f88289f Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects14 handling = skip Tokenising "$disable_levelupglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_levelupglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_levelupglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_levelupglow == 1 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$disable_hailofarrowsbowglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_hailofarrowsbowglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_hailofarrowsbowglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_hailofarrowsbowglow == 1 handling = skip endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects15] Hash=8601cc4c604d28f8 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects15 Tokenising "$disable_levelupglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_levelupglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_levelupglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_levelupglow == 1 handling = skip endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects16] Hash=d4432c14a9c78a7c Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects16 Tokenising "$disable_levelupglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_levelupglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_levelupglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_levelupglow == 1 handling = skip endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects17] Hash=88b26d6344dd58ca Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects17 Tokenising "$disable_speedeffectwhitestripes == 1" Identifier: "$disable_speedeffectwhitestripes" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_speedeffectwhitestripes", Operand "1" ] if $disable_speedeffectwhitestripes == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 181 || vs-t70 == 210 || vs-t70 == 232" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "181" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "210" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "232" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "181" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "210" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "232" ] ] if vs-t70 == 181 || vs-t70 == 210 || vs-t70 == 232 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects2] Hash=539974ae27fc0480 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects2 Tokenising "$disable_lootsparkle == 1" Identifier: "$disable_lootsparkle" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_lootsparkle", Operand "1" ] if $disable_lootsparkle == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 25" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "25" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "25" ] if vs-t70 == 25 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects3] Hash=dacb848cf6364a34 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects3 Tokenising "$disable_arrowtrail == 1" Identifier: "$disable_arrowtrail" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_arrowtrail", Operand "1" ] if $disable_arrowtrail == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 30" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "30" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "30" ] if vs-t70 == 30 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects4] Hash=0fbd3b7bcdc6b71b Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects4 Tokenising "$disable_weapontrail == 1" Identifier: "$disable_weapontrail" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_weapontrail", Operand "1" ] if $disable_weapontrail == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 31" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "31" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "31" ] if vs-t71 == 31 handling = skip endif Tokenising "vs-t71 == 32" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "32" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "32" ] if vs-t71 == 32 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_overpowerweapontrail == 1" Identifier: "$disable_overpowerweapontrail" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_overpowerweapontrail", Operand "1" ] if $disable_overpowerweapontrail == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 189" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "189" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "189" ] if vs-t71 == 189 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5] Hash=eab8ca1ef21647e6 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5 checktextureoverride = ps-t74 Tokenising "$disable_levelupglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_levelupglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_levelupglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_levelupglow == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$levelup_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$levelup_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$levelup_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] if $levelup_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 177" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "177" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "177" ] if vs-t70 == 177 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_breaklineofsighteffects == 1" Identifier: "$disable_breaklineofsighteffects" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_breaklineofsighteffects", Operand "1" ] if $disable_breaklineofsighteffects == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 25" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "25" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "25" ] if vs-t70 == 25 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden1VS] Hash=045a433badca8c38 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden1VS Tokenising "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 33" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "33" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "33" ] if vs-t70 == 33 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden2VS] Hash=2102e8b818a7eb05 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden2VS Tokenising "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 33" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "33" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "33" ] if vs-t70 == 33 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden3VS] Hash=90d72537ab3ec7e4 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden3VS Tokenising "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 33" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "33" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "33" ] if vs-t70 == 33 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden4VS] Hash=38efc92702c7becc Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden4VS Tokenising "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekhiddeneffects", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 33" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "33" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "33" ] if vs-t70 == 33 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] Hash=b90c53298e1c89c1 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6 checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 206" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "206" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "206" ] if vs-t70 == 206 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] if vs-t71 == 5 preset = questupdatevisible endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_heavyattackwarningcircle == 1" Identifier: "$disable_heavyattackwarningcircle" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_heavyattackwarningcircle", Operand "1" ] if $disable_heavyattackwarningcircle == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 37 || ps-t70 == 43 || ps-t70 == 190" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "37" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "43" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "190" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "37" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "43" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "190" ] ] if ps-t70 == 37 || ps-t70 == 43 || ps-t70 == 190 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemyhitredstripe == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhitredstripe" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhitredstripe", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyhitredstripe == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 159" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "159" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "159" ] if vs-t70 == 159 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_heavyattackwarningflash == 1" Identifier: "$disable_heavyattackwarningflash" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_heavyattackwarningflash", Operand "1" ] if $disable_heavyattackwarningflash == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 160" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "160" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "160" ] if vs-t70 == 160 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_headshotkillflash == 1" Identifier: "$disable_headshotkillflash" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_headshotkillflash", Operand "1" ] if $disable_headshotkillflash == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 181 || vs-t70 == 210" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "181" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "210" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "181" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "210" ] ] if vs-t70 == 181 || vs-t70 == 210 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6PS] Hash=bf4e73d0cdd29528 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6PS Tokenising "ps-t70 == 238 || ps-t70 == 241" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "238" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "241" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "238" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "241" ] ] if ps-t70 == 238 || ps-t70 == 241 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $regenaura_visible = 1 Tokenising "$disable_weaponregenaura == 1" Identifier: "$disable_weaponregenaura" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_weaponregenaura", Operand "1" ] if $disable_weaponregenaura == 1 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects7] Hash=5f17ad0155cce787 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects7 Tokenising "$disable_heavychargedglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_heavychargedglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_heavychargedglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_heavychargedglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 25" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "25" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "25" ] if vs-t71 == 25 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects8] Hash=6fa63a1e30ff3658 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects8 Tokenising "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects9] Hash=4056137942f2ad9b Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects9 Tokenising "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_avengequestcorpseglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekabilityunlockglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 42" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "42" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "42" ] if vs-t72 == 42 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_Consecuitvehitseffects] Hash=c67417185f9d9f1f Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_Consecuitvehitseffects Tokenising "$disable_hailofarrowsbowglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_hailofarrowsbowglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_hailofarrowsbowglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_hailofarrowsbowglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 243 || vs-t70 == 243" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "243" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "243" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "243" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "243" ] ] if vs-t71 == 243 || vs-t70 == 243 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_Outline2] Hash=62f0f9806f9f7e0f Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_Outline2 Tokenising "$disable_enemyoutlines == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyoutlines" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyoutlines", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyoutlines == 1 handling=skip endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_OutlineVS] Hash=a4d852c6f92f53f1 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_OutlineVS Tokenising "$disable_enemyoutlines == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyoutlines" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyoutlines", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyoutlines == 1 Tokenising "vs-t74 == 34" Resource Slot: "vs-t74" Operator: "==" Float: "34" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t74", Operand "34" ] if vs-t74 == 34 handling= skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_PoisonSmoke1] Hash=538f7b6483baa0a2 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_PoisonSmoke1 Tokenising "$disable_enemypoisonedsmoke == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemypoisonedsmoke" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemypoisonedsmoke", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemypoisonedsmoke == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 55" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "55" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "55" ] if vs-t70 == 55 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_PoisonSmoke2] Hash=838f7b6483baa0a2 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_PoisonSmoke2 Tokenising "$disable_enemypoisonedsmoke == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemypoisonedsmoke" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemypoisonedsmoke", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemypoisonedsmoke == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 55" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "55" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "55" ] if vs-t70 == 55 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_submergedanimalglow] Hash=c94c33dcdc5094b0 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_submergedanimalglow Tokenising "$disable_animalinwaterglow == 1" Identifier: "$disable_animalinwaterglow" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_animalinwaterglow", Operand "1" ] if $disable_animalinwaterglow == 1 Tokenising "vs-t99 == 231" Resource Slot: "vs-t99" Operator: "==" Float: "231" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t99", Operand "231" ] if vs-t99 == 231 handling = skip endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIcons] Hash=a729dfa9425ff09a Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIcons checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 60" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "60" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "60" ] if ps-t70 == 60 Tokenising "ps-t74 == 106" Resource Slot: "ps-t74" Operator: "==" Float: "106" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t74", Operand "106" ] if ps-t74 == 106 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $legendvisible = 1 endif endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 157" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "157" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "157" ] if ps-t70 == 157 Tokenising "ps-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "52" ] if ps-t71 == 52 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $bar_visible = 1 endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] Hash=075c7cca27892dc5 Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 216 || vs-t70 == 227 || vs-t70 == 233" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "216" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "227" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "233" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "216" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "227" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "233" ] ] if vs-t70 == 216 || vs-t70 == 227 || vs-t70 == 233 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $parchemnt_visible = 1 endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 233" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "233" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "233" ] if vs-t70 == 233 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $results_visible = 1 endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 242" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "242" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "242" ] if vs-t70 == 242 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $indicator_visible = 1 endif Tokenising "$disable_crosshair == 1" Identifier: "$disable_crosshair" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_crosshair", Operand "1" ] if $disable_crosshair == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 14" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "14" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "14" ] if vs-t70 == 14 handling = skip endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 15" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "15" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "15" ] if vs-t70 == 15 handling = skip endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 170" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "170" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "170" ] if vs-t70 == 170 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 171" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "171" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "171" ] if vs-t70 == 171 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] if vs-t71 == 5 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $locationcomplete_visible = 1 endif endif Tokenising "$disable_otherhintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_otherhintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_otherhintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_otherhintmessages == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 17" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "17" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "17" ] if vs-t70 == 17 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 12" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "12" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "12" ] if vs-t71 == 12 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "1" ] if vs-t70 == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 12" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "12" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "12" ] if vs-t71 == 12 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 44" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "44" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "44" ] if vs-t70 == 44 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 12" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "12" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "12" ] if vs-t71 == 12 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$xpbar_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$xpbar_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$xpbar_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] if $xpbar_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "$xpincrease_visible_previous != 1" Identifier: "$xpincrease_visible_previous" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$xpincrease_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] if $xpincrease_visible_previous != 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "1" ] if vs-t70 == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 12" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "12" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "12" ] if vs-t71 == 12 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "1" ] if vs-t70 == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] if vs-t71 == 5 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_hintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_hintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_hintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 17" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "17" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "17" ] if vs-t70 == 17 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$parchemnt_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$parchemnt_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$parchemnt_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_hintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_hintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_hintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "1" ] if vs-t70 == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$parchemnt_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$parchemnt_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$parchemnt_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 != 14 && vs-t70 != 15 && vs-t70 != 16 && vs-t70 != 170 && vs-t70 != 17" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "!=" Float: "14" Operator: "&&" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "!=" Float: "15" Operator: "&&" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "!=" Float: "16" Operator: "&&" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "!=" Float: "170" Operator: "&&" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "!=" Float: "17" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "&&"[ Operator "&&"[ Operator "&&"[ Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "14" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "15" ] ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "16" ] ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "170" ] ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "17" ] ] if vs-t70 != 14 && vs-t70 != 15 && vs-t70 != 16 && vs-t70 != 170 && vs-t70 != 17 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] if vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] if vs-t71 == 5 Tokenising "$message_visible != 1" Identifier: "$message_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$message_visible", Operand "1" ] if $message_visible != 1 Tokenising "time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout" Identifier: "time" Operator: "-" Identifier: "$questupdate_appearence_time" Operator: ">" Identifier: "$questupdate_timeout" Final syntax tree: Operator ">"[ Operator "-"[ Operand "time", Operand "$questupdate_appearence_time" ], Operand "$questupdate_timeout" ] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 157" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "157" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "157" ] if vs-t70 == 157 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52 || vs-t71 == 204" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "204" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "204" ] ] if vs-t71 == 52 || vs-t71 == 204 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senuminimizeinterface == 1" Identifier: "$senuminimizeinterface" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senuminimizeinterface", Operand "1" ] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 != 14 && vs-t70 != 15 && vs-t70 != 16" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "!=" Float: "14" Operator: "&&" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "!=" Float: "15" Operator: "&&" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "!=" Float: "16" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "&&"[ Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "14" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "15" ] ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "16" ] ] if vs-t70 != 14 && vs-t70 != 15 && vs-t70 != 16 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] if vs-t71 == 5 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] if vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 157" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "157" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "157" ] if vs-t70 == 157 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senuminimizeinterface == 1" Identifier: "$senuminimizeinterface" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senuminimizeinterface", Operand "1" ] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 17" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "17" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "17" ] if vs-t70 == 17 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 7 || vs-t71 == 4 || vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 12 || vs-t71 == 52 || vs-t71 == 5 || vs-t71 == 8 || vs-t71 == 155 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 163" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "7" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "11" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "12" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "8" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "155" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "===" Resource Slot: "null" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "163" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "7" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "11" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "12" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "8" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "155" ] ], Operator "==="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "null" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "163" ] ] if vs-t71 == 7 || vs-t71 == 4 || vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 12 || vs-t71 == 52 || vs-t71 == 5 || vs-t71 == 8 || vs-t71 == 155 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 163 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 17" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "17" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "17" ] if vs-t70 == 17 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 7 || vs-t71 == 4 || vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 12 || vs-t71 == 52 || vs-t71 == 5 || vs-t71 == 8 || vs-t71 == 155 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 163" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "7" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "11" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "12" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "8" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "155" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "===" Resource Slot: "null" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "163" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "7" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "11" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "12" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "8" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "155" ] ], Operator "==="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "null" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "163" ] ] if vs-t71 == 7 || vs-t71 == 4 || vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 12 || vs-t71 == 52 || vs-t71 == 5 || vs-t71 == 8 || vs-t71 == 155 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 163 Tokenising "$underwaterhint_visible_previous != 1 && $underwaterhint_visible != 1 && $indicator_visible_previous != 1 && $indicator_visible != 1" Identifier: "$underwaterhint_visible_previous" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$underwaterhint_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$indicator_visible_previous" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$indicator_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "&&"[ Operator "&&"[ Operator "!="[ Operand "$underwaterhint_visible_previous", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "$underwaterhint_visible", Operand "1" ] ], Operator "!="[ Operand "$indicator_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ], Operator "!="[ Operand "$indicator_visible", Operand "1" ] ] if $underwaterhint_visible_previous != 1 && $underwaterhint_visible != 1 && $indicator_visible_previous != 1 && $indicator_visible != 1 Tokenising "$button_count + 1" Identifier: "$button_count" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$button_count", Operand "1" ] $button_count = $button_count + 1 Tokenising "$button_count >= 3" Identifier: "$button_count" Operator: ">=" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator ">="[ Operand "$button_count", Operand "3" ] if $button_count >= 3 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $senyu_visible = 1 endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senuminimizeinterface == 1" Identifier: "$senuminimizeinterface" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senuminimizeinterface", Operand "1" ] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 119 || vs-t70 == 120 || vs-t70 == 121 || vs-t70 == 122 || vs-t70 == 123 || vs-t70 == 182 || vs-t70 == 188" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "119" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "120" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "121" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "122" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "123" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "182" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "188" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "119" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "120" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "121" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "122" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "123" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "182" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "188" ] ] if vs-t70 == 119 || vs-t70 == 120 || vs-t70 == 121 || vs-t70 == 122 || vs-t70 == 123 || vs-t70 == 182 || vs-t70 == 188 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4 || vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "11" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "11" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] ] if vs-t71 == 4 || vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 52 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senuminimizeinterface == 1" Identifier: "$senuminimizeinterface" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senuminimizeinterface", Operand "1" ] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 44" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "44" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "44" ] if vs-t70 == 44 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senuminimizeinterface == 1" Identifier: "$senuminimizeinterface" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senuminimizeinterface", Operand "1" ] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "1" ] if ps-t70 == 1 Tokenising "$message_visible != 1" Identifier: "$message_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$message_visible", Operand "1" ] if $message_visible != 1 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "1" ] if ps-t70 == 1 Tokenising "ps-t71 == 11 || ps-t71 == 5 || ps-t71 == 12 || ps-t71 == 9 || ps-t71 == 1 || ps-t71 == 163 || ps-t71 == 193 || ps-t71 == 7 || ps-t71 == 8 || ps-t71 == 6 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 35" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "11" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "12" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "9" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "163" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "193" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "7" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "8" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "6" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "===" Resource Slot: "null" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "35" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "11" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "5" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "12" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "9" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "163" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "193" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "7" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "8" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "6" ] ], Operator "==="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "null" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "35" ] ] if ps-t71 == 11 || ps-t71 == 5 || ps-t71 == 12 || ps-t71 == 9 || ps-t71 == 1 || ps-t71 == 163 || ps-t71 == 193 || ps-t71 == 7 || ps-t71 == 8 || ps-t71 == 6 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 35 Tokenising "$message_visible != 1" Identifier: "$message_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$message_visible", Operand "1" ] if $message_visible != 1 Tokenising "time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout" Identifier: "time" Operator: "-" Identifier: "$questupdate_appearence_time" Operator: ">" Identifier: "$questupdate_timeout" Final syntax tree: Operator ">"[ Operator "-"[ Operand "time", Operand "$questupdate_appearence_time" ], Operand "$questupdate_timeout" ] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout Tokenising "$parchemnt_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$parchemnt_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$parchemnt_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_hintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_hintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_hintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 17" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "17" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "17" ] if vs-t70 == 17 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] if vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$parchemnt_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$parchemnt_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$parchemnt_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_hintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_hintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_hintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$tutorialbckg_visible == 1" Identifier: "$tutorialbckg_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$tutorialbckg_visible", Operand "1" ] if $tutorialbckg_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 17" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "17" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "17" ] if vs-t70 == 17 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_hintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_hintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_hintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 18" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "18" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "18" ] if vs-t70 == 18 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] if vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$parchemnt_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$parchemnt_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$parchemnt_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 18" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "18" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "18" ] if vs-t70 == 18 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] if vs-t72 == 3 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator > 0" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: ">" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator ">"[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "0" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator > 0 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 19" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "19" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "19" ] if vs-t70 == 19 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "0" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "1" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 19" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "19" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "19" ] if vs-t70 == 19 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 Tokenising "$show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] if $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 19" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "19" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "19" ] if vs-t70 == 19 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_abilitypointavailableicon == 1" Identifier: "$disable_abilitypointavailableicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_abilitypointavailableicon", Operand "1" ] if $disable_abilitypointavailableicon == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 22" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "22" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "22" ] if vs-t70 == 22 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_craftingavailableicon == 1" Identifier: "$disable_craftingavailableicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_craftingavailableicon", Operand "1" ] if $disable_craftingavailableicon == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 23" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "23" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "23" ] if vs-t70 == 23 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 205" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "205" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "205" ] if vs-t70 == 205 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $boss_visible = 1 endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 47 || vs-t70 == 111 || vs-t70 == 219 || vs-t70 == 180 || vs-t70 == 126 || vs-t70 == 205 || vs-t70 == 229" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "47" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "111" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "219" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "180" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "126" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "205" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "229" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "47" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "111" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "219" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "180" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "126" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "205" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "229" ] ] if vs-t70 == 47 || vs-t70 == 111 || vs-t70 == 219 || vs-t70 == 180 || vs-t70 == 126 || vs-t70 == 205 || vs-t70 == 229 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 0" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "0" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 47 || vs-t70 == 111 || vs-t70 == 219 || vs-t70 == 180 || vs-t70 == 126 || vs-t70 == 205 || vs-t70 == 229" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "47" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "111" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "219" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "180" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "126" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "205" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "229" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "47" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "111" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "219" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "180" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "126" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "205" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "229" ] ] if vs-t70 == 47 || vs-t70 == 111 || vs-t70 == 219 || vs-t70 == 180 || vs-t70 == 126 || vs-t70 == 205 || vs-t70 == 229 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 47" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "47" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "47" ] if vs-t70 == 47 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 ps-t70 = resourceminileveloutline endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "1" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 ps-t70 = resourceminileveloutline endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 219" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "219" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "219" ] if vs-t70 == 219 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 ps-t70 = resourceminieliteleveloutline endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "1" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 ps-t70 = resourceminieliteleveloutline endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 111" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "111" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "111" ] if vs-t70 == 111 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 ps-t70 = resourcecaptainleveloutline endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "1" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 ps-t70 = resourcecaptainleveloutline endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 126" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "126" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "126" ] if vs-t70 == 126 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 ps-t70 = resourcealphanaimalleveloutline endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "1" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 ps-t70 = resourcealphanaimalleveloutline endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 229" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "229" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "229" ] if vs-t70 == 229 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 ps-t70 = resourcephylakeleveloutline endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "1" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 ps-t70 = resourcephylakeleveloutline endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 205" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "205" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "205" ] if vs-t70 == 205 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 ps-t70 = resourcebossleveloutline endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "1" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 ps-t70 = resourcebossleveloutline endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 47" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "47" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "47" ] if vs-t70 == 47 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 ps-t70 = resourceminileveloutline endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 219" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "219" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "219" ] if vs-t70 == 219 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 ps-t70 = resourceminieliteleveloutline endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 111" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "111" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "111" ] if vs-t70 == 111 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 ps-t70 = resourcecaptainleveloutline endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 126" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "126" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "126" ] if vs-t70 == 126 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 ps-t70 = resourcealphanaimalleveloutline endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 229" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "229" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "229" ] if vs-t70 == 229 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 ps-t70 = resourcephylakeleveloutline endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 205" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "205" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "205" ] if vs-t70 == 205 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "1" ], Operator "!="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] ] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 ps-t70 = resourcebossleveloutline endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 180" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "180" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "180" ] if vs-t70 == 180 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 ps-t70 = resourceminilevelbackground endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "1" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 ps-t70 = resourceminilevelbackground endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 180" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "180" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "180" ] if vs-t70 == 180 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 ps-t70 = resourceminilevelbackground endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 20" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "20" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "20" ] if vs-t70 == 20 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 0" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "0" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 20" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "20" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "20" ] if vs-t70 == 20 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "2" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 20" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "20" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "20" ] if vs-t70 == 20 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "3" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "1" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0" Identifier: "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$show_elikey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_enemylevelindicatoronkey", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_elikey", Operand "0" ] ] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 20" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "20" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "20" ] if vs-t70 == 20 Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator == 4" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "4" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemyminiicons == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyminiicons" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyminiicons", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyminiicons == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 48" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "48" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "48" ] if vs-t70 == 48 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemyminiicons == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemyminiicons" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyminiicons", Operand "2" ] if $disable_enemyminiicons == 2 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 48" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "48" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "48" ] if vs-t70 == 48 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$map_is_visible == 1" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$map_is_visible", Operand "1" ] if $map_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$disablem_targetyellowpointer == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_targetyellowpointer" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_targetyellowpointer", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_targetyellowpointer == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 40" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "40" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "40" ] if vs-t70 == 40 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_viewpointicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_viewpointicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_viewpointicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_viewpointicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 76" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "76" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "76" ] if ps-t70 == 76 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_viewpointsynchronisedicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_viewpointsynchronisedicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 110" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "110" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "110" ] if ps-t70 == 110 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_unvisitedlocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_unvisitedlocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_unvisitedlocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_unvisitedlocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 66" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "66" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "66" ] if ps-t70 == 66 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_cityicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_cityicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_cityicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_cityicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 68" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "68" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "68" ] if ps-t70 == 68 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_villageicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_villageicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_villageicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_villageicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 69" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "69" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "69" ] if ps-t70 == 69 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_hippodromeicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_hippodromeicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_hippodromeicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_hippodromeicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 70" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "70" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "70" ] if ps-t70 == 70 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_gladiatorarenaicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_gladiatorarenaicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_gladiatorarenaicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 71" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "71" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "71" ] if ps-t70 == 71 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_forticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_forticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_forticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_forticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 72" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "72" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "72" ] if ps-t70 == 72 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_mediummilitaryicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_mediummilitaryicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_mediummilitaryicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_mediummilitaryicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 73" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "73" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "73" ] if ps-t70 == 73 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_smallmilitaryicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_smallmilitaryicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_smallmilitaryicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_smallmilitaryicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 74" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "74" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "74" ] if ps-t70 == 74 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_warelephanticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_warelephanticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_warelephanticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_warelephanticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 75" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "75" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "75" ] if ps-t70 == 75 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_alignthestarsicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_alignthestarsicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_alignthestarsicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_alignthestarsicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 77" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "77" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "77" ] if ps-t70 == 77 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_tresurelocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_tresurelocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_tresurelocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_tresurelocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 78" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "78" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "78" ] if ps-t70 == 78 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_papyrusicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_papyrusicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_papyrusicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_papyrusicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 79" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "79" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "79" ] if ps-t70 == 79 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_tombicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_tombicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_tombicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_tombicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 80" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "80" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "80" ] if ps-t70 == 80 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_hermitlocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_hermitlocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_hermitlocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_hermitlocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 81" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "81" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "81" ] if ps-t70 == 81 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_lionlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_lionlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_lionlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_lionlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 82" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "82" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "82" ] if ps-t70 == 82 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_crocodilelairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_crocodilelairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_crocodilelairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_crocodilelairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 83" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "83" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "83" ] if ps-t70 == 83 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_hyenalairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_hyenalairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_hyenalairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_hyenalairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 84" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "84" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "84" ] if ps-t70 == 84 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_hippopotamuslairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_hippopotamuslairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_hippopotamuslairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_hippopotamuslairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 85" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "85" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "85" ] if ps-t70 == 85 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_leopardlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_leopardlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_leopardlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_leopardlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 86" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "86" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "86" ] if ps-t70 == 86 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_ibexlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_ibexlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_ibexlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_ibexlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 87" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "87" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "87" ] if ps-t70 == 87 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_cobralairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_cobralairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_cobralairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_cobralairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 88" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "88" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "88" ] if ps-t70 == 88 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_vulturelairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_vulturelairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_vulturelairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_vulturelairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 89" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "89" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "89" ] if ps-t70 == 89 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_vulturelaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_vulturelaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_vulturelaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_vulturelaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 183" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "183" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "183" ] if ps-t70 == 183 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_ptolemystatueicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_ptolemystatueicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_ptolemystatueicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_ptolemystatueicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 90" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "90" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "90" ] if ps-t70 == 90 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_mythsofthepharaohsicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_mythsofthepharaohsicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 93" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "93" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "93" ] if ps-t70 == 93 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_nomadsbazaaricon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_nomadsbazaaricon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_nomadsbazaaricon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 100" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "100" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "100" ] if ps-t70 == 100 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_custommarkericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_custommarkericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_custommarkericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_custommarkericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 64" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "64" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "64" ] if ps-t70 == 64 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_questgivericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_questgivericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_questgivericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_questgivericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 60" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "60" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "60" ] if ps-t70 == 60 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_questobjectiveicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_questobjectiveicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_questobjectiveicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_questobjectiveicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 61" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "61" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "61" ] if ps-t70 == 61 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_senuicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_senuicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_senuicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_senuicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 67" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "67" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "67" ] if ps-t70 == 67 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_avengequesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_avengequesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_avengequesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_avengequesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 63" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "63" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "63" ] if ps-t70 == 63 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_blacksmithicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_blacksmithicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_blacksmithicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_blacksmithicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 97" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "97" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "97" ] if ps-t70 == 97 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_stablesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_stablesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_stablesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_stablesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 98" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "98" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "98" ] if ps-t70 == 98 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_weavericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_weavericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_weavericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_weavericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 99" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "99" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "99" ] if ps-t70 == 99 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_scorpionlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_scorpionlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_scorpionlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_scorpionlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 94" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "94" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "94" ] if ps-t70 == 94 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_anubisshadowicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_anubisshadowicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_anubisshadowicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_anubisshadowicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 95" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "95" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "95" ] if ps-t70 == 95 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_shadowofthescarabicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_shadowofthescarabicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_shadowofthescarabicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 96" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "96" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "96" ] if ps-t70 == 96 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_phylakesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_phylakesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_phylakesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_phylakesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 91" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "91" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "91" ] if ps-t70 == 91 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_pharaohscurseicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_pharaohscurseicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_pharaohscurseicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 92" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "92" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "92" ] if ps-t70 == 92 Tokenising "ps-t71 != 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "1" ] if ps-t71 != 1 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 104" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "104" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "104" ] if ps-t70 == 104 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_redatimedquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_redatimedquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_redatimedquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_redatimedquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 108" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "108" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "108" ] if ps-t70 == 108 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_trialofsekhmeticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_trialofsekhmeticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_trialofsekhmeticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 116" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "116" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "116" ] if ps-t70 == 116 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_trialofsobekicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_trialofsobekicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_trialofsobekicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_trialofsobekicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 117" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "117" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "117" ] if ps-t70 == 117 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_trialofanubisicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_trialofanubisicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_trialofanubisicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_trialofanubisicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 127" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "127" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "127" ] if ps-t70 == 127 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_assassinbureauicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_assassinbureauicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_assassinbureauicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_assassinbureauicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 145" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "145" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "145" ] if ps-t70 == 145 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_greenquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_greenquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_greenquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_greenquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 146" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "146" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "146" ] if ps-t70 == 146 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_papyruscompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_papyruscompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_papyruscompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_papyruscompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 118" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "118" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "118" ] if ps-t70 == 118 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_ibexlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_ibexlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_ibexlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_ibexlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 128" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "128" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "128" ] if ps-t70 == 128 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_leopardlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_leopardlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_leopardlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_leopardlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 129" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "129" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "129" ] if ps-t70 == 129 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_lionlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_lionlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_lionlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_lionlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 130" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "130" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "130" ] if ps-t70 == 130 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_tombcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_tombcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_tombcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_tombcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 131" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "131" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "131" ] if ps-t70 == 131 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_tresurelocationcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_tresurelocationcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_tresurelocationcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_tresurelocationcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 132" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "132" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "132" ] if ps-t70 == 132 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_mediummilitarycompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_mediummilitarycompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_mediummilitarycompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_mediummilitarycompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 133" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "133" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "133" ] if ps-t70 == 133 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_smallmilitarycompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_smallmilitarycompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_smallmilitarycompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_smallmilitarycompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 134" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "134" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "134" ] if ps-t70 == 134 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_hyenalaircompletedicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_hyenalaircompletedicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_hyenalaircompletedicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_hyenalaircompletedicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 115" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "115" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "115" ] if ps-t70 == 115 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_ptolemystatuecompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_ptolemystatuecompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_ptolemystatuecompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_ptolemystatuecompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 135" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "135" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "135" ] if ps-t70 == 135 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_hermitlocationcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_hermitlocationcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_hermitlocationcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_hermitlocationcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 136" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "136" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "136" ] if ps-t70 == 136 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_fortcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_fortcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_fortcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_fortcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 137" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "137" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "137" ] if ps-t70 == 137 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_alignthestarscompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_alignthestarscompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_alignthestarscompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_alignthestarscompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 138" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "138" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "138" ] if ps-t70 == 138 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_cobralaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_cobralaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_cobralaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_cobralaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 139" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "139" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "139" ] if ps-t70 == 139 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_crocodilelaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_crocodilelaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_crocodilelaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_crocodilelaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 140" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "140" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "140" ] if ps-t70 == 140 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 141" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "141" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "141" ] if ps-t70 == 141 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_tombportallocationcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_tombportallocationcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_tombportallocationcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_tombportallocationcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 142" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "142" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "142" ] if ps-t70 == 142 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_warelephantcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_warelephantcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_warelephantcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_warelephantcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 147" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "147" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "147" ] if ps-t70 == 147 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 149" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "149" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "149" ] if ps-t70 == 149 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_scorpionlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_scorpionlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_scorpionlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_scorpionlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 148" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "148" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "148" ] if ps-t70 == 148 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_redquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_redquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_redquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_redquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 150" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "150" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "150" ] if ps-t70 == 150 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$map_is_visible != 1" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$map_is_visible", Operand "1" ] if $map_is_visible != 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$disablecb_viewpointicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_viewpointicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_viewpointicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_viewpointicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 76" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "76" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "76" ] if ps-t70 == 76 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_viewpointsynchronisedicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_viewpointsynchronisedicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 110" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "110" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "110" ] if ps-t70 == 110 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_unvisitedlocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_unvisitedlocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_unvisitedlocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_unvisitedlocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 66" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "66" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "66" ] if ps-t70 == 66 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_cityicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_cityicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_cityicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_cityicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 68" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "68" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "68" ] if ps-t70 == 68 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_villageicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_villageicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_villageicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_villageicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 69" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "69" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "69" ] if ps-t70 == 69 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_hippodromeicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_hippodromeicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_hippodromeicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_hippodromeicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 70" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "70" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "70" ] if ps-t70 == 70 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_gladiatorarenaicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_gladiatorarenaicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_gladiatorarenaicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 71" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "71" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "71" ] if ps-t70 == 71 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_forticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_forticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_forticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_forticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 72" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "72" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "72" ] if ps-t70 == 72 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_mediummilitaryicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_mediummilitaryicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_mediummilitaryicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_mediummilitaryicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 73" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "73" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "73" ] if ps-t70 == 73 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_smallmilitaryicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_smallmilitaryicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_smallmilitaryicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_smallmilitaryicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 74" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "74" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "74" ] if ps-t70 == 74 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_warelephanticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_warelephanticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_warelephanticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_warelephanticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 75" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "75" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "75" ] if ps-t70 == 75 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_alignthestarsicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_alignthestarsicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_alignthestarsicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_alignthestarsicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 77" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "77" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "77" ] if ps-t70 == 77 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_tresurelocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_tresurelocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_tresurelocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_tresurelocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 78" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "78" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "78" ] if ps-t70 == 78 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_papyrusicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_papyrusicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_papyrusicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_papyrusicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 79" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "79" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "79" ] if ps-t70 == 79 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_tombicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_tombicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_tombicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_tombicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 80" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "80" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "80" ] if ps-t70 == 80 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_hermitlocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_hermitlocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_hermitlocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_hermitlocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 81" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "81" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "81" ] if ps-t70 == 81 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_lionlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_lionlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_lionlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_lionlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 82" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "82" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "82" ] if ps-t70 == 82 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_crocodilelairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_crocodilelairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_crocodilelairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_crocodilelairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 83" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "83" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "83" ] if ps-t70 == 83 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_hyenalairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_hyenalairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_hyenalairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_hyenalairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 84" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "84" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "84" ] if ps-t70 == 84 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_hippopotamuslairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_hippopotamuslairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_hippopotamuslairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_hippopotamuslairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 85" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "85" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "85" ] if ps-t70 == 85 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_leopardlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_leopardlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_leopardlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_leopardlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 86" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "86" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "86" ] if ps-t70 == 86 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_ibexlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_ibexlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_ibexlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_ibexlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 87" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "87" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "87" ] if ps-t70 == 87 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_cobralairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_cobralairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_cobralairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_cobralairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 88" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "88" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "88" ] if ps-t70 == 88 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_vulturelairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_vulturelairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_vulturelairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_vulturelairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 89" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "89" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "89" ] if ps-t70 == 89 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_vulturelaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_vulturelaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_vulturelaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_vulturelaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 183" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "183" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "183" ] if ps-t70 == 183 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_ptolemystatueicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_ptolemystatueicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_ptolemystatueicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_ptolemystatueicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 90" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "90" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "90" ] if ps-t70 == 90 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_mythsofthepharaohsicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_mythsofthepharaohsicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 93" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "93" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "93" ] if ps-t70 == 93 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_nomadsbazaaricon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_nomadsbazaaricon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_nomadsbazaaricon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 100" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "100" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "100" ] if ps-t70 == 100 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_questgivericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_questgivericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_questgivericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_questgivericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 60" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "60" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "60" ] if ps-t70 == 60 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_avengequesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_avengequesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_avengequesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_avengequesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 63" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "63" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "63" ] if ps-t70 == 63 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_blacksmithicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_blacksmithicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_blacksmithicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_blacksmithicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 97" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "97" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "97" ] if ps-t70 == 97 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_stablesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_stablesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_stablesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_stablesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 98" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "98" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "98" ] if ps-t70 == 98 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_weavericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_weavericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_weavericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_weavericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 99" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "99" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "99" ] if ps-t70 == 99 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_scorpionlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_scorpionlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_scorpionlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_scorpionlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 94" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "94" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "94" ] if ps-t70 == 94 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_anubisshadowicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_anubisshadowicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_anubisshadowicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_anubisshadowicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 95" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "95" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "95" ] if ps-t70 == 95 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_shadowofthescarabicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_shadowofthescarabicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_shadowofthescarabicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 96" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "96" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "96" ] if ps-t70 == 96 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_phylakesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_phylakesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_phylakesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_phylakesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 91" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "91" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "91" ] if ps-t70 == 91 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_pharaohscurseicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_pharaohscurseicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_pharaohscurseicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 92" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "92" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "92" ] if ps-t70 == 92 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 104" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "104" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "104" ] if ps-t70 == 104 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_redatimedquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_redatimedquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_redatimedquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_redatimedquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 108" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "108" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "108" ] if ps-t70 == 108 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_trialofsekhmeticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_trialofsekhmeticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_trialofsekhmeticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 116" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "116" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "116" ] if ps-t70 == 116 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_trialofsobekicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_trialofsobekicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_trialofsobekicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_trialofsobekicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 117" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "117" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "117" ] if ps-t70 == 117 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_trialofanubisicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_trialofanubisicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_trialofanubisicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_trialofanubisicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 127" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "127" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "127" ] if ps-t70 == 127 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_assassinbureauicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_assassinbureauicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_assassinbureauicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_assassinbureauicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 145" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "145" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "145" ] if ps-t70 == 145 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_greenquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_greenquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_greenquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_greenquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 146" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "146" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "146" ] if ps-t70 == 146 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_papyruscompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_papyruscompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_papyruscompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_papyruscompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 118" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "118" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "118" ] if ps-t70 == 118 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_ibexlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_ibexlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_ibexlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_ibexlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 128" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "128" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "128" ] if ps-t70 == 128 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_leopardlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_leopardlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_leopardlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_leopardlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 129" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "129" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "129" ] if ps-t70 == 129 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_lionlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_lionlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_lionlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_lionlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 130" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "130" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "130" ] if ps-t70 == 130 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_tombcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_tombcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_tombcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_tombcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 131" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "131" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "131" ] if ps-t70 == 131 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_tresurelocationcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_tresurelocationcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_tresurelocationcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_tresurelocationcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 132" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "132" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "132" ] if ps-t70 == 132 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_mediummilitarycompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_mediummilitarycompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_mediummilitarycompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_mediummilitarycompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 133" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "133" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "133" ] if ps-t70 == 133 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_smallmilitarycompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_smallmilitarycompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_smallmilitarycompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_smallmilitarycompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 134" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "134" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "134" ] if ps-t70 == 134 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_hyenalaircompletedicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_hyenalaircompletedicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_hyenalaircompletedicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_hyenalaircompletedicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 115" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "115" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "115" ] if ps-t70 == 115 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_ptolemystatuecompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_ptolemystatuecompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_ptolemystatuecompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_ptolemystatuecompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 135" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "135" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "135" ] if ps-t70 == 135 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_hermitlocationcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_hermitlocationcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_hermitlocationcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_hermitlocationcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 136" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "136" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "136" ] if ps-t70 == 136 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_fortcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_fortcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_fortcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_fortcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 137" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "137" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "137" ] if ps-t70 == 137 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_alignthestarscompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_alignthestarscompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_alignthestarscompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_alignthestarscompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 138" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "138" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "138" ] if ps-t70 == 138 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_cobralaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_cobralaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_cobralaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_cobralaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 139" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "139" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "139" ] if ps-t70 == 139 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_crocodilelaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_crocodilelaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_crocodilelaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_crocodilelaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 140" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "140" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "140" ] if ps-t70 == 140 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 141" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "141" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "141" ] if ps-t70 == 141 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_tombportallocationcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_tombportallocationcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_tombportallocationcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_tombportallocationcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 142" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "142" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "142" ] if ps-t70 == 142 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_warelephantcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_warelephantcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_warelephantcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_warelephantcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 147" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "147" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "147" ] if ps-t70 == 147 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_scorpionlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_scorpionlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_scorpionlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_scorpionlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 148" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "148" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "148" ] if ps-t70 == 148 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 149" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "149" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "149" ] if ps-t70 == 149 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecb_redquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_redquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_redquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_redquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 150" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "150" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "150" ] if ps-t70 == 150 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$map_is_visible != 1" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$map_is_visible", Operand "1" ] if $map_is_visible != 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "$disablecs_viewpointicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_viewpointicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_viewpointicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_viewpointicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 76" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "76" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "76" ] if ps-t70 == 76 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_viewpointsynchronisedicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_viewpointsynchronisedicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 110" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "110" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "110" ] if ps-t70 == 110 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_unvisitedlocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_unvisitedlocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_unvisitedlocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_unvisitedlocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 66" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "66" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "66" ] if ps-t70 == 66 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_cityicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_cityicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_cityicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_cityicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 68" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "68" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "68" ] if ps-t70 == 68 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_villageicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_villageicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_villageicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_villageicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 69" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "69" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "69" ] if ps-t70 == 69 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_hippodromeicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_hippodromeicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_hippodromeicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_hippodromeicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 70" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "70" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "70" ] if ps-t70 == 70 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_gladiatorarenaicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_gladiatorarenaicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_gladiatorarenaicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 71" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "71" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "71" ] if ps-t70 == 71 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_forticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_forticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_forticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_forticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 72" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "72" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "72" ] if ps-t70 == 72 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_mediummilitaryicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_mediummilitaryicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_mediummilitaryicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_mediummilitaryicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 73" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "73" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "73" ] if ps-t70 == 73 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_smallmilitaryicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_smallmilitaryicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_smallmilitaryicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_smallmilitaryicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 74" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "74" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "74" ] if ps-t70 == 74 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_warelephanticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_warelephanticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_warelephanticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_warelephanticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 75" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "75" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "75" ] if ps-t70 == 75 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_alignthestarsicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_alignthestarsicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_alignthestarsicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_alignthestarsicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 77" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "77" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "77" ] if ps-t70 == 77 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_tresurelocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_tresurelocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_tresurelocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_tresurelocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 78" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "78" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "78" ] if ps-t70 == 78 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_papyrusicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_papyrusicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_papyrusicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_papyrusicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 79" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "79" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "79" ] if ps-t70 == 79 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_tombicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_tombicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_tombicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_tombicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 80" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "80" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "80" ] if ps-t70 == 80 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_hermitlocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_hermitlocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_hermitlocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_hermitlocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 81" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "81" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "81" ] if ps-t70 == 81 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_lionlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_lionlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_lionlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_lionlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 82" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "82" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "82" ] if ps-t70 == 82 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_crocodilelairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_crocodilelairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_crocodilelairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_crocodilelairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 83" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "83" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "83" ] if ps-t70 == 83 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_hyenalairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_hyenalairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_hyenalairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_hyenalairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 84" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "84" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "84" ] if ps-t70 == 84 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_hippopotamuslairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_hippopotamuslairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_hippopotamuslairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_hippopotamuslairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 85" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "85" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "85" ] if ps-t70 == 85 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_leopardlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_leopardlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_leopardlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_leopardlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 86" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "86" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "86" ] if ps-t70 == 86 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_ibexlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_ibexlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_ibexlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_ibexlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 87" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "87" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "87" ] if ps-t70 == 87 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_cobralairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_cobralairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_cobralairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_cobralairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 88" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "88" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "88" ] if ps-t70 == 88 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_vulturelairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_vulturelairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_vulturelairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_vulturelairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 89" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "89" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "89" ] if ps-t70 == 89 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_vulturelaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_vulturelaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_vulturelaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_vulturelaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 183" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "183" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "183" ] if ps-t70 == 183 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_ptolemystatueicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_ptolemystatueicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_ptolemystatueicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_ptolemystatueicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 90" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "90" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "90" ] if ps-t70 == 90 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_mythsofthepharaohsicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_mythsofthepharaohsicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 93" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "93" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "93" ] if ps-t70 == 93 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_nomadsbazaaricon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_nomadsbazaaricon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_nomadsbazaaricon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 100" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "100" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "100" ] if ps-t70 == 100 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_questgivericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_questgivericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_questgivericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_questgivericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 60" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "60" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "60" ] if ps-t70 == 60 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_avengequesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_avengequesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_avengequesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_avengequesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 63" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "63" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "63" ] if ps-t70 == 63 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_blacksmithicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_blacksmithicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_blacksmithicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_blacksmithicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 97" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "97" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "97" ] if ps-t70 == 97 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_stablesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_stablesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_stablesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_stablesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 98" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "98" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "98" ] if ps-t70 == 98 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_weavericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_weavericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_weavericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_weavericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 99" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "99" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "99" ] if ps-t70 == 99 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_scorpionlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_scorpionlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_scorpionlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_scorpionlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 94" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "94" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "94" ] if ps-t70 == 94 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_anubisshadowicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_anubisshadowicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_anubisshadowicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_anubisshadowicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 95" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "95" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "95" ] if ps-t70 == 95 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_shadowofthescarabicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_shadowofthescarabicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_shadowofthescarabicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 96" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "96" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "96" ] if ps-t70 == 96 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_phylakesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_phylakesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_phylakesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_phylakesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 91" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "91" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "91" ] if ps-t70 == 91 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_pharaohscurseicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_pharaohscurseicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_pharaohscurseicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 92" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "92" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "92" ] if ps-t70 == 92 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 104" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "104" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "104" ] if ps-t70 == 104 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_redatimedquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_redatimedquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_redatimedquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_redatimedquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 108" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "108" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "108" ] if ps-t70 == 108 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_redatimedquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_redatimedquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_redatimedquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_redatimedquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 108" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "108" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "108" ] if ps-t70 == 108 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_trialofsekhmeticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_trialofsekhmeticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_trialofsekhmeticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 116" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "116" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "116" ] if ps-t70 == 116 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_trialofsobekicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_trialofsobekicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_trialofsobekicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_trialofsobekicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 117" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "117" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "117" ] if ps-t70 == 117 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_trialofanubisicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_trialofanubisicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_trialofanubisicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_trialofanubisicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 127" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "127" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "127" ] if ps-t70 == 127 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_assassinbureauicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_assassinbureauicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_assassinbureauicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_assassinbureauicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 145" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "145" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "145" ] if ps-t70 == 145 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_greenquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_greenquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_greenquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_greenquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 146" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "146" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "146" ] if ps-t70 == 146 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_papyruscompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_papyruscompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_papyruscompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_papyruscompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 118" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "118" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "118" ] if ps-t70 == 118 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_ibexlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_ibexlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_ibexlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_ibexlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 128" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "128" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "128" ] if ps-t70 == 128 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_leopardlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_leopardlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_leopardlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_leopardlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 129" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "129" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "129" ] if ps-t70 == 129 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_lionlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_lionlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_lionlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_lionlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 130" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "130" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "130" ] if ps-t70 == 130 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_tombcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_tombcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_tombcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_tombcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 131" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "131" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "131" ] if ps-t70 == 131 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_tresurelocationcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_tresurelocationcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_tresurelocationcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_tresurelocationcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 132" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "132" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "132" ] if ps-t70 == 132 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_mediummilitarycompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_mediummilitarycompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_mediummilitarycompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_mediummilitarycompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 133" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "133" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "133" ] if ps-t70 == 133 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_smallmilitarycompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_smallmilitarycompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_smallmilitarycompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_smallmilitarycompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 134" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "134" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "134" ] if ps-t70 == 134 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_hyenalaircompletedicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_hyenalaircompletedicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_hyenalaircompletedicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_hyenalaircompletedicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 115" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "115" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "115" ] if ps-t70 == 115 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_ptolemystatuecompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_ptolemystatuecompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_ptolemystatuecompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_ptolemystatuecompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 135" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "135" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "135" ] if ps-t70 == 135 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_hermitlocationcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_hermitlocationcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_hermitlocationcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_hermitlocationcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 136" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "136" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "136" ] if ps-t70 == 136 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_fortcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_fortcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_fortcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_fortcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 137" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "137" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "137" ] if ps-t70 == 137 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_alignthestarscompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_alignthestarscompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_alignthestarscompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_alignthestarscompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 138" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "138" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "138" ] if ps-t70 == 138 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_cobralaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_cobralaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_cobralaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_cobralaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 139" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "139" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "139" ] if ps-t70 == 139 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_crocodilelaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_crocodilelaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_crocodilelaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_crocodilelaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 140" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "140" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "140" ] if ps-t70 == 140 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 141" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "141" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "141" ] if ps-t70 == 141 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_tombportallocationcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_tombportallocationcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_tombportallocationcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_tombportallocationcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 142" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "142" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "142" ] if ps-t70 == 142 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_warelephantcompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_warelephantcompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_warelephantcompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_warelephantcompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 147" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "147" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "147" ] if ps-t70 == 147 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_scorpionlaircompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_scorpionlaircompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_scorpionlaircompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_scorpionlaircompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 148" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "148" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "148" ] if ps-t70 == 148 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 149" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "149" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "149" ] if ps-t70 == 149 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablecs_redquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_redquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_redquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_redquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 150" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "150" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "150" ] if ps-t70 == 150 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$map_is_visible != 1" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$map_is_visible", Operand "1" ] if $map_is_visible != 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$disablefb_custommarkericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_custommarkericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_custommarkericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_custommarkericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 64" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "64" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "64" ] if ps-t70 == 64 handling = skip endif endif endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITextures1] Hash=000ea4ff144f3d6d Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITextures1 checktextureoverride = ps-t70 checktextureoverride = ps-t71 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "ps-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "ps-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t71", Operand "4" ] if ps-t71 == 4 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "1" ] if ps-t70 == 1 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $tutorialbckg_visible = 1 handling = skip endif endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] Hash=b9f391996aadaf7d Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2 checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 221" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "221" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "221" ] if vs-t70 == 221 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $hbcursed_visible = 1 endif Tokenising "$disable_cursedhealthbar == 1" Identifier: "$disable_cursedhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_cursedhealthbar", Operand "1" ] if $disable_cursedhealthbar == 1 Tokenising "$hbcursed_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$hbcursed_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$hbcursed_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] if $hbcursed_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "1" ] if vs-t70 == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 Tokenising "$bar_count2 + 1" Identifier: "$bar_count2" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$bar_count2", Operand "1" ] $bar_count2 = $bar_count2 + 1 Tokenising "$bar_count2 > 0 && $bar_count2 < 8" Identifier: "$bar_count2" Operator: ">" Float: "0" Operator: "&&" Identifier: "$bar_count2" Operator: "<" Float: "8" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator ">"[ Operand "$bar_count2", Operand "0" ], Operator "<"[ Operand "$bar_count2", Operand "8" ] ] if $bar_count2 > 0 && $bar_count2 < 8 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 221 || vs-t70 == 222 || vs-t70 == 223" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "221" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "222" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "223" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "221" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "222" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "223" ] ] if vs-t70 == 221 || vs-t70 == 222 || vs-t70 == 223 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_crosshair == 1" Identifier: "$disable_crosshair" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_crosshair", Operand "1" ] if $disable_crosshair == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 211" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "211" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "211" ] if vs-t70 == 211 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 202" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "202" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "202" ] if vs-t70 == 202 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $message_visible_current = 1 endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 209" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "209" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "209" ] if vs-t70 == 209 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $photomode_visible = 1 endif Tokenising "vs-t71 == 163" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "163" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "163" ] if vs-t71 == 163 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $xpincrease_visible = 1 endif Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$xpincrease_visible_previous != 1" Identifier: "$xpincrease_visible_previous" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$xpincrease_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] if $xpincrease_visible_previous != 1 Tokenising "$disable_playerlevelindicator == 1" Identifier: "$disable_playerlevelindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_playerlevelindicator", Operand "1" ] if $disable_playerlevelindicator == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 158" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "158" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "158" ] if vs-t70 == 158 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 165" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "165" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "165" ] if vs-t70 == 165 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $xpbar_visible = 1 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 162" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "162" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "162" ] if vs-t70 == 162 Tokenising "1" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operand "1" $levelup_visible = 1 endif Tokenising "$disable_interactionindicatoricon == 1" Identifier: "$disable_interactionindicatoricon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_interactionindicatoricon", Operand "1" ] if $disable_interactionindicatoricon == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 161" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "161" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "161" ] if vs-t70 == 161 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disable_interactionindicatoricon == 2" Identifier: "$disable_interactionindicatoricon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_interactionindicatoricon", Operand "2" ] if $disable_interactionindicatoricon == 2 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 161" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "161" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "161" ] if vs-t70 == 161 ps-t70 = resourcenewdot endif endif Tokenising "$disable_senyutargetdistancewheel == 1" Identifier: "$disable_senyutargetdistancewheel" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_senyutargetdistancewheel", Operand "1" ] if $disable_senyutargetdistancewheel == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 152" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "152" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "152" ] if vs-t70 == 152 handling = skip endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 153" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "153" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "153" ] if vs-t70 == 153 handling = skip endif Tokenising "vs-t71 == 155" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "155" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "155" ] if vs-t71 == 155 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekactiveobjectives", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$bar_visible_last == 1" Identifier: "$bar_visible_last" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$bar_visible_last", Operand "1" ] if $bar_visible_last == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "1" ] if vs-t70 == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 Tokenising "$bar_count + 1" Identifier: "$bar_count" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$bar_count", Operand "1" ] $bar_count = $bar_count + 1 Tokenising "$bar_count < 6" Identifier: "$bar_count" Operator: "<" Float: "6" Final syntax tree: Operator "<"[ Operand "$bar_count", Operand "6" ] if $bar_count < 6 Tokenising "time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout" Identifier: "time" Operator: "-" Identifier: "$questupdate_appearence_time" Operator: ">" Identifier: "$questupdate_timeout" Final syntax tree: Operator ">"[ Operator "-"[ Operand "time", Operand "$questupdate_appearence_time" ], Operand "$questupdate_timeout" ] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout Tokenising "$parchemnt_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$parchemnt_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$parchemnt_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$senuminimizeinterface == 1" Identifier: "$senuminimizeinterface" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senuminimizeinterface", Operand "1" ] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$bar_visible_last == 1" Identifier: "$bar_visible_last" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$bar_visible_last", Operand "1" ] if $bar_visible_last == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 1" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "1" ] if vs-t70 == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 Tokenising "$bar_count + 1" Identifier: "$bar_count" Operator: "+" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "+"[ Operand "$bar_count", Operand "1" ] $bar_count = $bar_count + 1 Tokenising "$bar_count < 6" Identifier: "$bar_count" Operator: "<" Float: "6" Final syntax tree: Operator "<"[ Operand "$bar_count", Operand "6" ] if $bar_count < 6 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_senyupointofinterestoutlineicon == 1" Identifier: "$disable_senyupointofinterestoutlineicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_senyupointofinterestoutlineicon", Operand "1" ] if $disable_senyupointofinterestoutlineicon == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 124" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "124" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "124" ] if vs-t70 == 124 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemylevelindicator > 0" Identifier: "$disable_enemylevelindicator" Operator: ">" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator ">"[ Operand "$disable_enemylevelindicator", Operand "0" ] if $disable_enemylevelindicator > 0 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 21" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "21" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "21" ] if vs-t70 == 21 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_pulseonarrowhit == 1" Identifier: "$disable_pulseonarrowhit" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_pulseonarrowhit", Operand "1" ] if $disable_pulseonarrowhit == 1 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 35" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "35" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "35" ] if vs-t71 == 35 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_compassicondistancetext == 1" Identifier: "$disable_compassicondistancetext" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_compassicondistancetext", Operand "1" ] if $disable_compassicondistancetext == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1 && !$map_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 && !$map_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 38" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "38" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "38" ] if vs-t70 == 38 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1 && !$map_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 && !$map_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 38" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "38" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "38" ] if vs-t70 == 38 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemydetectionfeedback == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemydetectionfeedback" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemydetectionfeedback", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemydetectionfeedback == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 41 || vs-t70 == 45 || ps-t70 == 41 || ps-t70 == 45 || ps-t70 == 46" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "41" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "45" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "41" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "45" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "46" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "41" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "45" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "41" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "45" ] ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "46" ] ] if vs-t70 == 41 || vs-t70 == 45 || ps-t70 == 41 || ps-t70 == 45 || ps-t70 == 46 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 59" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "59" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "59" ] if vs-t70 == 59 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 52" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "52" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "52" ] if vs-t71 == 52 Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "2" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Tokenising "$show_hbkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_hbkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_hbkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_hbkey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 53" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "53" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "53" ] if vs-t70 == 53 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 4" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "4" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "4" ] if vs-t71 == 4 Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "2" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Tokenising "$show_hbkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_hbkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_hbkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_hbkey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 51" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "51" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "51" ] if vs-t70 == 51 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 9" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "9" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "9" ] if vs-t71 == 9 Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "2" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Tokenising "$show_hbkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_hbkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_hbkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_hbkey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 112" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "112" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "112" ] if vs-t70 == 112 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 5" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "5" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "5" ] if vs-t71 == 5 Tokenising "vs-t72 == 3" Resource Slot: "vs-t72" Operator: "==" Float: "3" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t72", Operand "3" ] if vs-t72 == 3 Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "2" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Tokenising "$show_hbkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_hbkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_hbkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_hbkey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "vs-t70 == 113" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "113" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "113" ] if vs-t70 == 113 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 8" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "8" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "8" ] if vs-t71 == 8 Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 handling = skip endif Tokenising "$disable_enemyhealthbar == 2" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhealthbar" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhealthbar", Operand "2" ] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Tokenising "$show_hbkey == 0" Identifier: "$show_hbkey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_hbkey", Operand "0" ] if $show_hbkey == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_otherhintmessages == 1" Identifier: "$disable_otherhintmessages" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_otherhintmessages", Operand "1" ] if $disable_otherhintmessages == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 102" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "102" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "102" ] if vs-t70 == 102 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 12" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "12" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "12" ] if vs-t71 == 12 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$moretransparentcompass == 1" Identifier: "$moretransparentcompass" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$moretransparentcompass", Operand "1" ] if $moretransparentcompass == 1 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 49" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "49" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "49" ] if vs-t70 == 49 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$moretransparentcompass == 1" Identifier: "$moretransparentcompass" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$moretransparentcompass", Operand "1" ] if $moretransparentcompass == 1 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 50" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "50" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "50" ] if vs-t70 == 50 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_enemyhitdirectionindicator == 1" Identifier: "$disable_enemyhitdirectionindicator" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_enemyhitdirectionindicator", Operand "1" ] if $disable_enemyhitdirectionindicator == 1 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t71 == 57 || vs-t71 == 58" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "57" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "58" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "57" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "58" ] ] if vs-t71 == 57 || vs-t71 == 58 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$senuminimizeinterface == 1" Identifier: "$senuminimizeinterface" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senuminimizeinterface", Operand "1" ] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 102" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "102" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "102" ] if vs-t70 == 102 Tokenising "$photomode_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$photomode_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$photomode_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$map_is_visible == 1" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$map_is_visible", Operand "1" ] if $map_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$disablem_bayekicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_bayekicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_bayekicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_bayekicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 65" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "65" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "65" ] if ps-t70 == 65 handling = skip endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 35" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "35" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "35" ] if ps-t70 == 35 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablem_markedquestobjectiveicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_markedquestobjectiveicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_markedquestobjectiveicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_markedquestobjectiveicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 62" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "62" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "62" ] if ps-t70 == 62 handling = skip endif Tokenising "ps-t70 == 35" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "35" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "35" ] if ps-t70 == 35 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$disablefs_questobjectiveicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_questobjectiveicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_questobjectiveicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_questobjectiveicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 61" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "61" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "61" ] if ps-t70 == 61 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_custommarkericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_custommarkericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_custommarkericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_custommarkericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 64" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "64" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "64" ] if ps-t70 == 64 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_markedquestobjectiveicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_markedquestobjectiveicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_markedquestobjectiveicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_markedquestobjectiveicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 62" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "62" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "62" ] if ps-t70 == 62 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_avengequesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_avengequesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_avengequesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_avengequesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 63" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "63" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "63" ] if ps-t70 == 63 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_bayekicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_bayekicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_bayekicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_bayekicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 65" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "65" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "65" ] if ps-t70 == 65 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_viewpointicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_viewpointicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_viewpointicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_viewpointicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 76" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "76" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "76" ] if ps-t70 == 76 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_viewpointsynchronisedicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_viewpointsynchronisedicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 110" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "110" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "110" ] if ps-t70 == 110 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_unvisitedlocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_unvisitedlocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_unvisitedlocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_unvisitedlocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 66" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "66" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "66" ] if ps-t70 == 66 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_cityicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_cityicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_cityicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_cityicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 68" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "68" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "68" ] if ps-t70 == 68 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_villageicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_villageicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_villageicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_villageicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 69" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "69" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "69" ] if ps-t70 == 69 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_hippodromeicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_hippodromeicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_hippodromeicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_hippodromeicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 70" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "70" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "70" ] if ps-t70 == 70 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 71" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "71" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "71" ] if ps-t70 == 71 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_forticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_forticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_forticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_forticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 72" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "72" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "72" ] if ps-t70 == 72 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_mediummilitaryicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_mediummilitaryicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_mediummilitaryicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_mediummilitaryicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 73" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "73" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "73" ] if ps-t70 == 73 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_smallmilitaryicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_smallmilitaryicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_smallmilitaryicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_smallmilitaryicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 74" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "74" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "74" ] if ps-t70 == 74 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_warelephanticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_warelephanticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_warelephanticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_warelephanticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 75" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "75" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "75" ] if ps-t70 == 75 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_alignthestarsicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_alignthestarsicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_alignthestarsicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_alignthestarsicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 77" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "77" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "77" ] if ps-t70 == 77 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_tresurelocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_tresurelocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_tresurelocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_tresurelocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 78" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "78" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "78" ] if ps-t70 == 78 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_papyrusicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_papyrusicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_papyrusicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_papyrusicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 79" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "79" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "79" ] if ps-t70 == 79 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_tombicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_tombicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_tombicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_tombicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 80" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "80" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "80" ] if ps-t70 == 80 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_hermitlocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_hermitlocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_hermitlocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_hermitlocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 81" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "81" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "81" ] if ps-t70 == 81 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_lionlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_lionlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_lionlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_lionlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 82" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "82" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "82" ] if ps-t70 == 82 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_crocodilelairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_crocodilelairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_crocodilelairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_crocodilelairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 83" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "83" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "83" ] if ps-t70 == 83 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_hyenalairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_hyenalairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_hyenalairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_hyenalairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 84" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "84" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "84" ] if ps-t70 == 84 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_hippopotamuslairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_hippopotamuslairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_hippopotamuslairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_hippopotamuslairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 85" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "85" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "85" ] if ps-t70 == 85 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_leopardlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_leopardlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_leopardlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_leopardlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 86" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "86" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "86" ] if ps-t70 == 86 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_ibexlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_ibexlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_ibexlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_ibexlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 87" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "87" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "87" ] if ps-t70 == 87 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_cobralairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_cobralairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_cobralairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_cobralairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 88" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "88" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "88" ] if ps-t70 == 88 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_vulturelairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_vulturelairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_vulturelairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_vulturelairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 89" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "89" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "89" ] if ps-t70 == 89 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_ptolemystatueicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_ptolemystatueicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_ptolemystatueicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_ptolemystatueicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 90" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "90" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "90" ] if ps-t70 == 90 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_mythsofthepharaohsicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_mythsofthepharaohsicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 93" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "93" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "93" ] if ps-t70 == 93 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_nomadsbazaaricon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_nomadsbazaaricon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_nomadsbazaaricon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 100" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "100" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "100" ] if ps-t70 == 100 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_questgivericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_questgivericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_questgivericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_questgivericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 60" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "60" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "60" ] if ps-t70 == 60 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_blacksmithicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_blacksmithicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_blacksmithicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_blacksmithicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 97" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "97" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "97" ] if ps-t70 == 97 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_stablesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_stablesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_stablesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_stablesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 98" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "98" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "98" ] if ps-t70 == 98 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_weavericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_weavericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_weavericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_weavericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 99" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "99" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "99" ] if ps-t70 == 99 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_scorpionlairicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_scorpionlairicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_scorpionlairicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_scorpionlairicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 94" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "94" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "94" ] if ps-t70 == 94 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_anubisshadowicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_anubisshadowicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_anubisshadowicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_anubisshadowicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 95" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "95" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "95" ] if ps-t70 == 95 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_shadowofthescarabicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_shadowofthescarabicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_shadowofthescarabicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 96" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "96" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "96" ] if ps-t70 == 96 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_phylakesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_phylakesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_phylakesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_phylakesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 91" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "91" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "91" ] if ps-t70 == 91 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_pharaohscurseicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_pharaohscurseicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_pharaohscurseicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 92" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "92" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "92" ] if ps-t70 == 92 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 104" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "104" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "104" ] if ps-t70 == 104 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_beaconfloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_beaconfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_beaconfloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_beaconfloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 101" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "101" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "101" ] if ps-t70 == 101 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_beaconlitfloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_beaconlitfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_beaconlitfloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_beaconlitfloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 185" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "185" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "185" ] if ps-t70 == 185 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_treasurefloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_treasurefloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_treasurefloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_treasurefloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 103" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "103" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "103" ] if ps-t70 == 103 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_balistafloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_balistafloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_balistafloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_balistafloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 107" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "107" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "107" ] if ps-t70 == 107 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_redatimedquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_redatimedquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_redatimedquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_redatimedquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 108" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "108" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "108" ] if ps-t70 == 108 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_papyrusfloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_papyrusfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_papyrusfloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_papyrusfloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 125" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "125" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "125" ] if ps-t70 == 125 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 143" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "143" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "143" ] if ps-t70 == 143 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_animalattackfloatingwarningicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_animalattackfloatingwarningicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_animalattackfloatingwarningicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_animalattackfloatingwarningicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 144" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "144" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "144" ] if ps-t70 == 144 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_trialofsekhmeticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_trialofsekhmeticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_trialofsekhmeticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 116" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "116" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "116" ] if ps-t70 == 116 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_trialofsobekicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_trialofsobekicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_trialofsobekicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_trialofsobekicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 117" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "117" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "117" ] if ps-t70 == 117 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_trialofanubisicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_trialofanubisicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_trialofanubisicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_trialofanubisicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 127" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "127" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "127" ] if ps-t70 == 127 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_assassinbureauicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_assassinbureauicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_assassinbureauicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_assassinbureauicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 145" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "145" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "145" ] if ps-t70 == 145 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_greenquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_greenquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_greenquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_greenquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 146" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "146" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "146" ] if ps-t70 == 146 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 71" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "71" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "71" ] if ps-t70 == 71 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_hiddenentrancefloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_hiddenentrancefloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_hiddenentrancefloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_hiddenentrancefloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 151" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "151" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "151" ] if ps-t70 == 151 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefs_redquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefs_redquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefs_redquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefs_redquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 150" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "150" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "150" ] if ps-t70 == 150 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$map_is_visible != 1" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$map_is_visible", Operand "1" ] if $map_is_visible != 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$disablefb_questobjectiveicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_questobjectiveicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_questobjectiveicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_questobjectiveicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 61" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "61" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "61" ] if ps-t70 == 61 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_targetyellowpointer == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_targetyellowpointer" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_targetyellowpointer", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_targetyellowpointer == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 40" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "40" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "40" ] if vs-t70 == 40 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 62" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "62" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "62" ] if ps-t70 == 62 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_avengequesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_avengequesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_avengequesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_avengequesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 63" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "63" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "63" ] if ps-t70 == 63 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_custommarkericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_custommarkericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_custommarkericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_custommarkericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 64" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "64" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "64" ] if ps-t70 == 64 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 100" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "100" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "100" ] if ps-t70 == 100 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_questgivericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_questgivericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_questgivericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_questgivericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 60" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "60" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "60" ] if ps-t70 == 60 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_blacksmithicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_blacksmithicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_blacksmithicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_blacksmithicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 97" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "97" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "97" ] if ps-t70 == 97 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_stablesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_stablesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_stablesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_stablesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 98" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "98" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "98" ] if ps-t70 == 98 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_weavericon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_weavericon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_weavericon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_weavericon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 99" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "99" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "99" ] if ps-t70 == 99 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_anubisshadowicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_anubisshadowicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_anubisshadowicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_anubisshadowicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 95" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "95" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "95" ] if ps-t70 == 95 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 96" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "96" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "96" ] if ps-t70 == 96 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_phylakesicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_phylakesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_phylakesicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_phylakesicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 91" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "91" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "91" ] if ps-t70 == 91 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_pharaohscurseicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_pharaohscurseicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_pharaohscurseicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 92" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "92" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "92" ] if ps-t70 == 92 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_beaconfloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_beaconfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_beaconfloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_beaconfloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 101" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "101" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "101" ] if ps-t70 == 101 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 185" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "185" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "185" ] if ps-t70 == 185 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_treasurefloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_treasurefloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_treasurefloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_treasurefloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 103" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "103" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "103" ] if ps-t70 == 103 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_balistafloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_balistafloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_balistafloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_balistafloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 107" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "107" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "107" ] if ps-t70 == 107 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_redatimedquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_redatimedquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_redatimedquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_redatimedquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 108" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "108" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "108" ] if ps-t70 == 108 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_yourmountcamelicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_yourmountcamelicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_yourmountcamelicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_yourmountcamelicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 109" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "109" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "109" ] if ps-t70 == 109 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_yourmounthorseicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_yourmounthorseicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_yourmounthorseicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_yourmounthorseicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 191" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "191" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "191" ] if ps-t70 == 191 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_viewpointicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_viewpointicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_viewpointicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_viewpointicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 76" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "76" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "76" ] if ps-t70 == 76 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 110" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "110" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "110" ] if ps-t70 == 110 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 125" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "125" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "125" ] if ps-t70 == 125 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 143" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "143" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "143" ] if ps-t70 == 143 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 144" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "144" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "144" ] if ps-t70 == 144 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 116" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "116" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "116" ] if ps-t70 == 116 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_trialofsobekicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_trialofsobekicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_trialofsobekicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_trialofsobekicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 117" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "117" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "117" ] if ps-t70 == 117 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_trialofanubisicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_trialofanubisicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_trialofanubisicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_trialofanubisicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 127" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "127" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "127" ] if ps-t70 == 127 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_assassinbureauicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_assassinbureauicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_assassinbureauicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_assassinbureauicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 145" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "145" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "145" ] if ps-t70 == 145 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_greenquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_greenquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_greenquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_greenquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 146" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "146" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "146" ] if ps-t70 == 146 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 71" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "71" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "71" ] if ps-t70 == 71 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 151" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "151" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "151" ] if ps-t70 == 151 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_redquesticon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_redquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_redquesticon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_redquesticon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 150" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "150" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "150" ] if ps-t70 == 150 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 169 || ps-t70 == 239" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "169" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "239" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "169" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "239" ] ] if ps-t70 == 169 || ps-t70 == 239 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_clueicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_clueicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_clueicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_clueicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 195" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "195" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "195" ] if ps-t70 == 195 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_cluecompleteicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_cluecompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_cluecompleteicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_cluecompleteicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 196" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "196" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "196" ] if ps-t70 == 196 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_allyicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_allyicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_allyicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_allyicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 197" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "197" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "197" ] if ps-t70 == 197 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_hippodromeicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablefb_hippodromeicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_hippodromeicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablefb_hippodromeicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 70" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "70" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "70" ] if ps-t70 == 70 handling = skip endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_targetyellowpointer == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_targetyellowpointer" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_targetyellowpointer", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_targetyellowpointer == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 40" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "40" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "40" ] if vs-t70 == 40 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_questobjectiveicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_questobjectiveicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_questobjectiveicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_questobjectiveicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 61" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "61" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "61" ] if ps-t70 == 61 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 62" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "62" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "62" ] if ps-t70 == 62 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_avengequesticon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_avengequesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_avengequesticon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_avengequesticon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 63" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "63" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "63" ] if ps-t70 == 63 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_custommarkericon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_custommarkericon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_custommarkericon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_custommarkericon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 64" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "64" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "64" ] if ps-t70 == 64 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 100" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "100" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "100" ] if ps-t70 == 100 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_questgivericon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_questgivericon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_questgivericon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_questgivericon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 60" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "60" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "60" ] if ps-t70 == 60 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_blacksmithicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_blacksmithicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_blacksmithicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_blacksmithicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 97" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "97" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "97" ] if ps-t70 == 97 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_stablesicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_stablesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_stablesicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_stablesicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 98" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "98" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "98" ] if ps-t70 == 98 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_weavericon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_weavericon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_weavericon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_weavericon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 99" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "99" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "99" ] if ps-t70 == 99 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_anubisshadowicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_anubisshadowicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_anubisshadowicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_anubisshadowicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 95" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "95" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "95" ] if ps-t70 == 95 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 96" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "96" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "96" ] if ps-t70 == 96 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_phylakesicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_phylakesicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_phylakesicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_phylakesicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 91" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "91" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "91" ] if ps-t70 == 91 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_pharaohscurseicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_pharaohscurseicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_pharaohscurseicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_pharaohscurseicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 92" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "92" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "92" ] if ps-t70 == 92 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_beaconfloatingicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_beaconfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_beaconfloatingicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_beaconfloatingicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 101" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "101" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "101" ] if ps-t70 == 101 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 185" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "185" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "185" ] if ps-t70 == 185 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_treasurefloatingicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_treasurefloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_treasurefloatingicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_treasurefloatingicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 103" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "103" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "103" ] if ps-t70 == 103 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_balistafloatingicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_balistafloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_balistafloatingicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_balistafloatingicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 107" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "107" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "107" ] if ps-t70 == 107 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_redatimedquesticon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_redatimedquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_redatimedquesticon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_redatimedquesticon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 108" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "108" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "108" ] if ps-t70 == 108 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_yourmountcamelicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_yourmountcamelicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_yourmountcamelicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_yourmountcamelicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 109" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "109" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "109" ] if ps-t70 == 109 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_yourmounthorseicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_yourmounthorseicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_yourmounthorseicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_yourmounthorseicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 191" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "191" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "191" ] if ps-t70 == 191 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_viewpointicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_viewpointicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_viewpointicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_viewpointicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 76" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "76" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "76" ] if ps-t70 == 76 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 110" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "110" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "110" ] if ps-t70 == 110 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 116" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "116" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "116" ] if ps-t70 == 116 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_trialofsobekicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_trialofsobekicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_trialofsobekicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_trialofsobekicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 117" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "117" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "117" ] if ps-t70 == 117 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_trialofanubisicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_trialofanubisicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_trialofanubisicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_trialofanubisicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 127" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "127" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "127" ] if ps-t70 == 127 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_assassinbureauicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_assassinbureauicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_assassinbureauicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_assassinbureauicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 145" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "145" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "145" ] if ps-t70 == 145 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_greenquesticon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_greenquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_greenquesticon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_greenquesticon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 146" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "146" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "146" ] if ps-t70 == 146 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 125" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "125" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "125" ] if ps-t70 == 125 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 143" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "143" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "143" ] if ps-t70 == 143 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 144" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "144" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "144" ] if ps-t70 == 144 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 71" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "71" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "71" ] if ps-t70 == 71 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 151" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "151" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "151" ] if ps-t70 == 151 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_redquesticon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_redquesticon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_redquesticon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_redquesticon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 150" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "150" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "150" ] if ps-t70 == 150 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 169 || ps-t70 == 239" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "169" Operator: "||" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "239" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "169" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "239" ] ] if ps-t70 == 169 || ps-t70 == 239 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_clueicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_clueicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_clueicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_clueicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 195" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "195" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "195" ] if ps-t70 == 195 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_cluecompleteicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_cluecompleteicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_cluecompleteicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_cluecompleteicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 196" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "196" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "196" ] if ps-t70 == 196 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_allyicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_allyicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_allyicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_allyicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 197" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "197" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "197" ] if ps-t70 == 197 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$disablefb_hippodromeicon == 2" Identifier: "$disablefb_hippodromeicon" Operator: "==" Float: "2" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablefb_hippodromeicon", Operand "2" ] if $disablefb_hippodromeicon == 2 Tokenising "$show_iconskey == 0" Identifier: "$show_iconskey" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$show_iconskey", Operand "0" ] if $show_iconskey == 0 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 70" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "70" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "70" ] if ps-t70 == 70 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$map_is_visible == 1" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$map_is_visible", Operand "1" ] if $map_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 105" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "105" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "105" ] if ps-t70 == 105 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "$map_is_visible != 1" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$map_is_visible", Operand "1" ] if $map_is_visible != 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 105" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "105" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "105" ] if ps-t70 == 105 handling = skip endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$map_is_visible != 1" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "!=" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "!="[ Operand "$map_is_visible", Operand "1" ] if $map_is_visible != 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible_previous == 0" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "0" ] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Tokenising "$disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1" Identifier: "$disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon", Operand "1" ] if $disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Tokenising "ps-t70 == 105" Resource Slot: "ps-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "105" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "ps-t70", Operand "105" ] if ps-t70 == 105 handling = skip endif endif endif endif [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] Hash=43b894e9eb90ec5b Registering command list: ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "$disable_senyutargetdistancewheel == 1" Identifier: "$disable_senyutargetdistancewheel" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_senyutargetdistancewheel", Operand "1" ] if $disable_senyutargetdistancewheel == 1 Tokenising "$senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "||" Identifier: "$senyu_visible_previous" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "||"[ Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible", Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operand "$senyu_visible_previous", Operand "1" ] ] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Tokenising "!$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$map_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Operator: "&&" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "&&"[ Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$map_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ], Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] ] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 154" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "154" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "154" ] if vs-t70 == 154 handling = skip endif Tokenising "vs-t71 == 155" Resource Slot: "vs-t71" Operator: "==" Float: "155" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t71", Operand "155" ] if vs-t71 == 155 handling = skip endif endif endif endif endif Tokenising "$disable_bayekdistancetext == 1" Identifier: "$disable_bayekdistancetext" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "$disable_bayekdistancetext", Operand "1" ] if $disable_bayekdistancetext == 1 Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 39" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "39" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "39" ] if vs-t70 == 39 handling = skip endif endif endif Tokenising "!$cursor_is_visible == 1" Operator: "!" Identifier: "$cursor_is_visible" Operator: "==" Float: "1" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operator "!"[ Operand "$cursor_is_visible" ], Operand "1" ] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Tokenising "vs-t70 == 56" Resource Slot: "vs-t70" Operator: "==" Float: "56" Final syntax tree: Operator "=="[ Operand "vs-t70", Operand "56" ] if vs-t70 == 56 handling = skip endif endif ShaderRegex hash: 24ec2a70 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_abilitypointicon] Hash=00000000e36f96ae filter_index=22.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_abilitypointicon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AligntheStarsCompleteIcon] Hash=00000000754b1267 filter_index=138.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AligntheStarsCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AligntheStarsIcon] Hash=00000000105aca81 filter_index=77.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AligntheStarsIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AllyIcon] Hash=00000000a75dce9e filter_index=197.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AllyIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AnimalAttackFloatingWarningIcon] Hash=000000000c5f80a3 filter_index=144.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AnimalAttackFloatingWarningIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AnubisShadowIcon] Hash=0000000092cb4777 filter_index=95.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AnubisShadowIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AssassinBureauIcon] Hash=00000000d7afc2dc filter_index=145.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AssassinBureauIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AvengeQuestIcon] Hash=00000000f8086d0c filter_index=63.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AvengeQuestIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BalistaFloatingIcon] Hash=00000000f4e9b163 filter_index=107.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BalistaFloatingIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_balistatrail] Hash=00000000f7ee1a28 filter_index=208.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_balistatrail [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BayekIcon] Hash=00000000887b87bb filter_index=65.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BayekIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BeaconFloatingIcon] Hash=00000000bf04ca77 filter_index=101.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BeaconFloatingIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BeaconLitFloatingIcon] Hash=000000002ec49bc8 filter_index=185.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BeaconLitFloatingIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_belowaboveicon] Hash=00000000b734a1ac filter_index=38.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_belowaboveicon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BlacksmithIcon] Hash=00000000dc079456 filter_index=97.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BlacksmithIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BossIndicatorIcon] Hash=00000000c5a40c82 filter_index=205.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BossIndicatorIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_bronze] Hash=00000000d2bdd9b2 filter_index=119.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_bronze [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ButtonOutline] Hash=00000000bfae25e6 filter_index=44.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ButtonOutline [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_charglow1] Hash=000000003a9993e3 filter_index=42.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_charglow1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_charglow2] Hash=000000006bf22769 filter_index=178.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_charglow2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_charglow3] Hash=000000009753f24f filter_index=179.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_charglow3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CityIcon] Hash=00000008ab2476f6 filter_index=68.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CityIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ClueCompleteIcon] Hash=00000000a44bff59 filter_index=196.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ClueCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ClueIcon] Hash=000000001fad927a filter_index=195.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ClueIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CobraLairCompleteIcon] Hash=000000000a186b7b filter_index=139.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CobraLairCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CobraLairIcon] Hash=000000002c3b227f filter_index=88.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CobraLairIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_coin] Hash=000000002266ee90 filter_index=122.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_coin [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_compasstexture1] Hash=00000000dfd85092 filter_index=36.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_compasstexture1 preset = compassvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Consecutivehitsindicator] Hash=00000000dbb3aa4e filter_index=243.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Consecutivehitsindicator [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crasftingavailableicon] Hash=00000000465c245c filter_index=23.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crasftingavailableicon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CrocodileLairCompleteIcon] Hash=000000001fb4d6d5 filter_index=140.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CrocodileLairCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CrocodileLairIcon] Hash=000000005f54637d filter_index=83.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CrocodileLairIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairdash] Hash=00000000831b58a2 filter_index=15.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairdash [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairdash2] Hash=00000000367df0c1 filter_index=170.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairdash2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairhit] Hash=000000004ba13b16 filter_index=211.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairhit [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairpoint] Hash=0000000007ccee6e filter_index=14.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairpoint preset = crosshairpointvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_cursor1] Hash=000000006addfece Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_cursor1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_cursor2] Hash=0000000054e60deb Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_cursor2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_cursor3] Hash=00000000bf5e78d7 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_cursor3 preset = cursorisvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CustomMarkerIcon] Hash=000000000e62d6ca filter_index=64.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CustomMarkerIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecoverlay1] Hash=000000009e0fd826 filter_index=33.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecoverlay1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecttexture1] Hash=00000000cf9422db filter_index=27.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecttexture1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecttexture2] Hash=00000000ecbb6034 filter_index=28.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecttexture2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecttexture3] Hash=0000000048d4b0f7 filter_index=29.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecttexture3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_EliteAnimalIndicatorIcon] Hash=00000000e5716edb filter_index=126.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_EliteAnimalIndicatorIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemydetectiontexture1] Hash=000000002e7e93bb filter_index=41.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemydetectiontexture1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemydetectiontexture2] Hash=0000000015e87a14 filter_index=45.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemydetectiontexture2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemydetectiontexture3] Hash=000000004bb965cd filter_index=46.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemydetectiontexture3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyelitelevelIcon] Hash=0000000013bf3f13 filter_index=111.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyelitelevelIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyelitelevelIcon2] Hash=000000001c8b1397 filter_index=219.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyelitelevelIcon2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyhiteffect1] Hash=0000000076415ae2 filter_index=159.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyhiteffect1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemylevelIcon] Hash=00000000e4fc2949 filter_index=47.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemylevelIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyminiIcon] Hash=00000000d83d88e7 filter_index=48.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyminiIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyscullIcon] Hash=0000000070158802 filter_index=180.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyscullIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_followroadtexture1] Hash=00000000a9418b09 filter_index=156.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_followroadtexture1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_FortCompleteIcon] Hash=00000000f1ccde8e filter_index=137.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_FortCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_FortIcon] Hash=00000000f40a1823 filter_index=72.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_FortIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_fur] Hash=0000000048d68596 filter_index=121.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_fur [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_FurIcon] Hash=0000000069413fa4 filter_index=18.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_FurIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametext] Hash=00000000e237e837 filter_index=2.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametext [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay1] 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filter_index=181.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_headshotflash1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_headshotflash2] Hash=000000006ca4b06c filter_index=210.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_headshotflash2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbar2] Hash=000000004e811419 filter_index=53.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbar2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbar3] Hash=000000000be18c98 filter_index=59.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbar3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbaroverlay] Hash=00000000bd02e3e5 filter_index=52.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbaroverlay [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg] Hash=00000000f63affe7 filter_index=51.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg2] Hash=000000007a706904 filter_index=112.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg3] Hash=00000000a5d74b9b filter_index=113.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg4] Hash=000000001c647fa9 filter_index=166.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg4 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavycircleeffect1] Hash=00000000e00a4d8b filter_index=37.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavycircleeffect1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavycircleeffect2] Hash=0000000014d5de2e filter_index=43.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavycircleeffect2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavycircleeffect3] Hash=00000000f36b07ae filter_index=190.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavycircleeffect3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavywarningflash1] Hash=000000006fae63f1 filter_index=160.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavywarningflash1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HermitLocationCompleteIcon] Hash=0000000035de3dcc filter_index=136.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HermitLocationCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HermitLocationIcon] Hash=00000000bf7f4a50 filter_index=81.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HermitLocationIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HiddenEntranceFloatingIcon] Hash=000000008e67c3a9 filter_index=151.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HiddenEntranceFloatingIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HippodromeIcon] Hash=00000000bb8e346f filter_index=70.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HippodromeIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HippopotamusLairCompleteIcon] Hash=0000000005e4fd16 filter_index=141.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HippopotamusLairCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HippopotamusLairIcon] Hash=0000000041c60ad0 filter_index=85.000000 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TextureOverride\debug_2d\_IbexLairCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_IbexLairIcon] Hash=000000006e99f81c filter_index=87.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_IbexLairIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_InteractionNearbyIcon] Hash=00000000c2b26915 filter_index=161.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_InteractionNearbyIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_iron] Hash=00000000cae22f27 filter_index=182.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_iron [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_isuoutfit1] Hash=00000000f54abccc filter_index=248.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_isuoutfit1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_isuoutfit2] Hash=000000001c015155 filter_index=249.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_isuoutfit2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_isuoutfit3] Hash=00000000236c1d3a filter_index=250.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_isuoutfit3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_isuoutfit4] 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TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard0 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard1] Hash=000000009ab4231b filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard2] Hash=0000000056d816dc filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard3] Hash=0000000060844187 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard4] Hash=00000000d2788e8e filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard4 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard5] Hash=0000000000b7c4ef filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard5 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard6] Hash=00000000ef3f1b9b filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard6 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard7] Hash=000000003fd03a1c filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard7 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard8] Hash=00000000f765ef64 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard8 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard9] Hash=000000003e5d210e filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard9 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardA] Hash=00000000fd510def filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardA [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardapost] Hash=00000000d420c376 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardapost [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardB] Hash=00000000ff9f11c5 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardB [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardbackslash] Hash=0000000089d9d55f filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardbackslash [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardbacksp] 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TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboarddot [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardDown] Hash=0000000095ab7f8c filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardDown [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardE] Hash=00000000d41602f6 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardE [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardEnd] Hash=00000000692b044b filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardEnd [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardequal] Hash=00000000b8e63ba9 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardequal [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardEsc] Hash=00000000304cd4e2 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardEsc [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF] Hash=000000000542128a filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF1] Hash=0000000037479704 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF10] Hash=00000000a697c96a filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF10 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF11] Hash=000000003317fe32 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF11 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF12] Hash=0000000067a62d38 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF12 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF2] Hash=000000001bb6fa12 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF3] Hash=0000000068d4ef90 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF4] Hash=0000000028057911 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF4 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF5] Hash=000000007ae6fccd filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF5 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF6] Hash=00000000c6616075 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF6 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF7] Hash=000000008562d204 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF7 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF8] Hash=000000007084d5d8 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF8 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF9] Hash=00000000abb0708c filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF9 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardG] Hash=0000000010a7972e filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardG [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardH] Hash=00000000a56622a7 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardH [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardHome] Hash=000000008ffb05a5 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardHome [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardI] Hash=00000000d223f2f7 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardI [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardIns] Hash=000000007add7401 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardIns [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardJ] Hash=000000003530d43c filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardJ [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardK] Hash=00000000fd54bc3b filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardK [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardL] Hash=00000000537a360f filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardL [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLAlt] Hash=0000000049fede71 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLAlt [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLCtrl] Hash=0000000011a5d67e filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLCtrl [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLeft] Hash=0000000076794b54 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLeft [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardleftbracket] Hash=0000000028ae8fe6 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardleftbracket [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLshift] Hash=000000007cf76cf4 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLshift [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardM] Hash=000000007f9b74a7 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardM [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardminus] Hash=000000008302a36b filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardminus [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardN] Hash=000000003718f370 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardN [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum0] Hash=00000000ed4eacb2 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum0 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum1] Hash=000000004e248332 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum2] Hash=000000006c57b450 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum3] Hash=00000000c8ece1dd filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum4] Hash=0000000080e57f56 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum4 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum5] Hash=000000005785d12d filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum5 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum6] Hash=000000001b1c34ce filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum6 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum7] Hash=00000000766f9834 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum7 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum8] Hash=0000000076b95426 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum8 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum9] Hash=00000000fea887d3 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum9 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNumAsterisk] Hash=000000000756539a filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNumAsterisk [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNumDot] Hash=00000000d92741f4 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: 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[TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardPgDn] Hash=00000000f3e26ba8 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardPgDn [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardPgUP] Hash=000000000029adac filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardPgUP [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardQ] Hash=000000006505bbca filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardQ [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardR] Hash=00000000d859ab71 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardR [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardRAlt] Hash=00000000d503398c filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardRAlt [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardRCtrl] Hash=00000000871b46e4 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardRCtrl [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardreturn] Hash=00000000ced95d98 filter_index=17.000000 Registering 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[TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardSpace] Hash=0000000001494679 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardSpace [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardT] Hash=00000000ed963124 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardT [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardTab] Hash=0000000074035ee3 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardTab [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardtile] Hash=000000007367c7b3 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardtile [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardU] Hash=00000000627e20e7 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardU [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardUp] Hash=000000004817465a filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardUp [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardV] Hash=00000000a2583e3e filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: 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[TextureOverride\debug_2d\_lootsparkle] Hash=000000000a304742 filter_index=25.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_lootsparkle [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Mapscreen1] Hash=00000000d23ca4e7 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Mapscreen1 preset = cursorisvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MarkedQuestObjectiveIcon] Hash=000000000b39f9c1 filter_index=62.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MarkedQuestObjectiveIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MediumMilitaryCompleteIcon] Hash=00000000c07d21d1 filter_index=133.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MediumMilitaryCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MediumMilitaryIcon] Hash=0000000091f5e111 filter_index=73.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MediumMilitaryIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_menuparticles1] Hash=000000001bbe44b9 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_menuparticles1 preset = cursorisvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseLeft] Hash=00000000774c4d83 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseLeft [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseMiddle] Hash=000000006d984e82 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseMiddle [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseMove] Hash=000000001f4fa82b filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseMove [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseRight] Hash=00000000431aa1d8 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseRight [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseWheel] Hash=000000008ce6e931 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseWheel [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MythsofthePharaohsCompleteIcon] Hash=00000000a3da12a1 filter_index=149.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MythsofthePharaohsCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MythsofthePharaohsIcon] Hash=000000009e8c5273 filter_index=93.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MythsofthePharaohsIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MythsofthePharaohsSteeleFloatingIcon] Hash=0000000098183211 filter_index=143.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MythsofthePharaohsSteeleFloatingIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_NomadsBazaarIcon] Hash=0000000002b44798 filter_index=100.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_NomadsBazaarIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_objectivecompleteicon1] Hash=0000000023717340 filter_index=201.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_objectivecompleteicon1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_objectivecompleteicon2] Hash=00000000c7334ea3 filter_index=202.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_objectivecompleteicon2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outfitgracious1] Hash=0000000073c220d9 filter_index=247.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outfitgracious1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outfitgracious2] Hash=00000000dc2080bd filter_index=246.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outfitgracious2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outfithedj1] Hash=000000008c1b96d9 filter_index=234.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outfithedj1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outfithedj2] Hash=000000001c56f42f filter_index=235.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outfithedj2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outline1] Hash=000000001bbb7e0d filter_index=34.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outline1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_overlaytxt1] Hash=000000005bfa6da9 filter_index=193.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_overlaytxt1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PapyrusCompleteIcon] Hash=0000000034a587aa filter_index=118.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PapyrusCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PapyrusFloatingIcon] Hash=000000009f8b8255 filter_index=125.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PapyrusFloatingIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PapyrusIcon] Hash=000000005ce5897c filter_index=79.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PapyrusIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Parchment] Hash=0000000004fc8f64 filter_index=216.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Parchment [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PharaohsCurseIcon] Hash=00000000a4931d33 filter_index=92.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PharaohsCurseIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Phila] Hash=0000000004faf68c filter_index=227.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Phila [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_photomodecrosshair] Hash=00000000e6b9ee9e filter_index=209.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_photomodecrosshair [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PhylakesIcon] Hash=00000000dace395a filter_index=91.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PhylakesIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_phylakeslevelIcon1] Hash=0000000006eb8524 filter_index=229.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_phylakeslevelIcon1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_playerhbdarklines] Hash=00000000fd90bcb4 filter_index=222.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_playerhbdarklines [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_pointertofloatingicon] Hash=00000000cf2474de filter_index=39.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_pointertofloatingicon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_poisonsmoketexture1] Hash=000000005d08aaac filter_index=55.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_poisonsmoketexture1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PresentdayPCbg] Hash=00000000cd53e0eb filter_index=214.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PresentdayPCbg preset = cursorisvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4Circle] Hash=00000000a5c494e0 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: 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list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_QuestgiverIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Questobjectivearrow] Hash=000000005dc632d7 filter_index=157.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Questobjectivearrow [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_QuestObjectiveIcon] Hash=000000003cf8e854 filter_index=61.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_QuestObjectiveIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_questupdateeffect] Hash=000000007fabeb44 filter_index=206.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_questupdateeffect [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RaceFlag] Hash=00000000f404ab31 filter_index=233.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RaceFlag [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RedaTimedQuestIcon] Hash=000000006afb74cc filter_index=108.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RedaTimedQuestIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RedQuestIcon] Hash=000000007811fd06 filter_index=150.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RedQuestIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_regenaura1] Hash=00000000237647fa filter_index=238.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_regenaura1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_regenaura2] Hash=00000000f8586557 filter_index=241.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_regenaura2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_restrictedareacompassbckg] Hash=000000008c7e8137 filter_index=49.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_restrictedareacompassbckg [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_restrictedarelocationnamebckg] Hash=00000000bb8ce3f7 filter_index=50.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_restrictedarelocationnamebckg [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RightAnalogmove] Hash=00000000b7b6ab3c filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RightAnalogmove [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RightAnalogUPDown] Hash=0000000014c3d324 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RightAnalogUPDown [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ScorpionLairCompleteIcon] Hash=00000000c95cfc1a filter_index=148.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ScorpionLairCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ScorpionLairIcon] Hash=00000000e5e61b5a filter_index=94.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ScorpionLairIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_selectorbg] Hash=00000000b10f53c0 filter_index=242.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_selectorbg [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenuIcon] Hash=00000000823bf7c5 filter_index=67.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenuIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenuOutlineIcon] Hash=00000000e0c42fbf filter_index=124.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenuOutlineIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenuZoomCrosshair] Hash=00000000d5d6160a filter_index=16.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenuZoomCrosshair [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_senyubuttonbckg] 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filter_index=230.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_smoketexture3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_smoketexturex] Hash=00000000615d6391 filter_index=240.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_smoketexturex [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_sparks] Hash=00000000ca2351be filter_index=189.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_sparks [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_speedtrails] Hash=0000000020bb0640 filter_index=232.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_speedtrails [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Splashscreen1] Hash=00000000522761dc Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Splashscreen1 preset = cursorisvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Splashscreen2] Hash=00000000cb3e2db8 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Splashscreen2 preset = cursorisvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_square1] Hash=00000000c502a9b2 filter_index=1.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_square1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_square2] Hash=000000006893e59e filter_index=3.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_square2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_StablesIcon] Hash=0000000010b2cfbc filter_index=98.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_StablesIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_targetlock] Hash=000000006f08a101 filter_index=56.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_targetlock [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_test] Hash=000000003a197415 filter_index=114.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_test [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_test2] Hash=0000000039f267fc filter_index=252.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_test2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_texx] Hash=000000002a8ad792 filter_index=223.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_texx [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TombCompleteIcon] Hash=00000000e57a85ab filter_index=131.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TombCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TombIcon] Hash=00000000c7c3361c filter_index=80.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TombIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TombPortalLocationCompleteIcon] Hash=000000005e36b04d filter_index=142.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TombPortalLocationCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_trailtexture1] Hash=00000000f323fb32 filter_index=30.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_trailtexture1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_trailtexture2] Hash=00000000857a9fcb filter_index=31.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_trailtexture2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_trailtexture3] Hash=0000000036fe574c filter_index=32.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_trailtexture3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TreasureFloatingIcon] Hash=000000001aa79d39 filter_index=103.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TreasureFloatingIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TresureLocationCompleteIcon] Hash=0000000053b888d2 filter_index=132.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TresureLocationCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TresureLocationIcon] Hash=00000000fb70d012 filter_index=78.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TresureLocationIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TrialofAnubisIcon] Hash=00000000a6f063f5 filter_index=127.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TrialofAnubisIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TrialofSekhmetIcon] Hash=00000000abaece32 filter_index=116.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TrialofSekhmetIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TrialofSobekIcon] Hash=00000000e797ce43 filter_index=117.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TrialofSobekIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UI1] Hash=000000004a35b130 filter_index=10.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UI1 preset = cursorisvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnderwaterGlow] Hash=00000000b756d7ac filter_index=231.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnderwaterGlow [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnvisitedLocationIcon] Hash=000000005c14a9d0 filter_index=66.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnvisitedLocationIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnvisitedSpecialLocationGlow] Hash=000000007df7fa09 filter_index=105.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnvisitedSpecialLocationGlow [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnvisitedSpecialLocationIcon] Hash=000000005d1e1346 filter_index=104.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnvisitedSpecialLocationIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBdistance1] Hash=0000000025f569b1 filter_index=174.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBdistance1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBdistance2] Hash=000000008fd2ffe2 filter_index=175.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBdistance2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBdistance3] Hash=000000000cd213a4 filter_index=176.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBdistance3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBdistance4] Hash=000000009c1c7deb filter_index=186.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBdistance4 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBHint1] Hash=000000006ff554e1 filter_index=226.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBHint1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage] Hash=000000009b31f0a4 filter_index=172.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage10] Hash=00000000874211cf filter_index=203.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage10 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage11] Hash=000000002503b804 filter_index=207.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage11 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage12] Hash=000000004e42c0d9 filter_index=212.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage12 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage13] Hash=00000000363e06f3 filter_index=213.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage13 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage14] Hash=0000000026e5ccef filter_index=215.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage14 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage15] Hash=00000000f91447cf filter_index=217.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage15 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage16] Hash=00000000d50908ae filter_index=218.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage16 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage17] Hash=00000000e83bac48 filter_index=220.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage17 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage18] Hash=00000000648814b1 filter_index=223.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage18 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage2] Hash=000000003f5f240e filter_index=173.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage2 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage3] Hash=00000000e348dbc5 filter_index=184.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage3 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage4] Hash=000000002f77d2ec filter_index=187.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage4 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage5] Hash=00000000948c93c6 filter_index=192.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage5 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage6] Hash=000000000757b59c filter_index=194.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage6 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage7] Hash=00000000e6843f04 filter_index=198.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage7 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage8] Hash=0000000013426b6f filter_index=199.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage8 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage9] Hash=0000000034d4b5eb filter_index=200.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VBmessage9 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ViewpointIcon] Hash=000000007046c34e filter_index=76.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ViewpointIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ViewpointSynchronisedIcon] Hash=000000007d9738b2 filter_index=110.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ViewpointSynchronisedIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VillageIcon] Hash=000000009dbf1947 filter_index=69.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VillageIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VultureLairCompleteIcon] Hash=000000008f6a4292 filter_index=183.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VultureLairCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VultureLairIcon] Hash=0000000014eb40c7 filter_index=89.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VultureLairIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_WarElephantCompleteIcon] Hash=000000009fa5904f filter_index=147.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_WarElephantCompleteIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_WarElephantIcon] Hash=0000000034212264 filter_index=75.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_WarElephantIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_WeaverIcon] Hash=00000000a0a48924 filter_index=99.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_WeaverIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_wood] Hash=00000000b085f8a3 filter_index=123.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_wood [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_A] Hash=0000000057f2e082 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_A [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_B] Hash=000000007b9843f9 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_B [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_LAP] Hash=00000000b5e4dab1 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_LAP [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_LB] Hash=00000000bf0bbd2f filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_LB [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_LT] Hash=0000000095029f6b filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_LT [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_RAP] Hash=000000006d907031 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_RAP [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_RB] Hash=0000000026fa0924 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_RB [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_RT] Hash=00000000dc30e926 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_RT [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_X] Hash=00000000c936b189 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_X [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_Y] Hash=00000000325ce1af filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_Y [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadDown] Hash=00000000fd764084 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadDown [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadLeft] Hash=000000008b464b20 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadLeft [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadRight] Hash=0000000066fe8b3c filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadRight [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadUp] Hash=00000000ac6144eb filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadUp [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEGuide] Hash=00000000e2534de3 filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEGuide [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEOptions] Hash=00000000febe298f filter_index=17.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEOptions [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XPBarFill1] Hash=000000001de3bbb1 filter_index=165.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XPBarFill1 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_xpbaroverlay8] Hash=00000000b9f554c2 filter_index=164.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_xpbaroverlay8 [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XPIncreaseTexture] Hash=000000009489480e filter_index=163.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XPIncreaseTexture [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_yellowenemypointer] Hash=000000006603787d filter_index=40.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_yellowenemypointer [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_yourlevelIconbackground] Hash=000000009299b0b9 filter_index=21.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_yourlevelIconbackground preset = playerlevelvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_YourlevelIconOutline] Hash=0000000021fdee4b filter_index=19.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_YourlevelIconOutline preset = bayeklevelvisible [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_YourMountCamelIcon] Hash=0000000038daf62e filter_index=109.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_YourMountCamelIcon [TextureOverride\debug_2d\_YourMountHorseIcon] Hash=00000000c64d5fee filter_index=191.000000 Registering command list: TextureOverride\debug_2d\_YourMountHorseIcon [Present] Registering command list: Present run = customshaderdebug2d Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $tutorialbckg_visible = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $text_visible = 0 Tokenising "$message_visible_current" Identifier: "$message_visible_current" Final syntax tree: Operand "$message_visible_current" $message_visible = $message_visible_current Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $message_visible_current = 0 Tokenising "$locationcomplete_visible" Identifier: "$locationcomplete_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$locationcomplete_visible" $locationcomplete_visible_previous = $locationcomplete_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $locationcomplete_visible = 0 Tokenising "$xpbar_visible" Identifier: "$xpbar_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$xpbar_visible" $xpbar_visible_previous = $xpbar_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $xpbar_visible = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $xpbar_bg_count = 0 Tokenising "$xpincrease_visible" Identifier: "$xpincrease_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$xpincrease_visible" $xpincrease_visible_previous = $xpincrease_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $xpincrease_visible = 0 Tokenising "$results_visible" Identifier: "$results_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$results_visible" $results_visible_current = $results_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $results_visible = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $bar_count = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $bar_count2 = 0 Tokenising "$bar_visible" Identifier: "$bar_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$bar_visible" $bar_visible_last = $bar_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $bar_visible = 0 Tokenising "$legendvisible" Identifier: "$legendvisible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$legendvisible" $last_legendvisible = $legendvisible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $legendvisible = 0 Tokenising "$leveltext_visible" Identifier: "$leveltext_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$leveltext_visible" $totalleveltext_visible = $leveltext_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $leveltext_visible = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $map_is_visible = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $senyutextfloat_count = 0 Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $message_text_count = 0 Tokenising "$levelup_visible" Identifier: "$levelup_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$levelup_visible" $levelup_visible_previous = $levelup_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $levelup_visible = 0 Tokenising "$senyu_visible" Identifier: "$senyu_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$senyu_visible" $senyu_visible_previous = $senyu_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $senyu_visible = 0 Tokenising "$bayek_visible" Identifier: "$bayek_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$bayek_visible" $bayek_visible_previous = $bayek_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $bayek_visible = 0 Tokenising "$button_count" Identifier: "$button_count" Final syntax tree: Operand "$button_count" $button_count_previous = $button_count Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $button_count = 0 Tokenising "$photomode_visible" Identifier: "$photomode_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$photomode_visible" $photomode_visible_previous = $photomode_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $photomode_visible = 0 Tokenising "$parchemnt_visible" Identifier: "$parchemnt_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$parchemnt_visible" $parchemnt_visible_previous = $parchemnt_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $parchemnt_visible = 0 Tokenising "$hbcursed_visible" Identifier: "$hbcursed_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$hbcursed_visible" $hbcursed_visible_previous = $hbcursed_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $hbcursed_visible = 0 Tokenising "$boss_visible" Identifier: "$boss_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$boss_visible" $boss_visible_previous = $boss_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $boss_visible = 0 Tokenising "$boss_count" Identifier: "$boss_count" Final syntax tree: Operand "$boss_count" $boss_count_previous = $boss_count Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $boss_count = 0 Tokenising "$underwaterhint_visible" Identifier: "$underwaterhint_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$underwaterhint_visible" $underwaterhint_visible_previous = $underwaterhint_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $underwaterhint_visible = 0 Tokenising "$regenaura_visible" Identifier: "$regenaura_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$regenaura_visible" $regenaura_visible_previous = $regenaura_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $regenaura_visible = 0 Tokenising "$indicator_visible" Identifier: "$indicator_visible" Final syntax tree: Operand "$indicator_visible" $indicator_visible_previous = $indicator_visible Tokenising "0" Float: "0" Final syntax tree: Operand "0" $indicator_visible = 0 [ClearRenderTargetView] Registering command list: ClearRenderTargetView WARNING: GetIniSection() called on a section not in the ini_sections map: ClearRenderTargetView [ClearDepthStencilView] Registering command list: ClearDepthStencilView WARNING: GetIniSection() called on a section not in the ini_sections map: ClearDepthStencilView [ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint] Registering command list: ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint WARNING: GetIniSection() called on a section not in the ini_sections map: ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint [ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat] Registering command list: ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat WARNING: GetIniSection() called on a section not in the ini_sections map: ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat [Profile] Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\nvapi64.dll. Can't get nvapi handle Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll. Replaced Hooked_LoadLibraryExW for: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll to D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\nvapi64.dll. Replaced Hooked_LoadLibraryExW fallback for: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll to nvapi64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msasn1.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: drvstore.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: devobj.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptbase.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. NVIDIA driver version 516.94 (branch r516_87) nvapi_QueryInterfacePtr @ 0x00007FFBBB3327C0 NvAPI_DRS_SaveSettingsToFileEx @ 0x00007FFBBB5B63E0 Looking up profiles related to D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\ACOrigins.exe ----------- Driver profile settings ----------- BaseProfile "Base Profile" SelectedGlobalProfile "Base Profile" Profile "Base Profile" ShowOn All EndProfile Profile "Assassin's Creed: Origins" ShowOn GeForce Executable "discoverytourancientegypt_plus.exe" Executable "acorigins.exe" Executable "acorigins_steam.exe" Executable "discoverytourancientegypt.exe" Executable "acorigins_plus.exe" Setting ID_0x00313536 = 0x00000800 // PS_ASYNC_SHADER_SCHEDULER_FLAGS Setting ID_0x105e2a1d = 0x00000001 Setting ID_0x106d5cff = 0x00000000 // Do not display this profile in the Control Panel Setting ID_0x10d5c2db = 0x00000001 Setting ID_0x10f9dc81 = 0x00000011 // Enable application for Optimus Setting ID_0x10f9dc84 = 0x01000000 // Shim Rendering Mode Options per application for Optimus Setting ID_0x701eb457 = 0x00000001 // StereoProfile Setting ID_0x702442fc = 0x00004000 // StereoFlagsDX10 SettingString ID_0x7049c7ec = "5" // Value SettingString ID_0x704d456e = "Go To: Options/Graphics/Shadows = Very Low" // Comments SettingString ID_0x7051e5f5 = "5" // Compat Setting ID_0x708db8c5 = 0x3fbe38f0 // StereoConvergence = 1.48611259 Setting ID_0x709a1ddf = 0x00000001 // StereoCutoff SettingString ID_0x70b5603f = "d3d" // API Setting ID_0x70edb381 = 0x00000023 // StereoTextureEnable Setting ID_0x80857a28 = 0x00000001 EndProfile ----------- End driver profile settings ----------- No profile update required *** D3D11 DLL successfully initialized. *** Trying to load original_d3d11.dll Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: original_d3d11.dll. *** LoadLibrary on original_d3d11.dll failed. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: SUPPRESS_3DMIGOTO_REDIRECT. Trying to load C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d11.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory called with riid: IDXGIFactory Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: ext-ms-win-core-resourcepolicy-l1-1-0.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** IDXGIFactory creating hook for CreateSwapChain. Successfully installed IDXGIFactory->CreateSwapChain hook. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001754DC24AE0 *** IDXGIFactory2 creating hooks for CreateSwapChain variants. Successfully installed IDXGIFactory2->CreateSwapChainForHwnd hook. Successfully installed IDXGIFactory2->CreateSwapChainForCoreWindow hook. Successfully installed IDXGIFactory2->CreateSwapChainForComposition hook. CreateDXGIFactory returned factory = 000001754DC24AE0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001754DC24AE0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001754DC24AE0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 000001754DC24EA0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0 FeatureLevels = 0 ppDevice = 0000004008CFE6A8 pFeatureLevel = 0x9100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level null, defaults to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msasn1.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: drvstore.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: devobj.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptbase.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: WINTRUST.DLL. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\CRYPT32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wintrust.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvwgf2umx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msasn1.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: drvstore.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: devobj.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptbase.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wintrust.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: Shell32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvspcap64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: User32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-2. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017551FEB440 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017551FEB440, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Advapi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Shell32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll. Replaced Hooked_LoadLibraryExW for: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll to D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\nvapi64.dll. Replaced Hooked_LoadLibraryExW fallback for: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll to nvapi64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: User32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msasn1.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: drvstore.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: devobj.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptbase.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: nvapi64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-2. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 000001755200BC58, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 000001755200BC58 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001755200B410 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 000001755200B468 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 000001755200B468 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 000001755200B468 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 000001755200B468 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 000001755200BC90 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 000001755200BC58 Supports ID3D11Device1: 000001755200BC58 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 000001755200BC58 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 000001755200B410 -> HackerDevice: 000001754DDCE8B0 HackerDevice 000001754DDCE8B0 created to wrap 000001755200BC58 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCE8B0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -219 creating .ini constant parameter texture. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msasn1.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: drvstore.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: devobj.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptbase.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: Shell32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000175518FFE78 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 0000017551E33580. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Optimised out post [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] run = builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets Optimised out post [commandlistunbindallrendertargets] run = builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_BalistaTrail] if vs-t70 == 208 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_ChargedEffect] if vs-t71 == 25 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow1] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow1] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow2] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow2] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow3] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow3] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextPS1] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS0] checktextureoverride = vb0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] checktextureoverride = vb0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vb0 == 226 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $boss_count_previous == $boss_count Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $boss_count_previous == $boss_count Optimised out pre [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vb0 == 172 || vb0 == 173 || vb0 == 184 || vb0 == 187 || vb0 == 192 || vb0 == 194 || vb0 == 199 || vb0 == 198 || vb0 == 200 || vb0 == 203 || vb0 == 207 || vb0 == 212 || vb0 == 213 || vb0 == 215 || vb0 == 217 || vb0 == 218 || vb0 == 220 || vb0 == 223 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vb0 == 172 || vb0 == 173 || vb0 == 184 || vb0 == 187 || vb0 == 192 || vb0 == 194 || vb0 == 199 || vb0 == 198 || vb0 == 200 || vb0 == 203 || vb0 == 207 || vb0 == 212 || vb0 == 213 || vb0 == 215 || vb0 == 217 || vb0 == 218 || vb0 == 220 || vb0 == 223 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 12 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vb0 == 174 || vb0 == 175 || vb0 == 176 || vb0 == 186 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $text_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t72 != 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t71 == 7 || ps-t71 == 204 || ps-t71 == 6 || ps-t71 == 5 || ps-t71 == 4 || ps-t71 == 114 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t71 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t71 == 7 || ps-t71 == 204 || ps-t71 == 6 || ps-t71 == 5 || ps-t71 == 4 || ps-t71 == 114 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t71 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Gametextwatermark] if ps-t99 == 13 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Loadingscreenground] checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2] if $graciousattire == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2] if $cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t72 == 251 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $darkisuarmor == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $darkisuarmor == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $darkisuarmor == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $darkisuarmor == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $disableisuarmorglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $disableisuarmorglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $disableisuarmorglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $disableisuarmorglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $graciousattire == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $graciousattire == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if $cleanwhiteredoutfit == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_outsidemap] checktextureoverride = ps-t74 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_outsidemap] if ps-t74 == 106 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regenglow1] if $disable_weaponregencharglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regenglow2] if vs-t70 == 25 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regentargetsmoke] if $regenaura_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if $disable_senyudistancetext == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if $disable_senyudistancetext == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects1] if vs-t70 == 24 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects1] if vs-t70 == 26 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects1] if vs-t70 == 167 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects10] if vs-t70 == 33 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects11] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects12] if vs-t70 == 54 || vs-t70 == 228 || vs-t70 == 230 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects13] if vs-t75 == 156 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects14] if $disable_levelupglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects14] if $disable_hailofarrowsbowglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects15] if $disable_levelupglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects16] if $disable_levelupglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects17] if vs-t70 == 181 || vs-t70 == 210 || vs-t70 == 232 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects2] if vs-t70 == 25 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects3] if vs-t70 == 30 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects4] if vs-t71 == 31 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects4] if vs-t71 == 32 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects4] if vs-t71 == 189 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5] checktextureoverride = ps-t74 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5] if vs-t70 == 177 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5] if vs-t70 == 25 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden1VS] if vs-t70 == 33 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden2VS] if vs-t70 == 33 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden3VS] if vs-t70 == 33 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden4VS] if vs-t70 == 33 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if ps-t70 == 37 || ps-t70 == 43 || ps-t70 == 190 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if vs-t70 == 159 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if vs-t70 == 160 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if vs-t70 == 181 || vs-t70 == 210 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6PS] if $disable_weaponregenaura == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects7] if vs-t71 == 25 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects8] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects8] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects9] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects9] if vs-t72 == 42 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_Consecuitvehitseffects] if vs-t71 == 243 || vs-t70 == 243 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_Outline2] if $disable_enemyoutlines == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_OutlineVS] if vs-t74 == 34 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_PoisonSmoke1] if vs-t70 == 55 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_PoisonSmoke2] if vs-t70 == 55 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_submergedanimalglow] if vs-t99 == 231 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIcons] checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIcons] if ps-t74 == 106 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIcons] if ps-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 216 || vs-t70 == 227 || vs-t70 == 233 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 233 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 242 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 14 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 15 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 170 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 12 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 12 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 12 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 12 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 52 || vs-t71 == 204 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $button_count >= 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 22 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 23 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 && $show_elikey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 48 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 48 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 40 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 104 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 108 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 116 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 117 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 127 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 145 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 146 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 118 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 128 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 129 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 130 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 131 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 132 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 133 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 134 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 115 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 135 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 136 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 137 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 138 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 139 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 140 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 141 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 142 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 147 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 149 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 148 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 150 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 76 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 110 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 66 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 68 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 69 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 71 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 72 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 73 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 74 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 75 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 77 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 78 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 79 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 80 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 81 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 82 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 83 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 84 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 85 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 86 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 87 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 88 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 89 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 183 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 90 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 93 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 100 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 60 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 63 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 97 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 98 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 99 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 94 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 95 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 96 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 91 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 92 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 104 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 108 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 116 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 117 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 127 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 145 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 146 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 118 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 128 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 129 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 130 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 131 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 132 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 133 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 134 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 115 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 135 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 136 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 137 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 138 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 139 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 140 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 141 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 142 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 147 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 148 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 149 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 150 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 76 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 110 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 66 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 68 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 69 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 71 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 72 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 73 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 74 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 75 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 77 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 78 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 79 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 80 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 81 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 82 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 83 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 84 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 85 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 86 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 87 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 88 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 89 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 183 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 90 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 93 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 100 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 60 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 63 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 97 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 98 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 99 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 94 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 95 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 96 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 91 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 92 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 104 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 108 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 108 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 116 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 117 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 127 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 145 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 146 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 118 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 128 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 129 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 130 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 131 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 132 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 133 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 134 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 115 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 135 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 136 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 137 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 138 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 139 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 140 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 141 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 142 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 147 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 148 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 149 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 150 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 64 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITextures1] checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITextures1] checktextureoverride = ps-t71 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITextures1] if ps-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] checktextureoverride = ps-t70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 221 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 209 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 163 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 162 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 221 || vs-t70 == 222 || vs-t70 == 223 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $bar_count2 > 0 && $bar_count2 < 8 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 211 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 202 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 161 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 161 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 152 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 153 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 155 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $parchemnt_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 124 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 35 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 38 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 38 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 41 || vs-t70 == 45 || ps-t70 == 41 || ps-t70 == 45 || ps-t70 == 46 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_hbkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_hbkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_hbkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_hbkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_hbkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 12 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 49 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 50 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 57 || vs-t71 == 58 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 65 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 35 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 62 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 35 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 61 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 64 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 62 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 63 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 65 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 76 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 110 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 66 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 68 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 69 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 71 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 72 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 73 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 74 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 75 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 77 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 78 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 79 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 80 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 81 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 82 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 83 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 84 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 85 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 86 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 87 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 88 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 89 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 90 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 93 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 100 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 60 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 97 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 98 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 99 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 94 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 95 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 96 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 91 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 92 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 104 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 101 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 185 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 103 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 107 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 108 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 125 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 143 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 144 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 116 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 117 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 127 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 145 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 146 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 71 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 151 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 150 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 61 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 40 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 62 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 63 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 64 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 100 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 60 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 97 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 98 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 99 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 95 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 96 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 91 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 92 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 101 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 185 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 103 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 107 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 108 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 109 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 191 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 76 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 110 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 125 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 143 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 144 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 116 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 117 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 127 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 145 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 146 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 71 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 151 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 150 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 169 || ps-t70 == 239 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 195 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 196 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 197 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 40 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 61 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 62 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 63 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 64 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 100 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 60 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 97 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 98 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 99 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 95 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 96 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 91 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 92 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 101 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 185 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 103 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 107 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 108 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 109 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 191 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 76 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 110 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 116 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 117 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 127 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 145 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 146 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 125 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 143 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 144 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 71 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 151 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 150 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 169 || ps-t70 == 239 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 195 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 196 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 197 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 105 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 105 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if ps-t70 == 105 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if vs-t70 == 154 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if vs-t71 == 155 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if vs-t70 == 39 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if vs-t70 == 56 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_BalistaTrail] if $disable_balistatrail == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_ChargedEffect] if $disable_heavychargedglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow1] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow1] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow2] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow2] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow3] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Corpseglow3] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextPS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t72 == null || vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $boss_count_previous == $boss_count Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out pre [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 == 193 || vs-t71 == 35 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $message_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t71 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Gametextwatermark] if $disable_acpwatermark == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2] if ps-t70 == 245 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2] if ps-t70 == 237 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t70 == 248 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t70 == 249 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t70 == 250 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t71 == 253 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t72 == 254 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t72 == 255 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t72 == 256 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t72 == 257 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t70 == 247 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t70 == 246 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t70 == 234 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t70 == 235 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_Outfitshad2ps] if ps-t70 == 236 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regenglow1] if vs-t70 == 25 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regenglow2] if $disable_weaponregencharglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regentargetsmoke] if vs-t70 == 54 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if $message_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if vs-t71 == 11 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects1] if $disable_lootsparkle == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects10] if $disable_eaglesensewave == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects11] if $disable_containerglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects12] if $disable_shieldsmoke == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects13] if $disable_followroadpath == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects17] if $disable_speedeffectwhitestripes == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects2] if $disable_lootsparkle == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects3] if $disable_arrowtrail == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects4] if $disable_weapontrail == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects4] if $disable_overpowerweapontrail == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5] if $disable_breaklineofsighteffects == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5] if $levelup_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden1VS] if $disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden2VS] if $disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden3VS] if $disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5_Hidden4VS] if $disable_bayekhiddeneffects == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if $disable_heavyattackwarningcircle == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if $disable_enemyhitredstripe == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if $disable_heavyattackwarningflash == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if $disable_headshotkillflash == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if vs-t70 == 206 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6PS] if ps-t70 == 238 || ps-t70 == 241 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects7] if $disable_heavychargedglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects8] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects8] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects9] if $disable_avengequestcorpseglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects9] if $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_Consecuitvehitseffects] if $disable_hailofarrowsbowglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_OutlineVS] if $disable_enemyoutlines == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_PoisonSmoke1] if $disable_enemypoisonedsmoke == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects_PoisonSmoke2] if $disable_enemypoisonedsmoke == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_submergedanimalglow] if $disable_animalinwaterglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIcons] if ps-t70 == 60 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIcons] if ps-t70 == 157 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 171 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 205 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 17 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 44 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 157 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $message_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 157 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 7 || vs-t71 == 4 || vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 12 || vs-t71 == 52 || vs-t71 == 5 || vs-t71 == 8 || vs-t71 == 155 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 163 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $underwaterhint_visible_previous != 1 && $underwaterhint_visible != 1 && $indicator_visible_previous != 1 && $indicator_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 4 || vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 44 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $message_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $photomode_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 19 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 19 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 47 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 180 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 20 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 20 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_targetyellowpointer == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_redatimedquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_trialofsobekicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_trialofanubisicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_assassinbureauicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_greenquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_papyruscompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_ibexlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_leopardlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_lionlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_tombcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_tresurelocationcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_mediummilitarycompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_smallmilitarycompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_hyenalaircompletedicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_ptolemystatuecompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_hermitlocationcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_fortcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_alignthestarscompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_cobralaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_crocodilelaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_tombportallocationcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_warelephantcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_scorpionlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_redquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 76 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 110 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 66 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 68 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 69 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 70 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 71 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 72 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 73 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 74 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 75 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 77 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 78 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 79 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 80 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 81 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 82 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 83 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 84 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 85 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 86 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 87 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 88 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 89 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 183 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 90 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 93 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 100 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 64 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 60 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 61 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 67 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 63 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 97 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 98 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 99 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 94 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 95 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 96 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 91 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 92 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_viewpointicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_unvisitedlocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_cityicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_villageicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_hippodromeicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_forticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_mediummilitaryicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_smallmilitaryicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_warelephanticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_alignthestarsicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_tresurelocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_papyrusicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_tombicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_hermitlocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_lionlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_crocodilelairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_hyenalairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_hippopotamuslairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_leopardlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_ibexlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_cobralairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_vulturelairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_vulturelaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_ptolemystatueicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_questgivericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_avengequesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_blacksmithicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_stablesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_weavericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_scorpionlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_anubisshadowicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_phylakesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_redatimedquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_trialofsobekicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_trialofanubisicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_assassinbureauicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_greenquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_papyruscompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_ibexlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_leopardlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_lionlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_tombcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_tresurelocationcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_mediummilitarycompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_smallmilitarycompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_hyenalaircompletedicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_ptolemystatuecompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_hermitlocationcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_fortcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_alignthestarscompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_cobralaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_crocodilelaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_tombportallocationcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_warelephantcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_scorpionlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecb_redquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_viewpointicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_unvisitedlocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_cityicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_villageicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_hippodromeicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_forticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_mediummilitaryicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_smallmilitaryicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_warelephanticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_alignthestarsicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_tresurelocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_papyrusicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_tombicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_hermitlocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_lionlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_crocodilelairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_hyenalairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_hippopotamuslairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_leopardlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_ibexlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_cobralairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_vulturelairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_vulturelaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_ptolemystatueicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_questgivericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_avengequesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_blacksmithicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_stablesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_weavericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_scorpionlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_anubisshadowicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_phylakesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_redatimedquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_redatimedquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_trialofsobekicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_trialofanubisicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_assassinbureauicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_greenquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_papyruscompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_ibexlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_leopardlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_lionlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_tombcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_tresurelocationcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_mediummilitarycompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_smallmilitarycompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_hyenalaircompletedicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_ptolemystatuecompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_hermitlocationcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_fortcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_alignthestarscompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_cobralaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_crocodilelaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_tombportallocationcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_warelephantcompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_scorpionlaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablecs_redquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablefb_custommarkericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITextures1] if ps-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_interactionindicatoricon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_interactionindicatoricon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 158 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 165 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if time - $questupdate_appearence_time > $questupdate_timeout Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $bar_count < 6 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 21 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 && !$map_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 && !$map_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhealthbar == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 102 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 102 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablem_bayekicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablem_markedquestobjectiveicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_questobjectiveicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_custommarkericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_markedquestobjectiveicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_avengequesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_bayekicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_viewpointicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_unvisitedlocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_cityicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_villageicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_hippodromeicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_forticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_mediummilitaryicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_smallmilitaryicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_warelephanticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_alignthestarsicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_tresurelocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_papyrusicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_tombicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_hermitlocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_lionlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_crocodilelairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_hyenalairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_hippopotamuslairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_leopardlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_ibexlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_cobralairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_vulturelairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_ptolemystatueicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_questgivericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_blacksmithicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_stablesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_weavericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_scorpionlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_anubisshadowicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_phylakesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_beaconfloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_beaconlitfloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_treasurefloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_balistafloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_redatimedquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_papyrusfloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_animalattackfloatingwarningicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_trialofsobekicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_trialofanubisicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_assassinbureauicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_greenquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_hiddenentrancefloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefs_redquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_questobjectiveicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_targetyellowpointer == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_avengequesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_custommarkericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_questgivericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_blacksmithicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_stablesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_weavericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_anubisshadowicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_phylakesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_beaconfloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_treasurefloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_balistafloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_redatimedquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_yourmountcamelicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_yourmounthorseicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_viewpointicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_trialofsobekicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_trialofanubisicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_assassinbureauicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_greenquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_redquesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_clueicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_cluecompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_allyicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_hippodromeicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $show_iconskey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextPS1] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out pre [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 == null Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t72 == null || vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 11 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 5 || vs-t71 == 204 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $text_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if ps-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_regentargetsmoke] if $disable_regentargetsmoke == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects6] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_abilitypointavailableicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_craftingavailableicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemyminiicons == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $xpincrease_visible_previous != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 17 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 7 || vs-t71 == 4 || vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 12 || vs-t71 == 52 || vs-t71 == 5 || vs-t71 == 8 || vs-t71 == 155 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 163 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 119 || vs-t70 == 120 || vs-t70 == 121 || vs-t70 == 122 || vs-t70 == 123 || vs-t70 == 182 || vs-t70 == 188 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $message_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 17 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 18 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 19 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 47 || vs-t70 == 111 || vs-t70 == 219 || vs-t70 == 180 || vs-t70 == 126 || vs-t70 == 205 || vs-t70 == 229 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 47 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 != 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 219 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 111 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 126 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 229 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 205 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 180 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 20 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 20 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_viewpointicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_unvisitedlocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_cityicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_villageicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_hippodromeicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_gladiatorarenaicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_forticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_mediummilitaryicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_smallmilitaryicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_warelephanticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_alignthestarsicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_tresurelocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_papyrusicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_tombicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_hermitlocationicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_lionlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_crocodilelairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_hyenalairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_hippopotamuslairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_leopardlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_ibexlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_cobralairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_vulturelairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_vulturelaircompleteicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_ptolemystatueicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_mythsofthepharaohsicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_nomadsbazaaricon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_custommarkericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_questgivericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_questobjectiveicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_senuicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_avengequesticon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_blacksmithicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_stablesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_weavericon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_scorpionlairicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_anubisshadowicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_shadowofthescarabicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_phylakesicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disablem_pharaohscurseicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITextures1] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_pulseonarrowhit == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemydetectionfeedback == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $moretransparentcompass == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $moretransparentcompass == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemyhitdirectionindicator == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $map_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $map_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_playerlevelindicator == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $bar_count < 6 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 9 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 8 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_targetyellowpointer == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_questobjectiveicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_avengequesticon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_custommarkericon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_questgivericon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_blacksmithicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_stablesicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_weavericon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_anubisshadowicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_phylakesicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_pharaohscurseicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_beaconfloatingicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_treasurefloatingicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_balistafloatingicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_redatimedquesticon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_yourmountcamelicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_yourmounthorseicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_viewpointicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_trialofsobekicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_trialofanubisicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_assassinbureauicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_greenquesticon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_redquesticon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_clueicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_cluecompleteicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_allyicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disablefb_hippodromeicon == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if $disable_bayekdistancetext == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextPS1] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $disable_otherhintmessages == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 11 || vs-t71 == 1 || vs-t71 == null Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $results_visible_current == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SpecialEffects5] if $disable_levelupglow == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_crosshair == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $xpbar_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 17 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemyminiicons == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $map_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $map_is_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $map_is_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $map_is_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 17 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 != 14 && vs-t70 != 15 && vs-t70 != 16 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t71 == 11 || ps-t71 == 5 || ps-t71 == 12 || ps-t71 == 9 || ps-t71 == 1 || ps-t71 == 163 || ps-t71 == 193 || ps-t71 == 7 || ps-t71 == 8 || ps-t71 == 6 || vs-t71 === null || vs-t71 == 35 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $tutorialbckg_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator > 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 47 || vs-t70 == 111 || vs-t70 == 219 || vs-t70 == 180 || vs-t70 == 126 || vs-t70 == 205 || vs-t70 == 229 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 219 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 111 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 126 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 229 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 205 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_crosshair == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_senyutargetdistancewheel == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_senyupointofinterestoutlineicon == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_enemylevelindicator > 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_compassicondistancetext == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $map_is_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $map_is_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $hbcursed_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $xpincrease_visible_previous != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 52 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 59 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 53 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 51 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 113 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t71 == 5 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if $disable_senyutargetdistancewheel == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextPS1] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $boss_visible_previous == 1 || $boss_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $boss_visible_previous == 1 || $boss_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t71 == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $tutorialbckg_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if $disable_compassicondistancetext == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if vb0 == 224 || vb0 == 225 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_otherhintmessages == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 != 14 && vs-t70 != 15 && vs-t70 != 16 && vs-t70 != 170 && vs-t70 != 17 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if ps-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 17 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if vs-t70 == 18 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 0 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_cursedhealthbar == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_otherhintmessages == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $map_is_visible != 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $bar_visible_last == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if vs-t70 == 112 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS3] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $boss_visible_previous == 1 || $boss_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if vs-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS2] if $disable_bayekdistancetext == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if ps-t72 == 3 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $bar_visible_last == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $disable_bayekdistancetext == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $disable_enemylevelindicator == 1 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 2 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 3 || $disable_enemylevelindicator == 4 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $senyu_visible == 1 || $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $tutorialbckg_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if ps-t71 == 11 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuFloatingDistancetext] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if !$map_is_visible == 1 && !$cursor_is_visible == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_LevelIconTextVS] if ps-t70 == 2 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UIIconsVS] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senuminimizeinterface == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $senyu_visible_previous == 0 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_UITexturesVS2] if $disable_bayekactiveobjectives == 1 Optimised out post [ShaderOverride\debug_2d\_GametextVS1] if $disable_hintmessages == 1 Command List Optimiser finished after 281ms -> device handle = 000001755200BC58, device wrapper = 000001754DDCE8B0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=000001754DDCE8B0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 000001755135EA40 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0 FeatureLevels = 0 ppDevice = 0000004008CFE6A8 pFeatureLevel = 0x9100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level null, defaults to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d10warp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3d10warp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3d10warp.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 0000017551F10478, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 0000017551F10478 supports... Supports IUnknown: 0000017551F0FC30 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 0000017551F0FC88 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 0000017551F0FC88 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 0000017551F0FC88 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 0000017551F0FC88 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 0000017551F104B0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 0000017551F10478 Supports ID3D11Device1: 0000017551F10478 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 0000017551F10478 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 0000017551F0FC30 -> HackerDevice: 000001754DDCDBA0 HackerDevice 000001754DDCDBA0 created to wrap 0000017551F10478 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDBA0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 000001754DDE5E78 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 0000017551E32140. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 0000017551F10478, device wrapper = 000001754DDCDBA0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=000001754DDCDBA0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Advapi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Shell32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll. Replaced Hooked_LoadLibraryExW for: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll to D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\nvapi64.dll. Replaced Hooked_LoadLibraryExW fallback for: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll to nvapi64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017552091420 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017552091420, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 000001755135EED0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0 FeatureLevels = 0 ppDevice = 0000004008CFE6A8 pFeatureLevel = 0x9100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level null, defaults to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001755233B350 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001755233B350, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000175520966B8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000175520966B8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 0000017552095E70 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 0000017552095EC8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 0000017552095EC8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 0000017552095EC8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 0000017552095EC8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000175520966F0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000175520966B8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000175520966B8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000175520966B8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 0000017552095E70 -> HackerDevice: 000001754DDCEE30 HackerDevice 000001754DDCEE30 created to wrap 00000175520966B8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCEE30) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 0000017552A0F238 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 0000017551E31DC0. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000175520966B8, device wrapper = 000001754DDCEE30, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=000001754DDCEE30 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 0000017552615270 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0 FeatureLevels = 0 ppDevice = 0000004008CFE6A8 pFeatureLevel = 0x9100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level null, defaults to D3D_FEATURE_LEVEL_11_0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d10warp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3d10warp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\d3d10warp.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 0000017552B60B38, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 0000017552B60B38 supports... Supports IUnknown: 0000017552B602F0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 0000017552B60348 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 0000017552B60348 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 0000017552B60348 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 0000017552B60348 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 0000017552B60B70 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 0000017552B60B38 Supports ID3D11Device1: 0000017552B60B38 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 0000017552B60B38 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 0000017552B602F0 -> HackerDevice: 000001754DDCF1A0 HackerDevice 000001754DDCF1A0 created to wrap 0000017552B60B38 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCF1A0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 0000017551C3E438 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 0000017551E32980. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 0000017552B60B38, device wrapper = 000001754DDCF1A0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=000001754DDCF1A0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: OpenCL.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\AppXDeploymentClient.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-crt-private-l1-1-0.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-winrt-string-l1-1-0.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-security-base-l1-1-0.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dxgi.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory called with riid: IDXGIFactory Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017552D0BC20 CreateDXGIFactory returned factory = 0000017552D0BC20, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvopencl64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msasn1.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: drvstore.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: devobj.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptbase.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: nvapi64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvopencl64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvopencl64.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 000001755135EED0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000001754EAEF2E8 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 000001754EAEF2D8 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001756AE98A40 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001756AE98A40, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 000001756AE108D8, context handle = 0000017552DC4400 Checking what interfaces 000001756AE108D8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756AE10090 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 000001756AE100E8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 000001756AE100E8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 000001756AE100E8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 000001756AE100E8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 000001756AE10910 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 000001756AE108D8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 000001756AE108D8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Checking what interfaces 0000017552DC4400 supports... Supports IUnknown: 0000017552DC4310 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 0000017552DC43D8 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 0000017552DC4400 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 0000017552DC4400 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 0000017552DC4400 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 000001756AE108D8 QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 0000017552DC4400 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 000001756AE10090 -> HackerDevice: 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice 000001754DDCDD00 created to wrap 000001756AE108D8 Creating FrameAnalysisContext HackerContext 0000017551E31B80 created to wrap 0000017552DC4400 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 000001755220A838 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 0000017551E31F80. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto pre { FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_lootsparkle = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_arrowtrail = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_balistatrail = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_pulseonarrowhit = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_weapontrail = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_overpowerweapontrail = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_levelupglow = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_bayekhiddeneffects = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_breaklineofsighteffects = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_heavyattackwarningcircle = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_heavyattackwarningflash = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_headshotkillflash = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_enemyhitredstripe = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_enemyoutlines = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_heavychargedglow = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_bayekabilityunlockglow = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_avengequestcorpseglow = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_eaglesensewave = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_containerglow = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_shieldsmoke = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_enemypoisonedsmoke = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_followroadpath = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_animalinwaterglow = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_speedeffectwhitestripes = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_weaponregenaura = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_weaponregencharglow = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_regentargetsmoke = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_hailofarrowsbowglow = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_bayekactiveobjectives = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $senuminimizeinterface = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_hintmessages = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_bayekdistancetext = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_crosshair = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_senyudistancetext = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_senyupointofinterestoutlineicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_senyutargetdistancewheel = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_compassicondistancetext = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $moretransparentcompass = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_acpwatermark = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_craftingavailableicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_abilitypointavailableicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_cursedhealthbar = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_interactionindicatoricon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_enemyhitdirectionindicator = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_enemydetectionfeedback = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_enemyminiicons = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_enemylevelindicator = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $show_enemylevelindicatoronkey = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disable_enemyhealthbar = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_alignthestarscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_alignthestarsicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_anubisshadowicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_assassinbureauicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_avengequesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_bayekicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_blacksmithicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_cityicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_cobralaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_cobralairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_crocodilelaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_crocodilelairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_custommarkericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_fortcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_forticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_gladiatorarenaicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_greenquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_hermitlocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_hermitlocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_hippodromeicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_hippopotamuslairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_hyenalaircompletedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_hyenalairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_ibexlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_ibexlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_leopardlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_leopardlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_lionlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_lionlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_markedquestobjectiveicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_mediummilitarycompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_mediummilitaryicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_mythsofthepharaohsicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_nomadsbazaaricon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_papyruscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_papyrusicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_pharaohscurseicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_phylakesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_ptolemystatuecompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_ptolemystatueicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_questobjectiveicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_questgivericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_redatimedquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_redquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_scorpionlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_scorpionlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_senuicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_shadowofthescarabicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_smallmilitarycompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_smallmilitaryicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_stablesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_tombcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_tombicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_tombportallocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_targetyellowpointer = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_tresurelocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_tresurelocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_trialofanubisicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_trialofsekhmeticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_trialofsobekicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_unvisitedlocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_unvisitedspeciallocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_viewpointicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_villageicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_vulturelairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_warelephantcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_warelephanticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablem_weavericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_alignthestarscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_alignthestarscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_alignthestarsicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_anubisshadowicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_assassinbureauicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_assassinbureauicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_avengequesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_blacksmithicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_cityicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_cobralaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_cobralaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_cobralairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_crocodilelaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_crocodilelaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_crocodilelairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_fortcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_fortcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_forticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_gladiatorarenaicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_greenquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_greenquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hermitlocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hermitlocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hermitlocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hippodromeicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hippopotamuslairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hyenalaircompletedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hyenalaircompletedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_hyenalairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_ibexlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_ibexlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_ibexlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_leopardlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_leopardlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_leopardlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_lionlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_lionlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_lionlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_mediummilitarycompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_mediummilitarycompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_mediummilitaryicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_mythsofthepharaohsicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_nomadsbazaaricon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_papyruscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_papyruscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_papyrusicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_pharaohscurseicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_phylakesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_ptolemystatuecompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_ptolemystatuecompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_ptolemystatueicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_questgivericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_redatimedquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_redquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_scorpionlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_scorpionlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_shadowofthescarabicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_smallmilitarycompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_smallmilitarycompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_smallmilitaryicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_stablesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_tombcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_tombcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_tombicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_tombportallocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_tombportallocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_tresurelocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_tresurelocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_tresurelocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_trialofanubisicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_trialofanubisicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_trialofsekhmeticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_trialofsekhmeticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_trialofsobekicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_trialofsobekicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_unvisitedlocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_unvisitedspeciallocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_viewpointicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_villageicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_vulturelairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_warelephantcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_warelephantcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_warelephanticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecb_weavericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_avengequesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_custommarkericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_questgivericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_unvisitedlocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_alignthestarscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_alignthestarsicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_anubisshadowicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_assassinbureauicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_avengequesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_blacksmithicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_cityicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_cobralaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_cobralairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_crocodilelaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_crocodilelairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_fortcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_forticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_gladiatorarenaicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_greenquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_hermitlocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_hermitlocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_hippodromeicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_hippopotamuslaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_hippopotamuslairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_hyenalaircompletedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_hyenalairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_ibexlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_ibexlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_leopardlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_leopardlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_lionlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_lionlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_mediummilitarycompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_mythsofthepharaohscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_mediummilitaryicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_mythsofthepharaohsicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_nomadsbazaaricon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_papyruscompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_papyrusicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_pharaohscurseicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_phylakesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_ptolemystatuecompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_ptolemystatueicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_questgivericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_redatimedquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_redquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_scorpionlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_scorpionlaircompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_shadowofthescarabicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_smallmilitarycompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_smallmilitaryicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_stablesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_tombcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_tombicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_tombportallocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_tresurelocationcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_tresurelocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_trialofanubisicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_trialofsekhmeticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_trialofsobekicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_unvisitedlocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_viewpointicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_villageicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_vulturelairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_warelephantcompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_warelephanticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablecs_weavericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_allyicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_animalattackfloatingwarningicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_anubisshadowicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_assassinbureauicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_avengequesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_balistafloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_beaconfloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_beaconlitfloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_blacksmithicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_clueicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_cluecompleteicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_custommarkericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_gladiatorarenaicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_greenquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_hiddenentrancefloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_hippodromeicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_markedquestobjectiveicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_nomadsbazaaricon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_papyrusfloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_pharaohscurseicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_phylakesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_questobjectiveicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_questgivericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_redatimedquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_redquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_senyuhelpfloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_shadowofthescarabicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_stablesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_targetyellowpointer = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_treasurefloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_trialofanubisicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_trialofsekhmeticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_trialofsobekicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_viewpointicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_weavericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_yourmountcamelicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefb_yourmounthorseicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_alignthestarsicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_animalattackfloatingwarningicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_anubisshadowicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_assassinbureauicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_avengequesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_balistafloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_bayekicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_beaconfloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_beaconlitfloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_blacksmithicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_cityicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_cobralairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_crocodilelairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_custommarkericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_forticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_gladiatorarenaicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_greenquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_hermitlocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_hiddenentrancefloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_hippodromeicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_hippopotamuslairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_hyenalairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_ibexlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_leopardlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_lionlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_markedquestobjectiveicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_mediummilitaryicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_mythsofthepharaohsicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_mythsofthepharaohssteelefloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_nomadsbazaaricon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_papyrusfloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_papyrusicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_pharaohscurseicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_phylakesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_ptolemystatueicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_questobjectiveicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_questgivericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_redatimedquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_redquesticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_scorpionlairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_shadowofthescarabicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_smallmilitaryicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_stablesicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_tombicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_treasurefloatingicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_tresurelocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_trialofanubisicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_trialofsekhmeticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_trialofsobekicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_unvisitedlocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_unvisitedspeciallocationicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_viewpointicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_viewpointsynchronisedicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_villageicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_vulturelairicon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_warelephanticon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disablefs_weavericon = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $cleanwhiteredoutfit = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $graciousattire = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $darkisuarmor = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Constants] $disableisuarmorglow = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto } -> device handle = 000001756AE108D8, device wrapper = 000001754DDCDD00, context handle = 0000017552DC4400, context wrapper = 0000017551E31B80 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 000001754EAEF2F0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateDeferredContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with flags = 0, ptr:000001754EAEFB20 Checking what interfaces 000001756B97B100 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756B97B010 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001756B97B100 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001756B97B100 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001756B97B100 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. created HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) wrapper of 000001756B97B100 returns result = 0 for 0000017551E32240 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:000001754EAEFB18 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 000001754EAEFB30 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 HackerDevice::CreateDeferredContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with flags = 0, ptr:000001754314F110 Checking what interfaces 000001756B98B4D0 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756B98B3E0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001756B98B4D0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001756B98B4D0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001756B98B4D0 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. created HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) wrapper of 000001756B98B4D0 returns result = 0 for 0000017551E325A0 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:000001754314F108 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 000001754314F120 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 HackerDevice::CreateDeferredContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with flags = 0, ptr:000001754314F950 Checking what interfaces 000001756B99B8A0 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756B99B7B0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001756B99B8A0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001756B99B8A0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001756B99B8A0 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. created HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) wrapper of 000001756B99B8A0 returns result = 0 for 0000017551E32AB0 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:000001754314F948 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 000001754314F960 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 HackerDevice::CreateDeferredContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with flags = 0, ptr:000001755019D550 Checking what interfaces 000001756B9B1700 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756B9B1610 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001756B9B1700 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001756B9B1700 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001756B9B1700 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. created HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) wrapper of 000001756B9B1700 returns result = 0 for 0000017551E33170 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:000001755019D548 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 000001755019D560 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 HackerDevice::CreateDeferredContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with flags = 0, ptr:000001755059E4E0 Checking what interfaces 000001756B9DCEC0 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756B9DCDD0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001756B9DCEC0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001756B9DCEC0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001756B9DCEC0 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. created HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) wrapper of 000001756B9DCEC0 returns result = 0 for 0000017551E32C60 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:000001755059E4D8 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 000001755059E4F0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 HackerDevice::CreateDeferredContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with flags = 0, ptr:000001755059ED20 Checking what interfaces 000001756B9F2D20 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756B9F2C30 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001756B9F2D20 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001756B9F2D20 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001756B9F2D20 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. created HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) wrapper of 000001756B9F2D20 returns result = 0 for 0000017551E32E10 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:000001755059ED18 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 000001755059ED30 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 HackerDevice::CreateDeferredContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with flags = 0, ptr:000001755059F660 Checking what interfaces 000001756BA4A100 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756BA4A010 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001756BA4A100 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001756BA4A100 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001756BA4A100 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. created HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) wrapper of 000001756BA4A100 returns result = 0 for 0000017551E32FC0 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:000001755059F658 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 000001755059F670 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 HackerDevice::CreateDeferredContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with flags = 0, ptr:0000017550E77690 Checking what interfaces 000001756BA5FF60 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756BA5FE70 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001756BA5FF60 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001756BA5FF60 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001756BA5FF60 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. created HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) wrapper of 000001756BA5FF60 returns result = 0 for 000001756B6BBBD0 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:0000017550E77688 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 0000017550E776A0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 HackerDevice::CreateDeferredContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with flags = 0, ptr:0000017550E7A4D0 Checking what interfaces 000001756BA765B0 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001756BA764C0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001756BA765B0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001756BA765B0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001756BA765B0 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. created HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) wrapper of 000001756BA765B0 returns result = 0 for 000001756B6BA5E0 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:0000017550E7A4C8 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext2 returns result = 0 for 0000017550E7A4E0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device2 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE108D8 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Advapi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\Shell32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll. Replaced Hooked_LoadLibraryExW for: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll to D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\nvapi64.dll. Replaced Hooked_LoadLibraryExW fallback for: C:\WINDOWS\system32\nvapi64.dll to nvapi64.dll. HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device return HackerDevice(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) wrapper of 000001756AE108D8 returns result = 0 for 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 000001756AE100E8 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::SetPrivateDataInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: {55007386-1530-4A02-B5FE-7A7B64D96701} HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBB0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) wrapper of 0000017552DC4400 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 0000017552A23800 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) wrapper of 0000017552DC4400 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GetType() = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=21, this=0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::Release counter=20, this=0000017551E31B80 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) wrapper of 000001756B97B100 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 0000017552A23960 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) wrapper of 000001756B97B100 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::GetType() = 1 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=36, this=000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A05C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A05C0) HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=0000017551E32240 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=0000017551E32240 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) wrapper of 000001756B98B4D0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 0000017552A239A0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) wrapper of 000001756B98B4D0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GetType() = 1 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=36, this=000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A3B80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A3B80) HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=0000017551E325A0 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=0000017551E325A0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) wrapper of 000001756B99B8A0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 0000017552A239E0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) wrapper of 000001756B99B8A0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GetType() = 1 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=36, this=000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A2000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A2000) HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=0000017551E32AB0 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=0000017551E32AB0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) wrapper of 000001756B9B1700 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 0000017552A1F800 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) wrapper of 000001756B9B1700 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GetType() = 1 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=36, this=000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A16C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A16C0) HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=0000017551E33170 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=0000017551E33170 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) wrapper of 000001756B9DCEC0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 0000017552A22440 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) wrapper of 000001756B9DCEC0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::GetType() = 1 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=36, this=000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A0700) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A0700) HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=0000017551E32C60 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=0000017551E32C60 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) wrapper of 000001756B9F2D20 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 0000017552A21EE0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) wrapper of 000001756B9F2D20 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GetType() = 1 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=36, this=000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A48C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A48C0) HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=0000017551E32E10 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=0000017551E32E10 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) wrapper of 000001756BA4A100 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 0000017552A22340 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) wrapper of 000001756BA4A100 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::GetType() = 1 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=36, this=000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A2800) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A2800) HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=0000017551E32FC0 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=0000017551E32FC0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) wrapper of 000001756BA5FF60 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 0000017552A227A0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) wrapper of 000001756BA5FF60 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::GetType() = 1 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=36, this=000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A2FC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A2FC0) HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=000001756B6BBBD0 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=000001756B6BBBD0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) wrapper of 000001756BA765B0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 00000175515F7FB0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) wrapper of 000001756BA765B0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 887a0002, DataSize = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::GetType() = 1 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=35, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerContext::GetDevice(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) returns 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::Release counter=36, this=000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A2BC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A2BC0) HackerContext::SetPrivateDataInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=000001756B6BA5E0 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=000001756B6BA5E0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: ID3D11Device failed result = 80004002 for 0000004008CFEBE8 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) wrapper of 000001756BA765B0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBF0 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} failed result = 80004002 for 000001756BA9DE60 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: ID3D11DeviceContext return HackerContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) wrapper of 000001756BA765B0 returns result = 0 for 0000004008CFEBA0 HackerContext::GetPrivateData(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0) called with IID: {BC09D320-CA95-452A-B7B2-5C94A4F07D07} returns result = 0, DataSize = 8 HackerContext::Release counter=3, this=000001756B6BA5E0 HackerContext::Release counter=2, this=000001756B6BA5E0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008CA0420, SysMemPitch: 4, SysMemSlicePitch: 4 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 4 bad v1.2.1 length: 1 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = ba8af3fa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017551642E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008C9FF20, SysMemPitch: 4, SysMemSlicePitch: 4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 4 bad v1.2.1 length: 1 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = bf35f380 returns result = 0, handle = 00000175514189B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008CA0420, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = e7e6fca4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017551B29E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008CA0A20, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F 7F Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = 09d4a393 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017552981778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008C9FF20, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = eb408378 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756B1503B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008CA0720, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 A0 40 A0 FF A0 40 A0 FF A0 40 A0 FF A0 40 A0 FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = 75b87a03 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017551E672F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBF0->0000004008CA0420, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 Texture3D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBF0, hash = 3564ffd8 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBF0->0000004008C9FF20, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 Texture3D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBF0, hash = 633a1e37 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBF0->0000004008CA0720, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 Texture3D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBF0, hash = 3b8f059e returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FB70->0000004008CA0420, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 96 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FB70, hash = 989fe72c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAE838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FB70->0000004008C9FF20, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 96 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FB70, hash = 361ef62d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAE2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 6 Format = BC6H_UF16 (95) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 0000004008C9F8D0->0000004008CA0D20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 98304 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9F8D0, hash = d1354b57 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAD878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FB70->0000004008C9FF20, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 96 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FB70, hash = 361ef62d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAE5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 12 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FB00->0000004008CA0420, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 192 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FB00, hash = 0b08b613 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAF2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 12 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FB00->0000004008C9FF20, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 192 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FB00, hash = a589a712 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAED78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 2 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBA0->0000004008C9FF20, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 32 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBA0, hash = 3b967371 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAADDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008C9FDE0, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = c4fff200 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAF578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008C9FE20, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = f0d30357 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAE078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008C9FE60, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FF FF 7F 7F FF FF 7F 7F FF FF 7F 7F FF FF 7F 7F Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = 6518b4cf returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAEAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 4 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FB80->0000004008CA0220, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FB80, hash = ff03cb0d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAAF038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBF0->0000004008CA0320, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 Texture3D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBF0, hash = 5eae0efc returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0->0000004008C9FEA0, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FF 80 80 FF FF 80 80 FF FF 80 80 FF FF 80 80 FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008C9FBC0, hash = 9b259402 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BAC4178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 786432 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 864 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 17280 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 10485760 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1024 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 65536 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 336 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 136 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 136 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 352 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 176 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 352 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 176 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 352 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 176 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1100 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1100 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 978f29fa returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB069F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 32 Height = 32 Depth = 16 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 1b7326ed returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 93d63353 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB081B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 8 Height = 8 Depth = 8 MipLevels = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFEB80->00007FF63283BE40, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 Texture3D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 512 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFEB80, hash = 04fbc6dc returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFEB50->00007FF63283C640, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 4E 43 1C 46 E0 49 00 3C 4E 43 1C 46 E0 49 00 3C Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 32 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFEB50, hash = 2da45b68 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB07478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 3 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32B32A32_FLOAT (2) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFEB50->00007FF63283C740, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 768 bad v1.2.1 length: 48 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFEB50, hash = 1f74865d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB07738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 51888 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 2 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 524288 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 268435456 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 52428800 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1212416 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 461373440 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 123731968 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16777208 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 28 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 31457280 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 31457280 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 65536 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 65536 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 65536 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 65536 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 65536 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1868, handle = 00000176435E0000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e79d5017ac190305 shader registered for possible reloading: e79d5017ac190305_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756B186550, hash = e79d5017ac190305 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756B186550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1488, handle = 00000176435E074C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fd30bb0d779af82 shader registered for possible reloading: 1fd30bb0d779af82_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756B187D90, hash = 1fd30bb0d779af82 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756B187D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2220, handle = 00000176435E0D1C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f671589426e26ac shader registered for possible reloading: 1f671589426e26ac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756B186690, hash = 1f671589426e26ac returns result = 0, handle = 000001756B186690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1624, handle = 00000176435E15C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07a403b3164c324a shader registered for possible reloading: 07a403b3164c324a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756B186B10, hash = 07a403b3164c324a returns result = 0, handle = 000001756B186B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3396, handle = 00000176435E1C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f1a0c788aa1e7db shader registered for possible reloading: 3f1a0c788aa1e7db_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BB36790, hash = 3f1a0c788aa1e7db returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB36790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1624, handle = 00000176435E2964, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07a403b3164c324a shader registered for possible reloading: 07a403b3164c324a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BB34C10, hash = 07a403b3164c324a returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB34C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1776, handle = 00000176435E2FBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36903db4ee7d1e3e shader registered for possible reloading: 36903db4ee7d1e3e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BB35090, hash = 36903db4ee7d1e3e returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB35090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1488, handle = 00000176435E36AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fd30bb0d779af82 shader registered for possible reloading: 1fd30bb0d779af82_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BB354D0, hash = 1fd30bb0d779af82 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB354D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 908, handle = 00000176435E3C7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80a35e7b7f236d9c shader registered for possible reloading: 80a35e7b7f236d9c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BB35A90, hash = 80a35e7b7f236d9c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB35A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1508, handle = 00000176435E4008, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d34984dd8e673e16 shader registered for possible reloading: d34984dd8e673e16_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BB35650, hash = d34984dd8e673e16 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB35650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11316, handle = 00000176435E45EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49c7306f30d8fd35 shader registered for possible reloading: 49c7306f30d8fd35_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BB35350, hash = 49c7306f30d8fd35 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB35350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1496, handle = 00000176435E7220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd21f50360095ead shader registered for possible reloading: bd21f50360095ead_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BB35C10, hash = bd21f50360095ead returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB35C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2904, handle = 00000176435E77F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7546593f7d0e534c shader registered for possible reloading: 7546593f7d0e534c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BB361D0, hash = 7546593f7d0e534c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB361D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1496, handle = 00000176435E8350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd21f50360095ead shader registered for possible reloading: bd21f50360095ead_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BB35910, hash = bd21f50360095ead returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB35910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2872, handle = 00000176435E8928, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0a6ebf696c7d053 shader registered for possible reloading: e0a6ebf696c7d053_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BB34D90, hash = e0a6ebf696c7d053 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB34D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1624, handle = 00000176435E9460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07a403b3164c324a shader registered for possible reloading: 07a403b3164c324a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BB36050, hash = 07a403b3164c324a returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB36050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4812, handle = 00000176435E9AB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa7c07b45b234af2 shader registered for possible reloading: fa7c07b45b234af2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BB36310, hash = fa7c07b45b234af2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB36310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1624, handle = 00000176435EAD84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07a403b3164c324a shader registered for possible reloading: 07a403b3164c324a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BB36610, hash = 07a403b3164c324a returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB36610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1856, handle = 00000176435EB3DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f6ad5a7f19bba0d shader registered for possible reloading: 6f6ad5a7f19bba0d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BB34F10, hash = 6f6ad5a7f19bba0d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB34F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1488, handle = 00000176435EBB1C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fd30bb0d779af82 shader registered for possible reloading: 1fd30bb0d779af82_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BBFB0D0, hash = 1fd30bb0d779af82 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFB0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 00000176435EC0EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2b3280e0c0407c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBF9150, hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF9150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 00000176435EC2D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BBFA850, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFA850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 544, handle = 00000176435EC560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86d5262fa300dd58 shader registered for possible reloading: 86d5262fa300dd58_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBF8B90, hash = 86d5262fa300dd58 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF8B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 00000176435EC780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BBFAB10, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFAB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 00000176435ECA0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2b3280e0c0407c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBFA550, hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFA550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 00000176435ECBF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BBF9E50, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF9E50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1544, handle = 00000176435ECE80 FNV hash = ca71b9c50080893a shader registered for possible reloading: ca71b9c50080893a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF8D10, hash = ca71b9c50080893a returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF8D10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6084, handle = 00000176435ED488 FNV hash = 6c8dcff6558eef44 shader registered for possible reloading: 6c8dcff6558eef44_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBFAC90, hash = 6c8dcff6558eef44 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFAC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5180, handle = 00000176435EEC4C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ece2ad88201d3e2c shader registered for possible reloading: ece2ad88201d3e2c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBF8750, hash = ece2ad88201d3e2c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF8750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5848, handle = 00000176435F0088, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f601f3b6119e9d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4f601f3b6119e9d8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBF99D0, hash = 4f601f3b6119e9d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF99D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3932, handle = 00000176435F1760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa9cc6f97b821ed6 shader registered for possible reloading: aa9cc6f97b821ed6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBF8890, hash = aa9cc6f97b821ed6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF8890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1724, handle = 00000176435F26BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b64a74d10a15564f shader registered for possible reloading: b64a74d10a15564f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBFA290, hash = b64a74d10a15564f returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFA290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2024, handle = 00000176435F2D78 FNV hash = 6b190503338392cb shader registered for possible reloading: 6b190503338392cb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF9CD0, hash = 6b190503338392cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF9CD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4264, handle = 00000176435F3560 FNV hash = 832f03192119114e shader registered for possible reloading: 832f03192119114e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBFA9D0, hash = 832f03192119114e returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFA9D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 00000176435F4608 FNV hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 926ec56904cddbf8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBFAF90, hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFAF90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1384, handle = 00000176435F478C FNV hash = c19be1c37bf560af shader registered for possible reloading: c19be1c37bf560af_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF8190, hash = c19be1c37bf560af returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF8190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2692, handle = 00000176435F4CF4 FNV hash = 3334d920eeccb6c6 shader registered for possible reloading: 3334d920eeccb6c6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF85D0, hash = 3334d920eeccb6c6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF85D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2840, handle = 00000176435F5778 FNV hash = a37326e85eb94ba8 shader registered for possible reloading: a37326e85eb94ba8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBFB250, hash = a37326e85eb94ba8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFB250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6880, handle = 00000176435F6290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a42c6a5fad514ec1 shader registered for possible reloading: a42c6a5fad514ec1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBFB3D0, hash = a42c6a5fad514ec1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFB3D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2232, handle = 00000176435F7D70 FNV hash = 6ba9782200286cdb shader registered for possible reloading: 6ba9782200286cdb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBFB550, hash = 6ba9782200286cdb returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFB550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2328, handle = 00000176435F8628 FNV hash = 2eb371a0ed9dbbeb shader registered for possible reloading: 2eb371a0ed9dbbeb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF8A10, hash = 2eb371a0ed9dbbeb returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF8A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1448, handle = 00000176435F8F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34b1465cd5dbec6d shader registered for possible reloading: 34b1465cd5dbec6d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBFA110, hash = 34b1465cd5dbec6d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFA110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1404, handle = 00000176435F94E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc33e11e10d48a42 shader registered for possible reloading: bc33e11e10d48a42_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBFB690, hash = bc33e11e10d48a42 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBFB690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1304, handle = 00000176435F9A64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39f46276ff38a49b shader registered for possible reloading: 39f46276ff38a49b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBF9710, hash = 39f46276ff38a49b returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF9710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1292, handle = 00000176435F9F7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14a3b3e51629dfac shader registered for possible reloading: 14a3b3e51629dfac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBF8E50, hash = 14a3b3e51629dfac returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF8E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1576, handle = 00000176435FA488, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c78e86d1e3f6f5d shader registered for possible reloading: 7c78e86d1e3f6f5d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBF7D10, hash = 7c78e86d1e3f6f5d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF7D10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4168, handle = 00000176435FAAB0 FNV hash = 6808bc0eb05a7eba shader registered for possible reloading: 6808bc0eb05a7eba_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF7E90, hash = 6808bc0eb05a7eba returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF7E90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2812, handle = 00000176435FBAF8 FNV hash = fc2694427d58917d shader registered for possible reloading: fc2694427d58917d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF7A50, hash = fc2694427d58917d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF7A50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2540, handle = 00000176435FC5F4 FNV hash = 7f60be5da2c7f87c shader registered for possible reloading: 7f60be5da2c7f87c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF8FD0, hash = 7f60be5da2c7f87c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF8FD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2012, handle = 00000176435FCFE0 FNV hash = 7db0292d738465e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 7db0292d738465e4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF9F90, hash = 7db0292d738465e4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF9F90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2012, handle = 00000176435FD7BC FNV hash = 7db0292d738465e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 7db0292d738465e4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF9590, hash = 7db0292d738465e4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF9590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1720, handle = 00000176435FDF98 FNV hash = f4c9d628b31f2c7c shader registered for possible reloading: f4c9d628b31f2c7c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF9890, hash = f4c9d628b31f2c7c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF9890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1720, handle = 00000176435FE650 FNV hash = f4c9d628b31f2c7c shader registered for possible reloading: f4c9d628b31f2c7c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF9B50, hash = f4c9d628b31f2c7c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF9B50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3140, handle = 00000176435FED08 FNV hash = e01521c554435de2 shader registered for possible reloading: e01521c554435de2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BBF8010, hash = e01521c554435de2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF8010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3324, handle = 00000176435FF94C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd04066076fea0d4 shader registered for possible reloading: fd04066076fea0d4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BBF82D0, hash = fd04066076fea0d4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BBF82D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017643600648, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BCEC490, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEC490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2472, handle = 00000176436008D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e57fe7517794c45d shader registered for possible reloading: e57fe7517794c45d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BCECA50, hash = e57fe7517794c45d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCECA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 000001764360127C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BCEB910, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEB910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2396, handle = 0000017643601508, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 277d5b9acabd37a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 277d5b9acabd37a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BCED5D0, hash = 277d5b9acabd37a2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCED5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017643601E64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BCEC8D0, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEC8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1592, handle = 00000176436020F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = add7310675bd6a2d shader registered for possible reloading: add7310675bd6a2d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BCE9950, hash = add7310675bd6a2d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCE9950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017643602728, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BCECBD0, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCECBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1592, handle = 00000176436029B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = add7310675bd6a2d shader registered for possible reloading: add7310675bd6a2d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BCE9F10, hash = add7310675bd6a2d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCE9F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017643602FEC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BCEB610, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEB610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1536, handle = 0000017643603278, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93691561b38a64ce shader registered for possible reloading: 93691561b38a64ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BCECE90, hash = 93691561b38a64ce returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCECE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017643603878, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BCEBA90, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEBA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1536, handle = 0000017643603B04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93691561b38a64ce shader registered for possible reloading: 93691561b38a64ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BCEA650, hash = 93691561b38a64ce returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEA650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017643604104, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BCEA950, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEA950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2860, handle = 0000017643604390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59af10206938a85c shader registered for possible reloading: 59af10206938a85c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BCEC750, hash = 59af10206938a85c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEC750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017643604EBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001756BCEBED0, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEBED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1480, handle = 0000017643605148, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 033ba2d08bf467da shader registered for possible reloading: 033ba2d08bf467da_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BCEB790, hash = 033ba2d08bf467da returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEB790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1420, handle = 0000017643605710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 931316a1259bea1e shader registered for possible reloading: 931316a1259bea1e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001756BCEC610, hash = 931316a1259bea1e returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEC610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 22004, handle = 0000017643605C9C FNV hash = 5644efd3c3f0ae51 shader registered for possible reloading: 5644efd3c3f0ae51_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEBBD0, hash = 5644efd3c3f0ae51 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEBBD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 21728, handle = 000001764360B290 FNV hash = 70d2a0361a276087 shader registered for possible reloading: 70d2a0361a276087_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCED190, hash = 70d2a0361a276087 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCED190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 21660, handle = 0000017643610770 FNV hash = f0093dd896d1fab8 shader registered for possible reloading: f0093dd896d1fab8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEBD50, hash = f0093dd896d1fab8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEBD50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13148, handle = 0000017643615C0C FNV hash = ae9beab3ab68509a shader registered for possible reloading: ae9beab3ab68509a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCED2D0, hash = ae9beab3ab68509a returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCED2D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11064, handle = 0000017643618F68 FNV hash = 25d08606d8664895 shader registered for possible reloading: 25d08606d8664895_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCED010, hash = 25d08606d8664895 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCED010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12476, handle = 000001764361BAA0 FNV hash = f0dcbc75b2d6f4d9 shader registered for possible reloading: f0dcbc75b2d6f4d9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCED450, hash = f0dcbc75b2d6f4d9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCED450 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11864, handle = 000001764361EB5C FNV hash = e976dde9e6a4cf72 shader registered for possible reloading: e976dde9e6a4cf72_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEC050, hash = e976dde9e6a4cf72 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEC050 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5148, handle = 00000176436219B4 FNV hash = 680deeff4fa666f6 shader registered for possible reloading: 680deeff4fa666f6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCED750, hash = 680deeff4fa666f6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCED750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4792, handle = 0000017643622DD0 FNV hash = e726b9364617594e shader registered for possible reloading: e726b9364617594e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEB050, hash = e726b9364617594e returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEB050 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8132, handle = 0000017643624088 FNV hash = 838eb23b5bb80d20 shader registered for possible reloading: 838eb23b5bb80d20_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCE9AD0, hash = 838eb23b5bb80d20 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCE9AD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7600, handle = 000001764362604C FNV hash = 6bf8b0d4bc28cd09 shader registered for possible reloading: 6bf8b0d4bc28cd09_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEA090, hash = 6bf8b0d4bc28cd09 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEA090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1708, handle = 0000017643627DFC FNV hash = eb694f2c32adf826 shader registered for possible reloading: eb694f2c32adf826_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEB350, hash = eb694f2c32adf826 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEB350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12664, handle = 00000176436284A8 FNV hash = a46f39629ca63054 shader registered for possible reloading: a46f39629ca63054_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCE9C50, hash = a46f39629ca63054 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCE9C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12308, handle = 000001764362B620 FNV hash = 1fb3fc858caa6349 shader registered for possible reloading: 1fb3fc858caa6349_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEB1D0, hash = 1fb3fc858caa6349 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEB1D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9316, handle = 000001764362E634 FNV hash = 37ce6e2301a81841 shader registered for possible reloading: 37ce6e2301a81841_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEAC10, hash = 37ce6e2301a81841 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEAC10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10264, handle = 0000017643630A98 FNV hash = 9ce5ea2f49287eee shader registered for possible reloading: 9ce5ea2f49287eee_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEAD90, hash = 9ce5ea2f49287eee returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEAD90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9844, handle = 00000176436332B0 FNV hash = 09aee4c7176b24dc shader registered for possible reloading: 09aee4c7176b24dc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEA7D0, hash = 09aee4c7176b24dc returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEA7D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2480, handle = 0000017643635924 FNV hash = d67f1ab3768fc37e shader registered for possible reloading: d67f1ab3768fc37e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCE9DD0, hash = d67f1ab3768fc37e returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCE9DD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2144, handle = 00000176436362D4 FNV hash = 7d82fd2201d0c4a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d82fd2201d0c4a1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEA390, hash = 7d82fd2201d0c4a1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEA390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2912, handle = 0000017643636B34 FNV hash = d308465cc0ec8bbb shader registered for possible reloading: d308465cc0ec8bbb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEB4D0, hash = d308465cc0ec8bbb returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEB4D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9008, handle = 0000017643637694 FNV hash = b732ee1ba31117df shader registered for possible reloading: b732ee1ba31117df_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEA4D0, hash = b732ee1ba31117df returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEA4D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2776, handle = 00000176436399C4 FNV hash = 172e676e05d02e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 172e676e05d02e0f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001756BCEAA90, hash = 172e676e05d02e0f returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BCEAA90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3160, handle = 000001764363A49C FNV hash = c4f64eb504b4d4ee shader registered for possible reloading: c4f64eb504b4d4ee_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FD850, hash = c4f64eb504b4d4ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FD850 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1200, handle = 000001764363B0F4 FNV hash = fde6cf3198fa3104 shader registered for possible reloading: fde6cf3198fa3104_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FE3D0, hash = fde6cf3198fa3104 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FE3D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3880, handle = 000001764363B5A4 FNV hash = bd0094edb5684484 shader registered for possible reloading: bd0094edb5684484_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FE990, hash = bd0094edb5684484 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FE990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 980, handle = 000001764363C4CC FNV hash = e8d636d3755af736 shader registered for possible reloading: e8d636d3755af736_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FD6D0, hash = e8d636d3755af736 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FD6D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2100, handle = 000001764363C8A0 FNV hash = 7adeabce8ab53cc6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7adeabce8ab53cc6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FE810, hash = 7adeabce8ab53cc6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FE810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1852, handle = 000001764363D0D4 FNV hash = b72c1ce2e123dd6c shader registered for possible reloading: b72c1ce2e123dd6c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176457004D0, hash = b72c1ce2e123dd6c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176457004D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1784, handle = 000001764363D810 FNV hash = 0fe6ce9e7a1b50c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 0fe6ce9e7a1b50c8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645700910, hash = 0fe6ce9e7a1b50c8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645700910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2288, handle = 000001764363DF08 FNV hash = e28b3786c7d23d06 shader registered for possible reloading: e28b3786c7d23d06_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FE250, hash = e28b3786c7d23d06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FE250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2968, handle = 000001764363E7F8 FNV hash = a9e071cdbb97406d shader registered for possible reloading: a9e071cdbb97406d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645700A90, hash = a9e071cdbb97406d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645700A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1576, handle = 000001764363F390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74cdb586cd58c918 shader registered for possible reloading: 74cdb586cd58c918_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176456FE510, hash = 74cdb586cd58c918 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FE510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5940, handle = 000001764363F9B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4321a798ab53c280 shader registered for possible reloading: 4321a798ab53c280_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645700C10, hash = 4321a798ab53c280 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645700C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5968, handle = 00000176436410EC FNV hash = faa19ff62d67a26d shader registered for possible reloading: faa19ff62d67a26d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FEF50, hash = faa19ff62d67a26d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FEF50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5720, handle = 000001764364283C FNV hash = f640b1813a4fed11 shader registered for possible reloading: f640b1813a4fed11_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FF390, hash = f640b1813a4fed11 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FF390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2736, handle = 0000017643643E94 FNV hash = 2aec58ef85b02203 shader registered for possible reloading: 2aec58ef85b02203_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176457001D0, hash = 2aec58ef85b02203 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176457001D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11604, handle = 0000017643644944 FNV hash = 0225aa6ff2880482 shader registered for possible reloading: 0225aa6ff2880482_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FFD90, hash = 0225aa6ff2880482 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FFD90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2444, handle = 0000017643647698 FNV hash = 2abb4a65809a41c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 2abb4a65809a41c5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645700ED0, hash = 2abb4a65809a41c5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645700ED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7984, handle = 0000017643648024 FNV hash = 091f95c6ce057ca2 shader registered for possible reloading: 091f95c6ce057ca2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FF510, hash = 091f95c6ce057ca2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FF510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7784, handle = 0000017643649F54 FNV hash = e5354223fdd5fba9 shader registered for possible reloading: e5354223fdd5fba9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FEAD0, hash = e5354223fdd5fba9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FEAD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3428, handle = 000001764364BDBC FNV hash = ce93dc6e5cd6da62 shader registered for possible reloading: ce93dc6e5cd6da62_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FD550, hash = ce93dc6e5cd6da62 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FD550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2444, handle = 000001764364CB20 FNV hash = 2abb4a65809a41c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 2abb4a65809a41c5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FFAD0, hash = 2abb4a65809a41c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FFAD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7112, handle = 000001764364D4AC FNV hash = 039dcd2016ff16cc shader registered for possible reloading: 039dcd2016ff16cc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FF090, hash = 039dcd2016ff16cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FF090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1056, handle = 000001764364F074 FNV hash = 983bd159c06c2502 shader registered for possible reloading: 983bd159c06c2502_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FF7D0, hash = 983bd159c06c2502 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FF7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 720, handle = 000001764364F494, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4496eb0934783f5 shader registered for possible reloading: e4496eb0934783f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176456FDB10, hash = e4496eb0934783f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FDB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1152, handle = 000001764364F764, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1784e70b8f9e7573 shader registered for possible reloading: 1784e70b8f9e7573_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176456FDE10, hash = 1784e70b8f9e7573 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FDE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3948, handle = 000001764364FBE4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56031ec5a3dc0ac2 shader registered for possible reloading: 56031ec5a3dc0ac2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176456FE0D0, hash = 56031ec5a3dc0ac2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FE0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2064, handle = 0000017643650B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee44375f2ceb49bc shader registered for possible reloading: ee44375f2ceb49bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176456FF210, hash = ee44375f2ceb49bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FF210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1004, handle = 0000017643651360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c218595ac232649 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c218595ac232649_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176456FE690, hash = 9c218595ac232649 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FE690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2800, handle = 000001764365174C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3897f307605a81ec shader registered for possible reloading: 3897f307605a81ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645700D50, hash = 3897f307605a81ec returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645700D50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1460, handle = 000001764365223C FNV hash = 747f1fe2ca8f98fb shader registered for possible reloading: 747f1fe2ca8f98fb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FD990, hash = 747f1fe2ca8f98fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FD990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30892, handle = 00000176436527F0 FNV hash = 7e4f258523fbc4fc shader registered for possible reloading: 7e4f258523fbc4fc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FD3D0, hash = 7e4f258523fbc4fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FD3D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 37120, handle = 000001764365A09C FNV hash = 815e9f1b27d39b7d shader registered for possible reloading: 815e9f1b27d39b7d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FD110, hash = 815e9f1b27d39b7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FD110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 29652, handle = 000001764366319C FNV hash = 1731a54c2165604a shader registered for possible reloading: 1731a54c2165604a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FEC50, hash = 1731a54c2165604a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FEC50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2672, handle = 000001764366A570 FNV hash = 5e426da38fa68c5d shader registered for possible reloading: 5e426da38fa68c5d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FD290, hash = 5e426da38fa68c5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FD290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6976, handle = 000001764366AFE0 FNV hash = b9911c98fdc343f1 shader registered for possible reloading: b9911c98fdc343f1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FDF50, hash = b9911c98fdc343f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FDF50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30548, handle = 000001764366CB20 FNV hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc shader registered for possible reloading: d66e3dfc75d45ffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FFF10, hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FFF10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30548, handle = 0000017643674274 FNV hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc shader registered for possible reloading: d66e3dfc75d45ffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FDC90, hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FDC90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30548, handle = 000001764367B9C8 FNV hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc shader registered for possible reloading: d66e3dfc75d45ffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FEDD0, hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FEDD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30548, handle = 000001764368311C FNV hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc shader registered for possible reloading: d66e3dfc75d45ffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645700650, hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645700650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30548, handle = 000001764368A870 FNV hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc shader registered for possible reloading: d66e3dfc75d45ffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FF650, hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FF650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30548, handle = 0000017643691FC4 FNV hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc shader registered for possible reloading: d66e3dfc75d45ffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176456FF950, hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176456FF950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30548, handle = 0000017643699718 FNV hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc shader registered for possible reloading: d66e3dfc75d45ffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645700090, hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645700090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30548, handle = 00000176436A0E6C FNV hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc shader registered for possible reloading: d66e3dfc75d45ffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645700350, hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645700350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30548, handle = 00000176436A85C0 FNV hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc shader registered for possible reloading: d66e3dfc75d45ffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645700790, hash = d66e3dfc75d45ffc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645700790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1144, handle = 00000176436AFD14 FNV hash = a9910404d2b24480 shader registered for possible reloading: a9910404d2b24480_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4BC90, hash = a9910404d2b24480 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4BC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4832, handle = 00000176436B018C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d016f19fd9861ebd shader registered for possible reloading: d016f19fd9861ebd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645A4E090, hash = d016f19fd9861ebd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4E090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176436B146C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645A4B9D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4B9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4904, handle = 00000176436B1778, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4be46495130666aa shader registered for possible reloading: 4be46495130666aa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645A4E210, hash = 4be46495130666aa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4E210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176436B2AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645A4E350, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4E350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1100, handle = 00000176436B2DAC FNV hash = bd1ddfbcde2cb189 shader registered for possible reloading: bd1ddfbcde2cb189_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4B6D0, hash = bd1ddfbcde2cb189 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4B6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 720, handle = 00000176436B31F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fabd44f0fd49b262 shader registered for possible reloading: fabd44f0fd49b262_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645A4B550, hash = fabd44f0fd49b262 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4B550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176436B34C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645A4B850, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4B850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4796, handle = 00000176436B37D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 514b5f03f532d8e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 514b5f03f532d8e6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645A4E4D0, hash = 514b5f03f532d8e6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4E4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176436B4A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645A4C250, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4C250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2064, handle = 00000176436B4D9C FNV hash = 0cf78683ba3f5109 shader registered for possible reloading: 0cf78683ba3f5109_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4B410, hash = 0cf78683ba3f5109 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4B410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 00000176436B55AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b61d813262106a22 shader registered for possible reloading: b61d813262106a22_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645A4D210, hash = b61d813262106a22 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4D210 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 820, handle = 00000176436B5F20 FNV hash = 7b2f803b2bd63c39 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b2f803b2bd63c39_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017645A4C3D0, hash = 7b2f803b2bd63c39 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4C3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2008, handle = 00000176436B6254, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f64a59aa10f500f2 shader registered for possible reloading: f64a59aa10f500f2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645A4CC50, hash = f64a59aa10f500f2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4CC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 00000176436B6A2C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 67d6e0a4ab2323a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 67d6e0a4ab2323a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645A4BB10, hash = 67d6e0a4ab2323a9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4BB10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2056, handle = 00000176436B6D34 FNV hash = 927a848706f2bad9 shader registered for possible reloading: 927a848706f2bad9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4C0D0, hash = 927a848706f2bad9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4C0D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1268, handle = 00000176436B753C FNV hash = 35162a71cd5ee52f shader registered for possible reloading: 35162a71cd5ee52f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4BE10, hash = 35162a71cd5ee52f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4BE10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 936, handle = 00000176436B7A30 FNV hash = 1b73925268efd2be shader registered for possible reloading: 1b73925268efd2be_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4E650, hash = 1b73925268efd2be returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4E650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1504, handle = 00000176436B7DD8 FNV hash = 1007a94f3301dd07 shader registered for possible reloading: 1007a94f3301dd07_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4BF90, hash = 1007a94f3301dd07 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4BF90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1024, handle = 00000176436B83B8 FNV hash = 2a223160dcdd5978 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a223160dcdd5978_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4B290, hash = 2a223160dcdd5978 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4B290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3976, handle = 00000176436B87B8 FNV hash = 9e2c8aa878d37cca shader registered for possible reloading: 9e2c8aa878d37cca_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4E7D0, hash = 9e2c8aa878d37cca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4E7D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3476, handle = 00000176436B9740 FNV hash = 9da5ac5295f06c70 shader registered for possible reloading: 9da5ac5295f06c70_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4EC10, hash = 9da5ac5295f06c70 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4EC10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10384, handle = 00000176436BA4D4 FNV hash = 6fb47419358d3326 shader registered for possible reloading: 6fb47419358d3326_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4D950, hash = 6fb47419358d3326 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4D950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176436BCD64 FNV hash = cb25aef01b49dda6 shader registered for possible reloading: cb25aef01b49dda6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4E910, hash = cb25aef01b49dda6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4E910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10732, handle = 00000176436BF690 FNV hash = bb0809ccc5fc0751 shader registered for possible reloading: bb0809ccc5fc0751_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4C550, hash = bb0809ccc5fc0751 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4C550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10332, handle = 00000176436C207C FNV hash = 9cf4e5e7f6d67aa0 shader registered for possible reloading: 9cf4e5e7f6d67aa0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4EA90, hash = 9cf4e5e7f6d67aa0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4EA90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4924, handle = 00000176436C48D8 FNV hash = 21b1f459dfe2f0ea shader registered for possible reloading: 21b1f459dfe2f0ea_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4D690, hash = 21b1f459dfe2f0ea returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4D690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4872, handle = 00000176436C5C14 FNV hash = 2a18398ec68efb73 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a18398ec68efb73_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4C690, hash = 2a18398ec68efb73 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4C690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6348, handle = 00000176436C6F1C FNV hash = 36ba1e22b31359b9 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ba1e22b31359b9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4DD90, hash = 36ba1e22b31359b9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4DD90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6348, handle = 00000176436C87E8 FNV hash = 36ba1e22b31359b9 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ba1e22b31359b9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4C810, hash = 36ba1e22b31359b9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4C810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 37408, handle = 00000176436CA0B4 FNV hash = 23b13e745a5baa5d shader registered for possible reloading: 23b13e745a5baa5d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4C990, hash = 23b13e745a5baa5d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4C990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 36764, handle = 00000176436D32D4 FNV hash = d9340c6e4e9bf8d1 shader registered for possible reloading: d9340c6e4e9bf8d1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4CB10, hash = d9340c6e4e9bf8d1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4CB10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8300, handle = 00000176436DC270 FNV hash = cd5f9d1191910050 shader registered for possible reloading: cd5f9d1191910050_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4CDD0, hash = cd5f9d1191910050 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4CDD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7960, handle = 00000176436DE2DC FNV hash = 63cbb022207766f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 63cbb022207766f3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4CF50, hash = 63cbb022207766f3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4CF50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8116, handle = 00000176436E01F4 FNV hash = ff5f2f0730f842f7 shader registered for possible reloading: ff5f2f0730f842f7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4D390, hash = ff5f2f0730f842f7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4D390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7776, handle = 00000176436E21A8 FNV hash = 254879fb21992087 shader registered for possible reloading: 254879fb21992087_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4ED90, hash = 254879fb21992087 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4ED90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9508, handle = 00000176436E4008 FNV hash = f0f26bf486c9c95a shader registered for possible reloading: f0f26bf486c9c95a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4D7D0, hash = f0f26bf486c9c95a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4D7D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8864, handle = 00000176436E652C FNV hash = 345dcd72ec16c16f shader registered for possible reloading: 345dcd72ec16c16f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4DF10, hash = 345dcd72ec16c16f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4DF10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9332, handle = 00000176436E87CC FNV hash = 61438776c37caae7 shader registered for possible reloading: 61438776c37caae7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4D510, hash = 61438776c37caae7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4D510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10060, handle = 00000176436EAC40 FNV hash = b5d5b81781e51714 shader registered for possible reloading: b5d5b81781e51714_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4DAD0, hash = b5d5b81781e51714 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4DAD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9416, handle = 00000176436ED38C FNV hash = 03b4b99224e100ff shader registered for possible reloading: 03b4b99224e100ff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4EED0, hash = 03b4b99224e100ff returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4EED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9884, handle = 00000176436EF854 FNV hash = f117d1756171cb4f shader registered for possible reloading: f117d1756171cb4f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645A4B110, hash = f117d1756171cb4f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645A4B110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9240, handle = 00000176436F1EF0 FNV hash = d96e162b884b36f6 shader registered for possible reloading: d96e162b884b36f6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E61790, hash = d96e162b884b36f6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E61790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8688, handle = 00000176436F4308 FNV hash = 59d3ebc6b2e50e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 59d3ebc6b2e50e0f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E66250, hash = 59d3ebc6b2e50e0f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E66250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10100, handle = 00000176436F64F8 FNV hash = bf85592651f7165a shader registered for possible reloading: bf85592651f7165a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E61C10, hash = bf85592651f7165a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E61C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9456, handle = 00000176436F8C6C FNV hash = c091c553e6fd43f7 shader registered for possible reloading: c091c553e6fd43f7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E64A10, hash = c091c553e6fd43f7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64A10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9924, handle = 00000176436FB15C FNV hash = 1dc2a859f939a4f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 1dc2a859f939a4f3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E663D0, hash = 1dc2a859f939a4f3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E663D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10652, handle = 00000176436FD820 FNV hash = 2f106475f79effbb shader registered for possible reloading: 2f106475f79effbb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E65C90, hash = 2f106475f79effbb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E65C90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10008, handle = 00000176437001BC FNV hash = db48474f3a155541 shader registered for possible reloading: db48474f3a155541_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E65B50, hash = db48474f3a155541 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E65B50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10476, handle = 00000176437028D4 FNV hash = 9dd7f3335508b82b shader registered for possible reloading: 9dd7f3335508b82b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E60950, hash = 9dd7f3335508b82b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E60950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9832, handle = 00000176437051C0 FNV hash = 8ed4a3f6af9110de shader registered for possible reloading: 8ed4a3f6af9110de_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E64B50, hash = 8ed4a3f6af9110de returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64B50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9280, handle = 0000017643707828 FNV hash = f0256f4766a6f99a shader registered for possible reloading: f0256f4766a6f99a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E621D0, hash = f0256f4766a6f99a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E621D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38292, handle = 0000017643709C68 FNV hash = 1c1c161c8f1bcaca shader registered for possible reloading: 1c1c161c8f1bcaca_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E65290, hash = 1c1c161c8f1bcaca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E65290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 37900, handle = 00000176437131FC FNV hash = 18f934b8d5ff5055 shader registered for possible reloading: 18f934b8d5ff5055_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E64CD0, hash = 18f934b8d5ff5055 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64CD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38112, handle = 000001764371C608 FNV hash = 7951fdfc0edbd3c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 7951fdfc0edbd3c7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E64E50, hash = 7951fdfc0edbd3c7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64E50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 37716, handle = 0000017643725AE8 FNV hash = 2c4657cfdd2774aa shader registered for possible reloading: 2c4657cfdd2774aa_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E63B90, hash = 2c4657cfdd2774aa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E63B90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38060, handle = 000001764372EE3C FNV hash = eea2481f384530c5 shader registered for possible reloading: eea2481f384530c5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E65410, hash = eea2481f384530c5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E65410 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 28368, handle = 00000176437382E8 FNV hash = d795b0037d0e5b5b shader registered for possible reloading: d795b0037d0e5b5b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E64590, hash = d795b0037d0e5b5b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 28516, handle = 000001764373F1B8 FNV hash = a64cec49251e523d shader registered for possible reloading: a64cec49251e523d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E63190, hash = a64cec49251e523d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E63190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 28340, handle = 000001764374611C FNV hash = f7eefee09a3a08dc shader registered for possible reloading: f7eefee09a3a08dc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E64FD0, hash = f7eefee09a3a08dc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64FD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 24004, handle = 000001764374CFD0 FNV hash = ea6f1f0eb4fed54f shader registered for possible reloading: ea6f1f0eb4fed54f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E64150, hash = ea6f1f0eb4fed54f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 24152, handle = 0000017643752D94 FNV hash = c3fd92b4d200598f shader registered for possible reloading: c3fd92b4d200598f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E63D10, hash = c3fd92b4d200598f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E63D10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 23972, handle = 0000017643758BEC FNV hash = 151087d9bbbc34e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 151087d9bbbc34e1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E63E90, hash = 151087d9bbbc34e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E63E90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 23824, handle = 000001764375E990 FNV hash = 219483a6e726e0bb shader registered for possible reloading: 219483a6e726e0bb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E65E10, hash = 219483a6e726e0bb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E65E10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 28192, handle = 00000176437646A0 FNV hash = 2e90d68fd59bf479 shader registered for possible reloading: 2e90d68fd59bf479_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E61D50, hash = 2e90d68fd59bf479 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E61D50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15032, handle = 000001764376B4C0 FNV hash = f18a17ce566dde4a shader registered for possible reloading: f18a17ce566dde4a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E62D50, hash = f18a17ce566dde4a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E62D50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15120, handle = 000001764376EF78 FNV hash = ae81c4e07515d344 shader registered for possible reloading: ae81c4e07515d344_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E64890, hash = ae81c4e07515d344 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14944, handle = 0000017643772A88 FNV hash = fd4ddcfdf5cc64fd shader registered for possible reloading: fd4ddcfdf5cc64fd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E60D90, hash = fd4ddcfdf5cc64fd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E60D90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14744, handle = 00000176437764E8 FNV hash = d239a99f93887279 shader registered for possible reloading: d239a99f93887279_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017645E61ED0, hash = d239a99f93887279 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E61ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1744, handle = 0000017643779E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9612d8cf8928ec8d shader registered for possible reloading: 9612d8cf8928ec8d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E659D0, hash = 9612d8cf8928ec8d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E659D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2940, handle = 000001764377A550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75ca9de848097e64 shader registered for possible reloading: 75ca9de848097e64_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645E63FD0, hash = 75ca9de848097e64 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E63FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1744, handle = 000001764377B0CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9612d8cf8928ec8d shader registered for possible reloading: 9612d8cf8928ec8d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E60F10, hash = 9612d8cf8928ec8d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E60F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3672, handle = 000001764377B79C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0220b7e185bf1e5d shader registered for possible reloading: 0220b7e185bf1e5d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645E65590, hash = 0220b7e185bf1e5d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E65590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2200, handle = 000001764377C5F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c850d74fa061d59 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c850d74fa061d59_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E63A10, hash = 9c850d74fa061d59 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E63A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3132, handle = 000001764377CE8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e155b5be940c0685 shader registered for possible reloading: e155b5be940c0685_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645E642D0, hash = e155b5be940c0685 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E642D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2200, handle = 000001764377DAC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c850d74fa061d59 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c850d74fa061d59_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E656D0, hash = 9c850d74fa061d59 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E656D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3864, handle = 000001764377E360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f8f3d5816278cee2 shader registered for possible reloading: f8f3d5816278cee2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645E65850, hash = f8f3d5816278cee2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E65850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 000001764377F278, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6aad369de6ff06f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 6aad369de6ff06f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E64450, hash = 6aad369de6ff06f5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764377F9E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645E63010, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E63010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1452, handle = 000001764377FCF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b81b748be53c6ca1 shader registered for possible reloading: b81b748be53c6ca1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E62310, hash = b81b748be53c6ca1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E62310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764378029C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645E60AD0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E60AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6596, handle = 00000176437805A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f736d7889258a00 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f736d7889258a00_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E64710, hash = 3f736d7889258a00 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E64710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11692, handle = 0000017643781F6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e27fc830a26bc224 shader registered for possible reloading: e27fc830a26bc224_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E61090, hash = e27fc830a26bc224 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E61090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14864, handle = 0000017643784D18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15b42af7fc3ee005 shader registered for possible reloading: 15b42af7fc3ee005_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E611D0, hash = 15b42af7fc3ee005 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E611D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14864, handle = 0000017643788728, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15b42af7fc3ee005 shader registered for possible reloading: 15b42af7fc3ee005_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E61350, hash = 15b42af7fc3ee005 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E61350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13896, handle = 000001764378C138, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9ab1270b9c98f84 shader registered for possible reloading: f9ab1270b9c98f84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E61910, hash = f9ab1270b9c98f84 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E61910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13896, handle = 000001764378F780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9ab1270b9c98f84 shader registered for possible reloading: f9ab1270b9c98f84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E61A90, hash = f9ab1270b9c98f84 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E61A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11692, handle = 0000017643792DC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e27fc830a26bc224 shader registered for possible reloading: e27fc830a26bc224_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E62490, hash = e27fc830a26bc224 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E62490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9484, handle = 0000017643795B74, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa9ba3bd388f03c5 shader registered for possible reloading: fa9ba3bd388f03c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E62610, hash = fa9ba3bd388f03c5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E62610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10380, handle = 0000017643798080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c0381eab4cb1e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 5c0381eab4cb1e0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E63750, hash = 5c0381eab4cb1e0f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E63750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10380, handle = 000001764379A90C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c0381eab4cb1e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 5c0381eab4cb1e0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E62790, hash = 5c0381eab4cb1e0f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E62790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10380, handle = 000001764379D198, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c0381eab4cb1e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 5c0381eab4cb1e0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E628D0, hash = 5c0381eab4cb1e0f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E628D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10380, handle = 000001764379FA24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c0381eab4cb1e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 5c0381eab4cb1e0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E638D0, hash = 5c0381eab4cb1e0f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E638D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9484, handle = 00000176437A22B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa9ba3bd388f03c5 shader registered for possible reloading: fa9ba3bd388f03c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E62A50, hash = fa9ba3bd388f03c5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E62A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10924, handle = 00000176437A47BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc6f526f1612bfbf shader registered for possible reloading: dc6f526f1612bfbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E62BD0, hash = dc6f526f1612bfbf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E62BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14624, handle = 00000176437A7268, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 247023458d10bd0c shader registered for possible reloading: 247023458d10bd0c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E63450, hash = 247023458d10bd0c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E63450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14624, handle = 00000176437AAB88, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 247023458d10bd0c shader registered for possible reloading: 247023458d10bd0c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E635D0, hash = 247023458d10bd0c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E635D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13676, handle = 00000176437AE4A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f39cad67e37a1cda shader registered for possible reloading: f39cad67e37a1cda_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E68390, hash = f39cad67e37a1cda returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E68390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13676, handle = 00000176437B1A14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f39cad67e37a1cda shader registered for possible reloading: f39cad67e37a1cda_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E68090, hash = f39cad67e37a1cda returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E68090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10924, handle = 00000176437B4F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc6f526f1612bfbf shader registered for possible reloading: dc6f526f1612bfbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67250, hash = dc6f526f1612bfbf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12832, handle = 00000176437B7A2C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c486e3ff8be11aa4 shader registered for possible reloading: c486e3ff8be11aa4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E68650, hash = c486e3ff8be11aa4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E68650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16356, handle = 00000176437BAC4C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53a82fb00e5d73d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 53a82fb00e5d73d4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67DD0, hash = 53a82fb00e5d73d4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16356, handle = 00000176437BEC30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53a82fb00e5d73d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 53a82fb00e5d73d4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E666D0, hash = 53a82fb00e5d73d4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E666D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15148, handle = 00000176437C2C14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97364b8720e73e15 shader registered for possible reloading: 97364b8720e73e15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E66990, hash = 97364b8720e73e15 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E66990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15148, handle = 00000176437C6740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97364b8720e73e15 shader registered for possible reloading: 97364b8720e73e15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E66B10, hash = 97364b8720e73e15 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E66B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12832, handle = 00000176437CA26C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c486e3ff8be11aa4 shader registered for possible reloading: c486e3ff8be11aa4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E66C90, hash = c486e3ff8be11aa4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E66C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10936, handle = 00000176437CD48C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8bd51f5591b02ff2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8bd51f5591b02ff2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E68210, hash = 8bd51f5591b02ff2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E68210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11940, handle = 00000176437CFF44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9c66ba9b7f1dee0 shader registered for possible reloading: c9c66ba9b7f1dee0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67510, hash = c9c66ba9b7f1dee0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11940, handle = 00000176437D2DE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9c66ba9b7f1dee0 shader registered for possible reloading: c9c66ba9b7f1dee0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67690, hash = c9c66ba9b7f1dee0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11940, handle = 00000176437D5C8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9c66ba9b7f1dee0 shader registered for possible reloading: c9c66ba9b7f1dee0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E684D0, hash = c9c66ba9b7f1dee0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E684D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11940, handle = 00000176437D8B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9c66ba9b7f1dee0 shader registered for possible reloading: c9c66ba9b7f1dee0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67810, hash = c9c66ba9b7f1dee0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10936, handle = 00000176437DB9D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8bd51f5591b02ff2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8bd51f5591b02ff2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67F10, hash = 8bd51f5591b02ff2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12212, handle = 00000176437DE48C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4889ad7ad733ab0c shader registered for possible reloading: 4889ad7ad733ab0c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67950, hash = 4889ad7ad733ab0c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16100, handle = 00000176437E1440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b8b897a1f62da83 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b8b897a1f62da83_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E66810, hash = 8b8b897a1f62da83 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E66810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16100, handle = 00000176437E5324, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b8b897a1f62da83 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b8b897a1f62da83_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E66DD0, hash = 8b8b897a1f62da83 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E66DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14908, handle = 00000176437E9208, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 655433b564c38076 shader registered for possible reloading: 655433b564c38076_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E66F50, hash = 655433b564c38076 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E66F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14908, handle = 00000176437ECC44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 655433b564c38076 shader registered for possible reloading: 655433b564c38076_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67AD0, hash = 655433b564c38076 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12212, handle = 00000176437F0680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4889ad7ad733ab0c shader registered for possible reloading: 4889ad7ad733ab0c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67C50, hash = 4889ad7ad733ab0c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9344, handle = 00000176437F3634, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a1218a37ee3bffc shader registered for possible reloading: 2a1218a37ee3bffc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E670D0, hash = 2a1218a37ee3bffc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E670D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9032, handle = 00000176437F5AB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a889ddaa157098cb shader registered for possible reloading: a889ddaa157098cb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645E67390, hash = a889ddaa157098cb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E67390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12744, handle = 00000176437F7DFC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3914c5413f6966f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3914c5413f6966f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645E66550, hash = 3914c5413f6966f1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645E66550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8472, handle = 00000176437FAFC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ec555af8809e7c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ec555af8809e7c0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB9D50, hash = 6ec555af8809e7c0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB9D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8208, handle = 00000176437FD0DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 67bd39e7457d444d shader registered for possible reloading: 67bd39e7457d444d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBC710, hash = 67bd39e7457d444d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBC710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4760, handle = 00000176437FF0EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe7d4196cc493ffe shader registered for possible reloading: fe7d4196cc493ffe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB8ED0, hash = fe7d4196cc493ffe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB8ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5104, handle = 0000017643800384, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b9a7c9bd852ed01 shader registered for possible reloading: 0b9a7c9bd852ed01_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBA190, hash = 0b9a7c9bd852ed01 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBA190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4980, handle = 0000017643801774, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac057bd3610d0190 shader registered for possible reloading: ac057bd3610d0190_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBBCD0, hash = ac057bd3610d0190 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBBCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4636, handle = 0000017643802AE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b768d1317efdce79 shader registered for possible reloading: b768d1317efdce79_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBC410, hash = b768d1317efdce79 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBC410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4392, handle = 0000017643803D04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3c31c5ea2e78e9e shader registered for possible reloading: a3c31c5ea2e78e9e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBAE90, hash = a3c31c5ea2e78e9e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBAE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5332, handle = 0000017643804E2C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 105507b819fdfe90 shader registered for possible reloading: 105507b819fdfe90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBC290, hash = 105507b819fdfe90 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBC290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5724, handle = 0000017643806300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 157bee38662e0328 shader registered for possible reloading: 157bee38662e0328_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB9050, hash = 157bee38662e0328 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB9050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5724, handle = 000001764380795C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3dbacd624c52561e shader registered for possible reloading: 3dbacd624c52561e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBBE50, hash = 3dbacd624c52561e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBBE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5332, handle = 0000017643808FB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33e71bca2f457b89 shader registered for possible reloading: 33e71bca2f457b89_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBC590, hash = 33e71bca2f457b89 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBC590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4984, handle = 000001764380A48C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2b13b11b647bee0 shader registered for possible reloading: f2b13b11b647bee0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB9ED0, hash = f2b13b11b647bee0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB9ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5372, handle = 000001764380B804, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fedb7484e67f6472 shader registered for possible reloading: fedb7484e67f6472_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBA490, hash = fedb7484e67f6472 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBA490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5264, handle = 000001764380CD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d8f00156b534c3c shader registered for possible reloading: 3d8f00156b534c3c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBA010, hash = 3d8f00156b534c3c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBA010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4876, handle = 000001764380E190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e62ca93e7b80300 shader registered for possible reloading: 8e62ca93e7b80300_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB8A90, hash = 8e62ca93e7b80300 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB8A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4772, handle = 000001764380F49C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2df5f70140305fda shader registered for possible reloading: 2df5f70140305fda_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB8D90, hash = 2df5f70140305fda returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB8D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4580, handle = 0000017643810740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d1851044433a132 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d1851044433a132_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB91D0, hash = 1d1851044433a132 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB91D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4180, handle = 0000017643811924, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ea27de3ebb87b24 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ea27de3ebb87b24_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB9350, hash = 0ea27de3ebb87b24 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB9350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4648, handle = 0000017643812978, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f02740daf8231af shader registered for possible reloading: 6f02740daf8231af_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBC150, hash = 6f02740daf8231af returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBC150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 0000017643813BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47785f24e7ec98cc shader registered for possible reloading: 47785f24e7ec98cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBB2D0, hash = 47785f24e7ec98cc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBB2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4888, handle = 0000017643814F34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3606c653f78d6a31 shader registered for possible reloading: 3606c653f78d6a31_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBAA50, hash = 3606c653f78d6a31 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBAA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4524, handle = 000001764381624C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 781f1c372eaeec26 shader registered for possible reloading: 781f1c372eaeec26_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBA310, hash = 781f1c372eaeec26 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBA310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3236, handle = 00000176438173F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e19112b06aedcac0 shader registered for possible reloading: e19112b06aedcac0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB9610, hash = e19112b06aedcac0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB9610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4520, handle = 000001764381809C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc20b60d9cb5eff5 shader registered for possible reloading: cc20b60d9cb5eff5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBB450, hash = cc20b60d9cb5eff5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBB450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4884, handle = 0000017643819244, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3daca60ef9bb8a6 shader registered for possible reloading: c3daca60ef9bb8a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB9910, hash = c3daca60ef9bb8a6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB9910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4760, handle = 000001764381A558, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c3504b6bacc59ce shader registered for possible reloading: 9c3504b6bacc59ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB9A50, hash = 9c3504b6bacc59ce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB9A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4396, handle = 000001764381B7F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c490bd7a6298c55 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c490bd7a6298c55_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EB9BD0, hash = 4c490bd7a6298c55 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EB9BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4172, handle = 000001764381C91C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48bd0f938bd41cba shader registered for possible reloading: 48bd0f938bd41cba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBA5D0, hash = 48bd0f938bd41cba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBA5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5492, handle = 000001764381D968, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 086e717de5d2544a shader registered for possible reloading: 086e717de5d2544a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBA750, hash = 086e717de5d2544a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBA750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5884, handle = 000001764381EEDC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a929533da3ceee0 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a929533da3ceee0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBB5D0, hash = 8a929533da3ceee0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBB5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5884, handle = 00000176438205D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15a71106f44fcf32 shader registered for possible reloading: 15a71106f44fcf32_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBB710, hash = 15a71106f44fcf32 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBB710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5492, handle = 0000017643821CD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d2910a9a23e9fab shader registered for possible reloading: 1d2910a9a23e9fab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBAB90, hash = 1d2910a9a23e9fab returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBAB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5144, handle = 0000017643823248, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ba8c041de2e057a shader registered for possible reloading: 8ba8c041de2e057a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBB890, hash = 8ba8c041de2e057a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBB890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5532, handle = 0000017643824660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8dfde7207b9a9ad1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8dfde7207b9a9ad1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBAD10, hash = 8dfde7207b9a9ad1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBAD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5424, handle = 0000017643825BFC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bbb17cb422ae735 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bbb17cb422ae735_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBB010, hash = 9bbb17cb422ae735 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBB010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5036, handle = 000001764382712C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a7ee5cfcee4ac5c shader registered for possible reloading: 8a7ee5cfcee4ac5c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EBBA10, hash = 8a7ee5cfcee4ac5c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EBBA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4532, handle = 00000176438284D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8922265f62e23805 shader registered for possible reloading: 8922265f62e23805_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA9690, hash = 8922265f62e23805 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA9690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4340, handle = 000001764382968C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20160a4a0c89ae0f shader registered for possible reloading: 20160a4a0c89ae0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA9990, hash = 20160a4a0c89ae0f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA9990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3940, handle = 000001764382A780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 932623801d3e47ec shader registered for possible reloading: 932623801d3e47ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAA950, hash = 932623801d3e47ec returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAA950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4416, handle = 000001764382B6E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46482ea169d163a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 46482ea169d163a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA8410, hash = 46482ea169d163a9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA8410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4780, handle = 000001764382C824, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 681d9969cec4b490 shader registered for possible reloading: 681d9969cec4b490_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA9F50, hash = 681d9969cec4b490 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA9F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4656, handle = 000001764382DAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7bac98a3a05f0c32 shader registered for possible reloading: 7bac98a3a05f0c32_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EABC10, hash = 7bac98a3a05f0c32 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EABC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4292, handle = 000001764382ED00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9499666dd50363f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9499666dd50363f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA9B10, hash = 9499666dd50363f5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA9B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1220, handle = 000001764382FDC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da5c4df94abcd97d shader registered for possible reloading: da5c4df94abcd97d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA8550, hash = da5c4df94abcd97d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA8550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4708, handle = 0000017643830288, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 593b63dc44b59ebe shader registered for possible reloading: 593b63dc44b59ebe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EABD90, hash = 593b63dc44b59ebe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EABD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5072, handle = 00000176438314EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf7a1fcc4e415bd3 shader registered for possible reloading: cf7a1fcc4e415bd3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA9C50, hash = cf7a1fcc4e415bd3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA9C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5052, handle = 00000176438328BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7bf5da9ff02354eb shader registered for possible reloading: 7bf5da9ff02354eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA8850, hash = 7bf5da9ff02354eb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA8850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4688, handle = 0000017643833C78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a79646e6bd76af17 shader registered for possible reloading: a79646e6bd76af17_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAB650, hash = a79646e6bd76af17 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAB650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4340, handle = 0000017643834EC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dfedfe2c03cdf858 shader registered for possible reloading: dfedfe2c03cdf858_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA89D0, hash = dfedfe2c03cdf858 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA89D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4700, handle = 0000017643835FBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71f25ce5955c4dcb shader registered for possible reloading: 71f25ce5955c4dcb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAA390, hash = 71f25ce5955c4dcb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAA390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4680, handle = 0000017643837218, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e6c91f9f0a956e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e6c91f9f0a956e5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA8110, hash = 3e6c91f9f0a956e5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA8110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4320, handle = 0000017643838460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5b16594c0ecd6e6 shader registered for possible reloading: c5b16594c0ecd6e6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA9DD0, hash = c5b16594c0ecd6e6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA9DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3712, handle = 0000017643839540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d921b291bd9dff72 shader registered for possible reloading: d921b291bd9dff72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAA0D0, hash = d921b291bd9dff72 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAA0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3568, handle = 000001764383A3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf6f01657789650b shader registered for possible reloading: bf6f01657789650b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA8B10, hash = bf6f01657789650b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA8B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4592, handle = 000001764383B1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a04888762036b0c7 shader registered for possible reloading: a04888762036b0c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA8E10, hash = a04888762036b0c7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA8E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4956, handle = 000001764383C3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 003abfecb6b80818 shader registered for possible reloading: 003abfecb6b80818_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAB090, hash = 003abfecb6b80818 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAB090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4936, handle = 000001764383D6FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0015cd0ddc8ff37 shader registered for possible reloading: f0015cd0ddc8ff37_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA8C90, hash = f0015cd0ddc8ff37 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA8C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4572, handle = 000001764383EA44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb866f8f8830c7a9 shader registered for possible reloading: bb866f8f8830c7a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAA210, hash = bb866f8f8830c7a9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAA210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4224, handle = 000001764383FC20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e20689948c4da8d4 shader registered for possible reloading: e20689948c4da8d4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA90D0, hash = e20689948c4da8d4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA90D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4584, handle = 0000017643840CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81e848b257230090 shader registered for possible reloading: 81e848b257230090_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA9250, hash = 81e848b257230090 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA9250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4564, handle = 0000017643841E88, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ace3ef7d5df22a0d shader registered for possible reloading: ace3ef7d5df22a0d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAAC50, hash = ace3ef7d5df22a0d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAAC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4204, handle = 000001764384305C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f179483a18faf95 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f179483a18faf95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAB350, hash = 9f179483a18faf95 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAB350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9440, handle = 00000176438440C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50fb8ee472bcb853 shader registered for possible reloading: 50fb8ee472bcb853_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAB7D0, hash = 50fb8ee472bcb853 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAB7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8556, handle = 00000176438465A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c35a5c72587ae125 shader registered for possible reloading: c35a5c72587ae125_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA8290, hash = c35a5c72587ae125 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA8290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9248, handle = 0000017643848714, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16ec407f220dadf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 16ec407f220dadf8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA9550, hash = 16ec407f220dadf8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA9550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8328, handle = 000001764384AB34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d5b1411629cfa171 shader registered for possible reloading: d5b1411629cfa171_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA93D0, hash = d5b1411629cfa171 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA93D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9060, handle = 000001764384CBBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 581019ad166139f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 581019ad166139f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAA690, hash = 581019ad166139f7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAA690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9252, handle = 000001764384EF20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e58c39e625dd51d shader registered for possible reloading: 6e58c39e625dd51d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAB4D0, hash = 6e58c39e625dd51d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAB4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6124, handle = 0000017643851344, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9111376197cf5c2e shader registered for possible reloading: 9111376197cf5c2e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA9810, hash = 9111376197cf5c2e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA9810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 0000017643852B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d539a70753bb70f7 shader registered for possible reloading: d539a70753bb70f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EA7F90, hash = d539a70753bb70f7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EA7F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7984, handle = 0000017643854768, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de2ddf6d819e560b shader registered for possible reloading: de2ddf6d819e560b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645EAA510, hash = de2ddf6d819e560b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAA510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7036, handle = 0000017643856698, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58bf03ecedd05d63 shader registered for possible reloading: 58bf03ecedd05d63_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017645EAAF10, hash = 58bf03ecedd05d63 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAAF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8484, handle = 0000017643858214, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18a97b91c2d39275 shader registered for possible reloading: 18a97b91c2d39275_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EAB910, hash = 18a97b91c2d39275 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EAB910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8704, handle = 000001764385A338, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4b6401bbd1439f6 shader registered for possible reloading: e4b6401bbd1439f6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017645EABA90, hash = e4b6401bbd1439f6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017645EABA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4036, handle = 000001764385C538, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6741ca06d67b2c9b shader registered for possible reloading: 6741ca06d67b2c9b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017646959610, hash = 6741ca06d67b2c9b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646959610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3100, handle = 000001764385D4FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4876875ddf638669 shader registered for possible reloading: 4876875ddf638669_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017646959D50, hash = 4876875ddf638669 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646959D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3992, handle = 000001764385E118, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb779145fc06e78b shader registered for possible reloading: bb779145fc06e78b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764695A010, hash = bb779145fc06e78b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764695A010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3848, handle = 000001764385F0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25c31cb0890cc072 shader registered for possible reloading: 25c31cb0890cc072_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469591D0, hash = 25c31cb0890cc072 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469591D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7036, handle = 000001764385FFB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58bf03ecedd05d63 shader registered for possible reloading: 58bf03ecedd05d63_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176469581D0, hash = 58bf03ecedd05d63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469581D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1200, handle = 0000017643861B34 FNV hash = c0464612fa9d0790 shader registered for possible reloading: c0464612fa9d0790_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646958910, hash = c0464612fa9d0790 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646958910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 18196, handle = 0000017643861FE4 FNV hash = 4432e42d5e036d70 shader registered for possible reloading: 4432e42d5e036d70_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646959310, hash = 4432e42d5e036d70 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646959310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1632, handle = 00000176438666F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc36da922fbded13 shader registered for possible reloading: dc36da922fbded13_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017646959490, hash = dc36da922fbded13 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646959490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2116, handle = 0000017643866D58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d5d3c1401d8af973 shader registered for possible reloading: d5d3c1401d8af973_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017646958650, hash = d5d3c1401d8af973 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646958650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1972, handle = 000001764386759C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0e2dbd065c02d66 shader registered for possible reloading: f0e2dbd065c02d66_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017646958790, hash = f0e2dbd065c02d66 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646958790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2456, handle = 0000017643867D50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 shader registered for possible reloading: 49e2e5fa620d4005_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646958ED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9012, handle = 00000176438686E8 FNV hash = 04f821cf725d3154 shader registered for possible reloading: 04f821cf725d3154_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646959BD0, hash = 04f821cf725d3154 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646959BD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15324, handle = 000001764386AA1C FNV hash = 7235959d8af7d9a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7235959d8af7d9a1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646959790, hash = 7235959d8af7d9a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646959790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 840, handle = 000001764386E5F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc4f566c0f213289 shader registered for possible reloading: fc4f566c0f213289_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469598D0, hash = fc4f566c0f213289 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469598D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 892, handle = 000001764386E940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5ccb41da61878c7 shader registered for possible reloading: e5ccb41da61878c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646958C10, hash = e5ccb41da61878c7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646958C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 700, handle = 000001764386ECBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72f4011b5434778f shader registered for possible reloading: 72f4011b5434778f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957F10, hash = 72f4011b5434778f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1120, handle = 000001764386EF78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f92ce0fa76909691 shader registered for possible reloading: f92ce0fa76909691_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646959A50, hash = f92ce0fa76909691 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646959A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 972, handle = 000001764386F3D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0c149bc013339b3 shader registered for possible reloading: c0c149bc013339b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646959E90, hash = c0c149bc013339b3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646959E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36700, handle = 000001764386F7A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dabc199353371037 shader registered for possible reloading: dabc199353371037_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646958090, hash = dabc199353371037 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646958090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36700, handle = 0000017643878700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dabc199353371037 shader registered for possible reloading: dabc199353371037_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646958350, hash = dabc199353371037 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646958350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36204, handle = 000001764388165C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08b907d04a509d6c shader registered for possible reloading: 08b907d04a509d6c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646958D50, hash = 08b907d04a509d6c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646958D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46076, handle = 000001764388A3C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bad14bfc4a2aae08 shader registered for possible reloading: bad14bfc4a2aae08_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469584D0, hash = bad14bfc4a2aae08 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469584D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 50704, handle = 00000176438957C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18b96067d6dd54fb shader registered for possible reloading: 18b96067d6dd54fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646958A90, hash = 18b96067d6dd54fb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646958A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 50256, handle = 00000176438A1DD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8d866b86b73c17c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 8d866b86b73c17c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646959050, hash = 8d866b86b73c17c5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646959050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 45636, handle = 00000176438AE224, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db386c9ce62ea051 shader registered for possible reloading: db386c9ce62ea051_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646955E10, hash = db386c9ce62ea051 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646955E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36204, handle = 00000176438B9468, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08b907d04a509d6c shader registered for possible reloading: 08b907d04a509d6c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646956990, hash = 08b907d04a509d6c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646956990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 34104, handle = 00000176438C21D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d1aede4fc018f5c shader registered for possible reloading: 9d1aede4fc018f5c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646956F50, hash = 9d1aede4fc018f5c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646956F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33608, handle = 00000176438CA70C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5abdfa1d87bed87b shader registered for possible reloading: 5abdfa1d87bed87b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646952A50, hash = 5abdfa1d87bed87b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646952A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35664, handle = 00000176438D2A54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba936a4ba9a81ab0 shader registered for possible reloading: ba936a4ba9a81ab0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957950, hash = ba936a4ba9a81ab0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35168, handle = 00000176438DB5A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f763ad5c34a8cd6 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f763ad5c34a8cd6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954290, hash = 8f763ad5c34a8cd6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 34104, handle = 00000176438E3F04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d1aede4fc018f5c shader registered for possible reloading: 9d1aede4fc018f5c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957AD0, hash = 9d1aede4fc018f5c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33608, handle = 00000176438EC43C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5abdfa1d87bed87b shader registered for possible reloading: 5abdfa1d87bed87b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469563D0, hash = 5abdfa1d87bed87b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469563D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35664, handle = 00000176438F4784, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba936a4ba9a81ab0 shader registered for possible reloading: ba936a4ba9a81ab0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469556D0, hash = ba936a4ba9a81ab0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469556D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35168, handle = 00000176438FD2D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f763ad5c34a8cd6 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f763ad5c34a8cd6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957C10, hash = 8f763ad5c34a8cd6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31552, handle = 0000017643905C34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7dca37a330d0ebb5 shader registered for possible reloading: 7dca37a330d0ebb5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646955F50, hash = 7dca37a330d0ebb5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646955F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31056, handle = 000001764390D774, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7624f83c0233fe4c shader registered for possible reloading: 7624f83c0233fe4c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957210, hash = 7624f83c0233fe4c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 43468, handle = 00000176439150C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 755b9c9f32475af6 shader registered for possible reloading: 755b9c9f32475af6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953E50, hash = 755b9c9f32475af6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 43020, handle = 000001764391FA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5f3153b178a0cb7 shader registered for possible reloading: c5f3153b178a0cb7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954410, hash = c5f3153b178a0cb7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 45056, handle = 000001764392A29C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78399e3bb89000c4 shader registered for possible reloading: 78399e3bb89000c4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646956C50, hash = 78399e3bb89000c4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646956C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 44608, handle = 000001764393529C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2d1d9280a24dc7a shader registered for possible reloading: a2d1d9280a24dc7a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469549D0, hash = a2d1d9280a24dc7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469549D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 48096, handle = 00000176439400DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b3eab5b9230891c shader registered for possible reloading: 7b3eab5b9230891c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957510, hash = 7b3eab5b9230891c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 47640, handle = 000001764394BCBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c261e80172b09cec shader registered for possible reloading: c261e80172b09cec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469535D0, hash = c261e80172b09cec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469535D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49684, handle = 00000176439576D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8464ee73aa043660 shader registered for possible reloading: 8464ee73aa043660_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646952310, hash = 8464ee73aa043660 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646952310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49228, handle = 00000176439638E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9cd2e4013d1988e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9cd2e4013d1988e1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469532D0, hash = 9cd2e4013d1988e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469532D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 45564, handle = 000001764396F934, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5acbc8f64606f415 shader registered for possible reloading: 5acbc8f64606f415_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469525D0, hash = 5acbc8f64606f415 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469525D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 45108, handle = 000001764397AB30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4a857e3542665bc shader registered for possible reloading: a4a857e3542665bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954B50, hash = a4a857e3542665bc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40936, handle = 0000017643985B64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dab69bbf92835623 shader registered for possible reloading: dab69bbf92835623_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954E10, hash = dab69bbf92835623 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40488, handle = 000001764398FB4C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4bf20850818276bd shader registered for possible reloading: 4bf20850818276bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646955550, hash = 4bf20850818276bd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646955550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31552, handle = 0000017643999974, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7dca37a330d0ebb5 shader registered for possible reloading: 7dca37a330d0ebb5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957D90, hash = 7dca37a330d0ebb5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31056, handle = 00000176439A14B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7624f83c0233fe4c shader registered for possible reloading: 7624f83c0233fe4c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646956AD0, hash = 7624f83c0233fe4c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646956AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19596, handle = 00000176439A8E04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3682328ce9880bbf shader registered for possible reloading: 3682328ce9880bbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953710, hash = 3682328ce9880bbf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19596, handle = 00000176439ADA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3682328ce9880bbf shader registered for possible reloading: 3682328ce9880bbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646955290, hash = 3682328ce9880bbf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646955290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21364, handle = 00000176439B271C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 431bfd8a82e18498 shader registered for possible reloading: 431bfd8a82e18498_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954CD0, hash = 431bfd8a82e18498 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30184, handle = 00000176439B7A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e98268f72a6aac98 shader registered for possible reloading: e98268f72a6aac98_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469560D0, hash = e98268f72a6aac98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469560D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25220, handle = 00000176439BF078, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8db1c0790576014c shader registered for possible reloading: 8db1c0790576014c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646956250, hash = 8db1c0790576014c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646956250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21364, handle = 00000176439C52FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 431bfd8a82e18498 shader registered for possible reloading: 431bfd8a82e18498_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646955990, hash = 431bfd8a82e18498 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646955990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30336, handle = 00000176439CA670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8dddac07aae23b1 shader registered for possible reloading: a8dddac07aae23b1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954590, hash = a8dddac07aae23b1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25576, handle = 00000176439D1CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edcd3029b7e9f0b5 shader registered for possible reloading: edcd3029b7e9f0b5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953890, hash = edcd3029b7e9f0b5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19632, handle = 00000176439D80D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d188a2c6dda8876_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646956510, hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646956510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21400, handle = 00000176439DCD88, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5d147e750adad0a shader registered for possible reloading: f5d147e750adad0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953FD0, hash = f5d147e750adad0a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30372, handle = 00000176439E2120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af4b7169ca7568b3 shader registered for possible reloading: af4b7169ca7568b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953A10, hash = af4b7169ca7568b3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25612, handle = 00000176439E97C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9360fce949136857 shader registered for possible reloading: 9360fce949136857_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957650, hash = 9360fce949136857 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24160, handle = 00000176439EFBD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d967c5955a6a277c shader registered for possible reloading: d967c5955a6a277c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646956690, hash = d967c5955a6a277c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646956690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24008, handle = 00000176439F5A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d988f4f91c4eee7b shader registered for possible reloading: d988f4f91c4eee7b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954F90, hash = d988f4f91c4eee7b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27292, handle = 00000176439FB7F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2367d7d4df5e4c7a shader registered for possible reloading: 2367d7d4df5e4c7a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646956810, hash = 2367d7d4df5e4c7a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646956810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40468, handle = 0000017643A02294, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33f3331408ba3b65 shader registered for possible reloading: 33f3331408ba3b65_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646955110, hash = 33f3331408ba3b65 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646955110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35296, handle = 0000017643A0C0A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08e3149d2777fdc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 08e3149d2777fdc1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469553D0, hash = 08e3149d2777fdc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469553D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27444, handle = 0000017643A14A88, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a136b9247a3b483 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a136b9247a3b483_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646956DD0, hash = 8a136b9247a3b483 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646956DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40620, handle = 0000017643A1B5BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 23e9f2427ed7664e shader registered for possible reloading: 23e9f2427ed7664e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646955850, hash = 23e9f2427ed7664e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646955850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35652, handle = 0000017643A25468, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86f3fdde92e370ff shader registered for possible reloading: 86f3fdde92e370ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953450, hash = 86f3fdde92e370ff returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24196, handle = 0000017643A2DFAC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a91f843a6469158 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a91f843a6469158_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646955B10, hash = 4a91f843a6469158 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646955B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27480, handle = 0000017643A33E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58da6d26ccef970f shader registered for possible reloading: 58da6d26ccef970f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646955C90, hash = 58da6d26ccef970f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646955C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40656, handle = 0000017643A3A988, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1df0a611a5c6e50 shader registered for possible reloading: a1df0a611a5c6e50_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469577D0, hash = a1df0a611a5c6e50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469577D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35688, handle = 0000017643A44858, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f912cbffb3e8af7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f912cbffb3e8af7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646952490, hash = 6f912cbffb3e8af7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646952490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24196, handle = 0000017643A4D3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a91f843a6469158 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a91f843a6469158_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646952D10, hash = 4a91f843a6469158 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646952D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27480, handle = 0000017643A53244, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58da6d26ccef970f shader registered for possible reloading: 58da6d26ccef970f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957390, hash = 58da6d26ccef970f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40656, handle = 0000017643A59D9C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1df0a611a5c6e50 shader registered for possible reloading: a1df0a611a5c6e50_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953150, hash = a1df0a611a5c6e50 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35688, handle = 0000017643A63C6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f912cbffb3e8af7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f912cbffb3e8af7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646952E90, hash = 6f912cbffb3e8af7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646952E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24044, handle = 0000017643A6C7D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98d4bf4d4702574f shader registered for possible reloading: 98d4bf4d4702574f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646957090, hash = 98d4bf4d4702574f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646957090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27328, handle = 0000017643A725C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a189f091eaebf251 shader registered for possible reloading: a189f091eaebf251_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954150, hash = a189f091eaebf251 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40504, handle = 0000017643A79080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98436d8c3184c677 shader registered for possible reloading: 98436d8c3184c677_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646952750, hash = 98436d8c3184c677 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646952750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35332, handle = 0000017643A82EB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e2a48a7834e76c87 shader registered for possible reloading: e2a48a7834e76c87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176469528D0, hash = e2a48a7834e76c87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176469528D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24044, handle = 0000017643A8B8BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98d4bf4d4702574f shader registered for possible reloading: 98d4bf4d4702574f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646952B90, hash = 98d4bf4d4702574f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646952B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27328, handle = 0000017643A916A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a189f091eaebf251 shader registered for possible reloading: a189f091eaebf251_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954710, hash = a189f091eaebf251 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40504, handle = 0000017643A98168, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98436d8c3184c677 shader registered for possible reloading: 98436d8c3184c677_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953CD0, hash = 98436d8c3184c677 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35332, handle = 0000017643AA1FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e2a48a7834e76c87 shader registered for possible reloading: e2a48a7834e76c87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953010, hash = e2a48a7834e76c87 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24044, handle = 0000017643AAA9A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98d4bf4d4702574f shader registered for possible reloading: 98d4bf4d4702574f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646953B90, hash = 98d4bf4d4702574f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646953B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27328, handle = 0000017643AB0790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a189f091eaebf251 shader registered for possible reloading: a189f091eaebf251_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646954850, hash = a189f091eaebf251 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646954850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40504, handle = 0000017643AB7250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98436d8c3184c677 shader registered for possible reloading: 98436d8c3184c677_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D175D0, hash = 98436d8c3184c677 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D175D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35332, handle = 0000017643AC1088, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e2a48a7834e76c87 shader registered for possible reloading: e2a48a7834e76c87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15350, hash = e2a48a7834e76c87 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24196, handle = 0000017643AC9A8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a91f843a6469158 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a91f843a6469158_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18590, hash = 4a91f843a6469158 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27480, handle = 0000017643ACF910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58da6d26ccef970f shader registered for possible reloading: 58da6d26ccef970f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15790, hash = 58da6d26ccef970f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40656, handle = 0000017643AD6468, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1df0a611a5c6e50 shader registered for possible reloading: a1df0a611a5c6e50_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18850, hash = a1df0a611a5c6e50 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35688, handle = 0000017643AE0338, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f912cbffb3e8af7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f912cbffb3e8af7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18710, hash = 6f912cbffb3e8af7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19632, handle = 0000017643AE8EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d188a2c6dda8876_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D16E90, hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D16E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21400, handle = 0000017643AEDB50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5d147e750adad0a shader registered for possible reloading: f5d147e750adad0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D16190, hash = f5d147e750adad0a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D16190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30372, handle = 0000017643AF2EE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af4b7169ca7568b3 shader registered for possible reloading: af4b7169ca7568b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17B90, hash = af4b7169ca7568b3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25612, handle = 0000017643AFA58C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9360fce949136857 shader registered for possible reloading: 9360fce949136857_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17CD0, hash = 9360fce949136857 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19632, handle = 0000017643B00998, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d188a2c6dda8876_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D14A90, hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D14A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21400, handle = 0000017643B05648, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5d147e750adad0a shader registered for possible reloading: f5d147e750adad0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D189D0, hash = f5d147e750adad0a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D189D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30220, handle = 0000017643B0A9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd31c2712254f59f shader registered for possible reloading: fd31c2712254f59f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17E50, hash = fd31c2712254f59f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25256, handle = 0000017643B11FEC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ecd57b3c058d07d shader registered for possible reloading: 2ecd57b3c058d07d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15490, hash = 2ecd57b3c058d07d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19632, handle = 0000017643B18294, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d188a2c6dda8876_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18290, hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21400, handle = 0000017643B1CF44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5d147e750adad0a shader registered for possible reloading: f5d147e750adad0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D13F10, hash = f5d147e750adad0a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D13F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30220, handle = 0000017643B222DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd31c2712254f59f shader registered for possible reloading: fd31c2712254f59f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17710, hash = fd31c2712254f59f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25256, handle = 0000017643B298E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ecd57b3c058d07d shader registered for possible reloading: 2ecd57b3c058d07d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D151D0, hash = 2ecd57b3c058d07d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D151D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19632, handle = 0000017643B2FB90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d188a2c6dda8876_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15610, hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21400, handle = 0000017643B34840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5d147e750adad0a shader registered for possible reloading: f5d147e750adad0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15910, hash = f5d147e750adad0a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30220, handle = 0000017643B39BD8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd31c2712254f59f shader registered for possible reloading: fd31c2712254f59f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18B50, hash = fd31c2712254f59f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25256, handle = 0000017643B411E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ecd57b3c058d07d shader registered for possible reloading: 2ecd57b3c058d07d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D14090, hash = 2ecd57b3c058d07d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D14090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19632, handle = 0000017643B4748C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d188a2c6dda8876_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17FD0, hash = 3d188a2c6dda8876 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21400, handle = 0000017643B4C13C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5d147e750adad0a shader registered for possible reloading: f5d147e750adad0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D16B90, hash = f5d147e750adad0a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D16B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30372, handle = 0000017643B514D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af4b7169ca7568b3 shader registered for possible reloading: af4b7169ca7568b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D13AD0, hash = af4b7169ca7568b3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D13AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25612, handle = 0000017643B58B78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9360fce949136857 shader registered for possible reloading: 9360fce949136857_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D13D90, hash = 9360fce949136857 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D13D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 52548, handle = 0000017643B5EF84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27462d2d16bee7ae shader registered for possible reloading: 27462d2d16bee7ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17890, hash = 27462d2d16bee7ae returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 50104, handle = 0000017643B6BCC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edd7567793500350 shader registered for possible reloading: edd7567793500350_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D16A50, hash = edd7567793500350 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D16A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4748, handle = 0000017643B78080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2019e2cdac0ed53f shader registered for possible reloading: 2019e2cdac0ed53f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D14910, hash = 2019e2cdac0ed53f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D14910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 67744, handle = 0000017643B7930C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e52dacc7b5bb0aea shader registered for possible reloading: e52dacc7b5bb0aea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D14350, hash = e52dacc7b5bb0aea returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D14350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20100, handle = 0000017643B89BAC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a31dee8d61f6a18 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a31dee8d61f6a18_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D19110, hash = 6a31dee8d61f6a18 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D19110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40532, handle = 0000017643B8EA30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 813d923fe831e278 shader registered for possible reloading: 813d923fe831e278_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15A50, hash = 813d923fe831e278 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41752, handle = 0000017643B98884, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84cdd2d09c987dbf shader registered for possible reloading: 84cdd2d09c987dbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15BD0, hash = 84cdd2d09c987dbf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 42324, handle = 0000017643BA2B9C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8eab1de9da2f731 shader registered for possible reloading: d8eab1de9da2f731_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17450, hash = d8eab1de9da2f731 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 50096, handle = 0000017643BAD0F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7e4277f1df65367 shader registered for possible reloading: f7e4277f1df65367_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D16310, hash = f7e4277f1df65367 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D16310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49612, handle = 0000017643BB94A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfff9322e66bfaac shader registered for possible reloading: bfff9322e66bfaac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15D50, hash = bfff9322e66bfaac returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41840, handle = 0000017643BC566C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 708c3734da1e8d51 shader registered for possible reloading: 708c3734da1e8d51_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D14210, hash = 708c3734da1e8d51 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D14210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49520, handle = 0000017643BCF9DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ffa6e2d036d1b38 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ffa6e2d036d1b38_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D14D90, hash = 6ffa6e2d036d1b38 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D14D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49036, handle = 0000017643BDBB4C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b880aff3add6ca4 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b880aff3add6ca4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17A10, hash = 8b880aff3add6ca4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41268, handle = 0000017643BE7AD8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bc32d2c0a1a6147 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bc32d2c0a1a6147_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D13C50, hash = 1bc32d2c0a1a6147 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D13C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40048, handle = 0000017643BF1C0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1622691c72d7e1d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 1622691c72d7e1d5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15ED0, hash = 1622691c72d7e1d5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29364, handle = 0000017643BFB87C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25c00e83bc22cc89 shader registered for possible reloading: 25c00e83bc22cc89_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18150, hash = 25c00e83bc22cc89 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30564, handle = 0000017643C02B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b83e9ac06f7436d shader registered for possible reloading: 8b83e9ac06f7436d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18410, hash = 8b83e9ac06f7436d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31120, handle = 0000017643C0A294, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c7fb3faf3f88a896 shader registered for possible reloading: c7fb3faf3f88a896_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D14ED0, hash = c7fb3faf3f88a896 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D14ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39708, handle = 0000017643C11C24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = beb17fc7406b8962 shader registered for possible reloading: beb17fc7406b8962_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D144D0, hash = beb17fc7406b8962 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D144D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39224, handle = 0000017643C1B740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd849d57e41a9eec shader registered for possible reloading: dd849d57e41a9eec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D14650, hash = dd849d57e41a9eec returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D14650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30620, handle = 0000017643C25078, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62739dc7e7c00e11 shader registered for possible reloading: 62739dc7e7c00e11_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D16490, hash = 62739dc7e7c00e11 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D16490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39160, handle = 0000017643C2C814, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 562920839749f06c shader registered for possible reloading: 562920839749f06c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D147D0, hash = 562920839749f06c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D147D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38676, handle = 0000017643C3610C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b174389f9558826f shader registered for possible reloading: b174389f9558826f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D15050, hash = b174389f9558826f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D15050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30064, handle = 0000017643C3F820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48bb653b8322d61e shader registered for possible reloading: 48bb653b8322d61e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18CD0, hash = 48bb653b8322d61e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28864, handle = 0000017643C46D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f23aca387b96364 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f23aca387b96364_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18E10, hash = 5f23aca387b96364 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39920, handle = 0000017643C4DE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adcf7f955b0f792e shader registered for possible reloading: adcf7f955b0f792e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D14C10, hash = adcf7f955b0f792e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D14C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41140, handle = 0000017643C57A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e03d2fc0f40e370b shader registered for possible reloading: e03d2fc0f40e370b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D16010, hash = e03d2fc0f40e370b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D16010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41808, handle = 0000017643C61AF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c76a5677af0795dc shader registered for possible reloading: c76a5677af0795dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D165D0, hash = c76a5677af0795dc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D165D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49552, handle = 0000017643C6BE44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 061d5d701771d11b shader registered for possible reloading: 061d5d701771d11b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D16750, hash = 061d5d701771d11b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D16750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49068, handle = 0000017643C77FD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 542c06f070ebacfa shader registered for possible reloading: 542c06f070ebacfa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D168D0, hash = 542c06f070ebacfa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D168D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41324, handle = 0000017643C83F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95a65d69b1d48992 shader registered for possible reloading: 95a65d69b1d48992_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D18F90, hash = 95a65d69b1d48992 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D18F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 48908, handle = 0000017643C8E0EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d97fac459922487b shader registered for possible reloading: d97fac459922487b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17010, hash = d97fac459922487b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 48424, handle = 0000017643C99FF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d71e66a86b5039a3 shader registered for possible reloading: d71e66a86b5039a3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D16D10, hash = d71e66a86b5039a3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D16D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40656, handle = 0000017643CA5D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1362e8baa656cfc shader registered for possible reloading: e1362e8baa656cfc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D17150, hash = e1362e8baa656cfc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D17150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39436, handle = 0000017643CAFBF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a9810b84902b4c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a9810b84902b4c2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D172D0, hash = 0a9810b84902b4c2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D172D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28700, handle = 0000017643CB95FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8819576ca17fc57 shader registered for possible reloading: b8819576ca17fc57_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D13690, hash = b8819576ca17fc57 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D13690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29932, handle = 0000017643CC0618, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3798d21bf848acc shader registered for possible reloading: b3798d21bf848acc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D137D0, hash = b3798d21bf848acc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D137D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30628, handle = 0000017643CC7B04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e45e12802f68a47 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e45e12802f68a47_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D13950, hash = 4e45e12802f68a47 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D13950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39200, handle = 0000017643CCF2A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba182b5e12fbdec0 shader registered for possible reloading: ba182b5e12fbdec0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D19290, hash = ba182b5e12fbdec0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D19290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38716, handle = 0000017643CD8BC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 344788d7714646a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 344788d7714646a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D19990, hash = 344788d7714646a8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D19990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30128, handle = 0000017643CE2304, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4bad8f147a3ddec7 shader registered for possible reloading: 4bad8f147a3ddec7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D19B10, hash = 4bad8f147a3ddec7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D19B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38556, handle = 0000017643CE98B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03898093a7b7e516 shader registered for possible reloading: 03898093a7b7e516_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D19550, hash = 03898093a7b7e516 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D19550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38072, handle = 0000017643CF2F50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33f8f215148c91e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 33f8f215148c91e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D1ADD0, hash = 33f8f215148c91e0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1ADD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29432, handle = 0000017643CFC408, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82ac4e1d49856618 shader registered for possible reloading: 82ac4e1d49856618_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D1A250, hash = 82ac4e1d49856618 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1A250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28200, handle = 0000017643D03700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c1578afff81372e shader registered for possible reloading: 9c1578afff81372e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D19850, hash = 9c1578afff81372e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D19850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29604, handle = 0000017643D0A528, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 213cfa3a34ae5476 shader registered for possible reloading: 213cfa3a34ae5476_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D1A0D0, hash = 213cfa3a34ae5476 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1A0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30352, handle = 0000017643D118CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e28f6036bb48097 shader registered for possible reloading: 5e28f6036bb48097_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D193D0, hash = 5e28f6036bb48097 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D193D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38924, handle = 0000017643D18F5C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29c3965336152f2e shader registered for possible reloading: 29c3965336152f2e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D196D0, hash = 29c3965336152f2e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D196D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38440, handle = 0000017643D22768, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5855e8ea28ad2583 shader registered for possible reloading: 5855e8ea28ad2583_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D1AF50, hash = 5855e8ea28ad2583 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1AF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29852, handle = 0000017643D2BD90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19f5e620574131e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 19f5e620574131e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D1B090, hash = 19f5e620574131e0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1B090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38280, handle = 0000017643D3322C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5cf9bcec0e13d45 shader registered for possible reloading: c5cf9bcec0e13d45_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D1A3D0, hash = c5cf9bcec0e13d45 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1A3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 37796, handle = 0000017643D3C7B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22dcbc0c6aa32c73 shader registered for possible reloading: 22dcbc0c6aa32c73_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D19C90, hash = 22dcbc0c6aa32c73 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D19C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29104, handle = 0000017643D45B58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e51d0fac076fd78d shader registered for possible reloading: e51d0fac076fd78d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017646D1B210, hash = e51d0fac076fd78d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1B210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 40860, handle = 0000017643D4CD08 FNV hash = 9103dcba148e52fe shader registered for possible reloading: 9103dcba148e52fe_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646D1A510, hash = 9103dcba148e52fe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1A510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 40860, handle = 0000017643D56CA4 FNV hash = 9103dcba148e52fe shader registered for possible reloading: 9103dcba148e52fe_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646D19E10, hash = 9103dcba148e52fe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D19E10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 40228, handle = 0000017643D60C40 FNV hash = 7807a3cfa33cb7a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 7807a3cfa33cb7a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646D19F50, hash = 7807a3cfa33cb7a4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D19F50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 40228, handle = 0000017643D6A964 FNV hash = 7807a3cfa33cb7a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 7807a3cfa33cb7a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646D1B390, hash = 7807a3cfa33cb7a4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1B390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 42572, handle = 0000017643D74688 FNV hash = 1d2217d29153cf59 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d2217d29153cf59_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646D1AC50, hash = 1d2217d29153cf59 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1AC50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 42572, handle = 0000017643D7ECD4 FNV hash = 1d2217d29153cf59 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d2217d29153cf59_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646D1A690, hash = 1d2217d29153cf59 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1A690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 41972, handle = 0000017643D89320 FNV hash = 56cec99503ce6867 shader registered for possible reloading: 56cec99503ce6867_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646D1A810, hash = 56cec99503ce6867 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1A810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 41972, handle = 0000017643D93714 FNV hash = 56cec99503ce6867 shader registered for possible reloading: 56cec99503ce6867_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646D1A990, hash = 56cec99503ce6867 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1A990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 40860, handle = 0000017643D9DB08 FNV hash = 9103dcba148e52fe shader registered for possible reloading: 9103dcba148e52fe_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017646D1AAD0, hash = 9103dcba148e52fe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017646D1AAD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 40860, handle = 0000017643DA7AA4 FNV hash = 9103dcba148e52fe shader registered for possible reloading: 9103dcba148e52fe_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839CD50, hash = 9103dcba148e52fe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839CD50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 40228, handle = 0000017643DB1A40 FNV hash = 7807a3cfa33cb7a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 7807a3cfa33cb7a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839DE90, hash = 7807a3cfa33cb7a4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839DE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 40228, handle = 0000017643DBB764 FNV hash = 7807a3cfa33cb7a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 7807a3cfa33cb7a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839E750, hash = 7807a3cfa33cb7a4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839E750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 42572, handle = 0000017643DC5488 FNV hash = 1d2217d29153cf59 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d2217d29153cf59_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839EFD0, hash = 1d2217d29153cf59 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839EFD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 42572, handle = 0000017643DCFAD4 FNV hash = 1d2217d29153cf59 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d2217d29153cf59_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839BF10, hash = 1d2217d29153cf59 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839BF10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 41972, handle = 0000017643DDA120 FNV hash = 56cec99503ce6867 shader registered for possible reloading: 56cec99503ce6867_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839FCD0, hash = 56cec99503ce6867 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839FCD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 41972, handle = 0000017643DE4514 FNV hash = 56cec99503ce6867 shader registered for possible reloading: 56cec99503ce6867_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839FE50, hash = 56cec99503ce6867 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839FE50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38220, handle = 0000017643DEE908 FNV hash = eba47b26a39cffab shader registered for possible reloading: eba47b26a39cffab_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839D310, hash = eba47b26a39cffab returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839D310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38220, handle = 0000017643DF7E54 FNV hash = eba47b26a39cffab shader registered for possible reloading: eba47b26a39cffab_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839D610, hash = eba47b26a39cffab returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839D610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 37536, handle = 0000017643E013A0 FNV hash = cbe8c957190d6de0 shader registered for possible reloading: cbe8c957190d6de0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A0410, hash = cbe8c957190d6de0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A0410 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 37536, handle = 0000017643E0A640 FNV hash = cbe8c957190d6de0 shader registered for possible reloading: cbe8c957190d6de0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839D490, hash = cbe8c957190d6de0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839D490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 51460, handle = 0000017643E138E0 FNV hash = ae297525e1261c79 shader registered for possible reloading: ae297525e1261c79_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839FF90, hash = ae297525e1261c79 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839FF90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 48960, handle = 0000017643E201E4 FNV hash = a17c876d4d7678a1 shader registered for possible reloading: a17c876d4d7678a1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839D750, hash = a17c876d4d7678a1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839D750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 50908, handle = 0000017643E2C124 FNV hash = 47017016dea672eb shader registered for possible reloading: 47017016dea672eb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A0110, hash = 47017016dea672eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A0110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 48408, handle = 0000017643E38800 FNV hash = 73fa34a1870859d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 73fa34a1870859d5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839DD10, hash = 73fa34a1870859d5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839DD10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 53256, handle = 0000017643E44518 FNV hash = 978c65073b55c783 shader registered for possible reloading: 978c65073b55c783_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839E010, hash = 978c65073b55c783 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839E010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 50756, handle = 0000017643E51520 FNV hash = 01b6e1f4a369e14a shader registered for possible reloading: 01b6e1f4a369e14a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839CA90, hash = 01b6e1f4a369e14a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839CA90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 52652, handle = 0000017643E5DB64 FNV hash = b456ea88d0f692f5 shader registered for possible reloading: b456ea88d0f692f5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839CBD0, hash = b456ea88d0f692f5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839CBD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 50152, handle = 0000017643E6A910 FNV hash = 88f8140cfe59ca2b shader registered for possible reloading: 88f8140cfe59ca2b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A1690, hash = 88f8140cfe59ca2b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A1690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 55972, handle = 0000017643E76CF8 FNV hash = 1403260916bd8123 shader registered for possible reloading: 1403260916bd8123_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839F150, hash = 1403260916bd8123 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839F150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 53472, handle = 0000017643E8479C FNV hash = 9ac6a56812735ee2 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ac6a56812735ee2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839C4D0, hash = 9ac6a56812735ee2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839C4D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 55544, handle = 0000017643E9187C FNV hash = 5d172489b0563e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 5d172489b0563e0f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839F9D0, hash = 5d172489b0563e0f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839F9D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 53044, handle = 0000017643E9F174 FNV hash = 99da0f827a5cf900 shader registered for possible reloading: 99da0f827a5cf900_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839C050, hash = 99da0f827a5cf900 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839C050 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 57888, handle = 0000017643EAC0A8 FNV hash = cb5c1f06e060033b shader registered for possible reloading: cb5c1f06e060033b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839E2D0, hash = cb5c1f06e060033b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839E2D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 55388, handle = 0000017643EBA2C8 FNV hash = c5fdebbd4998aaa9 shader registered for possible reloading: c5fdebbd4998aaa9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839EB90, hash = c5fdebbd4998aaa9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839EB90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 57220, handle = 0000017643EC7B24 FNV hash = e33f85c42f6595d6 shader registered for possible reloading: e33f85c42f6595d6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839ED10, hash = e33f85c42f6595d6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839ED10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 54720, handle = 0000017643ED5AA8 FNV hash = 0f96613b9610e3f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f96613b9610e3f3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839E190, hash = 0f96613b9610e3f3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839E190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 53416, handle = 0000017643EE3068 FNV hash = a847089b9d0f6d63 shader registered for possible reloading: a847089b9d0f6d63_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A1550, hash = a847089b9d0f6d63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A1550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 50916, handle = 0000017643EF0110 FNV hash = 5696b71873b375a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 5696b71873b375a2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A0550, hash = 5696b71873b375a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A0550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 52920, handle = 0000017643EFC7F4 FNV hash = c20816dab82d4478 shader registered for possible reloading: c20816dab82d4478_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839F2D0, hash = c20816dab82d4478 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839F2D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 50420, handle = 0000017643F096AC FNV hash = 4cde2c0e4791b2ff shader registered for possible reloading: 4cde2c0e4791b2ff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A0290, hash = 4cde2c0e4791b2ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A0290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 48816, handle = 0000017643F15BA0 FNV hash = 6b8e1d140beb1e42 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b8e1d140beb1e42_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839E450, hash = 6b8e1d140beb1e42 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839E450 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 46316, handle = 0000017643F21A50 FNV hash = fa67b377d1963532 shader registered for possible reloading: fa67b377d1963532_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839D8D0, hash = fa67b377d1963532 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839D8D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 48236, handle = 0000017643F2CF3C FNV hash = 9f0638bb3a0fa508 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f0638bb3a0fa508_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839C1D0, hash = 9f0638bb3a0fa508 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839C1D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 45736, handle = 0000017643F38BA8 FNV hash = 88bb6409a8ff7289 shader registered for possible reloading: 88bb6409a8ff7289_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839C910, hash = 88bb6409a8ff7289 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839C910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38220, handle = 0000017643F43E50 FNV hash = eba47b26a39cffab shader registered for possible reloading: eba47b26a39cffab_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839EE50, hash = eba47b26a39cffab returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839EE50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38220, handle = 0000017643F4D39C FNV hash = eba47b26a39cffab shader registered for possible reloading: eba47b26a39cffab_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A06D0, hash = eba47b26a39cffab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A06D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 37536, handle = 0000017643F568E8 FNV hash = cbe8c957190d6de0 shader registered for possible reloading: cbe8c957190d6de0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839E5D0, hash = cbe8c957190d6de0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839E5D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 37536, handle = 0000017643F5FB88 FNV hash = cbe8c957190d6de0 shader registered for possible reloading: cbe8c957190d6de0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A0F90, hash = cbe8c957190d6de0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A0F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24244, handle = 0000017643F68E28, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 113c3886ca5cb233 shader registered for possible reloading: 113c3886ca5cb233_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839C350, hash = 113c3886ca5cb233 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839C350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24244, handle = 0000017643F6ECDC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 113c3886ca5cb233 shader registered for possible reloading: 113c3886ca5cb233_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839E890, hash = 113c3886ca5cb233 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839E890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26292, handle = 0000017643F74B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4feab3d97e4ab6cc shader registered for possible reloading: 4feab3d97e4ab6cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A0850, hash = 4feab3d97e4ab6cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A0850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35888, handle = 0000017643F7B244, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c961850eaad34360 shader registered for possible reloading: c961850eaad34360_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839FB50, hash = c961850eaad34360 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839FB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30456, handle = 0000017643F83E74, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d24bd494b40744f shader registered for possible reloading: 5d24bd494b40744f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839C610, hash = 5d24bd494b40744f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839C610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26292, handle = 0000017643F8B56C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4feab3d97e4ab6cc shader registered for possible reloading: 4feab3d97e4ab6cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A09D0, hash = 4feab3d97e4ab6cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A09D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36040, handle = 0000017643F91C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53016dd7da940b28 shader registered for possible reloading: 53016dd7da940b28_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839EA10, hash = 53016dd7da940b28 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839EA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30816, handle = 0000017643F9A8E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 197bb9e5d6023cf0 shader registered for possible reloading: 197bb9e5d6023cf0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839F410, hash = 197bb9e5d6023cf0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839F410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24280, handle = 0000017643FA2148, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 636ece1bd4e7a3e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839F590, hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839F590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26328, handle = 0000017643FA8020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 shader registered for possible reloading: c1c8575cbfff8768_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839DA50, hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839DA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36076, handle = 0000017643FAE6F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 68f786b3b14617ce shader registered for possible reloading: 68f786b3b14617ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A0B10, hash = 68f786b3b14617ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A0B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30852, handle = 0000017643FB73E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f50cb6179fd0c2cb shader registered for possible reloading: f50cb6179fd0c2cb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A1810, hash = f50cb6179fd0c2cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A1810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28656, handle = 0000017643FBEC68, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c749e18c5176ec6 shader registered for possible reloading: 5c749e18c5176ec6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839F710, hash = 5c749e18c5176ec6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839F710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28504, handle = 0000017643FC5C58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ef8eb96c8c43eaa shader registered for possible reloading: 2ef8eb96c8c43eaa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839F890, hash = 2ef8eb96c8c43eaa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839F890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32108, handle = 0000017643FCCBB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc58637368f81abc shader registered for possible reloading: dc58637368f81abc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A0C90, hash = dc58637368f81abc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A0C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46724, handle = 0000017643FD491C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d259f9de068f4096 shader registered for possible reloading: d259f9de068f4096_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A10D0, hash = d259f9de068f4096 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A10D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41048, handle = 0000017643FDFFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5f816ebd2a4a762 shader registered for possible reloading: f5f816ebd2a4a762_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A0E10, hash = f5f816ebd2a4a762 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A0E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32260, handle = 0000017643FE9FF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 151ce99368552104 shader registered for possible reloading: 151ce99368552104_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839C790, hash = 151ce99368552104 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839C790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46876, handle = 0000017643FF1DFC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21e70369bc0d2284 shader registered for possible reloading: 21e70369bc0d2284_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A1250, hash = 21e70369bc0d2284 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A1250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41408, handle = 0000017643FFD518, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5d1d55593327bbc shader registered for possible reloading: e5d1d55593327bbc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839D050, hash = e5d1d55593327bbc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839D050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28692, handle = 00000176440076D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 580f2c08fa4fbe61 shader registered for possible reloading: 580f2c08fa4fbe61_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839DBD0, hash = 580f2c08fa4fbe61 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839DBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32296, handle = 000001764400E6EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1c9f2e271cc9823 shader registered for possible reloading: a1c9f2e271cc9823_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839CED0, hash = a1c9f2e271cc9823 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839CED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46912, handle = 0000017644016514, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88add973cc68edaa shader registered for possible reloading: 88add973cc68edaa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4BD0, hash = 88add973cc68edaa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41444, handle = 0000017644021C54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90e0db937b3e0f14 shader registered for possible reloading: 90e0db937b3e0f14_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A20D0, hash = 90e0db937b3e0f14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A20D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28692, handle = 000001764402BE38, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 580f2c08fa4fbe61 shader registered for possible reloading: 580f2c08fa4fbe61_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A5750, hash = 580f2c08fa4fbe61 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A5750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32296, handle = 0000017644032E4C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1c9f2e271cc9823 shader registered for possible reloading: a1c9f2e271cc9823_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A55D0, hash = a1c9f2e271cc9823 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A55D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46912, handle = 000001764403AC74, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88add973cc68edaa shader registered for possible reloading: 88add973cc68edaa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A3350, hash = 88add973cc68edaa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A3350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41444, handle = 00000176440463B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90e0db937b3e0f14 shader registered for possible reloading: 90e0db937b3e0f14_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A2F10, hash = 90e0db937b3e0f14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A2F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28540, handle = 0000017644050598, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7665ffe5dc8b8a6 shader registered for possible reloading: a7665ffe5dc8b8a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A34D0, hash = a7665ffe5dc8b8a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A34D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32144, handle = 0000017644057514, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7517586cf0ee3a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e7517586cf0ee3a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A3C10, hash = e7517586cf0ee3a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A3C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46760, handle = 000001764405F2A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abf114f55a6ff7b7 shader registered for possible reloading: abf114f55a6ff7b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A2390, hash = abf114f55a6ff7b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A2390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41084, handle = 000001764406A94C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ada14e21200be262 shader registered for possible reloading: ada14e21200be262_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4D50, hash = ada14e21200be262 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28540, handle = 00000176440749C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7665ffe5dc8b8a6 shader registered for possible reloading: a7665ffe5dc8b8a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A3910, hash = a7665ffe5dc8b8a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A3910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32144, handle = 000001764407B944, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7517586cf0ee3a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e7517586cf0ee3a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A58D0, hash = e7517586cf0ee3a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A58D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46760, handle = 00000176440836D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abf114f55a6ff7b7 shader registered for possible reloading: abf114f55a6ff7b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4790, hash = abf114f55a6ff7b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41084, handle = 000001764408ED7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ada14e21200be262 shader registered for possible reloading: ada14e21200be262_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A3650, hash = ada14e21200be262 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A3650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28540, handle = 0000017644098DF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7665ffe5dc8b8a6 shader registered for possible reloading: a7665ffe5dc8b8a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A5A50, hash = a7665ffe5dc8b8a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A5A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32144, handle = 000001764409FD74, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7517586cf0ee3a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e7517586cf0ee3a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4610, hash = e7517586cf0ee3a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46760, handle = 00000176440A7B04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abf114f55a6ff7b7 shader registered for possible reloading: abf114f55a6ff7b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4050, hash = abf114f55a6ff7b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41084, handle = 00000176440B31AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ada14e21200be262 shader registered for possible reloading: ada14e21200be262_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A27D0, hash = ada14e21200be262 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A27D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28692, handle = 00000176440BD228, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 580f2c08fa4fbe61 shader registered for possible reloading: 580f2c08fa4fbe61_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A2510, hash = 580f2c08fa4fbe61 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A2510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32296, handle = 00000176440C423C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1c9f2e271cc9823 shader registered for possible reloading: a1c9f2e271cc9823_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A5190, hash = a1c9f2e271cc9823 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A5190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46912, handle = 00000176440CC064, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88add973cc68edaa shader registered for possible reloading: 88add973cc68edaa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A2690, hash = 88add973cc68edaa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A2690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41444, handle = 00000176440D77A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90e0db937b3e0f14 shader registered for possible reloading: 90e0db937b3e0f14_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A3210, hash = 90e0db937b3e0f14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A3210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24280, handle = 00000176440E1988, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 636ece1bd4e7a3e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4ED0, hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26328, handle = 00000176440E7860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 shader registered for possible reloading: c1c8575cbfff8768_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A3D90, hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A3D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36076, handle = 00000176440EDF38, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 68f786b3b14617ce shader registered for possible reloading: 68f786b3b14617ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A41D0, hash = 68f786b3b14617ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A41D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30852, handle = 00000176440F6C24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f50cb6179fd0c2cb shader registered for possible reloading: f50cb6179fd0c2cb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A2210, hash = f50cb6179fd0c2cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A2210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24280, handle = 00000176440FE4A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 636ece1bd4e7a3e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4490, hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26328, handle = 0000017644104380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 shader registered for possible reloading: c1c8575cbfff8768_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4910, hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35924, handle = 000001764410AA58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62121f237491dbae shader registered for possible reloading: 62121f237491dbae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A2950, hash = 62121f237491dbae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A2950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30492, handle = 00000176441136AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 303c3617c4306805 shader registered for possible reloading: 303c3617c4306805_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A1F50, hash = 303c3617c4306805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A1F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24280, handle = 000001764411ADC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 636ece1bd4e7a3e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A5010, hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A5010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26328, handle = 0000017644120CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 shader registered for possible reloading: c1c8575cbfff8768_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A5E90, hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A5E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35924, handle = 0000017644127378, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62121f237491dbae shader registered for possible reloading: 62121f237491dbae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A3A90, hash = 62121f237491dbae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A3A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30492, handle = 000001764412FFCC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 303c3617c4306805 shader registered for possible reloading: 303c3617c4306805_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A5310, hash = 303c3617c4306805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A5310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24280, handle = 00000176441376E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 636ece1bd4e7a3e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4350, hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26328, handle = 000001764413D5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 shader registered for possible reloading: c1c8575cbfff8768_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A6010, hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A6010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 35924, handle = 0000017644143C98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62121f237491dbae shader registered for possible reloading: 62121f237491dbae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A37D0, hash = 62121f237491dbae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A37D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30492, handle = 000001764414C8EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 303c3617c4306805 shader registered for possible reloading: 303c3617c4306805_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A2AD0, hash = 303c3617c4306805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A2AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24280, handle = 0000017644154008, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 636ece1bd4e7a3e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A1B10, hash = 636ece1bd4e7a3e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A1B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26328, handle = 0000017644159EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 shader registered for possible reloading: c1c8575cbfff8768_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A4A50, hash = c1c8575cbfff8768 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A4A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36076, handle = 00000176441605B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 68f786b3b14617ce shader registered for possible reloading: 68f786b3b14617ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A1C50, hash = 68f786b3b14617ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A1C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30852, handle = 00000176441692A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f50cb6179fd0c2cb shader registered for possible reloading: f50cb6179fd0c2cb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483A1DD0, hash = f50cb6179fd0c2cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A1DD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 43316, handle = 0000017644170B28 FNV hash = 4fec24f14cbb7b31 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fec24f14cbb7b31_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A2C50, hash = 4fec24f14cbb7b31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A2C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 43316, handle = 000001764417B45C FNV hash = 4fec24f14cbb7b31 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fec24f14cbb7b31_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483A2D90, hash = 4fec24f14cbb7b31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483A2D90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 43316, handle = 0000017644185D90 FNV hash = 4fec24f14cbb7b31 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fec24f14cbb7b31_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839ADD0, hash = 4fec24f14cbb7b31 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839ADD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 43316, handle = 00000176441906C4 FNV hash = 4fec24f14cbb7b31 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fec24f14cbb7b31_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839B950, hash = 4fec24f14cbb7b31 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839B950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 42672, handle = 000001764419AFF8 FNV hash = b43bf546366540bd shader registered for possible reloading: b43bf546366540bd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839B650, hash = b43bf546366540bd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839B650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 42672, handle = 00000176441A56A8 FNV hash = b43bf546366540bd shader registered for possible reloading: b43bf546366540bd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176483996D0, hash = b43bf546366540bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483996D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 53992, handle = 00000176441AFD58 FNV hash = 333b50365b4e7166 shader registered for possible reloading: 333b50365b4e7166_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648399550, hash = 333b50365b4e7166 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648399550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 51492, handle = 00000176441BD040 FNV hash = e2d0fbd4f8ad85f2 shader registered for possible reloading: e2d0fbd4f8ad85f2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839AF10, hash = e2d0fbd4f8ad85f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839AF10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 58592, handle = 00000176441C9964 FNV hash = cb95efb912ffa25b shader registered for possible reloading: cb95efb912ffa25b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648398F90, hash = cb95efb912ffa25b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648398F90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 56092, handle = 00000176441D7E44 FNV hash = 8aec8bf17ffa99f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8aec8bf17ffa99f2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839B090, hash = 8aec8bf17ffa99f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839B090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 58104, handle = 00000176441E5960 FNV hash = a2a6007de28c6064 shader registered for possible reloading: a2a6007de28c6064_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839B390, hash = a2a6007de28c6064 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839B390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 55604, handle = 00000176441F3C58 FNV hash = 3fc677af511c19ac shader registered for possible reloading: 3fc677af511c19ac_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648399810, hash = 3fc677af511c19ac returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648399810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 53420, handle = 000001764420158C FNV hash = d771b2acc966def1 shader registered for possible reloading: d771b2acc966def1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839BA90, hash = d771b2acc966def1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839BA90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 50920, handle = 000001764420E638 FNV hash = 91899a8b83b9e739 shader registered for possible reloading: 91899a8b83b9e739_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648398C90, hash = 91899a8b83b9e739 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648398C90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 42672, handle = 000001764421AD20 FNV hash = b43bf546366540bd shader registered for possible reloading: b43bf546366540bd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648399990, hash = b43bf546366540bd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648399990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 42672, handle = 00000176442253D0 FNV hash = b43bf546366540bd shader registered for possible reloading: b43bf546366540bd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764839B7D0, hash = b43bf546366540bd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839B7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41784, handle = 000001764422FA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d15d17b650e570d1 shader registered for possible reloading: d15d17b650e570d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648399B10, hash = d15d17b650e570d1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648399B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41784, handle = 0000017644239DB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d15d17b650e570d1 shader registered for possible reloading: d15d17b650e570d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648396FD0, hash = d15d17b650e570d1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648396FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41784, handle = 00000176442440F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d15d17b650e570d1 shader registered for possible reloading: d15d17b650e570d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839A390, hash = d15d17b650e570d1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839A390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41784, handle = 000001764424E428, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d15d17b650e570d1 shader registered for possible reloading: d15d17b650e570d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648399110, hash = d15d17b650e570d1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648399110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41440, handle = 0000017644258760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95aebdd500013bb1 shader registered for possible reloading: 95aebdd500013bb1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648398E10, hash = 95aebdd500013bb1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648398E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41440, handle = 0000017644262940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95aebdd500013bb1 shader registered for possible reloading: 95aebdd500013bb1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839A510, hash = 95aebdd500013bb1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839A510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 52628, handle = 000001764426CB20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e2d87b80fe830da9 shader registered for possible reloading: e2d87b80fe830da9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483965D0, hash = e2d87b80fe830da9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483965D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 50128, handle = 00000176442798B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae28a0fdc0bc1f05 shader registered for possible reloading: ae28a0fdc0bc1f05_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648399250, hash = ae28a0fdc0bc1f05 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648399250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 57152, handle = 0000017644285C84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f32a5aa67493498b shader registered for possible reloading: f32a5aa67493498b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648398850, hash = f32a5aa67493498b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648398850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 54652, handle = 0000017644293BC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0dab685920435096 shader registered for possible reloading: 0dab685920435096_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839BC10, hash = 0dab685920435096 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839BC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 56780, handle = 00000176442A1140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f0fafe9942731fb shader registered for possible reloading: 8f0fafe9942731fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648398110, hash = 8f0fafe9942731fb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648398110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 54280, handle = 00000176442AEF0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b95919bc88b00fd shader registered for possible reloading: 7b95919bc88b00fd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397CD0, hash = 7b95919bc88b00fd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 52180, handle = 00000176442BC314, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5bbb41b8d96b180 shader registered for possible reloading: a5bbb41b8d96b180_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648398410, hash = a5bbb41b8d96b180 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648398410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49680, handle = 00000176442C8EE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3094c68c5cdbb22e shader registered for possible reloading: 3094c68c5cdbb22e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839A690, hash = 3094c68c5cdbb22e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839A690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41440, handle = 00000176442D50F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95aebdd500013bb1 shader registered for possible reloading: 95aebdd500013bb1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839BD90, hash = 95aebdd500013bb1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839BD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 41440, handle = 00000176442DF2D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95aebdd500013bb1 shader registered for possible reloading: 95aebdd500013bb1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839A810, hash = 95aebdd500013bb1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839A810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39248, handle = 00000176442E94B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a366a15da96f4f1f shader registered for possible reloading: a366a15da96f4f1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648398290, hash = a366a15da96f4f1f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648398290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39248, handle = 00000176442F2E08, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a366a15da96f4f1f shader registered for possible reloading: a366a15da96f4f1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397E50, hash = a366a15da96f4f1f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38884, handle = 00000176442FC758, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b44d14827d350160 shader registered for possible reloading: b44d14827d350160_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397150, hash = b44d14827d350160 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38884, handle = 0000017644305F3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b44d14827d350160 shader registered for possible reloading: b44d14827d350160_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648396310, hash = b44d14827d350160 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648396310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40836, handle = 000001764430F720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7867c535d5fafde9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7867c535d5fafde9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397590, hash = 7867c535d5fafde9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40836, handle = 00000176443196A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7867c535d5fafde9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7867c535d5fafde9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648396450, hash = 7867c535d5fafde9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648396450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40452, handle = 0000017644323628, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 545aa4a39d8d0dd2 shader registered for possible reloading: 545aa4a39d8d0dd2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839A950, hash = 545aa4a39d8d0dd2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839A950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40452, handle = 000001764432D42C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 545aa4a39d8d0dd2 shader registered for possible reloading: 545aa4a39d8d0dd2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483993D0, hash = 545aa4a39d8d0dd2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483993D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39248, handle = 0000017644337230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a366a15da96f4f1f shader registered for possible reloading: a366a15da96f4f1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648399C90, hash = a366a15da96f4f1f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648399C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39248, handle = 0000017644340B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a366a15da96f4f1f shader registered for possible reloading: a366a15da96f4f1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397450, hash = a366a15da96f4f1f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38884, handle = 000001764434A4D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b44d14827d350160 shader registered for possible reloading: b44d14827d350160_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648399F50, hash = b44d14827d350160 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648399F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38884, handle = 0000017644353CB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b44d14827d350160 shader registered for possible reloading: b44d14827d350160_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839B210, hash = b44d14827d350160 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839B210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40836, handle = 000001764435D498, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7867c535d5fafde9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7867c535d5fafde9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839AAD0, hash = 7867c535d5fafde9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839AAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40836, handle = 000001764436741C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7867c535d5fafde9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7867c535d5fafde9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483972D0, hash = 7867c535d5fafde9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483972D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40452, handle = 00000176443713A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 545aa4a39d8d0dd2 shader registered for possible reloading: 545aa4a39d8d0dd2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648396750, hash = 545aa4a39d8d0dd2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648396750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40452, handle = 000001764437B1A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 545aa4a39d8d0dd2 shader registered for possible reloading: 545aa4a39d8d0dd2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483968D0, hash = 545aa4a39d8d0dd2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483968D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36696, handle = 0000017644384FA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a580deaf042b457 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a580deaf042b457_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397890, hash = 8a580deaf042b457 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36696, handle = 000001764438DF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a580deaf042b457 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a580deaf042b457_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648399DD0, hash = 8a580deaf042b457 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648399DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36332, handle = 0000017644396E58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1aff9bf9b49520d shader registered for possible reloading: f1aff9bf9b49520d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839B4D0, hash = f1aff9bf9b49520d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839B4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36332, handle = 000001764439FC44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1aff9bf9b49520d shader registered for possible reloading: f1aff9bf9b49520d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397FD0, hash = f1aff9bf9b49520d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 50012, handle = 00000176443A8A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60c088d42fefc712 shader registered for possible reloading: 60c088d42fefc712_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648398590, hash = 60c088d42fefc712 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648398590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 47512, handle = 00000176443B4D8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c510d65921bc4d9 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c510d65921bc4d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648396A10, hash = 1c510d65921bc4d9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648396A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49564, handle = 00000176443C0724, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3201aba9f92ce67f shader registered for possible reloading: 3201aba9f92ce67f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483986D0, hash = 3201aba9f92ce67f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483986D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 47064, handle = 00000176443CC8C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 303794f318a6d785 shader registered for possible reloading: 303794f318a6d785_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176483989D0, hash = 303794f318a6d785 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176483989D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 51600, handle = 00000176443D8098, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 266c2cd7362b1364 shader registered for possible reloading: 266c2cd7362b1364_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839A0D0, hash = 266c2cd7362b1364 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839A0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49100, handle = 00000176443E4A28, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef75fb064e8ab842 shader registered for possible reloading: ef75fb064e8ab842_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839A250, hash = ef75fb064e8ab842 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839A250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 51152, handle = 00000176443F09F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e2568f6da474bd shader registered for possible reloading: 32e2568f6da474bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648396B90, hash = 32e2568f6da474bd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648396B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 48652, handle = 00000176443FD1C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 960c187e3ed628f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 960c187e3ed628f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764839AC50, hash = 960c187e3ed628f3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764839AC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 54536, handle = 0000017644408FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e40d699d0a06beec shader registered for possible reloading: e40d699d0a06beec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648396D10, hash = e40d699d0a06beec returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648396D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 52036, handle = 00000176444164D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 23c3378617214a3d shader registered for possible reloading: 23c3378617214a3d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648396E90, hash = 23c3378617214a3d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648396E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 54164, handle = 000001764442301C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a672abe53ef488e shader registered for possible reloading: 8a672abe53ef488e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397710, hash = 8a672abe53ef488e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 51664, handle = 00000176444303B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 550e2b7e4cb17164 shader registered for possible reloading: 550e2b7e4cb17164_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648398B50, hash = 550e2b7e4cb17164 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648398B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 56096, handle = 000001764443CD80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be2f2a582c56dc74 shader registered for possible reloading: be2f2a582c56dc74_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397A10, hash = be2f2a582c56dc74 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 53596, handle = 000001764444A8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c8a91a363a40a97 shader registered for possible reloading: 6c8a91a363a40a97_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648397B50, hash = 6c8a91a363a40a97 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648397B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 55752, handle = 00000176444579FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4890410550231890 shader registered for possible reloading: 4890410550231890_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0CD10, hash = 4890410550231890 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0CD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 53252, handle = 00000176444653C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf803cf22dde49be shader registered for possible reloading: bf803cf22dde49be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0EB10, hash = bf803cf22dde49be returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0EB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 52004, handle = 00000176444723C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6320833a640d8de3 shader registered for possible reloading: 6320833a640d8de3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0D2D0, hash = 6320833a640d8de3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0D2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49504, handle = 000001764447EEEC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eeb69db0d35cf4cd shader registered for possible reloading: eeb69db0d35cf4cd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0BA50, hash = eeb69db0d35cf4cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0BA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 51632, handle = 000001764448B04C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ded5a4455363f49 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ded5a4455363f49_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0E290, hash = 8ded5a4455363f49 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0E290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 49132, handle = 00000176444979FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6107e6a2a64ae6a shader registered for possible reloading: a6107e6a2a64ae6a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0D410, hash = a6107e6a2a64ae6a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0D410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 47480, handle = 00000176444A39E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d993921b46bcb1eb shader registered for possible reloading: d993921b46bcb1eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F10210, hash = d993921b46bcb1eb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F10210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 44980, handle = 00000176444AF360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3cd8548abdf90408 shader registered for possible reloading: 3cd8548abdf90408_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0E110, hash = 3cd8548abdf90408 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0E110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 47032, handle = 00000176444BA314, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e49289c6c15b166 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e49289c6c15b166_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0C450, hash = 6e49289c6c15b166 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0C450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 44532, handle = 00000176444C5ACC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cc551f330feb8be shader registered for possible reloading: 8cc551f330feb8be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0D9D0, hash = 8cc551f330feb8be returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0D9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36696, handle = 00000176444D08C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a580deaf042b457 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a580deaf042b457_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0BBD0, hash = 8a580deaf042b457 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0BBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36696, handle = 00000176444D9818, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a580deaf042b457 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a580deaf042b457_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F10D90, hash = 8a580deaf042b457 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F10D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36332, handle = 00000176444E2770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1aff9bf9b49520d shader registered for possible reloading: f1aff9bf9b49520d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0E410, hash = f1aff9bf9b49520d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0E410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36332, handle = 00000176444EB55C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1aff9bf9b49520d shader registered for possible reloading: f1aff9bf9b49520d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0C890, hash = f1aff9bf9b49520d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0C890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1424, handle = 00000176444F4348, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b957a4c9810d9ce7 shader registered for possible reloading: b957a4c9810d9ce7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0E850, hash = b957a4c9810d9ce7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0E850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6852, handle = 00000176444F48D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 124cc0715cc42563 shader registered for possible reloading: 124cc0715cc42563_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0E550, hash = 124cc0715cc42563 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0E550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 800, handle = 00000176444F639C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea43b83c0df9f5c8 shader registered for possible reloading: ea43b83c0df9f5c8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0F550, hash = ea43b83c0df9f5c8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0F550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1040, handle = 00000176444F66BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 245ad87ad16a85ff shader registered for possible reloading: 245ad87ad16a85ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0C5D0, hash = 245ad87ad16a85ff returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0C5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6340, handle = 00000176444F6ACC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cde21506e2bf9f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cde21506e2bf9f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0E6D0, hash = 8cde21506e2bf9f5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0E6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6240, handle = 00000176444F8390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8bf9614bb3ef47a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 8bf9614bb3ef47a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0CA10, hash = 8bf9614bb3ef47a7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0CA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6388, handle = 00000176444F9BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd60b1f0232cbf2e shader registered for possible reloading: cd60b1f0232cbf2e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0F250, hash = cd60b1f0232cbf2e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0F250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4668, handle = 00000176444FB4E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d747c4905967ee65 shader registered for possible reloading: d747c4905967ee65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F0FB10, hash = d747c4905967ee65 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0FB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4668, handle = 00000176444FC720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d747c4905967ee65 shader registered for possible reloading: d747c4905967ee65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F0C750, hash = d747c4905967ee65 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0C750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15312, handle = 00000176444FD95C FNV hash = 3fbbdc605d0d59b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3fbbdc605d0d59b2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0EF90, hash = 3fbbdc605d0d59b2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0EF90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15416, handle = 000001764450152C FNV hash = 3f8e77178f2fb72e shader registered for possible reloading: 3f8e77178f2fb72e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0CFD0, hash = 3f8e77178f2fb72e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0CFD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6144, handle = 0000017644505164 FNV hash = ec9640925ba34558 shader registered for possible reloading: ec9640925ba34558_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0D710, hash = ec9640925ba34558 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0D710 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6144, handle = 0000017644506964 FNV hash = ec9640925ba34558 shader registered for possible reloading: ec9640925ba34558_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0DF90, hash = ec9640925ba34558 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0DF90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6144, handle = 0000017644508164 FNV hash = ec9640925ba34558 shader registered for possible reloading: ec9640925ba34558_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0C190, hash = ec9640925ba34558 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0C190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6144, handle = 0000017644509964 FNV hash = ec9640925ba34558 shader registered for possible reloading: ec9640925ba34558_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F10510, hash = ec9640925ba34558 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F10510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15416, handle = 000001764450B164 FNV hash = 29b8021eb7dfcb34 shader registered for possible reloading: 29b8021eb7dfcb34_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0D150, hash = 29b8021eb7dfcb34 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0D150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 18280, handle = 000001764450ED9C FNV hash = 615db81ee40ae577 shader registered for possible reloading: 615db81ee40ae577_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0D890, hash = 615db81ee40ae577 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0D890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 18708, handle = 0000017644513504 FNV hash = 9ebc8ec35d57e387 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ebc8ec35d57e387_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F10F10, hash = 9ebc8ec35d57e387 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F10F10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6144, handle = 0000017644517E18 FNV hash = ec9640925ba34558 shader registered for possible reloading: ec9640925ba34558_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0EE10, hash = ec9640925ba34558 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0EE10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6144, handle = 0000017644519618 FNV hash = ec9640925ba34558 shader registered for possible reloading: ec9640925ba34558_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0DB50, hash = ec9640925ba34558 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0DB50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6144, handle = 000001764451AE18 FNV hash = ec9640925ba34558 shader registered for possible reloading: ec9640925ba34558_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0C2D0, hash = ec9640925ba34558 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0C2D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6144, handle = 000001764451C618 FNV hash = ec9640925ba34558 shader registered for possible reloading: ec9640925ba34558_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0E9D0, hash = ec9640925ba34558 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0E9D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 18416, handle = 000001764451DE18 FNV hash = 95a4d6c3db0c29ce shader registered for possible reloading: 95a4d6c3db0c29ce_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F10390, hash = 95a4d6c3db0c29ce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F10390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 18844, handle = 0000017644522608 FNV hash = 05fa75fed2f9ae52 shader registered for possible reloading: 05fa75fed2f9ae52_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F10950, hash = 05fa75fed2f9ae52 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F10950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15520, handle = 0000017644526FA4 FNV hash = 4d304fb3a96a2cff shader registered for possible reloading: 4d304fb3a96a2cff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0F3D0, hash = 4d304fb3a96a2cff returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0F3D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15820, handle = 000001764452AC44 FNV hash = 41d4062b11ddb253 shader registered for possible reloading: 41d4062b11ddb253_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F10AD0, hash = 41d4062b11ddb253 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F10AD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15820, handle = 000001764452EA10 FNV hash = 41d4062b11ddb253 shader registered for possible reloading: 41d4062b11ddb253_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0DCD0, hash = 41d4062b11ddb253 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0DCD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15936, handle = 00000176445327DC FNV hash = 1b92cde86a4b17f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b92cde86a4b17f3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0BD10, hash = 1b92cde86a4b17f3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0BD10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15936, handle = 000001764453661C FNV hash = 1b92cde86a4b17f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b92cde86a4b17f3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0CB90, hash = 1b92cde86a4b17f3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0CB90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 528, handle = 000001764453A45C FNV hash = 0a75df7e39fd9020 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a75df7e39fd9020_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0CE50, hash = 0a75df7e39fd9020 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0CE50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 528, handle = 000001764453A66C FNV hash = 0a75df7e39fd9020 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a75df7e39fd9020_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0EC90, hash = 0a75df7e39fd9020 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0EC90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38364, handle = 000001764453A87C FNV hash = 1cd6c9d68541b8c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 1cd6c9d68541b8c1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0F690, hash = 1cd6c9d68541b8c1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0F690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38364, handle = 0000017644543E58 FNV hash = cd7e9f2f04b99c33 shader registered for possible reloading: cd7e9f2f04b99c33_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0F0D0, hash = cd7e9f2f04b99c33 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0F0D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16944, handle = 000001764454D434 FNV hash = 02a36cb7a87424b9 shader registered for possible reloading: 02a36cb7a87424b9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0FF50, hash = 02a36cb7a87424b9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0FF50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16944, handle = 0000017644551664 FNV hash = 3cb996d42d76a034 shader registered for possible reloading: 3cb996d42d76a034_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0DE50, hash = 3cb996d42d76a034 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0DE50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 20820, handle = 0000017644555894 FNV hash = da1b21930f955f19 shader registered for possible reloading: da1b21930f955f19_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0F810, hash = da1b21930f955f19 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0F810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 20820, handle = 000001764455A9E8 FNV hash = aed13236507963af shader registered for possible reloading: aed13236507963af_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0F990, hash = aed13236507963af returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0F990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38364, handle = 000001764455FB3C FNV hash = 1cd6c9d68541b8c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 1cd6c9d68541b8c1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0BE90, hash = 1cd6c9d68541b8c1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0BE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38364, handle = 0000017644569118 FNV hash = cd7e9f2f04b99c33 shader registered for possible reloading: cd7e9f2f04b99c33_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0FC50, hash = cd7e9f2f04b99c33 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0FC50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16944, handle = 00000176445726F4 FNV hash = 02a36cb7a87424b9 shader registered for possible reloading: 02a36cb7a87424b9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0FDD0, hash = 02a36cb7a87424b9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0FDD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16944, handle = 0000017644576924 FNV hash = 3cb996d42d76a034 shader registered for possible reloading: 3cb996d42d76a034_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F0C010, hash = 3cb996d42d76a034 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0C010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 20820, handle = 000001764457AB54 FNV hash = da1b21930f955f19 shader registered for possible reloading: da1b21930f955f19_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F100D0, hash = da1b21930f955f19 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F100D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 20820, handle = 000001764457FCA8 FNV hash = aed13236507963af shader registered for possible reloading: aed13236507963af_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F10690, hash = aed13236507963af returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F10690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 37172, handle = 0000017644584DFC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 440e3b373f9c7291 shader registered for possible reloading: 440e3b373f9c7291_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F107D0, hash = 440e3b373f9c7291 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F107D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 37060, handle = 000001764458DF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58599d9eb2bd5891 shader registered for possible reloading: 58599d9eb2bd5891_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F10C50, hash = 58599d9eb2bd5891 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F10C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15728, handle = 0000017644596FF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2fba3350d5c6525a shader registered for possible reloading: 2fba3350d5c6525a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0B490, hash = 2fba3350d5c6525a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0B490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15616, handle = 000001764459AD64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9cdf68a0ae5b5cd shader registered for possible reloading: f9cdf68a0ae5b5cd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0B610, hash = f9cdf68a0ae5b5cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0B610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19312, handle = 000001764459EA64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7966525e526182b shader registered for possible reloading: a7966525e526182b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0B750, hash = a7966525e526182b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0B750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19200, handle = 00000176445A35D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e7c72b81587d0b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e7c72b81587d0b5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F0B8D0, hash = 0e7c72b81587d0b5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F0B8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13092, handle = 00000176445A80D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a94a8327bd9bfb8f shader registered for possible reloading: a94a8327bd9bfb8f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F16990, hash = a94a8327bd9bfb8f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F16990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 38384, handle = 00000176445AB3F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7832de33ec1a33a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7832de33ec1a33a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F11A90, hash = 7832de33ec1a33a9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F11A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 452, handle = 00000176445B49E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8398d18421ab05a shader registered for possible reloading: d8398d18421ab05a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F15E10, hash = d8398d18421ab05a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F15E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2228, handle = 00000176445B4BAC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7a50c5d1a8c49f9 shader registered for possible reloading: b7a50c5d1a8c49f9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F15B50, hash = b7a50c5d1a8c49f9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F15B50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5684, handle = 00000176445B5460 FNV hash = b0ef875e04e756d2 shader registered for possible reloading: b0ef875e04e756d2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F12910, hash = b0ef875e04e756d2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5656, handle = 00000176445B6A94 FNV hash = e25a15d09eab3b1b shader registered for possible reloading: e25a15d09eab3b1b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F12BD0, hash = e25a15d09eab3b1b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12BD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5596, handle = 00000176445B80AC FNV hash = 56f1092f874e6ccc shader registered for possible reloading: 56f1092f874e6ccc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F12D50, hash = 56f1092f874e6ccc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12D50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4492, handle = 00000176445B9688 FNV hash = 9397ab9e70fad34a shader registered for possible reloading: 9397ab9e70fad34a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F121D0, hash = 9397ab9e70fad34a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F121D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3552, handle = 00000176445BA814, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ef617641554fdc8 shader registered for possible reloading: 7ef617641554fdc8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F16B10, hash = 7ef617641554fdc8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F16B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5440, handle = 00000176445BB5F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eba42d8b78e91d1f shader registered for possible reloading: eba42d8b78e91d1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F15410, hash = eba42d8b78e91d1f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F15410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3708, handle = 00000176445BCB34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c06452f492b561e shader registered for possible reloading: 0c06452f492b561e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F15590, hash = 0c06452f492b561e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F15590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5596, handle = 00000176445BD9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4137e54bff899793 shader registered for possible reloading: 4137e54bff899793_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F14E50, hash = 4137e54bff899793 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F14E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5428, handle = 00000176445BEF8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f78d3ab95673ac5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f78d3ab95673ac5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F13B90, hash = 3f78d3ab95673ac5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F13B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9204, handle = 00000176445C04C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8568bd18a3c6f1ca shader registered for possible reloading: 8568bd18a3c6f1ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F13D10, hash = 8568bd18a3c6f1ca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F13D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1184, handle = 00000176445C28B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5e8fca5e2f59640 shader registered for possible reloading: a5e8fca5e2f59640_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F14B90, hash = a5e8fca5e2f59640 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F14B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1500, handle = 00000176445C2D54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4cb8e172d86076c shader registered for possible reloading: f4cb8e172d86076c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F16550, hash = f4cb8e172d86076c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F16550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2684, handle = 00000176445C3330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90018e5130b7f02e shader registered for possible reloading: 90018e5130b7f02e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F12350, hash = 90018e5130b7f02e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 712, handle = 00000176445C3DAC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a68b22876d9bb0b shader registered for possible reloading: 2a68b22876d9bb0b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F14010, hash = 2a68b22876d9bb0b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F14010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2440, handle = 00000176445C4074, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a205f2d8a971ea1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a205f2d8a971ea1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F13E90, hash = 9a205f2d8a971ea1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F13E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1992, handle = 00000176445C49FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f40e46611be2cc1d shader registered for possible reloading: f40e46611be2cc1d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F15CD0, hash = f40e46611be2cc1d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F15CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2104, handle = 00000176445C51C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cdef2359dd9e8a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cdef2359dd9e8a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F15710, hash = 8cdef2359dd9e8a8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F15710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 712, handle = 00000176445C59FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a68b22876d9bb0b shader registered for possible reloading: 2a68b22876d9bb0b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F13310, hash = 2a68b22876d9bb0b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F13310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11248, handle = 00000176445C5CC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c075db329519824 shader registered for possible reloading: 5c075db329519824_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F14150, hash = 5c075db329519824 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F14150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5164, handle = 00000176445C88B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4be30e673c61cc12 shader registered for possible reloading: 4be30e673c61cc12_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F11ED0, hash = 4be30e673c61cc12 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F11ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15596, handle = 00000176445C9CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 994e79544b00a401 shader registered for possible reloading: 994e79544b00a401_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F12ED0, hash = 994e79544b00a401 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1044, handle = 00000176445CD9CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4dc0474e2ffc1e57 shader registered for possible reloading: 4dc0474e2ffc1e57_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F13010, hash = 4dc0474e2ffc1e57 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F13010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1084, handle = 00000176445CDDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9559e7ef786c1794 shader registered for possible reloading: 9559e7ef786c1794_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F11090, hash = 9559e7ef786c1794 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F11090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1280, handle = 00000176445CE21C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2a59574b1089c46 shader registered for possible reloading: d2a59574b1089c46_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F16850, hash = d2a59574b1089c46 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F16850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1240, handle = 00000176445CE71C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 197d4a36e8cc177e shader registered for possible reloading: 197d4a36e8cc177e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F142D0, hash = 197d4a36e8cc177e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F142D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1540, handle = 00000176445CEBF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b71b78bdd54afb3 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b71b78bdd54afb3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F145D0, hash = 9b71b78bdd54afb3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F145D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 00000176445CF1F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e74e40f74c4f507f shader registered for possible reloading: e74e40f74c4f507f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F15850, hash = e74e40f74c4f507f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F15850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1700, handle = 00000176445CF404, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94fde581b47b843f shader registered for possible reloading: 94fde581b47b843f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F11D90, hash = 94fde581b47b843f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F11D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1424, handle = 00000176445CFAA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fad8d1605e21d6b shader registered for possible reloading: 1fad8d1605e21d6b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F13490, hash = 1fad8d1605e21d6b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F13490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1384, handle = 00000176445D0038, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d4d3ed0e91241cc shader registered for possible reloading: 2d4d3ed0e91241cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F135D0, hash = 2d4d3ed0e91241cc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F135D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1304, handle = 00000176445D05A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f77bea5309e64513 shader registered for possible reloading: f77bea5309e64513_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F14890, hash = f77bea5309e64513 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F14890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 00000176445D0AB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28d06d86a44aeafb shader registered for possible reloading: 28d06d86a44aeafb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F14A10, hash = 28d06d86a44aeafb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F14A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176445D0CC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F14FD0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F14FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6960, handle = 00000176445D0FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f41f60da63b3d99 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f41f60da63b3d99_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F11350, hash = 9f41f60da63b3d99 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F11350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176445D2B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F12050, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 764, handle = 00000176445D2E0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa87b3275d9a0137 shader registered for possible reloading: aa87b3275d9a0137_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F15150, hash = aa87b3275d9a0137 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F15150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176445D3108, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F163D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F163D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 944, handle = 00000176445D3414 FNV hash = 8caea5c39c9ccd96 shader registered for possible reloading: 8caea5c39c9ccd96_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F114D0, hash = 8caea5c39c9ccd96 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F114D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 944, handle = 00000176445D37C4 FNV hash = f1f5e6344739ff80 shader registered for possible reloading: f1f5e6344739ff80_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F117D0, hash = f1f5e6344739ff80 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F117D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 944, handle = 00000176445D3B74 FNV hash = 86c29f1aa34ee8b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 86c29f1aa34ee8b1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F15290, hash = 86c29f1aa34ee8b1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F15290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 944, handle = 00000176445D3F24 FNV hash = fd240f031d9af8af shader registered for possible reloading: fd240f031d9af8af_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F12490, hash = fd240f031d9af8af returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 944, handle = 00000176445D42D4 FNV hash = 3e13d7ac328cd29f shader registered for possible reloading: 3e13d7ac328cd29f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F11910, hash = 3e13d7ac328cd29f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F11910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1380, handle = 00000176445D4684 FNV hash = 7f781b103bd432db shader registered for possible reloading: 7f781b103bd432db_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F13750, hash = 7f781b103bd432db returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F13750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1184, handle = 00000176445D4BE8 FNV hash = 8cf22ab1d535aacc shader registered for possible reloading: 8cf22ab1d535aacc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F12610, hash = 8cf22ab1d535aacc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1268, handle = 00000176445D5088 FNV hash = 8c41f8062ab83649 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c41f8062ab83649_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F11C10, hash = 8c41f8062ab83649 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F11C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1316, handle = 00000176445D557C FNV hash = b44e07463f2e680d shader registered for possible reloading: b44e07463f2e680d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F12790, hash = b44e07463f2e680d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 00000176445D5AA0 FNV hash = c39b42219019512b shader registered for possible reloading: c39b42219019512b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F138D0, hash = c39b42219019512b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F138D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D5ED8 FNV hash = 386d3d84b886adce shader registered for possible reloading: 386d3d84b886adce_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F12A50, hash = 386d3d84b886adce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F12A50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D628C FNV hash = 0cf31ecd70d0753c shader registered for possible reloading: 0cf31ecd70d0753c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F13A50, hash = 0cf31ecd70d0753c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F13A50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D6640 FNV hash = 1e5744bde686a212 shader registered for possible reloading: 1e5744bde686a212_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F18510, hash = 1e5744bde686a212 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F18510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D69F4 FNV hash = 397f014c4ad7b661 shader registered for possible reloading: 397f014c4ad7b661_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F1A1D0, hash = 397f014c4ad7b661 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1A1D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D6DA8 FNV hash = 3b0f1215bc7aeb03 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b0f1215bc7aeb03_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F1A310, hash = 3b0f1215bc7aeb03 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1A310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D715C FNV hash = 79ab72818de9279c shader registered for possible reloading: 79ab72818de9279c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F1AD50, hash = 79ab72818de9279c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1AD50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D7510 FNV hash = b7fe157ac3782d19 shader registered for possible reloading: b7fe157ac3782d19_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F19090, hash = b7fe157ac3782d19 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F19090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D78C4 FNV hash = 2d91f5335a312fc6 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d91f5335a312fc6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F18F10, hash = 2d91f5335a312fc6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F18F10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D7C78 FNV hash = ad330379e24bd511 shader registered for possible reloading: ad330379e24bd511_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F18090, hash = ad330379e24bd511 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F18090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D802C FNV hash = cdc024911fdda13e shader registered for possible reloading: cdc024911fdda13e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F19A90, hash = cdc024911fdda13e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F19A90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D83E0 FNV hash = 51531458ed53bee8 shader registered for possible reloading: 51531458ed53bee8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F1AE90, hash = 51531458ed53bee8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1AE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 00000176445D8794 FNV hash = 872caf0cfa3f103c shader registered for possible reloading: 872caf0cfa3f103c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F17F50, hash = 872caf0cfa3f103c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F17F50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1048, handle = 00000176445D8B48 FNV hash = 4c10aeadeeb31463 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c10aeadeeb31463_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F18950, hash = 4c10aeadeeb31463 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F18950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4160, handle = 00000176445D8F60 FNV hash = 8ebb3adace85a122 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ebb3adace85a122_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F18210, hash = 8ebb3adace85a122 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F18210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8036, handle = 00000176445D9FA0 FNV hash = 8e21923d8b5f0077 shader registered for possible reloading: 8e21923d8b5f0077_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F17C50, hash = 8e21923d8b5f0077 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F17C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6656, handle = 00000176445DBF04 FNV hash = 683bab9cff7076d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 683bab9cff7076d5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F18650, hash = 683bab9cff7076d5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F18650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13376, handle = 00000176445DD904 FNV hash = e2b1a12c2d816f75 shader registered for possible reloading: e2b1a12c2d816f75_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F1A490, hash = e2b1a12c2d816f75 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1A490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13924, handle = 00000176445E0D44 FNV hash = f527725e483985eb shader registered for possible reloading: f527725e483985eb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017648F1B010, hash = f527725e483985eb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1B010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1408, handle = 00000176445E43A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19fff62803786da0 shader registered for possible reloading: 19fff62803786da0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F1B190, hash = 19fff62803786da0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1B190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1756, handle = 00000176445E4928, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a5efadfe736680f shader registered for possible reloading: 2a5efadfe736680f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F191D0, hash = 2a5efadfe736680f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F191D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1212, handle = 00000176445E5004, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1b0b3730951d543 shader registered for possible reloading: e1b0b3730951d543_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F16C90, hash = e1b0b3730951d543 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F16C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1076, handle = 00000176445E54C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4e327bf4875d7c2 shader registered for possible reloading: f4e327bf4875d7c2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F18390, hash = f4e327bf4875d7c2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F18390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13848, handle = 00000176445E58F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4df1b394fc4b7104 shader registered for possible reloading: 4df1b394fc4b7104_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F17250, hash = 4df1b394fc4b7104 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F17250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5032, handle = 00000176445E8F0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F18C10, hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F18C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6648, handle = 00000176445EA2B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77bca03cbd4e90b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 77bca03cbd4e90b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F173D0, hash = 77bca03cbd4e90b6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F173D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 00000176445EBCAC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba shader registered for possible reloading: fad8324dc2c3b9ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F1A790, hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1A790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14764, handle = 00000176445ED040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 324e7508ae9c8c68 shader registered for possible reloading: 324e7508ae9c8c68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F16F50, hash = 324e7508ae9c8c68 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F16F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5032, handle = 00000176445F09EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F19790, hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F19790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7564, handle = 00000176445F1D94, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20f2737291a7ffaf shader registered for possible reloading: 20f2737291a7ffaf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F1A8D0, hash = 20f2737291a7ffaf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1A8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 00000176445F3B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba shader registered for possible reloading: fad8324dc2c3b9ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F16E10, hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F16E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9520, handle = 00000176445F4EB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd48ef6ea2d322bc shader registered for possible reloading: cd48ef6ea2d322bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F17DD0, hash = cd48ef6ea2d322bc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F17DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5032, handle = 00000176445F73E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F18D90, hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F18D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2144, handle = 00000176445F878C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d330b3fac31334e shader registered for possible reloading: 7d330b3fac31334e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F19350, hash = 7d330b3fac31334e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F19350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 00000176445F8FEC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba shader registered for possible reloading: fad8324dc2c3b9ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F1AA50, hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1AA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8648, handle = 00000176445FA380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a89a1e8c6a29bb2b shader registered for possible reloading: a89a1e8c6a29bb2b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F17990, hash = a89a1e8c6a29bb2b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F17990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5032, handle = 00000176445FC548, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F17690, hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F17690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1160, handle = 00000176445FD8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa59e95ec64b51ca shader registered for possible reloading: aa59e95ec64b51ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F17AD0, hash = aa59e95ec64b51ca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F17AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 00000176445FDD78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba shader registered for possible reloading: fad8324dc2c3b9ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F194D0, hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F194D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13848, handle = 00000176445FF10C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4df1b394fc4b7104 shader registered for possible reloading: 4df1b394fc4b7104_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F1ABD0, hash = 4df1b394fc4b7104 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1ABD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5032, handle = 0000017644602724, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F19C10, hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F19C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6648, handle = 0000017644603ACC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77bca03cbd4e90b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 77bca03cbd4e90b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017648F19D50, hash = 77bca03cbd4e90b6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F19D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 00000176446054C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba shader registered for possible reloading: fad8324dc2c3b9ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017648F1A050, hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017648F1A050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14764, handle = 0000017644606858, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 324e7508ae9c8c68 shader registered for possible reloading: 324e7508ae9c8c68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB09D0, hash = 324e7508ae9c8c68 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB09D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5032, handle = 000001764460A204, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB13D0, hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB13D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7564, handle = 000001764460B5AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20f2737291a7ffaf shader registered for possible reloading: 20f2737291a7ffaf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB0110, hash = 20f2737291a7ffaf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB0110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 000001764460D338, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba shader registered for possible reloading: fad8324dc2c3b9ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CAF2D0, hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAF2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9520, handle = 000001764460E6CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd48ef6ea2d322bc shader registered for possible reloading: cd48ef6ea2d322bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CAF890, hash = cd48ef6ea2d322bc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAF890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5032, handle = 0000017644610BFC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB34D0, hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB34D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2144, handle = 0000017644611FA4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d330b3fac31334e shader registered for possible reloading: 7d330b3fac31334e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CAEFD0, hash = 7d330b3fac31334e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAEFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 0000017644612804, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba shader registered for possible reloading: fad8324dc2c3b9ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB2250, hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB2250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8648, handle = 0000017644613B98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a89a1e8c6a29bb2b shader registered for possible reloading: a89a1e8c6a29bb2b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB2F10, hash = a89a1e8c6a29bb2b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB2F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5032, handle = 0000017644615D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB3650, hash = 7d8f3b4aef29c9e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB3650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1160, handle = 0000017644617108, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa59e95ec64b51ca shader registered for possible reloading: aa59e95ec64b51ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB4050, hash = aa59e95ec64b51ca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB4050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 0000017644617590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba shader registered for possible reloading: fad8324dc2c3b9ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CAEA10, hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAEA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2808, handle = 0000017644618924, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 908f31ad1c6e396e shader registered for possible reloading: 908f31ad1c6e396e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB1250, hash = 908f31ad1c6e396e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB1250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6124, handle = 000001764461941C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b4d91c24dc51bff shader registered for possible reloading: 6b4d91c24dc51bff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB1550, hash = 6b4d91c24dc51bff returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB1550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 000001764461AC08, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ac98e98e37d9df9 shader registered for possible reloading: 1ac98e98e37d9df9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CAE5D0, hash = 1ac98e98e37d9df9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAE5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 000001764461AEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba shader registered for possible reloading: fad8324dc2c3b9ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB3C10, hash = fad8324dc2c3b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB3C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5896, handle = 000001764461C274 FNV hash = 96f900dce74eff24 shader registered for possible reloading: 96f900dce74eff24_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CAE8D0, hash = 96f900dce74eff24 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAE8D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1652, handle = 000001764461D97C FNV hash = 6590c11a5c9dbb5f shader registered for possible reloading: 6590c11a5c9dbb5f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB0290, hash = 6590c11a5c9dbb5f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB0290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2284, handle = 000001764461DFF0 FNV hash = 3891693d9c7a7466 shader registered for possible reloading: 3891693d9c7a7466_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB3210, hash = 3891693d9c7a7466 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB3210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 000001764461E8DC FNV hash = db2e2f0ac80b290f shader registered for possible reloading: db2e2f0ac80b290f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB2950, hash = db2e2f0ac80b290f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB2950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1812, handle = 000001764461EA60 FNV hash = 43924b38bee3e278 shader registered for possible reloading: 43924b38bee3e278_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CAE750, hash = 43924b38bee3e278 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAE750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2652, handle = 000001764461F174 FNV hash = 06b917b2ef8b02d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 06b917b2ef8b02d1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB0B50, hash = 06b917b2ef8b02d1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB0B50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3296, handle = 000001764461FBD0 FNV hash = bcb0a70741f36ae2 shader registered for possible reloading: bcb0a70741f36ae2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CAEB90, hash = bcb0a70741f36ae2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAEB90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2220, handle = 00000176446208B0 FNV hash = 3abf5799f0441274 shader registered for possible reloading: 3abf5799f0441274_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB0C90, hash = 3abf5799f0441274 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB0C90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2060, handle = 000001764462115C FNV hash = aec4c8c3ead529cd shader registered for possible reloading: aec4c8c3ead529cd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CAED10, hash = aec4c8c3ead529cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAED10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4500, handle = 0000017644621968 FNV hash = 0a445f1406a78fe7 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a445f1406a78fe7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB0E10, hash = 0a445f1406a78fe7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB0E10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3256, handle = 0000017644622AFC FNV hash = f5ad3f1072e1e2e8 shader registered for possible reloading: f5ad3f1072e1e2e8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB37D0, hash = f5ad3f1072e1e2e8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB37D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1596, handle = 00000176446237B4 FNV hash = ffce1237ffaa5b96 shader registered for possible reloading: ffce1237ffaa5b96_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB2AD0, hash = ffce1237ffaa5b96 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB2AD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2652, handle = 0000017644623DF0 FNV hash = 06b917b2ef8b02d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 06b917b2ef8b02d1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB3F10, hash = 06b917b2ef8b02d1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB3F10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3296, handle = 000001764462484C FNV hash = bcb0a70741f36ae2 shader registered for possible reloading: bcb0a70741f36ae2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CAF150, hash = bcb0a70741f36ae2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAF150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2220, handle = 000001764462552C FNV hash = 3abf5799f0441274 shader registered for possible reloading: 3abf5799f0441274_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CAEE90, hash = 3abf5799f0441274 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAEE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2060, handle = 0000017644625DD8 FNV hash = aec4c8c3ead529cd shader registered for possible reloading: aec4c8c3ead529cd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CAF450, hash = aec4c8c3ead529cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAF450 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4500, handle = 00000176446265E4 FNV hash = 0a445f1406a78fe7 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a445f1406a78fe7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CAF590, hash = 0a445f1406a78fe7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAF590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3256, handle = 0000017644627778 FNV hash = f5ad3f1072e1e2e8 shader registered for possible reloading: f5ad3f1072e1e2e8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB3090, hash = f5ad3f1072e1e2e8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB3090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000017644628430 FNV hash = db2e2f0ac80b290f shader registered for possible reloading: db2e2f0ac80b290f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB1110, hash = db2e2f0ac80b290f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB1110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2200, handle = 00000176446285B4 FNV hash = 322fec37d01bcae5 shader registered for possible reloading: 322fec37d01bcae5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB2690, hash = 322fec37d01bcae5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB2690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2660, handle = 0000017644628E4C FNV hash = 0fb6e6f2b85909f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 0fb6e6f2b85909f1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB0F90, hash = 0fb6e6f2b85909f1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB0F90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2800, handle = 00000176446298B0 FNV hash = b5bfbacb2f87f6eb shader registered for possible reloading: b5bfbacb2f87f6eb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB16D0, hash = b5bfbacb2f87f6eb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB16D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1244, handle = 000001764462A3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33eb86e76da08624 shader registered for possible reloading: 33eb86e76da08624_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB1810, hash = 33eb86e76da08624 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB1810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1856, handle = 000001764462A87C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 681fc12a8166d6c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 681fc12a8166d6c1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CAFA10, hash = 681fc12a8166d6c1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAFA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1192, handle = 000001764462AFBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4b066feee4f10ca shader registered for possible reloading: e4b066feee4f10ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB1990, hash = e4b066feee4f10ca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB1990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1636, handle = 000001764462B464, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae85824e4a392557 shader registered for possible reloading: ae85824e4a392557_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CAFB50, hash = ae85824e4a392557 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAFB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1412, handle = 000001764462BAC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 451027b4a5129f5c shader registered for possible reloading: 451027b4a5129f5c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB1B10, hash = 451027b4a5129f5c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB1B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 636, handle = 000001764462C04C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6fc366c31f10e9f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6fc366c31f10e9f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB3A90, hash = 6fc366c31f10e9f7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB3A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1312, handle = 000001764462C2C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db6822e2ef88f80e shader registered for possible reloading: db6822e2ef88f80e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB06D0, hash = db6822e2ef88f80e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB06D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1316, handle = 000001764462C7E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cbb62b59cf46ddf7 shader registered for possible reloading: cbb62b59cf46ddf7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CAFE50, hash = cbb62b59cf46ddf7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CAFE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1316, handle = 000001764462CD0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cbb62b59cf46ddf7 shader registered for possible reloading: cbb62b59cf46ddf7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB0590, hash = cbb62b59cf46ddf7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB0590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1400, handle = 000001764462D230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = deb459c0a3bb5657 shader registered for possible reloading: deb459c0a3bb5657_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB1F50, hash = deb459c0a3bb5657 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB1F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2064, handle = 000001764462D7A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5a84e55b5c2bbfb shader registered for possible reloading: a5a84e55b5c2bbfb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB3390, hash = a5a84e55b5c2bbfb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB3390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1544, handle = 000001764462DFB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 320b81cbe22e976a shader registered for possible reloading: 320b81cbe22e976a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB2390, hash = 320b81cbe22e976a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB2390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1200, handle = 000001764462E5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94f8634991c13710 shader registered for possible reloading: 94f8634991c13710_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB2510, hash = 94f8634991c13710 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB2510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1728, handle = 000001764462EA70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b14058156d0a1c3d shader registered for possible reloading: b14058156d0a1c3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB2DD0, hash = b14058156d0a1c3d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB2DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1328, handle = 000001764462F130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 83727e85ccec7e15 shader registered for possible reloading: 83727e85ccec7e15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB7410, hash = 83727e85ccec7e15 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB7410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2860, handle = 000001764462F660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17c342c047ec5d61 shader registered for possible reloading: 17c342c047ec5d61_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB6010, hash = 17c342c047ec5d61 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764463018C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB7CD0, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB7CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1468, handle = 0000017644630728, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a30b2c9092da79f shader registered for possible reloading: 0a30b2c9092da79f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB6A10, hash = 0a30b2c9092da79f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644630CE4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB4910, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB4910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6684, handle = 0000017644631280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adf5f68bad5c7d90 shader registered for possible reloading: adf5f68bad5c7d90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB5610, hash = adf5f68bad5c7d90 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644632C9C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB5490, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2812, handle = 0000017644633238, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9958dc9edf512a1 shader registered for possible reloading: f9958dc9edf512a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB5A50, hash = f9958dc9edf512a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644633D34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB93D0, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB93D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2256, handle = 00000176446342D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6423d08b82542c60 shader registered for possible reloading: 6423d08b82542c60_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB4A90, hash = 6423d08b82542c60 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB4A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644634BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB65D0, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB65D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2356, handle = 000001764463513C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b03c6acf8939c17d shader registered for possible reloading: b03c6acf8939c17d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB9690, hash = b03c6acf8939c17d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB9690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644635A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB7B50, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB7B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2688, handle = 000001764463600C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b81cd90b41a25e0b shader registered for possible reloading: b81cd90b41a25e0b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB5BD0, hash = b81cd90b41a25e0b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644636A8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB79D0, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB79D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3036, handle = 0000017644637028, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7521486e6d1b297d shader registered for possible reloading: 7521486e6d1b297d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB9B10, hash = 7521486e6d1b297d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB9B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644637C04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB9550, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB9550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1864, handle = 00000176446381A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 568087b4512f3e8e shader registered for possible reloading: 568087b4512f3e8e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB72D0, hash = 568087b4512f3e8e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB72D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 00000176446388E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB6450, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2440, handle = 0000017644638E84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f082029dc16bed5 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f082029dc16bed5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB6190, hash = 1f082029dc16bed5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764463980C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB7E50, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB7E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2296, handle = 0000017644639DA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89a00feed7afe048 shader registered for possible reloading: 89a00feed7afe048_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB8B10, hash = 89a00feed7afe048 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB8B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764463A6A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB8410, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB8410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5236, handle = 000001764463AC3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32c3dc466a0ac6ce shader registered for possible reloading: 32c3dc466a0ac6ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB9810, hash = 32c3dc466a0ac6ce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB9810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764463C0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB62D0, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB62D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5040, handle = 000001764463C64C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2af4e155b4e0deee shader registered for possible reloading: 2af4e155b4e0deee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB7710, hash = 2af4e155b4e0deee returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB7710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764463D9FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB8F90, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB8F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1736, handle = 000001764463DF98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a4331d1b240b256 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a4331d1b240b256_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB8550, hash = 6a4331d1b240b256 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB8550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764463E660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB9990, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB9990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2504, handle = 000001764463EBFC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f41c52f970be650 shader registered for possible reloading: 7f41c52f970be650_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB5E90, hash = 7f41c52f970be650 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764463F5C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB9C50, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB9C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1468, handle = 000001764463FB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a30b2c9092da79f shader registered for possible reloading: 0a30b2c9092da79f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB7150, hash = 0a30b2c9092da79f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB7150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764464011C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB7590, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB7590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1472, handle = 00000176446406B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 693706c2a50b8c49 shader registered for possible reloading: 693706c2a50b8c49_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB5310, hash = 693706c2a50b8c49 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644640C78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB86D0, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB86D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1468, handle = 0000017644641214, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = afd5bced3a533e67 shader registered for possible reloading: afd5bced3a533e67_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB41D0, hash = afd5bced3a533e67 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB41D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 00000176446417D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB7F90, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB7F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2244, handle = 0000017644641D6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b5d9eb256c097233 shader registered for possible reloading: b5d9eb256c097233_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB90D0, hash = b5d9eb256c097233 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB90D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644642630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB6750, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2256, handle = 0000017644642BCC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59ffb47054659007 shader registered for possible reloading: 59ffb47054659007_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB5750, hash = 59ffb47054659007 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764464349C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB8850, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB8850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2860, handle = 0000017644643A38, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c44d651023abfd62 shader registered for possible reloading: c44d651023abfd62_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB4610, hash = c44d651023abfd62 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB4610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644644564, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB4350, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB4350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2336, handle = 0000017644644B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3011a76aa69eb0f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 3011a76aa69eb0f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB7890, hash = 3011a76aa69eb0f7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB7890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644645420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB44D0, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB44D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2432, handle = 00000176446459BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0bd578625e8db63b shader registered for possible reloading: 0bd578625e8db63b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB4790, hash = 0bd578625e8db63b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB4790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764464633C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB8110, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB8110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3676, handle = 00000176446468D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6202a26b99cbeb54 shader registered for possible reloading: 6202a26b99cbeb54_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB4BD0, hash = 6202a26b99cbeb54 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB4BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644647734, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB8290, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB8290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3152, handle = 0000017644647CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c2052ed5b41e80c shader registered for possible reloading: 5c2052ed5b41e80c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB4D50, hash = 5c2052ed5b41e80c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB4D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644648920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB4ED0, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB4ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1476, handle = 0000017644648EBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6dd34f9406b8e539 shader registered for possible reloading: 6dd34f9406b8e539_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB5050, hash = 6dd34f9406b8e539 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644649480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB5190, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1476, handle = 0000017644649A1C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f491141d43627c11 shader registered for possible reloading: f491141d43627c11_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB58D0, hash = f491141d43627c11 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB58D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644649FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB6890, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1472, handle = 000001764464A57C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b4af31824881aea shader registered for possible reloading: 7b4af31824881aea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB6D10, hash = 7b4af31824881aea returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764464AB3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB5D10, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB5D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1484, handle = 000001764464B0D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb90f82f71879c1f shader registered for possible reloading: fb90f82f71879c1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB6B90, hash = fb90f82f71879c1f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764464B6A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB6E50, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2900, handle = 000001764464BC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9156678909024dcc shader registered for possible reloading: 9156678909024dcc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB6FD0, hash = 9156678909024dcc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB6FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764464C794, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB89D0, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB89D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 000001764464CD30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06dff01c6720e28 shader registered for possible reloading: d06dff01c6720e28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB8C90, hash = d06dff01c6720e28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB8C90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1196, handle = 000001764464D2CC FNV hash = b240b2f126d83b49 shader registered for possible reloading: b240b2f126d83b49_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CB8E10, hash = b240b2f126d83b49 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB8E10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1184, handle = 000001764464D778 FNV hash = 939138a395c97331 shader registered for possible reloading: 939138a395c97331_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBE2D0, hash = 939138a395c97331 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBE2D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1184, handle = 000001764464DC18 FNV hash = 86447337df14f5af shader registered for possible reloading: 86447337df14f5af_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBC910, hash = 86447337df14f5af returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBC910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1536, handle = 000001764464E0B8 FNV hash = a1551a66059c1abe shader registered for possible reloading: a1551a66059c1abe_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBAF10, hash = a1551a66059c1abe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBAF10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1304, handle = 000001764464E6B8 FNV hash = 1da8bc4ce91321c3 shader registered for possible reloading: 1da8bc4ce91321c3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBD010, hash = 1da8bc4ce91321c3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBD010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1304, handle = 000001764464EBD0 FNV hash = 8e46ae0dc813b88b shader registered for possible reloading: 8e46ae0dc813b88b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBB7D0, hash = 8e46ae0dc813b88b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBB7D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1184, handle = 000001764464F0E8 FNV hash = 8f71afc544268ef4 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f71afc544268ef4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBCA50, hash = 8f71afc544268ef4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBCA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5756, handle = 000001764464F588, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e525767e3dd40873 shader registered for possible reloading: e525767e3dd40873_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBBC10, hash = e525767e3dd40873 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBBC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19084, handle = 0000017644650C04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6789a4f6c1317908 shader registered for possible reloading: 6789a4f6c1317908_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBDD10, hash = 6789a4f6c1317908 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBDD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19084, handle = 0000017644655690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6789a4f6c1317908 shader registered for possible reloading: 6789a4f6c1317908_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBD5D0, hash = 6789a4f6c1317908 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBD5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23380, handle = 000001764465A11C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff195dc48e4fbc89 shader registered for possible reloading: ff195dc48e4fbc89_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBC350, hash = ff195dc48e4fbc89 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBC350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21156, handle = 000001764465FC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c255f24d50c8a6bb shader registered for possible reloading: c255f24d50c8a6bb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBBD90, hash = c255f24d50c8a6bb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBBD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15264, handle = 0000017644664F14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 659273f2219f693a shader registered for possible reloading: 659273f2219f693a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CB9DD0, hash = 659273f2219f693a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB9DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17888, handle = 0000017644668AB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bd571698566b05f shader registered for possible reloading: 9bd571698566b05f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBC790, hash = 9bd571698566b05f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBC790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40036, handle = 000001764466D094, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91d98fb98d769ded shader registered for possible reloading: 91d98fb98d769ded_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBB350, hash = 91d98fb98d769ded returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBB350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36896, handle = 0000017644676CF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ec26f4f36b9c022 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ec26f4f36b9c022_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBAAD0, hash = 2ec26f4f36b9c022 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBAAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20180, handle = 000001764467FD18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3785e6d53def2402 shader registered for possible reloading: 3785e6d53def2402_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBC1D0, hash = 3785e6d53def2402 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBC1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1664, handle = 0000017644684BEC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7729c7fa49ac90af shader registered for possible reloading: 7729c7fa49ac90af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CB9F50, hash = 7729c7fa49ac90af returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CB9F50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2464, handle = 000001764468526C FNV hash = 50ec5c9776c23a46 shader registered for possible reloading: 50ec5c9776c23a46_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBCBD0, hash = 50ec5c9776c23a46 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBCBD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 41668, handle = 0000017644685C0C FNV hash = dbf68fe232abdd96 shader registered for possible reloading: dbf68fe232abdd96_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBAC50, hash = dbf68fe232abdd96 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBAC50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 38932, handle = 000001764468FED0 FNV hash = 0c3827f32529e574 shader registered for possible reloading: 0c3827f32529e574_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBA390, hash = 0c3827f32529e574 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBA390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4736, handle = 00000176446996E4 FNV hash = aa7e8f7bd1f91cb0 shader registered for possible reloading: aa7e8f7bd1f91cb0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBB910, hash = aa7e8f7bd1f91cb0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBB910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 37140, handle = 000001764469A964 FNV hash = 5088331788551b46 shader registered for possible reloading: 5088331788551b46_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBC490, hash = 5088331788551b46 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBC490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9576, handle = 00000176446A3A78 FNV hash = a305bbdada75023f shader registered for possible reloading: a305bbdada75023f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBAD90, hash = a305bbdada75023f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBAD90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2344, handle = 00000176446A5FE0 FNV hash = 47b8a4372b225bfb shader registered for possible reloading: 47b8a4372b225bfb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBD310, hash = 47b8a4372b225bfb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBD310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1964, handle = 00000176446A6908 FNV hash = 3ef16e49386ffa43 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ef16e49386ffa43_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBC050, hash = 3ef16e49386ffa43 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBC050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5976, handle = 00000176446A70B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea636250660c4eab shader registered for possible reloading: ea636250660c4eab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBC610, hash = ea636250660c4eab returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBC610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8384, handle = 00000176446A880C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abcc0e2e19b45948 shader registered for possible reloading: abcc0e2e19b45948_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBB650, hash = abcc0e2e19b45948 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBB650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 636, handle = 00000176446AA8CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0dfd421e7c201fa shader registered for possible reloading: d0dfd421e7c201fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CBCD50, hash = d0dfd421e7c201fa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBCD50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1548, handle = 00000176446AAB48 FNV hash = e7572f13694e2e89 shader registered for possible reloading: e7572f13694e2e89_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBCED0, hash = e7572f13694e2e89 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBCED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1400, handle = 00000176446AB154 FNV hash = ed721094a6624a4a shader registered for possible reloading: ed721094a6624a4a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBD490, hash = ed721094a6624a4a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBD490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1660, handle = 00000176446AB6CC FNV hash = 7c0dece1de56167e shader registered for possible reloading: 7c0dece1de56167e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBBA90, hash = 7c0dece1de56167e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBBA90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5032, handle = 00000176446ABD48 FNV hash = f74e4bbe3e712865 shader registered for possible reloading: f74e4bbe3e712865_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBA7D0, hash = f74e4bbe3e712865 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBA7D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3876, handle = 00000176446AD0F0 FNV hash = 9edddc9da98a5885 shader registered for possible reloading: 9edddc9da98a5885_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBB090, hash = 9edddc9da98a5885 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBB090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1424, handle = 00000176446AE014, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec99008eba812cbe shader registered for possible reloading: ec99008eba812cbe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBB210, hash = ec99008eba812cbe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBB210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7996, handle = 00000176446AE5A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea469e29d9f64239 shader registered for possible reloading: ea469e29d9f64239_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBA210, hash = ea469e29d9f64239 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBA210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1392, handle = 00000176446B04E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf75e2483af9d82f shader registered for possible reloading: bf75e2483af9d82f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CBD190, hash = bf75e2483af9d82f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBD190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30560, handle = 00000176446B0A50 FNV hash = 45a738542e9d377e shader registered for possible reloading: 45a738542e9d377e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBD750, hash = 45a738542e9d377e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBD750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9516, handle = 00000176446B81B0 FNV hash = b936fea704fa8749 shader registered for possible reloading: b936fea704fa8749_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBBED0, hash = b936fea704fa8749 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBBED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 29848, handle = 00000176446BA6DC FNV hash = 86c538f5122f2dbc shader registered for possible reloading: 86c538f5122f2dbc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBD8D0, hash = 86c538f5122f2dbc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBD8D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3648, handle = 00000176446C1B74 FNV hash = d96995ad8a2073f6 shader registered for possible reloading: d96995ad8a2073f6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBA510, hash = d96995ad8a2073f6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBA510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 00000176446C29B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 379bfbf459f252a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBB4D0, hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBB4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13404, handle = 00000176446C2BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45fd77c5e2740b4b shader registered for possible reloading: 45fd77c5e2740b4b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CBDA50, hash = 45fd77c5e2740b4b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBDA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 00000176446C601C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 379bfbf459f252a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649CBDB90, hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBDB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7244, handle = 00000176446C6228, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a219e9bedc7e695e shader registered for possible reloading: a219e9bedc7e695e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649CBDE90, hash = a219e9bedc7e695e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBDE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5548, handle = 00000176446C7E74 FNV hash = 69d835ec6e32fd58 shader registered for possible reloading: 69d835ec6e32fd58_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBA690, hash = 69d835ec6e32fd58 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBA690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5432, handle = 00000176446C9420 FNV hash = cd196b78adaf1a09 shader registered for possible reloading: cd196b78adaf1a09_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBE010, hash = cd196b78adaf1a09 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBE010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 828, handle = 00000176446CA958 FNV hash = 94f462bc7fd9298b shader registered for possible reloading: 94f462bc7fd9298b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBA950, hash = 94f462bc7fd9298b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBA950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3732, handle = 00000176446CAC94 FNV hash = 5bbe2ac4006dcdc5 shader registered for possible reloading: 5bbe2ac4006dcdc5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649CBE150, hash = 5bbe2ac4006dcdc5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649CBE150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 21600, handle = 00000176446CBB28 FNV hash = e5f2b9a319775cfd shader registered for possible reloading: e5f2b9a319775cfd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B652490, hash = e5f2b9a319775cfd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B652490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 20508, handle = 00000176446D0F88 FNV hash = 7732309023873762 shader registered for possible reloading: 7732309023873762_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B6535D0, hash = 7732309023873762 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6535D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 31336, handle = 00000176446D5FA4 FNV hash = 4764fcfde0c97151 shader registered for possible reloading: 4764fcfde0c97151_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B652790, hash = 4764fcfde0c97151 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B652790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 33080, handle = 00000176446DDA0C FNV hash = d99166321432dc07 shader registered for possible reloading: d99166321432dc07_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B653750, hash = d99166321432dc07 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B653750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 32968, handle = 00000176446E5B44 FNV hash = 9a397a89560f8d32 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a397a89560f8d32_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B650690, hash = 9a397a89560f8d32 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B650690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1252, handle = 00000176446EDC0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c11c4d3b3ff41b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 0c11c4d3b3ff41b1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B654B90, hash = 0c11c4d3b3ff41b1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B654B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1424, handle = 00000176446EE0F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b58f5d83b382b30c shader registered for possible reloading: b58f5d83b382b30c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B655710, hash = b58f5d83b382b30c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B655710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1176, handle = 00000176446EE680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8f69c7ec9ae5d1e shader registered for possible reloading: d8f69c7ec9ae5d1e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B652910, hash = d8f69c7ec9ae5d1e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B652910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 860, handle = 00000176446EEB18 FNV hash = 955ec2fe78208323 shader registered for possible reloading: 955ec2fe78208323_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B650C50, hash = 955ec2fe78208323 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B650C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 844, handle = 00000176446EEE74 FNV hash = 67405f995f20fde4 shader registered for possible reloading: 67405f995f20fde4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B6517D0, hash = 67405f995f20fde4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6517D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 856, handle = 00000176446EF1C0 FNV hash = f7f6febc069d0d1e shader registered for possible reloading: f7f6febc069d0d1e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B655150, hash = f7f6febc069d0d1e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B655150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1016, handle = 00000176446EF518 FNV hash = 7e3d1919e190fffc shader registered for possible reloading: 7e3d1919e190fffc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B655290, hash = 7e3d1919e190fffc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B655290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2444, handle = 00000176446EF910 FNV hash = 816fefdba9bd8118 shader registered for possible reloading: 816fefdba9bd8118_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B650D90, hash = 816fefdba9bd8118 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B650D90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10924, handle = 00000176446F029C FNV hash = f22ec2d6198c3d2d shader registered for possible reloading: f22ec2d6198c3d2d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B653490, hash = f22ec2d6198c3d2d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B653490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 452, handle = 00000176446F2D48, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58d444bebfdacda0 shader registered for possible reloading: 58d444bebfdacda0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B651A90, hash = 58d444bebfdacda0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B651A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5320, handle = 00000176446F2F0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 243aba6e422c19aa shader registered for possible reloading: 243aba6e422c19aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B652ED0, hash = 243aba6e422c19aa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B652ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 720, handle = 00000176446F43D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b33b570f3c98e82c shader registered for possible reloading: b33b570f3c98e82c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B6538D0, hash = b33b570f3c98e82c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6538D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2564, handle = 00000176446F46A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cabca6cb83663f89 shader registered for possible reloading: cabca6cb83663f89_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B651650, hash = cabca6cb83663f89 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B651650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3776, handle = 00000176446F50A8 FNV hash = cbf3facc2e9b80ca shader registered for possible reloading: cbf3facc2e9b80ca_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B651910, hash = cbf3facc2e9b80ca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B651910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7956, handle = 00000176446F5F68 FNV hash = 4b64e7c6bef521da shader registered for possible reloading: 4b64e7c6bef521da_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B652610, hash = 4b64e7c6bef521da returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B652610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 00000176446F7E7C FNV hash = fc968c8783b129e7 shader registered for possible reloading: fc968c8783b129e7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B650AD0, hash = fc968c8783b129e7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B650AD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6516, handle = 00000176446F887C FNV hash = 4d394ebbd7d06aff shader registered for possible reloading: 4d394ebbd7d06aff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B651350, hash = 4d394ebbd7d06aff returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B651350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3776, handle = 00000176446FA1F0 FNV hash = ad831e09f2cc9555 shader registered for possible reloading: ad831e09f2cc9555_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B650F10, hash = ad831e09f2cc9555 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B650F10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 00000176446FB0B0 FNV hash = 029d588c837e20a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 029d588c837e20a6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B654010, hash = 029d588c837e20a6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B654010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5580, handle = 00000176446FBAB0 FNV hash = 0cef73d1986d2b51 shader registered for possible reloading: 0cef73d1986d2b51_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B652A50, hash = 0cef73d1986d2b51 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B652A50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3752, handle = 00000176446FD07C FNV hash = 3511ddd744ac5269 shader registered for possible reloading: 3511ddd744ac5269_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B6542D0, hash = 3511ddd744ac5269 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6542D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176446FDF24 FNV hash = ed12991acdf87175 shader registered for possible reloading: ed12991acdf87175_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B651210, hash = ed12991acdf87175 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B651210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 988, handle = 00000176446FFD78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 83c3c00651567444 shader registered for possible reloading: 83c3c00651567444_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B655410, hash = 83c3c00651567444 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B655410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017644700154, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c71f7328d7b1a14f shader registered for possible reloading: c71f7328d7b1a14f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B6514D0, hash = c71f7328d7b1a14f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6514D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 31808, handle = 00000176447003E0 FNV hash = 4e7c5644dc41b85e shader registered for possible reloading: 4e7c5644dc41b85e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B654150, hash = 4e7c5644dc41b85e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B654150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6168, handle = 0000017644708020 FNV hash = 1810456cfcac1dc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 1810456cfcac1dc1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B655850, hash = 1810456cfcac1dc1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B655850 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4608, handle = 0000017644709838 FNV hash = 5381881bbea9a516 shader registered for possible reloading: 5381881bbea9a516_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B650950, hash = 5381881bbea9a516 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B650950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 908, handle = 000001764470AA38 FNV hash = 0dbf754213d38115 shader registered for possible reloading: 0dbf754213d38115_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B653A50, hash = 0dbf754213d38115 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B653A50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2700, handle = 000001764470ADC4 FNV hash = 856983e140f77679 shader registered for possible reloading: 856983e140f77679_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B651090, hash = 856983e140f77679 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B651090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13664, handle = 000001764470B850 FNV hash = 3192e5237e709f9b shader registered for possible reloading: 3192e5237e709f9b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B654CD0, hash = 3192e5237e709f9b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B654CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15036, handle = 000001764470EDB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f95f973e7bf6e99 shader registered for possible reloading: 4f95f973e7bf6e99_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B6559D0, hash = 4f95f973e7bf6e99 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6559D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8980, handle = 000001764471286C FNV hash = 73f9c4a5d4ea08cb shader registered for possible reloading: 73f9c4a5d4ea08cb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B655B50, hash = 73f9c4a5d4ea08cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B655B50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5704, handle = 0000017644714B80 FNV hash = c385ccc6c44d6dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: c385ccc6c44d6dc7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B651C10, hash = c385ccc6c44d6dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B651C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5364, handle = 00000176447161C8 FNV hash = 36c38a2629164a6b shader registered for possible reloading: 36c38a2629164a6b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764B6500D0, hash = 36c38a2629164a6b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6500D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4924, handle = 00000176447176BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f5da9f1bbc9d245 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f5da9f1bbc9d245_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B6545D0, hash = 0f5da9f1bbc9d245 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6545D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 00000176447189F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B651D90, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B651D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1008, handle = 0000017644719F84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 423a65beaead8042 shader registered for possible reloading: 423a65beaead8042_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B653010, hash = 423a65beaead8042 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B653010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 000001764471A374, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B652D50, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B652D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8632, handle = 000001764471B900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18766178340aca47 shader registered for possible reloading: 18766178340aca47_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B654450, hash = 18766178340aca47 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B654450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 000001764471DAB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B650390, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B650390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10020, handle = 000001764471F044, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5534d2e0ce83c052 shader registered for possible reloading: 5534d2e0ce83c052_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B654E50, hash = 5534d2e0ce83c052 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B654E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 0000017644721768, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B650210, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B650210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2452, handle = 0000017644722CF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9fad8cb47601b4be shader registered for possible reloading: 9fad8cb47601b4be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B652050, hash = 9fad8cb47601b4be returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B652050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 0000017644723688, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B653B90, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B653B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3840, handle = 0000017644724C14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78e2f9cc8967f6a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 78e2f9cc8967f6a3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B652350, hash = 78e2f9cc8967f6a3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B652350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 0000017644725B14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B650510, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B650510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9316, handle = 00000176447270A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f877566cbe1ad8f1 shader registered for possible reloading: f877566cbe1ad8f1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B6521D0, hash = f877566cbe1ad8f1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6521D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 0000017644729504, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B6507D0, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6507D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10700, handle = 000001764472AA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43148b460dca23e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 43148b460dca23e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B654890, hash = 43148b460dca23e0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B654890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 000001764472D45C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B653190, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B653190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3136, handle = 000001764472E9E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3fbec4c7f4a81dec shader registered for possible reloading: 3fbec4c7f4a81dec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B653310, hash = 3fbec4c7f4a81dec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B653310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 000001764472F628, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B653D10, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B653D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4520, handle = 0000017644730BB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1527596039f8deed shader registered for possible reloading: 1527596039f8deed_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B654A10, hash = 1527596039f8deed returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B654A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 0000017644731D5C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B653E90, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B653E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3096, handle = 00000176447332E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cac1c553563e80e7 shader registered for possible reloading: cac1c553563e80e7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B656990, hash = cac1c553563e80e7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B656990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 0000017644733F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B656290, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B656290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4480, handle = 000001764473548C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 514beb9dabc8cd2f shader registered for possible reloading: 514beb9dabc8cd2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B657510, hash = 514beb9dabc8cd2f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B657510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 000001764473660C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B657DD0, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B657DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2412, handle = 0000017644737B98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9859e60f7612bb1d shader registered for possible reloading: 9859e60f7612bb1d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B656B10, hash = 9859e60f7612bb1d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B656B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 0000017644738504, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B656C90, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B656C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3464, handle = 0000017644739A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5fef519fc3991b8b shader registered for possible reloading: 5fef519fc3991b8b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B656850, hash = 5fef519fc3991b8b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B656850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 000001764473A818, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B656110, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B656110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3948, handle = 000001764473BDA4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b80714922c213ae3 shader registered for possible reloading: b80714922c213ae3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B656F50, hash = b80714922c213ae3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B656F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 000001764473CD10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B656E10, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B656E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3800, handle = 000001764473E29C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a7e0b8819441525 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a7e0b8819441525_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B6570D0, hash = 9a7e0b8819441525 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6570D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 000001764473F174, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B6566D0, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6566D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3800, handle = 0000017644740700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0859dc47072ca74b shader registered for possible reloading: 0859dc47072ca74b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B657250, hash = 0859dc47072ca74b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B657250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5516, handle = 00000176447415D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5138d8410099d50e shader registered for possible reloading: 5138d8410099d50e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B655F90, hash = 5138d8410099d50e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B655F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7064, handle = 0000017644742B64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9577cb44a2d381e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9577cb44a2d381e1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B657690, hash = 9577cb44a2d381e1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B657690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11712, handle = 00000176447446FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9044219d10d3ee07 shader registered for possible reloading: 9044219d10d3ee07_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B657990, hash = 9044219d10d3ee07 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B657990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5620, handle = 00000176447474BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3059ff4f484d8941 shader registered for possible reloading: 3059ff4f484d8941_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B657AD0, hash = 3059ff4f484d8941 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B657AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 752, handle = 0000017644748AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f68035fb1d55c73c shader registered for possible reloading: f68035fb1d55c73c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B655CD0, hash = f68035fb1d55c73c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B655CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1188, handle = 0000017644748DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78a726086ba3fe06 shader registered for possible reloading: 78a726086ba3fe06_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764B6563D0, hash = 78a726086ba3fe06 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B6563D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 680, handle = 0000017644749244, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f981294e0a5df79 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f981294e0a5df79_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764B656550, hash = 9f981294e0a5df79 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764B656550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4872, handle = 00000176447494EC FNV hash = c8b4628850197f82 shader registered for possible reloading: c8b4628850197f82_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649515490, hash = c8b4628850197f82 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649515490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6020, handle = 000001764474A7F4 FNV hash = a33f807a828c0c84 shader registered for possible reloading: a33f807a828c0c84_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176495179D0, hash = a33f807a828c0c84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495179D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4944, handle = 000001764474BF78 FNV hash = db6829a616c702ab shader registered for possible reloading: db6829a616c702ab_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649517850, hash = db6829a616c702ab returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649517850 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4068, handle = 000001764474D2C8 FNV hash = 215617a320268ef3 shader registered for possible reloading: 215617a320268ef3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649512D90, hash = 215617a320268ef3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649512D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1204, handle = 000001764474E2AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 316852611a7d5687 shader registered for possible reloading: 316852611a7d5687_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649517B50, hash = 316852611a7d5687 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649517B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764474E760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649517150, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649517150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2084, handle = 000001764474EA6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cbe42a33ebd4a7ff shader registered for possible reloading: cbe42a33ebd4a7ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176495120D0, hash = cbe42a33ebd4a7ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495120D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764474F290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649514050, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649514050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2436, handle = 000001764474F59C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44ce4f6f0a678466 shader registered for possible reloading: 44ce4f6f0a678466_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649514910, hash = 44ce4f6f0a678466 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649514910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764474FF20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649512F10, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649512F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2436, handle = 000001764475022C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4b9b3b53dc0cd1f shader registered for possible reloading: f4b9b3b53dc0cd1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649512690, hash = f4b9b3b53dc0cd1f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649512690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644750BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649514490, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649514490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2328, handle = 0000017644750EBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f8bf2b373bde3aaf shader registered for possible reloading: f8bf2b373bde3aaf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649516A10, hash = f8bf2b373bde3aaf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649516A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176447517D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649516FD0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649516FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2660, handle = 0000017644751AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb735c7261cbf0b2 shader registered for possible reloading: eb735c7261cbf0b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649513090, hash = eb735c7261cbf0b2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649513090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644752544, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649514D50, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649514D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2660, handle = 0000017644752850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81a37dbcfd572834 shader registered for possible reloading: 81a37dbcfd572834_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649516E50, hash = 81a37dbcfd572834 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649516E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176447532B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649516B90, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649516B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2668, handle = 00000176447535C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 803369f1becc0c64 shader registered for possible reloading: 803369f1becc0c64_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649515B90, hash = 803369f1becc0c64 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649515B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764475402C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649512210, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649512210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2444, handle = 0000017644754338, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8ab5b92743c189e shader registered for possible reloading: c8ab5b92743c189e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649514A50, hash = c8ab5b92743c189e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649514A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644754CC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649515010, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649515010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6116, handle = 0000017644754FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2fc82a93aba7322d shader registered for possible reloading: 2fc82a93aba7322d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649515190, hash = 2fc82a93aba7322d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649515190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1708, handle = 00000176447567B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bae0facf3d93e281 shader registered for possible reloading: bae0facf3d93e281_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176495162D0, hash = bae0facf3d93e281 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495162D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644756E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649513650, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649513650 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 10920, handle = 000001764475716C FNV hash = 0515f151746c8b2a shader registered for possible reloading: 0515f151746c8b2a_gs as bin - gs: handle = 00000176495155D0, hash = 0515f151746c8b2a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495155D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2848, handle = 0000017644759C14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8852d5451d1edad shader registered for possible reloading: d8852d5451d1edad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649512390, hash = d8852d5451d1edad returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649512390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 000001764475A734, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649516890, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649516890 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 11164, handle = 000001764475AE18 FNV hash = aef24d7dc357c31a shader registered for possible reloading: aef24d7dc357c31a_gs as bin - gs: handle = 00000176495158D0, hash = aef24d7dc357c31a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495158D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7208, handle = 000001764475D9B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa3984e4c21c1c56 shader registered for possible reloading: aa3984e4c21c1c56_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649512AD0, hash = aa3984e4c21c1c56 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649512AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 000001764475F5DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649516CD0, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649516CD0 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 11164, handle = 000001764475FCC0 FNV hash = aef24d7dc357c31a shader registered for possible reloading: aef24d7dc357c31a_gs as bin - gs: handle = 00000176495127D0, hash = aef24d7dc357c31a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495127D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7020, handle = 000001764476285C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51285bcba38be561 shader registered for possible reloading: 51285bcba38be561_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649513910, hash = 51285bcba38be561 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649513910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447643C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649512950, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649512950 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 10560, handle = 0000017644764AAC FNV hash = f1c5c4e9b02f9ee4 shader registered for possible reloading: f1c5c4e9b02f9ee4_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649515750, hash = f1c5c4e9b02f9ee4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649515750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2848, handle = 00000176447673EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8852d5451d1edad shader registered for possible reloading: d8852d5451d1edad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649517410, hash = d8852d5451d1edad returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649517410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 0000017644767F0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649514790, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649514790 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 14016, handle = 00000176447685F0 FNV hash = 9ffaae30601dc84e shader registered for possible reloading: 9ffaae30601dc84e_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649517710, hash = 9ffaae30601dc84e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649517710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2848, handle = 000001764476BCB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8852d5451d1edad shader registered for possible reloading: d8852d5451d1edad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649515310, hash = d8852d5451d1edad returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649515310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 000001764476C7D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649514350, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649514350 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 14084, handle = 000001764476CEB4 FNV hash = 98e36962360f8a25 shader registered for possible reloading: 98e36962360f8a25_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649512C50, hash = 98e36962360f8a25 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649512C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7208, handle = 00000176447705B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa3984e4c21c1c56 shader registered for possible reloading: aa3984e4c21c1c56_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649516450, hash = aa3984e4c21c1c56 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649516450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447721E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176495137D0, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495137D0 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 14084, handle = 00000176447728C4 FNV hash = 98e36962360f8a25 shader registered for possible reloading: 98e36962360f8a25_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649515D10, hash = 98e36962360f8a25 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649515D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7020, handle = 0000017644775FC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51285bcba38be561 shader registered for possible reloading: 51285bcba38be561_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649514610, hash = 51285bcba38be561 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649514610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 0000017644777B34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649514ED0, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649514ED0 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 13564, handle = 0000017644778218 FNV hash = de303fd2b5e4c069 shader registered for possible reloading: de303fd2b5e4c069_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649515E90, hash = de303fd2b5e4c069 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649515E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2848, handle = 000001764477B714, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8852d5451d1edad shader registered for possible reloading: d8852d5451d1edad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649513210, hash = d8852d5451d1edad returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649513210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 000001764477C234, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649513A90, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649513A90 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 12552, handle = 000001764477C918 FNV hash = 80e0aa71f9106db6 shader registered for possible reloading: 80e0aa71f9106db6_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649513C10, hash = 80e0aa71f9106db6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649513C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2848, handle = 000001764477FA20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8852d5451d1edad shader registered for possible reloading: d8852d5451d1edad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649513350, hash = d8852d5451d1edad returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649513350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 0000017644780540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649513D90, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649513D90 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 12632, handle = 0000017644780C24 FNV hash = 4ac3e4b123457405 shader registered for possible reloading: 4ac3e4b123457405_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649516710, hash = 4ac3e4b123457405 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649516710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7208, handle = 0000017644783D7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa3984e4c21c1c56 shader registered for possible reloading: aa3984e4c21c1c56_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176495134D0, hash = aa3984e4c21c1c56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495134D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447859A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951BC10, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951BC10 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 12632, handle = 0000017644786088 FNV hash = 4ac3e4b123457405 shader registered for possible reloading: 4ac3e4b123457405_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951B4D0, hash = 4ac3e4b123457405 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951B4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7020, handle = 00000176447891E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51285bcba38be561 shader registered for possible reloading: 51285bcba38be561_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951D190, hash = 51285bcba38be561 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951D190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 000001764478AD4C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649519690, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649519690 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 12112, handle = 000001764478B430 FNV hash = 335c0ef7d6254fe8 shader registered for possible reloading: 335c0ef7d6254fe8_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951BA90, hash = 335c0ef7d6254fe8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951BA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2848, handle = 000001764478E380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8852d5451d1edad shader registered for possible reloading: d8852d5451d1edad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951B910, hash = d8852d5451d1edad returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951B910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 000001764478EEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951B650, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951B650 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 12756, handle = 000001764478F584 FNV hash = f0332e4c410e022e shader registered for possible reloading: f0332e4c410e022e_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951A950, hash = f0332e4c410e022e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951A950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16732, handle = 0000017644792758, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06e2e3a8253e827a shader registered for possible reloading: 06e2e3a8253e827a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951BD50, hash = 06e2e3a8253e827a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951BD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447968B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649519510, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649519510 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 15748, handle = 0000017644796F98 FNV hash = ee709693f434638f shader registered for possible reloading: ee709693f434638f_gs as bin - gs: handle = 00000176495190D0, hash = ee709693f434638f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495190D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16716, handle = 000001764479AD1C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d457ab2aee0e314a shader registered for possible reloading: d457ab2aee0e314a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951C310, hash = d457ab2aee0e314a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951C310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 000001764479EE68, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951AF10, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951AF10 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 14296, handle = 000001764479F54C FNV hash = dcd20234caf15a36 shader registered for possible reloading: dcd20234caf15a36_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951A510, hash = dcd20234caf15a36 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951A510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16716, handle = 00000176447A2D24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d457ab2aee0e314a shader registered for possible reloading: d457ab2aee0e314a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649519250, hash = d457ab2aee0e314a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649519250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447A6E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951CA50, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951CA50 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 13528, handle = 00000176447A7554 FNV hash = 9d602fe1c19491c3 shader registered for possible reloading: 9d602fe1c19491c3_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649518290, hash = 9d602fe1c19491c3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649518290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19768, handle = 00000176447AAA2C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e32e9d08824091ee shader registered for possible reloading: e32e9d08824091ee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951B1D0, hash = e32e9d08824091ee returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951B1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447AF764, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951C790, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951C790 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 16520, handle = 00000176447AFE48 FNV hash = 1c5c4d2a8e94eb01 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c5c4d2a8e94eb01_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649518110, hash = 1c5c4d2a8e94eb01 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649518110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19652, handle = 00000176447B3ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3d50d5e75d7fa73 shader registered for possible reloading: f3d50d5e75d7fa73_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649517CD0, hash = f3d50d5e75d7fa73 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649517CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447B8B94, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649517F90, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649517F90 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 15068, handle = 00000176447B9278 FNV hash = 7df324eae6cbda3b shader registered for possible reloading: 7df324eae6cbda3b_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951B090, hash = 7df324eae6cbda3b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951B090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19752, handle = 00000176447BCD54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c29ffc1db5b4419b shader registered for possible reloading: c29ffc1db5b4419b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951D5D0, hash = c29ffc1db5b4419b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951D5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447C1A7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951C050, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951C050 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 12756, handle = 00000176447C2160 FNV hash = f0332e4c410e022e shader registered for possible reloading: f0332e4c410e022e_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951B350, hash = f0332e4c410e022e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951B350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3124, handle = 00000176447C5334, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c2d0d09d6c25a6f5 shader registered for possible reloading: c2d0d09d6c25a6f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951B790, hash = c2d0d09d6c25a6f5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951B790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447C5F68, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649519990, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649519990 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 15748, handle = 00000176447C664C FNV hash = ee709693f434638f shader registered for possible reloading: ee709693f434638f_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649518550, hash = ee709693f434638f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649518550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3124, handle = 00000176447CA3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c2d0d09d6c25a6f5 shader registered for possible reloading: c2d0d09d6c25a6f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951C490, hash = c2d0d09d6c25a6f5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951C490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447CB004, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649519DD0, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649519DD0 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 14296, handle = 00000176447CB6E8 FNV hash = dcd20234caf15a36 shader registered for possible reloading: dcd20234caf15a36_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951C8D0, hash = dcd20234caf15a36 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951C8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3124, handle = 00000176447CEEC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c2d0d09d6c25a6f5 shader registered for possible reloading: c2d0d09d6c25a6f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951D750, hash = c2d0d09d6c25a6f5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951D750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447CFAF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176495183D0, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495183D0 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 12868, handle = 00000176447D01D8 FNV hash = eadd2c4f34cbd71b shader registered for possible reloading: eadd2c4f34cbd71b_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951A650, hash = eadd2c4f34cbd71b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951A650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3128, handle = 00000176447D341C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f9b3b523e198d68 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f9b3b523e198d68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951CE90, hash = 6f9b3b523e198d68 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951CE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447D4054, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951D310, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951D310 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 15860, handle = 00000176447D4738 FNV hash = 08e5cde699181084 shader registered for possible reloading: 08e5cde699181084_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951D450, hash = 08e5cde699181084 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951D450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3128, handle = 00000176447D852C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f9b3b523e198d68 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f9b3b523e198d68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649519810, hash = 6f9b3b523e198d68 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649519810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447D9164, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649518990, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649518990 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 14408, handle = 00000176447D9848 FNV hash = 339eb83c3d85477e shader registered for possible reloading: 339eb83c3d85477e_gs as bin - gs: handle = 0000017649518B10, hash = 339eb83c3d85477e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649518B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3128, handle = 00000176447DD090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f9b3b523e198d68 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f9b3b523e198d68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649519AD0, hash = 6f9b3b523e198d68 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649519AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447DDCC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649518E10, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649518E10 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 12756, handle = 00000176447DE3AC FNV hash = f0332e4c410e022e shader registered for possible reloading: f0332e4c410e022e_gs as bin - gs: handle = 00000176495193D0, hash = f0332e4c410e022e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495193D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16732, handle = 00000176447E1580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06e2e3a8253e827a shader registered for possible reloading: 06e2e3a8253e827a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951A090, hash = 06e2e3a8253e827a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951A090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447E56DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951A210, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951A210 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 11712, handle = 00000176447E5DC0 FNV hash = 88dad83c6d258924 shader registered for possible reloading: 88dad83c6d258924_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764951A390, hash = 88dad83c6d258924 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951A390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16716, handle = 00000176447E8B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d457ab2aee0e314a shader registered for possible reloading: d457ab2aee0e314a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951AC10, hash = d457ab2aee0e314a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951AC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 00000176447ECCCC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd shader registered for possible reloading: 771b561f9d9d51cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951F9D0, hash = 771b561f9d9d51cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951F9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1052, handle = 00000176447ED3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fffc45dc8563a5d shader registered for possible reloading: 1fffc45dc8563a5d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951EA10, hash = 1fffc45dc8563a5d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951EA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7160, handle = 00000176447ED7CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ec09c7c2856fbae shader registered for possible reloading: 0ec09c7c2856fbae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951E450, hash = 0ec09c7c2856fbae returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951E450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10604, handle = 00000176447EF3C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf6ca617b1578d71 shader registered for possible reloading: cf6ca617b1578d71_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951FE10, hash = cf6ca617b1578d71 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951FE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7404, handle = 00000176447F1D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51441248f804dbca shader registered for possible reloading: 51441248f804dbca_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649520110, hash = 51441248f804dbca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649520110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 17288, handle = 00000176447F3A1C FNV hash = 8fb11d8d3ffc7015 shader registered for possible reloading: 8fb11d8d3ffc7015_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176495203D0, hash = 8fb11d8d3ffc7015 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495203D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6836, handle = 00000176447F7DA4 FNV hash = 59381d82c3840a46 shader registered for possible reloading: 59381d82c3840a46_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176495210D0, hash = 59381d82c3840a46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495210D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12252, handle = 00000176447F9858 FNV hash = 0f16bbd7a940b617 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f16bbd7a940b617_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649521250, hash = 0f16bbd7a940b617 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649521250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10780, handle = 00000176447FC834 FNV hash = 27b9da61abde50c3 shader registered for possible reloading: 27b9da61abde50c3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951F410, hash = 27b9da61abde50c3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951F410 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16196, handle = 00000176447FF250 FNV hash = ef1b56619df7d0fd shader registered for possible reloading: ef1b56619df7d0fd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951DB90, hash = ef1b56619df7d0fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951DB90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4416, handle = 0000017644803194 FNV hash = b82f2a1610b14e61 shader registered for possible reloading: b82f2a1610b14e61_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951F590, hash = b82f2a1610b14e61 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951F590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13876, handle = 00000176448042D4 FNV hash = 8c79087a8096c2e3 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c79087a8096c2e3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649521390, hash = 8c79087a8096c2e3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649521390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11552, handle = 0000017644807908 FNV hash = a34a716234c2d4aa shader registered for possible reloading: a34a716234c2d4aa_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951F6D0, hash = a34a716234c2d4aa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951F6D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15700, handle = 000001764480A628 FNV hash = 3c5e57a05e20a9b7 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c5e57a05e20a9b7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951EB50, hash = 3c5e57a05e20a9b7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951EB50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11084, handle = 000001764480E37C FNV hash = a860012fb7ad1c1d shader registered for possible reloading: a860012fb7ad1c1d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951E150, hash = a860012fb7ad1c1d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951E150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12908, handle = 0000017644810EC8 FNV hash = ea482b78eb0b1beb shader registered for possible reloading: ea482b78eb0b1beb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649520550, hash = ea482b78eb0b1beb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649520550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12276, handle = 0000017644814134 FNV hash = adc50935674343dc shader registered for possible reloading: adc50935674343dc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951DD10, hash = adc50935674343dc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951DD10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6936, handle = 0000017644817128 FNV hash = 953525e77cf8cf87 shader registered for possible reloading: 953525e77cf8cf87_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951ECD0, hash = 953525e77cf8cf87 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951ECD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8780, handle = 0000017644818C40 FNV hash = 605d4292cdb14106 shader registered for possible reloading: 605d4292cdb14106_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951E590, hash = 605d4292cdb14106 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951E590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8128, handle = 000001764481AE8C FNV hash = f5664137898e893a shader registered for possible reloading: f5664137898e893a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649521510, hash = f5664137898e893a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649521510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9924, handle = 000001764481CE4C FNV hash = 1e969f9b3ab590c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 1e969f9b3ab590c2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951D8D0, hash = 1e969f9b3ab590c2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951D8D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15572, handle = 000001764481F510 FNV hash = 8e872b355ca3139f shader registered for possible reloading: 8e872b355ca3139f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951DE90, hash = 8e872b355ca3139f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951DE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14100, handle = 00000176448231E4 FNV hash = caaebff5a84bbdbb shader registered for possible reloading: caaebff5a84bbdbb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176495206D0, hash = caaebff5a84bbdbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176495206D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 00000176448268F8 FNV hash = 503edd7013dad168 shader registered for possible reloading: 503edd7013dad168_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951DFD0, hash = 503edd7013dad168 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951DFD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3704, handle = 0000017644826A7C FNV hash = 1e792aaa170ba00d shader registered for possible reloading: 1e792aaa170ba00d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649520B10, hash = 1e792aaa170ba00d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649520B10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1140, handle = 00000176448278F4 FNV hash = cf2aae999fd2c022 shader registered for possible reloading: cf2aae999fd2c022_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649521AD0, hash = cf2aae999fd2c022 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649521AD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1096, handle = 0000017644827D68 FNV hash = 9dc0c798455a6640 shader registered for possible reloading: 9dc0c798455a6640_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951EFD0, hash = 9dc0c798455a6640 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951EFD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1604, handle = 00000176448281B0 FNV hash = 91cc8accae5b63e2 shader registered for possible reloading: 91cc8accae5b63e2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649520F50, hash = 91cc8accae5b63e2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649520F50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 944, handle = 00000176448287F4 FNV hash = c85d209312dc8bf4 shader registered for possible reloading: c85d209312dc8bf4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649521690, hash = c85d209312dc8bf4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649521690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8476, handle = 0000017644828BA4 FNV hash = c9e11abc50facdde shader registered for possible reloading: c9e11abc50facdde_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951E2D0, hash = c9e11abc50facdde returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951E2D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5072, handle = 000001764482ACC0 FNV hash = d90d3ba9139e5d77 shader registered for possible reloading: d90d3ba9139e5d77_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951E710, hash = d90d3ba9139e5d77 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951E710 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6564, handle = 000001764482C090 FNV hash = 53e1be27710cb102 shader registered for possible reloading: 53e1be27710cb102_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649521810, hash = 53e1be27710cb102 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649521810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11452, handle = 000001764482DA34 FNV hash = 036ddebd56b969e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 036ddebd56b969e6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649521950, hash = 036ddebd56b969e6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649521950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8476, handle = 00000176448306F0 FNV hash = 6ed626ee6268eb39 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ed626ee6268eb39_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951E890, hash = 6ed626ee6268eb39 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951E890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10000, handle = 000001764483280C FNV hash = 7770162d5b3da682 shader registered for possible reloading: 7770162d5b3da682_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649521C50, hash = 7770162d5b3da682 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649521C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10000, handle = 0000017644834F1C FNV hash = 07fcfb58aa5575d0 shader registered for possible reloading: 07fcfb58aa5575d0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 0000017649520810, hash = 07fcfb58aa5575d0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649520810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 000001764483762C FNV hash = 503edd7013dad168 shader registered for possible reloading: 503edd7013dad168_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951F110, hash = 503edd7013dad168 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951F110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3940, handle = 00000176448377B0 FNV hash = 878cd11412994cd0 shader registered for possible reloading: 878cd11412994cd0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764951F850, hash = 878cd11412994cd0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951F850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2396, handle = 0000017644838714, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95db982b599b3d6b shader registered for possible reloading: 95db982b599b3d6b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951F290, hash = 95db982b599b3d6b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951F290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2680, handle = 0000017644839070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d9f43a75d8faebbd shader registered for possible reloading: d9f43a75d8faebbd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017649520C90, hash = d9f43a75d8faebbd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649520C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3812, handle = 0000017644839AE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d01930b00db80462 shader registered for possible reloading: d01930b00db80462_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649520250, hash = d01930b00db80462 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649520250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764483A9CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764951FB50, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951FB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1668, handle = 000001764483ACD8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b1cd736aa6a18b6d shader registered for possible reloading: b1cd736aa6a18b6d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649520DD0, hash = b1cd736aa6a18b6d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649520DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1432, handle = 000001764483B35C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5abb9f5397988de4 shader registered for possible reloading: 5abb9f5397988de4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764951FC90, hash = 5abb9f5397988de4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764951FC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1444, handle = 000001764483B8F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e3151b9bf7d06f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e3151b9bf7d06f9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017649521DD0, hash = 0e3151b9bf7d06f9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017649521DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1284, handle = 000001764483BE98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16b4fd02ac4040cc shader registered for possible reloading: 16b4fd02ac4040cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0B8390, hash = 16b4fd02ac4040cc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B8390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1816, handle = 000001764483C39C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e70a39a7a92ea1e shader registered for possible reloading: 0e70a39a7a92ea1e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BB190, hash = 0e70a39a7a92ea1e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BB190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1580, handle = 000001764483CAB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 619d2b8ff7f04445 shader registered for possible reloading: 619d2b8ff7f04445_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B8C50, hash = 619d2b8ff7f04445 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B8C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1592, handle = 000001764483D0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a2a0a0008d134e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a2a0a0008d134e5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B9C10, hash = 6a2a0a0008d134e5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B9C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1316, handle = 000001764483D718, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 52170f6e88a11d7e shader registered for possible reloading: 52170f6e88a11d7e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B9D90, hash = 52170f6e88a11d7e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B9D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1168, handle = 000001764483DC3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccdeeebda8e65e78 shader registered for possible reloading: ccdeeebda8e65e78_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B8DD0, hash = ccdeeebda8e65e78 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B8DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1284, handle = 000001764483E0CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16b4fd02ac4040cc shader registered for possible reloading: 16b4fd02ac4040cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0B8F10, hash = 16b4fd02ac4040cc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B8F10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4920, handle = 000001764483E5D0 FNV hash = d00f0d2efe4606ac shader registered for possible reloading: d00f0d2efe4606ac_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0BB610, hash = d00f0d2efe4606ac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BB610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 30848, handle = 000001764483F908 FNV hash = 4e1d74ac2122e90d shader registered for possible reloading: 4e1d74ac2122e90d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0B7F50, hash = 4e1d74ac2122e90d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B7F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21160, handle = 0000017644847188, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec7e419d2e40dc7c shader registered for possible reloading: ec7e419d2e40dc7c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B7550, hash = ec7e419d2e40dc7c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B7550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14128, handle = 000001764484C430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84d94552831decbd shader registered for possible reloading: 84d94552831decbd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B7990, hash = 84d94552831decbd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B7990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23660, handle = 000001764484FB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4527bc051a95cb58 shader registered for possible reloading: 4527bc051a95cb58_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BB310, hash = 4527bc051a95cb58 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BB310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7172, handle = 00000176448557CC FNV hash = b1623ac5beb6f4e6 shader registered for possible reloading: b1623ac5beb6f4e6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0B9210, hash = b1623ac5beb6f4e6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B9210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1296, handle = 00000176448573D0 FNV hash = bfe746f95b29ead5 shader registered for possible reloading: bfe746f95b29ead5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0B6410, hash = bfe746f95b29ead5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B6410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 852, handle = 00000176448578E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d22a0027008408a shader registered for possible reloading: 7d22a0027008408a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B80D0, hash = 7d22a0027008408a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B80D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1200, handle = 0000017644857C34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51f88ffcab5640a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 51f88ffcab5640a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B8510, hash = 51f88ffcab5640a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B8510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1356, handle = 00000176448580E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3ec0cadfd36ef57 shader registered for possible reloading: c3ec0cadfd36ef57_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B66D0, hash = c3ec0cadfd36ef57 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B66D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1516, handle = 0000017644858630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 783ce55ef01ac51a shader registered for possible reloading: 783ce55ef01ac51a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B94D0, hash = 783ce55ef01ac51a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B94D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1292, handle = 0000017644858C1C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d04781e18862c70 shader registered for possible reloading: 5d04781e18862c70_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B9F10, hash = 5d04781e18862c70 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B9F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1672, handle = 0000017644859128, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f620b340a1993abc shader registered for possible reloading: f620b340a1993abc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B73D0, hash = f620b340a1993abc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B73D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1832, handle = 00000176448597B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7de2e28ca01e8bb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7de2e28ca01e8bb6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B9650, hash = 7de2e28ca01e8bb6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B9650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1988, handle = 0000017644859ED8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b072a049e841faba shader registered for possible reloading: b072a049e841faba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B97D0, hash = b072a049e841faba returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B97D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2148, handle = 000001764485A69C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 488172fcec956d71 shader registered for possible reloading: 488172fcec956d71_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B9A90, hash = 488172fcec956d71 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B9A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 700, handle = 000001764485AF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c5281826ebb5c72 shader registered for possible reloading: 6c5281826ebb5c72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B8250, hash = 6c5281826ebb5c72 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B8250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1200, handle = 000001764485B1BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51f88ffcab5640a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 51f88ffcab5640a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B7810, hash = 51f88ffcab5640a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B7810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6080, handle = 000001764485B66C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35ed8ae70bac576a shader registered for possible reloading: 35ed8ae70bac576a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BB050, hash = 35ed8ae70bac576a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BB050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18820, handle = 000001764485CE2C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c0db1753c949c40 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c0db1753c949c40_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BB750, hash = 7c0db1753c949c40 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BB750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5132, handle = 00000176448617B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e246697176d409a1 shader registered for possible reloading: e246697176d409a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B8690, hash = e246697176d409a1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B8690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17872, handle = 0000017644862BBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e283b155fccd9b57 shader registered for possible reloading: e283b155fccd9b57_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B7B10, hash = e283b155fccd9b57 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B7B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5132, handle = 000001764486718C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b90f183f11e8a6e shader registered for possible reloading: 1b90f183f11e8a6e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BAD50, hash = 1b90f183f11e8a6e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BAD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17872, handle = 0000017644868598, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81463bffc11f77d2 shader registered for possible reloading: 81463bffc11f77d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BAA90, hash = 81463bffc11f77d2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BAA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4096, handle = 000001764486CB68, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45d7149e27a913b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 45d7149e27a913b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B8810, hash = 45d7149e27a913b2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B8810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8360, handle = 000001764486DB68, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b00bb34c4a619fb1 shader registered for possible reloading: b00bb34c4a619fb1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B8AD0, hash = b00bb34c4a619fb1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B8AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21100, handle = 000001764486FC10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bae283f608d6129 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bae283f608d6129_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BA4D0, hash = 1bae283f608d6129 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BA4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7412, handle = 0000017644874E7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 436d28ce4e941562 shader registered for possible reloading: 436d28ce4e941562_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B5CD0, hash = 436d28ce4e941562 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B5CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20152, handle = 0000017644876B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c227a0fa5170855c shader registered for possible reloading: c227a0fa5170855c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B5E50, hash = c227a0fa5170855c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B5E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7412, handle = 000001764487BA28, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af1d42000de5ba2d shader registered for possible reloading: af1d42000de5ba2d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B9950, hash = af1d42000de5ba2d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B9950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20152, handle = 000001764487D71C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08836d07c02dc646 shader registered for possible reloading: 08836d07c02dc646_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BA1D0, hash = 08836d07c02dc646 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BA1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6376, handle = 00000176448825D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70475745153485b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 70475745153485b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BA350, hash = 70475745153485b2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BA350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19096, handle = 0000017644883EBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 23e59c1a2c9c6784 shader registered for possible reloading: 23e59c1a2c9c6784_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BA910, hash = 23e59c1a2c9c6784 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BA910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16816, handle = 0000017644888954, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78c66676872b5ab2 shader registered for possible reloading: 78c66676872b5ab2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B6290, hash = 78c66676872b5ab2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B6290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5824, handle = 000001764488CB04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 874cb39d7f79a27b shader registered for possible reloading: 874cb39d7f79a27b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B6F90, hash = 874cb39d7f79a27b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B6F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6752, handle = 000001764488E1C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c02cfe9055939dbc shader registered for possible reloading: c02cfe9055939dbc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B5FD0, hash = c02cfe9055939dbc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B5FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4876, handle = 000001764488FC24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3298f1791b3cff30 shader registered for possible reloading: 3298f1791b3cff30_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B7C90, hash = 3298f1791b3cff30 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B7C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5800, handle = 0000017644890F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95ea0e24a9eb7ebd shader registered for possible reloading: 95ea0e24a9eb7ebd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BA610, hash = 95ea0e24a9eb7ebd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BA610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4876, handle = 00000176448925D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8930964a5acd0b1d shader registered for possible reloading: 8930964a5acd0b1d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BA790, hash = 8930964a5acd0b1d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BA790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5800, handle = 00000176448938E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e41c5100ebe925e shader registered for possible reloading: 7e41c5100ebe925e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B6110, hash = 7e41c5100ebe925e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B6110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3840, handle = 0000017644894F8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8aa425497d3cdd36 shader registered for possible reloading: 8aa425497d3cdd36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BAED0, hash = 8aa425497d3cdd36 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BAED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5824, handle = 0000017644895E8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 874cb39d7f79a27b shader registered for possible reloading: 874cb39d7f79a27b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B6B50, hash = 874cb39d7f79a27b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B6B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7000, handle = 000001764489754C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd410f6cf06e5a18 shader registered for possible reloading: bd410f6cf06e5a18_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B6590, hash = bd410f6cf06e5a18 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B6590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4876, handle = 00000176448990A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3298f1791b3cff30 shader registered for possible reloading: 3298f1791b3cff30_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B6850, hash = 3298f1791b3cff30 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B6850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6052, handle = 000001764489A3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 695eca59508860e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 695eca59508860e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B69D0, hash = 695eca59508860e0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B69D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4876, handle = 000001764489BB54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8930964a5acd0b1d shader registered for possible reloading: 8930964a5acd0b1d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B6C90, hash = 8930964a5acd0b1d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B6C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6052, handle = 000001764489CE60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d112eb2fe1a0b36d shader registered for possible reloading: d112eb2fe1a0b36d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B6E10, hash = d112eb2fe1a0b36d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B6E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3840, handle = 000001764489E604, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8aa425497d3cdd36 shader registered for possible reloading: 8aa425497d3cdd36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B7110, hash = 8aa425497d3cdd36 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B7110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8104, handle = 000001764489F504, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6affc3550f09cf08 shader registered for possible reloading: 6affc3550f09cf08_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B7250, hash = 6affc3550f09cf08 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B7250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9280, handle = 00000176448A14AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ce6b72172c1aeaa shader registered for possible reloading: 0ce6b72172c1aeaa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C1090, hash = 0ce6b72172c1aeaa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C1090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7156, handle = 00000176448A38EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21223a15540399fe shader registered for possible reloading: 21223a15540399fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BE6D0, hash = 21223a15540399fe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BE6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8332, handle = 00000176448A54E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c01e02b2e3624f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c01e02b2e3624f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BCA10, hash = 7c01e02b2e3624f7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BCA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7156, handle = 00000176448A756C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 362dfcb3a24b9164 shader registered for possible reloading: 362dfcb3a24b9164_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BEC90, hash = 362dfcb3a24b9164 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BEC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8332, handle = 00000176448A9160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5347336725610430 shader registered for possible reloading: 5347336725610430_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BCB90, hash = 5347336725610430 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BCB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6120, handle = 00000176448AB1EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf6b3be7929af079 shader registered for possible reloading: bf6b3be7929af079_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BF550, hash = bf6b3be7929af079 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BF550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7404, handle = 00000176448AC9D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c18e372c9a6eaa31 shader registered for possible reloading: c18e372c9a6eaa31_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BCFD0, hash = c18e372c9a6eaa31 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BCFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5124, handle = 00000176448AE6C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69d5ac3384f40459 shader registered for possible reloading: 69d5ac3384f40459_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BDF90, hash = 69d5ac3384f40459 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BDF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6432, handle = 00000176448AFAC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9445ddc5f43271ca shader registered for possible reloading: 9445ddc5f43271ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BE110, hash = 9445ddc5f43271ca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BE110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19840, handle = 00000176448B13E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 802f9d3f0eca7dbf shader registered for possible reloading: 802f9d3f0eca7dbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BE850, hash = 802f9d3f0eca7dbf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BE850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5484, handle = 00000176448B6164, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e37d2415dbd3b78a shader registered for possible reloading: e37d2415dbd3b78a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BCD10, hash = e37d2415dbd3b78a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BCD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18892, handle = 00000176448B76D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e2f3ccafabb4613 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e2f3ccafabb4613_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BFF50, hash = 6e2f3ccafabb4613 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BFF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5484, handle = 00000176448BC09C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14452708f1ce82fb shader registered for possible reloading: 14452708f1ce82fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C07D0, hash = 14452708f1ce82fb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C07D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18892, handle = 00000176448BD608, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efbeb936683e45d7 shader registered for possible reloading: efbeb936683e45d7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BC2D0, hash = efbeb936683e45d7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BC2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4448, handle = 00000176448C1FD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d05eacbf572c4ed shader registered for possible reloading: 1d05eacbf572c4ed_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BDCD0, hash = 1d05eacbf572c4ed returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BDCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6432, handle = 00000176448C3134, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9445ddc5f43271ca shader registered for possible reloading: 9445ddc5f43271ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BCE50, hash = 9445ddc5f43271ca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BCE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20092, handle = 00000176448C4A54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2da2e003d5cabf95 shader registered for possible reloading: 2da2e003d5cabf95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BE9D0, hash = 2da2e003d5cabf95 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BE9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5484, handle = 00000176448C98D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e37d2415dbd3b78a shader registered for possible reloading: e37d2415dbd3b78a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BBA50, hash = e37d2415dbd3b78a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BBA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19140, handle = 00000176448CAE3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c7091a2e9034871 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c7091a2e9034871_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C0510, hash = 7c7091a2e9034871 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C0510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5484, handle = 00000176448CF900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14452708f1ce82fb shader registered for possible reloading: 14452708f1ce82fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BEE10, hash = 14452708f1ce82fb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BEE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19140, handle = 00000176448D0E6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4b6e10c9dd5e6f8 shader registered for possible reloading: c4b6e10c9dd5e6f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C0C50, hash = c4b6e10c9dd5e6f8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C0C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4448, handle = 00000176448D5930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d05eacbf572c4ed shader registered for possible reloading: 1d05eacbf572c4ed_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C0690, hash = 1d05eacbf572c4ed returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C0690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8712, handle = 00000176448D6A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 808056c5b3212127 shader registered for possible reloading: 808056c5b3212127_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BF990, hash = 808056c5b3212127 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BF990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22372, handle = 00000176448D8C98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 530e7bd7f9ac4b3e shader registered for possible reloading: 530e7bd7f9ac4b3e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BE410, hash = 530e7bd7f9ac4b3e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BE410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176448DE3FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4514aa872001378d shader registered for possible reloading: 4514aa872001378d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BF0D0, hash = 4514aa872001378d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BF0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21420, handle = 00000176448E0250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf2229542e78bd01 shader registered for possible reloading: cf2229542e78bd01_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BD2D0, hash = cf2229542e78bd01 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BD2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176448E55FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77b6da457cbd303d shader registered for possible reloading: 77b6da457cbd303d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C1210, hash = 77b6da457cbd303d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C1210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21420, handle = 00000176448E7450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0482b207e094f6d shader registered for possible reloading: f0482b207e094f6d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BB8D0, hash = f0482b207e094f6d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BB8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6728, handle = 00000176448EC7FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4794a7c04c4cead6 shader registered for possible reloading: 4794a7c04c4cead6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C0D90, hash = 4794a7c04c4cead6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C0D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20496, handle = 00000176448EE244, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59980e16423510cb shader registered for possible reloading: 59980e16423510cb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BD890, hash = 59980e16423510cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BD890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18216, handle = 00000176448F3254, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53cf6f6031ba5ee8 shader registered for possible reloading: 53cf6f6031ba5ee8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C1350, hash = 53cf6f6031ba5ee8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C1350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8712, handle = 00000176448F797C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 808056c5b3212127 shader registered for possible reloading: 808056c5b3212127_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BC450, hash = 808056c5b3212127 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BC450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22120, handle = 00000176448F9B84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40463b5b8a719959 shader registered for possible reloading: 40463b5b8a719959_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BD9D0, hash = 40463b5b8a719959 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BD9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176448FF1EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4514aa872001378d shader registered for possible reloading: 4514aa872001378d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C0F10, hash = 4514aa872001378d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C0F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21172, handle = 0000017644901040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 019f838c4e1f92fe shader registered for possible reloading: 019f838c4e1f92fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C0950, hash = 019f838c4e1f92fe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C0950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176449062F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77b6da457cbd303d shader registered for possible reloading: 77b6da457cbd303d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BEB10, hash = 77b6da457cbd303d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BEB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21172, handle = 0000017644908148, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ff94579b70f3322 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ff94579b70f3322_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BF250, hash = 2ff94579b70f3322 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BF250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6728, handle = 000001764490D3FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4794a7c04c4cead6 shader registered for possible reloading: 4794a7c04c4cead6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BDB50, hash = 4794a7c04c4cead6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BDB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20160, handle = 000001764490EE44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 006ec5135b86101a shader registered for possible reloading: 006ec5135b86101a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BC5D0, hash = 006ec5135b86101a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BC5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17880, handle = 0000017644913D04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07776c2ba0b20460 shader registered for possible reloading: 07776c2ba0b20460_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BFB10, hash = 07776c2ba0b20460 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BFB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8104, handle = 00000176449182DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6affc3550f09cf08 shader registered for possible reloading: 6affc3550f09cf08_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BD150, hash = 6affc3550f09cf08 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BD150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9032, handle = 000001764491A284, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc318f2322c8a391 shader registered for possible reloading: fc318f2322c8a391_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BC750, hash = fc318f2322c8a391 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BC750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7156, handle = 000001764491C5CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21223a15540399fe shader registered for possible reloading: 21223a15540399fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BBD10, hash = 21223a15540399fe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BBD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8080, handle = 000001764491E1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4d2a9784c5613f3 shader registered for possible reloading: f4d2a9784c5613f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BBE90, hash = f4d2a9784c5613f3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BBE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7156, handle = 0000017644920150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 362dfcb3a24b9164 shader registered for possible reloading: 362dfcb3a24b9164_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BD410, hash = 362dfcb3a24b9164 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BD410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8080, handle = 0000017644921D44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a43b8b9fe81a04e shader registered for possible reloading: 3a43b8b9fe81a04e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BEF90, hash = 3a43b8b9fe81a04e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BEF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6120, handle = 0000017644923CD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf6b3be7929af079 shader registered for possible reloading: bf6b3be7929af079_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BC010, hash = bf6b3be7929af079 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BC010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7068, handle = 00000176449254BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19e60a0d73b030da shader registered for possible reloading: 19e60a0d73b030da_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BF810, hash = 19e60a0d73b030da returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BF810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4788, handle = 0000017644927058, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7dbce47b75cd6b5e shader registered for possible reloading: 7dbce47b75cd6b5e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BF690, hash = 7dbce47b75cd6b5e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BF690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764492830C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0BF3D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BF3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1592, handle = 0000017644928618, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 875f84cc8650e055 shader registered for possible reloading: 875f84cc8650e055_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BFC50, hash = 875f84cc8650e055 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BFC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3604, handle = 0000017644928C50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c867eee1c22329d4 shader registered for possible reloading: c867eee1c22329d4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BFDD0, hash = c867eee1c22329d4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BFDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1412, handle = 0000017644929A64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45d550fc3f1c4a52 shader registered for possible reloading: 45d550fc3f1c4a52_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C00D0, hash = 45d550fc3f1c4a52 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C00D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 0000017644929FE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6df17b1835367407 shader registered for possible reloading: 6df17b1835367407_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BC190, hash = 6df17b1835367407 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BC190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1240, handle = 000001764492A2F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 824aebfd60ca00a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 824aebfd60ca00a3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C0210, hash = 824aebfd60ca00a3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C0210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 784, handle = 000001764492A7C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d901f0a6bca5e3e1 shader registered for possible reloading: d901f0a6bca5e3e1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C0390, hash = d901f0a6bca5e3e1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C0390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1364, handle = 000001764492AAD8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 960b177462baaad2 shader registered for possible reloading: 960b177462baaad2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BDE50, hash = 960b177462baaad2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BDE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2464, handle = 000001764492B02C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5f1a0553573f7fc shader registered for possible reloading: e5f1a0553573f7fc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BD710, hash = e5f1a0553573f7fc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BD710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1784, handle = 000001764492B9CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e54aa21c928c3d1b shader registered for possible reloading: e54aa21c928c3d1b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0BE550, hash = e54aa21c928c3d1b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0BE550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 804, handle = 000001764492C0C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c24bb20fce5d77e3 shader registered for possible reloading: c24bb20fce5d77e3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C14D0, hash = c24bb20fce5d77e3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C14D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 792, handle = 000001764492C3E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e81170ae409d86e shader registered for possible reloading: 6e81170ae409d86e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C4A10, hash = 6e81170ae409d86e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C4A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1168, handle = 000001764492C700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d189e71eba85f703 shader registered for possible reloading: d189e71eba85f703_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C3B90, hash = d189e71eba85f703 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C3B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 948, handle = 000001764492CB90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a1869548f117904 shader registered for possible reloading: 1a1869548f117904_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C21D0, hash = 1a1869548f117904 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C21D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 764, handle = 000001764492CF44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 525d779c9031a5ce shader registered for possible reloading: 525d779c9031a5ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C4E50, hash = 525d779c9031a5ce returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C4E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764492D240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C63D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C63D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 712, handle = 000001764492D54C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae76b764ace9cd45 shader registered for possible reloading: ae76b764ace9cd45_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C5E10, hash = ae76b764ace9cd45 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C5E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764492D814, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C6110, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C6110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2412, handle = 000001764492DB20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8c20e27b9e33fd18 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c20e27b9e33fd18_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C4710, hash = 8c20e27b9e33fd18 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C4710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764492E48C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C3D10, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C3D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 724, handle = 000001764492E798, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6a4b7acae228024 shader registered for possible reloading: a6a4b7acae228024_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C2050, hash = a6a4b7acae228024 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C2050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764492EA6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C6290, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C6290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 884, handle = 000001764492ED78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 040772581f740c1d shader registered for possible reloading: 040772581f740c1d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C3490, hash = 040772581f740c1d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C3490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764492F0EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C5290, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C5290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1328, handle = 000001764492F3F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea98a080510d2520 shader registered for possible reloading: ea98a080510d2520_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C4150, hash = ea98a080510d2520 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C4150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764492F928, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C4B90, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C4B90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 804, handle = 000001764492FC34 FNV hash = 9445883ea32da0c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9445883ea32da0c1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0C6550, hash = 9445883ea32da0c1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C6550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1192, handle = 000001764492FF58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9aea1ad8f341bb0e shader registered for possible reloading: 9aea1ad8f341bb0e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C66D0, hash = 9aea1ad8f341bb0e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C66D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1328, handle = 0000017644930400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98e977c180ac7388 shader registered for possible reloading: 98e977c180ac7388_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C1C10, hash = 98e977c180ac7388 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C1C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7440, handle = 0000017644930930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 892c60000c00d9f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 892c60000c00d9f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C6850, hash = 892c60000c00d9f3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C6850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1736, handle = 0000017644932640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d25c52d0a1add205 shader registered for possible reloading: d25c52d0a1add205_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C1ED0, hash = d25c52d0a1add205 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C1ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7432, handle = 0000017644932D08, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51144a00b5033bd7 shader registered for possible reloading: 51144a00b5033bd7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C2ED0, hash = 51144a00b5033bd7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C2ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1728, handle = 0000017644934A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48c09abc75613a44 shader registered for possible reloading: 48c09abc75613a44_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C4890, hash = 48c09abc75613a44 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C4890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7440, handle = 00000176449350D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 892c60000c00d9f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 892c60000c00d9f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C2490, hash = 892c60000c00d9f3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C2490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1736, handle = 0000017644936DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d25c52d0a1add205 shader registered for possible reloading: d25c52d0a1add205_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C6E10, hash = d25c52d0a1add205 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C6E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7432, handle = 00000176449374A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51144a00b5033bd7 shader registered for possible reloading: 51144a00b5033bd7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C3E90, hash = 51144a00b5033bd7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C3E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1728, handle = 00000176449391B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48c09abc75613a44 shader registered for possible reloading: 48c09abc75613a44_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C4FD0, hash = 48c09abc75613a44 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C4FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4580, handle = 0000017644939870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efafa87375f8ec26 shader registered for possible reloading: efafa87375f8ec26_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C5590, hash = efafa87375f8ec26 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C5590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3456, handle = 000001764493AA54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22411f06761e7abd shader registered for possible reloading: 22411f06761e7abd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C6F50, hash = 22411f06761e7abd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C6F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3912, handle = 000001764493B7D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73d9146c23933012 shader registered for possible reloading: 73d9146c23933012_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C6990, hash = 73d9146c23933012 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C6990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6312, handle = 000001764493C71C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae70e9f4c09421aa shader registered for possible reloading: ae70e9f4c09421aa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C3010, hash = ae70e9f4c09421aa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C3010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5716, handle = 000001764493DFC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2853a16eccb5bd80 shader registered for possible reloading: 2853a16eccb5bd80_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C6B10, hash = 2853a16eccb5bd80 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C6B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7856, handle = 000001764493F618, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4d10fab3ecc2a5b shader registered for possible reloading: a4d10fab3ecc2a5b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C4010, hash = a4d10fab3ecc2a5b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C4010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 520, handle = 00000176449414C8 FNV hash = 1e2578a0756884ab shader registered for possible reloading: 1e2578a0756884ab_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0C5710, hash = 1e2578a0756884ab returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C5710 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 00000176449416D0 FNV hash = 37871a2498aaa9c6 shader registered for possible reloading: 37871a2498aaa9c6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0C5850, hash = 37871a2498aaa9c6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C5850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7372, handle = 00000176449418DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d05715c4df37f7f1 shader registered for possible reloading: d05715c4df37f7f1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C2350, hash = d05715c4df37f7f1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C2350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176449435A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C2A50, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C2A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7404, handle = 00000176449438B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2843a572167cad2f shader registered for possible reloading: 2843a572167cad2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C59D0, hash = 2843a572167cad2f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C59D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176449455A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C5B50, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C5B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176449458AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C5CD0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C5CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12924, handle = 0000017644945BB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c8d114063d1cbd5 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c8d114063d1cbd5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C1D90, hash = 4c8d114063d1cbd5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C1D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644948E34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C1910, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C1910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13660, handle = 0000017644949140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f91532f977679fe shader registered for possible reloading: 8f91532f977679fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C6C90, hash = 8f91532f977679fe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C6C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764494C69C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C2610, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C2610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13404, handle = 000001764494C9A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fbcf4a879c68acf1 shader registered for possible reloading: fbcf4a879c68acf1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C1650, hash = fbcf4a879c68acf1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C1650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764494FE04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C17D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C17D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12668, handle = 0000017644950110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14d772bde77d5126 shader registered for possible reloading: 14d772bde77d5126_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C1A90, hash = 14d772bde77d5126 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C1A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764495328C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C2790, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C2790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12344, handle = 0000017644953598, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfab199d481a8da1 shader registered for possible reloading: cfab199d481a8da1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C2910, hash = cfab199d481a8da1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C2910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176449565D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C2BD0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C2BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13080, handle = 00000176449568DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9e4651b4752687fd shader registered for possible reloading: 9e4651b4752687fd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C3190, hash = 9e4651b4752687fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C3190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644959BF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C3310, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C3310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12824, handle = 0000017644959F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f08669ede029aefd shader registered for possible reloading: f08669ede029aefd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C35D0, hash = f08669ede029aefd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C35D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764495D118, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C38D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C38D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12088, handle = 000001764495D424, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 636d5a7b111c4e0d shader registered for possible reloading: 636d5a7b111c4e0d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C3A50, hash = 636d5a7b111c4e0d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C3A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764496035C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CA310, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CA310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1964, handle = 0000017644960668, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a593ac731f22bfcd shader registered for possible reloading: a593ac731f22bfcd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CABD0, hash = a593ac731f22bfcd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CABD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644960E14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CC450, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CC450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7040, handle = 0000017644961120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5daa6c988b543c83 shader registered for possible reloading: 5daa6c988b543c83_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C7510, hash = 5daa6c988b543c83 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C7510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644962CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C7AD0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C7AD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000017644962FAC FNV hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 926ec56904cddbf8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CB310, hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CB310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000017644963130 FNV hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 926ec56904cddbf8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0C7C50, hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C7C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 00000176449632B4 FNV hash = 503edd7013dad168 shader registered for possible reloading: 503edd7013dad168_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0C7690, hash = 503edd7013dad168 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C7690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 452, handle = 0000017644963438, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69faabbf67482782 shader registered for possible reloading: 69faabbf67482782_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C7810, hash = 69faabbf67482782 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C7810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 676, handle = 00000176449635FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 596509900a2aa4cf shader registered for possible reloading: 596509900a2aa4cf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C7990, hash = 596509900a2aa4cf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C7990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 00000176449638A0 FNV hash = 503edd7013dad168 shader registered for possible reloading: 503edd7013dad168_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CBFD0, hash = 503edd7013dad168 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CBFD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000017644963A24 FNV hash = c6c88d37346b317e shader registered for possible reloading: c6c88d37346b317e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CBA10, hash = c6c88d37346b317e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CBA10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000017644963BA8 FNV hash = bc0bad9845c22bb1 shader registered for possible reloading: bc0bad9845c22bb1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0C9ED0, hash = bc0bad9845c22bb1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C9ED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000017644963D2C FNV hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 926ec56904cddbf8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CB750, hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CB750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000017644963EB0 FNV hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 926ec56904cddbf8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CBE90, hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CBE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000017644964034 FNV hash = 503edd7013dad168 shader registered for possible reloading: 503edd7013dad168_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CC710, hash = 503edd7013dad168 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CC710 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 00000176449641B8 FNV hash = 503edd7013dad168 shader registered for possible reloading: 503edd7013dad168_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CB010, hash = 503edd7013dad168 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CB010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 000001764496433C FNV hash = 503edd7013dad168 shader registered for possible reloading: 503edd7013dad168_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0C7DD0, hash = 503edd7013dad168 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C7DD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 00000176449644C0 FNV hash = c6c88d37346b317e shader registered for possible reloading: c6c88d37346b317e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CC150, hash = c6c88d37346b317e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CC150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 0000017644964644 FNV hash = c6c88d37346b317e shader registered for possible reloading: c6c88d37346b317e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CA050, hash = c6c88d37346b317e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CA050 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 00000176449647C8 FNV hash = bc0bad9845c22bb1 shader registered for possible reloading: bc0bad9845c22bb1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0CA490, hash = bc0bad9845c22bb1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CA490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 000001764496494C FNV hash = bc0bad9845c22bb1 shader registered for possible reloading: bc0bad9845c22bb1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764C0C7F50, hash = bc0bad9845c22bb1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C7F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 0000017644964AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2b3280e0c0407c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C8650, hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C8650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 572, handle = 0000017644964CB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89704b9b8a00badc shader registered for possible reloading: 89704b9b8a00badc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C8950, hash = 89704b9b8a00badc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C8950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 0000017644964EF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2b3280e0c0407c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C8AD0, hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C8AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 572, handle = 00000176449650DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89704b9b8a00badc shader registered for possible reloading: 89704b9b8a00badc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CB450, hash = 89704b9b8a00badc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CB450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 0000017644965318, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2b3280e0c0407c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CC2D0, hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CC2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 572, handle = 0000017644965500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89704b9b8a00badc shader registered for possible reloading: 89704b9b8a00badc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C8090, hash = 89704b9b8a00badc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C8090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 000001764496573C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2b3280e0c0407c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C8210, hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C8210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 572, handle = 0000017644965924, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89704b9b8a00badc shader registered for possible reloading: 89704b9b8a00badc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CCA10, hash = 89704b9b8a00badc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CCA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6676, handle = 0000017644965B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62f0f9806f9f7e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 62f0f9806f9f7e0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CA1D0, hash = 62f0f9806f9f7e0f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CA1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1788, handle = 0000017644967574, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5b350e5e79461b9 shader registered for possible reloading: e5b350e5e79461b9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CA790, hash = e5b350e5e79461b9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CA790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017644967C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C8C10, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C8C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1560, handle = 0000017644967EFC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b34e007dc6fe6ef7 shader registered for possible reloading: b34e007dc6fe6ef7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C8D90, hash = b34e007dc6fe6ef7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C8D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1156, handle = 0000017644968514, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a355840e3fe0c93 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a355840e3fe0c93_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CBB90, hash = 4a355840e3fe0c93 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CBB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017644968998, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd41fdb6013a0cc9 shader registered for possible reloading: bd41fdb6013a0cc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C9910, hash = bd41fdb6013a0cc9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C9910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3712, handle = 0000017644968C24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48a063a0d2b85bdd shader registered for possible reloading: 48a063a0d2b85bdd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CAA50, hash = 48a063a0d2b85bdd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CAA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3712, handle = 0000017644969AA4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ca5df20f7859fcd shader registered for possible reloading: 3ca5df20f7859fcd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C9A90, hash = 3ca5df20f7859fcd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C9A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1544, handle = 000001764496A924, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc95b444a1707037 shader registered for possible reloading: fc95b444a1707037_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CB190, hash = fc95b444a1707037 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CB190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1540, handle = 000001764496AF2C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55a1d48a60831974 shader registered for possible reloading: 55a1d48a60831974_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C87D0, hash = 55a1d48a60831974 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C87D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 000001764496B530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abda40789659fc94 shader registered for possible reloading: abda40789659fc94_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C8F10, hash = abda40789659fc94 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C8F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 624, handle = 000001764496B808, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c947f90a23324ac shader registered for possible reloading: 4c947f90a23324ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CB5D0, hash = 4c947f90a23324ac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CB5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 000001764496BA78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 241c6f6fa361fff5 shader registered for possible reloading: 241c6f6fa361fff5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C91D0, hash = 241c6f6fa361fff5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C91D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 624, handle = 000001764496BD50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c947f90a23324ac shader registered for possible reloading: 4c947f90a23324ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CB8D0, hash = 4c947f90a23324ac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CB8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764496BFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CAE90, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CAE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764496C2CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C94D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C94D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 804, handle = 000001764496C5D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9681714edf656487 shader registered for possible reloading: 9681714edf656487_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CCB50, hash = 9681714edf656487 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CCB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 804, handle = 000001764496C8FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9681714edf656487 shader registered for possible reloading: 9681714edf656487_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CC890, hash = 9681714edf656487 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CC890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 000001764496CC20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abda40789659fc94 shader registered for possible reloading: abda40789659fc94_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CC590, hash = abda40789659fc94 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CC590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 624, handle = 000001764496CEF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c947f90a23324ac shader registered for possible reloading: 4c947f90a23324ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CBD10, hash = 4c947f90a23324ac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CBD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 000001764496D168, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 241c6f6fa361fff5 shader registered for possible reloading: 241c6f6fa361fff5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C70D0, hash = 241c6f6fa361fff5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C70D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 624, handle = 000001764496D440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c947f90a23324ac shader registered for possible reloading: 4c947f90a23324ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0C73D0, hash = 4c947f90a23324ac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C73D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1948, handle = 000001764496D6B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82c257e41bf352f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 82c257e41bf352f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0C9650, hash = 82c257e41bf352f8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0C9650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1948, handle = 000001764496DE4C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09c674e93a4e69b3 shader registered for possible reloading: 09c674e93a4e69b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CCCD0, hash = 09c674e93a4e69b3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CCCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1816, handle = 000001764496E5E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09b6380c1a356d48 shader registered for possible reloading: 09b6380c1a356d48_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CF950, hash = 09b6380c1a356d48 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CF950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1816, handle = 000001764496ED00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09b6380c1a356d48 shader registered for possible reloading: 09b6380c1a356d48_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CE110, hash = 09b6380c1a356d48 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CE110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 000001764496F418, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2b3280e0c0407c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CE810, hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CE810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 000001764496F600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2b3280e0c0407c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CD110, hash = 1c2b3280e0c0407c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CD110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2660, handle = 000001764496F7E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caf2d3a98040834b shader registered for possible reloading: caf2d3a98040834b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CE250, hash = caf2d3a98040834b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CE250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2660, handle = 000001764497024C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caf2d3a98040834b shader registered for possible reloading: caf2d3a98040834b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CEF50, hash = caf2d3a98040834b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CEF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1816, handle = 0000017644970CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b72435d1ddccf1b shader registered for possible reloading: 4b72435d1ddccf1b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CEDD0, hash = 4b72435d1ddccf1b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CEDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1816, handle = 00000176449713C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b72435d1ddccf1b shader registered for possible reloading: 4b72435d1ddccf1b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CDC90, hash = 4b72435d1ddccf1b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CDC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2108, handle = 0000017644971AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d5f5edd374c975c shader registered for possible reloading: 5d5f5edd374c975c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CD590, hash = 5d5f5edd374c975c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CD590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2108, handle = 000001764497231C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d5f5edd374c975c shader registered for possible reloading: 5d5f5edd374c975c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CD290, hash = 5d5f5edd374c975c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CD290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2108, handle = 0000017644972B58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d5f5edd374c975c shader registered for possible reloading: 5d5f5edd374c975c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CD6D0, hash = 5d5f5edd374c975c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CD6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3480, handle = 0000017644973394, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1dbb9eb71d1c5e07 shader registered for possible reloading: 1dbb9eb71d1c5e07_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CDE10, hash = 1dbb9eb71d1c5e07 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CDE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3480, handle = 000001764497412C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1dbb9eb71d1c5e07 shader registered for possible reloading: 1dbb9eb71d1c5e07_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CE990, hash = 1dbb9eb71d1c5e07 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CE990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2108, handle = 0000017644974EC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d5f5edd374c975c shader registered for possible reloading: 5d5f5edd374c975c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CF0D0, hash = 5d5f5edd374c975c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CF0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 0000017644975700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 639f06581d157587 shader registered for possible reloading: 639f06581d157587_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CF810, hash = 639f06581d157587 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CF810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 0000017644976100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 639f06581d157587 shader registered for possible reloading: 639f06581d157587_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CD410, hash = 639f06581d157587 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CD410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1716, handle = 0000017644976B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6e47f73cc58656b shader registered for possible reloading: d6e47f73cc58656b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CE550, hash = d6e47f73cc58656b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CE550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1716, handle = 00000176449771B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6e47f73cc58656b shader registered for possible reloading: d6e47f73cc58656b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CE6D0, hash = d6e47f73cc58656b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CE6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1604, handle = 0000017644977868, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9505a337cf093ff8 shader registered for possible reloading: 9505a337cf093ff8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CD850, hash = 9505a337cf093ff8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CD850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1604, handle = 0000017644977EAC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9505a337cf093ff8 shader registered for possible reloading: 9505a337cf093ff8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764C0CCE50, hash = 9505a337cf093ff8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CCE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 00000176449784F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c576194557a86fd shader registered for possible reloading: 7c576194557a86fd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CD9D0, hash = 7c576194557a86fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CD9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 0000017644978B7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e135a08bb0734593 shader registered for possible reloading: e135a08bb0734593_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CDB50, hash = e135a08bb0734593 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CDB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 0000017644979208, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e8a85cd90ce2cec shader registered for possible reloading: 1e8a85cd90ce2cec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CF250, hash = 1e8a85cd90ce2cec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CF250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 0000017644979510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a56f67c44558cc85 shader registered for possible reloading: a56f67c44558cc85_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CF390, hash = a56f67c44558cc85 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CF390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 0000017644979B9C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b03e589815896c18 shader registered for possible reloading: b03e589815896c18_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CF690, hash = b03e589815896c18 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CF690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 000001764497A228, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e858ad6f9156c081 shader registered for possible reloading: e858ad6f9156c081_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CFAD0, hash = e858ad6f9156c081 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CFAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 756, handle = 000001764497A530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 722fab4357cda18d shader registered for possible reloading: 722fab4357cda18d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0CDF90, hash = 722fab4357cda18d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0CDF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 756, handle = 000001764497A824, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d64de4adef673313 shader registered for possible reloading: d64de4adef673313_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B5150, hash = d64de4adef673313 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B5150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 000001764497AB18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e339489153a0f281 shader registered for possible reloading: e339489153a0f281_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B0F50, hash = e339489153a0f281 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B0F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 000001764497AE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76ca0369e042e171 shader registered for possible reloading: 76ca0369e042e171_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B45D0, hash = 76ca0369e042e171 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B45D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 000001764497B4AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 178075c65010e81b shader registered for possible reloading: 178075c65010e81b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B24D0, hash = 178075c65010e81b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B24D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 000001764497BB38, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ac77e5b419c6049 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ac77e5b419c6049_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B2650, hash = 2ac77e5b419c6049 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B2650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1696, handle = 000001764497BE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08d5895e8947aaee shader registered for possible reloading: 08d5895e8947aaee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B5710, hash = 08d5895e8947aaee returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B5710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1696, handle = 000001764497C4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c3da62568013818 shader registered for possible reloading: 5c3da62568013818_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B4750, hash = 5c3da62568013818 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B4750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1656, handle = 000001764497CB80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57ad18b422ccba23 shader registered for possible reloading: 57ad18b422ccba23_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B5890, hash = 57ad18b422ccba23 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B5890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1656, handle = 000001764497D1F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a34d757b932d2b83 shader registered for possible reloading: a34d757b932d2b83_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B48D0, hash = a34d757b932d2b83 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B48D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1272, handle = 000001764497D870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 402ccc48e63e7fc6 shader registered for possible reloading: 402ccc48e63e7fc6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B5A10, hash = 402ccc48e63e7fc6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B5A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1272, handle = 000001764497DD68, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6bda8089afddd043 shader registered for possible reloading: 6bda8089afddd043_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B1390, hash = 6bda8089afddd043 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B1390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1640, handle = 000001764497E260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a71a3d55284435a9 shader registered for possible reloading: a71a3d55284435a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B0510, hash = a71a3d55284435a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B0510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1640, handle = 000001764497E8C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af073ed450f55d8e shader registered for possible reloading: af073ed450f55d8e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B0AD0, hash = af073ed450f55d8e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B0AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 000001764497EF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d1f1ebfa0d6bd915 shader registered for possible reloading: d1f1ebfa0d6bd915_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B2D50, hash = d1f1ebfa0d6bd915 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B2D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 000001764497F238, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 486bd62cbb13a822 shader registered for possible reloading: 486bd62cbb13a822_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B4FD0, hash = 486bd62cbb13a822 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B4FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 000001764497F8C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15b82d4b95ad0444 shader registered for possible reloading: 15b82d4b95ad0444_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B5590, hash = 15b82d4b95ad0444 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B5590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 000001764497FF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b36ddc382d9e0ac4 shader registered for possible reloading: b36ddc382d9e0ac4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B1C10, hash = b36ddc382d9e0ac4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B1C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1920, handle = 0000017644980258, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b5d38ea794aa9872 shader registered for possible reloading: b5d38ea794aa9872_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B1AD0, hash = b5d38ea794aa9872 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B1AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1916, handle = 00000176449809D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7c6f5d03c358f38 shader registered for possible reloading: b7c6f5d03c358f38_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B31D0, hash = b7c6f5d03c358f38 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B31D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 944, handle = 0000017644981154, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0ed2b115ec5774e shader registered for possible reloading: f0ed2b115ec5774e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B1D90, hash = f0ed2b115ec5774e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B1D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 940, handle = 0000017644981504, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44c84fe0a1025b2c shader registered for possible reloading: 44c84fe0a1025b2c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B1510, hash = 44c84fe0a1025b2c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B1510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1592, handle = 00000176449818B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e830dc2c03cc3b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 1e830dc2c03cc3b5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B3610, hash = 1e830dc2c03cc3b5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B3610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1592, handle = 0000017644981EE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7444516f9b71269 shader registered for possible reloading: e7444516f9b71269_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B4010, hash = e7444516f9b71269 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B4010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1632, handle = 0000017644982520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c81f7a24fb01ce8e shader registered for possible reloading: c81f7a24fb01ce8e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B4190, hash = c81f7a24fb01ce8e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B4190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2716, handle = 0000017644982B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ee07deff7234c6a shader registered for possible reloading: 3ee07deff7234c6a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B1F10, hash = 3ee07deff7234c6a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B1F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2716, handle = 000001764498361C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1245ea185259126b shader registered for possible reloading: 1245ea185259126b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B00D0, hash = 1245ea185259126b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B00D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1652, handle = 00000176449840B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4a6dd461431d78a shader registered for possible reloading: e4a6dd461431d78a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B0690, hash = e4a6dd461431d78a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B0690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1652, handle = 000001764498472C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a6f42c44889dd72 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a6f42c44889dd72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B4E90, hash = 8a6f42c44889dd72 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B4E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1632, handle = 0000017644984DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2abf479b4ffe32aa shader registered for possible reloading: 2abf479b4ffe32aa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B4B90, hash = 2abf479b4ffe32aa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B4B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1796, handle = 0000017644985400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d11577ffc693a43 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d11577ffc693a43_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B0810, hash = 0d11577ffc693a43 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B0810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1796, handle = 0000017644985B04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 603ffb3ebf74c641 shader registered for possible reloading: 603ffb3ebf74c641_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B2090, hash = 603ffb3ebf74c641 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B2090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1700, handle = 0000017644986208, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b37152a74b575a8f shader registered for possible reloading: b37152a74b575a8f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764C0B1650, hash = b37152a74b575a8f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764C0B1650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2784, handle = 00000176449868AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cac0aba515ceaac2 shader registered for possible reloading: cac0aba515ceaac2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC8650, hash = cac0aba515ceaac2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC8650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2784, handle = 000001764498738C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb021d75d60fc626 shader registered for possible reloading: eb021d75d60fc626_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC7AD0, hash = eb021d75d60fc626 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC7AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1720, handle = 0000017644987E6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7eb86d59fe64787 shader registered for possible reloading: f7eb86d59fe64787_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC5B50, hash = f7eb86d59fe64787 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC5B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1720, handle = 0000017644988524, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94b81b92f0f00308 shader registered for possible reloading: 94b81b92f0f00308_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC91D0, hash = 94b81b92f0f00308 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC91D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1700, handle = 0000017644988BDC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14efc09c0b399e5b shader registered for possible reloading: 14efc09c0b399e5b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC59D0, hash = 14efc09c0b399e5b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC59D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1620, handle = 0000017644989280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37eb6108521822e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 37eb6108521822e6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC7510, hash = 37eb6108521822e6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC7510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1640, handle = 00000176449898D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59f9bedc3e51ad03 shader registered for possible reloading: 59f9bedc3e51ad03_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC9610, hash = 59f9bedc3e51ad03 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC9610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1640, handle = 0000017644989F3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cefe3510ebe646e7 shader registered for possible reloading: cefe3510ebe646e7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC4FD0, hash = cefe3510ebe646e7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC4FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1620, handle = 000001764498A5A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55829e43219bca93 shader registered for possible reloading: 55829e43219bca93_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC7390, hash = 55829e43219bca93 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC7390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 000001764498ABF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 212d4ec8b8bc8ca1 shader registered for possible reloading: 212d4ec8b8bc8ca1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC4CD0, hash = 212d4ec8b8bc8ca1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC4CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1656, handle = 000001764498AF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 488de85211e193be shader registered for possible reloading: 488de85211e193be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCA490, hash = 488de85211e193be returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCA490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1656, handle = 000001764498B578, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 689ca788986d9faf shader registered for possible reloading: 689ca788986d9faf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC4E50, hash = 689ca788986d9faf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC4E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 000001764498BBF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d747ec63b14cbd4 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d747ec63b14cbd4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC5850, hash = 2d747ec63b14cbd4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC5850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 000001764498BEF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d5266b8f2d7edce1 shader registered for possible reloading: d5266b8f2d7edce1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC70D0, hash = d5266b8f2d7edce1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC70D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 000001764498C200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 563619ace3bf78b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 563619ace3bf78b5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC5290, hash = 563619ace3bf78b5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC5290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 000001764498C88C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c8667a58081492e shader registered for possible reloading: 7c8667a58081492e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC9350, hash = 7c8667a58081492e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC9350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 000001764498CF18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b1442e2ad524097 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b1442e2ad524097_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC6DD0, hash = 7b1442e2ad524097 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC6DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 000001764498D220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abda40789659fc94 shader registered for possible reloading: abda40789659fc94_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC5C90, hash = abda40789659fc94 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC5C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 624, handle = 000001764498D4F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c947f90a23324ac shader registered for possible reloading: 4c947f90a23324ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDC7250, hash = 4c947f90a23324ac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC7250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 000001764498D768, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 241c6f6fa361fff5 shader registered for possible reloading: 241c6f6fa361fff5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC6B10, hash = 241c6f6fa361fff5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC6B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 624, handle = 000001764498DA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c947f90a23324ac shader registered for possible reloading: 4c947f90a23324ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDC56D0, hash = 4c947f90a23324ac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC56D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2216, handle = 000001764498DCB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1611a04bdd7b8d3 shader registered for possible reloading: c1611a04bdd7b8d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC6250, hash = c1611a04bdd7b8d3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC6250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 000001764498E558, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDC9ED0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC9ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1056, handle = 000001764498E864, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfbc16704bbab218 shader registered for possible reloading: bfbc16704bbab218_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC94D0, hash = bfbc16704bbab218 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC94D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1508, handle = 000001764498EC84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 390d58a42048b3c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 390d58a42048b3c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDCA190, hash = 390d58a42048b3c8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCA190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 724, handle = 000001764498F268, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7a9c3eb22939a67 shader registered for possible reloading: a7a9c3eb22939a67_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC5410, hash = a7a9c3eb22939a67 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC5410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1508, handle = 000001764498F53C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 390d58a42048b3c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 390d58a42048b3c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDC9A90, hash = 390d58a42048b3c8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC9A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4752, handle = 000001764498FB20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad7ab808544ba707 shader registered for possible reloading: ad7ab808544ba707_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC6550, hash = ad7ab808544ba707 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC6550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1508, handle = 0000017644990DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 390d58a42048b3c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 390d58a42048b3c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDC8090, hash = 390d58a42048b3c8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC8090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4428, handle = 0000017644991394, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc988d412e4b3b31 shader registered for possible reloading: fc988d412e4b3b31_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC9BD0, hash = fc988d412e4b3b31 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC9BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1508, handle = 00000176449924E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 390d58a42048b3c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 390d58a42048b3c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDC8A90, hash = 390d58a42048b3c8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC8A90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1448, handle = 0000017644992AC4 FNV hash = e48c40b0408f38e8 shader registered for possible reloading: e48c40b0408f38e8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDC8D90, hash = e48c40b0408f38e8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC8D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 820, handle = 000001764499306C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c45ac64241705746 shader registered for possible reloading: c45ac64241705746_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC9050, hash = c45ac64241705746 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC9050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 624, handle = 00000176449933A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c947f90a23324ac shader registered for possible reloading: 4c947f90a23324ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDC8950, hash = 4c947f90a23324ac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC8950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3132, handle = 0000017644993610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 401096bd270c3a10 shader registered for possible reloading: 401096bd270c3a10_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC8C10, hash = 401096bd270c3a10 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC8C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2440, handle = 000001764499424C FNV hash = 56c496f281a40a7b shader registered for possible reloading: 56c496f281a40a7b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDC5F90, hash = 56c496f281a40a7b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC5F90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2380, handle = 0000017644994BD4 FNV hash = a47d1edc5bc13932 shader registered for possible reloading: a47d1edc5bc13932_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDC6110, hash = a47d1edc5bc13932 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC6110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2428, handle = 0000017644995520 FNV hash = 833f6c23705f6c1a shader registered for possible reloading: 833f6c23705f6c1a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCBB90, hash = 833f6c23705f6c1a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCBB90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2364, handle = 0000017644995E9C FNV hash = de2008f60ee2faf1 shader registered for possible reloading: de2008f60ee2faf1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCE0D0, hash = de2008f60ee2faf1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCE0D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3796, handle = 00000176449967D8 FNV hash = 849f4d4a89967754 shader registered for possible reloading: 849f4d4a89967754_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCE250, hash = 849f4d4a89967754 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCE250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2072, handle = 00000176449976AC FNV hash = 7a4015fce9c9933a shader registered for possible reloading: 7a4015fce9c9933a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCF7D0, hash = 7a4015fce9c9933a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCF7D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3796, handle = 0000017644997EC4 FNV hash = 6e3dbc7f52e9d274 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e3dbc7f52e9d274_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCBA10, hash = 6e3dbc7f52e9d274 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCBA10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2072, handle = 0000017644998D98 FNV hash = 6ae9231c24a580aa shader registered for possible reloading: 6ae9231c24a580aa_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCB890, hash = 6ae9231c24a580aa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCB890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3880, handle = 00000176449995B0 FNV hash = 1c8d92d7891c4da5 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c8d92d7891c4da5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCB190, hash = 1c8d92d7891c4da5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCB190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2176, handle = 000001764499A4D8 FNV hash = 724e01df7da82055 shader registered for possible reloading: 724e01df7da82055_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCA8D0, hash = 724e01df7da82055 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCA8D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3880, handle = 000001764499AD58 FNV hash = ae427ac49e7036c6 shader registered for possible reloading: ae427ac49e7036c6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCE990, hash = ae427ac49e7036c6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCE990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2176, handle = 000001764499BC80 FNV hash = 6e53cd564033e879 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e53cd564033e879_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCBD10, hash = 6e53cd564033e879 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCBD10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4080, handle = 000001764499C500 FNV hash = 6ac4047871b192f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ac4047871b192f7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCBFD0, hash = 6ac4047871b192f7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCBFD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2376, handle = 000001764499D4F0 FNV hash = 2652ff710770ffd3 shader registered for possible reloading: 2652ff710770ffd3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD0350, hash = 2652ff710770ffd3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD0350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4080, handle = 000001764499DE38 FNV hash = 05b3d31cf698263d shader registered for possible reloading: 05b3d31cf698263d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCD550, hash = 05b3d31cf698263d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCD550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2376, handle = 000001764499EE28 FNV hash = 0b8c0a591efd09fb shader registered for possible reloading: 0b8c0a591efd09fb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCEB10, hash = 0b8c0a591efd09fb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCEB10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 388, handle = 000001764499F770 FNV hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 926ec56904cddbf8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCC2D0, hash = 926ec56904cddbf8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCC2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2644, handle = 000001764499F8F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c822670936d9d967 shader registered for possible reloading: c822670936d9d967_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCB750, hash = c822670936d9d967 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCB750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1184, handle = 00000176449A0348, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e21771f9719abfa shader registered for possible reloading: 3e21771f9719abfa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDCF510, hash = 3e21771f9719abfa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCF510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2448, handle = 00000176449A07E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4048b4c6f7cd953a shader registered for possible reloading: 4048b4c6f7cd953a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCC150, hash = 4048b4c6f7cd953a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCC150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1184, handle = 00000176449A1178, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e21771f9719abfa shader registered for possible reloading: 3e21771f9719abfa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDCFAD0, hash = 3e21771f9719abfa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCFAD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2284, handle = 00000176449A1618 FNV hash = 8fddf4e527b7a4de shader registered for possible reloading: 8fddf4e527b7a4de_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCE690, hash = 8fddf4e527b7a4de returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCE690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1540, handle = 00000176449A1F04 FNV hash = 0f2b4bde596a4f9c shader registered for possible reloading: 0f2b4bde596a4f9c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCC9D0, hash = 0f2b4bde596a4f9c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCC9D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 864, handle = 00000176449A2508 FNV hash = 0b791f2edfe6b057 shader registered for possible reloading: 0b791f2edfe6b057_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCFC50, hash = 0b791f2edfe6b057 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCFC50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 644, handle = 00000176449A2868 FNV hash = cf87ae5a4ed8ff4c shader registered for possible reloading: cf87ae5a4ed8ff4c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCDF90, hash = cf87ae5a4ed8ff4c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCDF90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2640, handle = 00000176449A2AEC FNV hash = c243212c36b47136 shader registered for possible reloading: c243212c36b47136_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCB5D0, hash = c243212c36b47136 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCB5D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13444, handle = 00000176449A353C FNV hash = 16e54ac4ddf7bfa5 shader registered for possible reloading: 16e54ac4ddf7bfa5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCFD90, hash = 16e54ac4ddf7bfa5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCFD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6560, handle = 00000176449A69C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5bf6898aa7b778f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 5bf6898aa7b778f0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCBE50, hash = 5bf6898aa7b778f0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCBE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 23168, handle = 00000176449A8360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab645ba1fcc61494 shader registered for possible reloading: ab645ba1fcc61494_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDCAD10, hash = ab645ba1fcc61494 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCAD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7668, handle = 00000176449ADDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e10b44e3fad93dd0 shader registered for possible reloading: e10b44e3fad93dd0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCCB50, hash = e10b44e3fad93dd0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCCB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 23168, handle = 00000176449AFBD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab645ba1fcc61494 shader registered for possible reloading: ab645ba1fcc61494_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDCAA50, hash = ab645ba1fcc61494 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCAA50 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 4456, handle = 00000176449B5654 FNV hash = 855ae9693a4ecda8 shader registered for possible reloading: 855ae9693a4ecda8_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764CDCFF10, hash = 855ae9693a4ecda8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCFF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2160, handle = 00000176449B67BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb980381cb53ca1e shader registered for possible reloading: cb980381cb53ca1e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCB010, hash = cb980381cb53ca1e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCB010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 492, handle = 00000176449B702C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6dcd23e756d36988 shader registered for possible reloading: 6dcd23e756d36988_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDCF0D0, hash = 6dcd23e756d36988 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCF0D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3416, handle = 00000176449B7218 FNV hash = 30e84260197a7a01 shader registered for possible reloading: 30e84260197a7a01_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCC590, hash = 30e84260197a7a01 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCC590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4256, handle = 00000176449B7F70 FNV hash = 7757858fda09f4fd shader registered for possible reloading: 7757858fda09f4fd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCC410, hash = 7757858fda09f4fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCC410 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10256, handle = 00000176449B9010 FNV hash = 3db6c963b2b6951a shader registered for possible reloading: 3db6c963b2b6951a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCB2D0, hash = 3db6c963b2b6951a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCB2D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10256, handle = 00000176449BB820 FNV hash = 44b09eab62c89739 shader registered for possible reloading: 44b09eab62c89739_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD0210, hash = 44b09eab62c89739 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD0210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 796, handle = 00000176449BE030 FNV hash = cb8e7f9c69f7735f shader registered for possible reloading: cb8e7f9c69f7735f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCABD0, hash = cb8e7f9c69f7735f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCABD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 844, handle = 00000176449BE34C FNV hash = 3b69bf1473c5d4a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b69bf1473c5d4a9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCD6D0, hash = 3b69bf1473c5d4a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCD6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6476, handle = 00000176449BE698, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d288d26f679ee41 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d288d26f679ee41_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCC710, hash = 0d288d26f679ee41 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCC710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 23164, handle = 00000176449BFFE4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 577a4b3ae2b6c463 shader registered for possible reloading: 577a4b3ae2b6c463_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDCC890, hash = 577a4b3ae2b6c463 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCC890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2664, handle = 00000176449C5A60 FNV hash = 6f8d0609c83cac24 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f8d0609c83cac24_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCCCD0, hash = 6f8d0609c83cac24 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCCCD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16252, handle = 00000176449C64C8 FNV hash = bb89a72c8287d86d shader registered for possible reloading: bb89a72c8287d86d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCCE50, hash = bb89a72c8287d86d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCCE50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16252, handle = 00000176449CA444 FNV hash = 39846b31fb533da8 shader registered for possible reloading: 39846b31fb533da8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCE3D0, hash = 39846b31fb533da8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCE3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6464, handle = 00000176449CE3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 135a2b051dc6f4d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 135a2b051dc6f4d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCAE90, hash = 135a2b051dc6f4d3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCAE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 00000176449CFD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDCE810, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCE810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1504, handle = 00000176449CFF8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 867474d55bdbc204 shader registered for possible reloading: 867474d55bdbc204_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCCF90, hash = 867474d55bdbc204 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCCF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 00000176449D056C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDCD110, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCD110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1284, handle = 00000176449D07F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ecaa98c9dc3e0ca shader registered for possible reloading: 6ecaa98c9dc3e0ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCD290, hash = 6ecaa98c9dc3e0ca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCD290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1164, handle = 00000176449D0CFC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 627c8c14e6d3bb5a shader registered for possible reloading: 627c8c14e6d3bb5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDD0090, hash = 627c8c14e6d3bb5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD0090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1312, handle = 00000176449D1188, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e174bdb44e8ae988 shader registered for possible reloading: e174bdb44e8ae988_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCE550, hash = e174bdb44e8ae988 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCE550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1212, handle = 00000176449D16A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e1a8faa6c12d068 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e1a8faa6c12d068_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCEF50, hash = 6e1a8faa6c12d068 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCEF50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1728, handle = 00000176449D1B64 FNV hash = 230c1cc03549fc52 shader registered for possible reloading: 230c1cc03549fc52_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCD410, hash = 230c1cc03549fc52 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCD410 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1892, handle = 00000176449D2224 FNV hash = 0f8aae834977c07a shader registered for possible reloading: 0f8aae834977c07a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDCD850, hash = 0f8aae834977c07a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCD850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 740, handle = 00000176449D2988, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9199b0c0e2734f87 shader registered for possible reloading: 9199b0c0e2734f87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCD9D0, hash = 9199b0c0e2734f87 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCD9D0 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 1640, handle = 00000176449D2C6C FNV hash = a0d29446c3a554f6 shader registered for possible reloading: a0d29446c3a554f6_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764CDCDB10, hash = a0d29446c3a554f6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCDB10 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 1284, handle = 00000176449D32D4 FNV hash = 1553e90f8f61f237 shader registered for possible reloading: 1553e90f8f61f237_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764CDCDC90, hash = 1553e90f8f61f237 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCDC90 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 1356, handle = 00000176449D37D8 FNV hash = 6e310070d95feb0c shader registered for possible reloading: 6e310070d95feb0c_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764CDCF210, hash = 6e310070d95feb0c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCF210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 572, handle = 00000176449D3D24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89e1358986129e3b shader registered for possible reloading: 89e1358986129e3b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDCF950, hash = 89e1358986129e3b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDCF950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1092, handle = 00000176449D3F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49d1d075eb94574d shader registered for possible reloading: 49d1d075eb94574d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDD35D0, hash = 49d1d075eb94574d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD35D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 676, handle = 00000176449D43A4 FNV hash = ccd9f1ba43b418d5 shader registered for possible reloading: ccd9f1ba43b418d5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD56D0, hash = ccd9f1ba43b418d5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD56D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4876, handle = 00000176449D4648, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b0e28fa9c60a21b shader registered for possible reloading: 2b0e28fa9c60a21b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDD4E10, hash = 2b0e28fa9c60a21b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD4E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 00000176449D5954, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf79e2f3692b07cd shader registered for possible reloading: cf79e2f3692b07cd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDD4590, hash = cf79e2f3692b07cd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD4590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 776, handle = 00000176449D5C5C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8616e2be9653eabf shader registered for possible reloading: 8616e2be9653eabf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDD4710, hash = 8616e2be9653eabf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD4710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1944, handle = 00000176449D5F64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7553917a1ea82379 shader registered for possible reloading: 7553917a1ea82379_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDD3450, hash = 7553917a1ea82379 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3450 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 740, handle = 00000176449D66FC FNV hash = d0c83d49ccafe929 shader registered for possible reloading: d0c83d49ccafe929_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD4850, hash = d0c83d49ccafe929 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD4850 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 1244, handle = 00000176449D69E0 FNV hash = 0980edfdb033f8d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 0980edfdb033f8d3_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764CDD5990, hash = 0980edfdb033f8d3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD5990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 552, handle = 00000176449D6EBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8e291f1d8f59506 shader registered for possible reloading: b8e291f1d8f59506_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDD1A50, hash = b8e291f1d8f59506 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 696, handle = 00000176449D70E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa68c2c1a21e8f89 shader registered for possible reloading: aa68c2c1a21e8f89_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDD3CD0, hash = aa68c2c1a21e8f89 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 552, handle = 00000176449D739C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b417f93843915efd shader registered for possible reloading: b417f93843915efd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDD1ED0, hash = b417f93843915efd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 672, handle = 00000176449D75C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8057fdc4da90500c shader registered for possible reloading: 8057fdc4da90500c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDD5F50, hash = 8057fdc4da90500c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD5F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176449D7864, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eac4bb75a5cb2eb9 shader registered for possible reloading: eac4bb75a5cb2eb9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDD49D0, hash = eac4bb75a5cb2eb9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD49D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176449D7B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb71a9fa2fc3bae2 shader registered for possible reloading: fb71a9fa2fc3bae2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDD5B10, hash = fb71a9fa2fc3bae2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD5B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 00000176449D7E7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9e3c7c98d0c307f shader registered for possible reloading: e9e3c7c98d0c307f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDD04D0, hash = e9e3c7c98d0c307f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD04D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7548, handle = 00000176449D8188 FNV hash = 3dfc09ef3150b4b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3dfc09ef3150b4b5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD3FD0, hash = 3dfc09ef3150b4b5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3FD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8056, handle = 00000176449D9F04 FNV hash = 7bca03c70019800d shader registered for possible reloading: 7bca03c70019800d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD2D10, hash = 7bca03c70019800d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD2D10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11848, handle = 00000176449DBE7C FNV hash = be62cd5d846ffeff shader registered for possible reloading: be62cd5d846ffeff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD1490, hash = be62cd5d846ffeff returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7960, handle = 00000176449DECC4 FNV hash = a81b50d614566145 shader registered for possible reloading: a81b50d614566145_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD5C90, hash = a81b50d614566145 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD5C90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11472, handle = 00000176449E0BDC FNV hash = 7b7a08e1f76cf8fc shader registered for possible reloading: 7b7a08e1f76cf8fc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD07D0, hash = 7b7a08e1f76cf8fc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD07D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11004, handle = 00000176449E38AC FNV hash = 8c6d93d4792704d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c6d93d4792704d8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD2310, hash = 8c6d93d4792704d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD2310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7548, handle = 00000176449E63A8 FNV hash = 3dfc09ef3150b4b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3dfc09ef3150b4b5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD3E50, hash = 3dfc09ef3150b4b5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3E50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8056, handle = 00000176449E8124 FNV hash = 7bca03c70019800d shader registered for possible reloading: 7bca03c70019800d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD5110, hash = 7bca03c70019800d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD5110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11848, handle = 00000176449EA09C FNV hash = be62cd5d846ffeff shader registered for possible reloading: be62cd5d846ffeff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD3710, hash = be62cd5d846ffeff returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3710 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7960, handle = 00000176449ECEE4 FNV hash = a81b50d614566145 shader registered for possible reloading: a81b50d614566145_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD0910, hash = a81b50d614566145 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD0910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11472, handle = 00000176449EEDFC FNV hash = 7b7a08e1f76cf8fc shader registered for possible reloading: 7b7a08e1f76cf8fc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD2010, hash = 7b7a08e1f76cf8fc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD2010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11004, handle = 00000176449F1ACC FNV hash = 8c6d93d4792704d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c6d93d4792704d8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD1050, hash = 8c6d93d4792704d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1050 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7036, handle = 00000176449F45C8 FNV hash = ee6f260ec13cb2d3 shader registered for possible reloading: ee6f260ec13cb2d3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD3150, hash = ee6f260ec13cb2d3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7544, handle = 00000176449F6144 FNV hash = 85834581fb02d92f shader registered for possible reloading: 85834581fb02d92f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD0C10, hash = 85834581fb02d92f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD0C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7544, handle = 00000176449F7EBC FNV hash = 85834581fb02d92f shader registered for possible reloading: 85834581fb02d92f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD4CD0, hash = 85834581fb02d92f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD4CD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176449F9C34 FNV hash = c3c63c9c88a9e2ff shader registered for possible reloading: c3c63c9c88a9e2ff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD5290, hash = c3c63c9c88a9e2ff returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD5290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176449FB94C FNV hash = c3c63c9c88a9e2ff shader registered for possible reloading: c3c63c9c88a9e2ff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD5E10, hash = c3c63c9c88a9e2ff returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD5E10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9232, handle = 00000176449FD664 FNV hash = cac888252ce1cfac shader registered for possible reloading: cac888252ce1cfac_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD53D0, hash = cac888252ce1cfac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD53D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9740, handle = 00000176449FFA74 FNV hash = 36505ee50ecb6d5a shader registered for possible reloading: 36505ee50ecb6d5a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD1790, hash = 36505ee50ecb6d5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13532, handle = 0000017644A02080 FNV hash = fc4ea5a075b0f836 shader registered for possible reloading: fc4ea5a075b0f836_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD3890, hash = fc4ea5a075b0f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9644, handle = 0000017644A0555C FNV hash = 63560bcec137c77b shader registered for possible reloading: 63560bcec137c77b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD4410, hash = 63560bcec137c77b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD4410 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13156, handle = 0000017644A07B08 FNV hash = c3832cff53d44972 shader registered for possible reloading: c3832cff53d44972_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD0D90, hash = c3832cff53d44972 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD0D90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12688, handle = 0000017644A0AE6C FNV hash = 37fd0968fbb970bc shader registered for possible reloading: 37fd0968fbb970bc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD4290, hash = 37fd0968fbb970bc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD4290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8732, handle = 0000017644A0DFFC FNV hash = 3d9a0ef13d445a97 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d9a0ef13d445a97_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD11D0, hash = 3d9a0ef13d445a97 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD11D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9240, handle = 0000017644A10218 FNV hash = 0cf2cf73f6115d0f shader registered for possible reloading: 0cf2cf73f6115d0f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD2190, hash = 0cf2cf73f6115d0f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD2190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9240, handle = 0000017644A12630 FNV hash = 0cf2cf73f6115d0f shader registered for possible reloading: 0cf2cf73f6115d0f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD32D0, hash = 0cf2cf73f6115d0f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD32D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9144, handle = 0000017644A14A48 FNV hash = bf85a439a4ec445d shader registered for possible reloading: bf85a439a4ec445d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD28D0, hash = bf85a439a4ec445d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD28D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9144, handle = 0000017644A16E00 FNV hash = bf85a439a4ec445d shader registered for possible reloading: bf85a439a4ec445d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD5550, hash = bf85a439a4ec445d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD5550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8732, handle = 0000017644A191B8 FNV hash = 3d9a0ef13d445a97 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d9a0ef13d445a97_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD3A10, hash = 3d9a0ef13d445a97 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3A10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7860, handle = 0000017644A1B3D4 FNV hash = 7825e2e6c4da97b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 7825e2e6c4da97b8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD3B90, hash = 7825e2e6c4da97b8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3B90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8368, handle = 0000017644A1D288 FNV hash = a4f3326f77ab8629 shader registered for possible reloading: a4f3326f77ab8629_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD1350, hash = a4f3326f77ab8629 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12440, handle = 0000017644A1F338 FNV hash = d71974a1c537ad79 shader registered for possible reloading: d71974a1c537ad79_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD1610, hash = d71974a1c537ad79 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8272, handle = 0000017644A223D0 FNV hash = a5be033d043d31fb shader registered for possible reloading: a5be033d043d31fb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD4150, hash = a5be033d043d31fb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD4150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12264, handle = 0000017644A24420 FNV hash = 0a7c9ed0d60a3e1c shader registered for possible reloading: 0a7c9ed0d60a3e1c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD1910, hash = 0a7c9ed0d60a3e1c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11808, handle = 0000017644A27408 FNV hash = 1210788054fca58d shader registered for possible reloading: 1210788054fca58d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD2490, hash = 1210788054fca58d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD2490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 0000017644A2A228 FNV hash = 2b0393504fab89a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b0393504fab89a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD1BD0, hash = 2b0393504fab89a4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1BD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7844, handle = 0000017644A2BED0 FNV hash = e28156ed2f741b5c shader registered for possible reloading: e28156ed2f741b5c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD1D50, hash = e28156ed2f741b5c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD1D50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7844, handle = 0000017644A2DD74 FNV hash = e28156ed2f741b5c shader registered for possible reloading: e28156ed2f741b5c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD25D0, hash = e28156ed2f741b5c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD25D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7748, handle = 0000017644A2FC18 FNV hash = 0c8129e58f2632be shader registered for possible reloading: 0c8129e58f2632be_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD2750, hash = 0c8129e58f2632be returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD2750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7748, handle = 0000017644A31A5C FNV hash = 0c8129e58f2632be shader registered for possible reloading: 0c8129e58f2632be_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD2A50, hash = 0c8129e58f2632be returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD2A50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9544, handle = 0000017644A338A0 FNV hash = 8f8192b0d73744b0 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f8192b0d73744b0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD2B90, hash = 8f8192b0d73744b0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD2B90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10052, handle = 0000017644A35DE8 FNV hash = 6b98e3509463ae4c shader registered for possible reloading: 6b98e3509463ae4c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD2E90, hash = 6b98e3509463ae4c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD2E90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14136, handle = 0000017644A3852C FNV hash = 60deb8cf3d8ddc3e shader registered for possible reloading: 60deb8cf3d8ddc3e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD3010, hash = 60deb8cf3d8ddc3e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD3010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9956, handle = 0000017644A3BC64 FNV hash = 5208ec0127b9371c shader registered for possible reloading: 5208ec0127b9371c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD6C50, hash = 5208ec0127b9371c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD6C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13960, handle = 0000017644A3E348 FNV hash = 89bdc6d801b1e570 shader registered for possible reloading: 89bdc6d801b1e570_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7C10, hash = 89bdc6d801b1e570 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13492, handle = 0000017644A419D0 FNV hash = 38878f75027fdfee shader registered for possible reloading: 38878f75027fdfee_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD9490, hash = 38878f75027fdfee returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD9490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9032, handle = 0000017644A44E84 FNV hash = 63f4cdc829301f92 shader registered for possible reloading: 63f4cdc829301f92_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD6F50, hash = 63f4cdc829301f92 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD6F50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9540, handle = 0000017644A471CC FNV hash = 503d1658c716e1aa shader registered for possible reloading: 503d1658c716e1aa_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7090, hash = 503d1658c716e1aa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9540, handle = 0000017644A49710 FNV hash = 503d1658c716e1aa shader registered for possible reloading: 503d1658c716e1aa_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDAD10, hash = 503d1658c716e1aa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDAD10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9444, handle = 0000017644A4BC54 FNV hash = 726ba5d3aa944d61 shader registered for possible reloading: 726ba5d3aa944d61_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD6810, hash = 726ba5d3aa944d61 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD6810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9444, handle = 0000017644A4E138 FNV hash = 726ba5d3aa944d61 shader registered for possible reloading: 726ba5d3aa944d61_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD9D50, hash = 726ba5d3aa944d61 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD9D50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9032, handle = 0000017644A5061C FNV hash = 63f4cdc829301f92 shader registered for possible reloading: 63f4cdc829301f92_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7210, hash = 63f4cdc829301f92 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 0000017644A52964 FNV hash = 2b0393504fab89a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b0393504fab89a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDA450, hash = 2b0393504fab89a4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDA450 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7036, handle = 0000017644A5460C FNV hash = ee6f260ec13cb2d3 shader registered for possible reloading: ee6f260ec13cb2d3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD8650, hash = ee6f260ec13cb2d3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD8650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7036, handle = 0000017644A56188 FNV hash = ee6f260ec13cb2d3 shader registered for possible reloading: ee6f260ec13cb2d3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD8D50, hash = ee6f260ec13cb2d3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD8D50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7544, handle = 0000017644A57D04 FNV hash = 85834581fb02d92f shader registered for possible reloading: 85834581fb02d92f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7390, hash = 85834581fb02d92f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7544, handle = 0000017644A59A7C FNV hash = 85834581fb02d92f shader registered for possible reloading: 85834581fb02d92f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7650, hash = 85834581fb02d92f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 0000017644A5B7F4 FNV hash = c3c63c9c88a9e2ff shader registered for possible reloading: c3c63c9c88a9e2ff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD9A50, hash = c3c63c9c88a9e2ff returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD9A50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 0000017644A5D50C FNV hash = c3c63c9c88a9e2ff shader registered for possible reloading: c3c63c9c88a9e2ff_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD8910, hash = c3c63c9c88a9e2ff returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD8910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9148, handle = 0000017644A5F224 FNV hash = 5f99f2f62ddb074d shader registered for possible reloading: 5f99f2f62ddb074d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD84D0, hash = 5f99f2f62ddb074d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD84D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9656, handle = 0000017644A615E0 FNV hash = def163de5c127d16 shader registered for possible reloading: def163de5c127d16_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDB150, hash = def163de5c127d16 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDB150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13448, handle = 0000017644A63B98 FNV hash = caf8bacb8a168aa0 shader registered for possible reloading: caf8bacb8a168aa0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD9E90, hash = caf8bacb8a168aa0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD9E90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9560, handle = 0000017644A67020 FNV hash = 27cac1f24e38d0a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 27cac1f24e38d0a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDAE90, hash = 27cac1f24e38d0a4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDAE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13072, handle = 0000017644A69578 FNV hash = 3bbae628e1d3cd9f shader registered for possible reloading: 3bbae628e1d3cd9f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD8C10, hash = 3bbae628e1d3cd9f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD8C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12604, handle = 0000017644A6C888 FNV hash = 9613c5baa033241b shader registered for possible reloading: 9613c5baa033241b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDB890, hash = 9613c5baa033241b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDB890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8648, handle = 0000017644A6F9C4 FNV hash = 567e951602b141a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 567e951602b141a3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD9310, hash = 567e951602b141a3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD9310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9156, handle = 0000017644A71B8C FNV hash = 2f40a3c59b76841f shader registered for possible reloading: 2f40a3c59b76841f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7510, hash = 2f40a3c59b76841f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9156, handle = 0000017644A73F50 FNV hash = 2f40a3c59b76841f shader registered for possible reloading: 2f40a3c59b76841f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDA190, hash = 2f40a3c59b76841f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDA190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9060, handle = 0000017644A76314 FNV hash = eacf2b05ba1e1379 shader registered for possible reloading: eacf2b05ba1e1379_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD6990, hash = eacf2b05ba1e1379 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD6990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9060, handle = 0000017644A78678 FNV hash = eacf2b05ba1e1379 shader registered for possible reloading: eacf2b05ba1e1379_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD8790, hash = eacf2b05ba1e1379 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD8790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8648, handle = 0000017644A7A9DC FNV hash = 567e951602b141a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 567e951602b141a3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD77D0, hash = 567e951602b141a3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD77D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7860, handle = 0000017644A7CBA4 FNV hash = 7825e2e6c4da97b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 7825e2e6c4da97b8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7D90, hash = 7825e2e6c4da97b8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7D90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8368, handle = 0000017644A7EA58 FNV hash = a4f3326f77ab8629 shader registered for possible reloading: a4f3326f77ab8629_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDB450, hash = a4f3326f77ab8629 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDB450 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12440, handle = 0000017644A80B08 FNV hash = d71974a1c537ad79 shader registered for possible reloading: d71974a1c537ad79_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD8ED0, hash = d71974a1c537ad79 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD8ED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8272, handle = 0000017644A83BA0 FNV hash = a5be033d043d31fb shader registered for possible reloading: a5be033d043d31fb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7950, hash = a5be033d043d31fb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12264, handle = 0000017644A85BF0 FNV hash = 0a7c9ed0d60a3e1c shader registered for possible reloading: 0a7c9ed0d60a3e1c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD8A90, hash = 0a7c9ed0d60a3e1c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD8A90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11808, handle = 0000017644A88BD8 FNV hash = 1210788054fca58d shader registered for possible reloading: 1210788054fca58d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD9050, hash = 1210788054fca58d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD9050 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 0000017644A8B9F8 FNV hash = 2b0393504fab89a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b0393504fab89a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD91D0, hash = 2b0393504fab89a4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD91D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7844, handle = 0000017644A8D6A0 FNV hash = e28156ed2f741b5c shader registered for possible reloading: e28156ed2f741b5c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDA8D0, hash = e28156ed2f741b5c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDA8D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7844, handle = 0000017644A8F544 FNV hash = e28156ed2f741b5c shader registered for possible reloading: e28156ed2f741b5c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDB2D0, hash = e28156ed2f741b5c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDB2D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7748, handle = 0000017644A913E8 FNV hash = 0c8129e58f2632be shader registered for possible reloading: 0c8129e58f2632be_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7F10, hash = 0c8129e58f2632be returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7F10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7748, handle = 0000017644A9322C FNV hash = 0c8129e58f2632be shader registered for possible reloading: 0c8129e58f2632be_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD6DD0, hash = 0c8129e58f2632be returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD6DD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9460, handle = 0000017644A95070 FNV hash = 9f57d69a7031dbc3 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f57d69a7031dbc3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD8090, hash = 9f57d69a7031dbc3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD8090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9968, handle = 0000017644A97564 FNV hash = 95051b263fdfd6d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 95051b263fdfd6d1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDA310, hash = 95051b263fdfd6d1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDA310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14052, handle = 0000017644A99C54 FNV hash = eac60fcf8a6e4b04 shader registered for possible reloading: eac60fcf8a6e4b04_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD7AD0, hash = eac60fcf8a6e4b04 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD7AD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9872, handle = 0000017644A9D338 FNV hash = 88e4ee2858801269 shader registered for possible reloading: 88e4ee2858801269_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD6AD0, hash = 88e4ee2858801269 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD6AD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13876, handle = 0000017644A9F9C8 FNV hash = fb9ae418ba10d0fc shader registered for possible reloading: fb9ae418ba10d0fc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDA5D0, hash = fb9ae418ba10d0fc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDA5D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13408, handle = 0000017644AA2FFC FNV hash = b65dfb9d8123a9c3 shader registered for possible reloading: b65dfb9d8123a9c3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD9610, hash = b65dfb9d8123a9c3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD9610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8948, handle = 0000017644AA645C FNV hash = c1e20dc3f741573f shader registered for possible reloading: c1e20dc3f741573f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDA750, hash = c1e20dc3f741573f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDA750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9456, handle = 0000017644AA8750 FNV hash = 9f901989377dfd69 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f901989377dfd69_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD60D0, hash = 9f901989377dfd69 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD60D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9456, handle = 0000017644AAAC40 FNV hash = 9f901989377dfd69 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f901989377dfd69_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD8350, hash = 9f901989377dfd69 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD8350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9360, handle = 0000017644AAD130 FNV hash = b8737713a96795be shader registered for possible reloading: b8737713a96795be_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDAA10, hash = b8737713a96795be returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDAA10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9360, handle = 0000017644AAF5C0 FNV hash = b8737713a96795be shader registered for possible reloading: b8737713a96795be_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD9790, hash = b8737713a96795be returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD9790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8948, handle = 0000017644AB1A50 FNV hash = c1e20dc3f741573f shader registered for possible reloading: c1e20dc3f741573f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDAB90, hash = c1e20dc3f741573f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDAB90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 0000017644AB3D44 FNV hash = 2b0393504fab89a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b0393504fab89a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDA010, hash = 2b0393504fab89a4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDA010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7036, handle = 0000017644AB59EC FNV hash = ee6f260ec13cb2d3 shader registered for possible reloading: ee6f260ec13cb2d3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD98D0, hash = ee6f260ec13cb2d3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD98D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1796, handle = 0000017644AB7568 FNV hash = 24134c4150115c44 shader registered for possible reloading: 24134c4150115c44_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDB590, hash = 24134c4150115c44 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDB590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1848, handle = 0000017644AB7C6C FNV hash = 87ec6b8aa6922710 shader registered for possible reloading: 87ec6b8aa6922710_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDAFD0, hash = 87ec6b8aa6922710 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDAFD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5736, handle = 0000017644AB83A4 FNV hash = 5593b6cb7d1ee0ba shader registered for possible reloading: 5593b6cb7d1ee0ba_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD9BD0, hash = 5593b6cb7d1ee0ba returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD9BD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1832, handle = 0000017644AB9A0C FNV hash = c8e45bdea1a8322c shader registered for possible reloading: c8e45bdea1a8322c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDB710, hash = c8e45bdea1a8322c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDB710 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12592, handle = 0000017644ABA134 FNV hash = 644341cbe0c93add shader registered for possible reloading: 644341cbe0c93add_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDBA10, hash = 644341cbe0c93add returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDBA10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12288, handle = 0000017644ABD264 FNV hash = 3625e49e743c3645 shader registered for possible reloading: 3625e49e743c3645_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDBB50, hash = 3625e49e743c3645 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDBB50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12148, handle = 0000017644AC0264 FNV hash = 2e724d4ed2820fd1 shader registered for possible reloading: 2e724d4ed2820fd1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD6250, hash = 2e724d4ed2820fd1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD6250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13648, handle = 0000017644AC31D8 FNV hash = d7695f6d73012804 shader registered for possible reloading: d7695f6d73012804_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD63D0, hash = d7695f6d73012804 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD63D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 752, handle = 0000017644AC6728 FNV hash = 224848f3816be9e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 224848f3816be9e9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD6510, hash = 224848f3816be9e9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD6510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3452, handle = 0000017644AC6A18 FNV hash = 9edb8fa58601835d shader registered for possible reloading: 9edb8fa58601835d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD81D0, hash = 9edb8fa58601835d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD81D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1580, handle = 0000017644AC7794 FNV hash = 9ca153554094378e shader registered for possible reloading: 9ca153554094378e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDD6690, hash = 9ca153554094378e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDD6690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 952, handle = 0000017644AC7DC0 FNV hash = 88e277a57677d1b7 shader registered for possible reloading: 88e277a57677d1b7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDC290, hash = 88e277a57677d1b7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDC290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 720, handle = 0000017644AC8178 FNV hash = 40dd010ea8d8d92e shader registered for possible reloading: 40dd010ea8d8d92e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDD250, hash = 40dd010ea8d8d92e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDD250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10608, handle = 0000017644AC8448 FNV hash = 9fadb19ca7e40249 shader registered for possible reloading: 9fadb19ca7e40249_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDBFD0, hash = 9fadb19ca7e40249 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDBFD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4812, handle = 0000017644ACADB8 FNV hash = ce8d8ea154c70a42 shader registered for possible reloading: ce8d8ea154c70a42_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDDB10, hash = ce8d8ea154c70a42 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDDB10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9284, handle = 0000017644ACC084 FNV hash = 34f5b282cf45f9fd shader registered for possible reloading: 34f5b282cf45f9fd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDDF50, hash = 34f5b282cf45f9fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDDF50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9284, handle = 0000017644ACE4C8 FNV hash = 34f5b282cf45f9fd shader registered for possible reloading: 34f5b282cf45f9fd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDD110, hash = 34f5b282cf45f9fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDD110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9284, handle = 0000017644AD090C FNV hash = 90f7bd4d5a577cf2 shader registered for possible reloading: 90f7bd4d5a577cf2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDBCD0, hash = 90f7bd4d5a577cf2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDBCD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9220, handle = 0000017644AD2D50 FNV hash = 948707489c4031cb shader registered for possible reloading: 948707489c4031cb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDDC90, hash = 948707489c4031cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDDC90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9284, handle = 0000017644AD5154 FNV hash = 34f5b282cf45f9fd shader registered for possible reloading: 34f5b282cf45f9fd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDC590, hash = 34f5b282cf45f9fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDC590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9284, handle = 0000017644AD7598 FNV hash = 34f5b282cf45f9fd shader registered for possible reloading: 34f5b282cf45f9fd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDC9D0, hash = 34f5b282cf45f9fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDC9D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9084, handle = 0000017644AD99DC FNV hash = c7b5133486277eed shader registered for possible reloading: c7b5133486277eed_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDE250, hash = c7b5133486277eed returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDE250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8944, handle = 0000017644ADBD58 FNV hash = 5230599bd07970d2 shader registered for possible reloading: 5230599bd07970d2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDCF90, hash = 5230599bd07970d2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDCF90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5696, handle = 0000017644ADE048 FNV hash = 70c6fbc33c948a5a shader registered for possible reloading: 70c6fbc33c948a5a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDCE10, hash = 70c6fbc33c948a5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDCE10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5696, handle = 0000017644ADF688 FNV hash = 70c6fbc33c948a5a shader registered for possible reloading: 70c6fbc33c948a5a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDE0D0, hash = 70c6fbc33c948a5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDE0D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6104, handle = 0000017644AE0CC8 FNV hash = 4b269f088c48745a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b269f088c48745a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDDDD0, hash = 4b269f088c48745a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDDDD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6104, handle = 0000017644AE24A0 FNV hash = 4b269f088c48745a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b269f088c48745a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDE390, hash = 4b269f088c48745a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDE390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6104, handle = 0000017644AE3C78 FNV hash = 4b269f088c48745a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b269f088c48745a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDE510, hash = 4b269f088c48745a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDE510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6104, handle = 0000017644AE5450 FNV hash = 4b269f088c48745a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b269f088c48745a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDE690, hash = 4b269f088c48745a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDE690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6272, handle = 0000017644AE6C28 FNV hash = 64140bbda6610335 shader registered for possible reloading: 64140bbda6610335_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDD3D0, hash = 64140bbda6610335 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDD3D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6272, handle = 0000017644AE84A8 FNV hash = 64140bbda6610335 shader registered for possible reloading: 64140bbda6610335_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDE950, hash = 64140bbda6610335 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDE950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6300, handle = 0000017644AE9D28 FNV hash = 9453f106e5e54ac5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9453f106e5e54ac5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDE810, hash = 9453f106e5e54ac5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDE810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6300, handle = 0000017644AEB5C4 FNV hash = 9453f106e5e54ac5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9453f106e5e54ac5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDD550, hash = 9453f106e5e54ac5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDD550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6104, handle = 0000017644AECE60 FNV hash = 4b269f088c48745a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b269f088c48745a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDD810, hash = 4b269f088c48745a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDD810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6104, handle = 0000017644AEE638 FNV hash = 4b269f088c48745a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b269f088c48745a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDEAD0, hash = 4b269f088c48745a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDEAD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6104, handle = 0000017644AEFE10 FNV hash = 4b269f088c48745a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b269f088c48745a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDEC50, hash = 4b269f088c48745a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDEC50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10412, handle = 0000017644AF15E8 FNV hash = 1aef61a81a9b951b shader registered for possible reloading: 1aef61a81a9b951b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDD6D0, hash = 1aef61a81a9b951b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDD6D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14392, handle = 0000017644AF3E94 FNV hash = d8d31dd66f52fbbd shader registered for possible reloading: d8d31dd66f52fbbd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDBE50, hash = d8d31dd66f52fbbd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDBE50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14420, handle = 0000017644AF76CC FNV hash = 6df7e25624e5a9b3 shader registered for possible reloading: 6df7e25624e5a9b3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDD990, hash = 6df7e25624e5a9b3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDD990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10440, handle = 0000017644AFAF20 FNV hash = efe2a606e6c6ec5a shader registered for possible reloading: efe2a606e6c6ec5a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDC6D0, hash = efe2a606e6c6ec5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDC6D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6104, handle = 0000017644AFD7E8 FNV hash = 4b269f088c48745a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b269f088c48745a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDDEDD0, hash = 4b269f088c48745a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDEDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4760, handle = 0000017644AFEFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9de4d2aaa537a13 shader registered for possible reloading: e9de4d2aaa537a13_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDDC850, hash = e9de4d2aaa537a13 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDC850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17192, handle = 0000017644B00258, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f46c3155a7500831 shader registered for possible reloading: f46c3155a7500831_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDDC110, hash = f46c3155a7500831 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDC110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14152, handle = 0000017644B04580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97b54960b4fbd9a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 97b54960b4fbd9a3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDDC410, hash = 97b54960b4fbd9a3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDC410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18920, handle = 0000017644B07CC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab1f197c9ac5c632 shader registered for possible reloading: ab1f197c9ac5c632_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDDCB50, hash = ab1f197c9ac5c632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDCB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14952, handle = 0000017644B0C6B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16f46deb50aeee1b shader registered for possible reloading: 16f46deb50aeee1b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDDCC90, hash = 16f46deb50aeee1b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDDCC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4764, handle = 0000017644B10118, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2155bd4d2573c10 shader registered for possible reloading: f2155bd4d2573c10_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC2A50, hash = f2155bd4d2573c10 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC2A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5380, handle = 0000017644B113B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 67143125cc0b17e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 67143125cc0b17e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC3B90, hash = 67143125cc0b17e0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC3B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1388, handle = 0000017644B128B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea164d07c81c231a shader registered for possible reloading: ea164d07c81c231a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC4450, hash = ea164d07c81c231a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC4450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1288, handle = 0000017644B12E24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7378cc6c8c1955f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 7378cc6c8c1955f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC1350, hash = 7378cc6c8c1955f3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC1350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 844, handle = 0000017644B1332C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1aadbc5d406a7fbe shader registered for possible reloading: 1aadbc5d406a7fbe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC2E90, hash = 1aadbc5d406a7fbe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC2E90 HackerDevice::CreateGeometryShader called with BytecodeLength = 10724, handle = 0000017644B13678 FNV hash = 670f33215768b5e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 670f33215768b5e1_gs as bin - gs: handle = 000001764CDC1C10, hash = 670f33215768b5e1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC1C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 844, handle = 0000017644B1605C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1aadbc5d406a7fbe shader registered for possible reloading: 1aadbc5d406a7fbe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC3010, hash = 1aadbc5d406a7fbe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC3010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 492, handle = 0000017644B163A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6dcd23e756d36988 shader registered for possible reloading: 6dcd23e756d36988_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDBFAD0, hash = 6dcd23e756d36988 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDBFAD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1356, handle = 0000017644B16594 FNV hash = f30f25ed73d95796 shader registered for possible reloading: f30f25ed73d95796_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDC0510, hash = f30f25ed73d95796 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 27700, handle = 0000017644B16AE0 FNV hash = 1031555db25fe053 shader registered for possible reloading: 1031555db25fe053_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDC4A10, hash = 1031555db25fe053 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC4A10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 33660, handle = 0000017644B1D714 FNV hash = 79d8ff55ad0d74da shader registered for possible reloading: 79d8ff55ad0d74da_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDC07D0, hash = 79d8ff55ad0d74da returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC07D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 0000017644B25A90 FNV hash = 1af250e5c9b09360 shader registered for possible reloading: 1af250e5c9b09360_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDC3A10, hash = 1af250e5c9b09360 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC3A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 0000017644B27750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75076871a87fcdec shader registered for possible reloading: 75076871a87fcdec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC14D0, hash = 75076871a87fcdec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC14D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6968, handle = 0000017644B27974 FNV hash = 5d892232ce231f7c shader registered for possible reloading: 5d892232ce231f7c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDC1790, hash = 5d892232ce231f7c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC1790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 0000017644B294AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bdf12065134b01c7 shader registered for possible reloading: bdf12065134b01c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC11D0, hash = bdf12065134b01c7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC11D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24068, handle = 0000017644B296D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a5ed2599c19e882 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a5ed2599c19e882_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDBFC50, hash = 9a5ed2599c19e882 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDBFC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28476, handle = 0000017644B2F4D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 065ef0efd1d9702c shader registered for possible reloading: 065ef0efd1d9702c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC35D0, hash = 065ef0efd1d9702c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC35D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16872, handle = 0000017644B36410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f1d0fd0f4df4649 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f1d0fd0f4df4649_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC3750, hash = 2f1d0fd0f4df4649 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC3750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 896, handle = 0000017644B3A5F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b2f999de53e5e00 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b2f999de53e5e00_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDC1650, hash = 6b2f999de53e5e00 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC1650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15212, handle = 0000017644B3A978, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2d57d3fabfacba8 shader registered for possible reloading: d2d57d3fabfacba8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC0C10, hash = d2d57d3fabfacba8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16564, handle = 0000017644B3E4E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b0f72a6e01c77ee shader registered for possible reloading: 9b0f72a6e01c77ee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDBF810, hash = 9b0f72a6e01c77ee returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDBF810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15212, handle = 0000017644B42598, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2d57d3fabfacba8 shader registered for possible reloading: d2d57d3fabfacba8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDBFDD0, hash = d2d57d3fabfacba8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDBFDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 676, handle = 0000017644B46104, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf1d5ab5e8074383 shader registered for possible reloading: cf1d5ab5e8074383_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC3190, hash = cf1d5ab5e8074383 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC3190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8964, handle = 0000017644B463A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6be201fe637b6cf shader registered for possible reloading: b6be201fe637b6cf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC3310, hash = b6be201fe637b6cf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC3310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 676, handle = 0000017644B486AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf1d5ab5e8074383 shader registered for possible reloading: cf1d5ab5e8074383_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC3450, hash = cf1d5ab5e8074383 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC3450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3764, handle = 0000017644B48950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 383c5434c28748ea shader registered for possible reloading: 383c5434c28748ea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC0210, hash = 383c5434c28748ea returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 880, handle = 0000017644B49804 FNV hash = 43b1e55910a2656e shader registered for possible reloading: 43b1e55910a2656e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDC2490, hash = 43b1e55910a2656e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC2490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3708, handle = 0000017644B49B74 FNV hash = 8f56e72aacb1e69d shader registered for possible reloading: 8f56e72aacb1e69d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764CDBF0D0, hash = 8f56e72aacb1e69d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDBF0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1436, handle = 0000017644B4A9F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5eb041656b99c25 shader registered for possible reloading: e5eb041656b99c25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764CDC4B50, hash = e5eb041656b99c25 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC4B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13092, handle = 0000017644B4AF8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 852b74784fa7dd68 shader registered for possible reloading: 852b74784fa7dd68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC1090, hash = 852b74784fa7dd68 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC1090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20416, handle = 0000017644B4E2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b56fb8a1e2a0fd3 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b56fb8a1e2a0fd3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC0D90, hash = 9b56fb8a1e2a0fd3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13972, handle = 0000017644B53270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6eed86f53cc34ec shader registered for possible reloading: c6eed86f53cc34ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC38D0, hash = c6eed86f53cc34ec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC38D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21296, handle = 0000017644B56904, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3036b0590d6b0efd shader registered for possible reloading: 3036b0590d6b0efd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDBFF50, hash = 3036b0590d6b0efd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDBFF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13864, handle = 0000017644B5BC34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86eb0b0c365a2f94 shader registered for possible reloading: 86eb0b0c365a2f94_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDBF510, hash = 86eb0b0c365a2f94 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDBF510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21188, handle = 0000017644B5F25C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 497efcb9fcfd6015 shader registered for possible reloading: 497efcb9fcfd6015_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDBF250, hash = 497efcb9fcfd6015 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDBF250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15012, handle = 0000017644B64520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ebe43f09f9ffb04a shader registered for possible reloading: ebe43f09f9ffb04a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC4710, hash = ebe43f09f9ffb04a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC4710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22336, handle = 0000017644B67FC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe616470bce706f3 shader registered for possible reloading: fe616470bce706f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC3D10, hash = fe616470bce706f3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC3D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15892, handle = 0000017644B6D704, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fefd33a393b47106 shader registered for possible reloading: fefd33a393b47106_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC3E90, hash = fefd33a393b47106 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC3E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23216, handle = 0000017644B71518, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f7bac17ca86ff64 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f7bac17ca86ff64_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC4150, hash = 2f7bac17ca86ff64 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC4150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15964, handle = 0000017644B76FC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b6d957545b55989 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b6d957545b55989_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC1910, hash = 7b6d957545b55989 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC1910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23288, handle = 0000017644B7AE24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d31777993f6d02ba shader registered for possible reloading: d31777993f6d02ba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC42D0, hash = d31777993f6d02ba returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC42D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1948, handle = 0000017644B8091C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c5e86d48eaa1fac shader registered for possible reloading: 5c5e86d48eaa1fac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC1D50, hash = 5c5e86d48eaa1fac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC1D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1188, handle = 0000017644B810B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8fe5a32aace5917f shader registered for possible reloading: 8fe5a32aace5917f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC4590, hash = 8fe5a32aace5917f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC4590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1112, handle = 0000017644B8155C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32c8a64f07514c53 shader registered for possible reloading: 32c8a64f07514c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC28D0, hash = 32c8a64f07514c53 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC28D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1332, handle = 0000017644B819B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bad160cd06c42a97 shader registered for possible reloading: bad160cd06c42a97_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC2050, hash = bad160cd06c42a97 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC2050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3524, handle = 0000017644B81EE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6a32dfddc2abf11 shader registered for possible reloading: a6a32dfddc2abf11_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDBF990, hash = a6a32dfddc2abf11 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDBF990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9296, handle = 0000017644B82CAC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1e2f17199ad83d9 shader registered for possible reloading: c1e2f17199ad83d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC0F10, hash = c1e2f17199ad83d9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19304, handle = 0000017644B850FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5cdda970597fe9ee shader registered for possible reloading: 5cdda970597fe9ee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC21D0, hash = 5cdda970597fe9ee returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC21D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2116, handle = 0000017644B89C64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba3ce22610697fe2 shader registered for possible reloading: ba3ce22610697fe2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC0090, hash = ba3ce22610697fe2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1936, handle = 0000017644B8A4A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 505fad927241d9b9 shader registered for possible reloading: 505fad927241d9b9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC0390, hash = 505fad927241d9b9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13032, handle = 0000017644B8AC38, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 294e58a094cdeded shader registered for possible reloading: 294e58a094cdeded_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC2BD0, hash = 294e58a094cdeded returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC2BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20356, handle = 0000017644B8DF20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a58d0dc05508095f shader registered for possible reloading: a58d0dc05508095f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC0AD0, hash = a58d0dc05508095f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13912, handle = 0000017644B92EA4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a13f6e6d1f27ce44 shader registered for possible reloading: a13f6e6d1f27ce44_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC0650, hash = a13f6e6d1f27ce44 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21236, handle = 0000017644B964FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71b4015dcb14bc58 shader registered for possible reloading: 71b4015dcb14bc58_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC0950, hash = 71b4015dcb14bc58 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC0950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13804, handle = 0000017644B9B7F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46cfe3d1869e426c shader registered for possible reloading: 46cfe3d1869e426c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764CDC2310, hash = 46cfe3d1869e426c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764CDC2310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21128, handle = 0000017644B9EDDC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f185da231d5132f shader registered for possible reloading: 0f185da231d5132f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE1250, hash = 0f185da231d5132f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE1250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14952, handle = 0000017644BA4064, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0db6135c83797ef4 shader registered for possible reloading: 0db6135c83797ef4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDF890, hash = 0db6135c83797ef4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDF890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22276, handle = 0000017644BA7ACC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac310c3fea2a0ba5 shader registered for possible reloading: ac310c3fea2a0ba5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDDBD0, hash = ac310c3fea2a0ba5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDDBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15832, handle = 0000017644BAD1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 119c5893040f83a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 119c5893040f83a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDD310, hash = 119c5893040f83a2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDD310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23156, handle = 0000017644BB0FA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b515a74bdffb6a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b515a74bdffb6a3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE13D0, hash = 3b515a74bdffb6a3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE13D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15904, handle = 0000017644BB6A1C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc8705d06afa56a3 shader registered for possible reloading: bc8705d06afa56a3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDF2D0, hash = bc8705d06afa56a3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDF2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23228, handle = 0000017644BBA83C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 434b29a113a0a682 shader registered for possible reloading: 434b29a113a0a682_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE0590, hash = 434b29a113a0a682 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE0590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9952, handle = 0000017644BC02F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 280c9e6699c8e01d shader registered for possible reloading: 280c9e6699c8e01d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDF590, hash = 280c9e6699c8e01d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDF590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17544, handle = 0000017644BC29D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 479b1ca37fa78996 shader registered for possible reloading: 479b1ca37fa78996_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDFFD0, hash = 479b1ca37fa78996 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDFFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10832, handle = 0000017644BC6E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dddff024b3056da0 shader registered for possible reloading: dddff024b3056da0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDD1D0, hash = dddff024b3056da0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDD1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18424, handle = 0000017644BC98B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7781e6c3d251e79 shader registered for possible reloading: a7781e6c3d251e79_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDEB90, hash = a7781e6c3d251e79 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDEB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10904, handle = 0000017644BCE0A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e423e004c28f805f shader registered for possible reloading: e423e004c28f805f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDDE90, hash = e423e004c28f805f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDDE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18496, handle = 0000017644BD0B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac20c8efd3b9dd01 shader registered for possible reloading: ac20c8efd3b9dd01_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDE010, hash = ac20c8efd3b9dd01 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDE010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14952, handle = 0000017644BD5380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0db6135c83797ef4 shader registered for possible reloading: 0db6135c83797ef4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE0850, hash = 0db6135c83797ef4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE0850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22276, handle = 0000017644BD8DE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac310c3fea2a0ba5 shader registered for possible reloading: ac310c3fea2a0ba5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE1810, hash = ac310c3fea2a0ba5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE1810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15832, handle = 0000017644BDE4EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 119c5893040f83a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 119c5893040f83a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE1B10, hash = 119c5893040f83a2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE1B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23156, handle = 0000017644BE22C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b515a74bdffb6a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b515a74bdffb6a3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE0410, hash = 3b515a74bdffb6a3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE0410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15904, handle = 0000017644BE7D38, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc8705d06afa56a3 shader registered for possible reloading: bc8705d06afa56a3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE1C90, hash = bc8705d06afa56a3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE1C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23228, handle = 0000017644BEBB58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 434b29a113a0a682 shader registered for possible reloading: 434b29a113a0a682_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDEE90, hash = 434b29a113a0a682 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDEE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 0000017644BF1614, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad5844d4b3853ef4 shader registered for possible reloading: ad5844d4b3853ef4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE0110, hash = ad5844d4b3853ef4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE0110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14952, handle = 0000017644BF32D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3242914aad5eb9c shader registered for possible reloading: b3242914aad5eb9c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDD610, hash = b3242914aad5eb9c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDD610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8240, handle = 0000017644BF6D3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 445573a12d543ff2 shader registered for possible reloading: 445573a12d543ff2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE16D0, hash = 445573a12d543ff2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE16D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15832, handle = 0000017644BF8D6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f367ef9696a084f3 shader registered for possible reloading: f367ef9696a084f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE1110, hash = f367ef9696a084f3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE1110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8132, handle = 0000017644BFCB44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff6411bdd197a5b5 shader registered for possible reloading: ff6411bdd197a5b5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE1550, hash = ff6411bdd197a5b5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE1550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15724, handle = 0000017644BFEB08, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f7ec822f6eca637 shader registered for possible reloading: 7f7ec822f6eca637_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE1990, hash = 7f7ec822f6eca637 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE1990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6856, handle = 0000017644C02874, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ecff42c6378dbf8a shader registered for possible reloading: ecff42c6378dbf8a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDEA10, hash = ecff42c6378dbf8a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDEA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14448, handle = 0000017644C0433C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a1dce2f5220512b shader registered for possible reloading: 2a1dce2f5220512b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDF450, hash = 2a1dce2f5220512b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDF450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9236, handle = 0000017644C07BAC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce67cf9471361dec shader registered for possible reloading: ce67cf9471361dec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE0290, hash = ce67cf9471361dec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE0290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19244, handle = 0000017644C09FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf0cb3809b88cf20 shader registered for possible reloading: cf0cb3809b88cf20_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDFA10, hash = cf0cb3809b88cf20 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDFA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13032, handle = 0000017644C0EAEC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 294e58a094cdeded shader registered for possible reloading: 294e58a094cdeded_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDE8D0, hash = 294e58a094cdeded returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDE8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20356, handle = 0000017644C11DD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a58d0dc05508095f shader registered for possible reloading: a58d0dc05508095f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDF710, hash = a58d0dc05508095f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDF710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13912, handle = 0000017644C16D58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a13f6e6d1f27ce44 shader registered for possible reloading: a13f6e6d1f27ce44_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE20D0, hash = a13f6e6d1f27ce44 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE20D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21236, handle = 0000017644C1A3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71b4015dcb14bc58 shader registered for possible reloading: 71b4015dcb14bc58_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDD490, hash = 71b4015dcb14bc58 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDD490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13804, handle = 0000017644C1F6A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46cfe3d1869e426c shader registered for possible reloading: 46cfe3d1869e426c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDCD50, hash = 46cfe3d1869e426c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDCD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21128, handle = 0000017644C22C90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f185da231d5132f shader registered for possible reloading: 0f185da231d5132f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE2250, hash = 0f185da231d5132f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE2250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9236, handle = 0000017644C27F18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce67cf9471361dec shader registered for possible reloading: ce67cf9471361dec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDD8D0, hash = ce67cf9471361dec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDD8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19244, handle = 0000017644C2A32C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf0cb3809b88cf20 shader registered for possible reloading: cf0cb3809b88cf20_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE1DD0, hash = cf0cb3809b88cf20 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE1DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 756, handle = 0000017644C2EE58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62878a785b6b9a48 shader registered for possible reloading: 62878a785b6b9a48_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE0F90, hash = 62878a785b6b9a48 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE0F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1232, handle = 0000017644C2F14C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fbf5909e85b276a1 shader registered for possible reloading: fbf5909e85b276a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE0C90, hash = fbf5909e85b276a1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE0C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 848, handle = 0000017644C2F61C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03a2bd00064ee127 shader registered for possible reloading: 03a2bd00064ee127_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDD790, hash = 03a2bd00064ee127 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDD790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644C2F96C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE0E10, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE0E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6024, handle = 0000017644C2FC78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4a42b83c83f5057 shader registered for possible reloading: f4a42b83c83f5057_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDEFD0, hash = f4a42b83c83f5057 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDEFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644C31400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFDED10, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDED10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5784, handle = 0000017644C3170C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13a0084a5948674 shader registered for possible reloading: c13a0084a5948674_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDE190, hash = c13a0084a5948674 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDE190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644C32DA4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFDC910, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDC910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6024, handle = 0000017644C330B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15e6e764f1718bff shader registered for possible reloading: 15e6e764f1718bff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDE310, hash = 15e6e764f1718bff returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDE310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644C34838, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE06D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE06D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5784, handle = 0000017644C34B44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 722581d509d4e301 shader registered for possible reloading: 722581d509d4e301_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDE750, hash = 722581d509d4e301 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDE750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644C361DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE0B50, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE0B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6032, handle = 0000017644C364E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33e5ba9c4ec8cd5d shader registered for possible reloading: 33e5ba9c4ec8cd5d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDFE50, hash = 33e5ba9c4ec8cd5d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDFE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644C37C78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFDDA50, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDDA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5784, handle = 0000017644C37F84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a054c2951466265f shader registered for possible reloading: a054c2951466265f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDE450, hash = a054c2951466265f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDE450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644C3961C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFDCA90, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDCA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1288, handle = 0000017644C39928, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29b969231a1e94f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 29b969231a1e94f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDCC10, hash = 29b969231a1e94f5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDCC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644C39E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE2AD0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE2AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 944, handle = 0000017644C3A13C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b36bec277d57903 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b36bec277d57903_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE2DD0, hash = 4b36bec277d57903 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE2DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 780, handle = 0000017644C3A4EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 shader registered for possible reloading: 949d4776f9bfb477_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE2C50, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE2C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5512, handle = 0000017644C3A7F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b28cba60e9b825bc shader registered for possible reloading: b28cba60e9b825bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE44D0, hash = b28cba60e9b825bc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE44D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5128, handle = 0000017644C3BD80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0e5f8c395800cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE2F10, hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE2F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5512, handle = 0000017644C3D188, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af3fd96f1dcbc803 shader registered for possible reloading: af3fd96f1dcbc803_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE4ED0, hash = af3fd96f1dcbc803 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE4ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5128, handle = 0000017644C3E710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0e5f8c395800cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE6450, hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE6450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5392, handle = 0000017644C3FB18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2efdbbffbe9e1e76 shader registered for possible reloading: 2efdbbffbe9e1e76_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE2810, hash = 2efdbbffbe9e1e76 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE2810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5128, handle = 0000017644C41028, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0e5f8c395800cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE58D0, hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE58D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6748, handle = 0000017644C42430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6fdcf98c7c4dd428 shader registered for possible reloading: 6fdcf98c7c4dd428_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE5610, hash = 6fdcf98c7c4dd428 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE5610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5128, handle = 0000017644C43E8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0e5f8c395800cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE3090, hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE3090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6748, handle = 0000017644C45294, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bc1df7cc2642ff1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bc1df7cc2642ff1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE3950, hash = 9bc1df7cc2642ff1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE3950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5128, handle = 0000017644C46CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0e5f8c395800cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE3210, hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE3210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6628, handle = 0000017644C480F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7abdabc46517bd3d shader registered for possible reloading: 7abdabc46517bd3d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE41D0, hash = 7abdabc46517bd3d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE41D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5128, handle = 0000017644C49ADC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0e5f8c395800cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE3390, hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE3390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6628, handle = 0000017644C4AEE4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d92f1378582a238 shader registered for possible reloading: 5d92f1378582a238_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE2950, hash = 5d92f1378582a238 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE2950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5128, handle = 0000017644C4C8C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0e5f8c395800cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE5050, hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE5050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5392, handle = 0000017644C4DCD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e445e80e6cf96bc shader registered for possible reloading: 0e445e80e6cf96bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE5310, hash = 0e445e80e6cf96bc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE5310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5128, handle = 0000017644C4F1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0e5f8c395800cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE3A90, hash = 2a0e5f8c395800cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE3A90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12912, handle = 0000017644C505E8 FNV hash = a50ba73b1c83944f shader registered for possible reloading: a50ba73b1c83944f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764DFE34D0, hash = a50ba73b1c83944f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE34D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11104, handle = 0000017644C53858 FNV hash = 36739bf962c76595 shader registered for possible reloading: 36739bf962c76595_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764DFE5190, hash = 36739bf962c76595 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE5190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 11156, handle = 0000017644C563B8 FNV hash = 02e5e7881ae4d0ea shader registered for possible reloading: 02e5e7881ae4d0ea_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764DFE37D0, hash = 02e5e7881ae4d0ea returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE37D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 500, handle = 0000017644C58F4C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c40fee55c479d5a shader registered for possible reloading: 9c40fee55c479d5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE3650, hash = 9c40fee55c479d5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE3650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14624, handle = 0000017644C59140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cead44c0fc414d20 shader registered for possible reloading: cead44c0fc414d20_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE2510, hash = cead44c0fc414d20 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE2510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 500, handle = 0000017644C5CA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c40fee55c479d5a shader registered for possible reloading: 9c40fee55c479d5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE65D0, hash = 9c40fee55c479d5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE65D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14624, handle = 0000017644C5CC54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cead44c0fc414d20 shader registered for possible reloading: cead44c0fc414d20_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE4A90, hash = cead44c0fc414d20 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE4A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 500, handle = 0000017644C60574, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c40fee55c479d5a shader registered for possible reloading: 9c40fee55c479d5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE3C10, hash = 9c40fee55c479d5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE3C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14588, handle = 0000017644C60768, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7bd23f780f4915d shader registered for possible reloading: e7bd23f780f4915d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE3D90, hash = e7bd23f780f4915d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE3D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 500, handle = 0000017644C64064, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c40fee55c479d5a shader registered for possible reloading: 9c40fee55c479d5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE5A50, hash = 9c40fee55c479d5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE5A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14588, handle = 0000017644C64258, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7bd23f780f4915d shader registered for possible reloading: e7bd23f780f4915d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE6A10, hash = e7bd23f780f4915d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE6A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 40420, handle = 0000017644C67B54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14c052829c594813 shader registered for possible reloading: 14c052829c594813_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE5BD0, hash = 14c052829c594813 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE5BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644C71938, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE5490, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE5490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22792, handle = 0000017644C75460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a573d2d4ff7ebf5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3a573d2d4ff7ebf5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE6750, hash = 3a573d2d4ff7ebf5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE6750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21356, handle = 0000017644C7AD68, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 781aeada978560f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 781aeada978560f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE5E90, hash = 781aeada978560f7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE5E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46548, handle = 0000017644C800D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76ffdc731cda2a84 shader registered for possible reloading: 76ffdc731cda2a84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE3F10, hash = 76ffdc731cda2a84 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE3F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644C8B6A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE4350, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE4350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10340, handle = 0000017644C8F1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 526830cc302bb97c shader registered for possible reloading: 526830cc302bb97c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE5750, hash = 526830cc302bb97c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE5750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644C91A34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE6010, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE6010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10292, handle = 0000017644C9555C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28623e01bf580c87 shader registered for possible reloading: 28623e01bf580c87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE4610, hash = 28623e01bf580c87 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE4610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644C97D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE6190, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE6190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1964, handle = 0000017644C9B8B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91e8d4b3d00fe8bc shader registered for possible reloading: 91e8d4b3d00fe8bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE4790, hash = 91e8d4b3d00fe8bc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE4790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21428, handle = 0000017644C9C064, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5529b78479002c1b shader registered for possible reloading: 5529b78479002c1b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE62D0, hash = 5529b78479002c1b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE62D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1964, handle = 0000017644CA1418, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91e8d4b3d00fe8bc shader registered for possible reloading: 91e8d4b3d00fe8bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE4910, hash = 91e8d4b3d00fe8bc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE4910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15320, handle = 0000017644CA1BC4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc636a9db953c9c1 shader registered for possible reloading: fc636a9db953c9c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE4BD0, hash = fc636a9db953c9c1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE4BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1964, handle = 0000017644CA579C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91e8d4b3d00fe8bc shader registered for possible reloading: 91e8d4b3d00fe8bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE4D50, hash = 91e8d4b3d00fe8bc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE4D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21540, handle = 0000017644CA5F48, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35215699cae56047 shader registered for possible reloading: 35215699cae56047_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFE6890, hash = 35215699cae56047 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE6890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11376, handle = 0000017644CAB36C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 666c1c9d828edd94 shader registered for possible reloading: 666c1c9d828edd94_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFE2690, hash = 666c1c9d828edd94 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFE2690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644CADFDC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD7890, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11328, handle = 0000017644CB1B04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55e37312e2bb4c01 shader registered for possible reloading: 55e37312e2bb4c01_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFD6E90, hash = 55e37312e2bb4c01 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD6E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644CB4744, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD7CD0, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46548, handle = 0000017644CB826C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76ffdc731cda2a84 shader registered for possible reloading: 76ffdc731cda2a84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFD9C90, hash = 76ffdc731cda2a84 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD9C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644CC3840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD96D0, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD96D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46548, handle = 0000017644CC7368, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76ffdc731cda2a84 shader registered for possible reloading: 76ffdc731cda2a84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDB650, hash = 76ffdc731cda2a84 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDB650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644CD293C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD8710, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8710 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 18556, handle = 0000017644CD6464 FNV hash = b718f52ed04238f5 shader registered for possible reloading: b718f52ed04238f5_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFDA690, hash = b718f52ed04238f5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDA690 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8572, handle = 0000017644CDACE0 FNV hash = ab9fd298075852e8 shader registered for possible reloading: ab9fd298075852e8_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFD8150, hash = ab9fd298075852e8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19384, handle = 0000017644CDCE5C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bba5c8ea847220e shader registered for possible reloading: 1bba5c8ea847220e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFD7A10, hash = 1bba5c8ea847220e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644CE1A14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD9850, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD9850 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 20804, handle = 0000017644CE5D90 FNV hash = 6c46457fda887bfd shader registered for possible reloading: 6c46457fda887bfd_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFDA810, hash = 6c46457fda887bfd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDA810 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8572, handle = 0000017644CEAED4 FNV hash = ab9fd298075852e8 shader registered for possible reloading: ab9fd298075852e8_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFD89D0, hash = ab9fd298075852e8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD89D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20168, handle = 0000017644CED050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a0f49e0b411d7f54 shader registered for possible reloading: a0f49e0b411d7f54_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDBD90, hash = a0f49e0b411d7f54 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDBD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644CF1F18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD9990, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD9990 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 20804, handle = 0000017644CF6294 FNV hash = 6c46457fda887bfd shader registered for possible reloading: 6c46457fda887bfd_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFD9B10, hash = 6c46457fda887bfd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD9B10 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8572, handle = 0000017644CFB3D8 FNV hash = ab9fd298075852e8 shader registered for possible reloading: ab9fd298075852e8_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFDAC50, hash = ab9fd298075852e8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDAC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20168, handle = 0000017644CFD554, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a0f49e0b411d7f54 shader registered for possible reloading: a0f49e0b411d7f54_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFD8590, hash = a0f49e0b411d7f54 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644D0241C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD9F50, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD9F50 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 18556, handle = 0000017644D06798 FNV hash = b718f52ed04238f5 shader registered for possible reloading: b718f52ed04238f5_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFD9550, hash = b718f52ed04238f5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD9550 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8572, handle = 0000017644D0B014 FNV hash = ab9fd298075852e8 shader registered for possible reloading: ab9fd298075852e8_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFDADD0, hash = ab9fd298075852e8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDADD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19384, handle = 0000017644D0D190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bba5c8ea847220e shader registered for possible reloading: 1bba5c8ea847220e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFD6D10, hash = 1bba5c8ea847220e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD6D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644D11D48, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD7FD0, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7FD0 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 18960, handle = 0000017644D160C4 FNV hash = cee17eb755552012 shader registered for possible reloading: cee17eb755552012_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFD7010, hash = cee17eb755552012 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7010 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644D1AAD4 FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFD9E10, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD9E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36556, handle = 0000017644D1CC18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55f862e0c42a361d shader registered for possible reloading: 55f862e0c42a361d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFD8290, hash = 55f862e0c42a361d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644D25AE4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFDAF50, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDAF50 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 21208, handle = 0000017644D29E60 FNV hash = 8cc63cb5ecbb6ef2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cc63cb5ecbb6ef2_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFDA0D0, hash = 8cc63cb5ecbb6ef2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDA0D0 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644D2F138 FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFDB090, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDB090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39340, handle = 0000017644D3127C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b0912546acdf8d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b0912546acdf8d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFD7710, hash = 8b0912546acdf8d3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644D3AC28, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD8410, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8410 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 21208, handle = 0000017644D3EFA4 FNV hash = 8cc63cb5ecbb6ef2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cc63cb5ecbb6ef2_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFD7B90, hash = 8cc63cb5ecbb6ef2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7B90 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644D4427C FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFD75D0, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD75D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39340, handle = 0000017644D463C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b0912546acdf8d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b0912546acdf8d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDB390, hash = 8b0912546acdf8d3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDB390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644D4FD6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD9110, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD9110 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 18960, handle = 0000017644D540E8 FNV hash = cee17eb755552012 shader registered for possible reloading: cee17eb755552012_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFD8850, hash = cee17eb755552012 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8850 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644D58AF8 FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFD7E50, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36556, handle = 0000017644D5AC3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55f862e0c42a361d shader registered for possible reloading: 55f862e0c42a361d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDA250, hash = 55f862e0c42a361d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDA250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644D63B08, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFDA3D0, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDA3D0 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 18744, handle = 0000017644D67E84 FNV hash = a59cede242830230 shader registered for possible reloading: a59cede242830230_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFD8B50, hash = a59cede242830230 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8B50 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644D6C7BC FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFD8CD0, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27412, handle = 0000017644D6E900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 071b1b037f811e06 shader registered for possible reloading: 071b1b037f811e06_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDA510, hash = 071b1b037f811e06 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDA510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644D75414, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFDB7D0, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDB7D0 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 20992, handle = 0000017644D79790 FNV hash = 6322424889f6a505 shader registered for possible reloading: 6322424889f6a505_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFDA990, hash = 6322424889f6a505 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDA990 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644D7E990 FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFD8E10, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27412, handle = 0000017644D80AD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 071b1b037f811e06 shader registered for possible reloading: 071b1b037f811e06_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDAAD0, hash = 071b1b037f811e06 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDAAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644D875E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD8F90, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD8F90 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 20992, handle = 0000017644D8B964 FNV hash = 6322424889f6a505 shader registered for possible reloading: 6322424889f6a505_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFD7150, hash = 6322424889f6a505 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7150 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644D90B64 FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFD9290, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD9290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27412, handle = 0000017644D92CA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 071b1b037f811e06 shader registered for possible reloading: 071b1b037f811e06_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDB210, hash = 071b1b037f811e06 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDB210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644D997BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD93D0, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD93D0 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 18744, handle = 0000017644D9DB38 FNV hash = a59cede242830230 shader registered for possible reloading: a59cede242830230_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFDB510, hash = a59cede242830230 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDB510 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644DA2470 FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFDB950, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDB950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27412, handle = 0000017644DA45B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 071b1b037f811e06 shader registered for possible reloading: 071b1b037f811e06_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDBAD0, hash = 071b1b037f811e06 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDBAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644DAB0C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFDBC10, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDBC10 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 18960, handle = 0000017644DAF444 FNV hash = cee17eb755552012 shader registered for possible reloading: cee17eb755552012_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFDBF10, hash = cee17eb755552012 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDBF10 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644DB3E54 FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFDC090, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDC090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 628, handle = 0000017644DB5F98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65cc66390494f731 shader registered for possible reloading: 65cc66390494f731_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDC1D0, hash = 65cc66390494f731 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDC1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644DB620C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFDC350, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDC350 HackerDevice::CreateDomainShader called with BytecodeLength = 18960, handle = 0000017644DBA588 FNV hash = cee17eb755552012 shader registered for possible reloading: cee17eb755552012_ds as bin - ds: handle = 000001764DFDC4D0, hash = cee17eb755552012 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDC4D0 HackerDevice::CreateHullShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644DBEF98 FNV hash = a83e194ee17bd632 shader registered for possible reloading: a83e194ee17bd632_hs as bin - hs: handle = 000001764DFDC650, hash = a83e194ee17bd632 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDC650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 36556, handle = 0000017644DC10DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55f862e0c42a361d shader registered for possible reloading: 55f862e0c42a361d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764DFDC790, hash = 55f862e0c42a361d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFDC790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 0000017644DC9FA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e9505db78d4dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764DFD72D0, hash = 32e9505db78d4dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD72D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1124, handle = 0000017644DCE324 FNV hash = 986f63574dc2c542 shader registered for possible reloading: 986f63574dc2c542_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764DFD7450, hash = 986f63574dc2c542 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764DFD7450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39404, handle = 0000017644DCE788, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b88c39c05b765efc shader registered for possible reloading: b88c39c05b765efc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA140D0, hash = b88c39c05b765efc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA140D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644DD8174, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA14F10, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 39404, handle = 0000017644DDBC9C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b88c39c05b765efc shader registered for possible reloading: b88c39c05b765efc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA17490, hash = b88c39c05b765efc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644DE5688, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA16050, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA16050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18676, handle = 0000017644DE91B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a97c02ccd7bb5d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a97c02ccd7bb5d5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA161D0, hash = 9a97c02ccd7bb5d5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA161D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644DEDAA4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA18D10, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15072, handle = 0000017644DF15CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adfeba6dcd1dc370 shader registered for possible reloading: adfeba6dcd1dc370_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA19710, hash = adfeba6dcd1dc370 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA19710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15072, handle = 0000017644DF50AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adfeba6dcd1dc370 shader registered for possible reloading: adfeba6dcd1dc370_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA16A90, hash = adfeba6dcd1dc370 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA16A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18676, handle = 0000017644DF8B8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a97c02ccd7bb5d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a97c02ccd7bb5d5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA14250, hash = 9a97c02ccd7bb5d5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644DFD480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA17610, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 580, handle = 0000017644E00FA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad31b68feb5f3d6a shader registered for possible reloading: ad31b68feb5f3d6a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA18FD0, hash = ad31b68feb5f3d6a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644E011EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA19890, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA19890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46548, handle = 0000017644E04D14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76ffdc731cda2a84 shader registered for possible reloading: 76ffdc731cda2a84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA15650, hash = 76ffdc731cda2a84 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA15650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15144, handle = 0000017644E102E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 shader registered for possible reloading: 336e3432dcbd9985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA199D0, hash = 336e3432dcbd9985 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA199D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3180, handle = 0000017644E13E10 FNV hash = b9097b0c9b27222d shader registered for possible reloading: b9097b0c9b27222d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA16350, hash = b9097b0c9b27222d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA16350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3260, handle = 0000017644E14A7C FNV hash = 9063ad38512a3bc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9063ad38512a3bc1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA15090, hash = 9063ad38512a3bc1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA15090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 0000017644E15738 FNV hash = 12927bca37879e11 shader registered for possible reloading: 12927bca37879e11_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA14690, hash = 12927bca37879e11 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 536, handle = 0000017644E1595C FNV hash = 45b012ba2c890b92 shader registered for possible reloading: 45b012ba2c890b92_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA16790, hash = 45b012ba2c890b92 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA16790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1036, handle = 0000017644E15B74 FNV hash = 83839b0c2f9d5653 shader registered for possible reloading: 83839b0c2f9d5653_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA19150, hash = 83839b0c2f9d5653 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA19150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1308, handle = 0000017644E15F80 FNV hash = 60af31e6aa4f8e94 shader registered for possible reloading: 60af31e6aa4f8e94_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA14390, hash = 60af31e6aa4f8e94 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 812, handle = 0000017644E1649C FNV hash = c1944a18e767ee64 shader registered for possible reloading: c1944a18e767ee64_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA18190, hash = c1944a18e767ee64 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1256, handle = 0000017644E167C8 FNV hash = 04ecd887d82252ec shader registered for possible reloading: 04ecd887d82252ec_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA16BD0, hash = 04ecd887d82252ec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA16BD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 928, handle = 0000017644E16CB0 FNV hash = 80311768c2d0b152 shader registered for possible reloading: 80311768c2d0b152_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA157D0, hash = 80311768c2d0b152 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA157D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 976, handle = 0000017644E17050 FNV hash = 85406903d9e059df shader registered for possible reloading: 85406903d9e059df_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA13F50, hash = 85406903d9e059df returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA13F50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 964, handle = 0000017644E17420 FNV hash = 210b8d42be47386c shader registered for possible reloading: 210b8d42be47386c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA14C50, hash = 210b8d42be47386c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 984, handle = 0000017644E177E4 FNV hash = 2c33a4c89e78c4a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c33a4c89e78c4a4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA18450, hash = 2c33a4c89e78c4a4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18450 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1008, handle = 0000017644E17BBC FNV hash = c8311662cb3bd837 shader registered for possible reloading: c8311662cb3bd837_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA16ED0, hash = c8311662cb3bd837 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA16ED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 996, handle = 0000017644E17FAC FNV hash = 9c58b4248b963caf shader registered for possible reloading: 9c58b4248b963caf_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA14510, hash = 9c58b4248b963caf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 924, handle = 0000017644E18390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea86c7b395e0298b shader registered for possible reloading: ea86c7b395e0298b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA17050, hash = ea86c7b395e0298b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1872C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA17750, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 756, handle = 0000017644E18D88, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a53d8ba9f6627116 shader registered for possible reloading: a53d8ba9f6627116_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA182D0, hash = a53d8ba9f6627116 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA182D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1907C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA154D0, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA154D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 756, handle = 0000017644E196D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 325ef68df66141a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 325ef68df66141a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA18890, hash = 325ef68df66141a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E199CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA185D0, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA185D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 924, handle = 0000017644E1A028, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df4d434442d94036 shader registered for possible reloading: df4d434442d94036_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA14810, hash = df4d434442d94036 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1A3C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA192D0, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA192D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1180, handle = 0000017644E1AA20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 274bf7e01622550a shader registered for possible reloading: 274bf7e01622550a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA16D50, hash = 274bf7e01622550a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA16D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1AEBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA16910, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA16910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1352, handle = 0000017644E1B518, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a64c36098b8d6169 shader registered for possible reloading: a64c36098b8d6169_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA14950, hash = a64c36098b8d6169 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1BA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA18E50, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1336, handle = 0000017644E1C0BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0881b5f3c91173e shader registered for possible reloading: c0881b5f3c91173e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA178D0, hash = c0881b5f3c91173e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA178D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1C5F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA15210, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA15210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1336, handle = 0000017644E1CC50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 284328177e653f09 shader registered for possible reloading: 284328177e653f09_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA18750, hash = 284328177e653f09 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1D188, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA14AD0, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 928, handle = 0000017644E1D7E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5283bb8e0f0ab61e shader registered for possible reloading: 5283bb8e0f0ab61e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA17190, hash = 5283bb8e0f0ab61e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1DB84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA17A50, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 912, handle = 0000017644E1E1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9aaaa26ca1c23c2d shader registered for possible reloading: 9aaaa26ca1c23c2d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA17310, hash = 9aaaa26ca1c23c2d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1E570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA18A10, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 940, handle = 0000017644E1EBCC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36bf91be3fd1449a shader registered for possible reloading: 36bf91be3fd1449a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA18B90, hash = 36bf91be3fd1449a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1EF78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA19410, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA19410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 760, handle = 0000017644E1F5D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f61b0a513d4a44ec shader registered for possible reloading: f61b0a513d4a44ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA15390, hash = f61b0a513d4a44ec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA15390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E1F8CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA164D0, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA164D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 728, handle = 0000017644E1FF28, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c67256ee45171eac shader registered for possible reloading: c67256ee45171eac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA17BD0, hash = c67256ee45171eac returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1628, handle = 0000017644E20200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1dce41a4d62fcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA19590, hash = 4c1dce41a4d62fcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA19590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 768, handle = 0000017644E2085C FNV hash = 97820ef4541a9932 shader registered for possible reloading: 97820ef4541a9932_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA15A90, hash = 97820ef4541a9932 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA15A90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1680, handle = 0000017644E20B5C FNV hash = 83557a86de406097 shader registered for possible reloading: 83557a86de406097_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA15950, hash = 83557a86de406097 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA15950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 70964, handle = 0000017644E211EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd1bcb4ceb4c4d97 shader registered for possible reloading: fd1bcb4ceb4c4d97_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA14DD0, hash = fd1bcb4ceb4c4d97 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA14DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 22584, handle = 0000017644E32720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cf7b16d1c2a21c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cf7b16d1c2a21c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA15C10, hash = 8cf7b16d1c2a21c1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA15C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81476, handle = 0000017644E37F58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5287b5cd05cc2c8 shader registered for possible reloading: c5287b5cd05cc2c8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA17D10, hash = c5287b5cd05cc2c8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 25024, handle = 0000017644E4BD9C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a951ca12ecc7d6a5 shader registered for possible reloading: a951ca12ecc7d6a5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA15D90, hash = a951ca12ecc7d6a5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA15D90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 18044, handle = 0000017644E51F5C FNV hash = e3956e09047fd78c shader registered for possible reloading: e3956e09047fd78c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA15F10, hash = e3956e09047fd78c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA15F10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 21508, handle = 0000017644E565D8 FNV hash = d6ff555761e96466 shader registered for possible reloading: d6ff555761e96466_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA16610, hash = d6ff555761e96466 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA16610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8416, handle = 0000017644E5B9DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0808da0d992fdb64 shader registered for possible reloading: 0808da0d992fdb64_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA17E90, hash = 0808da0d992fdb64 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA17E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E5DABC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA18010, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA18010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7376, handle = 0000017644E5F264, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f9d52158eca7438 shader registered for possible reloading: 4f9d52158eca7438_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1DED0, hash = 4f9d52158eca7438 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1DED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E60F34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1D7D0, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1D7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8052, handle = 0000017644E626DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44c49392571e58c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 44c49392571e58c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA19B50, hash = 44c49392571e58c7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA19B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E64650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1EED0, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1EED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 0000017644E65DF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7db51319fa695987 shader registered for possible reloading: 7db51319fa695987_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1C7D0, hash = 7db51319fa695987 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1C7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E67F3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1C510, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1C510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8560, handle = 0000017644E696E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2194e8361fd635f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 2194e8361fd635f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1AF90, hash = 2194e8361fd635f8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1AF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E6B854, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1A850, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1A850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7940, handle = 0000017644E6CFFC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 055edf9bf686feb9 shader registered for possible reloading: 055edf9bf686feb9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1E610, hash = 055edf9bf686feb9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1E610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E6EF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1E050, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1E050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7432, handle = 0000017644E706A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aaceefbb4d08fa85 shader registered for possible reloading: aaceefbb4d08fa85_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1C390, hash = aaceefbb4d08fa85 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1C390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E723B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1DD90, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1DD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11356, handle = 0000017644E73B58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f68645e9daba22dd shader registered for possible reloading: f68645e9daba22dd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1BDD0, hash = f68645e9daba22dd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1BDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E767B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1C690, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1C690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8348, handle = 0000017644E77F5C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4ce2b3c2e7f7816 shader registered for possible reloading: c4ce2b3c2e7f7816_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1CD90, hash = c4ce2b3c2e7f7816 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1CD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E79FF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1AB10, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1AB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9352, handle = 0000017644E7B7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7c33d7799df2b96 shader registered for possible reloading: b7c33d7799df2b96_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1B3D0, hash = b7c33d7799df2b96 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1B3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E7DC28, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1D4D0, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1D4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9876, handle = 0000017644E7F3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4a7f54e1faf3c27 shader registered for possible reloading: f4a7f54e1faf3c27_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1C0D0, hash = f4a7f54e1faf3c27 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1C0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E81A64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1F010, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1F010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10300, handle = 0000017644E8320C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4136eafd3694dd1 shader registered for possible reloading: a4136eafd3694dd1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1B0D0, hash = a4136eafd3694dd1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1B0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E85A48, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1C950, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1C950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10232, handle = 0000017644E871F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15bc9b0368c22aae shader registered for possible reloading: 15bc9b0368c22aae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1B250, hash = 15bc9b0368c22aae returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1B250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E899E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1CF10, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1CF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9940, handle = 0000017644E8B190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 234af8740502eb01 shader registered for possible reloading: 234af8740502eb01_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1C210, hash = 234af8740502eb01 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1C210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E8D864, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1BC50, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1BC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9420, handle = 0000017644E8F00C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 916dbc9c54c88653 shader registered for possible reloading: 916dbc9c54c88653_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1F190, hash = 916dbc9c54c88653 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1F190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E914D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1D650, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1D650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12764, handle = 0000017644E92C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d41960c994b0486 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d41960c994b0486_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1B550, hash = 6d41960c994b0486 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1B550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E95E5C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1F490, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1F490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8016, handle = 0000017644E97604, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caf16ad8e2a1125a shader registered for possible reloading: caf16ad8e2a1125a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1D910, hash = caf16ad8e2a1125a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1D910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6940, handle = 0000017644E99554, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 822933c458e46334 shader registered for possible reloading: 822933c458e46334_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1AC90, hash = 822933c458e46334 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1AC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9452, handle = 0000017644E9B070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f733ff4402389f6d shader registered for possible reloading: f733ff4402389f6d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1DA90, hash = f733ff4402389f6d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1DA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644E9D55C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1B990, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1B990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13224, handle = 0000017644E9ED04, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 83a9168ad284aebf shader registered for possible reloading: 83a9168ad284aebf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1B690, hash = 83a9168ad284aebf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1B690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6056, handle = 0000017644EA20AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3714056a797aa5f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1CC50, hash = 3714056a797aa5f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1CC50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1444, handle = 0000017644EA3854 FNV hash = 187b4c27aa7ed1df shader registered for possible reloading: 187b4c27aa7ed1df_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1A110, hash = 187b4c27aa7ed1df returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1A110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18856, handle = 0000017644EA3DF8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91b105e0c377160b shader registered for possible reloading: 91b105e0c377160b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1D090, hash = 91b105e0c377160b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1D090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1556, handle = 0000017644EA87A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0822f7fdd09c27b shader registered for possible reloading: c0822f7fdd09c27b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1A290, hash = c0822f7fdd09c27b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1A290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20624, handle = 0000017644EA8DB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5450c73b44c37bb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 5450c73b44c37bb6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1B810, hash = 5450c73b44c37bb6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1B810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1556, handle = 0000017644EADE44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0822f7fdd09c27b shader registered for possible reloading: c0822f7fdd09c27b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1BB10, hash = c0822f7fdd09c27b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1BB10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2184, handle = 0000017644EAE458 FNV hash = a5b223c46f505dad shader registered for possible reloading: a5b223c46f505dad_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1AE10, hash = a5b223c46f505dad returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1AE10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1724, handle = 0000017644EAECE0 FNV hash = 3b302d0d3d732c7f shader registered for possible reloading: 3b302d0d3d732c7f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1BF50, hash = 3b302d0d3d732c7f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1BF50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1724, handle = 0000017644EAF39C FNV hash = ca4c0b433b6bbb89 shader registered for possible reloading: ca4c0b433b6bbb89_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1F310, hash = ca4c0b433b6bbb89 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1F310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2244, handle = 0000017644EAFA58 FNV hash = bee7edce451d06b2 shader registered for possible reloading: bee7edce451d06b2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1DC10, hash = bee7edce451d06b2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1DC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 660, handle = 0000017644EB031C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8db288114c6d6729 shader registered for possible reloading: 8db288114c6d6729_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1D210, hash = 8db288114c6d6729 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1D210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1564, handle = 0000017644EB05B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69267e52dfeb070a shader registered for possible reloading: 69267e52dfeb070a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1CAD0, hash = 69267e52dfeb070a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1CAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8988, handle = 0000017644EB0BCC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a42e5f1de47be76f shader registered for possible reloading: a42e5f1de47be76f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1E790, hash = a42e5f1de47be76f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1E790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1564, handle = 0000017644EB2EE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69267e52dfeb070a shader registered for possible reloading: 69267e52dfeb070a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1D350, hash = 69267e52dfeb070a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1D350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12728, handle = 0000017644EB3504, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dcc3bc2b6a1b2899 shader registered for possible reloading: dcc3bc2b6a1b2899_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1EBD0, hash = dcc3bc2b6a1b2899 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1EBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1564, handle = 0000017644EB66BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69267e52dfeb070a shader registered for possible reloading: 69267e52dfeb070a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1F5D0, hash = 69267e52dfeb070a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1F5D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 45680, handle = 0000017644EB6CD8 FNV hash = 1234783584d6d90e shader registered for possible reloading: 1234783584d6d90e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1E1D0, hash = 1234783584d6d90e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1E1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 46696, handle = 0000017644EC1F48, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 416b6482fe48f8c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 416b6482fe48f8c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA19CD0, hash = 416b6482fe48f8c5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA19CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4668, handle = 0000017644ECD5B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d747c4905967ee65 shader registered for possible reloading: d747c4905967ee65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1A550, hash = d747c4905967ee65 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1A550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1272, handle = 0000017644ECE7EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3ad000165c61090 shader registered for possible reloading: b3ad000165c61090_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1A410, hash = b3ad000165c61090 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1A410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1920, handle = 0000017644ECECE4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3841fc85938ba964 shader registered for possible reloading: 3841fc85938ba964_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1E350, hash = 3841fc85938ba964 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1E350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1272, handle = 0000017644ECF464, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aeaa3cc9b37027fd shader registered for possible reloading: aeaa3cc9b37027fd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA19E50, hash = aeaa3cc9b37027fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA19E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1920, handle = 0000017644ECF95C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a0096819de1785cc shader registered for possible reloading: a0096819de1785cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA19F90, hash = a0096819de1785cc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA19F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1272, handle = 0000017644ED00DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b774c3fb7049ee14 shader registered for possible reloading: b774c3fb7049ee14_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1E490, hash = b774c3fb7049ee14 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1E490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1920, handle = 0000017644ED05D4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78e4cc1d8fd2371d shader registered for possible reloading: 78e4cc1d8fd2371d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1E910, hash = 78e4cc1d8fd2371d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1E910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1452, handle = 0000017644ED0D54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4acfe0920fdc93e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 4acfe0920fdc93e6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1EA50, hash = 4acfe0920fdc93e6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1EA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1824, handle = 0000017644ED1300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e145ea1cf9d17757 shader registered for possible reloading: e145ea1cf9d17757_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1A6D0, hash = e145ea1cf9d17757 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1A6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1556, handle = 0000017644ED1A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1f9a9e0b44a5ef9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1f9a9e0b44a5ef9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA202D0, hash = e1f9a9e0b44a5ef9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA202D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1928, handle = 0000017644ED2034, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3e8ee2cc84730ae shader registered for possible reloading: c3e8ee2cc84730ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA20010, hash = c3e8ee2cc84730ae returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 772, handle = 0000017644ED27BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5014843cf9fd9b3e shader registered for possible reloading: 5014843cf9fd9b3e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA23250, hash = 5014843cf9fd9b3e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA23250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1320, handle = 0000017644ED2AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 42fcb81d29c83fd4 shader registered for possible reloading: 42fcb81d29c83fd4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA1FB90, hash = 42fcb81d29c83fd4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1FB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1324, handle = 0000017644ED2FE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dead52538bebcfb5 shader registered for possible reloading: dead52538bebcfb5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA21710, hash = dead52538bebcfb5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA21710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1444, handle = 0000017644ED3514, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50fe0758fc37523d shader registered for possible reloading: 50fe0758fc37523d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA21F90, hash = 50fe0758fc37523d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA21F90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2584, handle = 0000017644ED3AB8 FNV hash = 09060dab571bad23 shader registered for possible reloading: 09060dab571bad23_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA23510, hash = 09060dab571bad23 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA23510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2112, handle = 0000017644ED44D0 FNV hash = 51556e83b3736edd shader registered for possible reloading: 51556e83b3736edd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA22550, hash = 51556e83b3736edd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA22550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2584, handle = 0000017644ED4D10 FNV hash = a66915c9deb70675 shader registered for possible reloading: a66915c9deb70675_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA20E50, hash = a66915c9deb70675 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20E50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2112, handle = 0000017644ED5728 FNV hash = 758147be631c4967 shader registered for possible reloading: 758147be631c4967_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA223D0, hash = 758147be631c4967 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA223D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2584, handle = 0000017644ED5F68 FNV hash = 028d551086803885 shader registered for possible reloading: 028d551086803885_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA22C90, hash = 028d551086803885 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA22C90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2112, handle = 0000017644ED6980 FNV hash = c326dd1012276e0f shader registered for possible reloading: c326dd1012276e0f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1F750, hash = c326dd1012276e0f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1F750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5188, handle = 0000017644ED71C0 FNV hash = e0b86c9e1fa3096e shader registered for possible reloading: e0b86c9e1fa3096e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA22F50, hash = e0b86c9e1fa3096e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA22F50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4716, handle = 0000017644ED8604 FNV hash = 3f78a3a13dbd08d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f78a3a13dbd08d8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1FA50, hash = 3f78a3a13dbd08d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1FA50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5188, handle = 0000017644ED9870 FNV hash = 5a5de6d341a1daba shader registered for possible reloading: 5a5de6d341a1daba_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA20890, hash = 5a5de6d341a1daba returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4716, handle = 0000017644EDACB4 FNV hash = e88034b047412680 shader registered for possible reloading: e88034b047412680_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA21150, hash = e88034b047412680 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA21150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5188, handle = 0000017644EDBF20 FNV hash = b83707924a68f93a shader registered for possible reloading: b83707924a68f93a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1F8D0, hash = b83707924a68f93a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1F8D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4716, handle = 0000017644EDD364 FNV hash = fb36e98453afd81c shader registered for possible reloading: fb36e98453afd81c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA21B50, hash = fb36e98453afd81c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA21B50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1992, handle = 0000017644EDE5D0 FNV hash = 23eca8644ff6e82a shader registered for possible reloading: 23eca8644ff6e82a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA1FD10, hash = 23eca8644ff6e82a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1FD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2624, handle = 0000017644EDED98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8672518486e2a841 shader registered for possible reloading: 8672518486e2a841_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA1FE90, hash = 8672518486e2a841 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA1FE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 820, handle = 0000017644EDF7D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d shader registered for possible reloading: d78cf214e3a22b9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA20FD0, hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2624, handle = 0000017644EDFB0C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8672518486e2a841 shader registered for possible reloading: 8672518486e2a841_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA23990, hash = 8672518486e2a841 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA23990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 820, handle = 0000017644EE054C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d shader registered for possible reloading: d78cf214e3a22b9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA22E10, hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA22E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 0000017644EE0880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 915a4258c28b4099 shader registered for possible reloading: 915a4258c28b4099_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA23810, hash = 915a4258c28b4099 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA23810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 820, handle = 0000017644EE0F64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d shader registered for possible reloading: d78cf214e3a22b9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA22990, hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA22990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4032, handle = 0000017644EE1298, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22018b60288a10b4 shader registered for possible reloading: 22018b60288a10b4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA20150, hash = 22018b60288a10b4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 820, handle = 0000017644EE2258, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d shader registered for possible reloading: d78cf214e3a22b9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA23AD0, hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA23AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2428, handle = 0000017644EE258C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c98f4c917d164a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c98f4c917d164a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA22110, hash = 7c98f4c917d164a6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA22110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 820, handle = 0000017644EE2F08, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d shader registered for possible reloading: d78cf214e3a22b9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA20450, hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1764, handle = 0000017644EE323C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 915a4258c28b4099 shader registered for possible reloading: 915a4258c28b4099_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA21E10, hash = 915a4258c28b4099 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA21E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 820, handle = 0000017644EE3920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d shader registered for possible reloading: d78cf214e3a22b9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA23C50, hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA23C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1380, handle = 0000017644EE3C54, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 647e26760ae31b91 shader registered for possible reloading: 647e26760ae31b91_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA205D0, hash = 647e26760ae31b91 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA205D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 820, handle = 0000017644EE41B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d shader registered for possible reloading: d78cf214e3a22b9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA20710, hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6812, handle = 0000017644EE44EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19501c06c3a30e1a shader registered for possible reloading: 19501c06c3a30e1a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA21590, hash = 19501c06c3a30e1a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA21590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14008, handle = 0000017644EE5F88, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73b4540440e0f8ce shader registered for possible reloading: 73b4540440e0f8ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA226D0, hash = 73b4540440e0f8ce returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA226D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6544, handle = 0000017644EE9640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3ca8964c91f107b shader registered for possible reloading: e3ca8964c91f107b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA21290, hash = e3ca8964c91f107b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA21290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017644EEAFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd41fdb6013a0cc9 shader registered for possible reloading: bd41fdb6013a0cc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764EA219D0, hash = bd41fdb6013a0cc9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA219D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1160, handle = 0000017644EEB25C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20d8779e01343a60 shader registered for possible reloading: 20d8779e01343a60_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764EA230D0, hash = 20d8779e01343a60 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA230D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4448, handle = 0000017644EEB6E4 FNV hash = fcb3c12c2658ea6c shader registered for possible reloading: fcb3c12c2658ea6c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA20A10, hash = fcb3c12c2658ea6c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20A10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4704, handle = 0000017644EEC844 FNV hash = 4e6b8c92f8ac8fbe shader registered for possible reloading: 4e6b8c92f8ac8fbe_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA20B90, hash = 4e6b8c92f8ac8fbe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20B90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4448, handle = 0000017644EEDAA4 FNV hash = 27c523c38168bd30 shader registered for possible reloading: 27c523c38168bd30_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA21410, hash = 27c523c38168bd30 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA21410 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4028, handle = 0000017644EEEC04 FNV hash = 6b7850a817260843 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b7850a817260843_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA20CD0, hash = 6b7850a817260843 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA20CD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 54360, handle = 0000017644EEFBC0 FNV hash = 35d3133126a34085 shader registered for possible reloading: 35d3133126a34085_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA21CD0, hash = 35d3133126a34085 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA21CD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 54504, handle = 0000017644EFD018 FNV hash = eff87c120ce5443b shader registered for possible reloading: eff87c120ce5443b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA22850, hash = eff87c120ce5443b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA22850 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 53688, handle = 0000017644F0A500 FNV hash = 4a68ef8c59e0dd4d shader registered for possible reloading: 4a68ef8c59e0dd4d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA22B10, hash = 4a68ef8c59e0dd4d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA22B10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 58004, handle = 0000017644F176B8 FNV hash = 43999b2f3ab3828b shader registered for possible reloading: 43999b2f3ab3828b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764EA233D0, hash = 43999b2f3ab3828b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764EA233D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 58160, handle = 0000017644F2594C FNV hash = b58938b007071657 shader registered for possible reloading: b58938b007071657_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E8990, hash = b58938b007071657 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E8990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 57256, handle = 0000017644F33C7C FNV hash = 836d5d91529b4804 shader registered for possible reloading: 836d5d91529b4804_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E7290, hash = 836d5d91529b4804 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E7290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 57100, handle = 0000017644F41C24 FNV hash = bdc80493ccc0dc18 shader registered for possible reloading: bdc80493ccc0dc18_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E8250, hash = bdc80493ccc0dc18 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E8250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 116768, handle = 0000017644F4FB30 FNV hash = 84f9960622145103 shader registered for possible reloading: 84f9960622145103_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E79D0, hash = 84f9960622145103 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E79D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 53544, handle = 0000017644F6C350 FNV hash = c667795387cfe249 shader registered for possible reloading: c667795387cfe249_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EA210, hash = c667795387cfe249 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EA210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 988, handle = 0000017644F79478, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8abbfcd46bea1522 shader registered for possible reloading: 8abbfcd46bea1522_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EC010, hash = 8abbfcd46bea1522 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EC010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5700, handle = 0000017644F79854, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f5bb81ac65ab37c shader registered for possible reloading: 3f5bb81ac65ab37c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3E9AD0, hash = 3f5bb81ac65ab37c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E9AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 0000017644F7AE98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82854758df1c217f shader registered for possible reloading: 82854758df1c217f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3E8F50, hash = 82854758df1c217f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E8F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8908, handle = 0000017644F7B80C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e865c24967f8acf6 shader registered for possible reloading: e865c24967f8acf6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3E7850, hash = e865c24967f8acf6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E7850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8852, handle = 0000017644F7DAD8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da738595913499de shader registered for possible reloading: da738595913499de_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3E7410, hash = da738595913499de returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E7410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2364, handle = 0000017644F7FD6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49a2603c8167937f shader registered for possible reloading: 49a2603c8167937f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EB790, hash = 49a2603c8167937f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EB790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5180, handle = 0000017644F806A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e81423fe7290acc shader registered for possible reloading: 2e81423fe7290acc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3E7E10, hash = 2e81423fe7290acc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E7E10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1524, handle = 0000017644F81AE4 FNV hash = f462f68b1c4e931f shader registered for possible reloading: f462f68b1c4e931f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EBA50, hash = f462f68b1c4e931f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EBA50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 13224, handle = 0000017644F820D8 FNV hash = aa85931059bf81bb shader registered for possible reloading: aa85931059bf81bb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EC190, hash = aa85931059bf81bb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EC190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6360, handle = 0000017644F85480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3956e43fff6a0148 shader registered for possible reloading: 3956e43fff6a0148_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3E7110, hash = 3956e43fff6a0148 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E7110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1664, handle = 0000017644F86D58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1306651496482b2 shader registered for possible reloading: e1306651496482b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EBED0, hash = e1306651496482b2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EBED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1528, handle = 0000017644F873D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 633bbd2714099ef2 shader registered for possible reloading: 633bbd2714099ef2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3E9F10, hash = 633bbd2714099ef2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E9F10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2100, handle = 0000017644F879D0 FNV hash = a6b731ae158d8e62 shader registered for possible reloading: a6b731ae158d8e62_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EC310, hash = a6b731ae158d8e62 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EC310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2100, handle = 0000017644F88204 FNV hash = d53f2dc63b232020 shader registered for possible reloading: d53f2dc63b232020_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EA650, hash = d53f2dc63b232020 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EA650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2100, handle = 0000017644F88A38 FNV hash = 85b882eec2485b24 shader registered for possible reloading: 85b882eec2485b24_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E9D90, hash = 85b882eec2485b24 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E9D90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2100, handle = 0000017644F8926C FNV hash = 6a8361961736c325 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a8361961736c325_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EC490, hash = 6a8361961736c325 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EC490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2188, handle = 0000017644F89AA0 FNV hash = 70be1b0ead068766 shader registered for possible reloading: 70be1b0ead068766_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E76D0, hash = 70be1b0ead068766 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E76D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2188, handle = 0000017644F8A32C FNV hash = e6082d05ccb2ebf4 shader registered for possible reloading: e6082d05ccb2ebf4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EB050, hash = e6082d05ccb2ebf4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EB050 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2188, handle = 0000017644F8ABB8 FNV hash = a3a3b16f3c33c8c4 shader registered for possible reloading: a3a3b16f3c33c8c4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E7550, hash = a3a3b16f3c33c8c4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E7550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2188, handle = 0000017644F8B444 FNV hash = 6286038fa951d026 shader registered for possible reloading: 6286038fa951d026_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E8C50, hash = 6286038fa951d026 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E8C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2188, handle = 0000017644F8BCD0 FNV hash = cb908a0c83613d4c shader registered for possible reloading: cb908a0c83613d4c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EA350, hash = cb908a0c83613d4c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EA350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1552, handle = 0000017644F8C55C FNV hash = 619240cc2ee63f44 shader registered for possible reloading: 619240cc2ee63f44_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E7B10, hash = 619240cc2ee63f44 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E7B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2816, handle = 0000017644F8CB6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 038d6e2f40f70704 shader registered for possible reloading: 038d6e2f40f70704_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3E6F90, hash = 038d6e2f40f70704 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E6F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1396, handle = 0000017644F8D66C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3790dff0a30ce20d shader registered for possible reloading: 3790dff0a30ce20d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3EA090, hash = 3790dff0a30ce20d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EA090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2888, handle = 0000017644F8DBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0edee943bed61761 shader registered for possible reloading: 0edee943bed61761_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EA4D0, hash = 0edee943bed61761 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EA4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1396, handle = 0000017644F8E728, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3790dff0a30ce20d shader registered for possible reloading: 3790dff0a30ce20d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3E8810, hash = 3790dff0a30ce20d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E8810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1620, handle = 0000017644F8EC9C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d4ac0e2c2383730f shader registered for possible reloading: d4ac0e2c2383730f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EA7D0, hash = d4ac0e2c2383730f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EA7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1396, handle = 0000017644F8F2F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3790dff0a30ce20d shader registered for possible reloading: 3790dff0a30ce20d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3E7C90, hash = 3790dff0a30ce20d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E7C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 0000017644F8F864, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9face652e55a8e49 shader registered for possible reloading: 9face652e55a8e49_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EB490, hash = 9face652e55a8e49 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EB490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6952, handle = 0000017644F8FA4C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd30fed14bee39b9 shader registered for possible reloading: cd30fed14bee39b9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3E9510, hash = cd30fed14bee39b9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E9510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 488, handle = 0000017644F91574, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9face652e55a8e49 shader registered for possible reloading: 9face652e55a8e49_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EB910, hash = 9face652e55a8e49 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EB910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6752, handle = 0000017644F9175C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7683c7820bc90700 shader registered for possible reloading: 7683c7820bc90700_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3EB1D0, hash = 7683c7820bc90700 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EB1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 0000017644F931BC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d1a31cea020b00f9 shader registered for possible reloading: d1a31cea020b00f9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EA910, hash = d1a31cea020b00f9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EA910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2748, handle = 0000017644F933C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 233a631136b4ca5e shader registered for possible reloading: 233a631136b4ca5e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3EAA90, hash = 233a631136b4ca5e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EAA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 0000017644F93E84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 379bfbf459f252a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3E97D0, hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E97D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7108, handle = 0000017644F94090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d21411d77be8d9d shader registered for possible reloading: 0d21411d77be8d9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3EB350, hash = 0d21411d77be8d9d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EB350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1572, handle = 0000017644F95C54 FNV hash = 36af2495aef77a67 shader registered for possible reloading: 36af2495aef77a67_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EAD90, hash = 36af2495aef77a67 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EAD90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1384, handle = 0000017644F96278 FNV hash = 1b9a780e096c9d9f shader registered for possible reloading: 1b9a780e096c9d9f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EBBD0, hash = 1b9a780e096c9d9f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EBBD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5652, handle = 0000017644F967E0 FNV hash = 02ae01505e3ab7bb shader registered for possible reloading: 02ae01505e3ab7bb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E7F90, hash = 02ae01505e3ab7bb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E7F90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5420, handle = 0000017644F97DF4 FNV hash = 1ab86bbe8a6b1753 shader registered for possible reloading: 1ab86bbe8a6b1753_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E9C50, hash = 1ab86bbe8a6b1753 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E9C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5420, handle = 0000017644F99320 FNV hash = 6f2e3507e1f84805 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f2e3507e1f84805_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EB610, hash = 6f2e3507e1f84805 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EB610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5756, handle = 0000017644F9A84C FNV hash = 36e6b196712cf8e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 36e6b196712cf8e6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E8DD0, hash = 36e6b196712cf8e6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E8DD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5420, handle = 0000017644F9BEC8 FNV hash = b9bbaf578914b204 shader registered for possible reloading: b9bbaf578914b204_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EAC10, hash = b9bbaf578914b204 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EAC10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16356, handle = 0000017644F9D3F4 FNV hash = 2a0364ab3344f1f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0364ab3344f1f2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EAED0, hash = 2a0364ab3344f1f2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EAED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15964, handle = 0000017644FA13D8 FNV hash = 1822a3b5d8135f06 shader registered for possible reloading: 1822a3b5d8135f06_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E6CD0, hash = 1822a3b5d8135f06 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E6CD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16436, handle = 0000017644FA5234 FNV hash = 3a6ef2bf29db5de9 shader registered for possible reloading: 3a6ef2bf29db5de9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EBD50, hash = 3a6ef2bf29db5de9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EBD50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16044, handle = 0000017644FA9268 FNV hash = 9bbc0516f0e0debe shader registered for possible reloading: 9bbc0516f0e0debe_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EC5D0, hash = 9bbc0516f0e0debe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EC5D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16044, handle = 0000017644FAD114 FNV hash = 20f743d4e1f2e753 shader registered for possible reloading: 20f743d4e1f2e753_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E80D0, hash = 20f743d4e1f2e753 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E80D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16716, handle = 0000017644FB0FC0 FNV hash = b0e327982e790a7e shader registered for possible reloading: b0e327982e790a7e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E83D0, hash = b0e327982e790a7e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E83D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16044, handle = 0000017644FB510C FNV hash = cc495477e89ae78b shader registered for possible reloading: cc495477e89ae78b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EC750, hash = cc495477e89ae78b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EC750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15964, handle = 0000017644FB8FB8 FNV hash = a613809e63b894bf shader registered for possible reloading: a613809e63b894bf_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E6E50, hash = a613809e63b894bf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E6E50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 16636, handle = 0000017644FBCE14 FNV hash = d85a22281ea19119 shader registered for possible reloading: d85a22281ea19119_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E8550, hash = d85a22281ea19119 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E8550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 15964, handle = 0000017644FC0F10 FNV hash = 00f1bf8767a30f20 shader registered for possible reloading: 00f1bf8767a30f20_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E8690, hash = 00f1bf8767a30f20 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E8690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1616, handle = 0000017644FC4D6C FNV hash = 6e33cade4f866c78 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e33cade4f866c78_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E8B10, hash = 6e33cade4f866c78 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E8B10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4028, handle = 0000017644FC53BC FNV hash = 2a4a847353183b29 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a4a847353183b29_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E90D0, hash = 2a4a847353183b29 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E90D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6024, handle = 0000017644FC6378 FNV hash = ad5d13b1145f51f7 shader registered for possible reloading: ad5d13b1145f51f7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E9950, hash = ad5d13b1145f51f7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E9950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5468, handle = 0000017644FC7B00 FNV hash = b8b88d86b12a4f9c shader registered for possible reloading: b8b88d86b12a4f9c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E9210, hash = b8b88d86b12a4f9c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E9210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2592, handle = 0000017644FC905C FNV hash = b90212d0ba5cf6b1 shader registered for possible reloading: b90212d0ba5cf6b1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E9390, hash = b90212d0ba5cf6b1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E9390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1752, handle = 0000017644FC9A7C FNV hash = 6c00ba38b377cc17 shader registered for possible reloading: 6c00ba38b377cc17_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3E9690, hash = 6c00ba38b377cc17 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3E9690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1160, handle = 0000017644FCA154 FNV hash = 3e04ae79622ce937 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e04ae79622ce937_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F1D90, hash = 3e04ae79622ce937 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F1D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 0000017644FCA5DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 379bfbf459f252a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EFB10, hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EFB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6868, handle = 0000017644FCA7E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3110239f9282dff5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3110239f9282dff5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3EF990, hash = 3110239f9282dff5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EF990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1412, handle = 0000017644FCC2BC FNV hash = 72184b27a45a2038 shader registered for possible reloading: 72184b27a45a2038_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ECE90, hash = 72184b27a45a2038 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ECE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1052, handle = 0000017644FCC840 FNV hash = f301b2dfa78e1cd6 shader registered for possible reloading: f301b2dfa78e1cd6_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ED010, hash = f301b2dfa78e1cd6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ED010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1152, handle = 0000017644FCCC5C FNV hash = a9235f667f4c573b shader registered for possible reloading: a9235f667f4c573b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F0690, hash = a9235f667f4c573b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F0690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1848, handle = 0000017644FCD0DC FNV hash = 437d91eeb523f471 shader registered for possible reloading: 437d91eeb523f471_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F1390, hash = 437d91eeb523f471 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F1390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1616, handle = 0000017644FCD814 FNV hash = bd93c347da4431eb shader registered for possible reloading: bd93c347da4431eb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F2090, hash = bd93c347da4431eb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F2090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3172, handle = 0000017644FCDE64 FNV hash = 84c9532bc4be9a94 shader registered for possible reloading: 84c9532bc4be9a94_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ED150, hash = 84c9532bc4be9a94 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ED150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2808, handle = 0000017644FCEAC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65678c0cfb52830b shader registered for possible reloading: 65678c0cfb52830b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F1F10, hash = 65678c0cfb52830b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F1F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13404, handle = 0000017644FCF5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cca1578fc5893a2b shader registered for possible reloading: cca1578fc5893a2b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EECD0, hash = cca1578fc5893a2b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EECD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6428, handle = 0000017644FD2A1C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0fb358115f84a0a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 0fb358115f84a0a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EFC90, hash = 0fb358115f84a0a7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EFC90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3816, handle = 0000017644FD4338 FNV hash = 63443ab7b9c13341 shader registered for possible reloading: 63443ab7b9c13341_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F17D0, hash = 63443ab7b9c13341 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F17D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4096, handle = 0000017644FD5220 FNV hash = 560d34dc4da04ae3 shader registered for possible reloading: 560d34dc4da04ae3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EFE10, hash = 560d34dc4da04ae3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EFE10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4116, handle = 0000017644FD6220 FNV hash = 826c50fd4df667ef shader registered for possible reloading: 826c50fd4df667ef_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F21D0, hash = 826c50fd4df667ef returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F21D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2376, handle = 0000017644FD7234 FNV hash = 6b70f6e6df0e70d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b70f6e6df0e70d5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EEB50, hash = 6b70f6e6df0e70d5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EEB50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 928, handle = 0000017644FD7B7C FNV hash = 33f02ded3a4e7fc0 shader registered for possible reloading: 33f02ded3a4e7fc0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EC8D0, hash = 33f02ded3a4e7fc0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EC8D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 928, handle = 0000017644FD7F1C FNV hash = 9a4773447df9f2a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a4773447df9f2a2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F0990, hash = 9a4773447df9f2a2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F0990 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9932, handle = 0000017644FD82BC FNV hash = 1d245f81488c99aa shader registered for possible reloading: 1d245f81488c99aa_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F0AD0, hash = 1d245f81488c99aa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F0AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7132, handle = 0000017644FDA988, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90bbb3f219225a32 shader registered for possible reloading: 90bbb3f219225a32_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EEE10, hash = 90bbb3f219225a32 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EEE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7200, handle = 0000017644FDC564, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8748d358939b421 shader registered for possible reloading: b8748d358939b421_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F2350, hash = b8748d358939b421 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F2350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017644FDE184, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd41fdb6013a0cc9 shader registered for possible reloading: bd41fdb6013a0cc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3EE590, hash = bd41fdb6013a0cc9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EE590 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2504, handle = 0000017644FDE410 FNV hash = 5a1660b06287d83e shader registered for possible reloading: 5a1660b06287d83e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F0810, hash = 5a1660b06287d83e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F0810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4296, handle = 0000017644FDEDD8 FNV hash = 3f2e29dac909dd4d shader registered for possible reloading: 3f2e29dac909dd4d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EDE50, hash = 3f2e29dac909dd4d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EDE50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4296, handle = 0000017644FDFEA0 FNV hash = 3f2e29dac909dd4d shader registered for possible reloading: 3f2e29dac909dd4d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EDCD0, hash = 3f2e29dac909dd4d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EDCD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6808, handle = 0000017644FE0F68 FNV hash = 3ec29f31a243ca69 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ec29f31a243ca69_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ECA50, hash = 3ec29f31a243ca69 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ECA50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12420, handle = 0000017644FE2A00 FNV hash = d2f1acec19207f0a shader registered for possible reloading: d2f1acec19207f0a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F0C50, hash = d2f1acec19207f0a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F0C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 21444, handle = 0000017644FE5A84 FNV hash = 1a7b1c7089d515c3 shader registered for possible reloading: 1a7b1c7089d515c3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EE290, hash = 1a7b1c7089d515c3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EE290 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 21472, handle = 0000017644FEAE48 FNV hash = 4b6143e5c81c7d35 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b6143e5c81c7d35_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ECB90, hash = 4b6143e5c81c7d35 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ECB90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 26640, handle = 0000017644FF0228 FNV hash = d52654c96046c9fa shader registered for possible reloading: d52654c96046c9fa_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F0DD0, hash = d52654c96046c9fa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F0DD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 26612, handle = 0000017644FF6A38 FNV hash = 524d2f1b609bcb14 shader registered for possible reloading: 524d2f1b609bcb14_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ED5D0, hash = 524d2f1b609bcb14 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ED5D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 10564, handle = 0000017644FFD22C FNV hash = 6744a295e4789dbd shader registered for possible reloading: 6744a295e4789dbd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ECD10, hash = 6744a295e4789dbd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ECD10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 19408, handle = 0000017644FFFB70 FNV hash = fa7f3f472418f1f8 shader registered for possible reloading: fa7f3f472418f1f8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F0F50, hash = fa7f3f472418f1f8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F0F50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 18564, handle = 0000017645004740 FNV hash = 1e54cbf00a2c69b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 1e54cbf00a2c69b2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EE410, hash = 1e54cbf00a2c69b2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EE410 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 19920, handle = 0000017645008FC4 FNV hash = 4cae4a9d86fedeef shader registered for possible reloading: 4cae4a9d86fedeef_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EF110, hash = 4cae4a9d86fedeef returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EF110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 17236, handle = 000001764500DD94 FNV hash = df631e4d903c4fe9 shader registered for possible reloading: df631e4d903c4fe9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ED450, hash = df631e4d903c4fe9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ED450 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8456, handle = 00000176450120E8 FNV hash = 137c7b06aca9d2fd shader registered for possible reloading: 137c7b06aca9d2fd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F1090, hash = 137c7b06aca9d2fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F1090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 8456, handle = 00000176450141F0 FNV hash = 137c7b06aca9d2fd shader registered for possible reloading: 137c7b06aca9d2fd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EF550, hash = 137c7b06aca9d2fd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EF550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14952, handle = 00000176450162F8 FNV hash = 5dc5df2d190796c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 5dc5df2d190796c0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F1C10, hash = 5dc5df2d190796c0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F1C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14712, handle = 0000017645019D60 FNV hash = 10f25869d81a689b shader registered for possible reloading: 10f25869d81a689b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F1210, hash = 10f25869d81a689b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F1210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 25200, handle = 000001764501D6D8 FNV hash = dd1301b6f2718d0c shader registered for possible reloading: dd1301b6f2718d0c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F0510, hash = dd1301b6f2718d0c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F0510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 17416, handle = 0000017645023948 FNV hash = 5f90e55ef4f08aa1 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f90e55ef4f08aa1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F00D0, hash = 5f90e55ef4f08aa1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F00D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 14608, handle = 0000017645027D50 FNV hash = 1bdf1ce1957795d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bdf1ce1957795d8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ED710, hash = 1bdf1ce1957795d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ED710 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5896, handle = 000001764502B660 FNV hash = 7549f32e9f5197bc shader registered for possible reloading: 7549f32e9f5197bc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EE710, hash = 7549f32e9f5197bc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EE710 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5896, handle = 000001764502CD68 FNV hash = 7549f32e9f5197bc shader registered for possible reloading: 7549f32e9f5197bc_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F1510, hash = 7549f32e9f5197bc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F1510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12508, handle = 000001764502E470 FNV hash = f4816f6ed0f8a1f0 shader registered for possible reloading: f4816f6ed0f8a1f0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EDFD0, hash = f4816f6ed0f8a1f0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EDFD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 12152, handle = 000001764503154C FNV hash = 9bd6331ea74796a0 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bd6331ea74796a0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3ED890, hash = 9bd6331ea74796a0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3ED890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 22388, handle = 00000176450344C4 FNV hash = b5c4be4c0978e580 shader registered for possible reloading: b5c4be4c0978e580_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F1650, hash = b5c4be4c0978e580 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F1650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 19524, handle = 0000017645039C38 FNV hash = 5febd46c5d8a3558 shader registered for possible reloading: 5febd46c5d8a3558_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F1950, hash = 5febd46c5d8a3558 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F1950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 22476, handle = 000001764503E87C FNV hash = 14e580b2453b2319 shader registered for possible reloading: 14e580b2453b2319_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EDA10, hash = 14e580b2453b2319 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EDA10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 6204, handle = 0000017645044048 FNV hash = ebcd9ef5f9fa5262 shader registered for possible reloading: ebcd9ef5f9fa5262_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EFF50, hash = ebcd9ef5f9fa5262 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EFF50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2068, handle = 0000017645045884 FNV hash = 1dae7840bdacffe7 shader registered for possible reloading: 1dae7840bdacffe7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EDB90, hash = 1dae7840bdacffe7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EDB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 928, handle = 0000017645046098, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e372245458f3b5c7 shader registered for possible reloading: e372245458f3b5c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3EF290, hash = e372245458f3b5c7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EF290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 0000017645046438, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd41fdb6013a0cc9 shader registered for possible reloading: bd41fdb6013a0cc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F03D0, hash = bd41fdb6013a0cc9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F03D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1924, handle = 00000176450466C4 FNV hash = 336c57319eec9f4b shader registered for possible reloading: 336c57319eec9f4b_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EF3D0, hash = 336c57319eec9f4b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EF3D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1964, handle = 0000017645046E48 FNV hash = 0b6b3b4c08d22fc5 shader registered for possible reloading: 0b6b3b4c08d22fc5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EE150, hash = 0b6b3b4c08d22fc5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EE150 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2456, handle = 00000176450475F4 FNV hash = 2c3d07309628be67 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c3d07309628be67_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EE850, hash = 2c3d07309628be67 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EE850 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 35940, handle = 0000017645047F8C FNV hash = 3d75f0a29a2552e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d75f0a29a2552e5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EE9D0, hash = 3d75f0a29a2552e5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EE9D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2424, handle = 0000017645050BF0 FNV hash = aad7f4c04ab3a470 shader registered for possible reloading: aad7f4c04ab3a470_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EF6D0, hash = aad7f4c04ab3a470 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EF6D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2132, handle = 0000017645051568 FNV hash = 43371c328e73b6c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 43371c328e73b6c9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3EF850, hash = 43371c328e73b6c9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3EF850 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1300, handle = 0000017645051DBC FNV hash = 1a4bd8d464ca85b9 shader registered for possible reloading: 1a4bd8d464ca85b9_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F3490, hash = 1a4bd8d464ca85b9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F3490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176450522D0 FNV hash = 0e9c0e8e912adb40 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e9c0e8e912adb40_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F3610, hash = 0e9c0e8e912adb40 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F3610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 9656, handle = 0000017645053E8C FNV hash = d1f62ffa6edfff93 shader registered for possible reloading: d1f62ffa6edfff93_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F73D0, hash = d1f62ffa6edfff93 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F73D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4104, handle = 0000017645056444 FNV hash = 9d30a784dd773bc2 shader registered for possible reloading: 9d30a784dd773bc2_cs as bin - cs: handle = 000001764F3F3310, hash = 9d30a784dd773bc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F3310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 000001764505744C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F4A10, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764505E37C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F7990, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F7990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 000001764505FF38, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F5E50, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645066E68, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F2A90, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F2A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 0000017645068A24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F6410, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F6410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764506F954, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F5710, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 0000017645071510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F2ED0, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F2ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 0000017645078440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F3790, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F3790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 000001764507BD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F4FD0, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 0000017645082C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F66D0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F66D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 00000176450864F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F6850, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F6850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764508D420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F4190, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 0000017645090CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F5FD0, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645097C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F4D10, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 00000176450997CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F5150, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176450A06FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F4310, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 00000176450A22B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F24D0, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F24D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176450A91E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F3050, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F3050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 00000176450AADA4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F5A10, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176450B1CD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F38D0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F38D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 00000176450B5594, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F69D0, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F69D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176450BC4C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F4450, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 00000176450BFD84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2f1f023db73f836 shader registered for possible reloading: f2f1f023db73f836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F3A50, hash = f2f1f023db73f836 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F3A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176450C6CB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F3BD0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F3BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176450CA574, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F7B10, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F7B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176450CB084, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F5590, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176450CCED8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F4E90, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176450CD9E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F5890, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176450CF83C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F3D50, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F3D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176450D034C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F6B50, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F6B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176450D21A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F45D0, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F45D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15680, handle = 00000176450D2CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0f55793b791ff48 shader registered for possible reloading: f0f55793b791ff48_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F5B50, hash = f0f55793b791ff48 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176450D69F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F31D0, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F31D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15680, handle = 00000176450D7500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0f55793b791ff48 shader registered for possible reloading: f0f55793b791ff48_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F52D0, hash = f0f55793b791ff48 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F52D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176450DB240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F3E90, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F3E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15528, handle = 00000176450DBD50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01b7f1f4aac5c176 shader registered for possible reloading: 01b7f1f4aac5c176_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F2910, hash = 01b7f1f4aac5c176 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F2910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176450DF9F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F4010, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15528, handle = 00000176450E0508, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01b7f1f4aac5c176 shader registered for possible reloading: 01b7f1f4aac5c176_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F4750, hash = 01b7f1f4aac5c176 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176450E41B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F6110, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F6110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176450E4CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F48D0, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F48D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31460, handle = 00000176450E6B14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3cfe9a17d39b6c3 shader registered for possible reloading: c3cfe9a17d39b6c3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F5CD0, hash = c3cfe9a17d39b6c3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176450EE5F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F4B90, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F4B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33380, handle = 00000176450F01B4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dfd72eb5d4f2da2a shader registered for possible reloading: dfd72eb5d4f2da2a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F5450, hash = dfd72eb5d4f2da2a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F5450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176450F8418, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F7C90, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F7C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31904, handle = 00000176450F9FD4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c8f7d748303cfca shader registered for possible reloading: 9c8f7d748303cfca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F2D50, hash = 9c8f7d748303cfca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F2D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645101C74, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F6290, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F6290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33824, handle = 0000017645103830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cec85414dd80f7d9 shader registered for possible reloading: cec85414dd80f7d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F6590, hash = cec85414dd80f7d9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F6590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764510BC50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F6C90, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F6C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31196, handle = 000001764510D80C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48d444150c11393e shader registered for possible reloading: 48d444150c11393e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F6E10, hash = 48d444150c11393e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F6E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176451151E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F6F90, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F6F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30724, handle = 0000017645116DA4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15de087d8a6366b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 15de087d8a6366b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F7550, hash = 15de087d8a6366b6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F7550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764511E5A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F7DD0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F7DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26308, handle = 0000017645120164, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a shader registered for possible reloading: 783a1b0f6497a91a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F7110, hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F7110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645126828, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F2C10, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F2C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26308, handle = 00000176451283E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a shader registered for possible reloading: 783a1b0f6497a91a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F7250, hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F7250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764512EAA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F76D0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F76D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26704, handle = 0000017645130664, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c shader registered for possible reloading: 6e81f2344d23dd8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F7810, hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F7810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645136EB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F7F50, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F7F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26704, handle = 0000017645138A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c shader registered for possible reloading: 6e81f2344d23dd8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F2650, hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F2650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764513F2C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F2790, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F2790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26016, handle = 0000017645140E7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92568e058db7d3ec shader registered for possible reloading: 92568e058db7d3ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FDB50, hash = 92568e058db7d3ec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FDB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764514741C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FA910, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FA910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25620, handle = 0000017645148FD8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77192806b7c126bd shader registered for possible reloading: 77192806b7c126bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FD890, hash = 77192806b7c126bd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FD890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764514F3EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FB050, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FB050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29940, handle = 0000017645150FA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6ac87029a1f21c5 shader registered for possible reloading: b6ac87029a1f21c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F9D90, hash = b6ac87029a1f21c5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F9D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764515849C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F80D0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F80D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31860, handle = 000001764515A058, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 258586ac7a111e72 shader registered for possible reloading: 258586ac7a111e72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F9C10, hash = 258586ac7a111e72 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F9C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645161CCC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F8DD0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30384, handle = 0000017645163888, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35207f1df52c7e7b shader registered for possible reloading: 35207f1df52c7e7b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F97D0, hash = 35207f1df52c7e7b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F97D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764516AF38, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F9650, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F9650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32304, handle = 000001764516CAF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ab8d48b31093937 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ab8d48b31093937_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F9210, hash = 2ab8d48b31093937 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F9210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645174924, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FBE90, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FBE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29676, handle = 00000176451764E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e0c5456220ee82d shader registered for possible reloading: 5e0c5456220ee82d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F8690, hash = 5e0c5456220ee82d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764517D8CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FCE50, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FCE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29204, handle = 000001764517F488, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b005046c6e64b5a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b005046c6e64b5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FCB90, hash = 4b005046c6e64b5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FCB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764518669C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FB750, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FB750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31460, handle = 0000017645188258, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3cfe9a17d39b6c3 shader registered for possible reloading: c3cfe9a17d39b6c3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F8AD0, hash = c3cfe9a17d39b6c3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764518FD3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FB490, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FB490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33380, handle = 00000176451935FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dfd72eb5d4f2da2a shader registered for possible reloading: dfd72eb5d4f2da2a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F8250, hash = dfd72eb5d4f2da2a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764519B860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F9090, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F9090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31904, handle = 000001764519F120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c8f7d748303cfca shader registered for possible reloading: 9c8f7d748303cfca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F8F10, hash = 9c8f7d748303cfca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176451A6DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F8390, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33824, handle = 00000176451AA680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cec85414dd80f7d9 shader registered for possible reloading: cec85414dd80f7d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F8510, hash = cec85414dd80f7d9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176451B2AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FB610, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FB610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31196, handle = 00000176451B6360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48d444150c11393e shader registered for possible reloading: 48d444150c11393e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F8950, hash = 48d444150c11393e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176451BDD3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FD9D0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FD9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30724, handle = 00000176451C15FC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15de087d8a6366b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 15de087d8a6366b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FC2D0, hash = 15de087d8a6366b6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FC2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176451C8E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FBBD0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FBBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26308, handle = 00000176451CC6C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a shader registered for possible reloading: 783a1b0f6497a91a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FB8D0, hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FB8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176451D2D84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FC010, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FC010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26308, handle = 00000176451D6644, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a shader registered for possible reloading: 783a1b0f6497a91a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F9F10, hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F9F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176451DCD08, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FBD10, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FBD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26704, handle = 00000176451E05C8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c shader registered for possible reloading: 6e81f2344d23dd8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FA050, hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FA050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176451E6E18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F9950, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F9950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26704, handle = 00000176451EA6D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c shader registered for possible reloading: 6e81f2344d23dd8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F94D0, hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F94D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176451F0F28, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FA1D0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FA1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26016, handle = 00000176451F47E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92568e058db7d3ec shader registered for possible reloading: 92568e058db7d3ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FC190, hash = 92568e058db7d3ec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FC190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176451FAD88, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FB190, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FB190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25620, handle = 00000176451FE648, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77192806b7c126bd shader registered for possible reloading: 77192806b7c126bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F8810, hash = 77192806b7c126bd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 0000017645204A5C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F8C50, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F8C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29940, handle = 000001764520831C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6ac87029a1f21c5 shader registered for possible reloading: b6ac87029a1f21c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3F9390, hash = b6ac87029a1f21c5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F9390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764520F810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FC450, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FC450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31860, handle = 00000176452130D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 258586ac7a111e72 shader registered for possible reloading: 258586ac7a111e72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FCFD0, hash = 258586ac7a111e72 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FCFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764521AD44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3F9A90, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3F9A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30384, handle = 000001764521E604, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35207f1df52c7e7b shader registered for possible reloading: 35207f1df52c7e7b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FA350, hash = 35207f1df52c7e7b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FA350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 0000017645225CB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FA610, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FA610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32304, handle = 0000017645229574, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ab8d48b31093937 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ab8d48b31093937_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FC750, hash = 2ab8d48b31093937 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FC750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176452313A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FA4D0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FA4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29676, handle = 0000017645234C64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e0c5456220ee82d shader registered for possible reloading: 5e0c5456220ee82d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FA790, hash = 5e0c5456220ee82d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FA790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764523C050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FBA50, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FBA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29204, handle = 000001764523F910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b005046c6e64b5a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b005046c6e64b5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FAA90, hash = 4b005046c6e64b5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FAA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 0000017645246B24, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FABD0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FABD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31460, handle = 000001764524A3E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3cfe9a17d39b6c3 shader registered for possible reloading: c3cfe9a17d39b6c3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FAD50, hash = c3cfe9a17d39b6c3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FAD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645251EC8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FAED0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FAED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33380, handle = 0000017645253A84, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dfd72eb5d4f2da2a shader registered for possible reloading: dfd72eb5d4f2da2a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FB310, hash = dfd72eb5d4f2da2a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FB310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764525BCE8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FC5D0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FC5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31904, handle = 000001764525D8A4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c8f7d748303cfca shader registered for possible reloading: 9c8f7d748303cfca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FCD10, hash = 9c8f7d748303cfca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FCD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645265544, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FD150, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FD150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33824, handle = 0000017645267100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cec85414dd80f7d9 shader registered for possible reloading: cec85414dd80f7d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FC890, hash = cec85414dd80f7d9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FC890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764526F520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FCA10, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FCA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31196, handle = 00000176452710DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48d444150c11393e shader registered for possible reloading: 48d444150c11393e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FD2D0, hash = 48d444150c11393e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FD2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645278AB8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FD410, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FD410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30724, handle = 000001764527A674, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15de087d8a6366b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 15de087d8a6366b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FD590, hash = 15de087d8a6366b6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FD590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645281E78, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FD710, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FD710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26308, handle = 0000017645283A34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a shader registered for possible reloading: 783a1b0f6497a91a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F4000D0, hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4000D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764528A0F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FFF50, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FFF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26308, handle = 000001764528BCB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a shader registered for possible reloading: 783a1b0f6497a91a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FE550, hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FE550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 0000017645292378, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F4021D0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4021D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26704, handle = 0000017645293F34, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c shader registered for possible reloading: 6e81f2344d23dd8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F401ED0, hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F401ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 000001764529A784, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FF990, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FF990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26704, handle = 000001764529C340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c shader registered for possible reloading: 6e81f2344d23dd8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F400210, hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F400210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176452A2B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F4035D0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4035D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26016, handle = 00000176452A474C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92568e058db7d3ec shader registered for possible reloading: 92568e058db7d3ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FE850, hash = 92568e058db7d3ec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FE850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176452AACEC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FF3D0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FF3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25620, handle = 00000176452AC8A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77192806b7c126bd shader registered for possible reloading: 77192806b7c126bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F400F10, hash = 77192806b7c126bd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F400F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176452B2CBC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F400510, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F400510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29940, handle = 00000176452B4878, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6ac87029a1f21c5 shader registered for possible reloading: b6ac87029a1f21c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F402050, hash = b6ac87029a1f21c5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176452BBD6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F400690, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F400690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31860, handle = 00000176452BD928, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 258586ac7a111e72 shader registered for possible reloading: 258586ac7a111e72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F402350, hash = 258586ac7a111e72 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176452C559C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F402490, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30384, handle = 00000176452C7158, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35207f1df52c7e7b shader registered for possible reloading: 35207f1df52c7e7b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FF690, hash = 35207f1df52c7e7b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FF690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176452CE808, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F402610, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32304, handle = 00000176452D03C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ab8d48b31093937 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ab8d48b31093937_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FDF90, hash = 2ab8d48b31093937 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FDF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176452D81F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F401210, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F401210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29676, handle = 00000176452D9DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e0c5456220ee82d shader registered for possible reloading: 5e0c5456220ee82d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F402790, hash = 5e0c5456220ee82d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176452E119C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FFDD0, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FFDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29204, handle = 00000176452E2D58, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b005046c6e64b5a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b005046c6e64b5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FE6D0, hash = 4b005046c6e64b5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FE6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7100, handle = 00000176452E9F6C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 48495f34ced3c6d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F400390, hash = 48495f34ced3c6d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F400390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31460, handle = 00000176452EBB28, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3cfe9a17d39b6c3 shader registered for possible reloading: c3cfe9a17d39b6c3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F4007D0, hash = c3cfe9a17d39b6c3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4007D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176452F360C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F402910, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33380, handle = 00000176452F6ECC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dfd72eb5d4f2da2a shader registered for possible reloading: dfd72eb5d4f2da2a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F4014D0, hash = dfd72eb5d4f2da2a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4014D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176452FF130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FE110, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FE110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31904, handle = 00000176453029F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c8f7d748303cfca shader registered for possible reloading: 9c8f7d748303cfca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FEB10, hash = 9c8f7d748303cfca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FEB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764530A690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F402A50, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 33824, handle = 000001764530DF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cec85414dd80f7d9 shader registered for possible reloading: cec85414dd80f7d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F400950, hash = cec85414dd80f7d9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F400950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 0000017645316370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F402BD0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31196, handle = 0000017645319C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48d444150c11393e shader registered for possible reloading: 48d444150c11393e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F401650, hash = 48d444150c11393e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F401650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764532160C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FEF90, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FEF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30724, handle = 0000017645324ECC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15de087d8a6366b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 15de087d8a6366b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FF810, hash = 15de087d8a6366b6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FF810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764532C6D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F400AD0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F400AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26308, handle = 000001764532FF90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a shader registered for possible reloading: 783a1b0f6497a91a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F402D50, hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 0000017645336654, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F403010, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F403010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26308, handle = 0000017645339F14, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a shader registered for possible reloading: 783a1b0f6497a91a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F400C50, hash = 783a1b0f6497a91a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F400C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176453405D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F401350, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F401350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26704, handle = 0000017645343E98, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c shader registered for possible reloading: 6e81f2344d23dd8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F402ED0, hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F402ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764534A6E8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FE9D0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FE9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26704, handle = 000001764534DFA8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c shader registered for possible reloading: 6e81f2344d23dd8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F401910, hash = 6e81f2344d23dd8c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F401910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176453547F8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FE410, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FE410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26016, handle = 00000176453580B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92568e058db7d3ec shader registered for possible reloading: 92568e058db7d3ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F403190, hash = 92568e058db7d3ec returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F403190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764535E658, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F400D90, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F400D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25620, handle = 0000017645361F18, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77192806b7c126bd shader registered for possible reloading: 77192806b7c126bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FEC90, hash = 77192806b7c126bd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FEC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764536832C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F403310, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F403310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29940, handle = 000001764536BBEC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6ac87029a1f21c5 shader registered for possible reloading: b6ac87029a1f21c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F401090, hash = b6ac87029a1f21c5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F401090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176453730E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FEE10, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FEE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31860, handle = 00000176453769A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 258586ac7a111e72 shader registered for possible reloading: 258586ac7a111e72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F4017D0, hash = 258586ac7a111e72 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4017D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764537E614, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F403490, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F403490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30384, handle = 0000017645381ED4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35207f1df52c7e7b shader registered for possible reloading: 35207f1df52c7e7b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FFB10, hash = 35207f1df52c7e7b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FFB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 0000017645389584, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F403750, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F403750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 32304, handle = 000001764538CE44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ab8d48b31093937 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ab8d48b31093937_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FF0D0, hash = 2ab8d48b31093937 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FF0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 0000017645394C74, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FF250, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FF250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29676, handle = 0000017645398534, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e0c5456220ee82d shader registered for possible reloading: 5e0c5456220ee82d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F401A90, hash = 5e0c5456220ee82d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F401A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 000001764539F920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FDCD0, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FDCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29204, handle = 00000176453A31E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b005046c6e64b5a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b005046c6e64b5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FDE50, hash = 4b005046c6e64b5a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FDE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14528, handle = 00000176453AA3F4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd2d23ec87d06a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FFC50, hash = 4fd2d23ec87d06a8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FFC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453ADCB4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F3FF550, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FF550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176453AE7C4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F3FE290, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F3FE290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453B0618, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F401C10, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F401C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176453B1128, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F401D90, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F401D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453B2F7C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F4042D0, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4042D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176453B3A8C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F4066D0, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4066D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453B58E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F405590, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15680, handle = 00000176453B63F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0f55793b791ff48 shader registered for possible reloading: f0f55793b791ff48_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F405290, hash = f0f55793b791ff48 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453BA130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F404890, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15680, handle = 00000176453BAC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0f55793b791ff48 shader registered for possible reloading: f0f55793b791ff48_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F404A10, hash = f0f55793b791ff48 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453BE980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F405710, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15528, handle = 00000176453BF490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01b7f1f4aac5c176 shader registered for possible reloading: 01b7f1f4aac5c176_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F4059D0, hash = 01b7f1f4aac5c176 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4059D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453C3138, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F405410, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15528, handle = 00000176453C3C48, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01b7f1f4aac5c176 shader registered for possible reloading: 01b7f1f4aac5c176_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F403D10, hash = 01b7f1f4aac5c176 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F403D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453C78F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F405F90, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176453C8400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F404450, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 652, handle = 00000176453CA254, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d7f4d7e80584a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F405850, hash = e1d7f4d7e80584a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453CA4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F405150, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176453CAFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F406550, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F406550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453CCE44, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F404CD0, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176453CD954, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F405B50, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453CF7A8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F404E50, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176453D02B8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F406110, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F406110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2832, handle = 00000176453D210C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 shader registered for possible reloading: a8ee733cd5436dc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F404FD0, hash = a8ee733cd5436dc2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176453D2C1C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3926e5dda989af shader registered for possible reloading: cb3926e5dda989af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F405CD0, hash = cb3926e5dda989af returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 640, handle = 00000176453D4A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc870888aa8309c0 shader registered for possible reloading: fc870888aa8309c0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F406850, hash = fc870888aa8309c0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F406850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1516, handle = 00000176453D4CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 977dbf447d942260 shader registered for possible reloading: 977dbf447d942260_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F404150, hash = 977dbf447d942260 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 952, handle = 00000176453D52DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 137af888a581a197 shader registered for possible reloading: 137af888a581a197_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F405E10, hash = 137af888a581a197 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F405E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1352, handle = 00000176453D5694, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d3a8d8c4843a876 shader registered for possible reloading: 4d3a8d8c4843a876_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F406290, hash = 4d3a8d8c4843a876 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F406290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1476, handle = 00000176453D5BDC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07bcf415d8da8193 shader registered for possible reloading: 07bcf415d8da8193_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F4063D0, hash = 07bcf415d8da8193 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4063D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1228, handle = 00000176453D61A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29026962798b4e65 shader registered for possible reloading: 29026962798b4e65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F4045D0, hash = 29026962798b4e65 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4045D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11884, handle = 00000176453D666C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f480a872b3d0550 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f480a872b3d0550_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F404710, hash = 6f480a872b3d0550 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11116, handle = 00000176453D94D8, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d0d5ef03428203f shader registered for possible reloading: 7d0d5ef03428203f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F406990, hash = 7d0d5ef03428203f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F406990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1560, handle = 00000176453DC044, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9ed5ec3512eaba1 shader registered for possible reloading: b9ed5ec3512eaba1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F4038D0, hash = b9ed5ec3512eaba1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F4038D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1760, handle = 00000176453DC65C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a99a9d36ac9c97f shader registered for possible reloading: 1a99a9d36ac9c97f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F404B90, hash = 1a99a9d36ac9c97f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 964, handle = 00000176453DCD3C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62d2848d2926c4df shader registered for possible reloading: 62d2848d2926c4df_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F403A50, hash = 62d2848d2926c4df returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F403A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2144, handle = 00000176453DD100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c94c33dcdc5094b0 shader registered for possible reloading: c94c33dcdc5094b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F403B90, hash = c94c33dcdc5094b0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F403B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 00000176453DD960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a8aa913ab6d3586 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a8aa913ab6d3586_ps as bin - ps: handle = 000001764F403E90, hash = 6a8aa913ab6d3586 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F403E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2144, handle = 00000176453DDD64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c94c33dcdc5094b0 shader registered for possible reloading: c94c33dcdc5094b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001764F404010, hash = c94c33dcdc5094b0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764F404010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3096, handle = 00000176453DE5C4 FNV hash = dc1b490a814f8fcb shader registered for possible reloading: dc1b490a814f8fcb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CC950, hash = dc1b490a814f8fcb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CC950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2508, handle = 00000176453DF1DC FNV hash = dd50871efcacdcf3 shader registered for possible reloading: dd50871efcacdcf3_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D0750, hash = dd50871efcacdcf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0750 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2768, handle = 00000176453DFBA8 FNV hash = 63c79a2aa24de207 shader registered for possible reloading: 63c79a2aa24de207_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D02D0, hash = 63c79a2aa24de207 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D02D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2100, handle = 00000176453E0678 FNV hash = 560ececac631bca0 shader registered for possible reloading: 560ececac631bca0_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CE1D0, hash = 560ececac631bca0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CE1D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2768, handle = 00000176453E0EAC FNV hash = e858f8d49afbecee shader registered for possible reloading: e858f8d49afbecee_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CD650, hash = e858f8d49afbecee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CD650 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2176, handle = 00000176453E197C FNV hash = da82100d2cd8851a shader registered for possible reloading: da82100d2cd8851a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CF310, hash = da82100d2cd8851a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CF310 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2416, handle = 00000176453E21FC FNV hash = fc8db4f8102db6d4 shader registered for possible reloading: fc8db4f8102db6d4_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CE050, hash = fc8db4f8102db6d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CE050 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1772, handle = 00000176453E2B6C FNV hash = afcbb9f545f342a5 shader registered for possible reloading: afcbb9f545f342a5_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D0A10, hash = afcbb9f545f342a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0A10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2768, handle = 00000176453E3258 FNV hash = 60f69a16d325c163 shader registered for possible reloading: 60f69a16d325c163_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CF490, hash = 60f69a16d325c163 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CF490 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2176, handle = 00000176453E3D28 FNV hash = d6dd412da2042d57 shader registered for possible reloading: d6dd412da2042d57_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D05D0, hash = d6dd412da2042d57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D05D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2416, handle = 00000176453E45A8 FNV hash = 76ba8274c255100f shader registered for possible reloading: 76ba8274c255100f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CBF50, hash = 76ba8274c255100f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CBF50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1772, handle = 00000176453E4F18 FNV hash = 8e544be9b503f750 shader registered for possible reloading: 8e544be9b503f750_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CCAD0, hash = 8e544be9b503f750 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CCAD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2340, handle = 00000176453E5604 FNV hash = 70358e11161b0701 shader registered for possible reloading: 70358e11161b0701_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CE350, hash = 70358e11161b0701 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CE350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1772, handle = 00000176453E5F28 FNV hash = de99a4676daebe9a shader registered for possible reloading: de99a4676daebe9a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CE4D0, hash = de99a4676daebe9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CE4D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2012, handle = 00000176453E6614 FNV hash = fafab2180cb9fe58 shader registered for possible reloading: fafab2180cb9fe58_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CE610, hash = fafab2180cb9fe58 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CE610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 00000176453E6DF0 FNV hash = 249e1668f25bec70 shader registered for possible reloading: 249e1668f25bec70_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CC510, hash = 249e1668f25bec70 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CC510 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2164, handle = 00000176453E6FFC FNV hash = 673561a502f0e746 shader registered for possible reloading: 673561a502f0e746_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D0890, hash = 673561a502f0e746 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0890 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1704, handle = 00000176453E7870 FNV hash = c70eb9f5abdcd999 shader registered for possible reloading: c70eb9f5abdcd999_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CE790, hash = c70eb9f5abdcd999 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CE790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3432, handle = 00000176453E7F18 FNV hash = 88206e94d3d49c16 shader registered for possible reloading: 88206e94d3d49c16_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CC690, hash = 88206e94d3d49c16 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CC690 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 3428, handle = 00000176453E8C80 FNV hash = adb57bbcdeabf797 shader registered for possible reloading: adb57bbcdeabf797_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CF750, hash = adb57bbcdeabf797 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CF750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12452, handle = 00000176453E99E4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1ca3e3d47287661 shader registered for possible reloading: c1ca3e3d47287661_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508CE910, hash = c1ca3e3d47287661 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CE910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1676, handle = 00000176453ECA88, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f8ea6e69ffa6573 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f8ea6e69ffa6573_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508CB6D0, hash = 1f8ea6e69ffa6573 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CB6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6964, handle = 00000176453ED114, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0273e6f0f08d6745 shader registered for possible reloading: 0273e6f0f08d6745_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508CB550, hash = 0273e6f0f08d6745 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CB550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 716, handle = 00000176453EEC48, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03d18e4cc92d7943 shader registered for possible reloading: 03d18e4cc92d7943_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508CB810, hash = 03d18e4cc92d7943 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CB810 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5268, handle = 00000176453EEF14 FNV hash = c98d4d0cb21d7eb7 shader registered for possible reloading: c98d4d0cb21d7eb7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CF050, hash = c98d4d0cb21d7eb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CF050 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 5268, handle = 00000176453F03A8 FNV hash = c98d4d0cb21d7eb7 shader registered for possible reloading: c98d4d0cb21d7eb7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CC810, hash = c98d4d0cb21d7eb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CC810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1788, handle = 00000176453F183C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21f2b921c70bd380 shader registered for possible reloading: 21f2b921c70bd380_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508CD4D0, hash = 21f2b921c70bd380 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CD4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8884, handle = 00000176453F1F38, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20344ce9e10ff6b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 20344ce9e10ff6b1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508CC390, hash = 20344ce9e10ff6b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CC390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 3588, handle = 00000176453F41EC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f629ef4ef1367f52 shader registered for possible reloading: f629ef4ef1367f52_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508CEA90, hash = f629ef4ef1367f52 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CEA90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 00000176453F4FF0 FNV hash = 575ef7e25eb7e250 shader registered for possible reloading: 575ef7e25eb7e250_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CDD90, hash = 575ef7e25eb7e250 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CDD90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1264, handle = 00000176453F59F0 FNV hash = 1152735c14696bdb shader registered for possible reloading: 1152735c14696bdb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D0B90, hash = 1152735c14696bdb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0B90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 2544, handle = 00000176453F5EE0 FNV hash = b7a28e2cbbefb2da shader registered for possible reloading: b7a28e2cbbefb2da_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CD210, hash = b7a28e2cbbefb2da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CD210 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4160, handle = 00000176453F68D0 FNV hash = 915d720f1676dff8 shader registered for possible reloading: 915d720f1676dff8_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CF190, hash = 915d720f1676dff8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CF190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4640, handle = 00000176453F7910 FNV hash = 90ea3b0fec7ca149 shader registered for possible reloading: 90ea3b0fec7ca149_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CD7D0, hash = 90ea3b0fec7ca149 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CD7D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4332, handle = 00000176453F8B30 FNV hash = 894267ffa1c5976e shader registered for possible reloading: 894267ffa1c5976e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CFE90, hash = 894267ffa1c5976e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CFE90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 4424, handle = 00000176453F9C1C FNV hash = 37911e989d3f9e2d shader registered for possible reloading: 37911e989d3f9e2d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CCC50, hash = 37911e989d3f9e2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CCC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6088, handle = 00000176453FAD64, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0995f31fcce8f827 shader registered for possible reloading: 0995f31fcce8f827_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508CB990, hash = 0995f31fcce8f827 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CB990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2116, handle = 00000176453FC52C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 058deac2a87a104a shader registered for possible reloading: 058deac2a87a104a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508CCDD0, hash = 058deac2a87a104a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CCDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4728, handle = 00000176453FCD70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 542b53b02a6ad3ae shader registered for possible reloading: 542b53b02a6ad3ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508CCF10, hash = 542b53b02a6ad3ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CCF10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1068, handle = 00000176453FDFE8 FNV hash = 456a0e553780b616 shader registered for possible reloading: 456a0e553780b616_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CEBD0, hash = 456a0e553780b616 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CEBD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1068, handle = 00000176453FE414 FNV hash = 456a0e553780b616 shader registered for possible reloading: 456a0e553780b616_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CDF10, hash = 456a0e553780b616 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CDF10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1068, handle = 00000176453FE840 FNV hash = 456a0e553780b616 shader registered for possible reloading: 456a0e553780b616_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CBB10, hash = 456a0e553780b616 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CBB10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1068, handle = 00000176453FEC6C FNV hash = 456a0e553780b616 shader registered for possible reloading: 456a0e553780b616_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CD950, hash = 456a0e553780b616 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CD950 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1068, handle = 00000176453FF098 FNV hash = 91d02307d22d721a shader registered for possible reloading: 91d02307d22d721a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CED50, hash = 91d02307d22d721a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CED50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1068, handle = 00000176453FF4C4 FNV hash = 431f26612eba662a shader registered for possible reloading: 431f26612eba662a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CDA90, hash = 431f26612eba662a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CDA90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1068, handle = 00000176453FF8F0 FNV hash = 431f26612eba662a shader registered for possible reloading: 431f26612eba662a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CF8D0, hash = 431f26612eba662a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CF8D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1120, handle = 00000176453FFD1C FNV hash = d7b467aa8f7b08cd shader registered for possible reloading: d7b467aa8f7b08cd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CEED0, hash = d7b467aa8f7b08cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CEED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1120, handle = 000001764540017C FNV hash = d7b467aa8f7b08cd shader registered for possible reloading: d7b467aa8f7b08cd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CF610, hash = d7b467aa8f7b08cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CF610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1120, handle = 00000176454005DC FNV hash = d7b467aa8f7b08cd shader registered for possible reloading: d7b467aa8f7b08cd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CFBD0, hash = d7b467aa8f7b08cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CFBD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1120, handle = 0000017645400A3C FNV hash = d7b467aa8f7b08cd shader registered for possible reloading: d7b467aa8f7b08cd_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CD090, hash = d7b467aa8f7b08cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CD090 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1120, handle = 0000017645400E9C FNV hash = a540317fff3e6bda shader registered for possible reloading: a540317fff3e6bda_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CD390, hash = a540317fff3e6bda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CD390 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1120, handle = 00000176454012FC FNV hash = acc839c4726e6b63 shader registered for possible reloading: acc839c4726e6b63_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CB110, hash = acc839c4726e6b63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CB110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1120, handle = 000001764540175C FNV hash = acc839c4726e6b63 shader registered for possible reloading: acc839c4726e6b63_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D0450, hash = acc839c4726e6b63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0450 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1120, handle = 0000017645401BBC FNV hash = 49cc769769aadd7f shader registered for possible reloading: 49cc769769aadd7f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CFA50, hash = 49cc769769aadd7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CFA50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1068, handle = 000001764540201C FNV hash = a731270467b007ce shader registered for possible reloading: a731270467b007ce_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CFD10, hash = a731270467b007ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CFD10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645402448 FNV hash = 5b176396d1e9378f shader registered for possible reloading: 5b176396d1e9378f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CDC10, hash = 5b176396d1e9378f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CDC10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 000001764540284C FNV hash = 5b176396d1e9378f shader registered for possible reloading: 5b176396d1e9378f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CBC90, hash = 5b176396d1e9378f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CBC90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645402C50 FNV hash = 5b176396d1e9378f shader registered for possible reloading: 5b176396d1e9378f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D0010, hash = 5b176396d1e9378f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0010 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645403054 FNV hash = 5b176396d1e9378f shader registered for possible reloading: 5b176396d1e9378f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CBDD0, hash = 5b176396d1e9378f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CBDD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645403458 FNV hash = 62be3a91b479e12a shader registered for possible reloading: 62be3a91b479e12a_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D0190, hash = 62be3a91b479e12a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0190 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 000001764540385C FNV hash = d53be1acf49cf168 shader registered for possible reloading: d53be1acf49cf168_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CB250, hash = d53be1acf49cf168 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CB250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645403C60 FNV hash = d53be1acf49cf168 shader registered for possible reloading: d53be1acf49cf168_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CB3D0, hash = d53be1acf49cf168 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CB3D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645404064 FNV hash = 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d shader registered for possible reloading: 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CC0D0, hash = 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CC0D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 000001764540449C FNV hash = 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d shader registered for possible reloading: 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508CC250, hash = 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508CC250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 00000176454048D4 FNV hash = 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d shader registered for possible reloading: 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D4AD0, hash = 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D4AD0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645404D0C FNV hash = 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d shader registered for possible reloading: 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D3250, hash = 7b8d8ec2ad19eb3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D3250 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645405144 FNV hash = 37da86e6204622bb shader registered for possible reloading: 37da86e6204622bb_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D5910, hash = 37da86e6204622bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D5910 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 000001764540557C FNV hash = fcac089419e9d592 shader registered for possible reloading: fcac089419e9d592_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D5C10, hash = fcac089419e9d592 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D5C10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 00000176454059B4 FNV hash = fcac089419e9d592 shader registered for possible reloading: fcac089419e9d592_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D4F10, hash = fcac089419e9d592 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D4F10 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645405DEC FNV hash = 17e8d199e9d4053e shader registered for possible reloading: 17e8d199e9d4053e_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D33D0, hash = 17e8d199e9d4053e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D33D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645406224 FNV hash = 13d54a2c148ba43c shader registered for possible reloading: 13d54a2c148ba43c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D4C50, hash = 13d54a2c148ba43c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D4C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645406628 FNV hash = 23341c6a727a6572 shader registered for possible reloading: 23341c6a727a6572_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D6610, hash = 23341c6a727a6572 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D6610 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645406A2C FNV hash = 23341c6a727a6572 shader registered for possible reloading: 23341c6a727a6572_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D1E50, hash = 23341c6a727a6572 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D1E50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645406E30 FNV hash = 23341c6a727a6572 shader registered for possible reloading: 23341c6a727a6572_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D6790, hash = 23341c6a727a6572 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D6790 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645407234 FNV hash = 23341c6a727a6572 shader registered for possible reloading: 23341c6a727a6572_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D1F90, hash = 23341c6a727a6572 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D1F90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645407638 FNV hash = b9dd9cdcbd2b5cf7 shader registered for possible reloading: b9dd9cdcbd2b5cf7_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D1410, hash = b9dd9cdcbd2b5cf7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D1410 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645407A3C FNV hash = 4b3e7c625aa0638f shader registered for possible reloading: 4b3e7c625aa0638f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D3C50, hash = 4b3e7c625aa0638f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D3C50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 0000017645407E40 FNV hash = 4b3e7c625aa0638f shader registered for possible reloading: 4b3e7c625aa0638f_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D5A90, hash = 4b3e7c625aa0638f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D5A90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645408244 FNV hash = 09ff498f11721931 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ff498f11721931_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D12D0, hash = 09ff498f11721931 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D12D0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 000001764540867C FNV hash = 09ff498f11721931 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ff498f11721931_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D5ED0, hash = 09ff498f11721931 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D5ED0 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645408AB4 FNV hash = 09ff498f11721931 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ff498f11721931_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D6350, hash = 09ff498f11721931 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D6350 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645408EEC FNV hash = 09ff498f11721931 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ff498f11721931_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D2110, hash = 09ff498f11721931 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D2110 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645409324 FNV hash = d8e1fcc166ffdbf1 shader registered for possible reloading: d8e1fcc166ffdbf1_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D5D90, hash = d8e1fcc166ffdbf1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D5D90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 000001764540975C FNV hash = 321e8f54ce19e58c shader registered for possible reloading: 321e8f54ce19e58c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D3F50, hash = 321e8f54ce19e58c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D3F50 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645409B94 FNV hash = 321e8f54ce19e58c shader registered for possible reloading: 321e8f54ce19e58c_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D2F90, hash = 321e8f54ce19e58c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D2F90 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1080, handle = 0000017645409FCC FNV hash = 391ccc548cfccf59 shader registered for possible reloading: 391ccc548cfccf59_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D2550, hash = 391ccc548cfccf59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D2550 HackerDevice::CreateComputeShader called with BytecodeLength = 1028, handle = 000001764540A404 FNV hash = 5672e91928335432 shader registered for possible reloading: 5672e91928335432_cs as bin - cs: handle = 00000176508D30D0, hash = 5672e91928335432 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D30D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 408, handle = 000001764540A808, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f649ebd228921fc4 shader registered for possible reloading: f649ebd228921fc4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D3810, hash = f649ebd228921fc4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D3810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6688, handle = 000001764540A9A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a97b8d6380ca9662 shader registered for possible reloading: a97b8d6380ca9662_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D2410, hash = a97b8d6380ca9662 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D2410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4964, handle = 000001764540C3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ede803c55fdd08c8 shader registered for possible reloading: ede803c55fdd08c8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D2290, hash = ede803c55fdd08c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D2290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5072, handle = 000001764540D724, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a27a49b72d464076 shader registered for possible reloading: a27a49b72d464076_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D3550, hash = a27a49b72d464076 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D3550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7036, handle = 000001764540EAF4, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4312618c0e595946 shader registered for possible reloading: 4312618c0e595946_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D1590, hash = 4312618c0e595946 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D1590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 2876, handle = 0000017645410670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edfc0589faba0678 shader registered for possible reloading: edfc0589faba0678_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D5210, hash = edfc0589faba0678 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D5210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1388, handle = 00000176454111AC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e59d8ecf0e0c415 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e59d8ecf0e0c415_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D6050, hash = 6e59d8ecf0e0c415 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D6050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1608, handle = 0000017645411718, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82b36680b1c1b08d shader registered for possible reloading: 82b36680b1c1b08d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D3DD0, hash = 82b36680b1c1b08d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D3DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1388, handle = 0000017645411D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e59d8ecf0e0c415 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e59d8ecf0e0c415_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D61D0, hash = 6e59d8ecf0e0c415 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D61D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8076, handle = 00000176454122CC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ff46ff1c498dc2c shader registered for possible reloading: 0ff46ff1c498dc2c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D3990, hash = 0ff46ff1c498dc2c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D3990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8580, handle = 0000017645414258, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47b4be7ff240c7df shader registered for possible reloading: 47b4be7ff240c7df_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D26D0, hash = 47b4be7ff240c7df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D26D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7824, handle = 00000176454163DC, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39ca0ff63a3fca10 shader registered for possible reloading: 39ca0ff63a3fca10_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D4950, hash = 39ca0ff63a3fca10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D4950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8108, handle = 000001764541826C, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c96184dbb9fc35a8 shader registered for possible reloading: c96184dbb9fc35a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D3690, hash = c96184dbb9fc35a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D3690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 000001764541A218, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 379bfbf459f252a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D2B10, hash = 379bfbf459f252a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D2B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 544, handle = 000001764541A424, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2029306b90354314 shader registered for possible reloading: 2029306b90354314_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D0D10, hash = 2029306b90354314 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 544, handle = 000001764541A644, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2029306b90354314 shader registered for possible reloading: 2029306b90354314_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D6490, hash = 2029306b90354314 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D6490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 524, handle = 000001764541A864, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 200086472acf2450 shader registered for possible reloading: 200086472acf2450_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D1710, hash = 200086472acf2450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D1710 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB (91) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017542984600, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 50 50 50 FF 50 50 50 FF 50 50 50 FF 50 50 50 FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 982a0f05 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB160B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6B670) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017542984600, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 80 80 FF 00 80 80 FF 00 80 80 FF 00 80 80 FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d7ce9ca8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB17078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6BFB0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017542984600, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d46de90a returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB175B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6B830) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017542984600, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FF 00 00 7F FF 00 00 7F FF 00 00 7F FF 00 00 7F Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = cff2697c returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB18038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6B0B0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017542984600, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1dec38e8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB182F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6B2B0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017542984640, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 114a4734 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB18578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6BDF0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->0000017573FBCC80, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FF 80 80 FF FF 80 80 FF FF 80 80 FF FF 80 80 FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 96 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 48417b7d returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB18838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6B470) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->0000017573FBCC80, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 96 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = c0b24dbd returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB150F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6C370) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->0000017541EC0970, SysMemPitch: 1, SysMemSlicePitch: 1 00 3F 6A 94 BF E9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 1 bad v1.2.1 length: 6 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = ddb5a962 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756BB153B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6BBF0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017574078030, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 FC 9D B2 00 08 AC 84 00 FD 98 C9 00 FF 85 A0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fe6342e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650D6D178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6C570) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017542984600, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FE 7B 96 FF 61 03 7F FF 63 F6 A4 FF 0E B1 9B FF Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bcfb07a7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650D6DBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6C730) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE840->0000017573F5D040, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 Texture3D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE840, hash = 3e90d9fb returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6BA30) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017542984600, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F 00 00 80 3F Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f0d30357 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650D6D438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6C930) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6C1B0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6CAF0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650D6CCF0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 960 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176437DC140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017643748220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001764373EE20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176437DC920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542F400A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F81770) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 420 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 820 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001764378B8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017643748220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017541ED1140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017541ED12C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542F400A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F840B0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 120 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 400 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001764378B8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001764378BA70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542556BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017542556C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542F400A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F82A30) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 60 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 220 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001764378B990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017643748220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542556BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017542556C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542F400A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F82DF0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 120 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 440 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001764378B8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176437A05E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542556BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017542556C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542F400A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F842B0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 480 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176437A05E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176437A07D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542556BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017542556C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542F400A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F82670) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 480 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176437A06E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176437A08D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542556BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017542556C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542F400A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F82C30) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001764376A010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176437A07E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542556BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017542556C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542F400A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F82870) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176437A08E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176436FF7D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542556BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017542556C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017542F400A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F81D30) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F82FF0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 000001764376D490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18944063f61adf0c shader registered for possible reloading: 18944063f61adf0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D2C90, hash = 18944063f61adf0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D2C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 0000017643721350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 shader registered for possible reloading: bcf4218a2ca0dfd6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D1890, hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D1890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176436E52B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 shader registered for possible reloading: ec389e2d99b0b6a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D4D90, hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D4D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 0000017643717B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 shader registered for possible reloading: a3e729a1960e2f35_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D1CD0, hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D1CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 0000017573FBFC50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D1B50, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D1B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6592, handle = 0000017643784990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f23b9411ee3cc8b shader registered for possible reloading: 6f23b9411ee3cc8b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D2850, hash = 6f23b9411ee3cc8b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D2850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 000001764376DC10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D0E50, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7560, handle = 000001764376FDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5063fe468893f53c shader registered for possible reloading: 5063fe468893f53c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D3B10, hash = 5063fe468893f53c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D3B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3124, handle = 0000017643700370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88bf357405fb79e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 88bf357405fb79e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D40D0, hash = 88bf357405fb79e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D40D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9284, handle = 00000176436EBD10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc07478211ffa4e8 shader registered for possible reloading: bc07478211ffa4e8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D5090, hash = bc07478211ffa4e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D5090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8068, handle = 0000017643798130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eee82b3a722ee413 shader registered for possible reloading: eee82b3a722ee413_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D5350, hash = eee82b3a722ee413 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D5350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8756, handle = 000001764379A0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b2829717eadb455 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b2829717eadb455_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D54D0, hash = 9b2829717eadb455 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D54D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8700, handle = 000001764379C300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3aedab7a20fbfe72 shader registered for possible reloading: 3aedab7a20fbfe72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D19D0, hash = 3aedab7a20fbfe72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D19D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10004, handle = 000001764377A6A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8d50a08fcba6dc80 shader registered for possible reloading: 8d50a08fcba6dc80_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D0FD0, hash = 8d50a08fcba6dc80 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D0FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2960, handle = 000001757407E0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be84d31e20810f6d shader registered for possible reloading: be84d31e20810f6d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D4210, hash = be84d31e20810f6d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D4210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8240, handle = 0000017643730A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0bb8e47739c3053c shader registered for possible reloading: 0bb8e47739c3053c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D4690, hash = 0bb8e47739c3053c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D4690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6740, handle = 00000176437A0B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b985fd00fcf5905c shader registered for possible reloading: b985fd00fcf5905c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D29D0, hash = b985fd00fcf5905c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D29D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6776, handle = 000001764378DD50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3b5059fbe363284 shader registered for possible reloading: c3b5059fbe363284_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D1150, hash = c3b5059fbe363284 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D1150 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017650F88C38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004008CFDCA0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017650F88C38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 0000017643860760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18944063f61adf0c shader registered for possible reloading: 18944063f61adf0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D2E10, hash = 18944063f61adf0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D2E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 0000017643806AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 shader registered for possible reloading: bcf4218a2ca0dfd6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D4390, hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D4390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176437C1770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 shader registered for possible reloading: ec389e2d99b0b6a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D4510, hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D4510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176437F8FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 shader registered for possible reloading: a3e729a1960e2f35_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D47D0, hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D47D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 0000017643726580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D5650, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D5650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5884, handle = 0000017643870AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe4ab97162a46f36 shader registered for possible reloading: fe4ab97162a46f36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D57D0, hash = fe4ab97162a46f36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D57D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176436FAEC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508DC210, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DC210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6852, handle = 00000176438C8E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c9f61d06bb7c665 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c9f61d06bb7c665_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508D9CD0, hash = 7c9f61d06bb7c665 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9CD0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017650F88EF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004008CFDC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017650F88EF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 0000017643741AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b shader registered for possible reloading: edf7a0cbf9e7730b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D85D0, hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D85D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 000001764376A830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a343fdb20e033805 shader registered for possible reloading: a343fdb20e033805_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D6ED0, hash = a343fdb20e033805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D6ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9552, handle = 0000017643710C90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccd30b49da3b34e3 shader registered for possible reloading: ccd30b49da3b34e3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D6D50, hash = ccd30b49da3b34e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D6D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8508, handle = 00000176436C3E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2147633556c36b3 shader registered for possible reloading: b2147633556c36b3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DA110, hash = b2147633556c36b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DA110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176438299D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b shader registered for possible reloading: edf7a0cbf9e7730b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D82D0, hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D82D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 000001764385DB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a343fdb20e033805 shader registered for possible reloading: a343fdb20e033805_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D9590, hash = a343fdb20e033805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1844, handle = 000001764375B540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 shader registered for possible reloading: 6080b0f0290a8776_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D7010, hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D7010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2020, handle = 00000176436F4A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e27589d17ecceed shader registered for possible reloading: 8e27589d17ecceed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D7190, hash = 8e27589d17ecceed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D7190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7168, handle = 00000176437391F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8010, hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 00000176436C21B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72c3853eed25f3d shader registered for possible reloading: c72c3853eed25f3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D7310, hash = c72c3853eed25f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D7310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3068, handle = 00000176436E19F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78630deb14775e98 shader registered for possible reloading: 78630deb14775e98_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D7490, hash = 78630deb14775e98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D7490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9228, handle = 00000176435C1F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6e098bc119f05d5 shader registered for possible reloading: b6e098bc119f05d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8150, hash = b6e098bc119f05d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2904, handle = 0000017573FBF0F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c725ac04a253a96 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c725ac04a253a96_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DBF50, hash = 7c725ac04a253a96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DBF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8184, handle = 0000017643733150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eac3a26f5fbde039 shader registered for possible reloading: eac3a26f5fbde039_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D7B90, hash = eac3a26f5fbde039 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D7B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1844, handle = 000001764384B770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 shader registered for possible reloading: 6080b0f0290a8776_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8B90, hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2020, handle = 00000176437D0600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e27589d17ecceed shader registered for possible reloading: 8e27589d17ecceed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D75D0, hash = 8e27589d17ecceed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D75D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7168, handle = 000001764381F7B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8FD0, hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 000001764375E880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72c3853eed25f3d shader registered for possible reloading: c72c3853eed25f3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DBDD0, hash = c72c3853eed25f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DBDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176435CDCB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6d86041ee6068ac shader registered for possible reloading: a6d86041ee6068ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D78D0, hash = a6d86041ee6068ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D78D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 0000017643735150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0e66468f874b82b shader registered for possible reloading: d0e66468f874b82b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8450, hash = d0e66468f874b82b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9552, handle = 0000017643727210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28727d51a6cd62d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 28727d51a6cd62d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D7750, hash = 28727d51a6cd62d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D7750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8508, handle = 00000176435C9F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 163932d0f83212c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 163932d0f83212c2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8E50, hash = 163932d0f83212c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 0000017643748EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6d86041ee6068ac shader registered for possible reloading: a6d86041ee6068ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D9150, hash = a6d86041ee6068ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 000001764381B710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0e66468f874b82b shader registered for possible reloading: d0e66468f874b82b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D9E10, hash = d0e66468f874b82b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9E10 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 589824 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 36 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 393216 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 524288 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 64 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3145728 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1740, handle = 000001757407F460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc5161ec2621159c shader registered for possible reloading: cc5161ec2621159c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D9290, hash = cc5161ec2621159c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1916, handle = 000001764370DEF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f57524f155a634f1 shader registered for possible reloading: f57524f155a634f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D9F90, hash = f57524f155a634f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7064, handle = 0000017643759130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a42dcc50408d5ed shader registered for possible reloading: 7a42dcc50408d5ed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D7A50, hash = 7a42dcc50408d5ed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D7A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7232, handle = 000001764374EE80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40f97ca034fecee0 shader registered for possible reloading: 40f97ca034fecee0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DAF50, hash = 40f97ca034fecee0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DAF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2464, handle = 000001764370B6A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5efb036fa91e9167 shader registered for possible reloading: 5efb036fa91e9167_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D9410, hash = 5efb036fa91e9167 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8624, handle = 0000017643745670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d62985f0d2ddc277 shader registered for possible reloading: d62985f0d2ddc277_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DAB10, hash = d62985f0d2ddc277 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DAB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2300, handle = 00000176436EA7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7710ad3cd9191197 shader registered for possible reloading: 7710ad3cd9191197_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DB810, hash = 7710ad3cd9191197 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DB810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7580, handle = 0000017643750AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97d04c68566a8b5f shader registered for possible reloading: 97d04c68566a8b5f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8CD0, hash = 97d04c68566a8b5f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8CD0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017650F8A938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004008CFE080) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017650F8A938, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017650F8AE78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004008CFE080) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017650F8AE78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176439C5838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004008CFE080) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176439C5838, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176439C84F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004008CFE080) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176439C84F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176439C52F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004008CFE080) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176439C52F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1708, handle = 00000176435CF910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec4cf555ec4d8a0b shader registered for possible reloading: ec4cf555ec4d8a0b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8A10, hash = ec4cf555ec4d8a0b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1884, handle = 000001764371EF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28c6f9797e2bf1f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 28c6f9797e2bf1f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D7D10, hash = 28c6f9797e2bf1f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D7D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7032, handle = 00000176436DFE70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5213684cf84e2396 shader registered for possible reloading: 5213684cf84e2396_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D7E90, hash = 5213684cf84e2396 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D7E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7200, handle = 00000176436F6FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e34aa745998c990 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e34aa745998c990_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8710, hash = 4e34aa745998c990 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2432, handle = 00000176436C5FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f0ac1c465086eb9 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f0ac1c465086eb9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D9710, hash = 9f0ac1c465086eb9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8592, handle = 00000176436C0010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49fa0cc4d47ec7bd shader registered for possible reloading: 49fa0cc4d47ec7bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D8890, hash = 49fa0cc4d47ec7bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D8890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2268, handle = 0000017643708AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7dcf1ed35cea039 shader registered for possible reloading: a7dcf1ed35cea039_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D9850, hash = a7dcf1ed35cea039 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7548, handle = 00000176436F5240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6250af14b75860ac shader registered for possible reloading: 6250af14b75860ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DBC50, hash = 6250af14b75860ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DBC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1740, handle = 0000017643732A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75dbc663ed940d11 shader registered for possible reloading: 75dbc663ed940d11_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D99D0, hash = 75dbc663ed940d11 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D99D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1916, handle = 0000017643748720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9096466c442ed689 shader registered for possible reloading: 9096466c442ed689_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DAC90, hash = 9096466c442ed689 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DAC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7064, handle = 00000176435C43A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 068b0d11a4b5c958 shader registered for possible reloading: 068b0d11a4b5c958_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508D9B50, hash = 068b0d11a4b5c958 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508D9B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7232, handle = 00000176436DB9A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98cdf0064ad81354 shader registered for possible reloading: 98cdf0064ad81354_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DA290, hash = 98cdf0064ad81354 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DA290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2500, handle = 0000017643700FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 466e54fcdf4d8912 shader registered for possible reloading: 466e54fcdf4d8912_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DC090, hash = 466e54fcdf4d8912 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DC090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8660, handle = 0000017574078030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a420e79f896e9467 shader registered for possible reloading: a420e79f896e9467_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DA3D0, hash = a420e79f896e9467 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DA3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2336, handle = 00000176436FFA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a76a48b9cf93fc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a76a48b9cf93fc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DC390, hash = 2a76a48b9cf93fc7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DC390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7616, handle = 00000176435C5F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee6be0ea70cc6893 shader registered for possible reloading: ee6be0ea70cc6893_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DA550, hash = ee6be0ea70cc6893 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DA550 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3145728 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3145728 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3145728 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3145728 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3145728 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3145728 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3145728 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3145728 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6062080 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6062080 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1212416 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1212416 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6062080 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B919838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004008CFD810) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B919838, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x0000004008CFD690, SampleMask:4294967295) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x000001764C683120) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x000001764CF1FCE0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C2F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C3F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C478) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C4F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C578) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A2A0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A6B0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AAC0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AED0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B2E0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B6F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001754314A250, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017649521AD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017649521AD0, hash = cf2aae999fd2c022 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BEC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFA8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C018) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C088) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C0F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4736, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6062080 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B919AB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004008CFD810) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B919AB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:3, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001754314A250, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017649521AD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017649521AD0, hash = cf2aae999fd2c022 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C120) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4736, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6400000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6400000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6400000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1440000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 12 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6291456 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x82 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 0000004008CFD760->0000004008CFD9B0, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 0A D7 23 3C 0A D7 23 3C 0A D7 23 3C 0A D7 23 3C Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 96 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFD760, hash = e7a46b09 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756B921078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1212416 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat(pUnorderedAccessView:0x000001764F363050, Values:0x0000004008CFD990) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1212416 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearUnorderedAccessViewFloat(pUnorderedAccessView:0x000001764F363050, Values:0x0000004008CFD990) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_TYPELESS (39) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x48 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 5cf4fbfe returns result = 0, handle = 000001756B91FDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 03f6be32 returns result = 0, handle = 000001756B9222B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 600000 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 24 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 100000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 100000 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 100000 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 100000 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_TYPELESS (39) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x48 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = b274b72c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADE6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = ed76f2e0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADF6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = eba580b6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643AD8AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = df2542c6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADE978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 9216 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 24 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_SNORM (63) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFC520->00000176436386C0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 0000004008CFC520, hash = f1c70975 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643AD8078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = R10G10B10A2_UNORM (24) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x1 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 69c6be2f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADEC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 82a40456 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADF178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32768 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 49152 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 49152 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 48 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1310720 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 20 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 262144 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 262144 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 20 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 20 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 192 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 32 Height = 32 Depth = 32 MipLevels = 6 Format = R8_UNORM (61) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x1 pInitialData = 0000004008CFE9B0->000001764386E0B0, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 Texture3D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 0000004008CFE9B0, hash = ff43dc8e returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GenerateMips(pShaderResourceView:0x0000017643A79340) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 6 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 60a7aa60 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643AD85B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = a69aab2c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643AD8878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 300 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 26c8c265 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643AD9838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB (29) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 2d623835 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADD738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 8f77b301 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643AD8DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R32_TYPELESS (39) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x48 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 3684472d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643AD9038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 0f48f24c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643AD9AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 0f48f24c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADDEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 20f78334 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADC4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB (29) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFEAC0->00007FF632D2EB60, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 FF 00 00 00 ED 6C 00 00 DC 91 00 00 CC A9 00 00 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFEAC0, hash = d242ae22 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADAA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 106496 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3968 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 496 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 81920 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 80 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 8 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 49ca9d84 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADBCF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 48 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = a33492ca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643ADE1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 5120 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 20 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3932160 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3932160 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96000 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96000 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96000 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96000 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x30000 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0->00000176437C6230, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 7F 7F FF FF 7F 7F 00 00 25 D9 D9 D9 D9 25 25 25 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0, hash = c5eeb6a2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C04438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0->00000176437C6230, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 34 CA 18 18 CA 34 E6 E6 93 6B 01 01 6B 93 FD FD Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0, hash = bb95ef58 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C07B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0->00000176437C6230, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 F8 06 A6 A6 06 F8 58 58 B9 45 F1 F1 45 B9 0D 0D Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0, hash = f9d7dd50 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C080B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0->00000176437C6230, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 06 F8 A6 A6 F8 06 58 58 0D F1 45 45 F1 0D B9 B9 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0, hash = abb895f4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C04C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0->00000176437C6230, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 CA 34 18 18 34 CA E6 E6 FD 01 6B 6B 01 FD 93 93 Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004008CFE9C0, hash = d73c7bc0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C041B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 240 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176694F0000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 77 B6 11 F8 93 F8 77 76 28 76 93 F4 F5 F4 28 28 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f22b1fb2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C07DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F83B30) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_SNORM (31) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176453EAF30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 81 00 81 00 7F 7F 00 00 00 81 7F 00 00 81 81 00 Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9ee5e23e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C0A038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x0000017650F81B30) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001766F4AD9B0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = ecbb6034 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecttexture2 matched resource with hash=ecbb6034 type=Texture2D width=32 height=32 mips=6 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM_SRGB" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C068F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 8 Height = 8 MipLevels = 4 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7E0->00000176882D7AB8, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 32 8E 73 62 10 55 FF AA 00 8E 73 62 10 55 FF AA 00 Texture2D length: 32 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7E0, hash = e0317d4a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C06E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 8 Height = 8 MipLevels = 4 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7E0->00000176882D7AF0, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 32 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7E0, hash = 08c1e273 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C04EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 8 Height = 8 MipLevels = 4 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7E0->000001766F4ADD40, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 08 00 81 40 20 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 InitialData = 00000040099FE7E0, hash = 50c1ade8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C029F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017669A5E580, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 A6 31 41 08 55 FF AA 00 A6 31 41 08 55 FF AA 00 Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 59e72db9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C08338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688AC8A40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 10 B1 BD 08 C0 4F C5 69 51 A8 B8 01 09 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = dd5a0aef returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C08B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688AD3760, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 CB 5A 28 42 FE FA FA E8 E7 39 49 4A 2A AA A9 A9 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c48d9e3a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C06138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->0000017688AD3850, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 05 2A A4 20 FF FF FF FF 05 2A A4 20 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 9f1575c3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C0A578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688ADE2D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 AE 73 8E 73 8D 89 89 2F AE 73 8E 73 FF 2F 2B 0A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 42ddcb7e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C08DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688AD3C50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 3967210f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_glowtexture3 matched resource with hash=3967210f type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="DEFAULT" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C02CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688AE3850, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A0 C5 DB 86 03 00 4C CA D1 E8 4A 32 07 BA 96 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6ede517e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C070F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688AEE350, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 30 00 44 07 C0 D8 01 2A F6 B1 68 37 5E 54 A5 D2 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 81f86474 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C07378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688AF8E50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e86aba3e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C09AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688B0E3D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 DD 6E B7 DB ED 00 80 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = d1f58fa0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C031F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688B18ED0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 0c8e0d1a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C078B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688B30010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 12 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = d97b024a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C05938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688B239D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f8d6261c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C0A2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688B239D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = f3e0083a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C046F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688B239D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 609c5eba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C085F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688B38F50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 84 FF 7B AA FE FE FE 1F 84 FF 7B AA FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b6d3fee7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C09D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB (91) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017688B4E4D0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 45f53564 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C05E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->0000017688AD3850, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 364ffa9e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C03EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688B4E4D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 F3 C7 42 23 39 42 23 3D F9 E6 B8 DE D5 BD E5 19 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7971ab6f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C09078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688B78FD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 C1 9D 00 00 00 20 D6 35 D3 58 DD 91 5A 16 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4daa2985 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C02F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017688BA3AD0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 7D 84 FE 00 76 82 FE 00 71 86 FE 00 6D 8C FE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 4be5a388 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C03478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688BAE590, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 FF BF B1 07 00 D0 FD 01 AA 54 FF E5 E4 E5 E9 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = b9f0b360 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C063B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC2_UNORM (74) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017688ADAEB0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 08 00 00 F5 F5 F5 F5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bf32a4db returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C05BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC2_UNORM (74) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017688ADAEB0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 29 04 21 5E 5E 5E 5E Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 63023add returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C04978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688BB9090, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 06 52 03 31 28 7F FF BA 06 52 E2 30 00 FB 7F EB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 91e4e9e7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C05178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688BC3B70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B0 21 30 0B 80 89 4D 89 11 AB 94 00 05 1D 4F 2E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 636a8079 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C053F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688BD9130, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF B7 FF B7 AA AA AA AA FF B7 FF B7 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = cf5d5b57 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643C056B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688BD9130, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A2 18 20 10 38 67 F5 DA 81 18 00 08 00 AF 7B 49 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b378680a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8F038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017688BE3C10, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D4 4B 08 D4 D5 4E 06 D5 D1 5D 0C D1 CF 62 10 CF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = fd26561d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8D378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688BE3C10, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 2A 6B 06 4A 26 38 FF 2E 0A 6B E3 20 C2 C2 E0 60 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 8a94c928 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8CB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688BF91B0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 90 4F 3F 08 40 44 24 85 03 03 43 1C E4 81 1E C8 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 889edb70 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8D8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688C03CF0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BE F7 96 B5 00 55 FF 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 874d9c31 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D90A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688C03CF0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 B0 05 BD F8 83 CC 00 00 FE FF F1 0F 44 48 64 FF Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 7fd007f0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8EAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688C03CF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 86 62 45 59 D8 BE 56 56 C7 71 E4 48 BC FC 7F FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bd8ee311 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8E338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688C19270, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 F6 01 00 80 F5 81 2A 54 FF AF 1F FF A9 8D DA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 101e6fbc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8AEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688C43D70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 DF EF F7 FB FD 00 80 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3d659857 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D899B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017688C59330, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 990c2c34 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8EDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017688C59330, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ebe74b28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8BE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688C59330, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b832ec5c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D90D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688CAE8F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 58 D6 F1 A4 00 40 88 00 B9 DE 94 BD AB A9 AB AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 2d0efb15 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8A178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688CD93D0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 20 45 E0 EF 07 00 10 3D F9 F9 F9 F9 F7 94 95 94 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = e4c28ea1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8ABF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->0000017688AD3850, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 E0 07 E0 07 AA AA AA AA E0 07 E0 07 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 2929d09b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8F2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->0000017688AD3850, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 F1 8B 0F 7C FF FF FF FF F1 8B 0F 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 5bfa6da9 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_overlaytxt1 matched resource with hash=5bfa6da9 type=Texture2D width=16 height=16 mips=5 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8C8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688D2E990, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F2 93 52 95 FF FF FF FF F2 93 52 95 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9a27210d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8DB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688D2E990, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 8B 00 7C FF FF FF FF C0 8B 00 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5e9f97ad returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8F838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688D2E990, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 00 00 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 8f9bf590 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D89C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688D39490, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 BD FC A8 6C 00 55 FF 00 DB FC A7 64 00 55 FF 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = a595f7b6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8E5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017688D39490, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 BA D6 BA D6 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a434ca8c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D891B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688D39490, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 20 00 49 F2 FF 6D 0B 00 41 08 00 00 D5 B5 2D 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 44b45de1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8B678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688D43F90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 01 00 49 92 24 49 92 00 B6 B5 96 B5 FF FF 7F DF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f66a2421 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8B138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688D4EA90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 14d5de2e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavycircleeffect2 matched resource with hash=14d5de2e type=Texture2D width=256 height=256 mips=9 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM_SRGB" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="DEFAULT" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8F578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->0000017688AD3850, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 0C A4 CB 9B AA AA AA AA 0C A4 CB 9B AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 38e25931 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D89EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->0000017688AD3850, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 364ffa9e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8BBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688D79910, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 CA 60 A2 A0 49 80 C6 2D EE 8B 8C 7B 4F 28 62 FD Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7c5477ca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D89478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688DA4500, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 30 42 3C 08 40 67 AE B7 CA BC 5A 8E E1 58 8E E5 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c7e438fc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8FD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688DCF1A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 80 5B 11 01 89 E2 E6 6D 0D 94 6A 83 2C AE A7 B7 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 944119ea returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D896F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688DD9E40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 20 C1 1D D0 07 00 44 7C D4 D8 D0 D0 E4 AA A5 94 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f0496db8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8E878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 64 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688DE4AE0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 AE 7B AA 5A 57 AF AA 00 AE 73 EB 62 7D 80 02 E8 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 61817a56 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8FAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 64 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688DEF810, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 CD 16 02 40 69 A9 20 FD D5 89 96 68 63 CB F6 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 0755fa50 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8A438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688E04FF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D3 94 8D 73 55 EB E2 AA 30 84 6D 6B DF 00 8A 2C Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = c538248c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8D5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688E2FC70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 B0 00 38 09 40 27 CE C8 68 5B 4D E2 77 42 98 28 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b9e2d7f7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8FFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688E853D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 CB 5A C7 39 55 BF 72 5F 8A 52 86 31 FF 02 5F 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 280cfed5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8B938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688EB0050, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 26 5A C7 39 EB 6F A8 2E 47 52 C7 39 2D FD EF 0A Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 580c4d7d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8C0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688EDB530, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 20 BF DF 91 09 00 90 14 01 54 FF 03 6A 35 AA A5 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 29c3da9f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D902B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017688F30C90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 41 08 40 08 AA AA AA AA 41 08 41 08 80 00 20 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 557c4602 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D90538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688F5B910, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 89 5A 07 4A ED AB EA EE 68 5A 27 4A AF 96 A2 2B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5d0ba81b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8DDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688F71030, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 20 BE DF 70 07 00 4C 7C FC AB 00 4A 05 01 E9 AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = a634eae1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8E078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688F7BCD0, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 20bb0640 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_speedtrails matched resource with hash=20bb0640 type=Texture2D width=16 height=256 mips=9 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM_SRGB" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D907F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688F7C890, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 50 BD EA 93 80 D7 F6 EE 91 C5 EE B4 0B F5 89 09 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 021d19e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8A6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688F91E10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A2 5E 07 00 09 AD 97 7A 15 D6 D3 CD A9 BA D7 D5 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9aa90826 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8A978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688FBC910, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 B0 63 3C 08 C0 07 5E B2 D0 57 11 33 BB 66 6B 4A Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 567013c8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8B3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017688FE7410, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 00 00 D2 CA C7 77 B2 0E D4 7E FF 41 94 E4 E4 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6bf22769 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_charglow2 matched resource with hash=6bf22769 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC7_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8C3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017688FE7410, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 25 18 FA 34 60 1D 82 FA 4D AC 89 93 B9 5C FC 7D Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5b3da16c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8C638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017689011F10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 0C A4 89 93 E1 23 F2 F2 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bc2460ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8CE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768901CB40, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A0 BC 24 00 00 00 20 BE A5 2A 5A DA B6 98 B4 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 02d63300 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643D8D0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768902A230, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 DF EF F7 FB FD 00 80 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 5136912c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF9A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017689034ED0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A0 3F 20 00 00 00 FC FD AD AA AA 0A 57 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 157d924e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFAA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768903FB70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C6 41 EA 6A EA 98 3F 3F E6 49 2B 6B FF FF FC EE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 15bc5c42 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFB1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017689055290, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D0 B1 15 F2 D3 75 DA 2A 73 0D 84 6C 22 2F E2 41 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = cf83d629 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFBC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768905FFF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A3 18 A2 10 FF AA FF AA A3 18 A2 10 FF AA FF AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2d442c9a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFD438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017689075710, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 36 20 F2 07 00 C4 50 02 FE FF FF 01 55 FF FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6b86f0da returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFD6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176890A1C00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 60a17d51 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF6878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176890B7320, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D0 91 01 00 40 37 8E AE 55 FD 66 56 E5 C2 5E 90 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = b6eb4e69 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFD978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176890C1FC0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 B4 CD AE B4 55 B6 00 80 B3 C5 CF B4 55 8F 08 0B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 72767618 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF7AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176890CCDB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 60 00 07 CF 07 00 00 CE 01 CA 54 FD 96 E4 98 A4 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3d70d58c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF6DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176890E2460, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 02 01 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = be90ef5e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFDEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176890ED100, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 00 00 8F C7 E3 E1 E1 AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 1f1c53a3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF75B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176890F2730, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 01 01 8D 08 00 D4 3D B6 AE AA 0A 14 69 9A 6B Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 92cbd064 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF8D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768911D230, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 77 E6 31 C5 D7 A8 A0 BE B3 CD 2D AC F7 0C 08 AE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 182f119b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF7838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017689147D50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 60 12 CA 77 05 00 D8 29 02 AA 54 FF 9B DD E8 99 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = b4f205c6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF9538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768919D390, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 90 F5 08 93 A4 A7 E4 66 4B C4 E5 10 F6 FC FA 40 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b742313a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFCEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176891A7E70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 50 16 0D 02 00 A3 76 F3 C8 34 A3 BD 68 71 C1 CB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5ddda885 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF97B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 16 Height = 16 Depth = 16 MipLevels = 5 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE800->00000176890EDA10, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 Texture3D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE800, hash = b9b70ba6 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 32 Height = 32 Depth = 32 MipLevels = 6 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7F0->00000176891BD430, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 Texture3D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7F0, hash = c2020b40 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176891BD430, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 52 48 D4 D9 54 00 00 14 00 BC 19 EB 5F FE AF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 333fc10a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFA4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176891C7F30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 60 6B 60 64 AA 2F 35 2F 20 83 60 5B 35 35 35 2F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 817afe21 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF7D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176891DD4B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 2A 0F 6A E3 95 00 00 60 DC A6 BB CC AB BC FB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 17a9ab73 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF82B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176891E7FB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 8B 00 7C FF FF FF FF C0 8B 00 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4c72c9c6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF9CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176891FD530, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 80 80 73 CE 39 E7 9C 73 CE 01 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = b3b12723 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFA778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176891FD530, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E0 7B E0 7B A5 55 55 55 E0 7B E0 7B AA A9 A5 A5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8f66b028 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF8AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176891FD530, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FD 9C 12 20 00 33 B5 4C AA 52 00 00 FF 57 E3 73 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = c66373aa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF9FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017689208030, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 99 8D 17 4D 35 D0 2C 41 9B 91 9E 90 7F 69 D5 01 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6eb01149 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF8578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768921D5B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D0 6F 82 04 C0 19 82 2C F7 DF 93 0B D9 90 8F F9 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 3f12d289 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFC9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->00000176892280B0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = bc8f3563 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF87F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176892280B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 E8 6A 40 20 75 5F BF 0A 08 73 00 10 F5 7F FA A8 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = d98a8c7f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFE138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768927D630, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 28 42 C3 18 55 55 BF 0A 28 42 A3 18 55 55 7A B8 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 905276d2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFDBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176892F0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 B0 66 30 0A 00 57 A6 CB 1A 04 83 54 AF E5 BF B6 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b105200c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFBF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176892D2BB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 48585430 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF8FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176892DD6B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 84 AE 73 B5 2D 29 0B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1cf6b05d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFC1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176893BAAF0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 4B A7 92 85 00 00 8C C9 40 96 65 F9 BD 45 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cf503f9b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFC478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176892E8190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = a701c165 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFACB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176893EAB70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D7 BD 75 AD D7 9E FA B0 F7 BD 96 B5 8D 09 2D D5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5fc9d0f9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF9278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176893EAB70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 50 AF FD 0F 00 B6 29 4B CB 4B C3 CA 88 6E FB FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 498a78fe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF65F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176893EAB70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 55 AD F3 9C A0 A2 A9 F5 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9a999080 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF7078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017689415670, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 81 00 53 07 00 58 F2 71 A1 36 2B 9E D0 52 52 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 2c38316c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF6B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017689420170, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 71 8C AE 73 55 FF AB 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = c2eaf466 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BF72F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768942AC70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B0 A4 0D 94 C9 EA FA F9 8F 9C 0E 94 77 57 EB 0B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e360d670 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFA238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176894401F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 50 70 85 00 40 BB 0D 2E 0E 0E 02 50 72 6D FD DB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 14deaf8b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFB4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001768944ACF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 84 EF 7B EE AE 8E 4E Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 96cd3e35 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFB738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176894557B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 00 40 10 08 00 08 06 AE EE AF FA 01 A2 02 A8 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0b3194a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFB9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176894802B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E D8 64 4D EC C9 A6 00 00 00 AC 80 13 CA E5 E7 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = cf9422db TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecttexture1 matched resource with hash=cf9422db type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC7_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFC6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176894802B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 17 C6 C4 51 00 DC 5C 54 7A CE E5 51 00 FD 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d83707e8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFCC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768948AD90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 E0 0F F8 03 00 42 1A 23 33 A0 FE D6 DD EB EE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3beb04a4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643BFD178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176894A0350, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 F2 FD EE FD FF AA AA AA F2 FD EE FD FF AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 92bc1185 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E47378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176894AAE30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d62a2ce1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E48B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176894D5930, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 3D 5E 8F 07 00 F8 FB 8F AA A8 AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = eb1cbd6b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E48DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017689500430, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = adf33d63 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E4A038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768950AF30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 53 E4 52 AA BA AF EA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b3b47d8d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E47638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017689535A30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 C0 1F 00 00 00 00 02 AE AA CA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 415f7d3c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E468F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB (91) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768849C700, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FF FF FF DC FF FF FF ED FF FF FF ED FF FF FF DC Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a1af039b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E45938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017689560530, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 B8 00 49 9C 04 49 90 04 E0 04 20 01 FD 2B 2B 2B Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 77ea4280 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E45BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768B590010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 B0 C0 A0 08 00 03 2A 7A 7A 7A 42 82 BA F0 09 7F Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 59213e18 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E4A578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768B5BAB50, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 34 A5 45 29 FD 01 01 01 75 AD EB 5A 55 08 A8 08 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = c9755a39 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E492F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768B5D00F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 30 84 3C 09 C0 A7 EA 03 81 23 4D 1F EC 49 06 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 312da279 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E49078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768B5DABF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 0bebf803 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E46BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B5E56F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4506bb54 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E46138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768B5FAC70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 F1 AC 07 52 5F D5 02 AA D1 9C 0B 63 7D 5F 58 5E Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = f6cb7787 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E495B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768B660010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 50 D3 19 02 40 DB F8 3A 2A 55 DF A4 00 00 C0 FA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 8d233871 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E45E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 8 Height = 8 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017678A88790, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 5C E8 47 FF A6 49 BF FF 5C C2 47 FF A6 21 BF FF Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4c1663dd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E478B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768B6501F0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FE DE 27 39 00 04 40 00 61 5B 01 4B CD CD CD CD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = c9184b49 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E47DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768B6501F0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 30 E5 C0 07 80 2A C9 4B 4B 4B 7B 90 07 79 90 07 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 2c869a59 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E480B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B720010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A8 4A A8 42 BA FE BB FA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0599b0cf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E49838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768B760010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 20 10 08 04 00 62 31 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 2192c66d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E470F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 8192 Height = 4096 MipLevels = 14 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE740->000001768B820000, SysMemPitch: 16384, SysMemSlicePitch: 16777216 C0 8B 00 7C FF FF FF FF C0 8B 00 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 16777216 bad v1.2.1 length: 33554432 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE740, hash = 6eab29c2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E4A2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B820010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 38 01 49 FC A6 8E B9 60 8E A4 29 7B ED 82 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4e46a3d9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E49D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B84AB10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 4D 7A 0F 5D 1B 23 00 00 84 02 06 CB F3 0F 0E Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 805eb96f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E463B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B6501F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F0 AC 4D 9C 72 F0 7B E9 10 B5 8E A4 CE FD 3D 73 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 62dc1203 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E4A7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B875610, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 1C 4A 2F 08 00 D8 15 66 A1 CA AF 7C 79 B8 A4 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 313a7969 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E49AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B8A0110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FE FF DE FF 4A 02 02 00 9E EF FE FF 60 20 29 A5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1bbb7e0d TextureOverride\debug_2d\_outline1 matched resource with hash=1bbb7e0d type=Texture2D width=256 height=256 mips=9 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E4AAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768B7555D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2B 4C B0 35 37 37 37 B7 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = c8cf5ebe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E4AD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B8A5690, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 4E C4 82 00 55 FF FF FF 67 62 A3 08 55 AA 0A 0A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 75f3fafa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E47B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B8BAC10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 8D 73 EF F9 09 E1 FF 60 8C 82 94 01 FE 77 23 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8ce34a3e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E46678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768B8E5710, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 AB A9 AE FF A4 A2 A4 FF 98 98 97 FF 8E 8F 8D FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 39f267fc TextureOverride\debug_2d\_test2 matched resource with hash=39f267fc type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="B8G8R8A8_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E48338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768958B980, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 C3 18 A2 10 EA EA AA 00 C3 18 82 10 AA AA AA 00 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 67e38243 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E46E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B8E5710, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F BD 60 20 13 31 21 33 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3144fc38 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E485F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768B910210, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 2B A5 14 00 FF 55 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f7ee1a28 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_balistatrail matched resource with hash=f7ee1a28 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="DEFAULT" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E48878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B91AD10, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 AA 8B A7 62 43 60 58 B8 CB 8B 05 52 B5 AB FA A0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 57497a1a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3D8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B9257F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 16 AE FD 2E EC 17 8C 01 9E 95 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1b73aea7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E41F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B93ADB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 50 A7 05 01 C0 C7 FE D1 D1 B9 6B 2F 92 92 16 20 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f182f3a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E42238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B9658B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 4A 73 26 52 5A 5A 5A 58 93 C5 06 52 AD AD AD AD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 25f8f772 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3EAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B97AE30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 30 01 C8 04 80 98 A3 29 A9 A8 48 19 D9 D9 1D DE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4be9bc0e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3E5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B9A5930, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 B7 00 49 9A 0F B9 E0 01 51 C5 0C 9C 00 D7 AC AE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1989ab98 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3B938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B9D0430, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 3D 63 43 01 04 BE F9 8D D6 56 D7 21 B5 B8 67 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 28803803 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E40A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768B9FAF30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 6B 5C 6B 5B 55 00 80 A0 8A 5B 8B 54 00 F5 F5 EA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c3ae59c6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E424B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BA104B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 5B 50 D8 03 00 30 2B 00 21 CC DC EE FE ED FE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 83034e2c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3E878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BA1AFB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C4 59 83 49 ED AE AA AE C4 59 83 49 AB FA FE FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 83554a11 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3B3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BA30530, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 22 D0 8E 07 00 F8 0D 02 25 8A 7C D4 B0 E1 E7 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 074207a0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3C8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 3 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7F0->0000017688892280, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 16 60 00 C0 EF 07 00 FC FD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 InitialData = 00000040099FE7F0, hash = 506ee6e9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3F038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768B65ACB0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 08 42 04 21 5F 5E FE 00 0C 63 66 31 35 35 35 2F Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = a9418b09 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_followroadtexture1 matched resource with hash=a9418b09 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E40538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 3 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7F0->000001768859EFA0, SysMemPitch: 8, SysMemSlicePitch: 8 09 4A 06 32 AA AA AA AA 09 4A 06 32 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7F0, hash = 82e21dfc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3D0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 3 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7F0->000001768859EFA0, SysMemPitch: 8, SysMemSlicePitch: 8 E4 20 E3 18 FF FF FF FF E4 20 E3 18 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 8 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7F0, hash = a5baeda1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3C638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BA3B030, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 89 8B E7 72 DD BD 02 02 CA 93 07 73 75 FF AA 02 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 32763b4c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3BBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BA505D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 E0 2F 08 1C 00 2E 30 45 20 21 85 AB DD DF FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = cc5c96d0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3D5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BA7B110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 00 C0 EF F7 FF FF FD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = cfee249b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3CB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BA85C10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 00 C0 EF F7 FF FF FD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 764df713 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E41A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BA90710, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3ac1a1d7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3C3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BABB210, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 81 10 61 10 8C 28 00 00 81 10 61 10 AB AA AA B8 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e71dab6b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3BE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BAC5CF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 60 8E C6 EF 27 91 00 02 BA 3B 00 00 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cf8c13f9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3CE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BADB2B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 EF 83 A4 49 57 49 49 F5 26 5A C5 49 78 DE D6 5F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 80866a39 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3D378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BAF0830, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 50 12 9B 02 40 E7 AC C2 2A F5 C3 CC C9 75 CD FA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f7ff0078 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E41CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BB1B330, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D3 9C 2C 63 7F 7B AB 83 92 94 AA 52 0B AE DA B8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 33d6bf84 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3EDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM_SRGB (91) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768BB40000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 25 25 25 FF 2E 2E 2E FF 24 24 24 FF 26 26 26 FF Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b348455a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E429F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BB308B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 41 08 00 00 55 55 FD F5 41 08 00 00 55 7F FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f90a362b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_grounddots matched resource with hash=f90a362b type=Texture2D width=256 height=256 mips=9 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="DEFAULT" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E42778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BB45E30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 01 00 49 92 24 01 00 00 E1 0F E0 07 55 55 55 8D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = d7a0ec0c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3DB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001768BB50930, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 8E 5C 91 FF 8D 5C 8F FF 8C 5D 8C FF 8B 5F 89 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 8edb1bdc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3B678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001768B65C610, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 13 9D 4E 6B 66 55 35 4E F2 94 2C 6B 4D 42 5D D9 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = dbb3aa4e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Consecutivehitsindicator matched resource with hash=dbb3aa4e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=7 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3F838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BB5B3F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9841c833 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3F578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BB85EF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A6 41 A5 39 EA AA EA EA C6 41 44 31 2A 2A BA 5E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ee079d40 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E40D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BB9B470, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 6C B3 45 77 7A AA CE EC CE EC Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 13dd6901 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E417B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BBC5F70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 F1 8B 0F 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d33140a6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3DDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BBF0A70, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B5 9A B4 9A AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 8dca97c4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3C0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BC46030, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 CE C5 CF C5 FF FF FF FF CE C5 CF C5 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a1b8c1ca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E42CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BC46030, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 00 81 40 20 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = efb0962f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3E078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 64 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768B75AB50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 BD 04 62 89 89 AD 89 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = a4b8e72f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3B138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 64 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768B75AB50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 08 00 81 40 20 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = c73bb378 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E43C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768B75B7B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 91 00 49 92 24 EF 5F D0 FF FF DE FF 00 00 02 03 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 142cfb76 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E44C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BC46030, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 04 41 E4 40 AA AA AA AA 04 41 E4 40 FF FF 7F FD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cfd0bec7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E40FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BC5B5B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 00 52 29 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 66988465 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3F2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BC860B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E2 90 C2 88 82 AF F7 45 E2 90 A1 80 A2 E8 BE BF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 42a53c0f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E42F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BC860B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 00 B6 4C 62 BF 69 87 70 8A DA DB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = d2eb086f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E431F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BC90BB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 43 41 43 39 5F 5F 5F 5F 43 39 23 39 A8 88 A8 F8 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = f19239e9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E44978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BD00010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 78 B4 8B CD 52 89 90 4C 95 CF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 58edf011 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3FAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BCE6130, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 04 21 E3 20 AB AB AA 8A 04 21 E3 20 AA AA AA 02 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 50bc7db1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3FD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BDC0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 82 10 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = bd03ba4b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E407F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768BDC0000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 03 02 40 12 00 00 90 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c1e36b33 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E43478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BDC0010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D9 D9 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 21 04 19 EA EB FE 0E Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 932ef5d2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E45178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BDCAB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A0 3D E0 B2 07 00 F4 BD 2D 4D CB E9 41 A4 FA 5A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 37001f5d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E43738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BDD5610, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 6C C5 EB BC B4 A8 AA AA 8C C5 0C C5 E2 FF BF 2E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d9452a31 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3FFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BDEAB90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 5F 10 F8 0B 04 30 98 A7 F6 F2 DA 8A 6A 1A BB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 3f202a9a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E439B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BDF5690, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 E9 6A 47 5A D6 57 FE BE A8 62 47 5A E7 E9 02 D6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 2085daf3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E402B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BE20170, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 60 89 44 6F 08 00 0C E2 01 CA 5C 21 91 50 22 71 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 0eb2a05b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E3E338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 640 Height = 640 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768BEA0000, SysMemPitch: 2560, SysMemSlicePitch: 1638400 75 76 64 FF 69 69 72 FF 68 67 63 FF 6D 70 68 FF Texture2D length: 1638400 bad v1.2.1 length: 409600 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5fbaf4af returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E41278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BE75730, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 56a3c361 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E43EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BE75730, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 00 B6 53 20 68 79 58 56 95 7E 20 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 882a04aa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E441B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768BE80230, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2d20c28d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E414F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BE80230, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 00 B6 53 20 68 79 58 56 95 7E 20 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 882a04aa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E44438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768BE8AD30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1A E7 B5 C5 F5 25 25 25 3A EF 18 BE 55 55 56 58 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8a3cd406 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E446F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001768B75CE70, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = c8b8ab88 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E44EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BE8AD30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 07 3A 00 00 02 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 9e5f06e6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E453F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BEA0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 FB BE 92 8A F5 16 43 26 F0 B4 AA 8B 8D 3D 3B 83 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 33750d0c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643E456B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768BF60010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 B0 22 C4 06 00 68 5E 53 C3 CC 9A 70 DB 1D 37 B7 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = e9df60fb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDA9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768BCFB6B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e70c87a8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDD3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C020010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 02 01 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 334484e5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_smoketexture2 matched resource with hash=334484e5 type=Texture2D width=256 height=256 mips=9 array=1 format="BC7_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="DEFAULT" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDAC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BE95830, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 E7 F3 F9 7C 3E 01 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = ff10ca3e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDF0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C050090, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 00 80 D1 68 34 36 36 AE AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c17a9004 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDE638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C07AB90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 28 08 85 40 A0 0F 08 F4 01 00 00 00 F8 07 04 06 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6c575948 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDD678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768C0A5690, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 00 C0 EF F7 FF FF FD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f94a9232 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDB9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768C0B0190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 E0 EF 07 FC FF 01 00 76 77 77 73 37 77 73 7B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = ed0cd7bc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDC978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C0BAC90, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D0 0F 02 F0 FF 07 AE CA 32 2B 16 A7 8D 9D 38 6D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 642ded99 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDDBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BCFB6B0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 73 BD F0 A4 80 80 80 80 72 BD 4E 9C 06 06 06 06 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 77aaaf3a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDBC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001768B75CE70, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 10 FC EE FB BB BB BB AA 10 FC EE FB BE BE BC AA Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 07834514 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDAF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C0C57D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8ccd439f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDA738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768C0F02D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 07 FF 07 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 2626ad02 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDB478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C0FADD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF 07 FF 07 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = efdf7fb9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDBEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C110390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 5F CD 27 03 00 9A C6 9D FC 64 C9 42 97 20 54 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1a79ee49 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDC178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768C125950, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6fae63f1 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_heavywarningflash1 matched resource with hash=6fae63f1 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="DEFAULT" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDC438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768C140000, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 03 03 02 00 03 03 02 00 03 03 02 00 03 03 02 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3a9993e3 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_charglow1 matched resource with hash=3a9993e3 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="B8G8R8A8_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDC6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768BCFB6B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7fabeb44 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_questupdateeffect matched resource with hash=7fabeb44 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC7_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDB1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768C130450, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 CF 73 2D 63 E1 73 59 79 4D 63 EC 5A 2C 0A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 3fe08b0b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDCEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768C1A0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 30 86 3D 08 40 88 A8 A9 A9 A9 BF D0 0B BC D0 0B Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 5930fc8e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDF378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768BCFB6B0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 E8 72 47 62 AF 8D E1 9B C8 72 47 62 E8 8E 6F 6A Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = c39a3e74 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDCBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768C1859D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 84bb24c7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDD138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768C260010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 6A 7B 25 5A 25 95 55 56 4A 7B 45 5A 80 00 03 0D Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = e6c20b01 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDD938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C2B5590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 00 00 0B 00 41 00 82 10 A2 20 F7 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dcf547ac returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDDE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C1904D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E4 FF 85 FE BD 02 03 02 E5 FF 02 FC A7 28 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7f9490e9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDE0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 6C 62 68 42 FF FF FF FF 6C 62 68 42 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 7bb9c1d6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDE3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 60 00 00 10 08 00 04 06 AE AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = cc71e871 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDF8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 51 8C 30 84 AA AA AA AA 51 8C 30 84 EA 3A 3A 3A Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 24e417c4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDE8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 C0 20 30 08 04 00 00 00 7E 7E 77 EE 7E EE 77 77 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 29e121b3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDEB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 6C 62 68 42 FF FF FF FF 6C 62 68 42 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 0c431ad3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDEE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 40 60 10 18 04 00 00 00 12 88 81 18 11 11 11 88 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 29a2d21c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDF5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 6C 62 68 42 FF FF FF FF 6C 62 68 42 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = bd2384f7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDB6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 40 60 10 18 04 00 00 00 12 81 18 88 88 18 11 81 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 3698bb32 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDFB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 2048 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->000001768E3B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = 154bead6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD33B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 800c3201 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD7578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768C300010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 1F 00 1F 00 00 00 00 00 1F 00 1F 00 55 55 AA 59 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = da34b089 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD4378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768C2EAB50, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 37ef983e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD0738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001768BCFCDF0, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 61 08 41 08 FF FF FF FF 61 08 41 08 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = aea7301b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD40F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001768BCFD0B0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 40 20 10 08 04 00 00 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = f7c35204 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DCFF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C2EAB50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 5E 7B E3 79 40 80 00 00 41 7A BE 79 00 00 03 0D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 431cc31d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD3BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001768BCFD5F0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 01 00 09 90 20 49 92 24 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 2048 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 7b2e77ec returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD7D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C2EAB50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 2E AC ED A3 FD FF AF 80 2E AC ED A3 AA 7F FF EE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 21448815 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD72B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C2F5630, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 90 C0 0C 80 86 C8 F1 7D 5F 01 02 C8 C8 8F 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 46ec3909 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD38F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C30ABF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 85 31 44 31 35 B5 AF 0A A6 39 65 31 A5 A5 49 6D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9bd17d38 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD5878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C30ABF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF 83 FF 7B FB BA BF FF DF 83 1F 7C BF BF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 901ae163 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD4B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768C30ABF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FF FF FF FA EA AB AF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 399f4a3f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD09B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768C30ABF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FF FF FF FE FE FE FE FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 228f5666 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD7AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768C30ABF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FF FF FF AA FF FF FF FF FF FF FF AA FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 388e6fd1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD01F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768C30ABF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d59ef46c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD62F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768C320000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 15 00 78 C2 24 4D E2 24 03 00 49 92 24 89 90 24 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 615fbcf5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD3E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C30ABF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 8A AB 49 A3 EA F8 D6 FF 8A AB 6A A3 8B 2E 2E AF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6d658032 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD1978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768C320170, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 20 40 DF 0F 08 00 74 60 AC B0 AA 2C 19 1E AA 90 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 4a1ed425 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD5DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768C32AC70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 1F 00 1D 00 DB E2 80 DC 1F 00 1B 00 C8 02 A2 FD Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = d7347a93 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD65B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C355750, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E8 72 22 39 00 02 27 04 08 73 E4 51 82 29 EF 42 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6b3da75e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD1C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768C355750, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 B0 C4 60 08 80 27 B2 4C C7 27 83 A6 24 24 E9 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = ea04c028 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD0C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768C360250, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 81385223 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_headshotflash1 matched resource with hash=81385223 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="DEFAULT" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD3138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768BCFFAD0, SysMemPitch: 8, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 A3 82 82 7A FF AA AA AA C3 82 A3 82 55 FF FF 00 Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d22461ca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD7FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768BCFD5F0, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 FE FE 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4d1f5335 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD1EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C36AD50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 5F FC 3F F8 E8 56 57 55 5F F8 1F F8 71 56 5D 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 82a41fa9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD6078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C375830, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 F6 BD 88 72 D5 F5 AB 8A D6 BD 0F 8C FD D5 AD 0B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6de64da7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD2178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768C380310, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 E0 EE 17 04 00 76 AE 13 11 11 51 11 F0 11 B0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bac72423 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD0EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768C19AF90, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 35 D6 EE 83 FF FF FF BF 73 BD 4F 94 5F 5F 0F 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 1359501a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD4638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001768C19AF90, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 D1 F3 EE 77 57 E8 00 00 CF 7F 91 FB 00 00 AA 55 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = a8c1467d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD23F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E3B0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4A 42 29 3A BA BE EB AB Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9b4fc824 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD48B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E3DAB10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 08 00 81 40 20 F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 40bd43cb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD26B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E405610, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 42 C7 39 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 0e4e4119 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD4DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 8 Height = 8 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768849C940, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 FD 01 F1 10 0F F1 10 0F FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 64 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4ba13b16 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairhit matched resource with hash=4ba13b16 type=Texture2D width=8 height=8 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD11B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E410110, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 72 BD 72 B5 BE EE FE AE 72 B5 6E 9C 80 70 DC 60 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 0b409c3f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD50B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E4256B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 30 00 C4 0A 80 F6 20 C9 C9 4B 29 95 92 72 3B FB Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 1bc65c3d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD77F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E4501F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FE 00 49 92 BC B9 10 02 0B C4 20 10 55 F5 AD 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 96cbb51c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD2938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E45ACF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 30 61 3C 5C 8A F9 00 20 C1 49 95 24 4D AA 21 7F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 97c40a62 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD2BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768E470000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 00 00 00 00 00 CC 7F 90 56 F9 FF F6 DF F5 AD Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8fe65043 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD1438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = A8_UNORM (65) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E4657F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = c396719e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD16F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E4657F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 E1 70 38 04 00 D6 69 E0 E7 EE EE 7B BB 7B 3B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ec6af1b1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD0478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768E4657F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 00 48 90 24 49 82 04 08 00 B0 F1 C4 4F 8C 1F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0998a4de returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD6838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001768E4657F0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 98304 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = d39b139f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD8CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768E4A0000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 23 D3 FF 8F CF DB BD 01 2C 5E FF EB E4 E4 A0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1ef69701 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD3678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E4657F0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 30 FF 03 E0 BB 97 01 AA B2 52 03 B2 24 E4 88 F9 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 9260ea9d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD5338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E4BADB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 B1 FD 0F 40 57 AA 2A B4 86 10 CB 00 F7 3F F6 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1716fe8f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD8278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC5_UNORM (83) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768C3AB240, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f466e9e5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD2E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768C3AC3F0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 FF 00 00 00 00 40 02 24 FF 00 00 00 00 49 92 24 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 58f6bdbd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD8538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E4D0370, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 9F BE BF BD D5 82 FD FB 1F BE 9F BD 57 A0 DC 5E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 13e2333c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD87B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E4E58F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 29 49 92 24 49 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 649be42f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD9778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E4E58F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 02 DF 01 AA AA AA AA 1F 02 DF 01 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 483042a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDA4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E4FAE70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 AB 02 EB 01 AA AA AA AA AB 02 EB 01 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8315360a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DDA1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E5103F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 3F 00 10 10 10 10 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = edc4f297 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD55F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E530000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 6c10e054 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD6AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E530000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 00 7F 7F FF 00 7F 7F FF 00 7F 7F FF 00 7F 7F FF Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 9864ea65 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD5B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E530010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d3d8de6d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD6D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E530010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 7E 7E FE 00 7E 7E FE 00 7E 7E FE 00 7E 7E FE Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 71123f97 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD7038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E525970, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 0E 84 08 42 55 A2 02 2E 2E 8C 49 4A 55 7F E0 80 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 84470e93 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD8A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E550450, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 3E FD DF FF AA 00 00 00 3F FF 3B FD AA 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1b328425 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD8FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E55AF30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 11 B5 E9 72 BD 03 03 AB 73 C5 AC 8B 5F 00 AA FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 872afb5c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD9A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E5659F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A0 BF 1F C5 03 00 5C CE 0D 5E FF 21 41 AA 56 FE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 741f1666 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD9238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E590050, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 BF FF DF FD A8 56 56 56 BF FF FF FD AA 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a1193985 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD94F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E590050, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 47 52 27 52 FF FE AE AF 48 52 27 52 FF FF AF FE Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 28439e50 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD9CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E5E55D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 40 20 10 08 00 6C 6C AC AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f44b33c5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643DD9F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E6100D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FF DF FF AA AA AA 8A FF FF DF FF AA AA AA 8A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 919ed12f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1EB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E625650, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 78 D6 C5 41 55 A5 25 25 73 BD 00 08 FD D8 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = afcefbd2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1BEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E67ABD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 50 AD 96 01 C0 EA 4C EA 43 23 0F B8 20 63 BD FE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2e8c8dab returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F212B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E6A56D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FE FF 1D FD A8 FC FC FC FA FE 7F FD 00 FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 78da9207 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1D8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E6BAC50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 61612b62 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F21D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E6D01D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 B0 01 18 07 C0 56 A1 D2 7C ED 4B 84 44 88 F4 6E Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 363212f3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1F878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E6E0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 DB DE DA D6 AA 00 8A 2A DB DE DB D6 AA A8 A0 AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 5fc1f32b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F20078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E6E0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 60 00 C0 EF 07 00 F8 F9 AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 148dc2a7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1C178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E6DACD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 0F FE D0 FD AA AA AA AA 0F FE D0 FD AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a0b2729c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F20AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768E6DACD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = dc2d450e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F20838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E6DACD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 85 39 89 5A F3 F2 76 65 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 17d89c5e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F20D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7057B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 F4 F5 F4 05 55 2A 00 00 F3 F5 F2 0D 55 E8 28 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 5e836da1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F22278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768C3AC9C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 4F C5 50 CD 6A 6A AA AA 70 CD 50 C5 2A AA AA AA Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1862f532 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F22CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768E750000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 02 00 51 94 00 49 10 45 03 00 21 45 0A A2 44 0A Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4b177b9a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F202F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 8 Height = 8 MipLevels = 4 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7E0->00000176882DFF10, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 32 E7 82 46 72 2D AD F5 D5 C7 7A 66 72 F8 5E 57 55 Texture2D length: 32 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7E0, hash = 75fe024c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1CBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001768C3AC9C0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 41 78 61 98 FF FF FF FF 41 78 61 98 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 962ed989 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F22538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E730290, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 BD CE B4 C0 C0 C0 6A 92 C5 0B A4 FE BE AE AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b88622fc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1EDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E56AF70, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 0F 88 0F 70 7E 7F FA F8 10 78 0F 78 66 47 A2 B7 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 7eb26ef7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F21038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001768C3ADC50, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 689d9948 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1BC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E730290, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 9A D6 34 A5 59 DA A8 88 9E F7 D7 BD 89 29 0B 02 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c4bb907f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1E8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E750010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 28b4edf3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F227B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E750010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 1F A0 1F A0 00 00 00 00 1F A0 1F A0 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 3f4bfab1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1E378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E745810, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = e0e7b737 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1C3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 2048 Height = 2048 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->000001768E770000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 2097152 46 31 43 19 AA AA AA AA 45 29 45 29 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 2097152 bad v1.2.1 length: 4194304 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = e900dcec returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F21578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E745810, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 62 41 40 18 55 5F FA 00 01 31 20 10 55 FF EA 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bfa8540d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1D678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E745810, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 10 11 ED 07 00 7C 26 8D FE D5 83 56 55 19 1B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 88ba42cf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F217F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E750310, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b05b1bbc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1C6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768E56D1A0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 FF 00 49 12 00 41 12 24 FF 00 49 02 00 49 92 24 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4ed5924c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F21FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E765890, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 80 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = b5198029 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1F0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E780000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 AB 52 E8 39 03 57 55 56 4D 6B 45 29 AA FF FF FF Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 14f95e5a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1C938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E780010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 20 3E 9F 50 B8 2E F7 97 03 AA AA 8E 00 02 0B 2D Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 04e66fbd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F22FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1F 00 1E 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1E 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 12f272f2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1DBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 B9 EE D4 D5 AA AA AA A8 77 E6 37 DE AA 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 1a23cb72 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1DE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 C0 26 54 A8 03 00 1E 82 12 11 11 11 03 11 0F 11 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 2dc3c416 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F21AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 01 00 00 00 FF 57 57 57 01 00 00 00 FF 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = c1921837 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1CE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 08 42 07 42 FF FF FF 3F 48 4A 85 31 1E 1E 1E 1E Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 3341e77b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1D138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 90 4B C9 0C 80 57 A1 A0 40 E1 49 84 44 C8 8A F0 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 727edad3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1FB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 0F 00 0A 00 A5 A5 A5 2F 0B 00 07 00 27 27 27 0E Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 59fa8515 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1F338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 A9 B3 08 93 AB AD B5 D5 89 AB 69 A3 AE FB EE BF Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 9e36debe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1F5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 40 E0 EF F7 FB FF C7 FF 05 44 4F 41 EF 13 FF 3E Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = b2b1eec7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1FDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 0F 00 0F 00 AA AA AA AA 0F 00 0F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 445d4994 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F205B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 45 29 24 29 0A 0A 00 00 45 29 45 29 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 97a538cf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1D3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 C0 DA 4F 09 C4 60 34 19 A3 DF 22 FA 22 51 22 12 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = a6552594 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F22A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 06 00 05 00 02 00 28 82 06 00 04 00 56 78 C0 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 4d9c623b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1B438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 26 6A A5 59 BA 6A A8 A3 A7 8A C5 59 A0 8B 25 97 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 8c28a0d2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1E0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 20 F0 F7 03 00 60 17 9E 02 98 5A 9C A8 FD 89 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b5b7b148 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1B978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1D 00 05 00 08 20 83 05 1F 00 14 00 00 00 02 0B Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = de37b97b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F23238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 21 08 20 00 EF FF FF FF 00 10 20 00 AB AB FF FF Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 987bc8cb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1B6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 10 50 52 A7 98 8D E9 A1 81 02 BE 83 DD C0 7E 61 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 371bc096 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F234F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 6D BC 6D B4 FF FF FF FF 6D BC 6D B4 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 660a303e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F23778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 C0 1F F0 07 FC E7 DD E1 12 11 01 11 5B 10 FF 05 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 2b974931 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F23A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = d03778c2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F1E638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 ED C4 8B A3 00 AA 80 01 CC C4 8C C4 80 55 D5 56 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = ddf06336 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F23CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 20 10 08 D4 6E BB F3 31 93 71 EC 91 EF A0 DD Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 79fd76d2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F23F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1F 00 1E 00 00 00 00 20 1F 00 1F 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = d8bff1c3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F241F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 61 10 61 10 AA AA AA AA 61 10 61 10 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 53bee145 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F244B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 C0 20 30 08 CC 66 15 8A 7F 70 77 70 77 70 77 77 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 0e985fd9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F251B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 07 00 06 00 00 20 80 00 07 00 18 00 80 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = dae1f456 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F25478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 E6 61 E5 61 AA AA AA AA E6 61 E5 61 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 36d41cd6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F24738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 20 10 08 54 CD 1B 4E 12 11 22 01 ED 7A EE FF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 135caedc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F249F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 19 00 00 00 FF 7F 80 00 19 00 05 00 55 55 FE 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = db5f33f4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F24C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 20 10 08 FC 7E 49 24 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b516999a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F24F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 9ae8cb97 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F256F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 81 20 82 18 AA AA AA AA 81 20 82 18 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 905f0862 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F259B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 C0 1F F0 07 0C 85 E8 F3 48 04 44 44 04 44 60 44 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = d5fa465f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F26BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 7e48dd22 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F280F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 98 D6 16 C6 A8 55 56 56 B9 DE D5 B5 AA FF FF FF Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 694bd3d4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F2AAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 60 F1 F8 EF 37 16 03 02 EE AA AA AB 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = c6075cf7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F2A878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 09 00 08 00 55 75 55 57 09 00 08 00 5D 5D D5 55 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b1e37d9a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F29378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 C2 28 A1 18 7A 80 EA DF 43 31 81 18 50 69 A5 3F Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 2c6a024b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F25EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 E0 40 E0 EF D7 41 54 CA 62 A1 81 00 D0 40 00 00 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = a26a1070 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F26438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 05 00 03 00 6A AE AF AA 04 00 00 00 09 26 98 60 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 4004d794 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F26EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001768E7B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 6D 73 40 10 A5 95 55 55 69 52 00 08 FF FC F0 C1 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 2357caaf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F27138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E7B0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 20 10 08 4C 5A A6 35 0C DA EF 82 FF 2D FF EF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 2b2440fb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F283B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 13 00 0A 00 72 85 35 55 12 00 0A 00 5F 7D F6 D8 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = c681f29a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F290B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768BE9E770, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 F6 02 49 92 FC F1 10 0F FE 05 49 F2 FF 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 2048 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c90f79e0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F27E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E770390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 08 00 7F C0 1F 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2387da9d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F29DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E79AE90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0 83 0F 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 54963506 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F27678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E7C5990, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0 83 0F 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = d5ac6050 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F28638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E7D0490, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 7F C0 1F 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 7db2c013 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F273F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E7DAF90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 4C 73 47 52 FA EA AA AA EA 6A E6 49 AF BE FA E8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3f7e31ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F27938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768E7F0000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3063d86a TextureOverride\debug_2d\_hitdirection1 matched resource with hash=3063d86a type=Texture2D width=512 height=256 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F298B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E7DAF90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2B 9E 69 94 0C 09 07 F9 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e8d54ed0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F2A078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E805A90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 9753f24f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_charglow3 matched resource with hash=9753f24f type=Texture2D width=512 height=256 mips=10 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F266B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001768BE9E770, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 44012454 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F27BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001768E805A90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D0 2F 02 00 C0 17 6E AD D2 6D 5D 76 6C D9 82 45 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 587ec12a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F26978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001768E810590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = cdaafe64 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F288F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E83B050, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1F E5 F7 03 00 0E 88 70 78 F0 DF E0 CE E0 DE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4b151ebc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F28B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001768E8505D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 07 00 07 00 AA AA AA AA 07 00 07 58 00 00 00 80 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 83d9e071 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F28E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->00000176908D0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 05 5A E6 51 FF FF FF FF E6 51 26 5A A8 A8 A8 A0 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 4ff7f41f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F2ADB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176908D0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 B0 00 B8 08 80 67 5E 69 A1 01 0B 9D 84 49 A0 44 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 0aff1b6e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F2B038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176908C0050, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 5C FE 7D FD AA AA AF AD 14 FE FE FD 57 55 97 AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c29f646d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F295F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176908C0050, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 81 40 20 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = c5f5443c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F2A338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176908CAB50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 F6 37 D0 07 00 F8 21 42 5F 3F FF A7 E9 E8 A4 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 0d7a2b77 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F26178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176908D5650, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = b7c1ff61 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F29B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 8 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001768E85BB40, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 B0 20 FC FF FF FF AF AA AA AA 00 00 00 DB 66 DB Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 512 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 52d74d51 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F25C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176908D5650, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 311115bd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017643F2A5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176908D5650, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 B1 9C CD 8B 2D C1 88 70 D1 A4 0E 8C A0 BE BF 25 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 119d0ff0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644107EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690940010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 62 51 26 D3 1D 3D A5 02 9E 62 7E 9D B7 FA 31 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 28e9c154 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410A638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690A00010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 11 00 10 00 00 AA AA AA 11 00 10 00 00 AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 7ad643b4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644109138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769092ABD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 09 7B 23 41 00 AD BD 2B 0A 7B 64 49 00 D6 56 FA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 27556248 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644108E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690A60050, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 50 0B 16 03 C0 EC A8 FC FD DD 03 A0 24 E4 E6 FB Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f77f1b6f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644105F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690A8AB50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 16 00 0D 00 55 00 00 AA 19 00 0C 00 55 AA A0 AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cf8b0cb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441047B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017690AB0000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 CD 8A 79 F2 DA 37 70 C3 CC 8E 49 62 DB 00 60 DB Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6bdedb05 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay4 matched resource with hash=6bdedb05 type=Texture2D width=512 height=512 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644108BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769088B470, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6ffb1905 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644104A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690AA00D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 50 CC FD 0F 40 44 A8 CA 21 15 94 D6 B6 BE 8B CC Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8a0abf98 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644103FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769088B470, SysMemPitch: 8, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 6a9fdeb5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441093B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690ACABD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 0E 94 07 7A 72 73 61 58 6C 8B C3 78 2F F7 57 2F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 14ea82b7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644104CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690AE0150, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 B4 15 03 C0 A8 B1 CC 2A D7 5A 09 9A C2 09 BA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 70bf3782 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644106738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690B0AC50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 8C 10 7C BF BF BF BF 51 94 10 8C 55 FD AD AF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8731d3f4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644109678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690B201D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1F D0 07 04 00 02 01 82 88 F8 FF F8 FF F8 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b4dea0d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644107C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690B4ACD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 AF AC 25 5A A2 2B E0 55 11 AD E5 51 AA 00 55 BD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 853f777f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410A0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017690935690, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A0 3F 60 C0 01 00 D4 15 4E 03 FE 01 06 FE 41 50 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 72495d07 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644109E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690B657D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A1 A1 21 79 F2 DF 37 B5 A3 89 E0 70 70 A8 8E FD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 530eed42 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410A378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017690B7AD50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 B0 E8 2C 0A 00 A9 AD AC 0C 1F 55 A4 84 48 84 DE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = fccc34ce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644104278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690B85850, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 07 00 D8 E6 24 4D E2 24 80 4B 40 43 F4 F4 F4 74 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f9a5ef90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441098F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690BB0350, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 80 7B 51 12 5B 10 00 00 00 00 80 B8 B9 98 98 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b23f7dc1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644108938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690BDAE50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 07 C0 04 55 AD 0B 02 41 07 21 05 AD 02 00 AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d475a07a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644109BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690BF03D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 53 B5 12 AD 80 EA 7A 5E 33 B5 D1 A4 A0 FE 5F 55 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 34d46f84 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410A8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690C60010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 20 10 08 04 00 16 08 00 20 22 42 22 74 42 CA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b45052c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441037F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690C45950, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E5 51 63 49 2D AD AB FD 67 5A A4 49 35 B5 3F B5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5407f3e2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410AB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690D20010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 B5 1A 8F 27 00 7C A4 00 FE FF FF FB B4 65 61 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7110e845 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644104F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690D4AB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1D 00 16 00 09 89 81 ED 1E 00 17 00 2F 09 00 AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = beb14bd3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441044F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690D4AB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C9 6A EA 72 2A 2A AA AA E9 72 48 62 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f253316f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644105238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690D555F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 3A 5E 6E 47 00 7C E1 50 FD FD FD C1 80 40 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7d099593 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441069B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690D6ABB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1F 00 AA 56 A6 66 1F 00 1E 00 A0 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0a4dd150 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644103A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690D75690, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 03 39 C2 30 0A AF FE E0 E7 41 E2 38 FF FD 35 03 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 68f9df8f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644106C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690D80170, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 04 00 34 2A 8A F9 20 A6 46 11 9A 79 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f40489cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441054B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690D95730, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1C 00 12 00 0B 25 5F 80 1F 00 16 00 00 00 AD 09 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ad119127 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644105778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690DA0210, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 B3 8C C2 28 F7 2F AA AA D0 73 23 29 BD 02 A2 20 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 272edf96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441076F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690DAACF0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 EE 19 03 38 2D 05 02 AA FA 01 80 64 FE CF FA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 157a1233 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644102FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690DC02B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 17 00 0F 00 62 72 02 AA 17 00 13 00 0D ED E2 BA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c3563d91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441071B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690DCAD90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 14 D6 AC 83 42 6A D5 55 AC 7B 68 52 A9 2A 28 22 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c697ffdc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441059F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690DD5870, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 0F 22 E9 3D 78 DA B4 00 00 82 98 AC A4 2F D1 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 79087126 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644105CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690DEAE30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 17 00 6A AD 05 EF 1A 00 0F 00 AD 3E 38 BA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c8197680 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410ADF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690DF5910, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 5D E7 A7 6A 56 56 56 56 46 5A C6 41 FA 5F 56 DC Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b7ab0136 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644107978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690E003F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F0 EF 41 28 CF 09 F8 F9 F9 F9 6B 0D FB B0 0F FB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5319f82b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441032B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690E159B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1C 00 08 00 E8 78 78 78 0C 00 00 00 FE 5B DE D8 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = be1fcc1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441061F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017690E30000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 7b2f4011 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644103D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690E30010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 20 F0 07 C4 E3 D9 E9 20 22 20 22 20 22 02 00 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = cd4d9db4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644108178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690E20490, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 1c63604d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644106478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017690E60000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 20 42 C4 20 FF FF FF FF 20 42 C4 20 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 27c8a06e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410B0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690E60010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 60 2C 16 10 E8 F7 03 02 AE AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 5a2485d0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644106EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690E20490, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 16 00 15 00 FF FF FF FF 16 00 15 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = cd39e5f0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644103538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690E20490, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0F 8C 65 31 FD BF A2 73 6D 73 44 29 0B 08 2C 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5e0bff66 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410C5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690E2AF70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B0 A1 48 84 34 F5 56 73 71 71 49 82 00 BD BF 7B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bafe068b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410C838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690E40530, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 0D 00 BD FF 00 82 1F 00 13 00 0B 2D AC 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dc700da7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410B5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690E4B010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 08 E6 69 25 56 58 60 27 62 20 08 55 7A 80 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dd7797bc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644107438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690E60590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 03 58 00 64 FB 1A 30 BF 02 FE 0C Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e5ee04ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441083F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690E8B090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 0D 00 78 83 AD B5 1B 00 0F 00 55 5E A0 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b88ad708 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410B338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690EA0610, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A5 A3 E3 51 00 00 C0 40 C5 A3 40 10 00 AA F5 FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f58bb209 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410B878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690EB5B90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 08 84 10 C2 D6 E0 D6 55 07 C2 86 00 80 81 60 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 811d2fe7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410CAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690EE0690, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1C 00 01 00 55 D5 95 25 1A 00 05 00 55 AA 80 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5bc69323 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410BB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690EE0690, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E3 28 E4 20 80 AA AA AA C3 28 E4 20 2A AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a06e35eb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410BDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690EF5C10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 40 20 10 08 00 84 84 AC AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f4d405f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441086B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F20710, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 05 00 02 00 AA AA AA AA 04 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cf5d0fb7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410D038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F20710, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 45 29 00 00 FF 5F 0A 00 69 52 41 08 55 55 AB 0A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4a19eeb9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410C078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F2B1F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 50 B0 0D 01 00 76 02 00 08 F2 45 2E E4 8B 3C AD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5c78b0dd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410C2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F407B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1B 00 01 00 FA E8 EA F5 18 00 0B 00 55 55 AD 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 68c38f12 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410CD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017690F50000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 17 CE 30 8C 3C B6 FD F5 38 D6 CE 42 B8 28 16 BA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 3cbf13b4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410D578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690F50010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 E0 40 20 10 B8 CA F0 2F 03 80 C8 F3 01 00 00 EA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 7a0cd805 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410D2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690F4B290, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1D 00 17 00 00 A0 E8 57 1C 00 12 00 68 80 2A AB Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = ef2c0e9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441116F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017690F80000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 C6 92 A7 92 FF FF FF FF C6 92 A7 92 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = d9a44729 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410F238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690F80010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 A0 40 E2 90 06 00 14 D2 01 80 80 01 57 55 D5 15 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = f435ea60 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441111B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690F4B290, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1D 00 00 00 A8 57 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 7c9cb8e2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441101F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017690F80000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 19 DF FD DD AA AA AA AA 99 EE BA DE D5 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 1e84be50 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410FA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690F80010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 20 40 20 10 48 97 63 83 8B 81 2A A0 D2 B5 B6 DA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = d18b8b99 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644112438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690F4B290, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1F 00 1E 00 AA 02 02 02 1F 00 1F 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 05c4f58f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410F4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017690F80000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 DA DE CA C4 69 AB A3 83 F6 C5 4F 94 49 2E B8 60 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 9fc44e62 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410FCB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690F80010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 9F 0F 08 04 00 B4 CD 33 F0 11 03 11 31 11 11 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = e2f72281 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644111EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017690F4B290, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1F 00 1E 00 E0 00 80 00 1F 00 18 00 57 5C 70 C0 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = c0a941bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441126B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F4B290, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 6C 73 20 08 00 57 FF FF 0B 6B 20 10 00 FD AB AF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b3b7c10e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410F778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F55D70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 6C B2 09 C0 02 00 FE FF FF 1D D9 CC B5 82 7D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8daffc7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441119B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F6B330, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ed5440bb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410EFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F808B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F1 01 53 BD A5 95 55 55 53 BD 91 2A FF FF FF FC Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 683d28ad returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644112BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F808B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 2C 80 0E 70 A5 95 55 55 2B 80 10 68 FE FA EA AB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a0db5446 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410D7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F808B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A8 91 A4 51 A5 AB AB AA 28 82 86 79 3D F7 DC 73 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d3e53f3d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410FF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F808B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 43 CC 1B 7C 25 02 00 00 23 CC E2 BB FA FA E8 A0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9dd30b5c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644112978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F808B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 4E 6B A6 31 55 BF AA A0 4D 6B 28 4A 55 82 80 80 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fc831633 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644110C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690F95E30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 CA 83 ED 39 68 61 DD 9C 17 86 56 00 D2 57 8F Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 18581d12 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410E538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690FC0930, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 05 00 55 B5 AA A0 1F 00 0F 00 55 80 80 A0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 30c7d9e7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644112178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690FC0930, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 69 4A 45 29 FF FF FD 15 92 8C 00 00 7F 2F 02 A0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4eb20c7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441104B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690FCB410, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 08 84 E9 41 68 A3 DF DB 9F 54 0A A9 00 86 7D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7cf35d59 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644110738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690FE09D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 17 00 07 00 D7 55 D4 50 17 00 0A 00 3F 3D F5 7E Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e4982cbd returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410E278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690FEB4B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 F3 D5 09 73 7F CF CF 75 8A 7B A6 62 AB C3 8A 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 901fcea2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410E7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017690FF5F90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 70 8F C2 B9 4C 5A 01 80 A0 01 49 90 28 D1 E2 7F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 92e24df1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441109F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769100B550, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 11 00 05 00 3F 3F 3F 35 17 00 11 00 E2 C2 8B 2D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b7441429 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644110F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691016030, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 04 21 E4 20 EF BA AE BA 04 21 E4 20 BB BA FE FE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1282d276 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410DAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769102B5B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0F 3E 08 00 C3 AC AA AA AA 92 24 92 22 29 92 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a1b574c1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410DD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176910560B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 150ec17e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644111478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176910560B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 0F 84 F0 7B FF EF FB FF 10 84 E7 41 E0 58 58 58 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f6f5ea16 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644111C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769106B630, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1F D0 07 04 00 74 3F 60 66 E6 EE E6 FF E6 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3a17cbdc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410DFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691096130, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 15 00 00 C0 60 60 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6307d05d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410EA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691096130, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 62 10 41 10 FB FB FB FB 41 10 62 08 AE AE AE AE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 77c7c7d5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764410ECF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176910AB6B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 8E C7 EF 07 00 04 06 02 01 01 01 57 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1867f2b6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419F338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176910D61B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 18 00 19 00 80 80 80 80 18 00 1B 00 A8 A8 A8 A8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 01b17457 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419F878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176910D61B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 86 39 61 10 9C 9E B4 FE 24 29 A2 18 6C FC E8 60 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3035253b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419EB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176910EB730, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 3E 16 10 08 00 04 02 CA FF FF FF 01 28 88 A0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 40249b58 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A1AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691116230, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4a61ebb7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419E0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691116230, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 30 02 44 06 80 B4 87 A0 73 55 5D E4 82 1F F8 61 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 93bdc4e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A1578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769112B7F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0B 00 00 00 00 54 FF 56 0F 00 01 00 AE AD 89 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 441d9ef8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A27B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176911362D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 50 20 30 C0 FB D5 55 20 38 61 20 80 E0 FF 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d116a699 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419EDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691140DB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 41 4C 50 C6 B6 66 00 00 38 73 0A 22 CB 6B 68 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dca44db6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A0AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691156370, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 15 00 0F 00 70 5E 5E A0 15 00 0A 00 C0 68 5F 57 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6da59daf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419D8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691160E50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 AD 83 82 18 E0 58 A2 83 4C 7B 81 18 82 D5 AA 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 42ecb096 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419F5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769116B930, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 50 0F 92 F5 B3 C6 CE CD 25 03 94 24 49 9C F4 0A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 59f0246d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419C6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691180EF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 0B 00 7A 7B E2 02 1E 00 0F 00 73 DD FF 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 929af937 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419DBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769118B9D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 85 41 E4 20 CD 8D 8F 0F A6 41 24 21 CF AF BF AF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b95678e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A0D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176911964B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 3F 7C 51 41 DA 22 00 00 A0 61 0A 2A D9 89 88 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 620b0cbb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419F0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176911AC740, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 15 00 0A 00 4D CD C5 85 0E 00 09 00 57 25 B5 35 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1d55ce52 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419FB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176911B7220, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 26 8B 66 6A 2F BD F5 D5 66 9B 66 6A 6A 6A 6A 89 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 803f2a57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A17F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176911CC7A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 40 20 10 08 97 7B BD 85 0D 30 C0 F6 D4 51 45 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5a9db287 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A1D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176911F72A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 22537160 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419FDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769120C820, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 08 00 00 D5 55 55 55 09 73 00 00 1D D5 75 D5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8602cf78 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419E378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691221DA0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 8C C8 64 B2 08 F5 09 B3 2C 81 6C 50 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 122fab04 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419E638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769124C8A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 01 00 00 00 D5 55 55 55 14 00 00 00 1D D5 75 D5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = feb4b98c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A1038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691261E20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 84 49 22 39 FF FF FF E0 63 41 23 39 7E FF FF FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e0e2f9f9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419D3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769126C900, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 E0 0F 08 5C EF 57 3C 21 C7 33 64 24 32 CF 47 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1615c83b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A1FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691281EC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 1A 00 25 55 57 E0 1F 00 1A 00 00 0B B5 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 28c8a9cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A0078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769128C9A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C4 69 42 51 5D 7E F8 E0 E5 69 01 41 2F BF FF FE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1be9393e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419C178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176912A1F20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 3C BF 5F 3C 51 C4 29 44 9E 42 EF 29 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 15dedc35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A2278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176912ACB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8c72c697 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419DE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176912C2180, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A6 8A A3 59 76 F7 5B B0 65 82 A3 61 F6 F6 B5 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 05b0c7c7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419E8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176912D78A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 BF 20 93 93 A7 FF 01 2F 2B EB F1 01 00 E0 90 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 267cbd14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A2538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691302540, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1E 00 1A 00 C0 80 00 00 1F 00 1D 00 D7 F7 AD AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c05731b4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419C3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691317C60, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 64 39 44 39 82 E2 B8 EE 64 39 44 39 BB 2E 0B 82 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7c87baf8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419BEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769132D380, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 FC 7C 3E 1F 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = d8fadd3d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419D678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176913380E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 09 00 07 00 FF FF FF FF 09 00 07 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b69f169 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A02F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769134D800, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C9 72 C6 51 00 00 00 0B C9 7A C9 72 DD D7 75 55 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 51b0280f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A12B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691362F20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 B0 F7 9B FF 87 C4 12 11 11 11 27 10 CE 16 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d4bf3a47 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A05B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769138DBC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 14 00 19 00 55 55 55 58 19 00 19 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cec09298 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A0838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->00000176913B0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 08 93 C8 92 50 68 5A DE C7 8A 87 82 0E 3C E8 60 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 0a42115c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A2A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176913A5340, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 18 00 08 AA AA EA 6A 44 59 20 10 F9 F9 F9 F3 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b3b8540 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419CE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176913BABE0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 0F 22 05 80 08 AE FE FF 2B 93 94 6D 1A D5 17 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c80babff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A2CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176913E5880, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 0B 00 00 00 AA EA 5A 40 1A 00 05 00 FD A9 FA 22 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3fa99695 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419B1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176913F03F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 43 39 00 00 3D 31 B9 39 48 83 E3 20 7F BA 3B AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b67d237d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A2FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691405970, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 B0 04 49 08 2C 07 03 A0 F2 E8 40 84 E9 98 8C ED Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 350b3756 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419B438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691430470, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 0D 00 04 00 AA 9E 7E 1E 16 00 07 00 F2 D0 98 A2 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 00bc3f25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A3238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691430470, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 08 00 00 55 55 D5 F9 20 08 00 00 55 55 FF EF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5de77990 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419B6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176914459F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 70 0F 3E 08 C0 39 C9 6E 35 7A 8B 90 0C 09 91 3C Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b1a3b94f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A34F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176914704F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 02 00 00 00 FF FF F7 A3 02 00 00 00 FF 57 AF 82 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e5e8d78c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419C938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176914704F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 84 39 A1 18 35 35 35 27 84 39 E2 20 56 56 56 54 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 24fb25a4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419B978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691485A70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 81 8C F0 B1 AC 1D 00 00 04 92 0C 82 81 21 69 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f51add30 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A3778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176914B0570, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 13 00 00 00 27 27 25 0A 12 00 03 00 FE FE DE A8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 61d324ed returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419BC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176914B0570, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 08 20 08 AA AA AA A2 20 08 01 08 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d5a13ef9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A3A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176914C5AF0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 40 20 10 08 00 84 84 AC AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0a06aa38 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A3CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176914F05F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 14 00 0A 00 02 02 02 02 14 00 13 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fd830259 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A3F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176914F05F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 62 10 00 00 0B FF FD 55 82 10 20 00 00 AB 55 55 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 280a1bf0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A41F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691505B70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 E1 B0 D7 03 00 34 B5 5D 04 12 61 CD 3A EE FE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bb5d7c24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A44B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691530670, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 06 00 02 00 7F FF FA AA 04 00 02 00 55 EA AA 80 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7a28ca8f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A4738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691530670, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B9 FF 00 00 FD FD FD FD EA 62 47 4A A9 2A 2A 2A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c8bcd585 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419CBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691545BF0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 60 10 08 04 00 00 28 80 DE B0 EE C0 EE C0 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 86ad0c6b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A49F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176915706F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 14 00 10 00 60 FF 00 00 16 00 11 00 29 2F 3E BB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 32e4377c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A4C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176915706F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 AB 52 C3 18 58 5F DD F5 6C 6B 45 29 62 7A 75 A3 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7cca1b8d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764419D138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691585C70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 B0 BD 06 80 05 00 B4 36 BE D8 1F FE F5 6F FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 12231b67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A4F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176915B0770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1B 00 00 00 D8 D8 FA AA 1D 00 12 00 40 40 8D 89 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 152dff72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A51B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176915B0770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 82 18 41 08 BF BF 3B 75 A2 18 21 08 7E 7C 7E F0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8f8e7350 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A5478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176915C5CF0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 60 0F A8 03 00 0C 0A 00 10 00 10 00 61 10 F5 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0465f0ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A56F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176915F07F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 16 00 11 00 3F 3F 3F 2A 1C 00 15 00 E7 E7 E7 FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 768b04fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AB2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176913E85C0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 69 52 E7 41 20 20 90 F5 A9 5A 28 4A F7 F7 03 57 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 7d0fd739 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A9378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176913E85C0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 8F 0D EF 87 55 55 00 00 0F 0D CF 97 55 55 40 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 5dc39834 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A5C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176913E85C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 02 00 89 90 08 89 90 08 06 03 A1 10 0A A1 10 0A Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1a13a87c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A98B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176913E85C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2e7e93bb TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemydetectiontexture1 matched resource with hash=2e7e93bb type=Texture2D width=256 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AAAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176915F07F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 0E 07 10 08 00 04 06 AE AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d27c9c2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A73F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769161B2F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 8E A4 F0 B4 2A 2A 2A 25 8E A4 8F AC 0A 0A 0A 2A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d9c6c757 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441ACA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769161B2F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF 8B DF 7B A5 A5 A5 FF FF 83 7F 5B 80 80 80 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = adc31cc7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A88F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176913E85C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4bb965cd TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemydetectiontexture3 matched resource with hash=4bb965cd type=Texture2D width=256 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441ABFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176913E85C0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 2048 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c800ada3 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuTargetPointer matched resource with hash=c800ada3 type=Texture2D width=64 height=32 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A90B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769161B2F0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF BF F7 AA 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 7753b055 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441ACD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176916708B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 60 FF BF B1 08 00 04 02 02 00 00 02 20 00 00 82 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4bb90c27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AC2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691685E70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D0 CF 1D 00 40 98 D5 A2 2C D6 F7 BB FF F5 EF 1F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 810312ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A59B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->00000176913E9450, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 64 59 E4 58 FF F7 DE 7A 04 59 C3 50 37 B8 00 A8 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 210ab3d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A8E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176913EC7F0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 75 F4 D5 7F 54 56 5F 7F EF 77 D3 77 0B 2F BF FD Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = cb8d9bdb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A7E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691690970, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A8 6A E6 49 58 FA 2A 3E E9 6A 06 52 DD D5 0A C0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9bac8770 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AC7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691690970, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 66 A1 E4 A0 80 D6 74 8F A6 A9 C4 A0 7D 35 25 57 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = eee53287 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A95F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176916A5EF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 20 3E E0 2E 08 00 94 C5 A9 0C DD 57 91 AA A0 BE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 72f848bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A9B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176916B09F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 15 00 14 00 20 80 80 22 15 00 13 00 00 80 E0 FC Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 0ae7a32c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441ABD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176916B09F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 50 8C AE 7B EA AB 2F 7D CE 7B C7 39 DE E8 5C FD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 233feb0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A9DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176916C5F70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 C8 7B 8B 41 38 A5 F7 F9 BF 96 16 07 0C 5F 7D Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0ca5ba33 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AD278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176916F0A70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1B 00 AA AA AA 6A 1D 00 12 00 20 E0 D6 89 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 15fa1a67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AA078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691705FF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 03 31 00 00 55 F5 DD 07 CB C4 61 10 55 55 AD 0D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b5fdc1ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AA338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769171B570, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 E0 C0 19 30 3B 50 1C 1C 00 00 80 A0 57 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ed33f4b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A6BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691746070, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 0B 00 00 00 F5 FF 9F 2F 15 00 01 00 55 55 AF 0F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8a47abc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441ACFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691746070, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 8B 83 E6 08 AA AA 0B 01 8A 8B 49 42 FF 55 AE 20 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3a071cc9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AD4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769175B5F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 F0 C1 07 00 50 00 00 68 D1 DD 34 49 93 A4 69 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 55fe5999 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AD7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176917860F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 00 01 00 55 55 A9 09 14 00 02 00 55 55 F6 20 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ce0b5946 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A7678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176917860F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6bb3609c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AA5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769179B670, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 60 10 08 04 00 00 2E 00 20 2A 00 F9 2A 22 F9 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7ac9f764 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441ADA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176917C6170, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1C 00 01 00 D5 5E E2 2F 11 00 00 00 B0 09 95 58 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b4f02c31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AA878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176917C6170, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 81 20 00 00 55 FD 95 C1 61 18 00 00 FF EA 6A 20 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 99a45c05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A7938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176917DB6F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 71 45 06 C0 24 F0 71 71 71 09 F0 BF BF E9 92 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ead3a9be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A6178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176918061F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 11 00 00 00 AA 9D 15 0B 14 00 02 00 FB 62 60 A0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 682db9f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A80F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176918061F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 96e20f60 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AADB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769181B770, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 06 7E 49 03 F9 0C F9 7F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0052b5b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A5EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691846270, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a3649dc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AB038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769185B7F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 1C 7F 36 03 F8 1C F9 8E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ef34aa80 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AB578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176918862F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = da7725ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AB838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769189B870, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1E 90 07 04 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4bddb66c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441ABAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176918C6370, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 48d84aa4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AC538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176918DB8F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 02 7F 49 03 F9 0B F9 6E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ec2cd9e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A83B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176919063F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4e6039ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441ADCF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769191B970, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 00 FE 58 02 F9 0A F9 2D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 96cb1150 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441ADF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691946470, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0d333486 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A8B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769195B9F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1E B0 07 04 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c1bfcccb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A6438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176919864F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 01843e43 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AE238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769199BA70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1E B0 07 04 00 00 7F 58 03 F9 0B F9 5E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d1010667 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A66B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176919C6570, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 619af54a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AE4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176919DBAF0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 0E 3A 08 40 F0 AB 54 55 55 55 C0 13 7C C1 DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9bd57ff3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A6978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691A065F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3bdeb286 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AE778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691A1BB70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 1A 7F 36 03 F8 1C F9 7E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3c2e244d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AE9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691A46670, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 53e56f3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A6EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691A5BBF0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 1A 7F 36 03 F8 1C F9 8E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8d2767e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AECB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691A866F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 8E 73 65 31 AA AA 6A 5A 6E 6B 85 39 FE 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1f474403 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A7138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691A9BC70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 80 3D 7C EE 3E B7 1A 00 00 B8 41 8A E0 88 41 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6b0d9f68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AEF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691AA6770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FD F5 FD 00 80 60 50 F9 FD EB FD 00 FE F8 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8ac30074 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AF1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691AA6770, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 E8 7A 8A 8B 2A 2A 5A 16 8A 83 E6 61 01 01 D8 2A Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = a3156a1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AF478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691AA6770, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 B0 FC 8D FB 2A 2A 5A 16 72 FC 4C FB 5E 5E BB 0A Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 05b22013 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AF738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691AA6770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1C E7 17 C6 FD 7D 80 02 FB DE F7 C5 00 02 07 A7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2f25c13f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A7BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017691AC0000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 92 94 71 8C FF FA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b8b81fb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AF9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691AA6770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EB 5A CB 5A AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 00623ee4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AFC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691AB1270, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 00 C0 EF 07 00 FC FD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 3c21153f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441AFEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691ABBD70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f300800f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441A8638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691AC6870, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 02 01 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6e402275 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B0978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691AD1370, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A0 C0 DF FF 0F 00 FC FD 4D 2B 4B 4B 57 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 07ee4b06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B55B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691ADBE70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 02 01 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 8689dc5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B2678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017691AE6A60, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 3c4d6847 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B52F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691AF1700, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 4A 6B 44 29 05 00 2A EA 2A 6B 41 10 BE 0A A8 57 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8212b2cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B6AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691B06E20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 B0 42 54 05 80 59 79 75 D3 49 EB 6B 07 9A B7 20 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = adec6682 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B1938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691B31AC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 00 00 00 0D 00 02 81 15 00 02 00 A6 8A F8 EB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 758458d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B40B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691B3C630, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C6 7A 40 10 EA EA EA EA C3 51 22 39 3D 3D 3D 3D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d85b9166 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B6D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691B51BB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 1A 08 10 08 00 00 06 82 81 81 81 D7 F7 D5 7F Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7660f777 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B23B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691B7C6B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 00 1E 00 15 15 15 15 1B 00 12 00 3D 3D 3D 3D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5e9f8cd3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B30F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691B7C6B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 64 39 43 39 02 0A AE EB C4 49 82 18 C2 C2 E2 E2 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8d4ae31a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B2BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691B91C30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 00 22 15 44 FF 22 FF 22 DD 22 DD Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ef5bc1eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B3378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691BBC730, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 05 00 04 00 0F 0D 0D 0D 06 00 04 00 6B 6B 7B 7B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2f07d127 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B7538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691BBC730, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 40 08 80 20 20 20 43 31 20 00 AD A9 03 03 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b1fa4c27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B7A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691BD1CB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 60 10 18 04 00 00 00 82 18 81 11 11 18 18 88 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fe379058 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B06F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691BFC7B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 03 00 00 00 D5 9D 9D 1D 1C 00 03 00 55 95 25 05 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1bfd8835 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B7CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691BFC7B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C2 18 00 00 F5 F5 F7 FC 45 29 41 08 15 95 55 D5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a5748a1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B28F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691C11D30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 C0 1C 50 07 00 1C 8C 00 20 F0 00 90 90 01 57 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 69381512 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B1E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691C3C830, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 09 00 01 00 D5 D5 E5 28 0B 00 02 00 55 55 55 0A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f2de202c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B1BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691C3C830, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A2 18 61 10 FD AB AB EB A2 20 61 10 FD A2 A0 DF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 865231f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B2138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691C51DB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 28 04 00 0E 1D 00 00 00 00 00 31 00 F3 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 57d3a6c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B5AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691C7C8B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 0F 00 07 00 FF FF 2F 07 12 00 09 00 55 FF 00 FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dc7a4e21 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B2E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691C7C8B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E2 28 00 08 DF 55 30 1F C5 49 00 08 7F 7D EE A8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 63d009bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B5078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691C91E30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 04 AC EC C2 5C 31 00 00 20 34 0C 03 F8 F8 78 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8f290d58 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B3B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691CBC930, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1D 00 10 00 BA BA 20 5F 1D 00 15 00 6E 6E 42 CE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1542c42b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B5D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691CBC930, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E3 20 00 00 AA AA 55 FD E3 20 00 00 EA AA B5 1F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6a833982 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B3638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691CD1EB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 00 14 0D 12 11 13 11 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 40592c9b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B4338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691CFC9B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 18 00 00 AA 55 55 00 00 17 00 80 AA 55 55 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 86c91859 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B6578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691CFC9B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 85b4f769 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B38B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691D11F30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 0D 07 12 08 00 CC 65 02 5E DF 5F E9 E4 F4 B4 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 46f8dcf0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B45F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691D50010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1A 00 11 00 62 4A CA CA 15 00 0F 00 1D 1D 1F 99 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 93aa2ce7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B5838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691D50010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ba71fb7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B6FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691D65590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 40 20 10 08 00 14 14 AC AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e9953f2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B0C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691D90090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 01 00 00 00 55 55 55 D5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5bbd9d83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B3DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691D90090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 41 08 00 00 55 55 D5 95 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 47a35a9b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B4878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691DA5610, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 00 02 81 B6 33 BB 7B BB E3 3B EB Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 325fb28c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B6038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691DD0110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 00 0E 00 95 95 95 95 0C 00 0B 00 96 96 96 96 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f06c152a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B4B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691DD0110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 AE 73 86 31 D5 95 35 35 30 84 28 42 55 AA A0 A0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 56278f2a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B4DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691DE5690, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 90 19 02 00 17 82 AA D4 7F 4B 00 20 F6 51 12 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1b0b1044 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B67F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691E10190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1E 00 15 00 D2 D2 F2 DA 1C 00 18 00 A9 8C EC AF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3c66d57b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B7278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691E10190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C5 49 40 08 FF FF BF BF C4 49 A1 18 55 55 FE A8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c3447e78 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B77B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693E30010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 E0 0F 38 E4 C1 51 4C 13 21 11 11 11 81 11 F0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 10e6a089 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B62B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693E5AB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 00 08 00 55 55 95 15 19 00 03 00 FF 55 AA 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6e265e27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B01B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693E5AB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 03 21 62 10 D5 35 3B 02 24 29 82 10 55 FF FA 02 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 14f046bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B7FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693E70090, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 91 C9 05 80 B1 00 B0 5D FD 26 B3 72 4A 2E 21 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9b219139 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B0438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693E9AB90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 18 00 02 00 35 35 3F AA 13 00 00 00 FA 50 A8 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ec629823 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B8238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693E9AB90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 45 29 A2 10 55 55 00 AA 0E 84 C3 18 55 D5 81 89 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 866c828d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B84F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693EB0110, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 20 F0 E7 43 DE 13 28 01 00 00 00 FF FF CC AB Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6d0f5b70 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B8778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693EDAC10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 19 00 05 00 55 55 00 AA 17 00 04 00 95 35 00 0A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 564b3945 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B8A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693EDAC10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C3 18 20 08 FF FF FF BF A3 18 41 08 FF FF FF 2A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4ecd97b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B0EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693EF0190, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 AE 5A CF 07 00 48 A4 20 21 81 81 01 00 40 C0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ef2ec7c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B8CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693F1AC90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 00 03 00 55 55 D5 35 08 00 03 00 55 55 FF 08 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b9e11894 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B1178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693F1AC90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E4 10 21 00 FF FF 3F 3F C4 08 41 00 F7 50 E8 C8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 711bd20e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B8F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693F30210, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 C0 1E 50 06 00 8C E4 00 00 80 81 01 00 C0 50 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 44712e75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B13F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693F5AD10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 11 00 05 00 FF FF 3F 2F 11 00 05 00 7F 58 68 C0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4e4d72ed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B91F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693F5AD10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 96ec5e7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B16B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693F70290, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 60 10 18 04 00 1E 0F 12 11 18 81 11 81 18 11 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 76cc5ed8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B94B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693F9AD90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 0E 00 0D 00 FA BE EF BB 0D 00 00 00 00 00 E0 58 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3b04aeee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B9738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693F9AD90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 61 10 00 00 55 FD FD 29 61 10 00 00 55 7D FF 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b0c349c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B99F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693FB0310, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 90 05 05 00 D8 A3 F0 F1 F1 0F A0 8C 0A AF D0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a669183e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B9C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693FDAE10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 02 00 00 00 55 FD FD 29 02 00 00 00 55 7D FF 80 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 14832504 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441B9F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693FDAE10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D3 9C 4D 6B 01 03 03 01 14 A5 B2 94 00 55 AA FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d21505ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441BA1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017693FF0390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 40 A0 6D 05 00 F0 15 D2 50 A9 F8 FF 01 FE 01 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 66cdeaf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441BA478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769401AE90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1C 00 0F 02 03 0D 1F 00 1F 00 AA 9A A6 9A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 10747f05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441BA6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769401AE90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 02 39 00 00 60 5F B5 C2 62 49 20 08 25 EB 58 97 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3f3335c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441BAC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694030410, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 54 A5 0B 40 22 00 F3 D5 A8 1E 30 A4 EB 4D 2F Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 37cef431 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176441BA9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769405AF10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 19 00 05 00 C0 5A 2F 80 1B 00 0A 00 0D 82 70 B7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 612e332a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438B278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017691E25710, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C2 20 00 00 A5 05 05 07 82 18 41 08 AF AB AF 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6dd85ce7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644388B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694060480, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 D0 40 08 40 C0 20 E1 E1 E1 81 02 3D D0 03 3D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9d20327b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644388338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694075A40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 18 00 01 00 A5 0D 0D 0D 14 00 0E 00 F7 AF A7 08 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 34e6eb42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443885F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694080520, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bf90aaa1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644387DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769408B000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 20 30 08 04 00 00 00 7E 77 7E EE 7E 77 E7 EE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 76e59ce0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438AAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176940A05C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9d3a70c8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438B7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176940AB0A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 85 7A 00 00 D5 55 AD 09 29 C4 40 08 55 55 FF AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7760d44d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438D9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176940B5B80, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 04 4C 01 41 00 00 00 00 20 88 50 FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 28540997 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438D738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176940CB140, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0E 00 01 00 55 55 AD 09 0E 00 01 00 55 55 AA 80 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ef9d46dc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438A038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176940D5C20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 80 99 20 10 85 8D CD 8D 40 79 80 40 A8 BA 78 F0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e7589880 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438E478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176940E0700, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 00 54 D0 41 18 21 28 85 83 41 0A 28 F8 F8 F8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ce3784ba returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438BCF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176940F5CC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1B 00 02 00 E5 8D 8D 8D 16 00 0F 00 9F BA FC 5A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d992284e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644389078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176941007A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 49 F5 81 18 D5 35 25 25 88 F5 20 10 55 00 00 0A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 294da4dd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644389838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769410B280, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 51 20 80 27 D8 A2 C0 A9 A8 48 97 7A B3 D3 37 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 78cb6a8c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438DF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694120840, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1C 00 02 00 55 35 25 25 1C 00 00 00 55 00 00 0A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6841be9e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438E1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769412B320, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 59 BE E3 18 AD 02 02 0A 96 AD 61 08 DA 00 08 08 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 13def7b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443895B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694135E00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 70 CF 42 5C 86 95 13 3A 10 08 D0 C6 FB BD 5F FB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 25bf7ec4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438CF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769414B3C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 17 00 02 00 B5 22 01 0D 16 00 02 00 5E 0C A4 96 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a68a8dd6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644388DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694155EA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 EB 5A 41 08 FF AA AA AA 58 C6 A6 31 55 D5 25 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9da3d083 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644389AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694160980, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 F0 F7 A3 00 0A 00 E0 FF F7 FF F7 FF F7 FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9cc75a34 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438E6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694175F40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 12 00 05 00 5C 5C 5C 5C 1E 00 04 00 55 D5 25 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ade99fc0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644389D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694180A20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 82 18 00 60 60 60 82 20 00 00 55 2A 2A 2A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 50667c3f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438EC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769418B500, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A0 BF 27 80 02 00 FC 79 01 A0 A1 A1 01 00 90 D0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5b439a8e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438AFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176941A0AC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1D 00 01 00 55 B5 25 25 1A 00 00 00 55 AA 00 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7a572e1a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438DC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176941AB5A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A8 CD 83 18 FD E0 70 70 24 73 E4 28 AB 02 57 EF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cbdd57fa returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438B538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176941B6080, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 70 10 C2 07 18 80 A3 54 57 57 49 42 B3 3D D7 AF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 563dddd3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438E9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176941CB640, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 15 00 01 00 55 A5 AD 29 12 00 02 00 55 69 BE 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e7d16459 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438EEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176941D6120, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 E0 72 20 08 FF 7F 1F 0F 00 9C 20 08 D5 82 F8 F5 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8184cf15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443880B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176941E0C00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 08 84 6D 41 38 A9 70 DC 02 70 0A 72 C1 25 73 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 78ee0744 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443878B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176941F61C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 15 00 03 00 8D 35 17 2D 1A 00 02 00 BD 00 88 F6 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = da044e3a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438AD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694200CA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 26 83 20 08 69 89 B5 2D C5 72 61 10 5E A0 AF 88 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = be854099 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644387B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769420B780, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B0 A8 3C F7 DB 97 00 D0 F0 78 49 02 8E 3A 27 07 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9b9f8021 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438CCB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694220D40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 13 00 00 EC A4 0C 1E 00 15 00 08 F5 E5 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fcb3d94d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443892F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769422B820, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C6 49 C2 20 FD A2 AB AB C5 49 23 31 55 2A 57 AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d871e327 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438BA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694236300, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 8E 73 8E A5 19 1B 00 00 88 51 0A 65 FD 1D BC Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 67c23436 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438C238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769424B8C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 15 00 02 00 7D 89 A2 2B 13 00 01 00 D7 BF BE 08 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7ca60db9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438A2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176942563A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 24 29 81 10 D3 D3 DB FB E2 20 A1 18 0D BF 55 75 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 86a7f91a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438A578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694260E80, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 42 5B B4 B6 06 5F 00 60 00 D0 52 12 1C 3E 18 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a9cc94e7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438A7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694276440, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 0B 00 01 01 03 01 1F 00 1D 00 00 E0 42 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 245bca9c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438F178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694280F20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 24 8B C3 49 27 D7 DC 3C 44 CD 43 9B 02 75 F5 FB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = df923ab1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438BFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769428BA00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B0 89 40 98 2F 68 06 0A 16 0E 6E C0 92 3D 47 33 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1f6a9762 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644387638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176942A0FC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1D 00 14 00 06 F7 D6 BE 1E 00 1A 00 02 AB A5 AB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8e4f317a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438C4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176942ABAA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 E5 60 10 D5 35 25 0D A0 E5 20 5A 55 00 00 20 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3297c41e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438F438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176942B6580, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 10 42 08 2E 70 02 80 81 81 01 02 A8 C0 0C F0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 44f293de returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438C778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176942CBB40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1D 00 05 00 55 35 35 35 0E 00 1E 00 00 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d5064c02 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438CA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176942D6620, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 41 08 00 00 6A 00 A2 18 00 00 D5 FD 2F 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6d7bed16 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438F6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176942E1100, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 54 2A D5 6D 36 31 31 31 5F 33 13 33 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8dfd5f50 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438F978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176942F66C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 02 00 00 00 AA AA AA 55 03 00 00 00 AF AF 2A 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fc143f48 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438D1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176943011A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 63 83 62 62 B8 4D 01 F1 43 83 21 08 2A 0A 42 0A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b68d88a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438FBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769430BC80, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 01 0E D3 28 B9 1D AD CA CC AE 9F B6 60 8D B6 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ffb06752 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438D4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694321240, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 14 00 0D 00 A8 FB 2F A9 15 00 02 00 02 8A 40 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 73bfc715 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438FEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769432BD20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 20 61 40 08 AB F0 A0 FD 60 69 60 20 8B FD AA FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 93d8c86a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644390138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694336800, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 1D 85 12 D3 E6 1E 2D 37 96 90 06 04 C8 95 AB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6dd72062 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443903F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769434BDC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 07 00 01 00 FD 5A D0 55 06 00 00 00 8B ED AF FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 13e31e68 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644388878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176943568A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 86 D3 40 28 DD AB BF 1F 04 D3 61 69 77 0A AA 2C Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 549ad0ed returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644390678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694361380, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F0 8B 3B 5A 4E DB 0F 5F 3E 16 1C 45 5F AC C3 16 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cb7adb31 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644390938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694376940, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 19 00 B8 70 70 F0 1F 00 1C 00 88 03 9F 14 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d63e7ba6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644390BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017691E2AC80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF DB DE AB 00 02 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b5e54f76 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644390E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694381420, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 C6 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B6 BD 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 31d48e7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443910F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176943969A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 00 61 5A 03 88 08 CA 1B CA DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2d712a0e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443913B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176943C14A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 C6 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B6 BD 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ad99c7e7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644391638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176943D6A20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 EE B9 07 C0 07 00 FE FF FF 9F 2F ED 81 1E 20 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b3b908b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443918F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694401520, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 C6 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B6 BD 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 084d49c8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644391B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694416AA0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 02 F6 49 01 66 06 A8 09 A8 CF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 58346206 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644397778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176944415A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 C6 AD 7B 70 60 E0 80 D6 BD 6C 73 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7ac3e801 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443974B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694456B20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 FF 49 02 66 06 97 0B 97 DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ae010b54 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644398478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694481620, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 C6 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B6 BD 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d6e6a4c0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644395538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694496BA0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 FF 48 04 66 06 97 2D 97 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b6ee39a0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644398738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176944C16A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 C6 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B6 BD 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 46770aca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644394838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176944D6C20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 7F 48 02 66 06 97 0A 97 DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a8b94dfc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644393878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694501720, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 C6 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f1b76be3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644394038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694516CA0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7F 59 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2ab15bd6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644399978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176945417A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 91269adb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644395FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694556D20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 00 FF 58 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 56243391 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644394578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694581820, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 7B 70 60 E0 80 95 BD 0B 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c329bcaf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443979F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694596DA0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7F 59 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 88f7025b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443991B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176945C18A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 61602455 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644394FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176945D6E20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1E B0 07 04 00 00 7E 58 02 F9 0A F9 2D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a9c8ff69 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644396278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694601920, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = eac2bae4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644399438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694616EA0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 2C 7E 24 02 F8 2D F8 9F F8 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8f4ea6ce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644398C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017694660000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 8D 73 4C 6B 80 E0 78 5E 4C 6B CA 5A E0 78 7A 7E Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = f72a70ed returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644391E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017694660000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 40 20 10 08 04 00 0E 49 80 EE E9 EE EE EE EE EE Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = e668efd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443981F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017694660000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 F9 EF FF FF 56 55 55 55 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 5d7a593b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443989B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017694660000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 C0 83 00 7C FF FF FF FF C0 83 00 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 962573c3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644398EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176946419A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1328c787 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443964F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176946419A0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = ca2351be TextureOverride\debug_2d\_sparks matched resource with hash=ca2351be type=Texture2D width=128 height=512 mips=10 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM_SRGB" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443957F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176946419A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A9 5A 69 52 00 AA A0 A0 A9 5A 69 52 00 AA A8 AB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = aa0faf23 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443996F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694656F20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 9F 4F 28 5C A3 81 36 14 01 AC AA FC AA DA BA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e74d7d43 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644399C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694681A20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1E 00 AA 22 A2 08 1F 00 1E 00 AA 08 A2 08 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f276b9ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443942F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694696FA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 61 7A 82 08 55 FD AB AB A2 49 82 00 55 2A 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 06d8a772 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443920B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176946AC520, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 10 0E 98 79 47 AE 52 FD 83 3E 33 05 24 D5 6D Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c7fca0e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443967B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176946D7020, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 15 00 02 00 55 55 FD 82 11 00 01 00 55 55 65 88 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4f1298bc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644399EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176946D7020, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 81 AB C0 20 55 02 A0 A2 80 CC 20 39 55 00 AE EA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f55fec89 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644394AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176946E1B00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 0E 84 70 41 C8 1C 00 17 02 70 08 AF 06 84 AE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 44cc7bd7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644392378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176946F70C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0E 00 02 00 75 02 A0 AA 15 00 07 00 55 2A F6 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b180dfe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644394D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694701BA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 2E 94 8B 8B AA 0B AE FE 2E 94 2B 7B AA 00 00 5E Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 911b914f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644396A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769470C680, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 84 BF 55 24 7A 33 5E 10 BE 93 F7 EF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3110889b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443952B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694721C40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1E 00 00 00 00 38 1F 00 19 00 00 00 80 5C Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b1c5affc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644395A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769472C720, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 82 BC 04 00 8B ED AA 02 62 BC C4 49 CD 75 EE 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cc99c392 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644395D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694737200, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 2E 06 34 AE 09 AD 84 DE 01 D0 97 54 DA 56 FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b67a0e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644396CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769474C7C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1A 00 00 00 89 ED AA 00 1B 00 01 00 8B ED AA 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = aae3a8a6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644392B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176947572A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 E0 28 20 10 E9 2B AB A9 21 39 60 18 FD AC BF AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 19ba384f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439A178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694761D80, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 F0 B9 09 80 27 A5 AA A2 FC 8F 8E A8 E3 E8 DB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bea2bd12 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644393AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694777340, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 11 00 01 00 E9 0B AB A9 14 00 0A 00 7D AC 97 AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a0b1aead returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644396F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694781E20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 82967d3a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644393DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769478C900, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 04 00 00 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 20e9d0e3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644397238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176947A1EC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 02 00 01 00 AA AA AA AA 02 00 01 00 AA AA AA BA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1c3247aa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644397CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176947AC9A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 DB D6 82 10 55 55 B5 25 18 BE A2 10 55 55 7E 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6ec58aee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443925F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176947B7480, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 08 74 EA C1 47 E1 48 1D 8A 52 90 00 00 E0 21 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 636ff41c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439A3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176947CCA40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1D 00 02 00 55 55 B5 25 1C 00 02 00 55 55 7E 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 648d8844 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443928B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176947D7520, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 875aa0ee returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439A6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176947E21A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 20 30 08 CC E5 00 00 7E EE EE 77 E7 EE E7 E7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 80945c40 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644397F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176947F7B40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0A 00 0A 00 AA AA AA AA 0A 00 0A 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = abd2fff7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439A938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176948027C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 29f0414d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644393078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769480D440, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 60 10 18 04 00 00 00 12 81 81 81 11 18 11 81 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a2b5caca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644392DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694822BA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6b80dae3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439ABF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769482D820, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 91 9C AD 7B 7B 89 23 B7 2F 8C 8D 7B 0F 5A 28 C0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b1421924 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439AE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176948384A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 1C 7A 53 2B 80 68 C3 CC E4 EE F5 FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 461b73ed returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644393338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769484F1C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 14 00 FF FF AA 02 1E 00 13 00 FF FF AA 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e604afa5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439B138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694859CA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 44 31 24 29 55 F5 5F BD 85 39 24 29 55 55 55 2B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 13e66732 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443935B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694864780, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 60 64 32 10 D8 78 04 02 AE 00 54 57 89 2A 08 A2 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 63d1ea04 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439B3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694879D40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C9 72 68 62 8D AF D7 D5 A8 6A 67 5A 0E 28 FD F8 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a3d01b8d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439B678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694884820, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 EC DF 53 20 43 B6 60 84 24 F6 34 84 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5d70558f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439B8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694899DE0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1D 00 80 00 40 80 1F 00 1B 00 0A 28 09 08 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4c713f69 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439BBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176948A48C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 9B E0 61 7D 43 62 F2 01 8B E0 59 5D 7D A2 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 412117d4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439BE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176948AF3A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F0 6F 4E 74 CC AA CB 72 7F FF D3 1E D1 90 9B 7D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 31cc1d0a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439C0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176948C4960, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 17 00 FD EB EA 0A 1A 00 12 00 5F 5E B0 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 63a0d05a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439C378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176948CF440, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A2 20 20 08 02 A8 FE F6 A2 18 00 08 00 AA AE 5D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3446e1b2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439ED78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176948DA010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 50 0F 8E E2 6A 2B A9 FC FB 53 27 D9 DF 24 29 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0f6eda3e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439FFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176948EF770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 03 00 00 00 A1 00 2E BB 05 00 00 00 F7 2A AF 49 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 03194e00 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439F2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176948FA3F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C2 71 25 21 55 2B 03 0B 81 A2 25 19 55 2E 02 0A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dfc7b907 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A0CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694905070, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 19 84 0F C2 F7 24 D0 0C 03 33 06 01 F8 FD FC Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c5617fc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A29F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769491A7D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 15 00 02 00 55 0B 02 0B 17 00 01 00 F5 08 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b975b4bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A2C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694925450, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 C1 18 00 00 00 40 8C BD 41 08 55 55 D5 25 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 10c0bdca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439E078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176949300D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 20 30 08 04 00 00 00 EE E7 EE 7E E7 77 7E EE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a2e96910 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439E838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694946840, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 03 00 00 00 55 55 55 35 01 00 18 00 00 00 80 58 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d7df2d75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A2F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694965580, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 23 39 C1 28 73 7B CF FF E2 28 81 18 AA AB FA FE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5526c871 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A31B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769497AB00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 B0 A2 40 09 C0 E8 D5 D0 D2 72 D0 58 B6 B4 FB DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2c131795 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A3478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176949A5600, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 86 93 E3 51 22 89 0B 2D C7 9B 63 6A A7 BE 0A 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6e9b2bc3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A2738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176949BAB80, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 F0 D0 C5 42 0A 1D 22 FE 01 3E F2 2F B7 61 9B 04 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = edcd06c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A0FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176949E5680, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 00 0D 00 2A 89 02 2D 19 00 11 00 F7 FE 0A 2A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d5bb1570 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439EAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176949E5680, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 69 52 24 29 02 02 A9 C0 2C 6B 86 31 EE 6C BC F6 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1421dd29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A24B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176949FAC00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 30 62 A0 09 40 BC 01 80 AA 5E 65 8B F9 A0 8F F5 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8e57d10c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A36F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694A25700, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 0B 00 01 00 AB 02 A1 C0 0E 00 01 00 EE 48 AC A4 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 00f79d17 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A3C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694A25700, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E6 49 00 00 5F A7 0F BD 44 31 20 08 55 F2 20 08 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0f498886 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439F7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694A3AC80, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 30 20 D4 02 80 83 AF CA 8B AA DE B6 81 9B BA 5D Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = add3bf23 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439E5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694A65780, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 15 00 01 00 55 A5 05 BD 10 00 00 00 55 FB A2 08 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = aa13d51c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A39B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694A65780, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 82 18 20 08 00 02 AD 5E 82 18 41 10 80 00 0A F5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f19782d7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439F038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694A7AD00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 4E 27 10 08 00 00 02 AE AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b4993757 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A14F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694AA5800, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 13 00 13 00 AA AA AA AA 13 00 13 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 27372cf4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439C638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694AA5800, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 44 31 03 21 AA BB B5 AB 64 31 E3 20 AA AA BF 2A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b5325cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A0278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694ABAD80, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 40 A1 CB 04 00 10 F2 0D 02 D6 02 5A 46 A4 3E Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cd7cf9fe returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439FAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694AE5880, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1D 00 1A 00 00 AB BD 02 1D 00 1B 00 A0 AA 95 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cd0af79c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694AE5880, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 6D 6B 62 10 A8 DE 55 FE A6 31 00 00 28 AA F6 B8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d5a0afba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A3EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694AFAE00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 B0 65 68 02 80 66 36 ED 46 42 4C 12 04 5D 67 DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b445444c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439D0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694B25900, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1C 00 08 00 80 D8 FE F8 13 00 03 00 BC AA AC 98 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a68b4b64 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439D878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694B25900, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 06 52 20 00 FD FD FD 0D A4 41 82 18 55 D7 FF B0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a3d06381 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A4178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694B3AE80, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 AF 01 03 00 78 A2 40 E1 E9 81 84 4C C8 86 BC Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 275ac580 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A0538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694B65980, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 00 00 00 05 0D 0D 09 12 00 0E 00 5F FB ED E0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a55d3f33 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439D5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694B65980, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 24 29 00 00 55 7F 55 00 48 52 E3 20 55 55 FD 0E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4a8fa4bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A07B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694B7AF00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 C0 28 B0 0A 00 F8 CD 00 00 80 80 01 40 90 E0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6133ab2a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A4438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694BA5A00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1D 00 1F 00 55 55 55 15 1F 00 10 00 00 00 00 7F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6507b0f8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439F578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694BA5A00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 23 31 00 00 55 B5 27 B5 43 31 00 00 55 DA D8 57 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0f4063f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694BBAF80, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 3F 21 60 02 00 04 0E 01 80 E1 E1 01 40 C0 40 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 32b12c85 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439C8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694BE5A80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 19 00 01 00 55 F5 25 25 00 00 18 00 00 AA 55 55 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7719d654 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439FD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694BE5A80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 20 C0 18 AA AA AA AA C0 20 A0 18 AA AA AA EA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ce780f27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A0A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694BFB000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 E0 0F F8 03 00 0A 85 71 00 77 07 77 70 07 77 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3265c4c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A46B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C25B00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dafb3b72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C25B00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C2 18 00 00 55 57 55 A8 61 10 00 00 55 FF 55 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b4293660 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C305E0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A0 40 21 A0 01 E0 01 DE 02 00 00 7E 01 00 00 FD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4b5ced5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C45BA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 12 00 00 00 55 FF 55 00 0F 00 00 00 55 FF 55 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 97f36f7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A21F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C50680, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 24 41 A0 28 E8 5E 5C 58 44 31 00 08 3A 9F 7F 7F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3e73b3a9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439CB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C5B160, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 D0 C1 67 40 F8 00 F8 F9 F9 67 45 9F 1B 35 05 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c1469578 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439DDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C70720, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 15 00 6D 83 02 02 1A 00 0C 00 57 B8 F8 F8 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 707eafcf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A4978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C7B200, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 E8 83 80 10 55 69 C1 AB 46 73 A0 10 55 55 D0 20 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5096eb38 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439DB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C85CE0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 DD 83 C6 C2 68 27 D5 17 0F 44 46 83 60 B3 FE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 90ff56c2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439CDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694C9B390, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 01 00 55 EB 83 03 03 00 1D 00 00 00 A5 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c60e0211 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A4BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694CA6010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e1888b20 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A4EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694CB0C90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 60 00 C0 EF 07 00 00 02 AE AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fb1aac2b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439D338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694CC63F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 53cc7c27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A5138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694CD1070, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 08 62 BB 00 00 98 60 61 8A 00 00 55 BE 2A 28 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a0867d90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A53F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694CDBCF0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 07 7C CF C1 18 1F 68 BA 81 91 06 00 E8 99 38 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1edb4c6f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A5678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694CF1450, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1C 00 02 00 55 75 8D 25 18 00 01 00 55 BE 20 20 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 103cfc20 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A5938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694CFC0D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C2 30 81 20 E8 8A 09 0B E2 38 A1 28 5D 7F 3E FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f998ccb4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A5BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D06D50, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 01 6C 13 42 18 61 B5 16 B6 74 90 A2 51 72 48 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c8f0c41d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A5E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D1C4B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 17 00 11 00 43 C3 A9 83 17 00 12 00 D1 D3 3A 32 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a8d0d361 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439E2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D27130, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 20 00 00 00 55 55 75 75 41 08 00 00 55 55 A2 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 28486d30 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A60F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D31DB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 04 00 A8 A4 4B 44 00 70 00 D0 00 F0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fef8b733 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A63B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D47510, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1B 00 00 00 80 80 1F 00 14 00 00 00 FF 5D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 81025a57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A68F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D52190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C2 10 81 10 72 F6 DD D0 C2 10 82 10 7E 5F 8A 2E Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a540d6e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A6638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D5CE10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 0C 53 47 99 45 F4 71 45 65 55 01 46 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 14d2f2a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A6B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D72570, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 14 00 0F 00 68 AC AA B0 14 00 11 00 7A 5C 88 BC Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = df8aa2d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A6E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D7D1F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 01 00 00 00 55 D5 D5 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7b320f5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A70B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D87E70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 61 10 41 08 E5 E5 ED 6D E0 59 20 10 D5 F5 D5 1D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 92f6ccac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FD7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694D92AF0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 30 61 C0 E7 3D F8 D4 EB EB CB C1 06 94 C0 89 5C Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ec77b83c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FD538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694DA8250, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 17 00 30 18 3C 34 1F 00 18 00 06 0F AD A9 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e0541d7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F8138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694DB2ED0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C3 18 00 00 FF 55 AA 00 E3 18 00 00 FF 55 AA 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7c1fc15f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F7178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694DBDB50, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 60 10 18 04 00 00 00 82 18 81 11 11 18 18 88 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 24dd8ba2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FC038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694DD32B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 59ea6a35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FE7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694DDDF30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 41 80 18 68 7C EE 68 C0 20 40 10 FF 2A 00 A0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = eef73dae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F90F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694DE8BB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 40 12 30 08 00 10 75 20 58 58 58 AA 2E 2E 2D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9a7035c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F83F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694DFE310, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1B 00 00 EC 68 68 1F 00 17 00 00 AB BB DA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a44185a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FCD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E08F90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 22 41 40 18 A1 59 FB FB 23 39 20 28 02 7F FF 7F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7578ee7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F8678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E13C10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 70 AA 01 40 F9 D1 D3 7D F3 0F B1 9C 89 83 38 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c8400059 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FCFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E29370, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 17 00 0B 00 FB 59 B2 92 15 00 0D 00 FA 02 A0 7C Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 60f482ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FADF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E33FF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 65 41 00 30 A8 F4 F4 F4 64 59 A0 40 02 FD F5 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8794ceef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FECF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E3EC70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A0 3E DC 4A 05 00 F4 2D 0A 38 10 08 56 15 6D AD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 458c2928 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FB078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E543D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0F 00 07 00 FA 8A AD 89 11 00 07 00 27 3F FA A2 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 678236a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F93B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E5F050, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 E3 28 82 10 A9 AB 83 03 E3 30 C3 18 F7 FF FE A8 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 22b4424f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F7BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E69CD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 10 02 04 C0 66 56 FD 0B AA 48 92 24 12 37 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b8ce7eb4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FAB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E7F430, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 12 00 05 00 BD AF AB 8B 12 00 0B 00 77 F7 EC A0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bef2574e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FBAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 128 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017694E8A0B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 9A D6 99 D6 AA 00 00 00 9A D6 99 D6 AA 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 9183e0a0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FDFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E8A1A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 00 C0 EF 07 00 FC FD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4faffba5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FC838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694E9A1D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA 6A AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2273e9ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FE4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694EA4CB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 20 30 08 04 00 00 00 7E 77 7E EE 7E 77 E7 EE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7ee0d638 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FCAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694EBA270, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 00 06 00 83 D6 DE FE 10 00 0A 00 02 AF BF B5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 19dc63ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F8938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694EBA270, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 82 10 A2 18 AA AA AA 2A 03 31 82 10 55 D5 2D B3 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a9897199 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FA0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694EC4D50, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 60 09 18 06 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 F1 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7367a632 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F9638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694EDA310, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 04 00 00 00 AA AA 2A 4A 0F 00 00 00 7D 97 0D A2 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 66fae11d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FA8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694EE4DF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 36 CE 55 AD EA AA AA AA D6 BD AF 73 57 F8 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 20731e3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FC2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694EEF8D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 13 55 35 CA 56 E1 FF FF 9E 84 D0 C1 02 17 A7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a8c481c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F76B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F04E90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1A 00 18 00 60 80 08 28 19 00 0E 00 57 F8 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 35da4185 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FB338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F0F970, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 48 4A 00 00 A9 03 03 03 A9 5A C6 39 55 AF A2 60 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e2f0ad98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FDD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F1A450, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 02 84 10 42 48 17 63 99 0A A1 0A FE AB 02 AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 96a74015 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FE278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F2FA10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 15 00 01 00 A9 03 03 03 1A 00 10 00 55 AF A2 60 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3a6ca241 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FD2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F3A4F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C7 8A 25 6A 55 FF 00 00 C7 8A 25 6A 55 FF 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3a978bcf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FDA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F44FD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 60 6C 35 10 F8 FF 03 06 FE FF FE FF D7 5D 5D 7D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 33c0e3d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FEA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F5A590, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 724a1ba6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FC578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F75580, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 2F BD 28 7B 8B 03 5F FB 2F C5 49 7B EA 00 55 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f8ba03af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F7EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F80060, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 D7 73 0D 3E D8 34 F6 DD 2F 64 CE F7 39 19 78 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9dface65 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FEF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694F95620, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 16 00 8B 01 89 01 1E 00 1B 00 7D 00 55 AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a13fe090 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F9B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694FA0100, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 DD EF C2 10 0A AA 7A AA 99 CE 21 11 00 A2 FD AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7e4c97ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F7438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694FAABE0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 70 0F 5A 7A 1A 4F 02 54 57 03 0C 90 65 49 2F 89 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ce0e10ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F8BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694FC01A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1B 00 01 00 00 00 60 80 1D 00 09 00 00 AA FD AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e65ebf56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F98F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694FCAC80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0C C5 2A AC A5 0D 27 B7 6D CD EB C4 A2 BE 9D 7D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c4290db0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FF238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694FD5760, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 FC FF C9 68 21 9A 52 EC 27 E9 55 95 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a85ff756 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F8E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694FEAD20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 A5 65 95 95 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 566cb0c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FF4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017694FF5800, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 3C E7 00 08 9F 27 27 2F 9D EF 8A 52 56 00 00 28 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 84030ad5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F7978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176950002E0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 70 0F 3A EA CC E1 CF CB AB 0A 88 86 F0 08 8F F4 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fdb21ed8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FF778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176950158A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 02 00 1E 00 80 60 60 60 1D 00 0B 00 56 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8ffd243e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FB878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695020380, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 BA DE D2 A4 00 55 AA BF DA DE 54 B5 00 55 DF AF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 13fb576b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644501438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769502AE60, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E0 40 20 10 F8 1D 43 56 A6 53 D2 D2 97 3A 7F FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 37a071d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FB5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695040420, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 04 00 03 00 BF 6F EA AA 05 00 00 00 AA EA 6A AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 280fdd9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445016F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769504AF00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 796234d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445011B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176950559E0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 60 10 18 04 00 00 00 12 81 81 81 11 18 11 81 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3b9b2de7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FF9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769506AFA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c7ab3205 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FFCB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695075A80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A5 41 C2 28 55 95 05 05 26 5A 20 10 7F AC A0 F2 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 472ca774 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FA378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769508B000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 08 84 D3 41 C8 62 5C 40 2C 45 0E 21 80 63 6A Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8d497a6e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445001F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176950B5B00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 18 00 11 00 FF FF 8F DF 12 00 00 00 5C AC A0 52 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 83f77f0e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FBDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176950CB080, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A5 41 C2 28 55 95 05 05 26 5A 20 10 7F AC A0 F2 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 491ab361 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FFF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176950E0600, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 08 84 D3 41 C8 62 5C 60 2C 45 0E 21 80 63 6A Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0f708f96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444F9E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769510B100, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 18 00 11 00 FF FF 8F DF 12 00 00 00 5C AC A0 52 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bbd38d17 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644500478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695120680, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 47469fd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176444FA5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695135C00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D0 71 81 00 40 47 86 AE 4B DD 5E 46 C1 C2 4C 8C Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f980b694 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644500738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695140700, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 03 00 49 92 24 48 82 24 83 5A 41 20 7A BA 18 1A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = bc4dfedd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445009B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769514B200, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 30 00 38 09 40 69 AD 8E 53 D3 5E D8 E1 C2 5E 90 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = c88cf0b3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644500C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695155D00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 03 00 49 92 24 48 82 24 83 5A 41 20 7A BA 18 1A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 862e79ce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644500EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695160800, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 30 00 38 09 40 69 AD 8E 53 D3 5E D8 E1 C2 5E 90 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 370c3644 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445038F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769516B300, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 54 C5 70 BD FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e4fad698 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644502938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695175E40, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 00 14 0A 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d15094a6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644507FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695180980, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C4 B0 49 57 9B DA 06 00 38 C6 96 B5 B5 D7 AA 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 442b565c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644508FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769518B480, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 50 AF FD 0F C0 49 2A 4B CB 4B 83 BA 88 66 FB FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = e8bdc9c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445033B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695195F80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 67 5A 01 08 F8 FF FD FF 23 31 C3 20 BD BF 27 A7 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0452794b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644503BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176951A0A60, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 EF 46 06 C0 70 11 16 0E 0E 6A 11 13 BB C0 6F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 99b6a3e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644507AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176951B6020, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 1D 00 22 02 02 02 1F 00 1E 00 55 FD 55 FD Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 506cbd42 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644506838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176951C0B00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 86 31 A2 10 75 AD AD AD 45 29 C3 18 55 02 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 30f39252 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644507D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176951CB6D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B0 61 54 02 06 A8 00 80 A0 81 1D A9 F9 92 A6 60 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cf2cd1fe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644508A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176951E0E30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0F 00 00 00 AD 09 09 09 12 00 07 00 57 A8 AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 59abfa8d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445055F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176951EBAB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF A3 42 47 6C 5F 6B 53 97 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = efc300fe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644508278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176952011D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 B0 16 02 00 38 A2 A1 A1 2A 88 88 CC C8 8E CC Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d4afc906 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445026B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695230010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 E7 41 A6 39 74 57 55 CA 44 31 03 29 2A 3E BF 00 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = ba2508f8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644504638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695230000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 20 44 1D F2 07 00 B4 80 C8 55 53 53 FD FD FF 00 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 6e48872d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644508538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695230010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 14 00 12 00 56 D7 D5 00 17 00 14 00 6B EB EA 80 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 249df646 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644502178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769522C350, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 2A 83 29 7B AA FE AE EE 2A 83 29 7B AA FF AA FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e26db9b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445040F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695241A70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1E 00 AB 02 02 02 1F 00 1E 00 AA 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f8446d59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445077F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695257190, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 20 30 08 E4 FF 6B B8 62 66 F6 FF F6 FF F6 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2ff7fbd6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644501EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695281E30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 54ee7ba9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644503138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176952ACAD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 00 D6 7F FE FF C0 FF A1 FF D7 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 32c8f1d9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644504B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176952D7770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A5 41 82 18 2A A8 A0 60 64 39 20 08 00 80 7E 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 178e7df2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644509238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176952E24B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 2F 42 E7 0D 89 01 02 82 CA 25 93 71 C8 08 EC Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d6c6eafd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644504378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176952F7C10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1D 00 10 00 3E B8 E0 60 1D 00 0D 00 A8 E8 5E 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4d9fd8ed returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644505B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017695302890, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 41 10 43 49 00 AA A6 A6 41 10 03 39 00 9A 96 95 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b8e30e5c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445048B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017695340010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 C0 E1 6F F8 03 00 1A 4B 00 00 99 98 EB AA FA A9 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 9973e88a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644505878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769532D400, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 03 00 13 00 00 55 55 55 03 00 13 00 00 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 8b7ab8e7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644506AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695302CC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C5 41 A1 18 00 0A F7 FE E5 49 43 31 AA 80 43 6B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = aeac29d3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644503E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769532D400, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 30 67 C1 87 A6 DB 00 FE CB 2B DF A6 BA E0 0D F5 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 94301078 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445094F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695318580, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 09 00 01 00 FF 80 55 55 09 00 01 00 B5 3B 29 ED Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4999fc8c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445062F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695370000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 E2 28 A6 BB 01 00 00 00 C2 20 61 18 F5 8B AB 2E Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 4da77bb2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644501978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695370000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 60 1C 0C 10 08 00 04 02 CA F2 D7 CD 28 08 00 A2 Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 5c6b6f84 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644509778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695370000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 1C 00 1A 00 D8 57 5D 99 16 00 12 00 0D 09 2B 36 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 6fe339f1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644504DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695370000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 AD 73 ED 62 FF FE FA EA 2D 6B 0D 63 02 08 20 80 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 8546f057 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644506D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695370000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 40 20 10 F8 D3 FF 5F 35 13 11 2F 11 ED 12 F0 2E Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 6fa9f815 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445050B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695370000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 1E 00 17 00 FF FC F0 C2 1A 00 19 00 FD F7 DF 7D Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 30b5a340 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644505DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695323E70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 09 01 49 91 18 89 95 58 CB 5A 8A 52 B5 BD BF 9C Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = fe850136 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644501C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695367F40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = eabbc933 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644505338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769537D4C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 8A 84 70 07 00 00 9E 2D AB 2B 2B 41 C0 C0 C0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 86c3733a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644502BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017695390000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 1C 14 0E FE 1C 14 0E FE 1C 14 0E FE 1C 14 0E FE Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 92684c4a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644506078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017695390000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 00 29 20 21 FF FF FF FF 00 29 20 21 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1bbe44b9 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_menuparticles1 matched resource with hash=1bbe44b9 type=Texture2D width=1024 height=1024 mips=1 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445065B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695387FC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 63 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 57d1b9ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644507038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769539D540, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 00 FE 58 02 F9 0A F9 2D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a4db93f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445072B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176953C8040, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 B5 B5 4C 6B 09 2D 97 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 88c33d82 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644502E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176953DD5C0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 0A F9 4D F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bbbd62db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445087B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176954080C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D6 C5 4C 73 78 60 E0 80 B5 BD 0B 6B 2D 2D B7 DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = da4f6b22 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445023F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769541D640, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 00 7D 58 02 F8 0B F8 4E F8 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2d41ceda returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450A738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695448140, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 95 BD 2C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 4C 73 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 837f33d8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644508CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769545D6C0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 0A F9 2C F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ec5ca54b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644507578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176954881C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 D5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 68e6a9c5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644509A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769549D740, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 FD 48 02 E9 0A FA 4E FA FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e9ad4753 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644509CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176954C8240, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 7B 70 60 E0 80 95 BD 0B 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 29ccf1a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644509F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176954DD960, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d12da38d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450AC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695508600, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6C 73 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7e527864 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450A1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769551DD20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 0E 3A 08 00 F0 AB 54 55 55 55 C0 17 BC C5 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 392e930b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450A4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176955489C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a9e81127 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450AF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769555E0E0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 00 7F 58 03 F9 0B F9 5E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cc9e8eca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450A9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695588D80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7e1aeb79 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450B1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769559E4A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 02 7E 58 02 F7 0A F8 2D F8 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ca702cba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644503678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176955C9140, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7cd6ed54 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450B478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176955DE860, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 02 7F 58 02 F9 0A F9 1C F9 DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 681b9e3f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450B6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017695609500, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a048caab returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450B9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769560B5C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 21 08 00 00 FF FF FF 3F 41 08 00 00 FF FF 55 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3b7719e8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450BC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695620B40, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 C0 20 A0 00 08 04 02 02 00 00 80 09 2A 22 A2 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 61da7664 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450BEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769564B640, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 04 00 00 00 55 55 55 D5 02 00 00 00 55 FD 55 02 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6746ffa3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450C978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769564B640, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 42 C3 18 55 5F F0 A0 A6 31 00 00 57 5F EA A8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e9fbaa28 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450D3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695660BC0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 30 A7 D4 B7 63 2B 01 AA D4 F5 97 B3 1C 8A AB C0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = edf9aaa1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450DE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769568B6C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 00 10 00 00 FB 5A F8 17 00 11 00 00 FF 55 FE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e56aeb0b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445112F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769568B6C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A2 18 00 00 AC AD AF AF 82 10 61 10 03 0B 8F 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e6df5ac0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450FB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176956961A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A0 BD 5F 62 02 00 04 3A 4A E9 E9 CB BB 55 05 1A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 969185e2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644513278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176956AB760, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0F 00 00 00 0F 0D 0D 2F 14 00 0B 00 09 0A 8B FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 599da047 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450D138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176956B8080, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A1 28 00 00 55 D5 75 1D A2 59 20 08 55 FD F5 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5412f452 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644511578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176956C2B60, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 30 20 C4 06 C0 57 AD 2A AA F2 01 00 04 A0 82 3B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 80730622 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450DBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176956D8120, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0D 00 02 00 55 FF 7F 1F 17 00 01 00 F5 FF FD 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3e4d7cf1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445134F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176956E2C00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 01 59 81 20 0A 82 EB FC 02 59 81 18 70 DA DD 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d29c7682 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644510338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176956ED6E0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 C0 23 30 07 00 C8 30 01 00 20 C1 EB 6A 19 03 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 003929d7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644513A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695702CA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1C 00 18 00 0B EB 7D 54 1C 00 16 00 00 2B 3D 2B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0c980da6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644512538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769570D780, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 45 29 00 00 D5 55 2D 2D E8 39 21 08 55 F5 0A 0A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 61d7be1d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445137B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695718260, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 E1 83 10 BE DA A4 A5 2B A7 42 D2 01 D4 7B 1F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b2ae9b2d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644511FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769572D820, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 12 00 02 00 00 2A DE DC 1D 00 08 00 0B AF FF F5 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5dba0bc9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450C438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695738300, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C1 30 C1 28 BF FF FF FF 01 41 C1 28 EB B5 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0573855d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450E0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695742DE0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 A4 48 3A 1B 49 04 66 88 9B 86 DE DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a3f22ee7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450CBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176957583A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5f0bd2b4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450D678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695762E80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C3 20 00 00 AA AA 2A 4A 28 F4 82 18 55 D5 AD 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3728c358 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450D938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769576D960, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 5C 00 02 80 90 45 F7 FF F5 FF F8 FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2531d589 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644512A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695782F20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 46 29 50 B5 2A 2A 2A 2A CB 39 68 29 96 B7 96 97 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ce8e723c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450C6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769578DA00, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 C0 73 2F B6 D7 DC FF 86 23 14 8A 61 62 6A 7E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 004f97ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445105B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176957A2FC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 00 00 1D 1D 1D 3D 16 00 08 00 3C 96 96 97 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 581a38b8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450F8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176957ADAA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FA DE B1 94 7E D6 6E CA B9 D6 8C 73 29 A9 AD 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0b14f28f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644512FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176957B8580, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D0 CE B1 F9 3F 48 02 AA 52 7F AF BF FA AB 1F 68 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d1b9e524 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450FDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176957CDB40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2408f161 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445122B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176957D8620, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A3 51 E2 28 AA A8 00 BD C4 51 63 49 15 55 5E 8B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d3f56c00 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644512D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176957E3100, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 BC 4E 67 AA 25 67 04 AC 28 EA 66 7A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 970bc4fb returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450E3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176957F87B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1B 00 1A 00 A0 D0 72 AE 1C 00 1A 00 FF 7D 77 CB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 803b3519 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450F5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695803380, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 45 BB E2 38 55 D5 3F 2F E5 AA 61 18 5E EA E8 EA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a9940cca returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450E638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769580E000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F0 0F BE 88 D1 15 03 AA B4 CD 9B 0F FA AB 5F FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4147050c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450F378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695823760, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 16 00 10 00 5F CA 2A 00 14 00 0D 00 DA AB 80 E2 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 93a4992a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450E8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769582E3E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 46 62 A1 20 F5 DC 60 02 83 41 81 18 0F BA EB A6 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e939ca66 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450EB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769583A070, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 04 00 2A 22 00 22 2E 10 FF 08 EA CF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 78a1702a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644513CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769584F720, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 14 00 04 00 F5 DC 60 02 0A 00 02 00 0A 28 83 04 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 72b30747 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450CEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769585A3A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C2 20 61 10 55 F4 77 F7 82 18 41 10 F7 FF 3D 17 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 52452068 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445127F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695865020, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 50 D3 A2 03 DA BA 05 04 04 06 40 A4 49 B5 FB DB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 06df5032 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644510878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769587A780, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 11 00 0A 00 54 F4 FC BC 0F 00 09 00 F7 F7 3D 17 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d3dab456 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644511D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695885400, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 F1 AC 03 31 55 55 00 AA 70 94 61 10 5F B5 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1360b7d7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644511AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695890080, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 0D 8C 10 BE A8 A0 92 3D 37 B7 54 2C DE FE 03 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 95a3c86b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644511838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176958A57E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 18 00 09 00 5F 7F 00 00 18 00 09 00 55 F5 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9e7d3f21 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450C178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176958B0460, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 E6 6A 00 00 09 09 01 01 4B C5 A5 62 95 15 35 2D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 18b587f1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644513F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 64 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176958BB0E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 82 7F 41 54 80 74 87 4A 79 70 85 59 79 74 67 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f70703a5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644514238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176958D0800, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 00 00 2D 09 09 09 15 00 06 00 95 95 35 2D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ffa1d3e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445144B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176958DB540, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 26 42 85 31 3B DE BC F5 C8 52 C5 39 CB E5 AF A9 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 35dcd8ee returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644510DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176958E61C0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 9C 0A 4F 1B 4A 15 83 69 60 5C EF A8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e1ec920e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644516438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176958FB920, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0D 00 07 00 3F DE BC F5 17 00 0A 00 CB E5 AF A9 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 77e9c2cb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644514778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959065A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 40 08 00 00 00 80 81 10 00 00 55 D5 7D 17 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = af48c1d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450EE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695911220, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 6C BF 5D 34 20 86 2A 86 AA E8 BE A4 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f9f0b447 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644515738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695926980, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 15 00 08 00 BF B6 28 90 1A 00 11 00 9B 0D 01 D9 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 71858029 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764450F0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695931600, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 7D EF BA D6 55 AA 00 00 7D EF 99 CE FF AA 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3c4c6d9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445161B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769593C280, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 0A 7C F0 C1 07 21 C1 D9 E2 9A A8 E2 CB FF 03 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cf12d65e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644514F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959519E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 11 00 07 00 55 AA 28 00 13 00 09 00 55 FF AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 019433c6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644510078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769595C660, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 09 73 43 31 55 3E 3E 3E EC 8B 03 31 F5 27 27 26 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9a111655 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644510AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959672E0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 47 3E C7 77 33 F1 FA 7C 73 A7 9B 79 9B 07 7E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 50ec82c3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644511038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769597CA40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 16 00 0C 00 55 BE 3E 3E 19 00 09 00 B5 2E 3E 3E Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e4bc5bf5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445149F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959876C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 76 DE AF AC DD 5B 3E 80 35 DE AF AC 7E 7D 8A 2E Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5d2b8bde returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644514CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695992340, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 BD 83 D0 6D 9A B3 F6 D9 27 84 14 43 04 AE F9 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 023d8227 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445151F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959A7AA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 14 00 08 00 FB 5B 2A 0B 16 00 0A 00 77 75 F8 BA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 74feddd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445166F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959B2720, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 90 94 00 00 FF 2F 27 0B 37 C6 AC 7B 20 0B AA F5 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 25ea1d30 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644515478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959BD3A0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 B0 BD 99 1D BC 00 8A F2 F1 00 88 D5 EB 5F DF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 60be2fbc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176445159B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959D2B00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1D 00 14 00 55 F5 95 3D 1C 00 18 00 18 0D 00 0A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4dd06b6b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644515C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959DD6D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 BD FF 13 AD A9 00 00 00 BD FF 1A E7 55 00 AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fa9ff495 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644515EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959E8350, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 5E F0 07 FC FF 63 FB 31 58 73 59 B7 8C 96 9F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d04b12e7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644516C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176959FDAB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1D 00 03 01 AB 02 1F 00 1D 00 8B 8B 77 B6 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 64de0458 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644516978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A08730, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 9C F7 A2 18 55 2D 03 02 85 39 17 EF 00 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 156934e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EDDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A133B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 60 10 08 FC FF 01 58 01 00 30 BE F4 8B DB 9A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f50bd0f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EE838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A28B10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 02 00 55 2D 03 02 06 00 1C 00 00 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 71f9957b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EF2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A33790, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A1 18 00 00 08 55 F6 76 81 18 00 00 00 55 FF 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ed6d19de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EE578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A3E410, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 CE 7B 10 B2 24 65 B4 B7 A6 F4 94 B1 FF 81 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5bcf5b79 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446ED878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A53B70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 15 00 0E 00 15 AF 0A 80 15 00 0E 00 60 FA 28 E0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0263f56e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EB638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A5E7F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 EE 5A C3 18 55 ED 8B 0B 6B 4A 83 10 7F EA A0 E2 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9ccb8fc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EDAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A69470, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B0 C2 C0 2A 64 1A AD D2 5E 5E 00 82 D9 F1 8D D6 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b89fde2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EB3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A7EBD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 16 00 08 00 D5 09 03 03 13 00 07 00 6F 80 00 A0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1f3726cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EC0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A89850, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FF FF C3 18 F8 5C 5C 5C AD 83 41 10 58 B7 07 AD Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e47957a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EE038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695A944D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 70 31 3D 64 CA 3F 48 81 81 A8 10 19 DF A8 8D DA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0f9b99e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EA938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695AA9C30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 03 00 F8 5C 5C 5C 19 00 04 00 2F 2D A5 BD Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9cc96227 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F0F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695AB48B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 66 29 E4 20 56 7A A0 03 66 31 E3 18 0B B5 57 7A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9dc19c42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EE2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695AC9FD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 6C 91 5A A4 08 74 00 C2 64 F6 5B BA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4834bff1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EABB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695AF4C70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1C 00 80 C0 40 E2 1E 00 18 00 73 03 82 A0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c8fb98cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F0A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695AFF7E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 289d4750 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EEAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695B14D60, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 60 10 18 04 00 00 00 82 18 81 11 11 18 18 88 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 27821d46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EC8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695B3F860, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 846a5e72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E9EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695B3F860, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 EF 7B AE 73 97 AF CE 2C EF 7B 6D 6B 88 60 B0 8C Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a96def2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EA138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695B54DE0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 FE 8B EF C1 83 10 E7 BC 23 B6 30 C9 D9 D4 DB Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5d04bc4c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EBB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695B7F8E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 15 00 13 00 31 18 37 FF 15 00 13 00 F6 D6 F4 FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 242e5a0b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EF538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695B7F8E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 EE 83 07 42 55 7D E0 F0 AA 5A C6 39 5F AB F2 02 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c5fc6bd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EED78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695B94E60, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 F0 41 E2 3F F7 00 A0 FE 7F 41 44 6E 6E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6d86a347 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EEFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695BBF960, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 18 00 01 00 FF FD A0 F8 0B 00 05 00 7F A2 E2 29 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8b317ce2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EC378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695AF5DE0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 AD 7B 64 31 02 BE D7 FE 6E 9C 27 4A 2B B7 55 FD Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e30f48f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446ED078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695BC4ED0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 10 4E E7 2B D6 20 D0 5C A9 16 C0 52 BE 59 7B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f62b2abf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F1238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695BDA490, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1D 00 09 00 00 28 B6 BC 1D 00 14 00 00 00 A5 AF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 894ee9d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EF7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695BE4F70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 E6 6A 00 08 C7 45 EA 8A F1 F6 86 52 C9 E9 ED ED Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c165aa3f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EFFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695BEFA50, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 60 15 D0 6E 88 86 F7 8D CA 52 33 E1 A0 A0 90 CB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3d89e80e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446ED338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C05010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 14 00 04 00 C5 CD AA 8A 1E 00 0F 00 C1 C1 C9 C9 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a4d024a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F07B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C0FAF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 44 31 E3 20 FA FA FA 56 23 29 C3 18 AA AA EA 7F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = be837c3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EC5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C1A5D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 4F C2 06 80 77 41 49 FB FF 4B 92 24 11 A7 7B Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5d5cf5b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EFA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C2FB90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 17 00 E0 E0 E0 70 1A 00 15 00 E0 E0 E0 FE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 928362c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E9BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C3A670, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C3 10 61 08 AD BD BD A9 A2 10 82 08 EE AA A8 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7beeb49c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F14B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C45150, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 67 3E 08 00 32 8C 8E 8E 8C 72 09 93 38 99 73 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4bcd77f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EFD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C5A710, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0E 00 01 00 0B 3D 09 01 11 00 09 00 76 98 D8 8E Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 08b49059 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E9978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C651F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A1 20 41 08 98 D8 FA BF E3 28 61 18 5A 72 62 50 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = beb8fcd3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446ECB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C6FCD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 90 8F C3 18 42 95 54 DE F6 F6 48 10 13 3C C1 33 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 55663f0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446ED5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C85290, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1D 00 0B 00 00 90 B0 38 1D 00 13 00 00 B0 10 10 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c749a299 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446ECDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C8FD70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A6 39 03 21 37 DF FD B7 A5 39 04 29 78 DE 0F 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bf42efec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F0278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695C9A850, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E0 40 E0 EF B7 9A 24 F2 36 CA 34 D3 D3 45 54 81 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e1445c16 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F1CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695CAFE10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 10 00 05 00 37 DF FD B7 0F 00 09 00 78 DC AF AD Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5e3ae865 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F04F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695CC0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 07 4A C7 41 FF EB 69 57 C7 41 85 39 80 A0 98 BA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 3070151b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F0CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695CC0000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 40 20 10 08 24 87 47 1E ED AE 03 BA 0A F3 EA FE Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = b9819b63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F1778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->0000017695CC0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 0F 00 0D 00 BE E0 C2 FE 0E 00 0C 00 80 E0 D8 BE Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = f5a90ad9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F19F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695CBA8F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C6 39 61 08 BD FD AD 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 7761d655 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F1F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695CC53F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 00 00 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = b3e84d1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EA3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695CCFEF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 41 08 00 00 75 65 55 55 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ad60251a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F21F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695CCFEF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d5fb57fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EA678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695CE5470, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 79a2ed7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F2478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695D0FF70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 417fc29e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EB0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695D254F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E B0 07 04 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e78cfcab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F2738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695D4FFF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cf013ad3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F29B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695D65570, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 94 80 B1 FF 69 FA 48 FB 65 DB Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 92e4306e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EAE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695D90070, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 95da26ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F2C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695DC0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 02 7F 48 03 F9 0B F9 6E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4371c092 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F2EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695DEAB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D6 BD 4C 6B 78 60 E0 A0 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 450df580 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F31B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697E20010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f46ed724 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F3438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017695E00090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8aaa9976 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EB8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697E555D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1E 90 F7 03 00 00 7F 59 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ab4049af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F36F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697E800D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 595e610b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F3978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697E95650, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7E 58 02 F9 0B F9 4E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2c504054 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446EBE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697EC0150, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 23d3c595 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F3C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697ED56D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 00 FE 01 00 F8 00 F4 00 A1 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 12cc5e9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F3EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697F001D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e6a3e91b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F5678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697F15750, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 04 7F 49 03 F9 0B F9 6E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f223c1e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F9AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697F40250, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3dc9d2d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F70B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697F557D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 0E 3A 08 40 F0 AB 54 55 55 55 C0 17 BC C5 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bcf672bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FB778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697F802D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b24b315f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F7878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697F95850, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1F F0 07 04 00 FE 80 00 F7 00 F4 00 91 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6671a11a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F4938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697FC0350, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 77c32604 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F6B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017697FD58D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 A3 D0 EF 07 00 FC FD A1 A0 80 80 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2a4af3dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F8838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176980003D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e570c652 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F75F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698015950, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 06 7E 48 03 F9 0C F9 7F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = fa0f8871 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F8AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698040450, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bab080bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F43F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176980559D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 06 7F 48 03 F9 0C F9 7F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 75f189e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F4178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176980804D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bb9dba89 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F60F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698095A50, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 0E 3A 08 00 F0 AB 54 55 55 55 C0 17 BC C5 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f5ba2d94 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F9FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176980C0550, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8d6269c6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F6378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176980D5AD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1F F0 07 04 00 FC 80 00 F8 00 F4 00 A1 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2f4ee8ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F7B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176981005D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 19000ef0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F8D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698115B50, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 04 7F 48 02 F9 0B F9 5E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 39a8476d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F7DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769812B0D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 61fbaa4c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FACF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001766958AAD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 04 7F 48 02 F9 0B F9 5E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9f1d53db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F46B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176695A0050, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c8993be5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F97F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176695BAAD0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 9B CD 66 03 00 34 34 AC AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b2807bc0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F9038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176695D0050, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 568e1ece returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F92B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698245590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 04 7E 48 04 F9 0C F9 8F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 186355e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FC1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698270090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0694372e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F8078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698285610, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 17 04 00 00 00 10 11 FC FF DA DD DA DD Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 33ca91d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F82F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176982B0110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = adb6ec35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F9578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698140010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 04 7F 48 02 F9 0B F9 5E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f661be7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F6638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769816AB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0d1bfd9b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FC4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176982D0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 FC 82 01 F5 00 F2 00 70 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5bc30739 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F9D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176982FAB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 BD 8E 73 70 62 E2 A2 74 B5 4C 6B 2D 35 D5 5E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5e7c8833 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F85B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698310090, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 17074e57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F68B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769833AB90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bda87201 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F4E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698350110, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 FC 82 01 F5 00 F2 00 70 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3f620f06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FA278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769837AC10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4053f453 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FA538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698390190, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 A3 D0 EF 07 00 FC FD A1 A0 80 80 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1e07e00a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FA7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176983BAC90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d9e531b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F6DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176983D0210, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 FE 85 01 F4 00 F2 00 50 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0de65178 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F7338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176983FAD10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 456a7d7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FC738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698410290, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3355f5aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FAA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769843AD90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 254a77a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FBCB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698450310, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DD 4F F7 03 00 00 00 20 22 FE FF FC FF FC FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6352c512 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FAFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769847AE10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 13cacde7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FB238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698490390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 425430fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FBF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176984BAE90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d9561473 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F4BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176984D0410, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 FE 81 01 F8 00 F4 00 A1 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 69da7432 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FB4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176984FAF10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 28265332 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FBA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698510490, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 9B CD 66 03 00 34 34 AC AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c86fce6b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F58F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769853AF90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 013a1974 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FC9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698550510, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 0C 86 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 91ea90ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FCC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769857B010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ef36117b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F5138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698590590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 5D 70 07 04 00 00 00 10 11 FC FF DA DD DA DD Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 84d162cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FCF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176985BB090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 73b20e4c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F53B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176985D0610, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4b258321 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FD1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176985FB110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ab712194 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FD478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698610690, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 9B CD 66 03 00 34 34 AC AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8c05b18c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FD6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769863B190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 519d2bee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F5BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698650710, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 06 7E 48 03 F9 0C F9 6F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ef413d84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FD9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769867B210, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 026bbee6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446F5E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698690790, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9fedab34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FDC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176986BB290, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 928dae5c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FDEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176986D0810, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 34 20 00 00 FE FF EC EE EC EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5f075668 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FE178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176986FB310, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b1f593d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FE438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698710890, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 F7 03 00 02 7F 48 04 F9 0C F9 7E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e6949eb0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FE6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769873B390, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 517f5d36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FEBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698750910, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 A3 D0 EF 07 00 FC FD A1 A0 80 80 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5350b950 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446FE978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769877B410, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 145c5324 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E08F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698790990, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 FE 85 01 F4 00 F2 00 50 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 690473c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E25F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176987BB490, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 17 C6 69 52 E0 C0 80 00 17 C6 6C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 04d9eb46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E6238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176987D0A10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 FC 82 01 F5 00 F2 00 60 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a84f6605 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E47F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176987FB510, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3a85c3e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446DF3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698810A90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ae07146e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E18B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769883B590, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e3c761cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E1DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698850B10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 06 7E 49 03 F9 0C F9 7F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4f3bb5e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E20B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769887B610, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d1d80839 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E3AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698890B90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 00 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 992c5988 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E5538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176988BB690, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2b7df9bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446DFE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176988D0C10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 88 BE 06 80 07 70 F1 F1 49 1F 2F E9 8A A8 20 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b8e6c9c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E3D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176988FB710, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 04be8980 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446DF178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698910C90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 201244b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E4578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769893B790, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f449f6fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E32F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698950D10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7E 58 02 F9 0B F9 4E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3017bc26 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E0138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769897B810, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b3ff6e14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E2878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698990D90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 20 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ea04c3c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E3838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176989BB890, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a3558ea7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E6CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176989D0E10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DD 4F F7 03 00 00 00 30 22 FE FF FC FF FC FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a35c5067 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E5FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176989FB910, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e506c07c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E64F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698A10E90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7F 59 03 F9 0B F9 5E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5a054828 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446DFBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698A3B990, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dc5d2725 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E4038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698A50F10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 00 FE 58 02 F9 0A F9 1C F9 DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e986085a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E6F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698A7BA10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4575195d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E2B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698A90F90, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7D 58 02 F9 0A F9 1C F9 DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4c15eabb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E1638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698ABBA90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1c892e5b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E4AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698AD1010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 FC 9E 01 F6 00 E3 00 81 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5ba7268f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E03B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698AFBB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3f46f108 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E35B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698B11090, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 04 7F 48 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 51b88ba8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E5278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698B3BB90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 98c64884 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E2DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698B51110, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 FF 59 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0e6d075d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E3078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698B7BC10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 DA DE C3 18 F8 42 E2 A0 37 CE 60 08 03 2B BE 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 316b5b44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E42B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698B91190, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1E 90 07 04 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 0A F9 2C F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 756efd5e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E2338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698BBBC90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 40b4db05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E4D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698BD1210, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7F 59 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4bd3f368 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446DF6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698BFBD10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3b82b939 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E4FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698C11290, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 02 FE 49 02 F9 09 F9 0B F9 CF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5cdf60a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E5CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698C3BD90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a53b9a86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E57B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698C51310, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 06 7F 48 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 776f4153 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E1378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698C7BE10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 77dec8eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E5A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698C91390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1E B0 F7 03 00 02 7F 49 01 F9 09 F9 0A F9 BE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f60635a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E6778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 640 Height = 640 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017698CC0000, SysMemPitch: 2560, SysMemSlicePitch: 1638400 69 6F 73 FF 6F 6D 6D FF 7D 73 75 FF 6B 69 72 FF Texture2D length: 1638400 bad v1.2.1 length: 409600 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7df8074e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E6A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698CBBE90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 97dcb431 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E10F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698CD1410, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 0E 3A 08 00 04 A8 54 55 55 F1 CF F1 4C AF D9 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 53432765 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E71F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698CFBF10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d18cd724 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E0678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698D11490, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 04 7F 48 03 F9 0C F9 6E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = be9cf9b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E74B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698D3BF90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 79f630ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446DF938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698D51510, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 04 7F 48 02 F9 0B F9 4E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ce7d94db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E7738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698D7C010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0cb06b3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E79F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698D91590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 0A F9 3D F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 93d11a14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E7C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698DBC090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 09be1cca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E7F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698DD1610, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 0A F9 2C F9 EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 062008af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E81B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698DFC110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 11575377 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E8478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698E11690, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 0E 3A 08 00 F0 AB 54 55 55 55 C0 17 BC C5 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7399c24b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E86F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698E3C190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 10dc0b86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E0BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698E51710, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 09 F9 1B F9 DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 489a0578 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E89B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 640 Height = 640 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017698E80000, SysMemPitch: 2560, SysMemSlicePitch: 1638400 98 88 94 FF 67 95 93 FF 83 91 91 FF 97 8F 93 FF Texture2D length: 1638400 bad v1.2.1 length: 409600 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5ae8aa0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E0E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017691D3E6C0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 44 CD 25 7B 54 50 43 0F C6 BC 65 62 AA AB AF BF Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 83a03f5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E8C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017691D3E6C0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 CB F3 AB F3 AB AF BD F5 CC FB AA F3 FA EB AF BF Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = e34d5bcb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E8EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017691D3E6C0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 64 DA 64 6A 5A 56 55 55 C9 7B A1 61 3F 3F 3F 3F Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 070e1c54 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E9178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017691D3E6C0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 B3 0C 51 FC 05 01 00 00 B3 0C FF 7B 50 50 50 50 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 85dfd4f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E9438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017691D3E6C0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 80 11 A8 6B AA AA A9 A5 8F BD 20 01 AA AB AF BF Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 96cb4c06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E96B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017691D3E6C0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 DF 83 1F 7C FF FF FF FF 96 6F FF 7B 01 05 15 55 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 965a338a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176446E1B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017698135B90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 8E 73 6D 6B 55 FD 5D 5D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = a10c92ae returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E84E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695DA55F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 20 C0 1F F0 07 00 08 12 AE AC AC CC A8 FC FC FC Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f3ebe1c3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E82978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017699E50010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D1 5A B2 52 FD FD FD FD D1 5A B2 52 55 FF 55 FD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 04bba961 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E83938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017699E65590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 A0 28 E0 30 A9 20 00 00 C0 30 81 18 00 AA EA 5E Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 8608fdb3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E850B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017699E90070, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 60 08 02 10 08 00 00 06 02 AA AA 2A 7F D7 D5 55 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = e5713d03 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E86078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017699EE5630, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 01 00 00 00 55 55 55 75 03 00 00 00 55 D5 0F 52 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = d611728f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E80F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017699F10110, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 E0 30 A0 28 BE FD F5 57 C0 30 81 18 00 AA EA 5E Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 8a2bed43 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E81EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017699F3ABF0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 60 08 02 10 08 00 00 06 02 AA AA 2A 7F D7 D5 55 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 3d71a414 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E855F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->0000017699F901B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 01 00 00 00 55 55 55 75 03 00 00 00 55 D5 0F 52 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 455f40a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E826B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017699FBAC90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 61 10 00 00 57 57 5E 5E 41 08 00 00 55 55 55 1D Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 79efebd1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E81C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017699FD0210, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 60 00 80 ED 07 00 B4 01 FA F9 F9 F9 FD FC FC FC Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9ef8f5bb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E819B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017699FFAD10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a7497ada returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E843B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769A020000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 9f141e18 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E84638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769A020000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 C0 DF EF F7 C3 E3 7F BE 01 77 07 70 00 77 07 77 Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 973e932b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E82BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769A020000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 6d94d314 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E85DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769A020000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 8904b344 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E858B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769A020000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 C0 DF EF F7 C3 E3 7F BE 01 77 07 70 00 77 07 77 Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 210567c7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E85378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769A020000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 15225f3f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E80738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->0000017698195590, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 77 F7 E2 38 FF AA 00 00 99 FF 49 83 55 AF 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0c427891 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E848F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A010290, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 0D 84 0F BE A8 24 FF FF B7 A6 92 0F DE 54 03 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 40fd992f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E83BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A025850, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 12 00 7F EA 00 00 1E 00 13 00 55 AF 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b123254c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E82178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A030330, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 BA DE AA 5A 55 D7 00 00 FB DE 61 10 FF AF 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9bebfdf1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E81478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A03AE10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 0D 8C 0F BE A8 E6 E5 DF 37 A7 52 0F 5E 54 03 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3fca020a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E85B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A0503D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1E 00 12 00 7F EA 00 00 1E 00 13 00 55 AF 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a2cc778d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E83E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A05AEB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A0 DB 20 08 55 55 AD 0D 60 18 E4 DB 00 00 AA 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4ae12577 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E86338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A065990, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 0B 84 10 42 08 61 81 7E 81 04 0B 00 00 68 19 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b07c6d40 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E87D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A07AF50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0E 00 01 00 55 55 AD 09 0E 00 01 00 55 55 AA 80 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f7515bf9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E82438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A085A30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 CE 83 00 00 F5 55 AD 09 EE 8B 41 08 55 55 AA 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ca21f554 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E865B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A090510, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 0B 84 10 42 08 61 81 7E 81 04 0B 00 00 68 19 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bbef3937 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E87838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A0A5AD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 13 00 01 00 55 55 AD 09 14 00 02 00 55 55 AA A0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 038d60ba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E87578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A0B05B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 86 39 61 10 9C 9E B4 FE 24 29 A2 18 6C FC E8 60 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 78481b72 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E82EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A0C5B30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 00 70 A6 60 FC FF FF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ca2cd284 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E811B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A0F0630, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0e218280 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E86878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A0F0630, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 86 39 82 18 9C 96 B4 F6 45 31 C3 18 EC 56 FE 7A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = eb959458 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E83138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A105BB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 40 20 10 48 00 C0 35 A9 FA FB FB E5 FF FF FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7094529d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E816F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A1306B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 59162ece returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E833F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 2048 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->000001769A150000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 72 BD 2C 9C D5 A8 AD EE 11 B5 6E A4 87 3A BC 7B Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = 5cf1721b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E83678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769A410010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 4F F3 10 28 1D 1F 1F 1F 4F FC CF F3 F4 F4 74 F4 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 5ca8dba1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E86AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 C4 E2 86 62 FF BF F5 D5 C8 C3 A6 8A C0 FA EB E9 Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 3cd78230 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E840F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 3E 6C E1 6C 00 00 01 01 FE B2 5F 64 FD FD F5 4B Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = b671ab48 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E872F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 E4 62 24 42 AC BC FC C0 E5 72 64 4A 3F 3F 3F 7D Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 695cac2d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E801F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 FE 9A 3F 6C 50 70 B0 CF 1E A4 DF 3B AF 2F 8C F3 Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 9c571e5d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E84B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001769813C020, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 A7 5A 6B 73 81 89 AA AA 2A 6B 26 4A 56 F5 CB CB Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = a8cb275c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E86DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001769813C020, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 E3 52 CD 5F 00 04 15 05 19 91 CF 9F 02 A0 55 55 Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 423f714a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E87038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001769813C020, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 8D 7B C6 41 80 D7 D7 D5 88 5A C6 41 7C 41 41 A6 Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = c90fa262 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E87AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001769813C020, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 80 83 EF FB 00 55 55 00 C0 7B EF FB 00 55 55 00 Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = a0e0109f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E87FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 47 52 A5 41 AA AA AA A9 C9 62 C5 41 03 3F FF AA Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 9475752b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E809F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 1B 33 00 84 15 55 55 55 BF 53 73 02 FE 2A 6A FF Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 13ccae0e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E804B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 0A 73 A5 41 F5 FF F0 FF 88 5A C7 39 54 54 FE FE Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = edbcd5fb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E882B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 00 6C 1F 94 55 55 50 40 52 21 FF 93 55 55 01 01 Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = c943a369 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E88538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769A4D0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 78 D6 F5 C5 FF AA AA AA 78 D6 36 CE C3 0F 3F FF Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 5756a859 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E887F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769A4D0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 CE 03 FF 7B 55 00 00 00 AE 03 EF 03 A9 A5 96 5A Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = fa58002b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E80C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A1306B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C4 49 63 39 80 02 09 25 E4 51 83 41 72 CB 2E BA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 47967199 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E88A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A1306B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 3D BC 1E A4 2B AF BD F5 9A D4 3D B4 83 0D 35 95 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 595a0136 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E88D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A1306B0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bd00281e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E88FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769A145C30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 81 40 20 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 57b67b85 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E89278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 E9 62 A4 39 6E 6E 42 00 29 6B E5 41 AE 7E 2D 0F Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = b2f4ce10 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E894F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769813B6E0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 64 5A F7 8D 45 45 41 15 22 9B FA 63 05 55 7F 40 Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 97948b4a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E897B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A4EAB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 45 29 24 21 22 22 22 22 46 31 43 19 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6170c941 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E89A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769A500090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 10 08 10 08 00 FC FD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 625bf8c8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E89CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A50AB90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 49 FD 29 FD 5D 5D 5D 5D 29 FD 28 FD 20 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dd1d8e5a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E89F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A50AB90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 43424028 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8A238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769A520110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 10 B0 C1 0B 80 7A 00 00 00 78 01 80 68 63 5B FB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 56ad9502 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8A4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A52AC10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B4 64 74 4C FD 2B 03 03 B4 64 94 54 55 AA 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d6034c67 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8A778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769A540190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 21 00 C9 93 14 C9 9F 78 45 62 C4 51 AA 80 F5 FD Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 94511dc9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8BC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769A54AC90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 00 AA 2C 6C B7 10 D6 DE FD DD FD Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 57aea8f1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E922B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A555790, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 84 EF 7B 82 80 02 00 30 84 10 84 D5 D5 DF BF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 11e0edfe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8DE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A56AD10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 E0 0F F8 DB 72 73 39 6B 6D 88 5B E9 B9 4A F1 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6c5cacdb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8EE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A595810, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 AA 52 A7 39 80 EA F5 F7 69 52 C7 39 BC D7 55 5D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ecc5193f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E90DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A5A02F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 60 10 F8 C3 AD 42 0D 00 40 12 D0 CB B7 FE DE Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b8cba8bf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8FB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A5B58B0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0F 00 0B 00 00 40 EF F7 0F 00 0A 00 28 FF 5D 5D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 73fd2b08 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8F638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A5C0390, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 69 52 E3 20 FF 7F 8F 0A EB 62 04 21 95 B5 FD FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 64e3b60f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8C438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A5CAE70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 04 8C 14 BA 17 DD DD BC 86 62 C0 2D A0 E9 1E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 42988de0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E900B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A5E0430, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1C 00 0E 00 AA EA 0A 00 1B 00 15 00 17 0D 83 A3 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 34071886 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8EBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A5EAF10, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 41 08 00 00 F5 B5 05 5D 00 00 41 08 00 AA 55 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 18e66ffc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8C6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A5F59F0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 C4 DD 28 32 14 FC 01 EB 12 FB 01 BB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0c705cc8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E92578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A60AFB0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1B 00 1A 00 55 55 55 D5 1A 00 19 00 A0 80 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 33522ee2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E905F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A615A90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0a1ebae4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E91078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A62B010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6b75e24b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E91AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A655B10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 33bc2923 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8F8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A66B090, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 08 7F 48 03 F9 0C F9 7F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6fe42e57 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8BEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A695B90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f3966d91 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8FDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A6AB110, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 08 7E 48 04 F9 0D F9 9F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5955ddc2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8AF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A6D5C10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 793850b1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8F0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A6EB190, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 04 7E 48 03 F9 0C F9 7F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d794206e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8ACB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A715C90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d0b00c9a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8A9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A72B210, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 0A FE 48 04 F9 2E F9 CF F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = eb8c7a3b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8B478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A755D10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b0ec7b1f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8D938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A76B290, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DD 4F F7 03 00 00 00 30 22 FE FF FC FF FC FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 00fa445d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E90338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A795D90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 901593f4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E90878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A7AB310, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 20 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9bd33f28 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E90B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A7D5E10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4f5878c9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8E138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A7EB390, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 00 7F 59 03 F9 0B F9 6E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a44b3ee5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E927F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A815E90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c7e81fbf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E912F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A82B410, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 08 7F 48 03 F9 0C F9 8F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e623c943 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8D178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A855F10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dcd94821 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E92AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A86B490, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 0E 3A 08 40 F0 AB 54 55 55 55 C0 13 7C C1 DF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 90e20bfd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E915B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A895F90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f84e8bbf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E92D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A8AB510, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e8f57176 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8DBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A8D6010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 6D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 0B 63 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 44af3453 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E91838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A8EB590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 00 7F 58 02 F9 0B F9 5E F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 33348444 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E91D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A916090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 25b4e675 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8F378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A92B610, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 DD 6F F7 03 00 04 FF 48 04 F9 0C F9 8F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ba30b7a6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8E3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A956110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 900149f8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8B1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A96B690, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DD 4F F7 03 00 00 00 20 22 FE FF FC FF FC FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d3566269 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E92038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A996190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d70c22d8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E92FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A9AB710, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DD 4F F7 03 00 00 00 30 22 FE FF FC FF FC FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a5384795 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E93278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A9D6210, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4b41e265 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8B738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769A9EB790, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0b850016 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E93538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AA16290, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cb2ec55c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8CC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AA2B810, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 08 7F 48 03 F9 0C F9 7F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dd1f1604 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8B9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AA56310, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d856ff4a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E937B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AA6B890, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 08 7E 48 04 F9 0D F9 AF F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4790fa8f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E93A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AA96390, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7334005f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8C1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AAAB910, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 00 00 20 00 FC FF EB EE EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4ba5ed84 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E94238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AAD6410, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bd9b38d8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E93CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AAEB990, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 749607bb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E93FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AB00F10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 57cdf289 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E944F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AB40050, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1E 90 07 04 00 08 7F 48 03 F9 0C F9 9F F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 071cc961 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8C978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AB6AB50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d6f88148 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8D6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AB800D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 DE 8F F7 03 00 02 FE 49 02 F9 09 F9 0B F9 CF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 75bdc89a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E94778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769ABAABD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0e7a6177 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E94A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769ABC0150, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 763e0c00 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8CEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769ABEAC50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 B5 BD 4C 6B 70 60 E0 80 B5 BD 6D 6B 2D 35 D5 D7 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 071a89f0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8D3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AC001D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 0E 3A 08 00 07 A8 54 55 55 ED BF EC 02 9F AC Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 65903221 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E94CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AC2ACD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ba747bc8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E94F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769AC40250, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 08 7E 48 04 F7 0D F8 AF F8 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9fe7b154 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8E678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CC70010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F7 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2d36e942 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E8E8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CC85590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 C0 1D 70 07 04 00 1C 7D 36 03 F9 5F F9 EF F9 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b43686e0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E969B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CCB0090, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 12fe89d3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E976B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CCC5610, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dd97e075 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E96C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CCF0110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 74293ff3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E98BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CD05690, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 1D 50 07 04 00 26 97 10 11 FD FF DB DD EB EE Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a6867a0d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E98938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CD30190, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b9e5d1c8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E959F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CD45710, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8c53e350 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E98E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CD70210, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 F6 C5 8D 73 70 60 E0 80 95 B5 2C 6B 09 2D B7 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bd62366a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E97EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CD85790, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 90 0E 3A 08 80 13 01 FE FF FF 4B D2 B6 6C CB B6 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f9cb0ffe returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E99638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CDB0290, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 29 8B E8 82 9A 7B 6F FE 6A 93 A8 7A 56 54 54 DC Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bf3eaca8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E96EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CDC5810, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 40 E0 EF D7 8F 67 B6 ED CB A9 03 A5 A1 D7 9E Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = be6b129f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E990F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CDF0310, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c0eda0c8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9A0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CE05890, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0C 63 2C 63 22 22 22 22 2C 63 0C 63 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6e8a40e7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9CAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CE10370, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E0 3E E0 0F 78 B9 58 65 AD 52 53 53 55 A9 AB AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6611ca69 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E993B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CE25930, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 77d8b0ac returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E97178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CE30410, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 68 5A 70 9C FD FE FF FF 27 62 2B 73 55 5B 58 50 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7cf8d403 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E954B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CE45990, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 30 20 C0 07 C0 D8 A5 52 33 AB 64 01 33 7A 58 4B Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 6f8bc85e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9C2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CE70490, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 51f2b36a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E998F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CE85A10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 43 31 25 31 AA AA AA AA 24 31 24 31 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d18728f8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E99B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769CE9AF90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 A0 BB 5D A7 03 00 CC CD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 44e048d1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E96478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 2048 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->000001769CEB0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 00 00 D7 BD 54 54 54 54 F7 BD D7 BD AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = d435cf5c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9A8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 2048 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->000001769CEB0000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 2097152 80 C0 81 EF 1D F8 1E 00 00 00 F2 3F BB B8 B8 B8 Texture2D length: 2097152 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = 41b0a5fd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E95738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769CEB0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 6fca3a00 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E95C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769CEB0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE 00 00 00 FE Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9f919bd3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E95F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769CEA5A90, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 19ca0d0f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9AB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769CEFB050, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 2f87260e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E97978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769CF50610, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 555f1db0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E99E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769CFA5BD0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 87818e13 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9A378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769CFFB190, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 3e072e4f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9A5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769D040010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 84f3b973 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E97438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D100010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 64eb92a6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9ADF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D1555D0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 1e4c7d76 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E983F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D1AAB90, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = bc2c49ee returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9B078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D025C70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 09 83 A8 7A 20 B7 88 80 2A 8B C9 7A 02 55 5F EF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = eff3e8ce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E97BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D2156C0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 60 99 CC 0F 08 00 FC 01 AE AA AA 2A 57 55 55 D5 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = bc967969 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9B338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D26AC80, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 5a817e6c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E98138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D2C0240, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 36 1B 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = a76e221c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E98678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D315800, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b092a7a0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9C838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D36ADC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 03 00 00 00 55 55 95 45 16 00 02 00 55 55 ED 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 584f06e9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9B5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 5 Height = 140 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769AB0C960, SysMemPitch: 20, SysMemSlicePitch: 2800 7F 7F 7F 00 7A 5C F9 64 7D 7D FE CF 7E 5F FA 73 Texture2D length: 2800 bad v1.2.1 length: 700 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2758abb8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9B878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 5 Height = 140 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769AB0C960, SysMemPitch: 20, SysMemSlicePitch: 2800 7F 7F 7F 00 7D 7D 7B 00 7C 78 88 00 80 7F 88 00 Texture2D length: 2800 bad v1.2.1 length: 700 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0141e3e1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9BAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769AB0C960, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 86 72 65 68 FF FF AA 00 87 72 26 71 55 55 BE 08 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 0398b92f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9BDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769AB0C960, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 FF 83 DF 73 AF AF 2A 8A D2 FB FF 83 4D 4D 4D 4D Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = a8af169a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9C038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769AB0C960, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 07 83 04 41 7F 7F AA 3A A7 72 45 61 7D 7D 80 00 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = c0a3e1c4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9C578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769AB0C960, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 FF 83 1F 7C 1F 1F 7F 9F DF 83 1F 7C 75 75 FF 77 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = d09fff38 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9CD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D3758A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 8F 9C 46 52 09 27 DA 69 4F 94 67 5A 77 DC 60 83 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b55eabc5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E951F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D38AE20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = d933fd48 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9CFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D03B1E0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 C5 BA 65 9A D0 D0 A8 0A E6 BA 85 A2 79 79 B2 D7 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 7fb8c3e8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9D2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D03B1E0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 70 FC 50 FB 5F 5F AB 0A 91 F2 10 FC AA AA 55 55 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f7133b75 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E966F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D3B5900, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F FC FF FB AA AA AA AA 1F FC FF FB AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 71fbfd80 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9D538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D3CAE80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 65 29 00 00 D5 55 2D 29 08 42 21 08 55 F5 0A 0A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 05a3ef76 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9D7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D3D5960, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 E1 83 10 BE DA A4 A5 2B A7 42 D2 01 D4 7B 1F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 326f41eb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9DA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D3EAF20, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 12 00 02 00 00 2A DE DC 1D 00 08 00 0B AF FF F5 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5dba0bc9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9DD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D3F5A00, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 09 00 08 00 95 55 E5 03 09 00 08 00 76 5D 76 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a5cf546b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E961B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D4004E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 4F 94 88 62 01 03 09 2D 70 94 0F 8C 7A F8 FE 7F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 19987a3d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9E7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D4004E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 B0 46 DC 02 C0 40 A1 A1 A1 A1 03 30 49 24 5B FB Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f9b446bb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9DFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D40AFE0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 27d1677b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9E278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D03B1E0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 24 61 C3 50 FA EA AA AA 24 59 C3 50 6B BF AF 82 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = bc0864c9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9E4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D4205A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 3C 53 58 1A 7C FC FC FC BB 32 77 1A 55 57 5E 7A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4671a57b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9EA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D03B1E0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 48 5A 00 50 81 E2 F8 FF 24 59 A2 50 DE D6 DE AE Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 93906281 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9ECF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D4205A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 DF 83 F0 11 E0 E0 60 FF 1C 62 EE 09 36 0D 03 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c68e795c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9EF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D4205A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A6 72 25 62 BA 37 F7 DE 08 83 45 62 0A 2E D5 D5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7c858753 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9F238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D435B20, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 3F E0 0F E8 FF 27 25 49 25 97 5E 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2d36c2c7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9F4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D460620, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bd77d3f6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9F778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D475BA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 EC 61 6B 5B FF FF FF FF EB 5A CB 5A 8A AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a13831b4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA6AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D480680, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 40 20 10 08 04 00 00 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 43b49f26 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA3138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D495C40, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f234d784 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA2938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D4A0720, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c6865383 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA3678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D4B5CA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D0 4D 02 00 00 C9 5D D9 A2 A2 C8 17 4E DC 38 AE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 99b6d0bc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA1EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D4B5CA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 7F B0 FF A8 7A 7A FA 5A DF A8 FF A0 DE 94 3A B8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 24e8e27b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9FCB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D03B1E0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 FF 00 49 12 00 C1 1A 30 FE 02 49 02 00 6D 9B 24 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 497bfaef returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA50B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D03B1E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FE 00 49 12 00 41 12 24 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 670a8bf5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA0C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769D03B2D0, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 7C 7D 7C 00 7C 7D 7C 00 7C 7D 7C 00 7C 7D 7C 00 Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 128 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 826b1d2b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA5DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D4CB220, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 07 5A E6 59 6E 5C 78 A2 68 6A E6 59 F5 D5 FF AB Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e93c794a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA6078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D4E07A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 83 C0 66 03 00 D8 D8 A8 AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 95f9f753 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA01F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D4EB2A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 18336cae returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA38F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D4EB2A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 CD A3 ED 9B FF FF FF FF CD A3 ED 9B FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 070a7ed0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA33B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D510010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 508e9be2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA72B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D500820, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 8A 8A 69 82 AA AA AA AA 69 8A 8A 8A AA AA AA A9 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 95f0e7d4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA4638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D5D0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = fd5f9d01 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA0EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D5FAAF0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 18 00 00 70 77 70 77 70 77 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 443dc36c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA5338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D6500B0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 30 19 82 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 822eafb7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA5B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D6A5670, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 30 19 82 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 5d9ebfc1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA40F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D6FAC30, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 5a676515 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA11B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D7501F0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = ffb968d3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA7038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D77ACD0, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 18 00 00 70 77 70 77 70 77 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 5bd23e52 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA7578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D7D0290, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 30 19 82 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 8dd2f998 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA4378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D500820, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 4ae7569a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA1438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D825850, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 4A 52 47 3A AA AA AA AA 4A 52 47 3A AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = aa5acbc9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA65B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50B320, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = cf2474de TextureOverride\debug_2d\_pointertofloatingicon matched resource with hash=cf2474de type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA55F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D83ADD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 AE F5 8A 8B AD A9 A9 A9 4E DD ED D4 8D ED FF 7F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2a4d64b9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA16F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D850350, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 80 00 74 AA 40 F8 9E DF 7B AF 63 CE 33 F8 FA F8 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8798a9b5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA6838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 12 Height = 115 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D03D6E0, SysMemPitch: 48, SysMemSlicePitch: 5520 7F 7F 7F 00 7F 53 F7 29 7F 2B DF 33 7F 00 8C 30 Texture2D length: 5520 bad v1.2.1 length: 1380 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 44e5dc39 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA0478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 12 Height = 115 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D03D6E0, SysMemPitch: 48, SysMemSlicePitch: 5520 7F 7F 7F 00 7F 7D 7E 00 7F 79 7D 00 7F 76 7C 00 Texture2D length: 5520 bad v1.2.1 length: 1380 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2e465e2a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA1978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 12 Height = 117 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50B320, SysMemPitch: 48, SysMemSlicePitch: 5616 7F 7F 7F 00 D5 7F DE 1E E0 7F D2 30 FC 7F 98 32 Texture2D length: 5616 bad v1.2.1 length: 1404 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0b92a6f6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA2BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 12 Height = 117 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50B320, SysMemPitch: 48, SysMemSlicePitch: 5616 7F 7F 7F 00 83 7F 7E 00 86 7F 7D 00 89 7F 7D 00 Texture2D length: 5616 bad v1.2.1 length: 1404 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 77f38805 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9FF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D87AE50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 E8 62 C8 62 AA A8 AA AA E8 62 C8 62 A8 AA AA 2A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0f38b4e7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA4B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D885930, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 00 7F C0 1F 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1f105468 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA0738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D89AEF0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 2D 63 04 21 80 60 70 00 08 3A 82 18 DE DE FE FC Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 37f75d20 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698E9F9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D8A59D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 19cc9168 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA48B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D8BAF90, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 AA AB 8A AB 57 57 7F 7E 8A AB 8A A3 00 00 00 AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 378def4c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA8278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D8C5A70, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 875648f3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA6D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D03D6E0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2c98a222 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA4DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D8DB030, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 30 84 10 84 02 08 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 9aefb82f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA77F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D8E5B30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 7F C0 1F 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = cf6a39ce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA2178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50B320, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8c7e8137 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_restrictedareacompassbckg matched resource with hash=8c7e8137 type=Texture2D width=512 height=16 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA1C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50B320, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ec12b1a8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA2E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 8 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D03DB10, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 72 00 31 11 13 31 11 13 FE A5 A9 90 0A A9 90 0A Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 512 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3a197415 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_test matched resource with hash=3a197415 type=Texture2D width=64 height=8 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA7AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D03DDC0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 66909f80 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA3BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D8F0630, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f8586557 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_regenaura2 matched resource with hash=f8586557 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="DEFAULT" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA8538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D910010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C6 39 65 31 EF AF EF 5F C7 39 65 31 8F 8F AF BD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b880222a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA23F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D910010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 EE 03 EF 03 AA AA 8A 82 EE 03 0F 04 AA AA AA A8 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = df66ba1c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA7D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 39 Height = 235 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D910010, SysMemPitch: 156, SysMemSlicePitch: 36660 7F 7F 7F 00 89 CE 1C 04 98 DB 2A 06 AF E8 49 06 Texture2D length: 36660 bad v1.2.1 length: 9165 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fb777e6b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA26B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 39 Height = 235 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D910010, SysMemPitch: 156, SysMemSlicePitch: 36660 7F 7F 7F 00 7F 80 7F 00 81 81 7F 00 83 82 7E 00 Texture2D length: 36660 bad v1.2.1 length: 9165 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 14926340 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA09B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 30 Height = 352 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D910010, SysMemPitch: 120, SysMemSlicePitch: 42240 7F 7F 7F 00 7F B7 0C 03 AD 92 0A 01 D5 23 6C 01 Texture2D length: 42240 bad v1.2.1 length: 10560 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8b8a5ecb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA7FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 30 Height = 352 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D910010, SysMemPitch: 120, SysMemSlicePitch: 42240 7F 7F 7F 00 7F 7F 7E 00 7F 7F 7F 00 7F 7F 7F 00 Texture2D length: 42240 bad v1.2.1 length: 10560 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ef5a60b8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA62F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 281 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50B320, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 17984 7F 7F 7F 00 7F 6F FE 03 7F D7 DB 01 7F AF F5 04 Texture2D length: 17984 bad v1.2.1 length: 4496 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 14bb7979 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA5878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 281 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50B320, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 17984 7F 7F 7F 00 7F 7F 7F 00 7F 7F 7F 00 7F 7F 7E 00 Texture2D length: 17984 bad v1.2.1 length: 4496 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = abfac0a4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA9778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D910010, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = bd982d3a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA87B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D91AB10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 88 75 E2 22 92 42 52 DA E0 8B 00 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6402f344 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA8A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D925610, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 86 31 65 29 AA AA EA BA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = db2efee2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA3E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D930110, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 00 AE 30 7E 87 10 21 EF CD FF EF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 5af5ae61 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA8FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D93AC10, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 55 95 95 A9 1F 00 00 00 60 60 60 60 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 6767ca6a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA8CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 64 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D50BA90, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 F1 A4 EE 83 00 80 C0 60 F1 A4 EE 83 2E 9D F5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 7617f3db returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA9238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D93AC10, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 00 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = c2cb52d7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA94F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 32 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769D50BA90, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 18 FE F7 FD FF FF FF FF 18 FE F7 FD FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 2048 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 01050ffc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA9A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D93AC10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e913e26f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA9CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D93AC10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 20 30 08 04 00 00 00 EE E7 77 77 77 E7 77 77 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 32b9b547 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EA9F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 32 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769D50BA90, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 1F FE FF FD FF FF FF FF 1F FE FF FD FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 2048 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 626dfc5d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAF5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D93AC10, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 40 20 10 08 04 00 32 19 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 372b1595 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAC6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D9901D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 08 00 00 55 55 55 D5 42 29 00 00 55 D5 55 35 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 19b398c0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB0878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D9A5750, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 20 C0 1D B0 09 00 94 45 01 00 20 7B 01 00 14 0B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 99410f54 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB0338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D8FB130, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 05 F8 05 10 55 55 B5 0D 05 E8 05 08 55 AB A8 A8 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = ba3a1667 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAD138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769D50BA90, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 E1 A3 01 9C FF FF FF FF E1 A3 01 9C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = a310df2e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB1AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D9B0250, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 08 04 00 B0 58 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = e6a3bf9f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB1D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769D50BA90, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = 682bb4ae returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EADBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D9C0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ae97a4d3 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuTargetWheel2 matched resource with hash=ae97a4d3 type=Texture2D width=1024 height=1024 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAF8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D9B0250, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 67 5A 46 52 BA 6A 69 6D CA 5A 24 31 54 58 70 C2 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3f7e014d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAD938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D9C57D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 40 20 10 08 00 7C 66 AE AA AA AA 50 C0 81 41 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 9e43e752 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAA738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769DA10010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 2D 94 CB 8B 2F 25 B5 27 6D A4 2D 94 BF 2F AF AF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 032ac28a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAE0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769DA10000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 40 20 10 08 FC FF 49 2B 7B DA 50 D9 50 B6 35 FA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = f13b5e54 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EADE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D9F02D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA 9A 66 9A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = da0ae43a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EABEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769D9F02D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 1F 00 1D 00 03 0B 02 0B 1F 00 1F 00 A5 59 A6 69 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b7ec1e76 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAA1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769D9F02D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 08 00 00 DF 7F FF FD 20 08 00 00 FF FF FD FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1a977268 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAE3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DA05850, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 40 20 10 08 04 00 04 80 24 22 23 33 5C 22 EE 36 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 57e5804f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAC178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DA30350, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 9A 66 9A 6A 00 00 00 00 56 9A 95 66 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 87ad815f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAB478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DA30350, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 A6 62 A5 41 BF 5F FE C0 46 5A C5 41 A8 DE DE 9E Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4af7664c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAFDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DA458D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 F0 50 41 87 08 C9 2E 0D AC 5E 8A 9E F4 C9 08 D0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 17183e88 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAB6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50FB00, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 FF D6 00 00 00 FF 9F 24 FF D6 00 00 00 FF 9F 24 Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 2048 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c995aa5b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAFB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 21 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50BA90, SysMemPitch: 84, SysMemSlicePitch: 2688 7F 7F 7F 00 FE 7C 7F 14 FE 7C 7F 45 FE 7C 7F 7F Texture2D length: 2688 bad v1.2.1 length: 672 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6dfeb176 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB1FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 21 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D50BA90, SysMemPitch: 84, SysMemSlicePitch: 2688 7F 7F 7F 00 80 7F 7F 00 81 7F 7E 00 7D 81 7E 00 Texture2D length: 2688 bad v1.2.1 length: 672 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f29dcbe0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EACEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D8FB130, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 09 04 E9 03 FF FF FF FF 09 04 E9 03 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 918bbc4f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAEE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DA703D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 90 55 2D 0B 80 FD 53 FD FB FB 41 3D 5B 1E 12 EC Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = cb65d07c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAE638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D8FB130, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 F3 07 F2 07 FF FF FF FF F3 07 F2 07 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f859f26b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EABC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DA703D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 CD A3 ED 9B FF FF FF FF CD A3 ED 9B FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 070a7ed0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB1578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DA85950, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 18 CC EF 07 00 FC FD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 0a02e652 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB0078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DA90450, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 18 CC EF 07 00 FC FD AD AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = fd798cb6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAF0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DA9AF50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 2E 97 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = fd6d68c9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB05B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DAA5A50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 6C 93 8C 8B AA AA AA AA 6C 93 8C 8B AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0505590c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAA9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DABAFD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 708f1e40 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAE8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DAC5AD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 5A C2 49 D5 8A 5F B5 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 392ee4e6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAF378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DAD05D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 20 10 F8 03 00 A8 2E 7E 77 02 10 DF BC EF EE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = abd8b123 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB0AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DADB0D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 28 00 49 92 24 49 9E 04 E7 49 82 18 A0 F8 7A 7A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = af4f1748 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAAC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DAE5BD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 80 04 74 4D C1 37 1F 00 00 B4 32 88 42 E9 6B 8B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 7ccf87b5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB0DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DAF06D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 93 32 32 22 FF FF FF 7F 52 2A F1 11 00 00 A2 56 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 39714e77 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB1038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DB05C50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 03 00 49 92 24 49 92 40 C9 72 64 41 A0 F8 FF 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = ba243000 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB12F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DB10750, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 1F F0 07 04 00 B2 21 20 43 41 98 B8 99 A7 FD Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 4705004c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EACBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DB1B250, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 D5 2F 8B F8 E0 78 5E 4F A3 CE 62 00 E8 57 55 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5f51829f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB1838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DB307D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 4C 6B E7 41 E8 57 57 55 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = b7a5b8de returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAA4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DB3B2D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 1F 10 E8 03 00 BC 26 10 32 53 25 76 78 A9 FA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 5bc39df0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAEB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DB45DD0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 73 BD 11 4D 00 FF 5D 5D 73 AD 12 55 00 55 55 FD Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 53cf6adc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB22B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DB5B350, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 AE 9B AB 9B AA AA AA AA AE 9B AB 9B AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 3b978e8c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAAF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DB708D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 DF EF F7 03 00 4A A5 13 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 3dc6cfbd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB2538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DB7B3D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 AE 9B AB 9B AA AA AA AA AE 9B AB 9B AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b41c042d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB27F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DB90950, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2339ab55 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB2A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DB90950, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 62 10 61 08 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8d881a73 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB2D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DBA5F10, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e3df8d3b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAB1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DBBB4D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ca0cd3a8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAC978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769D8FC8E0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 E8 72 47 62 AF 8D E1 9B C8 72 47 62 E8 8E 6F 6A Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6711f2d6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB3278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D8FF540, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 25 10 36 16 61 ED D7 DF 49 1B 1D E0 12 E6 97 74 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 79b8c0fa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB2FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769DBD0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 45 29 65 21 AA AA AA AA 45 29 65 21 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 4839af9c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB34F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769DBD0000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 60 62 32 10 D8 6A 01 06 12 5F 43 49 5F FF D7 5D Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 45f42c86 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAB9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DBC5FB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 1F 00 1A 00 E0 E0 E0 E0 14 00 1C 00 15 15 15 15 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 209755e2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB37B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DBF0000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = af62db81 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB3A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DBC5FB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 4481e0dd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAD3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769DBF0000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = fe52de4f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB3CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DBD0AB0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 4A 07 42 02 28 22 A8 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 903c6e3a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB3F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DBFB5B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 40 60 10 18 04 00 00 00 12 18 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = fc95d63d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAC438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC060B0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 457c0955 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB4238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DC1B630, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = e9ffbe79 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB44B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DC26130, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 42cb716f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB4778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DC60010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 20 10 08 04 00 00 00 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = aa4df665 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EAD678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC26130, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FB FF FB AA 9A 9A 66 FF FB FE FB 00 00 80 DC Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0043efe5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBB078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 6 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7C0->000001769D8FD790, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 E5 FE C5 F5 AA AA AA AA E5 FE C5 F5 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7C0, hash = cedaa5b4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB6978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DC60010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 0a53416f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB83B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DC26130, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 69 4A C7 39 3D A7 2D 2D CF 7B 20 00 56 5A EA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a0103a7c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB7938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769AC6AD50, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2a8ad792 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_texx matched resource with hash=2a8ad792 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB8138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DD20010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 C0 0D 70 03 DC 00 2A 51 DE 00 DA 00 DF 00 D8 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 7da31718 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB7BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769D8FE270, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 31 00 00 55 55 FF 00 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 957bf8a6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBC038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DC26130, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 10f92b2c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB49F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769AC6AD50, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 344caabb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB7E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769AC6AD50, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 8A 8A 69 82 AA AA AA AA 8A 8A 69 82 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = d4113f3d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB6438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DC26130, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 12 00 12 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6ccb1f9b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBA878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DD20000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 F4 20 C2 08 00 A8 E7 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = cd44439e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB73F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769AC6AD50, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 DB DE BA D6 FF BF AF AB DA D6 DB DE AA AA AA 6A Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3b501f5e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB76B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769AC6AD50, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 60 58 2C 10 08 00 00 02 AE AA AA AA 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = e95f8017 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBC578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DC26130, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6edf90b3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBA5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769AC6AD50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 16aca093 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBC2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC30C30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C9 31 A8 31 AA AA AA AA C9 31 A8 31 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5b2f6661 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB8678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC30C30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 50 D9 19 00 C0 01 DB F8 59 F9 1B 1D FE 59 1F 21 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ed4988d3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB88F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC30C30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F FE DF FD AA AA AA AA 1F FE DF FD AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 290953c7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB5EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DD20000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e3aee976 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB61B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DD20000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fe2466a8 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuTargetWheel1 matched resource with hash=fe2466a8 type=Texture2D width=512 height=512 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB66F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC30C30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 12 00 12 00 AA AA AA AA 12 00 12 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0b645756 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB8BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DC30C30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 60 FF 7F 10 08 00 0C 0A 82 00 00 00 80 00 00 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 5dce30cc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB6C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC30C30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b16c9182 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB8E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = B8G8R8A8_UNORM (87) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DC30C30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF 00 00 00 FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 54c29810 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB9DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769AC6B8B0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF DF FF 00 80 28 82 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 361376f5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB90F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001769AC6E510, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 6A 83 41 08 05 0D 0A 0A AB 8B 49 7B D5 AB 02 00 Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = b324910e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB7178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001769AC6E510, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = bcf32113 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB9378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001769AC6E510, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 7494950b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBAB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001769AC6E510, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 83 40 05 61 AF 6F 68 68 04 61 A5 58 DD AB 02 00 Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 85672081 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB9638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DC30C30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 EB 62 82 10 9C D8 60 FC Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = d5bfd4c4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB9B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC3B730, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 6B A2 10 58 62 62 A0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 26e54e13 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBB2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DD35590, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 27763723 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB98B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC50CB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 CD 9B AD 9B AA AA AA AA CD 9B AD 9B AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e6ffbf3e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBA0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DD6AB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 0C 00 C9 9D BB 71 17 0F 41 08 00 00 D5 B5 2D 0D Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 6bba9dbc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBA338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769AC6B8B0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 44 31 C2 20 AB AF FF BF 44 31 C2 20 AA AB AB ED Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 5d0632ff returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBADB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769AC6B8B0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 40 73 47 41 FD F5 55 54 C3 61 E7 50 00 AA FD 55 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = a5eda246 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBB5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DD80000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 60 00 C0 DB 0D FE AE AB EB E9 E9 E9 A9 A8 A8 A8 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5ddac524 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB5738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DD80000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 C0 A5 D3 17 F4 84 00 00 C6 17 F8 1B DF 5B 1D 64 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6d457ce0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBB838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DD75630, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 15e87a14 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemydetectiontexture2 matched resource with hash=15e87a14 type=Texture2D width=512 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBBAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DD75630, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 84 EF 7B FF FF FF EF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = fbd0a74f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBBD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DD80130, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 08 00 7F C0 1F 10 08 04 02 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 65bd5eb9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBC7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769AC6B9A0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 FB DE DB DE BD BD BD BD 1C E7 FB DE D5 D5 D5 D5 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bb8ce3f7 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_restrictedarelocationnamebckg matched resource with hash=bb8ce3f7 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB6EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DDB0000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 92 94 71 8C AA AA AA BA 92 94 91 8C 0A 2A 2A A9 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b1262608 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB4CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DDAAC30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 00 00 00 40 00 AC AA AA AA 58 B2 FF F9 9F FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = c5d9aaf2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBCAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769AC6BDD0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 33 AD 4C 6B 0C BC 30 50 33 AD 8D 73 02 F9 C0 5F Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = f00b90f8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB4F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769AC6CA30, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 60 A3 D0 EF 07 00 FC FD 01 00 02 00 56 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = f58e004f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBCD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DDD5730, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 90 86 EE 72 00 55 55 FE 6F 7E CE 72 80 FD 55 FF Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 8ca23bab returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB51F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769AC6CA30, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 727667cf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBCFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DC5B770, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 FA 00 49 12 00 41 12 24 F9 00 49 02 00 49 92 24 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 874f6bef returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB5478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769AC6CA30, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 68 FF FF 7F FF FF FF F7 FF FD 7F 7F AB D4 50 40 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2ab93cce returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBD278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DC5B770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 46cbe791 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBD538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 32 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC5B770, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 3F 22 E2 03 D1 93 6A FF 69 4A 86 31 58 E0 80 DF Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f323fb32 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_trailtexture1 matched resource with hash=f323fb32 type=Texture2D width=256 height=32 mips=9 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB59B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 2048 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 41 08 00 00 55 55 F5 8D 41 08 00 00 55 55 FF FF Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = 71268141 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBD7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0 83 0F 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8cccb522 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EB5C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DC5B770, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 20 00 00 00 55 FF FF FF 20 00 00 00 55 FF FF FF Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4a35b130 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UI1 matched resource with hash=4a35b130 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBDA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 9A 8E B2 49 2C 9D B5 8E 9B 90 28 4D 96 24 E0 D7 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 780cc46f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBDCF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DC5B770, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 01 49 92 24 49 94 08 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e3ed9ace returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBDFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 32 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DC5B770, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8ef7df09 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBE238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 32 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DC5B770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 86a57b90 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBE4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 64 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DC5B770, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f6d39278 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBE778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 53 C5 2B 83 A2 28 00 70 B5 D5 06 5A AA F8 7E 55 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 26100c31 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBEA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 90 AD D2 03 40 F7 A8 C8 F3 DD 9D 22 01 0A 3D FF Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 8b041a19 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBECB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DDD5730, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 03 B0 02 B0 FE FF 7F BF FF B6 47 B0 55 55 D5 35 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2c3d6976 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBEF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DE20010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 40 C0 19 70 06 9C 01 5C 02 00 14 00 AA 05 FF 0C Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 473fbbca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBF1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DDE0210, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b0a14f92 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EC06F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769DC5B770, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 28 7B 26 52 A0 7A 20 00 49 83 26 52 26 AA A0 C0 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 6d052dff returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EC0478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4584c58f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EC09B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = feb88851 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EC0C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 17a93a6d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBF738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 14aedc59 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBFF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE20000, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 47e64b39 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBF4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769DDE0210, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF BE F7 E0 E0 A0 A0 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 857a9fcb TextureOverride\debug_2d\_trailtexture2 matched resource with hash=857a9fcb type=Texture2D width=512 height=256 mips=10 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM_SRGB" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBF9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 2048 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->000001769FE80000, SysMemPitch: 8192, SysMemSlicePitch: 2097152 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DC E5 BB DF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 2097152 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = 36fe574c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_trailtexture3 matched resource with hash=36fe574c type=Texture2D width=2048 height=1024 mips=12 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM_SRGB" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EBFC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017669A5ED00, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 FF FF FF FF AB AB AB AB FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 22042591 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017698EC01B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DC5DCF0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f135a43b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699196A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->000001769DC5DCF0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 33 AD 4C 6B 0C BC 30 50 33 AD 8D 73 02 F9 C0 5F Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 5d52d93d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699194078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DC5DDE0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 05 02 49 98 90 21 45 0A 09 03 71 EB 92 E5 C4 09 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7df7fa09 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnvisitedSpecialLocationGlow matched resource with hash=7df7fa09 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918F9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DDE0210, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 BE F7 DB D6 57 57 57 57 DB D6 DB D6 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e016970d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699190EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769DDF5790, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 C0 1F F0 07 6C 99 5E C6 88 12 06 23 D6 2A F7 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = f86c86ab returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699193DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE00290, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 F5 C5 60 10 00 A8 5C 5C 81 18 35 CE 55 AA 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e8ef6ecd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699192B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE0AD70, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 70 2F 3E B8 04 D3 02 48 D1 D1 D1 98 FB 29 99 92 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = a19297d3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699197278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->000001769DC5EE10, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 FF 8B 1F 7C FF FF FF FF FF 8B 1F 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 9e3c00fd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699191138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769FE80010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 D0 83 0F 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 2cc899e9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699194338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769FE80010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 6ab295a5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699194DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->0000017695DAAB70, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 94 C5 94 C5 AA AA AA AA 94 C5 94 C5 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = 78c74261 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991945B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017695DAAB70, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 08 00 7F C0 1F F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = bfeda26f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699190438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->0000017695DAAB70, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = b4fdcad4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991977B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 2048 Height = 256 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->000001769FE80010, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 6B 8B 88 6A F0 F5 F7 7E 0A 7B 47 62 00 FF EF E5 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = 0a4de52d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699194878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017669A5ED00, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 FF FF FF FF FF AA AA AA FF FF FF FF FF AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7c9e9004 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699192E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE20330, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D7 BD AE 73 3F 29 BA AA 18 C6 34 AD A0 BA 02 9A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = dd3db3b2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699195578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE2AE10, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 1F 10 F8 1B 00 58 3F 4E 85 8E A8 FF 6A 9A 05 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0bc12097 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991974F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE403D0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 5C E7 14 A5 AA FF FF FF 5C E7 14 A5 AA FF FF FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cc7add0d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699194AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE4AEB0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 70 F0 3D 68 D2 70 FD C9 2A 23 E7 1F EC 89 EA 92 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = aadc5ea6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699191E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE60470, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b961d415 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699191BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE60470, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 17 C6 F7 BD FF FF FF BF 17 C6 F7 BD FF FF FF FA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = b592b1c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991967F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE6AF50, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 20 3F A0 D0 07 00 74 AD 4D 77 33 AB EA A5 A2 40 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = ce411076 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699190978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769DE75A30, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1F 00 00 00 00 00 1F 00 1F 00 55 AA 5A AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 10089ac8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699190178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->000001769FE90060, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 5942cafa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991930B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017695DAB140, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 DA 64 16 54 00 A8 AA F5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ce89906a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991920F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FEE55E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 E8 39 25 21 5F BF 3F FF 29 42 86 31 AD AA 8A ED Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7bf9d970 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699196D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->000001769FEFAB60, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 70 0F B6 79 CA 1C D6 AA A0 5E 4D 37 72 7D 63 1F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = c87573e7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918FEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF05660, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA 6A A9 1F 00 1F 00 AA 6A 9A 66 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 748c9300 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699193378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF05660, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 D6 BD F8 B5 AA AA AA 2A 8F EE D6 BD 55 55 55 89 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = cfa4e9c2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699195FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF1ABE0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 20 40 E0 AF 07 28 FC DB 01 00 00 80 01 00 90 E0 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1376da8b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991962B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF456E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1F 00 1E 00 00 00 00 80 1F 00 1D 00 00 00 00 5F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = f172b178 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918FC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF456E0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 D7 BD F7 BD 00 AA 00 AA D7 BD F7 BD 00 AA 00 AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0030172d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699195838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF501C0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 08 00 81 40 20 F0 07 FC 01 00 00 00 AC AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8305d450 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699198238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF65780, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA 1F 00 1F 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4b6c88d1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699195038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF65780, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 6B B4 27 7B DE 58 78 70 89 93 22 31 0E 04 2C 18 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4ad017e5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699197F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF70260, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 70 F0 BD C8 5A EC DD F8 F0 6A DB 09 D5 C9 9E CC Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 8730163b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991923B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF85820, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 14 00 11 00 45 A5 35 15 12 00 0C 00 6D E7 B6 94 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 5db80d9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991952F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF90300, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 E4 18 62 08 2A 2A 5A 58 45 21 62 00 00 00 2B AD Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 7779abb3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991938B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FF9ADE0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 80 23 7C F0 3D F8 20 20 00 8C 42 18 82 81 F1 F6 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1a888ec8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699195AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FFB03A0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 17 00 0F 00 D5 D5 0D 0D 1A 00 12 00 5F 5F 00 02 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4066d94f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991913F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769FFC0010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 88 A4 CC A3 AA AA AA AA 88 A4 CC A3 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 04844a01 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991935F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->000001769FFC0000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 40 20 10 08 8C 46 9D 4E 12 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 3d05d519 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699197A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 128 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FFBAE80, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 1F 00 1F 00 A9 A9 A9 A9 1F 00 1E 00 F8 F8 F8 5C Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 2ff6efba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699191678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FFC5960, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 02 71 A1 50 3D 35 B5 D5 E5 89 64 79 BE BE BA 5F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 1cd790b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991906B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->000001769FFDAEE0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 D0 0E 16 06 00 E8 02 00 00 A0 ED AB DD 12 29 05 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = e79ccf54 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699193B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176A00059E0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 1D 00 1B 00 9E FA FA EA 1F 00 1C 00 20 20 02 5A Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = bb694151 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699192638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE7AFA0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 76 6E 00 C0 6D BF 9D 24 76 6E 00 20 8D B6 9F 24 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 01e4e7cc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699195D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE7AFA0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d0f0c2ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991928F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 2048 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->00000176A0020000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = abb8c108 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699190BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 2048 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->00000176A0020000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 00 F8 1F F8 00 55 55 55 00 F8 1F F8 00 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = 9e976e9a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699196538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 2048 MipLevels = 12 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE760->00000176A0020000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA 1F F8 1F F8 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE760, hash = 2da344e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991984B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE7AFA0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a579833b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_hitdirection2 matched resource with hash=a579833b type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699196FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM_SRGB (72) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->00000176A0020000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 704e2cc4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699197CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001769DE7AFA0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 D3 9C B2 94 55 FF AA AA D3 9C B2 94 55 FF FF AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5bf7e0c2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699198778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176A00059E0, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = d12aad13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991989F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017695DAF7A0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 08 00 00 55 55 5F 7F Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 2048 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b734a1ac TextureOverride\debug_2d\_belowaboveicon matched resource with hash=b734a1ac type=Texture2D width=32 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699198CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->00000176A0020000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = b54eb060 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699198F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->00000176A4791940, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 0a304742 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_lootsparkle matched resource with hash=0a304742 type=Texture2D width=16 height=16 mips=5 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991991F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 45 29 04 21 E0 F8 78 78 04 21 C3 18 60 78 7A 7A Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = fa3a656b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay1 matched resource with hash=fa3a656b type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699199478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176A48A7ED0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = ba160495 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_glowtexture1 matched resource with hash=ba160495 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=8 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699191938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->00000176A4791940, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 54e22494 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699199738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176A48A7ED0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 08 20 00 AE AE AE EE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = d68667d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991999B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176A48B29D0, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7A 0A 3A 02 00 80 AA FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 0b6770f9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699199C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e7c843bf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699199EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 79 CE 00 00 55 FF FF FF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0e62d6ca TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CustomMarkerIcon matched resource with hash=0e62d6ca type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919A978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A3530760, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e145a995 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A1CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 304cd4e2 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardEsc matched resource with hash=304cd4e2 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A07F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d27e6f58 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A17B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9ab4231b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard1 matched resource with hash=9ab4231b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A0578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 56d816dc TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard2 matched resource with hash=56d816dc type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A1A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 60844187 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard3 matched resource with hash=60844187 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919C3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d2788e8e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard4 matched resource with hash=d2788e8e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919A1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 00b7c4ef TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard5 matched resource with hash=00b7c4ef type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919B3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ef3f1b9b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard6 matched resource with hash=ef3f1b9b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919EDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3fd03a1c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard7 matched resource with hash=3fd03a1c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919D638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f765ef64 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard8 matched resource with hash=f765ef64 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A0038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3e5d210e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard9 matched resource with hash=3e5d210e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919DB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 46e445a7 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboard0 matched resource with hash=46e445a7 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919E5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5ec68220 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A02B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8302a36b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardminus matched resource with hash=8302a36b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A1FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7d115a3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A0AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3afd2e46 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919B6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c2543bcb returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919E338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b8e63ba9 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardequal matched resource with hash=b8e63ba9 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919B178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 72430bd2 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919CE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8379a00f returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919DDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c472aa7b returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919C138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6e820069 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919A438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9fd5843f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A2238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 08a5b152 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919B938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ae4b9fe0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919E878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 885c0792 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardbacksp matched resource with hash=885c0792 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919F838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 74035ee3 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardTab matched resource with hash=74035ee3 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919F5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6505bbca TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardQ matched resource with hash=6505bbca type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919E0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 60c8410d TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardW matched resource with hash=60c8410d type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919C678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d41602f6 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardE matched resource with hash=d41602f6 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919F2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d859ab71 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardR matched resource with hash=d859ab71 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919F078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ed963124 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardT matched resource with hash=ed963124 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919EB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5d7e7119 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardY matched resource with hash=5d7e7119 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A0D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 627e20e7 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardU matched resource with hash=627e20e7 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919BBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d223f2f7 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardI matched resource with hash=d223f2f7 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919AC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 11e880ca TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardO matched resource with hash=11e880ca type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919C8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 003e643e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardP matched resource with hash=003e643e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919A6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 28ae8fe6 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardleftbracket matched resource with hash=28ae8fe6 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919D8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0782c212 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A0FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7ce39983 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919FAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 587d904d returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919FD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a90ac8cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A1278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 01baded0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919BE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 016f6035 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A24F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 61c8f56e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A1538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8397d608 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A2778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 29236adb returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919CBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fb45679a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A2A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = df9b8c0a TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardrightbracket matched resource with hash=df9b8c0a type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919D0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = da059c10 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919AEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e89ef87f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A2CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2ef95a0c returns result = 0, handle = 000001769919D378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 587764ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A2F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ced95d98 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardreturn matched resource with hash=ced95d98 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A31F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 11a5d67e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLCtrl matched resource with hash=11a5d67e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A34B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8787f736 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A3738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fd510def TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardA matched resource with hash=fd510def type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A39F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d6d5d3a1 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardS matched resource with hash=d6d5d3a1 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A3C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 33c2bf00 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardD matched resource with hash=33c2bf00 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A3F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0542128a TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF matched resource with hash=0542128a type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A41B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 10a7972e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardG matched resource with hash=10a7972e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A4478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a56622a7 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardH matched resource with hash=a56622a7 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A46F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3530d43c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardJ matched resource with hash=3530d43c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AC278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fd54bc3b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardK matched resource with hash=fd54bc3b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A6938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 537a360f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardL matched resource with hash=537a360f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A8DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 424a6048 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardsemicoln matched resource with hash=424a6048 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AC4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = afbe41b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A6138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 57267a77 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A9338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 148c6d52 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A85F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7bbff9bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A49B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a05d7207 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AAD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d420c376 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardapost matched resource with hash=d420c376 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A88B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fe70d0d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A73B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 175b5847 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A63F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 76b55d50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A5BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 774b37f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A70F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e9d94e7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A4EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bf6a0b85 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AAFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8e76916b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A5178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ebdf26ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A5EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7367c7b3 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardtile matched resource with hash=7367c7b3 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A9078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f3580755 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A9DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f40af381 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A6678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7cf76cf4 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLshift matched resource with hash=7cf76cf4 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A7B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 89d9d55f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardbackslash matched resource with hash=89d9d55f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A7638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6f76cde5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AA578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 94e40d88 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardZ matched resource with hash=94e40d88 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A8B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e31b4a24 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardX matched resource with hash=e31b4a24 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AB7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 90021a67 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardC matched resource with hash=90021a67 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A6BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a2583e3e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardV matched resource with hash=a2583e3e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A5438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ff9f11c5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardB matched resource with hash=ff9f11c5 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A4C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3718f370 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardN matched resource with hash=3718f370 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A5978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7f9b74a7 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardM matched resource with hash=7f9b74a7 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AA838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fa7545c8 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardcoma matched resource with hash=fa7545c8 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AB2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d2682bc5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboarddot matched resource with hash=d2682bc5 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A6E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9e8b7287 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AA038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1caadf49 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_Keyboardslash matched resource with hash=1caadf49 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991ABD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f817dbee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A78F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5eaa0738 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardRshift matched resource with hash=5eaa0738 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A7E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0756539a TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNumAsterisk matched resource with hash=0756539a type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AB538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 930d6f7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A80B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 01494679 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardSpace matched resource with hash=01494679 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991ABFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e5a9cf3c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardCaps matched resource with hash=e5a9cf3c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AD238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 37479704 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF1 matched resource with hash=37479704 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A8378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1bb6fa12 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF2 matched resource with hash=1bb6fa12 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AA2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 68d4ef90 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF3 matched resource with hash=68d4ef90 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991ACF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 28057911 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF4 matched resource with hash=28057911 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A95B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7ae6fccd TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF5 matched resource with hash=7ae6fccd type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A9878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c6616075 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF6 matched resource with hash=c6616075 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A9AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8562d204 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF7 matched resource with hash=8562d204 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AC7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7084d5d8 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF8 matched resource with hash=7084d5d8 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AAAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = abb0708c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF9 matched resource with hash=abb0708c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991ABA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a697c96a TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF10 matched resource with hash=a697c96a type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991A56B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6760ce44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991ACA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 58fac78f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AD4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 766f9834 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum7 matched resource with hash=766f9834 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AD778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 76b95426 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum8 matched resource with hash=76b95426 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991ACCF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fea887d3 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum9 matched resource with hash=fea887d3 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AD9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f9b36c24 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNumMinus matched resource with hash=f9b36c24 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991ADCB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 80e57f56 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum4 matched resource with hash=80e57f56 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991ADF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5785d12d TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum5 matched resource with hash=5785d12d type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AE1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1b1c34ce TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum6 matched resource with hash=1b1c34ce type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AE9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fe79d969 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNumPlus matched resource with hash=fe79d969 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AE478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4e248332 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum1 matched resource with hash=4e248332 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AE738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6c57b450 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum2 matched resource with hash=6c57b450 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AEC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c8ece1dd TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum3 matched resource with hash=c8ece1dd type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AEEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ed4eacb2 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNum0 matched resource with hash=ed4eacb2 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B1BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d92741f4 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNumDot matched resource with hash=d92741f4 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AF438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c45036c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B28B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3317fe32 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF11 matched resource with hash=3317fe32 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B18F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 67a62d38 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardF12 matched resource with hash=67a62d38 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B35F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0e32064c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNumSlash matched resource with hash=0e32064c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B1678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8ffb05a5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardHome matched resource with hash=8ffb05a5 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B52B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 55885f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B3878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0be07a2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B6A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f8373dd9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B4838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4817465a TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardUp matched resource with hash=4817465a type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B13B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0029adac TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardPgUP matched resource with hash=0029adac type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B0178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 76794b54 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLeft matched resource with hash=76794b54 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B3B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 761916ea TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardRight matched resource with hash=761916ea type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B4D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 692b044b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardEnd matched resource with hash=692b044b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B5038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3e5fdd45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B1E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 712dabe4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B06B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 75632454 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AFEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 95ab7f8c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardDown matched resource with hash=95ab7f8c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B0E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f3e26ba8 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardPgDn matched resource with hash=f3e26ba8 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B5D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7add7401 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardIns matched resource with hash=7add7401 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B6CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 26e3450a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B1138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2a7a43c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B6278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9f5aed5b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B3DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e4c87549 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardDel matched resource with hash=e4c87549 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B2378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 10e5f57f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AF1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d790d018 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B20F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0b5a59af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B42F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6abac797 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B6FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 774c4d83 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseLeft matched resource with hash=774c4d83 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B2DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 431aa1d8 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseRight matched resource with hash=431aa1d8 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B4078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6d984e82 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseMiddle matched resource with hash=6d984e82 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B6538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6379f05b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B7238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a74aa942 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B2638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A3950BB0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 30 00 FC FF FF FF AF AA AA AA 4A 92 24 49 92 24 Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 58761c4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B30B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A3F8DFE0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8e1b95c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B3338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1f4fa82b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseMove matched resource with hash=1f4fa82b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B2B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8ce6e931 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MouseWheel matched resource with hash=8ce6e931 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AF6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7D EF 1C E7 78 78 78 78 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 44eaa22a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B45B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A3950EF0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 02974238 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B4AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e81a1aaa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B57F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 57292ced returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B5578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1170aee1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B74F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 421bed7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B5AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 338fe60b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B5FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = cfd9b1f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B67B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8488dff8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AF978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 64cf961f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B7778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 78ddfaaf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B03F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d62b4f0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B0938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ec21a2ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B0BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 47c8aedd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991AFC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 43e8c019 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B89F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ffe5ff22 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B8F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 42ed81ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B7A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 840767a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B84B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 389e8e8b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B7CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7192be15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B7F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4ac4c1b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B81F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 61c98316 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B8738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5f9b1266 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B8C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c2457a99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B91B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = dfdad3c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B9478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 875bff15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B96F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 875bff15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B99B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 28f9b25a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C0D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b8506a82 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C17B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE790->00000176A48DD4D0, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 C0 83 00 7C FF FF FF FF C0 83 00 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE790, hash = 4b24bbb5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BCB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 5 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7D0->00000176A45567B0, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 F1 8B 0F 7C FF FF FF FF F1 8B 0F 7C FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7D0, hash = 5bfa6da9 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_overlaytxt1 matched resource with hash=5bfa6da9 type=Texture2D width=16 height=16 mips=5 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C02B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017542ACEB00, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c502a9b2 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_square1 matched resource with hash=c502a9b2 type=Texture2D width=16 height=16 mips=1 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BA178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4096 Height = 4096 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = A8_UNORM (65) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = e237e837 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametext matched resource with hash=e237e837 type=Texture2D width=4096 height=4096 mips=1 array=1 format="A8_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="DYNAMIC" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags="write" misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BDDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c64d5fee TextureOverride\debug_2d\_YourMountHorseIcon matched resource with hash=c64d5fee type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B9EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8d43809d TextureOverride\debug_2d\_senyubuttonbckg matched resource with hash=8d43809d type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BB678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 55 AD 34 A5 5F 7F FF FF 34 A5 14 A5 AA A8 A8 20 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4b5a994c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay8 matched resource with hash=4b5a994c type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BD378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 29 45 29 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bf04ca77 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BeaconFloatingIcon matched resource with hash=bf04ca77 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BF2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b624910b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BA438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 16d1c4b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C0538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 29 45 29 F5 F5 F5 F5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 363fd2db TextureOverride\debug_2d\_QuestgiverIcon matched resource with hash=363fd2db type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C0FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 247fdb54 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C1278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 18 60 10 2A 2A 2A 2A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0b39f9c1 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MarkedQuestObjectiveIcon matched resource with hash=0b39f9c1 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C14F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 78c1ed00 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BB138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fb70d012 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TresureLocationIcon matched resource with hash=fb70d012 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BD5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 2A AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 823bf7c5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenuIcon matched resource with hash=823bf7c5 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BABF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c7c3361c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TombIcon matched resource with hash=c7c3361c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BAEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 08 20 00 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5c14a9d0 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnvisitedLocationIcon matched resource with hash=5c14a9d0 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BD8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9dbf1947 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VillageIcon matched resource with hash=9dbf1947 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BE338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 57282648 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay9 matched resource with hash=57282648 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BFD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 62 08 21 00 EA EA EA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 887b87bb TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BayekIcon matched resource with hash=887b87bb type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BB938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ab2476f6 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CityIcon matched resource with hash=ab2476f6 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BB3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 00f6f252 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_GladiatorArenaIcon matched resource with hash=00f6f252 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BE5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bb8e346f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HippodromeIcon matched resource with hash=bb8e346f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BBBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 21 86 21 E8 E8 E8 E8 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = eb691cff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BEDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 FE FE 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = cbf15e0d TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay6 matched resource with hash=cbf15e0d type=Texture2D width=1024 height=4 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BF038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68F0000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 7A 77 80 04 89 12 29 32 79 76 90 28 91 22 43 26 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 681168d2 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay3 matched resource with hash=681168d2 type=Texture2D width=512 height=512 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BBE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001768851AAA0, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 16 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 BE F7 08 42 55 7F 7A 78 Texture2D length: 16 bad v1.2.1 length: 16 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6893e59e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_square2 matched resource with hash=6893e59e type=Texture2D width=4 height=4 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BE078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176A68F0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 49 4A 00 00 F8 5E 56 5E 04 21 41 08 00 E9 AD F5 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 62ce5b65 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay7 matched resource with hash=62ce5b65 type=Texture2D width=512 height=512 mips=10 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BF578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A411A0E0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 07ccee6e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairpoint matched resource with hash=07ccee6e type=Texture2D width=32 height=32 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BA6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 29 24 21 AF AF AF AF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 70158802 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyscullIcon matched resource with hash=70158802 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BCE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7046c34e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ViewpointIcon matched resource with hash=7046c34e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BEAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7d9738b2 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ViewpointSynchronisedIcon matched resource with hash=7d9738b2 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BA978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fd90bcb4 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_playerhbdarklines matched resource with hash=fd90bcb4 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BDB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a5d74b9b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg3 matched resource with hash=a5d74b9b type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BE878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6920000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 72 6F 24 40 92 24 99 90 72 70 00 00 00 09 90 24 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 39ebab77 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay5 matched resource with hash=39ebab77 type=Texture2D width=512 height=512 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BD0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 38daf62e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_YourMountCamelIcon matched resource with hash=38daf62e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991B9C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 04774b4c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_glyphs matched resource with hash=04774b4c type=Texture2D width=512 height=512 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BF838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4545980, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 2048 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9e0fd826 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_effecoverlay1 matched resource with hash=9e0fd826 type=Texture2D width=64 height=32 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BFAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176A68F0010, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 536b01d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BFFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A3D323B0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 70f25940 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C07F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bfae25e6 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ButtonOutline matched resource with hash=bfae25e6 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C0A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC2_UNORM (74) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5a42dce9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C1A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f8086d0c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AvengeQuestIcon matched resource with hash=f8086d0c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C1CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 45 29 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a5c494e0 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4Circle matched resource with hash=a5c494e0 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BC3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 45 29 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d28b593f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4Cross matched resource with hash=d28b593f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C1F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 2F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 69a7c00f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C39B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 2F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 804c2c3f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4DPadDown matched resource with hash=804c2c3f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C2238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 2F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e46fd52c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4DPadLeft matched resource with hash=e46fd52c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C24B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 2F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f212e85d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C3738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 2F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d92757f0 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4DPadRight matched resource with hash=d92757f0 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C2778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 2F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 121f2849 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4DPadUp matched resource with hash=121f2849 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C29F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 2F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f70cbe47 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C2CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 86 31 25 29 2D 2D 2D 2D Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8fc53b6a TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4L1 matched resource with hash=8fc53b6a type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C2F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 86 31 65 29 BF BF BF FF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ebea5ea8 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4L2 matched resource with hash=ebea5ea8 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C3478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 24 21 04 21 7E 7E 7E 7E Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 28904e0e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4Options matched resource with hash=28904e0e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C31F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A6 31 45 29 2D 2D 2D 2D Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5f059b73 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4R1 matched resource with hash=5f059b73 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C3C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 29 45 29 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4d8c4f13 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4R2 matched resource with hash=4d8c4f13 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BC0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 45 29 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6cf5229b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4Square matched resource with hash=6cf5229b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C3EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 86 31 45 29 BD BD BD BD Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ef2ae4fe TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4TouchPadBut matched resource with hash=ef2ae4fe type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BC638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 45 29 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 42b477e4 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4Traingle matched resource with hash=42b477e4 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991BC8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 45 29 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 57f2e082 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_A matched resource with hash=57f2e082 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C53F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 45 29 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7b9843f9 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_B matched resource with hash=7b9843f9 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C4C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 39 04 21 2F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e2534de3 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEGuide matched resource with hash=e2534de3 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C5178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fd764084 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadDown matched resource with hash=fd764084 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C56B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 23921847 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C4438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 00 00 AF AF AF AF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8b464b20 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadLeft matched resource with hash=8b464b20 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C5938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 00 00 AF AF AF AF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c8334dea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C46F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 66fe8b3c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadRight matched resource with hash=66fe8b3c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C4EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ac6144eb TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEDPadUp matched resource with hash=ac6144eb type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C5BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 46535024 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C4978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C3 18 61 08 7A 7A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bf0bbd2f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_LB matched resource with hash=bf0bbd2f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991C41B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 E7 39 A0 A0 A0 A0 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b5e4dab1 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_LAP matched resource with hash=b5e4dab1 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699186938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 41 08 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ebb0e974 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918BAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 21 08 AA AA FF BF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d821bfa4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991895F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A7 39 A6 31 BA BA BA BA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9144decf returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918A838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 263df562 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918CCF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9d8e8587 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991880F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 20 00 A0 A0 A0 AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4b743577 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_LeftAnalogforward matched resource with hash=4b743577 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918C7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f11490db returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918B038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C3 18 41 08 2F 2F 2F 2F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 95029f6b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_LT matched resource with hash=95029f6b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699186BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 29 C3 18 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 26fa0924 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_RB matched resource with hash=26fa0924 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699189878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E8 41 E7 39 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6d907031 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_RAP matched resource with hash=6d907031 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918B2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 41 08 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b7b6ab3c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RightAnalogmove matched resource with hash=b7b6ab3c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699188378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 21 08 AA AA FF BF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8427fdec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991888B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A7 39 A6 31 BA BA BA BA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = cd429c87 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699189B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7a3bb72a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699189DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c188c7cf returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699185438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 20 00 A0 A0 A0 AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1772773f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991856F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A2 10 41 08 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 14c3d324 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RightAnalogUPDown matched resource with hash=14c3d324 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918A078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A6 31 86 31 AF AF AF AF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = dc30e926 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_RT matched resource with hash=dc30e926 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918B578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A7 39 24 21 2D 2D 2D 2D Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = febe298f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONEOptions matched resource with hash=febe298f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991878F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 45 29 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c936b189 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_X matched resource with hash=c936b189 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699186E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 42 45 29 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 325ce1af TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XBONE_Y matched resource with hash=325ce1af type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918A2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 01 00 49 92 00 09 10 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = be26ee40 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699188B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a41de196 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918A5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 105aca81 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AligntheStarsIcon matched resource with hash=105aca81 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918AAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6ca2f560 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699185978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c4e3decd returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918AD78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5f4bbb96 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918B7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0a84cf77 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918CA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4c53ae24 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699187138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A48E4810, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bd02e3e5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbaroverlay matched resource with hash=bd02e3e5 type=Texture2D width=256 height=256 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918BD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6f08a101 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_targetlock matched resource with hash=6f08a101 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991873B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A0C29380, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FC E6 1B DF FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f564202e returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918BFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A0C0D0D0, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E8 1C 0C 15 FF FF FF FF Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a3dc3f1c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699188638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 64 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM_SRGB (78) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176A48E4810, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 09 00 01 92 29 49 92 36 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = bda794b4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918C278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 58 60 48 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = dace395a TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PhylakesIcon matched resource with hash=dace395a type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699185EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 24 1A F9 FF B6 A5 36 01 26 1C B9 5B 72 9B 24 09 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 03a6e660 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699187BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 10 20 08 E0 E0 E0 E0 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 53b888d2 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TresureLocationCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=53b888d2 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991866B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A1 18 60 08 7A 7A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 754b1267 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AligntheStarsCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=754b1267 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918C538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 10 20 08 E0 E0 E0 E0 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e57a85ab TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TombCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=e57a85ab type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991851B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FF 40 49 92 B6 29 90 02 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4e811419 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbar2 matched resource with hash=4e811419 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918CFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 66 31 65 29 AF AF AF AF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7e108a18 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699188DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 62 10 A0 A0 A0 A0 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1fad927a TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ClueIcon matched resource with hash=1fad927a type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991890B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2c3b227f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CobraLairIcon matched resource with hash=2c3b227f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918D238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5f54637d TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CrocodileLairIcon matched resource with hash=5f54637d type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918D4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 21 08 00 00 EA EA EA EA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 42dc71f6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699187678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 41c60ad0 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HippopotamusLairIcon matched resource with hash=41c60ad0 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699187E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4b5da1d5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HyenaLairIcon matched resource with hash=4b5da1d5 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918D778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6e99f81c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_IbexLairIcon matched resource with hash=6e99f81c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699185C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 60d07695 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_LeopardLairIcon matched resource with hash=60d07695 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918DA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 57fb8a4d TextureOverride\debug_2d\_LionLairIcon matched resource with hash=57fb8a4d type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699189338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A157C830, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e36f96ae TextureOverride\debug_2d\_abilitypointicon matched resource with hash=e36f96ae type=Texture2D width=32 height=32 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918DCB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 62 10 80 80 82 82 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a44bff59 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_ClueCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=a44bff59 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699186178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 572f7293 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_pulseonplayericonorarrowhit matched resource with hash=572f7293 type=Texture2D width=256 height=256 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918DF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E3 08 C3 00 A0 A0 A0 A2 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 02b44798 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_NomadsBazaarIcon matched resource with hash=02b44798 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176991863F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E7 41 C7 39 F5 F5 F5 F5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = dc079456 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BlacksmithIcon matched resource with hash=dc079456 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918E1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CB 5A 8A 52 A0 A0 A0 A0 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 10b2cfbc TextureOverride\debug_2d\_StablesIcon matched resource with hash=10b2cfbc type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918E4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 39 86 31 B5 B5 B5 B5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a0a48924 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_WeaverIcon matched resource with hash=a0a48924 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918EC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A6 31 45 29 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f21fc448 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PtolemyStatueIcon matched resource with hash=f21fc448 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918E738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 1A 00 49 92 24 49 92 04 66 31 65 29 5F 5F 7F FF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ceab45dc TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PtolemyStatueCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=ceab45dc type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918E9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bf7f4a50 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HermitLocationIcon matched resource with hash=bf7f4a50 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918EF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 10 20 08 E0 E0 E0 E0 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 35de3dcc TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HermitLocationCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=35de3dcc type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918F1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 2048 Height = 2048 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 2097152 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 2097152 bad v1.2.1 length: 4194304 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 92c02e9a returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918F6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A3D323B0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 2048 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 2048 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3ccc7e26 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769918F478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7e527785 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933E5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 03 00 49 92 24 49 82 24 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 79b318e0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933C378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = eb7dacec returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933ABF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4a666dac returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933C0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c8998ea8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933E838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E7 93 C7 93 7A 7A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c7334ea3 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_objectivecompleteicon2 matched resource with hash=c7334ea3 type=Texture2D width=256 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699341238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A3460F20, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = aa0ddfe3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933BBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FF 00 49 92 24 49 92 04 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0be18c98 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbar3 matched resource with hash=0be18c98 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933A178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 65 29 45 29 55 55 7F FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c2b26915 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_InteractionNearbyIcon matched resource with hash=c2b26915 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699340FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7b490255 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933B138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0e2982b6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933D5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = af3eadb1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933B3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 45 29 04 21 7A 7A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d83d88e7 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_enemyminiIcon matched resource with hash=d83d88e7 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933C8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 08 00 00 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6603787d TextureOverride\debug_2d\_yellowenemypointer matched resource with hash=6603787d type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699339C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A387A3C0, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e36f96ae TextureOverride\debug_2d\_abilitypointicon matched resource with hash=e36f96ae type=Texture2D width=32 height=32 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933CB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017671ABC880, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 FF 00 49 02 00 00 90 24 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 128 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ffa8f636 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_LocationCompleteLine matched resource with hash=ffa8f636 type=Texture2D width=32 height=4 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699339EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 21 08 2D 2D 2D AD Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a616abdc returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933F7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 10 0D 0C 43 91 92 04 09 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = a96a9717 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_glowtextureoverlay1 matched resource with hash=a96a9717 type=Texture2D width=64 height=512 mips=10 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933EAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC5_UNORM (83) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 02 00 49 92 24 11 12 29 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fe286ce3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993414F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7995dd4a returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933DB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 00 20 00 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d721186e returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933B678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 34212264 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_WarElephantIcon matched resource with hash=34212264 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933E078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 00 20 00 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fd2adf16 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933A3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A28F3D10, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = cc9dfcba returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699339978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E3 18 82 10 78 78 78 78 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8e67c3a9 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HiddenEntranceFloatingIcon matched resource with hash=8e67c3a9 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699340538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 56 40 50 08 40 50 08 40 50 08 48 DB A2 A9 68 90 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 38fda7c4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933B8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 21 C3 18 F8 F8 F8 F8 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a7a74bc5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933FFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 8A 52 69 4A 0A 2A AA AA 8A 52 69 4A 00 00 A2 AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a485abd0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933AE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4241A40, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 256 FF 06 49 92 FC B9 1B 0B 7D EF 00 00 55 55 55 05 Texture2D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0486c1bb returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933F038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c418bcfa returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933ED78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5ce5897c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PapyrusIcon matched resource with hash=5ce5897c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699340278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 77783ca5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933D878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b805b822 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933F2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f60e3622 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993407B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e7d4bad1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933F578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 2B 2B 2B 2B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1db78fe7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699340A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 2B 2B 2B 2B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0c6d0314 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933DDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 77783ca5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933FAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 66a2b056 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933A6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f60e3622 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933BE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e7d4bad1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933FD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 2B 2B 2B 2B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1db78fe7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699340CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 2B 2B 2B 2B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0c6d0314 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993424B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = 916a6e8a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699341778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 32 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A44F7440, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 04 00 49 92 44 91 10 01 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 512 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 831b58a2 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairdash matched resource with hash=831b58a2 type=Texture2D width=32 height=16 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933D338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A44F7440, SysMemPitch: 64, SysMemSlicePitch: 512 05 00 49 92 84 C9 90 6C 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 512 bad v1.2.1 length: 512 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 367df0c1 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_crosshairdash2 matched resource with hash=367df0c1 type=Texture2D width=16 height=32 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699341A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 77783ca5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699341CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b805b822 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933E2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f60e3622 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699341F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e7d4bad1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993421F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 2B 2B 2B 2B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1db78fe7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933A938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 2B 2B 2B 2B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0c6d0314 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699342738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0c5f80a3 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AnimalAttackFloatingWarningIcon matched resource with hash=0c5f80a3 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993429F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 10 00 49 A2 26 49 92 24 23 00 49 12 3A 51 13 35 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9489480e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XPIncreaseTexture matched resource with hash=9489480e type=Texture2D width=1024 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699342C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1f24860b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699342F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a99d45c6 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933CDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 BE F7 08 42 55 7F 7A 78 BE F7 08 42 55 7F 7A 78 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b9f554c2 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_xpbaroverlay8 matched resource with hash=b9f554c2 type=Texture2D width=512 height=512 mips=1 array=1 format="BC1_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993431B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A22E55D0, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 1024 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 55 55 FF FF Texture2D length: 1024 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2cd6eb99 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_gametextoverlay2 matched resource with hash=2cd6eb99 type=Texture2D width=4 height=256 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699343478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 10 00 95 94 24 4E D2 24 03 00 92 90 24 49 92 24 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1cc89614 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993436F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 21 E3 18 AF AF AF AF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 299b4da1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993439B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C7 39 A6 31 2A 2A 2A 2A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d42318aa TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuHelpFloatingIcon2 matched resource with hash=d42318aa type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699343C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 62 10 A0 A0 A0 A0 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7c5a31b5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuHelpFloatingIcon matched resource with hash=7c5a31b5 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699343EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 41 40 39 0A 0A 0A 0A Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c5a40c82 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BossIndicatorIcon matched resource with hash=c5a40c82 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933C638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 31b3a6c3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769933D0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 00 00 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b336a3c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993460F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FF 00 49 92 24 49 92 04 FF FF 00 00 55 55 55 15 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f63affe7 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg matched resource with hash=f63affe7 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699348AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FF 00 49 92 24 49 92 04 F3 9C 00 00 55 55 55 D5 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7a706904 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_healthbarreddmg2 matched resource with hash=7a706904 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699345938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 10 20 08 E0 E0 E0 E0 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0a186b7b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CobraLairCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=0a186b7b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934BCF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A1 18 40 08 F8 F8 F8 F8 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1fb4d6d5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_CrocodileLairCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=1fb4d6d5 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699344178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 41 08 21 08 AA AA AA FF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 20ed44d5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934A538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A1 18 60 10 78 78 78 78 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 05e4fd16 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HippopotamusLairCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=05e4fd16 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699345BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C1 18 20 08 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = eb438cd5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HyenaLairCompletedIcon matched resource with hash=eb438cd5 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699349D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A1 18 60 08 7A 7A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f4a0f939 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_IbexLairCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=f4a0f939 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934B4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C1 18 20 08 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6fa2ce62 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_LeopardLairCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=6fa2ce62 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934B7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A1 18 60 10 78 78 78 78 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c50c621b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_LionLairCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=c50c621b type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699348078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C1 18 20 08 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8f6a4292 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VultureLairCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=8f6a4292 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934A7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 14eb40c7 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_VultureLairIcon matched resource with hash=14eb40c7 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934BF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 80 10 20 08 E0 E0 E0 E0 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 34a587aa TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PapyrusCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=34a587aa type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699346638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 02 00 49 02 49 4A A2 24 00 FE 60 10 55 00 54 54 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3cf8e854 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_QuestObjectiveIcon matched resource with hash=3cf8e854 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934BA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 09 02 E9 01 AF BF FF F5 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a75dce9e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_AllyIcon matched resource with hash=a75dce9e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993453F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 62 08 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6bbb415c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699347DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A3 10 82 10 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4337ec89 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699349AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C3 18 A2 10 80 80 80 80 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 52e2841b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699348338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 C3 18 A2 10 80 80 80 80 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 69215c0c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699344438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 63 00 42 00 F8 F8 F8 F8 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c8cf18dd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699344EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = aff5de65 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699347B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 00a45ea8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699344978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6530a347 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699348DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 17dbdc21 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699345E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b5ebaff9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934AFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 55adb5f9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699344BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 17dbdc21 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699345138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 214f89dd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699345678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c84fbc9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993485B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2e5138d6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699348878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 80a2d837 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699349578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a6a918c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993463B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b0ae136b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699349038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9490999a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993468F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c5952b7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993475F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d0555b1f returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934C238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b9410842 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699346B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 15a7a9db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993446B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = eba0f575 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934AA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 552a052c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699346E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 30aa0946 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993492F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 690e2544 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934C4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 491c02c4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699349838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 53063116 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993470B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0e953297 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934C778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 826a6e35 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934E438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c3411c70 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934C9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c40c025b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699349FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 00 D5 D5 D5 D5 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0d2839d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993478B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7c41b487 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934A2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 85dff41b returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934AD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5a4ba586 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934B278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f7d43280 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934CCB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 688eaa24 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934CF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d482eb02 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699347378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fa4786c8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934D1F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9f8b8255 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PapyrusFloatingIcon matched resource with hash=9f8b8255 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934D478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1aa79d39 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TreasureFloatingIcon matched resource with hash=1aa79d39 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934D738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c2f2dc77 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934D9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A0 18 40 08 7A 7A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9fa5904f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_WarElephantCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=9fa5904f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934DEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CB 5A AA 52 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 40e08957 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4L3 matched resource with hash=40e08957 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934DC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 CB 5A AA 52 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 70ad585f TextureOverride\debug_2d\_PS4R3 matched resource with hash=70ad585f type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934E1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6441065e returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934E6F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bd8069ee returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934EC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2072aeff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993525F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3698a958 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934EEB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a8cb8723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993520B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f67dbdc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993532F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1d6328f7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699352DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 93e8f576 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699351638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1fe335cc returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699350BB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c6ef3d40 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699354578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 677f26eb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699354038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fe566f00 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993518B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6f7b61d8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699355538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fb675e85 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699355A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9ab97b93 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699353078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2860afc8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699355278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 040bdb66 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934F178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3e871d87 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934FBF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b5678dad returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934E978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1a03acd3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699356CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a8015ce0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934F6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 82e1c0d5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699353AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1e76a266 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993503B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 4360d63f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993508F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c6a09374 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699356F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 84bf9603 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699353838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 06 03 49 92 04 09 10 00 0C 06 49 92 24 49 98 10 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c16c7ae1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993542B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 AD 97 A5 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f94b8165 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699354AB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 AD 97 A5 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1235c070 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699350678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 AD 97 A5 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7fca20ac returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699354D38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 97 A5 56 9D FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 98c1da47 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993557B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 72 7C 52 7C BF AA AA BF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e258af21 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699351B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 E6 00 00 00 00 40 02 24 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 66672787 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_levelprogressbarbackground1 matched resource with hash=66672787 type=Texture2D width=256 height=16 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993547F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 79 CE 59 CE 0B 0B 0B 0B Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1de3bbb1 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_XPBarFill1 matched resource with hash=1de3bbb1 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699354FF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a4c3e5fc TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardNumReturn matched resource with hash=a4c3e5fc type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934FE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 58e9c00c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699355CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 255bfc1c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699351DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7fc88f7d returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934F938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7a05a0ff returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699352878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 871b46e4 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardRCtrl matched resource with hash=871b46e4 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699350138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d503398c TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardRAlt matched resource with hash=d503398c type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699356A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0a400377 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699350E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e7ea3d3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993535B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8a923b2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993510F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5e132af3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699352B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 820b93e5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699353D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 46743a80 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SenyuTargetIcon matched resource with hash=46743a80 type=Texture2D width=128 height=128 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699351378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6afb74cc TextureOverride\debug_2d\_RedaTimedQuestIcon matched resource with hash=6afb74cc type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769934F3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 27 39 06 31 AF AF AF AF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f5f901b2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699355FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 47 52 E6 49 FD F8 F0 7A Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 6f0a7c5c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699352338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 47 52 E6 49 FD F8 F0 7A Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 11e01da3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699358EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 47 52 E6 49 FD F8 F0 7A Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8e8b45e7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699356238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 2048 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = dfd85092 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_compasstexture1 matched resource with hash=dfd85092 type=Texture2D width=2048 height=32 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699358478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 21 E3 18 AA AA AA FA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f4e9b163 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BalistaFloatingIcon matched resource with hash=f4e9b163 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993564F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 1b556d25 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699356778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 2D 63 4D 6B AA AA AA 0A 4D 6B 2D 63 77 F7 FF FF Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ad295415 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993571F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 31 23 29 A8 E8 F8 F8 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0a3318fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993574B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 31 23 29 A8 E8 F8 F8 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f046d9a8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699357738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 44 31 23 29 A8 E8 F8 F8 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 520ef1e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993579F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 2C 63 0C 63 8A E8 A2 00 2D 6B 2C 63 57 FF FF FF Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 992987a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993586F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 63 0C 63 8A E8 A2 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = df4c4502 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699357C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 63 0C 63 8A E8 A2 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = cdd4c4ed returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699357F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f40a1823 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_FortIcon matched resource with hash=f40a1823 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993581B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A1 18 40 08 7A 7A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f1ccde8e TextureOverride\debug_2d\_FortCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=f1ccde8e type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993589B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 91f5e111 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MediumMilitaryIcon matched resource with hash=91f5e111 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699358C38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A1 18 40 10 7A 7A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c07d21d1 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_MediumMilitaryCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=c07d21d1 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935E838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 459c1dad TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SmallMilitaryIcon matched resource with hash=459c1dad type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935EFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 A1 18 40 08 7A 7A 7A 7A Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0ee310db TextureOverride\debug_2d\_SmallMilitaryCompleteIcon matched resource with hash=0ee310db type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993607B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 16 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->0000017671AB5F80, SysMemPitch: 32, SysMemSlicePitch: 128 F3 00 09 91 84 4C 02 26 FE 0B 40 03 A0 05 90 02 Texture2D length: 128 bad v1.2.1 length: 256 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c3a62b3b TextureOverride\debug_2d\_HBCursed matched resource with hash=c3a62b3b type=Texture2D width=16 height=16 mips=1 array=1 format="BC4_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935E578 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a806059f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699360278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a6f063f5 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TrialofAnubisIcon matched resource with hash=a6f063f5 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935AE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 53d1797e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993604F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = abaece32 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TrialofSekhmetIcon matched resource with hash=abaece32 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699359178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 40bd81e5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935EAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e797ce43 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_TrialofSobekIcon matched resource with hash=e797ce43 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935F2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 791a65c7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935F538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 96442d68 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935ED78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 401c01ef returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935C0B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 727013e1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935FFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 08 00 00 BF BF BF BF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8de08c71 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699359438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 08 00 00 BF BF BF BF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a18f159b returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935D078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f6a5f941 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699360A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 847d45b4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935E2F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 08 00 00 AA AA AF AE Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 10d58aaa returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935DAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 55 55 55 FF Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d6bb4709 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935F7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2f2adac7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935FA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 00 00 55 55 5F 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = ada09184 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935A938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 B8 AD 97 A5 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 16bb2f2b returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935FD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 280a6f32 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935D5B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 32 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 03 00 20 99 24 4C C2 24 01 00 00 90 24 49 92 24 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 8192 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = c1616bae returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699360CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 06 03 49 92 04 09 10 00 0C 06 49 92 24 49 98 10 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = b594b882 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699359EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 28 00 20 AA AA AF AF Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 2ec49bc8 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_BeaconLitFloatingIcon matched resource with hash=2ec49bc8 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935D338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 10 61 10 55 55 FF 55 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5d1e1346 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_UnvisitedSpecialLocationIcon matched resource with hash=5d1e1346 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=1 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935ABB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 38 40 38 5F 5F 5D 55 Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d61ff5db returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935A3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 48 52 28 4A 0A 0B 2F 0B Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a5a30325 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699360F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 29 42 E7 41 AA FF FE FE Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = fcdc6e4b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699361238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 89 5A 27 52 80 AA FF 55 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 155a29cc returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935C378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 524288 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 28 4A E8 41 BE 2E 08 00 Texture2D length: 524288 bad v1.2.1 length: 524288 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3a2b3508 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993596B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = f290b05b returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935B638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 49fede71 TextureOverride\debug_2d\_KeyboardLAlt matched resource with hash=49fede71 type=Texture2D width=64 height=64 mips=7 array=1 format="BC3_UNORM" msaa=1 msaa_quality=0 usage="IMMUTABLE" bind_flags="shader_resource" cpu_access_flags=0 misc_flags=0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993614B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 31a7d4c9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699359978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 529e055a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699361778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 E4 20 E4 20 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8c5cf085 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935B3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 E4 18 E3 18 AA FA AA AA Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 111a40df returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699359BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 FF FF 00 00 00 00 00 00 2C 63 0C 63 8A E8 A2 00 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0d2784a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993619F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 2ffe4ee3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699361CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 4d3844db returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935CDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 2048 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 B4 C5 4E 9C A9 57 60 00 73 BD AC 83 00 02 35 58 Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 2097152 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = e676ff14 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935D878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176A6930010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 E1 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 2F 29 49 92 24 49 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = 8682dc9e returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935DDB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = d2149d82 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935E038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 64 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7B0->00000176A4832200, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 4096 bad v1.2.1 length: 4096 InitialData = 00000040099FE7B0, hash = 3f42ea43 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935B8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 7fb5910f returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935A138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 77864808 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935B0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = f8acd9d2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699361F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 3c8e453b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993621F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 16384 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 16384 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 9d1337bb returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935A678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE770->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 30 00 00 00 C0 FF AF AA AA AA 4A 92 24 49 92 24 Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE770, hash = d157993c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699362478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 10 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM_SRGB (99) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE780->00000176A6930010, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 E1 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 2F 29 49 92 24 49 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE780, hash = b1fb92b3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699362738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 00 18 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 169f518b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993629B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 E3 20 A2 18 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 26f3f56a returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935BB78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 10 A0 A0 A0 A0 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0ae5a827 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699362C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 81 20 40 10 FA FA FA FA Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = cd9bf3db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993631B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 18 00 10 5F 5F 5F 5F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = a71b8f95 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699362EF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 82 10 41 08 80 80 80 80 Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 0cacb43b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699363438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 08 7F 7F 7F 7F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 438a3aab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993636F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A68FAB30, SysMemPitch: 512, SysMemSlicePitch: 32768 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 20 10 00 08 7F 7F 7F 7F Texture2D length: 32768 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = db390c41 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935BE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC3_UNORM (77) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 1048576 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF AA AA AA AA Texture2D length: 1048576 bad v1.2.1 length: 1048576 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 5955e260 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935C5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 512 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 131072 1E 1D 00 00 00 00 00 20 1E 1C 00 04 48 90 22 25 Texture2D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = abef1ae7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935C8B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC4_UNORM (80) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 2048, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 131072 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 546c5133 returns result = 0, handle = 000001769935CB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 4096, SysMemSlicePitch: 262144 60 80 C2 FF FF FF FF FF 03 00 00 F4 57 55 55 55 Texture2D length: 262144 bad v1.2.1 length: 262144 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = bef6f409 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993646B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 256 Height = 256 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC7_UNORM (98) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->00000176A6930000, SysMemPitch: 1024, SysMemSlicePitch: 65536 F0 42 9C F5 BF 56 55 36 FC 5C 92 24 8D 6C 5B DB Texture2D length: 65536 bad v1.2.1 length: 65536 InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = 8baaeb3f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017699364E78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 8 ArraySize = 1 Format = BC1_UNORM (71) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE7A0->00000176A4732360, SysMemPitch: 256, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 88 B4 68 B4 2B 2B 2F 2B A9 BC 88 B4 2F 2F 2F 0B Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 16384 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.11+ Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE7A0, hash = e5c42262 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176993675F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2568, handle = 00000176A38BC410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed8ae1b6d6df312a shader registered for possible reloading: ed8ae1b6d6df312a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DFFD0, hash = ed8ae1b6d6df312a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DFFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2772, handle = 00000176A473AA20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2be5709b6fe63135 shader registered for possible reloading: 2be5709b6fe63135_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E0590, hash = 2be5709b6fe63135 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E0590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7892, handle = 00000176A48918E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6633e8c84bfc085 shader registered for possible reloading: d6633e8c84bfc085_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E1410, hash = d6633e8c84bfc085 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E1410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8092, handle = 00000176A4879B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = accb03010605ee80 shader registered for possible reloading: accb03010605ee80_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DE490, hash = accb03010605ee80 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DE490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2568, handle = 00000176A4324600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab9ac21be174b9a7 shader registered for possible reloading: ab9ac21be174b9a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DD4D0, hash = ab9ac21be174b9a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DD4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2772, handle = 00000176A47E3BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8883fd409060f429 shader registered for possible reloading: 8883fd409060f429_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DD650, hash = 8883fd409060f429 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DD650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7892, handle = 00000176A4834340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7366f008ffa18a5 shader registered for possible reloading: e7366f008ffa18a5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DE1D0, hash = e7366f008ffa18a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DE1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8092, handle = 00000176A4897BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d1f478d055e1bc0 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d1f478d055e1bc0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DE610, hash = 3d1f478d055e1bc0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DE610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2688, handle = 00000176A3F6E4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ec4a30f181d4bde shader registered for possible reloading: 8ec4a30f181d4bde_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DD910, hash = 8ec4a30f181d4bde returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DD910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2892, handle = 00000176A4713F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77f4d97ef999cf10 shader registered for possible reloading: 77f4d97ef999cf10_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DDED0, hash = 77f4d97ef999cf10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DDED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8012, handle = 00000176A47EB510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09f7416e2f0a06da shader registered for possible reloading: 09f7416e2f0a06da_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DDC10, hash = 09f7416e2f0a06da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DDC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8212, handle = 00000176A46DA6D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8a2c31843e2bd2a shader registered for possible reloading: a8a2c31843e2bd2a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E1290, hash = a8a2c31843e2bd2a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E1290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2712, handle = 00000176A48705E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6ec36d97417bf1c shader registered for possible reloading: a6ec36d97417bf1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DF310, hash = a6ec36d97417bf1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DF310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2916, handle = 00000176A48185C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 566c22700c458aa6 shader registered for possible reloading: 566c22700c458aa6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E0710, hash = 566c22700c458aa6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E0710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8036, handle = 00000176A488D890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c6bf5b4a058db7c shader registered for possible reloading: 0c6bf5b4a058db7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DE310, hash = 0c6bf5b4a058db7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DE310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8236, handle = 00000176A488B850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a755951a0c07fb1 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a755951a0c07fb1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DC7D0, hash = 6a755951a0c07fb1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DC7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2688, handle = 00000176A461C750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca66235892bdde92 shader registered for possible reloading: ca66235892bdde92_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E1C90, hash = ca66235892bdde92 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E1C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2892, handle = 00000176A4838480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a96a8c3fc084c0e0 shader registered for possible reloading: a96a8c3fc084c0e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DDD50, hash = a96a8c3fc084c0e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DDD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8012, handle = 00000176A46AE3E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2b2931acc100abf shader registered for possible reloading: f2b2931acc100abf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DCF10, hash = f2b2931acc100abf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DCF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8212, handle = 00000176A489CAE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dcd5cf4b88835d4e shader registered for possible reloading: dcd5cf4b88835d4e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DF5D0, hash = dcd5cf4b88835d4e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DF5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2536, handle = 00000176A46B0340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e416e47df8584aef shader registered for possible reloading: e416e47df8584aef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E0A10, hash = e416e47df8584aef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E0A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2740, handle = 00000176A4846E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94d500fec655b23a shader registered for possible reloading: 94d500fec655b23a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DCC10, hash = 94d500fec655b23a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DCC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7860, handle = 00000176A47304A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45f1696e6bb43323 shader registered for possible reloading: 45f1696e6bb43323_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E16D0, hash = 45f1696e6bb43323 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E16D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8060, handle = 00000176A4807F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb8e29d565ed7fb0 shader registered for possible reloading: fb8e29d565ed7fb0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E0FD0, hash = fb8e29d565ed7fb0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E0FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3156, handle = 00000176A46DD330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fa6f8454e3c869d shader registered for possible reloading: 4fa6f8454e3c869d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E1590, hash = 4fa6f8454e3c869d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E1590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8440, handle = 00000176A4840B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6478e72c071bb668 shader registered for possible reloading: 6478e72c071bb668_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DD090, hash = 6478e72c071bb668 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DD090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3192, handle = 00000176A4757C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fbe546cf5065d712 shader registered for possible reloading: fbe546cf5065d712_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E1E10, hash = fbe546cf5065d712 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E1E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8476, handle = 00000176A47388F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2e4afe8f1bbb6ea shader registered for possible reloading: b2e4afe8f1bbb6ea_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DF450, hash = b2e4afe8f1bbb6ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DF450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3384, handle = 00000176A470EF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99fce660f785bf4b shader registered for possible reloading: 99fce660f785bf4b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DE050, hash = 99fce660f785bf4b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DE050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8668, handle = 00000176A4895A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b89605a2f9ed4d0 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b89605a2f9ed4d0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DE790, hash = 9b89605a2f9ed4d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DE790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3408, handle = 00000176A4842C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ddf476c7c7fc0bf5 shader registered for possible reloading: ddf476c7c7fc0bf5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DE8D0, hash = ddf476c7c7fc0bf5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DE8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8692, handle = 00000176A4899BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bafde7d37b523ac2 shader registered for possible reloading: bafde7d37b523ac2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DEA50, hash = bafde7d37b523ac2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DEA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3384, handle = 00000176A489BDA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b992b1c20f177a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b992b1c20f177a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E1F90, hash = 6b992b1c20f177a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E1F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8668, handle = 00000176A4736700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff27f9b3c0675b96 shader registered for possible reloading: ff27f9b3c0675b96_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DEE90, hash = ff27f9b3c0675b96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DEE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3124, handle = 00000176A46DC6F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bdad53463db4824 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bdad53463db4824_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DCAD0, hash = 9bdad53463db4824 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DCAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8408, handle = 00000176A488F800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c704b484c4f45582 shader registered for possible reloading: c704b484c4f45582_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DF750, hash = c704b484c4f45582 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DF750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A2596B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508DC510, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DC510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5912, handle = 00000176A48A67B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2fe397f2468cdfd7 shader registered for possible reloading: 2fe397f2468cdfd7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508DC650, hash = 2fe397f2468cdfd7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DC650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A46DDF90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508DF010, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DF010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9332, handle = 00000176A489F8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8081ab0af56e616f shader registered for possible reloading: 8081ab0af56e616f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508DF190, hash = 8081ab0af56e616f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DF190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 688, handle = 00000176A24DC980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 407417d0ab5cd8f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 407417d0ab5cd8f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508DFB90, hash = 407417d0ab5cd8f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DFB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10140, handle = 00000176A48A1D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b6c8f3deb569a8f shader registered for possible reloading: 8b6c8f3deb569a8f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508DFD10, hash = 8b6c8f3deb569a8f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DFD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3808, handle = 00000176A486C330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a01c697bd73fe98 shader registered for possible reloading: 3a01c697bd73fe98_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DFE90, hash = 3a01c697bd73fe98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DFE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9432, handle = 00000176A47FF100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f513a5f989905b4 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f513a5f989905b4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E0150, hash = 9f513a5f989905b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E0150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9128, handle = 00000176A4814390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0cc8ee040acee874 shader registered for possible reloading: 0cc8ee040acee874_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E02D0, hash = 0cc8ee040acee874 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E02D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3780, handle = 00000176A46B0DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f322cc3c1b1f5aba shader registered for possible reloading: f322cc3c1b1f5aba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E1110, hash = f322cc3c1b1f5aba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E1110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9536, handle = 00000176A47DD840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b4ccc05da00bc6f shader registered for possible reloading: 0b4ccc05da00bc6f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E0450, hash = 0b4ccc05da00bc6f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E0450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9100, handle = 00000176A4862880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 716429166ca08f63 shader registered for possible reloading: 716429166ca08f63_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E1850, hash = 716429166ca08f63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E1850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4668, handle = 00000176A4802660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d98c89985a66b43 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d98c89985a66b43_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E19D0, hash = 2d98c89985a66b43 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E19D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10396, handle = 00000176A47DAF90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43b894e9eb90ec5b shader registered for possible reloading: 43b894e9eb90ec5b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508DC950, hash = 43b894e9eb90ec5b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508DC950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9952, handle = 00000176A470C860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98667b5b4b8b2b0b shader registered for possible reloading: 98667b5b4b8b2b0b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E3250, hash = 98667b5b4b8b2b0b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4664, handle = 00000176A4555480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41351b6b032cda90 shader registered for possible reloading: 41351b6b032cda90_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E6190, hash = 41351b6b032cda90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10648, handle = 00000176A483E190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9f391996aadaf7d shader registered for possible reloading: b9f391996aadaf7d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E5350, hash = b9f391996aadaf7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E5350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A47DFD90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f528bd64cf02500 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f528bd64cf02500_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E3C50, hash = 3f528bd64cf02500 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 536, handle = 00000176A4821FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f18cceebe41ee69 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f18cceebe41ee69_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E7010, hash = 3f18cceebe41ee69 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E7010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5912, handle = 00000176A47E2480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2fe397f2468cdfd7 shader registered for possible reloading: 2fe397f2468cdfd7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E4F10, hash = 2fe397f2468cdfd7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E4F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 572, handle = 00000176A46B1CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 359dd266f62a2fb2 shader registered for possible reloading: 359dd266f62a2fb2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E3390, hash = 359dd266f62a2fb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11168, handle = 00000176A4844260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7df157efd26bf5f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 7df157efd26bf5f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E5610, hash = 7df157efd26bf5f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E5610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 688, handle = 00000176A4791680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 407417d0ab5cd8f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 407417d0ab5cd8f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E7890, hash = 407417d0ab5cd8f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E7890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11472, handle = 00000176A482F520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 000ea4ff144f3d6d shader registered for possible reloading: 000ea4ff144f3d6d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E2110, hash = 000ea4ff144f3d6d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E2110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3512, handle = 00000176A48167D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d1404fce9825b0f shader registered for possible reloading: 5d1404fce9825b0f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E3510, hash = 5d1404fce9825b0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8832, handle = 00000176A4864CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18040bb0d7c08770 shader registered for possible reloading: 18040bb0d7c08770_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E6310, hash = 18040bb0d7c08770 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3512, handle = 00000176A474A0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc1e60746dd85d85 shader registered for possible reloading: fc1e60746dd85d85_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E6490, hash = fc1e60746dd85d85 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8832, handle = 00000176A47559E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed3d40a8e28d7ddb shader registered for possible reloading: ed3d40a8e28d7ddb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E5BD0, hash = ed3d40a8e28d7ddb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E5BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3632, handle = 00000176A47C7620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d1443b557c3b8bfb shader registered for possible reloading: d1443b557c3b8bfb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E4A90, hash = d1443b557c3b8bfb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E4A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8952, handle = 00000176A481D8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7f2e2a5a496805f shader registered for possible reloading: f7f2e2a5a496805f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E5A90, hash = f7f2e2a5a496805f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E5A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3656, handle = 00000176A47C8460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c692bdf472f2b9e6 shader registered for possible reloading: c692bdf472f2b9e6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E2810, hash = c692bdf472f2b9e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E2810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8976, handle = 00000176A480A3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8dc611ff8842606f shader registered for possible reloading: 8dc611ff8842606f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E6BD0, hash = 8dc611ff8842606f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3632, handle = 00000176A486F7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e2a0a3ead1320fc8 shader registered for possible reloading: e2a0a3ead1320fc8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E75D0, hash = e2a0a3ead1320fc8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E75D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8952, handle = 00000176A4854750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93008c13e2952881 shader registered for possible reloading: 93008c13e2952881_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E6D10, hash = 93008c13e2952881 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3480, handle = 00000176A4856A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7476a2a7c08d7e6 shader registered for possible reloading: e7476a2a7c08d7e6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E6E90, hash = e7476a2a7c08d7e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8800, handle = 00000176A4609E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 515ffd867a95a268 shader registered for possible reloading: 515ffd867a95a268_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E3950, hash = 515ffd867a95a268 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3896, handle = 00000176A4771070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd09eca2c7623eb1 shader registered for possible reloading: bd09eca2c7623eb1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E5ED0, hash = bd09eca2c7623eb1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E5ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9180, handle = 00000176A47E9120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3318701c96152796 shader registered for possible reloading: 3318701c96152796_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E7190, hash = 3318701c96152796 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E7190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3932, handle = 00000176A433A0F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da6f627f0ebcb59d shader registered for possible reloading: da6f627f0ebcb59d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E6610, hash = da6f627f0ebcb59d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9216, handle = 00000176A481FBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 10d67258146796cd shader registered for possible reloading: 10d67258146796cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E54D0, hash = 10d67258146796cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E54D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4124, handle = 00000176A4801630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3acd6e8802ea5663 shader registered for possible reloading: 3acd6e8802ea5663_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E5790, hash = 3acd6e8802ea5663 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E5790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9408, handle = 00000176A478F1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a568b9c2cfedd24 shader registered for possible reloading: 7a568b9c2cfedd24_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E7750, hash = 7a568b9c2cfedd24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E7750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4148, handle = 00000176A4771FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e7f1eb99643ba21 shader registered for possible reloading: 7e7f1eb99643ba21_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E4390, hash = 7e7f1eb99643ba21 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E4390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9432, handle = 00000176A47C5140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aaa12002f0d743d9 shader registered for possible reloading: aaa12002f0d743d9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E3690, hash = aaa12002f0d743d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4124, handle = 00000176A4817590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91224702e2a82793 shader registered for possible reloading: 91224702e2a82793_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E5910, hash = 91224702e2a82793 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E5910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9408, handle = 00000176A472B8D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7ec474f5d21bb02 shader registered for possible reloading: d7ec474f5d21bb02_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E4210, hash = d7ec474f5d21bb02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E4210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3864, handle = 00000176A48577F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d014719ef0f76723 shader registered for possible reloading: d014719ef0f76723_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E3AD0, hash = d014719ef0f76723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9148, handle = 00000176A486D3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28ee63239d560879 shader registered for possible reloading: 28ee63239d560879_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E26D0, hash = 28ee63239d560879 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E26D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 560, handle = 00000176A479B830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d45fd386c74c6cf2 shader registered for possible reloading: d45fd386c74c6cf2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E6750, hash = d45fd386c74c6cf2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5936, handle = 00000176A46B1F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 489f4834b3bd93f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 489f4834b3bd93f2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E72D0, hash = 489f4834b3bd93f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E72D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 596, handle = 00000176A472DDA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40db0da3a5b89e55 shader registered for possible reloading: 40db0da3a5b89e55_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E4950, hash = 40db0da3a5b89e55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E4950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12320, handle = 00000176A46DE1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9a0079d059058a4 shader registered for possible reloading: b9a0079d059058a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E7450, hash = b9a0079d059058a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E7450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 712, handle = 00000176A4701380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 304b1b195ceeb61b shader registered for possible reloading: 304b1b195ceeb61b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E2250, hash = 304b1b195ceeb61b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E2250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13392, handle = 00000176A4710AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3606030d1f453044 shader registered for possible reloading: 3606030d1f453044_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E5050, hash = 3606030d1f453044 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E5050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2780, handle = 00000176A455CB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea5be8af17a8de46 shader registered for possible reloading: ea5be8af17a8de46_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E2B10, hash = ea5be8af17a8de46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E2B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8320, handle = 00000176A471B8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a234cef630df620 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a234cef630df620_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E5D50, hash = 6a234cef630df620 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E5D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2964, handle = 00000176A457BDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f49cfa81e5e6115 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f49cfa81e5e6115_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E3F10, hash = 3f49cfa81e5e6115 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8500, handle = 00000176A4621BD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 205540d3ad7ba291 shader registered for possible reloading: 205540d3ad7ba291_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E7B90, hash = 205540d3ad7ba291 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E7B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8100, handle = 00000176A465C450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 471adbd9382b6a10 shader registered for possible reloading: 471adbd9382b6a10_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E23D0, hash = 471adbd9382b6a10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E23D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8280, handle = 00000176A4750B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93a32772091a8082 shader registered for possible reloading: 93a32772091a8082_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E2550, hash = 93a32772091a8082 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E2550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2856, handle = 00000176A471D980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ff1a9066b1cd22b shader registered for possible reloading: 7ff1a9066b1cd22b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E68D0, hash = 7ff1a9066b1cd22b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E68D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8444, handle = 00000176A46F8520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07c7eff02bfdbfed shader registered for possible reloading: 07c7eff02bfdbfed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E51D0, hash = 07c7eff02bfdbfed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E51D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3040, handle = 00000176A4630460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96ca5cbe5c6aea9d shader registered for possible reloading: 96ca5cbe5c6aea9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E2990, hash = 96ca5cbe5c6aea9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E2990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8624, handle = 00000176A4707540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9be39ba00ea847d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9be39ba00ea847d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E2C90, hash = 9be39ba00ea847d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E2C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8176, handle = 00000176A46FF380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4bb1d3786e0845d shader registered for possible reloading: c4bb1d3786e0845d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E6A50, hash = c4bb1d3786e0845d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8356, handle = 00000176A4799780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c099e373c21773c6 shader registered for possible reloading: c099e373c21773c6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E6050, hash = c099e373c21773c6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E6050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3848, handle = 00000176A4006C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56fbc547b9d93626 shader registered for possible reloading: 56fbc547b9d93626_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E4C10, hash = 56fbc547b9d93626 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E4C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9572, handle = 00000176A46549D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b9068082f1e5e18 shader registered for possible reloading: 0b9068082f1e5e18_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E2DD0, hash = 0b9068082f1e5e18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E2DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9128, handle = 00000176A47A2E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf7089cb4bfca99c shader registered for possible reloading: bf7089cb4bfca99c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E2F50, hash = bf7089cb4bfca99c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E2F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3924, handle = 00000176A4521340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5cf2819e461c8ee0 shader registered for possible reloading: 5cf2819e461c8ee0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E30D0, hash = 5cf2819e461c8ee0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E30D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9740, handle = 00000176A4601CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 075c7cca27892dc5 shader registered for possible reloading: 075c7cca27892dc5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E44D0, hash = 075c7cca27892dc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E44D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9204, handle = 00000176A477B740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03326a67f58b6cd3 shader registered for possible reloading: 03326a67f58b6cd3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E4090, hash = 03326a67f58b6cd3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E4090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A4625C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f shader registered for possible reloading: c0d150d19d87ed2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E3810, hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5880, handle = 00000176A45B8560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4453736c333a0fb3 shader registered for possible reloading: 4453736c333a0fb3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E3DD0, hash = 4453736c333a0fb3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E3DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 516, handle = 00000176A4656F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 37dd64e3367209f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E47D0, hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E47D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7832, handle = 00000176A4748200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0cea38204781a4cf shader registered for possible reloading: 0cea38204781a4cf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E4650, hash = 0cea38204781a4cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E4650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 656, handle = 00000176A4631050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fae53a1aa003d6aa shader registered for possible reloading: fae53a1aa003d6aa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E8710, hash = fae53a1aa003d6aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E8710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7844, handle = 00000176A475B9C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a729dfa9425ff09a shader registered for possible reloading: a729dfa9425ff09a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508E8CD0, hash = a729dfa9425ff09a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E8CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10016, handle = 00000176A46ABCB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 756c0718fd4c5092 shader registered for possible reloading: 756c0718fd4c5092_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E99D0, hash = 756c0718fd4c5092 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E99D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11864, handle = 00000176A46E9440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 789e77c4e170b48d shader registered for possible reloading: 789e77c4e170b48d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EC4D0, hash = 789e77c4e170b48d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EC4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11088, handle = 00000176A4657160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e81d01a1fa97b785 shader registered for possible reloading: e81d01a1fa97b785_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EB390, hash = e81d01a1fa97b785 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EB390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10084, handle = 00000176A4778FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cd8eab1ccff3b4f shader registered for possible reloading: 8cd8eab1ccff3b4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E8B50, hash = 8cd8eab1ccff3b4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E8B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12000, handle = 00000176A47760E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d32d5a53a60b9a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 5d32d5a53a60b9a3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ED050, hash = 5d32d5a53a60b9a3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ED050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11156, handle = 00000176A471E4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0253f102947e9a00 shader registered for possible reloading: 0253f102947e9a00_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E8410, hash = 0253f102947e9a00 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E8410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A47664A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cbcf68791d75cd3d shader registered for possible reloading: cbcf68791d75cd3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EA810, hash = cbcf68791d75cd3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EA810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11872, handle = 00000176A4604480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7790b9d5cbe1a4cb shader registered for possible reloading: 7790b9d5cbe1a4cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ED490, hash = 7790b9d5cbe1a4cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ED490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11112, handle = 00000176A4723BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ef81fbf71b2a64e shader registered for possible reloading: 4ef81fbf71b2a64e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ED610, hash = 4ef81fbf71b2a64e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ED610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10108, handle = 00000176A4659CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 24e952eef0205205 shader registered for possible reloading: 24e952eef0205205_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EA690, hash = 24e952eef0205205 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EA690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12008, handle = 00000176A4726730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b03357bb96b1719c shader registered for possible reloading: b03357bb96b1719c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E9C90, hash = b03357bb96b1719c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E9C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11180, handle = 00000176A4651E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94b9e89917a0fff2 shader registered for possible reloading: 94b9e89917a0fff2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E8890, hash = 94b9e89917a0fff2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E8890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9356, handle = 00000176A4742D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f42b62b224ae6d9 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f42b62b224ae6d9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EBF10, hash = 8f42b62b224ae6d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EBF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11152, handle = 00000176A46D2370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2e8dcf4b02f8f2e shader registered for possible reloading: d2e8dcf4b02f8f2e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E82D0, hash = d2e8dcf4b02f8f2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E82D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10708, handle = 00000176A46FC9A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c71c1e9f31b4ccf shader registered for possible reloading: 0c71c1e9f31b4ccf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E96D0, hash = 0c71c1e9f31b4ccf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E96D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9352, handle = 00000176A46F1090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ce67275373eb9a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ce67275373eb9a4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E8150, hash = 6ce67275373eb9a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E8150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11348, handle = 00000176A4760C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 05f5944969d4bade shader registered for possible reloading: 05f5944969d4bade_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E7FD0, hash = 05f5944969d4bade returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E7FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10704, handle = 00000176A476B820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8301b1a4c83c9797 shader registered for possible reloading: 8301b1a4c83c9797_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EA550, hash = 8301b1a4c83c9797 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EA550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8568, handle = 00000176A46C3FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d399aa5b5645076 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d399aa5b5645076_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EB7D0, hash = 6d399aa5b5645076 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EB7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9920, handle = 00000176A46C1910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6d76187c866f391 shader registered for possible reloading: a6d76187c866f391_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E7E50, hash = a6d76187c866f391 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E7E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8668, handle = 00000176A47806C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efa624c0bdfc9abb shader registered for possible reloading: efa624c0bdfc9abb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EB210, hash = efa624c0bdfc9abb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EB210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10020, handle = 00000176A47B9FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c39ef11c6e997be shader registered for possible reloading: 6c39ef11c6e997be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EC650, hash = 6c39ef11c6e997be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EC650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8860, handle = 00000176A46EEDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e2b58a5b548e7e3a shader registered for possible reloading: e2b58a5b548e7e3a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ED790, hash = e2b58a5b548e7e3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ED790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10212, handle = 00000176A46D4F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44b89f83cdc31113 shader registered for possible reloading: 44b89f83cdc31113_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ECC10, hash = 44b89f83cdc31113 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ECC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8884, handle = 00000176A46FA6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7b58922aa45afcf shader registered for possible reloading: a7b58922aa45afcf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EAB10, hash = a7b58922aa45afcf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EAB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10236, handle = 00000176A46CFB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5048e9ba0d7fe76 shader registered for possible reloading: f5048e9ba0d7fe76_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EB510, hash = f5048e9ba0d7fe76 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EB510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8860, handle = 00000176A46E7190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e6df7b4eba78b4d4 shader registered for possible reloading: e6df7b4eba78b4d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EB950, hash = e6df7b4eba78b4d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EB950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10212, handle = 00000176A46B6180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c7501c5488a1251 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c7501c5488a1251_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E8E50, hash = 1c7501c5488a1251 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E8E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8536, handle = 00000176A4740C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ebfd12d5f026c0e1 shader registered for possible reloading: ebfd12d5f026c0e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E8590, hash = ebfd12d5f026c0e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E8590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9888, handle = 00000176A475E5D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3624e04b7b38a3d6 shader registered for possible reloading: 3624e04b7b38a3d6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E9850, hash = 3624e04b7b38a3d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E9850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10244, handle = 00000176A46F3520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72f6ac004c1ee364 shader registered for possible reloading: 72f6ac004c1ee364_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EC090, hash = 72f6ac004c1ee364 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EC090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13228, handle = 00000176A4791A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 899efda0f93723fe shader registered for possible reloading: 899efda0f93723fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EA990, hash = 899efda0f93723fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EA990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12220, handle = 00000176A46D7700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4f76e0294f0b649 shader registered for possible reloading: a4f76e0294f0b649_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E7D10, hash = a4f76e0294f0b649 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E7D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10312, handle = 00000176A47AF790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe2cf8301632658d shader registered for possible reloading: fe2cf8301632658d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E9E10, hash = fe2cf8301632658d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E9E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13380, handle = 00000176A46BE4C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bac69a55ac56e01 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bac69a55ac56e01_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EB690, hash = 1bac69a55ac56e01 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EB690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12288, handle = 00000176A474AEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea2580a4b573b6e7 shader registered for possible reloading: ea2580a4b573b6e7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E9F90, hash = ea2580a4b573b6e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E9F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10268, handle = 00000176A46A9480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41510ba672901af8 shader registered for possible reloading: 41510ba672901af8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E89D0, hash = 41510ba672901af8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E89D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13236, handle = 00000176A47016A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = befd075152198dae shader registered for possible reloading: befd075152198dae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E8F90, hash = befd075152198dae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E8F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12244, handle = 00000176A4745220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0802d9b33ba74fbb shader registered for possible reloading: 0802d9b33ba74fbb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EBAD0, hash = 0802d9b33ba74fbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EBAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10336, handle = 00000176A477DE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe00240c5878b2b3 shader registered for possible reloading: fe00240c5878b2b3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E9110, hash = fe00240c5878b2b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E9110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13388, handle = 00000176A4789B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 262fc667fd75f66d shader registered for possible reloading: 262fc667fd75f66d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EA0D0, hash = 262fc667fd75f66d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EA0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12312, handle = 00000176A4709840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 627733d6745088be shader registered for possible reloading: 627733d6745088be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EBC50, hash = 627733d6745088be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EBC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9520, handle = 00000176A4784B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5251bebad2d4068f shader registered for possible reloading: 5251bebad2d4068f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EBD90, hash = 5251bebad2d4068f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EBD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12196, handle = 00000176A46BB510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b8df41876d8c70b shader registered for possible reloading: 2b8df41876d8c70b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EC210, hash = 2b8df41876d8c70b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EC210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11752, handle = 00000176A46E1840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f992edb013dc55e shader registered for possible reloading: 1f992edb013dc55e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E9290, hash = 1f992edb013dc55e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E9290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9516, handle = 00000176A479E270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d4d8a75d6954213 shader registered for possible reloading: 4d4d8a75d6954213_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EA250, hash = 4d4d8a75d6954213 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EA250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12432, handle = 00000176A4758920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ad12409eef30c97 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ad12409eef30c97_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EC350, hash = 9ad12409eef30c97 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EC350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11748, handle = 00000176A46CCD70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0d18352a24aef93 shader registered for possible reloading: f0d18352a24aef93_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EC7D0, hash = f0d18352a24aef93 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EC7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8732, handle = 00000176A4797550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34da511bace8e5c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 34da511bace8e5c5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E9410, hash = 34da511bace8e5c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E9410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10964, handle = 00000176A4704A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7398b7c9e4a94390 shader registered for possible reloading: 7398b7c9e4a94390_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ED350, hash = 7398b7c9e4a94390 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ED350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8832, handle = 00000176A47828B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0435ed80c4f699ba shader registered for possible reloading: 0435ed80c4f699ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ECD90, hash = 0435ed80c4f699ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ECD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11064, handle = 00000176A46EC2A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8818473f9bb0d36d shader registered for possible reloading: 8818473f9bb0d36d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ED1D0, hash = 8818473f9bb0d36d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ED1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9076, handle = 00000176A461A3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98f73734173e6b11 shader registered for possible reloading: 98f73734173e6b11_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EAC50, hash = 98f73734173e6b11 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EAC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11308, handle = 00000176A4768BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5bf11a064ffcd878 shader registered for possible reloading: 5bf11a064ffcd878_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508E9550, hash = 5bf11a064ffcd878 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508E9550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9100, handle = 00000176A4719550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72ce9ae2844485ec shader registered for possible reloading: 72ce9ae2844485ec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EA3D0, hash = 72ce9ae2844485ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EA3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11332, handle = 00000176A474DEC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3e6484df7379cbb shader registered for possible reloading: e3e6484df7379cbb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EADD0, hash = e3e6484df7379cbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EADD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9024, handle = 00000176A46C88A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98ba7f09b8b65995 shader registered for possible reloading: 98ba7f09b8b65995_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EC910, hash = 98ba7f09b8b65995 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EC910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11256, handle = 00000176A473E020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 639c457b4388032a shader registered for possible reloading: 639c457b4388032a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EAF50, hash = 639c457b4388032a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EAF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8700, handle = 00000176A478CFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6908105af2ee9193 shader registered for possible reloading: 6908105af2ee9193_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EB0D0, hash = 6908105af2ee9193 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EB0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10932, handle = 00000176A4787080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2d4e67622557856 shader registered for possible reloading: d2d4e67622557856_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ECA90, hash = d2d4e67622557856 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ECA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10016, handle = 00000176A4716E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec3905df5330b8e7 shader registered for possible reloading: ec3905df5330b8e7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508ECED0, hash = ec3905df5330b8e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ECED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11864, handle = 00000176A46A6620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a939ef229a63ca19 shader registered for possible reloading: a939ef229a63ca19_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F13D0, hash = a939ef229a63ca19 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F13D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11088, handle = 00000176A46E4630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 822736cecbd3743c shader registered for possible reloading: 822736cecbd3743c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EF010, hash = 822736cecbd3743c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EF010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10084, handle = 00000176A46B3A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 044bf75e4e0cc1f6 shader registered for possible reloading: 044bf75e4e0cc1f6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EE190, hash = 044bf75e4e0cc1f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EE190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12000, handle = 00000176A47B70C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce982e5cf6104a88 shader registered for possible reloading: ce982e5cf6104a88_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F3210, hash = ce982e5cf6104a88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F3210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11156, handle = 00000176A46B8970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea59e469af7b563b shader registered for possible reloading: ea59e469af7b563b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F0CD0, hash = ea59e469af7b563b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F0CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A46C6160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 715f646fd900e990 shader registered for possible reloading: 715f646fd900e990_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F1550, hash = 715f646fd900e990 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F1550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11872, handle = 00000176A476E200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eac281d5bd02b7ad shader registered for possible reloading: eac281d5bd02b7ad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EFE50, hash = eac281d5bd02b7ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EFE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11112, handle = 00000176A4721050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61a2d2ffde800d48 shader registered for possible reloading: 61a2d2ffde800d48_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EDD50, hash = 61a2d2ffde800d48 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EDD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10108, handle = 00000176A4794DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7ae2b4d60803461 shader registered for possible reloading: e7ae2b4d60803461_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EF890, hash = e7ae2b4d60803461 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EF890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12008, handle = 00000176A47B1FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d5b518c9c4bd68be shader registered for possible reloading: d5b518c9c4bd68be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F2990, hash = d5b518c9c4bd68be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F2990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11180, handle = 00000176A47638E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6aba1a24b1b36dd1 shader registered for possible reloading: 6aba1a24b1b36dd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EFCD0, hash = 6aba1a24b1b36dd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EFCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9356, handle = 00000176A472E000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45eae1d917727bd8 shader registered for possible reloading: 45eae1d917727bd8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F1E10, hash = 45eae1d917727bd8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F1E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11152, handle = 00000176A46072F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f17ad0155cce787 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f17ad0155cce787_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EED10, hash = 5f17ad0155cce787 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EED10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10708, handle = 00000176A47AA150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 292cacb116382b39 shader registered for possible reloading: 292cacb116382b39_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F16D0, hash = 292cacb116382b39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F16D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9352, handle = 00000176A4753550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02ef45f1e0c38eab shader registered for possible reloading: 02ef45f1e0c38eab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F1290, hash = 02ef45f1e0c38eab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F1290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11348, handle = 00000176A47ACB30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06796212e85946b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 06796212e85946b2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EE8D0, hash = 06796212e85946b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EE8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10704, handle = 00000176A473B640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df1c9d2e0a2ea979 shader registered for possible reloading: df1c9d2e0a2ea979_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F1F50, hash = df1c9d2e0a2ea979 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F1F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8568, handle = 00000176A46CABF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 170322f98f2ee0e3 shader registered for possible reloading: 170322f98f2ee0e3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EFFD0, hash = 170322f98f2ee0e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EFFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9920, handle = 00000176A47A5350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0fbd3b7bcdc6b71b shader registered for possible reloading: 0fbd3b7bcdc6b71b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EEE90, hash = 0fbd3b7bcdc6b71b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EEE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8668, handle = 00000176A47B4ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40763fd0e6ee177f shader registered for possible reloading: 40763fd0e6ee177f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F0590, hash = 40763fd0e6ee177f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F0590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10020, handle = 00000176A47A7A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c7586bee6bcd8f23 shader registered for possible reloading: c7586bee6bcd8f23_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EF150, hash = c7586bee6bcd8f23 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EF150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8860, handle = 00000176A4714B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 592daa597dce146a shader registered for possible reloading: 592daa597dce146a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EEB90, hash = 592daa597dce146a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EEB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10212, handle = 00000176A479BA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16704af9d1535249 shader registered for possible reloading: 16704af9d1535249_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F1C90, hash = 16704af9d1535249 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F1C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8884, handle = 00000176A4565440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1067979195c841a shader registered for possible reloading: c1067979195c841a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F2F50, hash = c1067979195c841a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F2F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10236, handle = 00000176A47738D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e34945b58c9d2c4f shader registered for possible reloading: e34945b58c9d2c4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508EF2D0, hash = e34945b58c9d2c4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EF2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8860, handle = 00000176A4729620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17f1296c92d0c292 shader registered for possible reloading: 17f1296c92d0c292_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F20D0, hash = 17f1296c92d0c292 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F20D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10212, handle = 00000176A46F5D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d46229b2d9cebea shader registered for possible reloading: 5d46229b2d9cebea_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F09D0, hash = 5d46229b2d9cebea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F09D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8536, handle = 00000176A460ED40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46be44610411debd shader registered for possible reloading: 46be44610411debd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F1B10, hash = 46be44610411debd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F1B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9888, handle = 00000176A47A07B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dbdc777012c9ecf2 shader registered for possible reloading: dbdc777012c9ecf2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F0710, hash = dbdc777012c9ecf2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F0710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13540, handle = 00000176A480CD40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dcc552bf25af0f3d shader registered for possible reloading: dcc552bf25af0f3d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F0150, hash = dcc552bf25af0f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F0150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16664, handle = 00000176A4803E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44e1e69c2ecd4513 shader registered for possible reloading: 44e1e69c2ecd4513_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F2250, hash = 44e1e69c2ecd4513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F2250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16720, handle = 00000176A4810230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8dcefaad9175adc2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8dcefaad9175adc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F0850, hash = 8dcefaad9175adc2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F0850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13576, handle = 00000176A47D7A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ad08e069ff64f56 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ad08e069ff64f56_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508EEA50, hash = 9ad08e069ff64f56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EEA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17284, handle = 00000176A47F6880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c540c0c838e6a6b6 shader registered for possible reloading: c540c0c838e6a6b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508EF450, hash = c540c0c838e6a6b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EF450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17340, handle = 00000176A47CF190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65f878877ba7fd99 shader registered for possible reloading: 65f878877ba7fd99_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F0290, hash = 65f878877ba7fd99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F0290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17756, handle = 00000176A485E310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58295447af402151 shader registered for possible reloading: 58295447af402151_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F3390, hash = 58295447af402151 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F3390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17744, handle = 00000176A47F2320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 79a7eed3e00c2450 shader registered for possible reloading: 79a7eed3e00c2450_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F0B50, hash = 79a7eed3e00c2450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F0B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17108, handle = 00000176A4882D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f30f309703e69991 shader registered for possible reloading: f30f309703e69991_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508EDA50, hash = f30f309703e69991 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EDA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17164, handle = 00000176A482B200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12b68fb0c22b6f82 shader registered for possible reloading: 12b68fb0c22b6f82_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F23D0, hash = 12b68fb0c22b6f82 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F23D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19900, handle = 00000176A4859540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19ed737f7b55f437 shader registered for possible reloading: 19ed737f7b55f437_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F2510, hash = 19ed737f7b55f437 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F2510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19956, handle = 00000176A4867530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dad71834a8d4af67 shader registered for possible reloading: dad71834a8d4af67_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F1990, hash = dad71834a8d4af67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F1990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18420, handle = 00000176A4887050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 849dbcffb13e1ed4 shader registered for possible reloading: 849dbcffb13e1ed4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F2690, hash = 849dbcffb13e1ed4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F2690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18476, handle = 00000176A487E530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1094c127aa6d1d8 shader registered for possible reloading: c1094c127aa6d1d8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508EFA10, hash = c1094c127aa6d1d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EFA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18256, handle = 00000176A47C09E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 968e0bf4bf6cc5d9 shader registered for possible reloading: 968e0bf4bf6cc5d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508EFB90, hash = 968e0bf4bf6cc5d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EFB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18312, handle = 00000176A4819150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b576299a7a48847 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b576299a7a48847_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F0F90, hash = 4b576299a7a48847 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F0F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17144, handle = 00000176A47BC6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d9c879666f7bec5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9d9c879666f7bec5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F2C50, hash = 9d9c879666f7bec5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F2C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17200, handle = 00000176A4850410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bddbbca7bc853247 shader registered for possible reloading: bddbbca7bc853247_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F0410, hash = bddbbca7bc853247 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F0410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20844, handle = 00000176A4839010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5cfef946a5199ab6 shader registered for possible reloading: 5cfef946a5199ab6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508EE5D0, hash = 5cfef946a5199ab6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EE5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20900, handle = 00000176A47C9FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d418ee0a669f422 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d418ee0a669f422_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F1850, hash = 0d418ee0a669f422 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F1850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19040, handle = 00000176A47E46B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56a034f9d28a8f5d shader registered for possible reloading: 56a034f9d28a8f5d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F2DD0, hash = 56a034f9d28a8f5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F2DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19096, handle = 00000176A4826760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97002c63973ae0a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 97002c63973ae0a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508ED910, hash = 97002c63973ae0a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508ED910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17664, handle = 00000176A4871120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef98b173b31d17b6 shader registered for possible reloading: ef98b173b31d17b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508EE750, hash = ef98b173b31d17b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508EE750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17720, handle = 00000176A4847960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aaa87f0a2eae8c6a shader registered for possible reloading: aaa87f0a2eae8c6a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F37D0, hash = aaa87f0a2eae8c6a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F37D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17640, handle = 00000176A47FAC10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da656b478706d4b2 shader registered for possible reloading: da656b478706d4b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F7A10, hash = da656b478706d4b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17696, handle = 00000176A47EDDF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46c4c7d81c4463b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 46c4c7d81c4463b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F3D90, hash = 46c4c7d81c4463b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F3D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17700, handle = 00000176A4875630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d97ceffed3b72440 shader registered for possible reloading: d97ceffed3b72440_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F3950, hash = d97ceffed3b72440 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F3950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17756, handle = 00000176A484BEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56360e90bb39bef3 shader registered for possible reloading: 56360e90bb39bef3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F8E10, hash = 56360e90bb39bef3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F8E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17676, handle = 00000176A47D3560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = daca15e34b625470 shader registered for possible reloading: daca15e34b625470_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F7B50, hash = daca15e34b625470 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17732, handle = 00000176A4822210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e10dc7d281cadfc shader registered for possible reloading: 2e10dc7d281cadfc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F44D0, hash = 2e10dc7d281cadfc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F44D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1984, handle = 00000176A3E1E030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae74f6f741cf0568 shader registered for possible reloading: ae74f6f741cf0568_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F5310, hash = ae74f6f741cf0568 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F5310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7468, handle = 00000176A45C7680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5c70dbcd6c9d54a shader registered for possible reloading: f5c70dbcd6c9d54a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F6190, hash = f5c70dbcd6c9d54a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2240, handle = 00000176A4275910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d165ffea976326af shader registered for possible reloading: d165ffea976326af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F51D0, hash = d165ffea976326af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F51D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7696, handle = 00000176A4610F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 648c3679c7c47dd2 shader registered for possible reloading: 648c3679c7c47dd2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F58D0, hash = 648c3679c7c47dd2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F58D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7308, handle = 00000176A4600010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 631c8931cb6076f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 631c8931cb6076f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F5A50, hash = 631c8931cb6076f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F5A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7556, handle = 00000176A4567770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f879ed45d6ea24d5 shader registered for possible reloading: f879ed45d6ea24d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F6450, hash = f879ed45d6ea24d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2020, handle = 00000176A3EBBDB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37b6685b5209e1be shader registered for possible reloading: 37b6685b5209e1be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F41D0, hash = 37b6685b5209e1be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F41D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7468, handle = 00000176A4623ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a8070eda703f14e shader registered for possible reloading: 6a8070eda703f14e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F65D0, hash = 6a8070eda703f14e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F65D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2268, handle = 00000176A3F24EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35181110ab0a1e7c shader registered for possible reloading: 35181110ab0a1e7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F4790, hash = 35181110ab0a1e7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F4790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7696, handle = 00000176A44F5620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 10434c1d70b017ea shader registered for possible reloading: 10434c1d70b017ea_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F6E90, hash = 10434c1d70b017ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7344, handle = 00000176A4614AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 261a2a044f0992b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 261a2a044f0992b5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F3AD0, hash = 261a2a044f0992b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F3AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7584, handle = 00000176A4612D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fecb3705a97a7f08 shader registered for possible reloading: fecb3705a97a7f08_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F7CD0, hash = fecb3705a97a7f08 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3376, handle = 00000176A4639540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb8d3a7377bd28a7 shader registered for possible reloading: cb8d3a7377bd28a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F3C10, hash = cb8d3a7377bd28a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F3C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9104, handle = 00000176A46371A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e07a04276d295734 shader registered for possible reloading: e07a04276d295734_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F7150, hash = e07a04276d295734 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8660, handle = 00000176A45532A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0231f3feef0e77d shader registered for possible reloading: b0231f3feef0e77d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F7E50, hash = b0231f3feef0e77d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3352, handle = 00000176A4569500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b4488a71495a517 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b4488a71495a517_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F7890, hash = 4b4488a71495a517 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9328, handle = 00000176A462DFE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e013a2824aa8a393 shader registered for possible reloading: e013a2824aa8a393_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F7710, hash = e013a2824aa8a393 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8636, handle = 00000176A461FA00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69f37f2c72979e3e shader registered for possible reloading: 69f37f2c72979e3e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F5D50, hash = 69f37f2c72979e3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F5D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A436F260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F8B50, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F8B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5884, handle = 00000176A4616790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe4ab97162a46f36 shader registered for possible reloading: fe4ab97162a46f36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F68D0, hash = fe4ab97162a46f36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F68D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A3E3DDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F3F10, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F3F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6964, handle = 00000176A45D1A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43a0d4ef4802942d shader registered for possible reloading: 43a0d4ef4802942d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F7FD0, hash = 43a0d4ef4802942d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71388, handle = 00000176A4694F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4343b172cee93d29 shader registered for possible reloading: 4343b172cee93d29_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F6310, hash = 4343b172cee93d29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71364, handle = 00000176A4660A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8ed2f7dc51d9a5a shader registered for possible reloading: c8ed2f7dc51d9a5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F6750, hash = c8ed2f7dc51d9a5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71424, handle = 00000176A4683820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b78d40dad6a94a40 shader registered for possible reloading: b78d40dad6a94a40_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F86D0, hash = b78d40dad6a94a40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F86D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71400, handle = 00000176A4672130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b2f6b0663c86171 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b2f6b0663c86171_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F5490, hash = 3b2f6b0663c86171 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F5490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13668, handle = 00000176A4561ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3b6f170f15a29fc shader registered for possible reloading: e3b6f170f15a29fc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F6D10, hash = e3b6f170f15a29fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11816, handle = 00000176A45EAB10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5643eb976608abfe shader registered for possible reloading: 5643eb976608abfe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F4350, hash = 5643eb976608abfe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F4350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14584, handle = 00000176A454F9A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8754b6f0890dada6 shader registered for possible reloading: 8754b6f0890dada6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F6A10, hash = 8754b6f0890dada6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12360, handle = 00000176A4556B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15e1e20f39f19039 shader registered for possible reloading: 15e1e20f39f19039_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F7450, hash = 15e1e20f39f19039 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14420, handle = 00000176A454C140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eab8ca1ef21647e6 shader registered for possible reloading: eab8ca1ef21647e6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F8850, hash = eab8ca1ef21647e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F8850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12196, handle = 00000176A4559BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06a4b127681c6b91 shader registered for possible reloading: 06a4b127681c6b91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F5610, hash = 06a4b127681c6b91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F5610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6204, handle = 00000176A4476B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12a3d831178b03e3 shader registered for possible reloading: 12a3d831178b03e3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F8F90, hash = 12a3d831178b03e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F8F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9568, handle = 00000176A463A4D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bec631cb55af14d6 shader registered for possible reloading: bec631cb55af14d6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F5BD0, hash = bec631cb55af14d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F5BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6240, handle = 00000176A45BEB50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fdd75bdbf3dad1a9 shader registered for possible reloading: fdd75bdbf3dad1a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F89D0, hash = fdd75bdbf3dad1a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F89D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10196, handle = 00000176A461D220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f7bc62e20865c1a shader registered for possible reloading: 8f7bc62e20865c1a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F6B90, hash = 8f7bc62e20865c1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10520, handle = 00000176A460C420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e25508d8a2b16f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e25508d8a2b16f1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F6FD0, hash = 0e25508d8a2b16f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10576, handle = 00000176A4536460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 569207cee263a7f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 569207cee263a7f0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F6010, hash = 569207cee263a7f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F6010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9296, handle = 00000176A4617F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03779e7863e84643 shader registered for possible reloading: 03779e7863e84643_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F4ED0, hash = 03779e7863e84643 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F4ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9352, handle = 00000176A4645C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6487e01ffdd0fb3 shader registered for possible reloading: c6487e01ffdd0fb3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F5790, hash = c6487e01ffdd0fb3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F5790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12104, handle = 00000176A463CA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0307d72542329fdb shader registered for possible reloading: 0307d72542329fdb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F4650, hash = 0307d72542329fdb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F4650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12160, handle = 00000176A4642CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86878bdf735c572c shader registered for possible reloading: 86878bdf735c572c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F4910, hash = 86878bdf735c572c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F4910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10660, handle = 00000176A45B0630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 932252e0d32d8f68 shader registered for possible reloading: 932252e0d32d8f68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F72D0, hash = 932252e0d32d8f68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F72D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10716, handle = 00000176A462B5F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 642ece6978d319a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 642ece6978d319a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F8110, hash = 642ece6978d319a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F8110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11084, handle = 00000176A4631300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 023959cbc24f271a shader registered for possible reloading: 023959cbc24f271a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F4A90, hash = 023959cbc24f271a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F4A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11140, handle = 00000176A4628A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f31ca341e9817429 shader registered for possible reloading: f31ca341e9817429_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F5050, hash = f31ca341e9817429 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F5050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9332, handle = 00000176A45ED940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aae703bbaf1a5f8d shader registered for possible reloading: aae703bbaf1a5f8d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F7590, hash = aae703bbaf1a5f8d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F7590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9388, handle = 00000176A464D310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c54a708f715b3b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 6c54a708f715b3b5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F4C10, hash = 6c54a708f715b3b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F4C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13052, handle = 00000176A463F990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d8a616f23f7c11d shader registered for possible reloading: 7d8a616f23f7c11d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F5E90, hash = 7d8a616f23f7c11d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F5E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13108, handle = 00000176A4633E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a30d86b1d2f66c4 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a30d86b1d2f66c4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F8290, hash = 0a30d86b1d2f66c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F8290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11288, handle = 00000176A464A6F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 545ec2b448ddc609 shader registered for possible reloading: 545ec2b448ddc609_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F8590, hash = 545ec2b448ddc609 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F8590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11344, handle = 00000176A4625E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1beb3b1c5dada6cc shader registered for possible reloading: 1beb3b1c5dada6cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F3650, hash = 1beb3b1c5dada6cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F3650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9736, handle = 00000176A465E450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 539974ae27fc0480 shader registered for possible reloading: 539974ae27fc0480_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FBF10, hash = 539974ae27fc0480 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FBF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9724, handle = 00000176A4413DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8d60e1108fa49f05 shader registered for possible reloading: 8d60e1108fa49f05_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FB4D0, hash = 8d60e1108fa49f05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FB4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9772, handle = 00000176A464F7D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4232a4374f6e87d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4232a4374f6e87d8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FE5D0, hash = 4232a4374f6e87d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FE5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9760, handle = 00000176A46480C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7fed29e60f39b77 shader registered for possible reloading: e7fed29e60f39b77_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FA690, hash = e7fed29e60f39b77 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FA690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2060, handle = 00000176A4503CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d3a907a40143fd5 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d3a907a40143fd5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FADD0, hash = 1d3a907a40143fd5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FADD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7444, handle = 00000176A4587C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 667fe526bd7a79cb shader registered for possible reloading: 667fe526bd7a79cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FCBD0, hash = 667fe526bd7a79cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FCBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7376, handle = 00000176A43FC4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed218c0240425d72 shader registered for possible reloading: ed218c0240425d72_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FB090, hash = ed218c0240425d72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FB090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2116, handle = 00000176A457CA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe266636b8fc5c57 shader registered for possible reloading: fe266636b8fc5c57_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FDE90, hash = fe266636b8fc5c57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FDE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7444, handle = 00000176A45B6840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26a32e22a9af1c14 shader registered for possible reloading: 26a32e22a9af1c14_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FE010, hash = 26a32e22a9af1c14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FE010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7432, handle = 00000176A45AE920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4d238042b6ac1cf shader registered for possible reloading: b4d238042b6ac1cf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FA950, hash = b4d238042b6ac1cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FA950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2944, handle = 00000176A38BB880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85acfd54406d866a shader registered for possible reloading: 85acfd54406d866a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FB210, hash = 85acfd54406d866a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FB210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8548, handle = 00000176A458C8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72d8930322ed223 shader registered for possible reloading: c72d8930322ed223_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F9110, hash = c72d8930322ed223 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F9110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8224, handle = 00000176A45C5650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46aa7f360f27f4c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 46aa7f360f27f4c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FE190, hash = 46aa7f360f27f4c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FE190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3000, handle = 00000176A4240D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 68ab604930b67764 shader registered for possible reloading: 68ab604930b67764_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FB950, hash = 68ab604930b67764 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FB950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8548, handle = 00000176A45AC7B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a04df81973c7f67c shader registered for possible reloading: a04df81973c7f67c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F9550, hash = a04df81973c7f67c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F9550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8280, handle = 00000176A45324F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8234441a8535274 shader registered for possible reloading: c8234441a8535274_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FC050, hash = c8234441a8535274 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FC050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5972, handle = 00000176A4465F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34aba4f651594eb2 shader registered for possible reloading: 34aba4f651594eb2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FBA90, hash = 34aba4f651594eb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FBA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7316, handle = 00000176A4560230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 499a17ce09194440 shader registered for possible reloading: 499a17ce09194440_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F9DD0, hash = 499a17ce09194440 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F9DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6008, handle = 00000176A4166340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d78e2e4b0beb7a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d78e2e4b0beb7a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F9990, hash = 7d78e2e4b0beb7a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F9990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7944, handle = 00000176A4534550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b735c5e530f834fa shader registered for possible reloading: b735c5e530f834fa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F96D0, hash = b735c5e530f834fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F96D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6516, handle = 00000176A459AE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5cecbf90f61dc337 shader registered for possible reloading: 5cecbf90f61dc337_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FB390, hash = 5cecbf90f61dc337 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FB390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6552, handle = 00000176A422C970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40acbc4fcc1f4013 shader registered for possible reloading: 40acbc4fcc1f4013_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508F93D0, hash = 40acbc4fcc1f4013 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F93D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2284, handle = 00000176A3904A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4108e6e3a67a8fb shader registered for possible reloading: a4108e6e3a67a8fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FBC10, hash = a4108e6e3a67a8fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FBC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7884, handle = 00000176A4424BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7368f3166170e1a shader registered for possible reloading: a7368f3166170e1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FAAD0, hash = a7368f3166170e1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FAAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7604, handle = 00000176A44641D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6fa74aa47404b799 shader registered for possible reloading: 6fa74aa47404b799_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FAC50, hash = 6fa74aa47404b799 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FAC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2288, handle = 00000176A43517A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29eb9d5f18dd11a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 29eb9d5f18dd11a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F9810, hash = 29eb9d5f18dd11a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F9810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8044, handle = 00000176A458EA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c56e2957845f9158 shader registered for possible reloading: c56e2957845f9158_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FAF10, hash = c56e2957845f9158 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FAF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7608, handle = 00000176A45E0E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2c1be4fcdabef51 shader registered for possible reloading: d2c1be4fcdabef51_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FD8D0, hash = d2c1be4fcdabef51 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FD8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3156, handle = 00000176A45DC520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2066f5aa1f294771 shader registered for possible reloading: 2066f5aa1f294771_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FCED0, hash = 2066f5aa1f294771 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FCED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8884, handle = 00000176A44F3360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e2f0a78bf3b7961 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e2f0a78bf3b7961_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FC1D0, hash = 0e2f0a78bf3b7961 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FC1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8440, handle = 00000176A45909E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2702f91733c2215 shader registered for possible reloading: b2702f91733c2215_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FE750, hash = b2702f91733c2215 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FE750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3172, handle = 00000176A36BCF70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2efdff0c0f4abae7 shader registered for possible reloading: 2efdff0c0f4abae7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FA0D0, hash = 2efdff0c0f4abae7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FA0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9140, handle = 00000176A45426B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb4bf7a60437e184 shader registered for possible reloading: bb4bf7a60437e184_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F9B10, hash = bb4bf7a60437e184 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F9B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8456, handle = 00000176A4422A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ee4cd0434fa668f shader registered for possible reloading: 0ee4cd0434fa668f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FA510, hash = 0ee4cd0434fa668f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FA510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6272, handle = 00000176A44309C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcd417f9b06315d3 shader registered for possible reloading: bcd417f9b06315d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FEA10, hash = bcd417f9b06315d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FEA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7616, handle = 00000176A45E2C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5aec9ac4a7eb9ebd shader registered for possible reloading: 5aec9ac4a7eb9ebd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FC350, hash = 5aec9ac4a7eb9ebd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FC350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6308, handle = 00000176A44B76C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1d44c2be24206cf shader registered for possible reloading: f1d44c2be24206cf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FDD10, hash = f1d44c2be24206cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FDD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8244, handle = 00000176A4585BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71b30210e7dc4ec7 shader registered for possible reloading: 71b30210e7dc4ec7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FA810, hash = 71b30210e7dc4ec7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FA810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10260, handle = 00000176A45C2E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72dd75520ffb2b72 shader registered for possible reloading: 72dd75520ffb2b72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FC4D0, hash = 72dd75520ffb2b72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FC4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10296, handle = 00000176A45833A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f584b974c9a89ad0 shader registered for possible reloading: f584b974c9a89ad0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FC610, hash = f584b974c9a89ad0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FC610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2780, handle = 00000176A4120190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea5be8af17a8de46 shader registered for possible reloading: ea5be8af17a8de46_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F9F50, hash = ea5be8af17a8de46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F9F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8320, handle = 00000176A45BCAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a234cef630df620 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a234cef630df620_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FC790, hash = 6a234cef630df620 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FC790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2964, handle = 00000176A44FF4D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f49cfa81e5e6115 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f49cfa81e5e6115_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FC910, hash = 3f49cfa81e5e6115 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FC910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8500, handle = 00000176A444F3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 205540d3ad7ba291 shader registered for possible reloading: 205540d3ad7ba291_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FCA90, hash = 205540d3ad7ba291 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FCA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8100, handle = 00000176A45A6810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 471adbd9382b6a10 shader registered for possible reloading: 471adbd9382b6a10_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FA390, hash = 471adbd9382b6a10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FA390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8280, handle = 00000176A4598E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93a32772091a8082 shader registered for possible reloading: 93a32772091a8082_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FD750, hash = 93a32772091a8082 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FD750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2856, handle = 00000176A44AD410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ff1a9066b1cd22b shader registered for possible reloading: 7ff1a9066b1cd22b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FB650, hash = 7ff1a9066b1cd22b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FB650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8444, handle = 00000176A440A0F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07c7eff02bfdbfed shader registered for possible reloading: 07c7eff02bfdbfed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FD050, hash = 07c7eff02bfdbfed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FD050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3040, handle = 00000176A43BCB30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96ca5cbe5c6aea9d shader registered for possible reloading: 96ca5cbe5c6aea9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FB7D0, hash = 96ca5cbe5c6aea9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FB7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8624, handle = 00000176A44AB250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9be39ba00ea847d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9be39ba00ea847d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FE450, hash = 9be39ba00ea847d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FE450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8176, handle = 00000176A451F340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4bb1d3786e0845d shader registered for possible reloading: c4bb1d3786e0845d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FD190, hash = c4bb1d3786e0845d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FD190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8356, handle = 00000176A4579D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c099e373c21773c6 shader registered for possible reloading: c099e373c21773c6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F9C90, hash = c099e373c21773c6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F9C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3848, handle = 00000176A448D1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56fbc547b9d93626 shader registered for possible reloading: 56fbc547b9d93626_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FA250, hash = 56fbc547b9d93626 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FA250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9572, handle = 00000176A45D9FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b9068082f1e5e18 shader registered for possible reloading: 0b9068082f1e5e18_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FEB90, hash = 0b9068082f1e5e18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FEB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9128, handle = 00000176A446ABA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf7089cb4bfca99c shader registered for possible reloading: bf7089cb4bfca99c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FD310, hash = bf7089cb4bfca99c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FD310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3924, handle = 00000176A4572900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5cf2819e461c8ee0 shader registered for possible reloading: 5cf2819e461c8ee0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FCD50, hash = 5cf2819e461c8ee0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FCD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9740, handle = 00000176A45702E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 075c7cca27892dc5 shader registered for possible reloading: 075c7cca27892dc5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FD490, hash = 075c7cca27892dc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FD490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9204, handle = 00000176A4326680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03326a67f58b6cd3 shader registered for possible reloading: 03326a67f58b6cd3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508F9250, hash = 03326a67f58b6cd3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508F9250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A3DA8B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f shader registered for possible reloading: c0d150d19d87ed2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FD610, hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FD610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5880, handle = 00000176A45A87C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4453736c333a0fb3 shader registered for possible reloading: 4453736c333a0fb3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FDA50, hash = 4453736c333a0fb3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FDA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 516, handle = 00000176A421CDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 37dd64e3367209f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FDBD0, hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FDBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7828, handle = 00000176A43FA610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2304f2eeb93b8345 shader registered for possible reloading: 2304f2eeb93b8345_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FE890, hash = 2304f2eeb93b8345 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FE890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 656, handle = 00000176A43BD720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fae53a1aa003d6aa shader registered for possible reloading: fae53a1aa003d6aa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650903210, hash = fae53a1aa003d6aa returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650903210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7760, handle = 00000176A45CFC30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c764c8ebca39ca39 shader registered for possible reloading: c764c8ebca39ca39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650903910, hash = c764c8ebca39ca39 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650903910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14564, handle = 00000176A43F6D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = feb24c302bcc6c29 shader registered for possible reloading: feb24c302bcc6c29_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FEE50, hash = feb24c302bcc6c29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FEE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12288, handle = 00000176A43B9B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d80bd9da3122f75 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d80bd9da3122f75_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650901990, hash = 6d80bd9da3122f75 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650901990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15608, handle = 00000176A44D6480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d282d66fa5656a5c shader registered for possible reloading: d282d66fa5656a5c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FF150, hash = d282d66fa5656a5c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FF150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12912, handle = 00000176A4489F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22cb7298df0d25d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 22cb7298df0d25d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650901250, hash = 22cb7298df0d25d1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650901250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15444, handle = 00000176A44FB870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1e5827160dde322 shader registered for possible reloading: f1e5827160dde322_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650902510, hash = f1e5827160dde322 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650902510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12748, handle = 00000176A4505F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ac563c96e2c6ca9 shader registered for possible reloading: 5ac563c96e2c6ca9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176508FF710, hash = 5ac563c96e2c6ca9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FF710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6948, handle = 00000176A443B940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d0ae2debcf5abca shader registered for possible reloading: 0d0ae2debcf5abca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FF590, hash = 0d0ae2debcf5abca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FF590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8272, handle = 00000176A436B7F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 306c06c324c8a155 shader registered for possible reloading: 306c06c324c8a155_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FFE50, hash = 306c06c324c8a155 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FFE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6972, handle = 00000176A4330E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae870cb66e8289ca shader registered for possible reloading: ae870cb66e8289ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176509027D0, hash = ae870cb66e8289ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509027D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10572, handle = 00000176A457D2D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4b547226029f1f5 shader registered for possible reloading: b4b547226029f1f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650904050, hash = b4b547226029f1f5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650904050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12036, handle = 00000176A453F7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73e28694b198a13e shader registered for possible reloading: 73e28694b198a13e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FFF90, hash = 73e28694b198a13e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FFF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11772, handle = 00000176A45C9A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d534e27335d7ebb5 shader registered for possible reloading: d534e27335d7ebb5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650900550, hash = d534e27335d7ebb5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650900550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6984, handle = 00000176A4509150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14de9d139996a2a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 14de9d139996a2a5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650903090, hash = 14de9d139996a2a5 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650903090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11200, handle = 00000176A4589D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d5e6b6b4362445d shader registered for possible reloading: 1d5e6b6b4362445d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650903A90, hash = 1d5e6b6b4362445d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650903A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12660, handle = 00000176A45D36C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43310184698b4eff shader registered for possible reloading: 43310184698b4eff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650902690, hash = 43310184698b4eff returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650902690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12716, handle = 00000176A4515CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea2750051a742c86 shader registered for possible reloading: ea2750051a742c86_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FF890, hash = ea2750051a742c86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FF890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10464, handle = 00000176A45A9EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad693938ee9e6318 shader registered for possible reloading: ad693938ee9e6318_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650903C10, hash = ad693938ee9e6318 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650903C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10520, handle = 00000176A456A5F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb4472a25cd2cbe1 shader registered for possible reloading: bb4472a25cd2cbe1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650903350, hash = bb4472a25cd2cbe1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650903350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14128, handle = 00000176A452EDB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d6182f529de6a04 shader registered for possible reloading: 9d6182f529de6a04_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650901F50, hash = 9d6182f529de6a04 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650901F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14184, handle = 00000176A457FC30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8cba10c2a2fe940 shader registered for possible reloading: d8cba10c2a2fe940_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650900110, hash = d8cba10c2a2fe940 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650900110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11928, handle = 00000176A45492A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8701f074369ea921 shader registered for possible reloading: 8701f074369ea921_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176509034D0, hash = 8701f074369ea921 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509034D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11984, handle = 00000176A452BED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e8d9f6d5a2bfcc7c shader registered for possible reloading: e8d9f6d5a2bfcc7c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650902F10, hash = e8d9f6d5a2bfcc7c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650902F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13864, handle = 00000176A4576700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5f09c7960cf91a1 shader registered for possible reloading: a5f09c7960cf91a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650900290, hash = a5f09c7960cf91a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650900290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13920, handle = 00000176A4518E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0077d5036dc5636c shader registered for possible reloading: 0077d5036dc5636c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650901B10, hash = 0077d5036dc5636c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650901B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11664, handle = 00000176A4539260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2bd69f73ad7afd9 shader registered for possible reloading: f2bd69f73ad7afd9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FEFD0, hash = f2bd69f73ad7afd9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FEFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11720, handle = 00000176A4573930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c9ee61247e3e5ab shader registered for possible reloading: 7c9ee61247e3e5ab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650903ED0, hash = 7c9ee61247e3e5ab returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650903ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13248, handle = 00000176A456CF10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1475579c4deca84 shader registered for possible reloading: e1475579c4deca84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FFCD0, hash = e1475579c4deca84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FFCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13304, handle = 00000176A459C860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e0f00ac591594a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7e0f00ac591594a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650902950, hash = 7e0f00ac591594a6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650902950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11824, handle = 00000176A451C500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1467b4c493323490 shader registered for possible reloading: 1467b4c493323490_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650900410, hash = 1467b4c493323490 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650900410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11880, handle = 00000176A44AE480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 24717623a36bbb20 shader registered for possible reloading: 24717623a36bbb20_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650903D90, hash = 24717623a36bbb20 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650903D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14716, handle = 00000176A4528540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccdad5775f3793d6 shader registered for possible reloading: ccdad5775f3793d6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650903650, hash = ccdad5775f3793d6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650903650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14772, handle = 00000176A44DA180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 87599eab82b40ee8 shader registered for possible reloading: 87599eab82b40ee8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650900850, hash = 87599eab82b40ee8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650900850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13292, handle = 00000176A45B3440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88387edc73877d7d shader registered for possible reloading: 88387edc73877d7d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650902390, hash = 88387edc73877d7d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650902390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13348, handle = 00000176A4545E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91c45566c25885bb shader registered for possible reloading: 91c45566c25885bb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650901550, hash = 91c45566c25885bb returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650901550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14452, handle = 00000176A45A2F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74d5028325c013a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 74d5028325c013a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176509041D0, hash = 74d5028325c013a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509041D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14508, handle = 00000176A45DD590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99ddcaa778341024 shader registered for possible reloading: 99ddcaa778341024_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176509037D0, hash = 99ddcaa778341024 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509037D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13028, handle = 00000176A4595B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ced36e34d23a6d2 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ced36e34d23a6d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176509009D0, hash = 2ced36e34d23a6d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509009D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13084, handle = 00000176A459FC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38b67ac95d0c246d shader registered for possible reloading: 38b67ac95d0c246d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FF9D0, hash = 38b67ac95d0c246d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FF9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13228, handle = 00000176A45CC870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c91938dc7d92eb8 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c91938dc7d92eb8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650904350, hash = 7c91938dc7d92eb8 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650904350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13284, handle = 00000176A44677B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9a68ce4ddccbc2b shader registered for possible reloading: b9a68ce4ddccbc2b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650902C50, hash = b9a68ce4ddccbc2b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650902C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10500, handle = 00000176A45C0520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b9e9f7d4ba15842 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b9e9f7d4ba15842_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650901690, hash = 4b9e9f7d4ba15842 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650901690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10556, handle = 00000176A4355950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be4838114ca8dd25 shader registered for possible reloading: be4838114ca8dd25_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650901810, hash = be4838114ca8dd25 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650901810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14172, handle = 00000176A45D6840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6bb8c0e9f29d1e86 shader registered for possible reloading: 6bb8c0e9f29d1e86_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650904490, hash = 6bb8c0e9f29d1e86 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650904490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14228, handle = 00000176A453C000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3094a0834c23593 shader registered for possible reloading: b3094a0834c23593_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650902210, hash = b3094a0834c23593 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650902210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12432, handle = 00000176A4522A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25be08cdc1fc2c1a shader registered for possible reloading: 25be08cdc1fc2c1a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650901C50, hash = 25be08cdc1fc2c1a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650901C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12488, handle = 00000176A45E7A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee85eadfacbabddd shader registered for possible reloading: ee85eadfacbabddd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650900B10, hash = ee85eadfacbabddd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650900B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10904, handle = 00000176A45BA020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0919e12998598a06 shader registered for possible reloading: 0919e12998598a06_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650900C90, hash = 0919e12998598a06 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650900C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10860, handle = 00000176A4525AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eea262a7bdc87c38 shader registered for possible reloading: eea262a7bdc87c38_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FF410, hash = eea262a7bdc87c38 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FF410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12368, handle = 00000176A45E49E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efb040c82ca70c28 shader registered for possible reloading: efb040c82ca70c28_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176508FFB50, hash = efb040c82ca70c28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176508FFB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12328, handle = 00000176A4512CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1012f106c7343c6a shader registered for possible reloading: 1012f106c7343c6a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650900E10, hash = 1012f106c7343c6a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650900E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12104, handle = 00000176A44ED4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d925945bfc903eca shader registered for possible reloading: d925945bfc903eca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650900F90, hash = d925945bfc903eca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650900F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12060, handle = 00000176A44F0430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b98302ba50d83734 shader registered for possible reloading: b98302ba50d83734_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176509010D0, hash = b98302ba50d83734 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509010D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10940, handle = 00000176A455D760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a0534834be1b4e99 shader registered for possible reloading: a0534834be1b4e99_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176509020D0, hash = a0534834be1b4e99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509020D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10896, handle = 00000176A45930A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c87ecc686b7552af shader registered for possible reloading: c87ecc686b7552af_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650902AD0, hash = c87ecc686b7552af returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650902AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3020, handle = 00000176A3895A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b087bd07f98d2c3f shader registered for possible reloading: b087bd07f98d2c3f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650902D90, hash = b087bd07f98d2c3f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650902D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8696, handle = 00000176A44B54C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff5412731a4175a7 shader registered for possible reloading: ff5412731a4175a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176509013D0, hash = ff5412731a4175a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509013D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3204, handle = 00000176A3E3D150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81698bfc52cffdca shader registered for possible reloading: 81698bfc52cffdca_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650908550, hash = 81698bfc52cffdca returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650908550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8876, handle = 00000176A4362BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d682f0cd72938a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d682f0cd72938a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650906A10, hash = 1d682f0cd72938a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8344, handle = 00000176A423ECF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d942a22135385aee shader registered for possible reloading: d942a22135385aee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650909690, hash = d942a22135385aee returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650909690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8524, handle = 00000176A44397E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 017b44a2b579fe4c shader registered for possible reloading: 017b44a2b579fe4c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090A210, hash = 017b44a2b579fe4c returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090A210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2992, handle = 00000176A421C210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4612278f06438e6 shader registered for possible reloading: f4612278f06438e6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650907290, hash = f4612278f06438e6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650907290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8780, handle = 00000176A432EBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cda1ea5a6fe969d3 shader registered for possible reloading: cda1ea5a6fe969d3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176509055D0, hash = cda1ea5a6fe969d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509055D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3176, handle = 00000176A41B4800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db33f5f9c0268374 shader registered for possible reloading: db33f5f9c0268374_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176509062D0, hash = db33f5f9c0268374 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509062D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8960, handle = 00000176A4474820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b2832fb07c1c685 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b2832fb07c1c685_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650904ED0, hash = 1b2832fb07c1c685 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650904ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8316, handle = 00000176A442E930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18fad49f729c3109 shader registered for possible reloading: 18fad49f729c3109_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090A390, hash = 18fad49f729c3109 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090A390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8496, handle = 00000176A4501B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b09e4091ff5a6f84 shader registered for possible reloading: b09e4091ff5a6f84_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176509093D0, hash = b09e4091ff5a6f84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509093D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3944, handle = 00000176A3CE0FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad7be40abe473d83 shader registered for possible reloading: ad7be40abe473d83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176509090D0, hash = ad7be40abe473d83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509090D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9692, handle = 00000176A450E720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f363614c458a6f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f363614c458a6f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650906150, hash = 1f363614c458a6f2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9228, handle = 00000176A434F380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0a069566352c30e shader registered for possible reloading: f0a069566352c30e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650907850, hash = f0a069566352c30e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650907850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3940, handle = 00000176A3DEBF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f7225bcfb98c7cb shader registered for possible reloading: 1f7225bcfb98c7cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090A090, hash = 1f7225bcfb98c7cb returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090A090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9924, handle = 00000176A44C8650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c430eabf2f295888 shader registered for possible reloading: c430eabf2f295888_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650905010, hash = c430eabf2f295888 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650905010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9224, handle = 00000176A4441380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c755aef1e1dc990a shader registered for possible reloading: c755aef1e1dc990a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650905190, hash = c755aef1e1dc990a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650905190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A40B6AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650906B90, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5912, handle = 00000176A4309E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2fe397f2468cdfd7 shader registered for possible reloading: 2fe397f2468cdfd7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650906710, hash = 2fe397f2468cdfd7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A4510D10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650906010, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8524, handle = 00000176A4369690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 66bd0c7c2af86a11 shader registered for possible reloading: 66bd0c7c2af86a11_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176509065D0, hash = 66bd0c7c2af86a11 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509065D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 688, handle = 00000176A439B760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 407417d0ab5cd8f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 407417d0ab5cd8f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650908110, hash = 407417d0ab5cd8f3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650908110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8232, handle = 00000176A44080C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98ceb47c7ce4fa4f shader registered for possible reloading: 98ceb47c7ce4fa4f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 0000017650908990, hash = 98ceb47c7ce4fa4f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650908990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10844, handle = 00000176A4318BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9805a51fe5397a8c shader registered for possible reloading: 9805a51fe5397a8c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650905310, hash = 9805a51fe5397a8c returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650905310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16544, handle = 00000176A42288C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f79f25d5b53181c0 shader registered for possible reloading: f79f25d5b53181c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650908B10, hash = f79f25d5b53181c0 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650908B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10932, handle = 00000176A4478380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3bd025b9c2bddd75 shader registered for possible reloading: 3bd025b9c2bddd75_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650906FD0, hash = 3bd025b9c2bddd75 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16620, handle = 00000176A4448AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d33efa1e6b3d57a1 shader registered for possible reloading: d33efa1e6b3d57a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650905490, hash = d33efa1e6b3d57a1 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650905490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15812, handle = 00000176A44BB5A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b5c48fe82bac286f shader registered for possible reloading: b5c48fe82bac286f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650909810, hash = b5c48fe82bac286f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650909810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15888, handle = 00000176A43C8C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6654ba9c6162f62a shader registered for possible reloading: 6654ba9c6162f62a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650908290, hash = 6654ba9c6162f62a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650908290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10912, handle = 00000176A435C450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d47720d2e780d8bd shader registered for possible reloading: d47720d2e780d8bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650909510, hash = d47720d2e780d8bd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650909510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16680, handle = 00000176A44585C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2713f3f62f67345e shader registered for possible reloading: 2713f3f62f67345e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650907150, hash = 2713f3f62f67345e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650907150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11000, handle = 00000176A4451980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ad5eb9274e41975 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ad5eb9274e41975_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176509079D0, hash = 8ad5eb9274e41975 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509079D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16756, handle = 00000176A43DBA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2150d4b949f48282 shader registered for possible reloading: 2150d4b949f48282_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650907710, hash = 2150d4b949f48282 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650907710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15880, handle = 00000176A44A4ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b5dbb0c753d4361b shader registered for possible reloading: b5dbb0c753d4361b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650909250, hash = b5dbb0c753d4361b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650909250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15956, handle = 00000176A448E1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20206a2502ec291f shader registered for possible reloading: 20206a2502ec291f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650907B50, hash = 20206a2502ec291f returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650907B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10868, handle = 00000176A4434890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9b8b94b35b8c53e shader registered for possible reloading: c9b8b94b35b8c53e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650908F50, hash = c9b8b94b35b8c53e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650908F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16552, handle = 00000176A449AD10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18d5ba75ac0bd431 shader registered for possible reloading: 18d5ba75ac0bd431_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650907E10, hash = 18d5ba75ac0bd431 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650907E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10956, handle = 00000176A44DE1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 530e72f8dcd45dae shader registered for possible reloading: 530e72f8dcd45dae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650905750, hash = 530e72f8dcd45dae returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650905750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16628, handle = 00000176A44B13C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7acaddba1f855fe6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7acaddba1f855fe6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650904BD0, hash = 7acaddba1f855fe6 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650904BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15836, handle = 00000176A43ADFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74548c47310cdb25 shader registered for possible reloading: 74548c47310cdb25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650905B90, hash = 74548c47310cdb25 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650905B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15912, handle = 00000176A43CCA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71330be88ddc39d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 71330be88ddc39d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650907F90, hash = 71330be88ddc39d4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650907F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10936, handle = 00000176A43DFBD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f14d7ddf6397cbc4 shader registered for possible reloading: f14d7ddf6397cbc4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650907410, hash = f14d7ddf6397cbc4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650907410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16688, handle = 00000176A4454480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30d3565b3fabfc08 shader registered for possible reloading: 30d3565b3fabfc08_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650905D10, hash = 30d3565b3fabfc08 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650905D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11024, handle = 00000176A43E9F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aff45d02974545d7 shader registered for possible reloading: aff45d02974545d7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650909990, hash = aff45d02974545d7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650909990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16764, handle = 00000176A44BF370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5031d4497c305de shader registered for possible reloading: f5031d4497c305de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650906CD0, hash = f5031d4497c305de returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15904, handle = 00000176A442AB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a0650c7fd8abff80 shader registered for possible reloading: a0650c7fd8abff80_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176509083D0, hash = a0650c7fd8abff80 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509083D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15980, handle = 00000176A44164A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 729888f721e96fd3 shader registered for possible reloading: 729888f721e96fd3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650909AD0, hash = 729888f721e96fd3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650909AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10116, handle = 00000176A44E0CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb0749ded599eae7 shader registered for possible reloading: fb0749ded599eae7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650906E50, hash = fb0749ded599eae7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15812, handle = 00000176A43F2F50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 480281484a0c7430 shader registered for possible reloading: 480281484a0c7430_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176509058D0, hash = 480281484a0c7430 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509058D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10204, handle = 00000176A44E7350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b86e05797334aa0 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b86e05797334aa0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176509086D0, hash = 1b86e05797334aa0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176509086D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15888, handle = 00000176A44042A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 317c69569af836b3 shader registered for possible reloading: 317c69569af836b3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650907590, hash = 317c69569af836b3 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650907590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15340, handle = 00000176A43C5020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e14e3d232c728921 shader registered for possible reloading: e14e3d232c728921_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650905E90, hash = e14e3d232c728921 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650905E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15416, handle = 00000176A43D7E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19d1e0dc62528d06 shader registered for possible reloading: 19d1e0dc62528d06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650906450, hash = 19d1e0dc62528d06 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10176, handle = 00000176A441DDA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d86cba3489a4324 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d86cba3489a4324_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650908850, hash = 7d86cba3489a4324 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650908850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16068, handle = 00000176A4470950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0fef621743eb842 shader registered for possible reloading: e0fef621743eb842_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650905A50, hash = e0fef621743eb842 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650905A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10264, handle = 00000176A4058CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 896db31df1f7a4c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 896db31df1f7a4c9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650908C90, hash = 896db31df1f7a4c9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650908C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16144, handle = 00000176A43B5C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ecb05f5fff3c9dc7 shader registered for possible reloading: ecb05f5fff3c9dc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650908E10, hash = ecb05f5fff3c9dc7 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650908E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15428, handle = 00000176A43BDA30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08cd63d636a80fe4 shader registered for possible reloading: 08cd63d636a80fe4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650909C50, hash = 08cd63d636a80fe4 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650909C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15504, handle = 00000176A4410100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 095096179560e338 shader registered for possible reloading: 095096179560e338_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650906890, hash = 095096179560e338 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650906890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9476, handle = 00000176A4443F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6621343e76989de shader registered for possible reloading: a6621343e76989de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650909DD0, hash = a6621343e76989de returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650909DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9564, handle = 00000176A4496190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9d7248cbdf70f7b shader registered for possible reloading: e9d7248cbdf70f7b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650909F50, hash = e9d7248cbdf70f7b returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650909F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14728, handle = 00000176A43ECAA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32f8394d2744a2a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 32f8394d2744a2a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650904910, hash = 32f8394d2744a2a9 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650904910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14804, handle = 00000176A4306480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54dd5678711f55c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 54dd5678711f55c2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650904A50, hash = 54dd5678711f55c2 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650904A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9472, handle = 00000176A430DF80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f577ea1671fbe812 shader registered for possible reloading: f577ea1671fbe812_vs as bin - vs: handle = 0000017650904D50, hash = f577ea1671fbe812 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017650904D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9560, handle = 00000176A44B9040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 411e2b3f52d8cae4 shader registered for possible reloading: 411e2b3f52d8cae4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090B910, hash = 411e2b3f52d8cae4 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090B910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14724, handle = 00000176A4333E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d78d805f220804f0 shader registered for possible reloading: d78d805f220804f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090A950, hash = d78d805f220804f0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090A950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14800, handle = 00000176A446CF70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c5a1bd405354696 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c5a1bd405354696_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090A650, hash = 1c5a1bd405354696 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090A650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9704, handle = 00000176A433DA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15c562ac737b9b6b shader registered for possible reloading: 15c562ac737b9b6b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090B1D0, hash = 15c562ac737b9b6b returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090B1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A4312EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84a022b0ad58df2f shader registered for possible reloading: 84a022b0ad58df2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090AAD0, hash = 84a022b0ad58df2f returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090AAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14956, handle = 00000176A441A320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fea684fb063531d8 shader registered for possible reloading: fea684fb063531d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090AD90, hash = fea684fb063531d8 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090AD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15032, handle = 00000176A449EDC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a16794b015ee8b7a shader registered for possible reloading: a16794b015ee8b7a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090AC10, hash = a16794b015ee8b7a returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090AC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9728, handle = 00000176A4498700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9b806f173d17792 shader registered for possible reloading: e9b806f173d17792_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090BA90, hash = e9b806f173d17792 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090BA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9816, handle = 00000176A4446440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3630125aec463c78 shader registered for possible reloading: 3630125aec463c78_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090BC10, hash = 3630125aec463c78 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090BC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14980, handle = 00000176A4400810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d50fb2c8dab4c70 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d50fb2c8dab4c70_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090AF10, hash = 7d50fb2c8dab4c70 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090AF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15056, handle = 00000176A44829C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 667ac26d25432ef3 shader registered for possible reloading: 667ac26d25432ef3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090B090, hash = 667ac26d25432ef3 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090B090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9704, handle = 00000176A43FE220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f24fbee450ec7c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f24fbee450ec7c7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090A7D0, hash = 8f24fbee450ec7c7 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090A7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A42FBC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47096ebd5f66b603 shader registered for possible reloading: 47096ebd5f66b603_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090B650, hash = 47096ebd5f66b603 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090B650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14956, handle = 00000176A447EF40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f8dd88d27b585e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7f8dd88d27b585e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090B350, hash = 7f8dd88d27b585e9 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090B350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15032, handle = 00000176A43E2690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50146620feea5726 shader registered for possible reloading: 50146620feea5726_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090B4D0, hash = 50146620feea5726 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090B4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9404, handle = 00000176A4437310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 886bbcd785780661 shader registered for possible reloading: 886bbcd785780661_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090B790, hash = 886bbcd785780661 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090B790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9492, handle = 00000176A4432370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f3c56d4d1c39b5d shader registered for possible reloading: 2f3c56d4d1c39b5d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090BD50, hash = 2f3c56d4d1c39b5d returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090BD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14656, handle = 00000176A432B290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 264e12f573d36731 shader registered for possible reloading: 264e12f573d36731_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090BED0, hash = 264e12f573d36731 returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090BED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14732, handle = 00000176A43C1680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee79fdd7f2e4f64e shader registered for possible reloading: ee79fdd7f2e4f64e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 000001765090A510, hash = ee79fdd7f2e4f64e returns result = 0, handle = 000001765090A510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10932, handle = 00000176A4387AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 656ffd97a82e6ac1 shader registered for possible reloading: 656ffd97a82e6ac1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7537D10, hash = 656ffd97a82e6ac1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7537D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16620, handle = 00000176A447AE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3991b5699fa983e2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3991b5699fa983e2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7537490, hash = 3991b5699fa983e2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7537490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15888, handle = 00000176A43B1DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8947f72aeee8a4c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 8947f72aeee8a4c5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7538E50, hash = 8947f72aeee8a4c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11000, handle = 00000176A44C3500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46871ff36abf9c6f shader registered for possible reloading: 46871ff36abf9c6f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7538FD0, hash = 46871ff36abf9c6f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16756, handle = 00000176A4492010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 912af6c940f77fbd shader registered for possible reloading: 912af6c940f77fbd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7538B90, hash = 912af6c940f77fbd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15956, handle = 00000176A443D520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 693610713ed0bd91 shader registered for possible reloading: 693610713ed0bd91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75361D0, hash = 693610713ed0bd91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75361D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10956, handle = 00000176A4398C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95623fb130346c06 shader registered for possible reloading: 95623fb130346c06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75385D0, hash = 95623fb130346c06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75385D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16628, handle = 00000176A44600D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 546a58fb25ebfdd8 shader registered for possible reloading: 546a58fb25ebfdd8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75357D0, hash = 546a58fb25ebfdd8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75357D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15912, handle = 00000176A43E6150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8283d8420f333316 shader registered for possible reloading: 8283d8420f333316_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7539410, hash = 8283d8420f333316 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7539410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11024, handle = 00000176A43F0430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e8f15e64f6fd4f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e8f15e64f6fd4f9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75378D0, hash = 3e8f15e64f6fd4f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75378D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16764, handle = 00000176A43A9E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5af0a14bb717a9c shader registered for possible reloading: c5af0a14bb717a9c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7534690, hash = c5af0a14bb717a9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7534690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15980, handle = 00000176A440C280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8deda36a5f8d3850 shader registered for possible reloading: 8deda36a5f8d3850_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7534210, hash = 8deda36a5f8d3850 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7534210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10204, handle = 00000176A42EBED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e8023807c4b1b9fb shader registered for possible reloading: e8023807c4b1b9fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7539290, hash = e8023807c4b1b9fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7539290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15888, handle = 00000176A4426CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd958c14ec709350 shader registered for possible reloading: fd958c14ec709350_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75347D0, hash = fd958c14ec709350 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75347D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15416, handle = 00000176A44D2840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6655a90d311cc0bb shader registered for possible reloading: 6655a90d311cc0bb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75354D0, hash = 6655a90d311cc0bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75354D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10264, handle = 00000176A444CBA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd099608cf032193 shader registered for possible reloading: bd099608cf032193_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7534950, hash = bd099608cf032193 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7534950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16144, handle = 00000176A44E3430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40e7ea167e5a289c shader registered for possible reloading: 40e7ea167e5a289c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7535350, hash = 40e7ea167e5a289c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7535350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15504, handle = 00000176A44CB1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 63d6d0ccd4287200 shader registered for possible reloading: 63d6d0ccd4287200_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7536BD0, hash = 63d6d0ccd4287200 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9564, handle = 00000176A44A8CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 23d08806037d9f50 shader registered for possible reloading: 23d08806037d9f50_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7537A50, hash = 23d08806037d9f50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7537A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14804, handle = 00000176A44CEE60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01d47c24a55c42ec shader registered for possible reloading: 01d47c24a55c42ec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7534AD0, hash = 01d47c24a55c42ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7534AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9560, handle = 00000176A412B090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a83755d03956e24 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a83755d03956e24_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7538A10, hash = 4a83755d03956e24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14800, handle = 00000176A445C6F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0fd18c346aadab5 shader registered for possible reloading: c0fd18c346aadab5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7537010, hash = c0fd18c346aadab5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7537010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A44C6000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d9f15f76f96350a7 shader registered for possible reloading: d9f15f76f96350a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7538890, hash = d9f15f76f96350a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15032, handle = 00000176A43D0870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1221bdb410171bba shader registered for possible reloading: 1221bdb410171bba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7536050, hash = 1221bdb410171bba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9816, handle = 00000176A408EA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0fd95264408d9920 shader registered for possible reloading: 0fd95264408d9920_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7534F10, hash = 0fd95264408d9920 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7534F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15056, handle = 00000176A43D4330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 050c81101741cdf1 shader registered for possible reloading: 050c81101741cdf1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7538CD0, hash = 050c81101741cdf1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A44A2880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 897cf3f968befaad shader registered for possible reloading: 897cf3f968befaad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7535C10, hash = 897cf3f968befaad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7535C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15032, handle = 00000176A44864A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d03cfac3a83e720 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d03cfac3a83e720_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7539150, hash = 0d03cfac3a83e720 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7539150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9492, handle = 00000176A4420570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce8e39c86d8835fb shader registered for possible reloading: ce8e39c86d8835fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7535650, hash = ce8e39c86d8835fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7535650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14732, handle = 00000176A44E9B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0909b8e6968bf722 shader registered for possible reloading: 0909b8e6968bf722_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7536D50, hash = 0909b8e6968bf722 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 552, handle = 00000176A42074C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf7d1049a0540595 shader registered for possible reloading: bf7d1049a0540595_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7534C50, hash = bf7d1049a0540595 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7534C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7276, handle = 00000176A450CAA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef6e7e9ab9b458df shader registered for possible reloading: ef6e7e9ab9b458df_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7538710, hash = ef6e7e9ab9b458df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7332, handle = 00000176A4510FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b1b1737e5d38aa8e shader registered for possible reloading: b1b1737e5d38aa8e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7536A50, hash = b1b1737e5d38aa8e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 588, handle = 00000176A4332AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5daba08b4c24444c shader registered for possible reloading: 5daba08b4c24444c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7537310, hash = 5daba08b4c24444c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7537310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7904, handle = 00000176A44F9980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 789a1539f23886da shader registered for possible reloading: 789a1539f23886da_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7536610, hash = 789a1539f23886da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7960, handle = 00000176A44F7A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a7f14932452af08 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a7f14932452af08_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7536ED0, hash = 9a7f14932452af08 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6640, handle = 00000176A436D860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 074e25b6ebda0658 shader registered for possible reloading: 074e25b6ebda0658_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7534D90, hash = 074e25b6ebda0658 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7534D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6696, handle = 00000176A4500140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 384cb90f009d70e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 384cb90f009d70e1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7539590, hash = 384cb90f009d70e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7539590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6676, handle = 00000176A450B080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d1bd9f42dd19fd5 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d1bd9f42dd19fd5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7537750, hash = 7d1bd9f42dd19fd5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7537750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6732, handle = 00000176A4504510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 10d248bd3b08726c shader registered for possible reloading: 10d248bd3b08726c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7539710, hash = 10d248bd3b08726c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7539710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5640, handle = 00000176A3B2BE30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d31382329ecdb706 shader registered for possible reloading: d31382329ecdb706_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7535A90, hash = d31382329ecdb706 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7535A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11424, handle = 00000176A41B1B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5811ddfa4adeb5a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 5811ddfa4adeb5a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7535210, hash = 5811ddfa4adeb5a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7535210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10640, handle = 00000176A42E9530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf421e875d1214f0 shader registered for possible reloading: bf421e875d1214f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7536790, hash = bf421e875d1214f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5708, handle = 00000176A3CC02D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8a657677a57bab7 shader registered for possible reloading: c8a657677a57bab7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7539850, hash = c8a657677a57bab7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7539850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11532, handle = 00000176A434A010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21409bbb903c3a19 shader registered for possible reloading: 21409bbb903c3a19_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7535D90, hash = 21409bbb903c3a19 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7535D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10708, handle = 00000176A42F6450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b6a5663cf45b5bc shader registered for possible reloading: 7b6a5663cf45b5bc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75399D0, hash = 7b6a5663cf45b5bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75399D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5664, handle = 00000176A411EB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 714486323f193591 shader registered for possible reloading: 714486323f193591_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75375D0, hash = 714486323f193591 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75375D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11432, handle = 00000176A43011A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 79d549bae6e96229 shader registered for possible reloading: 79d549bae6e96229_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7537B90, hash = 79d549bae6e96229 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7537B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10664, handle = 00000176A4310530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 63e51c1a50ce98cc shader registered for possible reloading: 63e51c1a50ce98cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7534390, hash = 63e51c1a50ce98cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7534390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5732, handle = 00000176A4325010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd6b875bad3ea64a shader registered for possible reloading: bd6b875bad3ea64a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7536350, hash = bd6b875bad3ea64a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11540, handle = 00000176A40C9910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8effa876a9fa7797 shader registered for possible reloading: 8effa876a9fa7797_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7535ED0, hash = 8effa876a9fa7797 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7535ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10732, handle = 00000176A42F1480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 513154809ab1ff57 shader registered for possible reloading: 513154809ab1ff57_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7537E90, hash = 513154809ab1ff57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7537E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4384, handle = 00000176A3DA7A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3301a0f54481346 shader registered for possible reloading: c3301a0f54481346_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7536490, hash = c3301a0f54481346 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10112, handle = 00000176A431B920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5f38f7d9f1057b4 shader registered for possible reloading: c5f38f7d9f1057b4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7536910, hash = c5f38f7d9f1057b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7536910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9668, handle = 00000176A42F3E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd729a2a095def59 shader registered for possible reloading: fd729a2a095def59_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7538010, hash = fd729a2a095def59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4972, handle = 00000176A38C39A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2707f79b3404586e shader registered for possible reloading: 2707f79b3404586e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7538150, hash = 2707f79b3404586e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10920, handle = 00000176A4340070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91de960622034795 shader registered for possible reloading: 91de960622034795_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75382D0, hash = 91de960622034795 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75382D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10256, handle = 00000176A43378D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9375eac1f62f4311 shader registered for possible reloading: 9375eac1f62f4311_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7533F50, hash = 9375eac1f62f4311 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7533F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4264, handle = 00000176A4332DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4224cf5f2203878f shader registered for possible reloading: 4224cf5f2203878f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7534510, hash = 4224cf5f2203878f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7534510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9548, handle = 00000176A40B10A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d14b72d9a66e901a shader registered for possible reloading: d14b72d9a66e901a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7535090, hash = d14b72d9a66e901a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7535090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3768, handle = 00000176A433CB80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e218e0980f4d186 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e218e0980f4d186_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7538450, hash = 6e218e0980f4d186 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7538450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9052, handle = 00000176A4205150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d1dc9e764f705b7 shader registered for possible reloading: 4d1dc9e764f705b7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75340D0, hash = 4d1dc9e764f705b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75340D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4480, handle = 00000176A3DADF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 836cc3bf83f208e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 836cc3bf83f208e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753E310, hash = 836cc3bf83f208e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753E310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9764, handle = 00000176A4342B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bced5206e096927e shader registered for possible reloading: bced5206e096927e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753D650, hash = bced5206e096927e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753D650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4504, handle = 00000176A40B5940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76207448f45a4cf7 shader registered for possible reloading: 76207448f45a4cf7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753D790, hash = 76207448f45a4cf7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753D790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9788, handle = 00000176A434CD30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 293e1ff26d82c357 shader registered for possible reloading: 293e1ff26d82c357_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753F190, hash = 293e1ff26d82c357 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753F190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4480, handle = 00000176A3B6FE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa95f6317762b7f1 shader registered for possible reloading: fa95f6317762b7f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753E790, hash = fa95f6317762b7f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753E790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9764, handle = 00000176A4303E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17269f9deb09d550 shader registered for possible reloading: 17269f9deb09d550_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753E050, hash = 17269f9deb09d550 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753E050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3712, handle = 00000176A3FAAD50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99b8f12b15262ae4 shader registered for possible reloading: 99b8f12b15262ae4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753C390, hash = 99b8f12b15262ae4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753C390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8996, handle = 00000176A3FA4940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84f796b05e259603 shader registered for possible reloading: 84f796b05e259603_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753F450, hash = 84f796b05e259603 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753F450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5868, handle = 00000176A41189E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76ca781f1ce7a539 shader registered for possible reloading: 76ca781f1ce7a539_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753CAD0, hash = 76ca781f1ce7a539 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753CAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12760, handle = 00000176A4211320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eede6e99e290cc42 shader registered for possible reloading: eede6e99e290cc42_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753B990, hash = eede6e99e290cc42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753B990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11772, handle = 00000176A42F8E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 718363dd6e870511 shader registered for possible reloading: 718363dd6e870511_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7539E10, hash = 718363dd6e870511 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7539E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5936, handle = 00000176A4088B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a9e36bef207999f shader registered for possible reloading: 1a9e36bef207999f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753AC90, hash = 1a9e36bef207999f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753AC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12940, handle = 00000176A422E330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 382339b253981a59 shader registered for possible reloading: 382339b253981a59_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753CD90, hash = 382339b253981a59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753CD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11840, handle = 00000176A4225A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09faeb88bc461308 shader registered for possible reloading: 09faeb88bc461308_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753AE10, hash = 09faeb88bc461308 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753AE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5892, handle = 00000176A41F3190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14e39c89e986df33 shader registered for possible reloading: 14e39c89e986df33_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753A3D0, hash = 14e39c89e986df33 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753A3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12768, handle = 00000176A4219020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 987c41546ffe19cc shader registered for possible reloading: 987c41546ffe19cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753C950, hash = 987c41546ffe19cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753C950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11796, handle = 00000176A431E0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e04399745d9dec3c shader registered for possible reloading: e04399745d9dec3c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7539F90, hash = e04399745d9dec3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7539F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5960, handle = 00000176A4039A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57a653aaeeaa56e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 57a653aaeeaa56e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753A110, hash = 57a653aaeeaa56e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753A110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12948, handle = 00000176A4315920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cdcbac1cca91a714 shader registered for possible reloading: cdcbac1cca91a714_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753CF10, hash = cdcbac1cca91a714 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753CF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11864, handle = 00000176A405B6D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21e870d0c06c20d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 21e870d0c06c20d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753D090, hash = 21e870d0c06c20d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753D090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4548, handle = 00000176A4328E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aba5147ae5fea57c shader registered for possible reloading: aba5147ae5fea57c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753B3D0, hash = aba5147ae5fea57c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753B3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11156, handle = 00000176A42EE8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1656964877b38216 shader registered for possible reloading: 1656964877b38216_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753A290, hash = 1656964877b38216 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753A290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10712, handle = 00000176A4272F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fee866977558f725 shader registered for possible reloading: fee866977558f725_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753D910, hash = fee866977558f725 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753D910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5136, handle = 00000176A433B760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4a0301173c8f278 shader registered for possible reloading: e4a0301173c8f278_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753B810, hash = e4a0301173c8f278 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753B810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11964, handle = 00000176A42FE2D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e79d6b0e4b8290e shader registered for possible reloading: 5e79d6b0e4b8290e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753EBD0, hash = 5e79d6b0e4b8290e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753EBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11300, handle = 00000176A4004000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a43f406620e74c16 shader registered for possible reloading: a43f406620e74c16_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753BAD0, hash = a43f406620e74c16 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753BAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4428, handle = 00000176A42324F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33ff92a73a131009 shader registered for possible reloading: 33ff92a73a131009_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753F310, hash = 33ff92a73a131009 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753F310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10592, handle = 00000176A430B610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0399edb6d20453df shader registered for possible reloading: 0399edb6d20453df_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753DED0, hash = 0399edb6d20453df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753DED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3932, handle = 00000176A3CD5EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73c8c4dd734ac43f shader registered for possible reloading: 73c8c4dd734ac43f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753A550, hash = 73c8c4dd734ac43f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753A550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10096, handle = 00000176A4347890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 350f7ca73f9cead5 shader registered for possible reloading: 350f7ca73f9cead5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753DD50, hash = 350f7ca73f9cead5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753DD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4696, handle = 00000176A432A030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0dcf173b32fa5c04 shader registered for possible reloading: 0dcf173b32fa5c04_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753C7D0, hash = 0dcf173b32fa5c04 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753C7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10860, handle = 00000176A40CC630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 756170bd0a72c279 shader registered for possible reloading: 756170bd0a72c279_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753D1D0, hash = 756170bd0a72c279 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753D1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4720, handle = 00000176A3B58400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c086ed60cd006a2b shader registered for possible reloading: c086ed60cd006a2b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753E1D0, hash = c086ed60cd006a2b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753E1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10884, handle = 00000176A4320ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 831e0bc2b4bd972e shader registered for possible reloading: 831e0bc2b4bd972e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753E490, hash = 831e0bc2b4bd972e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753E490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4644, handle = 00000176A42A5840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b832666d016e67de shader registered for possible reloading: b832666d016e67de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753D350, hash = b832666d016e67de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753D350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10808, handle = 00000176A40C6ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8690745aa2cf0ca7 shader registered for possible reloading: 8690745aa2cf0ca7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753A6D0, hash = 8690745aa2cf0ca7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753A6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3876, handle = 00000176A3C82940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b858b9705fd93b90 shader registered for possible reloading: b858b9705fd93b90_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753C650, hash = b858b9705fd93b90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753C650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A4345150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78eb3e03ecfe35aa shader registered for possible reloading: 78eb3e03ecfe35aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753B510, hash = 78eb3e03ecfe35aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753B510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 608, handle = 00000176A3D54740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 520c55e93fb875d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753D4D0, hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753D4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8784, handle = 00000176A438A8D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 014b5174b376df9d shader registered for possible reloading: 014b5174b376df9d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753B690, hash = 014b5174b376df9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753B690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 644, handle = 00000176A40CF0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8592ee068f0e4db1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753F010, hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753F010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9412, handle = 00000176A43A3800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89620f1b5d93fba7 shader registered for possible reloading: 89620f1b5d93fba7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753AF50, hash = 89620f1b5d93fba7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753AF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16028, handle = 00000176A438CB30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de00b8209f7d5b93 shader registered for possible reloading: de00b8209f7d5b93_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753BDD0, hash = de00b8209f7d5b93 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753BDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16200, handle = 00000176A4372D10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80ea0eed6b6b1edd shader registered for possible reloading: 80ea0eed6b6b1edd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753BC50, hash = 80ea0eed6b6b1edd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753BC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14332, handle = 00000176A4352140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c217982bf253180 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c217982bf253180_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753DA90, hash = 4c217982bf253180 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753DA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14504, handle = 00000176A435F340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3258fdf64cea1632 shader registered for possible reloading: 3258fdf64cea1632_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753B0D0, hash = 3258fdf64cea1632 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753B0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17580, handle = 00000176A437B4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2671169be9b6846a shader registered for possible reloading: 2671169be9b6846a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753DC10, hash = 2671169be9b6846a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753DC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17752, handle = 00000176A43909E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c0f1c374f9c9c60 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c0f1c374f9c9c60_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753B250, hash = 4c0f1c374f9c9c60 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753B250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15672, handle = 00000176A4394F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7a08f08aec6db5f shader registered for possible reloading: b7a08f08aec6db5f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753E8D0, hash = b7a08f08aec6db5f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753E8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15844, handle = 00000176A439FA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ffa4f06b49cda180 shader registered for possible reloading: ffa4f06b49cda180_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753BF50, hash = ffa4f06b49cda180 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753BF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16596, handle = 00000176A4358370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c397a1c4c004ec4 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c397a1c4c004ec4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753C090, hash = 1c397a1c4c004ec4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753C090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16768, handle = 00000176A43A5CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c04ec4261a8649b shader registered for possible reloading: 0c04ec4261a8649b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753C210, hash = 0c04ec4261a8649b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753C210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14368, handle = 00000176A437F970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec785f2974060ae2 shader registered for possible reloading: ec785f2974060ae2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753CC10, hash = ec785f2974060ae2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753CC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14540, handle = 00000176A436F430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97a2645bd259e661 shader registered for possible reloading: 97a2645bd259e661_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753EA50, hash = 97a2645bd259e661 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753EA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18504, handle = 00000176A4376C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa7c654797a31b99 shader registered for possible reloading: fa7c654797a31b99_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753C510, hash = fa7c654797a31b99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753C510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18676, handle = 00000176A43831A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69fd67b4b77b0477 shader registered for possible reloading: 69fd67b4b77b0477_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753EE90, hash = 69fd67b4b77b0477 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753EE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16280, handle = 00000176A439BA70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac2a3e584b0dcec6 shader registered for possible reloading: ac2a3e584b0dcec6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7539B50, hash = ac2a3e584b0dcec6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7539B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16452, handle = 00000176A4365640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f67ea265ae80919a shader registered for possible reloading: f67ea265ae80919a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753A990, hash = f67ea265ae80919a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753A990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7320, handle = 00000176A3FC2ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 584d2ebdc8b86cc9 shader registered for possible reloading: 584d2ebdc8b86cc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7545050, hash = 584d2ebdc8b86cc9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7545050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8840, handle = 00000176A4056A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d8521e470c6a8c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d8521e470c6a8c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7543F10, hash = 1d8521e470c6a8c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7420, handle = 00000176A3FD2E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30adbb2d7a1ee29e shader registered for possible reloading: 30adbb2d7a1ee29e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7543950, hash = 30adbb2d7a1ee29e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8924, handle = 00000176A3FC8580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50381146e4c00508 shader registered for possible reloading: 50381146e4c00508_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7542F50, hash = 50381146e4c00508 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7542F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8524, handle = 00000176A42A1140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34cae448e660b2ef shader registered for possible reloading: 34cae448e660b2ef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753FE90, hash = 34cae448e660b2ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753FE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8608, handle = 00000176A40AEEF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 600b8a255dc5fe46 shader registered for possible reloading: 600b8a255dc5fe46_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7543250, hash = 600b8a255dc5fe46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A4191150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51ce0f44b13e971d shader registered for possible reloading: 51ce0f44b13e971d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7544090, hash = 51ce0f44b13e971d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7544090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7468, handle = 00000176A4011800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 24a4691680df4a4a shader registered for possible reloading: 24a4691680df4a4a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7541590, hash = 24a4691680df4a4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7541590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8572, handle = 00000176A4041070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfedb249ebccd373 shader registered for possible reloading: cfedb249ebccd373_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7540FD0, hash = cfedb249ebccd373 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7540FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8656, handle = 00000176A414EB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4de2370d2c86e72d shader registered for possible reloading: 4de2370d2c86e72d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7540A10, hash = 4de2370d2c86e72d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7540A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7344, handle = 00000176A4120C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bbb0de8ce7d00d7c shader registered for possible reloading: bbb0de8ce7d00d7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7540CD0, hash = bbb0de8ce7d00d7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7540CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8848, handle = 00000176A3FCA870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fc422e4043ed735 shader registered for possible reloading: 1fc422e4043ed735_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7541C90, hash = 1fc422e4043ed735 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7541C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7444, handle = 00000176A412D600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a545a51c81ccae05 shader registered for possible reloading: a545a51c81ccae05_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7541110, hash = a545a51c81ccae05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7541110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8932, handle = 00000176A40B3650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 11b91b4b37074a5a shader registered for possible reloading: 11b91b4b37074a5a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7542990, hash = 11b91b4b37074a5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7542990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8548, handle = 00000176A414C990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fec3fddaf9431f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 1fec3fddaf9431f8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7540B50, hash = 1fec3fddaf9431f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7540B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8632, handle = 00000176A400F640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7647496b084f258e shader registered for possible reloading: 7647496b084f258e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7544210, hash = 7647496b084f258e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7544210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A4192E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48c925770ece6c01 shader registered for possible reloading: 48c925770ece6c01_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7544950, hash = 48c925770ece6c01 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7544950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7492, handle = 00000176A42076F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6b2e970aba6e892 shader registered for possible reloading: f6b2e970aba6e892_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7542250, hash = f6b2e970aba6e892 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7542250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8596, handle = 00000176A41641A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58862f2c75232743 shader registered for possible reloading: 58862f2c75232743_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7543390, hash = 58862f2c75232743 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8680, handle = 00000176A409B830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 162c614c4af1b038 shader registered for possible reloading: 162c614c4af1b038_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7542810, hash = 162c614c4af1b038 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7542810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8348, handle = 00000176A3FA6EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f0bb203b5112b1c shader registered for possible reloading: 8f0bb203b5112b1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7542110, hash = 8f0bb203b5112b1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7542110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10144, handle = 00000176A42B5490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c753b48ccac0c76d shader registered for possible reloading: c753b48ccac0c76d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75423D0, hash = c753b48ccac0c76d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75423D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9520, handle = 00000176A3FD0920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9334967ae46d0e3f shader registered for possible reloading: 9334967ae46d0e3f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7542B10, hash = 9334967ae46d0e3f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7542B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8416, handle = 00000176A403EF80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84e51199f0fe6a1a shader registered for possible reloading: 84e51199f0fe6a1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7543510, hash = 84e51199f0fe6a1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10280, handle = 00000176A41161B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d6ee940ee61864b shader registered for possible reloading: 5d6ee940ee61864b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75430D0, hash = 5d6ee940ee61864b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75430D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9588, handle = 00000176A40374F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 997c04c31e4d1e5e shader registered for possible reloading: 997c04c31e4d1e5e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7541290, hash = 997c04c31e4d1e5e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7541290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8372, handle = 00000176A40EE800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60f27ed7b597a2e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 60f27ed7b597a2e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7544C10, hash = 60f27ed7b597a2e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7544C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10152, handle = 00000176A41F09E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b8d88c9a23ab889 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b8d88c9a23ab889_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7544D90, hash = 2b8d88c9a23ab889 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7544D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9544, handle = 00000176A40F08C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd01ca16fa6c7812 shader registered for possible reloading: bd01ca16fa6c7812_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753FB90, hash = bd01ca16fa6c7812 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753FB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8440, handle = 00000176A4086A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6ba1bb1b9fb8a99 shader registered for possible reloading: c6ba1bb1b9fb8a99_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75444D0, hash = c6ba1bb1b9fb8a99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75444D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10288, handle = 00000176A42AF8C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 952cbc336b141d67 shader registered for possible reloading: 952cbc336b141d67_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7544650, hash = 952cbc336b141d67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7544650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9612, handle = 00000176A42A32A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc6a4bdb57e64726 shader registered for possible reloading: fc6a4bdb57e64726_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7543690, hash = fc6a4bdb57e64726 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A33A33E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7541850, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7541850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5940, handle = 00000176A409DA20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 465112cdcb87d989 shader registered for possible reloading: 465112cdcb87d989_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A753FD10, hash = 465112cdcb87d989 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753FD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A3FCCB10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7544390, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7544390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6964, handle = 00000176A4091240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94db960d0dc1556a shader registered for possible reloading: 94db960d0dc1556a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7543AD0, hash = 94db960d0dc1556a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 76284, handle = 00000176A42D6B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7180148be173a9a shader registered for possible reloading: b7180148be173a9a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7542550, hash = b7180148be173a9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7542550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 76860, handle = 00000176A42C3ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d096ea03918b32b shader registered for possible reloading: 3d096ea03918b32b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75447D0, hash = 3d096ea03918b32b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75447D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15856, handle = 00000176A41B55E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97ea80fd9ddebfe1 shader registered for possible reloading: 97ea80fd9ddebfe1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7543C50, hash = 97ea80fd9ddebfe1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17664, handle = 00000176A40C29C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7a090210cacf568 shader registered for possible reloading: e7a090210cacf568_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7540890, hash = e7a090210cacf568 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7540890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16020, handle = 00000176A3FF8460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c2223cd7aa76cf3f shader registered for possible reloading: c2223cd7aa76cf3f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7543810, hash = c2223cd7aa76cf3f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17804, handle = 00000176A411A5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be2ecafa6489c694 shader registered for possible reloading: be2ecafa6489c694_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7540E50, hash = be2ecafa6489c694 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7540E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16952, handle = 00000176A41A13A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90e93f6e5a55e99c shader registered for possible reloading: 90e93f6e5a55e99c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7541410, hash = 90e93f6e5a55e99c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7541410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17092, handle = 00000176A41D82D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de8dfa91b8e39c56 shader registered for possible reloading: de8dfa91b8e39c56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7542C90, hash = de8dfa91b8e39c56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7542C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15924, handle = 00000176A416C0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc522cc66c7045c0 shader registered for possible reloading: fc522cc66c7045c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753FA10, hash = fc522cc66c7045c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753FA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17816, handle = 00000176A40BE420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd59397b51fa5387 shader registered for possible reloading: fd59397b51fa5387_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7543DD0, hash = fd59397b51fa5387 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7543DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16088, handle = 00000176A4000120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32f54361ef97a7c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 32f54361ef97a7c2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75416D0, hash = 32f54361ef97a7c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75416D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17956, handle = 00000176A408A420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02ef27b67d5914fb shader registered for possible reloading: 02ef27b67d5914fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75419D0, hash = 02ef27b67d5914fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75419D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17020, handle = 00000176A40AAC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bacfaeb824bc8a48 shader registered for possible reloading: bacfaeb824bc8a48_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7544F10, hash = bacfaeb824bc8a48 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7544F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17160, handle = 00000176A41E8750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e40d5870d09c8ee7 shader registered for possible reloading: e40d5870d09c8ee7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7544A90, hash = e40d5870d09c8ee7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7544A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15880, handle = 00000176A41F4B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd161a64600a84a0 shader registered for possible reloading: dd161a64600a84a0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75451D0, hash = dd161a64600a84a0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75451D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17672, handle = 00000176A4097320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8efdc4798af3ab0a shader registered for possible reloading: 8efdc4798af3ab0a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7540150, hash = 8efdc4798af3ab0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7540150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16044, handle = 00000176A40667D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1423e94e8d839931 shader registered for possible reloading: 1423e94e8d839931_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753F750, hash = 1423e94e8d839931 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753F750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17812, handle = 00000176A42094C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 326bb89add1687a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 326bb89add1687a5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A753F8D0, hash = 326bb89add1687a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A753F8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16976, handle = 00000176A4214DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8afb4f5599018504 shader registered for possible reloading: 8afb4f5599018504_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75402D0, hash = 8afb4f5599018504 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75402D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17116, handle = 00000176A413FC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6eb67cf453421908 shader registered for possible reloading: 6eb67cf453421908_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7541B50, hash = 6eb67cf453421908 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7541B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15948, handle = 00000176A40FF060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e0c162a6c0dd451 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e0c162a6c0dd451_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7540450, hash = 6e0c162a6c0dd451 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7540450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17824, handle = 00000176A4167B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc50b810c0f84a5e shader registered for possible reloading: fc50b810c0f84a5e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7540590, hash = fc50b810c0f84a5e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7540590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16112, handle = 00000176A3FD8440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb27030ee883ccff shader registered for possible reloading: bb27030ee883ccff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7541E10, hash = bb27030ee883ccff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7541E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17964, handle = 00000176A41FCAA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7fcc614bd3fd961 shader registered for possible reloading: a7fcc614bd3fd961_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7541F90, hash = a7fcc614bd3fd961 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7541F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17044, handle = 00000176A405E970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 054450dc04b02439 shader registered for possible reloading: 054450dc04b02439_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75426D0, hash = 054450dc04b02439 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75426D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17184, handle = 00000176A4136DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc3f4f788fb2dd00 shader registered for possible reloading: fc3f4f788fb2dd00_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7542DD0, hash = fc3f4f788fb2dd00 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7542DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15112, handle = 00000176A402F6D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26abd477296ef1ee shader registered for possible reloading: 26abd477296ef1ee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75496D0, hash = 26abd477296ef1ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75496D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16932, handle = 00000176A40DAC20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46b8e2dc4c416fb9 shader registered for possible reloading: 46b8e2dc4c416fb9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7549110, hash = 46b8e2dc4c416fb9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7549110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15276, handle = 00000176A4062C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02bdaff43d1fe264 shader registered for possible reloading: 02bdaff43d1fe264_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7545BD0, hash = 02bdaff43d1fe264 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7545BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17072, handle = 00000176A41CC0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a62ed3e20b93a3b shader registered for possible reloading: 3a62ed3e20b93a3b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7549850, hash = 3a62ed3e20b93a3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7549850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16488, handle = 00000176A42010E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e39c1def064ec07e shader registered for possible reloading: e39c1def064ec07e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754AB10, hash = e39c1def064ec07e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754AB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16628, handle = 00000176A41F89A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c983a6a2ed54667 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c983a6a2ed54667_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754ADD0, hash = 1c983a6a2ed54667 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754ADD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15192, handle = 00000176A415C000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 163c98429efbc8a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 163c98429efbc8a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546A50, hash = 163c98429efbc8a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17188, handle = 00000176A4122AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 525106ccc2c353e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 525106ccc2c353e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75499D0, hash = 525106ccc2c353e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75499D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15356, handle = 00000176A40A3170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1118449c3284d5ef shader registered for possible reloading: 1118449c3284d5ef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546E90, hash = 1118449c3284d5ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17328, handle = 00000176A4188E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec0aebf0b2ad37cc shader registered for possible reloading: ec0aebf0b2ad37cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547A10, hash = ec0aebf0b2ad37cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16568, handle = 00000176A41D0360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec04c91de376a730 shader registered for possible reloading: ec04c91de376a730_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7548E50, hash = ec04c91de376a730 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7548E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16708, handle = 00000176A4106D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0de880857399ed90 shader registered for possible reloading: 0de880857399ed90_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547B90, hash = 0de880857399ed90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14504, handle = 00000176A40432C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c63fe383d09976ce shader registered for possible reloading: c63fe383d09976ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7549B10, hash = c63fe383d09976ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7549B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14668, handle = 00000176A410AE80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3b5df3722864728 shader registered for possible reloading: e3b5df3722864728_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75482D0, hash = e3b5df3722864728 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75482D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15880, handle = 00000176A4132FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70916bee5fb11ce1 shader registered for possible reloading: 70916bee5fb11ce1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7545610, hash = 70916bee5fb11ce1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7545610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16020, handle = 00000176A40F2E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4450472af159cc39 shader registered for possible reloading: 4450472af159cc39_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754A990, hash = 4450472af159cc39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754A990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14516, handle = 00000176A420DA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62f0dea2a0499a42 shader registered for possible reloading: 62f0dea2a0499a42_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547D10, hash = 62f0dea2a0499a42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14680, handle = 00000176A4008310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 776d6c83130f513c shader registered for possible reloading: 776d6c83130f513c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7545D50, hash = 776d6c83130f513c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7545D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15892, handle = 00000176A3FFC300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 66b46b507e3387ad shader registered for possible reloading: 66b46b507e3387ad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754A3D0, hash = 66b46b507e3387ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754A3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16032, handle = 00000176A4052B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 150b6cbbbe6f6670 shader registered for possible reloading: 150b6cbbbe6f6670_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7549550, hash = 150b6cbbbe6f6670 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7549550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14720, handle = 00000176A4046B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7be82d58b155ad58 shader registered for possible reloading: 7be82d58b155ad58_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7545ED0, hash = 7be82d58b155ad58 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7545ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14884, handle = 00000176A410E7E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fbdf07d52cc363ef shader registered for possible reloading: fbdf07d52cc363ef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7545790, hash = fbdf07d52cc363ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7545790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16096, handle = 00000176A404A500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 708ff2de0fbbcac3 shader registered for possible reloading: 708ff2de0fbbcac3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547E50, hash = 708ff2de0fbbcac3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16236, handle = 00000176A41A9D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb2e2e14b1c9b08f shader registered for possible reloading: fb2e2e14b1c9b08f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7549290, hash = fb2e2e14b1c9b08f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7549290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14744, handle = 00000176A40275F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b1a2a2725ca228cb shader registered for possible reloading: b1a2a2725ca228cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7545910, hash = b1a2a2725ca228cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7545910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14908, handle = 00000176A407EC80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 545c98361d7374c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 545c98361d7374c7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7545350, hash = 545c98361d7374c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7545350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16120, handle = 00000176A40CF390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57bb3afbd8fb7cd3 shader registered for possible reloading: 57bb3afbd8fb7cd3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754A0D0, hash = 57bb3afbd8fb7cd3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754A0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16260, handle = 00000176A4221AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b556fdcf3a75348e shader registered for possible reloading: b556fdcf3a75348e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754A810, hash = b556fdcf3a75348e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754A810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14720, handle = 00000176A3FF4AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af87ecee45797450 shader registered for possible reloading: af87ecee45797450_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546050, hash = af87ecee45797450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14884, handle = 00000176A41B93E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d41b36e705195f26 shader registered for possible reloading: d41b36e705195f26_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7548150, hash = d41b36e705195f26 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7548150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16096, handle = 00000176A4194D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b37c692e0a423fbb shader registered for possible reloading: b37c692e0a423fbb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754A250, hash = b37c692e0a423fbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754A250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16236, handle = 00000176A4158080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d01fe0807d6d23a shader registered for possible reloading: 6d01fe0807d6d23a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7548590, hash = 6d01fe0807d6d23a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7548590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14460, handle = 00000176A41C4270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf7d8922cb5d1da6 shader registered for possible reloading: bf7d8922cb5d1da6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7545A90, hash = bf7d8922cb5d1da6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7545A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14624, handle = 00000176A412F670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d563ab4d199c670d shader registered for possible reloading: d563ab4d199c670d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7548410, hash = d563ab4d199c670d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7548410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15836, handle = 00000176A41741B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d76f8bdd7e46cab1 shader registered for possible reloading: d76f8bdd7e46cab1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547750, hash = d76f8bdd7e46cab1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15976, handle = 00000176A41E0520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eac3131a424a72dc shader registered for possible reloading: eac3131a424a72dc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7549C90, hash = eac3131a424a72dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7549C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16248, handle = 00000176A41ECA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3df1236e73a80f31 shader registered for possible reloading: 3df1236e73a80f31_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754A690, hash = 3df1236e73a80f31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754A690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19168, handle = 00000176A421CFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4931131d3ca680f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4931131d3ca680f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754AC50, hash = 4931131d3ca680f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754AC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18224, handle = 00000176A402AF90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 074ee5f32fdfb940 shader registered for possible reloading: 074ee5f32fdfb940_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546490, hash = 074ee5f32fdfb940 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16316, handle = 00000176A4013630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55c2d124d8ce3cc4 shader registered for possible reloading: 55c2d124d8ce3cc4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546190, hash = 55c2d124d8ce3cc4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19320, handle = 00000176A3FEB880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 427565345a6b808c shader registered for possible reloading: 427565345a6b808c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7549F90, hash = 427565345a6b808c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7549F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18292, handle = 00000176A4143F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6afc9a9876893e31 shader registered for possible reloading: 6afc9a9876893e31_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75454D0, hash = 6afc9a9876893e31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75454D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16272, handle = 00000176A4112210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6465667a8b6c00a shader registered for possible reloading: f6465667a8b6c00a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754A550, hash = f6465667a8b6c00a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754A550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19176, handle = 00000176A419C8B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a202c18aab955280 shader registered for possible reloading: a202c18aab955280_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546310, hash = a202c18aab955280 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18248, handle = 00000176A41A55E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2bd98810a0e2c26d shader registered for possible reloading: 2bd98810a0e2c26d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7548710, hash = 2bd98810a0e2c26d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7548710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16340, handle = 00000176A3FE78A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf4f68be74ce5869 shader registered for possible reloading: cf4f68be74ce5869_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547890, hash = cf4f68be74ce5869 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19328, handle = 00000176A413B0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b347799d72c4cf9 shader registered for possible reloading: 0b347799d72c4cf9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546610, hash = 0b347799d72c4cf9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18316, handle = 00000176A404E3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96a7c0a36e2de02e shader registered for possible reloading: 96a7c0a36e2de02e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547FD0, hash = 96a7c0a36e2de02e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15440, handle = 00000176A4198C50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 13de6160aa6daf31 shader registered for possible reloading: 13de6160aa6daf31_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546750, hash = 13de6160aa6daf31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18116, handle = 00000176A3FF0400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c953637c63b07b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c953637c63b07b5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75489D0, hash = 4c953637c63b07b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75489D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17672, handle = 00000176A406E960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17e261e762a6590e shader registered for possible reloading: 17e261e762a6590e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547450, hash = 17e261e762a6590e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15520, handle = 00000176A4072E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 116693d088d56081 shader registered for possible reloading: 116693d088d56081_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75468D0, hash = 116693d088d56081 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75468D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18372, handle = 00000176A41846C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 11f8718acfb843ae shader registered for possible reloading: 11f8718acfb843ae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546BD0, hash = 11f8718acfb843ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17752, handle = 00000176A4023090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 146e240706fa5e97 shader registered for possible reloading: 146e240706fa5e97_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7548B50, hash = 146e240706fa5e97 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7548B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14832, handle = 00000176A4150D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49536a149c6cae18 shader registered for possible reloading: 49536a149c6cae18_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7549E10, hash = 49536a149c6cae18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7549E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17064, handle = 00000176A41486E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 67f0f319a740dd28 shader registered for possible reloading: 67f0f319a740dd28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7546D10, hash = 67f0f319a740dd28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7546D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14844, handle = 00000176A41C0860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 87392d76033bdb4a shader registered for possible reloading: 87392d76033bdb4a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547010, hash = 87392d76033bdb4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17076, handle = 00000176A4076B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f1ab465ec917738 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f1ab465ec917738_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7548890, hash = 2f1ab465ec917738 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7548890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15100, handle = 00000176A40BA910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b99b6f4fc90a230 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b99b6f4fc90a230_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7547190, hash = 4b99b6f4fc90a230 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7547190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17332, handle = 00000176A41E4390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72f1b2eb7302fa0 shader registered for possible reloading: c72f1b2eb7302fa0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75472D0, hash = c72f1b2eb7302fa0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75472D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15124, handle = 00000176A40E7380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40e8595d47911ed3 shader registered for possible reloading: 40e8595d47911ed3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7548CD0, hash = 40e8595d47911ed3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7548CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17356, handle = 00000176A40DEE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1884659624da3930 shader registered for possible reloading: 1884659624da3930_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7548F90, hash = 1884659624da3930 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7548F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15048, handle = 00000176A40D3290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a802380b65e11129 shader registered for possible reloading: a802380b65e11129_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75475D0, hash = a802380b65e11129 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75475D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17280, handle = 00000176A40826D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 607efcd38caaf513 shader registered for possible reloading: 607efcd38caaf513_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7549410, hash = 607efcd38caaf513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7549410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14788, handle = 00000176A400BC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd37b7babc6db041 shader registered for possible reloading: cd37b7babc6db041_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754B690, hash = cd37b7babc6db041 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754B690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17020, handle = 00000176A416FF20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e77d1a0cfde9bdd6 shader registered for possible reloading: e77d1a0cfde9bdd6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754CD90, hash = e77d1a0cfde9bdd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754CD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16020, handle = 00000176A41ADCB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04354bc850bb3a96 shader registered for possible reloading: 04354bc850bb3a96_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754E750, hash = 04354bc850bb3a96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754E750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17804, handle = 00000176A41C7B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7788c2d2ab68067 shader registered for possible reloading: e7788c2d2ab68067_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754F5D0, hash = e7788c2d2ab68067 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754F5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17092, handle = 00000176A406A690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 106d9cffa995747e shader registered for possible reloading: 106d9cffa995747e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754C910, hash = 106d9cffa995747e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754C910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16088, handle = 00000176A40A6D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a96eaf8e809f8798 shader registered for possible reloading: a96eaf8e809f8798_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754FA10, hash = a96eaf8e809f8798 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754FA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17956, handle = 00000176A401B030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dadafd3974832d4a shader registered for possible reloading: dadafd3974832d4a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754F450, hash = dadafd3974832d4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754F450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17160, handle = 00000176A40331E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3eb21d9e836fa4ca shader registered for possible reloading: 3eb21d9e836fa4ca_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75509D0, hash = 3eb21d9e836fa4ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75509D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16044, handle = 00000176A40D6D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88168a78b3bbcb5e shader registered for possible reloading: 88168a78b3bbcb5e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754D610, hash = 88168a78b3bbcb5e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754D610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17812, handle = 00000176A4092D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 443b9dbc2612bf5d shader registered for possible reloading: 443b9dbc2612bf5d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754D050, hash = 443b9dbc2612bf5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754D050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17116, handle = 00000176A4177FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f922c1afdfc3744 shader registered for possible reloading: 4f922c1afdfc3744_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754D350, hash = 4f922c1afdfc3744 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754D350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16112, handle = 00000176A418D250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0144a3b0232ad74 shader registered for possible reloading: e0144a3b0232ad74_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754B950, hash = e0144a3b0232ad74 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754B950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17964, handle = 00000176A415FB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3796691fc46a81a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3796691fc46a81a2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754B7D0, hash = 3796691fc46a81a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754B7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17184, handle = 00000176A417C290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c55a0ea1b4a046d shader registered for possible reloading: 9c55a0ea1b4a046d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754CA90, hash = 9c55a0ea1b4a046d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754CA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15276, handle = 00000176A3FE3CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d52fcb2ce46f1f36 shader registered for possible reloading: d52fcb2ce46f1f36_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754AF50, hash = d52fcb2ce46f1f36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754AF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17072, handle = 00000176A4126DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26f2a3db0bda60a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 26f2a3db0bda60a4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754B0D0, hash = 26f2a3db0bda60a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754B0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16628, handle = 00000176A41805C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4408d4fc9b646d35 shader registered for possible reloading: 4408d4fc9b646d35_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754E490, hash = 4408d4fc9b646d35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754E490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15356, handle = 00000176A40B6D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04364ddedad776c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 04364ddedad776c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754FFD0, hash = 04364ddedad776c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754FFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17328, handle = 00000176A40F6D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32679585a71033f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 32679585a71033f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754BD90, hash = 32679585a71033f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754BD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16708, handle = 00000176A40E3230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a3ae1b612581da2 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a3ae1b612581da2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754E5D0, hash = 9a3ae1b612581da2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754E5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14668, handle = 00000176A40EAEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c87088a5bafc2f83 shader registered for possible reloading: c87088a5bafc2f83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754E310, hash = c87088a5bafc2f83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754E310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16020, handle = 00000176A407ADE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b474eb49875bef2e shader registered for possible reloading: b474eb49875bef2e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7550410, hash = b474eb49875bef2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14680, handle = 00000176A4154720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6427089609511f4c shader registered for possible reloading: 6427089609511f4c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754DA50, hash = 6427089609511f4c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754DA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16032, handle = 00000176A41D4420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b83a0d0192bcad5 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b83a0d0192bcad5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754D1D0, hash = 2b83a0d0192bcad5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754D1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14884, handle = 00000176A4017600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85bc7ad934326738 shader registered for possible reloading: 85bc7ad934326738_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754B510, hash = 85bc7ad934326738 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754B510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16236, handle = 00000176A40FB0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ef7616d695b7581 shader registered for possible reloading: 7ef7616d695b7581_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754BAD0, hash = 7ef7616d695b7581 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754BAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14908, handle = 00000176A41BCE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f8c7ff7505002ac9 shader registered for possible reloading: f8c7ff7505002ac9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754DBD0, hash = f8c7ff7505002ac9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754DBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16260, handle = 00000176A409F1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5d8731126240bff shader registered for possible reloading: f5d8731126240bff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7550290, hash = f5d8731126240bff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14884, handle = 00000176A401F660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c622da95dca2d812 shader registered for possible reloading: c622da95dca2d812_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7550150, hash = c622da95dca2d812 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16236, handle = 00000176A41DC5A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04f2fe8c8b9a9187 shader registered for possible reloading: 04f2fe8c8b9a9187_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754F710, hash = 04f2fe8c8b9a9187 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754F710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14624, handle = 00000176A403B650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 002a425ea4630c8e shader registered for possible reloading: 002a425ea4630c8e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754FCD0, hash = 002a425ea4630c8e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754FCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15976, handle = 00000176A4102EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 780727d2022547e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 780727d2022547e4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A754CED0, hash = 780727d2022547e4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754CED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7748, handle = 00000176A42BB740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20466673b5f643a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 20466673b5f643a5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7550850, hash = 20466673b5f643a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7804, handle = 00000176A3FADCD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5932f46a5a04aa98 shader registered for possible reloading: 5932f46a5a04aa98_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754FE50, hash = 5932f46a5a04aa98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754FE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9852, handle = 00000176A42A74F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80fbc0174aa1042b shader registered for possible reloading: 80fbc0174aa1042b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754BC50, hash = 80fbc0174aa1042b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754BC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9908, handle = 00000176A4276200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4496b8461791e309 shader registered for possible reloading: 4496b8461791e309_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7550710, hash = 4496b8461791e309 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7784, handle = 00000176A42BD590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6239514d9f817aa2 shader registered for possible reloading: 6239514d9f817aa2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754FB90, hash = 6239514d9f817aa2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754FB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7840, handle = 00000176A3C6EC80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6becdd91cd1616ef shader registered for possible reloading: 6becdd91cd1616ef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754BF10, hash = 6becdd91cd1616ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754BF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10480, handle = 00000176A42A9B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 268c805c6cf24cda shader registered for possible reloading: 268c805c6cf24cda_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754E010, hash = 268c805c6cf24cda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754E010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10536, handle = 00000176A4244FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31ecbffedae1be0c shader registered for possible reloading: 31ecbffedae1be0c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7550590, hash = 31ecbffedae1be0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11520, handle = 00000176A3F8B2D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81ce51fff5cac1a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 81ce51fff5cac1a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754EA50, hash = 81ce51fff5cac1a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754EA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11576, handle = 00000176A4235C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba3504704ecf8f3d shader registered for possible reloading: ba3504704ecf8f3d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754F2D0, hash = ba3504704ecf8f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754F2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9544, handle = 00000176A42BF400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aeab2db369e4228d shader registered for possible reloading: aeab2db369e4228d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754E190, hash = aeab2db369e4228d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754E190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9600, handle = 00000176A42709A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af545f4edf7d70a2 shader registered for possible reloading: af545f4edf7d70a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754C210, hash = af545f4edf7d70a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754C210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12392, handle = 00000176A426D930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d96e697782fa051e shader registered for possible reloading: d96e697782fa051e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754F890, hash = d96e697782fa051e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754F890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12448, handle = 00000176A4241F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7cc39e3752f50df shader registered for possible reloading: d7cc39e3752f50df_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754B210, hash = d7cc39e3752f50df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754B210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10944, handle = 00000176A42788C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41a64e60d4cbd7f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 41a64e60d4cbd7f9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754B390, hash = 41a64e60d4cbd7f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754B390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11000, handle = 00000176A427B390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa401e8bf90b5f0b shader registered for possible reloading: aa401e8bf90b5f0b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754C350, hash = aa401e8bf90b5f0b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754C350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12016, handle = 00000176A4238970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70dae68186ea2914 shader registered for possible reloading: 70dae68186ea2914_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754D790, hash = 70dae68186ea2914 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754D790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12072, handle = 00000176A42B8810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 67fb5bcf77214854 shader registered for possible reloading: 67fb5bcf77214854_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754C4D0, hash = 67fb5bcf77214854 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754C4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9580, handle = 00000176A42C1950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f04b76e83d19a463 shader registered for possible reloading: f04b76e83d19a463_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754D910, hash = f04b76e83d19a463 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754D910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9636, handle = 00000176A4233680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 570eb0f49192a820 shader registered for possible reloading: 570eb0f49192a820_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754C650, hash = 570eb0f49192a820 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754C650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13368, handle = 00000176A42AC480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09122eb0af30aa8e shader registered for possible reloading: 09122eb0af30aa8e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754DD50, hash = 09122eb0af30aa8e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754DD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13424, handle = 00000176A423B870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bc4acb72d1b2258 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bc4acb72d1b2258_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754E8D0, hash = 9bc4acb72d1b2258 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754E8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11552, handle = 00000176A42B2760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7820e8ef287e1ef shader registered for possible reloading: d7820e8ef287e1ef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754ED10, hash = d7820e8ef287e1ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754ED10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11608, handle = 00000176A4247920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 720d6893bc5031f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 720d6893bc5031f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A754F010, hash = 720d6893bc5031f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A754F010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71964, handle = 00000176A425C000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2448d4097f2de108 shader registered for possible reloading: 2448d4097f2de108_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7553090, hash = 2448d4097f2de108 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7553090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72020, handle = 00000176A427DE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29b4092400981ea1 shader registered for possible reloading: 29b4092400981ea1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7551F50, hash = 29b4092400981ea1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7551F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72000, handle = 00000176A428F7F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2868f30682979090 shader registered for possible reloading: 2868f30682979090_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7551290, hash = 2868f30682979090 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7551290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72056, handle = 00000176A424A680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93626bd5366f86f6 shader registered for possible reloading: 93626bd5366f86f6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7551550, hash = 93626bd5366f86f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7551550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6036, handle = 00000176A3D2A8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0217866abc973b6 shader registered for possible reloading: d0217866abc973b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7554650, hash = d0217866abc973b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7554650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7660, handle = 00000176A3F7D1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c64aebaf58586a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c64aebaf58586a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7553C10, hash = 9c64aebaf58586a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7553C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6192, handle = 00000176A3E59440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13410f52f7c6dc9 shader registered for possible reloading: c13410f52f7c6dc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7556010, hash = c13410f52f7c6dc9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7820, handle = 00000176A3EB9F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ac404720fd33dbe shader registered for possible reloading: 1ac404720fd33dbe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7552F50, hash = 1ac404720fd33dbe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7552F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7440, handle = 00000176A3F23190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ba9c614ae155825 shader registered for possible reloading: 7ba9c614ae155825_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7550CD0, hash = 7ba9c614ae155825 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7600, handle = 00000176A3E17C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6530af2344364160 shader registered for possible reloading: 6530af2344364160_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7554A90, hash = 6530af2344364160 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7554A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6112, handle = 00000176A3F89AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f5030dae0c7abb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f5030dae0c7abb6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7554D50, hash = 8f5030dae0c7abb6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7554D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7784, handle = 00000176A3FBA1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06d33fd2a50657d0 shader registered for possible reloading: 06d33fd2a50657d0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7552250, hash = 06d33fd2a50657d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7552250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6268, handle = 00000176A3E3B8C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 496233b19ce24b5b shader registered for possible reloading: 496233b19ce24b5b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7552690, hash = 496233b19ce24b5b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7552690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7944, handle = 00000176A3FA2A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 531a5e64d6fdc3ae shader registered for possible reloading: 531a5e64d6fdc3ae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7553950, hash = 531a5e64d6fdc3ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7553950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A3FA8FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 216fc476f8ae713a shader registered for possible reloading: 216fc476f8ae713a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7550E10, hash = 216fc476f8ae713a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7676, handle = 00000176A3FC4B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73f42dc263983d96 shader registered for possible reloading: 73f42dc263983d96_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7551110, hash = 73f42dc263983d96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7551110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7076, handle = 00000176A3F6C930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 941d47be3d29e6b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 941d47be3d29e6b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7553210, hash = 941d47be3d29e6b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7553210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8892, handle = 00000176A3E7B070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78abbf5b4309c92d shader registered for possible reloading: 78abbf5b4309c92d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75544D0, hash = 78abbf5b4309c92d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75544D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8448, handle = 00000176A3F993B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 13c1068af9a2c1bd shader registered for possible reloading: 13c1068af9a2c1bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7553D90, hash = 13c1068af9a2c1bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7553D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7152, handle = 00000176A3FC6980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78b2bd49291477a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 78b2bd49291477a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7554090, hash = 78b2bd49291477a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7554090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9060, handle = 00000176A3F7AE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 539c9ec2fe4df0e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 539c9ec2fe4df0e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7554C10, hash = 539c9ec2fe4df0e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7554C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8524, handle = 00000176A3E19A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b8bfa924dda6ee1 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b8bfa924dda6ee1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7553390, hash = 6b8bfa924dda6ee1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7553390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A3C0FD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f shader registered for possible reloading: c0d150d19d87ed2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7553650, hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7553650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14736, handle = 00000176A3FDCAF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 83f133772090b5d7 shader registered for possible reloading: 83f133772090b5d7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7556190, hash = 83f133772090b5d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 516, handle = 00000176A3C70E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 37dd64e3367209f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75513D0, hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75513D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15380, handle = 00000176A3FCCD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7f12c4cbc765a7e shader registered for possible reloading: d7f12c4cbc765a7e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7553AD0, hash = d7f12c4cbc765a7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7553AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14408, handle = 00000176A3FE0490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4232196ad92b0904 shader registered for possible reloading: 4232196ad92b0904_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75541D0, hash = 4232196ad92b0904 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75541D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14444, handle = 00000176A3FD4BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95ae2ab586eaf2f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 95ae2ab586eaf2f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7554790, hash = 95ae2ab586eaf2f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7554790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2256, handle = 00000176A3CFCCA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 667dbc4bd5a85f3c shader registered for possible reloading: 667dbc4bd5a85f3c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7556310, hash = 667dbc4bd5a85f3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7784, handle = 00000176A3F72B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a834df08318ed4f3 shader registered for possible reloading: a834df08318ed4f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75551D0, hash = a834df08318ed4f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75551D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 00000176A3CFD580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 309bfe5c3f708e9d shader registered for possible reloading: 309bfe5c3f708e9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75520D0, hash = 309bfe5c3f708e9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75520D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7944, handle = 00000176A3E1C120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5262855d523970ba shader registered for possible reloading: 5262855d523970ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7553510, hash = 5262855d523970ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7553510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7292, handle = 00000176A3F77490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0380b0b13dd28861 shader registered for possible reloading: 0380b0b13dd28861_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7554910, hash = 0380b0b13dd28861 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7554910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7452, handle = 00000176A3F79120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bbd0cdd1747972f7 shader registered for possible reloading: bbd0cdd1747972f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7555A50, hash = bbd0cdd1747972f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7555A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2324, handle = 00000176A37F0EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 428690cf6a099824 shader registered for possible reloading: 428690cf6a099824_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7555310, hash = 428690cf6a099824 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7555310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7920, handle = 00000176A3E9CC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 083294c03b9262ac shader registered for possible reloading: 083294c03b9262ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7554ED0, hash = 083294c03b9262ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7554ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2488, handle = 00000176A39040A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4354af799be06649 shader registered for possible reloading: 4354af799be06649_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7551850, hash = 4354af799be06649 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7551850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8080, handle = 00000176A3E39920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9822757848f990a shader registered for possible reloading: b9822757848f990a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7555050, hash = b9822757848f990a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7555050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A3E35FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7462e3a2e667dc1a shader registered for possible reloading: 7462e3a2e667dc1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7555490, hash = 7462e3a2e667dc1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7555490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7520, handle = 00000176A3E7F300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 299c0966ff2d9c3a shader registered for possible reloading: 299c0966ff2d9c3a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7551990, hash = 299c0966ff2d9c3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7551990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2280, handle = 00000176A3D53E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07a27332fcc6e588 shader registered for possible reloading: 07a27332fcc6e588_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7555BD0, hash = 07a27332fcc6e588 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7555BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2444, handle = 00000176A38CB2C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ced9ba106b232b1c shader registered for possible reloading: ced9ba106b232b1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7555610, hash = ced9ba106b232b1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7555610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7316, handle = 00000176A3F86160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f96a828539180575 shader registered for possible reloading: f96a828539180575_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7555E90, hash = f96a828539180575 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7555E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A3E9EB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = afb22eb950b99377 shader registered for possible reloading: afb22eb950b99377_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7551C90, hash = afb22eb950b99377 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7551C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2348, handle = 00000176A3D31A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e436df8cb6c8961 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e436df8cb6c8961_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7555790, hash = 0e436df8cb6c8961 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7555790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2512, handle = 00000176A3DCB220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c2878ea4276c8f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c2878ea4276c8f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7555D50, hash = 7c2878ea4276c8f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7555D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7384, handle = 00000176A3F07110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a3af9e8ba13bca0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a3af9e8ba13bca0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7556450, hash = 4a3af9e8ba13bca0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7544, handle = 00000176A3F6EFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 377a187fe1bf0bf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 377a187fe1bf0bf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7551B10, hash = 377a187fe1bf0bf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7551B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1976, handle = 00000176A3BE9C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac4ab6376bab18a7 shader registered for possible reloading: ac4ab6376bab18a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7550B50, hash = ac4ab6376bab18a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A3F843F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8be9fbd02b3d07af shader registered for possible reloading: 8be9fbd02b3d07af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75565D0, hash = 8be9fbd02b3d07af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75565D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2140, handle = 00000176A3BAC1A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 46180fc7c974abf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75558D0, hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75558D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7676, handle = 00000176A3F70D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db4500e6d5904d88 shader registered for possible reloading: db4500e6d5904d88_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7552AD0, hash = db4500e6d5904d88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7552AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7296, handle = 00000176A3E37C90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0dfa4a765c156091 shader registered for possible reloading: 0dfa4a765c156091_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7550F90, hash = 0dfa4a765c156091 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7550F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7456, handle = 00000176A3E79340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 shader registered for possible reloading: e3f36c0ad36ded56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7552510, hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7552510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2052, handle = 00000176A3B3E5A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a36849192ee54d1e shader registered for possible reloading: a36849192ee54d1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75516D0, hash = a36849192ee54d1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75516D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7640, handle = 00000176A3E87290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab4a77d630a471e9 shader registered for possible reloading: ab4a77d630a471e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7551E10, hash = ab4a77d630a471e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7551E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2216, handle = 00000176A3E89070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d1cc8a61d3b0e49d shader registered for possible reloading: d1cc8a61d3b0e49d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75523D0, hash = d1cc8a61d3b0e49d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75523D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7800, handle = 00000176A3E7D480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ef9efe59567cb07 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ef9efe59567cb07_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7552990, hash = 6ef9efe59567cb07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7552990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7372, handle = 00000176A3F87E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 069ae2b3d79fdb26 shader registered for possible reloading: 069ae2b3d79fdb26_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7552C50, hash = 069ae2b3d79fdb26 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7552C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7532, handle = 00000176A3F62FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336ed77e2a2df93f shader registered for possible reloading: 336ed77e2a2df93f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7552DD0, hash = 336ed77e2a2df93f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7552DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4068, handle = 00000176A3C7BB90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 shader registered for possible reloading: e9ecfd7a9a181378_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7558110, hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7558110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10980, handle = 00000176A3F749A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 shader registered for possible reloading: bd86789f594cd9c3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7559B10, hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7559B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9972, handle = 00000176A3F81CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e8ca8689505213c shader registered for possible reloading: 5e8ca8689505213c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755ADD0, hash = 5e8ca8689505213c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755ADD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4136, handle = 00000176A3AFFDF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f54fc0d533f261ff shader registered for possible reloading: f54fc0d533f261ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7558850, hash = f54fc0d533f261ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7558850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11132, handle = 00000176A3F69DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f shader registered for possible reloading: d2d77f2b8146ad4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7558410, hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7558410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A3F7F5B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ce2b9890906f25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755AC50, hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755AC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4092, handle = 00000176A3ADE8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b76f821613d6700b shader registered for possible reloading: b76f821613d6700b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755AAD0, hash = b76f821613d6700b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755AAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10988, handle = 00000176A3F64D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e8f446749a01d83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755B950, hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755B950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9996, handle = 00000176A3F5B810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db shader registered for possible reloading: ce379bf3ba5db5db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7559C90, hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7559C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4160, handle = 00000176A3EA08B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f shader registered for possible reloading: 06c235bcb5ddf25f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7558C90, hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7558C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11140, handle = 00000176A3F60460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e76742d85360740a shader registered for possible reloading: e76742d85360740a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7557710, hash = e76742d85360740a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10064, handle = 00000176A3DE9800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 shader registered for possible reloading: fe177d918a8d71b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755B090, hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755B090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176A3C972E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ea0c33a13b68f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755BA90, hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755BA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A3ED3AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 shader registered for possible reloading: e24b5f338d5b4cd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7557CD0, hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9504, handle = 00000176A3F5DF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 shader registered for possible reloading: 86a59be4e2a1f509_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755B210, hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755B210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3336, handle = 00000176A386A7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d7f63977dfda7c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755A510, hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755A510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10184, handle = 00000176A3E56C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 shader registered for possible reloading: f7ab20a7ef6c8132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7558290, hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7558290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A3F67870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53426ef6186603f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 53426ef6186603f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7559DD0, hash = 53426ef6186603f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7559DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A38966D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f shader registered for possible reloading: c0d150d19d87ed2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75596D0, hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75596D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6144, handle = 00000176A3D3E240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e896ba176c2a3ca shader registered for possible reloading: 0e896ba176c2a3ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755AF10, hash = 0e896ba176c2a3ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755AF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 516, handle = 00000176A3DECEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 37dd64e3367209f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755A0D0, hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755A0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7144, handle = 00000176A3FB2850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58796e3d98e48650 shader registered for possible reloading: 58796e3d98e48650_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7556750, hash = 58796e3d98e48650 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9372, handle = 00000176A3FA0580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f874ba41ebfed445 shader registered for possible reloading: f874ba41ebfed445_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755B4D0, hash = f874ba41ebfed445 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755B4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9428, handle = 00000176A3FBE900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6d6623f7cf9bfef shader registered for possible reloading: d6d6623f7cf9bfef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7556B90, hash = d6d6623f7cf9bfef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6976, handle = 00000176A3FB4440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58a36ac3e9810f34 shader registered for possible reloading: 58a36ac3e9810f34_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7557590, hash = 58a36ac3e9810f34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7032, handle = 00000176A3FB8630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7907bddbd49d1fba shader registered for possible reloading: 7907bddbd49d1fba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7557FD0, hash = 7907bddbd49d1fba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9904, handle = 00000176A3F96CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6cd4d39c86a7ea8 shader registered for possible reloading: f6cd4d39c86a7ea8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755A690, hash = f6cd4d39c86a7ea8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755A690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9960, handle = 00000176A3FB0160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62b3548b5fac517f shader registered for possible reloading: 62b3548b5fac517f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755BD90, hash = 62b3548b5fac517f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755BD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8368, handle = 00000176A3FABC10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16491cb40a89ab52 shader registered for possible reloading: 16491cb40a89ab52_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75568D0, hash = 16491cb40a89ab52 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75568D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8424, handle = 00000176A3FC0DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcb1fd06d631d1ea shader registered for possible reloading: bcb1fd06d631d1ea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755BF10, hash = bcb1fd06d631d1ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755BF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9868, handle = 00000176A3FB5F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c850c84c7bb7b89 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c850c84c7bb7b89_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7559F50, hash = 1c850c84c7bb7b89 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7559F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9924, handle = 00000176A3F94620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eae8c790ddd2c3ee shader registered for possible reloading: eae8c790ddd2c3ee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75572D0, hash = eae8c790ddd2c3ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75572D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7012, handle = 00000176A3F90F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a43b98a7f37c7d17 shader registered for possible reloading: a43b98a7f37c7d17_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7557A10, hash = a43b98a7f37c7d17 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7068, handle = 00000176A3F92A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8670337876ed946b shader registered for possible reloading: 8670337876ed946b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755B650, hash = 8670337876ed946b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755B650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10860, handle = 00000176A3F9DB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9de3746319a7dcb shader registered for possible reloading: e9de3746319a7dcb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75589D0, hash = e9de3746319a7dcb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75589D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10916, handle = 00000176A3F8E450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd894b32da52aa67 shader registered for possible reloading: dd894b32da52aa67_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755BC10, hash = dd894b32da52aa67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755BC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9016, handle = 00000176A3F9B7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ddcb49909d386b8d shader registered for possible reloading: ddcb49909d386b8d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755B7D0, hash = ddcb49909d386b8d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755B7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9072, handle = 00000176A3FBC580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a75ac2e5e8d0b152 shader registered for possible reloading: a75ac2e5e8d0b152_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755A810, hash = a75ac2e5e8d0b152 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755A810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9732, handle = 00000176A3CE8320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfadf6cb21861f4d shader registered for possible reloading: bfadf6cb21861f4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75593D0, hash = bfadf6cb21861f4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75593D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14624, handle = 00000176A3E719B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46f0ca96850cd138 shader registered for possible reloading: 46f0ca96850cd138_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7558E10, hash = 46f0ca96850cd138 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7558E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15356, handle = 00000176A3E14050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2ebb04c59589eb3 shader registered for possible reloading: b2ebb04c59589eb3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7559110, hash = b2ebb04c59589eb3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7559110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9916, handle = 00000176A3D2F3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5567451ae6a2039b shader registered for possible reloading: 5567451ae6a2039b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755C1D0, hash = 5567451ae6a2039b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755C1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14808, handle = 00000176A3E44720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 111b56e267fbed2c shader registered for possible reloading: 111b56e267fbed2c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75586D0, hash = 111b56e267fbed2c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75586D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15536, handle = 00000176A3E6DCF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c93c31703d0892e8 shader registered for possible reloading: c93c31703d0892e8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7556A10, hash = c93c31703d0892e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15016, handle = 00000176A3DDE600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1e02abb2d3377ac shader registered for possible reloading: a1e02abb2d3377ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7558F90, hash = a1e02abb2d3377ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7558F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15196, handle = 00000176A3E08990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a173d473650452e7 shader registered for possible reloading: a173d473650452e7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7556D10, hash = a173d473650452e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9688, handle = 00000176A3E84CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7c1f458d9c99a97 shader registered for possible reloading: d7c1f458d9c99a97_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755A250, hash = d7c1f458d9c99a97 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755A250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14576, handle = 00000176A3E813B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80d99e1646e07c07 shader registered for possible reloading: 80d99e1646e07c07_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7556E90, hash = 80d99e1646e07c07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15388, handle = 00000176A3C86B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d9781522dfb1ebd shader registered for possible reloading: 0d9781522dfb1ebd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7559550, hash = 0d9781522dfb1ebd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7559550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9872, handle = 00000176A3E3DFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d3442df32a5c604b shader registered for possible reloading: d3442df32a5c604b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7557890, hash = d3442df32a5c604b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14760, handle = 00000176A3E6A340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2f15a1c18c1719c shader registered for possible reloading: d2f15a1c18c1719c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755A390, hash = d2f15a1c18c1719c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755A390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15568, handle = 00000176A3E2DEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 970aaf23ad4a0801 shader registered for possible reloading: 970aaf23ad4a0801_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7559810, hash = 970aaf23ad4a0801 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7559810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14972, handle = 00000176A3CF9210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c60d4f353ce7b350 shader registered for possible reloading: c60d4f353ce7b350_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755A950, hash = c60d4f353ce7b350 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755A950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15152, handle = 00000176A3E10510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a48ad5c0ef44ab8 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a48ad5c0ef44ab8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7556FD0, hash = 2a48ad5c0ef44ab8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7556FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11320, handle = 00000176A3E1E800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e01b02dcdfc31be1 shader registered for possible reloading: e01b02dcdfc31be1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7557150, hash = e01b02dcdfc31be1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17108, handle = 00000176A3E21440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8873ba719cad11ad shader registered for possible reloading: 8873ba719cad11ad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7557450, hash = 8873ba719cad11ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17888, handle = 00000176A3E5D950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5cd9367857018526 shader registered for possible reloading: 5cd9367857018526_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7557B50, hash = 5cd9367857018526 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17444, handle = 00000176A3E31B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ebf7cb9cd2d8651a shader registered for possible reloading: ebf7cb9cd2d8651a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7557E50, hash = ebf7cb9cd2d8651a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7557E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11300, handle = 00000176A3E5AD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d13eb470b5c6831c shader registered for possible reloading: d13eb470b5c6831c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7559990, hash = d13eb470b5c6831c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7559990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17084, handle = 00000176A3E66070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 056d8c220c7aed3b shader registered for possible reloading: 056d8c220c7aed3b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755C350, hash = 056d8c220c7aed3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755C350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18120, handle = 00000176A3E25720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99aee91852a6e431 shader registered for possible reloading: 99aee91852a6e431_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755E450, hash = 99aee91852a6e431 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755E450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17424, handle = 00000176A3E4BFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6bd7e3eecd04b9cd shader registered for possible reloading: 6bd7e3eecd04b9cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7560E10, hash = 6bd7e3eecd04b9cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7560E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10776, handle = 00000176A3E503C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 407b777f5d1b6e40 shader registered for possible reloading: 407b777f5d1b6e40_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755F410, hash = 407b777f5d1b6e40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755F410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16568, handle = 00000176A3E29DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59973cd0237f0c0c shader registered for possible reloading: 59973cd0237f0c0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7561DD0, hash = 59973cd0237f0c0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7561DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16464, handle = 00000176A3E752E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 893cffb9094221ef shader registered for possible reloading: 893cffb9094221ef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755EFD0, hash = 893cffb9094221ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755EFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16020, handle = 00000176A3E48100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6e2e1c6a64c15d5 shader registered for possible reloading: a6e2e1c6a64c15d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755CED0, hash = a6e2e1c6a64c15d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755CED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10756, handle = 00000176A3CE5910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04b38a237746438c shader registered for possible reloading: 04b38a237746438c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7561B10, hash = 04b38a237746438c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7561B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16544, handle = 00000176A3E40670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4112aeddce27074f shader registered for possible reloading: 4112aeddce27074f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755F9D0, hash = 4112aeddce27074f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755F9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16680, handle = 00000176A3E61F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d63cfc193c40e7d shader registered for possible reloading: 7d63cfc193c40e7d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7561990, hash = 7d63cfc193c40e7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7561990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16000, handle = 00000176A3E52DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 463bf3a305d7d826 shader registered for possible reloading: 463bf3a305d7d826_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7561810, hash = 463bf3a305d7d826 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7561810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A39717B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755D190, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755D190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6880, handle = 00000176A3F2A3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b293f342057af907 shader registered for possible reloading: b293f342057af907_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755FB50, hash = b293f342057af907 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755FB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A3C8DD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7560B10, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7560B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7508, handle = 00000176A3CEA930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8797d7762455e1f shader registered for possible reloading: c8797d7762455e1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755F2D0, hash = c8797d7762455e1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755F2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9304, handle = 00000176A3F27F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0bffec5dead568bc shader registered for possible reloading: 0bffec5dead568bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755CBD0, hash = 0bffec5dead568bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755CBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9360, handle = 00000176A3F41880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cac3b3c59190ff9 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cac3b3c59190ff9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755FF90, hash = 8cac3b3c59190ff9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755FF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7628, handle = 00000176A3ED1CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 800c9a40bc86f9bd shader registered for possible reloading: 800c9a40bc86f9bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755FCD0, hash = 800c9a40bc86f9bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755FCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7684, handle = 00000176A3EEE1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28ed735e612701d0 shader registered for possible reloading: 28ed735e612701d0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755DBD0, hash = 28ed735e612701d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755DBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9372, handle = 00000176A3DF1010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 059383f4af9353f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 059383f4af9353f9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755CA90, hash = 059383f4af9353f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755CA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9428, handle = 00000176A3ECF810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cdec4c804b38dda shader registered for possible reloading: 8cdec4c804b38dda_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7560F90, hash = 8cdec4c804b38dda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7560F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9992, handle = 00000176A3EB4D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d394ffc8eb5757a9 shader registered for possible reloading: d394ffc8eb5757a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755DE90, hash = d394ffc8eb5757a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755DE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10048, handle = 00000176A3F590C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a164a47894c5877 shader registered for possible reloading: 1a164a47894c5877_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755F150, hash = 1a164a47894c5877 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755F150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8252, handle = 00000176A3F03040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d2450e4c8ecf98e shader registered for possible reloading: 4d2450e4c8ecf98e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755E750, hash = 4d2450e4c8ecf98e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755E750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8308, handle = 00000176A3F05090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = feb60829f05856d2 shader registered for possible reloading: feb60829f05856d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755CD50, hash = feb60829f05856d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755CD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9924, handle = 00000176A3F25870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed8e336a4443e631 shader registered for possible reloading: ed8e336a4443e631_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7561550, hash = ed8e336a4443e631 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7561550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9980, handle = 00000176A3F1C440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfbcc264620f55c8 shader registered for possible reloading: bfbcc264620f55c8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755F590, hash = bfbcc264620f55c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755F590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9984, handle = 00000176A3F20A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a42870dcbed6973 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a42870dcbed6973_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755E890, hash = 6a42870dcbed6973 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755E890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A3F2BE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a89c7a2199b4a893 shader registered for possible reloading: a89c7a2199b4a893_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75609D0, hash = a89c7a2199b4a893 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75609D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7968, handle = 00000176A3F1EB50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 52953c34c8fd88ea shader registered for possible reloading: 52953c34c8fd88ea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755D050, hash = 52953c34c8fd88ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755D050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8024, handle = 00000176A3DFB680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c888246460057167 shader registered for possible reloading: c888246460057167_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755D310, hash = c888246460057167 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755D310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10944, handle = 00000176A3ED61E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1983bb9605b5cd0 shader registered for possible reloading: f1983bb9605b5cd0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755E2D0, hash = f1983bb9605b5cd0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755E2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11000, handle = 00000176A3EB7410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efc705252016eb1d shader registered for possible reloading: efc705252016eb1d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7560290, hash = efc705252016eb1d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7560290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8924, handle = 00000176A3EEBEF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4cad93fdc3a12099 shader registered for possible reloading: 4cad93fdc3a12099_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755C610, hash = 4cad93fdc3a12099 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755C610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8980, handle = 00000176A3F56DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2fb6b17986564e6 shader registered for possible reloading: a2fb6b17986564e6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755EA10, hash = a2fb6b17986564e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755EA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 77856, handle = 00000176A3F09410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0165a9608e041108 shader registered for possible reloading: 0165a9608e041108_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755C4D0, hash = 0165a9608e041108 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755C4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 77940, handle = 00000176A3F43D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d9b54f7074f67994 shader registered for possible reloading: d9b54f7074f67994_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7561690, hash = d9b54f7074f67994 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7561690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 78384, handle = 00000176A3ED8CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9248b5ebf5eaa161 shader registered for possible reloading: 9248b5ebf5eaa161_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75613D0, hash = 9248b5ebf5eaa161 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75613D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 78468, handle = 00000176A3E899E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 23cccfa1611dcb8a shader registered for possible reloading: 23cccfa1611dcb8a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755F710, hash = 23cccfa1611dcb8a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755F710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 77892, handle = 00000176A3EEFFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3747dcfaf3feae90 shader registered for possible reloading: 3747dcfaf3feae90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755DD10, hash = 3747dcfaf3feae90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755DD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 77976, handle = 00000176A3EA1C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71fd2e424e4f2e52 shader registered for possible reloading: 71fd2e424e4f2e52_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755ED10, hash = 71fd2e424e4f2e52 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755ED10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 78420, handle = 00000176A3EBC5B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edb3606c098a706f shader registered for possible reloading: edb3606c098a706f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755EE50, hash = edb3606c098a706f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755EE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 78504, handle = 00000176A3F2E5D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b81a9b72b3f0f13b shader registered for possible reloading: b81a9b72b3f0f13b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A755F890, hash = b81a9b72b3f0f13b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755F890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6776, handle = 00000176A3C6A530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aec4b4f20f54e327 shader registered for possible reloading: aec4b4f20f54e327_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755FE50, hash = aec4b4f20f54e327 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755FE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8368, handle = 00000176A3D3C180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4124d81046899dc shader registered for possible reloading: a4124d81046899dc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7561C50, hash = a4124d81046899dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7561C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6940, handle = 00000176A3B3CA70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f25312422c709d9 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f25312422c709d9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755E190, hash = 5f25312422c709d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755E190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8536, handle = 00000176A3C79A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89f462b641ab0ae5 shader registered for possible reloading: 89f462b641ab0ae5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755C790, hash = 89f462b641ab0ae5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755C790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8184, handle = 00000176A3CF7210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b618a044a1e685d6 shader registered for possible reloading: b618a044a1e685d6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755D610, hash = b618a044a1e685d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755D610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8352, handle = 00000176A3DA59B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 345113273d2ab693 shader registered for possible reloading: 345113273d2ab693_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7560110, hash = 345113273d2ab693 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7560110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6728, handle = 00000176A3B329A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b78ff92fd16c0da shader registered for possible reloading: 4b78ff92fd16c0da_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755D750, hash = 4b78ff92fd16c0da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755D750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8332, handle = 00000176A3CDEF20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cf8464c225c211c shader registered for possible reloading: 1cf8464c225c211c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75606D0, hash = 1cf8464c225c211c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75606D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6892, handle = 00000176A3CB35A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41795f770d8d9d70 shader registered for possible reloading: 41795f770d8d9d70_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755D8D0, hash = 41795f770d8d9d70 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755D8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8500, handle = 00000176A3DF3580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94b82b3b0fdb4ee6 shader registered for possible reloading: 94b82b3b0fdb4ee6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755DA50, hash = 94b82b3b0fdb4ee6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755DA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8136, handle = 00000176A3CB50A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97367d15c73fe539 shader registered for possible reloading: 97367d15c73fe539_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755E010, hash = 97367d15c73fe539 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755E010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8304, handle = 00000176A3D28860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8430be34408c2256 shader registered for possible reloading: 8430be34408c2256_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755E5D0, hash = 8430be34408c2256 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755E5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7920, handle = 00000176A3D51F50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2ebcc54f3aa7155 shader registered for possible reloading: b2ebcc54f3aa7155_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A755EB90, hash = b2ebcc54f3aa7155 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A755EB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9740, handle = 00000176A3C0D700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46d59b5a6424df0c shader registered for possible reloading: 46d59b5a6424df0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7560410, hash = 46d59b5a6424df0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7560410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9296, handle = 00000176A3DA3550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 24f5c750446deb38 shader registered for possible reloading: 24f5c750446deb38_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7560550, hash = 24f5c750446deb38 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7560550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7916, handle = 00000176A3D9D490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c2d2c1d1626618db shader registered for possible reloading: c2d2c1d1626618db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7560850, hash = c2d2c1d1626618db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7560850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9976, handle = 00000176A3D9AD90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94626dffc548e489 shader registered for possible reloading: 94626dffc548e489_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75679D0, hash = 94626dffc548e489 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75679D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9292, handle = 00000176A3DF9220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e850f5e133799a5f shader registered for possible reloading: e850f5e133799a5f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7562950, hash = e850f5e133799a5f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7562950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A3A15110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcc1ceab526eb950 shader registered for possible reloading: bcc1ceab526eb950_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75658D0, hash = bcc1ceab526eb950 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75658D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12908, handle = 00000176A3C8AA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 364c03abc8c9e3cc shader registered for possible reloading: 364c03abc8c9e3cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7564610, hash = 364c03abc8c9e3cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7564610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A39DC9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c2e2ac667b409c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c2e2ac667b409c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75634D0, hash = 2c2e2ac667b409c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75634D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13536, handle = 00000176A3CB7070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15f7fa6b03292a47 shader registered for possible reloading: 15f7fa6b03292a47_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7562510, hash = 15f7fa6b03292a47 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7562510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15180, handle = 00000176A3E0C9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 024a9af27588c987 shader registered for possible reloading: 024a9af27588c987_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7562AD0, hash = 024a9af27588c987 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7562AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15156, handle = 00000176A3DE5CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2dbdbc879d77b72 shader registered for possible reloading: a2dbdbc879d77b72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7561F50, hash = a2dbdbc879d77b72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7561F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15216, handle = 00000176A3DE2140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9dd49a9b3d1ecc0a shader registered for possible reloading: 9dd49a9b3d1ecc0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7563350, hash = 9dd49a9b3d1ecc0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7563350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15192, handle = 00000176A3DDAAA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4703e48ac25708d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4703e48ac25708d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7564050, hash = 4703e48ac25708d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7564050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3176, handle = 00000176A3A144A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 646965ace2d33f8a shader registered for possible reloading: 646965ace2d33f8a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7566010, hash = 646965ace2d33f8a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7566010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9012, handle = 00000176A3DABBF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec2ff087549fc9c7 shader registered for possible reloading: ec2ff087549fc9c7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75620D0, hash = ec2ff087549fc9c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75620D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8904, handle = 00000176A3CD3BD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0b3408a23b21450 shader registered for possible reloading: d0b3408a23b21450_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7567710, hash = d0b3408a23b21450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7567710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8460, handle = 00000176A3C68410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c5dac79012b7007 shader registered for possible reloading: 0c5dac79012b7007_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7565D10, hash = 0c5dac79012b7007 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7565D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3172, handle = 00000176A3C71090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa678e08dabc03f6 shader registered for possible reloading: fa678e08dabc03f6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7566CD0, hash = fa678e08dabc03f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7566CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8988, handle = 00000176A3CBDFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d5579cbf43422a46 shader registered for possible reloading: d5579cbf43422a46_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75665D0, hash = d5579cbf43422a46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75665D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9140, handle = 00000176A3C80580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31374c121ccc1179 shader registered for possible reloading: 31374c121ccc1179_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7562F10, hash = 31374c121ccc1179 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7562F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8456, handle = 00000176A3B29D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 005764e85fc40ea4 shader registered for possible reloading: 005764e85fc40ea4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75627D0, hash = 005764e85fc40ea4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75627D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12688, handle = 00000176A3C94140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f85f33a5fdb60740 shader registered for possible reloading: f85f33a5fdb60740_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7566890, hash = f85f33a5fdb60740 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7566890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13900, handle = 00000176A3E01800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 05ec9ebee11cd1c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 05ec9ebee11cd1c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7562C50, hash = 05ec9ebee11cd1c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7562C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15084, handle = 00000176A3DF5720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af54f901ebcb0a98 shader registered for possible reloading: af54f901ebcb0a98_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7563C10, hash = af54f901ebcb0a98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7563C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15140, handle = 00000176A3E04E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bffcdd920ebaf6f7 shader registered for possible reloading: bffcdd920ebaf6f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7566150, hash = bffcdd920ebaf6f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7566150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16296, handle = 00000176A3D9F5A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7a020bb3db8d506 shader registered for possible reloading: a7a020bb3db8d506_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7566710, hash = a7a020bb3db8d506 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7566710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16352, handle = 00000176A3CDAF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 058dfa6df8c4abc4 shader registered for possible reloading: 058dfa6df8c4abc4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7566A10, hash = 058dfa6df8c4abc4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7566A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12724, handle = 00000176A3DC8060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d9528528ee59d18f shader registered for possible reloading: d9528528ee59d18f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7564D50, hash = d9528528ee59d18f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7564D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15712, handle = 00000176A3DD2EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20918fd68bfa98fa shader registered for possible reloading: 20918fd68bfa98fa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7564A50, hash = 20918fd68bfa98fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7564A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15768, handle = 00000176A3DFDA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c778ee37fa86091 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c778ee37fa86091_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7562D90, hash = 9c778ee37fa86091 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7562D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15848, handle = 00000176A3C75C40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7613a575db18a432 shader registered for possible reloading: 7613a575db18a432_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7563090, hash = 7613a575db18a432 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7563090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15944, handle = 00000176A3DD6C50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 802cc26688fefdf6 shader registered for possible reloading: 802cc26688fefdf6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7562210, hash = 802cc26688fefdf6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7562210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17064, handle = 00000176A3D49990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6031dcc67cc5a29 shader registered for possible reloading: a6031dcc67cc5a29_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7566B90, hash = a6031dcc67cc5a29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7566B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17160, handle = 00000176A3D4DC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59f4a79097565a19 shader registered for possible reloading: 59f4a79097565a19_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7562690, hash = 59f4a79097565a19 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7562690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15884, handle = 00000176A3BE5E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 909bbad4bc08c849 shader registered for possible reloading: 909bbad4bc08c849_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7564790, hash = 909bbad4bc08c849 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7564790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15980, handle = 00000176A3DED190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5706aafa1c2bd2dc shader registered for possible reloading: 5706aafa1c2bd2dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7565B90, hash = 5706aafa1c2bd2dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7565B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13656, handle = 00000176A3C50010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9319973eb0a943d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9319973eb0a943d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7563210, hash = 9319973eb0a943d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7563210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12308, handle = 00000176A3C03B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c7aab6a10d03b772 shader registered for possible reloading: c7aab6a10d03b772_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7564BD0, hash = c7aab6a10d03b772 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7564BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14704, handle = 00000176A3C06B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d6ef08f719cc03a shader registered for possible reloading: 9d6ef08f719cc03a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7567590, hash = 9d6ef08f719cc03a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7567590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12856, handle = 00000176A3C0A4C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2ee2ab9411f1782 shader registered for possible reloading: b2ee2ab9411f1782_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75662D0, hash = b2ee2ab9411f1782 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75662D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 129288, handle = 00000176A3C10000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9abb5e130606399a shader registered for possible reloading: 9abb5e130606399a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75637D0, hash = 9abb5e130606399a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75637D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 126924, handle = 00000176A3C30000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97bbd3f759a7faf1 shader registered for possible reloading: 97bbd3f759a7faf1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7563650, hash = 97bbd3f759a7faf1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7563650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7352, handle = 00000176A3AFBF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4147184b45a6dc95 shader registered for possible reloading: 4147184b45a6dc95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7563910, hash = 4147184b45a6dc95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7563910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9244, handle = 00000176A3BEC800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e6c9a5d9f2287e14 shader registered for possible reloading: e6c9a5d9f2287e14_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7563A90, hash = e6c9a5d9f2287e14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7563A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7404, handle = 00000176A3BA86D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7c03b813f9c5227 shader registered for possible reloading: a7c03b813f9c5227_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7565A50, hash = a7c03b813f9c5227 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7565A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11240, handle = 00000176A3C53570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15f34a042025fd9d shader registered for possible reloading: 15f34a042025fd9d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7565490, hash = 15f34a042025fd9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7565490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13128, handle = 00000176A3C8DF90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff4578adf2d0e0dc shader registered for possible reloading: ff4578adf2d0e0dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7565190, hash = ff4578adf2d0e0dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7565190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11292, handle = 00000176A3C6C050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 68c43afb806714b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 68c43afb806714b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7564910, hash = 68c43afb806714b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7564910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7388, handle = 00000176A3B8DBB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4058b45bff613be shader registered for possible reloading: e4058b45bff613be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7563ED0, hash = e4058b45bff613be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7563ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11868, handle = 00000176A3DA8D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8491e8d8af98cc9a shader registered for possible reloading: 8491e8d8af98cc9a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7562390, hash = 8491e8d8af98cc9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7562390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12436, handle = 00000176A3DAF470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e287f6f1dc21d36b shader registered for possible reloading: e287f6f1dc21d36b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7565E90, hash = e287f6f1dc21d36b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7565E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12492, handle = 00000176A3D32C50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 999f6c84e2d9279c shader registered for possible reloading: 999f6c84e2d9279c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7566FD0, hash = 999f6c84e2d9279c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7566FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11772, handle = 00000176A3CFDF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d136a3e02867d5f4 shader registered for possible reloading: d136a3e02867d5f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7565010, hash = d136a3e02867d5f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7565010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11828, handle = 00000176A3D35D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1630de8aaacf5986 shader registered for possible reloading: 1630de8aaacf5986_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7563D90, hash = 1630de8aaacf5986 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7563D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14324, handle = 00000176A3CEC9C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3180be09b06487cf shader registered for possible reloading: 3180be09b06487cf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7566450, hash = 3180be09b06487cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7566450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14380, handle = 00000176A3C7CD40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd4c0630e3759495 shader registered for possible reloading: dd4c0630e3759495_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75641D0, hash = dd4c0630e3759495 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75641D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13640, handle = 00000176A3CE23C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59edfe33f3f60ba8 shader registered for possible reloading: 59edfe33f3f60ba8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7567150, hash = 59edfe33f3f60ba8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7567150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13696, handle = 00000176A3D6A980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c14c7c7efe3f3dcf shader registered for possible reloading: c14c7c7efe3f3dcf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7564350, hash = c14c7c7efe3f3dcf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7564350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12488, handle = 00000176A3C980C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b87fe6b1825cd80a shader registered for possible reloading: b87fe6b1825cd80a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7564490, hash = b87fe6b1825cd80a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7564490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12544, handle = 00000176A3C83A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b5f909a54867a700 shader registered for possible reloading: b5f909a54867a700_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7565310, hash = b5f909a54867a700 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7565310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11824, handle = 00000176A3C9B190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ff7d93c68277588 shader registered for possible reloading: 1ff7d93c68277588_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75655D0, hash = 1ff7d93c68277588 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75655D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11880, handle = 00000176A3DCC000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e7e7959136fd079 shader registered for possible reloading: 1e7e7959136fd079_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7565750, hash = 1e7e7959136fd079 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7565750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14592, handle = 00000176A3DC4750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 048aced75ea1a077 shader registered for possible reloading: 048aced75ea1a077_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7567290, hash = 048aced75ea1a077 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7567290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14648, handle = 00000176A3D864E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a769c1b33ddeeb1e shader registered for possible reloading: a769c1b33ddeeb1e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7567410, hash = a769c1b33ddeeb1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7567410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13136, handle = 00000176A3C9DFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff424087f38d1b89 shader registered for possible reloading: ff424087f38d1b89_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7568550, hash = ff424087f38d1b89 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7568550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13192, handle = 00000176A3D8CC50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a158cb5ee3a792a shader registered for possible reloading: 2a158cb5ee3a792a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756A090, hash = 2a158cb5ee3a792a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756A090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16480, handle = 00000176A3DCEE70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd2712b5dd16139a shader registered for possible reloading: bd2712b5dd16139a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7567E10, hash = bd2712b5dd16139a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7567E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16536, handle = 00000176A3D8FFE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 66ff32be6580b0f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 66ff32be6580b0f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756A210, hash = 66ff32be6580b0f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756A210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15004, handle = 00000176A3CD7480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 611fc5e6c9081dad shader registered for possible reloading: 611fc5e6c9081dad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7568B10, hash = 611fc5e6c9081dad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7568B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15060, handle = 00000176A3C72160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01a2c9e99edac3eb shader registered for possible reloading: 01a2c9e99edac3eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7569990, hash = 01a2c9e99edac3eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7569990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14644, handle = 00000176A3D97450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0722ef6f18882749 shader registered for possible reloading: 0722ef6f18882749_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756B910, hash = 0722ef6f18882749 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756B910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14700, handle = 00000176A3CBA620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 824ee9c18e6e8f0c shader registered for possible reloading: 824ee9c18e6e8f0c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756BED0, hash = 824ee9c18e6e8f0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756BED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13188, handle = 00000176A3CF3E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f387cb69389a62a9 shader registered for possible reloading: f387cb69389a62a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75690D0, hash = f387cb69389a62a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75690D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13244, handle = 00000176A3D94080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1616090bb9f5b9c shader registered for possible reloading: a1616090bb9f5b9c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756AD90, hash = a1616090bb9f5b9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756AD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13000, handle = 00000176A3D2C0D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da05b00937246f9f shader registered for possible reloading: da05b00937246f9f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756B4D0, hash = da05b00937246f9f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756B4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13056, handle = 00000176A3D831D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5a22512ec059e74c shader registered for possible reloading: 5a22512ec059e74c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756B1D0, hash = 5a22512ec059e74c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756B1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11808, handle = 00000176A3D89E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6d4c00ba1cb18d2 shader registered for possible reloading: c6d4c00ba1cb18d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756A510, hash = c6d4c00ba1cb18d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756A510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11864, handle = 00000176A3C912E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9484fad513903ae shader registered for possible reloading: b9484fad513903ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756A950, hash = b9484fad513903ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756A950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15540, handle = 00000176A3CF01C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f077288073ca67d shader registered for possible reloading: 1f077288073ca67d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756CA50, hash = 1f077288073ca67d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756CA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15596, handle = 00000176A3D54A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe1b06f08d54a367 shader registered for possible reloading: fe1b06f08d54a367_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7568990, hash = fe1b06f08d54a367 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7568990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13764, handle = 00000176A3D25290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee7d8300aac6a9b8 shader registered for possible reloading: ee7d8300aac6a9b8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756AAD0, hash = ee7d8300aac6a9b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756AAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13820, handle = 00000176A3D38B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cd79bbe8a78e808 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cd79bbe8a78e808_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75683D0, hash = 8cd79bbe8a78e808 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75683D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74344, handle = 00000176A3D58710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caaefb56ac447fc0 shader registered for possible reloading: caaefb56ac447fc0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756AC10, hash = caaefb56ac447fc0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756AC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74400, handle = 00000176A3C56160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06c84bfbd30ccf43 shader registered for possible reloading: 06c84bfbd30ccf43_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75686D0, hash = 06c84bfbd30ccf43 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75686D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74296, handle = 00000176A3DB2510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03b3bb51cda350d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 03b3bb51cda350d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7567F90, hash = 03b3bb51cda350d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7567F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74352, handle = 00000176A3D13010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e08021d18df61f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 7e08021d18df61f2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756B790, hash = 7e08021d18df61f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756B790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14140, handle = 00000176A3D3FB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 05e02ed3b095a6b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 05e02ed3b095a6b5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7569510, hash = 05e02ed3b095a6b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7569510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14092, handle = 00000176A3D43250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b9f8b701d1300a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b9f8b701d1300a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7568850, hash = 7b9f8b701d1300a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7568850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12304, handle = 00000176A3D46970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5c47f019df8a03d shader registered for possible reloading: c5c47f019df8a03d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756CBD0, hash = c5c47f019df8a03d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756CBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12256, handle = 00000176A3D6DF10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fdfac692fb50556 shader registered for possible reloading: 1fdfac692fb50556_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756BA90, hash = 1fdfac692fb50556 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756BA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74380, handle = 00000176A3CC1930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bba8e0a3e32ce745 shader registered for possible reloading: bba8e0a3e32ce745_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756AF10, hash = bba8e0a3e32ce745 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756AF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74436, handle = 00000176A3D70F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d1fea815a54d9a02 shader registered for possible reloading: d1fea815a54d9a02_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7567CD0, hash = d1fea815a54d9a02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7567CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74332, handle = 00000176A3CA1330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5fc9d3ff2891ced7 shader registered for possible reloading: 5fc9d3ff2891ced7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756BD50, hash = 5fc9d3ff2891ced7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756BD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74388, handle = 00000176A3D00D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0618c3062e9d8c72 shader registered for possible reloading: 0618c3062e9d8c72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7568290, hash = 0618c3062e9d8c72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7568290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1844, handle = 00000176A301B340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 shader registered for possible reloading: 6080b0f0290a8776_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756B090, hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756B090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176A3BA0010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6d86041ee6068ac shader registered for possible reloading: a6d86041ee6068ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756D5D0, hash = a6d86041ee6068ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756D5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2020, handle = 00000176A3A366F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e27589d17ecceed shader registered for possible reloading: 8e27589d17ecceed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7568C90, hash = 8e27589d17ecceed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7568C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A3A830D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0e66468f874b82b shader registered for possible reloading: d0e66468f874b82b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756B350, hash = d0e66468f874b82b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756B350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7168, handle = 00000176A39D5DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756C050, hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756C050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 00000176A393C1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72c3853eed25f3d shader registered for possible reloading: c72c3853eed25f3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756C1D0, hash = c72c3853eed25f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756C1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 00000176A3A84DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18944063f61adf0c shader registered for possible reloading: 18944063f61adf0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756C310, hash = 18944063f61adf0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756C310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176A38C9660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b shader registered for possible reloading: edf7a0cbf9e7730b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756CE90, hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756CE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 00000176A3967F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 shader registered for possible reloading: bcf4218a2ca0dfd6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756C610, hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756C610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A3B30C90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a343fdb20e033805 shader registered for possible reloading: a343fdb20e033805_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7569690, hash = a343fdb20e033805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7569690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176A39F31F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 shader registered for possible reloading: ec389e2d99b0b6a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756CD50, hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756CD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A3BBE980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 shader registered for possible reloading: a3e729a1960e2f35_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756D010, hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756D010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176A36B9E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ea0c33a13b68f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7569810, hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7569810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A3A89920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 shader registered for possible reloading: e24b5f338d5b4cd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756D190, hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756D190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9504, handle = 00000176A3BB7790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 shader registered for possible reloading: 86a59be4e2a1f509_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7568F50, hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7568F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3336, handle = 00000176A38091B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d7f63977dfda7c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7569AD0, hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7569AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10184, handle = 00000176A3A11CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 shader registered for possible reloading: f7ab20a7ef6c8132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7567B50, hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7567B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A3BAF310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53426ef6186603f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 53426ef6186603f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7569C50, hash = 53426ef6186603f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7569C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A3122440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7569DD0, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7569DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5856, handle = 00000176A399B420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19095adde386f206 shader registered for possible reloading: 19095adde386f206_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7569F50, hash = 19095adde386f206 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7569F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A3B8FDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7571510, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7012, handle = 00000176A3BAA630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3cbec88c32c2395b shader registered for possible reloading: 3cbec88c32c2395b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7571690, hash = 3cbec88c32c2395b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10632, handle = 00000176A3BF4020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c1840a5430e2347 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c1840a5430e2347_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756F110, hash = 3c1840a5430e2347 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756F110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8572, handle = 00000176A3B6DD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e59c6ae4cc33362 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e59c6ae4cc33362_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7572950, hash = 4e59c6ae4cc33362 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7572950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11724, handle = 00000176A3BE3020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19fb032a11c8f1a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 19fb032a11c8f1a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756DE90, hash = 19fb032a11c8f1a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756DE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9732, handle = 00000176A3BF1A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80b0a047a393217b shader registered for possible reloading: 80b0a047a393217b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7572A90, hash = 80b0a047a393217b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7572A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11136, handle = 00000176A3BF8C90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a4ae815a93632f6 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a4ae815a93632f6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7573050, hash = 0a4ae815a93632f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7573050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9160, handle = 00000176A3BEA430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c18c8efb3fe5d15e shader registered for possible reloading: c18c8efb3fe5d15e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756EB50, hash = c18c8efb3fe5d15e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756EB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12284, handle = 00000176A3BE0010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0fdf6c64ed0014c4 shader registered for possible reloading: 0fdf6c64ed0014c4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756EE50, hash = 0fdf6c64ed0014c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756EE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10308, handle = 00000176A3BFB820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e79aaeb3bf7e65c4 shader registered for possible reloading: e79aaeb3bf7e65c4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7570250, hash = e79aaeb3bf7e65c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7570250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11244, handle = 00000176A3BEEE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 513f3648b5aebe25 shader registered for possible reloading: 513f3648b5aebe25_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756E710, hash = 513f3648b5aebe25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756E710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8912, handle = 00000176A3BF69B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9fbdf169b01b519e shader registered for possible reloading: 9fbdf169b01b519e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756D750, hash = 9fbdf169b01b519e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756D750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12568, handle = 00000176A3BCA5D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea22abd123f8837c shader registered for possible reloading: ea22abd123f8837c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756EFD0, hash = ea22abd123f8837c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756EFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10232, handle = 00000176A3BCD6F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 66059a6190f38872 shader registered for possible reloading: 66059a6190f38872_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756E2D0, hash = 66059a6190f38872 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756E2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12092, handle = 00000176A398EB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96f8abfd77ebc36a shader registered for possible reloading: 96f8abfd77ebc36a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7570C90, hash = 96f8abfd77ebc36a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7570C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9812, handle = 00000176A3BFE070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea3af45a0e1f7926 shader registered for possible reloading: ea3af45a0e1f7926_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756DA10, hash = ea3af45a0e1f7926 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756DA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13380, handle = 00000176A3C006D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3ea5367de04ef49 shader registered for possible reloading: c3ea5367de04ef49_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A756F850, hash = c3ea5367de04ef49 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756F850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11120, handle = 00000176A3BC7A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81a9b7c15493cb54 shader registered for possible reloading: 81a9b7c15493cb54_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A75731D0, hash = 81a9b7c15493cb54 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75731D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A38A9C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b00698355c6bbf6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7571810, hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A395F080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 896d836e4bc38513 shader registered for possible reloading: 896d836e4bc38513_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756E590, hash = 896d836e4bc38513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756E590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2300, handle = 00000176A39577C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d shader registered for possible reloading: 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7571390, hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A39996B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 435eb788190e93fe shader registered for possible reloading: 435eb788190e93fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7570990, hash = 435eb788190e93fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7570990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7164, handle = 00000176A3AA2390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 shader registered for possible reloading: 96c9d66e5f68d745_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7572C10, hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7572C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7332, handle = 00000176A39D0FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 shader registered for possible reloading: 78419f9aacae6ac2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756DFD0, hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756DFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2172, handle = 00000176A3830220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2128f8af8f55a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756ECD0, hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756ECD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2348, handle = 00000176A36B2270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fcc315619520c1e shader registered for possible reloading: 4fcc315619520c1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7571950, hash = 4fcc315619520c1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7212, handle = 00000176A39DADA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd5547126858bce0 shader registered for possible reloading: bd5547126858bce0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7571DD0, hash = bd5547126858bce0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7380, handle = 00000176A3A64E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c shader registered for possible reloading: 4e7133c6bebefa7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756DB90, hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756DB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2148, handle = 00000176A31D6A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 shader registered for possible reloading: d74c8b665c4c83f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756E150, hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756E150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2324, handle = 00000176A38E67A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d74197d5e9dbd44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756D8D0, hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756D8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7188, handle = 00000176A3AA0770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c3b20db7fb4ea91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756F6D0, hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756F6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7356, handle = 00000176A39CF2D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 shader registered for possible reloading: f3c462e3e3c27641_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756F410, hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756F410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2196, handle = 00000176A380C620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f0d6cbacc4bce60_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756EA10, hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756EA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2372, handle = 00000176A382E690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e shader registered for possible reloading: 41cf13dbf3c2367e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756F590, hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756F590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7236, handle = 00000176A3B74720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4e179db3798a00f shader registered for possible reloading: b4e179db3798a00f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7572F10, hash = b4e179db3798a00f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7572F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7404, handle = 00000176A3A813D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 shader registered for possible reloading: b935dfe9f51176b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7571AD0, hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1844, handle = 00000176A0FB5240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 shader registered for possible reloading: 6080b0f0290a8776_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7571250, hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176A3974C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6d86041ee6068ac shader registered for possible reloading: a6d86041ee6068ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7571F10, hash = a6d86041ee6068ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2020, handle = 00000176A36FFB90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e27589d17ecceed shader registered for possible reloading: 8e27589d17ecceed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7571C50, hash = 8e27589d17ecceed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7571C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A3AA3FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0e66468f874b82b shader registered for possible reloading: d0e66468f874b82b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756FF90, hash = d0e66468f874b82b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756FF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7168, handle = 00000176A3AFA2F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756F9D0, hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756F9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 00000176A3B56750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72c3853eed25f3d shader registered for possible reloading: c72c3853eed25f3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7570810, hash = c72c3853eed25f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7570810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 00000176A3B817B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18944063f61adf0c shader registered for possible reloading: 18944063f61adf0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7572090, hash = 18944063f61adf0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7572090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176A3AFE190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b shader registered for possible reloading: edf7a0cbf9e7730b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75703D0, hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75703D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 00000176A3970F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 shader registered for possible reloading: bcf4218a2ca0dfd6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7570550, hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7570550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A3A855C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a343fdb20e033805 shader registered for possible reloading: a343fdb20e033805_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7572210, hash = a343fdb20e033805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7572210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176A3AF3E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 shader registered for possible reloading: ec389e2d99b0b6a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75706D0, hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75706D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A3A63160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 shader registered for possible reloading: a3e729a1960e2f35_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756FB50, hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756FB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4068, handle = 00000176A36C6550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 shader registered for possible reloading: e9ecfd7a9a181378_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756FC90, hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756FC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10980, handle = 00000176A39D82B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 shader registered for possible reloading: bd86789f594cd9c3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7570B10, hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7570B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9972, handle = 00000176A3B3A370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e8ca8689505213c shader registered for possible reloading: 5e8ca8689505213c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7570DD0, hash = 5e8ca8689505213c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7570DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4136, handle = 00000176A384ABD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f54fc0d533f261ff shader registered for possible reloading: f54fc0d533f261ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A756FE10, hash = f54fc0d533f261ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A756FE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11132, handle = 00000176A39E8E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f shader registered for possible reloading: d2d77f2b8146ad4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7572390, hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7572390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A3B37C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ce2b9890906f25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7570110, hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7570110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4092, handle = 00000176A39EB9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b76f821613d6700b shader registered for possible reloading: b76f821613d6700b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7572D90, hash = b76f821613d6700b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7572D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10988, handle = 00000176A39E6320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e8f446749a01d83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7570F50, hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7570F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9996, handle = 00000176A3A33FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db shader registered for possible reloading: ce379bf3ba5db5db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75710D0, hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75710D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4160, handle = 00000176A3AA5CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f shader registered for possible reloading: 06c235bcb5ddf25f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7572650, hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7572650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11140, handle = 00000176A3A0AED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e76742d85360740a shader registered for possible reloading: e76742d85360740a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75724D0, hash = e76742d85360740a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75724D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10064, handle = 00000176A3B7F050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 shader registered for possible reloading: fe177d918a8d71b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75727D0, hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75727D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176A38F3180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ea0c33a13b68f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7573350, hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7573350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A396E890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 shader registered for possible reloading: e24b5f338d5b4cd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7573790, hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7573790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9504, handle = 00000176A3ADC370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 shader registered for possible reloading: 86a59be4e2a1f509_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A75734D0, hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A75734D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3336, handle = 00000176A3864270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d7f63977dfda7c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7573BD0, hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7573BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10184, handle = 00000176A39657B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 shader registered for possible reloading: f7ab20a7ef6c8132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7573A90, hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7573A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A393E3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53426ef6186603f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 53426ef6186603f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A7573610, hash = 53426ef6186603f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7573610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A396B180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7573910, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7573910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5856, handle = 00000176A39F54B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19095adde386f206 shader registered for possible reloading: 19095adde386f206_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7573ED0, hash = 19095adde386f206 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7573ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A38E70C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A7573D50, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A7573D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6968, handle = 00000176A3BA4570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed92ffe50e4844df shader registered for possible reloading: ed92ffe50e4844df_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E9090, hash = ed92ffe50e4844df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9104, handle = 00000176A3BC56B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5ea89074077ba01 shader registered for possible reloading: f5ea89074077ba01_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E7C90, hash = f5ea89074077ba01 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E7C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9160, handle = 00000176A3BB1930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb97ffa2b96b749a shader registered for possible reloading: fb97ffa2b96b749a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EC190, hash = fb97ffa2b96b749a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EC190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6780, handle = 00000176A3960D50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4865ed2e6a46b2f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4865ed2e6a46b2f1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E80D0, hash = 4865ed2e6a46b2f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E80D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6836, handle = 00000176A3B76370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 757fffda0ec08b2c shader registered for possible reloading: 757fffda0ec08b2c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E9210, hash = 757fffda0ec08b2c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9744, handle = 00000176A3BA60B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f70b2794ffd40781 shader registered for possible reloading: f70b2794ffd40781_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E8810, hash = f70b2794ffd40781 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E8810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9800, handle = 00000176A3A872D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca76669a2b48f845 shader registered for possible reloading: ca76669a2b48f845_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EC310, hash = ca76669a2b48f845 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EC310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8144, handle = 00000176A3BB57B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3fffffc4c20feb84 shader registered for possible reloading: 3fffffc4c20feb84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EB1D0, hash = 3fffffc4c20feb84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EB1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8200, handle = 00000176A3BC36A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3df8d05afa4e2b1 shader registered for possible reloading: c3df8d05afa4e2b1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E8990, hash = c3df8d05afa4e2b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E8990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9668, handle = 00000176A3BA1FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec9d67fb8204be19 shader registered for possible reloading: ec9d67fb8204be19_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EC8D0, hash = ec9d67fb8204be19 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EC8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9724, handle = 00000176A3BACD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c91f9369c034a2d0 shader registered for possible reloading: c91f9369c034a2d0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95ECA10, hash = c91f9369c034a2d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95ECA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6816, handle = 00000176A3BB3D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edc91c7f88b4f30c shader registered for possible reloading: edc91c7f88b4f30c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EA090, hash = edc91c7f88b4f30c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EA090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6872, handle = 00000176A3AF5AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5fe5d43731fba5f shader registered for possible reloading: e5fe5d43731fba5f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E8AD0, hash = e5fe5d43731fba5f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E8AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10616, handle = 00000176A3BC0D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe503cd83c82339c shader registered for possible reloading: fe503cd83c82339c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E8690, hash = fe503cd83c82339c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E8690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10672, handle = 00000176A3BBBFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1c488983d4b4374 shader registered for possible reloading: c1c488983d4b4374_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E9390, hash = c1c488983d4b4374 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8772, handle = 00000176A3BB9D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f11faa691b5773ae shader registered for possible reloading: f11faa691b5773ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E7E10, hash = f11faa691b5773ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E7E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8828, handle = 00000176A3B8B920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 930b004477f815df shader registered for possible reloading: 930b004477f815df_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EAD50, hash = 930b004477f815df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EAD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13648, handle = 00000176A3938C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9d85dea769b12bd shader registered for possible reloading: e9d85dea769b12bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95E8250, hash = e9d85dea769b12bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E8250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12300, handle = 00000176A3948AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3c7ffad7adf0ef0 shader registered for possible reloading: f3c7ffad7adf0ef0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95E8C50, hash = f3c7ffad7adf0ef0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E8C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14696, handle = 00000176A3927EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c2396c07008728ff shader registered for possible reloading: c2396c07008728ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95E97D0, hash = c2396c07008728ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E97D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12848, handle = 00000176A3954580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1e544226b66b44b shader registered for possible reloading: a1e544226b66b44b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95E7550, hash = a1e544226b66b44b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E7550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14532, handle = 00000176A39123B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3276c9f21d44a0b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3276c9f21d44a0b2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95E9D90, hash = 3276c9f21d44a0b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12684, handle = 00000176A3971A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a044714b05fb67a3 shader registered for possible reloading: a044714b05fb67a3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95E7290, hash = a044714b05fb67a3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E7290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7028, handle = 00000176A38E2BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39980af917653438 shader registered for possible reloading: 39980af917653438_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EC010, hash = 39980af917653438 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EC010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8908, handle = 00000176A3968EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cab835d3b7160456 shader registered for possible reloading: cab835d3b7160456_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EBD50, hash = cab835d3b7160456 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EBD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7068, handle = 00000176A394F000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a19dfbaef94734cb shader registered for possible reloading: a19dfbaef94734cb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E76D0, hash = a19dfbaef94734cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E76D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10916, handle = 00000176A3B88E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 403fec9a834ee3c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 403fec9a834ee3c9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EA4D0, hash = 403fec9a834ee3c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EA4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12792, handle = 00000176A3B71520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 855942272715e539 shader registered for possible reloading: 855942272715e539_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EA1D0, hash = 855942272715e539 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EA1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10956, handle = 00000176A39225F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57d97e0590b3dfe9 shader registered for possible reloading: 57d97e0590b3dfe9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E9650, hash = 57d97e0590b3dfe9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7064, handle = 00000176A38F9790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b4da84901b2b915 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b4da84901b2b915_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E83D0, hash = 2b4da84901b2b915 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E83D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11544, handle = 00000176A39DFF20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06006c00d5829a0d shader registered for possible reloading: 06006c00d5829a0d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E8F50, hash = 06006c00d5829a0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E8F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12164, handle = 00000176A3A0ED40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0dc32d587697f07e shader registered for possible reloading: 0dc32d587697f07e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E7850, hash = 0dc32d587697f07e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E7850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12220, handle = 00000176A39627E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d443b652b3aa78c3 shader registered for possible reloading: d443b652b3aa78c3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EA350, hash = d443b652b3aa78c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EA350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11496, handle = 00000176A38FEE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 644000cd4405a750 shader registered for possible reloading: 644000cd4405a750_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EA650, hash = 644000cd4405a750 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EA650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11552, handle = 00000176A3AF75C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a413d384ce6dd4a0 shader registered for possible reloading: a413d384ce6dd4a0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E9510, hash = a413d384ce6dd4a0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14040, handle = 00000176A39E2C40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59e386f1c8438298 shader registered for possible reloading: 59e386f1c8438298_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E9950, hash = 59e386f1c8438298 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14096, handle = 00000176A3B53030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ae876cbd52f6426 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ae876cbd52f6426_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E9AD0, hash = 8ae876cbd52f6426 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13372, handle = 00000176A3A66FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94ba559cd41a1a89 shader registered for possible reloading: 94ba559cd41a1a89_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EB8D0, hash = 94ba559cd41a1a89 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EB8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13428, handle = 00000176A3A37800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3854e267de4082a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 3854e267de4082a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EBE90, hash = 3854e267de4082a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EBE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12204, handle = 00000176A39F0230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 262fb502384a3b3e shader registered for possible reloading: 262fb502384a3b3e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E9F10, hash = 262fb502384a3b3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12260, handle = 00000176A39D2DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d79ae0e77fac519 shader registered for possible reloading: 9d79ae0e77fac519_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E9C10, hash = 9d79ae0e77fac519 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E9C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11536, handle = 00000176A3AA6EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b6c2c4e916831bb shader registered for possible reloading: 7b6c2c4e916831bb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EC450, hash = 7b6c2c4e916831bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EC450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11592, handle = 00000176A39C5990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6615338188f6caa7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6615338188f6caa7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EA790, hash = 6615338188f6caa7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EA790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14320, handle = 00000176A39ECA30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f55f301c1a0db2d shader registered for possible reloading: 2f55f301c1a0db2d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E7990, hash = 2f55f301c1a0db2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E7990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14376, handle = 00000176A3B2D460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 519576e2d7a514ec shader registered for possible reloading: 519576e2d7a514ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EA910, hash = 519576e2d7a514ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EA910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12860, handle = 00000176A39C86E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f870555a82cfd42e shader registered for possible reloading: f870555a82cfd42e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EB490, hash = f870555a82cfd42e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EB490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12916, handle = 00000176A3B77E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3859783e8e43c16c shader registered for possible reloading: 3859783e8e43c16c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EB610, hash = 3859783e8e43c16c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EB610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16196, handle = 00000176A3995760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8859854449bc707e shader registered for possible reloading: 8859854449bc707e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EC5D0, hash = 8859854449bc707e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EC5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16252, handle = 00000176A3B7B0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b5b09870569659ab shader registered for possible reloading: b5b09870569659ab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E8510, hash = b5b09870569659ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E8510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14736, handle = 00000176A39CB930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e890659334253ba shader registered for possible reloading: 6e890659334253ba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EC750, hash = 6e890659334253ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EC750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14792, handle = 00000176A3AC0B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21b653389a6961de shader registered for possible reloading: 21b653389a6961de_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95E7B10, hash = 21b653389a6961de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95E7B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14360, handle = 00000176A3B34410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12b780477ef16e03 shader registered for possible reloading: 12b780477ef16e03_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EAA90, hash = 12b780477ef16e03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EAA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14416, handle = 00000176A3B823A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f19772cce0a63ebc shader registered for possible reloading: f19772cce0a63ebc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EB310, hash = f19772cce0a63ebc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EB310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12900, handle = 00000176A3B85C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04a2890df8664286 shader registered for possible reloading: 04a2890df8664286_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EB790, hash = 04a2890df8664286 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EB790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12956, handle = 00000176A39DCC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e564a94ec818d873 shader registered for possible reloading: e564a94ec818d873_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EAC10, hash = e564a94ec818d873 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EAC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12728, handle = 00000176A39925A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c248439fc39a96e shader registered for possible reloading: 0c248439fc39a96e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EAED0, hash = 0c248439fc39a96e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EAED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12784, handle = 00000176A3A153D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95997bd5692850be shader registered for possible reloading: 95997bd5692850be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EBA50, hash = 95997bd5692850be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EBA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11532, handle = 00000176A3A6A440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84ce8c402a4d7e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 84ce8c402a4d7e0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F14D0, hash = 84ce8c402a4d7e0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F14D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11588, handle = 00000176A3AA9BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e4d3bf1f254738e shader registered for possible reloading: 7e4d3bf1f254738e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95ED590, hash = 7e4d3bf1f254738e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95ED590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15268, handle = 00000176A3A30420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72373af3339613e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 72373af3339613e5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F0690, hash = 72373af3339613e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F0690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15324, handle = 00000176A3A2C830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0096926234b3ee05 shader registered for possible reloading: 0096926234b3ee05_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EF250, hash = 0096926234b3ee05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EF250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13488, handle = 00000176A3AD8EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96e4aa91a1a318f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 96e4aa91a1a318f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F0950, hash = 96e4aa91a1a318f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F0950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13544, handle = 00000176A394BB10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39769a6cd697a85b shader registered for possible reloading: 39769a6cd697a85b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EDFD0, hash = 39769a6cd697a85b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EDFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82464, handle = 00000176A3AAC930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32cdd0d2004898cc shader registered for possible reloading: 32cdd0d2004898cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F1390, hash = 32cdd0d2004898cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F1390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82520, handle = 00000176A3A185D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6ff86eeb8dab21b shader registered for possible reloading: d6ff86eeb8dab21b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F0DD0, hash = d6ff86eeb8dab21b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F0DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82428, handle = 00000176A399CDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a9dae6c6f183201 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a9dae6c6f183201_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95ECE90, hash = 2a9dae6c6f183201 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95ECE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82484, handle = 00000176A3B3EDF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94b23e8b6613b2f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 94b23e8b6613b2f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F0250, hash = 94b23e8b6613b2f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F0250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 84312, handle = 00000176A397A1A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db6327bdeb22ed1e shader registered for possible reloading: db6327bdeb22ed1e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F1650, hash = db6327bdeb22ed1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F1650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 84368, handle = 00000176A39B0FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc84a3347bb27218 shader registered for possible reloading: fc84a3347bb27218_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F0510, hash = fc84a3347bb27218 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F0510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 84276, handle = 00000176A3B153E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03fb6f3d88c27c71 shader registered for possible reloading: 03fb6f3d88c27c71_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EF3D0, hash = 03fb6f3d88c27c71 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EF3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 84332, handle = 00000176A3AC4530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a56ecf45d3fe45ee shader registered for possible reloading: a56ecf45d3fe45ee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F1F10, hash = a56ecf45d3fe45ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F1F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82484, handle = 00000176A3B59AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25092e65458652eb shader registered for possible reloading: 25092e65458652eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F1A90, hash = 25092e65458652eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F1A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82560, handle = 00000176A3A3AC80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc317f0f0757011a shader registered for possible reloading: dc317f0f0757011a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95ECFD0, hash = dc317f0f0757011a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95ECFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82448, handle = 00000176A3A8C550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ff0f53cef75e4e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ff0f53cef75e4e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EE590, hash = 6ff0f53cef75e4e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EE590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82524, handle = 00000176A3A6D160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18252d5d8040dc34 shader registered for possible reloading: 18252d5d8040dc34_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F0810, hash = 18252d5d8040dc34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F0810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82500, handle = 00000176A3A4EF10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 895f1da3f43c7b30 shader registered for possible reloading: 895f1da3f43c7b30_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F2610, hash = 895f1da3f43c7b30 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F2610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82556, handle = 00000176A3ADFBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61412a6279b98f6d shader registered for possible reloading: 61412a6279b98f6d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F0AD0, hash = 61412a6279b98f6d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F0AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82464, handle = 00000176A39F6CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0caca993d92f3fce shader registered for possible reloading: 0caca993d92f3fce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F0C50, hash = 0caca993d92f3fce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F0C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82520, handle = 00000176A3B01180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec4769d2eac3d2ee shader registered for possible reloading: ec4769d2eac3d2ee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EF6D0, hash = ec4769d2eac3d2ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EF6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8504, handle = 00000176A3943450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e8d13fd2cc13ea2c shader registered for possible reloading: e8d13fd2cc13ea2c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F00D0, hash = e8d13fd2cc13ea2c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F00D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13588, handle = 00000176A39188F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db059544dd390857 shader registered for possible reloading: db059544dd390857_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F0F10, hash = db059544dd390857 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F0F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10364, handle = 00000176A392BB50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec774d17d8b508dd shader registered for possible reloading: ec774d17d8b508dd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F1090, hash = ec774d17d8b508dd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F1090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10024, handle = 00000176A39318C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7465ec9ccf1ef0e7 shader registered for possible reloading: 7465ec9ccf1ef0e7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EEC90, hash = 7465ec9ccf1ef0e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EEC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8568, handle = 00000176A37F7FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b1c561402e6829f shader registered for possible reloading: 8b1c561402e6829f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EE9D0, hash = 8b1c561402e6829f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EE9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13520, handle = 00000176A392E3E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5689650098dad9e shader registered for possible reloading: a5689650098dad9e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F17D0, hash = a5689650098dad9e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F17D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10432, handle = 00000176A3916020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6f8bd41b0ad8c9f shader registered for possible reloading: f6f8bd41b0ad8c9f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F1210, hash = f6f8bd41b0ad8c9f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F1210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10088, handle = 00000176A3933FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38c8110af9db5471 shader registered for possible reloading: 38c8110af9db5471_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F2350, hash = 38c8110af9db5471 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F2350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9364, handle = 00000176A3901C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba727f77204a886f shader registered for possible reloading: ba727f77204a886f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F1950, hash = ba727f77204a886f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F1950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15328, handle = 00000176A38EF590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41dc2b0975182c5a shader registered for possible reloading: 41dc2b0975182c5a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F1C10, hash = 41dc2b0975182c5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F1C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11284, handle = 00000176A391BE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 389e3fb3bf6ef530 shader registered for possible reloading: 389e3fb3bf6ef530_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EF110, hash = 389e3fb3bf6ef530 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EF110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10848, handle = 00000176A390F940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e3a3ae8db518181 shader registered for possible reloading: 8e3a3ae8db518181_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F1D90, hash = 8e3a3ae8db518181 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F1D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9452, handle = 00000176A3936760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 453f619b149a3d87 shader registered for possible reloading: 453f619b149a3d87_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F2050, hash = 453f619b149a3d87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F2050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15284, handle = 00000176A391EA30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a4b98709421d4f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a4b98709421d4f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EEB50, hash = 0a4b98709421d4f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EEB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11532, handle = 00000176A3925190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b757df3b23cff29 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b757df3b23cff29_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F21D0, hash = 6b757df3b23cff29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F21D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10936, handle = 00000176A3940990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e880ed32fe871c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 5e880ed32fe871c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F24D0, hash = 5e880ed32fe871c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F24D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 504, handle = 00000176A365CB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f385d0403288f79 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f385d0403288f79_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EDB50, hash = 9f385d0403288f79 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EDB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13596, handle = 00000176A39583B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee1491793ee2bb7a shader registered for possible reloading: ee1491793ee2bb7a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95ED150, hash = ee1491793ee2bb7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95ED150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 540, handle = 00000176A31C0B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f2bc978cbd60923 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f2bc978cbd60923_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95ED2D0, hash = 5f2bc978cbd60923 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95ED2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14224, handle = 00000176A395B8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e973b0d40b626eeb shader registered for possible reloading: e973b0d40b626eeb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EFB10, hash = e973b0d40b626eeb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EFB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13620, handle = 00000176A396B350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e3521f7639cc12b shader registered for possible reloading: 1e3521f7639cc12b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95ED710, hash = 1e3521f7639cc12b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95ED710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13608, handle = 00000176A3976C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e37f493872c748b8 shader registered for possible reloading: e37f493872c748b8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EDCD0, hash = e37f493872c748b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EDCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13656, handle = 00000176A3945590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c939799389bad594 shader registered for possible reloading: c939799389bad594_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95ED890, hash = c939799389bad594 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95ED890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13644, handle = 00000176A3951020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e50e8ed3fe896af1 shader registered for possible reloading: e50e8ed3fe896af1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95EDA10, hash = e50e8ed3fe896af1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EDA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6036, handle = 00000176A36FE3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0217866abc973b6 shader registered for possible reloading: d0217866abc973b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EDE50, hash = d0217866abc973b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EDE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7660, handle = 00000176A387E2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c64aebaf58586a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c64aebaf58586a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EE110, hash = 9c64aebaf58586a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EE110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6192, handle = 00000176A3835880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13410f52f7c6dc9 shader registered for possible reloading: c13410f52f7c6dc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EE290, hash = c13410f52f7c6dc9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EE290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7820, handle = 00000176A36D1D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ac404720fd33dbe shader registered for possible reloading: 1ac404720fd33dbe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EE410, hash = 1ac404720fd33dbe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EE410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7440, handle = 00000176A38DD530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ba9c614ae155825 shader registered for possible reloading: 7ba9c614ae155825_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EFC90, hash = 7ba9c614ae155825 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EFC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7600, handle = 00000176A36B04B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6530af2344364160 shader registered for possible reloading: 6530af2344364160_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EE6D0, hash = 6530af2344364160 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EE6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6112, handle = 00000176A38800B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f5030dae0c7abb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f5030dae0c7abb6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EE850, hash = 8f5030dae0c7abb6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EE850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7784, handle = 00000176A381B170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06d33fd2a50657d0 shader registered for possible reloading: 06d33fd2a50657d0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EEE10, hash = 06d33fd2a50657d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EEE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6268, handle = 00000176A38629E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 496233b19ce24b5b shader registered for possible reloading: 496233b19ce24b5b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EEF90, hash = 496233b19ce24b5b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EEF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7944, handle = 00000176A38E4890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 531a5e64d6fdc3ae shader registered for possible reloading: 531a5e64d6fdc3ae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EF810, hash = 531a5e64d6fdc3ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EF810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A38F7A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 216fc476f8ae713a shader registered for possible reloading: 216fc476f8ae713a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EF990, hash = 216fc476f8ae713a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EF990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7676, handle = 00000176A38FB430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73f42dc263983d96 shader registered for possible reloading: 73f42dc263983d96_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EFDD0, hash = 73f42dc263983d96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EFDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7076, handle = 00000176A38231F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 941d47be3d29e6b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 941d47be3d29e6b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95EFF50, hash = 941d47be3d29e6b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95EFF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8892, handle = 00000176A38E9F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78abbf5b4309c92d shader registered for possible reloading: 78abbf5b4309c92d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F73D0, hash = 78abbf5b4309c92d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F73D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8448, handle = 00000176A3853AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 13c1068af9a2c1bd shader registered for possible reloading: 13c1068af9a2c1bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F59D0, hash = 13c1068af9a2c1bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F59D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7152, handle = 00000176A38FD240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78b2bd49291477a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 78b2bd49291477a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F5150, hash = 78b2bd49291477a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F5150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9060, handle = 00000176A3868450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 539c9ec2fe4df0e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 539c9ec2fe4df0e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F4E50, hash = 539c9ec2fe4df0e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8524, handle = 00000176A3848A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b8bfa924dda6ee1 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b8bfa924dda6ee1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F5710, hash = 6b8bfa924dda6ee1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F5710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A36D3C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f shader registered for possible reloading: c0d150d19d87ed2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F3BD0, hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9548, handle = 00000176A3905410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ed2155990b5db5a shader registered for possible reloading: 3ed2155990b5db5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F38D0, hash = 3ed2155990b5db5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F38D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 516, handle = 00000176A3828A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 37dd64e3367209f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F5B50, hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F5B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10244, handle = 00000176A390D130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 988e1274ca2d2917 shader registered for possible reloading: 988e1274ca2d2917_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F6C90, hash = 988e1274ca2d2917 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F6C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11200, handle = 00000176A390A560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45ed6aa8464ac296 shader registered for possible reloading: 45ed6aa8464ac296_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F5890, hash = 45ed6aa8464ac296 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F5890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11236, handle = 00000176A3907970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4e15dca5ed30b18 shader registered for possible reloading: f4e15dca5ed30b18_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F5CD0, hash = f4e15dca5ed30b18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F5CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13312, handle = 00000176A38925F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6e06b546e155e92 shader registered for possible reloading: c6e06b546e155e92_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F6B10, hash = c6e06b546e155e92 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F6B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11200, handle = 00000176A38C0DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 045d4a1d8538d74a shader registered for possible reloading: 045d4a1d8538d74a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F5E50, hash = 045d4a1d8538d74a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F5E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13488, handle = 00000176A38A67A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b6e52068ab2633f shader registered for possible reloading: 5b6e52068ab2633f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F7F50, hash = 5b6e52068ab2633f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F7F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11376, handle = 00000176A38B8C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9e82a357600abbe shader registered for possible reloading: a9e82a357600abbe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F3A50, hash = a9e82a357600abbe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15540, handle = 00000176A3876700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3cd7a5b0ce00cbc shader registered for possible reloading: a3cd7a5b0ce00cbc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F3E90, hash = a3cd7a5b0ce00cbc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13244, handle = 00000176A385C2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 67ee63c57d3f45ba shader registered for possible reloading: 67ee63c57d3f45ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F4190, hash = 67ee63c57d3f45ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A2C51980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F66D0, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F66D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5884, handle = 00000176A384BD80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe4ab97162a46f36 shader registered for possible reloading: fe4ab97162a46f36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F4FD0, hash = fe4ab97162a46f36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A2ED2030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F6110, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F6110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7140, handle = 00000176A3826E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2e277ce05b362fa shader registered for possible reloading: f2e277ce05b362fa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F4010, hash = f2e277ce05b362fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13136, handle = 00000176A385F680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b8369e5bccecfea shader registered for possible reloading: 0b8369e5bccecfea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F7C50, hash = 0b8369e5bccecfea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F7C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13192, handle = 00000176A38CBCE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 432ce5d646f6d3ea shader registered for possible reloading: 432ce5d646f6d3ea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F70D0, hash = 432ce5d646f6d3ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F70D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9340, handle = 00000176A38DB0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 766c23fda9016315 shader registered for possible reloading: 766c23fda9016315_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F5590, hash = 766c23fda9016315 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F5590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9396, handle = 00000176A3816860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0c444710f5f2b49 shader registered for possible reloading: f0c444710f5f2b49_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F3490, hash = f0c444710f5f2b49 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15100, handle = 00000176A38F3F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c153dc50b0cd172 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c153dc50b0cd172_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F4B90, hash = 4c153dc50b0cd172 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15156, handle = 00000176A38D7560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b1a2a1c0e52c84f2 shader registered for possible reloading: b1a2a1c0e52c84f2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F2BD0, hash = b1a2a1c0e52c84f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F2BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11296, handle = 00000176A38E72D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f961c38ba468dd18 shader registered for possible reloading: f961c38ba468dd18_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F6290, hash = f961c38ba468dd18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F6290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11352, handle = 00000176A38D2420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6444dfef8782bd90 shader registered for possible reloading: 6444dfef8782bd90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F45D0, hash = 6444dfef8782bd90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F45D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13160, handle = 00000176A38DF880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55d0667fb15b76a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 55d0667fb15b76a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F6410, hash = 55d0667fb15b76a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F6410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13216, handle = 00000176A38CF070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5df96a27bf93fd64 shader registered for possible reloading: 5df96a27bf93fd64_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F3610, hash = 5df96a27bf93fd64 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9364, handle = 00000176A37766C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4b6fa92b9b424d4 shader registered for possible reloading: a4b6fa92b9b424d4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F7810, hash = a4b6fa92b9b424d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F7810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9420, handle = 00000176A37FBF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4be54336a52ef859 shader registered for possible reloading: 4be54336a52ef859_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F42D0, hash = 4be54336a52ef859 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F42D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13172, handle = 00000176A38EC210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d1476c0ee69e9e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d1476c0ee69e9e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F5F90, hash = 3d1476c0ee69e9e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F5F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13228, handle = 00000176A3865090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b3dbf674b973a0d shader registered for possible reloading: 4b3dbf674b973a0d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F2ED0, hash = 4b3dbf674b973a0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F2ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9376, handle = 00000176A3783CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fdb4e4a0a1bd2a36 shader registered for possible reloading: fdb4e4a0a1bd2a36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F4750, hash = fdb4e4a0a1bd2a36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9432, handle = 00000176A38D5080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a2432b01bcb77d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a2432b01bcb77d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95F6550, hash = 4a2432b01bcb77d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F6550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2316, handle = 00000176A3830D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0a978e07d52be66 shader registered for possible reloading: b0a978e07d52be66_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F7DD0, hash = b0a978e07d52be66 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F7DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7848, handle = 00000176A3859880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9fea3234e8fe58e7 shader registered for possible reloading: 9fea3234e8fe58e7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F4D10, hash = 9fea3234e8fe58e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2480, handle = 00000176A383EF40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53d9be896804d45e shader registered for possible reloading: 53d9be896804d45e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F6850, hash = 53d9be896804d45e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F6850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8008, handle = 00000176A358EA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d58dcf1437d7bd4 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d58dcf1437d7bd4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F4450, hash = 1d58dcf1437d7bd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7356, handle = 00000176A35E1BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8bf1a71b7a3c9a06 shader registered for possible reloading: 8bf1a71b7a3c9a06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F7550, hash = 8bf1a71b7a3c9a06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F7550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A382AAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e746a97c034472a shader registered for possible reloading: 8e746a97c034472a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F8210, hash = 8e746a97c034472a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F8210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2384, handle = 00000176A366A000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09a4431c0183e76e shader registered for possible reloading: 09a4431c0183e76e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F52D0, hash = 09a4431c0183e76e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F52D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7984, handle = 00000176A3841280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 659f59432cdc617d shader registered for possible reloading: 659f59432cdc617d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F69D0, hash = 659f59432cdc617d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F69D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2548, handle = 00000176A3840080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a963f8e35cab5fb shader registered for possible reloading: 4a963f8e35cab5fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F6E10, hash = 4a963f8e35cab5fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F6E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8144, handle = 00000176A34263C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5fe57e5f1ec24f32 shader registered for possible reloading: 5fe57e5f1ec24f32_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F3050, hash = 5fe57e5f1ec24f32 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A383C9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9c2d94401de5393 shader registered for possible reloading: f9c2d94401de5393_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F80D0, hash = f9c2d94401de5393 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F80D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7584, handle = 00000176A3828D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47607f03a7d093ba shader registered for possible reloading: 47607f03a7d093ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F6F90, hash = 47607f03a7d093ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F6F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2340, handle = 00000176A3851560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2da5ff5729ed014f shader registered for possible reloading: 2da5ff5729ed014f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F3750, hash = 2da5ff5729ed014f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2504, handle = 00000176A3837810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8576e8416510c71 shader registered for possible reloading: c8576e8416510c71_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F4890, hash = c8576e8416510c71 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7380, handle = 00000176A3825190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7daf569b72b80f8f shader registered for possible reloading: 7daf569b72b80f8f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F4A10, hash = 7daf569b72b80f8f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F4A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7540, handle = 00000176A38431C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2194d51ce8588a4a shader registered for possible reloading: 2194d51ce8588a4a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F7250, hash = 2194d51ce8588a4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F7250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2408, handle = 00000176A30E1600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70338d4ff6fa508f shader registered for possible reloading: 70338d4ff6fa508f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F5410, hash = 70338d4ff6fa508f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F5410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2572, handle = 00000176A36695E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab0980101d34bd02 shader registered for possible reloading: ab0980101d34bd02_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F7690, hash = ab0980101d34bd02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F7690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176A38381E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b15eeb026b1accf6 shader registered for possible reloading: b15eeb026b1accf6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F7990, hash = b15eeb026b1accf6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F7990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7608, handle = 00000176A3844F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6712a59bac622aa6 shader registered for possible reloading: 6712a59bac622aa6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F8390, hash = 6712a59bac622aa6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F8390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2036, handle = 00000176A3840A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4700c083261c86d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 4700c083261c86d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F2910, hash = 4700c083261c86d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F2910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7580, handle = 00000176A3626130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cc303edb30008fc shader registered for possible reloading: 1cc303edb30008fc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F3190, hash = 1cc303edb30008fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2200, handle = 00000176A38156D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2da8da7f0264f646 shader registered for possible reloading: 2da8da7f0264f646_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F7B10, hash = 2da8da7f0264f646 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F7B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7740, handle = 00000176A382C840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89c8b4ded3e15942 shader registered for possible reloading: 89c8b4ded3e15942_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F2A90, hash = 89c8b4ded3e15942 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F2A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A37FA290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70536724aaa59b38 shader registered for possible reloading: 70536724aaa59b38_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F2D50, hash = 70536724aaa59b38 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F2D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7520, handle = 00000176A3833B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a62e51892782226 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a62e51892782226_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F3310, hash = 8a62e51892782226 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2112, handle = 00000176A383E6F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c90d0631e89e4594 shader registered for possible reloading: c90d0631e89e4594_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F3D10, hash = c90d0631e89e4594 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F3D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7704, handle = 00000176A36D3ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6713614e3145d43e shader registered for possible reloading: 6713614e3145d43e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FDE10, hash = 6713614e3145d43e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FDE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2276, handle = 00000176A3815F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80c23122ebb53402 shader registered for possible reloading: 80c23122ebb53402_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F9910, hash = 80c23122ebb53402 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F9910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7864, handle = 00000176A38579C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e83aa68a8715ccfe shader registered for possible reloading: e83aa68a8715ccfe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F8D90, hash = e83aa68a8715ccfe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F8D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7436, handle = 00000176A380ED80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b57c876c748642b shader registered for possible reloading: 5b57c876c748642b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FD410, hash = 5b57c876c748642b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FD410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7596, handle = 00000176A3855C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 965dd586b18c1b8a shader registered for possible reloading: 965dd586b18c1b8a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FA350, hash = 965dd586b18c1b8a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FA350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1912, handle = 00000176A383F900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 150f2b90c790d68d shader registered for possible reloading: 150f2b90c790d68d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FD150, hash = 150f2b90c790d68d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FD150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 00000176A3725F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 946f697c44880455 shader registered for possible reloading: 946f697c44880455_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FD290, hash = 946f697c44880455 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FD290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7236, handle = 00000176A36FC7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43ed911d685c7df0 shader registered for possible reloading: 43ed911d685c7df0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FDF90, hash = 43ed911d685c7df0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FDF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7396, handle = 00000176A3734AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c5441161e93a1a0 shader registered for possible reloading: 6c5441161e93a1a0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F9350, hash = 6c5441161e93a1a0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F9350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1912, handle = 00000176A3201F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eea8a4f8792c4a24 shader registered for possible reloading: eea8a4f8792c4a24_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FD9D0, hash = eea8a4f8792c4a24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FD9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 00000176A35C98E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d539119082743820 shader registered for possible reloading: d539119082743820_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FBA50, hash = d539119082743820 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FBA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7236, handle = 00000176A3851E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f63650da03837dbb shader registered for possible reloading: f63650da03837dbb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FAD50, hash = f63650da03837dbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FAD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7396, handle = 00000176A35A0080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f40e99fef5223cd shader registered for possible reloading: 4f40e99fef5223cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FD590, hash = 4f40e99fef5223cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FD590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2032, handle = 00000176A382FA20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81f50e214c288097 shader registered for possible reloading: 81f50e214c288097_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FD710, hash = 81f50e214c288097 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FD710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2196, handle = 00000176A3833270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 591652f97bdfacaa shader registered for possible reloading: 591652f97bdfacaa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F9D90, hash = 591652f97bdfacaa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F9D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7356, handle = 00000176A37EF210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0da6a86e97cbd13e shader registered for possible reloading: 0da6a86e97cbd13e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F8510, hash = 0da6a86e97cbd13e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F8510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A3724190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5f5517574ffee76 shader registered for possible reloading: e5f5517574ffee76_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FB490, hash = e5f5517574ffee76 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FB490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2056, handle = 00000176A36F22C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a33a4aa6f0881de shader registered for possible reloading: 4a33a4aa6f0881de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F8C50, hash = 4a33a4aa6f0881de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F8C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2220, handle = 00000176A34283A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd9606013992f94 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd9606013992f94_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FAA50, hash = 4fd9606013992f94 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FAA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7380, handle = 00000176A36F05E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7244ad3fe733263 shader registered for possible reloading: d7244ad3fe733263_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F8690, hash = d7244ad3fe733263 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F8690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7540, handle = 00000176A380D000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cbcaa778e251ffff shader registered for possible reloading: cbcaa778e251ffff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FB5D0, hash = cbcaa778e251ffff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FB5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2032, handle = 00000176A35909E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2abf46d1a8a8603e shader registered for possible reloading: 2abf46d1a8a8603e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F87D0, hash = 2abf46d1a8a8603e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F87D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2196, handle = 00000176A382F180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccce0796a6eadae5 shader registered for possible reloading: ccce0796a6eadae5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F8950, hash = ccce0796a6eadae5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F8950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7356, handle = 00000176A38074E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53ebea6a2fa4a320 shader registered for possible reloading: 53ebea6a2fa4a320_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FA490, hash = 53ebea6a2fa4a320 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FA490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A3846D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39ae8c765581858d shader registered for possible reloading: 39ae8c765581858d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F8AD0, hash = 39ae8c765581858d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F8AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1880, handle = 00000176A1696080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa6c793f924b04df shader registered for possible reloading: aa6c793f924b04df_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F8F10, hash = aa6c793f924b04df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F8F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2044, handle = 00000176A384DAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a664cbeba795ede shader registered for possible reloading: 7a664cbeba795ede_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F9090, hash = 7a664cbeba795ede returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F9090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7204, handle = 00000176A3831640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55135c88f6566afe shader registered for possible reloading: 55135c88f6566afe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F9210, hash = 55135c88f6566afe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F9210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7364, handle = 00000176A36B8150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5187b97536a77fab shader registered for possible reloading: 5187b97536a77fab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F9ED0, hash = 5187b97536a77fab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F9ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4056, handle = 00000176A37F1E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f218a628ea3d09b8 shader registered for possible reloading: f218a628ea3d09b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FC890, hash = f218a628ea3d09b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FC890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10816, handle = 00000176A381E070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95469d63b5f0bf90 shader registered for possible reloading: 95469d63b5f0bf90_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F94D0, hash = 95469d63b5f0bf90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F94D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9960, handle = 00000176A3717600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35d62368f1221c10 shader registered for possible reloading: 35d62368f1221c10_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FA610, hash = 35d62368f1221c10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FA610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4124, handle = 00000176A381D040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 680d5dca1a355699 shader registered for possible reloading: 680d5dca1a355699_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F9650, hash = 680d5dca1a355699 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F9650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10968, handle = 00000176A3839F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd99449be9602795 shader registered for possible reloading: bd99449be9602795_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F97D0, hash = bd99449be9602795 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F97D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10028, handle = 00000176A3802A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 091d3593844539f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 091d3593844539f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FAED0, hash = 091d3593844539f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FAED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4080, handle = 00000176A3696930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74bd9b9fba0b8b20 shader registered for possible reloading: 74bd9b9fba0b8b20_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F9A90, hash = 74bd9b9fba0b8b20 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F9A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10824, handle = 00000176A369BE70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ee8998c647d4734 shader registered for possible reloading: 7ee8998c647d4734_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FDCD0, hash = 7ee8998c647d4734 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FDCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9984, handle = 00000176A3810AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96def90f9f9cdffb shader registered for possible reloading: 96def90f9f9cdffb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FCCD0, hash = 96def90f9f9cdffb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FCCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4148, handle = 00000176A3850520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51befc2c0c0752c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 51befc2c0c0752c5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FD850, hash = 51befc2c0c0752c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FD850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10976, handle = 00000176A37F2E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = daec8dddc3ccf15e shader registered for possible reloading: daec8dddc3ccf15e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95F9C10, hash = daec8dddc3ccf15e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95F9C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10052, handle = 00000176A36AB1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6e3ca7c46ebb65d shader registered for possible reloading: d6e3ca7c46ebb65d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FBB90, hash = d6e3ca7c46ebb65d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FBB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3248, handle = 00000176A35A1D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7676ecdc1e1b8799 shader registered for possible reloading: 7676ecdc1e1b8799_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FA050, hash = 7676ecdc1e1b8799 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FA050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9856, handle = 00000176A37F5920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b7a67c05b8465df shader registered for possible reloading: 9b7a67c05b8465df_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FA910, hash = 9b7a67c05b8465df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FA910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9412, handle = 00000176A380A150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba5b5a7e497d3ac8 shader registered for possible reloading: ba5b5a7e497d3ac8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FB8D0, hash = ba5b5a7e497d3ac8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FB8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3324, handle = 00000176A36A6E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0852209c99ce311 shader registered for possible reloading: f0852209c99ce311_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FDB50, hash = f0852209c99ce311 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FDB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10024, handle = 00000176A3820AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 399dcaae7dd313d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 399dcaae7dd313d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FA1D0, hash = 399dcaae7dd313d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FA1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9488, handle = 00000176A38131B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ca41a53e203ef91 shader registered for possible reloading: 5ca41a53e203ef91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FBD10, hash = 5ca41a53e203ef91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FBD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2624, handle = 00000176A3627EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61a3e789ca3a7d51 shader registered for possible reloading: 61a3e789ca3a7d51_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FA790, hash = 61a3e789ca3a7d51 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FA790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8788, handle = 00000176A38007B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33130cb6ce109d1a shader registered for possible reloading: 33130cb6ce109d1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FABD0, hash = 33130cb6ce109d1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FABD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2660, handle = 00000176A36D5CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94a17215b537a80c shader registered for possible reloading: 94a17215b537a80c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FCB90, hash = 94a17215b537a80c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FCB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8824, handle = 00000176A37FE530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 527cb0340bdeded2 shader registered for possible reloading: 527cb0340bdeded2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FB310, hash = 527cb0340bdeded2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FB310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2904, handle = 00000176A3700380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f2473ecaccf2bfa shader registered for possible reloading: 4f2473ecaccf2bfa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FB010, hash = 4f2473ecaccf2bfa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FB010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9068, handle = 00000176A349BE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c930a708d0ef56d shader registered for possible reloading: 6c930a708d0ef56d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FB190, hash = 6c930a708d0ef56d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FB190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2928, handle = 00000176A385B730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6078d412702d1282 shader registered for possible reloading: 6078d412702d1282_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FBE90, hash = 6078d412702d1282 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FBE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9092, handle = 00000176A3805150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3eeb5f5c41e4f75d shader registered for possible reloading: 3eeb5f5c41e4f75d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FC010, hash = 3eeb5f5c41e4f75d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FC010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2852, handle = 00000176A35E3880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e2fc5199064d335 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e2fc5199064d335_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FCE50, hash = 0e2fc5199064d335 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FCE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9016, handle = 00000176A3818E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a39b341f6ab512c shader registered for possible reloading: 7a39b341f6ab512c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FB750, hash = 7a39b341f6ab512c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FB750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2592, handle = 00000176A349E1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dfe8edbd2b55e553 shader registered for possible reloading: dfe8edbd2b55e553_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FC150, hash = dfe8edbd2b55e553 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FC150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8756, handle = 00000176A384E2E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51b3bcc6bc23c524 shader registered for possible reloading: 51b3bcc6bc23c524_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FC2D0, hash = 51b3bcc6bc23c524 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FC2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A35EF9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95FC450, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FC450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13976, handle = 00000176A38B15E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57f976efa91d9631 shader registered for possible reloading: 57f976efa91d9631_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95FC5D0, hash = 57f976efa91d9631 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FC5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A35A2A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95FC710, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FC710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14604, handle = 00000176A387A990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af82ac2baa67fd1f shader registered for possible reloading: af82ac2baa67fd1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95FCA10, hash = af82ac2baa67fd1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FCA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15732, handle = 00000176A3882170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e373114b04e26a5f shader registered for possible reloading: e373114b04e26a5f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96028D0, hash = e373114b04e26a5f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96028D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15788, handle = 00000176A388A560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7390892da11b620 shader registered for possible reloading: f7390892da11b620_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96011D0, hash = f7390892da11b620 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96011D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14220, handle = 00000176A386F7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d2539c8e5a09688 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d2539c8e5a09688_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95FEE10, hash = 7d2539c8e5a09688 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FEE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14276, handle = 00000176A38AA620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9f3f47e1d0295c1 shader registered for possible reloading: a9f3f47e1d0295c1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95FE290, hash = a9f3f47e1d0295c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FE290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17032, handle = 00000176A389E800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 142b283b486f52a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 142b283b486f52a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95FE990, hash = 142b283b486f52a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FE990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17088, handle = 00000176A388E320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bae1ae4c1de1e48 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bae1ae4c1de1e48_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9602D50, hash = 1bae1ae4c1de1e48 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9602D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15560, handle = 00000176A386BAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4bd452d465702b10 shader registered for possible reloading: 4bd452d465702b10_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9603750, hash = 4bd452d465702b10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15616, handle = 00000176A38A2A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ffeb175eda35441 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ffeb175eda35441_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95FFAD0, hash = 8ffeb175eda35441 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FFAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16296, handle = 00000176A38BCE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8adc5d1659ec799b shader registered for possible reloading: 8adc5d1659ec799b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9603310, hash = 8adc5d1659ec799b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16352, handle = 00000176A389A810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90193cf3c7c7d4ef shader registered for possible reloading: 90193cf3c7c7d4ef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A95FE550, hash = 90193cf3c7c7d4ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FE550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14256, handle = 00000176A3872F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8249beb54673d40 shader registered for possible reloading: b8249beb54673d40_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9601350, hash = b8249beb54673d40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9601350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14312, handle = 00000176A38ADDF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98b532ca6d2392fd shader registered for possible reloading: 98b532ca6d2392fd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96007D0, hash = 98b532ca6d2392fd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96007D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17960, handle = 00000176A38C5030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3bfc38d37d730343 shader registered for possible reloading: 3bfc38d37d730343_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9603A10, hash = 3bfc38d37d730343 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18016, handle = 00000176A3885EF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abb821718f63002f shader registered for possible reloading: abb821718f63002f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9600650, hash = abb821718f63002f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9600650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16192, handle = 00000176A38968C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c63c3949bc9cb491 shader registered for possible reloading: c63c3949bc9cb491_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9602BD0, hash = c63c3949bc9cb491 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9602BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16248, handle = 00000176A38B4C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 284ac6cd802c6d6c shader registered for possible reloading: 284ac6cd802c6d6c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9600950, hash = 284ac6cd802c6d6c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9600950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3644, handle = 00000176A34C3DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62745bd802b58348 shader registered for possible reloading: 62745bd802b58348_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FE850, hash = 62745bd802b58348 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FE850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9344, handle = 00000176A3581DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec1acb4ea798654e shader registered for possible reloading: ec1acb4ea798654e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FF0D0, hash = ec1acb4ea798654e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FF0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8680, handle = 00000176A369E8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f57a0cb31e4d553b shader registered for possible reloading: f57a0cb31e4d553b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9601090, hash = f57a0cb31e4d553b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9601090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3712, handle = 00000176A35F5BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f10b4edbf462c84e shader registered for possible reloading: f10b4edbf462c84e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9601A90, hash = f10b4edbf462c84e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9601A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9480, handle = 00000176A36CD5F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4d852c6f92f53f1 shader registered for possible reloading: a4d852c6f92f53f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FE6D0, hash = a4d852c6f92f53f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FE6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8748, handle = 00000176A35962F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 846956819af4c1e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 846956819af4c1e8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9602310, hash = 846956819af4c1e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9602310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3668, handle = 00000176A35FC1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3ae3827e5f509f2 shader registered for possible reloading: e3ae3827e5f509f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9603190, hash = e3ae3827e5f509f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8704, handle = 00000176A36CA290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e7442b4a2da7b6e shader registered for possible reloading: 0e7442b4a2da7b6e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FE110, hash = 0e7442b4a2da7b6e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FE110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3736, handle = 00000176A36A5FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 10f9c0e6088b72a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 10f9c0e6088b72a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FEB10, hash = 10f9c0e6088b72a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FEB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8772, handle = 00000176A35ED790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d765b3402dd59181 shader registered for possible reloading: d765b3402dd59181_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9600390, hash = d765b3402dd59181 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9600390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3476, handle = 00000176A35D4610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29f026d51628d74b shader registered for possible reloading: 29f026d51628d74b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FFF50, hash = 29f026d51628d74b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FFF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9100, handle = 00000176A36BABD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a608fa0432a182cb shader registered for possible reloading: a608fa0432a182cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FEC90, hash = a608fa0432a182cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FEC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8796, handle = 00000176A36CFB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41bca01616ad0717 shader registered for possible reloading: 41bca01616ad0717_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96021D0, hash = 41bca01616ad0717 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96021D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3440, handle = 00000176A36D9880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ff42caae6b6d794 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ff42caae6b6d794_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9601ED0, hash = 2ff42caae6b6d794 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9601ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9216, handle = 00000176A35FE460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3e86bd0d7d3c701 shader registered for possible reloading: b3e86bd0d7d3c701_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9600090, hash = b3e86bd0d7d3c701 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9600090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8760, handle = 00000176A3586780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8fc4f9335d04f311 shader registered for possible reloading: 8fc4f9335d04f311_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FE3D0, hash = 8fc4f9335d04f311 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FE3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5220, handle = 00000176A34ABB40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a62f6fee3bc25a8f shader registered for possible reloading: a62f6fee3bc25a8f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96038D0, hash = a62f6fee3bc25a8f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96038D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5220, handle = 00000176A366A9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1d6f0b71ebf0990 shader registered for possible reloading: e1d6f0b71ebf0990_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96035D0, hash = e1d6f0b71ebf0990 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96035D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12152, handle = 00000176A3698EF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45883cd44da1a607 shader registered for possible reloading: 45883cd44da1a607_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9601790, hash = 45883cd44da1a607 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9601790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12152, handle = 00000176A36A8250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c59570b6d6dcfac6 shader registered for possible reloading: c59570b6d6dcfac6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9600AD0, hash = c59570b6d6dcfac6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9600AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11124, handle = 00000176A3689DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f1fc6ba142b6011 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f1fc6ba142b6011_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9603B90, hash = 2f1fc6ba142b6011 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11124, handle = 00000176A36C1020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bbe1980586e7193 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bbe1980586e7193_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9603450, hash = 9bbe1980586e7193 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5288, handle = 00000176A362CEF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 911a5dae4e734a7a shader registered for possible reloading: 911a5dae4e734a7a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FF250, hash = 911a5dae4e734a7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FF250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5288, handle = 00000176A36A4B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09b6fdf74d3cf9ce shader registered for possible reloading: 09b6fdf74d3cf9ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FFDD0, hash = 09b6fdf74d3cf9ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FFDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12304, handle = 00000176A36336D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad7b190810036dcf shader registered for possible reloading: ad7b190810036dcf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9602610, hash = ad7b190810036dcf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9602610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12304, handle = 00000176A35C5730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d2d4698b6b30a28 shader registered for possible reloading: 9d2d4698b6b30a28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FF3D0, hash = 9d2d4698b6b30a28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FF3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11192, handle = 00000176A34BBFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4089b3840480a7e shader registered for possible reloading: f4089b3840480a7e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FF510, hash = f4089b3840480a7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FF510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11192, handle = 00000176A360CA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28a4f5fc5322c698 shader registered for possible reloading: 28a4f5fc5322c698_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9600C10, hash = 28a4f5fc5322c698 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9600C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5244, handle = 00000176A36B6CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90942864872704d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 90942864872704d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9602490, hash = 90942864872704d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9602490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5244, handle = 00000176A36A3680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6588ffc7464c3eab shader registered for possible reloading: 6588ffc7464c3eab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9602790, hash = 6588ffc7464c3eab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9602790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12160, handle = 00000176A3643140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa5e6984212c7124 shader registered for possible reloading: aa5e6984212c7124_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96014D0, hash = aa5e6984212c7124 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96014D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12160, handle = 00000176A35D1680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8261fbbd8d4289b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8261fbbd8d4289b2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FF690, hash = 8261fbbd8d4289b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FF690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11148, handle = 00000176A36A0AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 240b5e489555e852 shader registered for possible reloading: 240b5e489555e852_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FF810, hash = 240b5e489555e852 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FF810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11148, handle = 00000176A3680940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8ad8372ee64d320 shader registered for possible reloading: b8ad8372ee64d320_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9602E90, hash = b8ad8372ee64d320 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9602E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5312, handle = 00000176A35CD980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6dfdb6234ffea8d2 shader registered for possible reloading: 6dfdb6234ffea8d2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9603010, hash = 6dfdb6234ffea8d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5312, handle = 00000176A36B57F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3271d7d6b8bb800c shader registered for possible reloading: 3271d7d6b8bb800c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FF990, hash = 3271d7d6b8bb800c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FF990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12312, handle = 00000176A36665C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7b87ad01ecce8e6 shader registered for possible reloading: e7b87ad01ecce8e6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9602A50, hash = e7b87ad01ecce8e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9602A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12312, handle = 00000176A3693910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f5eebdb806ea2bd shader registered for possible reloading: 7f5eebdb806ea2bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9600D90, hash = 7f5eebdb806ea2bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9600D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11216, handle = 00000176A36C76B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90d020ab686e7fff shader registered for possible reloading: 90d020ab686e7fff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9600F10, hash = 90d020ab686e7fff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9600F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11216, handle = 00000176A3659F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c271458b9aab6b4 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c271458b9aab6b4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9601650, hash = 4c271458b9aab6b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9601650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4500, handle = 00000176A35D7E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e619a90b630dd0ab shader registered for possible reloading: e619a90b630dd0ab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A95FFC50, hash = e619a90b630dd0ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A95FFC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4500, handle = 00000176A362E3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60e7381c2909d651 shader registered for possible reloading: 60e7381c2909d651_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9601910, hash = 60e7381c2909d651 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9601910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11108, handle = 00000176A36B2C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b10e1e9be9272308 shader registered for possible reloading: b10e1e9be9272308_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9604CD0, hash = b10e1e9be9272308 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11108, handle = 00000176A36AD940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f57bf7578d59117b shader registered for possible reloading: f57bf7578d59117b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9608090, hash = f57bf7578d59117b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9608090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10664, handle = 00000176A3670BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8d73f342c5072a24 shader registered for possible reloading: 8d73f342c5072a24_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9605410, hash = 8d73f342c5072a24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9605410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10664, handle = 00000176A36758D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 961db12624e0c18e shader registered for possible reloading: 961db12624e0c18e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9606250, hash = 961db12624e0c18e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9606250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4488, handle = 00000176A3697D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f30f94603b05aea1 shader registered for possible reloading: f30f94603b05aea1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9604890, hash = f30f94603b05aea1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4488, handle = 00000176A35C8750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3caa41c3d97e034f shader registered for possible reloading: 3caa41c3d97e034f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9605110, hash = 3caa41c3d97e034f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9605110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11356, handle = 00000176A36BE3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 343d3f3643abdd7d shader registered for possible reloading: 343d3f3643abdd7d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9607510, hash = 343d3f3643abdd7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11356, handle = 00000176A36D6C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d5a12bb52a9af20 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d5a12bb52a9af20_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9608950, hash = 3d5a12bb52a9af20 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9608950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10652, handle = 00000176A36C3BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f423750860cf26aa shader registered for possible reloading: f423750860cf26aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96066D0, hash = f423750860cf26aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96066D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10652, handle = 00000176A34B3210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 106163a53c6c4383 shader registered for possible reloading: 106163a53c6c4383_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9607690, hash = 106163a53c6c4383 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 536, handle = 00000176A338FA70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f18cceebe41ee69 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f18cceebe41ee69_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9608650, hash = 3f18cceebe41ee69 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9608650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6616, handle = 00000176A3700F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02b98aab3b9781a0 shader registered for possible reloading: 02b98aab3b9781a0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9609050, hash = 02b98aab3b9781a0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9609050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 572, handle = 00000176A35F6A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 359dd266f62a2fb2 shader registered for possible reloading: 359dd266f62a2fb2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96094D0, hash = 359dd266f62a2fb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96094D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8244, handle = 00000176A373BCE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f90b6be55b8d50ac shader registered for possible reloading: f90b6be55b8d50ac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9606810, hash = f90b6be55b8d50ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9606810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12020, handle = 00000176A37E2DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34241ab7b0926592 shader registered for possible reloading: 34241ab7b0926592_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9607AD0, hash = 34241ab7b0926592 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12076, handle = 00000176A37CCD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ea0fdfbdd2c2d70 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ea0fdfbdd2c2d70_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9606110, hash = 2ea0fdfbdd2c2d70 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9606110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9992, handle = 00000176A3788990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ceafa81dd1fd0a01 shader registered for possible reloading: ceafa81dd1fd0a01_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9606C90, hash = ceafa81dd1fd0a01 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9606C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10048, handle = 00000176A3786240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07cdc8af5f4909af shader registered for possible reloading: 07cdc8af5f4909af_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9608A90, hash = 07cdc8af5f4909af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9608A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10628, handle = 00000176A36F6CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 907a76c4808b347c shader registered for possible reloading: 907a76c4808b347c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96063D0, hash = 907a76c4808b347c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96063D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10684, handle = 00000176A379B5F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4697b89f89a702d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 4697b89f89a702d5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9606DD0, hash = 4697b89f89a702d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9606DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8612, handle = 00000176A37EC210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1297bb46da3b8e15 shader registered for possible reloading: 1297bb46da3b8e15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9607250, hash = 1297bb46da3b8e15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8668, handle = 00000176A3747850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d36e373e00920af shader registered for possible reloading: 3d36e373e00920af_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9603E90, hash = 3d36e373e00920af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19900, handle = 00000176A372B420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72149b84330cc3ee shader registered for possible reloading: 72149b84330cc3ee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9605590, hash = 72149b84330cc3ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9605590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19956, handle = 00000176A3793E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ee916aca7b06acf shader registered for possible reloading: 8ee916aca7b06acf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9604FD0, hash = 8ee916aca7b06acf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17816, handle = 00000176A37C3EF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 64727f4cfacb9399 shader registered for possible reloading: 64727f4cfacb9399_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9605290, hash = 64727f4cfacb9399 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9605290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17872, handle = 00000176A3707610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20c1af223a44e106 shader registered for possible reloading: 20c1af223a44e106_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9606B10, hash = 20c1af223a44e106 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9606B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18512, handle = 00000176A370ED20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16549cc88435f554 shader registered for possible reloading: 16549cc88435f554_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9607950, hash = 16549cc88435f554 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18568, handle = 00000176A37C8490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22c7f20f605cfefe shader registered for possible reloading: 22c7f20f605cfefe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9608390, hash = 22c7f20f605cfefe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9608390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16460, handle = 00000176A37638D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b66812f822509f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b66812f822509f9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9607810, hash = 3b66812f822509f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16516, handle = 00000176A36F2C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20d73ffd2463df94 shader registered for possible reloading: 20d73ffd2463df94_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9608C10, hash = 20d73ffd2463df94 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9608C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13116, handle = 00000176A37E8EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84630896b604de9c shader registered for possible reloading: 84630896b604de9c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9606990, hash = 84630896b604de9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9606990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13172, handle = 00000176A36ED260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2cf356b7d809122 shader registered for possible reloading: f2cf356b7d809122_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96056D0, hash = f2cf356b7d809122 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96056D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11356, handle = 00000176A36DD510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfe6402c626a6ca6 shader registered for possible reloading: cfe6402c626a6ca6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96070D0, hash = cfe6402c626a6ca6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96070D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11412, handle = 00000176A37C1250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb6f66bb76f87889 shader registered for possible reloading: fb6f66bb76f87889_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96059D0, hash = fb6f66bb76f87889 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96059D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11724, handle = 00000176A37E0010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75e9eed4f18c38b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 75e9eed4f18c38b8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9608D90, hash = 75e9eed4f18c38b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9608D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11780, handle = 00000176A37538A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abdbcf50479f5dc4 shader registered for possible reloading: abdbcf50479f5dc4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9606F50, hash = abdbcf50479f5dc4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9606F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9964, handle = 00000176A37301F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a23d8e252743e952 shader registered for possible reloading: a23d8e252743e952_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9609610, hash = a23d8e252743e952 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9609610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10020, handle = 00000176A37BEB20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98a53ba0a15ba09b shader registered for possible reloading: 98a53ba0a15ba09b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9607C50, hash = 98a53ba0a15ba09b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20984, handle = 00000176A37AD0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c0c5b9da73670bc shader registered for possible reloading: 5c0c5b9da73670bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9607390, hash = 5c0c5b9da73670bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21040, handle = 00000176A377EA70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4bb8638b411e074 shader registered for possible reloading: e4bb8638b411e074_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9607F10, hash = e4bb8638b411e074 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19144, handle = 00000176A37566B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8dd46e170f04654a shader registered for possible reloading: 8dd46e170f04654a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9605C90, hash = 8dd46e170f04654a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9605C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19200, handle = 00000176A37B22E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0392ce24288f070f shader registered for possible reloading: 0392ce24288f070f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9607DD0, hash = 0392ce24288f070f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9607DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19596, handle = 00000176A3702970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f0dc1f75bc1ca52 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f0dc1f75bc1ca52_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9608210, hash = 3f0dc1f75bc1ca52 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9608210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19652, handle = 00000176A3726750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a58acd29a127227 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a58acd29a127227_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9605B50, hash = 9a58acd29a127227 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9605B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17756, handle = 00000176A37432E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 338529a058249f08 shader registered for possible reloading: 338529a058249f08_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96084D0, hash = 338529a058249f08 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96084D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17812, handle = 00000176A36E8CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aecd765cb3ba1f3c shader registered for possible reloading: aecd765cb3ba1f3c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96087D0, hash = aecd765cb3ba1f3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96087D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12584, handle = 00000176A370BBF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3262f318d4336006 shader registered for possible reloading: 3262f318d4336006_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9605E10, hash = 3262f318d4336006 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9605E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12640, handle = 00000176A36F9630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cca582b5e6e9acbb shader registered for possible reloading: cca582b5e6e9acbb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9604B50, hash = cca582b5e6e9acbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10028, handle = 00000176A3751160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b24297bfa7e14bc2 shader registered for possible reloading: b24297bfa7e14bc2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9609790, hash = b24297bfa7e14bc2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9609790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10084, handle = 00000176A377C300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5751874d867645ac shader registered for possible reloading: 5751874d867645ac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9605F90, hash = 5751874d867645ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9605F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11196, handle = 00000176A379DFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c2a853936bd58893 shader registered for possible reloading: c2a853936bd58893_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96042D0, hash = c2a853936bd58893 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96042D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11252, handle = 00000176A3773AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5eed37150ffdce96 shader registered for possible reloading: 5eed37150ffdce96_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96091D0, hash = 5eed37150ffdce96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96091D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8648, handle = 00000176A37328F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 505d8cde06ae8a4e shader registered for possible reloading: 505d8cde06ae8a4e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9608F10, hash = 505d8cde06ae8a4e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9608F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8704, handle = 00000176A37A0B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f68f9bea6e803a35 shader registered for possible reloading: f68f9bea6e803a35_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9606550, hash = f68f9bea6e803a35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9606550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20464, handle = 00000176A3736CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40b07e305b7a859d shader registered for possible reloading: 40b07e305b7a859d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9609350, hash = 40b07e305b7a859d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9609350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20520, handle = 00000176A371A0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1ae83f154f68bbf shader registered for possible reloading: f1ae83f154f68bbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9603D10, hash = f1ae83f154f68bbf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17852, handle = 00000176A378B0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 66992f42b415168b shader registered for possible reloading: 66992f42b415168b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9603FD0, hash = 66992f42b415168b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9603FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17908, handle = 00000176A37BA520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8714b734dc7f41b shader registered for possible reloading: a8714b734dc7f41b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9604150, hash = a8714b734dc7f41b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19076, handle = 00000176A36E0180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5776ba83dbc72b9d shader registered for possible reloading: 5776ba83dbc72b9d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9604450, hash = 5776ba83dbc72b9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19132, handle = 00000176A376A810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f94e1a0f7ca8c35 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f94e1a0f7ca8c35_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9604590, hash = 9f94e1a0f7ca8c35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16496, handle = 00000176A3713580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b2dd6f354329aa7 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b2dd6f354329aa7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9604710, hash = 8b2dd6f354329aa7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16552, handle = 00000176A36E4C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c7b32bfe4311af0 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c7b32bfe4311af0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9604A10, hash = 7c7b32bfe4311af0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14064, handle = 00000176A37601D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3b91834d3a307bc shader registered for possible reloading: b3b91834d3a307bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9604E50, hash = b3b91834d3a307bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9604E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14112, handle = 00000176A37B6DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc62bbc933a39294 shader registered for possible reloading: fc62bbc933a39294_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960F0D0, hash = fc62bbc933a39294 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960F0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11984, handle = 00000176A3767930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5333cdac2ca07c27 shader registered for possible reloading: 5333cdac2ca07c27_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960D290, hash = 5333cdac2ca07c27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960D290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12040, handle = 00000176A36DA600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b83d5b0a1b63668 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b83d5b0a1b63668_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960D550, hash = 2b83d5b0a1b63668 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960D550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12676, handle = 00000176A3779170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a0d3532444b2222 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a0d3532444b2222_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960D6D0, hash = 4a0d3532444b2222 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960D6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12732, handle = 00000176A37E5CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab30ad5ec100f449 shader registered for possible reloading: ab30ad5ec100f449_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960D110, hash = ab30ad5ec100f449 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960D110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10592, handle = 00000176A3798C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9cc60cd2247abcb9 shader registered for possible reloading: 9cc60cd2247abcb9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960CCD0, hash = 9cc60cd2247abcb9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960CCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10648, handle = 00000176A374E7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2506508bfa3c59f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 2506508bfa3c59f1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960CE50, hash = 2506508bfa3c59f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960CE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21932, handle = 00000176A373DD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b4d3c02ea0c2316 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b4d3c02ea0c2316_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960E3D0, hash = 7b4d3c02ea0c2316 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960E3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21988, handle = 00000176A37A2DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e73c9d157c9fc72c shader registered for possible reloading: e73c9d157c9fc72c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960F210, hash = e73c9d157c9fc72c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960F210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19772, handle = 00000176A37A8390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9e99e1132cc99578 shader registered for possible reloading: 9e99e1132cc99578_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960B450, hash = 9e99e1132cc99578 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960B450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19828, handle = 00000176A3749A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a26c7a8fd0df8329 shader registered for possible reloading: a26c7a8fd0df8329_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960EC50, hash = a26c7a8fd0df8329 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960EC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20544, handle = 00000176A375B180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72799609341f5d7 shader registered for possible reloading: c72799609341f5d7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960EF50, hash = c72799609341f5d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960EF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20600, handle = 00000176A371F110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5fca56340bf7de4f shader registered for possible reloading: 5fca56340bf7de4f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9609910, hash = 5fca56340bf7de4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9609910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18384, handle = 00000176A376F2E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46c71f199095a748 shader registered for possible reloading: 46c71f199095a748_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9609A90, hash = 46c71f199095a748 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9609A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18440, handle = 00000176A378F670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d49929b2c075762 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d49929b2c075762_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A960B5D0, hash = 2d49929b2c075762 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960B5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5404, handle = 00000176A36321A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7cf3e2973358e231 shader registered for possible reloading: 7cf3e2973358e231_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960CF90, hash = 7cf3e2973358e231 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960CF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11152, handle = 00000176A36009E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7aa50a983a18d9d shader registered for possible reloading: f7aa50a983a18d9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960C590, hash = f7aa50a983a18d9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960C590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10404, handle = 00000176A3640890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a65052aa6f54c0b shader registered for possible reloading: 2a65052aa6f54c0b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9609BD0, hash = 2a65052aa6f54c0b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9609BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5452, handle = 00000176A35E5B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a6456931cfd5711 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a6456931cfd5711_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960BD10, hash = 9a6456931cfd5711 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960BD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11164, handle = 00000176A35F6CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5d869916d35fa05 shader registered for possible reloading: f5d869916d35fa05_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960DF90, hash = f5d869916d35fa05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960DF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10452, handle = 00000176A35E7090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92684bc2c42cc1e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 92684bc2c42cc1e8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960E690, hash = 92684bc2c42cc1e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960E690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5428, handle = 00000176A35CC440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f04e8873324398cb shader registered for possible reloading: f04e8873324398cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9609ED0, hash = f04e8873324398cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9609ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11160, handle = 00000176A363B1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8722a953d0e1a278 shader registered for possible reloading: 8722a953d0e1a278_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960C150, hash = 8722a953d0e1a278 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960C150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10428, handle = 00000176A35F2360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0252cd907778608d shader registered for possible reloading: 0252cd907778608d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960B750, hash = 0252cd907778608d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960B750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5476, handle = 00000176A35D9110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1297d1cd28f0e3e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 1297d1cd28f0e3e4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960E810, hash = 1297d1cd28f0e3e4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960E810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11172, handle = 00000176A35DF000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b591b499e88bdf83 shader registered for possible reloading: b591b499e88bdf83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960E990, hash = b591b499e88bdf83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960E990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10476, handle = 00000176A34A1A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 215f95f8f65432e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 215f95f8f65432e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960BA10, hash = 215f95f8f65432e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960BA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4740, handle = 00000176A35CB1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a05f876307dd3a77 shader registered for possible reloading: a05f876307dd3a77_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960E0D0, hash = a05f876307dd3a77 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960E0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10468, handle = 00000176A357C910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a27d2bfcb119731 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a27d2bfcb119731_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960A310, hash = 2a27d2bfcb119731 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960A310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10024, handle = 00000176A35CEF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0bf4a8ea6960228d shader registered for possible reloading: 0bf4a8ea6960228d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960B2D0, hash = 0bf4a8ea6960228d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960B2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4716, handle = 00000176A3200CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56dd56f006d0b910 shader registered for possible reloading: 56dd56f006d0b910_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960D850, hash = 56dd56f006d0b910 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960D850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A35F9870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4bb747a28492aa86 shader registered for possible reloading: 4bb747a28492aa86_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960AD10, hash = 4bb747a28492aa86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960AD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10000, handle = 00000176A35EFC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a16903192876944 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a16903192876944_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960D9D0, hash = 6a16903192876944 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960D9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4000, handle = 00000176A3636C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f313fd57f980f98d shader registered for possible reloading: f313fd57f980f98d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960BB90, hash = f313fd57f980f98d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960BB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9284, handle = 00000176A35DCBB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9d2ea29dccda8a2 shader registered for possible reloading: e9d2ea29dccda8a2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960DB10, hash = e9d2ea29dccda8a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960DB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4024, handle = 00000176A362BF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e071993fb82414d4 shader registered for possible reloading: e071993fb82414d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960AA50, hash = e071993fb82414d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960AA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9308, handle = 00000176A35BE150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3161c4d4bc17e410 shader registered for possible reloading: 3161c4d4bc17e410_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960BE50, hash = 3161c4d4bc17e410 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960BE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4216, handle = 00000176A360A4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7197235dbeae1d0b shader registered for possible reloading: 7197235dbeae1d0b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960A050, hash = 7197235dbeae1d0b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960A050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A3591220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04a2c8ec34b3595a shader registered for possible reloading: 04a2c8ec34b3595a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960BFD0, hash = 04a2c8ec34b3595a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960BFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4240, handle = 00000176A3428CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 889f0545b5c51074 shader registered for possible reloading: 889f0545b5c51074_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960DC90, hash = 889f0545b5c51074 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960DC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9524, handle = 00000176A3584240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0cfbdc40e1b371d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 0cfbdc40e1b371d3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960C410, hash = 0cfbdc40e1b371d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960C410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4216, handle = 00000176A362AEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 258f45fba6ff06be shader registered for possible reloading: 258f45fba6ff06be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960A490, hash = 258f45fba6ff06be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960A490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A3638C90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43136fc0e6755652 shader registered for possible reloading: 43136fc0e6755652_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960ABD0, hash = 43136fc0e6755652 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960ABD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3968, handle = 00000176A360F650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 343adfbb69bbe72a shader registered for possible reloading: 343adfbb69bbe72a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960DE10, hash = 343adfbb69bbe72a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960DE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9252, handle = 00000176A35B2CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca2905526e63c807 shader registered for possible reloading: ca2905526e63c807_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960EB10, hash = ca2905526e63c807 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960EB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5632, handle = 00000176A35B16E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e6607c8282243b57 shader registered for possible reloading: e6607c8282243b57_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960A610, hash = e6607c8282243b57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960A610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12488, handle = 00000176A36073E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a923b3830b7bd9a7 shader registered for possible reloading: a923b3830b7bd9a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960A750, hash = a923b3830b7bd9a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960A750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11536, handle = 00000176A36105E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7b938838501beec shader registered for possible reloading: f7b938838501beec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960AE90, hash = f7b938838501beec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960AE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5680, handle = 00000176A35E44F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ba629411dc11ddc shader registered for possible reloading: 1ba629411dc11ddc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9614850, hash = 1ba629411dc11ddc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12500, handle = 00000176A358B9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caea677a23811a2c shader registered for possible reloading: caea677a23811a2c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96149D0, hash = caea677a23811a2c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96149D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11584, handle = 00000176A35AE990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02a7cb69589623f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 02a7cb69589623f4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960FD90, hash = 02a7cb69589623f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960FD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5656, handle = 00000176A34856D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 338247e9a63dffee shader registered for possible reloading: 338247e9a63dffee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9610650, hash = 338247e9a63dffee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9610650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12496, handle = 00000176A34CAFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75f4ab595a23177d shader registered for possible reloading: 75f4ab595a23177d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9612E90, hash = 75f4ab595a23177d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9612E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11560, handle = 00000176A3618330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b1f7d4d2044be03a shader registered for possible reloading: b1f7d4d2044be03a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9611910, hash = b1f7d4d2044be03a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5704, handle = 00000176A338E420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 505aaf085b484526 shader registered for possible reloading: 505aaf085b484526_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9611BD0, hash = 505aaf085b484526 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12508, handle = 00000176A35AA340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a3fcfc90949a110 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a3fcfc90949a110_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9610C10, hash = 9a3fcfc90949a110 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9610C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11608, handle = 00000176A35BB3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a780fe1ecfbced7 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a780fe1ecfbced7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9614B50, hash = 8a780fe1ecfbced7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4904, handle = 00000176A3621420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2739cece102a6af6 shader registered for possible reloading: 2739cece102a6af6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613E50, hash = 2739cece102a6af6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11512, handle = 00000176A35C05C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0318752ce37f5f3 shader registered for possible reloading: b0318752ce37f5f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9611D50, hash = b0318752ce37f5f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11040, handle = 00000176A363DD60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abc475b611100dda shader registered for possible reloading: abc475b611100dda_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9611790, hash = abc475b611100dda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4880, handle = 00000176A33FA6A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a4aabfa5fb48c2e shader registered for possible reloading: 3a4aabfa5fb48c2e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9611610, hash = 3a4aabfa5fb48c2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11584, handle = 00000176A35B86A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9f54a9876327d77 shader registered for possible reloading: c9f54a9876327d77_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613FD0, hash = c9f54a9876327d77 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11016, handle = 00000176A361B060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d27d7a261e1fb84 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d27d7a261e1fb84_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9614590, hash = 0d27d7a261e1fb84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4164, handle = 00000176A36250E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caa739a888af73a9 shader registered for possible reloading: caa739a888af73a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9612310, hash = caa739a888af73a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9612310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10328, handle = 00000176A35A2C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82231240a0f1b0c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 82231240a0f1b0c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96111D0, hash = 82231240a0f1b0c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96111D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4188, handle = 00000176A36203B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08144bb78209ba8f shader registered for possible reloading: 08144bb78209ba8f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9612D10, hash = 08144bb78209ba8f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9612D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10352, handle = 00000176A357A090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 070a304fe4d450e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 070a304fe4d450e4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9612190, hash = 070a304fe4d450e4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9612190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4432, handle = 00000176A2DF2A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de86463a2213694f shader registered for possible reloading: de86463a2213694f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9614CD0, hash = de86463a2213694f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10596, handle = 00000176A362F830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4c3a1cbaf54576a shader registered for possible reloading: f4c3a1cbaf54576a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613A10, hash = f4c3a1cbaf54576a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4456, handle = 00000176A32DCFE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea2faca431edf640 shader registered for possible reloading: ea2faca431edf640_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9612B90, hash = ea2faca431edf640 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9612B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10620, handle = 00000176A3622750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 677fbb0dc94f782b shader registered for possible reloading: 677fbb0dc94f782b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613010, hash = 677fbb0dc94f782b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4380, handle = 00000176A35B5120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba75b78875fce3ae shader registered for possible reloading: ba75b78875fce3ae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9614E10, hash = ba75b78875fce3ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10544, handle = 00000176A35A7A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3cd0886415a8c3ce shader registered for possible reloading: 3cd0886415a8c3ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613150, hash = 3cd0886415a8c3ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4132, handle = 00000176A35CA180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b652fec93c4c182 shader registered for possible reloading: 5b652fec93c4c182_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960FAD0, hash = 5b652fec93c4c182 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960FAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10296, handle = 00000176A361DB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06f3d7ce0908d613 shader registered for possible reloading: 06f3d7ce0908d613_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9614150, hash = 06f3d7ce0908d613 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5404, handle = 00000176A360B530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de949090e6fc3d1d shader registered for possible reloading: de949090e6fc3d1d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9612490, hash = de949090e6fc3d1d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9612490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11152, handle = 00000176A35EABF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 455ac4b7c5ea64fb shader registered for possible reloading: 455ac4b7c5ea64fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960F690, hash = 455ac4b7c5ea64fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960F690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10404, handle = 00000176A3589100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94c269073569be88 shader registered for possible reloading: 94c269073569be88_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96125D0, hash = 94c269073569be88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96125D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5452, handle = 00000176A35AD430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a108e18169e23a59 shader registered for possible reloading: a108e18169e23a59_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9614410, hash = a108e18169e23a59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11164, handle = 00000176A357F200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ab5f23c1bcd2f44 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ab5f23c1bcd2f44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96132D0, hash = 8ab5f23c1bcd2f44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96132D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10452, handle = 00000176A34BEBC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0cb1834ff6ee265a shader registered for possible reloading: 0cb1834ff6ee265a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613450, hash = 0cb1834ff6ee265a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5428, handle = 00000176A2F542D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4bccd3d5ce835d66 shader registered for possible reloading: 4bccd3d5ce835d66_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9614F90, hash = 4bccd3d5ce835d66 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11160, handle = 00000176A3593750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e71afb864a17beb3 shader registered for possible reloading: e71afb864a17beb3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9610A90, hash = e71afb864a17beb3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9610A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10428, handle = 00000176A35D5550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 866014c7f5a74084 shader registered for possible reloading: 866014c7f5a74084_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960F7D0, hash = 866014c7f5a74084 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960F7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5476, handle = 00000176A3605E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8ccb0864cbe02bb shader registered for possible reloading: c8ccb0864cbe02bb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960F510, hash = c8ccb0864cbe02bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960F510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11172, handle = 00000176A359ADB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bef4d21fbc4e42f7 shader registered for possible reloading: bef4d21fbc4e42f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9612750, hash = bef4d21fbc4e42f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9612750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10476, handle = 00000176A3615A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bdf2c75579708fbd shader registered for possible reloading: bdf2c75579708fbd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9614710, hash = bdf2c75579708fbd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4740, handle = 00000176A35FD1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 932a688d68d87119 shader registered for possible reloading: 932a688d68d87119_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9611A50, hash = 932a688d68d87119 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10468, handle = 00000176A3603580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d6c2ef25571474d shader registered for possible reloading: 1d6c2ef25571474d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9610D90, hash = 1d6c2ef25571474d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9610D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10024, handle = 00000176A3613300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3694b6f1a37b1817 shader registered for possible reloading: 3694b6f1a37b1817_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613B90, hash = 3694b6f1a37b1817 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4716, handle = 00000176A35E9970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08b18c5fdc3e60d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 08b18c5fdc3e60d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960F950, hash = 08b18c5fdc3e60d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960F950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A34C14A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb439b4c4e258fa9 shader registered for possible reloading: fb439b4c4e258fa9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96135D0, hash = fb439b4c4e258fa9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96135D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10000, handle = 00000176A359D960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3482136e26cd1d1 shader registered for possible reloading: a3482136e26cd1d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9610210, hash = a3482136e26cd1d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9610210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4000, handle = 00000176A35F4C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fcf59713e58cf2be shader registered for possible reloading: fcf59713e58cf2be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96128D0, hash = fcf59713e58cf2be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96128D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9284, handle = 00000176A35B6250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73729a99389c3992 shader registered for possible reloading: 73729a99389c3992_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960FC50, hash = 73729a99389c3992 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960FC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4024, handle = 00000176A339C140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d280abe3f0b80eb8 shader registered for possible reloading: d280abe3f0b80eb8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A960FF10, hash = d280abe3f0b80eb8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A960FF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9308, handle = 00000176A35C32C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7f67c475107c08f shader registered for possible reloading: d7f67c475107c08f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9610090, hash = d7f67c475107c08f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9610090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4216, handle = 00000176A3637C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 00dadf520fbba83d shader registered for possible reloading: 00dadf520fbba83d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9611ED0, hash = 00dadf520fbba83d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A35DA680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2360e79c9c95ff28 shader registered for possible reloading: 2360e79c9c95ff28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613710, hash = 2360e79c9c95ff28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4240, handle = 00000176A343F1F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03353195e6ae5dbd shader registered for possible reloading: 03353195e6ae5dbd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9612A50, hash = 03353195e6ae5dbd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9612A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9524, handle = 00000176A3598870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7876572147fca3ae shader registered for possible reloading: 7876572147fca3ae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9612010, hash = 7876572147fca3ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9612010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4216, handle = 00000176A355D0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3db92b1a8c4f33d shader registered for possible reloading: b3db92b1a8c4f33d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613890, hash = b3db92b1a8c4f33d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A35A54D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85e1b554ae51ee5c shader registered for possible reloading: 85e1b554ae51ee5c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9613CD0, hash = 85e1b554ae51ee5c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9613CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3968, handle = 00000176A31AB360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a01eddb6069f33f2 shader registered for possible reloading: a01eddb6069f33f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9610ED0, hash = a01eddb6069f33f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9610ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9252, handle = 00000176A3628A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2dd85058cf57e6de shader registered for possible reloading: 2dd85058cf57e6de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9611050, hash = 2dd85058cf57e6de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 608, handle = 00000176A2F55810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 520c55e93fb875d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9614290, hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9614290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8824, handle = 00000176A368F3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c42299238d59addd shader registered for possible reloading: c42299238d59addd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9610350, hash = c42299238d59addd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9610350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8880, handle = 00000176A3664300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6663ad9739d5d80f shader registered for possible reloading: 6663ad9739d5d80f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96104D0, hash = 6663ad9739d5d80f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96104D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 644, handle = 00000176A2DC0B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8592ee068f0e4db1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9611350, hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9452, handle = 00000176A3683810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fb267166c8d6ce3 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fb267166c8d6ce3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96107D0, hash = 4fb267166c8d6ce3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96107D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9508, handle = 00000176A3661DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c56fab083a0c901b shader registered for possible reloading: c56fab083a0c901b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9611490, hash = c56fab083a0c901b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9611490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A365CF10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae83128a7634731a shader registered for possible reloading: ae83128a7634731a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96191D0, hash = ae83128a7634731a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96191D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10596, handle = 00000176A366C210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0be061c890afaecb shader registered for possible reloading: 0be061c890afaecb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9615290, hash = 0be061c890afaecb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9615290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8192, handle = 00000176A364F990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5bc4d9eca6c3077 shader registered for possible reloading: e5bc4d9eca6c3077_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9619310, hash = e5bc4d9eca6c3077 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9619310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8248, handle = 00000176A366EB80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f371474671977cba shader registered for possible reloading: f371474671977cba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9615B10, hash = f371474671977cba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9615B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11068, handle = 00000176A367DDF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f96c9978bf2a25d shader registered for possible reloading: 2f96c9978bf2a25d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9618090, hash = 2f96c9978bf2a25d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9618090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11124, handle = 00000176A3654500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 075a59687d3ce9fa shader registered for possible reloading: 075a59687d3ce9fa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961A5D0, hash = 075a59687d3ce9fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961A5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9580, handle = 00000176A365F850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 346eae905208902e shader registered for possible reloading: 346eae905208902e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961A010, hash = 346eae905208902e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961A010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9636, handle = 00000176A36488C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b31fac45bab546ae shader registered for possible reloading: b31fac45bab546ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9617090, hash = b31fac45bab546ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11036, handle = 00000176A3678370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2920c741b67f9df5 shader registered for possible reloading: 2920c741b67f9df5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9615110, hash = 2920c741b67f9df5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9615110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11092, handle = 00000176A36519A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39545db783cc510d shader registered for possible reloading: 39545db783cc510d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9616DD0, hash = 39545db783cc510d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9616DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8228, handle = 00000176A3687D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53b2000b56763904 shader registered for possible reloading: 53b2000b56763904_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9617C10, hash = 53b2000b56763904 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8284, handle = 00000176A3685D10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d70f74054716678 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d70f74054716678_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96153D0, hash = 2d70f74054716678 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96153D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12036, handle = 00000176A3657080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b12330dc595593e shader registered for possible reloading: 7b12330dc595593e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9616C50, hash = 7b12330dc595593e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9616C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12092, handle = 00000176A367AEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e39d6861622d6bb8 shader registered for possible reloading: e39d6861622d6bb8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9618910, hash = e39d6861622d6bb8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9618910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10208, handle = 00000176A368CBB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48dcf82797a7f123 shader registered for possible reloading: 48dcf82797a7f123_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9615550, hash = 48dcf82797a7f123 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9615550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10264, handle = 00000176A364AE70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d186e8a3de5c8ff shader registered for possible reloading: 6d186e8a3de5c8ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961A450, hash = 6d186e8a3de5c8ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961A450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8892, handle = 00000176A36465F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36753d0c3c06b81a shader registered for possible reloading: 36753d0c3c06b81a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9619490, hash = 36753d0c3c06b81a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9619490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8948, handle = 00000176A364D690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca56b382c8a128a1 shader registered for possible reloading: ca56b382c8a128a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961AB90, hash = ca56b382c8a128a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961AB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8928, handle = 00000176A3691620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0e68d9f695e9d02 shader registered for possible reloading: c0e68d9f695e9d02_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9616690, hash = c0e68d9f695e9d02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9616690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8984, handle = 00000176A36735B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8544932c2e51f92e shader registered for possible reloading: 8544932c2e51f92e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9619D50, hash = 8544932c2e51f92e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9619D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12280, handle = 00000176A34233C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c97e2e70bb846bbf shader registered for possible reloading: c97e2e70bb846bbf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9618C10, hash = c97e2e70bb846bbf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9618C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10988, handle = 00000176A34F7600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c01f278016e12b31 shader registered for possible reloading: c01f278016e12b31_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9619050, hash = c01f278016e12b31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9619050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12328, handle = 00000176A3561540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3370065bdec745a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3370065bdec745a5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961A750, hash = 3370065bdec745a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961A750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11044, handle = 00000176A3434810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb2928a76efeb4be shader registered for possible reloading: eb2928a76efeb4be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96156D0, hash = eb2928a76efeb4be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96156D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13208, handle = 00000176A3559D10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 797ee92bd4290783 shader registered for possible reloading: 797ee92bd4290783_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9615990, hash = 797ee92bd4290783 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9615990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11424, handle = 00000176A347B370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bbb272ffe93865f1 shader registered for possible reloading: bbb272ffe93865f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961A8D0, hash = bbb272ffe93865f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961A8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A34A4680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9615E10, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9615E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7220, handle = 00000176A3564570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 334a2a25ceadd683 shader registered for possible reloading: 334a2a25ceadd683_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9618D50, hash = 334a2a25ceadd683 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9618D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A2E78EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9616810, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9616810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7848, handle = 00000176A3475910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0597873b3946aa5c shader registered for possible reloading: 0597873b3946aa5c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9615850, hash = 0597873b3946aa5c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9615850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8024, handle = 00000176A34CE3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75c34242dc7cb140 shader registered for possible reloading: 75c34242dc7cb140_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9615C90, hash = 75c34242dc7cb140 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9615C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8060, handle = 00000176A34EE5D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bee50a4baff917cc shader registered for possible reloading: bee50a4baff917cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9617AD0, hash = bee50a4baff917cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 00000176A3481340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a34d1cfde46f98ff shader registered for possible reloading: a34d1cfde46f98ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9617650, hash = a34d1cfde46f98ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15164, handle = 00000176A3467AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f5c565d97157f55 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f5c565d97157f55_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9618ED0, hash = 5f5c565d97157f55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9618ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17452, handle = 00000176A34A7700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 986418821ad12d74 shader registered for possible reloading: 986418821ad12d74_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9619610, hash = 986418821ad12d74 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9619610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15340, handle = 00000176A342D650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39d4d15723737d38 shader registered for possible reloading: 39d4d15723737d38_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9617510, hash = 39d4d15723737d38 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18948, handle = 00000176A31FC2A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6340be268019a749 shader registered for possible reloading: 6340be268019a749_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9615F50, hash = 6340be268019a749 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9615F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17208, handle = 00000176A3528D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2de0e5abadbc1205 shader registered for possible reloading: 2de0e5abadbc1205_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96160D0, hash = 2de0e5abadbc1205 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96160D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A312FC00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96177D0, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96177D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5884, handle = 00000176A3445AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe4ab97162a46f36 shader registered for possible reloading: fe4ab97162a46f36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9616250, hash = fe4ab97162a46f36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9616250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A28EC280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96163D0, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96163D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6984, handle = 00000176A343D6A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 664895d0b979b7ac shader registered for possible reloading: 664895d0b979b7ac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9619790, hash = 664895d0b979b7ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9619790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12112, handle = 00000176A3388320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75e3cb841689f83e shader registered for possible reloading: 75e3cb841689f83e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9616510, hash = 75e3cb841689f83e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9616510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12112, handle = 00000176A346F430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 134d7e8dc935ebf7 shader registered for possible reloading: 134d7e8dc935ebf7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9616F50, hash = 134d7e8dc935ebf7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9616F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13284, handle = 00000176A352D060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a86d3a1d149b4fe shader registered for possible reloading: 4a86d3a1d149b4fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9616990, hash = 4a86d3a1d149b4fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9616990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13284, handle = 00000176A3419980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bdf6505b47c52e2 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bdf6505b47c52e2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9617390, hash = 1bdf6505b47c52e2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13284, handle = 00000176A34EB1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31de426967399d29 shader registered for possible reloading: 31de426967399d29_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9619E90, hash = 31de426967399d29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9619E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13284, handle = 00000176A331C420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96033458a12e141b shader registered for possible reloading: 96033458a12e141b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9616AD0, hash = 96033458a12e141b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9616AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12148, handle = 00000176A355E5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d592a9c3e6dbc90 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d592a9c3e6dbc90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96198D0, hash = 3d592a9c3e6dbc90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96198D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12148, handle = 00000176A34E8260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad60caf16ad8dcd4 shader registered for possible reloading: ad60caf16ad8dcd4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9617D90, hash = ad60caf16ad8dcd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11692, handle = 00000176A321C110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c617b81418135fb2 shader registered for possible reloading: c617b81418135fb2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9617F10, hash = c617b81418135fb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13416, handle = 00000176A3464640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7860bf6e2e4d6aa4 shader registered for possible reloading: 7860bf6e2e4d6aa4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9617210, hash = 7860bf6e2e4d6aa4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12792, handle = 00000176A3472710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7459ea53f2b62883 shader registered for possible reloading: 7459ea53f2b62883_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9619A50, hash = 7459ea53f2b62883 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9619A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11760, handle = 00000176A34E26C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df33248f0ff1c819 shader registered for possible reloading: df33248f0ff1c819_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96181D0, hash = df33248f0ff1c819 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96181D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13568, handle = 00000176A350F6D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d450db8e45555283 shader registered for possible reloading: d450db8e45555283_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9617950, hash = d450db8e45555283 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9617950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12860, handle = 00000176A3508F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 321031ac739ddac5 shader registered for possible reloading: 321031ac739ddac5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9618350, hash = 321031ac739ddac5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9618350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11716, handle = 00000176A34205F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d90a171ce5f310b6 shader registered for possible reloading: d90a171ce5f310b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96184D0, hash = d90a171ce5f310b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96184D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13424, handle = 00000176A34C7B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8674ec03f983098 shader registered for possible reloading: a8674ec03f983098_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9618650, hash = a8674ec03f983098 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9618650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12816, handle = 00000176A34D34C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af33080bb9296e2b shader registered for possible reloading: af33080bb9296e2b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9619BD0, hash = af33080bb9296e2b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9619BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11784, handle = 00000176A34A48F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8aef5315922a4698 shader registered for possible reloading: 8aef5315922a4698_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961B590, hash = 8aef5315922a4698 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961B590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13576, handle = 00000176A34D9C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59acc93d36380e64 shader registered for possible reloading: 59acc93d36380e64_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961C590, hash = 59acc93d36380e64 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961C590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12884, handle = 00000176A331F980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a083c3039df4ef6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7a083c3039df4ef6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961E810, hash = 7a083c3039df4ef6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961E810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10960, handle = 00000176A33F7BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37fa82afc05e28eb shader registered for possible reloading: 37fa82afc05e28eb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961CC90, hash = 37fa82afc05e28eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961CC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12768, handle = 00000176A3500000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18166367d623222a shader registered for possible reloading: 18166367d623222a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961BCD0, hash = 18166367d623222a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961BCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12344, handle = 00000176A32E4810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd8cb27a1f8042f7 shader registered for possible reloading: bd8cb27a1f8042f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961D3D0, hash = bd8cb27a1f8042f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961D3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11036, handle = 00000176A3399610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2fd477f2d3101944 shader registered for possible reloading: 2fd477f2d3101944_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961FD90, hash = 2fd477f2d3101944 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961FD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12936, handle = 00000176A34AD140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ac27fffccfcfe03 shader registered for possible reloading: 4ac27fffccfcfe03_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961E690, hash = 4ac27fffccfcfe03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961E690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12420, handle = 00000176A34B5BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f59e4d003ada27ea shader registered for possible reloading: f59e4d003ada27ea_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961E950, hash = f59e4d003ada27ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961E950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10316, handle = 00000176A3512BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae46a2d696f10409 shader registered for possible reloading: ae46a2d696f10409_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961DF50, hash = ae46a2d696f10409 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961DF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11700, handle = 00000176A3319660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81d856f55811a501 shader registered for possible reloading: 81d856f55811a501_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961E510, hash = 81d856f55811a501 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961E510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10352, handle = 00000176A31A8AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db77e60d29c97269 shader registered for possible reloading: db77e60d29c97269_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961B710, hash = db77e60d29c97269 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961B710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11736, handle = 00000176A343A8C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d9f1dc8739ee653a shader registered for possible reloading: d9f1dc8739ee653a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961FA90, hash = d9f1dc8739ee653a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961FA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10544, handle = 00000176A34DD110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84f74cbe307710ed shader registered for possible reloading: 84f74cbe307710ed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961CF90, hash = 84f74cbe307710ed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961CF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11928, handle = 00000176A338B580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b15b8550b54bdbcb shader registered for possible reloading: b15b8550b54bdbcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961BA10, hash = b15b8550b54bdbcb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961BA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10568, handle = 00000176A34404D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 739d1e75e6e1601a shader registered for possible reloading: 739d1e75e6e1601a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961B2D0, hash = 739d1e75e6e1601a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961B2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11952, handle = 00000176A3498F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c029908e084dd1df shader registered for possible reloading: c029908e084dd1df_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961AE90, hash = c029908e084dd1df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961AE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10544, handle = 00000176A34FA140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f6e259bb0f3d013 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f6e259bb0f3d013_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961EF10, hash = 3f6e259bb0f3d013 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961EF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11928, handle = 00000176A3416AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5371eb7d38fa7b2 shader registered for possible reloading: e5371eb7d38fa7b2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961DC90, hash = e5371eb7d38fa7b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961DC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10284, handle = 00000176A3496750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f536e0d7cc23b551 shader registered for possible reloading: f536e0d7cc23b551_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961F4D0, hash = f536e0d7cc23b551 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961F4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11668, handle = 00000176A34E54C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9bd3ea7c9f642a6 shader registered for possible reloading: f9bd3ea7c9f642a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961D6D0, hash = f9bd3ea7c9f642a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961D6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12504, handle = 00000176A32E1730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a88ea1cd78a686ee shader registered for possible reloading: a88ea1cd78a686ee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961BB50, hash = a88ea1cd78a686ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961BB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14228, handle = 00000176A3456C50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de05095e1171ec25 shader registered for possible reloading: de05095e1171ec25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961C110, hash = de05095e1171ec25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961C110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13604, handle = 00000176A3437390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c662943069a1f6ee shader registered for possible reloading: c662943069a1f6ee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961EC50, hash = c662943069a1f6ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961EC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12552, handle = 00000176A32D9ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cea074a811181cd0 shader registered for possible reloading: cea074a811181cd0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961B450, hash = cea074a811181cd0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961B450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14240, handle = 00000176A341CE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1c9b79dc2e4d86e shader registered for possible reloading: e1c9b79dc2e4d86e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961BFD0, hash = e1c9b79dc2e4d86e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961BFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13652, handle = 00000176A34F0FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89db61e3795c745d shader registered for possible reloading: 89db61e3795c745d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961AFD0, hash = 89db61e3795c745d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961AFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12528, handle = 00000176A348CD70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3610b3ad83086357 shader registered for possible reloading: 3610b3ad83086357_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961FF10, hash = 3610b3ad83086357 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961FF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14236, handle = 00000176A348FE70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b2694bb9c030008 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b2694bb9c030008_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961DDD0, hash = 4b2694bb9c030008 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961DDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13628, handle = 00000176A30DE0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cadc4031a5a3711 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cadc4031a5a3711_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961F210, hash = 8cadc4031a5a3711 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961F210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12576, handle = 00000176A3493620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ea8c7acfd9b0b40 shader registered for possible reloading: 5ea8c7acfd9b0b40_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961C290, hash = 5ea8c7acfd9b0b40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961C290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14248, handle = 00000176A334C660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e6b88fdd68de59a1 shader registered for possible reloading: e6b88fdd68de59a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961C6D0, hash = e6b88fdd68de59a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961C6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13676, handle = 00000176A34FCA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25500e9a5ad92422 shader registered for possible reloading: 25500e9a5ad92422_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961C410, hash = 25500e9a5ad92422 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961C410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11772, handle = 00000176A349EC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b966601a81d62be1 shader registered for possible reloading: b966601a81d62be1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961C850, hash = b966601a81d62be1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961C850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13580, handle = 00000176A34D66E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27f666fdb8a504c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 27f666fdb8a504c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961C9D0, hash = 27f666fdb8a504c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961C9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13156, handle = 00000176A34B8C50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91a66a1d3d41dea1 shader registered for possible reloading: 91a66a1d3d41dea1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961EAD0, hash = 91a66a1d3d41dea1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961EAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11828, handle = 00000176A34B03D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be7534e2b1b0a671 shader registered for possible reloading: be7534e2b1b0a671_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961B890, hash = be7534e2b1b0a671 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961B890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13580, handle = 00000176A350C1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d1e99e7a84c53bc shader registered for possible reloading: 7d1e99e7a84c53bc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961EDD0, hash = 7d1e99e7a84c53bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961EDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13212, handle = 00000176A3486E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9473ab023f65b034 shader registered for possible reloading: 9473ab023f65b034_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961CB50, hash = 9473ab023f65b034 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961CB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11128, handle = 00000176A34D0940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 79fe423013776550 shader registered for possible reloading: 79fe423013776550_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961F090, hash = 79fe423013776550 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961F090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12492, handle = 00000176A34F4520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8de78c323675089c shader registered for possible reloading: 8de78c323675089c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961F390, hash = 8de78c323675089c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961F390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11164, handle = 00000176A34C4F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85216bf231c1680c shader registered for possible reloading: 85216bf231c1680c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961F650, hash = 85216bf231c1680c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961F650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12528, handle = 00000176A3505E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0673ecc7e8b11d9e shader registered for possible reloading: 0673ecc7e8b11d9e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9620790, hash = 0673ecc7e8b11d9e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9620790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11356, handle = 00000176A35031F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b8b5672b3232e49 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b8b5672b3232e49_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961CE10, hash = 7b8b5672b3232e49 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961CE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12740, handle = 00000176A34781A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8c89065bfc28c1f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c89065bfc28c1f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961BE50, hash = 8c89065bfc28c1f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961BE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11380, handle = 00000176A3442E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a05123b1240ae15 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a05123b1240ae15_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961F7D0, hash = 4a05123b1240ae15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961F7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12764, handle = 00000176A345DC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6a984d30464e250 shader registered for possible reloading: b6a984d30464e250_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961E390, hash = b6a984d30464e250 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961E390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11356, handle = 00000176A34DFA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72a205e3a3963ef1 shader registered for possible reloading: 72a205e3a3963ef1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961D110, hash = 72a205e3a3963ef1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961D110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12740, handle = 00000176A347E170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2aaa3424adb4260c shader registered for possible reloading: 2aaa3424adb4260c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961F950, hash = 2aaa3424adb4260c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961F950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11096, handle = 00000176A348A210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e1efd4325159b951 shader registered for possible reloading: e1efd4325159b951_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961AD10, hash = e1efd4325159b951 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961AD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12460, handle = 00000176A31D3990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db41c59511c951ca shader registered for possible reloading: db41c59511c951ca_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961D250, hash = db41c59511c951ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961D250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 608, handle = 00000176A3213B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 520c55e93fb875d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961FC10, hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961FC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7104, handle = 00000176A3322BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1245dfeec9edcfa shader registered for possible reloading: f1245dfeec9edcfa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961D550, hash = f1245dfeec9edcfa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961D550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 644, handle = 00000176A2E440B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8592ee068f0e4db1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961D810, hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961D810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8924, handle = 00000176A3544120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44933f954335fb0c shader registered for possible reloading: 44933f954335fb0c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9620050, hash = 44933f954335fb0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9620050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79996, handle = 00000176A3566800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4bdd478b1174fa7e shader registered for possible reloading: 4bdd478b1174fa7e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961E250, hash = 4bdd478b1174fa7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961E250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 80080, handle = 00000176A3515440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cb7026a50b108a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cb7026a50b108a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9620350, hash = 8cb7026a50b108a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9620350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 80032, handle = 00000176A3530870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c92e095c19d8515d shader registered for possible reloading: c92e095c19d8515d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96204D0, hash = c92e095c19d8515d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96204D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 80116, handle = 00000176A3546410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e526792b3592746b shader registered for possible reloading: e526792b3592746b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9620610, hash = e526792b3592746b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9620610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14368, handle = 00000176A319C5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac954d55dccf1168 shader registered for possible reloading: ac954d55dccf1168_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961D990, hash = ac954d55dccf1168 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961D990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12520, handle = 00000176A332D4A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16dc62699346de34 shader registered for possible reloading: 16dc62699346de34_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A961DB10, hash = 16dc62699346de34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961DB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6936, handle = 00000176A3324D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a44e93a3696b1c50 shader registered for possible reloading: a44e93a3696b1c50_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961E0D0, hash = a44e93a3696b1c50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961E0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8876, handle = 00000176A338FCA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c3e4934f4e010c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 0c3e4934f4e010c8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A961B150, hash = 0c3e4934f4e010c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A961B150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8180, handle = 00000176A306C020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c39b7468dc64cf18 shader registered for possible reloading: c39b7468dc64cf18_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9626390, hash = c39b7468dc64cf18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9626390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12112, handle = 00000176A3184FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6ceab94958c32c9 shader registered for possible reloading: b6ceab94958c32c9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9620ED0, hash = b6ceab94958c32c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9620ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12168, handle = 00000176A3450AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3508be195d747855 shader registered for possible reloading: 3508be195d747855_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9623590, hash = 3508be195d747855 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9623590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14052, handle = 00000176A344D3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70931d5321b80f07 shader registered for possible reloading: 70931d5321b80f07_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96232D0, hash = 70931d5321b80f07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96232D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14108, handle = 00000176A346BD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c094b9b3eedf6c86 shader registered for possible reloading: c094b9b3eedf6c86_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9621E90, hash = c094b9b3eedf6c86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13316, handle = 00000176A3449FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fa15ef145fff76c shader registered for possible reloading: 1fa15ef145fff76c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9624550, hash = 1fa15ef145fff76c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9624550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13372, handle = 00000176A345A7F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d31e726f10a7cff7 shader registered for possible reloading: d31e726f10a7cff7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9623890, hash = d31e726f10a7cff7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9623890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6972, handle = 00000176A30E20A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8fabf202775f33c shader registered for possible reloading: d8fabf202775f33c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9621490, hash = d8fabf202775f33c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12740, handle = 00000176A33501C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14f4389c46d34097 shader registered for possible reloading: 14f4389c46d34097_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9625690, hash = 14f4389c46d34097 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9625690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12796, handle = 00000176A3453A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e6cf6f355f63bf33 shader registered for possible reloading: e6cf6f355f63bf33_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96246D0, hash = e6cf6f355f63bf33 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96246D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11732, handle = 00000176A32FBD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d9ddc8ac0f5a125 shader registered for possible reloading: 5d9ddc8ac0f5a125_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9620910, hash = 5d9ddc8ac0f5a125 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9620910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11788, handle = 00000176A33B7A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28168b97d6250894 shader registered for possible reloading: 28168b97d6250894_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9624410, hash = 28168b97d6250894 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9624410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11688, handle = 00000176A3196BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03d07e2a64d6f65d shader registered for possible reloading: 03d07e2a64d6f65d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9622890, hash = 03d07e2a64d6f65d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9622890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11744, handle = 00000176A3359270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9842924b7b9728ec shader registered for possible reloading: 9842924b7b9728ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9624F90, hash = 9842924b7b9728ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9624F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13668, handle = 00000176A34312A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 597fb3a857574793 shader registered for possible reloading: 597fb3a857574793_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9621310, hash = 597fb3a857574793 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13724, handle = 00000176A342A0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f21cce4d51357c4b shader registered for possible reloading: f21cce4d51357c4b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9624E10, hash = f21cce4d51357c4b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9624E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13624, handle = 00000176A31CCD80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 064746bf0ac8fcec shader registered for possible reloading: 064746bf0ac8fcec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9622750, hash = 064746bf0ac8fcec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9622750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13680, handle = 00000176A32DE1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91e0f189d299be4a shader registered for possible reloading: 91e0f189d299be4a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9622D10, hash = 91e0f189d299be4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9622D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12932, handle = 00000176A3313250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 705975dcf3a175a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 705975dcf3a175a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9624290, hash = 705975dcf3a175a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9624290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12988, handle = 00000176A312C930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c756f7994d522893 shader registered for possible reloading: c756f7994d522893_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9624850, hash = c756f7994d522893 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9624850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12888, handle = 00000176A34613E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb9f4054efb20919 shader registered for possible reloading: fb9f4054efb20919_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9625DD0, hash = fb9f4054efb20919 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9625DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12944, handle = 00000176A33A0140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ab810b8024f917f shader registered for possible reloading: 6ab810b8024f917f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96225D0, hash = 6ab810b8024f917f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96225D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11768, handle = 00000176A30C6600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ff0a134cebfca80 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ff0a134cebfca80_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9625B10, hash = 2ff0a134cebfca80 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9625B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11824, handle = 00000176A3229070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a3c21beffe69c4f shader registered for possible reloading: 3a3c21beffe69c4f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9623B50, hash = 3a3c21beffe69c4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9623B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11724, handle = 00000176A34471D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ec90036c09c6b82 shader registered for possible reloading: 5ec90036c09c6b82_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9621610, hash = 5ec90036c09c6b82 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11780, handle = 00000176A33FBA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d82554ee73d3a445 shader registered for possible reloading: d82554ee73d3a445_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96249D0, hash = d82554ee73d3a445 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96249D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13616, handle = 00000176A3155A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad85e775d226ea16 shader registered for possible reloading: ad85e775d226ea16_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9624B10, hash = ad85e775d226ea16 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9624B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12268, handle = 00000176A305F5B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7eed0b00a9e82853 shader registered for possible reloading: 7eed0b00a9e82853_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A96250D0, hash = 7eed0b00a9e82853 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96250D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14664, handle = 00000176A311EAF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91f0ad9a60321072 shader registered for possible reloading: 91f0ad9a60321072_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9621750, hash = 91f0ad9a60321072 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12816, handle = 00000176A315C280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa06f6fb3ce4200a shader registered for possible reloading: fa06f6fb3ce4200a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9622A10, hash = fa06f6fb3ce4200a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9622A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14500, handle = 00000176A3024D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aaec6345edbe3127 shader registered for possible reloading: aaec6345edbe3127_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9625250, hash = aaec6345edbe3127 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9625250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12652, handle = 00000176A3135AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30e0429b24c7398a shader registered for possible reloading: 30e0429b24c7398a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176A9621050, hash = 30e0429b24c7398a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6940, handle = 00000176A31DAA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72ea9f4b60e4c2d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 72ea9f4b60e4c2d5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9621190, hash = 72ea9f4b60e4c2d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8792, handle = 00000176A3211930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d7587e05c290883 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d7587e05c290883_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9625550, hash = 3d7587e05c290883 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9625550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6972, handle = 00000176A3003DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d42141da23355622 shader registered for possible reloading: d42141da23355622_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9622190, hash = d42141da23355622 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9622190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10304, handle = 00000176A319FE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac235188fd724a20 shader registered for possible reloading: ac235188fd724a20_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9622E50, hash = ac235188fd724a20 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9622E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12152, handle = 00000176A33562F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 384a411a7671b2dc shader registered for possible reloading: 384a411a7671b2dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96218D0, hash = 384a411a7671b2dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96218D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10336, handle = 00000176A3141140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6413a9366c8cab63 shader registered for possible reloading: 6413a9366c8cab63_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9622B90, hash = 6413a9366c8cab63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9622B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6976, handle = 00000176A3191BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25c0b4d4dc57c298 shader registered for possible reloading: 25c0b4d4dc57c298_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96222D0, hash = 25c0b4d4dc57c298 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96222D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10932, handle = 00000176A31BE0D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d4f9bd75565ff80 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d4f9bd75565ff80_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9622FD0, hash = 7d4f9bd75565ff80 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9622FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13252, handle = 00000176A322C540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 090e4f77a2788aab shader registered for possible reloading: 090e4f77a2788aab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9623150, hash = 090e4f77a2788aab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9623150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13308, handle = 00000176A31EE570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56da46d0a8354db8 shader registered for possible reloading: 56da46d0a8354db8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9625990, hash = 56da46d0a8354db8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9625990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12036, handle = 00000176A312FDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54b7d4c6e3418d10 shader registered for possible reloading: 54b7d4c6e3418d10_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96253D0, hash = 54b7d4c6e3418d10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96253D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12092, handle = 00000176A3316710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f147c441a31d5f6e shader registered for possible reloading: f147c441a31d5f6e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9621A50, hash = f147c441a31d5f6e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15060, handle = 00000176A32A6A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3374f738d091b229 shader registered for possible reloading: 3374f738d091b229_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9620D50, hash = 3374f738d091b229 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9620D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15116, handle = 00000176A3326A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ddf4472c72d6b7a shader registered for possible reloading: 3ddf4472c72d6b7a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9625810, hash = 3ddf4472c72d6b7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9625810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13844, handle = 00000176A33D22B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26d2cb8f25eac4a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 26d2cb8f25eac4a5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9620A90, hash = 26d2cb8f25eac4a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9620A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13900, handle = 00000176A3079ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bdc18151eebae217 shader registered for possible reloading: bdc18151eebae217_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9623410, hash = bdc18151eebae217 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9623410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13284, handle = 00000176A33F0D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5a469c059b55d78f shader registered for possible reloading: 5a469c059b55d78f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9625C50, hash = 5a469c059b55d78f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9625C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13340, handle = 00000176A33305A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ee5ac0aeb94001a shader registered for possible reloading: 7ee5ac0aeb94001a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9623E50, hash = 7ee5ac0aeb94001a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9623E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12068, handle = 00000176A332A570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed7272298407cdc9 shader registered for possible reloading: ed7272298407cdc9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9621BD0, hash = ed7272298407cdc9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12124, handle = 00000176A33CF340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9052bc19a72fc3bd shader registered for possible reloading: 9052bc19a72fc3bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9621D10, hash = 9052bc19a72fc3bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9621D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14872, handle = 00000176A33D58D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af511b9034142485 shader registered for possible reloading: af511b9034142485_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9625F50, hash = af511b9034142485 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9625F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14928, handle = 00000176A33F4160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b92ad22ebd989175 shader registered for possible reloading: b92ad22ebd989175_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9623710, hash = b92ad22ebd989175 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9623710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13400, handle = 00000176A30F80B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1582d072d00b9345 shader registered for possible reloading: 1582d072d00b9345_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96260D0, hash = 1582d072d00b9345 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96260D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13456, handle = 00000176A31D75A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 10d7e7f3f362e4ed shader registered for possible reloading: 10d7e7f3f362e4ed_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9622010, hash = 10d7e7f3f362e4ed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9622010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16680, handle = 00000176A3348530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b48dba8ba038950 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b48dba8ba038950_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9626210, hash = 9b48dba8ba038950 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9626210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16736, handle = 00000176A318DA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 985c4f163418319e shader registered for possible reloading: 985c4f163418319e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96239D0, hash = 985c4f163418319e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96239D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15208, handle = 00000176A3395AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3abb9fad26ea4786 shader registered for possible reloading: 3abb9fad26ea4786_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9620BD0, hash = 3abb9fad26ea4786 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9620BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15264, handle = 00000176A320DD80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d208f68c39ca3690 shader registered for possible reloading: d208f68c39ca3690_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9623CD0, hash = d208f68c39ca3690 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9623CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14904, handle = 00000176A32C2040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 388723a5bad0e893 shader registered for possible reloading: 388723a5bad0e893_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9623F90, hash = 388723a5bad0e893 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9623F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14960, handle = 00000176A3392020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db4d5a004a9195db shader registered for possible reloading: db4d5a004a9195db_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9626AD0, hash = db4d5a004a9195db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9626AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13432, handle = 00000176A3225BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0958804f75c72e94 shader registered for possible reloading: 0958804f75c72e94_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9626F10, hash = 0958804f75c72e94 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9626F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13488, handle = 00000176A30C3140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f5d0ed65a0671ca shader registered for possible reloading: 6f5d0ed65a0671ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96267D0, hash = 6f5d0ed65a0671ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96267D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13816, handle = 00000176A31D0390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea31e900e867f977 shader registered for possible reloading: ea31e900e867f977_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9626690, hash = ea31e900e867f977 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9626690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13872, handle = 00000176A33ED730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 822731985ce4df8a shader registered for possible reloading: 822731985ce4df8a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9626510, hash = 822731985ce4df8a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9626510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12072, handle = 00000176A33533C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ddf31e1c6b0debe3 shader registered for possible reloading: ddf31e1c6b0debe3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9627350, hash = ddf31e1c6b0debe3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9627350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12128, handle = 00000176A339D1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d78b6d28ef5f237a shader registered for possible reloading: d78b6d28ef5f237a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9627090, hash = d78b6d28ef5f237a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9627090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15792, handle = 00000176A3221E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f88dad6ebfb62435 shader registered for possible reloading: f88dad6ebfb62435_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9626950, hash = f88dad6ebfb62435 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9626950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15848, handle = 00000176A3412CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f5e2ef66485543e shader registered for possible reloading: 4f5e2ef66485543e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9626C50, hash = 4f5e2ef66485543e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9626C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14028, handle = 00000176A32BE960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a63cb9e77dda1560 shader registered for possible reloading: a63cb9e77dda1560_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9627650, hash = a63cb9e77dda1560 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9627650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14084, handle = 00000176A3384C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f46f7461ff5d518 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f46f7461ff5d518_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9626D90, hash = 1f46f7461ff5d518 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9626D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82956, handle = 00000176A33FE8D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6876c50b7867cd4 shader registered for possible reloading: a6876c50b7867cd4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9627D90, hash = a6876c50b7867cd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9627D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 83012, handle = 00000176A33707C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5098d393ca1609c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 5098d393ca1609c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A96274D0, hash = 5098d393ca1609c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A96274D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82920, handle = 00000176A33BAF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8d60c0b4f8012058 shader registered for possible reloading: 8d60c0b4f8012058_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176A9627910, hash = 8d60c0b4f8012058 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176A9627910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82976, handle = 00000176A3240010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8259fbdc711a7eb shader registered for possible reloading: a8259fbdc711a7eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A27D0, hash = a8259fbdc711a7eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A27D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 84796, handle = 00000176A3268F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01c5ffbdcb1e6a9c shader registered for possible reloading: 01c5ffbdcb1e6a9c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6150, hash = 01c5ffbdcb1e6a9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 84852, handle = 00000176A3291EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccf9cc7453a9b250 shader registered for possible reloading: ccf9cc7453a9b250_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A3650, hash = ccf9cc7453a9b250 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A3650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 84760, handle = 00000176A3254440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1dd9734cf23dcd9 shader registered for possible reloading: f1dd9734cf23dcd9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A62D0, hash = f1dd9734cf23dcd9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A62D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 84816, handle = 00000176A33339D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b31eeeaa23f8ae63 shader registered for possible reloading: b31eeeaa23f8ae63_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A3D50, hash = b31eeeaa23f8ae63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A3D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82988, handle = 00000176A33D92F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a31c21b386d9eae9 shader registered for possible reloading: a31c21b386d9eae9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A5750, hash = a31c21b386d9eae9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 83044, handle = 00000176A32E7890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 522e2ffa4d1672a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 522e2ffa4d1672a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A4D50, hash = 522e2ffa4d1672a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A4D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82952, handle = 00000176A327DAB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77c4b9a469976533 shader registered for possible reloading: 77c4b9a469976533_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A41D0, hash = 77c4b9a469976533 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A41D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 83008, handle = 00000176A32C5A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 664f4cf3c4bc9c91 shader registered for possible reloading: 664f4cf3c4bc9c91_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A4610, hash = 664f4cf3c4bc9c91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A4610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82992, handle = 00000176A32AA520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34088c53fe848356 shader registered for possible reloading: 34088c53fe848356_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A7110, hash = 34088c53fe848356 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A7110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 83048, handle = 00000176A33A35C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8881f87a35f2b832 shader registered for possible reloading: 8881f87a35f2b832_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A3ED0, hash = 8881f87a35f2b832 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A3ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82956, handle = 00000176A32FEE30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3005bade0c022e6d shader registered for possible reloading: 3005bade0c022e6d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2510, hash = 3005bade0c022e6d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 83012, handle = 00000176A335C370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ee82b7eba030899 shader registered for possible reloading: 1ee82b7eba030899_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A7410, hash = 1ee82b7eba030899 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A7410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13236, handle = 00000176A3062600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a028564bd0358fe shader registered for possible reloading: 3a028564bd0358fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A1AD0, hash = 3a028564bd0358fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A1AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11888, handle = 00000176A30659C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0532b7dbd69fe7a shader registered for possible reloading: b0532b7dbd69fe7a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A5D10, hash = b0532b7dbd69fe7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14288, handle = 00000176A3068840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c32be4d99e76ee7a shader registered for possible reloading: c32be4d99e76ee7a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A5450, hash = c32be4d99e76ee7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12440, handle = 00000176A3073620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd6766c9d942514c shader registered for possible reloading: cd6766c9d942514c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A7290, hash = cd6766c9d942514c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A7290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 128704, handle = 00000176A3080000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88b26d6344dd58ca shader registered for possible reloading: 88b26d6344dd58ca_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A3790, hash = 88b26d6344dd58ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A3790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 125828, handle = 00000176A30A0000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab1c9ce5c8a79ec5 shader registered for possible reloading: ab1c9ce5c8a79ec5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A5A10, hash = ab1c9ce5c8a79ec5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6220, handle = 00000176A3019AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2c845d918c7aca6 shader registered for possible reloading: b2c845d918c7aca6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A5B90, hash = b2c845d918c7aca6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8560, handle = 00000176A30FB880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17de44da86b751a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 17de44da86b751a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A5E90, hash = 17de44da86b751a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6244, handle = 00000176A3048D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c195a6ce66d00a4f shader registered for possible reloading: c195a6ce66d00a4f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2650, hash = c195a6ce66d00a4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9584, handle = 00000176A30FDA00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f602e9ccd9d4a921 shader registered for possible reloading: f602e9ccd9d4a921_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6450, hash = f602e9ccd9d4a921 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11964, handle = 00000176A3204D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c343e0f6a5c4c9ec shader registered for possible reloading: c343e0f6a5c4c9ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A3910, hash = c343e0f6a5c4c9ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A3910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9608, handle = 00000176A30E40C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0082d055997277c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 0082d055997277c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A1DD0, hash = 0082d055997277c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A1DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6256, handle = 00000176A30766C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4dffb610a10db1a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4dffb610a10db1a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A58D0, hash = 4dffb610a10db1a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A58D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10212, handle = 00000176A3138CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c4cb5221637d166 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c4cb5221637d166_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6590, hash = 2c4cb5221637d166 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10880, handle = 00000176A31250F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32d47a181a5bbd40 shader registered for possible reloading: 32d47a181a5bbd40_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A3A90, hash = 32d47a181a5bbd40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A3A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10936, handle = 00000176A3219650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45bde6f876ffc973 shader registered for possible reloading: 45bde6f876ffc973_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A5FD0, hash = 45bde6f876ffc973 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9692, handle = 00000176A3127B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0abfa3e67c9e8bb4 shader registered for possible reloading: 0abfa3e67c9e8bb4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6E50, hash = 0abfa3e67c9e8bb4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9748, handle = 00000176A31C7190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a63b247663773149 shader registered for possible reloading: a63b247663773149_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6B50, hash = a63b247663773149 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13564, handle = 00000176A3118040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea6255d701910579 shader registered for possible reloading: ea6255d701910579_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2D90, hash = ea6255d701910579 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13620, handle = 00000176A31F1D10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b83c122a53697194 shader registered for possible reloading: b83c122a53697194_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6710, hash = b83c122a53697194 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12352, handle = 00000176A3207C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a70b769e44b1ae2a shader registered for possible reloading: a70b769e44b1ae2a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A5010, hash = a70b769e44b1ae2a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12408, handle = 00000176A3193B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a6b3a0dc8b1cfc3 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a6b3a0dc8b1cfc3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A4490, hash = 2a6b3a0dc8b1cfc3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A4490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10892, handle = 00000176A31155A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 389611c41509d1be shader registered for possible reloading: 389611c41509d1be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A1C50, hash = 389611c41509d1be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A1C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10948, handle = 00000176A3122620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04a5c429df50327c shader registered for possible reloading: 04a5c429df50327c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2950, hash = 04a5c429df50327c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9704, handle = 00000176A31829D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb945d4bfdae1f85 shader registered for possible reloading: eb945d4bfdae1f85_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6890, hash = eb945d4bfdae1f85 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9760, handle = 00000176A3202710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 588c3ab132ba82d2 shader registered for possible reloading: 588c3ab132ba82d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A3C10, hash = 588c3ab132ba82d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A3C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12512, handle = 00000176A3159190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a92e11150808622 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a92e11150808622_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2AD0, hash = 0a92e11150808622 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12568, handle = 00000176A320AC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1df978816254b1fa shader registered for possible reloading: 1df978816254b1fa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6CD0, hash = 1df978816254b1fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11056, handle = 00000176A321F2F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09b23421008bcfff shader registered for possible reloading: 09b23421008bcfff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6A10, hash = 09b23421008bcfff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11112, handle = 00000176A30DB540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df4c350cb4d076d1 shader registered for possible reloading: df4c350cb4d076d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A4790, hash = df4c350cb4d076d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A4790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15196, handle = 00000176A31F5250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b22f501ee84d6013 shader registered for possible reloading: b22f501ee84d6013_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A1F50, hash = b22f501ee84d6013 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A1F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15252, handle = 00000176A3111A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4254b095abace06e shader registered for possible reloading: 4254b095abace06e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2F10, hash = 4254b095abace06e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13712, handle = 00000176A311B550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b3ac3c62a12462e shader registered for possible reloading: 8b3ac3c62a12462e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A6FD0, hash = 8b3ac3c62a12462e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A6FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13768, handle = 00000176A31C97B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 66f23881316c85de shader registered for possible reloading: 66f23881316c85de_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A7590, hash = 66f23881316c85de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A7590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12524, handle = 00000176A313E040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80059216740caccf shader registered for possible reloading: 80059216740caccf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A4E90, hash = 80059216740caccf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A4E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12580, handle = 00000176A30C0010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cdd9d1e4ae09cdf9 shader registered for possible reloading: cdd9d1e4ae09cdf9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2090, hash = cdd9d1e4ae09cdf9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11068, handle = 00000176A3216B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69d4457b0ac67162 shader registered for possible reloading: 69d4457b0ac67162_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A5310, hash = 69d4457b0ac67162 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11124, handle = 00000176A313B4C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0886c2ea3c86f70 shader registered for possible reloading: c0886c2ea3c86f70_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2210, hash = c0886c2ea3c86f70 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11444, handle = 00000176A3132E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a386df85c9c2aab shader registered for possible reloading: 1a386df85c9c2aab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2C10, hash = 1a386df85c9c2aab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11500, handle = 00000176A3213E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76d85b0eb14a3a90 shader registered for possible reloading: 76d85b0eb14a3a90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A3090, hash = 76d85b0eb14a3a90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A3090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9728, handle = 00000176A307D690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd3da9bbb328d87 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd3da9bbb328d87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A2390, hash = 4fd3da9bbb328d87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A2390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9784, handle = 00000176A318B400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 631d4b8fe02f8fcb shader registered for possible reloading: 631d4b8fe02f8fcb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A31D0, hash = 631d4b8fe02f8fcb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A31D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13460, handle = 00000176A31C3CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47737e4d4ebe56b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 47737e4d4ebe56b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A3350, hash = 47737e4d4ebe56b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A3350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13516, handle = 00000176A31F8DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 289cb699902032d6 shader registered for possible reloading: 289cb699902032d6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A4310, hash = 289cb699902032d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A4310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11684, handle = 00000176A31C0F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0dabd7ba4ab1fca1 shader registered for possible reloading: 0dabd7ba4ab1fca1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A4A50, hash = 0dabd7ba4ab1fca1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A4A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11740, handle = 00000176A31A5CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3079349659b086dc shader registered for possible reloading: 3079349659b086dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A5190, hash = 3079349659b086dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A5190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72268, handle = 00000176A30E6650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e34227c472824087 shader registered for possible reloading: e34227c472824087_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AC8D0, hash = e34227c472824087 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AC8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72324, handle = 00000176A315F4A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0bef304e912293e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 0bef304e912293e1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A9AD0, hash = 0bef304e912293e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A9AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72244, handle = 00000176A30C9B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54ce7aeec8bd242f shader registered for possible reloading: 54ce7aeec8bd242f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A8550, hash = 54ce7aeec8bd242f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A8550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72300, handle = 00000176A3143F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e8a5858a3c42bac shader registered for possible reloading: 6e8a5858a3c42bac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8ABED0, hash = 6e8a5858a3c42bac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ABED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12828, handle = 00000176A31A2AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5df6f6560e71a42a shader registered for possible reloading: 5df6f6560e71a42a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8ACA50, hash = 5df6f6560e71a42a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ACA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12780, handle = 00000176A3188200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d044382b47c9309 shader registered for possible reloading: 4d044382b47c9309_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8ABD50, hash = 4d044382b47c9309 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ABD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10184, handle = 00000176A3199DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b5b6a97b5a6a644 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b5b6a97b5a6a644_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AC050, hash = 6b5b6a97b5a6a644 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AC050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10160, handle = 00000176A312A170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af0644fb837fb092 shader registered for possible reloading: af0644fb837fb092_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A7E10, hash = af0644fb837fb092 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A7E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72304, handle = 00000176A30FFF80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab56ce17576da6a6 shader registered for possible reloading: ab56ce17576da6a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AC190, hash = ab56ce17576da6a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AC190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72360, handle = 00000176A31AC620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 214cf7e224712d6c shader registered for possible reloading: 214cf7e224712d6c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AAD90, hash = 214cf7e224712d6c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AAD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72280, handle = 00000176A31DCB10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40bd3255d96e0c7e shader registered for possible reloading: 40bd3255d96e0c7e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AB790, hash = 40bd3255d96e0c7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AB790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72336, handle = 00000176A3170F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33f3db35cc6e27ea shader registered for possible reloading: 33f3db35cc6e27ea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A9DD0, hash = 33f3db35cc6e27ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A9DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1924, handle = 00000176A291B0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea15018b8610ff3b shader registered for possible reloading: ea15018b8610ff3b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AB910, hash = ea15018b8610ff3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AB910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2088, handle = 00000176A2F733F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5fc425cb273e09a shader registered for possible reloading: c5fc425cb273e09a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A9F10, hash = c5fc425cb273e09a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A9F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7248, handle = 00000176A2E7F710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a15bee8f24ea2ee8 shader registered for possible reloading: a15bee8f24ea2ee8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8ABBD0, hash = a15bee8f24ea2ee8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ABBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7408, handle = 00000176A304E570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ab7876f0c2f9cc6 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ab7876f0c2f9cc6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AA090, hash = 3ab7876f0c2f9cc6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AA090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1924, handle = 00000176A3028AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70e91d9aca658edf shader registered for possible reloading: 70e91d9aca658edf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AAC10, hash = 70e91d9aca658edf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AAC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2088, handle = 00000176A2DDE3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41be26edb9ba1d57 shader registered for possible reloading: 41be26edb9ba1d57_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A8F50, hash = 41be26edb9ba1d57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A8F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7248, handle = 00000176A3054030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 027faf4f5abffbf5 shader registered for possible reloading: 027faf4f5abffbf5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AC310, hash = 027faf4f5abffbf5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AC310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7408, handle = 00000176A3030850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 041a0eb5143cfe7b shader registered for possible reloading: 041a0eb5143cfe7b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AA210, hash = 041a0eb5143cfe7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AA210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2044, handle = 00000176A2DC9C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18df5a226b5b5871 shader registered for possible reloading: 18df5a226b5b5871_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AC490, hash = 18df5a226b5b5871 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AC490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2208, handle = 00000176A2B3A5A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 140821160f695da5 shader registered for possible reloading: 140821160f695da5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8ABA90, hash = 140821160f695da5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ABA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A304ABB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 928f12aa8ccd4645 shader registered for possible reloading: 928f12aa8ccd4645_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AAA90, hash = 928f12aa8ccd4645 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AAA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A301F610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b96508f7f73501e shader registered for possible reloading: 9b96508f7f73501e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AB1D0, hash = 9b96508f7f73501e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AB1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2068, handle = 00000176A2ED3670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abbeeae2478667f7 shader registered for possible reloading: abbeeae2478667f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8ACBD0, hash = abbeeae2478667f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ACBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2232, handle = 00000176A3005DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6681baa13ff1ba1 shader registered for possible reloading: a6681baa13ff1ba1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A8C90, hash = a6681baa13ff1ba1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A8C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A304C880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9955949c49521658 shader registered for possible reloading: 9955949c49521658_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A90D0, hash = 9955949c49521658 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A90D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7552, handle = 00000176A302EAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c8ceca36d14b660 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c8ceca36d14b660_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A7B50, hash = 9c8ceca36d14b660 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A7B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2044, handle = 00000176A2EB8B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ef70e017bd32a14 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ef70e017bd32a14_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AAF10, hash = 8ef70e017bd32a14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AAF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2208, handle = 00000176A2D9DD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 254d8aad2b014c20 shader registered for possible reloading: 254d8aad2b014c20_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AB050, hash = 254d8aad2b014c20 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AB050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A3023060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f76794ee2d99f55 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f76794ee2d99f55_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AC750, hash = 2f76794ee2d99f55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AC750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A2ED8630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e635c14de32b356 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e635c14de32b356_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A86D0, hash = 6e635c14de32b356 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A86D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1892, handle = 00000176A2C4B240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13648acc2ac8e05 shader registered for possible reloading: c13648acc2ac8e05_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8ACD10, hash = c13648acc2ac8e05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ACD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2056, handle = 00000176A2EA8C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 721c00981b9c8348 shader registered for possible reloading: 721c00981b9c8348_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8ACE90, hash = 721c00981b9c8348 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ACE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7216, handle = 00000176A301D9D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57a2e865f8afb256 shader registered for possible reloading: 57a2e865f8afb256_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AB350, hash = 57a2e865f8afb256 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AB350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7376, handle = 00000176A3021380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a487196c0e40d9d shader registered for possible reloading: 8a487196c0e40d9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A9C50, hash = 8a487196c0e40d9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A9C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2472, handle = 00000176A2FB2250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75aa5b3981c6c39c shader registered for possible reloading: 75aa5b3981c6c39c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AA4D0, hash = 75aa5b3981c6c39c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AA4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7756, handle = 00000176A3055C90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2beaa1ba2c2f16aa shader registered for possible reloading: 2beaa1ba2c2f16aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AD010, hash = 2beaa1ba2c2f16aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AD010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2508, handle = 00000176A3044800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97588cb8e00bb8bf shader registered for possible reloading: 97588cb8e00bb8bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AD190, hash = 97588cb8e00bb8bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AD190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7792, handle = 00000176A3050270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 346124fa96649f28 shader registered for possible reloading: 346124fa96649f28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A9250, hash = 346124fa96649f28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A9250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2700, handle = 00000176A2EDA3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35481feb1964dca9 shader registered for possible reloading: 35481feb1964dca9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A76D0, hash = 35481feb1964dca9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A76D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7984, handle = 00000176A3039380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4563170ce8bb8dd9 shader registered for possible reloading: 4563170ce8bb8dd9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AA650, hash = 4563170ce8bb8dd9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AA650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2724, handle = 00000176A2E60C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 897926c2d12740f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 897926c2d12740f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A7850, hash = 897926c2d12740f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A7850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8008, handle = 00000176A301BA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc703aca0378c354 shader registered for possible reloading: bc703aca0378c354_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A79D0, hash = bc703aca0378c354 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A79D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2700, handle = 00000176A3057AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf4106536d2b832b shader registered for possible reloading: cf4106536d2b832b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A7F90, hash = cf4106536d2b832b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A7F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7984, handle = 00000176A30520F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9bab9f566ff9b29 shader registered for possible reloading: c9bab9f566ff9b29_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A8110, hash = c9bab9f566ff9b29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A8110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2440, handle = 00000176A2BBAB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cc989e1d24ed17b shader registered for possible reloading: 1cc989e1d24ed17b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AA7D0, hash = 1cc989e1d24ed17b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AA7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7724, handle = 00000176A30429C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 752c14458852808b shader registered for possible reloading: 752c14458852808b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A9390, hash = 752c14458852808b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A9390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A2B79700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AB4D0, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AB4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7012, handle = 00000176A306E130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27d952d704927d15 shader registered for possible reloading: 27d952d704927d15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A8250, hash = 27d952d704927d15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A8250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A2E79150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A83D0, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A83D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7640, handle = 00000176A306FCA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d7605df25ce2e2d shader registered for possible reloading: 3d7605df25ce2e2d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A8990, hash = 3d7605df25ce2e2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A8990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7052, handle = 00000176A3071A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 880b0e45cd35f5fe shader registered for possible reloading: 880b0e45cd35f5fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A8B10, hash = 880b0e45cd35f5fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A8B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7088, handle = 00000176A3078310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd1bb26145b8dc48 shader registered for possible reloading: dd1bb26145b8dc48_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8A9510, hash = dd1bb26145b8dc48 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A9510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10432, handle = 00000176A3032AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab052ddfe141707c shader registered for possible reloading: ab052ddfe141707c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A9690, hash = ab052ddfe141707c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A9690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16316, handle = 00000176A3009680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9db3c51e95480eee shader registered for possible reloading: 9db3c51e95480eee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8A9810, hash = 9db3c51e95480eee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8A9810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12152, handle = 00000176A3029270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae790867f48d4ead shader registered for possible reloading: ae790867f48d4ead_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AA950, hash = ae790867f48d4ead returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AA950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11808, handle = 00000176A3000FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ca514a49758331d shader registered for possible reloading: 8ca514a49758331d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B27D0, hash = 8ca514a49758331d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B27D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10400, handle = 00000176A3014400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 584744aa7c5f3cf2 shader registered for possible reloading: 584744aa7c5f3cf2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AD890, hash = 584744aa7c5f3cf2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AD890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16272, handle = 00000176A300D650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0cd8f49927ff934 shader registered for possible reloading: d0cd8f49927ff934_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8ADB90, hash = d0cd8f49927ff934 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ADB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12224, handle = 00000176A2FFDFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e581680f675f7d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 5e581680f675f7d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AE590, hash = 5e581680f675f7d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AE590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11776, handle = 00000176A30115F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db92a84966371fd2 shader registered for possible reloading: db92a84966371fd2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B1950, hash = db92a84966371fd2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B1950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10432, handle = 00000176A302C1F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0477cd72d8314208 shader registered for possible reloading: 0477cd72d8314208_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AF550, hash = 0477cd72d8314208 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AF550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16316, handle = 00000176A30353B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c65fb3c22d2d016f shader registered for possible reloading: c65fb3c22d2d016f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AE150, hash = c65fb3c22d2d016f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AE150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12152, handle = 00000176A3006700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6571dbcc0508d40 shader registered for possible reloading: c6571dbcc0508d40_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AE9D0, hash = c6571dbcc0508d40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AE9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11808, handle = 00000176A3016CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07e1c1d792e7308f shader registered for possible reloading: 07e1c1d792e7308f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AF850, hash = 07e1c1d792e7308f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AF850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10400, handle = 00000176A2F47FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94bfb2c3a05c3dbe shader registered for possible reloading: 94bfb2c3a05c3dbe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B0690, hash = 94bfb2c3a05c3dbe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B0690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16272, handle = 00000176A2FF7240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3dabd6ba04038905 shader registered for possible reloading: 3dabd6ba04038905_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B1AD0, hash = 3dabd6ba04038905 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B1AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12224, handle = 00000176A303C210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c5a0d40feaea038 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c5a0d40feaea038_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AE2D0, hash = 7c5a0d40feaea038 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AE2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11776, handle = 00000176A2FFB1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6cb5a3d1c880169 shader registered for possible reloading: b6cb5a3d1c880169_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AE890, hash = b6cb5a3d1c880169 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AE890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 584, handle = 00000176A29A3D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 466e1be87bb7957d shader registered for possible reloading: 466e1be87bb7957d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B1C50, hash = 466e1be87bb7957d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B1C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7772, handle = 00000176A2F09D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8aec9c6641ba088 shader registered for possible reloading: b8aec9c6641ba088_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AEB50, hash = b8aec9c6641ba088 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AEB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7828, handle = 00000176A2E66D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 900ecc090a7a717a shader registered for possible reloading: 900ecc090a7a717a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8ADA10, hash = 900ecc090a7a717a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ADA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 620, handle = 00000176A231ADF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd1223a28f1e1339 shader registered for possible reloading: cd1223a28f1e1339_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AF9D0, hash = cd1223a28f1e1339 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AF9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8400, handle = 00000176A2D4CD60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9eacc5401e32b604 shader registered for possible reloading: 9eacc5401e32b604_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B2D90, hash = 9eacc5401e32b604 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B2D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8456, handle = 00000176A2E585A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ddf92ef3d166a0c2 shader registered for possible reloading: ddf92ef3d166a0c2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AF6D0, hash = ddf92ef3d166a0c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AF6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14260, handle = 00000176A30585D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7151ae3eb47d0b57 shader registered for possible reloading: 7151ae3eb47d0b57_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AEF90, hash = 7151ae3eb47d0b57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AEF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14316, handle = 00000176A3045500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f59cd7fc755c956 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f59cd7fc755c956_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B0990, hash = 1f59cd7fc755c956 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B0990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14296, handle = 00000176A303F1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2882d052715d8927 shader registered for possible reloading: 2882d052715d8927_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AD2D0, hash = 2882d052715d8927 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AD2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14352, handle = 00000176A305BD90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93a864c6474a1a10 shader registered for possible reloading: 93a864c6474a1a10_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AEE50, hash = 93a864c6474a1a10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AEE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5904, handle = 00000176A2DC84E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d75546f8f226d078 shader registered for possible reloading: d75546f8f226d078_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B0810, hash = d75546f8f226d078 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B0810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7400, handle = 00000176A2DDC6D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06dd049d0be7e0b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 06dd049d0be7e0b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AE710, hash = 06dd049d0be7e0b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AE710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6072, handle = 00000176A2DF1270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e6327dd86c19ad2 shader registered for possible reloading: 7e6327dd86c19ad2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AECD0, hash = 7e6327dd86c19ad2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AECD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7568, handle = 00000176A2EB6D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b8c242f747679bd shader registered for possible reloading: 5b8c242f747679bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B1390, hash = 5b8c242f747679bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B1390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7312, handle = 00000176A2F71750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a611d463a511e62e shader registered for possible reloading: a611d463a511e62e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B2090, hash = a611d463a511e62e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B2090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7480, handle = 00000176A2F50E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad658565ff7cfe51 shader registered for possible reloading: ad658565ff7cfe51_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AFE10, hash = ad658565ff7cfe51 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AFE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5960, handle = 00000176A2F52B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b16f54d50d91f720 shader registered for possible reloading: b16f54d50d91f720_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AF110, hash = b16f54d50d91f720 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AF110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7400, handle = 00000176A2E4AFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d83883e4a6afa906 shader registered for possible reloading: d83883e4a6afa906_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8ADD10, hash = d83883e4a6afa906 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ADD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6128, handle = 00000176A2E5A730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8502c8189e5f5762 shader registered for possible reloading: 8502c8189e5f5762_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AF410, hash = 8502c8189e5f5762 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AF410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7568, handle = 00000176A2ED0290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13127ada8e7f0e6 shader registered for possible reloading: c13127ada8e7f0e6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AD450, hash = c13127ada8e7f0e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AD450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A2DBEE80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5a35f629adf44a96 shader registered for possible reloading: 5a35f629adf44a96_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B2350, hash = 5a35f629adf44a96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B2350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7536, handle = 00000176A2EB3CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f0c7b5ba10d89e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7f0c7b5ba10d89e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B10D0, hash = 7f0c7b5ba10d89e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B10D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6956, handle = 00000176A2E9A380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b231575e68ec287 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b231575e68ec287_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AF290, hash = 8b231575e68ec287 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AF290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8652, handle = 00000176A2E9EDC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93a8d0a01fc08924 shader registered for possible reloading: 93a8d0a01fc08924_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AFB10, hash = 93a8d0a01fc08924 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AFB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8328, handle = 00000176A2E8BA30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6442edb8074fd85c shader registered for possible reloading: 6442edb8074fd85c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B2A90, hash = 6442edb8074fd85c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B2A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7012, handle = 00000176A2FB06E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0084f9916d922f3b shader registered for possible reloading: 0084f9916d922f3b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8ADFD0, hash = 0084f9916d922f3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ADFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8652, handle = 00000176A2E846C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c01791f697482da shader registered for possible reloading: 1c01791f697482da_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B2C10, hash = 1c01791f697482da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B2C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8384, handle = 00000176A2ED6560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6afecd51bc588ecd shader registered for possible reloading: 6afecd51bc588ecd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B0F50, hash = 6afecd51bc588ecd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B0F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A27B2BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AFC90, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AFC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6248, handle = 00000176A2F066B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3d6e95038b72016 shader registered for possible reloading: a3d6e95038b72016_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AE410, hash = a3d6e95038b72016 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AE410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A2C89250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B0B10, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B0B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6876, handle = 00000176A2F04BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 208484e35767acbb shader registered for possible reloading: 208484e35767acbb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B2910, hash = 208484e35767acbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B2910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7696, handle = 00000176A2FF5420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be11ff9809c75e34 shader registered for possible reloading: be11ff9809c75e34_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8AD5D0, hash = be11ff9809c75e34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AD5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7732, handle = 00000176A2F07F20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e6b2ee84bbca035a shader registered for possible reloading: e6b2ee84bbca035a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B0C50, hash = e6b2ee84bbca035a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B0C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2492, handle = 00000176A2EC77A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12714604df8a108a shader registered for possible reloading: 12714604df8a108a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B24D0, hash = 12714604df8a108a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B24D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8172, handle = 00000176A2D23370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a496f3429ce57357 shader registered for possible reloading: a496f3429ce57357_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B2210, hash = a496f3429ce57357 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B2210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A2D291D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 827544715c281d25 shader registered for possible reloading: 827544715c281d25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AFF90, hash = 827544715c281d25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AFF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 00000176A29A3330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e336cf85551f0d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e336cf85551f0d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B00D0, hash = 4e336cf85551f0d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B00D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8308, handle = 00000176A2EAAC00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c52212d6d0d80e98 shader registered for possible reloading: c52212d6d0d80e98_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B1D90, hash = c52212d6d0d80e98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B1D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7596, handle = 00000176A2EBB1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8940a0b19990320 shader registered for possible reloading: c8940a0b19990320_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B0250, hash = c8940a0b19990320 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B0250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2516, handle = 00000176A2ED5B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0eaf9323fdcd6be shader registered for possible reloading: d0eaf9323fdcd6be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B03D0, hash = d0eaf9323fdcd6be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B03D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7552, handle = 00000176A2E64F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18f3ddeae45fa907 shader registered for possible reloading: 18f3ddeae45fa907_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B0550, hash = 18f3ddeae45fa907 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B0550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2584, handle = 00000176A2C3D200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0e980c5ad6efd2d shader registered for possible reloading: b0e980c5ad6efd2d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B0DD0, hash = b0e980c5ad6efd2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B0DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7620, handle = 00000176A2DEAEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af9eeb4d73809fb7 shader registered for possible reloading: af9eeb4d73809fb7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B1F10, hash = af9eeb4d73809fb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B1F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2316, handle = 00000176A2EC0720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e shader registered for possible reloading: 78d5eeaf5a8af08e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B1210, hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B1210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7940, handle = 00000176A2D272C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa shader registered for possible reloading: fd6c08e1599c34fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B1510, hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B1510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7636, handle = 00000176A2D38B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a678a1850a488e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B1690, hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B1690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2288, handle = 00000176A2A3E460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c9e521019bed3b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B17D0, hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B17D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8044, handle = 00000176A2EC8170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a shader registered for possible reloading: 92c91681d2f40e9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8AD750, hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8AD750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7608, handle = 00000176A2E5EEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54a014b0e9312047 shader registered for possible reloading: 54a014b0e9312047_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8ADE50, hash = 54a014b0e9312047 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8ADE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2088, handle = 00000176A2E793F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5fc425cb273e09a shader registered for possible reloading: c5fc425cb273e09a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B2650, hash = c5fc425cb273e09a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B2650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7408, handle = 00000176A2EA6F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ab7876f0c2f9cc6 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ab7876f0c2f9cc6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3490, hash = 3ab7876f0c2f9cc6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2088, handle = 00000176A2A7FBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41be26edb9ba1d57 shader registered for possible reloading: 41be26edb9ba1d57_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3A50, hash = 41be26edb9ba1d57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7408, handle = 00000176A2E8DBA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 041a0eb5143cfe7b shader registered for possible reloading: 041a0eb5143cfe7b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B4190, hash = 041a0eb5143cfe7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B4190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2208, handle = 00000176A2ED2230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 140821160f695da5 shader registered for possible reloading: 140821160f695da5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B7850, hash = 140821160f695da5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B7850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A2E38A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b96508f7f73501e shader registered for possible reloading: 9b96508f7f73501e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B69D0, hash = 9b96508f7f73501e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B69D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2232, handle = 00000176A2E6B3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6681baa13ff1ba1 shader registered for possible reloading: a6681baa13ff1ba1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B7990, hash = a6681baa13ff1ba1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B7990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7552, handle = 00000176A2D3CEC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c8ceca36d14b660 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c8ceca36d14b660_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5150, hash = 9c8ceca36d14b660 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2208, handle = 00000176A2EA5970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 254d8aad2b014c20 shader registered for possible reloading: 254d8aad2b014c20_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3ED0, hash = 254d8aad2b014c20 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A2E33200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e635c14de32b356 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e635c14de32b356_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3910, hash = 6e635c14de32b356 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2056, handle = 00000176A29FDF70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 721c00981b9c8348 shader registered for possible reloading: 721c00981b9c8348_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B7550, hash = 721c00981b9c8348 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B7550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7376, handle = 00000176A2E41760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a487196c0e40d9d shader registered for possible reloading: 8a487196c0e40d9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B4490, hash = 8a487196c0e40d9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B4490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4068, handle = 00000176A2E51A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 shader registered for possible reloading: e9ecfd7a9a181378_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5B90, hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10980, handle = 00000176A2EB01B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 shader registered for possible reloading: bd86789f594cd9c3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B83D0, hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B83D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9972, handle = 00000176A2EC1040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e8ca8689505213c shader registered for possible reloading: 5e8ca8689505213c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5CD0, hash = 5e8ca8689505213c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4136, handle = 00000176A2EB2CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f54fc0d533f261ff shader registered for possible reloading: f54fc0d533f261ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6590, hash = f54fc0d533f261ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11132, handle = 00000176A2E9C230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f shader registered for possible reloading: d2d77f2b8146ad4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B7110, hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B7110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A2EBCF90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ce2b9890906f25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6410, hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4092, handle = 00000176A2EA9BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b76f821613d6700b shader registered for possible reloading: b76f821613d6700b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B7B10, hash = b76f821613d6700b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B7B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10988, handle = 00000176A2E95350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e8f446749a01d83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B4010, hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B4010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9996, handle = 00000176A2E3A7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db shader registered for possible reloading: ce379bf3ba5db5db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B7290, hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B7290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4160, handle = 00000176A2EBF6D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f shader registered for possible reloading: 06c235bcb5ddf25f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B8990, hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B8990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11140, handle = 00000176A2E5C310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e76742d85360740a shader registered for possible reloading: e76742d85360740a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6F90, hash = e76742d85360740a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10064, handle = 00000176A2C48AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 shader registered for possible reloading: fe177d918a8d71b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B76D0, hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B76D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176A2C6B3E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ea0c33a13b68f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B2ED0, hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B2ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A2D6A200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 shader registered for possible reloading: e24b5f338d5b4cd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3610, hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9504, handle = 00000176A2E3CEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 shader registered for possible reloading: 86a59be4e2a1f509_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5710, hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3336, handle = 00000176A2EA6220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d7f63977dfda7c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B73D0, hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B73D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10184, handle = 00000176A2C3AA30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 shader registered for possible reloading: f7ab20a7ef6c8132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B4750, hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B4750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A2E97E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53426ef6186603f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 53426ef6186603f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B52D0, hash = 53426ef6186603f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B52D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2636, handle = 00000176A2ED5120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44df974028cf5a08 shader registered for possible reloading: 44df974028cf5a08_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3D50, hash = 44df974028cf5a08 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8800, handle = 00000176A2EA1430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fbcb69fe6ba3b7b1 shader registered for possible reloading: fbcb69fe6ba3b7b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B4D10, hash = fbcb69fe6ba3b7b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B4D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2672, handle = 00000176A2EDAED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ed902411256ce67 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ed902411256ce67_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B7C90, hash = 3ed902411256ce67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B7C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8836, handle = 00000176A2B76B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd9145642607acc8 shader registered for possible reloading: cd9145642607acc8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5A10, hash = cd9145642607acc8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2916, handle = 00000176A2D9ECA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20d6bde6a2ad6a19 shader registered for possible reloading: 20d6bde6a2ad6a19_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6710, hash = 20d6bde6a2ad6a19 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9080, handle = 00000176A2E69030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9043d23c8e2a207b shader registered for possible reloading: 9043d23c8e2a207b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6850, hash = 9043d23c8e2a207b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2940, handle = 00000176A2ED2AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8129d48ef66fdce8 shader registered for possible reloading: 8129d48ef66fdce8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3BD0, hash = 8129d48ef66fdce8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9104, handle = 00000176A2DECC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adc3b6c2bb9edcb7 shader registered for possible reloading: adc3b6c2bb9edcb7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B4310, hash = adc3b6c2bb9edcb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B4310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2864, handle = 00000176A2ED45E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a5d46de4d8aa648 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a5d46de4d8aa648_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B45D0, hash = 9a5d46de4d8aa648 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B45D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9028, handle = 00000176A2E3F410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02dadd0d499604e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 02dadd0d499604e8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B48D0, hash = 02dadd0d499604e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B48D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2604, handle = 00000176A2DDECC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 910efa92d17ac190 shader registered for possible reloading: 910efa92d17ac190_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B80D0, hash = 910efa92d17ac190 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B80D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8768, handle = 00000176A2E56350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60550f9657d1b84d shader registered for possible reloading: 60550f9657d1b84d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5450, hash = 60550f9657d1b84d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3840, handle = 00000176A2EAF2A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d4272ccccfd2e2d shader registered for possible reloading: 7d4272ccccfd2e2d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6150, hash = 7d4272ccccfd2e2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9616, handle = 00000176A2E4F4F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 493c82ff4b94a30a shader registered for possible reloading: 493c82ff4b94a30a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5890, hash = 493c82ff4b94a30a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8840, handle = 00000176A2E76490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51ea5a356abd9193 shader registered for possible reloading: 51ea5a356abd9193_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B55D0, hash = 51ea5a356abd9193 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B55D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3908, handle = 00000176A2E873F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30e771cf8695d778 shader registered for possible reloading: 30e771cf8695d778_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6B50, hash = 30e771cf8695d778 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9752, handle = 00000176A2EACC80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81bcef255e2a3822 shader registered for possible reloading: 81bcef255e2a3822_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B7E10, hash = 81bcef255e2a3822 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B7E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8908, handle = 00000176A2ECDFB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01bafbe01bd8bc8d shader registered for possible reloading: 01bafbe01bd8bc8d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3050, hash = 01bafbe01bd8bc8d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3864, handle = 00000176A2EB5E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 296baee08c99a2d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 296baee08c99a2d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B8810, hash = 296baee08c99a2d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B8810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9624, handle = 00000176A2E27C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 752b0fb1e9154e65 shader registered for possible reloading: 752b0fb1e9154e65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B7F50, hash = 752b0fb1e9154e65 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B7F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8864, handle = 00000176A2DBCBD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d68134bb475ee02 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d68134bb475ee02_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6CD0, hash = 1d68134bb475ee02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3932, handle = 00000176A2A4FCE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1466a2d7944b29e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 1466a2d7944b29e4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5E50, hash = 1466a2d7944b29e4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9760, handle = 00000176A2E92D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4275d220ab1994d7 shader registered for possible reloading: 4275d220ab1994d7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B4A50, hash = 4275d220ab1994d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B4A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8932, handle = 00000176A2D9BA30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04d41727e46dfa4d shader registered for possible reloading: 04d41727e46dfa4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5010, hash = 04d41727e46dfa4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3176, handle = 00000176A2E6BC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 646965ace2d33f8a shader registered for possible reloading: 646965ace2d33f8a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B8250, hash = 646965ace2d33f8a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B8250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8904, handle = 00000176A2EA36A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0b3408a23b21450 shader registered for possible reloading: d0b3408a23b21450_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B8510, hash = d0b3408a23b21450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B8510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8460, handle = 00000176A2EC5680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c5dac79012b7007 shader registered for possible reloading: 0c5dac79012b7007_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B8690, hash = 0c5dac79012b7007 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B8690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3172, handle = 00000176A2E43440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa678e08dabc03f6 shader registered for possible reloading: fa678e08dabc03f6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6E10, hash = fa678e08dabc03f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9140, handle = 00000176A2E7D350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31374c121ccc1179 shader registered for possible reloading: 31374c121ccc1179_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B4B90, hash = 31374c121ccc1179 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B4B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8456, handle = 00000176A2E4D3E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 005764e85fc40ea4 shader registered for possible reloading: 005764e85fc40ea4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B5FD0, hash = 005764e85fc40ea4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B5FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2472, handle = 00000176A2A3ED60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75aa5b3981c6c39c shader registered for possible reloading: 75aa5b3981c6c39c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B31D0, hash = 75aa5b3981c6c39c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B31D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7756, handle = 00000176A2ECB6B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2beaa1ba2c2f16aa shader registered for possible reloading: 2beaa1ba2c2f16aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3350, hash = 2beaa1ba2c2f16aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2508, handle = 00000176A2E86A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97588cb8e00bb8bf shader registered for possible reloading: 97588cb8e00bb8bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B4E90, hash = 97588cb8e00bb8bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B4E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7792, handle = 00000176A2EB9350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 346124fa96649f28 shader registered for possible reloading: 346124fa96649f28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B6290, hash = 346124fa96649f28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B6290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2700, handle = 00000176A28EB7E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35481feb1964dca9 shader registered for possible reloading: 35481feb1964dca9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8B3790, hash = 35481feb1964dca9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B3790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7984, handle = 00000176A2E07AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4563170ce8bb8dd9 shader registered for possible reloading: 4563170ce8bb8dd9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BBE90, hash = 4563170ce8bb8dd9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BBE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2724, handle = 00000176A2ECA0F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 897926c2d12740f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 897926c2d12740f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BCE90, hash = 897926c2d12740f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BCE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8008, handle = 00000176A2D25370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc703aca0378c354 shader registered for possible reloading: bc703aca0378c354_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BC8D0, hash = bc703aca0378c354 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BC8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2700, handle = 00000176A2ECD510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf4106536d2b832b shader registered for possible reloading: cf4106536d2b832b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BB310, hash = cf4106536d2b832b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BB310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7984, handle = 00000176A2EC3740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9bab9f566ff9b29 shader registered for possible reloading: c9bab9f566ff9b29_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BA4D0, hash = c9bab9f566ff9b29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BA4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2440, handle = 00000176A28F9C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cc989e1d24ed17b shader registered for possible reloading: 1cc989e1d24ed17b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BA650, hash = 1cc989e1d24ed17b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BA650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7724, handle = 00000176A2D6F920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 752c14458852808b shader registered for possible reloading: 752c14458852808b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BB490, hash = 752c14458852808b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BB490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 536, handle = 00000176A2DC0E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f18cceebe41ee69 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f18cceebe41ee69_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BB050, hash = 3f18cceebe41ee69 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BB050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6864, handle = 00000176A2FAEC00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e04ef457697b76b3 shader registered for possible reloading: e04ef457697b76b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BDCD0, hash = e04ef457697b76b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BDCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 572, handle = 00000176A277B1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 359dd266f62a2fb2 shader registered for possible reloading: 359dd266f62a2fb2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BDE50, hash = 359dd266f62a2fb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BDE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7484, handle = 00000176A2FEB1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3fb195a688c6f855 shader registered for possible reloading: 3fb195a688c6f855_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BCD10, hash = 3fb195a688c6f855 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BCD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9076, handle = 00000176A2EDB950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd07515be5a89457 shader registered for possible reloading: fd07515be5a89457_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BBA50, hash = fd07515be5a89457 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BBA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9132, handle = 00000176A2F300E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a98844e8b3487ef shader registered for possible reloading: 6a98844e8b3487ef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BA910, hash = 6a98844e8b3487ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BA910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7556, handle = 00000176A2FE49C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54ed4b6299a9c9e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 54ed4b6299a9c9e4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B9510, hash = 54ed4b6299a9c9e4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B9510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7612, handle = 00000176A2F1B050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a38f115aebfa8eb shader registered for possible reloading: 6a38f115aebfa8eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BC010, hash = 6a38f115aebfa8eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BC010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16872, handle = 00000176A2EE06E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14e5fc4057552244 shader registered for possible reloading: 14e5fc4057552244_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BE590, hash = 14e5fc4057552244 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BE590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16928, handle = 00000176A2F4A970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b44fb4d649275877 shader registered for possible reloading: b44fb4d649275877_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BB8D0, hash = b44fb4d649275877 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BB8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15324, handle = 00000176A2FECF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b91a2839e501183a shader registered for possible reloading: b91a2839e501183a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BDFD0, hash = b91a2839e501183a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BDFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15380, handle = 00000176A2FF0AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7dd4aa2b101309a shader registered for possible reloading: f7dd4aa2b101309a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BB1D0, hash = f7dd4aa2b101309a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BB1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9848, handle = 00000176A2F59950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a6666893106cce5 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a6666893106cce5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BB790, hash = 0a6666893106cce5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BB790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9904, handle = 00000176A2EFE420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8917e13f42379078 shader registered for possible reloading: 8917e13f42379078_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B9210, hash = 8917e13f42379078 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B9210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8160, handle = 00000176A2EE48D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5fb3ae2cc98eb584 shader registered for possible reloading: 5fb3ae2cc98eb584_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BD710, hash = 5fb3ae2cc98eb584 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BD710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8216, handle = 00000176A2FE9190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fdf1d0d34b00101f shader registered for possible reloading: fdf1d0d34b00101f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B9AD0, hash = fdf1d0d34b00101f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B9AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17564, handle = 00000176A2FAA750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71a1376ed93112e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 71a1376ed93112e6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BA790, hash = 71a1376ed93112e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BA790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17620, handle = 00000176A2F16B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 656a9980446cb691 shader registered for possible reloading: 656a9980446cb691_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BE110, hash = 656a9980446cb691 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BE110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15936, handle = 00000176A2F8C830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aee2dd8f539a6df0 shader registered for possible reloading: aee2dd8f539a6df0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B9390, hash = aee2dd8f539a6df0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B9390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15992, handle = 00000176A2EFA5A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb11920ff8cced47 shader registered for possible reloading: bb11920ff8cced47_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BE290, hash = bb11920ff8cced47 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BE290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9640, handle = 00000176A2F10160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 10aa0c3e6774e047 shader registered for possible reloading: 10aa0c3e6774e047_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BB610, hash = 10aa0c3e6774e047 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BB610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9696, handle = 00000176A2F45A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7312d0d836450a6 shader registered for possible reloading: b7312d0d836450a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B8AD0, hash = b7312d0d836450a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B8AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8152, handle = 00000176A2F90680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7efe570b0617cbef shader registered for possible reloading: 7efe570b0617cbef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B9650, hash = 7efe570b0617cbef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B9650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8208, handle = 00000176A2FE29A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2be1d473ffd0f7f shader registered for possible reloading: f2be1d473ffd0f7f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B8C50, hash = f2be1d473ffd0f7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B8C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17436, handle = 00000176A2FA6320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5473cc4e47adbc23 shader registered for possible reloading: 5473cc4e47adbc23_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BD150, hash = 5473cc4e47adbc23 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BD150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17492, handle = 00000176A2F12710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2524bf77260ca2a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 2524bf77260ca2a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B9D90, hash = 2524bf77260ca2a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B9D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15980, handle = 00000176A2F0C2E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1143faebf78b98d0 shader registered for possible reloading: 1143faebf78b98d0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BAED0, hash = 1143faebf78b98d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BAED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16036, handle = 00000176A2F55AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ef83f95fd112989 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ef83f95fd112989_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BCB90, hash = 2ef83f95fd112989 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BCB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10748, handle = 00000176A2EDDCD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a69256313d4b7fc1 shader registered for possible reloading: a69256313d4b7fc1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BBD50, hash = a69256313d4b7fc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BBD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10804, handle = 00000176A2FE6750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c5f38167a866d34 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c5f38167a866d34_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BAC10, hash = 9c5f38167a866d34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BAC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8800, handle = 00000176A2F5BFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ec920faf676775d shader registered for possible reloading: 0ec920faf676775d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BC190, hash = 0ec920faf676775d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BC190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8856, handle = 00000176A2F4EBA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b937c00fc01e480 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b937c00fc01e480_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B9950, hash = 9b937c00fc01e480 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B9950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18568, handle = 00000176A2F74090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d1352e1b0a24017 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d1352e1b0a24017_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BD890, hash = 0d1352e1b0a24017 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BD890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18624, handle = 00000176A2FDE0D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30eb5c33eaa424d6 shader registered for possible reloading: 30eb5c33eaa424d6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BDB50, hash = 30eb5c33eaa424d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BDB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16588, handle = 00000176A2F00AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce0f699f65915d48 shader registered for possible reloading: ce0f699f65915d48_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BE410, hash = ce0f699f65915d48 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BE410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16644, handle = 00000176A2FB2DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92739a0dad563f3d shader registered for possible reloading: 92739a0dad563f3d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BC750, hash = 92739a0dad563f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BC750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 78512, handle = 00000176A2F1CE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 79aa8776d4d2d8fc shader registered for possible reloading: 79aa8776d4d2d8fc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BD2D0, hash = 79aa8776d4d2d8fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BD2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 78508, handle = 00000176A2FCAE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d87ec46a7f370a44 shader registered for possible reloading: d87ec46a7f370a44_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BD450, hash = d87ec46a7f370a44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BD450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81076, handle = 00000176A2F92660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0accb770323113da shader registered for possible reloading: 0accb770323113da_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BD590, hash = 0accb770323113da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BD590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81112, handle = 00000176A2EE68C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2bb912067fa5020e shader registered for possible reloading: 2bb912067fa5020e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B8DD0, hash = 2bb912067fa5020e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B8DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79104, handle = 00000176A2F5E240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f20945307779c726 shader registered for possible reloading: f20945307779c726_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B8F50, hash = f20945307779c726 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B8F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79188, handle = 00000176A2F324A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99d4f040bc1f120d shader registered for possible reloading: 99d4f040bc1f120d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8B9090, hash = 99d4f040bc1f120d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8B9090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81672, handle = 00000176A2F78920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4de268a5af5c387 shader registered for possible reloading: f4de268a5af5c387_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BA1D0, hash = f4de268a5af5c387 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BA1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81728, handle = 00000176A2FB6EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96c5c12d7c5ba951 shader registered for possible reloading: 96c5c12d7c5ba951_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C1650, hash = 96c5c12d7c5ba951 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C1650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3696, handle = 00000176A2B02760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b027c42deb0566bb shader registered for possible reloading: b027c42deb0566bb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C0950, hash = b027c42deb0566bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C0950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9020, handle = 00000176A2DBA880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2102e8b818a7eb05 shader registered for possible reloading: 2102e8b818a7eb05_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C1A90, hash = 2102e8b818a7eb05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C1A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8692, handle = 00000176A2D42CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4859061ba1ee1b0 shader registered for possible reloading: f4859061ba1ee1b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C0510, hash = f4859061ba1ee1b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C0510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3744, handle = 00000176A2B341B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7db9e246772a179d shader registered for possible reloading: 7db9e246772a179d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C2050, hash = 7db9e246772a179d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C2050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8740, handle = 00000176A2D4AB30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e526afa165a63884 shader registered for possible reloading: e526afa165a63884_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C0810, hash = e526afa165a63884 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C0810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3720, handle = 00000176A2D57DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29082803e02466bf shader registered for possible reloading: 29082803e02466bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BE9D0, hash = 29082803e02466bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BE9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9028, handle = 00000176A2BB8820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38efc92702c7becc shader registered for possible reloading: 38efc92702c7becc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C2BD0, hash = 38efc92702c7becc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C2BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8716, handle = 00000176A2D36950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5bae33670200d90 shader registered for possible reloading: f5bae33670200d90_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BEF90, hash = f5bae33670200d90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BEF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3768, handle = 00000176A2E35040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53a9963bf9382d16 shader registered for possible reloading: 53a9963bf9382d16_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BEB50, hash = 53a9963bf9382d16 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BEB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8764, handle = 00000176A2DC1050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6104ece58869fcf shader registered for possible reloading: c6104ece58869fcf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BEE10, hash = c6104ece58869fcf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BEE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2952, handle = 00000176A2D3F1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b9a71de0140fea1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b9a71de0140fea1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C0AD0, hash = 7b9a71de0140fea1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C0AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8556, handle = 00000176A2DE8D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 045a433badca8c38 shader registered for possible reloading: 045a433badca8c38_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BF250, hash = 045a433badca8c38 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BF250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8232, handle = 00000176A2E311D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d42af05c6d7d104d shader registered for possible reloading: d42af05c6d7d104d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C0C50, hash = d42af05c6d7d104d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C0C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3008, handle = 00000176A2D71870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5cf379cfe4ceafc4 shader registered for possible reloading: 5cf379cfe4ceafc4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C3050, hash = 5cf379cfe4ceafc4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C3050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8556, handle = 00000176A2B749D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57774aa27d6fb5fb shader registered for possible reloading: 57774aa27d6fb5fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C3190, hash = 57774aa27d6fb5fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C3190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8288, handle = 00000176A2D3AE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 444dd1fc0285d8be shader registered for possible reloading: 444dd1fc0285d8be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C0DD0, hash = 444dd1fc0285d8be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C0DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2320, handle = 00000176A2DCA740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8e534733fe9962f shader registered for possible reloading: b8e534733fe9962f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C2ED0, hash = b8e534733fe9962f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C2ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7600, handle = 00000176A2C69620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72c02bb9987f7160 shader registered for possible reloading: 72c02bb9987f7160_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BEC90, hash = 72c02bb9987f7160 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BEC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2364, handle = 00000176A2A7F290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae00914d26d2e416 shader registered for possible reloading: ae00914d26d2e416_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BF110, hash = ae00914d26d2e416 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BF110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7644, handle = 00000176A2D55FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50273ac635737e10 shader registered for possible reloading: 50273ac635737e10_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C1D90, hash = 50273ac635737e10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C1D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2556, handle = 00000176A2AEC640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0353c35d17d3e7fc shader registered for possible reloading: 0353c35d17d3e7fc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C38D0, hash = 0353c35d17d3e7fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C38D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7836, handle = 00000176A2D99B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90d72537ab3ec7e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 90d72537ab3ec7e4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C3610, hash = 90d72537ab3ec7e4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C3610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2580, handle = 00000176A2B6D3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 810819f5ee8d0c34 shader registered for possible reloading: 810819f5ee8d0c34_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C2D50, hash = 810819f5ee8d0c34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C2D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7860, handle = 00000176A2D51140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70f351b6595c3e87 shader registered for possible reloading: 70f351b6595c3e87_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C0F10, hash = 70f351b6595c3e87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C0F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2556, handle = 00000176A2E09DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61d5ef95fcee063f shader registered for possible reloading: 61d5ef95fcee063f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BF3D0, hash = 61d5ef95fcee063f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BF3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7836, handle = 00000176A2D4F290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 695be3281c0af4ac shader registered for possible reloading: 695be3281c0af4ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C1390, hash = 695be3281c0af4ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C1390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2288, handle = 00000176A2B78E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e910220477c9cae3 shader registered for possible reloading: e910220477c9cae3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BFB10, hash = e910220477c9cae3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BFB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7568, handle = 00000176A2DEF4D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d59a990947190f3e shader registered for possible reloading: d59a990947190f3e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8BF550, hash = d59a990947190f3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BF550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 552, handle = 00000176A2BACA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf7d1049a0540595 shader registered for possible reloading: bf7d1049a0540595_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C3310, hash = bf7d1049a0540595 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C3310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13192, handle = 00000176A2E886A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c04114a44da9fc44 shader registered for possible reloading: c04114a44da9fc44_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C17D0, hash = c04114a44da9fc44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C17D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13248, handle = 00000176A2E730C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d614a01ceca8259f shader registered for possible reloading: d614a01ceca8259f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C1950, hash = d614a01ceca8259f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C1950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 588, handle = 00000176A2D72440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5daba08b4c24444c shader registered for possible reloading: 5daba08b4c24444c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C3BD0, hash = 5daba08b4c24444c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C3BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13820, handle = 00000176A2E479C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a121c8a54e4a4c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 7a121c8a54e4a4c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C1C10, hash = 7a121c8a54e4a4c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C1C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13876, handle = 00000176A2E44380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f4c4feba413ea28 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f4c4feba413ea28_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C3490, hash = 6f4c4feba413ea28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C3490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13016, handle = 00000176A2E813E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54a673298944fcc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 54a673298944fcc1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BF990, hash = 54a673298944fcc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BF990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13072, handle = 00000176A2E53030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f479bf687e8622eb shader registered for possible reloading: f479bf687e8622eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BFC90, hash = f479bf687e8622eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BFC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13004, handle = 00000176A2E6FDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6cf1de785e103e56 shader registered for possible reloading: 6cf1de785e103e56_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C3750, hash = 6cf1de785e103e56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C3750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13060, handle = 00000176A2E61C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 879b552b611fa3bb shader registered for possible reloading: 879b552b611fa3bb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C1210, hash = 879b552b611fa3bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C1210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13052, handle = 00000176A2D2B220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7bbbdfd982e7a6f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 7bbbdfd982e7a6f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BFDD0, hash = 7bbbdfd982e7a6f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BFDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13108, handle = 00000176A2E6CAA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18d230a25820e4da shader registered for possible reloading: 18d230a25820e4da_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BFF50, hash = 18d230a25820e4da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BFF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13040, handle = 00000176A2E7A050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 133b585ef84d90a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 133b585ef84d90a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C00D0, hash = 133b585ef84d90a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C00D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13096, handle = 00000176A2E8F9F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3a9b4bc5804618b shader registered for possible reloading: b3a9b4bc5804618b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C1F10, hash = b3a9b4bc5804618b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C1F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13548, handle = 00000176A2B370A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22b283541dcbf326 shader registered for possible reloading: 22b283541dcbf326_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C0250, hash = 22b283541dcbf326 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C0250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11640, handle = 00000176A2C9AE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a11a63ae218276d shader registered for possible reloading: 0a11a63ae218276d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C0390, hash = 0a11a63ae218276d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C0390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14480, handle = 00000176A2AD30F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9342e757ac8a3deb shader registered for possible reloading: 9342e757ac8a3deb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C14D0, hash = 9342e757ac8a3deb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C14D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12184, handle = 00000176A2C00010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85c5442a493d1b95 shader registered for possible reloading: 85c5442a493d1b95_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C21D0, hash = 85c5442a493d1b95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C21D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 128456, handle = 00000176A2CE0000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be5753b8c6617c99 shader registered for possible reloading: be5753b8c6617c99_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C2350, hash = be5753b8c6617c99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C2350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 125572, handle = 00000176A2D00000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bec20231ab4ef8cc shader registered for possible reloading: bec20231ab4ef8cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C24D0, hash = bec20231ab4ef8cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C24D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5972, handle = 00000176A2C441C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f0a3525f317e4c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f0a3525f317e4c8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C3D10, hash = 8f0a3525f317e4c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C3D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7920, handle = 00000176A2B30DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6480936dd39a1d1 shader registered for possible reloading: c6480936dd39a1d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C2610, hash = c6480936dd39a1d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C2610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5996, handle = 00000176A2AE8920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 753ba1f59d0caad0 shader registered for possible reloading: 753ba1f59d0caad0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C2790, hash = 753ba1f59d0caad0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C2790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8176, handle = 00000176A2E0CDF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6091d8c1620ffbdd shader registered for possible reloading: 6091d8c1620ffbdd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C2910, hash = 6091d8c1620ffbdd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C2910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10124, handle = 00000176A2DE3F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14a0bb85311286e7 shader registered for possible reloading: 14a0bb85311286e7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C3E90, hash = 14a0bb85311286e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C3E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8200, handle = 00000176A29C51C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9483819175292677 shader registered for possible reloading: 9483819175292677_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C2A90, hash = 9483819175292677 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C2A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6008, handle = 00000176A29FC7F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b8346f300bd7c2a shader registered for possible reloading: 4b8346f300bd7c2a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C4010, hash = 4b8346f300bd7c2a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C4010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8804, handle = 00000176A2E2EF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f93777e49cfa14b shader registered for possible reloading: 5f93777e49cfa14b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C4190, hash = 5f93777e49cfa14b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C4190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9816, handle = 00000176A2D2E6A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38c5f2a563eef7d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 38c5f2a563eef7d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8BE850, hash = 38c5f2a563eef7d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8BE850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9872, handle = 00000176A2E229C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35eb0b74766431c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 35eb0b74766431c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C8D90, hash = 35eb0b74766431c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C8D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8396, handle = 00000176A2DC3630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e230eede9b290e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7e230eede9b290e6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C7DD0, hash = 7e230eede9b290e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C7DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8452, handle = 00000176A2E2CE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4b376f95cea7bc8 shader registered for possible reloading: a4b376f95cea7bc8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C42D0, hash = a4b376f95cea7bc8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C42D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11816, handle = 00000176A2D531B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f975ff35c7617ecb shader registered for possible reloading: f975ff35c7617ecb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C5CD0, hash = f975ff35c7617ecb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C5CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11872, handle = 00000176A2D459E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a4eb4f6cbe4590f shader registered for possible reloading: 6a4eb4f6cbe4590f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C7C50, hash = 6a4eb4f6cbe4590f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C7C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10344, handle = 00000176A2DF3CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c165d7df9d3a351b shader registered for possible reloading: c165d7df9d3a351b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C6C90, hash = c165d7df9d3a351b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C6C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10400, handle = 00000176A2D30D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34598e08e7ce5c56 shader registered for possible reloading: 34598e08e7ce5c56_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C69D0, hash = 34598e08e7ce5c56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C69D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9840, handle = 00000176A2D9F8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bbbab3b123c811d6 shader registered for possible reloading: bbbab3b123c811d6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C5150, hash = bbbab3b123c811d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C5150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9896, handle = 00000176A2E363A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90ff60d97a8bde4f shader registered for possible reloading: 90ff60d97a8bde4f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C6F90, hash = 90ff60d97a8bde4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C6F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8420, handle = 00000176A2DA47D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb35b0f61ef721a4 shader registered for possible reloading: eb35b0f61ef721a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C8390, hash = eb35b0f61ef721a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C8390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8476, handle = 00000176A2E2AD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 074964ff7b348e35 shader registered for possible reloading: 074964ff7b348e35_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C9A90, hash = 074964ff7b348e35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C9A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11196, handle = 00000176A2C86680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d9648bc7f7f07333 shader registered for possible reloading: d9648bc7f7f07333_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C59D0, hash = d9648bc7f7f07333 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C59D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11252, handle = 00000176A2C02FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee89f2b6e20178b3 shader registered for possible reloading: ee89f2b6e20178b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C4B90, hash = ee89f2b6e20178b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C4B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9768, handle = 00000176A2E0A7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e66729104b9081ba shader registered for possible reloading: e66729104b9081ba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C7690, hash = e66729104b9081ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C7690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9824, handle = 00000176A2DDF790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ed1c8191f1d3df2 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ed1c8191f1d3df2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C5710, hash = 6ed1c8191f1d3df2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C5710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13144, handle = 00000176A2D20010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 540ae871a6f23ebe shader registered for possible reloading: 540ae871a6f23ebe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C4450, hash = 540ae871a6f23ebe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C4450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13200, handle = 00000176A2D335B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 576c95212615b277 shader registered for possible reloading: 576c95212615b277_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C7810, hash = 576c95212615b277 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C7810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11716, handle = 00000176A2DC5710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18c51dcbc4d6f52e shader registered for possible reloading: 18c51dcbc4d6f52e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C5B50, hash = 18c51dcbc4d6f52e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C5B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11772, handle = 00000176A2D3FEC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6bff23ca872a9fa2 shader registered for possible reloading: 6bff23ca872a9fa2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C8950, hash = 6bff23ca872a9fa2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C8950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11220, handle = 00000176A2C4EDA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6abbdebad4e1511 shader registered for possible reloading: a6abbdebad4e1511_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C9090, hash = a6abbdebad4e1511 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C9090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11276, handle = 00000176A2E25060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31eaf5772e8cc4e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 31eaf5772e8cc4e4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C7F50, hash = 31eaf5772e8cc4e4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C7F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A2DE66D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41c7f1a9b874ea36 shader registered for possible reloading: 41c7f1a9b874ea36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C5E50, hash = 41c7f1a9b874ea36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C5E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9848, handle = 00000176A2E0EDF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb80ac53ef4e710b shader registered for possible reloading: cb80ac53ef4e710b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C73D0, hash = cb80ac53ef4e710b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C73D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10380, handle = 00000176A2D972E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75d46d1882ed898e shader registered for possible reloading: 75d46d1882ed898e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C4E50, hash = 75d46d1882ed898e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C4E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10436, handle = 00000176A2995EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55af3c5df9274c39 shader registered for possible reloading: 55af3c5df9274c39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C7550, hash = 55af3c5df9274c39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C7550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8432, handle = 00000176A2D726C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76de873bd84ec852 shader registered for possible reloading: 76de873bd84ec852_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C4890, hash = 76de873bd84ec852 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C4890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8488, handle = 00000176A2DE1E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ff9c44cca0b4d5e shader registered for possible reloading: 1ff9c44cca0b4d5e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C8F10, hash = 1ff9c44cca0b4d5e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C8F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12148, handle = 00000176A2C3E280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18a77b96a0d6b5b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 18a77b96a0d6b5b5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C5F90, hash = 18a77b96a0d6b5b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C5F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12204, handle = 00000176A2C41200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1398570f44728b7 shader registered for possible reloading: a1398570f44728b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C4D10, hash = a1398570f44728b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C4D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10396, handle = 00000176A2DA1F20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cbb108fa21d55de4 shader registered for possible reloading: cbb108fa21d55de4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C9650, hash = cbb108fa21d55de4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C9650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10452, handle = 00000176A2A31D10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c857c5dc2d50043c shader registered for possible reloading: c857c5dc2d50043c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C6B10, hash = c857c5dc2d50043c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C6B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 70992, handle = 00000176A2D85D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd0ea0f6069d48eb shader registered for possible reloading: cd0ea0f6069d48eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C4FD0, hash = cd0ea0f6069d48eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C4FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71048, handle = 00000176A2DCB140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d5ffa6983f5a076f shader registered for possible reloading: d5ffa6983f5a076f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C6110, hash = d5ffa6983f5a076f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C6110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 70980, handle = 00000176A2E11470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d3b9f80b7ddd903a shader registered for possible reloading: d3b9f80b7ddd903a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C80D0, hash = d3b9f80b7ddd903a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C80D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71036, handle = 00000176A2DF6560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5b43f39af90906e shader registered for possible reloading: f5b43f39af90906e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C8210, hash = f5b43f39af90906e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C8210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10844, handle = 00000176A2D6CEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40957c10b49c3851 shader registered for possible reloading: 40957c10b49c3851_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C9C10, hash = 40957c10b49c3851 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C9C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10820, handle = 00000176A2DB7E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edb60cf43bb2f7a7 shader registered for possible reloading: edb60cf43bb2f7a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C45D0, hash = edb60cf43bb2f7a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C45D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8920, handle = 00000176A2D48850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a235fbe34f6cad7 shader registered for possible reloading: 3a235fbe34f6cad7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C8510, hash = 3a235fbe34f6cad7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C8510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8908, handle = 00000176A2928940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd85abccf7f5f257 shader registered for possible reloading: bd85abccf7f5f257_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C66D0, hash = bd85abccf7f5f257 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C66D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71028, handle = 00000176A2D58C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59a8c2c7e7e0e391 shader registered for possible reloading: 59a8c2c7e7e0e391_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C8690, hash = 59a8c2c7e7e0e391 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C8690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71084, handle = 00000176A2D747C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b0bca0ad6ecfdb7 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b0bca0ad6ecfdb7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C6410, hash = 9b0bca0ad6ecfdb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C6410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71016, handle = 00000176A2DA68C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d074416a08af1be shader registered for possible reloading: 6d074416a08af1be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C9D90, hash = 6d074416a08af1be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C9D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 71072, handle = 00000176A2CCE630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 547b3c51e4baba3f shader registered for possible reloading: 547b3c51e4baba3f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8C87D0, hash = 547b3c51e4baba3f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C87D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13740, handle = 00000176A2A7BCD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71a7f3be935174b3 shader registered for possible reloading: 71a7f3be935174b3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C6550, hash = 71a7f3be935174b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C6550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11880, handle = 00000176A2BB1420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51ca399661e09d33 shader registered for possible reloading: 51ca399661e09d33_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C9910, hash = 51ca399661e09d33 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C9910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14656, handle = 00000176A2B69A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d79b39737219324f shader registered for possible reloading: d79b39737219324f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C4750, hash = d79b39737219324f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C4750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12424, handle = 00000176A2AF1530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd9b14cc801ec3bf shader registered for possible reloading: bd9b14cc801ec3bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C52D0, hash = bd9b14cc801ec3bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C52D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 128004, handle = 00000176A2BE0000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d751b650e889988b shader registered for possible reloading: d751b650e889988b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C5410, hash = d751b650e889988b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C5410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 125760, handle = 00000176A2BC0000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef55a21b79b61520 shader registered for possible reloading: ef55a21b79b61520_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8C5890, hash = ef55a21b79b61520 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8C5890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6268, handle = 00000176A2BB4290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 144c0c22c7473069 shader registered for possible reloading: 144c0c22c7473069_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CD590, hash = 144c0c22c7473069 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CD590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8472, handle = 00000176A2B106C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7aa3391b5c382c75 shader registered for possible reloading: 7aa3391b5c382c75_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CC710, hash = 7aa3391b5c382c75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CC710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6304, handle = 00000176A2BBE300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac67da28293a5bdc shader registered for possible reloading: ac67da28293a5bdc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CEF50, hash = ac67da28293a5bdc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CEF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9100, handle = 00000176A2ABDE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b58b0b3c13f38dc shader registered for possible reloading: 5b58b0b3c13f38dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CBD10, hash = 5b58b0b3c13f38dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CBD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10908, handle = 00000176A2CCBB80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 231df9b58b2fad66 shader registered for possible reloading: 231df9b58b2fad66_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CD710, hash = 231df9b58b2fad66 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CD710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10964, handle = 00000176A2C6F520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 613008623f58b99d shader registered for possible reloading: 613008623f58b99d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CB490, hash = 613008623f58b99d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CB490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9488, handle = 00000176A281DCD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f20ff7c68d5c2c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f20ff7c68d5c2c8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CF810, hash = 5f20ff7c68d5c2c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CF810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9544, handle = 00000176A29A94E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7973556d4bc112e2 shader registered for possible reloading: 7973556d4bc112e2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CAED0, hash = 7973556d4bc112e2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CAED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12288, handle = 00000176A2CB4700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 749f4bedfdc31b4a shader registered for possible reloading: 749f4bedfdc31b4a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CF510, hash = 749f4bedfdc31b4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CF510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12344, handle = 00000176A2C6C4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9680da121ad6872 shader registered for possible reloading: a9680da121ad6872_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CD850, hash = a9680da121ad6872 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CD850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10860, handle = 00000176A2CB1C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a955cc587c11bfd9 shader registered for possible reloading: a955cc587c11bfd9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CA050, hash = a955cc587c11bfd9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CA050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10916, handle = 00000176A2CB7710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46c2459427c733fe shader registered for possible reloading: 46c2459427c733fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CC450, hash = 46c2459427c733fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CC450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11472, handle = 00000176A2C72000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50fff53b72ea263d shader registered for possible reloading: 50fff53b72ea263d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CF3D0, hash = 50fff53b72ea263d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CF3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11528, handle = 00000176A2C45DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3eb1939b5afc216 shader registered for possible reloading: b3eb1939b5afc216_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CE290, hash = b3eb1939b5afc216 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CE290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9524, handle = 00000176A2BAA540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d3d0f488fffbfb8 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d3d0f488fffbfb8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CA350, hash = 3d3d0f488fffbfb8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CA350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9580, handle = 00000176A2B13750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4b6d112c34968f8 shader registered for possible reloading: a4b6d112c34968f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CC150, hash = a4b6d112c34968f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CC150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13212, handle = 00000176A2C66270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e52f20a0c946f85d shader registered for possible reloading: e52f20a0c946f85d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CDE10, hash = e52f20a0c946f85d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CDE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13268, handle = 00000176A2C4B9C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce5b517bfa922ce0 shader registered for possible reloading: ce5b517bfa922ce0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CD9D0, hash = ce5b517bfa922ce0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CD9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11472, handle = 00000176A2BBB620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1c781a9c4fd98b0 shader registered for possible reloading: a1c781a9c4fd98b0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CDB50, hash = a1c781a9c4fd98b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CDB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11528, handle = 00000176A2C51B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a17512fd672df14 shader registered for possible reloading: 1a17512fd672df14_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CF990, hash = 1a17512fd672df14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CF990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72084, handle = 00000176A2C74CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6de1ded74775c42 shader registered for possible reloading: c6de1ded74775c42_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CBE90, hash = c6de1ded74775c42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CBE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72140, handle = 00000176A2C89440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 837fb30cfccf299f shader registered for possible reloading: 837fb30cfccf299f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CC010, hash = 837fb30cfccf299f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CC010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72072, handle = 00000176A2C290A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8adcf0f093fa63c shader registered for possible reloading: b8adcf0f093fa63c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CAD50, hash = b8adcf0f093fa63c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CAD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72128, handle = 00000176A2C9DBB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 634617fa46cdd63a shader registered for possible reloading: 634617fa46cdd63a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CA790, hash = 634617fa46cdd63a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CA790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9988, handle = 00000176A2B3C490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1289b28b7608f75c shader registered for possible reloading: 1289b28b7608f75c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CDCD0, hash = 1289b28b7608f75c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CDCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9976, handle = 00000176A2CAF580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f0a3b361b1cec10 shader registered for possible reloading: 4f0a3b361b1cec10_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CC2D0, hash = 4f0a3b361b1cec10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CC2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72120, handle = 00000176A2CBA1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7bd892865787ceac shader registered for possible reloading: 7bd892865787ceac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CA490, hash = 7bd892865787ceac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CA490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72176, handle = 00000176A2C54870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef6f91e585c062b9 shader registered for possible reloading: ef6f91e585c062b9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CDF90, hash = ef6f91e585c062b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CDF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72108, handle = 00000176A2C05CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e2993293d44d94d shader registered for possible reloading: 7e2993293d44d94d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CCCD0, hash = 7e2993293d44d94d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CCCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72164, handle = 00000176A2C176B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ecd6c5c4369ac34 shader registered for possible reloading: 1ecd6c5c4369ac34_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8CF0D0, hash = 1ecd6c5c4369ac34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CF0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2328, handle = 00000176A29A4000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5fbf7ef2c652d7e shader registered for possible reloading: a5fbf7ef2c652d7e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CD410, hash = a5fbf7ef2c652d7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CD410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8012, handle = 00000176A2AFEB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cce75cb72ecb6976 shader registered for possible reloading: cce75cb72ecb6976_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CCB90, hash = cce75cb72ecb6976 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CCB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2492, handle = 00000176A2B274C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12714604df8a108a shader registered for possible reloading: 12714604df8a108a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CB010, hash = 12714604df8a108a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CB010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8172, handle = 00000176A29C9850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a496f3429ce57357 shader registered for possible reloading: a496f3429ce57357_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CCE50, hash = a496f3429ce57357 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CCE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A29A7810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee246c2427ed386e shader registered for possible reloading: ee246c2427ed386e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CCFD0, hash = ee246c2427ed386e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CCFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A2ABC0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 827544715c281d25 shader registered for possible reloading: 827544715c281d25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CBB90, hash = 827544715c281d25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CBB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2396, handle = 00000176A291A770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b025dae4af16e12c shader registered for possible reloading: b025dae4af16e12c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CB310, hash = b025dae4af16e12c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CB310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8148, handle = 00000176A2990630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d3e76d22ef4e1dd2 shader registered for possible reloading: d3e76d22ef4e1dd2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CA610, hash = d3e76d22ef4e1dd2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CA610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 00000176A28F76F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e336cf85551f0d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e336cf85551f0d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CB190, hash = 4e336cf85551f0d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CB190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8308, handle = 00000176A2B04730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c52212d6d0d80e98 shader registered for possible reloading: c52212d6d0d80e98_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CD150, hash = c52212d6d0d80e98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CD150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7436, handle = 00000176A29CF4C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d18e80f63c7e4c3e shader registered for possible reloading: d18e80f63c7e4c3e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CB5D0, hash = d18e80f63c7e4c3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CB5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7596, handle = 00000176A2B17BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8940a0b19990320 shader registered for possible reloading: c8940a0b19990320_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CABD0, hash = c8940a0b19990320 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CABD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2352, handle = 00000176A28D1BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94c3c35189c8b12d shader registered for possible reloading: 94c3c35189c8b12d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CEC90, hash = 94c3c35189c8b12d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CEC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2516, handle = 00000176A2B366C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0eaf9323fdcd6be shader registered for possible reloading: d0eaf9323fdcd6be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CE110, hash = d0eaf9323fdcd6be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CE110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A29D11E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2297e84b9e344a01 shader registered for possible reloading: 2297e84b9e344a01_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CC5D0, hash = 2297e84b9e344a01 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CC5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7552, handle = 00000176A2A02900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18f3ddeae45fa907 shader registered for possible reloading: 18f3ddeae45fa907_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CF250, hash = 18f3ddeae45fa907 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CF250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 00000176A28CF1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d49214f14c34d113 shader registered for possible reloading: d49214f14c34d113_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CAA50, hash = d49214f14c34d113 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CAA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2584, handle = 00000176A27D71B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0e980c5ad6efd2d shader registered for possible reloading: b0e980c5ad6efd2d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CE3D0, hash = b0e980c5ad6efd2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CE3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7460, handle = 00000176A2B0E990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8965d309411942fc shader registered for possible reloading: 8965d309411942fc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CE550, hash = 8965d309411942fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CE550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7620, handle = 00000176A29FE790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af9eeb4d73809fb7 shader registered for possible reloading: af9eeb4d73809fb7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CC890, hash = af9eeb4d73809fb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CC890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2152, handle = 00000176A28DDE80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 shader registered for possible reloading: 9287bc5c57cf9c03_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CE6D0, hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CE6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7780, handle = 00000176A2AEA7D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e08e7d08f4c24def shader registered for possible reloading: e08e7d08f4c24def_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CB750, hash = e08e7d08f4c24def returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CB750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2316, handle = 00000176A2B1D110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e shader registered for possible reloading: 78d5eeaf5a8af08e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CB8D0, hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CB8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7940, handle = 00000176A2ABA190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa shader registered for possible reloading: fd6c08e1599c34fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CD290, hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CD290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A2A599C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7956d38a89935a2f shader registered for possible reloading: 7956d38a89935a2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CEB10, hash = 7956d38a89935a2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CEB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7636, handle = 00000176A2A4DF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a678a1850a488e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CE850, hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CE850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A2ADE950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 656d2cba4764557b shader registered for possible reloading: 656d2cba4764557b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CBA50, hash = 656d2cba4764557b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CBA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7884, handle = 00000176A29F3EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bfefe771fdb8bc1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CE990, hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CE990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2288, handle = 00000176A29F5DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c9e521019bed3b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CEE10, hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CEE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8044, handle = 00000176A2B27E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a shader registered for possible reloading: 92c91681d2f40e9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D1650, hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D1650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176A29CD7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b9506e3c4502808_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4890, hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7608, handle = 00000176A2ADA560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54a014b0e9312047 shader registered for possible reloading: 54a014b0e9312047_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D5410, hash = 54a014b0e9312047 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D5410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1924, handle = 00000176A298CA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea15018b8610ff3b shader registered for possible reloading: ea15018b8610ff3b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D3E90, hash = ea15018b8610ff3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D3E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2088, handle = 00000176A29ACAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5fc425cb273e09a shader registered for possible reloading: c5fc425cb273e09a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D1090, hash = c5fc425cb273e09a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D1090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7248, handle = 00000176A29EE640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a15bee8f24ea2ee8 shader registered for possible reloading: a15bee8f24ea2ee8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D1C10, hash = a15bee8f24ea2ee8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D1C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7408, handle = 00000176A2B00A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ab7876f0c2f9cc6 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ab7876f0c2f9cc6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D1ED0, hash = 3ab7876f0c2f9cc6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D1ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1924, handle = 00000176A2832370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70e91d9aca658edf shader registered for possible reloading: 70e91d9aca658edf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4A10, hash = 70e91d9aca658edf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2088, handle = 00000176A2831B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41be26edb9ba1d57 shader registered for possible reloading: 41be26edb9ba1d57_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4B50, hash = 41be26edb9ba1d57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7248, handle = 00000176A2B249A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 027faf4f5abffbf5 shader registered for possible reloading: 027faf4f5abffbf5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D21D0, hash = 027faf4f5abffbf5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D21D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7408, handle = 00000176A2A804B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 041a0eb5143cfe7b shader registered for possible reloading: 041a0eb5143cfe7b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D2790, hash = 041a0eb5143cfe7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D2790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2044, handle = 00000176A2992610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18df5a226b5b5871 shader registered for possible reloading: 18df5a226b5b5871_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D3B90, hash = 18df5a226b5b5871 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D3B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2208, handle = 00000176A2B32D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 140821160f695da5 shader registered for possible reloading: 140821160f695da5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0F10, hash = 140821160f695da5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A2AF9B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 928f12aa8ccd4645 shader registered for possible reloading: 928f12aa8ccd4645_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D3310, hash = 928f12aa8ccd4645 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D3310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A2AC48D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b96508f7f73501e shader registered for possible reloading: 9b96508f7f73501e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4450, hash = 9b96508f7f73501e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2068, handle = 00000176A28DE6F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abbeeae2478667f7 shader registered for possible reloading: abbeeae2478667f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CFF50, hash = abbeeae2478667f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CFF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2232, handle = 00000176A292F300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6681baa13ff1ba1 shader registered for possible reloading: a6681baa13ff1ba1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D3450, hash = a6681baa13ff1ba1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D3450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A2AFB850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9955949c49521658 shader registered for possible reloading: 9955949c49521658_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4CD0, hash = 9955949c49521658 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7552, handle = 00000176A2A3C6D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c8ceca36d14b660 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c8ceca36d14b660_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D35D0, hash = 9c8ceca36d14b660 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D35D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2044, handle = 00000176A2916E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ef70e017bd32a14 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ef70e017bd32a14_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D3750, hash = 8ef70e017bd32a14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D3750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2208, handle = 00000176A2AFD540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 254d8aad2b014c20 shader registered for possible reloading: 254d8aad2b014c20_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D3FD0, hash = 254d8aad2b014c20 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D3FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A2ACE560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f76794ee2d99f55 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f76794ee2d99f55_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D3010, hash = 2f76794ee2d99f55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D3010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A2A5FB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e635c14de32b356 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e635c14de32b356_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4150, hash = 6e635c14de32b356 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1892, handle = 00000176A1F7DC00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13648acc2ac8e05 shader registered for possible reloading: c13648acc2ac8e05_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4590, hash = c13648acc2ac8e05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2056, handle = 00000176A2B20130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 721c00981b9c8348 shader registered for possible reloading: 721c00981b9c8348_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D38D0, hash = 721c00981b9c8348 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D38D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7216, handle = 00000176A2A46850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57a2e865f8afb256 shader registered for possible reloading: 57a2e865f8afb256_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D2D50, hash = 57a2e865f8afb256 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D2D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7376, handle = 00000176A29D57B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a487196c0e40d9d shader registered for possible reloading: 8a487196c0e40d9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CFDD0, hash = 8a487196c0e40d9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CFDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3600, handle = 00000176A2B2B3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 780c1e491cc10267 shader registered for possible reloading: 780c1e491cc10267_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D2490, hash = 780c1e491cc10267 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D2490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3764, handle = 00000176A2B26600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 87837c4357494159 shader registered for possible reloading: 87837c4357494159_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4710, hash = 87837c4357494159 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9028, handle = 00000176A2AE1CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9616aa42e7bba007 shader registered for possible reloading: 9616aa42e7bba007_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4E50, hash = 9616aa42e7bba007 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9188, handle = 00000176A2AE4000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9076654207471031 shader registered for possible reloading: 9076654207471031_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D4FD0, hash = 9076654207471031 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D4FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4068, handle = 00000176A29ABAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 shader registered for possible reloading: e9ecfd7a9a181378_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D5110, hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D5110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10980, handle = 00000176A2B09CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 shader registered for possible reloading: bd86789f594cd9c3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D5590, hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D5590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9972, handle = 00000176A2B1DA30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e8ca8689505213c shader registered for possible reloading: 5e8ca8689505213c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D3A10, hash = 5e8ca8689505213c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D3A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4136, handle = 00000176A2B0D960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f54fc0d533f261ff shader registered for possible reloading: f54fc0d533f261ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0210, hash = f54fc0d533f261ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11132, handle = 00000176A2AEE9A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f shader registered for possible reloading: d2d77f2b8146ad4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D2E90, hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D2E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A2B19980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ce2b9890906f25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D5290, hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D5290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4092, handle = 00000176A2B03720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b76f821613d6700b shader registered for possible reloading: b76f821613d6700b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0090, hash = b76f821613d6700b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10988, handle = 00000176A2ADF1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e8f446749a01d83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CFAD0, hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CFAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9996, handle = 00000176A2AC6640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db shader registered for possible reloading: ce379bf3ba5db5db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8CFC50, hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8CFC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4160, handle = 00000176A2B1C0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f shader registered for possible reloading: 06c235bcb5ddf25f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D2310, hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D2310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11140, handle = 00000176A2AD79D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e76742d85360740a shader registered for possible reloading: e76742d85360740a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D11D0, hash = e76742d85360740a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D11D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10064, handle = 00000176A29849F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 shader registered for possible reloading: fe177d918a8d71b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0390, hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176A29F02A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ea0c33a13b68f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0510, hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A2A99AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 shader registered for possible reloading: e24b5f338d5b4cd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0650, hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9504, handle = 00000176A2AC8D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 shader registered for possible reloading: 86a59be4e2a1f509_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D07D0, hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D07D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3336, handle = 00000176A2AFDDF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d7f63977dfda7c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0950, hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10184, handle = 00000176A2A39F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 shader registered for possible reloading: f7ab20a7ef6c8132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0AD0, hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A2AE63F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53426ef6186603f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 53426ef6186603f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D1D50, hash = 53426ef6186603f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D1D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2636, handle = 00000176A2B35C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44df974028cf5a08 shader registered for possible reloading: 44df974028cf5a08_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D2BD0, hash = 44df974028cf5a08 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D2BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8800, handle = 00000176A2AF5640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fbcb69fe6ba3b7b1 shader registered for possible reloading: fbcb69fe6ba3b7b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0C10, hash = fbcb69fe6ba3b7b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2672, handle = 00000176A2B3BA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ed902411256ce67 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ed902411256ce67_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D0D90, hash = 3ed902411256ce67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D0D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8836, handle = 00000176A2A54170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd9145642607acc8 shader registered for possible reloading: cd9145642607acc8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D1350, hash = cd9145642607acc8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D1350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2916, handle = 00000176A2AD6E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20d6bde6a2ad6a19 shader registered for possible reloading: 20d6bde6a2ad6a19_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D28D0, hash = 20d6bde6a2ad6a19 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D28D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9080, handle = 00000176A29C74D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9043d23c8e2a207b shader registered for possible reloading: 9043d23c8e2a207b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D2610, hash = 9043d23c8e2a207b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D2610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2940, handle = 00000176A2B33620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8129d48ef66fdce8 shader registered for possible reloading: 8129d48ef66fdce8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D14D0, hash = 8129d48ef66fdce8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D14D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9104, handle = 00000176A2A00560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adc3b6c2bb9edcb7 shader registered for possible reloading: adc3b6c2bb9edcb7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D1790, hash = adc3b6c2bb9edcb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D1790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2864, handle = 00000176A2B35120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a5d46de4d8aa648 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a5d46de4d8aa648_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D1910, hash = 9a5d46de4d8aa648 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D1910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9028, handle = 00000176A2ACB290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02dadd0d499604e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 02dadd0d499604e8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DA490, hash = 02dadd0d499604e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DA490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2604, handle = 00000176A2A618E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 910efa92d17ac190 shader registered for possible reloading: 910efa92d17ac190_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D5850, hash = 910efa92d17ac190 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D5850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8768, handle = 00000176A2AD0EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60550f9657d1b84d shader registered for possible reloading: 60550f9657d1b84d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D6F50, hash = 60550f9657d1b84d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D6F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4480, handle = 00000176A2B0C7D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe1324dfdd61b0d1 shader registered for possible reloading: fe1324dfdd61b0d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D7810, hash = fe1324dfdd61b0d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D7810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10456, handle = 00000176A29D2ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38c50e499f1d541f shader registered for possible reloading: 38c50e499f1d541f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D8A90, hash = 38c50e499f1d541f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D8A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3840, handle = 00000176A2B08DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d4272ccccfd2e2d shader registered for possible reloading: 7d4272ccccfd2e2d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DABD0, hash = 7d4272ccccfd2e2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DABD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9616, handle = 00000176A2AC2330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 493c82ff4b94a30a shader registered for possible reloading: 493c82ff4b94a30a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D9610, hash = 493c82ff4b94a30a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D9610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8840, handle = 00000176A2A422D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51ea5a356abd9193 shader registered for possible reloading: 51ea5a356abd9193_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D9A90, hash = 51ea5a356abd9193 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D9A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3908, handle = 00000176A2AEDA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30e771cf8695d778 shader registered for possible reloading: 30e771cf8695d778_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D6990, hash = 30e771cf8695d778 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D6990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9752, handle = 00000176A2B067B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81bcef255e2a3822 shader registered for possible reloading: 81bcef255e2a3822_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D8C10, hash = 81bcef255e2a3822 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D8C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8908, handle = 00000176A2B2EAF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01bafbe01bd8bc8d shader registered for possible reloading: 01bafbe01bd8bc8d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D8D90, hash = 01bafbe01bd8bc8d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D8D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3864, handle = 00000176A2B12830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 296baee08c99a2d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 296baee08c99a2d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D7950, hash = 296baee08c99a2d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D7950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9624, handle = 00000176A298A4A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 752b0fb1e9154e65 shader registered for possible reloading: 752b0fb1e9154e65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D6250, hash = 752b0fb1e9154e65 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D6250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8864, handle = 00000176A292D050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d68134bb475ee02 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d68134bb475ee02_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D8210, hash = 1d68134bb475ee02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D8210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3932, handle = 00000176A2A5B700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1466a2d7944b29e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 1466a2d7944b29e4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DA310, hash = 1466a2d7944b29e4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DA310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9760, handle = 00000176A2ADC320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4275d220ab1994d7 shader registered for possible reloading: 4275d220ab1994d7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D9910, hash = 4275d220ab1994d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D9910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8932, handle = 00000176A2A44560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04d41727e46dfa4d shader registered for possible reloading: 04d41727e46dfa4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D6B10, hash = 04d41727e46dfa4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D6B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3176, handle = 00000176A2A04690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 646965ace2d33f8a shader registered for possible reloading: 646965ace2d33f8a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DA050, hash = 646965ace2d33f8a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DA050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8904, handle = 00000176A2AF78B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0b3408a23b21450 shader registered for possible reloading: d0b3408a23b21450_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DA190, hash = d0b3408a23b21450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DA190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8460, handle = 00000176A2B22880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c5dac79012b7007 shader registered for possible reloading: 0c5dac79012b7007_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D5F90, hash = 0c5dac79012b7007 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D5F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3172, handle = 00000176A2AD0230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa678e08dabc03f6 shader registered for possible reloading: fa678e08dabc03f6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D8F10, hash = fa678e08dabc03f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D8F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9140, handle = 00000176A292AC90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31374c121ccc1179 shader registered for possible reloading: 31374c121ccc1179_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D6C90, hash = 31374c121ccc1179 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D6C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8456, handle = 00000176A2AC0220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 005764e85fc40ea4 shader registered for possible reloading: 005764e85fc40ea4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D6110, hash = 005764e85fc40ea4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D6110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2472, handle = 00000176A29F66C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75aa5b3981c6c39c shader registered for possible reloading: 75aa5b3981c6c39c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D7250, hash = 75aa5b3981c6c39c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D7250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7756, handle = 00000176A2B2C1F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2beaa1ba2c2f16aa shader registered for possible reloading: 2beaa1ba2c2f16aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DAD10, hash = 2beaa1ba2c2f16aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DAD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2508, handle = 00000176A2AED070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97588cb8e00bb8bf shader registered for possible reloading: 97588cb8e00bb8bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D63D0, hash = 97588cb8e00bb8bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D63D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7792, handle = 00000176A2B15D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 346124fa96649f28 shader registered for possible reloading: 346124fa96649f28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DA8D0, hash = 346124fa96649f28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DA8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2700, handle = 00000176A28D74F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35481feb1964dca9 shader registered for possible reloading: 35481feb1964dca9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D6DD0, hash = 35481feb1964dca9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D6DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7984, handle = 00000176A29A13F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4563170ce8bb8dd9 shader registered for possible reloading: 4563170ce8bb8dd9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D8090, hash = 4563170ce8bb8dd9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D8090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2724, handle = 00000176A2B29E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 897926c2d12740f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 897926c2d12740f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D59D0, hash = 897926c2d12740f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D59D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8008, handle = 00000176A29CB850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc703aca0378c354 shader registered for possible reloading: bc703aca0378c354_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D6550, hash = bc703aca0378c354 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D6550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2700, handle = 00000176A2B2E050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf4106536d2b832b shader registered for possible reloading: cf4106536d2b832b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D6810, hash = cf4106536d2b832b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D6810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7984, handle = 00000176A2B20940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9bab9f566ff9b29 shader registered for possible reloading: c9bab9f566ff9b29_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D9050, hash = c9bab9f566ff9b29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D9050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2440, handle = 00000176A2863200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cc989e1d24ed17b shader registered for possible reloading: 1cc989e1d24ed17b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D8390, hash = 1cc989e1d24ed17b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D8390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7724, handle = 00000176A2AA5470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 752c14458852808b shader registered for possible reloading: 752c14458852808b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D66D0, hash = 752c14458852808b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D66D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4316, handle = 00000176A2AA72B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c08cea10ea9686f5 shader registered for possible reloading: c08cea10ea9686f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D91D0, hash = c08cea10ea9686f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D91D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9740, handle = 00000176A2A4B8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 291942df17a844be shader registered for possible reloading: 291942df17a844be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8D9790, hash = 291942df17a844be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D9790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A27BEC10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D5B50, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D5B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7000, handle = 00000176A2BA6FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ba1c65d17949eb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 5ba1c65d17949eb6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D7AD0, hash = 5ba1c65d17949eb6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D7AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A2A62320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D9BD0, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D9BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7628, handle = 00000176A2BACCF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 922862a7c3332ebd shader registered for possible reloading: 922862a7c3332ebd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D9D50, hash = 922862a7c3332ebd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D9D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8956, handle = 00000176A2B8FE80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 960563d0e66cdba1 shader registered for possible reloading: 960563d0e66cdba1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D70D0, hash = 960563d0e66cdba1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D70D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9012, handle = 00000176A2B67730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0fddc4ee120998c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 0fddc4ee120998c2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DA610, hash = 0fddc4ee120998c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DA610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6668, handle = 00000176A2B92190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 759161036fa51c38 shader registered for possible reloading: 759161036fa51c38_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D5C90, hash = 759161036fa51c38 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D5C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6724, handle = 00000176A2B7D580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce1923ee118dcff2 shader registered for possible reloading: ce1923ee118dcff2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D9ED0, hash = ce1923ee118dcff2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D9ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9564, handle = 00000176A2BA4A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a30897810f54beb2 shader registered for possible reloading: a30897810f54beb2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D9350, hash = a30897810f54beb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D9350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9620, handle = 00000176A2B65190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b93fc9f8a8610135 shader registered for possible reloading: b93fc9f8a8610135_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DAA50, hash = b93fc9f8a8610135 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DAA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8060, handle = 00000176A2B72A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d91a24aceb7a5a36 shader registered for possible reloading: d91a24aceb7a5a36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DA750, hash = d91a24aceb7a5a36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DA750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8116, handle = 00000176A2B6E540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ea284dac8947e2e shader registered for possible reloading: 9ea284dac8947e2e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DAE90, hash = 9ea284dac8947e2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DAE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9520, handle = 00000176A2B70500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d251e64347a7810f shader registered for possible reloading: d251e64347a7810f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D87D0, hash = d251e64347a7810f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D87D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9576, handle = 00000176A2B4FB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9086db7cbc7dd957 shader registered for possible reloading: 9086db7cbc7dd957_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DB010, hash = 9086db7cbc7dd957 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DB010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6704, handle = 00000176A2BA8B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e19163582892e07c shader registered for possible reloading: e19163582892e07c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D5E10, hash = e19163582892e07c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D5E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6760, handle = 00000176A2B7BB10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a36c567f338fdb7 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a36c567f338fdb7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DB190, hash = 2a36c567f338fdb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DB190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10512, handle = 00000176A2BB5F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d747c9119fa44a1a shader registered for possible reloading: d747c9119fa44a1a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D7390, hash = d747c9119fa44a1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D7390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10568, handle = 00000176A2BAEAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b748e0c007c6a4c9 shader registered for possible reloading: b748e0c007c6a4c9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D7690, hash = b748e0c007c6a4c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D7690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8688, handle = 00000176A2B79910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16a3559726cfa114 shader registered for possible reloading: 16a3559726cfa114_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D7DD0, hash = 16a3559726cfa114 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D7DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8744, handle = 00000176A2B62F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60aef92bcbcfd128 shader registered for possible reloading: 60aef92bcbcfd128_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D84D0, hash = 60aef92bcbcfd128 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D84D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 69196, handle = 00000176A2B3ED00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ad3f23eeba39a9c shader registered for possible reloading: 4ad3f23eeba39a9c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D8950, hash = 4ad3f23eeba39a9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D8950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 69252, handle = 00000176A2B520D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 713aebc6f5d03e7f shader registered for possible reloading: 713aebc6f5d03e7f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8D94D0, hash = 713aebc6f5d03e7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8D94D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 69232, handle = 00000176A2B93BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7267f6e970ea07c shader registered for possible reloading: b7267f6e970ea07c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DE810, hash = b7267f6e970ea07c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DE810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 69288, handle = 00000176A2B7EFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e4c5316658c29e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7e4c5316658c29e9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DBD10, hash = 7e4c5316658c29e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DBD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13284, handle = 00000176A28DAA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1469f89f8f7b1ce0 shader registered for possible reloading: 1469f89f8f7b1ce0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DD6D0, hash = 1469f89f8f7b1ce0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DD6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11936, handle = 00000176A2925A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9b9bc7539fa6700 shader registered for possible reloading: c9b9bc7539fa6700_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DC150, hash = c9b9bc7539fa6700 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DC150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14328, handle = 00000176A28E7FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6df856ced72b1cb shader registered for possible reloading: f6df856ced72b1cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DB2D0, hash = f6df856ced72b1cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DB2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12480, handle = 00000176A28E4F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 951302a4aebe6679 shader registered for possible reloading: 951302a4aebe6679_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DFF10, hash = 951302a4aebe6679 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DFF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 128744, handle = 00000176A2930000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 838f7b6483baa0a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 838f7b6483baa0a2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DD410, hash = 838f7b6483baa0a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DD410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 125868, handle = 00000176A2950000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 479e6c575608493f shader registered for possible reloading: 479e6c575608493f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8DB5D0, hash = 479e6c575608493f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DB5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6268, handle = 00000176A2915590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75aed060b882d91a shader registered for possible reloading: 75aed060b882d91a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E0650, hash = 75aed060b882d91a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E0650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8608, handle = 00000176A2901920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee7e2b474044ca90 shader registered for possible reloading: ee7e2b474044ca90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E0210, hash = ee7e2b474044ca90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E0210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6292, handle = 00000176A28F2470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 695b8bf4a93bf752 shader registered for possible reloading: 695b8bf4a93bf752_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DE0D0, hash = 695b8bf4a93bf752 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DE0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8472, handle = 00000176A286C510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 335619e9c141a743 shader registered for possible reloading: 335619e9c141a743_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DF390, hash = 335619e9c141a743 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DF390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10812, handle = 00000176A29F9DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62e1cd7c4c75461c shader registered for possible reloading: 62e1cd7c4c75461c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E0D90, hash = 62e1cd7c4c75461c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E0D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8496, handle = 00000176A290A800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c6bfe2cf0c5df0d shader registered for possible reloading: 1c6bfe2cf0c5df0d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DE990, hash = 1c6bfe2cf0c5df0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DE990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6304, handle = 00000176A29065C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcb39c5eb346df30 shader registered for possible reloading: bcb39c5eb346df30_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DF690, hash = bcb39c5eb346df30 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DF690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9100, handle = 00000176A2921540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 79d5ab819fb64c4f shader registered for possible reloading: 79d5ab819fb64c4f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DE250, hash = 79d5ab819fb64c4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DE250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10988, handle = 00000176A2A37400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e67a4a2108090463 shader registered for possible reloading: e67a4a2108090463_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DBE50, hash = e67a4a2108090463 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DBE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11044, handle = 00000176A29F7270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2916515746a1328 shader registered for possible reloading: d2916515746a1328_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DF7D0, hash = d2916515746a1328 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DF7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A283D5E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7bf638022b04871d shader registered for possible reloading: 7bf638022b04871d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DF510, hash = 7bf638022b04871d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DF510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9556, handle = 00000176A2A97570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 065d7dc84125a50d shader registered for possible reloading: 065d7dc84125a50d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E0350, hash = 065d7dc84125a50d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E0350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13300, handle = 00000176A2A19B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc77bfeab6eebf56 shader registered for possible reloading: cc77bfeab6eebf56_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DDC90, hash = cc77bfeab6eebf56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DDC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13356, handle = 00000176A2A9C500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 417b1d7db999403f shader registered for possible reloading: 417b1d7db999403f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DF950, hash = 417b1d7db999403f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DF950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11880, handle = 00000176A2A56B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a88a46b83dc2cbf6 shader registered for possible reloading: a88a46b83dc2cbf6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DB450, hash = a88a46b83dc2cbf6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DB450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11936, handle = 00000176A29F1030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef9b17e1e8a51f60 shader registered for possible reloading: ef9b17e1e8a51f60_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DF0D0, hash = ef9b17e1e8a51f60 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DF0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10932, handle = 00000176A2A05720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5724bb57154e14cb shader registered for possible reloading: 5724bb57154e14cb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DFD90, hash = 5724bb57154e14cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DFD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10988, handle = 00000176A29B0CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa5273c62549dbc9 shader registered for possible reloading: aa5273c62549dbc9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DC590, hash = aa5273c62549dbc9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DC590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9512, handle = 00000176A2886A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b10492409364b30 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b10492409364b30_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DEC50, hash = 7b10492409364b30 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DEC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9568, handle = 00000176A2A79760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60c0f1cee78e1b51 shader registered for possible reloading: 60c0f1cee78e1b51_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E0090, hash = 60c0f1cee78e1b51 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E0090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12300, handle = 00000176A299B940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a21376877db4a9ca shader registered for possible reloading: a21376877db4a9ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E07D0, hash = a21376877db4a9ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E07D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12356, handle = 00000176A2A51120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e51c610853f73d5f shader registered for possible reloading: e51c610853f73d5f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E04D0, hash = e51c610853f73d5f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E04D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10872, handle = 00000176A2993430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9713c3c15f2a131 shader registered for possible reloading: e9713c3c15f2a131_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DEDD0, hash = e9713c3c15f2a131 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DEDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10928, handle = 00000176A2A9F940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4db695d3c0ab16dd shader registered for possible reloading: 4db695d3c0ab16dd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DD110, hash = 4db695d3c0ab16dd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DD110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14680, handle = 00000176A2A82260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15189f93d8ecdd74 shader registered for possible reloading: 15189f93d8ecdd74_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DB750, hash = 15189f93d8ecdd74 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DB750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14736, handle = 00000176A29AD350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31dabdc5eff5f058 shader registered for possible reloading: 31dabdc5eff5f058_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DD290, hash = 31dabdc5eff5f058 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DD290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13252, handle = 00000176A298D260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69495d8cd4ffd1be shader registered for possible reloading: 69495d8cd4ffd1be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E0910, hash = 69495d8cd4ffd1be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E0910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13308, handle = 00000176A2A5C760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 574c212c9ca13d6f shader registered for possible reloading: 574c212c9ca13d6f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DC2D0, hash = 574c212c9ca13d6f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DC2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12312, handle = 00000176A2970010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3521001c88c0eb77 shader registered for possible reloading: 3521001c88c0eb77_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E0A90, hash = 3521001c88c0eb77 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E0A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12368, handle = 00000176A29988E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61a8000dc33ef808 shader registered for possible reloading: 61a8000dc33ef808_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DCF90, hash = 61a8000dc33ef808 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DCF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10884, handle = 00000176A299E960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b058c144bab8241 shader registered for possible reloading: 0b058c144bab8241_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DB890, hash = 0b058c144bab8241 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DB890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10940, handle = 00000176A2A62590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e94637969cfe0d25 shader registered for possible reloading: e94637969cfe0d25_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DD550, hash = e94637969cfe0d25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DD550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11484, handle = 00000176A2A76A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 237e3715dac743e2 shader registered for possible reloading: 237e3715dac743e2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DD850, hash = 237e3715dac743e2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DD850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11540, handle = 00000176A2987780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2bd8c0d9b31e6fa shader registered for possible reloading: d2bd8c0d9b31e6fa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DD9D0, hash = d2bd8c0d9b31e6fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DD9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9536, handle = 00000176A291D150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 259cfab8d20e48e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 259cfab8d20e48e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DBB90, hash = 259cfab8d20e48e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DBB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9592, handle = 00000176A27DCEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f03ef8967ad21c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f03ef8967ad21c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DEF50, hash = 2f03ef8967ad21c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DEF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13224, handle = 00000176A2A1CF80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 558f6cde3687c037 shader registered for possible reloading: 558f6cde3687c037_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DDB10, hash = 558f6cde3687c037 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DDB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13280, handle = 00000176A2A484F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9966da6c01aaa057 shader registered for possible reloading: 9966da6c01aaa057_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E0C10, hash = 9966da6c01aaa057 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E0C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11484, handle = 00000176A2A34710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f914c5589839bdec shader registered for possible reloading: f914c5589839bdec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DFAD0, hash = f914c5589839bdec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DFAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11540, handle = 00000176A29A4AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 52ad5a27af598748 shader registered for possible reloading: 52ad5a27af598748_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DBA10, hash = 52ad5a27af598748 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DBA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72096, handle = 00000176A2A85BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6158c3c12f42f1b shader registered for possible reloading: b6158c3c12f42f1b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DFC50, hash = b6158c3c12f42f1b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DFC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72152, handle = 00000176A2AA87B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4326499a1cb2a52 shader registered for possible reloading: c4326499a1cb2a52_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DC710, hash = c4326499a1cb2a52 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DC710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72084, handle = 00000176A2A081E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d63101d34d18f45 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d63101d34d18f45_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DC890, hash = 0d63101d34d18f45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DC890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72140, handle = 00000176A2A20330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 448307a1678f3cde shader registered for possible reloading: 448307a1678f3cde_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DCE50, hash = 448307a1678f3cde returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DCE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12380, handle = 00000176A2AA2400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1068bef7c4bf191d shader registered for possible reloading: 1068bef7c4bf191d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DF210, hash = 1068bef7c4bf191d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DF210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12356, handle = 00000176A29D74C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e6a9c4d67b65e119 shader registered for possible reloading: e6a9c4d67b65e119_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DE690, hash = e6a9c4d67b65e119 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DE690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10012, handle = 00000176A29DA510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ddf375f0755f6dc5 shader registered for possible reloading: ddf375f0755f6dc5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DE3D0, hash = ddf375f0755f6dc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DE3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10000, handle = 00000176A2A3FBB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e452c1a8cbb9a02 shader registered for possible reloading: 2e452c1a8cbb9a02_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DE550, hash = 2e452c1a8cbb9a02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DE550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72132, handle = 00000176A29B37F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df86ac2aa7161551 shader registered for possible reloading: df86ac2aa7161551_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DC9D0, hash = df86ac2aa7161551 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DC9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72188, handle = 00000176A2A65060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c28b4490bc19df2 shader registered for possible reloading: 6c28b4490bc19df2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DCB50, hash = 6c28b4490bc19df2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DCB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72120, handle = 00000176A2973030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 24a0b3e5144add71 shader registered for possible reloading: 24a0b3e5144add71_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8DCCD0, hash = 24a0b3e5144add71 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8DCCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72176, handle = 00000176A29DCC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6fd05885e86ca3d shader registered for possible reloading: b6fd05885e86ca3d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AC8E1ED0, hash = b6fd05885e86ca3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2712, handle = 00000176A28FD440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8545786f6ad258f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8545786f6ad258f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E1610, hash = 8545786f6ad258f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8068, handle = 00000176A26F2A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6164e95348126349 shader registered for possible reloading: 6164e95348126349_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E1790, hash = 6164e95348126349 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2888, handle = 00000176A282D570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b20f1601a229355 shader registered for possible reloading: 5b20f1601a229355_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E1910, hash = 5b20f1601a229355 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8236, handle = 00000176A284B650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 088db1bf9ed53433 shader registered for possible reloading: 088db1bf9ed53433_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E1A50, hash = 088db1bf9ed53433 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7752, handle = 00000176A2904770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 054bbb52d1887f44 shader registered for possible reloading: 054bbb52d1887f44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E1490, hash = 054bbb52d1887f44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7920, handle = 00000176A270C290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab78505b14bdc5ec shader registered for possible reloading: ab78505b14bdc5ec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E1BD0, hash = ab78505b14bdc5ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2760, handle = 00000176A28AF4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d94c1c4ed8b4dd4d shader registered for possible reloading: d94c1c4ed8b4dd4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E0ED0, hash = d94c1c4ed8b4dd4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E0ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2936, handle = 00000176A282E0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81874e48a1001b43 shader registered for possible reloading: 81874e48a1001b43_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E1D50, hash = 81874e48a1001b43 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7800, handle = 00000176A28AD630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e6f75d9fb772430a shader registered for possible reloading: e6f75d9fb772430a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E1050, hash = e6f75d9fb772430a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7968, handle = 00000176A28CFC90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 907c331faa04a50d shader registered for possible reloading: 907c331faa04a50d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E11D0, hash = 907c331faa04a50d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E11D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2736, handle = 00000176A28201F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0f0998857d20357 shader registered for possible reloading: b0f0998857d20357_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AC8E1350, hash = b0f0998857d20357 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AC8E1350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8076, handle = 00000176A2881C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54be6b12aa29ae6f shader registered for possible reloading: 54be6b12aa29ae6f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7A810, hash = 54be6b12aa29ae6f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7A810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2912, handle = 00000176A2903C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 592a2ff69e2bdf1e shader registered for possible reloading: 592a2ff69e2bdf1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7ADD0, hash = 592a2ff69e2bdf1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7ADD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8244, handle = 00000176A28CD1A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ff0bc9f8a03b07b shader registered for possible reloading: 6ff0bc9f8a03b07b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7E190, hash = 6ff0bc9f8a03b07b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7E190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7776, handle = 00000176A28C6B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0fc454afea119400 shader registered for possible reloading: 0fc454afea119400_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7C350, hash = 0fc454afea119400 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7C350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7944, handle = 00000176A28C89E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d207d616e63c5e86 shader registered for possible reloading: d207d616e63c5e86_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB79B10, hash = d207d616e63c5e86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB79B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2784, handle = 00000176A28EFC80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02c5ff20b39c5867 shader registered for possible reloading: 02c5ff20b39c5867_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7D050, hash = 02c5ff20b39c5867 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7D050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2960, handle = 00000176A28F8630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 866dde116e64533d shader registered for possible reloading: 866dde116e64533d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB79C90, hash = 866dde116e64533d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB79C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7824, handle = 00000176A28FFA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d377ed6cdb3746b shader registered for possible reloading: 0d377ed6cdb3746b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7D190, hash = 0d377ed6cdb3746b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7D190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7992, handle = 00000176A2849710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f96c5492d5cfea9b shader registered for possible reloading: f96c5492d5cfea9b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7DD10, hash = f96c5492d5cfea9b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7DD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1760, handle = 00000176A0F56BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c56f895b248056f shader registered for possible reloading: 5c56f895b248056f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7A390, hash = 5c56f895b248056f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7A390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1936, handle = 00000176A25AAF90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c9af314e86ee6db shader registered for possible reloading: 9c9af314e86ee6db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7B090, hash = 9c9af314e86ee6db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7B090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7084, handle = 00000176A28EE0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b59b35e82ee03d9a shader registered for possible reloading: b59b35e82ee03d9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7BF10, hash = b59b35e82ee03d9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7BF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7252, handle = 00000176A28786A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d27d2eda13bcc56 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d27d2eda13bcc56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB79550, hash = 2d27d2eda13bcc56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB79550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1780, handle = 00000176A12A9F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d4ed562982e8552c shader registered for possible reloading: d4ed562982e8552c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB79DD0, hash = d4ed562982e8552c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB79DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1956, handle = 00000176A2289CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0eea59fe0ec3045e shader registered for possible reloading: 0eea59fe0ec3045e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7D310, hash = 0eea59fe0ec3045e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7D310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7104, handle = 00000176A28A0430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b030f9ad7916a0e shader registered for possible reloading: 8b030f9ad7916a0e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB79F50, hash = 8b030f9ad7916a0e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB79F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7272, handle = 00000176A28E32A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21d7f5f57b2fe2cf shader registered for possible reloading: 21d7f5f57b2fe2cf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7D610, hash = 21d7f5f57b2fe2cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7D610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 00000176A27A6970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d92fa77a0f0d2655 shader registered for possible reloading: d92fa77a0f0d2655_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7B210, hash = d92fa77a0f0d2655 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7B210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 00000176A28F6EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ebded2cb3cec55c4 shader registered for possible reloading: ebded2cb3cec55c4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7B390, hash = ebded2cb3cec55c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7B390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176A28EC480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7fc119a8b6f7114d shader registered for possible reloading: 7fc119a8b6f7114d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7BD90, hash = 7fc119a8b6f7114d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7BD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A28E15B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a6cf1f7523ddc15 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a6cf1f7523ddc15_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7C910, hash = 4a6cf1f7523ddc15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7C910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1924, handle = 00000176A2155280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17e3b38ba945b8f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 17e3b38ba945b8f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7C050, hash = 17e3b38ba945b8f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7C050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2100, handle = 00000176A287A300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7a7e33751253686 shader registered for possible reloading: b7a7e33751253686_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7A0D0, hash = b7a7e33751253686 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7A0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7248, handle = 00000176A28FA670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a1b1fc7827e5284 shader registered for possible reloading: 6a1b1fc7827e5284_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7B4D0, hash = 6a1b1fc7827e5284 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7B4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7416, handle = 00000176A28F0770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0212c40abf8421d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 0212c40abf8421d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7D750, hash = 0212c40abf8421d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7D750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 00000176A28FCCC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99d09b30d844b487 shader registered for possible reloading: 99d09b30d844b487_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7C610, hash = 99d09b30d844b487 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7C610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 00000176A24AEA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06a3ca053cbc991d shader registered for possible reloading: 06a3ca053cbc991d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7DBD0, hash = 06a3ca053cbc991d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7DBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176A28C28C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82c1ddc67882d9ab shader registered for possible reloading: 82c1ddc67882d9ab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7DE90, hash = 82c1ddc67882d9ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7DE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A2738B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13b159ee0646e50 shader registered for possible reloading: c13b159ee0646e50_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7E010, hash = c13b159ee0646e50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7E010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1728, handle = 00000176A135CAA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 244bb4cdc0c69fca shader registered for possible reloading: 244bb4cdc0c69fca_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7EB90, hash = 244bb4cdc0c69fca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7EB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1904, handle = 00000176A20EE5E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd4402b6f5c5ef95 shader registered for possible reloading: fd4402b6f5c5ef95_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7CD50, hash = fd4402b6f5c5ef95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7CD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7052, handle = 00000176A28FDEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5a0b33cf379efa17 shader registered for possible reloading: 5a0b33cf379efa17_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7E2D0, hash = 5a0b33cf379efa17 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7E2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7220, handle = 00000176A28F5280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fed48f2d9101710e shader registered for possible reloading: fed48f2d9101710e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7E5D0, hash = fed48f2d9101710e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7E5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3924, handle = 00000176A290CAF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb06c74a4176e132 shader registered for possible reloading: cb06c74a4176e132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7CED0, hash = cb06c74a4176e132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7CED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10396, handle = 00000176A28C0010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1dae04e8fe86503 shader registered for possible reloading: a1dae04e8fe86503_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7D8D0, hash = a1dae04e8fe86503 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7D8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9824, handle = 00000176A28C4500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f31729fd2ea22d0d shader registered for possible reloading: f31729fd2ea22d0d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7B7D0, hash = f31729fd2ea22d0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7B7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3972, handle = 00000176A2448E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 483942a1be924453 shader registered for possible reloading: 483942a1be924453_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7C790, hash = 483942a1be924453 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7C790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9872, handle = 00000176A28DEF10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8eac3019cb7b696b shader registered for possible reloading: 8eac3019cb7b696b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7A250, hash = 8eac3019cb7b696b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7A250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3948, handle = 00000176A28F4300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bf2241d705cec1f shader registered for possible reloading: 9bf2241d705cec1f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB79110, hash = 9bf2241d705cec1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB79110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10404, handle = 00000176A28CA8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5bfd8a8f418eb1a shader registered for possible reloading: a5bfd8a8f418eb1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7A950, hash = a5bfd8a8f418eb1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7A950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9848, handle = 00000176A28D8410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db9d359c58f2e8d5 shader registered for possible reloading: db9d359c58f2e8d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7D490, hash = db9d359c58f2e8d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7D490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3996, handle = 00000176A284D690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a43f9c69f20bb9b6 shader registered for possible reloading: a43f9c69f20bb9b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7E450, hash = a43f9c69f20bb9b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7E450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9896, handle = 00000176A28D4E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65be16ea46a1363d shader registered for possible reloading: 65be16ea46a1363d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7A510, hash = 65be16ea46a1363d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7A510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2484, handle = 00000176A28646C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 916f16404861e1f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 916f16404861e1f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7DA50, hash = 916f16404861e1f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7DA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8644, handle = 00000176A27A47A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ae7d72249582d7e shader registered for possible reloading: 5ae7d72249582d7e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7E750, hash = 5ae7d72249582d7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7E750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2528, handle = 00000176A28FC2D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a373c9df5e59f162 shader registered for possible reloading: a373c9df5e59f162_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7B650, hash = a373c9df5e59f162 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7B650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8688, handle = 00000176A283B3E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33c22f292c364758 shader registered for possible reloading: 33c22f292c364758_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7E890, hash = 33c22f292c364758 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7E890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2772, handle = 00000176A282EC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 13496160843936bb shader registered for possible reloading: 13496160843936bb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB79250, hash = 13496160843936bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB79250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8932, handle = 00000176A2908510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb8059744ce05ee5 shader registered for possible reloading: bb8059744ce05ee5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7CA90, hash = bb8059744ce05ee5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7CA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2796, handle = 00000176A2863BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26d1c7e46ab18c92 shader registered for possible reloading: 26d1c7e46ab18c92_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7A690, hash = 26d1c7e46ab18c92 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7A690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8956, handle = 00000176A28D2B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47c41da68be02146 shader registered for possible reloading: 47c41da68be02146_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7EA10, hash = 47c41da68be02146 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7EA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2720, handle = 00000176A28F91D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6740e48637e9e59e shader registered for possible reloading: 6740e48637e9e59e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB793D0, hash = 6740e48637e9e59e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB793D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8880, handle = 00000176A2776EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8550348ab986e3bd shader registered for possible reloading: 8550348ab986e3bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB796D0, hash = 8550348ab986e3bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB796D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2452, handle = 00000176A284E640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a75a8b26c0b2f7f2 shader registered for possible reloading: a75a8b26c0b2f7f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB79810, hash = a75a8b26c0b2f7f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB79810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8612, handle = 00000176A2897050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c9cba589c60efd29 shader registered for possible reloading: c9cba589c60efd29_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB79990, hash = c9cba589c60efd29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB79990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A185ABF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7AAD0, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7AAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6272, handle = 00000176A291B8C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 529bbade343b3b22 shader registered for possible reloading: 529bbade343b3b22_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7AC50, hash = 529bbade343b3b22 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7AC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A2732450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7AF10, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7AF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6900, handle = 00000176A29119F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 67eb398ef55c5e29 shader registered for possible reloading: 67eb398ef55c5e29_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7B950, hash = 67eb398ef55c5e29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7B950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7768, handle = 00000176A291F6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9eec38d6cf80e07 shader registered for possible reloading: a9eec38d6cf80e07_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7BA90, hash = a9eec38d6cf80e07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7BA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1564, handle = 00000176A149E0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ebcd8ce8a99f4331 shader registered for possible reloading: ebcd8ce8a99f4331_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7BC10, hash = ebcd8ce8a99f4331 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7BC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8440, handle = 00000176A2923990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed0027f4aa303112 shader registered for possible reloading: ed0027f4aa303112_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7C1D0, hash = ed0027f4aa303112 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7C1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6920, handle = 00000176A290DA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c081abf7941cec6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c081abf7941cec6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7C4D0, hash = 7c081abf7941cec6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7C4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8332, handle = 00000176A29134F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d664ce034700235f shader registered for possible reloading: d664ce034700235f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7CBD0, hash = d664ce034700235f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7CBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1600, handle = 00000176A091F9A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3160b307a238908b shader registered for possible reloading: 3160b307a238908b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB81550, hash = 3160b307a238908b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB81550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9348, handle = 00000176A290F560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e0392c566993e25 shader registered for possible reloading: 1e0392c566993e25_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB80C90, hash = 1e0392c566993e25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB80C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7548, handle = 00000176A2917650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eea99faf02dc07d7 shader registered for possible reloading: eea99faf02dc07d7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB82210, hash = eea99faf02dc07d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB82210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2328, handle = 00000176A21A5DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5fbf7ef2c652d7e shader registered for possible reloading: a5fbf7ef2c652d7e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB813D0, hash = a5fbf7ef2c652d7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB813D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8012, handle = 00000176A282FBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cce75cb72ecb6976 shader registered for possible reloading: cce75cb72ecb6976_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB81250, hash = cce75cb72ecb6976 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB81250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2492, handle = 00000176A2449DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12714604df8a108a shader registered for possible reloading: 12714604df8a108a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7FE50, hash = 12714604df8a108a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7FE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8172, handle = 00000176A27791C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a496f3429ce57357 shader registered for possible reloading: a496f3429ce57357_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB83D90, hash = a496f3429ce57357 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB83D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A2784580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee246c2427ed386e shader registered for possible reloading: ee246c2427ed386e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB82390, hash = ee246c2427ed386e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB82390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A281BF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 827544715c281d25 shader registered for possible reloading: 827544715c281d25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7F150, hash = 827544715c281d25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7F150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2396, handle = 00000176A21A5450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b025dae4af16e12c shader registered for possible reloading: b025dae4af16e12c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB81810, hash = b025dae4af16e12c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB81810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8148, handle = 00000176A2730470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d3e76d22ef4e1dd2 shader registered for possible reloading: d3e76d22ef4e1dd2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7FF90, hash = d3e76d22ef4e1dd2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7FF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 00000176A26CA8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e336cf85551f0d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e336cf85551f0d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB83A90, hash = 4e336cf85551f0d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB83A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8308, handle = 00000176A2833B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c52212d6d0d80e98 shader registered for possible reloading: c52212d6d0d80e98_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB81F50, hash = c52212d6d0d80e98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB81F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7436, handle = 00000176A27E3310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d18e80f63c7e4c3e shader registered for possible reloading: d18e80f63c7e4c3e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB82950, hash = d18e80f63c7e4c3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB82950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7596, handle = 00000176A283FB40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8940a0b19990320 shader registered for possible reloading: c8940a0b19990320_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB80F90, hash = c8940a0b19990320 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB80F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2352, handle = 00000176A2786250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94c3c35189c8b12d shader registered for possible reloading: 94c3c35189c8b12d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB820D0, hash = 94c3c35189c8b12d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB820D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2516, handle = 00000176A27703F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0eaf9323fdcd6be shader registered for possible reloading: d0eaf9323fdcd6be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB841D0, hash = d0eaf9323fdcd6be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB841D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A27D35B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2297e84b9e344a01 shader registered for possible reloading: 2297e84b9e344a01_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB80410, hash = 2297e84b9e344a01 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB80410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7552, handle = 00000176A2447080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18f3ddeae45fa907 shader registered for possible reloading: 18f3ddeae45fa907_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB82510, hash = 18f3ddeae45fa907 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB82510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 00000176A25306B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d49214f14c34d113 shader registered for possible reloading: d49214f14c34d113_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB82AD0, hash = d49214f14c34d113 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB82AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2584, handle = 00000176A26F4B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0e980c5ad6efd2d shader registered for possible reloading: b0e980c5ad6efd2d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB80110, hash = b0e980c5ad6efd2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB80110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7460, handle = 00000176A28396B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8965d309411942fc shader registered for possible reloading: 8965d309411942fc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB82690, hash = 8965d309411942fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB82690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7620, handle = 00000176A276E620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af9eeb4d73809fb7 shader registered for possible reloading: af9eeb4d73809fb7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB82C50, hash = af9eeb4d73809fb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB82C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2152, handle = 00000176A273AEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 shader registered for possible reloading: 9287bc5c57cf9c03_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7ED10, hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7ED10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7780, handle = 00000176A2828B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e08e7d08f4c24def shader registered for possible reloading: e08e7d08f4c24def_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB84490, hash = e08e7d08f4c24def returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB84490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2316, handle = 00000176A27BE2F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e shader registered for possible reloading: 78d5eeaf5a8af08e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7F9D0, hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7F9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7940, handle = 00000176A27D52A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa shader registered for possible reloading: fd6c08e1599c34fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB82D90, hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB82D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A274BC80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7956d38a89935a2f shader registered for possible reloading: 7956d38a89935a2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB83910, hash = 7956d38a89935a2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB83910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7636, handle = 00000176A26C8B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a678a1850a488e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB810D0, hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB810D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A22095D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 656d2cba4764557b shader registered for possible reloading: 656d2cba4764557b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB827D0, hash = 656d2cba4764557b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB827D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7884, handle = 00000176A2765230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bfefe771fdb8bc1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB82F10, hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB82F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2288, handle = 00000176A21FA5B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c9e521019bed3b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB81690, hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB81690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8044, handle = 00000176A2847790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a shader registered for possible reloading: 92c91681d2f40e9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB81990, hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB81990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176A27E15F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b9506e3c4502808_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7F710, hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7F710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7608, handle = 00000176A27BC530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54a014b0e9312047 shader registered for possible reloading: 54a014b0e9312047_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB84610, hash = 54a014b0e9312047 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB84610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4068, handle = 00000176A27E5030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 shader registered for possible reloading: e9ecfd7a9a181378_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB81B10, hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB81B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10980, handle = 00000176A2835B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 shader registered for possible reloading: bd86789f594cd9c3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7EE50, hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7EE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9972, handle = 00000176A2845090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e8ca8689505213c shader registered for possible reloading: 5e8ca8689505213c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB83ED0, hash = 5e8ca8689505213c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB83ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4136, handle = 00000176A2838680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f54fc0d533f261ff shader registered for possible reloading: f54fc0d533f261ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB80290, hash = f54fc0d533f261ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB80290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11132, handle = 00000176A282A9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f shader registered for possible reloading: d2d77f2b8146ad4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7F590, hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7F590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A2841900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ce2b9890906f25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB81C50, hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB81C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4092, handle = 00000176A2832B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b76f821613d6700b shader registered for possible reloading: b76f821613d6700b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB83650, hash = b76f821613d6700b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB83650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10988, handle = 00000176A24DFBF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e8f446749a01d83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB81DD0, hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB81DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9996, handle = 00000176A27FE600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db shader registered for possible reloading: ce379bf3ba5db5db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB83090, hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB83090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4160, handle = 00000176A2844040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f shader registered for possible reloading: 06c235bcb5ddf25f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7F890, hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7F890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11140, handle = 00000176A27B99A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e76742d85360740a shader registered for possible reloading: e76742d85360740a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB80550, hash = e76742d85360740a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB80550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10064, handle = 00000176A27B0490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 shader registered for possible reloading: fe177d918a8d71b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7F410, hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7F410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176A2409350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ea0c33a13b68f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB83210, hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB83210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A275BC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 shader registered for possible reloading: e24b5f338d5b4cd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB80E10, hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB80E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9504, handle = 00000176A2800D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 shader registered for possible reloading: 86a59be4e2a1f509_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB83350, hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB83350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3336, handle = 00000176A23150D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d7f63977dfda7c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB806D0, hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB806D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10184, handle = 00000176A2339B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 shader registered for possible reloading: f7ab20a7ef6c8132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB834D0, hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB834D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A24E26F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53426ef6186603f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 53426ef6186603f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB7F2D0, hash = 53426ef6186603f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7F2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A2803250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB84790, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB84790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6660, handle = 00000176A28A4720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ddea67e7971ff2eb shader registered for possible reloading: ddea67e7971ff2eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7EFD0, hash = ddea67e7971ff2eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7EFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A27D8130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB837D0, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB837D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7288, handle = 00000176A28A2AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb289390f6bddd55 shader registered for possible reloading: cb289390f6bddd55_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB83C10, hash = cb289390f6bddd55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB83C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9092, handle = 00000176A287D110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9930d95f2347db90 shader registered for possible reloading: 9930d95f2347db90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB80850, hash = 9930d95f2347db90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB80850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9148, handle = 00000176A288E410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee16f0777bd7b11e shader registered for possible reloading: ee16f0777bd7b11e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB84350, hash = ee16f0777bd7b11e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB84350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7416, handle = 00000176A2853890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9e8b9ca207b25f72 shader registered for possible reloading: 9e8b9ca207b25f72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB809D0, hash = 9e8b9ca207b25f72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB809D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7472, handle = 00000176A2857740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a06efcaf4e1fff7e shader registered for possible reloading: a06efcaf4e1fff7e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7FB50, hash = a06efcaf4e1fff7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7FB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10236, handle = 00000176A288BC00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62bc9b134ead2aa8 shader registered for possible reloading: 62bc9b134ead2aa8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB7FCD0, hash = 62bc9b134ead2aa8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB7FCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10292, handle = 00000176A2884230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0159f8291c15e8ce shader registered for possible reloading: 0159f8291c15e8ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB80B10, hash = 0159f8291c15e8ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB80B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8560, handle = 00000176A284EFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ebb46a8275fb9c90 shader registered for possible reloading: ebb46a8275fb9c90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB862D0, hash = ebb46a8275fb9c90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB862D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8616, handle = 00000176A2855590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70208bb90f926466 shader registered for possible reloading: 70208bb90f926466_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB85E90, hash = 70208bb90f926466 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB85E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9712, handle = 00000176A285C370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b7d6ae79b6581d2 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b7d6ae79b6581d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB86A10, hash = 6b7d6ae79b6581d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB86A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9768, handle = 00000176A2894A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a0254438e56064b shader registered for possible reloading: 7a0254438e56064b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB88E10, hash = 7a0254438e56064b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB88E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8040, handle = 00000176A2868390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9dc928533d2e7ae shader registered for possible reloading: b9dc928533d2e7ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB85490, hash = b9dc928533d2e7ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB85490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8096, handle = 00000176A2871130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19613838c21e0d15 shader registered for possible reloading: 19613838c21e0d15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB855D0, hash = 19613838c21e0d15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB855D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10844, handle = 00000176A28730E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fda15a4d4d17a3c shader registered for possible reloading: 4fda15a4d4d17a3c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB89F50, hash = 4fda15a4d4d17a3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB89F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10900, handle = 00000176A28AAB90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b9d0c66376ba930 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b9d0c66376ba930_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB86010, hash = 1b9d0c66376ba930 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB86010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9172, handle = 00000176A289B9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e16155e59fb31316 shader registered for possible reloading: e16155e59fb31316_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB86450, hash = e16155e59fb31316 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB86450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9228, handle = 00000176A28A6130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca1003e50fc7d0d0 shader registered for possible reloading: ca1003e50fc7d0d0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB89510, hash = ca1003e50fc7d0d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB89510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9772, handle = 00000176A28A8550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 497f710616030f55 shader registered for possible reloading: 497f710616030f55_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB87150, hash = 497f710616030f55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB87150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9828, handle = 00000176A289DDC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a02be1f4ed108d98 shader registered for possible reloading: a02be1f4ed108d98_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB89690, hash = a02be1f4ed108d98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB89690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7756, handle = 00000176A285E970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b15f494d471f8895 shader registered for possible reloading: b15f494d471f8895_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB88550, hash = b15f494d471f8895 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB88550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7812, handle = 00000176A2892B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a6702a0ea8336bb shader registered for possible reloading: 6a6702a0ea8336bb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB87410, hash = 6a6702a0ea8336bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB87410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11076, handle = 00000176A2875B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e8736f3e7c5abfd shader registered for possible reloading: 8e8736f3e7c5abfd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB84910, hash = 8e8736f3e7c5abfd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB84910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11132, handle = 00000176A2889070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f2259aa13bd5e15 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f2259aa13bd5e15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB89810, hash = 8f2259aa13bd5e15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB89810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9060, handle = 00000176A287ADA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70d65cdeb0240d0a shader registered for possible reloading: 70d65cdeb0240d0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB86150, hash = 70d65cdeb0240d0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB86150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9116, handle = 00000176A28907E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 616b47027409fdbb shader registered for possible reloading: 616b47027409fdbb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB890D0, hash = 616b47027409fdbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB890D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10732, handle = 00000176A286E730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c4a8099123daf0a shader registered for possible reloading: 5c4a8099123daf0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB87710, hash = 5c4a8099123daf0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB87710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10788, handle = 00000176A28607D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d7d9339e97f4db2 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d7d9339e97f4db2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB87B50, hash = 1d7d9339e97f4db2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB87B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8712, handle = 00000176A286A300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c34162e7b5b653c shader registered for possible reloading: 7c34162e7b5b653c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB87590, hash = 7c34162e7b5b653c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB87590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8768, handle = 00000176A2899790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b699022a79bd835b shader registered for possible reloading: b699022a79bd835b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB886D0, hash = b699022a79bd835b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB886D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12004, handle = 00000176A2859480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25388880ef0ce4d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 25388880ef0ce4d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB85310, hash = 25388880ef0ce4d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB85310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12060, handle = 00000176A2865460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9cbdfb27c175300 shader registered for possible reloading: b9cbdfb27c175300_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB89250, hash = b9cbdfb27c175300 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB89250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10004, handle = 00000176A2851170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1aff3864290f98e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 1aff3864290f98e5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB893D0, hash = 1aff3864290f98e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB893D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10060, handle = 00000176A287F4A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21686dc7bac656fe shader registered for possible reloading: 21686dc7bac656fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB88B10, hash = 21686dc7bac656fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB88B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3528, handle = 00000176A230D7B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e739168cca05e71 shader registered for possible reloading: 8e739168cca05e71_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB879D0, hash = 8e739168cca05e71 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB879D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3692, handle = 00000176A22B0C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d961f4840d11f683 shader registered for possible reloading: d961f4840d11f683_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB865D0, hash = d961f4840d11f683 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB865D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8952, handle = 00000176A27F5210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58faa9f0e53b7e45 shader registered for possible reloading: 58faa9f0e53b7e45_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB86E50, hash = 58faa9f0e53b7e45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB86E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9112, handle = 00000176A278E480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4bf05f3052c1b82c shader registered for possible reloading: 4bf05f3052c1b82c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8A090, hash = 4bf05f3052c1b82c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8A090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4408, handle = 00000176A21BF580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1096a1e99abaf18 shader registered for possible reloading: c1096a1e99abaf18_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB88290, hash = c1096a1e99abaf18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB88290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10380, handle = 00000176A2661410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab1dc9f0fd34bdda shader registered for possible reloading: ab1dc9f0fd34bdda_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB88850, hash = ab1dc9f0fd34bdda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB88850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A273F890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f shader registered for possible reloading: c0d150d19d87ed2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB89C50, hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB89C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6140, handle = 00000176A2297C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5c13ac65effad42 shader registered for possible reloading: c5c13ac65effad42_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB85B90, hash = c5c13ac65effad42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB85B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 516, handle = 00000176A226A350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 37dd64e3367209f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB8A210, hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8A210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7108, handle = 00000176A26506D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c929fe4aae1d79b9 shader registered for possible reloading: c929fe4aae1d79b9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB87290, hash = c929fe4aae1d79b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB87290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8312, handle = 00000176A2665B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 24e800c0defb813a shader registered for possible reloading: 24e800c0defb813a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB8A390, hash = 24e800c0defb813a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8A390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5992, handle = 00000176A2512B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1934ced0c4c7c557 shader registered for possible reloading: 1934ced0c4c7c557_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB84A50, hash = 1934ced0c4c7c557 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB84A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8980, handle = 00000176A273D570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02556aecae4bb4f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 02556aecae4bb4f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB85A50, hash = 02556aecae4bb4f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB85A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7384, handle = 00000176A2747320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33aa2484b448e304 shader registered for possible reloading: 33aa2484b448e304_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB88C90, hash = 33aa2484b448e304 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB88C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8876, handle = 00000176A271D4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f5d7d5803a1ce73 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f5d7d5803a1ce73_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB84BD0, hash = 1f5d7d5803a1ce73 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB84BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6028, handle = 00000176A259B420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 42007996c28baafe shader registered for possible reloading: 42007996c28baafe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB87CD0, hash = 42007996c28baafe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB87CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10228, handle = 00000176A2807F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba0eb3ea12a73513 shader registered for possible reloading: ba0eb3ea12a73513_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB86B90, hash = ba0eb3ea12a73513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB86B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8372, handle = 00000176A2773070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 157985786e26e21f shader registered for possible reloading: 157985786e26e21f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB88F50, hash = 157985786e26e21f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB88F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8320, handle = 00000176A2794DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75cef3a1acfb74a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 75cef3a1acfb74a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB86CD0, hash = 75cef3a1acfb74a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB86CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9748, handle = 00000176A26F03E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91b344a84ea832af shader registered for possible reloading: 91b344a84ea832af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB86FD0, hash = 91b344a84ea832af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB86FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8496, handle = 00000176A27BEE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4424078d8dc0d234 shader registered for possible reloading: 4424078d8dc0d234_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB87850, hash = 4424078d8dc0d234 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB87850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9916, handle = 00000176A260AB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03955da2e1c4a93f shader registered for possible reloading: 03955da2e1c4a93f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB87F90, hash = 03955da2e1c4a93f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB87F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9432, handle = 00000176A27326D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9a29a8b50397f56 shader registered for possible reloading: f9a29a8b50397f56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB84D50, hash = f9a29a8b50397f56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB84D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9600, handle = 00000176A27897B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3699ba0b2d253300 shader registered for possible reloading: 3699ba0b2d253300_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB883D0, hash = 3699ba0b2d253300 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB883D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8368, handle = 00000176A274FC90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5702026c04a60363 shader registered for possible reloading: 5702026c04a60363_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB84ED0, hash = 5702026c04a60363 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB84ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8544, handle = 00000176A25DA240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2fb3fae143ecf009 shader registered for possible reloading: 2fb3fae143ecf009_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB88110, hash = 2fb3fae143ecf009 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB88110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9480, handle = 00000176A272BDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cbe9b024ab9be465 shader registered for possible reloading: cbe9b024ab9be465_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB85010, hash = cbe9b024ab9be465 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB85010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9648, handle = 00000176A2406D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b7111972adea25d shader registered for possible reloading: 0b7111972adea25d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8C490, hash = 0b7111972adea25d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8C490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8344, handle = 00000176A26EE340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b05f1f93404bfdd shader registered for possible reloading: 1b05f1f93404bfdd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8DE90, hash = 1b05f1f93404bfdd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8DE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9756, handle = 00000176A275E400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3d4c74de37e67a8 shader registered for possible reloading: b3d4c74de37e67a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8AF10, hash = b3d4c74de37e67a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8AF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8520, handle = 00000176A27DF4A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a4d3a6b6ca372ab shader registered for possible reloading: 3a4d3a6b6ca372ab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8A510, hash = 3a4d3a6b6ca372ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8A510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9924, handle = 00000176A24AC340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d488e1fedba53cda shader registered for possible reloading: d488e1fedba53cda_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8FF90, hash = d488e1fedba53cda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8FF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9456, handle = 00000176A269B2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1bf98439570f543 shader registered for possible reloading: a1bf98439570f543_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8BED0, hash = a1bf98439570f543 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8BED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9624, handle = 00000176A2760A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dcfe6fb77608913e shader registered for possible reloading: dcfe6fb77608913e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8E150, hash = dcfe6fb77608913e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8E150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8392, handle = 00000176A25D8170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce0542e0127a23fe shader registered for possible reloading: ce0542e0127a23fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8BD50, hash = ce0542e0127a23fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8BD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8568, handle = 00000176A272E2F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1368237bdf38b1de shader registered for possible reloading: 1368237bdf38b1de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8E890, hash = 1368237bdf38b1de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8E890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9504, handle = 00000176A2759710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 751c876dd89cff10 shader registered for possible reloading: 751c876dd89cff10_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8CA50, hash = 751c876dd89cff10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8CA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9672, handle = 00000176A27D0FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8e2d3ec269c0dba shader registered for possible reloading: d8e2d3ec269c0dba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8EA10, hash = d8e2d3ec269c0dba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8EA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7576, handle = 00000176A2312660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1c1814475f730e1 shader registered for possible reloading: c1c1814475f730e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8C8D0, hash = c1c1814475f730e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8C8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9180, handle = 00000176A27C9D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45102e5d84c22735 shader registered for possible reloading: 45102e5d84c22735_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8D010, hash = 45102e5d84c22735 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8D010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7752, handle = 00000176A273B720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 23813c5ae5c931cd shader registered for possible reloading: 23813c5ae5c931cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8A650, hash = 23813c5ae5c931cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8A650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9348, handle = 00000176A27A2310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50630af01825d051 shader registered for possible reloading: 50630af01825d051_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8EB50, hash = 50630af01825d051 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8EB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8968, handle = 00000176A27A0000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aeb898430b971b7d shader registered for possible reloading: aeb898430b971b7d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8A950, hash = aeb898430b971b7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8A950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9136, handle = 00000176A2790970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c94c32728ced48eb shader registered for possible reloading: c94c32728ced48eb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8C1D0, hash = c94c32728ced48eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8C1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7632, handle = 00000176A27AC3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b07af3fd9fb4673 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b07af3fd9fb4673_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8C050, hash = 6b07af3fd9fb4673 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8C050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9180, handle = 00000176A26C6720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ee5eb2dc0e5850a shader registered for possible reloading: 7ee5eb2dc0e5850a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8DFD0, hash = 7ee5eb2dc0e5850a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8DFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7808, handle = 00000176A27711E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a8cd8a914f2745c shader registered for possible reloading: 0a8cd8a914f2745c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8A7D0, hash = 0a8cd8a914f2745c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8A7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9348, handle = 00000176A26CB460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 585dc154ca395246 shader registered for possible reloading: 585dc154ca395246_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8C610, hash = 585dc154ca395246 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8C610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9024, handle = 00000176A26E2520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0361407e87f39cf7 shader registered for possible reloading: 0361407e87f39cf7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8D450, hash = 0361407e87f39cf7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8D450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9192, handle = 00000176A277F610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb408f0be991787c shader registered for possible reloading: bb408f0be991787c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8EE50, hash = bb408f0be991787c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8EE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A269D7B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75499c903d37289f shader registered for possible reloading: 75499c903d37289f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8F6D0, hash = 75499c903d37289f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8F6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7568, handle = 00000176A26F55B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9b6259fdd04cd86 shader registered for possible reloading: b9b6259fdd04cd86_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8BC10, hash = b9b6259fdd04cd86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8BC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8784, handle = 00000176A2762FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72d343f0c42d63b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 72d343f0c42d63b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8E710, hash = 72d343f0c42d63b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8E710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8952, handle = 00000176A2700850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0997d380d7003f03 shader registered for possible reloading: 0997d380d7003f03_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8E450, hash = 0997d380d7003f03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8E450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7412, handle = 00000176A277D910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dcba5b9955ff0150 shader registered for possible reloading: dcba5b9955ff0150_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8DD10, hash = dcba5b9955ff0150 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8DD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7588, handle = 00000176A2510D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 251b0c670d5bd6c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 251b0c670d5bd6c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8B090, hash = 251b0c670d5bd6c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8B090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8804, handle = 00000176A27DAC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f47a89e71f5d7d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f47a89e71f5d7d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8CBD0, hash = 2f47a89e71f5d7d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8CBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8972, handle = 00000176A27CC120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91c89bea4ea5d46e shader registered for possible reloading: 91c89bea4ea5d46e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8E2D0, hash = 91c89bea4ea5d46e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8E2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7532, handle = 00000176A26DBA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ab38fc93bf43349 shader registered for possible reloading: 4ab38fc93bf43349_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8D750, hash = 4ab38fc93bf43349 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8D750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7708, handle = 00000176A26FEA20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b49c761b7efd4dc3 shader registered for possible reloading: b49c761b7efd4dc3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8CD50, hash = b49c761b7efd4dc3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8CD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8924, handle = 00000176A27AE1A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14387fec7032f2a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 14387fec7032f2a3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8F590, hash = 14387fec7032f2a3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8F590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9092, handle = 00000176A26D96D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ee1af7459816746 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ee1af7459816746_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8B1D0, hash = 8ee1af7459816746 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8B1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7556, handle = 00000176A2594DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7780bdf8cfa3f26 shader registered for possible reloading: f7780bdf8cfa3f26_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8AAD0, hash = f7780bdf8cfa3f26 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8AAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7732, handle = 00000176A2663D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a2b611654f722cd shader registered for possible reloading: 2a2b611654f722cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8ECD0, hash = 2a2b611654f722cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8ECD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8948, handle = 00000176A2702B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d78bb929d9a7b58 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d78bb929d9a7b58_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8FC90, hash = 7d78bb929d9a7b58 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8FC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9116, handle = 00000176A2754E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 829154fc46f34200 shader registered for possible reloading: 829154fc46f34200_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8F290, hash = 829154fc46f34200 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8F290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7532, handle = 00000176A2775130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2526565e8c89c93 shader registered for possible reloading: f2526565e8c89c93_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8D5D0, hash = f2526565e8c89c93 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8D5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7708, handle = 00000176A26E4870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31539d1c2a5b4661 shader registered for possible reloading: 31539d1c2a5b4661_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8FE10, hash = 31539d1c2a5b4661 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8FE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8924, handle = 00000176A26D49D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e18c703aef732e61 shader registered for possible reloading: e18c703aef732e61_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8AC10, hash = e18c703aef732e61 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8AC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9092, handle = 00000176A2744F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 021559ff7bb4850b shader registered for possible reloading: 021559ff7bb4850b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8B350, hash = 021559ff7bb4850b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8B350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A2736E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ffb86856af90618e shader registered for possible reloading: ffb86856af90618e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8EFD0, hash = ffb86856af90618e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8EFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7536, handle = 00000176A271B760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c5016e07f1a0457 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c5016e07f1a0457_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8D8D0, hash = 4c5016e07f1a0457 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8D8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8752, handle = 00000176A27C0FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80f46fd4646a6d1c shader registered for possible reloading: 80f46fd4646a6d1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8F410, hash = 80f46fd4646a6d1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8F410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8920, handle = 00000176A2734BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff09955959484e04 shader registered for possible reloading: ff09955959484e04_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8AD90, hash = ff09955959484e04 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8AD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9652, handle = 00000176A27191A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bad949e5e9231826 shader registered for possible reloading: bad949e5e9231826_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8CE90, hash = bad949e5e9231826 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8CE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12480, handle = 00000176A2576280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d32d563ffdf551b6 shader registered for possible reloading: d32d563ffdf551b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8E590, hash = d32d563ffdf551b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8E590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11624, handle = 00000176A2726770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 146a2190da544a24 shader registered for possible reloading: 146a2190da544a24_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8B4D0, hash = 146a2190da544a24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8B4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9720, handle = 00000176A2711540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab57dbe6a28d31e9 shader registered for possible reloading: ab57dbe6a28d31e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8F110, hash = ab57dbe6a28d31e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8F110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12632, handle = 00000176A227F6A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6abb9641263d0b63 shader registered for possible reloading: 6abb9641263d0b63_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8C310, hash = 6abb9641263d0b63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8C310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11692, handle = 00000176A26E8C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae8e9e2140667168 shader registered for possible reloading: ae8e9e2140667168_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8F850, hash = ae8e9e2140667168 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8F850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9676, handle = 00000176A26E66A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5904ce46c7f31d74 shader registered for possible reloading: 5904ce46c7f31d74_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8D310, hash = 5904ce46c7f31d74 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8D310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12488, handle = 00000176A2751D50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14175ac9122ce8b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 14175ac9122ce8b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8C790, hash = 14175ac9122ce8b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8C790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11648, handle = 00000176A270E7B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f8c8424ac9f9d18 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f8c8424ac9f9d18_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8D190, hash = 2f8c8424ac9f9d18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8D190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9744, handle = 00000176A2706EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b67a0925dcac270c shader registered for possible reloading: b67a0925dcac270c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8B650, hash = b67a0925dcac270c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8B650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12640, handle = 00000176A2716030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49db5ca4c732b141 shader registered for possible reloading: 49db5ca4c732b141_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8DA10, hash = 49db5ca4c732b141 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8DA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11716, handle = 00000176A27094C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e32176f1dd068c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e32176f1dd068c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8DB90, hash = 4e32176f1dd068c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8DB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8848, handle = 00000176A26D2730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 139a1fb597f6abf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 139a1fb597f6abf8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8F9D0, hash = 139a1fb597f6abf8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8F9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11520, handle = 00000176A276B910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0f7ad4f04d790f6 shader registered for possible reloading: b0f7ad4f04d790f6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8FB50, hash = b0f7ad4f04d790f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8FB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11076, handle = 00000176A26F7350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8d6af4071276c4b shader registered for possible reloading: d8d6af4071276c4b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8B790, hash = d8d6af4071276c4b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8B790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8924, handle = 00000176A271FA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 943123dd9cc2afbf shader registered for possible reloading: 943123dd9cc2afbf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8B910, hash = 943123dd9cc2afbf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8B910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11688, handle = 00000176A27A7120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d9453fd1248648d0 shader registered for possible reloading: d9453fd1248648d0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB8BA90, hash = d9453fd1248648d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB8BA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11152, handle = 00000176A27CE440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88f366d54c274927 shader registered for possible reloading: 88f366d54c274927_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB95190, hash = 88f366d54c274927 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB95190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8216, handle = 00000176A2796E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b57d85b3c062fe0 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b57d85b3c062fe0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB93610, hash = 3b57d85b3c062fe0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB93610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10444, handle = 00000176A27D8360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26a79b8d04d51b9c shader registered for possible reloading: 26a79b8d04d51b9c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB924D0, hash = 26a79b8d04d51b9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB924D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8260, handle = 00000176A2704E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8221ec60862c923a shader registered for possible reloading: 8221ec60862c923a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB948D0, hash = 8221ec60862c923a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB948D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10488, handle = 00000176A27294E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f3eb496a76f62a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 7f3eb496a76f62a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB93A90, hash = 7f3eb496a76f62a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB93A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8504, handle = 00000176A27697D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6394b69fb4557cee shader registered for possible reloading: 6394b69fb4557cee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB90550, hash = 6394b69fb4557cee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB90550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10732, handle = 00000176A27B2DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d906c184dc1cbea shader registered for possible reloading: 3d906c184dc1cbea_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB95A10, hash = 3d906c184dc1cbea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB95A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8528, handle = 00000176A27B57D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = feb5e284b527413a shader registered for possible reloading: feb5e284b527413a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB90C90, hash = feb5e284b527413a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB90C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10756, handle = 00000176A26D6CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ebb75089109672f shader registered for possible reloading: 6ebb75089109672f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB91510, hash = 6ebb75089109672f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8452, handle = 00000176A264E5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90c64261051f1158 shader registered for possible reloading: 90c64261051f1158_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB92C10, hash = 90c64261051f1158 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB92C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10680, handle = 00000176A27492C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 52d36f3ba4954747 shader registered for possible reloading: 52d36f3ba4954747_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB93790, hash = 52d36f3ba4954747 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB93790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8184, handle = 00000176A27C3210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9e160653b55f2e56 shader registered for possible reloading: 9e160653b55f2e56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB93350, hash = 9e160653b55f2e56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB93350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10412, handle = 00000176A2786EF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe68a2cb5a927dda shader registered for possible reloading: fe68a2cb5a927dda_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB92D90, hash = fe68a2cb5a927dda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB92D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9424, handle = 00000176A26D0250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7c2659b293a5124 shader registered for possible reloading: f7c2659b293a5124_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB95010, hash = f7c2659b293a5124 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB95010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11116, handle = 00000176A273FAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d069ed80f88289f shader registered for possible reloading: 6d069ed80f88289f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB906D0, hash = 6d069ed80f88289f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB906D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10492, handle = 00000176A265EB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef4e2736d2fd8c1e shader registered for possible reloading: ef4e2736d2fd8c1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB94310, hash = ef4e2736d2fd8c1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9492, handle = 00000176A279DAE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25aa25bb1df2554c shader registered for possible reloading: 25aa25bb1df2554c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB92F10, hash = 25aa25bb1df2554c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB92F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11252, handle = 00000176A26FBE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71b8c78042e333a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 71b8c78042e333a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB90DD0, hash = 71b8c78042e333a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB90DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10560, handle = 00000176A2742640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71402914705a7bf7 shader registered for possible reloading: 71402914705a7bf7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB91250, hash = 71402914705a7bf7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9448, handle = 00000176A2713B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91e8f9a723c14e1b shader registered for possible reloading: 91e8f9a723c14e1b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB90F50, hash = 91e8f9a723c14e1b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB90F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11124, handle = 00000176A2781A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d4432c14a9c78a7c shader registered for possible reloading: d4432c14a9c78a7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB903D0, hash = d4432c14a9c78a7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB903D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10516, handle = 00000176A27C5210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5fd211a792a2d236 shader registered for possible reloading: 5fd211a792a2d236_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB93D50, hash = 5fd211a792a2d236 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB93D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9516, handle = 00000176A27571D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 761638e5a6ad4a77 shader registered for possible reloading: 761638e5a6ad4a77_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB92650, hash = 761638e5a6ad4a77 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB92650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11260, handle = 00000176A279AED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb9f443a80a67314 shader registered for possible reloading: cb9f443a80a67314_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB910D0, hash = cb9f443a80a67314 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB910D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10584, handle = 00000176A26CD8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4db734955de600b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4db734955de600b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB955D0, hash = 4db734955de600b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB955D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8684, handle = 00000176A27C7B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0929ee66762171ed shader registered for possible reloading: 0929ee66762171ed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB90810, hash = 0929ee66762171ed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB90810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10476, handle = 00000176A26EBA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c67417185f9d9f1f shader registered for possible reloading: c67417185f9d9f1f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB94490, hash = c67417185f9d9f1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10032, handle = 00000176A278BD40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a792815178de965 shader registered for possible reloading: 7a792815178de965_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB91390, hash = 7a792815178de965 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8760, handle = 00000176A2592B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b164fb6414ea04bd shader registered for possible reloading: b164fb6414ea04bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB93BD0, hash = b164fb6414ea04bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB93BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10644, handle = 00000176A2642540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c9594a76b7493c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c9594a76b7493c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB90990, hash = 4c9594a76b7493c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB90990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10108, handle = 00000176A26DFD90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e4a2fbf20e6c4cc shader registered for possible reloading: 7e4a2fbf20e6c4cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB90B10, hash = 7e4a2fbf20e6c4cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB90B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8052, handle = 00000176A26F9EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8d4d419af645f766 shader registered for possible reloading: 8d4d419af645f766_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB931D0, hash = 8d4d419af645f766 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB931D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9400, handle = 00000176A27242B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 52d4e3cc914a41a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 52d4e3cc914a41a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB93050, hash = 52d4e3cc914a41a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB93050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8096, handle = 00000176A2767820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d91c4ddd702f5253 shader registered for possible reloading: d91c4ddd702f5253_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB93ED0, hash = d91c4ddd702f5253 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB93ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9444, handle = 00000176A27A9ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d3c543d5eabc00a shader registered for possible reloading: 6d3c543d5eabc00a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB934D0, hash = 6d3c543d5eabc00a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB934D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8288, handle = 00000176A27B7930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ab726acbba51eb1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ab726acbba51eb1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB91DD0, hash = 3ab726acbba51eb1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9636, handle = 00000176A2721D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8601cc4c604d28f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 8601cc4c604d28f8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB93910, hash = 8601cc4c604d28f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB93910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8312, handle = 00000176A2798E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3ad782009495ecd shader registered for possible reloading: b3ad782009495ecd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB91950, hash = b3ad782009495ecd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9660, handle = 00000176A252E0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f88cd0db610526d8 shader registered for possible reloading: f88cd0db610526d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB90110, hash = f88cd0db610526d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB90110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8288, handle = 00000176A2792D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50fbd5c7531afdf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 50fbd5c7531afdf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB91C50, hash = 50fbd5c7531afdf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9636, handle = 00000176A26DD7E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc690167703081f1 shader registered for possible reloading: cc690167703081f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB92950, hash = cc690167703081f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB92950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8020, handle = 00000176A274DD30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4aa409deae5c056 shader registered for possible reloading: e4aa409deae5c056_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB94050, hash = e4aa409deae5c056 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9368, handle = 00000176A277B470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92c2b5f6dae81cae shader registered for possible reloading: 92c2b5f6dae81cae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB91690, hash = 92c2b5f6dae81cae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A13F44A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB94190, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6860, handle = 00000176A2644EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2960a6befabde480 shader registered for possible reloading: 2960a6befabde480_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB952D0, hash = 2960a6befabde480 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB952D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A23ED570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB94610, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7488, handle = 00000176A28034B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29c4f8144457049a shader registered for possible reloading: 29c4f8144457049a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB91810, hash = 29c4f8144457049a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10920, handle = 00000176A2822FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3020437979a6a3e shader registered for possible reloading: f3020437979a6a3e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB91AD0, hash = f3020437979a6a3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10976, handle = 00000176A27FBB10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1ee1bd9b2bae166 shader registered for possible reloading: c1ee1bd9b2bae166_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB94750, hash = c1ee1bd9b2bae166 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8708, handle = 00000176A2810250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae608bf757d9db23 shader registered for possible reloading: ae608bf757d9db23_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB91F10, hash = ae608bf757d9db23 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB91F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8764, handle = 00000176A27F98C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f996a015d15c44f shader registered for possible reloading: 0f996a015d15c44f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB92090, hash = 0f996a015d15c44f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB92090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11516, handle = 00000176A2805200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8c737382c1c5686 shader registered for possible reloading: a8c737382c1c5686_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB90250, hash = a8c737382c1c5686 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB90250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11572, handle = 00000176A27F0260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0545161f5df368c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 0545161f5df368c1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB94A50, hash = 0545161f5df368c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10080, handle = 00000176A27EDAF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0dbaa86bc6b92dad shader registered for possible reloading: 0dbaa86bc6b92dad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB92210, hash = 0dbaa86bc6b92dad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB92210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10136, handle = 00000176A2817470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 402e62912a3cb34b shader registered for possible reloading: 402e62912a3cb34b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB94E90, hash = 402e62912a3cb34b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11484, handle = 00000176A2812460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4845a25bfa18626b shader registered for possible reloading: 4845a25bfa18626b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB94BD0, hash = 4845a25bfa18626b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11540, handle = 00000176A27EADD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38c02feba85c6612 shader registered for possible reloading: 38c02feba85c6612_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB92390, hash = 38c02feba85c6612 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB92390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8744, handle = 00000176A2820DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62b4d5951c611cee shader registered for possible reloading: 62b4d5951c611cee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB94D10, hash = 62b4d5951c611cee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB94D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8800, handle = 00000176A27F2FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c64aa552ee13029 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c64aa552ee13029_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB95450, hash = 2c64aa552ee13029 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB95450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12500, handle = 00000176A2825A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac1cc81a44abafaf shader registered for possible reloading: ac1cc81a44abafaf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB95750, hash = ac1cc81a44abafaf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB95750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12556, handle = 00000176A280D130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a1a31b5089ef23b shader registered for possible reloading: 3a1a31b5089ef23b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB95890, hash = 3a1a31b5089ef23b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB95890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10724, handle = 00000176A280A740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b9adcb711f64763 shader registered for possible reloading: 5b9adcb711f64763_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB92A90, hash = 5b9adcb711f64763 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB92A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10780, handle = 00000176A27E6020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6a43bd09274939c shader registered for possible reloading: d6a43bd09274939c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB980D0, hash = d6a43bd09274939c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB980D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8984, handle = 00000176A2815150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f3c8b03c827ef86 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f3c8b03c827ef86_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB99950, hash = 1f3c8b03c827ef86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB99950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9040, handle = 00000176A27F7560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b5fb417c10ce08e3 shader registered for possible reloading: b5fb417c10ce08e3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB99210, hash = b5fb417c10ce08e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB99210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9020, handle = 00000176A2819C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e44e92207385128a shader registered for possible reloading: e44e92207385128a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB962D0, hash = e44e92207385128a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB962D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9076, handle = 00000176A27E8A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96b96e4c1b674721 shader registered for possible reloading: 96b96e4c1b674721_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB98B10, hash = 96b96e4c1b674721 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB98B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14852, handle = 00000176A2682B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8306dabb1a5ef94a shader registered for possible reloading: 8306dabb1a5ef94a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB96410, hash = 8306dabb1a5ef94a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB96410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20432, handle = 00000176A2679E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04a41c0f63720cbd shader registered for possible reloading: 04a41c0f63720cbd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB98690, hash = 04a41c0f63720cbd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB98690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16608, handle = 00000176A265AA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5914dff4b362b0ab shader registered for possible reloading: 5914dff4b362b0ab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9AED0, hash = 5914dff4b362b0ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9AED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16216, handle = 00000176A2656AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 23aa6f1aaea8845b shader registered for possible reloading: 23aa6f1aaea8845b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9B050, hash = 23aa6f1aaea8845b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9B050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14828, handle = 00000176A2646A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7dd3d78d5bcf432 shader registered for possible reloading: f7dd3d78d5bcf432_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9A7D0, hash = f7dd3d78d5bcf432 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9A7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20396, handle = 00000176A259FFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6766870bb75b9541 shader registered for possible reloading: 6766870bb75b9541_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB98C50, hash = 6766870bb75b9541 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB98C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16788, handle = 00000176A264A420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f585c94737bca82 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f585c94737bca82_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB99C50, hash = 5f585c94737bca82 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB99C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16192, handle = 00000176A24E5100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9cd5b0ccd2e7f72 shader registered for possible reloading: f9cd5b0ccd2e7f72_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB98810, hash = f9cd5b0ccd2e7f72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB98810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15700, handle = 00000176A267EDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61223580239f9132 shader registered for possible reloading: 61223580239f9132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB97E10, hash = 61223580239f9132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB97E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21828, handle = 00000176A258D640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 358d12daa9754c02 shader registered for possible reloading: 358d12daa9754c02_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9A090, hash = 358d12daa9754c02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9A090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18364, handle = 00000176A26522E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6731053f108a4f5a shader registered for possible reloading: 6731053f108a4f5a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB99AD0, hash = 6731053f108a4f5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB99AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17920, handle = 00000176A26757F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50cf5beb9c367f58 shader registered for possible reloading: 50cf5beb9c367f58_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9A210, hash = 50cf5beb9c367f58 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9A210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15688, handle = 00000176A268E3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fcebe97e491b17f shader registered for possible reloading: 4fcebe97e491b17f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB969D0, hash = 4fcebe97e491b17f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB969D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21804, handle = 00000176A26702B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 465776995092636e shader registered for possible reloading: 465776995092636e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB97C90, hash = 465776995092636e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB97C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18628, handle = 00000176A25D38A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1656783eb674f273 shader registered for possible reloading: 1656783eb674f273_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB98990, hash = 1656783eb674f273 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB98990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17908, handle = 00000176A25A4F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9e64846888e848f shader registered for possible reloading: a9e64846888e848f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB95E50, hash = a9e64846888e848f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB95E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15536, handle = 00000176A2692140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f17e87b5f798f086 shader registered for possible reloading: f17e87b5f798f086_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB96590, hash = f17e87b5f798f086 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB96590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21664, handle = 00000176A2695E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7217da5a2edd897 shader registered for possible reloading: e7217da5a2edd897_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9A350, hash = e7217da5a2edd897 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9A350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17320, handle = 00000176A266BF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f65a13b1d922edf shader registered for possible reloading: 2f65a13b1d922edf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB976D0, hash = 2f65a13b1d922edf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB976D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16876, handle = 00000176A2667D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa0c655f111d2185 shader registered for possible reloading: aa0c655f111d2185_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB97410, hash = aa0c655f111d2185 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB97410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15524, handle = 00000176A268A740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37426c0a904ba894 shader registered for possible reloading: 37426c0a904ba894_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9B610, hash = 37426c0a904ba894 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9B610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21640, handle = 00000176A2441BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e91982657b387603 shader registered for possible reloading: e91982657b387603_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB96710, hash = e91982657b387603 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB96710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17544, handle = 00000176A2596F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 414f9624325ef083 shader registered for possible reloading: 414f9624325ef083_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB99D90, hash = 414f9624325ef083 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB99D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16864, handle = 00000176A2686550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2cbb99bf4b893a4e shader registered for possible reloading: 2cbb99bf4b893a4e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB97F90, hash = 2cbb99bf4b893a4e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB97F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6628, handle = 00000176A22882B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1492fda22933287 shader registered for possible reloading: f1492fda22933287_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9B350, hash = f1492fda22933287 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9B350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8840, handle = 00000176A230B520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed97da4c8771fb8c shader registered for possible reloading: ed97da4c8771fb8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB98DD0, hash = ed97da4c8771fb8c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB98DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6664, handle = 00000176A25A9580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25cca169667041c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 25cca169667041c1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB98F50, hash = 25cca169667041c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB98F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9468, handle = 00000176A23523B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfc8f94e1cdb2a0f shader registered for possible reloading: bfc8f94e1cdb2a0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB99F10, hash = bfc8f94e1cdb2a0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB99F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10424, handle = 00000176A239F1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c6d007279dbda13 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c6d007279dbda13_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB95D10, hash = 2c6d007279dbda13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB95D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9648, handle = 00000176A22FBE30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 731912ff57f972b0 shader registered for possible reloading: 731912ff57f972b0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB99390, hash = 731912ff57f972b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB99390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11812, handle = 00000176A244DD50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db8a8209d54f3ce5 shader registered for possible reloading: db8a8209d54f3ce5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB98550, hash = db8a8209d54f3ce5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB98550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10244, handle = 00000176A226C9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a959b27c340a0a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a959b27c340a0a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9A4D0, hash = 2a959b27c340a0a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9A4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11104, handle = 00000176A24D9E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8302ab9eb88de4e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 8302ab9eb88de4e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB97850, hash = 8302ab9eb88de4e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB97850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9988, handle = 00000176A22E2EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b658573e1f168064 shader registered for possible reloading: b658573e1f168064_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB97550, hash = b658573e1f168064 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB97550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12832, handle = 00000176A2381A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1b96a19997b2d28 shader registered for possible reloading: c1b96a19997b2d28_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB96890, hash = c1b96a19997b2d28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB96890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10916, handle = 00000176A23EAAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 836a078155ed29fb shader registered for possible reloading: 836a078155ed29fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB99510, hash = 836a078155ed29fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB99510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 80108, handle = 00000176A26B2E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 756cfc6e99338db9 shader registered for possible reloading: 756cfc6e99338db9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB96B50, hash = 756cfc6e99338db9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB96B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 80144, handle = 00000176A269F500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5fc899f64b536b74 shader registered for possible reloading: 5fc899f64b536b74_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9B790, hash = 5fc899f64b536b74 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9B790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13444, handle = 00000176A2315EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1499c097a06693e shader registered for possible reloading: a1499c097a06693e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB96150, hash = a1499c097a06693e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB96150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12096, handle = 00000176A24019C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f14f7297d7ecae9e shader registered for possible reloading: f14f7297d7ecae9e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB98250, hash = f14f7297d7ecae9e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB98250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14488, handle = 00000176A2294390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab29e0848c44c4e0 shader registered for possible reloading: ab29e0848c44c4e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9AC10, hash = ab29e0848c44c4e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9AC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12640, handle = 00000176A23CA0D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17207e8dd7a43614 shader registered for possible reloading: 17207e8dd7a43614_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB96E50, hash = 17207e8dd7a43614 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB96E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14324, handle = 00000176A22AD400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e73f1758be125325 shader registered for possible reloading: e73f1758be125325_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB983D0, hash = e73f1758be125325 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB983D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12476, handle = 00000176A2374A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3bec28e4f0a6e7bc shader registered for possible reloading: 3bec28e4f0a6e7bc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9AD90, hash = 3bec28e4f0a6e7bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9AD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6768, handle = 00000176A230E640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a5d76ea23b29fdf shader registered for possible reloading: 6a5d76ea23b29fdf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB990D0, hash = 6a5d76ea23b29fdf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB990D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8620, handle = 00000176A22CA6B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f80dedb4d09a4067 shader registered for possible reloading: f80dedb4d09a4067_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB99690, hash = f80dedb4d09a4067 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB99690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6800, handle = 00000176A2319350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a7b68d8f47076b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a7b68d8f47076b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB96CD0, hash = 9a7b68d8f47076b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB96CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8972, handle = 00000176A22B65A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa068b9869602cfe shader registered for possible reloading: aa068b9869602cfe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB979D0, hash = aa068b9869602cfe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB979D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10820, handle = 00000176A2274190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b17c03c06373907 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b17c03c06373907_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB997D0, hash = 2b17c03c06373907 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB997D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9004, handle = 00000176A2268010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96c2378f2a1a1a67 shader registered for possible reloading: 96c2378f2a1a1a67_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9B490, hash = 96c2378f2a1a1a67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9B490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6804, handle = 00000176A2357C90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e731410193521e shader registered for possible reloading: 32e731410193521e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB97290, hash = 32e731410193521e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB97290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9600, handle = 00000176A2346420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19f4220207210ae6 shader registered for possible reloading: 19f4220207210ae6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB97B10, hash = 19f4220207210ae6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB97B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11872, handle = 00000176A253E3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccc709d0106165a7 shader registered for possible reloading: ccc709d0106165a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA1390, hash = ccc709d0106165a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11928, handle = 00000176A2538460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4eb2b4dc1276e5a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 4eb2b4dc1276e5a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA1090, hash = 4eb2b4dc1276e5a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10452, handle = 00000176A2332630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d625b26f314ea68 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d625b26f314ea68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9DCD0, hash = 0d625b26f314ea68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9DCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10508, handle = 00000176A235BE70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 933210fb7e4d9017 shader registered for possible reloading: 933210fb7e4d9017_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA0250, hash = 933210fb7e4d9017 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA0250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13720, handle = 00000176A240A0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e2a3e75aa3f6a55 shader registered for possible reloading: 8e2a3e75aa3f6a55_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9D450, hash = 8e2a3e75aa3f6a55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9D450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13776, handle = 00000176A2607580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efcd439d5def685a shader registered for possible reloading: efcd439d5def685a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9CA50, hash = efcd439d5def685a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9CA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12300, handle = 00000176A24132A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 834f189fba36e697 shader registered for possible reloading: 834f189fba36e697_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA0510, hash = 834f189fba36e697 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA0510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12356, handle = 00000176A263C690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c2605f5c0d911669 shader registered for possible reloading: c2605f5c0d911669_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9BBD0, hash = c2605f5c0d911669 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9BBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11904, handle = 00000176A25F02A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a325f9bdfa9153eb shader registered for possible reloading: a325f9bdfa9153eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9D5D0, hash = a325f9bdfa9153eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9D5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11960, handle = 00000176A252B220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99479661992cf4c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 99479661992cf4c2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9BA50, hash = 99479661992cf4c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9BA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10484, handle = 00000176A2384D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 376a006a04bfa2ba shader registered for possible reloading: 376a006a04bfa2ba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA0690, hash = 376a006a04bfa2ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA0690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A232D460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44a9243fab6fea84 shader registered for possible reloading: 44a9243fab6fea84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA0810, hash = 44a9243fab6fea84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA0810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13252, handle = 00000176A2544670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b86dc6b37aa4cd9f shader registered for possible reloading: b86dc6b37aa4cd9f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9B910, hash = b86dc6b37aa4cd9f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9B910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13308, handle = 00000176A2541260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af0b0241101cd405 shader registered for possible reloading: af0b0241101cd405_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9E710, hash = af0b0241101cd405 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9E710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11824, handle = 00000176A24DCDB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bd2851ef9cfa2a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bd2851ef9cfa2a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9EF90, hash = 1bd2851ef9cfa2a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9EF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11880, handle = 00000176A2282D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b87c33680fea001 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b87c33680fea001_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA0990, hash = 2b87c33680fea001 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA0990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15100, handle = 00000176A227BB90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = deb0fdef282e6e68 shader registered for possible reloading: deb0fdef282e6e68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9D890, hash = deb0fdef282e6e68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9D890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15156, handle = 00000176A2534920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32ac872eb8d53e4e shader registered for possible reloading: 32ac872eb8d53e4e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA0AD0, hash = 32ac872eb8d53e4e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA0AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13672, handle = 00000176A24A8DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5acf75e42ee47bf2 shader registered for possible reloading: 5acf75e42ee47bf2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9BD50, hash = 5acf75e42ee47bf2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9BD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13728, handle = 00000176A2621840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85b7ab3f48a83794 shader registered for possible reloading: 85b7ab3f48a83794_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9E850, hash = 85b7ab3f48a83794 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9E850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13284, handle = 00000176A259CBD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e7ab8aee41c07f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e7ab8aee41c07f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA0C50, hash = 0e7ab8aee41c07f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA0C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13340, handle = 00000176A2624DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1d2b27bbf9d1ea1 shader registered for possible reloading: c1d2b27bbf9d1ea1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9BED0, hash = c1d2b27bbf9d1ea1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9BED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11856, handle = 00000176A263F6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 843268bbe288354b shader registered for possible reloading: 843268bbe288354b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9DE50, hash = 843268bbe288354b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9DE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11912, handle = 00000176A255EF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 400510b1fa6bfd35 shader registered for possible reloading: 400510b1fa6bfd35_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9DFD0, hash = 400510b1fa6bfd35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9DFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12436, handle = 00000176A237E9F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce5ccb8dbdcdff7f shader registered for possible reloading: ce5ccb8dbdcdff7f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9D150, hash = ce5ccb8dbdcdff7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9D150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12492, handle = 00000176A2528140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dfd1daea3be00958 shader registered for possible reloading: dfd1daea3be00958_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9E9D0, hash = dfd1daea3be00958 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9E9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10488, handle = 00000176A22DB690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8abf893ba66b6449 shader registered for possible reloading: 8abf893ba66b6449_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9CE90, hash = 8abf893ba66b6449 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9CE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10544, handle = 00000176A240D640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb172ad7225208d3 shader registered for possible reloading: cb172ad7225208d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9F550, hash = cb172ad7225208d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9F550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14200, handle = 00000176A25311A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dec284b00f0e5e35 shader registered for possible reloading: dec284b00f0e5e35_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9E150, hash = dec284b00f0e5e35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9E150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14256, handle = 00000176A2547A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 270fa7a1204d580c shader registered for possible reloading: 270fa7a1204d580c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9C010, hash = 270fa7a1204d580c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9C010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12452, handle = 00000176A24AF300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70bf9182c7c1c0fd shader registered for possible reloading: 70bf9182c7c1c0fd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA0DD0, hash = 70bf9182c7c1c0fd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA0DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12508, handle = 00000176A253B300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 42cf6df762882f03 shader registered for possible reloading: 42cf6df762882f03_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9D010, hash = 42cf6df762882f03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9D010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81176, handle = 00000176A24B23B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 476ad9cbbdc7de81 shader registered for possible reloading: 476ad9cbbdc7de81_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9CD10, hash = 476ad9cbbdc7de81 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9CD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81232, handle = 00000176A260DAE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fce47a5ab9f75da3 shader registered for possible reloading: fce47a5ab9f75da3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA1210, hash = fce47a5ab9f75da3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81140, handle = 00000176A2579940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad1691461c4155ef shader registered for possible reloading: ad1691461c4155ef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9D2D0, hash = ad1691461c4155ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9D2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81196, handle = 00000176A24FD040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d67773407935c23c shader registered for possible reloading: d67773407935c23c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9E410, hash = d67773407935c23c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9E410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 83016, handle = 00000176A25F3130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f36ecb8a2422706a shader registered for possible reloading: f36ecb8a2422706a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9F6D0, hash = f36ecb8a2422706a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9F6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 83072, handle = 00000176A2561DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = afeffcdf9265ed78 shader registered for possible reloading: afeffcdf9265ed78_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9EB50, hash = afeffcdf9265ed78 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9EB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82980, handle = 00000176A25AB750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3642605645ca7a33 shader registered for possible reloading: 3642605645ca7a33_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9E590, hash = 3642605645ca7a33 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9E590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 83036, handle = 00000176A2628220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2cf71e5e9f034f4 shader registered for possible reloading: b2cf71e5e9f034f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA0F50, hash = b2cf71e5e9f034f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA0F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81208, handle = 00000176A24C60D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 107e31c6d7f9df4a shader registered for possible reloading: 107e31c6d7f9df4a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9ECD0, hash = 107e31c6d7f9df4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9ECD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81264, handle = 00000176A24812D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 10062545a7ae3f5a shader registered for possible reloading: 10062545a7ae3f5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9C190, hash = 10062545a7ae3f5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9C190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81172, handle = 00000176A25BFB80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6cf189cddc36963 shader registered for possible reloading: d6cf189cddc36963_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9CB90, hash = d6cf189cddc36963 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9CB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81228, handle = 00000176A254B200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0664c63f6e1135f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 0664c63f6e1135f0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9F290, hash = 0664c63f6e1135f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9F290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81212, handle = 00000176A25DC550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20fb14d343041cd5 shader registered for possible reloading: 20fb14d343041cd5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9C310, hash = 20fb14d343041cd5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9C310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81268, handle = 00000176A2495050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2dcb0a0ac14bfe0f shader registered for possible reloading: 2dcb0a0ac14bfe0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9EE10, hash = 2dcb0a0ac14bfe0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9EE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81176, handle = 00000176A2514420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97100213db2cd54f shader registered for possible reloading: 97100213db2cd54f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9F850, hash = 97100213db2cd54f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9F850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81232, handle = 00000176A24E92E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e36a63d3ad6375fb shader registered for possible reloading: e36a63d3ad6375fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEB9FB10, hash = e36a63d3ad6375fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9FB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8856, handle = 00000176A2369E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb5c9aff761ef522 shader registered for possible reloading: cb5c9aff761ef522_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9F3D0, hash = cb5c9aff761ef522 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9F3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10728, handle = 00000176A22791A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 42d6767e75e0b83c shader registered for possible reloading: 42d6767e75e0b83c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9C490, hash = 42d6767e75e0b83c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9C490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9964, handle = 00000176A2177AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3295ddbc363e8b1 shader registered for possible reloading: f3295ddbc363e8b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9C5D0, hash = f3295ddbc363e8b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9C5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8924, handle = 00000176A22F6DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d7fe27b1480e502 shader registered for possible reloading: 4d7fe27b1480e502_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9F990, hash = 4d7fe27b1480e502 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9F990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10864, handle = 00000176A2308AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3163a23ff380921d shader registered for possible reloading: 3163a23ff380921d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9FC90, hash = 3163a23ff380921d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9FC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10032, handle = 00000176A22EF760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27d69c0b18f613cc shader registered for possible reloading: 27d69c0b18f613cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9FE10, hash = 27d69c0b18f613cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9FE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8880, handle = 00000176A22B8BD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba09c5ce4f30e02d shader registered for possible reloading: ba09c5ce4f30e02d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9FF50, hash = ba09c5ce4f30e02d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9FF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10736, handle = 00000176A23248C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee2e96d9037abe3a shader registered for possible reloading: ee2e96d9037abe3a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA00D0, hash = ee2e96d9037abe3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA00D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9988, handle = 00000176A21B7F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adf2aa53f944b7d9 shader registered for possible reloading: adf2aa53f944b7d9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9C750, hash = adf2aa53f944b7d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9C750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8948, handle = 00000176A22C0F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc10266935015cdc shader registered for possible reloading: fc10266935015cdc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEB9C8D0, hash = fc10266935015cdc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEB9C8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10872, handle = 00000176A21BCB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d72cca12f4cdec09 shader registered for possible reloading: d72cca12f4cdec09_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA03D0, hash = d72cca12f4cdec09 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA03D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10056, handle = 00000176A22ED010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5a6bfd12dec48eb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 5a6bfd12dec48eb6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA2350, hash = 5a6bfd12dec48eb6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA2350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8244, handle = 00000176A231DB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 323c94c9edf63db7 shader registered for possible reloading: 323c94c9edf63db7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5FD0, hash = 323c94c9edf63db7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10024, handle = 00000176A232FF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93dcb14f1bd630cf shader registered for possible reloading: 93dcb14f1bd630cf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA6850, hash = 93dcb14f1bd630cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA6850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9632, handle = 00000176A233C6C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54dfba677000e459 shader registered for possible reloading: 54dfba677000e459_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4190, hash = 54dfba677000e459 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8228, handle = 00000176A2367E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d2e95b12b682c29 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d2e95b12b682c29_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA24D0, hash = 3d2e95b12b682c29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA24D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10192, handle = 00000176A22D8EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89d198de40569186 shader registered for possible reloading: 89d198de40569186_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA69D0, hash = 89d198de40569186 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA69D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9616, handle = 00000176A2360A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 879a069beb87129a shader registered for possible reloading: 879a069beb87129a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA2ED0, hash = 879a069beb87129a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA2ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7908, handle = 00000176A22E81E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e409f9e3ad35067f shader registered for possible reloading: e409f9e3ad35067f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA3D50, hash = e409f9e3ad35067f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA3D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9296, handle = 00000176A2299480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad3f7066bbf98f90 shader registered for possible reloading: ad3f7066bbf98f90_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4A10, hash = ad3f7066bbf98f90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7908, handle = 00000176A21E5740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b18690705ccac14b shader registered for possible reloading: b18690705ccac14b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA6E10, hash = b18690705ccac14b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA6E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9296, handle = 00000176A2363010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f218cd488d43e7b shader registered for possible reloading: 0f218cd488d43e7b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA6110, hash = 0f218cd488d43e7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA6110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8028, handle = 00000176A22BEFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 010e652edbbc6386 shader registered for possible reloading: 010e652edbbc6386_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA1D90, hash = 010e652edbbc6386 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9416, handle = 00000176A228CCD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6601b8abdef2aa2e shader registered for possible reloading: 6601b8abdef2aa2e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5450, hash = 6601b8abdef2aa2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8052, handle = 00000176A22B1BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ce534cd7ae7f0af shader registered for possible reloading: 8ce534cd7ae7f0af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA2D50, hash = 8ce534cd7ae7f0af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA2D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9440, handle = 00000176A21BA610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 496868f470868f06 shader registered for possible reloading: 496868f470868f06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA6C90, hash = 496868f470868f06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA6C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8028, handle = 00000176A234DD90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f47fe655d3aa4ff3 shader registered for possible reloading: f47fe655d3aa4ff3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA3E90, hash = f47fe655d3aa4ff3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA3E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9416, handle = 00000176A22D3B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9703ba957fc1d75 shader registered for possible reloading: f9703ba957fc1d75_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA1C10, hash = f9703ba957fc1d75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7876, handle = 00000176A22D1CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd4a5ad28f077954 shader registered for possible reloading: fd4a5ad28f077954_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA17D0, hash = fd4a5ad28f077954 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA17D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9264, handle = 00000176A22C5890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 845ac7915a479ed2 shader registered for possible reloading: 845ac7915a479ed2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5590, hash = 845ac7915a479ed2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9892, handle = 00000176A229E670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 904f6004052c2f4d shader registered for possible reloading: 904f6004052c2f4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA52D0, hash = 904f6004052c2f4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA52D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12876, handle = 00000176A23717F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33e4a9534437a447 shader registered for possible reloading: 33e4a9534437a447_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA3610, hash = 33e4a9534437a447 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA3610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11868, handle = 00000176A2341280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da31b6a1bcf6be96 shader registered for possible reloading: da31b6a1bcf6be96_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA3790, hash = da31b6a1bcf6be96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA3790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9960, handle = 00000176A2303D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f9ff9ffaf6cfc42 shader registered for possible reloading: 4f9ff9ffaf6cfc42_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4310, hash = 4f9ff9ffaf6cfc42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13028, handle = 00000176A232A170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0fa611957a176d3e shader registered for possible reloading: 0fa611957a176d3e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4010, hash = 0fa611957a176d3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11936, handle = 00000176A23272C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6891c240d147b5bf shader registered for possible reloading: 6891c240d147b5bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4750, hash = 6891c240d147b5bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9916, handle = 00000176A2348A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 028db86feb1ee1fc shader registered for possible reloading: 028db86feb1ee1fc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA38D0, hash = 028db86feb1ee1fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA38D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12884, handle = 00000176A2354A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7cebef311eb7d885 shader registered for possible reloading: 7cebef311eb7d885_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA6B50, hash = 7cebef311eb7d885 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA6B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11892, handle = 00000176A22F1EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9383a6bb39c18777 shader registered for possible reloading: 9383a6bb39c18777_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5150, hash = 9383a6bb39c18777 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9984, handle = 00000176A228F1A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2ce84ef83e8092e shader registered for possible reloading: a2ce84ef83e8092e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA2650, hash = a2ce84ef83e8092e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA2650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13036, handle = 00000176A236E4F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e4848820eb15fb7 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e4848820eb15fb7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA1510, hash = 3e4848820eb15fb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11960, handle = 00000176A21DB450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ffdb38d0cda12af6 shader registered for possible reloading: ffdb38d0cda12af6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5710, hash = ffdb38d0cda12af6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9168, handle = 00000176A236C110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44619477294d0970 shader registered for possible reloading: 44619477294d0970_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4450, hash = 44619477294d0970 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11844, handle = 00000176A22D6060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 642241a3dd30324f shader registered for possible reloading: 642241a3dd30324f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA2090, hash = 642241a3dd30324f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA2090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11400, handle = 00000176A234B100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb5091d869631b5d shader registered for possible reloading: eb5091d869631b5d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5890, hash = eb5091d869631b5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9164, handle = 00000176A226A600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1265d2d1b6462723 shader registered for possible reloading: 1265d2d1b6462723_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA48D0, hash = 1265d2d1b6462723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA48D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12080, handle = 00000176A22EA0D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 13533430f5adb96f shader registered for possible reloading: 13533430f5adb96f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA45D0, hash = 13533430f5adb96f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA45D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11396, handle = 00000176A22A5910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c568218c41a3d938 shader registered for possible reloading: c568218c41a3d938_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5A10, hash = c568218c41a3d938 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8456, handle = 00000176A22BAE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f500bc6a4b418e4f shader registered for possible reloading: f500bc6a4b418e4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA6F90, hash = f500bc6a4b418e4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA6F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10688, handle = 00000176A2365470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c19341a6c09e656b shader registered for possible reloading: c19341a6c09e656b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA1650, hash = c19341a6c09e656b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8480, handle = 00000176A2359D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e135ef1c9138e479 shader registered for possible reloading: e135ef1c9138e479_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA1950, hash = e135ef1c9138e479 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10712, handle = 00000176A22C7CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f108eccc2382d508 shader registered for possible reloading: f108eccc2382d508_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4B90, hash = f108eccc2382d508 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8724, handle = 00000176A23226A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b97c2713d08269e shader registered for possible reloading: 7b97c2713d08269e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA6290, hash = 7b97c2713d08269e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA6290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10956, handle = 00000176A22918B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b27d329b77b19e1a shader registered for possible reloading: b27d329b77b19e1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA1AD0, hash = b27d329b77b19e1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8748, handle = 00000176A20E2270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 150170258da33272 shader registered for possible reloading: 150170258da33272_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA21D0, hash = 150170258da33272 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA21D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10980, handle = 00000176A2301230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4053c92c498c4f41 shader registered for possible reloading: 4053c92c498c4f41_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA2A90, hash = 4053c92c498c4f41 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA2A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8672, handle = 00000176A22A0D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af2221adc79e3832 shader registered for possible reloading: af2221adc79e3832_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA2C10, hash = af2221adc79e3832 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA2C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10904, handle = 00000176A231B0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3c6d2748b3079bf shader registered for possible reloading: f3c6d2748b3079bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA3050, hash = f3c6d2748b3079bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA3050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8424, handle = 00000176A20F9B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ce541eda81464cb shader registered for possible reloading: 1ce541eda81464cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA3490, hash = 1ce541eda81464cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA3490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10656, handle = 00000176A2265660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b301d918b8ba3b02 shader registered for possible reloading: b301d918b8ba3b02_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA1F10, hash = b301d918b8ba3b02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA1F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9664, handle = 00000176A2334F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6403bd8a41ac656c shader registered for possible reloading: 6403bd8a41ac656c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA6410, hash = 6403bd8a41ac656c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA6410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11512, handle = 00000176A22AA700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e88452ee4a62bb65 shader registered for possible reloading: e88452ee4a62bb65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4D10, hash = e88452ee4a62bb65 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10736, handle = 00000176A22A2F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c033e5b3f4385b3 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c033e5b3f4385b3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5B50, hash = 9c033e5b3f4385b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9732, handle = 00000176A233EC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fba7bfd2c9de3ed3 shader registered for possible reloading: fba7bfd2c9de3ed3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA31D0, hash = fba7bfd2c9de3ed3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA31D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11648, handle = 00000176A22F90A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f826b1882928f1e6 shader registered for possible reloading: f826b1882928f1e6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4E90, hash = f826b1882928f1e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10804, handle = 00000176A22B3B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4db5c97ae792c706 shader registered for possible reloading: 4db5c97ae792c706_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA66D0, hash = 4db5c97ae792c706 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA66D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9688, handle = 00000176A2285CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 055ed3d5a6e9535c shader registered for possible reloading: 055ed3d5a6e9535c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5CD0, hash = 055ed3d5a6e9535c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11520, handle = 00000176A22FE520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f740e69a695d3208 shader registered for possible reloading: f740e69a695d3208_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA2910, hash = f740e69a695d3208 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA2910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10760, handle = 00000176A22CF2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f18d0da0793356c8 shader registered for possible reloading: f18d0da0793356c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA2790, hash = f18d0da0793356c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA2790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9756, handle = 00000176A22C3260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a72812f0b6b5ea8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a72812f0b6b5ea8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA5E50, hash = 4a72812f0b6b5ea8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA5E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11656, handle = 00000176A229B8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17b3153d6634da3b shader registered for possible reloading: 17b3153d6634da3b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA3310, hash = 17b3153d6634da3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA3310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10828, handle = 00000176A22DE120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7baf30839d38b172 shader registered for possible reloading: 7baf30839d38b172_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA4FD0, hash = 7baf30839d38b172 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA4FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9004, handle = 00000176A22E0B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d686394449289c66 shader registered for possible reloading: d686394449289c66_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA3A50, hash = d686394449289c66 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA3A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10800, handle = 00000176A21C3B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = daa7557617392cad shader registered for possible reloading: daa7557617392cad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA3BD0, hash = daa7557617392cad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA3BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10356, handle = 00000176A2271910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db7aa0d4f95af9eb shader registered for possible reloading: db7aa0d4f95af9eb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA6590, hash = db7aa0d4f95af9eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA6590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9000, handle = 00000176A23440F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d121102799f2a418 shader registered for possible reloading: d121102799f2a418_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAB190, hash = d121102799f2a418 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAB190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10996, handle = 00000176A231FBA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b12adfeb31d043bd shader registered for possible reloading: b12adfeb31d043bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAB8D0, hash = b12adfeb31d043bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAB8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10352, handle = 00000176A228A450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08b9f85bfbb80a0f shader registered for possible reloading: 08b9f85bfbb80a0f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAC750, hash = 08b9f85bfbb80a0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAC750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8292, handle = 00000176A23105F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c46d16a1f5b59c70 shader registered for possible reloading: c46d16a1f5b59c70_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA9650, hash = c46d16a1f5b59c70 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA9650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9644, handle = 00000176A22CCCF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ada0119b5d2de5d9 shader registered for possible reloading: ada0119b5d2de5d9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAC890, hash = ada0119b5d2de5d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAC890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8316, handle = 00000176A22F4D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db135b959ba96eeb shader registered for possible reloading: db135b959ba96eeb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAC010, hash = db135b959ba96eeb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAC010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9668, handle = 00000176A22E5C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff3877ffc4d50df0 shader registered for possible reloading: ff3877ffc4d50df0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAB310, hash = ff3877ffc4d50df0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAB310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8508, handle = 00000176A226F7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32785630b8eca111 shader registered for possible reloading: 32785630b8eca111_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA7990, hash = 32785630b8eca111 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA7990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9860, handle = 00000176A23374E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb8a04bc367bdea1 shader registered for possible reloading: bb8a04bc367bdea1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA8AD0, hash = bb8a04bc367bdea1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA8AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8532, handle = 00000176A22A85A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee05d4b704891af3 shader registered for possible reloading: ee05d4b704891af3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAB610, hash = ee05d4b704891af3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAB610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9884, handle = 00000176A234FD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2cb69c385d03632b shader registered for possible reloading: 2cb69c385d03632b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA7C90, hash = 2cb69c385d03632b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA7C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8508, handle = 00000176A235E920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5a3497c23003283 shader registered for possible reloading: c5a3497c23003283_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA8C50, hash = c5a3497c23003283 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA8C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9860, handle = 00000176A2306410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b61609a4961e9acc shader registered for possible reloading: b61609a4961e9acc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAC190, hash = b61609a4961e9acc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAC190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8260, handle = 00000176A22BCFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 594c9254d59616e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 594c9254d59616e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAB490, hash = 594c9254d59616e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAB490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9612, handle = 00000176A2276C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b6ef635d56edb47 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b6ef635d56edb47_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAB750, hash = 9b6ef635d56edb47 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAB750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6940, handle = 00000176A247F7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e2b277b7d02881f shader registered for possible reloading: 3e2b277b7d02881f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAAA90, hash = 3e2b277b7d02881f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAAA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9140, handle = 00000176A24049D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77094e54a3bdd68f shader registered for possible reloading: 77094e54a3bdd68f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA94D0, hash = 77094e54a3bdd68f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA94D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6976, handle = 00000176A23BEE60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed2480ac98044f82 shader registered for possible reloading: ed2480ac98044f82_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAAD50, hash = ed2480ac98044f82 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAAD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9768, handle = 00000176A23B9310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27d1c9e6c41dc0d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 27d1c9e6c41dc0d5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA8DD0, hash = 27d1c9e6c41dc0d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA8DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12964, handle = 00000176A240FFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 797fbf8f476d473e shader registered for possible reloading: 797fbf8f476d473e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBABD10, hash = 797fbf8f476d473e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBABD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13020, handle = 00000176A244AA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08c7270204cd94ea shader registered for possible reloading: 08c7270204cd94ea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAC2D0, hash = 08c7270204cd94ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAC2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11512, handle = 00000176A23D0E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c9122c4b09ad4dd shader registered for possible reloading: 7c9122c4b09ad4dd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA8F10, hash = 7c9122c4b09ad4dd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA8F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11568, handle = 00000176A23C09B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e234b84c14e28cf shader registered for possible reloading: 1e234b84c14e28cf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBACA10, hash = 1e234b84c14e28cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBACA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14332, handle = 00000176A2450DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a08ba3f0fea1eaf shader registered for possible reloading: 6a08ba3f0fea1eaf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA9390, hash = 6a08ba3f0fea1eaf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA9390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14388, handle = 00000176A239B990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6385499ab283d562 shader registered for possible reloading: 6385499ab283d562_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA7250, hash = 6385499ab283d562 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA7250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12884, handle = 00000176A23B60B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd59eb7375e74127 shader registered for possible reloading: bd59eb7375e74127_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBACB90, hash = bd59eb7375e74127 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBACB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12940, handle = 00000176A2377BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab2b7c1b87845518 shader registered for possible reloading: ab2b7c1b87845518_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA9210, hash = ab2b7c1b87845518 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA9210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13528, handle = 00000176A243E710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fcda2516559ec356 shader registered for possible reloading: fcda2516559ec356_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAAED0, hash = fcda2516559ec356 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAAED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13584, handle = 00000176A23BB940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3227520f91c17ae4 shader registered for possible reloading: 3227520f91c17ae4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAA350, hash = 3227520f91c17ae4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAA350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11548, handle = 00000176A247CA70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f20f341a38a6e4ac shader registered for possible reloading: f20f341a38a6e4ac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBABBD0, hash = f20f341a38a6e4ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBABBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11604, handle = 00000176A23E7D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efcfa1821c473077 shader registered for possible reloading: efcfa1821c473077_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAC450, hash = efcfa1821c473077 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAC450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15256, handle = 00000176A237AE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a8f402b7f70fb3f shader registered for possible reloading: 3a8f402b7f70fb3f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAA610, hash = 3a8f402b7f70fb3f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAA610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15312, handle = 00000176A23CD270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b92f57b15b11f297 shader registered for possible reloading: b92f57b15b11f297_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAA790, hash = b92f57b15b11f297 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAA790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13512, handle = 00000176A23C6C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e1420394396d3e7 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e1420394396d3e7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA7110, hash = 4e1420394396d3e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA7110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13568, handle = 00000176A23C36F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5dd9485fafe203d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 5dd9485fafe203d8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA73D0, hash = 5dd9485fafe203d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA73D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82440, handle = 00000176A2416310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48bc904ecf28dedf shader registered for possible reloading: 48bc904ecf28dedf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA8950, hash = 48bc904ecf28dedf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA8950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82496, handle = 00000176A24545B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bae8a2282eb48e14 shader registered for possible reloading: bae8a2282eb48e14_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA8390, hash = bae8a2282eb48e14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA8390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82404, handle = 00000176A242A520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7844f0753891ea2 shader registered for possible reloading: e7844f0753891ea2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA76D0, hash = e7844f0753891ea2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA76D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82460, handle = 00000176A23A1E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b1bc0d1e05742f39 shader registered for possible reloading: b1bc0d1e05742f39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA80D0, hash = b1bc0d1e05742f39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA80D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82476, handle = 00000176A23ED780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95ffe33c00764205 shader registered for possible reloading: 95ffe33c00764205_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA7550, hash = 95ffe33c00764205 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA7550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82532, handle = 00000176A2468800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1042193b6e4d2d15 shader registered for possible reloading: 1042193b6e4d2d15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA8510, hash = 1042193b6e4d2d15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA8510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82440, handle = 00000176A23D3B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec96760ed3477c3a shader registered for possible reloading: ec96760ed3477c3a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA9950, hash = ec96760ed3477c3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA9950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82496, handle = 00000176A2387740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84a81c5e5494d105 shader registered for possible reloading: 84a81c5e5494d105_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBA7810, hash = 84a81c5e5494d105 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA7810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1976, handle = 00000176A2037B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac4ab6376bab18a7 shader registered for possible reloading: ac4ab6376bab18a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAABD0, hash = ac4ab6376bab18a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAABD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A21A1A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8be9fbd02b3d07af shader registered for possible reloading: 8be9fbd02b3d07af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAA910, hash = 8be9fbd02b3d07af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAA910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2140, handle = 00000176A21568C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 46180fc7c974abf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA7B10, hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA7B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7676, handle = 00000176A21D7400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db4500e6d5904d88 shader registered for possible reloading: db4500e6d5904d88_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA9F10, hash = db4500e6d5904d88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA9F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7296, handle = 00000176A20EC950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0dfa4a765c156091 shader registered for possible reloading: 0dfa4a765c156091_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA7DD0, hash = 0dfa4a765c156091 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA7DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7456, handle = 00000176A2153550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 shader registered for possible reloading: e3f36c0ad36ded56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA7F50, hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA7F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2052, handle = 00000176A2213520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a36849192ee54d1e shader registered for possible reloading: a36849192ee54d1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA8810, hash = a36849192ee54d1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA8810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7640, handle = 00000176A206B210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab4a77d630a471e9 shader registered for possible reloading: ab4a77d630a471e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA9090, hash = ab4a77d630a471e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA9090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2216, handle = 00000176A1F856D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d1cc8a61d3b0e49d shader registered for possible reloading: d1cc8a61d3b0e49d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA9A90, hash = d1cc8a61d3b0e49d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA9A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7800, handle = 00000176A2210A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ef9efe59567cb07 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ef9efe59567cb07_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBA9C10, hash = 6ef9efe59567cb07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBA9C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7372, handle = 00000176A21A3770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 069ae2b3d79fdb26 shader registered for possible reloading: 069ae2b3d79fdb26_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAA050, hash = 069ae2b3d79fdb26 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAA050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7532, handle = 00000176A2207850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336ed77e2a2df93f shader registered for possible reloading: 336ed77e2a2df93f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAA1D0, hash = 336ed77e2a2df93f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAA1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3024, handle = 00000176A21F99D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 143265c2b391e4e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 143265c2b391e4e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAEF90, hash = 143265c2b391e4e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAEF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8748, handle = 00000176A21D9210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b757fdf41b859bf shader registered for possible reloading: 0b757fdf41b859bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB2790, hash = 0b757fdf41b859bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB2790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8304, handle = 00000176A22057D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc11af40d1d8012e shader registered for possible reloading: cc11af40d1d8012e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB1650, hash = cc11af40d1d8012e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB1650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3100, handle = 00000176A22128F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa107469c344b32a shader registered for possible reloading: aa107469c344b32a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAF990, hash = aa107469c344b32a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAF990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8916, handle = 00000176A219F720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47ca6838f4842e59 shader registered for possible reloading: 47ca6838f4842e59_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB07D0, hash = 47ca6838f4842e59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB07D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8380, handle = 00000176A21FE0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b4eba4d72cb26c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b4eba4d72cb26c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB17D0, hash = 9b4eba4d72cb26c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB17D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 492, handle = 00000176A18EA180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f8b07f66336268d1 shader registered for possible reloading: f8b07f66336268d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAFF50, hash = f8b07f66336268d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAFF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5892, handle = 00000176A2239B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4edebe71cd033bbd shader registered for possible reloading: 4edebe71cd033bbd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBADB50, hash = 4edebe71cd033bbd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBADB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9720, handle = 00000176A21E76C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2dd5731263d4b172 shader registered for possible reloading: 2dd5731263d4b172_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAF810, hash = 2dd5731263d4b172 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAF810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10736, handle = 00000176A21E9CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f137df69062c0464 shader registered for possible reloading: f137df69062c0464_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB2050, hash = f137df69062c0464 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB2050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 668, handle = 00000176A01EB960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3c2fb763cce9007 shader registered for possible reloading: b3c2fb763cce9007_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBADE50, hash = b3c2fb763cce9007 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBADE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12428, handle = 00000176A21C0A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 926d6659a7d87fe0 shader registered for possible reloading: 926d6659a7d87fe0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAE850, hash = 926d6659a7d87fe0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAE850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176A2055C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2dec6af63e63d4d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 2dec6af63e63d4d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAD9D0, hash = 2dec6af63e63d4d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAD9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8660, handle = 00000176A20E4640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d3f8fa346f8d6eed shader registered for possible reloading: d3f8fa346f8d6eed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB1A90, hash = d3f8fa346f8d6eed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB1A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176A2091290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d3c492fde5cd837b shader registered for possible reloading: d3c492fde5cd837b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAD890, hash = d3c492fde5cd837b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAD890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8660, handle = 00000176A2173740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf6e670f817f1be5 shader registered for possible reloading: cf6e670f817f1be5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAFB10, hash = cf6e670f817f1be5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAFB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3460, handle = 00000176A22011D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72998ab827c9fbba shader registered for possible reloading: 72998ab827c9fbba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB21D0, hash = 72998ab827c9fbba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB21D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8780, handle = 00000176A203EC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b9937165383d3f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b9937165383d3f9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB00D0, hash = 3b9937165383d3f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB00D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3484, handle = 00000176A1F52200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aef5324e3d308eff shader registered for possible reloading: aef5324e3d308eff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB2610, hash = aef5324e3d308eff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB2610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8804, handle = 00000176A2074D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a90f4f702fb1312e shader registered for possible reloading: a90f4f702fb1312e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAEC90, hash = a90f4f702fb1312e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAEC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3460, handle = 00000176A1FF35C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0013512ca11d50ff shader registered for possible reloading: 0013512ca11d50ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBADCD0, hash = 0013512ca11d50ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBADCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8780, handle = 00000176A20E0010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed70282ecd1952c8 shader registered for possible reloading: ed70282ecd1952c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB0390, hash = ed70282ecd1952c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB0390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3308, handle = 00000176A22004D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6508abb580972425 shader registered for possible reloading: 6508abb580972425_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB2350, hash = 6508abb580972425 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB2350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8628, handle = 00000176A2175920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4ccbd4bd1aa6fdf shader registered for possible reloading: e4ccbd4bd1aa6fdf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBACD10, hash = e4ccbd4bd1aa6fdf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBACD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3784, handle = 00000176A20EEE00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8c29e77f2c37a2e3 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c29e77f2c37a2e3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB0950, hash = 8c29e77f2c37a2e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB0950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9068, handle = 00000176A21F7650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ef541b2c4a769e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 5ef541b2c4a769e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB0AD0, hash = 5ef541b2c4a769e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB0AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3804, handle = 00000176A20FBEC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f5a0e686f9f9208 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f5a0e686f9f9208_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAD2D0, hash = 2f5a0e686f9f9208 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAD2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9088, handle = 00000176A2237780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb235862db749155 shader registered for possible reloading: eb235862db749155_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB0210, hash = eb235862db749155 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB0210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3996, handle = 00000176A2182330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b7215770ac082fb shader registered for possible reloading: 5b7215770ac082fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAEB10, hash = 5b7215770ac082fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAEB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9280, handle = 00000176A22307F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53613fb95b24e208 shader registered for possible reloading: 53613fb95b24e208_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB0D90, hash = 53613fb95b24e208 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB0D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4020, handle = 00000176A209B270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f65862389c4eb9f7 shader registered for possible reloading: f65862389c4eb9f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAE9D0, hash = f65862389c4eb9f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAE9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9304, handle = 00000176A2098E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c99e15c0bac16650 shader registered for possible reloading: c99e15c0bac16650_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAFC50, hash = c99e15c0bac16650 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAFC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3996, handle = 00000176A2087780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5762ecdfbd6dd7ff shader registered for possible reloading: 5762ecdfbd6dd7ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB0510, hash = 5762ecdfbd6dd7ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB0510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9280, handle = 00000176A208EE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 64b0c7ee0942babc shader registered for possible reloading: 64b0c7ee0942babc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAF0D0, hash = 64b0c7ee0942babc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAF0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3752, handle = 00000176A2155A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 377e296ad745ffc8 shader registered for possible reloading: 377e296ad745ffc8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAD410, hash = 377e296ad745ffc8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAD410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9036, handle = 00000176A217FFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3bd1a6075a83cf87 shader registered for possible reloading: 3bd1a6075a83cf87_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBADF90, hash = 3bd1a6075a83cf87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBADF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13504, handle = 00000176A225AE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 924cec43bb4d4570 shader registered for possible reloading: 924cec43bb4d4570_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAEE10, hash = 924cec43bb4d4570 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAEE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14828, handle = 00000176A2216FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fa947ccb6ad547c shader registered for possible reloading: 1fa947ccb6ad547c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB1350, hash = 1fa947ccb6ad547c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB1350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13540, handle = 00000176A2209E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a7475db6f77d1ae shader registered for possible reloading: 3a7475db6f77d1ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB1C10, hash = 3a7475db6f77d1ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB1C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15456, handle = 00000176A221A9C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 64d7caf908e69179 shader registered for possible reloading: 64d7caf908e69179_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAE110, hash = 64d7caf908e69179 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAE110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14084, handle = 00000176A2257740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0d161d81ed24017 shader registered for possible reloading: e0d161d81ed24017_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAE290, hash = e0d161d81ed24017 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAE290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14120, handle = 00000176A220D340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6729a9155bf8a082 shader registered for possible reloading: 6729a9155bf8a082_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAD590, hash = 6729a9155bf8a082 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAD590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13552, handle = 00000176A2095910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd575b8fb702eb3a shader registered for possible reloading: cd575b8fb702eb3a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBACE50, hash = cd575b8fb702eb3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBACE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12236, handle = 00000176A1F49420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc4ff857d35d9a93 shader registered for possible reloading: dc4ff857d35d9a93_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAE410, hash = dc4ff857d35d9a93 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAE410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14604, handle = 00000176A2091FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3ccf197be0520a7 shader registered for possible reloading: e3ccf197be0520a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBACFD0, hash = e3ccf197be0520a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBACFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12788, handle = 00000176A2084580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2e015da2390cc7e shader registered for possible reloading: a2e015da2390cc7e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAF250, hash = a2e015da2390cc7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAF250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 128996, handle = 00000176A20C0000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75677be0cee40676 shader registered for possible reloading: 75677be0cee40676_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAF3D0, hash = 75677be0cee40676 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAF3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 126720, handle = 00000176A20A0000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e973721453393de shader registered for possible reloading: 5e973721453393de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBAE550, hash = 5e973721453393de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAE550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9604, handle = 00000176A207B4F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 143a494e767ab787 shader registered for possible reloading: 143a494e767ab787_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAE6D0, hash = 143a494e767ab787 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAE6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11572, handle = 00000176A217D290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99fa67d55d911876 shader registered for possible reloading: 99fa67d55d911876_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAF550, hash = 99fa67d55d911876 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAF550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10916, handle = 00000176A21D4950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9802980b4c9d4a8c shader registered for possible reloading: 9802980b4c9d4a8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAF690, hash = 9802980b4c9d4a8c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAF690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10968, handle = 00000176A20E6C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a356e31154188d6 shader registered for possible reloading: 3a356e31154188d6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB0C50, hash = 3a356e31154188d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB0C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12932, handle = 00000176A2213D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f38ab056fd9cdcf shader registered for possible reloading: 7f38ab056fd9cdcf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAFDD0, hash = 7f38ab056fd9cdcf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAFDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12276, handle = 00000176A20F6B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ea0b862a98381f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ea0b862a98381f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB1ED0, hash = 9ea0b862a98381f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB1ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9640, handle = 00000176A1F5BEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31cbde809833fdc4 shader registered for possible reloading: 31cbde809833fdc4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB0F10, hash = 31cbde809833fdc4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB0F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11596, handle = 00000176A218A840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9fc001065ebcc3f shader registered for possible reloading: b9fc001065ebcc3f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB0690, hash = b9fc001065ebcc3f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB0690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13736, handle = 00000176A209C6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb7a4e47746f6b53 shader registered for possible reloading: bb7a4e47746f6b53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB1090, hash = bb7a4e47746f6b53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB1090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13792, handle = 00000176A20FD240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e94b26cb3e853c4c shader registered for possible reloading: e94b26cb3e853c4c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBAD710, hash = e94b26cb3e853c4c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBAD710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11504, handle = 00000176A217A590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d491ab34799d6ac3 shader registered for possible reloading: d491ab34799d6ac3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB1210, hash = d491ab34799d6ac3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB1210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11560, handle = 00000176A21AA9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4aa9b33d9db90b09 shader registered for possible reloading: 4aa9b33d9db90b09_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB14D0, hash = 4aa9b33d9db90b09 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB14D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15700, handle = 00000176A21F38F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0b2e25b9765ae7d shader registered for possible reloading: d0b2e25b9765ae7d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB1D90, hash = d0b2e25b9765ae7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB1D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15756, handle = 00000176A22539A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8913389f5eedad4c shader registered for possible reloading: 8913389f5eedad4c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB7C50, hash = 8913389f5eedad4c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB7C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13448, handle = 00000176A2157420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c78faa740bb58857 shader registered for possible reloading: c78faa740bb58857_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB7810, hash = c78faa740bb58857 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB7810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13504, handle = 00000176A20F0140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caffebc46dafa96f shader registered for possible reloading: caffebc46dafa96f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB3010, hash = caffebc46dafa96f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB3010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15024, handle = 00000176A216CA30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c9e9895eb7155b0 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c9e9895eb7155b0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB5410, hash = 1c9e9895eb7155b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15080, handle = 00000176A225E790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6081a5fe2af098f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 6081a5fe2af098f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB4E50, hash = 6081a5fe2af098f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB4E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12792, handle = 00000176A21FAEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6469b497fd89633f shader registered for possible reloading: 6469b497fd89633f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB4A10, hash = 6469b497fd89633f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB4A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12848, handle = 00000176A20E9710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca433b28a2618bef shader registered for possible reloading: ca433b28a2618bef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB4B90, hash = ca433b28a2618bef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB4B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14324, handle = 00000176A2201FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f905bd2eb08fc2aa shader registered for possible reloading: f905bd2eb08fc2aa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB8390, hash = f905bd2eb08fc2aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB8390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14380, handle = 00000176A21C65E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56e284968fcd2061 shader registered for possible reloading: 56e284968fcd2061_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB63D0, hash = 56e284968fcd2061 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB63D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12868, handle = 00000176A21704F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 227dcca2866472f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 227dcca2866472f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB35D0, hash = 227dcca2866472f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB35D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12924, handle = 00000176A21ECC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e21e70af71eb7ee9 shader registered for possible reloading: e21e70af71eb7ee9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB5590, hash = e21e70af71eb7ee9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16288, handle = 00000176A2104250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b08651e6e2243641 shader registered for possible reloading: b08651e6e2243641_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB7690, hash = b08651e6e2243641 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB7690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16344, handle = 00000176A21A69D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f199d4847c67f39f shader registered for possible reloading: f199d4847c67f39f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB7DD0, hash = f199d4847c67f39f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB7DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14812, handle = 00000176A21EFF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75b84ea9dfd9ea8f shader registered for possible reloading: 75b84ea9dfd9ea8f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB4FD0, hash = 75b84ea9dfd9ea8f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB4FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14868, handle = 00000176A2100830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6aec1ae98087676b shader registered for possible reloading: 6aec1ae98087676b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB7F50, hash = 6aec1ae98087676b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB7F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15612, handle = 00000176A21B41F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19d32e044786c194 shader registered for possible reloading: 19d32e044786c194_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB4710, hash = 19d32e044786c194 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB4710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15668, handle = 00000176A21E1A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93faa2ac1b2ee30f shader registered for possible reloading: 93faa2ac1b2ee30f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB3190, hash = 93faa2ac1b2ee30f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB3190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14156, handle = 00000176A21B0A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59332b6c242f015a shader registered for possible reloading: 59332b6c242f015a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB5150, hash = 59332b6c242f015a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14212, handle = 00000176A21D11C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c72d327cbba6179 shader registered for possible reloading: 6c72d327cbba6179_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB3310, hash = 6c72d327cbba6179 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB3310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14300, handle = 00000176A21C9E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5ebb59b51988f17 shader registered for possible reloading: e5ebb59b51988f17_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB3E90, hash = e5ebb59b51988f17 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB3E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14356, handle = 00000176A2233F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b5d8214c5b2b9bf shader registered for possible reloading: 8b5d8214c5b2b9bf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB8090, hash = 8b5d8214c5b2b9bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB8090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11540, handle = 00000176A2150830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d94aad93dcb522be shader registered for possible reloading: d94aad93dcb522be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB38D0, hash = d94aad93dcb522be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB38D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11596, handle = 00000176A2250C40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2aa5cf1d4b0fff9 shader registered for possible reloading: a2aa5cf1d4b0fff9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB8210, hash = a2aa5cf1d4b0fff9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB8210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15272, handle = 00000176A21CD610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 79cc0b50bbc6141e shader registered for possible reloading: 79cc0b50bbc6141e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB70D0, hash = 79cc0b50bbc6141e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB70D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15328, handle = 00000176A2183790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34ad482d18d2ebac shader registered for possible reloading: 34ad482d18d2ebac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB2910, hash = 34ad482d18d2ebac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB2910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13496, handle = 00000176A2187380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60aee136ca6b146d shader registered for possible reloading: 60aee136ca6b146d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB3A50, hash = 60aee136ca6b146d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB3A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13552, handle = 00000176A20F3610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 113cb26ec1809540 shader registered for possible reloading: 113cb26ec1809540_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB6990, hash = 113cb26ec1809540 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB6990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74096, handle = 00000176A215A8B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a98d5c8b756b049c shader registered for possible reloading: a98d5c8b756b049c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB66D0, hash = a98d5c8b756b049c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB66D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74152, handle = 00000176A2108200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a1bc8826dc758fd shader registered for possible reloading: 3a1bc8826dc758fd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB2BD0, hash = 3a1bc8826dc758fd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB2BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74040, handle = 00000176A212C550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 916520dfc9010311 shader registered for possible reloading: 916520dfc9010311_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB6550, hash = 916520dfc9010311 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB6550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74096, handle = 00000176A218D5A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95d1df664238b4cd shader registered for possible reloading: 95d1df664238b4cd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB2ED0, hash = 95d1df664238b4cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB2ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13948, handle = 00000176A223B3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c74738b267ad51c4 shader registered for possible reloading: c74738b267ad51c4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB3B90, hash = c74738b267ad51c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB3B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13892, handle = 00000176A21DE3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40db783d0161757e shader registered for possible reloading: 40db783d0161757e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB45D0, hash = 40db783d0161757e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB45D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13272, handle = 00000176A2262280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6afbff7cb998e6a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 6afbff7cb998e6a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB5E10, hash = 6afbff7cb998e6a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13216, handle = 00000176A21AD6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f6b183d0e9138ab shader registered for possible reloading: 6f6b183d0e9138ab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB2D50, hash = 6f6b183d0e9138ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB2D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74132, handle = 00000176A213E690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b626a7531c3aa25 shader registered for possible reloading: 5b626a7531c3aa25_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB6850, hash = 5b626a7531c3aa25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB6850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74188, handle = 00000176A223EA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1355321cd7dfd76a shader registered for possible reloading: 1355321cd7dfd76a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB6B10, hash = 1355321cd7dfd76a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB6B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74076, handle = 00000176A221E680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9721e437a511e61c shader registered for possible reloading: 9721e437a511e61c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB6C90, hash = 9721e437a511e61c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB6C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74132, handle = 00000176A211A3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 690e80de1b22ef72 shader registered for possible reloading: 690e80de1b22ef72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB59D0, hash = 690e80de1b22ef72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB59D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1976, handle = 00000176A1E9B610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac4ab6376bab18a7 shader registered for possible reloading: ac4ab6376bab18a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB3750, hash = ac4ab6376bab18a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB3750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A206F6B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8be9fbd02b3d07af shader registered for possible reloading: 8be9fbd02b3d07af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB6E10, hash = 8be9fbd02b3d07af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB6E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2140, handle = 00000176A18BBFE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 46180fc7c974abf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB5850, hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7676, handle = 00000176A2069400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db4500e6d5904d88 shader registered for possible reloading: db4500e6d5904d88_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB5B50, hash = db4500e6d5904d88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7296, handle = 00000176A1FF1930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0dfa4a765c156091 shader registered for possible reloading: 0dfa4a765c156091_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB7510, hash = 0dfa4a765c156091 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB7510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7456, handle = 00000176A1F504D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 shader registered for possible reloading: e3f36c0ad36ded56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB3D10, hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB3D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2052, handle = 00000176A133DD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a36849192ee54d1e shader registered for possible reloading: a36849192ee54d1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB4010, hash = a36849192ee54d1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB4010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7640, handle = 00000176A2035D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab4a77d630a471e9 shader registered for possible reloading: ab4a77d630a471e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB7AD0, hash = ab4a77d630a471e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB7AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2216, handle = 00000176A18797C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d1cc8a61d3b0e49d shader registered for possible reloading: d1cc8a61d3b0e49d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB6F50, hash = d1cc8a61d3b0e49d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB6F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7800, handle = 00000176A2052000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ef9efe59567cb07 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ef9efe59567cb07_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB42D0, hash = 6ef9efe59567cb07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB42D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7372, handle = 00000176A2071420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 069ae2b3d79fdb26 shader registered for possible reloading: 069ae2b3d79fdb26_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB4890, hash = 069ae2b3d79fdb26 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB4890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7532, handle = 00000176A2053E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336ed77e2a2df93f shader registered for possible reloading: 336ed77e2a2df93f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB7250, hash = 336ed77e2a2df93f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB7250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2472, handle = 00000176A20132B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af5b6a3d3a682fa3 shader registered for possible reloading: af5b6a3d3a682fa3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB73D0, hash = af5b6a3d3a682fa3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB73D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9000, handle = 00000176A206D380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9958db317c3dab36 shader registered for possible reloading: 9958db317c3dab36_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB4450, hash = 9958db317c3dab36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB4450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8668, handle = 00000176A203ADA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7dfc69ef66a94d6 shader registered for possible reloading: a7dfc69ef66a94d6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB4CD0, hash = a7dfc69ef66a94d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB4CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2548, handle = 00000176A197DC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 994beca9251c7adc shader registered for possible reloading: 994beca9251c7adc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB5290, hash = 994beca9251c7adc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9140, handle = 00000176A2027E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a3f8c664687bfa6 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a3f8c664687bfa6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB5710, hash = 8a3f8c664687bfa6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8744, handle = 00000176A1F39970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cae6223e692139de shader registered for possible reloading: cae6223e692139de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB5CD0, hash = cae6223e692139de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A18EA3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f shader registered for possible reloading: c0d150d19d87ed2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB5F90, hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB5F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6176, handle = 00000176A168EFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82ac4a45de74feed shader registered for possible reloading: 82ac4a45de74feed_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB6110, hash = 82ac4a45de74feed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB6110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 516, handle = 00000176A1ED7DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 37dd64e3367209f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB6290, hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB6290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7292, handle = 00000176A208D1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b017cd43ca4f045 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b017cd43ca4f045_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB9090, hash = 9b017cd43ca4f045 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB9090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8740, handle = 00000176A2080160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7666270c85339fb shader registered for possible reloading: f7666270c85339fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB87D0, hash = f7666270c85339fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB87D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7252, handle = 00000176A2073100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2c563a37e7ad11b shader registered for possible reloading: a2c563a37e7ad11b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB8D90, hash = a2c563a37e7ad11b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB8D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9408, handle = 00000176A2077150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bd8c5c1c893aed1 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bd8c5c1c893aed1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB8510, hash = 1bd8c5c1c893aed1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB8510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7868, handle = 00000176A2079620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37d99488316f13d6 shader registered for possible reloading: 37d99488316f13d6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB9910, hash = 37d99488316f13d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB9910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9556, handle = 00000176A207DC00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17156c3481c2668f shader registered for possible reloading: 17156c3481c2668f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB8C10, hash = 17156c3481c2668f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB8C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7728, handle = 00000176A2088A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7478c3b7b39ade59 shader registered for possible reloading: 7478c3b7b39ade59_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB8F10, hash = 7478c3b7b39ade59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB8F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10496, handle = 00000176A208A8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c83350ad510bb4a5 shader registered for possible reloading: c83350ad510bb4a5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB91D0, hash = c83350ad510bb4a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB91D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8676, handle = 00000176A2082390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c45595fcc95e1096 shader registered for possible reloading: c45595fcc95e1096_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176AEBB9C10, hash = c45595fcc95e1096 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB9C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2256, handle = 00000176A1F571D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 667dbc4bd5a85f3c shader registered for possible reloading: 667dbc4bd5a85f3c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB9D50, hash = 667dbc4bd5a85f3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB9D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7784, handle = 00000176A200F7B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a834df08318ed4f3 shader registered for possible reloading: a834df08318ed4f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB9350, hash = a834df08318ed4f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB9350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 00000176A2018480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 309bfe5c3f708e9d shader registered for possible reloading: 309bfe5c3f708e9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB9A90, hash = 309bfe5c3f708e9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB9A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7944, handle = 00000176A1FE5E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5262855d523970ba shader registered for possible reloading: 5262855d523970ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB8AD0, hash = 5262855d523970ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB8AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7292, handle = 00000176A2011620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0380b0b13dd28861 shader registered for possible reloading: 0380b0b13dd28861_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB9790, hash = 0380b0b13dd28861 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB9790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7452, handle = 00000176A1F4E7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bbd0cdd1747972f7 shader registered for possible reloading: bbd0cdd1747972f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176AEBB94D0, hash = bbd0cdd1747972f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176AEBB94D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2324, handle = 00000176A2030290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 428690cf6a099824 shader registered for possible reloading: 428690cf6a099824_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1A090, hash = 428690cf6a099824 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1A090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7920, handle = 00000176A1F32C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 083294c03b9262ac shader registered for possible reloading: 083294c03b9262ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1CBD0, hash = 083294c03b9262ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1CBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2488, handle = 00000176A197D2A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4354af799be06649 shader registered for possible reloading: 4354af799be06649_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1C790, hash = 4354af799be06649 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1C790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8080, handle = 00000176A1F7BC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9822757848f990a shader registered for possible reloading: b9822757848f990a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D18C90, hash = b9822757848f990a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D18C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A202E5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7462e3a2e667dc1a shader registered for possible reloading: 7462e3a2e667dc1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1A510, hash = 7462e3a2e667dc1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1A510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7520, handle = 00000176A1F55460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 299c0966ff2d9c3a shader registered for possible reloading: 299c0966ff2d9c3a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1BED0, hash = 299c0966ff2d9c3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1BED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2280, handle = 00000176A1C9F600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07a27332fcc6e588 shader registered for possible reloading: 07a27332fcc6e588_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1DB90, hash = 07a27332fcc6e588 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1DB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2444, handle = 00000176A1A7C970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ced9ba106b232b1c shader registered for possible reloading: ced9ba106b232b1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1C310, hash = ced9ba106b232b1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1C310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7316, handle = 00000176A1F47780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f96a828539180575 shader registered for possible reloading: f96a828539180575_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D19690, hash = f96a828539180575 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D19690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A1F9C180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = afb22eb950b99377 shader registered for possible reloading: afb22eb950b99377_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1CD50, hash = afb22eb950b99377 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1CD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2348, handle = 00000176A1A054B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e436df8cb6c8961 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e436df8cb6c8961_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1C8D0, hash = 0e436df8cb6c8961 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1C8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2512, handle = 00000176A1DD8250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c2878ea4276c8f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c2878ea4276c8f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D18E10, hash = 7c2878ea4276c8f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D18E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7384, handle = 00000176A1FACF00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a3af9e8ba13bca0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a3af9e8ba13bca0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D18850, hash = 4a3af9e8ba13bca0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D18850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7544, handle = 00000176A2016700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 377a187fe1bf0bf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 377a187fe1bf0bf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1AAD0, hash = 377a187fe1bf0bf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1AAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3768, handle = 00000176A1C83D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 298b63e5d72f4b45 shader registered for possible reloading: 298b63e5d72f4b45_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D183D0, hash = 298b63e5d72f4b45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D183D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9388, handle = 00000176A1EFE830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b40ca688797df76e shader registered for possible reloading: b40ca688797df76e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1CE90, hash = b40ca688797df76e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1CE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8764, handle = 00000176A1F87BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65f8f0dc33d1669b shader registered for possible reloading: 65f8f0dc33d1669b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1C490, hash = 65f8f0dc33d1669b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1C490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3836, handle = 00000176A1C58DA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 755141398e72c910 shader registered for possible reloading: 755141398e72c910_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1C050, hash = 755141398e72c910 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1C050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9524, handle = 00000176A1F74FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef3c38dd2e7d63fa shader registered for possible reloading: ef3c38dd2e7d63fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1D5D0, hash = ef3c38dd2e7d63fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1D5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8832, handle = 00000176A1F804F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c94f630c3a333d86 shader registered for possible reloading: c94f630c3a333d86_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D19AD0, hash = c94f630c3a333d86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D19AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3792, handle = 00000176A1FA0CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b951d25250a04c81 shader registered for possible reloading: b951d25250a04c81_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1D190, hash = b951d25250a04c81 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1D190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9396, handle = 00000176A1F8E730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7dfefdc129114eba shader registered for possible reloading: 7dfefdc129114eba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1BD50, hash = 7dfefdc129114eba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1BD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8788, handle = 00000176A1F2E240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 547056f673d0a5e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 547056f673d0a5e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1B910, hash = 547056f673d0a5e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1B910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3860, handle = 00000176A1172160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0fb26147fadb610 shader registered for possible reloading: b0fb26147fadb610_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1AD90, hash = b0fb26147fadb610 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1AD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9532, handle = 00000176A1F2BCF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec8ed7884467e95f shader registered for possible reloading: ec8ed7884467e95f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D19810, hash = ec8ed7884467e95f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D19810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8856, handle = 00000176A1F65230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e0bc4f97bbe14d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 1e0bc4f97bbe14d3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D19510, hash = 1e0bc4f97bbe14d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D19510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A1CF9640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f shader registered for possible reloading: c0d150d19d87ed2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D19990, hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D19990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6212, handle = 00000176A203D420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ccc5e6e8972e991 shader registered for possible reloading: 1ccc5e6e8972e991_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D1AC10, hash = 1ccc5e6e8972e991 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1AC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 516, handle = 00000176A18EA670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 37dd64e3367209f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D18550, hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D18550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7168, handle = 00000176A20677F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a0717cdb41252388 shader registered for possible reloading: a0717cdb41252388_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D1C610, hash = a0717cdb41252388 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1C610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 69024, handle = 00000176A2056A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71951d410c0d8c7b shader registered for possible reloading: 71951d410c0d8c7b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D1B090, hash = 71951d410c0d8c7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1B090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 69660, handle = 00000176A2040FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc98cbd9528beb54 shader registered for possible reloading: bc98cbd9528beb54_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D18F50, hash = bc98cbd9528beb54 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D18F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3368, handle = 00000176A1D8DF70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ae49f73ca3d88f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 5ae49f73ca3d88f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D18110, hash = 5ae49f73ca3d88f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D18110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9072, handle = 00000176A1FA5690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 837f09d33ea1ba24 shader registered for possible reloading: 837f09d33ea1ba24_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1A210, hash = 837f09d33ea1ba24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1A210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3532, handle = 00000176A18789E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47e16de0309a6e6f shader registered for possible reloading: 47e16de0309a6e6f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D186D0, hash = 47e16de0309a6e6f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D186D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9232, handle = 00000176A1F699A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0075c1caa08d7a6 shader registered for possible reloading: f0075c1caa08d7a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1D450, hash = f0075c1caa08d7a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1D450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8408, handle = 00000176A1F70DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75c0cc0f846a788a shader registered for possible reloading: 75c0cc0f846a788a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D19DD0, hash = 75c0cc0f846a788a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D19DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8568, handle = 00000176A1E7D1A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2bfa04913a0979dd shader registered for possible reloading: 2bfa04913a0979dd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D190D0, hash = 2bfa04913a0979dd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D190D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3436, handle = 00000176A1FAC180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adc2182c03f42d72 shader registered for possible reloading: adc2182c03f42d72_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D19F50, hash = adc2182c03f42d72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D19F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9208, handle = 00000176A1F269E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d5c0870280402cd1 shader registered for possible reloading: d5c0870280402cd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D19250, hash = d5c0870280402cd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D19250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3600, handle = 00000176A125EE00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5688ab1689bb396 shader registered for possible reloading: f5688ab1689bb396_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1C1D0, hash = f5688ab1689bb396 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1C1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9368, handle = 00000176A1F52FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4847fccca49177f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4847fccca49177f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1A950, hash = 4847fccca49177f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1A950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8476, handle = 00000176A1F37840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9668e32f3ff0f56 shader registered for possible reloading: f9668e32f3ff0f56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D18290, hash = f9668e32f3ff0f56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D18290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8636, handle = 00000176A1F5E620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fdd4d54bf2f0ffa5 shader registered for possible reloading: fdd4d54bf2f0ffa5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1D750, hash = fdd4d54bf2f0ffa5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1D750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3392, handle = 00000176A1924AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56684db4461cfd1f shader registered for possible reloading: 56684db4461cfd1f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1B650, hash = 56684db4461cfd1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1B650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3556, handle = 00000176A14F8750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d312d2ca3675c5f0 shader registered for possible reloading: d312d2ca3675c5f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1CA50, hash = d312d2ca3675c5f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1CA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8432, handle = 00000176A1F45680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cf882d221ff7e45 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cf882d221ff7e45_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D193D0, hash = 8cf882d221ff7e45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D193D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8592, handle = 00000176A1F3DD90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f59cea671f5ea6ba shader registered for possible reloading: f59cea671f5ea6ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1A390, hash = f59cea671f5ea6ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1A390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3460, handle = 00000176A0FC0FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe5ad13df8a79221 shader registered for possible reloading: fe5ad13df8a79221_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1D010, hash = fe5ad13df8a79221 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1D010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3624, handle = 00000176A1E57770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 216a51c3a49836da shader registered for possible reloading: 216a51c3a49836da_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1D310, hash = 216a51c3a49836da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1D310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8500, handle = 00000176A1F57BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d2cf81718b88946 shader registered for possible reloading: 9d2cf81718b88946_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1D8D0, hash = 9d2cf81718b88946 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1D8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8660, handle = 00000176A1F30A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db5642e98837d21f shader registered for possible reloading: db5642e98837d21f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1DA10, hash = db5642e98837d21f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1DA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3168, handle = 00000176A1F9A400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74a4e57996fce3ef shader registered for possible reloading: 74a4e57996fce3ef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1A650, hash = 74a4e57996fce3ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1A650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8772, handle = 00000176A1F4C550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30e2d2cf81383d21 shader registered for possible reloading: 30e2d2cf81383d21_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1A7D0, hash = 30e2d2cf81383d21 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1A7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3332, handle = 00000176A1546C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad779104fa8c6102 shader registered for possible reloading: ad779104fa8c6102_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1B790, hash = ad779104fa8c6102 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1B790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8932, handle = 00000176A1F97400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 427406da4bb6d8a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 427406da4bb6d8a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1AF10, hash = 427406da4bb6d8a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1AF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8492, handle = 00000176A1F79B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b503a34d94bdbb9 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b503a34d94bdbb9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1B1D0, hash = 4b503a34d94bdbb9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1B1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8652, handle = 00000176A1F59D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 697c31c40c449792 shader registered for possible reloading: 697c31c40c449792_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1B350, hash = 697c31c40c449792 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1B350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3164, handle = 00000176A18BB370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0e7b2bb00cd46e9 shader registered for possible reloading: b0e7b2bb00cd46e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1B4D0, hash = b0e7b2bb00cd46e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1B4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8944, handle = 00000176A1E99310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15cb09f35b393995 shader registered for possible reloading: 15cb09f35b393995_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1BA90, hash = 15cb09f35b393995 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1BA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3328, handle = 00000176A1F996F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2adfaf1d89fb4917 shader registered for possible reloading: 2adfaf1d89fb4917_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1BC10, hash = 2adfaf1d89fb4917 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1BC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9104, handle = 00000176A1F62E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c483cdf3ad3371bf shader registered for possible reloading: c483cdf3ad3371bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21690, hash = c483cdf3ad3371bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8488, handle = 00000176A1F89EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e49f17e0266dda02 shader registered for possible reloading: e49f17e0266dda02_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D20DD0, hash = e49f17e0266dda02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D20DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8648, handle = 00000176A1C9D430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad1a654a0f3e4490 shader registered for possible reloading: ad1a654a0f3e4490_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D20F50, hash = ad1a654a0f3e4490 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D20F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2964, handle = 00000176A1E245E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 221593f5d8fd3733 shader registered for possible reloading: 221593f5d8fd3733_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D22650, hash = 221593f5d8fd3733 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D22650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3128, handle = 00000176A1E39BD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d95e343f59a26d6 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d95e343f59a26d6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D227D0, hash = 6d95e343f59a26d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D227D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8288, handle = 00000176A1FAEEC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9e6241c23764b91 shader registered for possible reloading: f9e6241c23764b91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D210D0, hash = f9e6241c23764b91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D210D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8448, handle = 00000176A1FAA070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db7bf8a9e6932619 shader registered for possible reloading: db7bf8a9e6932619_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1E2D0, hash = db7bf8a9e6932619 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1E2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2964, handle = 00000176A1D6EDA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca34494ed36287de shader registered for possible reloading: ca34494ed36287de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21510, hash = ca34494ed36287de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3128, handle = 00000176A198F900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c72a13ce59a1996 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c72a13ce59a1996_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1E590, hash = 9c72a13ce59a1996 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1E590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8288, handle = 00000176A1F3BD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 955c29ab47f4ea52 shader registered for possible reloading: 955c29ab47f4ea52_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D20C90, hash = 955c29ab47f4ea52 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D20C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8448, handle = 00000176A1F248D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 943e847087f020f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 943e847087f020f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21390, hash = 943e847087f020f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3084, handle = 00000176A19880A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49e94f55037b42b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 49e94f55037b42b2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1F850, hash = 49e94f55037b42b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1F850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3248, handle = 00000176A14C4E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35103d14670af1a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 35103d14670af1a4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1E450, hash = 35103d14670af1a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1E450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8408, handle = 00000176A1C49340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2abcb5d98a62193d shader registered for possible reloading: 2abcb5d98a62193d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D20990, hash = 2abcb5d98a62193d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D20990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8568, handle = 00000176A1F10540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48369837b3ee7190 shader registered for possible reloading: 48369837b3ee7190_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1E710, hash = 48369837b3ee7190 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1E710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3108, handle = 00000176A1CF7D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = acaff1ebe9060b4a shader registered for possible reloading: acaff1ebe9060b4a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1ECD0, hash = acaff1ebe9060b4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1ECD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3272, handle = 00000176A1CF8970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80061f7b0e57604b shader registered for possible reloading: 80061f7b0e57604b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21810, hash = 80061f7b0e57604b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8432, handle = 00000176A1F6BDC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31587ac19cf45f7a shader registered for possible reloading: 31587ac19cf45f7a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D22950, hash = 31587ac19cf45f7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D22950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8592, handle = 00000176A1FA2090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd78481beae5839f shader registered for possible reloading: dd78481beae5839f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1E890, hash = dd78481beae5839f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1E890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3084, handle = 00000176A1987480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45c491abdf9bfbd9 shader registered for possible reloading: 45c491abdf9bfbd9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D20250, hash = 45c491abdf9bfbd9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D20250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3248, handle = 00000176A1D64810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 046fa7883c1c7531 shader registered for possible reloading: 046fa7883c1c7531_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21950, hash = 046fa7883c1c7531 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8408, handle = 00000176A1F77A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c9a828d49f1ae3b shader registered for possible reloading: 0c9a828d49f1ae3b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D22A90, hash = 0c9a828d49f1ae3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D22A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8568, handle = 00000176A1F7E370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ee113623a890dac shader registered for possible reloading: 6ee113623a890dac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1FB50, hash = 6ee113623a890dac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1FB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2932, handle = 00000176A1CD0A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = babc928f1cf0086e shader registered for possible reloading: babc928f1cf0086e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D234D0, hash = babc928f1cf0086e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D234D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3096, handle = 00000176A1AC2590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6010b18cd7413937 shader registered for possible reloading: 6010b18cd7413937_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1DFD0, hash = 6010b18cd7413937 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1DFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8256, handle = 00000176A1F67950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3456758fc8a2562a shader registered for possible reloading: 3456758fc8a2562a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D203D0, hash = 3456758fc8a2562a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D203D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8416, handle = 00000176A1F72EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de28066180b9f952 shader registered for possible reloading: de28066180b9f952_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1EA10, hash = de28066180b9f952 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1EA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5108, handle = 00000176A1F911D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da56426a9db92d90 shader registered for possible reloading: da56426a9db92d90_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21250, hash = da56426a9db92d90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12040, handle = 00000176A1F28DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ffa6ea4a4752db3 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ffa6ea4a4752db3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D20810, hash = 2ffa6ea4a4752db3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D20810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11012, handle = 00000176A1DFCE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8331b4a49089311 shader registered for possible reloading: b8331b4a49089311_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21AD0, hash = b8331b4a49089311 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5176, handle = 00000176A1AAF530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 160c34a383181be3 shader registered for possible reloading: 160c34a383181be3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D22D90, hash = 160c34a383181be3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D22D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12192, handle = 00000176A1F0D590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e7ad7aba9647c74 shader registered for possible reloading: 7e7ad7aba9647c74_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D22C10, hash = 7e7ad7aba9647c74 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D22C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11080, handle = 00000176A1F3FF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c4725df2dfc235b shader registered for possible reloading: 0c4725df2dfc235b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21C50, hash = 0c4725df2dfc235b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5132, handle = 00000176A14B1940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2622966fea9b1d6b shader registered for possible reloading: 2622966fea9b1d6b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D22F10, hash = 2622966fea9b1d6b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D22F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12048, handle = 00000176A1F6DEC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33f52779a21e2d5d shader registered for possible reloading: 33f52779a21e2d5d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1F410, hash = 33f52779a21e2d5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1F410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11036, handle = 00000176A1DA6E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ef2f758e4527583 shader registered for possible reloading: 7ef2f758e4527583_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21DD0, hash = 7ef2f758e4527583 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5200, handle = 00000176A1FA4230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9be5bdad0287fe4c shader registered for possible reloading: 9be5bdad0287fe4c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D22390, hash = 9be5bdad0287fe4c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D22390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12200, handle = 00000176A1F21920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e1add8c1fd23daf shader registered for possible reloading: 2e1add8c1fd23daf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1DD10, hash = 2e1add8c1fd23daf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1DD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11104, handle = 00000176A1D84740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c728dda78c594eee shader registered for possible reloading: c728dda78c594eee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1F290, hash = c728dda78c594eee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1F290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4348, handle = 00000176A1F9B070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 243d7e233206dd75 shader registered for possible reloading: 243d7e233206dd75_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D21F10, hash = 243d7e233206dd75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D21F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10956, handle = 00000176A1F82BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6dd3267f342acd68 shader registered for possible reloading: 6dd3267f342acd68_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D22090, hash = 6dd3267f342acd68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D22090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10512, handle = 00000176A1F34F20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2471d519628426bd shader registered for possible reloading: 2471d519628426bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1F9D0, hash = 2471d519628426bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1F9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4376, handle = 00000176A1F86A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 069eadd8bbb8447b shader registered for possible reloading: 069eadd8bbb8447b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D22210, hash = 069eadd8bbb8447b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D22210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11244, handle = 00000176A1F42A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62d7defc2f7b4e9d shader registered for possible reloading: 62d7defc2f7b4e9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D224D0, hash = 62d7defc2f7b4e9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D224D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A1EF64C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75cba8969e009a7c shader registered for possible reloading: 75cba8969e009a7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1F590, hash = 75cba8969e009a7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1F590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3676, handle = 00000176A15D18D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf53d2a5aa946b50 shader registered for possible reloading: bf53d2a5aa946b50_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D23050, hash = bf53d2a5aa946b50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D23050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9840, handle = 00000176A1F94D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61db4acecce37483 shader registered for possible reloading: 61db4acecce37483_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1DE90, hash = 61db4acecce37483 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1DE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3712, handle = 00000176A133CE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cdd73de352ba9cad shader registered for possible reloading: cdd73de352ba9cad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1EB50, hash = cdd73de352ba9cad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1EB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9876, handle = 00000176A1F607F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92beca3379e2ace3 shader registered for possible reloading: 92beca3379e2ace3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D231D0, hash = 92beca3379e2ace3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D231D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3956, handle = 00000176A149D120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f15e9290a0823b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f15e9290a0823b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D23350, hash = 0f15e9290a0823b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D23350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10120, handle = 00000176A1F9E530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d13321f1b9ac37c4 shader registered for possible reloading: d13321f1b9ac37c4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D23610, hash = d13321f1b9ac37c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D23610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3980, handle = 00000176A1D4EEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6a6e9a15a8639d7 shader registered for possible reloading: a6a6e9a15a8639d7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D23790, hash = a6a6e9a15a8639d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D23790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10144, handle = 00000176A1F925D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1885d9fb4e4935c shader registered for possible reloading: f1885d9fb4e4935c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1EE50, hash = f1885d9fb4e4935c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1EE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3904, handle = 00000176A1A7BA20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf7c38db75d923d5 shader registered for possible reloading: bf7c38db75d923d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1EFD0, hash = bf7c38db75d923d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1EFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10068, handle = 00000176A1F8BFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7290eab39d431cbf shader registered for possible reloading: 7290eab39d431cbf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1F110, hash = 7290eab39d431cbf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1F110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3644, handle = 00000176A1695230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abbefe56813ebcfc shader registered for possible reloading: abbefe56813ebcfc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1F6D0, hash = abbefe56813ebcfc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1F6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9808, handle = 00000176A1FA7A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e8be96f1e1d9981e shader registered for possible reloading: e8be96f1e1d9981e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D1FC90, hash = e8be96f1e1d9981e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1FC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A1CE6040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D20B10, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D20B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6704, handle = 00000176A1FF7020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 146783d3ac2f997c shader registered for possible reloading: 146783d3ac2f997c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D1E150, hash = 146783d3ac2f997c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1E150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A1547930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D1FE10, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1FE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8240, handle = 00000176A1FEC6C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 348aa4dae6b422f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 348aa4dae6b422f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D1FF90, hash = 348aa4dae6b422f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D1FF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10744, handle = 00000176A20383A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77403c1879a91e1e shader registered for possible reloading: 77403c1879a91e1e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D20550, hash = 77403c1879a91e1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D20550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10868, handle = 00000176A2013C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4c7a3209d4800d5 shader registered for possible reloading: c4c7a3209d4800d5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D206D0, hash = c4c7a3209d4800d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D206D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8976, handle = 00000176A20191F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b64f56cb26a57750 shader registered for possible reloading: b64f56cb26a57750_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D276D0, hash = b64f56cb26a57750 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D276D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9032, handle = 00000176A1FCB820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18778974b7f26d38 shader registered for possible reloading: 18778974b7f26d38_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D26E50, hash = 18778974b7f26d38 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D26E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18656, handle = 00000176A1FCDB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ef7fd69e32171a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ef7fd69e32171a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D25750, hash = 9ef7fd69e32171a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D25750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18712, handle = 00000176A1FC4BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45a6370b00e16749 shader registered for possible reloading: 45a6370b00e16749_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D26F90, hash = 45a6370b00e16749 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D26F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16772, handle = 00000176A1FF8A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0214898830c94a08 shader registered for possible reloading: 0214898830c94a08_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D24190, hash = 0214898830c94a08 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16828, handle = 00000176A1FE84F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9e5688053e2b6b84 shader registered for possible reloading: 9e5688053e2b6b84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D27410, hash = 9e5688053e2b6b84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D27410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11888, handle = 00000176A2024FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06c1e4aa7068ce2 shader registered for possible reloading: d06c1e4aa7068ce2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D28DD0, hash = d06c1e4aa7068ce2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D28DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11944, handle = 00000176A1FE2FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e9e329e435a4ca1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8e9e329e435a4ca1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D23A90, hash = 8e9e329e435a4ca1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D23A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10340, handle = 00000176A2030C50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9de41cf190833ffd shader registered for possible reloading: 9de41cf190833ffd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D252D0, hash = 9de41cf190833ffd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D252D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10396, handle = 00000176A20334C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ef934b612166c45 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ef934b612166c45_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D279D0, hash = 6ef934b612166c45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D279D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19792, handle = 00000176A1FD7570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c29e561512806b4b shader registered for possible reloading: c29e561512806b4b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D27C90, hash = c29e561512806b4b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D27C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19848, handle = 00000176A1FBFE30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ceeac2b50a4981fb shader registered for possible reloading: ceeac2b50a4981fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D27F90, hash = ceeac2b50a4981fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D27F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18076, handle = 00000176A1FB6E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f68a590ecd2991de shader registered for possible reloading: f68a590ecd2991de_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D27290, hash = f68a590ecd2991de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D27290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18132, handle = 00000176A2001710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0620a7f86665bdbf shader registered for possible reloading: 0620a7f86665bdbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D24D10, hash = 0620a7f86665bdbf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11308, handle = 00000176A1FF43E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 395e296a5d00645c shader registered for possible reloading: 395e296a5d00645c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D26410, hash = 395e296a5d00645c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D26410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11364, handle = 00000176A1FB0F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5a2d37411c00264 shader registered for possible reloading: f5a2d37411c00264_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D25010, hash = f5a2d37411c00264 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D25010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9012, handle = 00000176A1FC94E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40912b34225372a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 40912b34225372a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D262D0, hash = 40912b34225372a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D262D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9068, handle = 00000176A2005DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3bf6b685b529fe5c shader registered for possible reloading: 3bf6b685b529fe5c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D28C50, hash = 3bf6b685b529fe5c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D28C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19220, handle = 00000176A1FFCBF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1bfa8415b72a91c shader registered for possible reloading: a1bfa8415b72a91c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D27850, hash = a1bfa8415b72a91c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D27850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19276, handle = 00000176A200AC50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba621064d567578e shader registered for possible reloading: ba621064d567578e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D27B10, hash = ba621064d567578e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D27B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16808, handle = 00000176A202A410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07880dc8709e7ef6 shader registered for possible reloading: 07880dc8709e7ef6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D27110, hash = 07880dc8709e7ef6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D27110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16864, handle = 00000176A1FDEDF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab4fbc9be3b8cb36 shader registered for possible reloading: ab4fbc9be3b8cb36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D255D0, hash = ab4fbc9be3b8cb36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D255D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12836, handle = 00000176A1FEE700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0df43ef9a6937151 shader registered for possible reloading: 0df43ef9a6937151_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D23BD0, hash = 0df43ef9a6937151 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D23BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12892, handle = 00000176A1FB3BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb7c30cf7e4e65ff shader registered for possible reloading: fb7c30cf7e4e65ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D27E10, hash = fb7c30cf7e4e65ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D27E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10968, handle = 00000176A2008170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 384b33cc40613cc3 shader registered for possible reloading: 384b33cc40613cc3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D25E50, hash = 384b33cc40613cc3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D25E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11024, handle = 00000176A1FDC2D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aff7bdb1d41b1d3e shader registered for possible reloading: aff7bdb1d41b1d3e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D27550, hash = aff7bdb1d41b1d3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D27550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20744, handle = 00000176A1FD2460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a287b5edb63d2ee9 shader registered for possible reloading: a287b5edb63d2ee9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D25FD0, hash = a287b5edb63d2ee9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D25FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20800, handle = 00000176A201FE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0c98369f6ce85dc shader registered for possible reloading: f0c98369f6ce85dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D24310, hash = f0c98369f6ce85dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18736, handle = 00000176A201B510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 230fd62253b0a35b shader registered for possible reloading: 230fd62253b0a35b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D24E90, hash = 230fd62253b0a35b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18792, handle = 00000176A1FBB4C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30f87817321b8d7f shader registered for possible reloading: 30f87817321b8d7f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D26590, hash = 30f87817321b8d7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D26590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2152, handle = 00000176A1C4B4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 shader registered for possible reloading: 9287bc5c57cf9c03_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D28550, hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D28550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7108, handle = 00000176A1D79F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f57c87239cda1935 shader registered for possible reloading: f57c87239cda1935_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D28690, hash = f57c87239cda1935 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D28690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7780, handle = 00000176A1D629A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e08e7d08f4c24def shader registered for possible reloading: e08e7d08f4c24def_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D28810, hash = e08e7d08f4c24def returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D28810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2316, handle = 00000176A1276DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e shader registered for possible reloading: 78d5eeaf5a8af08e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D24A50, hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7272, handle = 00000176A1D8C300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 037e7bef69809c11 shader registered for possible reloading: 037e7bef69809c11_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D28990, hash = 037e7bef69809c11 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D28990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7940, handle = 00000176A1D6CE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa shader registered for possible reloading: fd6c08e1599c34fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D28B10, hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D28B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A1E63420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7956d38a89935a2f shader registered for possible reloading: 7956d38a89935a2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D24490, hash = 7956d38a89935a2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7636, handle = 00000176A1E22800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a678a1850a488e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D290D0, hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D290D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A1EB90D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 656d2cba4764557b shader registered for possible reloading: 656d2cba4764557b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D26710, hash = 656d2cba4764557b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D26710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7060, handle = 00000176A1E55BD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eeed2b99fbee8397 shader registered for possible reloading: eeed2b99fbee8397_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D29210, hash = eeed2b99fbee8397 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D29210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7884, handle = 00000176A1DD6370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bfefe771fdb8bc1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D269D0, hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D269D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2288, handle = 00000176A1E65160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c9e521019bed3b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D29390, hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D29390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176A1EB7490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a90194916427e7d5 shader registered for possible reloading: a90194916427e7d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D24050, hash = a90194916427e7d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8044, handle = 00000176A1D4CF20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a shader registered for possible reloading: 92c91681d2f40e9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D23ED0, hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D23ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176A1EE5050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b9506e3c4502808_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D24610, hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7608, handle = 00000176A1D47F50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54a014b0e9312047 shader registered for possible reloading: 54a014b0e9312047_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D25890, hash = 54a014b0e9312047 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D25890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3396, handle = 00000176A1D7BB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78e0e86760bcbaa2 shader registered for possible reloading: 78e0e86760bcbaa2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D26890, hash = 78e0e86760bcbaa2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D26890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9312, handle = 00000176A1E37760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b681213c3e19c904 shader registered for possible reloading: b681213c3e19c904_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D25450, hash = b681213c3e19c904 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D25450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10004, handle = 00000176A1E2C9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d3f0828ef538e59 shader registered for possible reloading: 5d3f0828ef538e59_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D26B50, hash = 5d3f0828ef538e59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D26B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9560, handle = 00000176A1E17750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ecd5609694a6243 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ecd5609694a6243_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D24750, hash = 8ecd5609694a6243 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3392, handle = 00000176A1EE6D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 457c7bdf6a270320 shader registered for possible reloading: 457c7bdf6a270320_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D248D0, hash = 457c7bdf6a270320 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D248D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9288, handle = 00000176A1D68110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7467fac8947810f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 7467fac8947810f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D24BD0, hash = 7467fac8947810f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D24BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10240, handle = 00000176A1D91B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc4c8167a08bd8b9 shader registered for possible reloading: cc4c8167a08bd8b9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D25190, hash = cc4c8167a08bd8b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D25190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9556, handle = 00000176A1CF57E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 525b7a7368501007 shader registered for possible reloading: 525b7a7368501007_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D26CD0, hash = 525b7a7368501007 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D26CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A1EB9930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2D890, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2D890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 536, handle = 00000176A1958610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0cf438bd260b97f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 0cf438bd260b97f2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2DA10, hash = 0cf438bd260b97f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2DA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7688, handle = 00000176A1EEF520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3fdf30ca8469306f shader registered for possible reloading: 3fdf30ca8469306f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D29510, hash = 3fdf30ca8469306f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D29510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9056, handle = 00000176A1DA9990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0141e80ad030168e shader registered for possible reloading: 0141e80ad030168e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2AA90, hash = 0141e80ad030168e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2AA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A1D23C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2E410, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2E410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8316, handle = 00000176A1F0B500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ee8e0b3315f9db4 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ee8e0b3315f9db4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2D150, hash = 0ee8e0b3315f9db4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2D150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20156, handle = 00000176A1F06630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f30c1d3b690d9594 shader registered for possible reloading: f30c1d3b690d9594_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2CE90, hash = f30c1d3b690d9594 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2CE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19444, handle = 00000176A1F1CD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20194f0dfb307b6d shader registered for possible reloading: 20194f0dfb307b6d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2B050, hash = 20194f0dfb307b6d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2B050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21548, handle = 00000176A1ED2970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a18bf62a07e15a9f shader registered for possible reloading: a18bf62a07e15a9f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2BBD0, hash = a18bf62a07e15a9f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2BBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20864, handle = 00000176A1EF1330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 318728c300e0ba55 shader registered for possible reloading: 318728c300e0ba55_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2A350, hash = 318728c300e0ba55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2A350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21548, handle = 00000176A1F178E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8cf93694d3b17581 shader registered for possible reloading: 8cf93694d3b17581_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2DB90, hash = 8cf93694d3b17581 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2DB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20024, handle = 00000176A1F12AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21e1bd27c1fe63a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 21e1bd27c1fe63a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2A4D0, hash = 21e1bd27c1fe63a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2A4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22968, handle = 00000176A1EF8E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7fa0f231c9abbb1a shader registered for possible reloading: 7fa0f231c9abbb1a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2E290, hash = 7fa0f231c9abbb1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2E290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21464, handle = 00000176A1F01250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ff4ab040c7db82c shader registered for possible reloading: 0ff4ab040c7db82c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2E150, hash = 0ff4ab040c7db82c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2E150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20932, handle = 00000176A1E68170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c70e471882017ae shader registered for possible reloading: 7c70e471882017ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2A650, hash = 7c70e471882017ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2A650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19876, handle = 00000176A1E401E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b5c126e8c9f456c2 shader registered for possible reloading: b5c126e8c9f456c2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2D450, hash = b5c126e8c9f456c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2D450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22604, handle = 00000176A1EE9CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9bba147fda2092a shader registered for possible reloading: b9bba147fda2092a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2BA50, hash = b9bba147fda2092a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2BA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20748, handle = 00000176A1C3EA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd1323e62a2fe8b1 shader registered for possible reloading: fd1323e62a2fe8b1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D2D5D0, hash = fd1323e62a2fe8b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2D5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9836, handle = 00000176A1E4DE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6c2105c695ca747 shader registered for possible reloading: d6c2105c695ca747_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2C310, hash = d6c2105c695ca747 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2C310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11580, handle = 00000176A1DE0B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 655ab85a37cd5af4 shader registered for possible reloading: 655ab85a37cd5af4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2B1D0, hash = 655ab85a37cd5af4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2B1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9924, handle = 00000176A1E15080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 10bd82480cc2ff13 shader registered for possible reloading: 10bd82480cc2ff13_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2A210, hash = 10bd82480cc2ff13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2A210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11656, handle = 00000176A1DE8D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c417ec15e67de87 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c417ec15e67de87_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2E590, hash = 7c417ec15e67de87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2E590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10968, handle = 00000176A1DB8900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2d91d4a5be45a72 shader registered for possible reloading: f2d91d4a5be45a72_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2E850, hash = f2d91d4a5be45a72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2E850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11044, handle = 00000176A1DCAFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3defff3579371258 shader registered for possible reloading: 3defff3579371258_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2DCD0, hash = 3defff3579371258 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2DCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9904, handle = 00000176A1E27F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ac1fff818771966 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ac1fff818771966_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2DE50, hash = 6ac1fff818771966 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2DE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11716, handle = 00000176A1DE5FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cdfe9d96c0a56cfc shader registered for possible reloading: cdfe9d96c0a56cfc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D29F10, hash = cdfe9d96c0a56cfc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D29F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9992, handle = 00000176A1DE3890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6dd047bd9f87ac3a shader registered for possible reloading: 6dd047bd9f87ac3a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2A7D0, hash = 6dd047bd9f87ac3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2A7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11792, handle = 00000176A1E0F890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e453e51cffa3578 shader registered for possible reloading: 7e453e51cffa3578_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2D710, hash = 7e453e51cffa3578 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2D710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11036, handle = 00000176A1E07390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 155337ee51d4f568 shader registered for possible reloading: 155337ee51d4f568_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2DFD0, hash = 155337ee51d4f568 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2DFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11112, handle = 00000176A1D9C0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53a103ceb7e3553e shader registered for possible reloading: 53a103ceb7e3553e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2E710, hash = 53a103ceb7e3553e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2E710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9860, handle = 00000176A1D1EBB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f3b0a7595c4847a shader registered for possible reloading: 3f3b0a7595c4847a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2E9D0, hash = 3f3b0a7595c4847a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2E9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11588, handle = 00000176A1E251F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff8159ac4ff317c9 shader registered for possible reloading: ff8159ac4ff317c9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2EB50, hash = ff8159ac4ff317c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2EB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A1E6FCC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43cf5a6906077177 shader registered for possible reloading: 43cf5a6906077177_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2B350, hash = 43cf5a6906077177 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2B350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11664, handle = 00000176A1D7EE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 004bd90c189a0051 shader registered for possible reloading: 004bd90c189a0051_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2A090, hash = 004bd90c189a0051 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2A090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10992, handle = 00000176A1D972F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0cd367277337d1ec shader registered for possible reloading: 0cd367277337d1ec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2ECD0, hash = 0cd367277337d1ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2ECD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11068, handle = 00000176A1D81BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 017ed97e22d8f141 shader registered for possible reloading: 017ed97e22d8f141_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2C190, hash = 017ed97e22d8f141 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2C190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9928, handle = 00000176A1E86B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c57908353478159 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c57908353478159_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2B790, hash = 1c57908353478159 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2B790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11724, handle = 00000176A1DD8D50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c23e697202fd012 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c23e697202fd012_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2A910, hash = 1c23e697202fd012 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2A910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10016, handle = 00000176A1D0C1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 899b88f87f78b2de shader registered for possible reloading: 899b88f87f78b2de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2B910, hash = 899b88f87f78b2de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2B910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11800, handle = 00000176A1D8ED00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 791edc13beb285a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 791edc13beb285a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2EE10, hash = 791edc13beb285a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2EE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11060, handle = 00000176A1E5DF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9f85b8d831ee0f9 shader registered for possible reloading: f9f85b8d831ee0f9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2B490, hash = f9f85b8d831ee0f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2B490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11136, handle = 00000176A1C9A8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac9a8e7e09a49e1c shader registered for possible reloading: ac9a8e7e09a49e1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2B610, hash = ac9a8e7e09a49e1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2B610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9132, handle = 00000176A1E723B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80b608dc80b840b4 shader registered for possible reloading: 80b608dc80b840b4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2EF90, hash = 80b608dc80b840b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2EF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10876, handle = 00000176A1DBFF80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d4d0afc1cf269075 shader registered for possible reloading: d4d0afc1cf269075_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D29690, hash = d4d0afc1cf269075 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D29690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9220, handle = 00000176A1E322F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 664ada965fe9164c shader registered for possible reloading: 664ada965fe9164c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2BD50, hash = 664ada965fe9164c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2BD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10952, handle = 00000176A1E2F820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0139ac6851646c7c shader registered for possible reloading: 0139ac6851646c7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2AD90, hash = 0139ac6851646c7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2AD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10544, handle = 00000176A1E585D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cea1725edddfaa43 shader registered for possible reloading: cea1725edddfaa43_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D297D0, hash = cea1725edddfaa43 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D297D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10620, handle = 00000176A1D60010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19f2d43c361ef5fa shader registered for possible reloading: 19f2d43c361ef5fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D29950, hash = 19f2d43c361ef5fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D29950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9208, handle = 00000176A1DA2260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3bc56c7f9abfa359 shader registered for possible reloading: 3bc56c7f9abfa359_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D29AD0, hash = 3bc56c7f9abfa359 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D29AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11000, handle = 00000176A1D947F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 724e18294e85cedc shader registered for possible reloading: 724e18294e85cedc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D29C50, hash = 724e18294e85cedc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D29C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9296, handle = 00000176A1E81FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6683c3eae25f6d7f shader registered for possible reloading: 6683c3eae25f6d7f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2BED0, hash = 6683c3eae25f6d7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2BED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11076, handle = 00000176A1E93D10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6137c26a5cc3aed shader registered for possible reloading: d6137c26a5cc3aed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D29D90, hash = d6137c26a5cc3aed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D29D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10620, handle = 00000176A1D87620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f4f20a2b08e2a16 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f4f20a2b08e2a16_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2AED0, hash = 9f4f20a2b08e2a16 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2AED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10696, handle = 00000176A1E126B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa761940000a7871 shader registered for possible reloading: aa761940000a7871_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2C010, hash = aa761940000a7871 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2C010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8872, handle = 00000176A1D99DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 764c5b3fd72fca6d shader registered for possible reloading: 764c5b3fd72fca6d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2C5D0, hash = 764c5b3fd72fca6d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2C5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8960, handle = 00000176A1CD5400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59c8860e6dd2e58a shader registered for possible reloading: 59c8860e6dd2e58a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2C750, hash = 59c8860e6dd2e58a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2C750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10224, handle = 00000176A1DF1210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 135c90ddae9408d0 shader registered for possible reloading: 135c90ddae9408d0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2C8D0, hash = 135c90ddae9408d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2C8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10300, handle = 00000176A1D3DE30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae7ba9eb9db50fef shader registered for possible reloading: ae7ba9eb9db50fef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2CA50, hash = ae7ba9eb9db50fef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2CA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8908, handle = 00000176A1BA9D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 64c8eaa461871f00 shader registered for possible reloading: 64c8eaa461871f00_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2CB90, hash = 64c8eaa461871f00 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2CB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8996, handle = 00000176A1E9F090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f64f40552933fbf1 shader registered for possible reloading: f64f40552933fbf1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2CD10, hash = f64f40552933fbf1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2CD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10320, handle = 00000176A1C94F50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5a1d8676e97b1319 shader registered for possible reloading: 5a1d8676e97b1319_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2D010, hash = 5a1d8676e97b1319 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2D010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10396, handle = 00000176A1E53320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a00ae3fd0f0e3015 shader registered for possible reloading: a00ae3fd0f0e3015_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D32790, hash = a00ae3fd0f0e3015 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D32790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9028, handle = 00000176A1D4ABD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f04f3a762ee48f08 shader registered for possible reloading: f04f3a762ee48f08_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D32650, hash = f04f3a762ee48f08 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D32650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9116, handle = 00000176A1E2A600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60d0fdc248f91a0d shader registered for possible reloading: 60d0fdc248f91a0d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D317D0, hash = 60d0fdc248f91a0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D317D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10440, handle = 00000176A1D747E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91d07d71f69134db shader registered for possible reloading: 91d07d71f69134db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31650, hash = 91d07d71f69134db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10516, handle = 00000176A1E025F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da2d56a016627a9b shader registered for possible reloading: da2d56a016627a9b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D33D50, hash = da2d56a016627a9b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D33D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9052, handle = 00000176A1E3DE70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b7792b5f423214f shader registered for possible reloading: 4b7792b5f423214f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D32C10, hash = 4b7792b5f423214f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D32C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9140, handle = 00000176A1DBDBC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16773a0f7048b199 shader registered for possible reloading: 16773a0f7048b199_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D348D0, hash = 16773a0f7048b199 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D348D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10464, handle = 00000176A1DFFD00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a8ffd05fac3a899 shader registered for possible reloading: 7a8ffd05fac3a899_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2FB10, hash = 7a8ffd05fac3a899 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2FB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A1D657D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e1843a2d1cd965b shader registered for possible reloading: 0e1843a2d1cd965b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D34310, hash = 0e1843a2d1cd965b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D34310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9028, handle = 00000176A1D89FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0030ba8b4dae9fc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 0030ba8b4dae9fc1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D32D50, hash = 0030ba8b4dae9fc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D32D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9116, handle = 00000176A1D6F990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43fd1b6b137925d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 43fd1b6b137925d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31510, hash = 43fd1b6b137925d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10440, handle = 00000176A1E8BBA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b23914e0aaf9cd0 shader registered for possible reloading: 2b23914e0aaf9cd0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D32ED0, hash = 2b23914e0aaf9cd0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D32ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10516, handle = 00000176A1E7F690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6655f1b9bb6822e3 shader registered for possible reloading: 6655f1b9bb6822e3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D33A50, hash = 6655f1b9bb6822e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D33A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8840, handle = 00000176A1992220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04ca59a37a3ae764 shader registered for possible reloading: 04ca59a37a3ae764_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D34010, hash = 04ca59a37a3ae764 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D34010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8928, handle = 00000176A1DAC210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1bd4040b5350c8b shader registered for possible reloading: c1bd4040b5350c8b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2F110, hash = c1bd4040b5350c8b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2F110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10192, handle = 00000176A1DBB3E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b5bcd67ae85938d shader registered for possible reloading: 8b5bcd67ae85938d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2F290, hash = 8b5bcd67ae85938d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2F290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10268, handle = 00000176A1DCDAF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d4c0a1ac1926060 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d4c0a1ac1926060_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D34A10, hash = 3d4c0a1ac1926060 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D34A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10856, handle = 00000176A1E1A190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91f3948f674988fb shader registered for possible reloading: 91f3948f674988fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D34B90, hash = 91f3948f674988fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D34B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13740, handle = 00000176A1DF6800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a174f5c251b769e1 shader registered for possible reloading: a174f5c251b769e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31210, hash = a174f5c251b769e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12884, handle = 00000176A1DD0320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc16dea5c3effe68 shader registered for possible reloading: cc16dea5c3effe68_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D321D0, hash = cc16dea5c3effe68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D321D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10924, handle = 00000176A1DDBB30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18ffda99215f0108 shader registered for possible reloading: 18ffda99215f0108_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D30250, hash = 18ffda99215f0108 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D30250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13892, handle = 00000176A1D9EC10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ecbbf78a46478590 shader registered for possible reloading: ecbbf78a46478590_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D345D0, hash = ecbbf78a46478590 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D345D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12952, handle = 00000176A1E770F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27096eaed13cbb19 shader registered for possible reloading: 27096eaed13cbb19_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D33050, hash = 27096eaed13cbb19 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D33050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10880, handle = 00000176A1DAE500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9057b3058ef79b55 shader registered for possible reloading: 9057b3058ef79b55_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D33790, hash = 9057b3058ef79b55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D33790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13748, handle = 00000176A1ABEFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 654a9f3e0239f7e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 654a9f3e0239f7e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D30810, hash = 654a9f3e0239f7e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D30810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12908, handle = 00000176A1E9BE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94891bd379694286 shader registered for possible reloading: 94891bd379694286_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D30990, hash = 94891bd379694286 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D30990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10948, handle = 00000176A1EA13C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a20971c3888fa9d5 shader registered for possible reloading: a20971c3888fa9d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2F3D0, hash = a20971c3888fa9d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2F3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13900, handle = 00000176A1E3A810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 110e9bbcead8c8a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 110e9bbcead8c8a2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31950, hash = 110e9bbcead8c8a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12976, handle = 00000176A1DC7D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33bd995ff40d7391 shader registered for possible reloading: 33bd995ff40d7391_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2F550, hash = 33bd995ff40d7391 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2F550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10080, handle = 00000176A1C9FF40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f59001f789378460 shader registered for possible reloading: f59001f789378460_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D331D0, hash = f59001f789378460 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D331D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12780, handle = 00000176A1C4BD70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af89864f17da9179 shader registered for possible reloading: af89864f17da9179_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D34190, hash = af89864f17da9179 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D34190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12336, handle = 00000176A1E5AF10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2dc18d1574d427cb shader registered for possible reloading: 2dc18d1574d427cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D30AD0, hash = 2dc18d1574d427cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D30AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10156, handle = 00000176A1DA4660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19ced8382d05ba42 shader registered for possible reloading: 19ced8382d05ba42_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D33310, hash = 19ced8382d05ba42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D33310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12948, handle = 00000176A1E47A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31b1c684d26b557d shader registered for possible reloading: 31b1c684d26b557d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D32910, hash = 31b1c684d26b557d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D32910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12412, handle = 00000176A1DF9DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f8aecaaaf3272ff shader registered for possible reloading: 5f8aecaaaf3272ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2F6D0, hash = 5f8aecaaaf3272ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2F6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9508, handle = 00000176A1E45550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12b3ab236f1c1a9b shader registered for possible reloading: 12b3ab236f1c1a9b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D303D0, hash = 12b3ab236f1c1a9b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D303D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11692, handle = 00000176A1E1FA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d32a60c2d6ce2973 shader registered for possible reloading: d32a60c2d6ce2973_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D30510, hash = d32a60c2d6ce2973 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D30510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9492, handle = 00000176A1D12EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33b1846b7fc2bb9d shader registered for possible reloading: 33b1846b7fc2bb9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2FC90, hash = 33b1846b7fc2bb9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2FC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11748, handle = 00000176A1DD3580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25fe88fbc41f5461 shader registered for possible reloading: 25fe88fbc41f5461_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D30690, hash = 25fe88fbc41f5461 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D30690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9736, handle = 00000176A1D6A880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = feb0b8cf784009c6 shader registered for possible reloading: feb0b8cf784009c6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D30DD0, hash = feb0b8cf784009c6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D30DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11992, handle = 00000176A1D770B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16d37c27626368ba shader registered for possible reloading: 16d37c27626368ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2FE10, hash = 16d37c27626368ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2FE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9760, handle = 00000176A1E65B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1a32c45eb280d41 shader registered for possible reloading: a1a32c45eb280d41_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D33490, hash = a1a32c45eb280d41 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D33490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12016, handle = 00000176A1CCDB10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 752da16ad738560f shader registered for possible reloading: 752da16ad738560f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D30F50, hash = 752da16ad738560f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D30F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9684, handle = 00000176A1DB3DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d392145fb0f84ae1 shader registered for possible reloading: d392145fb0f84ae1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31390, hash = d392145fb0f84ae1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11940, handle = 00000176A1E8E470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c47fdfade0c0f668 shader registered for possible reloading: c47fdfade0c0f668_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D34450, hash = c47fdfade0c0f668 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D34450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9476, handle = 00000176A1DC2A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8007b659c05229e shader registered for possible reloading: a8007b659c05229e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2F850, hash = a8007b659c05229e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2F850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11660, handle = 00000176A1E09EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f448b1cb6966cc2 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f448b1cb6966cc2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31AD0, hash = 1f448b1cb6966cc2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10628, handle = 00000176A1E60A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 833ca3f183f9b007 shader registered for possible reloading: 833ca3f183f9b007_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D33610, hash = 833ca3f183f9b007 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D33610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12376, handle = 00000176A1E34700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c145a8d35a5ce3d3 shader registered for possible reloading: c145a8d35a5ce3d3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2FF50, hash = c145a8d35a5ce3d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2FF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11752, handle = 00000176A1DF3A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21b3d1236ee258f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 21b3d1236ee258f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D2F990, hash = 21b3d1236ee258f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D2F990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10696, handle = 00000176A1D21240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99288cbb68400b06 shader registered for possible reloading: 99288cbb68400b06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31C10, hash = 99288cbb68400b06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12512, handle = 00000176A1E4AD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 299f15a4a0b4e46d shader registered for possible reloading: 299f15a4a0b4e46d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D338D0, hash = 299f15a4a0b4e46d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D338D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11820, handle = 00000176A1E1CC00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4284ac28cb1c8a3d shader registered for possible reloading: 4284ac28cb1c8a3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D300D0, hash = 4284ac28cb1c8a3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D300D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10652, handle = 00000176A1E891F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8471f3c95fcd9b3 shader registered for possible reloading: c8471f3c95fcd9b3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D33BD0, hash = c8471f3c95fcd9b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D33BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12384, handle = 00000176A1D44EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86647419231d1da9 shader registered for possible reloading: 86647419231d1da9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31D90, hash = 86647419231d1da9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11776, handle = 00000176A1E7A390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ff25c77b01cbaf0 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ff25c77b01cbaf0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D30C50, hash = 0ff25c77b01cbaf0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D30C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10720, handle = 00000176A1E91320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b349c6082a5a9e17 shader registered for possible reloading: b349c6082a5a9e17_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31090, hash = b349c6082a5a9e17 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12520, handle = 00000176A1C977B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb35f8def5cd5a7f shader registered for possible reloading: cb35f8def5cd5a7f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D34750, hash = cb35f8def5cd5a7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D34750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11844, handle = 00000176A1DB0F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3de61aa097f1cad shader registered for possible reloading: f3de61aa097f1cad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D31F10, hash = f3de61aa097f1cad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D31F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9916, handle = 00000176A1D05700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f91a8248adc2116 shader registered for possible reloading: 4f91a8248adc2116_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D32090, hash = 4f91a8248adc2116 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D32090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11736, handle = 00000176A1DC4F20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c729ef91a6b589a shader registered for possible reloading: 4c729ef91a6b589a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D32350, hash = 4c729ef91a6b589a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D32350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11292, handle = 00000176A1E0CC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 536725998daf4406 shader registered for possible reloading: 536725998daf4406_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D324D0, hash = 536725998daf4406 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D324D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9992, handle = 00000176A1E84410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ffe08a0da2d39bb9 shader registered for possible reloading: ffe08a0da2d39bb9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D33E90, hash = ffe08a0da2d39bb9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D33E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11904, handle = 00000176A1E50490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60e7a8365abb35d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 60e7a8365abb35d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D32A90, hash = 60e7a8365abb35d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D32A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11368, handle = 00000176A1DEBB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d48713ab5527a939 shader registered for possible reloading: d48713ab5527a939_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D39A90, hash = d48713ab5527a939 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D39A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9344, handle = 00000176A1D32620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b2d57c2378b0d40 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b2d57c2378b0d40_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D36F90, hash = 3b2d57c2378b0d40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D36F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10648, handle = 00000176A1D42540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a0a3a4925048458 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a0a3a4925048458_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D37550, hash = 9a0a3a4925048458 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D37550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9328, handle = 00000176A1E04F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74ace8e169cb5791 shader registered for possible reloading: 74ace8e169cb5791_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3A4D0, hash = 74ace8e169cb5791 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3A4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10704, handle = 00000176A1D39680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfec5042194132e5 shader registered for possible reloading: cfec5042194132e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D35E50, hash = cfec5042194132e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D35E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9520, handle = 00000176A1DB63C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80693b9c4a803934 shader registered for possible reloading: 80693b9c4a803934_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D37250, hash = 80693b9c4a803934 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D37250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10896, handle = 00000176A1D71D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37753964c1693ecb shader registered for possible reloading: 37753964c1693ecb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D39C10, hash = 37753964c1693ecb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D39C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9544, handle = 00000176A1DDE5F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2f1b3ff62d06548 shader registered for possible reloading: a2f1b3ff62d06548_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D38DD0, hash = a2f1b3ff62d06548 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10920, handle = 00000176A1E96860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1c77e4c31b27e70 shader registered for possible reloading: a1c77e4c31b27e70_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D35FD0, hash = a1c77e4c31b27e70 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D35FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9520, handle = 00000176A1E6D780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84d95aa25437f1a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 84d95aa25437f1a5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D373D0, hash = 84d95aa25437f1a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D373D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10896, handle = 00000176A1DEE770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6023ad38a533d856 shader registered for possible reloading: 6023ad38a533d856_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D38810, hash = 6023ad38a533d856 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9312, handle = 00000176A1D7C9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49917b1c40cbb5cc shader registered for possible reloading: 49917b1c40cbb5cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D35450, hash = 49917b1c40cbb5cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D35450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10616, handle = 00000176A1E74770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04b2e3a5e5a1ceb2 shader registered for possible reloading: 04b2e3a5e5a1ceb2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D37110, hash = 04b2e3a5e5a1ceb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D37110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A125C5F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D38950, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7900, handle = 00000176A1CE4150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17b28bde9c1b3671 shader registered for possible reloading: 17b28bde9c1b3671_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D34E90, hash = 17b28bde9c1b3671 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D34E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A1A1C380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D36E10, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D36E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8528, handle = 00000176A1C4EF70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf94fa3d69b85132 shader registered for possible reloading: cf94fa3d69b85132_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D36C90, hash = cf94fa3d69b85132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D36C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10908, handle = 00000176A1EB9B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3e800ab4008766e shader registered for possible reloading: e3e800ab4008766e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D36B50, hash = e3e800ab4008766e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D36B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8600, handle = 00000176A1EE2EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed744d41a93d893a shader registered for possible reloading: ed744d41a93d893a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D35590, hash = ed744d41a93d893a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D35590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11520, handle = 00000176A1ECFC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a0215de00121fdb8 shader registered for possible reloading: a0215de00121fdb8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D36110, hash = a0215de00121fdb8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D36110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10000, handle = 00000176A1ED8060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 64a741f053703657 shader registered for possible reloading: 64a741f053703657_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D38AD0, hash = 64a741f053703657 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11476, handle = 00000176A1EDD840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd4e41578593c1cf shader registered for possible reloading: cd4e41578593c1cf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D38690, hash = cd4e41578593c1cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8636, handle = 00000176A1EE7AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f032bea7c72a469 shader registered for possible reloading: 7f032bea7c72a469_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D376D0, hash = 7f032bea7c72a469 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D376D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12472, handle = 00000176A1EDA780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d80a35cefaddfd4 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d80a35cefaddfd4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D38C50, hash = 0d80a35cefaddfd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10628, handle = 00000176A1EE0520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b050b90eac40ab8d shader registered for possible reloading: b050b90eac40ab8d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D36410, hash = b050b90eac40ab8d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D36410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79348, handle = 00000176A1EA3E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e03b9634c26507e shader registered for possible reloading: 0e03b9634c26507e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D39210, hash = 0e03b9634c26507e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D39210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79384, handle = 00000176A1EBC640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4c3efab06f2f035 shader registered for possible reloading: c4c3efab06f2f035_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D352D0, hash = c4c3efab06f2f035 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D352D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13892, handle = 00000176A1CC69D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e15433b50898bd2a shader registered for possible reloading: e15433b50898bd2a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D39090, hash = e15433b50898bd2a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D39090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2152, handle = 00000176A125BD80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 shader registered for possible reloading: 9287bc5c57cf9c03_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D38510, hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18780, handle = 00000176A1C8E6D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac8f5c6cbc120836 shader registered for possible reloading: ac8f5c6cbc120836_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D36290, hash = ac8f5c6cbc120836 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D36290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7052, handle = 00000176A1AE5010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a97cf28d8eb5447 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a97cf28d8eb5447_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D36590, hash = 2a97cf28d8eb5447 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D36590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15684, handle = 00000176A1CEB440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ebef6e70432c574 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ebef6e70432c574_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D35710, hash = 6ebef6e70432c574 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D35710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7780, handle = 00000176A1CBCDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e08e7d08f4c24def shader registered for possible reloading: e08e7d08f4c24def_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3A610, hash = e08e7d08f4c24def returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3A610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14056, handle = 00000176A1C556B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3debdc3ae1f20ef1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3debdc3ae1f20ef1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D35890, hash = 3debdc3ae1f20ef1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D35890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2316, handle = 00000176A13F3B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e shader registered for possible reloading: 78d5eeaf5a8af08e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D37810, hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D37810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18944, handle = 00000176A1CEF190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7dcd758e4ee83bc shader registered for possible reloading: a7dcd758e4ee83bc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D37990, hash = a7dcd758e4ee83bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D37990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7216, handle = 00000176A1CF3BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2fac5981912de032 shader registered for possible reloading: 2fac5981912de032_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D35A10, hash = 2fac5981912de032 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D35A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15824, handle = 00000176A1CFB7B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a626fdd4f6f93d6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7a626fdd4f6f93d6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D37B10, hash = 7a626fdd4f6f93d6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D37B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7940, handle = 00000176A1C93040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa shader registered for possible reloading: fd6c08e1599c34fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D37C90, hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D37C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15380, handle = 00000176A1ACDE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 862efb0a82d416a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 862efb0a82d416a4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3A790, hash = 862efb0a82d416a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3A790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A184D510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7956d38a89935a2f shader registered for possible reloading: 7956d38a89935a2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D366D0, hash = 7956d38a89935a2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D366D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15520, handle = 00000176A1CB4E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9156ccee4c77ee1a shader registered for possible reloading: 9156ccee4c77ee1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D369D0, hash = 9156ccee4c77ee1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D369D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7636, handle = 00000176A1A40670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a678a1850a488e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D37F50, hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D37F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13864, handle = 00000176A1C76630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7f90b6603b152d5 shader registered for possible reloading: f7f90b6603b152d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D35B50, hash = f7f90b6603b152d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D35B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A1957DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 656d2cba4764557b shader registered for possible reloading: 656d2cba4764557b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D380D0, hash = 656d2cba4764557b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D380D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18732, handle = 00000176A1A74590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de2c466ad9c8348f shader registered for possible reloading: de2c466ad9c8348f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D36850, hash = de2c466ad9c8348f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D36850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7004, handle = 00000176A1A27B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a3063404bba187d shader registered for possible reloading: 9a3063404bba187d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D38250, hash = 9a3063404bba187d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15788, handle = 00000176A1D01940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f2c41307e6a3c34 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f2c41307e6a3c34_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D35CD0, hash = 3f2c41307e6a3c34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D35CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7884, handle = 00000176A1BB2A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bfefe771fdb8bc1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D38390, hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14028, handle = 00000176A1CC32F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca93dd8400d3fdc1 shader registered for possible reloading: ca93dd8400d3fdc1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D38F10, hash = ca93dd8400d3fdc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D38F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2288, handle = 00000176A1A925C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c9e521019bed3b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D39390, hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D39390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18896, handle = 00000176A1CD7760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b596ad44165431ce shader registered for possible reloading: b596ad44165431ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D394D0, hash = b596ad44165431ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D394D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7168, handle = 00000176A19E6400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c5931fa3038381d shader registered for possible reloading: 2c5931fa3038381d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D39650, hash = 2c5931fa3038381d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D39650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15928, handle = 00000176A1CD15C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b0a6172a35b4a5e shader registered for possible reloading: 2b0a6172a35b4a5e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D397D0, hash = 2b0a6172a35b4a5e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D397D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8044, handle = 00000176A1CF9830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a shader registered for possible reloading: 92c91681d2f40e9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D39950, hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D39950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15352, handle = 00000176A1CDC140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e651555c405c6187 shader registered for possible reloading: e651555c405c6187_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D39D90, hash = e651555c405c6187 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D39D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176A1BEC5D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b9506e3c4502808_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D39F10, hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D39F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15492, handle = 00000176A1CB11A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a914401ed02fd108 shader registered for possible reloading: a914401ed02fd108_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3A050, hash = a914401ed02fd108 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3A050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7608, handle = 00000176A1CB8AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54a014b0e9312047 shader registered for possible reloading: 54a014b0e9312047_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3A1D0, hash = 54a014b0e9312047 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3A1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15080, handle = 00000176A1CCA020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b69b8101e4d9943 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b69b8101e4d9943_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3A350, hash = 6b69b8101e4d9943 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3A350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176A11BDA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ea0c33a13b68f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D34D10, hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D34D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20848, handle = 00000176A1CE62C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1c6fae4c259affa shader registered for possible reloading: a1c6fae4c259affa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3EC90, hash = a1c6fae4c259affa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3EC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9120, handle = 00000176A1CFF590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1be9e7b1ea96f02c shader registered for possible reloading: 1be9e7b1ea96f02c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3F3D0, hash = 1be9e7b1ea96f02c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3F3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17852, handle = 00000176A1C510E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3fb0641a2f95be9 shader registered for possible reloading: c3fb0641a2f95be9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3E850, hash = c3fb0641a2f95be9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3E850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A1A861B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 shader registered for possible reloading: e24b5f338d5b4cd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3FDD0, hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3FDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17408, handle = 00000176A1CDFD40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ea95114fcd05bb1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4ea95114fcd05bb1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3C750, hash = 4ea95114fcd05bb1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3C750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9504, handle = 00000176A1CA29E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 shader registered for possible reloading: 86a59be4e2a1f509_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3B610, hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3B610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15076, handle = 00000176A1C72B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a040c6b447629f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a040c6b447629f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3DCD0, hash = 2a040c6b447629f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3DCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3336, handle = 00000176A1CA4F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d7f63977dfda7c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3DE50, hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3DE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20824, handle = 00000176A1C7EBC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32a92daed11c6e56 shader registered for possible reloading: 32a92daed11c6e56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3B8D0, hash = 32a92daed11c6e56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3B8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9096, handle = 00000176A1AC7AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15c8461a66b2abd8 shader registered for possible reloading: 15c8461a66b2abd8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3F0D0, hash = 15c8461a66b2abd8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3F0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18088, handle = 00000176A1CBEC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e039d1a0860ff3c1 shader registered for possible reloading: e039d1a0860ff3c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3E6D0, hash = e039d1a0860ff3c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3E6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10184, handle = 00000176A1C31AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 shader registered for possible reloading: f7ab20a7ef6c8132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3C890, hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3C890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17404, handle = 00000176A1C6E730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f32926f89acba78b shader registered for possible reloading: f32926f89acba78b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3BBD0, hash = f32926f89acba78b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3BBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A1CBA8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53426ef6186603f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 53426ef6186603f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3D9D0, hash = 53426ef6186603f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3D9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A184F250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3D2D0, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3D2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7520, handle = 00000176A1D3C0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e56de35c8e002ab0 shader registered for possible reloading: e56de35c8e002ab0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3DB50, hash = e56de35c8e002ab0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3DB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A19E1DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3CFD0, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3CFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8148, handle = 00000176A1D1A2E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a27bfc6f61468a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a27bfc6f61468a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3C5D0, hash = 9a27bfc6f61468a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3C5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9268, handle = 00000176A1D0EC50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 539b744996141fb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 539b744996141fb6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3CA10, hash = 539b744996141fb6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3CA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9324, handle = 00000176A1D28E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1ebe16be8e265b6 shader registered for possible reloading: c1ebe16be8e265b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3E9D0, hash = c1ebe16be8e265b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3E9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7616, handle = 00000176A1D080B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06b297fb870d9dbf shader registered for possible reloading: 06b297fb870d9dbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3BD10, hash = 06b297fb870d9dbf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3BD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7672, handle = 00000176A1D40740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b733845344f4a794 shader registered for possible reloading: b733845344f4a794_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3D710, hash = b733845344f4a794 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3D710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10460, handle = 00000176A1D1C2C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e841f144c568e0ff shader registered for possible reloading: e841f144c568e0ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3B190, hash = e841f144c568e0ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3B190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10516, handle = 00000176A1D179C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d4f846657771059b shader registered for possible reloading: d4f846657771059b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3BA50, hash = d4f846657771059b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3BA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8972, handle = 00000176A1D23E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a3ecf93e44cfc67 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a3ecf93e44cfc67_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3AD50, hash = 0a3ecf93e44cfc67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3AD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9028, handle = 00000176A1D09E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1902ddd86c5b6f4 shader registered for possible reloading: f1902ddd86c5b6f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3AA90, hash = f1902ddd86c5b6f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3AA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9900, handle = 00000176A1D2FF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db19f8645d07dfe1 shader registered for possible reloading: db19f8645d07dfe1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3D890, hash = db19f8645d07dfe1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3D890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9956, handle = 00000176A1D2D870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 562750a26c5236e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 562750a26c5236e5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3DF90, hash = 562750a26c5236e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3DF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7652, handle = 00000176A1D37890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38c1a6a6d41a73a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 38c1a6a6d41a73a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3ABD0, hash = 38c1a6a6d41a73a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3ABD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7708, handle = 00000176A1D11090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd927d384c4c5876 shader registered for possible reloading: dd927d384c4c5876_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3B750, hash = dd927d384c4c5876 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3B750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11408, handle = 00000176A1D26190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19ed71923d25b94c shader registered for possible reloading: 19ed71923d25b94c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3CD10, hash = 19ed71923d25b94c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3CD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11464, handle = 00000176A1D34BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b7c21bcd7ba3050 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b7c21bcd7ba3050_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3FF50, hash = 6b7c21bcd7ba3050 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3FF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9600, handle = 00000176A1D15430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b59d7a9710fe529 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b59d7a9710fe529_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3B050, hash = 9b59d7a9710fe529 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3B050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9656, handle = 00000176A1D2B2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336a4f4707230bc0 shader registered for possible reloading: 336a4f4707230bc0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3CE50, hash = 336a4f4707230bc0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3CE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4040, handle = 00000176A10DA850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ffe5483a67f6d7de shader registered for possible reloading: ffe5483a67f6d7de_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3F810, hash = ffe5483a67f6d7de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3F810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10028, handle = 00000176A1AA7F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 11085205c0294d63 shader registered for possible reloading: 11085205c0294d63_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3B310, hash = 11085205c0294d63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3B310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A1A8FF70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e7be210fb3ad349 shader registered for possible reloading: 7e7be210fb3ad349_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3CB90, hash = 7e7be210fb3ad349 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3CB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4204, handle = 00000176A13396E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8240d793094070a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 8240d793094070a3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3E290, hash = 8240d793094070a3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3E290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10192, handle = 00000176A1AACD50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c506a4c89cb0fb5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c506a4c89cb0fb5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3F990, hash = 3c506a4c89cb0fb5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3F990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9932, handle = 00000176A1AAA670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d997b7b17cfb21cd shader registered for possible reloading: d997b7b17cfb21cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3F250, hash = d997b7b17cfb21cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3F250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9348, handle = 00000176A1A1E2C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 64b79ecb31457b2b shader registered for possible reloading: 64b79ecb31457b2b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D400D0, hash = 64b79ecb31457b2b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D400D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9488, handle = 00000176A1BF5DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d527ed0f9ee1b9e shader registered for possible reloading: 3d527ed0f9ee1b9e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3EB10, hash = 3d527ed0f9ee1b9e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3EB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4036, handle = 00000176A104B0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df632726d344b114 shader registered for possible reloading: df632726d344b114_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3B490, hash = df632726d344b114 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3B490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10004, handle = 00000176A1A02D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d016100466d6c617 shader registered for possible reloading: d016100466d6c617_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D40210, hash = d016100466d6c617 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D40210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9988, handle = 00000176A1A79310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 956c364dce21392e shader registered for possible reloading: 956c364dce21392e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3EE10, hash = 956c364dce21392e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3EE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4200, handle = 00000176A1905020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ffe49456f5dbf415 shader registered for possible reloading: ffe49456f5dbf415_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3EF90, hash = ffe49456f5dbf415 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3EF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10168, handle = 00000176A1AE0090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 00ab4e8f65b6b2a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 00ab4e8f65b6b2a4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3C010, hash = 00ab4e8f65b6b2a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3C010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10168, handle = 00000176A1AE2850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e8e2141e46e1d44 shader registered for possible reloading: 2e8e2141e46e1d44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3C190, hash = 2e8e2141e46e1d44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3C190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9344, handle = 00000176A1C2F640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 527a5b07569986f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 527a5b07569986f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3A910, hash = 527a5b07569986f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3A910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9484, handle = 00000176A1A3E150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30305072da8e1a15 shader registered for possible reloading: 30305072da8e1a15_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D3D150, hash = 30305072da8e1a15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3D150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18652, handle = 00000176A1C84C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 832a7e2eedc029e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 832a7e2eedc029e6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3C450, hash = 832a7e2eedc029e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3C450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20772, handle = 00000176A1C64080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7287f5fa1b7a3ac6 shader registered for possible reloading: 7287f5fa1b7a3ac6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3E110, hash = 7287f5fa1b7a3ac6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3E110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19528, handle = 00000176A1C79F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f75107d2e14861b1 shader registered for possible reloading: f75107d2e14861b1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3C2D0, hash = f75107d2e14861b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3C2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21524, handle = 00000176A1C59FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cbc18fc33c07ae04 shader registered for possible reloading: cbc18fc33c07ae04_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3D410, hash = cbc18fc33c07ae04 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3D410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19592, handle = 00000176A1C5F3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4909bd90a41571a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 4909bd90a41571a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D40390, hash = 4909bd90a41571a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D40390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20836, handle = 00000176A1C441D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4637332627955303 shader registered for possible reloading: 4637332627955303_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3D590, hash = 4637332627955303 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3D590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20944, handle = 00000176A1C894F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eec6f5ab989a02a4 shader registered for possible reloading: eec6f5ab989a02a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3FB10, hash = eec6f5ab989a02a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3FB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20896, handle = 00000176A1C34310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b660c67ffe856e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b660c67ffe856e6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D3FC50, hash = 8b660c67ffe856e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D3FC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22912, handle = 00000176A1CA5EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e100c27e6184af8f shader registered for possible reloading: e100c27e6184af8f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D41650, hash = e100c27e6184af8f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D41650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22864, handle = 00000176A1CAB840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6218387fe47befb3 shader registered for possible reloading: 6218387fe47befb3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D45CD0, hash = 6218387fe47befb3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21876, handle = 00000176A1C691B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 979f011369891744 shader registered for possible reloading: 979f011369891744_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D41210, hash = 979f011369891744 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D41210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21828, handle = 00000176A1C394C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea0dff615012f027 shader registered for possible reloading: ea0dff615012f027_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D42050, hash = ea0dff615012f027 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D42050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12408, handle = 00000176A1AB7B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4ddbd94fecc9f80 shader registered for possible reloading: b4ddbd94fecc9f80_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D41350, hash = b4ddbd94fecc9f80 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D41350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11128, handle = 00000176A1AD4250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40b0f02a547aab94 shader registered for possible reloading: 40b0f02a547aab94_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D45F90, hash = 40b0f02a547aab94 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3172, handle = 00000176A13C7B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70812bbb7b829f3d shader registered for possible reloading: 70812bbb7b829f3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D43E90, hash = 70812bbb7b829f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D43E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18048, handle = 00000176A1A7D3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5af37ee8802987a shader registered for possible reloading: c5af37ee8802987a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D40690, hash = c5af37ee8802987a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D40690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16784, handle = 00000176A1A97560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfacb0658207fb51 shader registered for possible reloading: bfacb0658207fb51_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D43190, hash = bfacb0658207fb51 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D43190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8900, handle = 00000176A19DFAE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04e02444ab569caa shader registered for possible reloading: 04e02444ab569caa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D44CD0, hash = 04e02444ab569caa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D44CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17596, handle = 00000176A1AB09C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f3b36115127637f shader registered for possible reloading: 3f3b36115127637f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D42ED0, hash = 3f3b36115127637f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D42ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16340, handle = 00000176A1AC9EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ce94a3f7046ff9c shader registered for possible reloading: 8ce94a3f7046ff9c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D44450, hash = 8ce94a3f7046ff9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D44450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8456, handle = 00000176A1AD6DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7414a8b3bd228978 shader registered for possible reloading: 7414a8b3bd228978_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D459D0, hash = 7414a8b3bd228978 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D459D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12484, handle = 00000176A1AA2930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 222a38692b42cf51 shader registered for possible reloading: 222a38692b42cf51_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D45B50, hash = 222a38692b42cf51 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11204, handle = 00000176A1AE6D50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8685dbe4c649c54e shader registered for possible reloading: 8685dbe4c649c54e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D41090, hash = 8685dbe4c649c54e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D41090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3248, handle = 00000176A11E5E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b16965a605b655b2 shader registered for possible reloading: b16965a605b655b2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D42610, hash = b16965a605b655b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D42610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18208, handle = 00000176A1A81A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 77229ad2ab77017b shader registered for possible reloading: 77229ad2ab77017b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D41910, hash = 77229ad2ab77017b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D41910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16952, handle = 00000176A1A6BCF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca3e3fe05b0e740a shader registered for possible reloading: ca3e3fe05b0e740a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D44010, hash = ca3e3fe05b0e740a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D44010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9068, handle = 00000176A1AD1ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8eaa4cfcab9f845d shader registered for possible reloading: 8eaa4cfcab9f845d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D44710, hash = 8eaa4cfcab9f845d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D44710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17672, handle = 00000176A1A93050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6fce69f7e7a7de2c shader registered for possible reloading: 6fce69f7e7a7de2c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D45150, hash = 6fce69f7e7a7de2c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16416, handle = 00000176A1AD8EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9dc2e8e98ea2cbb shader registered for possible reloading: a9dc2e8e98ea2cbb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D45E10, hash = a9dc2e8e98ea2cbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8532, handle = 00000176A15B1520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ebbf685852225564 shader registered for possible reloading: ebbf685852225564_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D40AD0, hash = ebbf685852225564 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D40AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12576, handle = 00000176A198C7D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 206ba17bbff1e2df shader registered for possible reloading: 206ba17bbff1e2df_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D40D90, hash = 206ba17bbff1e2df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D40D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11296, handle = 00000176A1A8D340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe28a5d9d295a303 shader registered for possible reloading: fe28a5d9d295a303_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D44150, hash = fe28a5d9d295a303 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D44150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3336, handle = 00000176A11DE650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5578230f210383ec shader registered for possible reloading: 5578230f210383ec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D40950, hash = 5578230f210383ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D40950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19120, handle = 00000176A1A62950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 601b716f74954788 shader registered for possible reloading: 601b716f74954788_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D44B90, hash = 601b716f74954788 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D44B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17832, handle = 00000176A1A88D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc26128c8daa2797 shader registered for possible reloading: fc26128c8daa2797_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D45290, hash = fc26128c8daa2797 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9944, handle = 00000176A1AA0250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 17454790a709cb29 shader registered for possible reloading: 17454790a709cb29_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D40510, hash = 17454790a709cb29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D40510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18644, handle = 00000176A1A67410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95f229b4c63a4610 shader registered for possible reloading: 95f229b4c63a4610_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D407D0, hash = 95f229b4c63a4610 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D407D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17388, handle = 00000176A1A099A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8118269cd5be3df9 shader registered for possible reloading: 8118269cd5be3df9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D45410, hash = 8118269cd5be3df9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A1AA5A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55985c0face00db1 shader registered for possible reloading: 55985c0face00db1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D44890, hash = 55985c0face00db1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D44890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12652, handle = 00000176A1ADCF10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5be6c5a8980474a shader registered for possible reloading: c5be6c5a8980474a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D45850, hash = c5be6c5a8980474a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11372, handle = 00000176A1AB4E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 11ad7c4064c524ff shader registered for possible reloading: 11ad7c4064c524ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D445D0, hash = 11ad7c4064c524ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D445D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3412, handle = 00000176A0EDD0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6893beab277f9ba1 shader registered for possible reloading: 6893beab277f9ba1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D44A10, hash = 6893beab277f9ba1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D44A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19264, handle = 00000176A1A9B700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8d7375759de68084 shader registered for possible reloading: 8d7375759de68084_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D43D10, hash = 8d7375759de68084 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D43D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18000, handle = 00000176A1A6FF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3aa3e8a0bf719804 shader registered for possible reloading: 3aa3e8a0bf719804_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D43490, hash = 3aa3e8a0bf719804 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D43490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10112, handle = 00000176A139E960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 957d322a8a77a2e2 shader registered for possible reloading: 957d322a8a77a2e2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D40C50, hash = 957d322a8a77a2e2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D40C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18720, handle = 00000176A1AC31C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5144b00b0914cec4 shader registered for possible reloading: 5144b00b0914cec4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D45710, hash = 5144b00b0914cec4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17464, handle = 00000176A1ABAB90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9d5027fb025fad8 shader registered for possible reloading: f9d5027fb025fad8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D42A50, hash = f9d5027fb025fad8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D42A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9576, handle = 00000176A1A57D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9db60b2a3088d563 shader registered for possible reloading: 9db60b2a3088d563_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D44E50, hash = 9db60b2a3088d563 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D44E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 632, handle = 00000176A06B9570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0925e8e2b8b73b3 shader registered for possible reloading: e0925e8e2b8b73b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D41ED0, hash = e0925e8e2b8b73b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D41ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6008, handle = 00000176A1886310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 550105c8c0b20fba shader registered for possible reloading: 550105c8c0b20fba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D41A90, hash = 550105c8c0b20fba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D41A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 668, handle = 00000176A0C1F930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b020071ce49fbc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b020071ce49fbc7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D40F10, hash = 8b020071ce49fbc7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D40F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7136, handle = 00000176A1A1A790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6f075bcffed73a5 shader registered for possible reloading: c6f075bcffed73a5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D414D0, hash = c6f075bcffed73a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D414D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28852, handle = 00000176A1C062C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b37d1e620919ab2f shader registered for possible reloading: b37d1e620919ab2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D42D50, hash = b37d1e620919ab2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D42D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27244, handle = 00000176A1B318F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96dc6bee06968eab shader registered for possible reloading: 96dc6bee06968eab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D43010, hash = 96dc6bee06968eab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D43010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28020, handle = 00000176A1B95EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2f27fd136d4f8e1 shader registered for possible reloading: b2f27fd136d4f8e1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D41C10, hash = b2f27fd136d4f8e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D41C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26388, handle = 00000176A1C28F20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d97fd94ce2ede76 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d97fd94ce2ede76_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D41D90, hash = 1d97fd94ce2ede76 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D41D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22868, handle = 00000176A1B26A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65a4e434aa36a527 shader registered for possible reloading: 65a4e434aa36a527_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D43310, hash = 65a4e434aa36a527 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D43310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21240, handle = 00000176A1BCDE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d11742a6de326e37 shader registered for possible reloading: d11742a6de326e37_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D45590, hash = d11742a6de326e37 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D45590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30012, handle = 00000176A1B44790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d687df0179ce9a78 shader registered for possible reloading: d687df0179ce9a78_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D435D0, hash = d687df0179ce9a78 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D435D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28404, handle = 00000176A1BFF3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e48266f15b4e8f51 shader registered for possible reloading: e48266f15b4e8f51_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D421D0, hash = e48266f15b4e8f51 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D421D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29152, handle = 00000176A1B58850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2e961c3eb9f9bd4 shader registered for possible reloading: f2e961c3eb9f9bd4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D42350, hash = f2e961c3eb9f9bd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D42350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27520, handle = 00000176A1B5FA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4469336156df2933 shader registered for possible reloading: 4469336156df2933_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D42BD0, hash = 4469336156df2933 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D42BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24000, handle = 00000176A1B13F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71d36b39b49fd92c shader registered for possible reloading: 71d36b39b49fd92c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D43750, hash = 71d36b39b49fd92c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D43750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22372, handle = 00000176A1B530E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0666f09afd9788bf shader registered for possible reloading: 0666f09afd9788bf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D438D0, hash = 0666f09afd9788bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D438D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29472, handle = 00000176A1AFFAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0fb62ee1c3fcd412 shader registered for possible reloading: 0fb62ee1c3fcd412_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D43A50, hash = 0fb62ee1c3fcd412 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D43A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27804, handle = 00000176A1B6DD80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2bd5162004a40a1 shader registered for possible reloading: b2bd5162004a40a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D42490, hash = b2bd5162004a40a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D42490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28464, handle = 00000176A1C13870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ddfb85e2d62f5226 shader registered for possible reloading: ddfb85e2d62f5226_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D42910, hash = ddfb85e2d62f5226 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D42910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26844, handle = 00000176A1BAC120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc482be4fb3ac975 shader registered for possible reloading: fc482be4fb3ac975_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D43B90, hash = fc482be4fb3ac975 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D43B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23488, handle = 00000176A1B20E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46c0dd10f7123555 shader registered for possible reloading: 46c0dd10f7123555_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D442D0, hash = 46c0dd10f7123555 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D442D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21816, handle = 00000176A1B2C3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a474a6d51a07507 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a474a6d51a07507_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D473D0, hash = 4a474a6d51a07507 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D473D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30632, handle = 00000176A1B665D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 422104d89c8bb265 shader registered for possible reloading: 422104d89c8bb265_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D47510, hash = 422104d89c8bb265 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D47510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28964, handle = 00000176A1B9CC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ef8cb4adfc4c226 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ef8cb4adfc4c226_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D47690, hash = 3ef8cb4adfc4c226 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D47690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29596, handle = 00000176A1C21B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e559bf2caeead3f shader registered for possible reloading: 6e559bf2caeead3f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D48390, hash = 6e559bf2caeead3f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D48390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27976, handle = 00000176A1B79ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1492f16f670ad2fe shader registered for possible reloading: 1492f16f670ad2fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D47DD0, hash = 1492f16f670ad2fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D47DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24540, handle = 00000176A1BA3D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ebb32a04fd9b9548 shader registered for possible reloading: ebb32a04fd9b9548_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D466D0, hash = ebb32a04fd9b9548 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D466D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22948, handle = 00000176A1B06DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bfe651a139ff253 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bfe651a139ff253_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D46990, hash = 9bfe651a139ff253 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D46990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29680, handle = 00000176A1B4BCE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d73a90cb6edc030e shader registered for possible reloading: d73a90cb6edc030e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D46B10, hash = d73a90cb6edc030e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D46B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27736, handle = 00000176A1AF8E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f274c00aeee8fb1 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f274c00aeee8fb1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D47F50, hash = 5f274c00aeee8fb1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D47F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28788, handle = 00000176A1BDE780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8d24a425e41a49e shader registered for possible reloading: a8d24a425e41a49e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D47810, hash = a8d24a425e41a49e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D47810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 26820, handle = 00000176A1B80C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d050463df257bbb shader registered for possible reloading: 2d050463df257bbb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D48F10, hash = 2d050463df257bbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D48F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23652, handle = 00000176A1BD8B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a3075f7fe32d779 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a3075f7fe32d779_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4A310, hash = 4a3075f7fe32d779 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4A310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21644, handle = 00000176A1B74A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 476a0b338312a344 shader registered for possible reloading: 476a0b338312a344_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D47250, hash = 476a0b338312a344 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D47250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30940, handle = 00000176A1B874F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad74c37401fa773c shader registered for possible reloading: ad74c37401fa773c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D48950, hash = ad74c37401fa773c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D48950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29048, handle = 00000176A1B19D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 996ccbc3436cdedc shader registered for possible reloading: 996ccbc3436cdedc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D47AD0, hash = 996ccbc3436cdedc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D47AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30052, handle = 00000176A1BC68D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf7c9633b3265990 shader registered for possible reloading: cf7c9633b3265990_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D47990, hash = cf7c9633b3265990 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D47990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28104, handle = 00000176A1BE5800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f347401051d8fad8 shader registered for possible reloading: f347401051d8fad8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D49650, hash = f347401051d8fad8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D49650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24948, handle = 00000176A1BBA9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21c0fccbd21fedc8 shader registered for possible reloading: 21c0fccbd21fedc8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D46C90, hash = 21c0fccbd21fedc8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D46C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22980, handle = 00000176A1BD3140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e21bc4f48120437 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e21bc4f48120437_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4ABD0, hash = 3e21bc4f48120437 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4ABD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30588, handle = 00000176A1B0C7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf32e6f454539b81 shader registered for possible reloading: cf32e6f454539b81_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D49C10, hash = cf32e6f454539b81 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D49C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28628, handle = 00000176A1BF83E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8dc7c1479de5ee4b shader registered for possible reloading: 8dc7c1479de5ee4b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D48090, hash = 8dc7c1479de5ee4b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D48090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29612, handle = 00000176A1C1A7B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c546375021ace85d shader registered for possible reloading: c546375021ace85d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D48210, hash = c546375021ace85d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D48210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 27628, handle = 00000176A1B3DB90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33b6f6db583eea9a shader registered for possible reloading: 33b6f6db583eea9a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D48510, hash = 33b6f6db583eea9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D48510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24624, handle = 00000176A1BB49A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02d03099e812bc1b shader registered for possible reloading: 02d03099e812bc1b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D487D0, hash = 02d03099e812bc1b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D487D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22552, handle = 00000176A1B38370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19ec2293e3d99ad1 shader registered for possible reloading: 19ec2293e3d99ad1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4A8D0, hash = 19ec2293e3d99ad1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4A8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 31880, handle = 00000176A1AE9920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35396af784999228 shader registered for possible reloading: 35396af784999228_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D48AD0, hash = 35396af784999228 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D48AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 29940, handle = 00000176A1BEE8C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d50883a742ac94d shader registered for possible reloading: 2d50883a742ac94d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D48D90, hash = 2d50883a742ac94d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D48D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 30876, handle = 00000176A1AF15B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 034540ab9cd36ab9 shader registered for possible reloading: 034540ab9cd36ab9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D49090, hash = 034540ab9cd36ab9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D49090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 28912, handle = 00000176A1B8EDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db7916f44083462d shader registered for possible reloading: db7916f44083462d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D491D0, hash = db7916f44083462d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D491D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25824, handle = 00000176A1C0D380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8f91ab545d95558 shader registered for possible reloading: a8f91ab545d95558_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4AD50, hash = a8f91ab545d95558 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4AD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23908, handle = 00000176A1BC0B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2005c18037b02e86 shader registered for possible reloading: 2005c18037b02e86_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4A1D0, hash = 2005c18037b02e86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4A1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A15394A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b00698355c6bbf6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D494D0, hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D494D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A1990550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 896d836e4bc38513 shader registered for possible reloading: 896d836e4bc38513_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D49D50, hash = 896d836e4bc38513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D49D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2300, handle = 00000176A184F460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d shader registered for possible reloading: 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4B8D0, hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4B8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A1985710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 435eb788190e93fe shader registered for possible reloading: 435eb788190e93fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D49ED0, hash = 435eb788190e93fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D49ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7164, handle = 00000176A19FCB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 shader registered for possible reloading: 96c9d66e5f68d745_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4B190, hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4B190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7332, handle = 00000176A19EA390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 shader registered for possible reloading: 78419f9aacae6ac2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4A050, hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4A050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2172, handle = 00000176A11E1430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2128f8af8f55a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4A790, hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4A790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2348, handle = 00000176A158A2D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fcc315619520c1e shader registered for possible reloading: 4fcc315619520c1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4AA50, hash = 4fcc315619520c1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4AA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7212, handle = 00000176A1A0DDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd5547126858bce0 shader registered for possible reloading: bd5547126858bce0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4AE90, hash = bd5547126858bce0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4AE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7380, handle = 00000176A19F9200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c shader registered for possible reloading: 4e7133c6bebefa7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4BA10, hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4BA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2148, handle = 00000176A157BFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 shader registered for possible reloading: d74c8b665c4c83f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4B010, hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4B010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2324, handle = 00000176A19B0A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d74197d5e9dbd44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4B5D0, hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4B5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7188, handle = 00000176A19FAEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c3b20db7fb4ea91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4BB90, hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4BB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7356, handle = 00000176A19E86C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 shader registered for possible reloading: f3c462e3e3c27641_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D46E10, hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D46E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2196, handle = 00000176A13DA010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f0d6cbacc4bce60_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D46110, hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D46110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2372, handle = 00000176A13FEDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e shader registered for possible reloading: 41cf13dbf3c2367e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D46290, hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D46290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7236, handle = 00000176A149B4D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4e179db3798a00f shader registered for possible reloading: b4e179db3798a00f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D463D0, hash = b4e179db3798a00f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D463D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7404, handle = 00000176A1A1C5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 shader registered for possible reloading: b935dfe9f51176b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D46F50, hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D46F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1740, handle = 00000176A05A2A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc5161ec2621159c shader registered for possible reloading: cc5161ec2621159c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D470D0, hash = cc5161ec2621159c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D470D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1916, handle = 00000176A12BD7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f57524f155a634f1 shader registered for possible reloading: f57524f155a634f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4FF10, hash = f57524f155a634f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4FF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7064, handle = 00000176A1A11660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a42dcc50408d5ed shader registered for possible reloading: 7a42dcc50408d5ed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4CE50, hash = 7a42dcc50408d5ed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4CE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7232, handle = 00000176A1A0FA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40f97ca034fecee0 shader registered for possible reloading: 40f97ca034fecee0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4C150, hash = 40f97ca034fecee0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4C150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1740, handle = 00000176A152FF40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75dbc663ed940d11 shader registered for possible reloading: 75dbc663ed940d11_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4E550, hash = 75dbc663ed940d11 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4E550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1916, handle = 00000176A1894870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9096466c442ed689 shader registered for possible reloading: 9096466c442ed689_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D50090, hash = 9096466c442ed689 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D50090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7064, handle = 00000176A15CFD30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 068b0d11a4b5c958 shader registered for possible reloading: 068b0d11a4b5c958_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D50210, hash = 068b0d11a4b5c958 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D50210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7232, handle = 00000176A15B37A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98cdf0064ad81354 shader registered for possible reloading: 98cdf0064ad81354_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4D410, hash = 98cdf0064ad81354 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4D410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1860, handle = 00000176A1383D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89e960529d16b1a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 89e960529d16b1a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4E110, hash = 89e960529d16b1a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4E110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2036, handle = 00000176A13945D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ea052da0674bd9f shader registered for possible reloading: 7ea052da0674bd9f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D50950, hash = 7ea052da0674bd9f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D50950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7184, handle = 00000176A19FE710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1888d3eda27d894c shader registered for possible reloading: 1888d3eda27d894c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4F690, hash = 1888d3eda27d894c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4F690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7352, handle = 00000176A15AF860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09ac11e645276cb4 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ac11e645276cb4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4FDD0, hash = 09ac11e645276cb4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4FDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1884, handle = 00000176A12B6A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 453ce9d60a56749b shader registered for possible reloading: 453ce9d60a56749b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4EC90, hash = 453ce9d60a56749b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4EC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2060, handle = 00000176A18B4920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70af87dd1e504bd0 shader registered for possible reloading: 70af87dd1e504bd0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4E990, hash = 70af87dd1e504bd0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4E990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7208, handle = 00000176A18B9740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 660def498a17da30 shader registered for possible reloading: 660def498a17da30_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D504D0, hash = 660def498a17da30 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D504D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7376, handle = 00000176A19E4720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe0e145212c61efc shader registered for possible reloading: fe0e145212c61efc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4E6D0, hash = fe0e145212c61efc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4E6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1860, handle = 00000176A13BD280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27b948c137896db7 shader registered for possible reloading: 27b948c137896db7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4F250, hash = 27b948c137896db7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4F250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2036, handle = 00000176A1312360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5e5ef38e81344b7 shader registered for possible reloading: f5e5ef38e81344b7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4F510, hash = f5e5ef38e81344b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4F510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7184, handle = 00000176A19F5920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 981300e024f13d86 shader registered for possible reloading: 981300e024f13d86_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4C450, hash = 981300e024f13d86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4C450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7352, handle = 00000176A19F7540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 201376dde0b943ec shader registered for possible reloading: 201376dde0b943ec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4EB10, hash = 201376dde0b943ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4EB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1708, handle = 000001766960EEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec4cf555ec4d8a0b shader registered for possible reloading: ec4cf555ec4d8a0b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D50A90, hash = ec4cf555ec4d8a0b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D50A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1884, handle = 00000176A12C9280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28c6f9797e2bf1f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 28c6f9797e2bf1f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D50D90, hash = 28c6f9797e2bf1f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D50D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7032, handle = 00000176A19A9D10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5213684cf84e2396 shader registered for possible reloading: 5213684cf84e2396_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D51050, hash = 5213684cf84e2396 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D51050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7200, handle = 00000176A19DDEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e34aa745998c990 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e34aa745998c990_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4DC90, hash = 4e34aa745998c990 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4DC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4064, handle = 00000176A1169BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 021482a7ecfb19c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 021482a7ecfb19c5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4BE90, hash = 021482a7ecfb19c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4BE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10820, handle = 00000176A18B1ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 208d00cbe66f2f7e shader registered for possible reloading: 208d00cbe66f2f7e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4D850, hash = 208d00cbe66f2f7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4D850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9964, handle = 00000176A19B9EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7801f803ba954f06 shader registered for possible reloading: 7801f803ba954f06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4FAD0, hash = 7801f803ba954f06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4FAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4132, handle = 00000176A138D4D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 331aca014ce520a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 331aca014ce520a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4D9D0, hash = 331aca014ce520a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4D9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10972, handle = 00000176A19ADFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d222307adc82bae3 shader registered for possible reloading: d222307adc82bae3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4DB50, hash = d222307adc82bae3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4DB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10032, handle = 00000176A19E1FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a309f35a7cc49726 shader registered for possible reloading: a309f35a7cc49726_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D50650, hash = a309f35a7cc49726 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D50650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4088, handle = 00000176A1399870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfcef5cf67d97e6e shader registered for possible reloading: cfcef5cf67d97e6e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D50390, hash = cfcef5cf67d97e6e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D50390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4088, handle = 00000176A1086F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4bfd59e7a3256bf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4bfd59e7a3256bf8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4CB50, hash = 4bfd59e7a3256bf8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4CB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10828, handle = 00000176A1A00330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47bf1bd6773514cd shader registered for possible reloading: 47bf1bd6773514cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D507D0, hash = 47bf1bd6773514cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D507D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11012, handle = 00000176A1A06E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5d91497b5b2e373 shader registered for possible reloading: c5d91497b5b2e373_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D50C10, hash = c5d91497b5b2e373 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D50C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9988, handle = 00000176A19AB890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9539379c3c4dd3b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9539379c3c4dd3b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4C590, hash = 9539379c3c4dd3b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4C590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9988, handle = 00000176A1A15590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b2a5d168b24fa1f shader registered for possible reloading: 8b2a5d168b24fa1f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D511D0, hash = 8b2a5d168b24fa1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D511D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4156, handle = 00000176A0E7D9D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 003dbdb60c776eaf shader registered for possible reloading: 003dbdb60c776eaf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D50F10, hash = 003dbdb60c776eaf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D50F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4156, handle = 00000176A0E51B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f4e614f2c44d246 shader registered for possible reloading: 7f4e614f2c44d246_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D51350, hash = 7f4e614f2c44d246 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D51350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10980, handle = 00000176A1A17CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c42bd2449c60bcb8 shader registered for possible reloading: c42bd2449c60bcb8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4D590, hash = c42bd2449c60bcb8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4D590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11164, handle = 00000176A19EE390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8570368392a9944a shader registered for possible reloading: 8570368392a9944a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D514D0, hash = 8570368392a9944a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D514D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10056, handle = 00000176A1955660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = acfe3ed4bb6ecb65 shader registered for possible reloading: acfe3ed4bb6ecb65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D51610, hash = acfe3ed4bb6ecb65 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D51610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10056, handle = 00000176A19F31D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 451c808d0a5af937 shader registered for possible reloading: 451c808d0a5af937_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4E250, hash = 451c808d0a5af937 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4E250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2632, handle = 00000176A18152C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69c97508c41340c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 69c97508c41340c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D51790, hash = 69c97508c41340c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D51790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8792, handle = 00000176A1476520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01fb07cad3070cc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 01fb07cad3070cc1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4BD10, hash = 01fb07cad3070cc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4BD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2668, handle = 00000176A12FFC00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba8b579824825b57 shader registered for possible reloading: ba8b579824825b57_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4BFD0, hash = ba8b579824825b57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4BFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8828, handle = 00000176A19F0F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46958d847a99caeb shader registered for possible reloading: 46958d847a99caeb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4C2D0, hash = 46958d847a99caeb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4C2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2912, handle = 00000176A0E63DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 027254529cd9a080 shader registered for possible reloading: 027254529cd9a080_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4C710, hash = 027254529cd9a080 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4C710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9072, handle = 00000176A13FCA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9dc75ad7c4511b3d shader registered for possible reloading: 9dc75ad7c4511b3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4E3D0, hash = 9dc75ad7c4511b3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4E3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2936, handle = 00000176A1550780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b045c82823a70d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b045c82823a70d3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4CA10, hash = 3b045c82823a70d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4CA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9096, handle = 00000176A1A13200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a79c513eef89cd8 shader registered for possible reloading: 3a79c513eef89cd8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4C890, hash = 3a79c513eef89cd8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4C890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2860, handle = 00000176A19944D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1dbcb24212c06bb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1dbcb24212c06bb6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4F390, hash = 1dbcb24212c06bb6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4F390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2860, handle = 00000176A13A7560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec1c47c51057a997 shader registered for possible reloading: ec1c47c51057a997_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4CCD0, hash = ec1c47c51057a997 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4CCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9020, handle = 00000176A1812F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df1a3ec19bcb7147 shader registered for possible reloading: df1a3ec19bcb7147_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4DE10, hash = df1a3ec19bcb7147 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4DE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9020, handle = 00000176A19EC040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee6408e380d50799 shader registered for possible reloading: ee6408e380d50799_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4E810, hash = ee6408e380d50799 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4E810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2600, handle = 00000176A1822620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bed1c4fc33bca47d shader registered for possible reloading: bed1c4fc33bca47d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4CFD0, hash = bed1c4fc33bca47d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4CFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8760, handle = 00000176A197B060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7db9ddb275688c53 shader registered for possible reloading: 7db9ddb275688c53_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D4DF90, hash = 7db9ddb275688c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4DF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A1995010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4EDD0, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4EDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5856, handle = 00000176A19BC5E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19095adde386f206 shader registered for possible reloading: 19095adde386f206_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4D110, hash = 19095adde386f206 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4D110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A0E64930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4EF50, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4EF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7024, handle = 00000176A1A37B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2512c3b3d6bea9ad shader registered for possible reloading: 2512c3b3d6bea9ad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4D290, hash = 2512c3b3d6bea9ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4D290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11036, handle = 00000176A1A2BB40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f65ca70187fcb56c shader registered for possible reloading: f65ca70187fcb56c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4FC50, hash = f65ca70187fcb56c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4FC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8392, handle = 00000176A1A29A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 406374e6f9528354 shader registered for possible reloading: 406374e6f9528354_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4D6D0, hash = 406374e6f9528354 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4D6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18552, handle = 00000176A1A4F170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adb8134af26e60c8 shader registered for possible reloading: adb8134af26e60c8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4F0D0, hash = adb8134af26e60c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4F0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15992, handle = 00000176A1A5EAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ff3dd579808ea2e shader registered for possible reloading: 9ff3dd579808ea2e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4F810, hash = 9ff3dd579808ea2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4F810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11540, handle = 00000176A1A4C450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51a905efa4b51bcf shader registered for possible reloading: 51a905efa4b51bcf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D4F950, hash = 51a905efa4b51bcf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D4F950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9752, handle = 00000176A1A5C4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad5839bad744cee3 shader registered for possible reloading: ad5839bad744cee3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D51ED0, hash = ad5839bad744cee3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D51ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19112, handle = 00000176A1A396A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29c2f54fe7846699 shader registered for possible reloading: 29c2f54fe7846699_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D54F90, hash = 29c2f54fe7846699 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D54F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17292, handle = 00000176A1A539F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14f0acc1c50481a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 14f0acc1c50481a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D560D0, hash = 14f0acc1c50481a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D560D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11532, handle = 00000176A1A49730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89117e0ab0c6eb14 shader registered for possible reloading: 89117e0ab0c6eb14_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D54410, hash = 89117e0ab0c6eb14 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D54410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8428, handle = 00000176A1A5A3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91142c9f6ae84d98 shader registered for possible reloading: 91142c9f6ae84d98_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D55550, hash = 91142c9f6ae84d98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D55550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19116, handle = 00000176A1A207B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d56f365b366b5253 shader registered for possible reloading: d56f365b366b5253_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D52D10, hash = d56f365b366b5253 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D52D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16028, handle = 00000176A1A45880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d8ae12a6e58aff9 shader registered for possible reloading: 5d8ae12a6e58aff9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D53E50, hash = 5d8ae12a6e58aff9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D53E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12536, handle = 00000176A1A42780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53fe354fa763cca9 shader registered for possible reloading: 53fe354fa763cca9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D54590, hash = 53fe354fa763cca9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D54590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10380, handle = 00000176A1A25270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8bbf2203394e9998 shader registered for possible reloading: 8bbf2203394e9998_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D54710, hash = 8bbf2203394e9998 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D54710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20088, handle = 00000176A1A32CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 87b099071aac7dff shader registered for possible reloading: 87b099071aac7dff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D52750, hash = 87b099071aac7dff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D52750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17952, handle = 00000176A1A2E670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae8ab30f652ba86d shader registered for possible reloading: ae8ab30f652ba86d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D51BD0, hash = ae8ab30f652ba86d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D51BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13136, handle = 00000176A1949870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab907f1bb77cb794 shader registered for possible reloading: ab907f1bb77cb794_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D563D0, hash = ab907f1bb77cb794 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D563D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18004, handle = 00000176A1976A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08579b46b0cd9b27 shader registered for possible reloading: 08579b46b0cd9b27_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D56C50, hash = 08579b46b0cd9b27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D56C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14796, handle = 00000176A19B17D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c41dfb8f4adcc1a shader registered for possible reloading: 2c41dfb8f4adcc1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D52610, hash = 2c41dfb8f4adcc1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D52610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14592, handle = 00000176A197E760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 851b4ee2306db76a shader registered for possible reloading: 851b4ee2306db76a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D56990, hash = 851b4ee2306db76a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D56990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13088, handle = 00000176A18578C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af386c937be3f9bd shader registered for possible reloading: af386c937be3f9bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D532D0, hash = af386c937be3f9bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D532D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17936, handle = 00000176A19951E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 903696acb5449ff4 shader registered for possible reloading: 903696acb5449ff4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D52310, hash = 903696acb5449ff4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D52310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14760, handle = 00000176A1988E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6aca198093ef0b88 shader registered for possible reloading: 6aca198093ef0b88_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D52190, hash = 6aca198093ef0b88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D52190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14544, handle = 00000176A1973120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a56ea2eb085da13 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a56ea2eb085da13_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D53190, hash = 0a56ea2eb085da13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D53190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13996, handle = 00000176A196FA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8c8ed234d9cc7491 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c8ed234d9cc7491_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D52490, hash = 8c8ed234d9cc7491 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D52490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19744, handle = 00000176A19B51B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 419b66228fefa619 shader registered for possible reloading: 419b66228fefa619_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D57390, hash = 419b66228fefa619 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D57390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15760, handle = 00000176A19A5F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75cd9e0f38b006a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 75cd9e0f38b006a5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D559D0, hash = 75cd9e0f38b006a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D559D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15456, handle = 00000176A19A2300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a00189a2263de4a shader registered for possible reloading: 9a00189a2263de4a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D53010, hash = 9a00189a2263de4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D53010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13972, handle = 00000176A1982070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 362cfbaabf066bcd shader registered for possible reloading: 362cfbaabf066bcd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D51910, hash = 362cfbaabf066bcd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D51910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19700, handle = 00000176A1999800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01b1feb9bad61a53 shader registered for possible reloading: 01b1feb9bad61a53_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D54890, hash = 01b1feb9bad61a53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D54890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15852, handle = 00000176A199E500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b380fa06395490cd shader registered for possible reloading: b380fa06395490cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D53FD0, hash = b380fa06395490cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D53FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15432, handle = 00000176A1890C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a07b7309d30b7f6 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a07b7309d30b7f6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D55E10, hash = 8a07b7309d30b7f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D55E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A0D69100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2599d3aa9f8ba11a shader registered for possible reloading: 2599d3aa9f8ba11a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D53450, hash = 2599d3aa9f8ba11a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D53450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6876, handle = 00000176A16128B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d59193ec2aaa6112 shader registered for possible reloading: d59193ec2aaa6112_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D549D0, hash = d59193ec2aaa6112 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D549D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A136A070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99466a5ca70272b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 99466a5ca70272b1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D55B10, hash = 99466a5ca70272b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D55B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7504, handle = 00000176A18DB530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a88489153389bb63 shader registered for possible reloading: a88489153389bb63_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D53B90, hash = a88489153389bb63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D53B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15432, handle = 00000176A19D65B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86c6ecff09d865ab shader registered for possible reloading: 86c6ecff09d865ab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D542D0, hash = 86c6ecff09d865ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D542D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15488, handle = 00000176A19BDD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9aebdb8aa914e303 shader registered for possible reloading: 9aebdb8aa914e303_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D56DD0, hash = 9aebdb8aa914e303 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D56DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17316, handle = 00000176A19CE580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61cd301f44408994 shader registered for possible reloading: 61cd301f44408994_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D54150, hash = 61cd301f44408994 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D54150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17372, handle = 00000176A19C5D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c53863d09630b08b shader registered for possible reloading: c53863d09630b08b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D55850, hash = c53863d09630b08b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D55850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15468, handle = 00000176A19D2930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f32530583eab787 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f32530583eab787_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D54B50, hash = 3f32530583eab787 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D54B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15524, handle = 00000176A19DA200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84e915008faaa682 shader registered for possible reloading: 84e915008faaa682_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D528D0, hash = 84e915008faaa682 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D528D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17352, handle = 00000176A19C19B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8425f3094df280c shader registered for possible reloading: b8425f3094df280c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D56550, hash = b8425f3094df280c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D56550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17408, handle = 00000176A19CA170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 404a42eda5212d63 shader registered for possible reloading: 404a42eda5212d63_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D55290, hash = 404a42eda5212d63 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D55290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18036, handle = 00000176A1819FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92d3ea947d04e87f shader registered for possible reloading: 92d3ea947d04e87f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D535D0, hash = 92d3ea947d04e87f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D535D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16320, handle = 00000176A1323FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f084a80c8cd5f0a shader registered for possible reloading: 9f084a80c8cd5f0a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D56F50, hash = 9f084a80c8cd5f0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D56F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19160, handle = 00000176A1881830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3a7fc70bd5b3b6e shader registered for possible reloading: a3a7fc70bd5b3b6e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D56690, hash = a3a7fc70bd5b3b6e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D56690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17332, handle = 00000176A185FA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45e68d4e331e48c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 45e68d4e331e48c9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D570D0, hash = 45e68d4e331e48c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D570D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6284, handle = 00000176A12FE360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 001a80b53ad479da shader registered for possible reloading: 001a80b53ad479da_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D56810, hash = 001a80b53ad479da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D56810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8136, handle = 00000176A18E7720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 465238c4eb2554f6 shader registered for possible reloading: 465238c4eb2554f6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D53750, hash = 465238c4eb2554f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D53750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6316, handle = 00000176A1895040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3388bbf4e38e4926 shader registered for possible reloading: 3388bbf4e38e4926_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D54CD0, hash = 3388bbf4e38e4926 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D54CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7908, handle = 00000176A1903130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 656b693e9b53ab75 shader registered for possible reloading: 656b693e9b53ab75_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D55F90, hash = 656b693e9b53ab75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D55F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9760, handle = 00000176A1922480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5a7c1950181bca7 shader registered for possible reloading: f5a7c1950181bca7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D53890, hash = f5a7c1950181bca7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D53890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7940, handle = 00000176A168D0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dbe9cb75751bcd6b shader registered for possible reloading: dbe9cb75751bcd6b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D54E50, hash = dbe9cb75751bcd6b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D54E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6320, handle = 00000176A1863E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0659663cab05ba2c shader registered for possible reloading: 0659663cab05ba2c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D56250, hash = 0659663cab05ba2c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D56250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8536, handle = 00000176A1876880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 686b4046794cf988 shader registered for possible reloading: 686b4046794cf988_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D55410, hash = 686b4046794cf988 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D55410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16284, handle = 00000176A196BAB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9f4bc188a03ec36 shader registered for possible reloading: f9f4bc188a03ec36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D56B10, hash = f9f4bc188a03ec36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D56B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16340, handle = 00000176A1963B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29b38425cfa4004d shader registered for possible reloading: 29b38425cfa4004d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D53D10, hash = 29b38425cfa4004d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D53D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18120, handle = 00000176A195F430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 188880d299cc6b59 shader registered for possible reloading: 188880d299cc6b59_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D52A50, hash = 188880d299cc6b59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D52A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18176, handle = 00000176A195AD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a75590afad1fcc74 shader registered for possible reloading: a75590afad1fcc74_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D556D0, hash = a75590afad1fcc74 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D556D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16316, handle = 00000176A160E8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 788fc7afdb890679 shader registered for possible reloading: 788fc7afdb890679_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D51A90, hash = 788fc7afdb890679 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D51A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16372, handle = 00000176A181E620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b685d8453568413 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b685d8453568413_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D57210, hash = 9b685d8453568413 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D57210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16320, handle = 00000176A1967AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a77941c796a9168a shader registered for possible reloading: a77941c796a9168a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D51D50, hash = a77941c796a9168a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D51D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16376, handle = 00000176A160A8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b87d4923bb41581 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b87d4923bb41581_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D52050, hash = 6b87d4923bb41581 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D52050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8036, handle = 00000176A13A55F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98eba8318562cca2 shader registered for possible reloading: 98eba8318562cca2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D58210, hash = 98eba8318562cca2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D58210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6188, handle = 00000176A132C830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01d0d785cfcae1aa shader registered for possible reloading: 01d0d785cfcae1aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D58C10, hash = 01d0d785cfcae1aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D58C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8200, handle = 00000176A135AA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94386ff3f5a93dbc shader registered for possible reloading: 94386ff3f5a93dbc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D57690, hash = 94386ff3f5a93dbc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D57690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6352, handle = 00000176A1337E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccd53f5995a84b9d shader registered for possible reloading: ccd53f5995a84b9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D58D90, hash = ccd53f5995a84b9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D58D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 125380, handle = 00000176A1740000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 210d5a11791aeb1d shader registered for possible reloading: 210d5a11791aeb1d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D58650, hash = 210d5a11791aeb1d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D58650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 123556, handle = 00000176A1760000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 598d0e5bece97cdd shader registered for possible reloading: 598d0e5bece97cdd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B1D57AD0, hash = 598d0e5bece97cdd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D57AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6428, handle = 00000176A15D2E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0b29fbdb129a025 shader registered for possible reloading: e0b29fbdb129a025_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D57510, hash = e0b29fbdb129a025 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D57510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8276, handle = 00000176A149E6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3073e5df121e4a36 shader registered for possible reloading: 3073e5df121e4a36_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D57C50, hash = 3073e5df121e4a36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D57C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6460, handle = 00000176A1479620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f19c8696472310c3 shader registered for possible reloading: f19c8696472310c3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D58090, hash = f19c8696472310c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D58090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9416, handle = 00000176A1958850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1f9f6698fa3b98d shader registered for possible reloading: a1f9f6698fa3b98d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D587D0, hash = a1f9f6698fa3b98d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D587D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9512, handle = 00000176A184AFE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44fd02557805645a shader registered for possible reloading: 44fd02557805645a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D577D0, hash = 44fd02557805645a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D577D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11268, handle = 00000176A1850260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16525615e4d88a25 shader registered for possible reloading: 16525615e4d88a25_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D57950, hash = 16525615e4d88a25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D57950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11364, handle = 00000176A187EBC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 559eee2c61ffb0fe shader registered for possible reloading: 559eee2c61ffb0fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D58910, hash = 559eee2c61ffb0fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D58910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9448, handle = 00000176A163CBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 900dbc79d44f91f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 900dbc79d44f91f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D584D0, hash = 900dbc79d44f91f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D584D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9544, handle = 00000176A1635B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d88dcf0c9d71477 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d88dcf0c9d71477_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D58A90, hash = 2d88dcf0c9d71477 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D58A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6464, handle = 00000176A19180F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 68b4f8e86abe2b32 shader registered for possible reloading: 68b4f8e86abe2b32_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D57D90, hash = 68b4f8e86abe2b32 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D57D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10044, handle = 00000176A18EA900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2e43b65bb24811d shader registered for possible reloading: d2e43b65bb24811d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B1D57F10, hash = d2e43b65bb24811d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B1D57F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10140, handle = 00000176A1407C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5dd9c57950bcd87 shader registered for possible reloading: f5dd9c57950bcd87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E44C10, hash = f5dd9c57950bcd87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E44C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17400, handle = 00000176A14AD540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c085cab83a31fd9e shader registered for possible reloading: c085cab83a31fd9e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3FFD0, hash = c085cab83a31fd9e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3FFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17456, handle = 00000176A18BC880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf9d85290ff22c23 shader registered for possible reloading: bf9d85290ff22c23_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E43C50, hash = bf9d85290ff22c23 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E43C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16000, handle = 00000176A15B5740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9b20cdb0d7f8533 shader registered for possible reloading: f9b20cdb0d7f8533_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E41E10, hash = f9b20cdb0d7f8533 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E41E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16096, handle = 00000176A1872990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df4c535e21487c9e shader registered for possible reloading: df4c535e21487c9e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E42F50, hash = df4c535e21487c9e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E42F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19240, handle = 00000176A187A090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 566a16de0f633181 shader registered for possible reloading: 566a16de0f633181_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E42DD0, hash = 566a16de0f633181 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E42DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19296, handle = 00000176A1388960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c55e0e4e34a2b2cc shader registered for possible reloading: c55e0e4e34a2b2cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E44090, hash = c55e0e4e34a2b2cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E44090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17840, handle = 00000176A18B5180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e44859df713fa93e shader registered for possible reloading: e44859df713fa93e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E43210, hash = e44859df713fa93e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E43210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17936, handle = 00000176A191DE60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 52d4c05a37dc3459 shader registered for possible reloading: 52d4c05a37dc3459_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E42B10, hash = 52d4c05a37dc3459 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E42B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17432, handle = 00000176A1919A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7012554b585096d2 shader registered for possible reloading: 7012554b585096d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E43690, hash = 7012554b585096d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E43690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17488, handle = 00000176A14EF690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 570b61b6fbe24992 shader registered for possible reloading: 570b61b6fbe24992_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E44A90, hash = 570b61b6fbe24992 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E44A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16032, handle = 00000176A18160F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a71105bc5319a64e shader registered for possible reloading: a71105bc5319a64e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E44D90, hash = a71105bc5319a64e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E44D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16128, handle = 00000176A15780B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a651b5925f0831f7 shader registered for possible reloading: a651b5925f0831f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45610, hash = a651b5925f0831f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18784, handle = 00000176A189B650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a247bf95a356a30 shader registered for possible reloading: 3a247bf95a356a30_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E40410, hash = 3a247bf95a356a30 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E40410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18880, handle = 00000176A1896C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74e9c8f065c58d7d shader registered for possible reloading: 74e9c8f065c58d7d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E40150, hash = 74e9c8f065c58d7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E40150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17324, handle = 00000176A18C0CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b66735a0fbc38e10 shader registered for possible reloading: b66735a0fbc38e10_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E41F90, hash = b66735a0fbc38e10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E41F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17420, handle = 00000176A186E570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f8f0b053b0dbcc81 shader registered for possible reloading: f8f0b053b0dbcc81_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E41110, hash = f8f0b053b0dbcc81 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E41110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20624, handle = 00000176A1736870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32c7a9bff50e469c shader registered for possible reloading: 32c7a9bff50e469c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E44650, hash = 32c7a9bff50e469c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E44650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20720, handle = 00000176A156DDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a1068f125adb4dd shader registered for possible reloading: 6a1068f125adb4dd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E42550, hash = 6a1068f125adb4dd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E42550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19164, handle = 00000176A188C130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fbbfb7970514421 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fbbfb7970514421_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E402D0, hash = 4fbbfb7970514421 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E402D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19260, handle = 00000176A1638090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f479a68e4e3e4b3e shader registered for possible reloading: f479a68e4e3e4b3e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E44ED0, hash = f479a68e4e3e4b3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E44ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18816, handle = 00000176A16908A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d55f7dee50f5fa80 shader registered for possible reloading: d55f7dee50f5fa80_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E43390, hash = d55f7dee50f5fa80 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E43390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18912, handle = 00000176A1496AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd2a66d1cc1efa04 shader registered for possible reloading: cd2a66d1cc1efa04_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E40890, hash = cd2a66d1cc1efa04 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E40890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17356, handle = 00000176A18FED50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6db6d41e897985cf shader registered for possible reloading: 6db6d41e897985cf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E416D0, hash = 6db6d41e897985cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E416D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17452, handle = 00000176A1951220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc4f80993c707338 shader registered for possible reloading: cc4f80993c707338_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E42250, hash = cc4f80993c707338 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E42250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17964, handle = 00000176A1887AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b05d5fa594b46c94 shader registered for possible reloading: b05d5fa594b46c94_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45350, hash = b05d5fa594b46c94 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18020, handle = 00000176A18E30B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 011617e4aa139946 shader registered for possible reloading: 011617e4aa139946_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E42810, hash = 011617e4aa139946 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E42810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16036, handle = 00000176A1835220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78ea256028519d7f shader registered for possible reloading: 78ea256028519d7f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E41410, hash = 78ea256028519d7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E41410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16132, handle = 00000176A15B95D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a0d229fe7583c5d shader registered for possible reloading: 1a0d229fe7583c5d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E420D0, hash = 1a0d229fe7583c5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E420D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19720, handle = 00000176A14EA980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98d3b55c701e8d37 shader registered for possible reloading: 98d3b55c701e8d37_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E41290, hash = 98d3b55c701e8d37 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E41290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19816, handle = 00000176A162B680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 061fc79a05547836 shader registered for possible reloading: 061fc79a05547836_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E41B10, hash = 061fc79a05547836 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E41B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17936, handle = 00000176A18D6F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2dae306904ecbc3 shader registered for possible reloading: a2dae306904ecbc3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45050, hash = a2dae306904ecbc3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18032, handle = 00000176A152B8C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c16446c57b57a6c shader registered for possible reloading: 1c16446c57b57a6c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E40710, hash = 1c16446c57b57a6c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E40710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72816, handle = 00000176A17EF690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2fbf6a1ecc75487d shader registered for possible reloading: 2fbf6a1ecc75487d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E41850, hash = 2fbf6a1ecc75487d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E41850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72912, handle = 00000176A17C7790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9a654a50c015e7b shader registered for possible reloading: f9a654a50c015e7b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45490, hash = f9a654a50c015e7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72780, handle = 00000176A1801310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = acd0889dee2c91d2 shader registered for possible reloading: acd0889dee2c91d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E42690, hash = acd0889dee2c91d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E42690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72876, handle = 00000176A17B5AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5a5c1d3cfe789b46 shader registered for possible reloading: 5a5c1d3cfe789b46_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E451D0, hash = 5a5c1d3cfe789b46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E451D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18908, handle = 00000176A14C0490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02e9a481c05ae571 shader registered for possible reloading: 02e9a481c05ae571_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45790, hash = 02e9a481c05ae571 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19004, handle = 00000176A1852E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1719d325e11649f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 1719d325e11649f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E423D0, hash = 1719d325e11649f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E423D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18872, handle = 00000176A1865870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38b2e00ecdc81455 shader registered for possible reloading: 38b2e00ecdc81455_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E419D0, hash = 38b2e00ecdc81455 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E419D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18968, handle = 00000176A18DE690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed3c146205f1a541 shader registered for possible reloading: ed3c146205f1a541_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E43510, hash = ed3c146205f1a541 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E43510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17100, handle = 00000176A173B910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce38023c02d7f646 shader registered for possible reloading: ce38023c02d7f646_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E40E50, hash = ce38023c02d7f646 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E40E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17196, handle = 00000176A186A230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c43d2d9fed757ff shader registered for possible reloading: 7c43d2d9fed757ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E44210, hash = 7c43d2d9fed757ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E44210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17064, handle = 00000176A1586020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dda3a7668508dd82 shader registered for possible reloading: dda3a7668508dd82_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E42990, hash = dda3a7668508dd82 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E42990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17160, handle = 00000176A14BC180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65f25764786dec84 shader registered for possible reloading: 65f25764786dec84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E41C90, hash = 65f25764786dec84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E41C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 73376, handle = 00000176A1791F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73eb41beb03eeee1 shader registered for possible reloading: 73eb41beb03eeee1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E437D0, hash = 73eb41beb03eeee1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E437D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 73476, handle = 00000176A189FFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5530471565ac527b shader registered for possible reloading: 5530471565ac527b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E42C50, hash = 5530471565ac527b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E42C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 73340, handle = 00000176A18C5080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39ef54dc274a2abf shader registered for possible reloading: 39ef54dc274a2abf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E409D0, hash = 39ef54dc274a2abf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E409D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 73440, handle = 00000176A1906200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 66fb18d0a7594dbb shader registered for possible reloading: 66fb18d0a7594dbb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3FD10, hash = 66fb18d0a7594dbb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3FD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19532, handle = 00000176A14F3AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8f713e41830afc8 shader registered for possible reloading: c8f713e41830afc8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E430D0, hash = c8f713e41830afc8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E430D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19628, handle = 00000176A185ADD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff3e948abb28148c shader registered for possible reloading: ff3e948abb28148c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E40B50, hash = ff3e948abb28148c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E40B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19496, handle = 00000176A1626A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0ad363532a525e9 shader registered for possible reloading: d0ad363532a525e9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E43950, hash = d0ad363532a525e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E43950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19592, handle = 00000176A165B0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4741ea42a3d4992 shader registered for possible reloading: a4741ea42a3d4992_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E40F90, hash = a4741ea42a3d4992 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E40F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17724, handle = 00000176A194CCD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4302ddde850ccf1 shader registered for possible reloading: c4302ddde850ccf1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E44350, hash = c4302ddde850ccf1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E44350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17820, handle = 00000176A14A8F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d98c70ed80c6b70c shader registered for possible reloading: d98c70ed80c6b70c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E43AD0, hash = d98c70ed80c6b70c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E43AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17688, handle = 00000176A165FD50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f9c415db5066c17 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f9c415db5066c17_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3FE50, hash = 9f9c415db5066c17 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3FE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17784, handle = 00000176A17EB110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4505a9005f0b37c3 shader registered for possible reloading: 4505a9005f0b37c3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E444D0, hash = 4505a9005f0b37c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E444D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72852, handle = 00000176A17D9470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa17bcc005fe75b3 shader registered for possible reloading: fa17bcc005fe75b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E447D0, hash = fa17bcc005fe75b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E447D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72948, handle = 00000176A18ED050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 652802663caa1917 shader registered for possible reloading: 652802663caa1917_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E44910, hash = 652802663caa1917 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E44910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72816, handle = 00000176A1925D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 058ad113f632d737 shader registered for possible reloading: 058ad113f632d737_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4A0D0, hash = 058ad113f632d737 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4A0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 72912, handle = 00000176A17A3DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 964610863143bdb2 shader registered for possible reloading: 964610863143bdb2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E48E10, hash = 964610863143bdb2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E48E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 73412, handle = 00000176A19379A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb6c1e03bbbd2ea0 shader registered for possible reloading: bb6c1e03bbbd2ea0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4ADD0, hash = bb6c1e03bbbd2ea0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4ADD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 73512, handle = 00000176A1780010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2fcbe0c79334baa shader registered for possible reloading: d2fcbe0c79334baa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4AF50, hash = d2fcbe0c79334baa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4AF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 73376, handle = 00000176A1823370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2124d02d8918fc5f shader registered for possible reloading: 2124d02d8918fc5f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E46190, hash = 2124d02d8918fc5f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E46190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 73476, handle = 00000176A18390D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 028065a443e35935 shader registered for possible reloading: 028065a443e35935_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E49E10, hash = 028065a443e35935 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E49E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17008, handle = 00000176A1535220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce0e592ac1542af5 shader registered for possible reloading: ce0e592ac1542af5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E48410, hash = ce0e592ac1542af5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E48410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15356, handle = 00000176A1543010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 374299bbdcf09c75 shader registered for possible reloading: 374299bbdcf09c75_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E48F90, hash = 374299bbdcf09c75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E48F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18140, handle = 00000176A15D8990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ca350456ecbeee6 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ca350456ecbeee6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E4A690, hash = 0ca350456ecbeee6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4A690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16368, handle = 00000176A154C780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1325a7e046eb95f shader registered for possible reloading: a1325a7e046eb95f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E4AAD0, hash = a1325a7e046eb95f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4AAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5928, handle = 00000176A1275680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b73fece3ec398269 shader registered for possible reloading: b73fece3ec398269_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E49290, hash = b73fece3ec398269 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E49290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7644, handle = 00000176A13927E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95c49cd09566fa35 shader registered for possible reloading: 95c49cd09566fa35_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E49C90, hash = 95c49cd09566fa35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E49C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5964, handle = 00000176A141E200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ee6ac38304795b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 2ee6ac38304795b1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E468D0, hash = 2ee6ac38304795b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E468D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8272, handle = 00000176A1256330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 982cd9f759122d5d shader registered for possible reloading: 982cd9f759122d5d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E47FD0, hash = 982cd9f759122d5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E47FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79596, handle = 00000176A16E89C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b4b1fe5d46d24d9 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b4b1fe5d46d24d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E493D0, hash = 9b4b1fe5d46d24d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E493D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79652, handle = 00000176A170F7E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9945180a5878cb75 shader registered for possible reloading: 9945180a5878cb75_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E48590, hash = 9945180a5878cb75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E48590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 80116, handle = 00000176A16D50C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 554edd6122a774f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 554edd6122a774f9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E49550, hash = 554edd6122a774f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E49550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 80172, handle = 00000176A16ADE60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 170599f66e631588 shader registered for possible reloading: 170599f66e631588_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E496D0, hash = 170599f66e631588 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E496D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79632, handle = 00000176A16FC0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34c24843444d2d93 shader registered for possible reloading: 34c24843444d2d93_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E49850, hash = 34c24843444d2d93 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E49850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79688, handle = 00000176A169A710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01b37ee32bfe82b7 shader registered for possible reloading: 01b37ee32bfe82b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E472D0, hash = 01b37ee32bfe82b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E472D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 80152, handle = 00000176A16C17A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43fa239671c42fef shader registered for possible reloading: 43fa239671c42fef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4A810, hash = 43fa239671c42fef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4A810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 80208, handle = 00000176A1722F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2ff336dd9e062af shader registered for possible reloading: f2ff336dd9e062af_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E46A50, hash = f2ff336dd9e062af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E46A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18308, handle = 00000176A13621A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22c87531896d9e66 shader registered for possible reloading: 22c87531896d9e66_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E46D10, hash = 22c87531896d9e66 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E46D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16480, handle = 00000176A1460010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e1e469a25febf4d shader registered for possible reloading: 2e1e469a25febf4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E49990, hash = 2e1e469a25febf4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E49990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 126084, handle = 00000176A1440000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14178c1cb968ac44 shader registered for possible reloading: 14178c1cb968ac44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E46310, hash = 14178c1cb968ac44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E46310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 124204, handle = 00000176A1420000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7973aaebf16b6488 shader registered for possible reloading: 7973aaebf16b6488_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E48710, hash = 7973aaebf16b6488 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E48710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14104, handle = 00000176A136EB80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6826257f8986ed8 shader registered for possible reloading: b6826257f8986ed8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E46B90, hash = b6826257f8986ed8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E46B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15940, handle = 00000176A14A0790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adcdd64dfec07087 shader registered for possible reloading: adcdd64dfec07087_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E49B10, hash = adcdd64dfec07087 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E49B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14136, handle = 00000176A1366930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed4da5ed44fba4f8 shader registered for possible reloading: ed4da5ed44fba4f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E489D0, hash = ed4da5ed44fba4f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E489D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16168, handle = 00000176A16967E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3a2a2c258043d9c shader registered for possible reloading: f3a2a2c258043d9c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4B210, hash = f3a2a2c258043d9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4B210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16224, handle = 00000176A1510AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e74c8e22012a73b shader registered for possible reloading: 0e74c8e22012a73b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E49110, hash = 0e74c8e22012a73b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E49110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18000, handle = 00000176A1656A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0f803d1e5d52c99 shader registered for possible reloading: f0f803d1e5d52c99_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E46E90, hash = f0f803d1e5d52c99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E46E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18056, handle = 00000176A147FEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef1a139286cf9617 shader registered for possible reloading: ef1a139286cf9617_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E47710, hash = ef1a139286cf9617 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E47710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16200, handle = 00000176A16646E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27b704f795fb46b7 shader registered for possible reloading: 27b704f795fb46b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E48B50, hash = 27b704f795fb46b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E48B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16256, handle = 00000176A1582090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be3e20f0fb5b081a shader registered for possible reloading: be3e20f0fb5b081a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E47890, hash = be3e20f0fb5b081a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E47890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14452, handle = 00000176A15F4B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5ba75761c01b233 shader registered for possible reloading: a5ba75761c01b233_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E49F50, hash = a5ba75761c01b233 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E49F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16908, handle = 00000176A15D4770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 096b8e1f57a9c160 shader registered for possible reloading: 096b8e1f57a9c160_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4B090, hash = 096b8e1f57a9c160 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4B090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16964, handle = 00000176A14B2EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c07c4b631ae4e75e shader registered for possible reloading: c07c4b631ae4e75e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E48CD0, hash = c07c4b631ae4e75e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E48CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74608, handle = 00000176A14D8600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 017a63fea18deb97 shader registered for possible reloading: 017a63fea18deb97_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4A990, hash = 017a63fea18deb97 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4A990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74628, handle = 00000176A15BD9A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c40ec04eb6554b95 shader registered for possible reloading: c40ec04eb6554b95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45BD0, hash = c40ec04eb6554b95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74560, handle = 00000176A1614700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07c0f223f6a7fb8a shader registered for possible reloading: 07c0f223f6a7fb8a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E46750, hash = 07c0f223f6a7fb8a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E46750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74580, handle = 00000176A1668630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a35bc75f96efb41f shader registered for possible reloading: a35bc75f96efb41f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4B390, hash = a35bc75f96efb41f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4B390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20596, handle = 00000176A1573030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0643f5421b61d39 shader registered for possible reloading: e0643f5421b61d39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4A250, hash = e0643f5421b61d39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4A250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20652, handle = 00000176A15DD420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97dbab5986bf5f68 shader registered for possible reloading: 97dbab5986bf5f68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4A3D0, hash = 97dbab5986bf5f68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4A3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20548, handle = 00000176A1551360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e6ccb48fa1b8f04 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e6ccb48fa1b8f04_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4AC50, hash = 3e6ccb48fa1b8f04 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4AC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20604, handle = 00000176A14B70F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 773b6029b28a2c1e shader registered for possible reloading: 773b6029b28a2c1e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E47150, hash = 773b6029b28a2c1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E47150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18796, handle = 00000176A1539D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01f331df8ce5c9a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 01f331df8ce5c9a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4A510, hash = 01f331df8ce5c9a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4A510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18852, handle = 00000176A14A45E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 05e9c8eae7a8f04d shader registered for possible reloading: 05e9c8eae7a8f04d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45910, hash = 05e9c8eae7a8f04d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18748, handle = 00000176A153E6C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 346f42c60e74bdb4 shader registered for possible reloading: 346f42c60e74bdb4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45A50, hash = 346f42c60e74bdb4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18804, handle = 00000176A1514A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d8b41f51bc9d3b4 shader registered for possible reloading: 9d8b41f51bc9d3b4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45D50, hash = 9d8b41f51bc9d3b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 75124, handle = 00000176A14C6080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee4ad981ad12de45 shader registered for possible reloading: ee4ad981ad12de45_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E45ED0, hash = ee4ad981ad12de45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E45ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 75200, handle = 00000176A14FE500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5fa699e316edec7 shader registered for possible reloading: f5fa699e316edec7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E47450, hash = f5fa699e316edec7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E47450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 75076, handle = 00000176A1644510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4837258acb8e96a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 4837258acb8e96a9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E46490, hash = 4837258acb8e96a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E46490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 75152, handle = 00000176A1484540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3cf1a82252a1c69 shader registered for possible reloading: a3cf1a82252a1c69_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E47B90, hash = a3cf1a82252a1c69 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E47B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21220, handle = 00000176A157CDA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 592bd30ccb3229a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 592bd30ccb3229a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E46010, hash = 592bd30ccb3229a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E46010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21276, handle = 00000176A1568AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb60e15d4d17ec3e shader registered for possible reloading: fb60e15d4d17ec3e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E465D0, hash = fb60e15d4d17ec3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E465D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21172, handle = 00000176A1630880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ad4d8c68d8e1882 shader registered for possible reloading: 4ad4d8c68d8e1882_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E475D0, hash = 4ad4d8c68d8e1882 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E475D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21228, handle = 00000176A163F210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a521a4adb4bcedef shader registered for possible reloading: a521a4adb4bcedef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E48150, hash = a521a4adb4bcedef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E48150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19420, handle = 00000176A147B2C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0a5f8fb6310c9ff shader registered for possible reloading: e0a5f8fb6310c9ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E48290, hash = e0a5f8fb6310c9ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E48290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19476, handle = 00000176A1547B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 802d1e187c828f77 shader registered for possible reloading: 802d1e187c828f77_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4DE90, hash = 802d1e187c828f77 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4DE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19372, handle = 00000176A14F9940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0fd08b67aa7de621 shader registered for possible reloading: 0fd08b67aa7de621_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4E010, hash = 0fd08b67aa7de621 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4E010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19428, handle = 00000176A1530630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25dfe1acdd3ba315 shader registered for possible reloading: 25dfe1acdd3ba315_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E50110, hash = 25dfe1acdd3ba315 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E50110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74940, handle = 00000176A158ACB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62844feaaf94aa91 shader registered for possible reloading: 62844feaaf94aa91_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4DA50, hash = 62844feaaf94aa91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4DA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74996, handle = 00000176A15193C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c3a290d9e6c0f58 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c3a290d9e6c0f58_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E50F90, hash = 4c3a290d9e6c0f58 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E50F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74892, handle = 00000176A1464080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5135001370ebf7ed shader registered for possible reloading: 5135001370ebf7ed_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4F2D0, hash = 5135001370ebf7ed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4F2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 74948, handle = 00000176A15F8410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1097603d0f6792ba shader registered for possible reloading: 1097603d0f6792ba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4E750, hash = 1097603d0f6792ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4E750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 75476, handle = 00000176A159D180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ec07af463344684 shader registered for possible reloading: 7ec07af463344684_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4FCD0, hash = 7ec07af463344684 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4FCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 75532, handle = 00000176A167A990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65dce361fcb611b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 65dce361fcb611b5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4D490, hash = 65dce361fcb611b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4D490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 75428, handle = 00000176A15E24E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea883d7c6c723c88 shader registered for possible reloading: ea883d7c6c723c88_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4EE90, hash = ea883d7c6c723c88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4EE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 75484, handle = 00000176A15563B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 167829ef58cdd489 shader registered for possible reloading: 167829ef58cdd489_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4DBD0, hash = 167829ef58cdd489 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4DBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7928, handle = 00000176A1381E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e59d0b05491d68ce shader registered for possible reloading: e59d0b05491d68ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E4F890, hash = e59d0b05491d68ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4F890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6188, handle = 00000176A0E7C190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01d0d785cfcae1aa shader registered for possible reloading: 01d0d785cfcae1aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E50290, hash = 01d0d785cfcae1aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E50290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5712, handle = 00000176A0F11D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f489cb0a67d87f93 shader registered for possible reloading: f489cb0a67d87f93_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4E190, hash = f489cb0a67d87f93 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4E190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7540, handle = 00000176A0F10010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e3160714f49dbe2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e3160714f49dbe2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E50C90, hash = 3e3160714f49dbe2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E50C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5760, handle = 00000176A13AA060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8d4528b79ac0e2e2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8d4528b79ac0e2e2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4FB50, hash = 8d4528b79ac0e2e2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4FB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7816, handle = 00000176A1413830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2698700f0d33f2c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 2698700f0d33f2c9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4ED10, hash = 2698700f0d33f2c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4ED10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7872, handle = 00000176A140AA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 332b0c970f7b7063 shader registered for possible reloading: 332b0c970f7b7063_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4F450, hash = 332b0c970f7b7063 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4F450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9648, handle = 00000176A1411270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a88c493302fcb04 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a88c493302fcb04_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E50B50, hash = 0a88c493302fcb04 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E50B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9704, handle = 00000176A133A8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35435048329feee3 shader registered for possible reloading: 35435048329feee3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4E310, hash = 35435048329feee3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4E310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7864, handle = 00000176A13A81A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0cc6fd7f051e7d0a shader registered for possible reloading: 0cc6fd7f051e7d0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4FA10, hash = 0cc6fd7f051e7d0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4FA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7920, handle = 00000176A134A1B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08a45c6d7ced53c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 08a45c6d7ced53c1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4BAD0, hash = 08a45c6d7ced53c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4BAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5748, handle = 00000176A1300AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1f33c1a568938b7 shader registered for possible reloading: a1f33c1a568938b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4FE50, hash = a1f33c1a568938b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4FE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8444, handle = 00000176A13C5A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07e2fecc8e57c682 shader registered for possible reloading: 07e2fecc8e57c682_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4B650, hash = 07e2fecc8e57c682 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4B650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8500, handle = 00000176A13BB140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88f0d5f059e94f0e shader registered for possible reloading: 88f0d5f059e94f0e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4BD90, hash = 88f0d5f059e94f0e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4BD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16744, handle = 00000176A132F350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e309df2bc2d44ae shader registered for possible reloading: 3e309df2bc2d44ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4E450, hash = 3e309df2bc2d44ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4E450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16840, handle = 00000176A13FF890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 00e2b706179ba93a shader registered for possible reloading: 00e2b706179ba93a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4CD50, hash = 00e2b706179ba93a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4CD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18548, handle = 00000176A131F750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e480d21144ae8cdd shader registered for possible reloading: e480d21144ae8cdd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E509D0, hash = e480d21144ae8cdd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E509D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18644, handle = 00000176A136A2A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dac0074a09306371 shader registered for possible reloading: dac0074a09306371_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4E5D0, hash = dac0074a09306371 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4E5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16780, handle = 00000176A13A1450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 627acb2a399b4339 shader registered for possible reloading: 627acb2a399b4339_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4C1D0, hash = 627acb2a399b4339 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4C1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16876, handle = 00000176A138E5E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a15b0ca1ac41ec9 shader registered for possible reloading: 1a15b0ca1ac41ec9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4E8D0, hash = 1a15b0ca1ac41ec9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4E8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18700, handle = 00000176A13B06E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2dad7c9d4644f70c shader registered for possible reloading: 2dad7c9d4644f70c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4B7D0, hash = 2dad7c9d4644f70c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4B7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18796, handle = 00000176A1394EF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 570c1ff7b12857ae shader registered for possible reloading: 570c1ff7b12857ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4D8D0, hash = 570c1ff7b12857ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4D8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20508, handle = 00000176A135D170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ab57ff36f548be8 shader registered for possible reloading: 5ab57ff36f548be8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4D610, hash = 5ab57ff36f548be8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4D610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20604, handle = 00000176A13DE0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86cbbcc6ad3a8f42 shader registered for possible reloading: 86cbbcc6ad3a8f42_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4EA10, hash = 86cbbcc6ad3a8f42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4EA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18736, handle = 00000176A13334C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34e1a680c6d74760 shader registered for possible reloading: 34e1a680c6d74760_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4DD50, hash = 34e1a680c6d74760 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4DD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18832, handle = 00000176A12F99C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99eb3a6d7f06ed0e shader registered for possible reloading: 99eb3a6d7f06ed0e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E50590, hash = 99eb3a6d7f06ed0e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E50590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16780, handle = 00000176A141A060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae389db747ba73cb shader registered for possible reloading: ae389db747ba73cb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4D310, hash = ae389db747ba73cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4D310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16876, handle = 00000176A1403A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd7e6d2daf27f0b7 shader registered for possible reloading: cd7e6d2daf27f0b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E506D0, hash = cd7e6d2daf27f0b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E506D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18736, handle = 00000176A140C930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6b7501ceef66b69 shader registered for possible reloading: b6b7501ceef66b69_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E50850, hash = b6b7501ceef66b69 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E50850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18832, handle = 00000176A14156C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d731e5142565f4ec shader registered for possible reloading: d731e5142565f4ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4C350, hash = d731e5142565f4ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4C350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6640, handle = 00000176A12A8540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78dcefe23f231f7b shader registered for possible reloading: 78dcefe23f231f7b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E4EB90, hash = 78dcefe23f231f7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4EB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 00000176A0F87AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee6a05493a0476a3 shader registered for possible reloading: ee6a05493a0476a3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E4C090, hash = ee6a05493a0476a3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4C090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6804, handle = 00000176A12C77E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad5dc3c26685d77b shader registered for possible reloading: ad5dc3c26685d77b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E4B950, hash = ad5dc3c26685d77b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4B950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5176, handle = 00000176A1170D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f58e21ee16b541bd shader registered for possible reloading: f58e21ee16b541bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E4BF10, hash = f58e21ee16b541bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4BF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7928, handle = 00000176A1290B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e59d0b05491d68ce shader registered for possible reloading: e59d0b05491d68ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E4B510, hash = e59d0b05491d68ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4B510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6188, handle = 00000176A125A540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01d0d785cfcae1aa shader registered for possible reloading: 01d0d785cfcae1aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E50E10, hash = 01d0d785cfcae1aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E50E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5968, handle = 00000176A1296940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1db509190730c122 shader registered for possible reloading: 1db509190730c122_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4BC10, hash = 1db509190730c122 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4BC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7828, handle = 00000176A13B5630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b464d5975d8b4155 shader registered for possible reloading: b464d5975d8b4155_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4C4D0, hash = b464d5975d8b4155 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4C4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6044, handle = 00000176A11DCEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed1a4c364b3239f0 shader registered for possible reloading: ed1a4c364b3239f0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4C790, hash = ed1a4c364b3239f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4C790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176A12B4CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9945a53233d0654 shader registered for possible reloading: e9945a53233d0654_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4EFD0, hash = e9945a53233d0654 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4EFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9300, handle = 00000176A12AEB90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c533aa16ba99d3ff shader registered for possible reloading: c533aa16ba99d3ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4C650, hash = c533aa16ba99d3ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4C650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A134CA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f062118c917a84b7 shader registered for possible reloading: f062118c917a84b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4F150, hash = f062118c917a84b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4F150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6000, handle = 00000176A13C8A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37c5e3997ab38944 shader registered for possible reloading: 37c5e3997ab38944_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4C910, hash = 37c5e3997ab38944 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4C910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8076, handle = 00000176A137FEC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b03551d85842ca34 shader registered for possible reloading: b03551d85842ca34_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4CA90, hash = b03551d85842ca34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4CA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15384, handle = 00000176A1317450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f47d4d53ca47341c shader registered for possible reloading: f47d4d53ca47341c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4F710, hash = f47d4d53ca47341c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4F710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15440, handle = 00000176A130E700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e197c0ccac35d451 shader registered for possible reloading: e197c0ccac35d451_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4CC10, hash = e197c0ccac35d451 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4CC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17220, handle = 00000176A13C1700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4fd40226007405b shader registered for possible reloading: b4fd40226007405b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4CED0, hash = b4fd40226007405b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4CED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17276, handle = 00000176A13E72A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 11755aaa4f3d0d31 shader registered for possible reloading: 11755aaa4f3d0d31_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4D050, hash = 11755aaa4f3d0d31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4D050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15452, handle = 00000176A13B74D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a91a3a83a875414 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a91a3a83a875414_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4D1D0, hash = 9a91a3a83a875414 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4D1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15508, handle = 00000176A13D6370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4d52502521d2e4b shader registered for possible reloading: e4d52502521d2e4b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E4D790, hash = e4d52502521d2e4b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E4D790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15420, handle = 00000176A13EFF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9bd5a319a9cf1af shader registered for possible reloading: f9bd5a319a9cf1af_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E56010, hash = f9bd5a319a9cf1af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15476, handle = 00000176A13E3620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a404a60187870d1b shader registered for possible reloading: a404a60187870d1b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E544D0, hash = a404a60187870d1b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E544D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17184, handle = 00000176A12B9490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae02ed7e97121a88 shader registered for possible reloading: ae02ed7e97121a88_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E52690, hash = ae02ed7e97121a88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E52690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15468, handle = 00000176A1302280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df35432d37f0457e shader registered for possible reloading: df35432d37f0457e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E562D0, hash = df35432d37f0457e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E562D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18308, handle = 00000176A1305F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22c87531896d9e66 shader registered for possible reloading: 22c87531896d9e66_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E55D10, hash = 22c87531896d9e66 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16480, handle = 00000176A130A690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e1e469a25febf4d shader registered for possible reloading: 2e1e469a25febf4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E51F50, hash = 2e1e469a25febf4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E51F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13828, handle = 00000176A13BE0F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c8f716168534450 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c8f716168534450_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E53390, hash = 9c8f716168534450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E53390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15664, handle = 00000176A131BA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 889f8048474ff805 shader registered for possible reloading: 889f8048474ff805_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E52F10, hash = 889f8048474ff805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E52F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13860, handle = 00000176A1001440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78c025f81e058009 shader registered for possible reloading: 78c025f81e058009_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E54D50, hash = 78c025f81e058009 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E54D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14748, handle = 00000176A1342740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 866a412738d554db shader registered for possible reloading: 866a412738d554db_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E565D0, hash = 866a412738d554db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E565D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16584, handle = 00000176A139A890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9386c3d8143462d shader registered for possible reloading: a9386c3d8143462d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E55750, hash = a9386c3d8143462d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14780, handle = 00000176A13570C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8c967eec780991b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c967eec780991b8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E53950, hash = 8c967eec780991b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E53950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14176, handle = 00000176A13DA930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7777234f24b6c339 shader registered for possible reloading: 7777234f24b6c339_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E51DD0, hash = 7777234f24b6c339 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E51DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15496, handle = 00000176A13CA2F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 328a1a9cfd075528 shader registered for possible reloading: 328a1a9cfd075528_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E51C90, hash = 328a1a9cfd075528 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E51C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16568, handle = 00000176A13460F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37a7db5510495176 shader registered for possible reloading: 37a7db5510495176_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E51250, hash = 37a7db5510495176 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E51250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16532, handle = 00000176A134E830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6e1df8a2200946f shader registered for possible reloading: f6e1df8a2200946f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E53A90, hash = f6e1df8a2200946f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E53A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18400, handle = 00000176A13528D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b76bcbf0103dd16c shader registered for possible reloading: b76bcbf0103dd16c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E53F10, hash = b76bcbf0103dd16c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E53F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18364, handle = 00000176A1312C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8a30346a3ef97b0 shader registered for possible reloading: d8a30346a3ef97b0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E541D0, hash = d8a30346a3ef97b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E541D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16600, handle = 00000176A13CDF80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f24df79714b88d7 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f24df79714b88d7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E51110, hash = 8f24df79714b88d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E51110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16564, handle = 00000176A13F4670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d585d859d8c5172 shader registered for possible reloading: 4d585d859d8c5172_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E51550, hash = 4d585d859d8c5172 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E51550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17192, handle = 00000176A13F8730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = afa70656a071efc8 shader registered for possible reloading: afa70656a071efc8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E54ED0, hash = afa70656a071efc8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E54ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17156, handle = 00000176A13D2060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 098b09dd6f9fe1d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 098b09dd6f9fe1d8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E55490, hash = 098b09dd6f9fe1d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19024, handle = 00000176A1376A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0af9900b8f57f660 shader registered for possible reloading: 0af9900b8f57f660_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E52950, hash = 0af9900b8f57f660 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E52950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18988, handle = 00000176A137B480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 342c8a669cef70ac shader registered for possible reloading: 342c8a669cef70ac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E56190, hash = 342c8a669cef70ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17224, handle = 00000176A13284E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bb77f08fbe5a88c shader registered for possible reloading: 1bb77f08fbe5a88c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E55050, hash = 1bb77f08fbe5a88c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17188, handle = 00000176A13AC3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98f18306dcbbc525 shader registered for possible reloading: 98f18306dcbbc525_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E55190, hash = 98f18306dcbbc525 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16912, handle = 00000176A1372800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d31bd2739ce48884 shader registered for possible reloading: d31bd2739ce48884_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E520D0, hash = d31bd2739ce48884 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E520D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16876, handle = 00000176A133E540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8bbd336f295509a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8bbd336f295509a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E52250, hash = 8bbd336f295509a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E52250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17540, handle = 00000176A13EBAA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cab483a1379d4f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 1cab483a1379d4f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E56450, hash = 1cab483a1379d4f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17504, handle = 00000176A13844F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a10cd308ed83be84 shader registered for possible reloading: a10cd308ed83be84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E52DD0, hash = a10cd308ed83be84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E52DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A0C35ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b00698355c6bbf6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E52AD0, hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E52AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A0F0E340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 896d836e4bc38513 shader registered for possible reloading: 896d836e4bc38513_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E53D90, hash = 896d836e4bc38513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E53D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2300, handle = 00000176A0C0C7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d shader registered for possible reloading: 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E54BD0, hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E54BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A0C0AA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 435eb788190e93fe shader registered for possible reloading: 435eb788190e93fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E52510, hash = 435eb788190e93fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E52510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7164, handle = 00000176A12891F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 shader registered for possible reloading: 96c9d66e5f68d745_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E56750, hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7332, handle = 00000176A1271CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 shader registered for possible reloading: 78419f9aacae6ac2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E56890, hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2172, handle = 00000176A0B553A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2128f8af8f55a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E55310, hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2348, handle = 00000176A0F7AE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fcc315619520c1e shader registered for possible reloading: 4fcc315619520c1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E52810, hash = 4fcc315619520c1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E52810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7212, handle = 00000176A1298E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd5547126858bce0 shader registered for possible reloading: bd5547126858bce0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E55A50, hash = bd5547126858bce0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7380, handle = 00000176A12858F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c shader registered for possible reloading: 4e7133c6bebefa7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E56A10, hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2148, handle = 00000176A0EA0E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 shader registered for possible reloading: d74c8b665c4c83f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E51B10, hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E51B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2324, handle = 00000176A10EE560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d74197d5e9dbd44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E55610, hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7188, handle = 00000176A12875D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c3b20db7fb4ea91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E558D0, hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E558D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7356, handle = 00000176A1270010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 shader registered for possible reloading: f3c462e3e3c27641_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E56B90, hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2196, handle = 00000176A0EF5BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f0d6cbacc4bce60_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E54610, hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E54610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2372, handle = 00000176A0D45A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e shader registered for possible reloading: 41cf13dbf3c2367e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E513D0, hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E513D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7236, handle = 00000176A11E4220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4e179db3798a00f shader registered for possible reloading: b4e179db3798a00f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E55BD0, hash = b4e179db3798a00f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7404, handle = 00000176A12ACE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 shader registered for possible reloading: b935dfe9f51176b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E55E90, hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E55E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1844, handle = 00000176A06FB410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 shader registered for possible reloading: 6080b0f0290a8776_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E53090, hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E53090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176A11C94C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6d86041ee6068ac shader registered for possible reloading: a6d86041ee6068ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E516D0, hash = a6d86041ee6068ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E516D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2020, handle = 00000176A0B69DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e27589d17ecceed shader registered for possible reloading: 8e27589d17ecceed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E51810, hash = 8e27589d17ecceed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E51810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A128AE00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0e66468f874b82b shader registered for possible reloading: d0e66468f874b82b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E52C50, hash = d0e66468f874b82b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E52C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7168, handle = 00000176A128EEF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E53210, hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E53210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 00000176A0F54F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72c3853eed25f3d shader registered for possible reloading: c72c3853eed25f3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E53650, hash = c72c3853eed25f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E53650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 00000176A08E0670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18944063f61adf0c shader registered for possible reloading: 18944063f61adf0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E537D0, hash = 18944063f61adf0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E537D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176A1292D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b shader registered for possible reloading: edf7a0cbf9e7730b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E51990, hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E51990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 00000176A0BA89F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 shader registered for possible reloading: bcf4218a2ca0dfd6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E53C10, hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E53C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A12B1080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a343fdb20e033805 shader registered for possible reloading: a343fdb20e033805_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E54050, hash = a343fdb20e033805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E54050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176A0EB93C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 shader registered for possible reloading: ec389e2d99b0b6a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E54350, hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E54350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A1273990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 shader registered for possible reloading: a3e729a1960e2f35_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E54790, hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E54790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8224, handle = 00000176A12A3CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92b8e46ff61345e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 92b8e46ff61345e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E54910, hash = 92b8e46ff61345e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E54910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11068, handle = 00000176A12778B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85fa8a63ad9ee0a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 85fa8a63ad9ee0a5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E54A90, hash = 85fa8a63ad9ee0a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E54A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10212, handle = 00000176A0EFB250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 988b5abc9235632f shader registered for possible reloading: 988b5abc9235632f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E589D0, hash = 988b5abc9235632f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E589D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8292, handle = 00000176A10D87E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb60004ae6de5144 shader registered for possible reloading: cb60004ae6de5144_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E572D0, hash = cb60004ae6de5144 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E572D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11220, handle = 00000176A129EA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6066fec68ea4c9a shader registered for possible reloading: f6066fec68ea4c9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E59690, hash = f6066fec68ea4c9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E59690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10280, handle = 00000176A1201CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85b19b0bd867d085 shader registered for possible reloading: 85b19b0bd867d085_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E57E50, hash = 85b19b0bd867d085 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E57E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8248, handle = 00000176A129AA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 429d46d8c31910ee shader registered for possible reloading: 429d46d8c31910ee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E58F90, hash = 429d46d8c31910ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E58F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11076, handle = 00000176A0F782F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 434f3b3bf4fff168 shader registered for possible reloading: 434f3b3bf4fff168_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E57CD0, hash = 434f3b3bf4fff168 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E57CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10236, handle = 00000176A1280B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ef23a3dda8b739d shader registered for possible reloading: 4ef23a3dda8b739d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E57150, hash = 4ef23a3dda8b739d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E57150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8316, handle = 00000176A11DF3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf610959cd49c4ce shader registered for possible reloading: bf610959cd49c4ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E57710, hash = bf610959cd49c4ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E57710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11228, handle = 00000176A11229F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db8f18b55da8d96a shader registered for possible reloading: db8f18b55da8d96a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E579D0, hash = db8f18b55da8d96a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E579D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10304, handle = 00000176A12AA640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6211710fdc0033ef shader registered for possible reloading: 6211710fdc0033ef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E58410, hash = 6211710fdc0033ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E58410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A127A400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f9991b33d7675d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f9991b33d7675d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E59810, hash = 3f9991b33d7675d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E59810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10120, handle = 00000176A107EC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bdd2bbec8c1a9cc9 shader registered for possible reloading: bdd2bbec8c1a9cc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E58B10, hash = bdd2bbec8c1a9cc9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E58B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9676, handle = 00000176A1283310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41ff3c0334b91aa2 shader registered for possible reloading: 41ff3c0334b91aa2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E57410, hash = 41ff3c0334b91aa2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E57410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7500, handle = 00000176A11DB140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56456d2dd89c5786 shader registered for possible reloading: 56456d2dd89c5786_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E590D0, hash = 56456d2dd89c5786 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E590D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10288, handle = 00000176A12A5D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d288645e82eb402 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d288645e82eb402_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E56D10, hash = 3d288645e82eb402 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9752, handle = 00000176A127E4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce01b8d1067a8e24 shader registered for possible reloading: ce01b8d1067a8e24_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E57590, hash = ce01b8d1067a8e24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E57590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7996, handle = 00000176A12949F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3ee47dd1be6f303 shader registered for possible reloading: c3ee47dd1be6f303_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E57890, hash = c3ee47dd1be6f303 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E57890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9704, handle = 00000176A107C680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fe8e0478d69093c shader registered for possible reloading: 4fe8e0478d69093c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E58850, hash = 4fe8e0478d69093c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E58850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9080, handle = 00000176A1204510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eea661739ea87499 shader registered for possible reloading: eea661739ea87499_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E58290, hash = eea661739ea87499 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E58290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8064, handle = 00000176A12585B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61eacf3c91b260c8 shader registered for possible reloading: 61eacf3c91b260c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E58C90, hash = 61eacf3c91b260c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E58C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9856, handle = 00000176A1044E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dca04ed8961a6cd0 shader registered for possible reloading: dca04ed8961a6cd0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E57F90, hash = dca04ed8961a6cd0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E57F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9148, handle = 00000176A127C110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c324bb869376b8a1 shader registered for possible reloading: c324bb869376b8a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E59990, hash = c324bb869376b8a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E59990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8020, handle = 00000176A12B2D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e40dfdaf99f33184 shader registered for possible reloading: e40dfdaf99f33184_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E58E10, hash = e40dfdaf99f33184 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E58E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9712, handle = 00000176A125C800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b83cd4853aa06f25 shader registered for possible reloading: b83cd4853aa06f25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E57B50, hash = b83cd4853aa06f25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E57B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9104, handle = 00000176A10EC1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2cc2726c3aa99577 shader registered for possible reloading: 2cc2726c3aa99577_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E58110, hash = 2cc2726c3aa99577 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E58110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8088, handle = 00000176A129CAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2dbc6bf9630a0f2e shader registered for possible reloading: 2dbc6bf9630a0f2e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E58550, hash = 2dbc6bf9630a0f2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E58550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9864, handle = 00000176A12A1640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f95d0b93ad83692 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f95d0b93ad83692_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E586D0, hash = 6f95d0b93ad83692 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E586D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9172, handle = 00000176A128CB10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c1d13e0bae21fc8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c1d13e0bae21fc8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E59250, hash = 4c1d13e0bae21fc8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E59250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7260, handle = 00000176A11BBE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd97ff8901358156 shader registered for possible reloading: bd97ff8901358156_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E593D0, hash = bd97ff8901358156 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E593D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9076, handle = 00000176A0F85720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b4bf47a258e616b shader registered for possible reloading: 5b4bf47a258e616b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E59550, hash = 5b4bf47a258e616b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E59550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8632, handle = 00000176A0FBEE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a8afb114c92eb2f shader registered for possible reloading: 7a8afb114c92eb2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E59B10, hash = 7a8afb114c92eb2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E59B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 00000176A0EBB000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caa41487088ac2bd shader registered for possible reloading: caa41487088ac2bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E59C50, hash = caa41487088ac2bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E59C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9244, handle = 00000176A10F4EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d11dc1c7755f8a46 shader registered for possible reloading: d11dc1c7755f8a46_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E59DD0, hash = d11dc1c7755f8a46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E59DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8708, handle = 00000176A0CE65C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf9be6571d7df288 shader registered for possible reloading: cf9be6571d7df288_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E56E50, hash = cf9be6571d7df288 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A0AC9E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E56FD0, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E56FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5940, handle = 00000176A0DF05D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 465112cdcb87d989 shader registered for possible reloading: 465112cdcb87d989_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3E750, hash = 465112cdcb87d989 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3E750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A0A4B3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3BAD0, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3BAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7108, handle = 00000176A12F7DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b758fbf499de54e shader registered for possible reloading: 2b758fbf499de54e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3CC10, hash = 2b758fbf499de54e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3CC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9856, handle = 00000176A12C9A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb31af93ff45316e shader registered for possible reloading: bb31af93ff45316e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3ED10, hash = bb31af93ff45316e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3ED10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8252, handle = 00000176A12BDF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 234418820c67888a shader registered for possible reloading: 234418820c67888a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3BF10, hash = 234418820c67888a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3BF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10456, handle = 00000176A12C2C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 44895f7400924c2f shader registered for possible reloading: 44895f7400924c2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3F2D0, hash = 44895f7400924c2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3F2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8868, handle = 00000176A12B71E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2900b3d88973a501 shader registered for possible reloading: 2900b3d88973a501_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3E490, hash = 2900b3d88973a501 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3E490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10804, handle = 00000176A12DF680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0c7dfe093d47f8d shader registered for possible reloading: e0c7dfe093d47f8d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3B250, hash = e0c7dfe093d47f8d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3B250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8848, handle = 00000176A12C5540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efaeeea043a4ae6a shader registered for possible reloading: efaeeea043a4ae6a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3F450, hash = efaeeea043a4ae6a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3F450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11428, handle = 00000176A12BFFB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e027afff2aa51487 shader registered for possible reloading: e027afff2aa51487_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3DA90, hash = e027afff2aa51487 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3DA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9488, handle = 00000176A12F58D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf396d4637abf6a8 shader registered for possible reloading: bf396d4637abf6a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3E8D0, hash = bf396d4637abf6a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3E8D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79292, handle = 00000176A12CC0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 687f4c6e6528c097 shader registered for possible reloading: 687f4c6e6528c097_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3EA50, hash = 687f4c6e6528c097 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3EA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79872, handle = 00000176A12E20C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4c0660ff77c9cf4 shader registered for possible reloading: e4c0660ff77c9cf4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B3E3C390, hash = e4c0660ff77c9cf4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3C390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5292, handle = 00000176A0DB7D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a66097046bdfd76d shader registered for possible reloading: a66097046bdfd76d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3EBD0, hash = a66097046bdfd76d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3EBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11076, handle = 00000176A113A9D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c30d69905eac552b shader registered for possible reloading: c30d69905eac552b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3F750, hash = c30d69905eac552b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3F750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10292, handle = 00000176A0FCDDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0be7d8e7ecbad2b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 0be7d8e7ecbad2b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3C650, hash = 0be7d8e7ecbad2b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3C650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5360, handle = 00000176A0F5D810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc8f7f8847b6e5b7 shader registered for possible reloading: cc8f7f8847b6e5b7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3F010, hash = cc8f7f8847b6e5b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3F010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11184, handle = 00000176A0F65CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39090ee94c5bc888 shader registered for possible reloading: 39090ee94c5bc888_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3E050, hash = 39090ee94c5bc888 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3E050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10360, handle = 00000176A0FDFEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f7092ccc14a3666 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f7092ccc14a3666_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3EE90, hash = 6f7092ccc14a3666 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3EE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5316, handle = 00000176A0E9F9C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caf6f16e947cc578 shader registered for possible reloading: caf6f16e947cc578_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3F190, hash = caf6f16e947cc578 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3F190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11084, handle = 00000176A10BA8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 597fb1aa3f1391c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 597fb1aa3f1391c2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3DD50, hash = 597fb1aa3f1391c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3DD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10316, handle = 00000176A0F00BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae071f6a0eb32ba1 shader registered for possible reloading: ae071f6a0eb32ba1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3DBD0, hash = ae071f6a0eb32ba1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3DBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5384, handle = 00000176A0E36900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cba28aaa15be213f shader registered for possible reloading: cba28aaa15be213f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3F890, hash = cba28aaa15be213f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3F890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11192, handle = 00000176A0E5FC20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 503d7f2afc67cfe5 shader registered for possible reloading: 503d7f2afc67cfe5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3C090, hash = 503d7f2afc67cfe5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3C090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10384, handle = 00000176A102B330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 732550be8eb3e4b4 shader registered for possible reloading: 732550be8eb3e4b4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3FB90, hash = 732550be8eb3e4b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3FB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4036, handle = 00000176A0F34840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e49f97978174211b shader registered for possible reloading: e49f97978174211b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3D4D0, hash = e49f97978174211b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3D4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9764, handle = 00000176A0D504D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85a9d5f2faa045bc shader registered for possible reloading: 85a9d5f2faa045bc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3A110, hash = 85a9d5f2faa045bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3A110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9320, handle = 00000176A0E6EE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b8c28d20d988e4e shader registered for possible reloading: 7b8c28d20d988e4e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3D050, hash = 7b8c28d20d988e4e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3D050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4624, handle = 00000176A0FAD550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9edcea66043d07b shader registered for possible reloading: f9edcea66043d07b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3DED0, hash = f9edcea66043d07b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3DED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10572, handle = 00000176A1064AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc706ecec8630e54 shader registered for possible reloading: fc706ecec8630e54_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3CD90, hash = fc706ecec8630e54 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3CD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9908, handle = 00000176A0F52850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22a4c2e47dbab572 shader registered for possible reloading: 22a4c2e47dbab572_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3CF10, hash = 22a4c2e47dbab572 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3CF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3924, handle = 00000176A0C14930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac09f894a3b45f12 shader registered for possible reloading: ac09f894a3b45f12_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3A250, hash = ac09f894a3b45f12 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3A250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9208, handle = 00000176A0DD5770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b74bb676165eb7c shader registered for possible reloading: 6b74bb676165eb7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3E190, hash = 6b74bb676165eb7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3E190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3440, handle = 00000176A0F688A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 379d4b3a184c60f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 379d4b3a184c60f9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3A3D0, hash = 379d4b3a184c60f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3A3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8724, handle = 00000176A107A460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a74b27e4c5242f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a74b27e4c5242f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3A550, hash = 4a74b27e4c5242f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3A550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4152, handle = 00000176A0E89230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c7478d33166a24d shader registered for possible reloading: 4c7478d33166a24d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3C210, hash = 4c7478d33166a24d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3C210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9436, handle = 00000176A1084A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69926dfeee184304 shader registered for possible reloading: 69926dfeee184304_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3D1D0, hash = 69926dfeee184304 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3D1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4176, handle = 00000176A0E165D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 822b20dda8ddb3bb shader registered for possible reloading: 822b20dda8ddb3bb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3A6D0, hash = 822b20dda8ddb3bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3A6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9460, handle = 00000176A116AC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36db8a27b1b0e17b shader registered for possible reloading: 36db8a27b1b0e17b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3A810, hash = 36db8a27b1b0e17b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3A810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4152, handle = 00000176A0EBCEF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f97b4e41639a7b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f97b4e41639a7b5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3AB10, hash = 0f97b4e41639a7b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3AB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9436, handle = 00000176A0FD0610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 227438768a86b21e shader registered for possible reloading: 227438768a86b21e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3C7D0, hash = 227438768a86b21e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3C7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3372, handle = 00000176A0A4A680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6756e29ee557fdd3 shader registered for possible reloading: 6756e29ee557fdd3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3E310, hash = 6756e29ee557fdd3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3E310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8656, handle = 00000176A0ED1920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9fd3a3781f07d300 shader registered for possible reloading: 9fd3a3781f07d300_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3C950, hash = 9fd3a3781f07d300 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3C950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5520, handle = 00000176A102DBD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4abcdc4731e9a53 shader registered for possible reloading: f4abcdc4731e9a53_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3A990, hash = f4abcdc4731e9a53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3A990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12412, handle = 00000176A0F5A780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06001dbf9acb64f6 shader registered for possible reloading: 06001dbf9acb64f6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3D350, hash = 06001dbf9acb64f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3D350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11424, handle = 00000176A0FAFD70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea2e463b7f13452d shader registered for possible reloading: ea2e463b7f13452d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3AC90, hash = ea2e463b7f13452d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3AC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5588, handle = 00000176A0E627E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f70b9238ca145f2f shader registered for possible reloading: f70b9238ca145f2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3D610, hash = f70b9238ca145f2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3D610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12564, handle = 00000176A0E9C8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9193d0ce506d577f shader registered for possible reloading: 9193d0ce506d577f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3ADD0, hash = 9193d0ce506d577f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3ADD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11492, handle = 00000176A0F88E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ca17b535984f398 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ca17b535984f398_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3B510, hash = 0ca17b535984f398 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3B510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5544, handle = 00000176A0EDBB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd18e58c7de042b1 shader registered for possible reloading: fd18e58c7de042b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3AF50, hash = fd18e58c7de042b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3AF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12420, handle = 00000176A0EFDB50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9dd9534227ea5c6b shader registered for possible reloading: 9dd9534227ea5c6b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3D790, hash = 9dd9534227ea5c6b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3D790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11448, handle = 00000176A0ED8E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e118814b86d5bf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 1e118814b86d5bf8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3D910, hash = 1e118814b86d5bf8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3D910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5612, handle = 00000176A0FAE770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c8f97d1a1b45ac1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c8f97d1a1b45ac1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3B0D0, hash = 3c8f97d1a1b45ac1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3B0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12572, handle = 00000176A0EF1A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 305bb8a7d983ebbd shader registered for possible reloading: 305bb8a7d983ebbd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3B390, hash = 305bb8a7d983ebbd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3B390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11516, handle = 00000176A119F270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d5f3864916e64e3a shader registered for possible reloading: d5f3864916e64e3a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3B690, hash = d5f3864916e64e3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3B690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4200, handle = 00000176A0EF4B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d5db0511ce6ae5a shader registered for possible reloading: 5d5db0511ce6ae5a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3BC50, hash = 5d5db0511ce6ae5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3BC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10808, handle = 00000176A10423F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db5138961f975498 shader registered for possible reloading: db5138961f975498_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3B810, hash = db5138961f975498 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3B810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10364, handle = 00000176A0F31FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43d3f687c0d51616 shader registered for possible reloading: 43d3f687c0d51616_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3B950, hash = 43d3f687c0d51616 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3B950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4788, handle = 00000176A116D160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 973a5af5e871c964 shader registered for possible reloading: 973a5af5e871c964_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B3E3BDD0, hash = 973a5af5e871c964 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B3E3BDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11616, handle = 00000176A1125600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 351c421dc16c884a shader registered for possible reloading: 351c421dc16c884a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BEC50, hash = 351c421dc16c884a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BEC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10952, handle = 00000176A0ECEE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7f152b0ce110475 shader registered for possible reloading: d7f152b0ce110475_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BED90, hash = d7f152b0ce110475 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BED90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4088, handle = 00000176A1128370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97dc4c5accf9e392 shader registered for possible reloading: 97dc4c5accf9e392_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BB150, hash = 97dc4c5accf9e392 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BB150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10252, handle = 00000176A0FB2A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ca76a476c67083d shader registered for possible reloading: 8ca76a476c67083d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C0050, hash = 8ca76a476c67083d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C0050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3604, handle = 00000176A1087FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de6cf509ceb4cb66 shader registered for possible reloading: de6cf509ceb4cb66_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BBF90, hash = de6cf509ceb4cb66 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BBF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9768, handle = 00000176A0E7EA70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5933ca88b6356895 shader registered for possible reloading: 5933ca88b6356895_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BE390, hash = 5933ca88b6356895 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BE390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4368, handle = 00000176A1049FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4efa874632aa1105 shader registered for possible reloading: 4efa874632aa1105_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BE950, hash = 4efa874632aa1105 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BE950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10532, handle = 00000176A11A80C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58a6e9cd7a46462a shader registered for possible reloading: 58a6e9cd7a46462a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BFD90, hash = 58a6e9cd7a46462a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BFD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4392, handle = 00000176A0F03440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 628aadf8c5aa0d6a shader registered for possible reloading: 628aadf8c5aa0d6a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BB590, hash = 628aadf8c5aa0d6a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BB590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10556, handle = 00000176A0E71290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6b0b11c4114622c shader registered for possible reloading: b6b0b11c4114622c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BC850, hash = b6b0b11c4114622c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BC850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4316, handle = 00000176A1067440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd560772889091a5 shader registered for possible reloading: fd560772889091a5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BDDD0, hash = fd560772889091a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BDDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10480, handle = 00000176A116E420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a7adcd01f238694 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a7adcd01f238694_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BB2D0, hash = 8a7adcd01f238694 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BB2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3536, handle = 00000176A102F170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd7d9ec60df3296f shader registered for possible reloading: dd7d9ec60df3296f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BBE50, hash = dd7d9ec60df3296f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BBE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9700, handle = 00000176A10479D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6942dff2c18ef0f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6942dff2c18ef0f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BC110, hash = 6942dff2c18ef0f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BC110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 608, handle = 00000176A0E52BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 520c55e93fb875d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C0610, hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C0610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6836, handle = 00000176A0F914F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fc588de924b316e shader registered for possible reloading: 4fc588de924b316e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BC410, hash = 4fc588de924b316e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BC410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 644, handle = 00000176A037FD50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8592ee068f0e4db1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BC550, hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BC550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8384, handle = 00000176A11E2150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38e4792f644e058e shader registered for possible reloading: 38e4792f644e058e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BB410, hash = 38e4792f644e058e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BB410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13824, handle = 00000176A123F3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a81608a544b061b8 shader registered for possible reloading: a81608a544b061b8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BEAD0, hash = a81608a544b061b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BEAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14024, handle = 00000176A11EF440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 660b7cfe059b5411 shader registered for possible reloading: 660b7cfe059b5411_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BE210, hash = 660b7cfe059b5411 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BE210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11696, handle = 00000176A1226F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 155259b5f17080f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 155259b5f17080f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BDF50, hash = 155259b5f17080f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BDF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11868, handle = 00000176A11FBB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93e398f8a7b1339d shader registered for possible reloading: 93e398f8a7b1339d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BC9D0, hash = 93e398f8a7b1339d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BC9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21852, handle = 00000176A12219F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0be90a4394ff7b9d shader registered for possible reloading: 0be90a4394ff7b9d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BB710, hash = 0be90a4394ff7b9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BB710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22056, handle = 00000176A1229D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0de6fdfa9020a994 shader registered for possible reloading: 0de6fdfa9020a994_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C0490, hash = 0de6fdfa9020a994 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C0490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19648, handle = 00000176A124DB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e159873a59c04a31 shader registered for possible reloading: e159873a59c04a31_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BC290, hash = e159873a59c04a31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BC290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19820, handle = 00000176A121CC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 23dd85029dbd7b8c shader registered for possible reloading: 23dd85029dbd7b8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BC6D0, hash = 23dd85029dbd7b8c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BC6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14872, handle = 00000176A11E6D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf20598bc3da98dc shader registered for possible reloading: cf20598bc3da98dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C0790, hash = cf20598bc3da98dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C0790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15072, handle = 00000176A1252840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0078ba824b6d7195 shader registered for possible reloading: 0078ba824b6d7195_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BAD10, hash = 0078ba824b6d7195 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BAD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13060, handle = 00000176A11FE9D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e82def9ecb2d0bef shader registered for possible reloading: e82def9ecb2d0bef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BFA90, hash = e82def9ecb2d0bef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BFA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13232, handle = 00000176A11BE960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61c649fb4aa14967 shader registered for possible reloading: 61c649fb4aa14967_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BCB10, hash = 61c649fb4aa14967 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BCB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22888, handle = 00000176A0F8BB80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e10548a58de917b7 shader registered for possible reloading: e10548a58de917b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BD3D0, hash = e10548a58de917b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BD3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23060, handle = 00000176A11F6140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d32487c70c2cbe69 shader registered for possible reloading: d32487c70c2cbe69_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BEF10, hash = d32487c70c2cbe69 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BEF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20952, handle = 00000176A120A1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ea0ff1db123709c shader registered for possible reloading: 0ea0ff1db123709c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BF090, hash = 0ea0ff1db123709c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BF090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21124, handle = 00000176A12179E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2413d4657cdfaf15 shader registered for possible reloading: 2413d4657cdfaf15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BCC90, hash = 2413d4657cdfaf15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BCC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14388, handle = 00000176A1206990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dca6520b5355eb42 shader registered for possible reloading: dca6520b5355eb42_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BF210, hash = dca6520b5355eb42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BF210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14588, handle = 00000176A11C1D20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6daedcf09e819670 shader registered for possible reloading: 6daedcf09e819670_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BCE10, hash = 6daedcf09e819670 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BCE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11732, handle = 00000176A11CB790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db36de9ecb214de0 shader registered for possible reloading: db36de9ecb214de0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BFC10, hash = db36de9ecb214de0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BFC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11904, handle = 00000176A1214B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2797a59234ba65f shader registered for possible reloading: d2797a59234ba65f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BBCD0, hash = d2797a59234ba65f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BBCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22416, handle = 00000176A120F3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6898468fe7e67abc shader registered for possible reloading: 6898468fe7e67abc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BCF90, hash = 6898468fe7e67abc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BCF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22620, handle = 00000176A11D1AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b19d76e57179aef shader registered for possible reloading: 0b19d76e57179aef_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BE0D0, hash = 0b19d76e57179aef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BE0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19684, handle = 00000176A11EA750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2e72fe8472b3367 shader registered for possible reloading: d2e72fe8472b3367_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BF650, hash = d2e72fe8472b3367 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BF650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19856, handle = 00000176A122F350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b275bff77b345e4 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b275bff77b345e4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BD550, hash = 1b275bff77b345e4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BD550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15828, handle = 00000176A11D7360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97138abf8032cce5 shader registered for possible reloading: 97138abf8032cce5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C01D0, hash = 97138abf8032cce5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C01D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16000, handle = 00000176A11C5630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0752a352adcbc4a shader registered for possible reloading: f0752a352adcbc4a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BD0D0, hash = f0752a352adcbc4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BD0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13688, handle = 00000176A11CE570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20b69f0690b2e1b9 shader registered for possible reloading: 20b69f0690b2e1b9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BE7D0, hash = 20b69f0690b2e1b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BE7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13860, handle = 00000176A11F2B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 994dd2c49510a455 shader registered for possible reloading: 994dd2c49510a455_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BE510, hash = 994dd2c49510a455 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BE510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23848, handle = 00000176A12429E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e021a18e0d1666ae shader registered for possible reloading: e021a18e0d1666ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BF350, hash = e021a18e0d1666ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BF350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24020, handle = 00000176A12395F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ed27e3429e1f203 shader registered for possible reloading: 7ed27e3429e1f203_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BD810, hash = 7ed27e3429e1f203 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BD810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21580, handle = 00000176A1248710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 52697ca7a37feedf shader registered for possible reloading: 52697ca7a37feedf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BD250, hash = 52697ca7a37feedf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BD250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21752, handle = 00000176A12340F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9770d987fe30c80f shader registered for possible reloading: 9770d987fe30c80f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60BD990, hash = 9770d987fe30c80f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BD990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14072, handle = 00000176A1055AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97943d2931cc383b shader registered for possible reloading: 97943d2931cc383b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BBB50, hash = 97943d2931cc383b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BBB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19724, handle = 00000176A0F48D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 164ffb13e703badf shader registered for possible reloading: 164ffb13e703badf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BDC50, hash = 164ffb13e703badf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BDC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18960, handle = 00000176A103D9D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a4c820353fc5a6a shader registered for possible reloading: 7a4c820353fc5a6a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BFED0, hash = 7a4c820353fc5a6a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BFED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14140, handle = 00000176A1061390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caefbba2dcc612e2 shader registered for possible reloading: caefbba2dcc612e2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BAE50, hash = caefbba2dcc612e2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BAE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19860, handle = 00000176A0EF64B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7c0bd65e1f9fa81 shader registered for possible reloading: d7c0bd65e1f9fa81_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BAFD0, hash = d7c0bd65e1f9fa81 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BAFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19028, handle = 00000176A0F211B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47f84b0974fbc230 shader registered for possible reloading: 47f84b0974fbc230_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C0A50, hash = 47f84b0974fbc230 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C0A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14096, handle = 00000176A0F70280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a6171592efa056b shader registered for possible reloading: 4a6171592efa056b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C18D0, hash = 4a6171592efa056b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C18D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19728, handle = 00000176A104C0D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6076c29a6f1ab0d shader registered for possible reloading: c6076c29a6f1ab0d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2890, hash = c6076c29a6f1ab0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18984, handle = 00000176A0F93010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3506f8280322c37c shader registered for possible reloading: 3506f8280322c37c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2A10, hash = 3506f8280322c37c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14164, handle = 00000176A1011C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7065f375acd1cad shader registered for possible reloading: e7065f375acd1cad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C1A50, hash = e7065f375acd1cad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C1A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19864, handle = 00000176A0FD2F20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0855445490d33f3 shader registered for possible reloading: e0855445490d33f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C25D0, hash = e0855445490d33f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C25D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19052, handle = 00000176A0F3F530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5399753246f8008f shader registered for possible reloading: 5399753246f8008f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C53D0, hash = 5399753246f8008f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C53D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13492, handle = 00000176A0F572C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 209487596bb1ff47 shader registered for possible reloading: 209487596bb1ff47_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C4B10, hash = 209487596bb1ff47 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C4B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18748, handle = 00000176A0F739A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb86986e7fa722c8 shader registered for possible reloading: fb86986e7fa722c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3290, hash = fb86986e7fa722c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19056, handle = 00000176A10892F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6978bb416eaf0eb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 6978bb416eaf0eb6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C1D10, hash = 6978bb416eaf0eb6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C1D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18664, handle = 00000176A1068600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dbcdfaa879fc9d94 shader registered for possible reloading: dbcdfaa879fc9d94_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3710, hash = dbcdfaa879fc9d94 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13460, handle = 00000176A0E33460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3be2efb3060e815d shader registered for possible reloading: 3be2efb3060e815d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C1190, hash = 3be2efb3060e815d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C1190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18712, handle = 00000176A0ECA530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0faaadde64cbcc0e shader registered for possible reloading: 0faaadde64cbcc0e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C43D0, hash = 0faaadde64cbcc0e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C43D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19208, handle = 00000176A0EE6380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edbaf68fd1b663dc shader registered for possible reloading: edbaf68fd1b663dc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C39D0, hash = edbaf68fd1b663dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C39D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18632, handle = 00000176A0F28EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d16b59c54fb92f1c shader registered for possible reloading: d16b59c54fb92f1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C5990, hash = d16b59c54fb92f1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C5990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13064, handle = 00000176A0B96CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78789a4c8b9d1101 shader registered for possible reloading: 78789a4c8b9d1101_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2010, hash = 78789a4c8b9d1101 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18196, handle = 00000176A0FB5980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 33961ea135bbae3d shader registered for possible reloading: 33961ea135bbae3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2B90, hash = 33961ea135bbae3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12960, handle = 00000176A0F25C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 449a2a8dac2625d5 shader registered for possible reloading: 449a2a8dac2625d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2150, hash = 449a2a8dac2625d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18132, handle = 00000176A105CCB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa7ae7c9699389a4 shader registered for possible reloading: fa7ae7c9699389a4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C1490, hash = fa7ae7c9699389a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C1490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13260, handle = 00000176A0E012A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 307cd3563f5a7ec1 shader registered for possible reloading: 307cd3563f5a7ec1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C5F50, hash = 307cd3563f5a7ec1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C5F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18432, handle = 00000176A102FFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 482471521f8f392b shader registered for possible reloading: 482471521f8f392b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C46D0, hash = 482471521f8f392b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C46D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13284, handle = 00000176A0FF0D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28e560a5b358c046 shader registered for possible reloading: 28e560a5b358c046_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C4550, hash = 28e560a5b358c046 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C4550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18456, handle = 00000176A0F2D790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4f6ba3bc13b5b2b shader registered for possible reloading: c4f6ba3bc13b5b2b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3150, hash = c4f6ba3bc13b5b2b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13260, handle = 00000176A1009960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2f47525b5e8a5e9 shader registered for possible reloading: d2f47525b5e8a5e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2710, hash = d2f47525b5e8a5e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18432, handle = 00000176A10347B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15e78661e45e8e53 shader registered for possible reloading: 15e78661e45e8e53_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C1E90, hash = 15e78661e45e8e53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C1E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12852, handle = 00000176A0F6D040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a64c83f9a26aaca2 shader registered for possible reloading: a64c83f9a26aaca2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C1310, hash = a64c83f9a26aaca2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C1310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17984, handle = 00000176A0E3C900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 137180b8201badfa shader registered for possible reloading: 137180b8201badfa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3410, hash = 137180b8201badfa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15184, handle = 00000176A0EDDF80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd1a7af5f34ffdec shader registered for possible reloading: bd1a7af5f34ffdec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3590, hash = bd1a7af5f34ffdec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21944, handle = 00000176A1021360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f6f40516801fd1a shader registered for possible reloading: 5f6f40516801fd1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C15D0, hash = 5f6f40516801fd1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C15D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20940, handle = 00000176A0FA4B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bafe9591ca9709f0 shader registered for possible reloading: bafe9591ca9709f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C0BD0, hash = bafe9591ca9709f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C0BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15252, handle = 00000176A0F18350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9eabb3cdec6dabc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 9eabb3cdec6dabc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C4990, hash = 9eabb3cdec6dabc7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C4990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 22096, handle = 00000176A0DF6D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4badd4eb5161eee1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4badd4eb5161eee1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3850, hash = 4badd4eb5161eee1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21008, handle = 00000176A0FC8BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 411c3b38835de0be shader registered for possible reloading: 411c3b38835de0be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C5AD0, hash = 411c3b38835de0be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C5AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15208, handle = 00000176A0E856C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37b1b991e28576b0 shader registered for possible reloading: 37b1b991e28576b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C22D0, hash = 37b1b991e28576b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C22D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21952, handle = 00000176A0EA9FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 044b495a2ffdbbde shader registered for possible reloading: 044b495a2ffdbbde_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C4850, hash = 044b495a2ffdbbde returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C4850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20964, handle = 00000176A0EB41D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f472b677405c27c6 shader registered for possible reloading: f472b677405c27c6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C1010, hash = f472b677405c27c6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C1010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15276, handle = 00000176A0FE3540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74a5a2801bc3e2c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 74a5a2801bc3e2c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2FD0, hash = 74a5a2801bc3e2c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 22104, handle = 00000176A0EC4ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec19ed2ece7ef732 shader registered for possible reloading: ec19ed2ece7ef732_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2450, hash = ec19ed2ece7ef732 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21032, handle = 00000176A1070420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e040c5efaf900165 shader registered for possible reloading: e040c5efaf900165_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2CD0, hash = e040c5efaf900165 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14492, handle = 00000176A0EBE020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3c4eed838a52299 shader registered for possible reloading: e3c4eed838a52299_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C2E50, hash = e3c4eed838a52299 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C2E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20296, handle = 00000176A0F13400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 642fd8593151636a shader registered for possible reloading: 642fd8593151636a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C5810, hash = 642fd8593151636a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C5810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20952, handle = 00000176A0ED3C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16eab7699d8d93a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 16eab7699d8d93a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C4C90, hash = 16eab7699d8d93a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C4C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20508, handle = 00000176A0E0DEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed477b7503d9a4d9 shader registered for possible reloading: ed477b7503d9a4d9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3B50, hash = ed477b7503d9a4d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14472, handle = 00000176A0F697B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed6112da7beaeca4 shader registered for possible reloading: ed6112da7beaeca4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3CD0, hash = ed6112da7beaeca4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20272, handle = 00000176A100CD40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d06d3608b2b76dd9 shader registered for possible reloading: d06d3608b2b76dd9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C1750, hash = d06d3608b2b76dd9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C1750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21172, handle = 00000176A0F1BEF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9443232123e8f06d shader registered for possible reloading: 9443232123e8f06d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3E10, hash = 9443232123e8f06d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20488, handle = 00000176A0E2E450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 531d0da539d4c2e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 531d0da539d4c2e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C3F90, hash = 531d0da539d4c2e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C3F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13712, handle = 00000176A10814E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d493c71dc088430f shader registered for possible reloading: d493c71dc088430f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C0910, hash = d493c71dc088430f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C0910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19688, handle = 00000176A1050DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd57ff42f22ca205 shader registered for possible reloading: bd57ff42f22ca205_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C6390, hash = bd57ff42f22ca205 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13608, handle = 00000176A106CEF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 876b32ccc061cb5e shader registered for possible reloading: 876b32ccc061cb5e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C4110, hash = 876b32ccc061cb5e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C4110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19624, handle = 00000176A0F97A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2768f80edae9b6a shader registered for possible reloading: a2768f80edae9b6a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C4290, hash = a2768f80edae9b6a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C4290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14032, handle = 00000176A0EEAE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2436a2c6c68cad5 shader registered for possible reloading: d2436a2c6c68cad5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C5510, hash = d2436a2c6c68cad5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C5510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20016, handle = 00000176A0F808E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1276b57c87b1e322 shader registered for possible reloading: 1276b57c87b1e322_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C4E10, hash = 1276b57c87b1e322 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C4E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14056, handle = 00000176A0E12EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf7cd39690b1f82b shader registered for possible reloading: bf7cd39690b1f82b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C4F50, hash = bf7cd39690b1f82b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C4F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20040, handle = 00000176A0F094F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc3d8ce66ae442ad shader registered for possible reloading: fc3d8ce66ae442ad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C50D0, hash = fc3d8ce66ae442ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C50D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13980, handle = 00000176A0F9C6F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee43c1b07bb76185 shader registered for possible reloading: ee43c1b07bb76185_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C5C50, hash = ee43c1b07bb76185 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C5C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19964, handle = 00000176A1075650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adc5eb6691560802 shader registered for possible reloading: adc5eb6691560802_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C5250, hash = adc5eb6691560802 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C5250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13500, handle = 00000176A0EEE570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6fa874299d447a1d shader registered for possible reloading: 6fa874299d447a1d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C1B90, hash = 6fa874299d447a1d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C1B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19476, handle = 00000176A0F3A910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 422213e3b3b0e150 shader registered for possible reloading: 422213e3b3b0e150_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C5690, hash = 422213e3b3b0e150 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C5690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14956, handle = 00000176A101D8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4146e4087e65925 shader registered for possible reloading: b4146e4087e65925_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C5DD0, hash = b4146e4087e65925 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C5DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20580, handle = 00000176A1018870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 856b14985d9df4c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 856b14985d9df4c9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C6090, hash = 856b14985d9df4c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19808, handle = 00000176A0FBA0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a75ee6774402cd13 shader registered for possible reloading: a75ee6774402cd13_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C6210, hash = a75ee6774402cd13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15024, handle = 00000176A0E4E040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 594745ebd76c251d shader registered for possible reloading: 594745ebd76c251d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C0D50, hash = 594745ebd76c251d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C0D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20716, handle = 00000176A0F7B7E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c9d1b52ab35044f shader registered for possible reloading: 3c9d1b52ab35044f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C0ED0, hash = 3c9d1b52ab35044f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C0ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19876, handle = 00000176A0F43FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 589da29720083016 shader registered for possible reloading: 589da29720083016_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C8BD0, hash = 589da29720083016 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C8BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14980, handle = 00000176A0FFD9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48ff46bbd3d7889b shader registered for possible reloading: 48ff46bbd3d7889b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CB590, hash = 48ff46bbd3d7889b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CB590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20588, handle = 00000176A0FF8930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22e6548bcc86e96c shader registered for possible reloading: 22e6548bcc86e96c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C7C10, hash = 22e6548bcc86e96c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C7C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19832, handle = 00000176A0FEBFB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a5e4b558e653f97 shader registered for possible reloading: 1a5e4b558e653f97_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CB6D0, hash = 1a5e4b558e653f97 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CB6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15048, handle = 00000176A10591E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 268366931467c94e shader registered for possible reloading: 268366931467c94e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C8D50, hash = 268366931467c94e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C8D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20724, handle = 00000176A0F35810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 760c602a2f7269a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 760c602a2f7269a2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C8310, hash = 760c602a2f7269a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C8310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19900, handle = 00000176A0F4DA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2777fa484bbd3e2f shader registered for possible reloading: 2777fa484bbd3e2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C98D0, hash = 2777fa484bbd3e2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C98D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14328, handle = 00000176A0FA9D50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fabe6986d58d7b44 shader registered for possible reloading: fabe6986d58d7b44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CB290, hash = fabe6986d58d7b44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CB290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20132, handle = 00000176A0FE7100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd78baba194fa55 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd78baba194fa55_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CAB50, hash = 4fd78baba194fa55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CAB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19908, handle = 00000176A0F9FDA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b711e365da795d27 shader registered for possible reloading: b711e365da795d27_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C88D0, hash = b711e365da795d27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C88D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19464, handle = 00000176A0EAF5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ca8afabe570ea43 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ca8afabe570ea43_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C9FD0, hash = 3ca8afabe570ea43 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C9FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14308, handle = 00000176A0FDC6F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81d42aee47f0c44a shader registered for possible reloading: 81d42aee47f0c44a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C6650, hash = 81d42aee47f0c44a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20108, handle = 00000176A1004AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38bed39935b40ba0 shader registered for possible reloading: 38bed39935b40ba0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C6AD0, hash = 38bed39935b40ba0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20128, handle = 00000176A0DFC3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 10ec176d8c6e9de6 shader registered for possible reloading: 10ec176d8c6e9de6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CB850, hash = 10ec176d8c6e9de6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CB850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19444, handle = 00000176A0E8F280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2be30f75f46b653 shader registered for possible reloading: a2be30f75f46b653_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CBE10, hash = a2be30f75f46b653 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CBE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13548, handle = 00000176A0FC56B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2815c0ffc59e064 shader registered for possible reloading: f2815c0ffc59e064_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C6C10, hash = f2815c0ffc59e064 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18644, handle = 00000176A0F04C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 526bdb8c9fc70da0 shader registered for possible reloading: 526bdb8c9fc70da0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C8E90, hash = 526bdb8c9fc70da0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C8E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13444, handle = 00000176A10153E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e9fb94d8a281e4b shader registered for possible reloading: 7e9fb94d8a281e4b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CBF90, hash = 7e9fb94d8a281e4b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CBF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18580, handle = 00000176A0EE1AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d9b759d9184afe6e shader registered for possible reloading: d9b759d9184afe6e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C8490, hash = d9b759d9184afe6e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C8490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13816, handle = 00000176A0F626E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f3d5edf0444c5a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 8f3d5edf0444c5a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CB410, hash = 8f3d5edf0444c5a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CB410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18952, handle = 00000176A1038FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be37adaf5a078bc9 shader registered for possible reloading: be37adaf5a078bc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CB9D0, hash = be37adaf5a078bc9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CB9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13840, handle = 00000176A0F5F0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0eef1f12de3123eb shader registered for possible reloading: 0eef1f12de3123eb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C9190, hash = 0eef1f12de3123eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C9190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18976, handle = 00000176A0FD7CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dbebd4d12b9ece3d shader registered for possible reloading: dbebd4d12b9ece3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CBB50, hash = dbebd4d12b9ece3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CBB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13816, handle = 00000176A0EC18D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c76ef11e9bb9c4e shader registered for possible reloading: 7c76ef11e9bb9c4e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C9B90, hash = 7c76ef11e9bb9c4e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C9B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18952, handle = 00000176A1026920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57e2721a280b8a6c shader registered for possible reloading: 57e2721a280b8a6c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C7D50, hash = 57e2721a280b8a6c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C7D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13336, handle = 00000176A0FC2290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6fc7cab1aaf0854e shader registered for possible reloading: 6fc7cab1aaf0854e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CB110, hash = 6fc7cab1aaf0854e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CB110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18432, handle = 00000176A0FF4120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 371b6df4d92d1424 shader registered for possible reloading: 371b6df4d92d1424_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60C6D90, hash = 371b6df4d92d1424 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 560, handle = 00000176A0530FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d45fd386c74c6cf2 shader registered for possible reloading: d45fd386c74c6cf2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C9750, hash = d45fd386c74c6cf2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C9750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 584, handle = 00000176A0A9D400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99b6c32e11de3bed shader registered for possible reloading: 99b6c32e11de3bed_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CACD0, hash = 99b6c32e11de3bed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CACD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9020, handle = 00000176A0C2C560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec36b49091545863 shader registered for possible reloading: ec36b49091545863_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CA150, hash = ec36b49091545863 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CA150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10388, handle = 00000176A0D9FD70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aee4bda33a0e66be shader registered for possible reloading: aee4bda33a0e66be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C71D0, hash = aee4bda33a0e66be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C71D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 596, handle = 00000176A08F3670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 40db0da3a5b89e55 shader registered for possible reloading: 40db0da3a5b89e55_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CBC90, hash = 40db0da3a5b89e55 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CBC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9784, handle = 00000176A0AB5AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94c341ca2b0852bf shader registered for possible reloading: 94c341ca2b0852bf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C8050, hash = 94c341ca2b0852bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C8050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22052, handle = 00000176A1173110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da6125746fdebc05 shader registered for possible reloading: da6125746fdebc05_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C9A10, hash = da6125746fdebc05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C9A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22108, handle = 00000176A108DD70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4aae27119f5af2e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4aae27119f5af2e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C9450, hash = 4aae27119f5af2e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C9450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21676, handle = 00000176A11B6960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d17a878d13499449 shader registered for possible reloading: d17a878d13499449_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C6950, hash = d17a878d13499449 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21732, handle = 00000176A10E6CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9e1a469da7b5955d shader registered for possible reloading: 9e1a469da7b5955d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C95D0, hash = 9e1a469da7b5955d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C95D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23440, handle = 00000176A1164000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f6fb9e8764f9155 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f6fb9e8764f9155_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C7350, hash = 2f6fb9e8764f9155 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C7350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23496, handle = 00000176A1134E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85104816d5a3a691 shader registered for possible reloading: 85104816d5a3a691_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C9010, hash = 85104816d5a3a691 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C9010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23096, handle = 00000176A10991A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a489d89d6ebf0b87 shader registered for possible reloading: a489d89d6ebf0b87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C6510, hash = a489d89d6ebf0b87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23152, handle = 00000176A11531F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c663b4751a0bbbde shader registered for possible reloading: c663b4751a0bbbde_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C9D10, hash = c663b4751a0bbbde returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C9D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23980, handle = 00000176A10933E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26b8caab61d49260 shader registered for possible reloading: 26b8caab61d49260_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C81D0, hash = 26b8caab61d49260 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C81D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24036, handle = 00000176A10EF0D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc9b273dd4d5eb42 shader registered for possible reloading: cc9b273dd4d5eb42_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C6F10, hash = cc9b273dd4d5eb42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C6F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22276, handle = 00000176A1129370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db9a736c1a8abd35 shader registered for possible reloading: db9a736c1a8abd35_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CA2D0, hash = db9a736c1a8abd35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CA2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22332, handle = 00000176A10E1580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 332f95725c016734 shader registered for possible reloading: 332f95725c016734_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C7090, hash = 332f95725c016734 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C7090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25396, handle = 00000176A10B45B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efea4124e5f62c07 shader registered for possible reloading: efea4124e5f62c07_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C7650, hash = efea4124e5f62c07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C7650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25452, handle = 00000176A112EA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eaf624e280bc1893 shader registered for possible reloading: eaf624e280bc1893_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C9E90, hash = eaf624e280bc1893 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C9E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23716, handle = 00000176A1158C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b49ebf55f3f94ef7 shader registered for possible reloading: b49ebf55f3f94ef7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C8790, hash = b49ebf55f3f94ef7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C8790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23772, handle = 00000176A10DB890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf19874427e5c408 shader registered for possible reloading: cf19874427e5c408_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CA450, hash = cf19874427e5c408 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CA450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22824, handle = 00000176A1199940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3178be2def04e1b9 shader registered for possible reloading: 3178be2def04e1b9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CAE50, hash = 3178be2def04e1b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CAE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22880, handle = 00000176A10BDAA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9abac0d5b273d74d shader registered for possible reloading: 9abac0d5b273d74d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C74D0, hash = 9abac0d5b273d74d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C74D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22172, handle = 00000176A11B12B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 579e6a02d05ceb66 shader registered for possible reloading: 579e6a02d05ceb66_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C7790, hash = 579e6a02d05ceb66 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C7790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22228, handle = 00000176A115E920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48cd65b07bf8f8c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 48cd65b07bf8f8c9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CAFD0, hash = 48cd65b07bf8f8c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CAFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25056, handle = 00000176A1193750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fd9c0ac54fc15f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fd9c0ac54fc15f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C67D0, hash = 4fd9c0ac54fc15f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C67D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 25112, handle = 00000176A11AB090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f63b851ab247bca8 shader registered for possible reloading: f63b851ab247bca8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CA590, hash = f63b851ab247bca8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CA590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23052, handle = 00000176A11A26A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 790314b276a0fda5 shader registered for possible reloading: 790314b276a0fda5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CA710, hash = 790314b276a0fda5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CA710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23108, handle = 00000176A1178740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6657d92e2e224c5 shader registered for possible reloading: f6657d92e2e224c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C7910, hash = f6657d92e2e224c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C7910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 86980, handle = 00000176A10C3410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fcfe1df52dcc8876 shader registered for possible reloading: fcfe1df52dcc8876_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CAA10, hash = fcfe1df52dcc8876 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CAA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 87128, handle = 00000176A110D590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45787c676b402bcb shader registered for possible reloading: 45787c676b402bcb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60C7ED0, hash = 45787c676b402bcb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60C7ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 88392, handle = 00000176A113D8A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96ff7b9ae12f6511 shader registered for possible reloading: 96ff7b9ae12f6511_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CFBD0, hash = 96ff7b9ae12f6511 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CFBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 88512, handle = 00000176A109EBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9e0a788c6a604d06 shader registered for possible reloading: 9e0a788c6a604d06_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CE090, hash = 9e0a788c6a604d06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CE090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 87368, handle = 00000176A10F8040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0689e2037b5bdd87 shader registered for possible reloading: 0689e2037b5bdd87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CD950, hash = 0689e2037b5bdd87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CD950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 87476, handle = 00000176A117E190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd2d6914ffc65c50 shader registered for possible reloading: dd2d6914ffc65c50_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CC250, hash = dd2d6914ffc65c50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CC250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2552, handle = 00000176A0ABF090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2ab9cc0584b26e8f shader registered for possible reloading: 2ab9cc0584b26e8f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D1190, hash = 2ab9cc0584b26e8f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7964, handle = 00000176A0CD2820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f142f875ddc3b89 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f142f875ddc3b89_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D0490, hash = 6f142f875ddc3b89 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2748, handle = 00000176A0B692E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d83e5091465b101e shader registered for possible reloading: d83e5091465b101e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CFA90, hash = d83e5091465b101e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CFA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8152, handle = 00000176A0D71660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3de0acd02bd2af6 shader registered for possible reloading: a3de0acd02bd2af6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CDF10, hash = a3de0acd02bd2af6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CDF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7876, handle = 00000176A0CF9310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b99e8f4efe78ca3c shader registered for possible reloading: b99e8f4efe78ca3c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D0BD0, hash = b99e8f4efe78ca3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8064, handle = 00000176A0C6E4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e9aa2becd7d4e8d shader registered for possible reloading: 4e9aa2becd7d4e8d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CE4D0, hash = 4e9aa2becd7d4e8d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CE4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2608, handle = 00000176A08DFC30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7125f855ad6548fc shader registered for possible reloading: 7125f855ad6548fc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D12D0, hash = 7125f855ad6548fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D12D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7964, handle = 00000176A0C452F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 081820982aeee8ba shader registered for possible reloading: 081820982aeee8ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CF4D0, hash = 081820982aeee8ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CF4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2804, handle = 00000176A0DC0800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 770606747fe29a98 shader registered for possible reloading: 770606747fe29a98_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D1750, hash = 770606747fe29a98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8152, handle = 00000176A0C737B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a36b41e633dcd2f shader registered for possible reloading: 6a36b41e633dcd2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CCB10, hash = 6a36b41e633dcd2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CCB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7932, handle = 00000176A0D43AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf84d774f1e64cbd shader registered for possible reloading: cf84d774f1e64cbd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CEF10, hash = cf84d774f1e64cbd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CEF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8120, handle = 00000176A0DBE840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55ed47d596cca74f shader registered for possible reloading: 55ed47d596cca74f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CC990, hash = 55ed47d596cca74f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CC990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3756, handle = 00000176A0B90940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f1c3564b220740c shader registered for possible reloading: 6f1c3564b220740c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CC810, hash = 6f1c3564b220740c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CC810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9480, handle = 00000176A0C26B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a1ddf226010f2cc shader registered for possible reloading: 3a1ddf226010f2cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CF1D0, hash = 3a1ddf226010f2cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CF1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9036, handle = 00000176A0C62970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8dfd52cb590f97df shader registered for possible reloading: 8dfd52cb590f97df_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CEA90, hash = 8dfd52cb590f97df returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CEA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3832, handle = 00000176A0C8B920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f1df538c8acbe33 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f1df538c8acbe33_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CFD50, hash = 2f1df538c8acbe33 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CFD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9648, handle = 00000176A0DDAB40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62fbc1177b908046 shader registered for possible reloading: 62fbc1177b908046_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CC110, hash = 62fbc1177b908046 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CC110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9112, handle = 00000176A0D790C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a8c7ded5fcffe50 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a8c7ded5fcffe50_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CF910, hash = 4a8c7ded5fcffe50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CF910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A0A159E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CD0D0, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CD0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5856, handle = 00000176A0DEEEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19095adde386f206 shader registered for possible reloading: 19095adde386f206_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D15D0, hash = 19095adde386f206 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D15D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A0AFBB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D1010, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7232, handle = 00000176A0CE8880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58a291a22b36333d shader registered for possible reloading: 58a291a22b36333d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CD250, hash = 58a291a22b36333d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CD250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 656, handle = 00000176A02CA770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fae53a1aa003d6aa shader registered for possible reloading: fae53a1aa003d6aa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60CFED0, hash = fae53a1aa003d6aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CFED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7316, handle = 00000176A0DED240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54f1939b856fa7f6 shader registered for possible reloading: 54f1939b856fa7f6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D0750, hash = 54f1939b856fa7f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3896, handle = 00000176A0C67410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53e240a3019e9651 shader registered for possible reloading: 53e240a3019e9651_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CE7D0, hash = 53e240a3019e9651 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CE7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9672, handle = 00000176A0C1D360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b44426cf46dafadf shader registered for possible reloading: b44426cf46dafadf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CC3D0, hash = b44426cf46dafadf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CC3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8896, handle = 00000176A0D66E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c05cfebeb40a215f shader registered for possible reloading: c05cfebeb40a215f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D0050, hash = c05cfebeb40a215f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3964, handle = 00000176A06C1830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0a5d6bdc17d6cc13 shader registered for possible reloading: 0a5d6bdc17d6cc13_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D0190, hash = 0a5d6bdc17d6cc13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9808, handle = 00000176A0C64DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9fe38e55fc5b2e5 shader registered for possible reloading: f9fe38e55fc5b2e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CF610, hash = f9fe38e55fc5b2e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CF610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8964, handle = 00000176A0D3F200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ae5a093f74c76a9 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ae5a093f74c76a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CCDD0, hash = 9ae5a093f74c76a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CCDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3920, handle = 00000176A0B3EE60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7812451fc8ddbe7 shader registered for possible reloading: e7812451fc8ddbe7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CD390, hash = e7812451fc8ddbe7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CD390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9680, handle = 00000176A0C89340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9cdb2e83137f0f53 shader registered for possible reloading: 9cdb2e83137f0f53_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D08D0, hash = 9cdb2e83137f0f53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D08D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8920, handle = 00000176A0C87060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 11056fc06f8543f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 11056fc06f8543f8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D1890, hash = 11056fc06f8543f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3988, handle = 00000176A0B25730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5af9d2621b454e3b shader registered for possible reloading: 5af9d2621b454e3b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CF350, hash = 5af9d2621b454e3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CF350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9816, handle = 00000176A0C33870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37238220939b9dac shader registered for possible reloading: 37238220939b9dac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CF790, hash = 37238220939b9dac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CF790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8988, handle = 00000176A0CFB200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3dc1a5fbcf3bb9cf shader registered for possible reloading: 3dc1a5fbcf3bb9cf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D1A10, hash = 3dc1a5fbcf3bb9cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3232, handle = 00000176A0CF5F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb6a89ae76fe5b15 shader registered for possible reloading: fb6a89ae76fe5b15_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CDAD0, hash = fb6a89ae76fe5b15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CDAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9012, handle = 00000176A0BE9D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9e70da6baf052bd shader registered for possible reloading: a9e70da6baf052bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D0D10, hash = a9e70da6baf052bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8960, handle = 00000176A0CF3C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e10f49c1bbc1f4fd shader registered for possible reloading: e10f49c1bbc1f4fd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D0E90, hash = e10f49c1bbc1f4fd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8516, handle = 00000176A0D149F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a700a44cdd30db3c shader registered for possible reloading: a700a44cdd30db3c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CEC10, hash = a700a44cdd30db3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CEC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3228, handle = 00000176A0CBBBA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59cebb553c6cf3fd shader registered for possible reloading: 59cebb553c6cf3fd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D0310, hash = 59cebb553c6cf3fd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8988, handle = 00000176A0D96C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e74bc8196206985 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e74bc8196206985_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D1450, hash = 4e74bc8196206985 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9196, handle = 00000176A0DC6080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a286023f9f0fc179 shader registered for possible reloading: a286023f9f0fc179_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D1B90, hash = a286023f9f0fc179 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8512, handle = 00000176A0DB3960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62e88f7dd5748ff6 shader registered for possible reloading: 62e88f7dd5748ff6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D0610, hash = 62e88f7dd5748ff6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2528, handle = 00000176A093EA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c7a0adf7b811d213 shader registered for possible reloading: c7a0adf7b811d213_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CDDD0, hash = c7a0adf7b811d213 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CDDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7812, handle = 00000176A0C6A6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9244a5748f42fe5 shader registered for possible reloading: e9244a5748f42fe5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D0A50, hash = e9244a5748f42fe5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D0A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2564, handle = 00000176A0B91940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a2deee30ccbf54c shader registered for possible reloading: 3a2deee30ccbf54c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CE390, hash = 3a2deee30ccbf54c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CE390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7848, handle = 00000176A0CE4710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a506e240c2964f36 shader registered for possible reloading: a506e240c2964f36_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CD510, hash = a506e240c2964f36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CD510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2756, handle = 00000176A0C15910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b889cb65a1515f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b889cb65a1515f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CDC50, hash = 8b889cb65a1515f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CDC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8040, handle = 00000176A0CEA640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfc30a0d816b2779 shader registered for possible reloading: bfc30a0d816b2779_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CF050, hash = bfc30a0d816b2779 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CF050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2780, handle = 00000176A0A46B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cefbe5eb929585b5 shader registered for possible reloading: cefbe5eb929585b5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CC550, hash = cefbe5eb929585b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CC550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8064, handle = 00000176A0D3A250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55dd697fded89527 shader registered for possible reloading: 55dd697fded89527_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CC6D0, hash = 55dd697fded89527 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CC6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2756, handle = 00000176A0B2E7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0621c2348e24323 shader registered for possible reloading: c0621c2348e24323_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CCC90, hash = c0621c2348e24323 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CCC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8040, handle = 00000176A0C6C570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a19c7f27f5752383 shader registered for possible reloading: a19c7f27f5752383_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CCF50, hash = a19c7f27f5752383 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CCF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2496, handle = 00000176A0D73650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 575f8a6602a438e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 575f8a6602a438e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CD690, hash = 575f8a6602a438e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CD690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7780, handle = 00000176A0CB9D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86e10e4aafd1dc9f shader registered for possible reloading: 86e10e4aafd1dc9f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CD810, hash = 86e10e4aafd1dc9f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CD810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4124, handle = 00000176A0C704B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7573bf648e5eb355 shader registered for possible reloading: 7573bf648e5eb355_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CE210, hash = 7573bf648e5eb355 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CE210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11036, handle = 00000176A0DCDAB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfb39823e8f54dd4 shader registered for possible reloading: bfb39823e8f54dd4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CE650, hash = bfb39823e8f54dd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CE650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10028, handle = 00000176A0D087B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e4d051aeeb7fb3c shader registered for possible reloading: 0e4d051aeeb7fb3c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CE950, hash = 0e4d051aeeb7fb3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CE950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4192, handle = 00000176A0B19C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b6844af09b07c3d shader registered for possible reloading: 9b6844af09b07c3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60CED90, hash = 9b6844af09b07c3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60CED90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11188, handle = 00000176A0C05510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b5e41b5d0c2b9bd shader registered for possible reloading: 9b5e41b5d0c2b9bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D4DD0, hash = 9b5e41b5d0c2b9bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D4DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10096, handle = 00000176A0C1ABE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25660a735009a8e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 25660a735009a8e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D7490, hash = 25660a735009a8e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D7490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4148, handle = 00000176A0C12870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4982462af8283cc shader registered for possible reloading: c4982462af8283cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D3410, hash = c4982462af8283cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D3410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11044, handle = 00000176A0CF1130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 215156df5d93c2e6 shader registered for possible reloading: 215156df5d93c2e6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D1FD0, hash = 215156df5d93c2e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10052, handle = 00000176A0B2C070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5983e47a6152b9e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 5983e47a6152b9e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D3F90, hash = 5983e47a6152b9e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D3F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4216, handle = 00000176A0C138B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8c8a472dfda4a24 shader registered for possible reloading: c8c8a472dfda4a24_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D5690, hash = c8c8a472dfda4a24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D5690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11196, handle = 00000176A0C3FE60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93a2140ef4e8e413 shader registered for possible reloading: 93a2140ef4e8e413_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D39D0, hash = 93a2140ef4e8e413 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D39D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10120, handle = 00000176A0D88650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 925e7914ea1828fb shader registered for possible reloading: 925e7914ea1828fb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D5510, hash = 925e7914ea1828fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D5510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3396, handle = 00000176A0CFD530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78e0e86760bcbaa2 shader registered for possible reloading: 78e0e86760bcbaa2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D1E50, hash = 78e0e86760bcbaa2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9256, handle = 00000176A0B94890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4ca8e168ad40093 shader registered for possible reloading: c4ca8e168ad40093_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D4C50, hash = c4ca8e168ad40093 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D4C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10004, handle = 00000176A0C60250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d3f0828ef538e59 shader registered for possible reloading: 5d3f0828ef538e59_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D2B50, hash = 5d3f0828ef538e59 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D2B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9560, handle = 00000176A0CB47F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ecd5609694a6243 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ecd5609694a6243_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D40D0, hash = 8ecd5609694a6243 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D40D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3392, handle = 00000176A0D16B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 457c7bdf6a270320 shader registered for possible reloading: 457c7bdf6a270320_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D22D0, hash = 457c7bdf6a270320 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D22D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9232, handle = 00000176A0C472C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c49d3a85f6b4e4a shader registered for possible reloading: 9c49d3a85f6b4e4a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D2410, hash = 9c49d3a85f6b4e4a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D2410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10240, handle = 00000176A0C496E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc4c8167a08bd8b9 shader registered for possible reloading: cc4c8167a08bd8b9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D3550, hash = cc4c8167a08bd8b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D3550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9556, handle = 00000176A0DDD1F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 525b7a7368501007 shader registered for possible reloading: 525b7a7368501007_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D57D0, hash = 525b7a7368501007 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D57D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2692, handle = 00000176A0AED400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d3d2058b8032353 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d3d2058b8032353_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D71D0, hash = 1d3d2058b8032353 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D71D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8856, handle = 00000176A0C105D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfa509494a4f362d shader registered for possible reloading: cfa509494a4f362d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D3850, hash = cfa509494a4f362d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D3850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2728, handle = 00000176A0ABFBC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25c5da25068915f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 25c5da25068915f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D2150, hash = 25c5da25068915f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D2150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8892, handle = 00000176A0C714E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d927888a0359d748 shader registered for possible reloading: d927888a0359d748_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D67D0, hash = d927888a0359d748 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D67D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2972, handle = 00000176A0C4BEF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7006d5667e91562 shader registered for possible reloading: d7006d5667e91562_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D5210, hash = d7006d5667e91562 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D5210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9136, handle = 00000176A0CEED70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 213eec53c5417837 shader registered for possible reloading: 213eec53c5417837_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D6C10, hash = 213eec53c5417837 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D6C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2996, handle = 00000176A0C163E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e15befcf92c03b5 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e15befcf92c03b5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D3E10, hash = 3e15befcf92c03b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D3E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9160, handle = 00000176A0BF2B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccc605753f7032d7 shader registered for possible reloading: ccc605753f7032d7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D2F90, hash = ccc605753f7032d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D2F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2920, handle = 00000176A0B3FDC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 502d6cabb4725b45 shader registered for possible reloading: 502d6cabb4725b45_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D4810, hash = 502d6cabb4725b45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D4810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9084, handle = 00000176A0C68350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16a150fd54e8149e shader registered for possible reloading: 16a150fd54e8149e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D4250, hash = 16a150fd54e8149e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D4250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2660, handle = 00000176A0D3C1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7716c1d3a1a3dbf5 shader registered for possible reloading: 7716c1d3a1a3dbf5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D7610, hash = 7716c1d3a1a3dbf5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D7610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8824, handle = 00000176A0DB5AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f06cf2998f1f2131 shader registered for possible reloading: f06cf2998f1f2131_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D6090, hash = f06cf2998f1f2131 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D6090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6060, handle = 00000176A0E6D660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c484bf406e7e07c9 shader registered for possible reloading: c484bf406e7e07c9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D6910, hash = c484bf406e7e07c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D6910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16732, handle = 00000176A0E28B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22c84dbae10fef7b shader registered for possible reloading: 22c84dbae10fef7b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D5950, hash = 22c84dbae10fef7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D5950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16788, handle = 00000176A0E77FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 371964e987c275fc shader registered for possible reloading: 371964e987c275fc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D2E50, hash = 371964e987c275fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D2E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6096, handle = 00000176A0E2CC70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9227a3999610f761 shader registered for possible reloading: 9227a3999610f761_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D2590, hash = 9227a3999610f761 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D2590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17496, handle = 00000176A0E054D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73921e11ccb1a4a0 shader registered for possible reloading: 73921e11ccb1a4a0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D7790, hash = 73921e11ccb1a4a0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D7790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17552, handle = 00000176A0E17A40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7bd3d9c2848838dd shader registered for possible reloading: 7bd3d9c2848838dd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D2710, hash = 7bd3d9c2848838dd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D2710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17020, handle = 00000176A0E1BEE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95437c9dd99201e7 shader registered for possible reloading: 95437c9dd99201e7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D43D0, hash = 95437c9dd99201e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D43D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17076, handle = 00000176A0E45930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7d5be86f2cd8b8e shader registered for possible reloading: a7d5be86f2cd8b8e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D50D0, hash = a7d5be86f2cd8b8e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D50D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17016, handle = 00000176A0E693E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e918a2b2aa061a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e918a2b2aa061a5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D4550, hash = 4e918a2b2aa061a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D4550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17072, handle = 00000176A0E41670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0940e2aed62ae379 shader registered for possible reloading: 0940e2aed62ae379_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D3110, hash = 0940e2aed62ae379 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D3110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19068, handle = 00000176A0DE3CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 575362e2a5fe5878 shader registered for possible reloading: 575362e2a5fe5878_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D7050, hash = 575362e2a5fe5878 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D7050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19124, handle = 00000176A0DE8780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f32b957a1cf3541 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f32b957a1cf3541_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D5390, hash = 9f32b957a1cf3541 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D5390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17604, handle = 00000176A0E20170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 971b6c5de817a3d9 shader registered for possible reloading: 971b6c5de817a3d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D3C90, hash = 971b6c5de817a3d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D3C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17660, handle = 00000176A0E57220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 30d78b3daa68920d shader registered for possible reloading: 30d78b3daa68920d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D1D10, hash = 30d78b3daa68920d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D1D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17584, handle = 00000176A0E24640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d3f6a5f066a6ac7c shader registered for possible reloading: d3f6a5f066a6ac7c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D2CD0, hash = d3f6a5f066a6ac7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D2CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17640, handle = 00000176A0E5B730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bfe807f9c42cc25 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bfe807f9c42cc25_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D5D90, hash = 9bfe807f9c42cc25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D5D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17412, handle = 00000176A0E52E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e330152d681c167 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e330152d681c167_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D29D0, hash = 3e330152d681c167 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D29D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17468, handle = 00000176A0EA5BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b636738f1a351237 shader registered for possible reloading: b636738f1a351237_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D4690, hash = b636738f1a351237 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D4690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20152, handle = 00000176A0E8A3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 561ddc1a758abdf1 shader registered for possible reloading: 561ddc1a758abdf1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D4990, hash = 561ddc1a758abdf1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D4990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20208, handle = 00000176A0DF1E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd529a142b15d403 shader registered for possible reloading: cd529a142b15d403_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D7350, hash = cd529a142b15d403 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D7350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18388, handle = 00000176A0E38120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7540bbaee0d6f834 shader registered for possible reloading: 7540bbaee0d6f834_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D4B10, hash = 7540bbaee0d6f834 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D4B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18444, handle = 00000176A0E64BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d854f59e957a9aff shader registered for possible reloading: d854f59e957a9aff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D6350, hash = d854f59e957a9aff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D6350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17416, handle = 00000176A0E73BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 329336b78a2dfd52 shader registered for possible reloading: 329336b78a2dfd52_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D64D0, hash = 329336b78a2dfd52 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D64D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17472, handle = 00000176A0E49BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ddf43053f811075 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ddf43053f811075_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D6650, hash = 6ddf43053f811075 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D6650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17332, handle = 00000176A0E93F90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fdd6f6662c1bf8de shader registered for possible reloading: fdd6f6662c1bf8de_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D85D0, hash = fdd6f6662c1bf8de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D85D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17388, handle = 00000176A0EA17A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ad4cad98ea88bba shader registered for possible reloading: 5ad4cad98ea88bba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60DD210, hash = 5ad4cad98ea88bba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DD210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17812, handle = 00000176A0DDF750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 790863dda58464e7 shader registered for possible reloading: 790863dda58464e7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D7910, hash = 790863dda58464e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D7910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17868, handle = 00000176A0E810E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f23462d8dfa2f9ee shader registered for possible reloading: f23462d8dfa2f9ee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60D8A50, hash = f23462d8dfa2f9ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D8A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17728, handle = 00000176A0E98350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1730a801e5155ff5 shader registered for possible reloading: 1730a801e5155ff5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60DB850, hash = 1730a801e5155ff5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DB850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17784, handle = 00000176A0E09930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0890021678a2001 shader registered for possible reloading: f0890021678a2001_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60DAF90, hash = f0890021678a2001 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DAF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8512, handle = 00000176A0C38E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9c94f63801b15aa shader registered for possible reloading: e9c94f63801b15aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DA9D0, hash = e9c94f63801b15aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DA9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8392, handle = 00000176A0C9A0C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 047be57ff4646dcb shader registered for possible reloading: 047be57ff4646dcb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D95D0, hash = 047be57ff4646dcb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D95D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A0CE1DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78807211dbae7aa1 shader registered for possible reloading: 78807211dbae7aa1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D8750, hash = 78807211dbae7aa1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D8750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10416, handle = 00000176A0CD7420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = beeb06c30ebff819 shader registered for possible reloading: beeb06c30ebff819_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DACD0, hash = beeb06c30ebff819 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DACD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10416, handle = 00000176A0C42A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bec3663803b75b0e shader registered for possible reloading: bec3663803b75b0e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9710, hash = bec3663803b75b0e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8512, handle = 00000176A0CD06D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94f71843b836e38d shader registered for possible reloading: 94f71843b836e38d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DC990, hash = 94f71843b836e38d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DC990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A0C7D170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fefd7d03fd90e745 shader registered for possible reloading: fefd7d03fd90e745_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DA290, hash = fefd7d03fd90e745 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DA290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A0BC40E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 83189687ff7126f6 shader registered for possible reloading: 83189687ff7126f6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DA410, hash = 83189687ff7126f6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DA410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10044, handle = 00000176A0C92250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0c39c82ae5f730f shader registered for possible reloading: d0c39c82ae5f730f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DA710, hash = d0c39c82ae5f730f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DA710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9920, handle = 00000176A0C36730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9369fca3b208a34 shader registered for possible reloading: b9369fca3b208a34_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9450, hash = b9369fca3b208a34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9920, handle = 00000176A0CACA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3add035c86e5faf4 shader registered for possible reloading: 3add035c86e5faf4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DB110, hash = 3add035c86e5faf4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DB110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10044, handle = 00000176A0D102E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e962adf41d9e20d4 shader registered for possible reloading: e962adf41d9e20d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D8490, hash = e962adf41d9e20d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D8490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10044, handle = 00000176A0C949A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94c5ad9ed14fa9ce shader registered for possible reloading: 94c5ad9ed14fa9ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9150, hash = 94c5ad9ed14fa9ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8560, handle = 00000176A0B8E7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19709766c67c3cca shader registered for possible reloading: 19709766c67c3cca_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DB290, hash = 19709766c67c3cca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DB290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8440, handle = 00000176A0D03DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba42e32400bfdf72 shader registered for possible reloading: ba42e32400bfdf72_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DCF50, hash = ba42e32400bfdf72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DCF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10552, handle = 00000176A0CB73F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3a4d4c1d41e2d68a shader registered for possible reloading: 3a4d4c1d41e2d68a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DCDD0, hash = 3a4d4c1d41e2d68a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DCDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10428, handle = 00000176A0B34860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ba877811e9d2f48 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ba877811e9d2f48_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DB3D0, hash = 3ba877811e9d2f48 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DB3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10428, handle = 00000176A0D05EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e01f63f40c2c6fe8 shader registered for possible reloading: e01f63f40c2c6fe8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DC690, hash = e01f63f40c2c6fe8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DC690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8560, handle = 00000176A0C84EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95a566ed67f3502f shader registered for possible reloading: 95a566ed67f3502f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DA150, hash = 95a566ed67f3502f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DA150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10552, handle = 00000176A0B22DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80c3d2b30920d105 shader registered for possible reloading: 80c3d2b30920d105_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DCC50, hash = 80c3d2b30920d105 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DCC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10552, handle = 00000176A0C08110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57815329a32f5c3b shader registered for possible reloading: 57815329a32f5c3b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DB550, hash = 57815329a32f5c3b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DB550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10092, handle = 00000176A0D1C710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cf4cb0f6f6a87c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 1cf4cb0f6f6a87c9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DB6D0, hash = 1cf4cb0f6f6a87c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DB6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9968, handle = 00000176A0CB20F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08f6ed6613a776f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 08f6ed6613a776f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DD390, hash = 08f6ed6613a776f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DD390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9968, handle = 00000176A0AB33C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed7c336f612830aa shader registered for possible reloading: ed7c336f612830aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9E50, hash = ed7c336f612830aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10092, handle = 00000176A0C7A9F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ecb183d42bbd60da shader registered for possible reloading: ecb183d42bbd60da_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DB990, hash = ecb183d42bbd60da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DB990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10092, handle = 00000176A0C18460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8eac5059598fa2d shader registered for possible reloading: b8eac5059598fa2d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DBB10, hash = b8eac5059598fa2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DBB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8536, handle = 00000176A0CECC10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 807ee000577d5d62 shader registered for possible reloading: 807ee000577d5d62_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D8010, hash = 807ee000577d5d62 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D8010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8416, handle = 00000176A0AAE040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb5c832c94624a11 shader registered for possible reloading: fb5c832c94624a11_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DD090, hash = fb5c832c94624a11 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DD090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8536, handle = 00000176A0C033B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7399c36fc826b155 shader registered for possible reloading: 7399c36fc826b155_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DA590, hash = 7399c36fc826b155 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DA590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10068, handle = 00000176A0D2ACB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 05c9bfa1914392b3 shader registered for possible reloading: 05c9bfa1914392b3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9890, hash = 05c9bfa1914392b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9944, handle = 00000176A0C55310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6331449a1c0286e7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6331449a1c0286e7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9A10, hash = 6331449a1c0286e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9944, handle = 00000176A0B7A250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b6d955bf14d3c82 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b6d955bf14d3c82_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DAB50, hash = 4b6d955bf14d3c82 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DAB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10068, handle = 00000176A0B20690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4ebf07b359a8c0c shader registered for possible reloading: b4ebf07b359a8c0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DA850, hash = b4ebf07b359a8c0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DA850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10068, handle = 00000176A0BBF250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34082662e93ea838 shader registered for possible reloading: 34082662e93ea838_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DBC90, hash = 34082662e93ea838 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DBC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8584, handle = 00000176A0C82D50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95c6032d4a612e46 shader registered for possible reloading: 95c6032d4a612e46_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D88D0, hash = 95c6032d4a612e46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D88D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8464, handle = 00000176A0D1EE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed870e2324d68a16 shader registered for possible reloading: ed870e2324d68a16_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DAE10, hash = ed870e2324d68a16 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DAE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8584, handle = 00000176A0D327A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 112d152d7726caef shader registered for possible reloading: 112d152d7726caef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9CD0, hash = 112d152d7726caef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10116, handle = 00000176A0C3AF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d9b77219d309180d shader registered for possible reloading: d9b77219d309180d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D7D50, hash = d9b77219d309180d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D7D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9992, handle = 00000176A0C00CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d6e76efdb0aed49 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d6e76efdb0aed49_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D7A50, hash = 2d6e76efdb0aed49 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D7A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9992, handle = 00000176A0B9C310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3c033289569c455 shader registered for possible reloading: f3c033289569c455_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9B90, hash = f3c033289569c455 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10116, handle = 00000176A0C4D170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1725f25a40214615 shader registered for possible reloading: 1725f25a40214615_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D8B90, hash = 1725f25a40214615 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D8B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10116, handle = 00000176A0CFE6C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad40fc17b517227f shader registered for possible reloading: ad40fc17b517227f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D8D10, hash = ad40fc17b517227f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D8D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8240, handle = 00000176A0C31830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 50eba5dd95891c93 shader registered for possible reloading: 50eba5dd95891c93_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D7BD0, hash = 50eba5dd95891c93 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D7BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8120, handle = 00000176A0D12A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c4df3dddf9598c4 shader registered for possible reloading: 9c4df3dddf9598c4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DC3D0, hash = 9c4df3dddf9598c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DC3D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10280, handle = 00000176A0CA1160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09464f0c8e059c73 shader registered for possible reloading: 09464f0c8e059c73_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DBE10, hash = 09464f0c8e059c73 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DBE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10156, handle = 00000176A0BE75C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8d2e2576df745d04 shader registered for possible reloading: 8d2e2576df745d04_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D8190, hash = 8d2e2576df745d04 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D8190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10156, handle = 00000176A0AEAC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 38ee16e5683bd31f shader registered for possible reloading: 38ee16e5683bd31f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DBF50, hash = 38ee16e5683bd31f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DBF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8240, handle = 00000176A0C22350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 91c680827fb4798b shader registered for possible reloading: 91c680827fb4798b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9FD0, hash = 91c680827fb4798b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10280, handle = 00000176A0D254C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48656bd128d9b986 shader registered for possible reloading: 48656bd128d9b986_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DC0D0, hash = 48656bd128d9b986 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DC0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10280, handle = 00000176A0C9E930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01a06be144a0358d shader registered for possible reloading: 01a06be144a0358d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DC250, hash = 01a06be144a0358d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DC250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10060, handle = 00000176A0C1FBF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da2ea56287c64114 shader registered for possible reloading: da2ea56287c64114_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DC510, hash = da2ea56287c64114 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DC510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9936, handle = 00000176A0CDF6F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a0dd8639af2957c4 shader registered for possible reloading: a0dd8639af2957c4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DC810, hash = a0dd8639af2957c4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DC810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9936, handle = 00000176A0AB81F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c5fce74e2a8830b shader registered for possible reloading: 5c5fce74e2a8830b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D8310, hash = 5c5fce74e2a8830b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D8310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10060, handle = 00000176A0CD9CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74a85e916a871e23 shader registered for possible reloading: 74a85e916a871e23_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D8E90, hash = 74a85e916a871e23 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D8E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10060, handle = 00000176A0D178A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6323f6975a175513 shader registered for possible reloading: 6323f6975a175513_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D9010, hash = 6323f6975a175513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D9010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8208, handle = 00000176A0D20FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8e73032698eda0a shader registered for possible reloading: d8e73032698eda0a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60D92D0, hash = d8e73032698eda0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60D92D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8080, handle = 00000176A0D0E340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f814ad5e9ebb105 shader registered for possible reloading: 7f814ad5e9ebb105_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DEA90, hash = 7f814ad5e9ebb105 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DEA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8176, handle = 00000176A0BF55C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6669b7065a2af5d shader registered for possible reloading: f6669b7065a2af5d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DD650, hash = f6669b7065a2af5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DD650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 22204, handle = 00000176A0CBC8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d88c3ed082325aeb shader registered for possible reloading: d88c3ed082325aeb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DF610, hash = d88c3ed082325aeb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DF610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21304, handle = 00000176A0B39B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ffd08e4bd3c6c034 shader registered for possible reloading: ffd08e4bd3c6c034_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DFBD0, hash = ffd08e4bd3c6c034 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DFBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10156, handle = 00000176A0BA3290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b695050804428371 shader registered for possible reloading: b695050804428371_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E2410, hash = b695050804428371 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E2410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8208, handle = 00000176A0B672C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 196b50c640676603 shader registered for possible reloading: 196b50c640676603_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E1E50, hash = 196b50c640676603 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8296, handle = 00000176A0ABD020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 409144171d24033f shader registered for possible reloading: 409144171d24033f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E1590, hash = 409144171d24033f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21380, handle = 00000176A0D2D410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06fa80edc0173f7f shader registered for possible reloading: 06fa80edc0173f7f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DF050, hash = 06fa80edc0173f7f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DF050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10280, handle = 00000176A0A6C8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 00ccc76a1967b930 shader registered for possible reloading: 00ccc76a1967b930_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E1CD0, hash = 00ccc76a1967b930 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21780, handle = 00000176A0CC1FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6dd35d3d85f5340a shader registered for possible reloading: 6dd35d3d85f5340a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DFD50, hash = 6dd35d3d85f5340a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DFD50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20860, handle = 00000176A0C75860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6114173e88dc5873 shader registered for possible reloading: 6114173e88dc5873_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DEC10, hash = 6114173e88dc5873 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DEC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9992, handle = 00000176A0D1A000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcfc4f093a672aa8 shader registered for possible reloading: bcfc4f093a672aa8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E1B50, hash = bcfc4f093a672aa8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20936, handle = 00000176A0B895F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09866da2bf9e74b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 09866da2bf9e74b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DF1D0, hash = 09866da2bf9e74b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DF1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10116, handle = 00000176A0BAE210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f93fa37cc055d1e7 shader registered for possible reloading: f93fa37cc055d1e7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DFE90, hash = f93fa37cc055d1e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DFE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10080, handle = 00000176A0CD4CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2695b471e3ecbe36 shader registered for possible reloading: 2695b471e3ecbe36_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E05D0, hash = 2695b471e3ecbe36 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E05D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10080, handle = 00000176A0C4F900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6cd1aa94f9ab071 shader registered for possible reloading: f6cd1aa94f9ab071_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DF790, hash = f6cd1aa94f9ab071 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DF790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12936, handle = 00000176A0C8EFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 425e51510d16b548 shader registered for possible reloading: 425e51510d16b548_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E2F90, hash = 425e51510d16b548 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E2F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12936, handle = 00000176A0AB0130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d728ea2197cc11e shader registered for possible reloading: 1d728ea2197cc11e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E2B50, hash = 1d728ea2197cc11e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E2B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12160, handle = 00000176A0D00E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8679dffcae96789 shader registered for possible reloading: d8679dffcae96789_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DDC10, hash = d8679dffcae96789 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DDC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12160, handle = 00000176A0D0B3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21be8621e4f8b8b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 21be8621e4f8b8b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DF310, hash = 21be8621e4f8b8b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DF310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10128, handle = 00000176A0C24390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d037b5386c43f365 shader registered for possible reloading: d037b5386c43f365_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E26D0, hash = d037b5386c43f365 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E26D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10128, handle = 00000176A0C9C190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25d076ec5b7bc065 shader registered for possible reloading: 25d076ec5b7bc065_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DF490, hash = 25d076ec5b7bc065 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DF490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12948, handle = 00000176A0C7FAB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bba2e97cfaa0ea7 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bba2e97cfaa0ea7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E2290, hash = 9bba2e97cfaa0ea7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E2290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12948, handle = 00000176A0C5CFB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 909a2e439ea4485b shader registered for possible reloading: 909a2e439ea4485b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E1FD0, hash = 909a2e439ea4485b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12208, handle = 00000176A0C295A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0bc83e579ef52c99 shader registered for possible reloading: 0bc83e579ef52c99_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E2C90, hash = 0bc83e579ef52c99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E2C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12208, handle = 00000176A0D27CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73e832abd0b2ca91 shader registered for possible reloading: 73e832abd0b2ca91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DDD90, hash = 73e832abd0b2ca91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DDD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10104, handle = 00000176A0C3D6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 84b7d78b2eb6d511 shader registered for possible reloading: 84b7d78b2eb6d511_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DD950, hash = 84b7d78b2eb6d511 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DD950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10104, handle = 00000176A0CCDF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27366adb56d1cd50 shader registered for possible reloading: 27366adb56d1cd50_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DEED0, hash = 27366adb56d1cd50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DEED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12944, handle = 00000176A0C52070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e7e16a9b6c188b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e7e16a9b6c188b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E2110, hash = 6e7e16a9b6c188b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E2110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12944, handle = 00000176A0BB8FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 13fcab637e52b2ae shader registered for possible reloading: 13fcab637e52b2ae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E0750, hash = 13fcab637e52b2ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12184, handle = 00000176A0BA5A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fcf385432ee27532 shader registered for possible reloading: fcf385432ee27532_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DDF10, hash = fcf385432ee27532 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DDF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12184, handle = 00000176A0C0D630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ed723149f4ccc13 shader registered for possible reloading: 4ed723149f4ccc13_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E2850, hash = 4ed723149f4ccc13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E2850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10152, handle = 00000176A0C579F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d1390986d431e30 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d1390986d431e30_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E2590, hash = 1d1390986d431e30 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E2590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10152, handle = 00000176A0BC91D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eed8021384ceff17 shader registered for possible reloading: eed8021384ceff17_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E0B90, hash = eed8021384ceff17 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12956, handle = 00000176A0CDC440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 861f0711965ea43d shader registered for possible reloading: 861f0711965ea43d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DE350, hash = 861f0711965ea43d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DE350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12956, handle = 00000176A0BF75C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9e8e5a6a67abb63b shader registered for possible reloading: 9e8e5a6a67abb63b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E29D0, hash = 9e8e5a6a67abb63b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E29D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12232, handle = 00000176A0BBC280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 05bb33ef35e86045 shader registered for possible reloading: 05bb33ef35e86045_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DDAD0, hash = 05bb33ef35e86045 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DDAD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12232, handle = 00000176A0CAF120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfe64803079987ef shader registered for possible reloading: cfe64803079987ef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E2E10, hash = cfe64803079987ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E2E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9444, handle = 00000176A0CF6E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 878d31fc72039ace shader registered for possible reloading: 878d31fc72039ace_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DD510, hash = 878d31fc72039ace returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DD510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9444, handle = 00000176A0D22FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 307f673b03de7524 shader registered for possible reloading: 307f673b03de7524_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DE090, hash = 307f673b03de7524 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DE090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12228, handle = 00000176A0C970F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 791f93fbdf158280 shader registered for possible reloading: 791f93fbdf158280_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DE1D0, hash = 791f93fbdf158280 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DE1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12228, handle = 00000176A0B143B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f5dc819d242486d shader registered for possible reloading: 6f5dc819d242486d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E08D0, hash = 6f5dc819d242486d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E08D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11804, handle = 00000176A0C2EA00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 940f67d11a076a3c shader registered for possible reloading: 940f67d11a076a3c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DD7D0, hash = 940f67d11a076a3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DD7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11804, handle = 00000176A0AFE720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6df9ede32c95bf9 shader registered for possible reloading: c6df9ede32c95bf9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DF8D0, hash = c6df9ede32c95bf9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DF8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9228, handle = 00000176A0ADDC00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d979135402130c1 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d979135402130c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DFA50, hash = 1d979135402130c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DFA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9228, handle = 00000176A0CA3990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 852e191080f5f498 shader registered for possible reloading: 852e191080f5f498_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E0A10, hash = 852e191080f5f498 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9420, handle = 00000176A0C8CAE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 828c8a14b6116b4b shader registered for possible reloading: 828c8a14b6116b4b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DE4D0, hash = 828c8a14b6116b4b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DE4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 27796, handle = 00000176A0CA5DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f8638c85a9906cd4 shader registered for possible reloading: f8638c85a9906cd4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E1A10, hash = f8638c85a9906cd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 26212, handle = 00000176A0BEC4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9ea5995d62b56bd shader registered for possible reloading: a9ea5995d62b56bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E1710, hash = a9ea5995d62b56bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12328, handle = 00000176A0BB09A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fa615c44e60a955 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fa615c44e60a955_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DE650, hash = 4fa615c44e60a955 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DE650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 27252, handle = 00000176A0CC74D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc7e46c01e9baecc shader registered for possible reloading: bc7e46c01e9baecc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DE790, hash = bc7e46c01e9baecc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DE790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 25640, handle = 00000176A0BFA870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 561b2d39a4313c99 shader registered for possible reloading: 561b2d39a4313c99_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60DE910, hash = 561b2d39a4313c99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DE910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11780, handle = 00000176A0C5A1A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9d6cbc684623097 shader registered for possible reloading: a9d6cbc684623097_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E0010, hash = a9d6cbc684623097 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 528, handle = 00000176A0A37180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e01838e3909f69a shader registered for possible reloading: 1e01838e3909f69a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E0190, hash = 1e01838e3909f69a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 504, handle = 00000176A04E67A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f385d0403288f79 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f385d0403288f79_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E0310, hash = 9f385d0403288f79 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7968, handle = 00000176A0D5F2D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1d1f14b4ad761c9 shader registered for possible reloading: f1d1f14b4ad761c9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60DED50, hash = f1d1f14b4ad761c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60DED50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7352, handle = 00000176A0AE0020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27d4e508f2cc5ce7 shader registered for possible reloading: 27d4e508f2cc5ce7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E0450, hash = 27d4e508f2cc5ce7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7208, handle = 00000176A0D9E140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9620149b67acce4f shader registered for possible reloading: 9620149b67acce4f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E1890, hash = 9620149b67acce4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6592, handle = 00000176A0A6F120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d7da46b34d61e15 shader registered for possible reloading: 4d7da46b34d61e15_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E0D10, hash = 4d7da46b34d61e15 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10712, handle = 00000176A0D55180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 485b94895ef9f13d shader registered for possible reloading: 485b94895ef9f13d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E0E90, hash = 485b94895ef9f13d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10752, handle = 00000176A0DD8130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c666031e4c349eb0 shader registered for possible reloading: c666031e4c349eb0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E0FD0, hash = c666031e4c349eb0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E0FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9352, handle = 00000176A0DCB620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4a114f5aa9c8485 shader registered for possible reloading: c4a114f5aa9c8485_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E1150, hash = c4a114f5aa9c8485 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9392, handle = 00000176A0D8ADF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b1ee81a548acf21f shader registered for possible reloading: b1ee81a548acf21f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E12D0, hash = b1ee81a548acf21f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E12D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10492, handle = 00000176A0D48960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 033f68be2f49b73e shader registered for possible reloading: 033f68be2f49b73e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E1450, hash = 033f68be2f49b73e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E1450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10532, handle = 00000176A0DA96A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fce5ee1c16676d3d shader registered for possible reloading: fce5ee1c16676d3d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E61D0, hash = fce5ee1c16676d3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E61D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8536, handle = 00000176A0D83930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 481ab8fb38686c13 shader registered for possible reloading: 481ab8fb38686c13_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E5A90, hash = 481ab8fb38686c13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E5A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8576, handle = 00000176A0D8F810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1875909c97c84b96 shader registered for possible reloading: 1875909c97c84b96_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E4690, hash = 1875909c97c84b96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E4690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10188, handle = 00000176A0D6EE80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 72dac7b2c84bf15a shader registered for possible reloading: 72dac7b2c84bf15a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E7E90, hash = 72dac7b2c84bf15a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E7E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10228, handle = 00000176A0D94430, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 543e4f0b7f86cc40 shader registered for possible reloading: 543e4f0b7f86cc40_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E6910, hash = 543e4f0b7f86cc40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E6910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8220, handle = 00000176A0D53150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 942292ebf3c092a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 942292ebf3c092a5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E3550, hash = 942292ebf3c092a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E3550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8260, handle = 00000176A0DC4030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4279561cb71fac8c shader registered for possible reloading: 4279561cb71fac8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E5210, hash = 4279561cb71fac8c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E5210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11988, handle = 00000176A0D74060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 985896d1786d696c shader registered for possible reloading: 985896d1786d696c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E6610, hash = 985896d1786d696c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E6610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12028, handle = 00000176A0D7B950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f675b2395f88f8e0 shader registered for possible reloading: f675b2395f88f8e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E6BD0, hash = f675b2395f88f8e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E6BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9844, handle = 00000176A0D9BAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f166c170ce33f37 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f166c170ce33f37_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E6050, hash = 0f166c170ce33f37 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E6050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9884, handle = 00000176A0DA6FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 42ae7b0115253fe3 shader registered for possible reloading: 42ae7b0115253fe3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E8010, hash = 42ae7b0115253fe3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E8010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11152, handle = 00000176A0D5C730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4393ef7154c2a7bd shader registered for possible reloading: 4393ef7154c2a7bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E7BD0, hash = 4393ef7154c2a7bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E7BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11192, handle = 00000176A0DB9210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9597a14fc9e397f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 9597a14fc9e397f0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E6A90, hash = 9597a14fc9e397f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E6A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9160, handle = 00000176A0D41720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58863d2e126df9da shader registered for possible reloading: 58863d2e126df9da_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E5090, hash = 58863d2e126df9da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E5090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9200, handle = 00000176A0D3CE00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eed0e3547ee4b551 shader registered for possible reloading: eed0e3547ee4b551_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E7750, hash = eed0e3547ee4b551 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E7750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10848, handle = 00000176A0DBBDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b83df03a2d2a138e shader registered for possible reloading: b83df03a2d2a138e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E8190, hash = b83df03a2d2a138e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E8190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10888, handle = 00000176A0D919A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 22a873596574fc27 shader registered for possible reloading: 22a873596574fc27_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E6790, hash = 22a873596574fc27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E6790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8844, handle = 00000176A0D81690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 04e2cd43fbf9df4e shader registered for possible reloading: 04e2cd43fbf9df4e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E82D0, hash = 04e2cd43fbf9df4e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E82D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8884, handle = 00000176A0D4E210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f05c2eea827cd42f shader registered for possible reloading: f05c2eea827cd42f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E5390, hash = f05c2eea827cd42f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E5390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11368, handle = 00000176A0DC13C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9b32dbc84131080 shader registered for possible reloading: b9b32dbc84131080_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E36D0, hash = b9b32dbc84131080 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E36D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11408, handle = 00000176A0DC8980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 465f3b291025e1a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 465f3b291025e1a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E8A10, hash = 465f3b291025e1a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E8A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9748, handle = 00000176A0DAE9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab488fc5b07a1af7 shader registered for possible reloading: ab488fc5b07a1af7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E6D50, hash = ab488fc5b07a1af7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E6D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9788, handle = 00000176A0D34930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 962852dcab16ad18 shader registered for possible reloading: 962852dcab16ad18_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E3DD0, hash = 962852dcab16ad18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E3DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11148, handle = 00000176A0D6C2E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5cb2fb5b1a48edc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 5cb2fb5b1a48edc7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E7050, hash = 5cb2fb5b1a48edc7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E7050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11188, handle = 00000176A0D85A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e34e7fcbec7de272 shader registered for possible reloading: e34e7fcbec7de272_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E7A50, hash = e34e7fcbec7de272 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E7A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8932, handle = 00000176A0DA2630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a55e4835fd8145ca shader registered for possible reloading: a55e4835fd8145ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E6350, hash = a55e4835fd8145ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E6350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8972, handle = 00000176A0DD0600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fae36761c266ea8c shader registered for possible reloading: fae36761c266ea8c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E8450, hash = fae36761c266ea8c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E8450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10752, handle = 00000176A0DABFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 962084fb370a63d7 shader registered for possible reloading: 962084fb370a63d7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E5950, hash = 962084fb370a63d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E5950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10792, handle = 00000176A0D57B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a5c9bcfdc9fd44a shader registered for possible reloading: 2a5c9bcfdc9fd44a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E6ED0, hash = 2a5c9bcfdc9fd44a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E6ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8560, handle = 00000176A0D76F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4e588df14d5498a shader registered for possible reloading: e4e588df14d5498a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E85D0, hash = e4e588df14d5498a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E85D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8600, handle = 00000176A0D5A590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7815eafd218470ec shader registered for possible reloading: 7815eafd218470ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E54D0, hash = 7815eafd218470ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E54D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12960, handle = 00000176A0D61200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2648313f8e6e2792 shader registered for possible reloading: 2648313f8e6e2792_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E64D0, hash = 2648313f8e6e2792 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E64D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13000, handle = 00000176A0D36F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e830257ac69316b2 shader registered for possible reloading: e830257ac69316b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E3250, hash = e830257ac69316b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E3250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10572, handle = 00000176A0DB1000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d47d7f138b960c3a shader registered for possible reloading: d47d7f138b960c3a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E7190, hash = d47d7f138b960c3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E7190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10612, handle = 00000176A0D644B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b1daded378c20c48 shader registered for possible reloading: b1daded378c20c48_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E5D90, hash = b1daded378c20c48 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E5D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12176, handle = 00000176A0D4B270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df5bffa7d7ab99ad shader registered for possible reloading: df5bffa7d7ab99ad_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E5650, hash = df5bffa7d7ab99ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E5650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12216, handle = 00000176A0D69320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 445b0b52f8b10fb0 shader registered for possible reloading: 445b0b52f8b10fb0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E7490, hash = 445b0b52f8b10fb0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E7490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9888, handle = 00000176A0D99410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32bd179862464c7a shader registered for possible reloading: 32bd179862464c7a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E8B90, hash = 32bd179862464c7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E8B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9928, handle = 00000176A0DA4920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edefee1a39b73631 shader registered for possible reloading: edefee1a39b73631_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E3810, hash = edefee1a39b73631 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E3810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11816, handle = 00000176A0D7E860, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07db3ee36eeb8624 shader registered for possible reloading: 07db3ee36eeb8624_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E3B10, hash = 07db3ee36eeb8624 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E3B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11836, handle = 00000176A0DD2920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e6d1b49d3da4c5a shader registered for possible reloading: 5e6d1b49d3da4c5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E7610, hash = 5e6d1b49d3da4c5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E7610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9516, handle = 00000176A0D46420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 299b92c4bc47e2b3 shader registered for possible reloading: 299b92c4bc47e2b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E3C90, hash = 299b92c4bc47e2b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E3C90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9556, handle = 00000176A0D8D2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6648d67399bc04a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 6648d67399bc04a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E40D0, hash = 6648d67399bc04a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E40D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13884, handle = 00000176A0B09300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 71a5727757082a72 shader registered for possible reloading: 71a5727757082a72_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E4390, hash = 71a5727757082a72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E4390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11576, handle = 00000176A0B03EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 416a443181c057cd shader registered for possible reloading: 416a443181c057cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E4510, hash = 416a443181c057cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E4510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14808, handle = 00000176A0A108E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b51f36c62e04a5eb shader registered for possible reloading: b51f36c62e04a5eb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E4810, hash = b51f36c62e04a5eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E4810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12120, handle = 00000176A0B58F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d83dca362c7895cf shader registered for possible reloading: d83dca362c7895cf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E4950, hash = d83dca362c7895cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E4950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14644, handle = 00000176A0AF5D30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7608600f11383b2d shader registered for possible reloading: 7608600f11383b2d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E4AD0, hash = 7608600f11383b2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E4AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11956, handle = 00000176A0B4D6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6fafffa48d7b9cf shader registered for possible reloading: c6fafffa48d7b9cf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E4C50, hash = c6fafffa48d7b9cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E4C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5908, handle = 00000176A0A142C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5bf82463389346c shader registered for possible reloading: a5bf82463389346c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E4DD0, hash = a5bf82463389346c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E4DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7236, handle = 00000176A0A4F370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 693c5964056aca4e shader registered for possible reloading: 693c5964056aca4e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E4F10, hash = 693c5964056aca4e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E4F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5932, handle = 00000176A0AD40F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c26056338e31906a shader registered for possible reloading: c26056338e31906a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E5F10, hash = c26056338e31906a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E5F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8476, handle = 00000176A09C4830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85bbb1582cce008d shader registered for possible reloading: 85bbb1582cce008d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EDED0, hash = 85bbb1582cce008d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EDED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9804, handle = 00000176A0BDD0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25dd7a2c940ed4d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 25dd7a2c940ed4d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EDC10, hash = 25dd7a2c940ed4d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EDC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8500, handle = 00000176A0A9B2C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb69e6cf312fae78 shader registered for possible reloading: cb69e6cf312fae78_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EC390, hash = cb69e6cf312fae78 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EC390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5944, handle = 00000176A0A7B220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d1cdefff189b5fbf shader registered for possible reloading: d1cdefff189b5fbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E8E50, hash = d1cdefff189b5fbf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E8E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9104, handle = 00000176A0B9ED00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cbe163afcff34cac shader registered for possible reloading: cbe163afcff34cac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EE050, hash = cbe163afcff34cac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EE050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9428, handle = 00000176A0B923B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd7d3a6260fb93d2 shader registered for possible reloading: cd7d3a6260fb93d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EC0D0, hash = cd7d3a6260fb93d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EC0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9484, handle = 00000176A0BABCF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99f7f0da127b81c6 shader registered for possible reloading: 99f7f0da127b81c6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EC210, hash = 99f7f0da127b81c6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EC210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8204, handle = 00000176A09B6AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ff856f90110091b2 shader registered for possible reloading: ff856f90110091b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60ECF10, hash = ff856f90110091b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ECF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8260, handle = 00000176A0BD84F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4018427d65e6bc31 shader registered for possible reloading: 4018427d65e6bc31_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EBC50, hash = 4018427d65e6bc31 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EBC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10752, handle = 00000176A0BA92E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 373630677ec0cd68 shader registered for possible reloading: 373630677ec0cd68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EA290, hash = 373630677ec0cd68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EA290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10808, handle = 00000176A0AC6170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7aa1e959130f0939 shader registered for possible reloading: 7aa1e959130f0939_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EE1D0, hash = 7aa1e959130f0939 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EE1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9528, handle = 00000176A0B375E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = daa6c084c1088b1b shader registered for possible reloading: daa6c084c1088b1b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EAC90, hash = daa6c084c1088b1b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EAC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9584, handle = 00000176A0ACEFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a144425e83f5e827 shader registered for possible reloading: a144425e83f5e827_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EE610, hash = a144425e83f5e827 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EE610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9452, handle = 00000176A0AF9670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9fb0c1eb5dad403c shader registered for possible reloading: 9fb0c1eb5dad403c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EAF90, hash = 9fb0c1eb5dad403c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EAF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9508, handle = 00000176A0B48290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe021d9cd58c9985 shader registered for possible reloading: fe021d9cd58c9985_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60ED350, hash = fe021d9cd58c9985 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ED350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8228, handle = 00000176A0A7F130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b5388582b91b5313 shader registered for possible reloading: b5388582b91b5313_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EB810, hash = b5388582b91b5313 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EB810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8284, handle = 00000176A0A35110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0531889381fe4c92 shader registered for possible reloading: 0531889381fe4c92_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EB250, hash = 0531889381fe4c92 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EB250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11040, handle = 00000176A0BD59C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2059571eb692b327 shader registered for possible reloading: 2059571eb692b327_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E9E50, hash = 2059571eb692b327 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E9E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11096, handle = 00000176A0BDA540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df5d4c486c9208f7 shader registered for possible reloading: df5d4c486c9208f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E9890, hash = df5d4c486c9208f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E9890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9568, handle = 00000176A0AC3C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccef0d33c9404a46 shader registered for possible reloading: ccef0d33c9404a46_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EC510, hash = ccef0d33c9404a46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EC510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9624, handle = 00000176A0B52E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e36a4e84c26821a shader registered for possible reloading: 0e36a4e84c26821a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EA410, hash = 0e36a4e84c26821a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EA410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12364, handle = 00000176A0B81A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34ec9fc5a236c0e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 34ec9fc5a236c0e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EA6D0, hash = 34ec9fc5a236c0e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EA6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12420, handle = 00000176A0BDF700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 570acdc68751962d shader registered for possible reloading: 570acdc68751962d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EA550, hash = 570acdc68751962d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EA550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10892, handle = 00000176A0AD8BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2eec73996f72e2e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 2eec73996f72e2e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EB0D0, hash = 2eec73996f72e2e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EB0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10948, handle = 00000176A0B77780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfcef2a8d0162e75 shader registered for possible reloading: bfcef2a8d0162e75_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60ED4D0, hash = bfcef2a8d0162e75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ED4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11064, handle = 00000176A0B84A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bac9d1aede6bf4fc shader registered for possible reloading: bac9d1aede6bf4fc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EA850, hash = bac9d1aede6bf4fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EA850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11120, handle = 00000176A0AD1570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7c1b0d08dbaa3ae shader registered for possible reloading: f7c1b0d08dbaa3ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E8FD0, hash = f7c1b0d08dbaa3ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E8FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9592, handle = 00000176A0ADB680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82ff1bc526d12d2e shader registered for possible reloading: 82ff1bc526d12d2e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E9150, hash = 82ff1bc526d12d2e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E9150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9648, handle = 00000176A0B17650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5bb7175495e3090f shader registered for possible reloading: 5bb7175495e3090f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60ED910, hash = 5bb7175495e3090f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ED910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9992, handle = 00000176A0BC6AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f26f28fb41e975ce shader registered for possible reloading: f26f28fb41e975ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EC7D0, hash = f26f28fb41e975ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EC7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10048, handle = 00000176A0BE4E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6de376d8fb8d52b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 6de376d8fb8d52b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EC950, hash = 6de376d8fb8d52b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EC950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8240, handle = 00000176A0B875B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e65daf98a757a53 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e65daf98a757a53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EDA90, hash = 4e65daf98a757a53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EDA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8296, handle = 00000176A0BCE880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 156d64b9540b8248 shader registered for possible reloading: 156d64b9540b8248_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EE350, hash = 156d64b9540b8248 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EE350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11980, handle = 00000176A0BD2AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a6393b581c714ab shader registered for possible reloading: 2a6393b581c714ab_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EB690, hash = 2a6393b581c714ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EB690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12036, handle = 00000176A0BB3F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c22a0171f5357cae shader registered for possible reloading: c22a0171f5357cae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EA9D0, hash = c22a0171f5357cae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EA9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10176, handle = 00000176A0BCC0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 31f4628c678c8e82 shader registered for possible reloading: 31f4628c678c8e82_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E9410, hash = 31f4628c678c8e82 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E9410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10232, handle = 00000176A0B7D050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39ae7d8cf3f11592 shader registered for possible reloading: 39ae7d8cf3f11592_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E9590, hash = 39ae7d8cf3f11592 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E9590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8644, handle = 00000176A0BB6E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6be3d6ff5a1811dc shader registered for possible reloading: 6be3d6ff5a1811dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60ECAD0, hash = 6be3d6ff5a1811dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ECAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8632, handle = 00000176A0B7F850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2f6f9263b3104a78 shader registered for possible reloading: 2f6f9263b3104a78_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E9710, hash = 2f6f9263b3104a78 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E9710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9968, handle = 00000176A0BC19E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bb16a32ed95d77d3 shader registered for possible reloading: bb16a32ed95d77d3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60ED090, hash = bb16a32ed95d77d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ED090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9944, handle = 00000176A0BE2790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb19f025ee8cd9d2 shader registered for possible reloading: fb19f025ee8cd9d2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60ECC50, hash = fb19f025ee8cd9d2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ECC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8668, handle = 00000176A0BA10A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5b446e14cb222a2 shader registered for possible reloading: e5b446e14cb222a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EBB10, hash = e5b446e14cb222a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EBB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8656, handle = 00000176A0B9A130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 810a254449cf4259 shader registered for possible reloading: 810a254449cf4259_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E99D0, hash = 810a254449cf4259 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E99D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8680, handle = 00000176A09D2550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7a4e68bb0c490a2 shader registered for possible reloading: b7a4e68bb0c490a2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EBDD0, hash = b7a4e68bb0c490a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EBDD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8668, handle = 00000176A0BD08F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ffab9386d726d49 shader registered for possible reloading: 4ffab9386d726d49_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60E9B50, hash = 4ffab9386d726d49 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E9B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14180, handle = 00000176A0AA39E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 382c9f5f2d1f037c shader registered for possible reloading: 382c9f5f2d1f037c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E9CD0, hash = 382c9f5f2d1f037c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E9CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11872, handle = 00000176A09BC2C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de80e3840ec66506 shader registered for possible reloading: de80e3840ec66506_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60E9F90, hash = de80e3840ec66506 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60E9F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15104, handle = 00000176A09EA240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e7eff37c0478b29 shader registered for possible reloading: 8e7eff37c0478b29_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60ECD90, hash = 8e7eff37c0478b29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ECD90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12416, handle = 00000176A0A78190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7f4c78b23191a009 shader registered for possible reloading: 7f4c78b23191a009_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60EA110, hash = 7f4c78b23191a009 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EA110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14940, handle = 00000176A0AA7150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b90c53298e1c89c1 shader registered for possible reloading: b90c53298e1c89c1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60EBF50, hash = b90c53298e1c89c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EBF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12252, handle = 00000176A0A58960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dacb848cf6364a34 shader registered for possible reloading: dacb848cf6364a34_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60ED210, hash = dacb848cf6364a34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ED210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6204, handle = 00000176A09A76C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26f4f6c7379d9b1f shader registered for possible reloading: 26f4f6c7379d9b1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60ED650, hash = 26f4f6c7379d9b1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60ED650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7532, handle = 00000176A0A06A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b6ad84a3d9d39c3 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b6ad84a3d9d39c3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EFB90, hash = 1b6ad84a3d9d39c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EFB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6228, handle = 00000176A0A63EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc2bd543edde3ce2 shader registered for possible reloading: cc2bd543edde3ce2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F1150, hash = cc2bd543edde3ce2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F1150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9568, handle = 00000176A0B50890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d769006a1f579ca shader registered for possible reloading: 6d769006a1f579ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F3510, hash = 6d769006a1f579ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F3510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10896, handle = 00000176A0B1ADA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56eab338ab7415b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 56eab338ab7415b1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F0450, hash = 56eab338ab7415b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F0450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9592, handle = 00000176A0B0F650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f9f3dcaa9e3eea72 shader registered for possible reloading: f9f3dcaa9e3eea72_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F30D0, hash = f9f3dcaa9e3eea72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F30D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6240, handle = 00000176A09E6EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 835412d1af22c103 shader registered for possible reloading: 835412d1af22c103_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F0890, hash = 835412d1af22c103 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F0890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10196, handle = 00000176A0B11BD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc95eb201285ea42 shader registered for possible reloading: dc95eb201285ea42_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F3F50, hash = dc95eb201285ea42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F3F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10520, handle = 00000176A0B5F110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93dad2f3d91fd424 shader registered for possible reloading: 93dad2f3d91fd424_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F2F50, hash = 93dad2f3d91fd424 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F2F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10576, handle = 00000176A0B26BD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e3413d7dea0ddcc shader registered for possible reloading: 1e3413d7dea0ddcc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EFD10, hash = 1e3413d7dea0ddcc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EFD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9296, handle = 00000176A0B6D540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b137ba1660cf1d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b137ba1660cf1d4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F3250, hash = 4b137ba1660cf1d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F3250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9352, handle = 00000176A0ACCB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6ffcdb33cff3330 shader registered for possible reloading: a6ffcdb33cff3330_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EE910, hash = a6ffcdb33cff3330 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EE910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11844, handle = 00000176A0B1D840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd6d5f2d99e2eeba shader registered for possible reloading: fd6d5f2d99e2eeba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F1F90, hash = fd6d5f2d99e2eeba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F1F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11900, handle = 00000176A0AE7DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f1a7c677a9fd7f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f1a7c677a9fd7f1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F23D0, hash = 0f1a7c677a9fd7f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F23D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10620, handle = 00000176A0AEDFC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd86c408d95a40bb shader registered for possible reloading: dd86c408d95a40bb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F4210, hash = dd86c408d95a40bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10676, handle = 00000176A0AFBD60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 67a5ffe8184c25b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 67a5ffe8184c25b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F1E10, hash = 67a5ffe8184c25b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F1E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10544, handle = 00000176A0B64980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e44d3ab915740bc5 shader registered for possible reloading: e44d3ab915740bc5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F33D0, hash = e44d3ab915740bc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F33D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10600, handle = 00000176A0B01570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 493419ca3178efff shader registered for possible reloading: 493419ca3178efff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F3690, hash = 493419ca3178efff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F3690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9320, handle = 00000176A0AF38C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 729c74799986c943 shader registered for possible reloading: 729c74799986c943_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EF190, hash = 729c74799986c943 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EF190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9376, handle = 00000176A09F83C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 846afc361b1b79dd shader registered for possible reloading: 846afc361b1b79dd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F3810, hash = 846afc361b1b79dd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F3810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12104, handle = 00000176A0B61A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c645ca42dd29fe4e shader registered for possible reloading: c645ca42dd29fe4e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F2110, hash = c645ca42dd29fe4e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F2110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12160, handle = 00000176A0B5C180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8945d83e374779cc shader registered for possible reloading: 8945d83e374779cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F0B90, hash = 8945d83e374779cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F0B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10660, handle = 00000176A0B31EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab779abbe64547af shader registered for possible reloading: ab779abbe64547af_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F1590, hash = ab779abbe64547af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F1590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10716, handle = 00000176A0B409E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a06362e9d9f1b46 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a06362e9d9f1b46_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F3AD0, hash = 9a06362e9d9f1b46 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F3AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13428, handle = 00000176A0AAABC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b75cad4bf741e442 shader registered for possible reloading: b75cad4bf741e442_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EED50, hash = b75cad4bf741e442 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EED50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13484, handle = 00000176A0AC0740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26611402478aee44 shader registered for possible reloading: 26611402478aee44_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F0710, hash = 26611402478aee44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F0710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11984, handle = 00000176A0AE1F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55dd3b264f6d0eda shader registered for possible reloading: 55dd3b264f6d0eda_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F1B50, hash = 55dd3b264f6d0eda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F1B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12040, handle = 00000176A0B6A630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0defeba88fe0c4f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 0defeba88fe0c4f7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F1290, hash = 0defeba88fe0c4f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F1290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12128, handle = 00000176A0AF0950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7e58e75dfc35f7c shader registered for possible reloading: e7e58e75dfc35f7c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EEED0, hash = e7e58e75dfc35f7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EEED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12184, handle = 00000176A0AE4E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a817cf717ab34af0 shader registered for possible reloading: a817cf717ab34af0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F0010, hash = a817cf717ab34af0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F0010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10684, handle = 00000176A09FC770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 344e75d27c92649a shader registered for possible reloading: 344e75d27c92649a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F2290, hash = 344e75d27c92649a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F2290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10740, handle = 00000176A0B45890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b4d1e607bd29a3d shader registered for possible reloading: 8b4d1e607bd29a3d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F1710, hash = 8b4d1e607bd29a3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F1710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11084, handle = 00000176A0B2F350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a76cefd447eef9c2 shader registered for possible reloading: a76cefd447eef9c2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F05D0, hash = a76cefd447eef9c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F05D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11140, handle = 00000176A0B74BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c6fa4dac47faf2b9 shader registered for possible reloading: c6fa4dac47faf2b9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F1410, hash = c6fa4dac47faf2b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F1410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9332, handle = 00000176A097FE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee905dfde502b760 shader registered for possible reloading: ee905dfde502b760_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EF010, hash = ee905dfde502b760 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EF010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9388, handle = 00000176A0B433D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e15659201f3d158b shader registered for possible reloading: e15659201f3d158b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F3990, hash = e15659201f3d158b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F3990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13052, handle = 00000176A0AD58D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7cd47194c047d0f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 7cd47194c047d0f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F2550, hash = 7cd47194c047d0f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F2550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13108, handle = 00000176A0B55C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 800577373e395e1b shader registered for possible reloading: 800577373e395e1b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EFA50, hash = 800577373e395e1b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EFA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11288, handle = 00000176A0B71FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55e23ea221561133 shader registered for possible reloading: 55e23ea221561133_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F3C50, hash = 55e23ea221561133 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F3C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11344, handle = 00000176A0B0C9F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6eb9584cf8b59c39 shader registered for possible reloading: 6eb9584cf8b59c39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F0150, hash = 6eb9584cf8b59c39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F0150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9736, handle = 00000176A0ABAA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39e90f08ca29330a shader registered for possible reloading: 39e90f08ca29330a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F26D0, hash = 39e90f08ca29330a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F26D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9724, handle = 00000176A0B06CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8790d39d527a131a shader registered for possible reloading: 8790d39d527a131a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60EF310, hash = 8790d39d527a131a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EF310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11060, handle = 00000176A0B29530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf4e73d0cdd29528 shader registered for possible reloading: bf4e73d0cdd29528_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F0E50, hash = bf4e73d0cdd29528 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F0E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11036, handle = 00000176A0ACA030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 305f6ae0913d34ac shader registered for possible reloading: 305f6ae0913d34ac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F0FD0, hash = 305f6ae0913d34ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F0FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9760, handle = 00000176A0B4B0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dea1b8b356a19a74 shader registered for possible reloading: dea1b8b356a19a74_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F2B10, hash = dea1b8b356a19a74 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F2B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9748, handle = 00000176A0A8CE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 686fed17db9b8fba shader registered for possible reloading: 686fed17db9b8fba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F1850, hash = 686fed17db9b8fba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F1850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9772, handle = 00000176A0943970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 73d6f93587b5be7b shader registered for possible reloading: 73d6f93587b5be7b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F3DD0, hash = 73d6f93587b5be7b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F3DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9760, handle = 00000176A0B6F9A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3bc8de2ab5d0692 shader registered for possible reloading: b3bc8de2ab5d0692_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B60F19D0, hash = b3bc8de2ab5d0692 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F19D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2712, handle = 00000176A09FF560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c061c666c62303b shader registered for possible reloading: 4c061c666c62303b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F2850, hash = 4c061c666c62303b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F2850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8068, handle = 00000176A09C28A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de7fb9b87a0f77fc shader registered for possible reloading: de7fb9b87a0f77fc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F4390, hash = de7fb9b87a0f77fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2908, handle = 00000176A09E0150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ac30fba28552219 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ac30fba28552219_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F2990, hash = 9ac30fba28552219 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F2990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8256, handle = 00000176A09D0500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c6e888082baf807 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c6e888082baf807_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F2C90, hash = 2c6e888082baf807 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F2C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7752, handle = 00000176A0A42EF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8844d0a29e3b3ba shader registered for possible reloading: c8844d0a29e3b3ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60EF8D0, hash = c8844d0a29e3b3ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EF8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7940, handle = 00000176A09EE800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e95086be6bb91fbc shader registered for possible reloading: e95086be6bb91fbc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60EEA50, hash = e95086be6bb91fbc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EEA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2760, handle = 00000176A05A1FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dffeed95db513917 shader registered for possible reloading: dffeed95db513917_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F2E10, hash = dffeed95db513917 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F2E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2956, handle = 00000176A0953F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ba5f393ddb50e1f shader registered for possible reloading: 6ba5f393ddb50e1f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F4090, hash = 6ba5f393ddb50e1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7800, handle = 00000176A0A28B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b965d672049c74ad shader registered for possible reloading: b965d672049c74ad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60EEBD0, hash = b965d672049c74ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EEBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7988, handle = 00000176A0A331D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d71103304c564915 shader registered for possible reloading: d71103304c564915_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60EF490, hash = d71103304c564915 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EF490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2736, handle = 00000176A0A0CE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 42f0393f7ee0229c shader registered for possible reloading: 42f0393f7ee0229c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60EF5D0, hash = 42f0393f7ee0229c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EF5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8076, handle = 00000176A0A1A050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a500191bde17473 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a500191bde17473_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60EF750, hash = 4a500191bde17473 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60EF750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2932, handle = 00000176A08DE6A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6744206718e5456c shader registered for possible reloading: 6744206718e5456c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F51D0, hash = 6744206718e5456c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F51D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8264, handle = 00000176A0A5D630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e091fe2b5a491fd shader registered for possible reloading: 2e091fe2b5a491fd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F5350, hash = 2e091fe2b5a491fd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F5350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7776, handle = 00000176A0A2ED00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b86f69befc4f1ee5 shader registered for possible reloading: b86f69befc4f1ee5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F4D90, hash = b86f69befc4f1ee5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7964, handle = 00000176A09D8760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 574b6678320d095a shader registered for possible reloading: 574b6678320d095a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F5ED0, hash = 574b6678320d095a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F5ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2784, handle = 00000176A0A02DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f5eb839e9d3bb45c shader registered for possible reloading: f5eb839e9d3bb45c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F4F10, hash = f5eb839e9d3bb45c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2980, handle = 00000176A0A20B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d585268f2d0c94c8 shader registered for possible reloading: d585268f2d0c94c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F4C10, hash = d585268f2d0c94c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7824, handle = 00000176A09CBA90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7db11076bdd856e shader registered for possible reloading: e7db11076bdd856e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F5C10, hash = e7db11076bdd856e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F5C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8012, handle = 00000176A0A180F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74566ddb9ee1626e shader registered for possible reloading: 74566ddb9ee1626e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F4950, hash = 74566ddb9ee1626e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1964, handle = 00000176A0A51A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34f0353903a28b4f shader registered for possible reloading: 34f0353903a28b4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F4510, hash = 34f0353903a28b4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7500, handle = 00000176A09F3A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fc324a2859b33e87 shader registered for possible reloading: fc324a2859b33e87_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F4AD0, hash = fc324a2859b33e87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2160, handle = 00000176A09F7B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c871741e60a5289 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c871741e60a5289_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F5090, hash = 2c871741e60a5289 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F5090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7688, handle = 00000176A0A44D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d9edd71c958f982 shader registered for possible reloading: 4d9edd71c958f982_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F5D50, hash = 4d9edd71c958f982 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F5D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7288, handle = 00000176A09AFFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd7a892892311a42 shader registered for possible reloading: dd7a892892311a42_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F5910, hash = dd7a892892311a42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F5910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A0A56C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c243811edcde2c41 shader registered for possible reloading: c243811edcde2c41_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F5650, hash = c243811edcde2c41 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F5650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2020, handle = 00000176A0757B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07250f02d799921b shader registered for possible reloading: 07250f02d799921b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F54D0, hash = 07250f02d799921b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F54D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7500, handle = 00000176A0A01070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 76faecb8be1c0948 shader registered for possible reloading: 76faecb8be1c0948_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F5790, hash = 76faecb8be1c0948 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F5790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2216, handle = 00000176A09E8E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0877d00392aefb28 shader registered for possible reloading: 0877d00392aefb28_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F5A90, hash = 0877d00392aefb28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F5A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7688, handle = 00000176A0A48870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e77e93e447d2abe shader registered for possible reloading: 6e77e93e447d2abe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F4650, hash = 6e77e93e447d2abe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F4650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7344, handle = 00000176A0A5B970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a56aa648dce3bbb5 shader registered for possible reloading: a56aa648dce3bbb5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60F47D0, hash = a56aa648dce3bbb5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60F47D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7532, handle = 00000176A09A2EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92c6e94b1dbe9f8d shader registered for possible reloading: 92c6e94b1dbe9f8d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B8910, hash = 92c6e94b1dbe9f8d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B8910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1760, handle = 00000176A097D850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfdf6f6adda384b1 shader registered for possible reloading: cfdf6f6adda384b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BA450, hash = cfdf6f6adda384b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BA450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1976, handle = 00000176A06A8990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6777a97848565d45 shader registered for possible reloading: 6777a97848565d45_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B77D0, hash = 6777a97848565d45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B77D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7084, handle = 00000176A0A21700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac5f4181bd868b5c shader registered for possible reloading: ac5f4181bd868b5c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B7C10, hash = ac5f4181bd868b5c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B7C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7292, handle = 00000176A09D6AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f16a5afb9641203 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f16a5afb9641203_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B7390, hash = 5f16a5afb9641203 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B7390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1780, handle = 00000176A009C060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7784c4af7bff9581 shader registered for possible reloading: 7784c4af7bff9581_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B74D0, hash = 7784c4af7bff9581 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B74D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1996, handle = 00000176A0814250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8fa1a314f8a5e959 shader registered for possible reloading: 8fa1a314f8a5e959_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B7650, hash = 8fa1a314f8a5e959 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B7650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7104, handle = 00000176A09E1C40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f9c171a5878b0f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f9c171a5878b0f8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B7D90, hash = 6f9c171a5878b0f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B7D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7312, handle = 00000176A0A30B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a2c876ab81661954 shader registered for possible reloading: a2c876ab81661954_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B7090, hash = a2c876ab81661954 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B7090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 00000176A075BCD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 748c1732cc0c2371 shader registered for possible reloading: 748c1732cc0c2371_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B8BD0, hash = 748c1732cc0c2371 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B8BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2116, handle = 00000176A0717500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa0eb3d4cb3e30ca shader registered for possible reloading: aa0eb3d4cb3e30ca_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BA2D0, hash = aa0eb3d4cb3e30ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BA2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176A093CE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d4f2cf2b491d6988 shader registered for possible reloading: d4f2cf2b491d6988_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B8D50, hash = d4f2cf2b491d6988 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B8D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7432, handle = 00000176A09C9D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53f68b5f03d7a251 shader registered for possible reloading: 53f68b5f03d7a251_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B7950, hash = 53f68b5f03d7a251 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B7950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1924, handle = 00000176A065D970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f89755c900fefb5 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f89755c900fefb5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6690, hash = 0f89755c900fefb5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2140, handle = 00000176A0893AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 072fe051ac0e4697 shader registered for possible reloading: 072fe051ac0e4697_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B7A90, hash = 072fe051ac0e4697 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B7A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7248, handle = 00000176A09B41D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b9a1267414cb1dc shader registered for possible reloading: 0b9a1267414cb1dc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9BD0, hash = 0b9a1267414cb1dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7456, handle = 00000176A09C6B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fdd97864c679dab2 shader registered for possible reloading: fdd97864c679dab2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B7F10, hash = fdd97864c679dab2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B7F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 00000176A0A51300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5294abf10a67cc72 shader registered for possible reloading: 5294abf10a67cc72_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B5110, hash = 5294abf10a67cc72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B5110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2116, handle = 00000176A0A4B5D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 172aea1b180fbb95 shader registered for possible reloading: 172aea1b180fbb95_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B5B10, hash = 172aea1b180fbb95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B5B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176A07158C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5afc4da293637c1f shader registered for possible reloading: 5afc4da293637c1f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6DD0, hash = 5afc4da293637c1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7432, handle = 00000176A0A1EE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c00fde1ae2a5a5e shader registered for possible reloading: 4c00fde1ae2a5a5e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6810, hash = 4c00fde1ae2a5a5e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1728, handle = 00000176A0186E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59246b61e5c6d5e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 59246b61e5c6d5e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9D10, hash = 59246b61e5c6d5e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1944, handle = 00000176A08F9390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39bafd2148cbdb62 shader registered for possible reloading: 39bafd2148cbdb62_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B5810, hash = 39bafd2148cbdb62 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B5810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7052, handle = 00000176A09AB5B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 820292cd0f7337e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 820292cd0f7337e8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B56D0, hash = 820292cd0f7337e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B56D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7260, handle = 00000176A0A373D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e01444e6d0d7f9cb shader registered for possible reloading: e01444e6d0d7f9cb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B8050, hash = e01444e6d0d7f9cb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B8050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4120, handle = 00000176A0A232C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e318fb4115dd6bbc shader registered for possible reloading: e318fb4115dd6bbc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B8610, hash = e318fb4115dd6bbc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B8610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10876, handle = 00000176A09A4C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f22e92d2b0334bc3 shader registered for possible reloading: f22e92d2b0334bc3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BA010, hash = f22e92d2b0334bc3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BA010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10020, handle = 00000176A09E3810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 520a4c1263696562 shader registered for possible reloading: 520a4c1263696562_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B8A90, hash = 520a4c1263696562 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B8A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4188, handle = 00000176A0A00000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 15ebf55af659b818 shader registered for possible reloading: 15ebf55af659b818_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B81D0, hash = 15ebf55af659b818 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B81D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11028, handle = 00000176A0A2C1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0cc4c019149f8671 shader registered for possible reloading: 0cc4c019149f8671_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B8350, hash = 0cc4c019149f8671 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B8350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10088, handle = 00000176A0951810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85c59b05ea02cc3f shader registered for possible reloading: 85c59b05ea02cc3f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9A50, hash = 85c59b05ea02cc3f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4144, handle = 00000176A0A4E330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57c77646a9eb0dec shader registered for possible reloading: 57c77646a9eb0dec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9E90, hash = 57c77646a9eb0dec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10884, handle = 00000176A09DA690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c59cd120fb07f447 shader registered for possible reloading: c59cd120fb07f447_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9750, hash = c59cd120fb07f447 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10044, handle = 00000176A0A08890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ed992d2b3764748 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ed992d2b3764748_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B98D0, hash = 0ed992d2b3764748 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B98D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4212, handle = 00000176A0A477F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfc48861be03c88e shader registered for possible reloading: bfc48861be03c88e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B84D0, hash = bfc48861be03c88e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B84D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11036, handle = 00000176A0A3D4A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1420504c10d86998 shader registered for possible reloading: 1420504c10d86998_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9190, hash = 1420504c10d86998 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10112, handle = 00000176A09BF1D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b814b85e062a8ab7 shader registered for possible reloading: b814b85e062a8ab7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B8790, hash = b814b85e062a8ab7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B8790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3312, handle = 00000176A0954B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94b7f6b1a98a9a62 shader registered for possible reloading: 94b7f6b1a98a9a62_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B7210, hash = 94b7f6b1a98a9a62 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B7210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9916, handle = 00000176A0A52240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 648576cb89bd6199 shader registered for possible reloading: 648576cb89bd6199_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B8ED0, hash = 648576cb89bd6199 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B8ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9472, handle = 00000176A0A4BE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3babb8066b842259 shader registered for possible reloading: 3babb8066b842259_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BA190, hash = 3babb8066b842259 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BA190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3388, handle = 00000176A0A2B490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1958d3abd5a71e65 shader registered for possible reloading: 1958d3abd5a71e65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BA5D0, hash = 1958d3abd5a71e65 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BA5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10084, handle = 00000176A0987A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = daedac2211e1f824 shader registered for possible reloading: daedac2211e1f824_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9050, hash = daedac2211e1f824 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9548, handle = 00000176A09B1C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49a299a48cfeab32 shader registered for possible reloading: 49a299a48cfeab32_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BA750, hash = 49a299a48cfeab32 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BA750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2680, handle = 00000176A07FB440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 873a843651f47826 shader registered for possible reloading: 873a843651f47826_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BA890, hash = 873a843651f47826 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BA890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8840, handle = 00000176A0A242E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b7973946d9b44ce9 shader registered for possible reloading: b7973946d9b44ce9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6510, hash = b7973946d9b44ce9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2724, handle = 00000176A0A0D900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9098d16ac4f04460 shader registered for possible reloading: 9098d16ac4f04460_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9490, hash = 9098d16ac4f04460 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8884, handle = 00000176A09B8C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 95c1a88dec6b464d shader registered for possible reloading: 95c1a88dec6b464d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9610, hash = 95c1a88dec6b464d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2968, handle = 00000176A0A05E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = efc8427a3f268d7a shader registered for possible reloading: efc8427a3f268d7a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6950, hash = efc8427a3f268d7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9128, handle = 00000176A09DD120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e7de16dde838b2c0 shader registered for possible reloading: e7de16dde838b2c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BAA10, hash = e7de16dde838b2c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BAA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2992, handle = 00000176A09AD150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f311db7e7057eddb shader registered for possible reloading: f311db7e7057eddb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B9310, hash = f311db7e7057eddb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B9310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9152, handle = 00000176A09F0710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 229a34e34a1248b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 229a34e34a1248b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B5250, hash = 229a34e34a1248b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B5250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2916, handle = 00000176A09E96D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bde7ce9a7edd89f1 shader registered for possible reloading: bde7ce9a7edd89f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6F10, hash = bde7ce9a7edd89f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9076, handle = 00000176A0A1CAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8af5d07bdf4a2e3e shader registered for possible reloading: 8af5d07bdf4a2e3e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60BAB90, hash = 8af5d07bdf4a2e3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60BAB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2648, handle = 00000176A09C8850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d73cd9024a3590c3 shader registered for possible reloading: d73cd9024a3590c3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B53D0, hash = d73cd9024a3590c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B53D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8808, handle = 00000176A0784DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab1170f3db4c0552 shader registered for possible reloading: ab1170f3db4c0552_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B5550, hash = ab1170f3db4c0552 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B5550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3892, handle = 00000176A09C1960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 880fd55d5395b953 shader registered for possible reloading: 880fd55d5395b953_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6390, hash = 880fd55d5395b953 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9512, handle = 00000176A0A0E3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6fa63a1e30ff3658 shader registered for possible reloading: 6fa63a1e30ff3658_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B5990, hash = 6fa63a1e30ff3658 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B5990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8888, handle = 00000176A0A40C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc3d3d56b70635b5 shader registered for possible reloading: dc3d3d56b70635b5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B5C90, hash = dc3d3d56b70635b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B5C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3960, handle = 00000176A09E0CC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 966014eb25c8f495 shader registered for possible reloading: 966014eb25c8f495_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6AD0, hash = 966014eb25c8f495 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9648, handle = 00000176A0A26570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0addc891b30340bf shader registered for possible reloading: 0addc891b30340bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B5DD0, hash = 0addc891b30340bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B5DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8956, handle = 00000176A0A54910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de10cc01b28edc9a shader registered for possible reloading: de10cc01b28edc9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B5F50, hash = de10cc01b28edc9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B5F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3916, handle = 00000176A09E5F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce212676831a2f1a shader registered for possible reloading: ce212676831a2f1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B60D0, hash = ce212676831a2f1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B60D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9520, handle = 00000176A0A15BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4056137942f2ad9b shader registered for possible reloading: 4056137942f2ad9b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6250, hash = 4056137942f2ad9b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8912, handle = 00000176A09ADD10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 407fa992dfc78c2f shader registered for possible reloading: 407fa992dfc78c2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B60B6C50, hash = 407fa992dfc78c2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B60B6C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3984, handle = 00000176A09F2AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c70c372c6458b0f8 shader registered for possible reloading: c70c372c6458b0f8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAE390, hash = c70c372c6458b0f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAE390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9656, handle = 00000176A0A038C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e314e73a576401e8 shader registered for possible reloading: e314e73a576401e8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FABB50, hash = e314e73a576401e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FABB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8980, handle = 00000176A0A39040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2169806b73f74201 shader registered for possible reloading: 2169806b73f74201_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAD6D0, hash = 2169806b73f74201 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAD6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3148, handle = 00000176A0A3FFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7913000b2581c2ac shader registered for possible reloading: 7913000b2581c2ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAC290, hash = 7913000b2581c2ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAC290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8872, handle = 00000176A09D4820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad4c473a055929c7 shader registered for possible reloading: ad4c473a055929c7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAF650, hash = ad4c473a055929c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAF650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8428, handle = 00000176A09CE400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cceb92b914f0d50 shader registered for possible reloading: 1cceb92b914f0d50_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAAD10, hash = 1cceb92b914f0d50 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAAD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3224, handle = 00000176A09B5E30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = caa734dc7bc3f088 shader registered for possible reloading: caa734dc7bc3f088_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB0610, hash = caa734dc7bc3f088 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB0610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9040, handle = 00000176A09F57E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccc976a85ce54fdf shader registered for possible reloading: ccc976a85ce54fdf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FADF50, hash = ccc976a85ce54fdf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FADF50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8504, handle = 00000176A0A3B360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ab191a132adc3c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ab191a132adc3c7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAD810, hash = 8ab191a132adc3c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAD810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2516, handle = 00000176A09BB8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2ba465b1498cb72 shader registered for possible reloading: d2ba465b1498cb72_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB0790, hash = d2ba465b1498cb72 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB0790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7796, handle = 00000176A09FA8F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6fd0d1f9c8e53e1c shader registered for possible reloading: 6fd0d1f9c8e53e1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAF090, hash = 6fd0d1f9c8e53e1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAF090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 00000176A08DF220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0322751d05df9fe8 shader registered for possible reloading: 0322751d05df9fe8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAF390, hash = 0322751d05df9fe8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAF390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7840, handle = 00000176A065BAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 316d86858a6a0958 shader registered for possible reloading: 316d86858a6a0958_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FACE10, hash = 316d86858a6a0958 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FACE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2752, handle = 00000176A0A1BFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70da8b92967ffacd shader registered for possible reloading: 70da8b92967ffacd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAEC50, hash = 70da8b92967ffacd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAEC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8032, handle = 00000176A09A9640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1b4017649a0d3c0 shader registered for possible reloading: f1b4017649a0d3c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FADDD0, hash = f1b4017649a0d3c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FADDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2776, handle = 00000176A0A2A9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 00915d68b1cc2c69 shader registered for possible reloading: 00915d68b1cc2c69_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAE250, hash = 00915d68b1cc2c69 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAE250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8056, handle = 00000176A0970320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c310a422aea342e3 shader registered for possible reloading: c310a422aea342e3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAE510, hash = c310a422aea342e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAE510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2752, handle = 00000176A09C92B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = feb50ff46d96092d shader registered for possible reloading: feb50ff46d96092d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAC110, hash = feb50ff46d96092d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAC110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8032, handle = 00000176A097B8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6143be64072eafa7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6143be64072eafa7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAE690, hash = 6143be64072eafa7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAE690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2484, handle = 00000176A0A32810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3781f5da5660ba23 shader registered for possible reloading: 3781f5da5660ba23_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAFF10, hash = 3781f5da5660ba23 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAFF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7764, handle = 00000176A0A0AFE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5f5810b3c0707a6 shader registered for possible reloading: c5f5810b3c0707a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAC410, hash = c5f5810b3c0707a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAC410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A098A1A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAB450, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAB450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5856, handle = 00000176A0AA22F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19095adde386f206 shader registered for possible reloading: 19095adde386f206_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAD990, hash = 19095adde386f206 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAD990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A0776820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAB590, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAB590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7000, handle = 00000176A0A65E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab47b23601976f6d shader registered for possible reloading: ab47b23601976f6d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAAE90, hash = ab47b23601976f6d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAAE90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9936, handle = 00000176A0A7CA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6690c7d7403ca076 shader registered for possible reloading: 6690c7d7403ca076_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAC590, hash = 6690c7d7403ca076 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAC590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9992, handle = 00000176A0A61790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5d388de64215dc29 shader registered for possible reloading: 5d388de64215dc29_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAB710, hash = 5d388de64215dc29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAB710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8388, handle = 00000176A0A91690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 574008aeed4216b0 shader registered for possible reloading: 574008aeed4216b0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB0050, hash = 574008aeed4216b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB0050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8444, handle = 00000176A0A5F680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e726ecd4f757f67 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e726ecd4f757f67_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAF210, hash = 0e726ecd4f757f67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAF210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10496, handle = 00000176A0A88190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a9eb18ac51ecc11 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a9eb18ac51ecc11_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAC6D0, hash = 9a9eb18ac51ecc11 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAC6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10552, handle = 00000176A0A9F9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dcdd9247c4682406 shader registered for possible reloading: dcdd9247c4682406_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAC850, hash = dcdd9247c4682406 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAC850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8964, handle = 00000176A0A75E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2bd67c7413f010fe shader registered for possible reloading: 2bd67c7413f010fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAC9D0, hash = 2bd67c7413f010fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAC9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9020, handle = 00000176A0A9D660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 05516346b8d550bb shader registered for possible reloading: 05516346b8d550bb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAAFD0, hash = 05516346b8d550bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAAFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10920, handle = 00000176A0A95AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = adf6dd3d5f39f8fa shader registered for possible reloading: adf6dd3d5f39f8fa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAE0D0, hash = adf6dd3d5f39f8fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAE0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10976, handle = 00000176A0A69E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b70274e4b43f2f10 shader registered for possible reloading: b70274e4b43f2f10_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FABE50, hash = b70274e4b43f2f10 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FABE50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9060, handle = 00000176A0A93760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3abb92b0fdbfaf85 shader registered for possible reloading: 3abb92b0fdbfaf85_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FACC90, hash = 3abb92b0fdbfaf85 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FACC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9116, handle = 00000176A0A8AAA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ed3c18f969459d7 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ed3c18f969459d7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FADB10, hash = 9ed3c18f969459d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FADB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11512, handle = 00000176A0A73180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6a40f3838c32c0ec shader registered for possible reloading: 6a40f3838c32c0ec_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAD3D0, hash = 6a40f3838c32c0ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAD3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11568, handle = 00000176A0A98580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be13bfeb26ea2b7e shader registered for possible reloading: be13bfeb26ea2b7e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAB150, hash = be13bfeb26ea2b7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAB150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9660, handle = 00000176A0A85BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b107472d8662757 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b107472d8662757_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAE810, hash = 4b107472d8662757 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAE810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9716, handle = 00000176A0A70B80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 097db72222fe8053 shader registered for possible reloading: 097db72222fe8053_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FACF90, hash = 097db72222fe8053 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FACF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8696, handle = 00000176A0A8F490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2a02df158d93112 shader registered for possible reloading: d2a02df158d93112_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAB2D0, hash = d2a02df158d93112 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAB2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8752, handle = 00000176A0A83980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 308373d4502878b9 shader registered for possible reloading: 308373d4502878b9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAEAD0, hash = 308373d4502878b9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAEAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9368, handle = 00000176A0A67960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe20c391ebfd1ec5 shader registered for possible reloading: fe20c391ebfd1ec5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAB890, hash = fe20c391ebfd1ec5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAB890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9424, handle = 00000176A0A814A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3215b8567b3c96c shader registered for possible reloading: e3215b8567b3c96c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FAD550, hash = e3215b8567b3c96c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAD550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2328, handle = 00000176A05E7930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fabd42d4201546e6 shader registered for possible reloading: fabd42d4201546e6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FABCD0, hash = fabd42d4201546e6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FABCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7860, handle = 00000176A0533C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f4308ae3dcb79d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f4308ae3dcb79d3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FABFD0, hash = 0f4308ae3dcb79d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FABFD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2492, handle = 00000176A08F2CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82d5c48d94a2d9db shader registered for possible reloading: 82d5c48d94a2d9db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB01D0, hash = 82d5c48d94a2d9db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB01D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8020, handle = 00000176A0948810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5039bbe043fce0b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 5039bbe043fce0b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAEF10, hash = 5039bbe043fce0b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAEF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A0955E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3de3f115ef5da9c shader registered for possible reloading: e3de3f115ef5da9c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAF950, hash = e3de3f115ef5da9c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAF950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A06A6C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b9c50d860546af8 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b9c50d860546af8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAFA90, hash = 9b9c50d860546af8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAFA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2396, handle = 00000176A06B8C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b58934c4106f4cf1 shader registered for possible reloading: b58934c4106f4cf1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAFC10, hash = b58934c4106f4cf1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAFC10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8164, handle = 00000176A06A4C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3eebecda41762bc4 shader registered for possible reloading: 3eebecda41762bc4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB0350, hash = 3eebecda41762bc4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB0350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 00000176A05EEF90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b68c4a73dcfdcd2 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b68c4a73dcfdcd2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB04D0, hash = 3b68c4a73dcfdcd2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB04D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8324, handle = 00000176A06803B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0211f0220ada7f45 shader registered for possible reloading: 0211f0220ada7f45_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB5550, hash = 0211f0220ada7f45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB5550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7436, handle = 00000176A08B0350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c13738ba00a4ccf shader registered for possible reloading: 1c13738ba00a4ccf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB4550, hash = 1c13738ba00a4ccf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB4550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7596, handle = 00000176A06F9650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b91889e500063855 shader registered for possible reloading: b91889e500063855_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB1BD0, hash = b91889e500063855 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2352, handle = 00000176A07A6B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc94064b9a0b4d45 shader registered for possible reloading: bc94064b9a0b4d45_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB18D0, hash = bc94064b9a0b4d45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB18D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2516, handle = 00000176A07FC450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b3babb61aff5577 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b3babb61aff5577_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB50D0, hash = 8b3babb61aff5577 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB50D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A0891DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef25254fc00d76b3 shader registered for possible reloading: ef25254fc00d76b3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB5810, hash = ef25254fc00d76b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB5810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7552, handle = 00000176A0941BE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d255c8abddd48d16 shader registered for possible reloading: d255c8abddd48d16_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB5990, hash = d255c8abddd48d16 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB5990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 00000176A05EA170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 318090e7ff581b67 shader registered for possible reloading: 318090e7ff581b67_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB5250, hash = 318090e7ff581b67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB5250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2584, handle = 00000176A08030C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a813782e0364df91 shader registered for possible reloading: a813782e0364df91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB4F90, hash = a813782e0364df91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB4F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7460, handle = 00000176A087FF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3f2dbc3f6eeeef7 shader registered for possible reloading: b3f2dbc3f6eeeef7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB3F90, hash = b3f2dbc3f6eeeef7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB3F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7620, handle = 00000176A094D2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b2e7f5c7aea50e3 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b2e7f5c7aea50e3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB1050, hash = 4b2e7f5c7aea50e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4136, handle = 00000176A08B6F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad981fdc4f6f0fc2 shader registered for possible reloading: ad981fdc4f6f0fc2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB5B10, hash = ad981fdc4f6f0fc2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB5B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11048, handle = 00000176A08E9C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03cd21d62aa9f778 shader registered for possible reloading: 03cd21d62aa9f778_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB4C90, hash = 03cd21d62aa9f778 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB4C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A09460D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb3019c022efc42d shader registered for possible reloading: cb3019c022efc42d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB3590, hash = cb3019c022efc42d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB3590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4204, handle = 00000176A05895C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de3245bfbccaa177 shader registered for possible reloading: de3245bfbccaa177_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB1A50, hash = de3245bfbccaa177 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11380, handle = 00000176A093A190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = da0b9cc113d3382f shader registered for possible reloading: da0b9cc113d3382f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB1750, hash = da0b9cc113d3382f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10108, handle = 00000176A094F080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49aee7c36d6137e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 49aee7c36d6137e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB53D0, hash = 49aee7c36d6137e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB53D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4160, handle = 00000176A0756AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dcf7727bdd9bc894 shader registered for possible reloading: dcf7727bdd9bc894_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB0910, hash = dcf7727bdd9bc894 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB0910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11056, handle = 00000176A094A770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1d61cde70eca01a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 1d61cde70eca01a8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB3890, hash = 1d61cde70eca01a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB3890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10064, handle = 00000176A08B4820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 073f7c296a01c670 shader registered for possible reloading: 073f7c296a01c670_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB4290, hash = 073f7c296a01c670 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB4290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4228, handle = 00000176A08F8300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e2dce23540037bbc shader registered for possible reloading: e2dce23540037bbc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB5690, hash = e2dce23540037bbc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB5690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11388, handle = 00000176A08F0010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f0c5cc095d642db shader registered for possible reloading: 9f0c5cc095d642db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB1310, hash = 9f0c5cc095d642db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10132, handle = 00000176A093F440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b66c73dfd24cd86 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b66c73dfd24cd86_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB1610, hash = 8b66c73dfd24cd86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 00000176A0396120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB5C50, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB5C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6704, handle = 00000176A096BDA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 70eaa2ad4bc2d135 shader registered for possible reloading: 70eaa2ad4bc2d135_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB4B10, hash = 70eaa2ad4bc2d135 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB4B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176A0220BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB25D0, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB25D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7852, handle = 00000176A097DF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c62d8a85bbe8a751 shader registered for possible reloading: c62d8a85bbe8a751_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB1D10, hash = c62d8a85bbe8a751 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11332, handle = 00000176A0991EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8909a6d0f15cc4cc shader registered for possible reloading: 8909a6d0f15cc4cc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB4410, hash = 8909a6d0f15cc4cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB4410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9712, handle = 00000176A09697A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61881b39fcc34106 shader registered for possible reloading: 61881b39fcc34106_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB3710, hash = 61881b39fcc34106 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB3710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18924, handle = 00000176A098A370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f74fe823e9d915dc shader registered for possible reloading: f74fe823e9d915dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB1E90, hash = f74fe823e9d915dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17384, handle = 00000176A0999BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1dd4adacc56fd753 shader registered for possible reloading: 1dd4adacc56fd753_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB2A10, hash = 1dd4adacc56fd753 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB2A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12592, handle = 00000176A098ED70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 747f66123c760b5c shader registered for possible reloading: 747f66123c760b5c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB5DD0, hash = 747f66123c760b5c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB5DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11064, handle = 00000176A096D7E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4861089ae643a1e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4861089ae643a1e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB49D0, hash = 4861089ae643a1e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB49D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20176, handle = 00000176A09648C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 05f4308edc8a99d0 shader registered for possible reloading: 05f4308edc8a99d0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB5F50, hash = 05f4308edc8a99d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB5F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18680, handle = 00000176A0957B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b4ca1b27034f999 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b4ca1b27034f999_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB1490, hash = 1b4ca1b27034f999 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13144, handle = 00000176A0972580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0eebe234905fea0f shader registered for possible reloading: 0eebe234905fea0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB1190, hash = 0eebe234905fea0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB1190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11816, handle = 00000176A09758E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99a6889b8b4cdc5f shader registered for possible reloading: 99a6889b8b4cdc5f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB4110, hash = 99a6889b8b4cdc5f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB4110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20660, handle = 00000176A0994B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d68c3e5299cba1f shader registered for possible reloading: 0d68c3e5299cba1f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB0D50, hash = 0d68c3e5299cba1f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB0D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19296, handle = 00000176A095FD50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 582d3501228b2e3d shader registered for possible reloading: 582d3501228b2e3d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB3410, hash = 582d3501228b2e3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB3410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14564, handle = 00000176A095C460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82336b67a1d3fcb5 shader registered for possible reloading: 82336b67a1d3fcb5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB60D0, hash = 82336b67a1d3fcb5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB60D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12744, handle = 00000176A0978710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f2b1d923a40abb7 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f2b1d923a40abb7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB39D0, hash = 9f2b1d923a40abb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB39D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22032, handle = 00000176A0982410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 98b259c0281838d8 shader registered for possible reloading: 98b259c0281838d8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB3E50, hash = 98b259c0281838d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB3E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20212, handle = 00000176A099DFB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa933cf70b3eb06c shader registered for possible reloading: fa933cf70b3eb06c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB2010, hash = fa933cf70b3eb06c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB2010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A06ECB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b00698355c6bbf6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB2190, hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB2190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A05A9470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 896d836e4bc38513 shader registered for possible reloading: 896d836e4bc38513_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB3B50, hash = 896d836e4bc38513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB3B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2300, handle = 00000176A0835730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d shader registered for possible reloading: 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB46D0, hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB46D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A059B130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 435eb788190e93fe shader registered for possible reloading: 435eb788190e93fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB2B90, hash = 435eb788190e93fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB2B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7164, handle = 00000176A07C5CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 shader registered for possible reloading: 96c9d66e5f68d745_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB22D0, hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB22D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7332, handle = 00000176A08F6650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 shader registered for possible reloading: 78419f9aacae6ac2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB2E50, hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB2E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2172, handle = 00000176A08CD1C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2128f8af8f55a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB0A90, hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB0A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2348, handle = 00000176A09011D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fcc315619520c1e shader registered for possible reloading: 4fcc315619520c1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB2450, hash = 4fcc315619520c1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB2450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7212, handle = 00000176A07C78E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd5547126858bce0 shader registered for possible reloading: bd5547126858bce0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB2D10, hash = bd5547126858bce0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB2D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7380, handle = 00000176A0754DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c shader registered for possible reloading: 4e7133c6bebefa7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB4E10, hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB4E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2148, handle = 00000176A06FBB50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 shader registered for possible reloading: d74c8b665c4c83f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB2750, hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB2750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2324, handle = 00000176A08D6780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d74197d5e9dbd44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB0BD0, hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB0BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7188, handle = 00000176A07F9820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c3b20db7fb4ea91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB0ED0, hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB0ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7356, handle = 00000176A08534B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 shader registered for possible reloading: f3c462e3e3c27641_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB2890, hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB2890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2196, handle = 00000176A0541AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f0d6cbacc4bce60_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB3150, hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB3150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2372, handle = 00000176A05AB140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e shader registered for possible reloading: 41cf13dbf3c2367e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB32D0, hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB32D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7236, handle = 00000176A05E1630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4e179db3798a00f shader registered for possible reloading: b4e179db3798a00f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB8910, hash = b4e179db3798a00f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB8910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7404, handle = 00000176A087E230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 shader registered for possible reloading: b935dfe9f51176b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB9490, hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB9490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3996, handle = 00000176A01559C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb02b05fec8c5e05 shader registered for possible reloading: cb02b05fec8c5e05_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBB9D0, hash = cb02b05fec8c5e05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBB9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10752, handle = 00000176A0899490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7de059b76ad4012 shader registered for possible reloading: a7de059b76ad4012_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB9B90, hash = a7de059b76ad4012 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB9B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9896, handle = 00000176A0833080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 737ea6284611cf67 shader registered for possible reloading: 737ea6284611cf67_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB6F10, hash = 737ea6284611cf67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB6F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4064, handle = 00000176A089BEA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c6f4ebe81de72e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c6f4ebe81de72e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB7C10, hash = 4c6f4ebe81de72e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB7C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10904, handle = 00000176A08D3CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3863c6d303a347d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 3863c6d303a347d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB8ED0, hash = 3863c6d303a347d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB8ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9964, handle = 00000176A08FEAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e509229a3ca469fe shader registered for possible reloading: e509229a3ca469fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB98D0, hash = e509229a3ca469fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB98D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4020, handle = 00000176A05626B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8647703e4369661 shader registered for possible reloading: c8647703e4369661_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBB290, hash = c8647703e4369661 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBB290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10760, handle = 00000176A08006B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bed2c93515b4389 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bed2c93515b4389_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBBE10, hash = 1bed2c93515b4389 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBBE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9920, handle = 00000176A058DA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f4d9d4c35ba553b shader registered for possible reloading: 4f4d9d4c35ba553b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB8D50, hash = 4f4d9d4c35ba553b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB8D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4088, handle = 00000176A085C880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ff4530f09c50bef shader registered for possible reloading: 9ff4530f09c50bef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBA5D0, hash = 9ff4530f09c50bef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBA5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10912, handle = 00000176A08CA710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d194b6508e1e13ee shader registered for possible reloading: d194b6508e1e13ee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBBCD0, hash = d194b6508e1e13ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBBCD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9988, handle = 00000176A06EA460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa4f590d13480df9 shader registered for possible reloading: fa4f590d13480df9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB7D90, hash = fa4f590d13480df9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB7D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A08ECE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBBB50, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBBB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5856, handle = 00000176A0855180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19095adde386f206 shader registered for possible reloading: 19095adde386f206_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB6510, hash = 19095adde386f206 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB6510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A08CDA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB9E90, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB9E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6972, handle = 00000176A08943B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ab54f5f29bde901 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ab54f5f29bde901_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBAFD0, hash = 8ab54f5f29bde901 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBAFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10280, handle = 00000176A0911FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f7c0e8a4b4d0c30 shader registered for possible reloading: 4f7c0e8a4b4d0c30_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB77D0, hash = 4f7c0e8a4b4d0c30 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB77D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8048, handle = 00000176A06B6C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53a68633b02f4375 shader registered for possible reloading: 53a68633b02f4375_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBA010, hash = 53a68633b02f4375 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBA010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17908, handle = 00000176A0935B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b2ddbdaafd20000 shader registered for possible reloading: 9b2ddbdaafd20000_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBA150, hash = 9b2ddbdaafd20000 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBA150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15696, handle = 00000176A07A2DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9017b57ea3371dee shader registered for possible reloading: 9017b57ea3371dee_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB7ED0, hash = 9017b57ea3371dee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB7ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10852, handle = 00000176A088F360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 349d575267d2b785 shader registered for possible reloading: 349d575267d2b785_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBB590, hash = 349d575267d2b785 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBB590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9408, handle = 00000176A07133F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c2dfce8ca6d0bb3 shader registered for possible reloading: 5c2dfce8ca6d0bb3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB7650, hash = 5c2dfce8ca6d0bb3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB7650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18468, handle = 00000176A08D9E70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a0497cf10911ec6 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a0497cf10911ec6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB8050, hash = 2a0497cf10911ec6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB8050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16996, handle = 00000176A0698B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = acdadca938a0be93 shader registered for possible reloading: acdadca938a0be93_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBBF90, hash = acdadca938a0be93 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBBF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11664, handle = 00000176A0710650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 63c0830e20cb5738 shader registered for possible reloading: 63c0830e20cb5738_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB7910, hash = 63c0830e20cb5738 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB7910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9860, handle = 00000176A0782750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 933f6b046f780f20 shader registered for possible reloading: 933f6b046f780f20_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB7A90, hash = 933f6b046f780f20 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB7A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19284, handle = 00000176A091AE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29cccbcf3d034f28 shader registered for possible reloading: 29cccbcf3d034f28_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBA2D0, hash = 29cccbcf3d034f28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBA2D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17452, handle = 00000176A090DB70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 956abd7796b3ec90 shader registered for possible reloading: 956abd7796b3ec90_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB6690, hash = 956abd7796b3ec90 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB6690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12592, handle = 00000176A0932A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3d4a22b5cd50e0a shader registered for possible reloading: c3d4a22b5cd50e0a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBAA10, hash = c3d4a22b5cd50e0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBAA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10796, handle = 00000176A0930010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e361c198a25f4f1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e361c198a25f4f1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB81D0, hash = 3e361c198a25f4f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB81D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20204, handle = 00000176A08AB450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5cf1838ba2b9e7ea shader registered for possible reloading: 5cf1838ba2b9e7ea_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB9010, hash = 5cf1838ba2b9e7ea returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB9010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18408, handle = 00000176A06B2490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06b39315134b8c07 shader registered for possible reloading: 06b39315134b8c07_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB8490, hash = 06b39315134b8c07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB8490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13400, handle = 00000176A08246D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd7abb5a7ca58194 shader registered for possible reloading: cd7abb5a7ca58194_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB67D0, hash = cd7abb5a7ca58194 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB67D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12052, handle = 00000176A0722170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd59ff4631e2117e shader registered for possible reloading: dd59ff4631e2117e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB6AD0, hash = dd59ff4631e2117e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB6AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14444, handle = 00000176A084A810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4ae1a94416ea5e1 shader registered for possible reloading: f4ae1a94416ea5e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB8350, hash = f4ae1a94416ea5e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB8350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12596, handle = 00000176A06ABF40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edba43a613a2cb27 shader registered for possible reloading: edba43a613a2cb27_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB9190, hash = edba43a613a2cb27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB9190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14280, handle = 00000176A0772600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1a4a24c4575a5da5 shader registered for possible reloading: 1a4a24c4575a5da5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBAB90, hash = 1a4a24c4575a5da5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBAB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12432, handle = 00000176A073F840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1689ec84ffdeabd7 shader registered for possible reloading: 1689ec84ffdeabd7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FB6C50, hash = 1689ec84ffdeabd7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB6C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6744, handle = 00000176A06F0020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 602d22513ae39843 shader registered for possible reloading: 602d22513ae39843_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBA710, hash = 602d22513ae39843 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBA710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8684, handle = 00000176A0638FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8327ccb0cd2c224d shader registered for possible reloading: 8327ccb0cd2c224d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB6D90, hash = 8327ccb0cd2c224d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB6D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7988, handle = 00000176A012D640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3fd752669c325d5c shader registered for possible reloading: 3fd752669c325d5c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBB710, hash = 3fd752669c325d5c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBB710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10108, handle = 00000176A05B6370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f627acf7b6394fc shader registered for possible reloading: 3f627acf7b6394fc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB74D0, hash = 3f627acf7b6394fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB74D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12044, handle = 00000176A0859960, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a521bd1768fbedc shader registered for possible reloading: 2a521bd1768fbedc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBB850, hash = 2a521bd1768fbedc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBB850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11368, handle = 00000176A07EE150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3f86652c52f98913 shader registered for possible reloading: 3f86652c52f98913_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBA890, hash = 3f86652c52f98913 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBA890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6780, handle = 00000176A054A810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3bd0ffd61eb6888e shader registered for possible reloading: 3bd0ffd61eb6888e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB8610, hash = 3bd0ffd61eb6888e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB8610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10736, handle = 00000176A0579AA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb1d2904cfa5c213 shader registered for possible reloading: eb1d2904cfa5c213_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB8A50, hash = eb1d2904cfa5c213 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB8A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11148, handle = 00000176A06ED480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62c0acb0878c27de shader registered for possible reloading: 62c0acb0878c27de_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB6950, hash = 62c0acb0878c27de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB6950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11272, handle = 00000176A0881DE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e07fdc71e8e274f3 shader registered for possible reloading: e07fdc71e8e274f3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB8790, hash = e07fdc71e8e274f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB8790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9928, handle = 00000176A0558080, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 221b86ff33295b37 shader registered for possible reloading: 221b86ff33295b37_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB9310, hash = 221b86ff33295b37 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB9310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9984, handle = 00000176A08B2110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5f0cc3555efc94d shader registered for possible reloading: e5f0cc3555efc94d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB7350, hash = e5f0cc3555efc94d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB7350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13088, handle = 00000176A08C17C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08db757cde5015a5 shader registered for possible reloading: 08db757cde5015a5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBB150, hash = 08db757cde5015a5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBB150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13144, handle = 00000176A0914C40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 136ca57ad6465ab5 shader registered for possible reloading: 136ca57ad6465ab5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB9750, hash = 136ca57ad6465ab5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB9750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11884, handle = 00000176A08CDC40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a92ef9b06110624e shader registered for possible reloading: a92ef9b06110624e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB7090, hash = a92ef9b06110624e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB7090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11940, handle = 00000176A08E0F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0544966f5201a93f shader registered for possible reloading: 0544966f5201a93f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB7210, hash = 0544966f5201a93f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB7210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12392, handle = 00000176A07F67B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3188fd3520b2ced shader registered for possible reloading: b3188fd3520b2ced_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FB9D10, hash = b3188fd3520b2ced returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FB9D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12448, handle = 00000176A08568B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 24af656cb2d9b153 shader registered for possible reloading: 24af656cb2d9b153_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC0490, hash = 24af656cb2d9b153 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC0490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11168, handle = 00000176A08116A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8a1db2240e6b8b6 shader registered for possible reloading: b8a1db2240e6b8b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBEF10, hash = b8a1db2240e6b8b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBEF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11244, handle = 00000176A08C4AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d77a42286e072332 shader registered for possible reloading: d77a42286e072332_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC08D0, hash = d77a42286e072332 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC08D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12760, handle = 00000176A08364D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4baff87ec3b54142 shader registered for possible reloading: 4baff87ec3b54142_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBE7D0, hash = 4baff87ec3b54142 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBE7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12816, handle = 00000176A08D0AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3f0c6410e0039d7 shader registered for possible reloading: f3f0c6410e0039d7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBFC10, hash = f3f0c6410e0039d7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBFC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11288, handle = 00000176A08BBA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aaa502b4b9a0ccae shader registered for possible reloading: aaa502b4b9a0ccae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBF4D0, hash = aaa502b4b9a0ccae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBF4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11344, handle = 00000176A08D7210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3424446884ab34a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3424446884ab34a1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC15D0, hash = 3424446884ab34a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC15D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14700, handle = 00000176A08B80D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b46ca326c0c6d4aa shader registered for possible reloading: b46ca326c0c6d4aa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC0A50, hash = b46ca326c0c6d4aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC0A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14756, handle = 00000176A0758320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6845b85b2e232cb0 shader registered for possible reloading: 6845b85b2e232cb0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBDF50, hash = 6845b85b2e232cb0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBDF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13248, handle = 00000176A07E5590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 827d25e5eee9c4d0 shader registered for possible reloading: 827d25e5eee9c4d0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBEAD0, hash = 827d25e5eee9c4d0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBEAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13304, handle = 00000176A0901B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b32ed2ab2386923 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b32ed2ab2386923_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC0BD0, hash = 6b32ed2ab2386923 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC0BD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14004, handle = 00000176A07FCFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef523dcc1b94ac1a shader registered for possible reloading: ef523dcc1b94ac1a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBF650, hash = ef523dcc1b94ac1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBF650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14060, handle = 00000176A06BE130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8a200725d9781275 shader registered for possible reloading: 8a200725d9781275_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBD810, hash = 8a200725d9781275 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBD810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12552, handle = 00000176A090AA60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 35d1218845f112da shader registered for possible reloading: 35d1218845f112da_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBE650, hash = 35d1218845f112da returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBE650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12608, handle = 00000176A08BE670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c00635308ffe9be shader registered for possible reloading: 2c00635308ffe9be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC18D0, hash = 2c00635308ffe9be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC18D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11716, handle = 00000176A0904F40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0f24596b34750812 shader registered for possible reloading: 0f24596b34750812_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBC550, hash = 0f24596b34750812 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBC550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11840, handle = 00000176A08A27F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a532c015f0884468 shader registered for possible reloading: a532c015f0884468_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC0790, hash = a532c015f0884468 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC0790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9964, handle = 00000176A08FC3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f0ce18765069487e shader registered for possible reloading: f0ce18765069487e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBF910, hash = f0ce18765069487e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBF910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10020, handle = 00000176A04D0D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e62298dd00d651 shader registered for possible reloading: 32e62298dd00d651_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBF1D0, hash = 32e62298dd00d651 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBF1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13684, handle = 00000176A0895F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc8352eaefa3fcb1 shader registered for possible reloading: dc8352eaefa3fcb1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC0D50, hash = dc8352eaefa3fcb1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC0D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13740, handle = 00000176A08E6670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8650e2f13618bd7d shader registered for possible reloading: 8650e2f13618bd7d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBE210, hash = 8650e2f13618bd7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBE210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11916, handle = 00000176A0917FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a55827839d907fb8 shader registered for possible reloading: a55827839d907fb8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC0610, hash = a55827839d907fb8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC0610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11972, handle = 00000176A06E4830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f6d638c67f84ee6 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f6d638c67f84ee6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBFD50, hash = 6f6d638c67f84ee6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBFD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10368, handle = 00000176A0632A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2faab6042ff902f shader registered for possible reloading: b2faab6042ff902f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBC3D0, hash = b2faab6042ff902f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBC3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10344, handle = 00000176A08F9B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a58d920844af3540 shader registered for possible reloading: a58d920844af3540_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBF090, hash = a58d920844af3540 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBF090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12324, handle = 00000176A077F720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e4db58526e99bbf shader registered for possible reloading: 2e4db58526e99bbf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBDC50, hash = 2e4db58526e99bbf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBDC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12304, handle = 00000176A08ECFF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb04bba917b207eb shader registered for possible reloading: fb04bba917b207eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC1010, hash = fb04bba917b207eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12300, handle = 00000176A08C76F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 878ea40709d1113b shader registered for possible reloading: 878ea40709d1113b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBE950, hash = 878ea40709d1113b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBE950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11608, handle = 00000176A08F38F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d51774aacb42b380 shader registered for possible reloading: d51774aacb42b380_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBC110, hash = d51774aacb42b380 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBC110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11604, handle = 00000176A06E7700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 833e6dde8a1c7317 shader registered for possible reloading: 833e6dde8a1c7317_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC1190, hash = 833e6dde8a1c7317 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11584, handle = 00000176A0907D10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0357004bea8d616a shader registered for possible reloading: 0357004bea8d616a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC0E90, hash = 0357004bea8d616a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC0E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10404, handle = 00000176A08E3DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7276e8ce2fc59e0f shader registered for possible reloading: 7276e8ce2fc59e0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC1310, hash = 7276e8ce2fc59e0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10380, handle = 00000176A05AE230, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75d955a416852d47 shader registered for possible reloading: 75d955a416852d47_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FBE090, hash = 75d955a416852d47 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBE090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12208, handle = 00000176A06FC760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 149ec9e2043307f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 149ec9e2043307f9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC0050, hash = 149ec9e2043307f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC0050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17480, handle = 00000176A07475A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 840e518d21322c08 shader registered for possible reloading: 840e518d21322c08_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC1450, hash = 840e518d21322c08 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17772, handle = 00000176A073B2C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4338995a0870eaa9 shader registered for possible reloading: 4338995a0870eaa9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBF350, hash = 4338995a0870eaa9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBF350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17380, handle = 00000176A0776A20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d9d14973de54df9 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d9d14973de54df9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBE390, hash = 2d9d14973de54df9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBE390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12172, handle = 00000176A0705A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 012ff7aceb06717b shader registered for possible reloading: 012ff7aceb06717b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBDDD0, hash = 012ff7aceb06717b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBDDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17444, handle = 00000176A0733D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59efbc0c722510e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 59efbc0c722510e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC1750, hash = 59efbc0c722510e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17920, handle = 00000176A07B64C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = df075d10cf633104 shader registered for possible reloading: df075d10cf633104_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBFA90, hash = df075d10cf633104 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBFA90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17344, handle = 00000176A07AA5B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab8ea15d4102ed77 shader registered for possible reloading: ab8ea15d4102ed77_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBE510, hash = ab8ea15d4102ed77 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBE510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11848, handle = 00000176A07A7760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 56bcb21245937f4b shader registered for possible reloading: 56bcb21245937f4b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBFED0, hash = 56bcb21245937f4b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBFED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16980, handle = 00000176A06948B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ea72f8c99638f8ae shader registered for possible reloading: ea72f8c99638f8ae_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC01D0, hash = ea72f8c99638f8ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC01D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11800, handle = 00000176A0730EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c2c7099f03da43d8 shader registered for possible reloading: c2c7099f03da43d8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBD0D0, hash = c2c7099f03da43d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBD0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16972, handle = 00000176A05DD3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f16d5fd16b6ec9a9 shader registered for possible reloading: f16d5fd16b6ec9a9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC0310, hash = f16d5fd16b6ec9a9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC0310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11992, handle = 00000176A071F290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3991bd3b3d886081 shader registered for possible reloading: 3991bd3b3d886081_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC1A10, hash = 3991bd3b3d886081 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17164, handle = 00000176A0790160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6201fd2664f94c8 shader registered for possible reloading: b6201fd2664f94c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBCC90, hash = b6201fd2664f94c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBCC90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12016, handle = 00000176A075C4A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7e42b3251b8b84c shader registered for possible reloading: d7e42b3251b8b84c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC1B90, hash = d7e42b3251b8b84c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17188, handle = 00000176A06E0500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f1519934490867a4 shader registered for possible reloading: f1519934490867a4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBC290, hash = f1519934490867a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBC290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11992, handle = 00000176A06D06C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28b1c38fdeef6806 shader registered for possible reloading: 28b1c38fdeef6806_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBC6D0, hash = 28b1c38fdeef6806 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBC6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17164, handle = 00000176A05D90B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f17dfe67e5004919 shader registered for possible reloading: f17dfe67e5004919_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBC850, hash = f17dfe67e5004919 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBC850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11744, handle = 00000176A06A9150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6dbbac72f8166fe4 shader registered for possible reloading: 6dbbac72f8166fe4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBD250, hash = 6dbbac72f8166fe4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBD250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16876, handle = 00000176A0797790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5838177772b9291f shader registered for possible reloading: 5838177772b9291f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBC990, hash = 5838177772b9291f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBC990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13088, handle = 00000176A07089F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8ef3b29eee2b7fc2 shader registered for possible reloading: 8ef3b29eee2b7fc2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBCB10, hash = 8ef3b29eee2b7fc2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBCB10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18908, handle = 00000176A06C2810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef59a181a72f602e shader registered for possible reloading: ef59a181a72f602e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBD510, hash = ef59a181a72f602e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBD510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19556, handle = 00000176A0742930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2e48e2fcecc0ec98 shader registered for possible reloading: 2e48e2fcecc0ec98_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBCE10, hash = 2e48e2fcecc0ec98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBCE10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19112, handle = 00000176A0750320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a9a79e9efd81601d shader registered for possible reloading: a9a79e9efd81601d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBD690, hash = a9a79e9efd81601d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBD690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13064, handle = 00000176A0794480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b8092e2fe592076b shader registered for possible reloading: b8092e2fe592076b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FBD990, hash = b8092e2fe592076b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FBD990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18884, handle = 00000176A07AE980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 13846962ac895a1e shader registered for possible reloading: 13846962ac895a1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC4B10, hash = 13846962ac895a1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC4B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19772, handle = 00000176A06C7200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 394daf0dcd1ad64a shader registered for possible reloading: 394daf0dcd1ad64a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC64D0, hash = 394daf0dcd1ad64a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC64D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19088, handle = 00000176A06F4BB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 20ff2ad812ae1964 shader registered for possible reloading: 20ff2ad812ae1964_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC2590, hash = 20ff2ad812ae1964 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC2590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12368, handle = 00000176A0717D60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f328cd4c6f795eb shader registered for possible reloading: 8f328cd4c6f795eb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC4C90, hash = 8f328cd4c6f795eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC4C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18372, handle = 00000176A075F3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5728f7675b653be4 shader registered for possible reloading: 5728f7675b653be4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC6950, hash = 5728f7675b653be4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC6950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12328, handle = 00000176A0464390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1ba40bc928d903be shader registered for possible reloading: 1ba40bc928d903be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC2450, hash = 1ba40bc928d903be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC2450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18352, handle = 00000176A069D4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ac59c10286499f9 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ac59c10286499f9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC43D0, hash = 0ac59c10286499f9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC43D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12644, handle = 00000176A07B3350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d1eb616125157b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d1eb616125157b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC50D0, hash = 6d1eb616125157b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC50D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18668, handle = 00000176A06B9830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 57e90e876cbb204a shader registered for possible reloading: 57e90e876cbb204a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC1E90, hash = 57e90e876cbb204a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12668, handle = 00000176A0738130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8841978605fb1e04 shader registered for possible reloading: 8841978605fb1e04_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC1D10, hash = 8841978605fb1e04 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18692, handle = 00000176A077AE10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c7d370f06ed48be8 shader registered for possible reloading: c7d370f06ed48be8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC6A90, hash = c7d370f06ed48be8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC6A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12592, handle = 00000176A07294E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48c2c764053188e7 shader registered for possible reloading: 48c2c764053188e7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC5DD0, hash = 48c2c764053188e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC5DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18616, handle = 00000176A072C620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41c3b1ba193b899a shader registered for possible reloading: 41c3b1ba193b899a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC4250, hash = 41c3b1ba193b899a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC4250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12264, handle = 00000176A076B160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e8ee9b411c68e870 shader registered for possible reloading: e8ee9b411c68e870_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC4F50, hash = e8ee9b411c68e870 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC4F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18268, handle = 00000176A06CBF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03112fbccc50eb41 shader registered for possible reloading: 03112fbccc50eb41_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC2710, hash = 03112fbccc50eb41 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC2710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12924, handle = 00000176A06FF720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c879ca7eeb0fa2d3 shader registered for possible reloading: c879ca7eeb0fa2d3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC7610, hash = c879ca7eeb0fa2d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC7610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18744, handle = 00000176A078B820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c3ca7d1d8f765224 shader registered for possible reloading: c3ca7d1d8f765224_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC7050, hash = c3ca7d1d8f765224 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC7050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18512, handle = 00000176A06DBCA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b607288f4aa90798 shader registered for possible reloading: b607288f4aa90798_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC3C90, hash = b607288f4aa90798 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC3C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18068, handle = 00000176A0766AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14e3e010b2b7b897 shader registered for possible reloading: 14e3e010b2b7b897_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC2CD0, hash = 14e3e010b2b7b897 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC2CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12900, handle = 00000176A06AF220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 66f3f537e032a970 shader registered for possible reloading: 66f3f537e032a970_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC5250, hash = 66f3f537e032a970 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC5250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18720, handle = 00000176A074B9F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed0463e604580eab shader registered for possible reloading: ed0463e604580eab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC6C10, hash = ed0463e604580eab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC6C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18728, handle = 00000176A070BD20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae3a3411063171ff shader registered for possible reloading: ae3a3411063171ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC2890, hash = ae3a3411063171ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC2890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18044, handle = 00000176A0787190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1015acd6348fbce1 shader registered for possible reloading: 1015acd6348fbce1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC4550, hash = 1015acd6348fbce1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC4550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12204, handle = 00000176A06A1C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 87af593d7a89781f shader registered for possible reloading: 87af593d7a89781f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC3410, hash = 87af593d7a89781f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC3410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17328, handle = 00000176A0725120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ab66351a8107661 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ab66351a8107661_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC3590, hash = 9ab66351a8107661 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC3590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12164, handle = 00000176A079FE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b245aec35a220c23 shader registered for possible reloading: b245aec35a220c23_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC2A10, hash = b245aec35a220c23 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC2A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17308, handle = 00000176A06D35A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 972ee0a41ad29d54 shader registered for possible reloading: 972ee0a41ad29d54_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC4DD0, hash = 972ee0a41ad29d54 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC4DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12428, handle = 00000176A05F2040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b2b9ef745dddde2 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b2b9ef745dddde2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC5950, hash = 1b2b9ef745dddde2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC5950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17572, handle = 00000176A079B990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0b6f837076953e3 shader registered for possible reloading: d0b6f837076953e3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC7350, hash = d0b6f837076953e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC7350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12452, handle = 00000176A06F1B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c23161354a451791 shader registered for possible reloading: c23161354a451791_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC3F90, hash = c23161354a451791 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC3F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17596, handle = 00000176A071ADC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3ccdb8e585908549 shader registered for possible reloading: 3ccdb8e585908549_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC4810, hash = 3ccdb8e585908549 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC4810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12428, handle = 00000176A07029B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af02328de24ade69 shader registered for possible reloading: af02328de24ade69_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC5F10, hash = af02328de24ade69 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC5F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17572, handle = 00000176A076E150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab8982fffd545129 shader registered for possible reloading: ab8982fffd545129_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC5390, hash = ab8982fffd545129 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC5390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12100, handle = 00000176A0763B70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d23c77106e5d20a3 shader registered for possible reloading: d23c77106e5d20a3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC1FD0, hash = d23c77106e5d20a3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC1FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17224, handle = 00000176A06D7950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d3f5495b0e1076e shader registered for possible reloading: 6d3f5495b0e1076e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC5510, hash = 6d3f5495b0e1076e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC5510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8824, handle = 00000176A06178B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8fffe728b4ab9583 shader registered for possible reloading: 8fffe728b4ab9583_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC2E50, hash = 8fffe728b4ab9583 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC2E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10192, handle = 00000176A0594C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b948a1aa5da726f2 shader registered for possible reloading: b948a1aa5da726f2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC74D0, hash = b948a1aa5da726f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC74D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10084, handle = 00000176A05CB710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 80c4b0dadfff279c shader registered for possible reloading: 80c4b0dadfff279c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC46D0, hash = 80c4b0dadfff279c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC46D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11452, handle = 00000176A0809690, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e5556c691fd4e603 shader registered for possible reloading: e5556c691fd4e603_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC4110, hash = e5556c691fd4e603 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC4110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9164, handle = 00000176A049BED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa112713f794bd45 shader registered for possible reloading: fa112713f794bd45_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC39D0, hash = fa112713f794bd45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC39D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10792, handle = 00000176A0601890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c01cdf7e6d76e131 shader registered for possible reloading: c01cdf7e6d76e131_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC22D0, hash = c01cdf7e6d76e131 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC22D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21668, handle = 00000176A0814A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d09b3a0a3adf322c shader registered for possible reloading: d09b3a0a3adf322c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC3110, hash = d09b3a0a3adf322c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC3110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21792, handle = 00000176A0868D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28e8e310e37ba837 shader registered for possible reloading: 28e8e310e37ba837_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC7790, hash = 28e8e310e37ba837 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC7790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20828, handle = 00000176A088A1F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 481d9e4036b79864 shader registered for possible reloading: 481d9e4036b79864_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC5810, hash = 481d9e4036b79864 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC5810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20884, handle = 00000176A08736F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e21e6162c05d967 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e21e6162c05d967_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC6650, hash = 3e21e6162c05d967 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC6650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23088, handle = 00000176A0863300, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78399ecee935a00e shader registered for possible reloading: 78399ecee935a00e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC5AD0, hash = 78399ecee935a00e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC5AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23144, handle = 00000176A0827C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0200870a4eb98b4 shader registered for possible reloading: c0200870a4eb98b4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC5C50, hash = c0200870a4eb98b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC5C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22296, handle = 00000176A07CF4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 961c5c8937fabc16 shader registered for possible reloading: 961c5c8937fabc16_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC6090, hash = 961c5c8937fabc16 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC6090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22352, handle = 00000176A085DBA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db8d2d092d76d420 shader registered for possible reloading: db8d2d092d76d420_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC6210, hash = db8d2d092d76d420 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC6210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22928, handle = 00000176A082D6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e853997dbc57cd6a shader registered for possible reloading: e853997dbc57cd6a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC6390, hash = e853997dbc57cd6a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC6390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22984, handle = 00000176A0839830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 75ba5e6c646798b4 shader registered for possible reloading: 75ba5e6c646798b4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC2B50, hash = 75ba5e6c646798b4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC2B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21456, handle = 00000176A07C08F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9c7175d54278825 shader registered for possible reloading: e9c7175d54278825_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC67D0, hash = e9c7175d54278825 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC67D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21512, handle = 00000176A084E0A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1ba8285929b3c33 shader registered for possible reloading: a1ba8285929b3c33_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC6D90, hash = a1ba8285929b3c33 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC6D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24348, handle = 00000176A083F200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfefd2cad79b02cd shader registered for possible reloading: bfefd2cad79b02cd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC71D0, hash = bfefd2cad79b02cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC71D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24404, handle = 00000176A07C9550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 69a76f6c53a9a4fb shader registered for possible reloading: 69a76f6c53a9a4fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC2150, hash = 69a76f6c53a9a4fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC2150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22868, handle = 00000176A08A5AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc8fd0b6fc511767 shader registered for possible reloading: bc8fd0b6fc511767_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC3290, hash = bc8fd0b6fc511767 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC3290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22924, handle = 00000176A0878890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0983661f9ca9c7e8 shader registered for possible reloading: 0983661f9ca9c7e8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC3850, hash = 0983661f9ca9c7e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC3850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22460, handle = 00000176A07E8980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dde645b989782b5d shader registered for possible reloading: dde645b989782b5d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC3B50, hash = dde645b989782b5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC3B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22516, handle = 00000176A08849F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 070971912e72d179 shader registered for possible reloading: 070971912e72d179_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC3E10, hash = 070971912e72d179 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC3E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21248, handle = 00000176A07E0280, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ae36865f73e49d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ae36865f73e49d4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCCF50, hash = 0ae36865f73e49d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCCF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21304, handle = 00000176A080C360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e7da9dfdf44ae84 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e7da9dfdf44ae84_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC8310, hash = 4e7da9dfdf44ae84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24032, handle = 00000176A07DA490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a42ddaac669fff5 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a42ddaac669fff5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCC3D0, hash = 9a42ddaac669fff5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCC3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24088, handle = 00000176A07BAAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8de4028ec8e5224c shader registered for possible reloading: 8de4028ec8e5224c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCBC90, hash = 8de4028ec8e5224c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCBC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22228, handle = 00000176A0845130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 25b6ff7eae930142 shader registered for possible reloading: 25b6ff7eae930142_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC88D0, hash = 25b6ff7eae930142 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC88D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22284, handle = 00000176A0803F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0fa717dd4622226 shader registered for possible reloading: b0fa717dd4622226_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC8A50, hash = b0fa717dd4622226 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21292, handle = 00000176A081F390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f4350ec26d8cdec5 shader registered for possible reloading: f4350ec26d8cdec5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCCB10, hash = f4350ec26d8cdec5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCCB10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21280, handle = 00000176A07F1480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4339e8134124dc80 shader registered for possible reloading: 4339e8134124dc80_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC8490, hash = 4339e8134124dc80 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22712, handle = 00000176A089CF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7ffc4ae03e3bccda shader registered for possible reloading: 7ffc4ae03e3bccda_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCA150, hash = 7ffc4ae03e3bccda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCA150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22700, handle = 00000176A07D4BD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b89149f39581419 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b89149f39581419_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCC810, hash = 4b89149f39581419 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCC810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21632, handle = 00000176A0819F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16868f004e3f6cc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 16868f004e3f6cc7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCBE10, hash = 16868f004e3f6cc7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCBE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21620, handle = 00000176A086E270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2630245048ae37a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 2630245048ae37a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FC8610, hash = 2630245048ae37a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5088, handle = 00000176A05E8D80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e57de712b141d7f3 shader registered for possible reloading: e57de712b141d7f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCC550, hash = e57de712b141d7f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCC550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10884, handle = 00000176A055FC20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c15e6b870456c327 shader registered for possible reloading: c15e6b870456c327_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC8D10, hash = c15e6b870456c327 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10088, handle = 00000176A05ABAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe4561d2e77174f4 shader registered for possible reloading: fe4561d2e77174f4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC7A90, hash = fe4561d2e77174f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC7A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5156, handle = 00000176A051B210, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 977c956717198e1b shader registered for possible reloading: 977c956717198e1b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCB410, hash = 977c956717198e1b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCB410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11020, handle = 00000176A05D6590, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c26cde521e0256d shader registered for possible reloading: 6c26cde521e0256d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCAF90, hash = 6c26cde521e0256d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCAF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10156, handle = 00000176A05C0170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ae47a9808f964687 shader registered for possible reloading: ae47a9808f964687_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCC690, hash = ae47a9808f964687 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCC690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5112, handle = 00000176A0590120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6844cbcdfa9dbe1b shader registered for possible reloading: 6844cbcdfa9dbe1b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCA590, hash = 6844cbcdfa9dbe1b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCA590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10892, handle = 00000176A0577000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dc6c7d06c1157776 shader registered for possible reloading: dc6c7d06c1157776_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCA2D0, hash = dc6c7d06c1157776 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCA2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10112, handle = 00000176A05BD9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7687a3333ae730d shader registered for possible reloading: d7687a3333ae730d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCB6D0, hash = d7687a3333ae730d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCB6D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5180, handle = 00000176A0597460, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d81f35187927222 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d81f35187927222_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC7BD0, hash = 6d81f35187927222 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC7BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11028, handle = 00000176A05EC470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f78405620b19d57 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f78405620b19d57_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCC990, hash = 6f78405620b19d57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCC990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10180, handle = 00000176A0591520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f1178828fd0b556 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f1178828fd0b556_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCAE50, hash = 6f1178828fd0b556 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCAE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4128, handle = 00000176A043DAE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa0bd3c3d59b8372 shader registered for possible reloading: fa0bd3c3d59b8372_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCCC50, hash = fa0bd3c3d59b8372 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCCC50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9856, handle = 00000176A0583EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4489e6486cd9a44f shader registered for possible reloading: 4489e6486cd9a44f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC9750, hash = 4489e6486cd9a44f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC9750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9412, handle = 00000176A05D40C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58b3df6221c7f7e7 shader registered for possible reloading: 58b3df6221c7f7e7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC9FD0, hash = 58b3df6221c7f7e7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC9FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4420, handle = 00000176A0230FA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6cd568cd14e38d4d shader registered for possible reloading: 6cd568cd14e38d4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC8BD0, hash = 6cd568cd14e38d4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10408, handle = 00000176A0547F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 49fee467be3ffb5b shader registered for possible reloading: 49fee467be3ffb5b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCB110, hash = 49fee467be3ffb5b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCB110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9704, handle = 00000176A05D0B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b1f359c006f84ef shader registered for possible reloading: 5b1f359c006f84ef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCA410, hash = 5b1f359c006f84ef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCA410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3720, handle = 00000176A0241C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7883e9306c783cc7 shader registered for possible reloading: 7883e9306c783cc7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC8E90, hash = 7883e9306c783cc7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9004, handle = 00000176A054DBD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e2cfbee669017aef shader registered for possible reloading: e2cfbee669017aef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCA710, hash = e2cfbee669017aef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCA710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3532, handle = 00000176A05A11E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8692a47593d304b0 shader registered for possible reloading: 8692a47593d304b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCB9D0, hash = 8692a47593d304b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCB9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8816, handle = 00000176A05EFDC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb4b00d419f4e624 shader registered for possible reloading: eb4b00d419f4e624_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCBF90, hash = eb4b00d419f4e624 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCBF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3948, handle = 00000176A0513380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54e32fb430ed2ad5 shader registered for possible reloading: 54e32fb430ed2ad5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC8750, hash = 54e32fb430ed2ad5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9232, handle = 00000176A04A90C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d69133686d6d40ab shader registered for possible reloading: d69133686d6d40ab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCB290, hash = d69133686d6d40ab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCB290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3972, handle = 00000176A05D3130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b920465badfa0f18 shader registered for possible reloading: b920465badfa0f18_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC9010, hash = b920465badfa0f18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC9010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9256, handle = 00000176A0581A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12dc94c10215ef0c shader registered for possible reloading: 12dc94c10215ef0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCA890, hash = 12dc94c10215ef0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCA890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3948, handle = 00000176A0593CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 191a1e4e1901abd1 shader registered for possible reloading: 191a1e4e1901abd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCCDD0, hash = 191a1e4e1901abd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCCDD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9232, handle = 00000176A0477B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe4e41272ad3f459 shader registered for possible reloading: fe4e41272ad3f459_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC7910, hash = fe4e41272ad3f459 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC7910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3464, handle = 00000176A0563740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d4f792140574a97 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d4f792140574a97_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC9190, hash = 7d4f792140574a97 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC9190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8748, handle = 00000176A05B8BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 895b83bfa97b22c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 895b83bfa97b22c9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCC0D0, hash = 895b83bfa97b22c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCC0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5316, handle = 00000176A05C59B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9d980fb0626410b shader registered for possible reloading: b9d980fb0626410b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC9A10, hash = b9d980fb0626410b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC9A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12248, handle = 00000176A05B0B30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 637ed1ad4ee0cfef shader registered for possible reloading: 637ed1ad4ee0cfef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCA9D0, hash = 637ed1ad4ee0cfef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCA9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11220, handle = 00000176A05A6890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3fa8b44b0ab39d97 shader registered for possible reloading: 3fa8b44b0ab39d97_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCD0D0, hash = 3fa8b44b0ab39d97 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCD0D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5384, handle = 00000176A05EAF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d92bbde80c0f9b34 shader registered for possible reloading: d92bbde80c0f9b34_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC7D50, hash = d92bbde80c0f9b34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC7D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12400, handle = 00000176A05C2930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ebef979f1f2a00a7 shader registered for possible reloading: ebef979f1f2a00a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCD210, hash = ebef979f1f2a00a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCD210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11288, handle = 00000176A05CDF20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 05a8bce2cfcba5d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 05a8bce2cfcba5d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCD390, hash = 05a8bce2cfcba5d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCD390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5340, handle = 00000176A052F0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6cd4dc7b07a36f84 shader registered for possible reloading: 6cd4dc7b07a36f84_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC7ED0, hash = 6cd4dc7b07a36f84 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC7ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12256, handle = 00000176A058AA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e55d905db693770 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e55d905db693770_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC8050, hash = 4e55d905db693770 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11244, handle = 00000176A05BADE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5b0c3dbd13adccd6 shader registered for possible reloading: 5b0c3dbd13adccd6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC9890, hash = 5b0c3dbd13adccd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC9890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5408, handle = 00000176A05442D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3096fba20e25fcab shader registered for possible reloading: 3096fba20e25fcab_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC8190, hash = 3096fba20e25fcab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC8190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12408, handle = 00000176A0586540, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9baf21bcb8bae809 shader registered for possible reloading: 9baf21bcb8bae809_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCB850, hash = 9baf21bcb8bae809 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCB850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11312, handle = 00000176A057EE40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce98dd13937c529d shader registered for possible reloading: ce98dd13937c529d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC92D0, hash = ce98dd13937c529d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC92D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4292, handle = 00000176A05C95D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c78210a4c9a096b shader registered for possible reloading: 0c78210a4c9a096b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC9450, hash = 0c78210a4c9a096b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC9450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10900, handle = 00000176A053DE20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a671d830bc4324f4 shader registered for possible reloading: a671d830bc4324f4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC95D0, hash = a671d830bc4324f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC95D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10456, handle = 00000176A05A3FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12b1b8faf27feea7 shader registered for possible reloading: 12b1b8faf27feea7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC9B90, hash = 12b1b8faf27feea7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC9B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4584, handle = 00000176A05408C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f25d5bacedff89eb shader registered for possible reloading: f25d5bacedff89eb_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCAB50, hash = f25d5bacedff89eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCAB50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11452, handle = 00000176A059D4C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 172f4a9da08c2881 shader registered for possible reloading: 172f4a9da08c2881_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCACD0, hash = 172f4a9da08c2881 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCACD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10748, handle = 00000176A0420010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c79838ba2cf13a09 shader registered for possible reloading: c79838ba2cf13a09_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FC9D10, hash = c79838ba2cf13a09 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FC9D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3884, handle = 00000176A05E69F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3591afb9fa381fe shader registered for possible reloading: e3591afb9fa381fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD1FD0, hash = e3591afb9fa381fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD1FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10048, handle = 00000176A05C6E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd71ff0d97f6248c shader registered for possible reloading: dd71ff0d97f6248c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCF910, hash = dd71ff0d97f6248c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCF910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3696, handle = 00000176A0512500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88e96028695d7a12 shader registered for possible reloading: 88e96028695d7a12_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD2B50, hash = 88e96028695d7a12 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9860, handle = 00000176A05E3340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81de117c9cf91c9b shader registered for possible reloading: 81de117c9cf91c9b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCE4D0, hash = 81de117c9cf91c9b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCE4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4164, handle = 00000176A05A0190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 97755281c4f8260b shader registered for possible reloading: 97755281c4f8260b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD2290, hash = 97755281c4f8260b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10328, handle = 00000176A05B3B10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b48cddf00b9b46c9 shader registered for possible reloading: b48cddf00b9b46c9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD1710, hash = b48cddf00b9b46c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD1710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4188, handle = 00000176A05CA6A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9a64d5dc83b98c83 shader registered for possible reloading: 9a64d5dc83b98c83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCD690, hash = 9a64d5dc83b98c83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCD690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10352, handle = 00000176A05988B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fdef3ce6aa5c2b42 shader registered for possible reloading: fdef3ce6aa5c2b42_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD2410, hash = fdef3ce6aa5c2b42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4112, handle = 00000176A05E59D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 39ac9351a7ecb41a shader registered for possible reloading: 39ac9351a7ecb41a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD1CD0, hash = 39ac9351a7ecb41a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD1CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10276, handle = 00000176A057C610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b23102f980cf5a53 shader registered for possible reloading: b23102f980cf5a53_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FCD950, hash = b23102f980cf5a53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCD950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3628, handle = 00000176A05A3170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c9c73a4af488d62 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c9c73a4af488d62_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD2150, hash = 7c9c73a4af488d62 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A056C350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2bf3643409f5eb7c shader registered for possible reloading: 2bf3643409f5eb7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD0B90, hash = 2bf3643409f5eb7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD0B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 608, handle = 00000176A00BE5A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 520c55e93fb875d1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCF610, hash = 520c55e93fb875d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCF610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6836, handle = 00000176A066E3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ae2c5707b633726 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ae2c5707b633726_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD2CD0, hash = 9ae2c5707b633726 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 644, handle = 00000176A0022C10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8592ee068f0e4db1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD1B90, hash = 8592ee068f0e4db1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD1B90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8476, handle = 00000176A05FF760, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72fa9042d00b433 shader registered for possible reloading: c72fa9042d00b433_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD2850, hash = c72fa9042d00b433 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14168, handle = 00000176A0663C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65d3cedbe5352f9f shader registered for possible reloading: 65d3cedbe5352f9f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD15D0, hash = 65d3cedbe5352f9f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD15D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14340, handle = 00000176A06910A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 048ae882a563d3b3 shader registered for possible reloading: 048ae882a563d3b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCD7D0, hash = 048ae882a563d3b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCD7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12000, handle = 00000176A05F9380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a76f1afbda924f61 shader registered for possible reloading: a76f1afbda924f61_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCE7D0, hash = a76f1afbda924f61 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCE7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12172, handle = 00000176A06774F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e47603ee4f7b637 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e47603ee4f7b637_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCFA50, hash = 4e47603ee4f7b637 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCFA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22204, handle = 00000176A063B2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ba06b731b97fb7eb shader registered for possible reloading: ba06b731b97fb7eb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCEED0, hash = ba06b731b97fb7eb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCEED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22376, handle = 00000176A0627990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abdb91bf3052a884 shader registered for possible reloading: abdb91bf3052a884_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD0E90, hash = abdb91bf3052a884 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD0E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19960, handle = 00000176A068C2A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14374b28bff43190 shader registered for possible reloading: 14374b28bff43190_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCE650, hash = 14374b28bff43190 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCE650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20132, handle = 00000176A06043F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 548f1dcd0791b229 shader registered for possible reloading: 548f1dcd0791b229_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCFD50, hash = 548f1dcd0791b229 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCFD50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15216, handle = 00000176A066A820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab890071c7a58307 shader registered for possible reloading: ab890071c7a58307_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCF490, hash = ab890071c7a58307 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCF490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15388, handle = 00000176A060E640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a37f5bc5d0c5c8d8 shader registered for possible reloading: a37f5bc5d0c5c8d8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD29D0, hash = a37f5bc5d0c5c8d8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD29D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13364, handle = 00000176A06673E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5747daf33bfe4881 shader registered for possible reloading: 5747daf33bfe4881_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCED90, hash = 5747daf33bfe4881 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCED90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13536, handle = 00000176A05FC270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eb22584cb51029e9 shader registered for possible reloading: eb22584cb51029e9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCDD90, hash = eb22584cb51029e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCDD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23240, handle = 00000176A0655FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0c8c28e295c4f34a shader registered for possible reloading: 0c8c28e295c4f34a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD0490, hash = 0c8c28e295c4f34a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD0490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 23412, handle = 00000176A065E100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ea0ba618235fe29 shader registered for possible reloading: 9ea0ba618235fe29_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD1010, hash = 9ea0ba618235fe29 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD1010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21228, handle = 00000176A0648F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1da437fcf88373e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 1da437fcf88373e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD1E50, hash = 1da437fcf88373e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD1E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21400, handle = 00000176A06092A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37c227c2998b8853 shader registered for possible reloading: 37c227c2998b8853_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCEA90, hash = 37c227c2998b8853 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCEA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14732, handle = 00000176A0688900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9c5150a52a4cb6ae shader registered for possible reloading: 9c5150a52a4cb6ae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCE210, hash = 9c5150a52a4cb6ae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCE210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14904, handle = 00000176A06355A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9ace430d9c694f5 shader registered for possible reloading: b9ace430d9c694f5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD2E10, hash = b9ace430d9c694f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12036, handle = 00000176A0624A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a969a8d572b2d02 shader registered for possible reloading: 7a969a8d572b2d02_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCDAD0, hash = 7a969a8d572b2d02 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCDAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12208, handle = 00000176A064E200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99c2f52c3c5773a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 99c2f52c3c5773a6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCEC10, hash = 99c2f52c3c5773a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCEC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22772, handle = 00000176A062D100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d82fca77b65e7c0f shader registered for possible reloading: d82fca77b65e7c0f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCF050, hash = d82fca77b65e7c0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCF050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22944, handle = 00000176A061F0D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74282b614a38fa42 shader registered for possible reloading: 74282b614a38fa42_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD1890, hash = 74282b614a38fa42 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD1890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19996, handle = 00000176A06511C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b708eac63fc3d95 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b708eac63fc3d95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD05D0, hash = 3b708eac63fc3d95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD05D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20168, handle = 00000176A0640980, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6bff0b546998d42d shader registered for possible reloading: 6bff0b546998d42d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD1A10, hash = 6bff0b546998d42d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD1A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16168, handle = 00000176A06735C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 83d67c9a3d80a17b shader registered for possible reloading: 83d67c9a3d80a17b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD2F90, hash = 83d67c9a3d80a17b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16340, handle = 00000176A05F53A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de56df8fd0a797fb shader registered for possible reloading: de56df8fd0a797fb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD2590, hash = de56df8fd0a797fb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 13992, handle = 00000176A0645850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d6daf0e2d5d36117 shader registered for possible reloading: d6daf0e2d5d36117_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD12D0, hash = d6daf0e2d5d36117 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD12D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 14164, handle = 00000176A066FE60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 483c4639475a52f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 483c4639475a52f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCDF10, hash = 483c4639475a52f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCDF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24160, handle = 00000176A0682A90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1879dbf2c8e3b671 shader registered for possible reloading: 1879dbf2c8e3b671_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD2710, hash = 1879dbf2c8e3b671 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD2710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 24332, handle = 00000176A067A490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43360dbda9c43fac shader registered for possible reloading: 43360dbda9c43fac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCE090, hash = 43360dbda9c43fac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCE090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21888, handle = 00000176A0619B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8eb13a9f610af3c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 8eb13a9f610af3c0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCD510, hash = 8eb13a9f610af3c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCD510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22060, handle = 00000176A0612270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09a0038a665dc4b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 09a0038a665dc4b2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FCF790, hash = 09a0038a665dc4b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FCF790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2256, handle = 00000176A0453420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 667dbc4bd5a85f3c shader registered for possible reloading: 667dbc4bd5a85f3c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD0190, hash = 667dbc4bd5a85f3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD0190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7784, handle = 00000176A04C1E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a834df08318ed4f3 shader registered for possible reloading: a834df08318ed4f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD0310, hash = a834df08318ed4f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD0310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 00000176A00E87C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 309bfe5c3f708e9d shader registered for possible reloading: 309bfe5c3f708e9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD08D0, hash = 309bfe5c3f708e9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD08D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7944, handle = 00000176A046BBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5262855d523970ba shader registered for possible reloading: 5262855d523970ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD0A50, hash = 5262855d523970ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD0A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7292, handle = 00000176A04C66E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0380b0b13dd28861 shader registered for possible reloading: 0380b0b13dd28861_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD4990, hash = 0380b0b13dd28861 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD4990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7452, handle = 00000176A052D3B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bbd0cdd1747972f7 shader registered for possible reloading: bbd0cdd1747972f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD6A90, hash = bbd0cdd1747972f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD6A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2324, handle = 00000176A0395800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 428690cf6a099824 shader registered for possible reloading: 428690cf6a099824_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD5C10, hash = 428690cf6a099824 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7920, handle = 00000176A0393900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 083294c03b9262ac shader registered for possible reloading: 083294c03b9262ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD3E10, hash = 083294c03b9262ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD3E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2488, handle = 00000176A01A3660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4354af799be06649 shader registered for possible reloading: 4354af799be06649_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD5510, hash = 4354af799be06649 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8080, handle = 00000176A050AF10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9822757848f990a shader registered for possible reloading: b9822757848f990a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD8750, hash = b9822757848f990a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A023FFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7462e3a2e667dc1a shader registered for possible reloading: 7462e3a2e667dc1a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD3990, hash = 7462e3a2e667dc1a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD3990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7520, handle = 00000176A0516DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 299c0966ff2d9c3a shader registered for possible reloading: 299c0966ff2d9c3a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD3B10, hash = 299c0966ff2d9c3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD3B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2280, handle = 00000176A0166AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 07a27332fcc6e588 shader registered for possible reloading: 07a27332fcc6e588_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD5210, hash = 07a27332fcc6e588 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2444, handle = 00000176A01ADF60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ced9ba106b232b1c shader registered for possible reloading: ced9ba106b232b1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD7790, hash = ced9ba106b232b1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD7790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7316, handle = 00000176A0537FC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f96a828539180575 shader registered for possible reloading: f96a828539180575_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD5390, hash = f96a828539180575 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A04589F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = afb22eb950b99377 shader registered for possible reloading: afb22eb950b99377_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD4F50, hash = afb22eb950b99377 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD4F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2348, handle = 00000176A046DAF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e436df8cb6c8961 shader registered for possible reloading: 0e436df8cb6c8961_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD7050, hash = 0e436df8cb6c8961 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD7050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2512, handle = 00000176A02E7CA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c2878ea4276c8f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c2878ea4276c8f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD78D0, hash = 7c2878ea4276c8f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD78D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7384, handle = 00000176A00F3C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a3af9e8ba13bca0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a3af9e8ba13bca0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD43D0, hash = 4a3af9e8ba13bca0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD43D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7544, handle = 00000176A04BE2D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 377a187fe1bf0bf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 377a187fe1bf0bf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD5950, hash = 377a187fe1bf0bf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1976, handle = 00000176A03BF800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac4ab6376bab18a7 shader registered for possible reloading: ac4ab6376bab18a7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD5650, hash = ac4ab6376bab18a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7516, handle = 00000176A0536250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8be9fbd02b3d07af shader registered for possible reloading: 8be9fbd02b3d07af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD6090, hash = 8be9fbd02b3d07af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD6090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2140, handle = 00000176A0278E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 46180fc7c974abf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD3550, hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD3550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7676, handle = 00000176A04C0050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db4500e6d5904d88 shader registered for possible reloading: db4500e6d5904d88_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD61D0, hash = db4500e6d5904d88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD61D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7296, handle = 00000176A043BE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0dfa4a765c156091 shader registered for possible reloading: 0dfa4a765c156091_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD6C10, hash = 0dfa4a765c156091 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD6C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7456, handle = 00000176A04E3820, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 shader registered for possible reloading: e3f36c0ad36ded56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD3F50, hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD3F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2052, handle = 00000176A024EAB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a36849192ee54d1e shader registered for possible reloading: a36849192ee54d1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD6D50, hash = a36849192ee54d1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD6D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7640, handle = 00000176A02E5EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab4a77d630a471e9 shader registered for possible reloading: ab4a77d630a471e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD88D0, hash = ab4a77d630a471e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD88D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2216, handle = 00000176A0514670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d1cc8a61d3b0e49d shader registered for possible reloading: d1cc8a61d3b0e49d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD4250, hash = d1cc8a61d3b0e49d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD4250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7800, handle = 00000176A049E2E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ef9efe59567cb07 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ef9efe59567cb07_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD57D0, hash = 6ef9efe59567cb07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD57D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7372, handle = 00000176A0539C60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 069ae2b3d79fdb26 shader registered for possible reloading: 069ae2b3d79fdb26_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD64D0, hash = 069ae2b3d79fdb26 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD64D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7532, handle = 00000176A04732E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 336ed77e2a2df93f shader registered for possible reloading: 336ed77e2a2df93f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD6ED0, hash = 336ed77e2a2df93f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD6ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3996, handle = 00000176A01F4EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb02b05fec8c5e05 shader registered for possible reloading: cb02b05fec8c5e05_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD40D0, hash = cb02b05fec8c5e05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD40D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10752, handle = 00000176A0531250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7de059b76ad4012 shader registered for possible reloading: a7de059b76ad4012_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD6790, hash = a7de059b76ad4012 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD6790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9896, handle = 00000176A0518B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 737ea6284611cf67 shader registered for possible reloading: 737ea6284611cf67_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD71D0, hash = 737ea6284611cf67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD71D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4064, handle = 00000176A04A0160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c6f4ebe81de72e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c6f4ebe81de72e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD7310, hash = 4c6f4ebe81de72e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD7310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10904, handle = 00000176A0475060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3863c6d303a347d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 3863c6d303a347d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD7A50, hash = 3863c6d303a347d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD7A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9964, handle = 00000176A04D8380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e509229a3ca469fe shader registered for possible reloading: e509229a3ca469fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD7490, hash = e509229a3ca469fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD7490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4020, handle = 00000176A010A530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8647703e4369661 shader registered for possible reloading: c8647703e4369661_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD8A10, hash = c8647703e4369661 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10760, handle = 00000176A04C3CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bed2c93515b4389 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bed2c93515b4389_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD4510, hash = 1bed2c93515b4389 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD4510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9920, handle = 00000176A047F2A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f4d9d4c35ba553b shader registered for possible reloading: 4f4d9d4c35ba553b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD5F10, hash = 4f4d9d4c35ba553b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4088, handle = 00000176A047A170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ff4530f09c50bef shader registered for possible reloading: 9ff4530f09c50bef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD7BD0, hash = 9ff4530f09c50bef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD7BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10912, handle = 00000176A0450970, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d194b6508e1e13ee shader registered for possible reloading: d194b6508e1e13ee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD5AD0, hash = d194b6508e1e13ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9988, handle = 00000176A04479C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa4f590d13480df9 shader registered for possible reloading: fa4f590d13480df9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD8B90, hash = fa4f590d13480df9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3188, handle = 00000176A021FF70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7d93e54c7429004 shader registered for possible reloading: d7d93e54c7429004_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD7610, hash = d7d93e54c7429004 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD7610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A0495850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d0f6049917cbcc5 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d0f6049917cbcc5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD5D90, hash = 6d0f6049917cbcc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9348, handle = 00000176A044E4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 864a89723a713b4d shader registered for possible reloading: 864a89723a713b4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD6350, hash = 864a89723a713b4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD6350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3264, handle = 00000176A050CEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0482c9012b80e1a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 0482c9012b80e1a2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD3110, hash = 0482c9012b80e1a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD3110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9960, handle = 00000176A052ACC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e9ff1ede3953b0a shader registered for possible reloading: 3e9ff1ede3953b0a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD6650, hash = 3e9ff1ede3953b0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD6650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9424, handle = 00000176A053B940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36fadea2474e5a65 shader registered for possible reloading: 36fadea2474e5a65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD85D0, hash = 36fadea2474e5a65 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD85D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 480, handle = 00000176A047B170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f shader registered for possible reloading: c0d150d19d87ed2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD3290, hash = c0d150d19d87ed2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD3290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6148, handle = 00000176A054C3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 151709021cdab6c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 151709021cdab6c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD6910, hash = 151709021cdab6c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD6910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 516, handle = 00000176A000BBC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 shader registered for possible reloading: 37dd64e3367209f4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD8190, hash = 37dd64e3367209f4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7160, handle = 00000176A055E020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3a4341bea25ee45 shader registered for possible reloading: a3a4341bea25ee45_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD4690, hash = a3a4341bea25ee45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD4690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8096, handle = 00000176A0551BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd4642ee0aacca7d shader registered for possible reloading: fd4642ee0aacca7d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD4810, hash = fd4642ee0aacca7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD4810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8152, handle = 00000176A0564510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f18ef093ff744aa4 shader registered for possible reloading: f18ef093ff744aa4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD7D50, hash = f18ef093ff744aa4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD7D50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6560, handle = 00000176A056A9A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 250fd12967cea42f shader registered for possible reloading: 250fd12967cea42f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD3850, hash = 250fd12967cea42f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD3850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6616, handle = 00000176A055A750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2aa2a5f6fbf4de92 shader registered for possible reloading: 2aa2a5f6fbf4de92_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD33D0, hash = 2aa2a5f6fbf4de92 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD33D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8764, handle = 00000176A056E9E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45e9314307fa2b40 shader registered for possible reloading: 45e9314307fa2b40_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD7E90, hash = 45e9314307fa2b40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD7E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8820, handle = 00000176A0553BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f2a6b69915dcbbd5 shader registered for possible reloading: f2a6b69915dcbbd5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD4AD0, hash = f2a6b69915dcbbd5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD4AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7176, handle = 00000176A0546350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aaeec792599b4122 shader registered for possible reloading: aaeec792599b4122_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD8010, hash = aaeec792599b4122 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7232, handle = 00000176A054FFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad2b88f413db67a7 shader registered for possible reloading: ad2b88f413db67a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD8310, hash = ad2b88f413db67a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8780, handle = 00000176A0555E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = acd4d8c33e06bac4 shader registered for possible reloading: acd4d8c33e06bac4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD8450, hash = acd4d8c33e06bac4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8836, handle = 00000176A0574D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ac54082d50eea9a4 shader registered for possible reloading: ac54082d50eea9a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD4C50, hash = ac54082d50eea9a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD4C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6900, handle = 00000176A0573270, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 213f28850494a94c shader registered for possible reloading: 213f28850494a94c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD4DD0, hash = 213f28850494a94c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD4DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6956, handle = 00000176A0542790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6449bea674800d5a shader registered for possible reloading: 6449bea674800d5a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD5090, hash = 6449bea674800d5a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD5090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9720, handle = 00000176A05683A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 55dd24e8738ac34d shader registered for possible reloading: 55dd24e8738ac34d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD9710, hash = 55dd24e8738ac34d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9776, handle = 00000176A0570C30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d616c24938568cf3 shader registered for possible reloading: d616c24938568cf3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDC690, hash = d616c24938568cf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDC690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7848, handle = 00000176A05664F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb14a95634e55bd8 shader registered for possible reloading: cb14a95634e55bd8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDA9D0, hash = cb14a95634e55bd8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDA9D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7904, handle = 00000176A055C130, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9e01fdcbbed83c34 shader registered for possible reloading: 9e01fdcbbed83c34_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDC810, hash = 9e01fdcbbed83c34 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDC810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6804, handle = 00000176A024D010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ad5dc3c26685d77b shader registered for possible reloading: ad5dc3c26685d77b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDCF10, hash = ad5dc3c26685d77b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDCF10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 5176, handle = 00000176A01090F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f58e21ee16b541bd shader registered for possible reloading: f58e21ee16b541bd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDD4D0, hash = f58e21ee16b541bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDD4D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8092, handle = 00000176A01E99B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7565f363af7b447d shader registered for possible reloading: 7565f363af7b447d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD9590, hash = 7565f363af7b447d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6352, handle = 00000176A018A470, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccd53f5995a84b9d shader registered for possible reloading: ccd53f5995a84b9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDD650, hash = ccd53f5995a84b9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDD650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7928, handle = 00000176A0274560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e59d0b05491d68ce shader registered for possible reloading: e59d0b05491d68ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDD7D0, hash = e59d0b05491d68ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDD7D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 6188, handle = 00000176A0238E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01d0d785cfcae1aa shader registered for possible reloading: 01d0d785cfcae1aa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FD9890, hash = 01d0d785cfcae1aa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5948, handle = 00000176A0396390, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e1dde10c1efc6fe shader registered for possible reloading: 0e1dde10c1efc6fe_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDCAD0, hash = 0e1dde10c1efc6fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDCAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7776, handle = 00000176A051C700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 16c80deb6a1cad27 shader registered for possible reloading: 16c80deb6a1cad27_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD9450, hash = 16c80deb6a1cad27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5996, handle = 00000176A0165330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d32b3faa349e447 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d32b3faa349e447_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD9B50, hash = 6d32b3faa349e447 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7684, handle = 00000176A039B0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b441fcc1c6631e2f shader registered for possible reloading: b441fcc1c6631e2f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD9A10, hash = b441fcc1c6631e2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9512, handle = 00000176A04EF3E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b3a0929c92049fa6 shader registered for possible reloading: b3a0929c92049fa6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDB3D0, hash = b3a0929c92049fa6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDB3D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7732, handle = 00000176A0514FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 950a2c3165b31ce7 shader registered for possible reloading: 950a2c3165b31ce7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDDC10, hash = 950a2c3165b31ce7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDDC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5984, handle = 00000176A04AB7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c4901d0d17cc539a shader registered for possible reloading: c4901d0d17cc539a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD8E90, hash = c4901d0d17cc539a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8312, handle = 00000176A0350930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 82857b4a4df178dd shader registered for possible reloading: 82857b4a4df178dd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDA590, hash = 82857b4a4df178dd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDA590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17392, handle = 00000176A044A0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c37f8a9ee2e3f454 shader registered for possible reloading: c37f8a9ee2e3f454_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDDD90, hash = c37f8a9ee2e3f454 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDDD90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17448, handle = 00000176A04C8770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 61ca66151a77e450 shader registered for possible reloading: 61ca66151a77e450_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDC950, hash = 61ca66151a77e450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDC950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15472, handle = 00000176A04A14C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9b5c20c1dac5492 shader registered for possible reloading: e9b5c20c1dac5492_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDAE10, hash = e9b5c20c1dac5492 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDAE10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15528, handle = 00000176A048D790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 088073eb89e3fab6 shader registered for possible reloading: 088073eb89e3fab6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDBC90, hash = 088073eb89e3fab6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDBC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19276, handle = 00000176A043EC50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc0ee9c143fae6c5 shader registered for possible reloading: bc0ee9c143fae6c5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDE4D0, hash = bc0ee9c143fae6c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDE4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19332, handle = 00000176A022C410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2468101d940b86c7 shader registered for possible reloading: 2468101d940b86c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD9FD0, hash = 2468101d940b86c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17288, handle = 00000176A0502C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 569b46636633237c shader registered for possible reloading: 569b46636633237c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDB550, hash = 569b46636633237c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDB550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17344, handle = 00000176A04F1910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 21d60a4f028cedf8 shader registered for possible reloading: 21d60a4f028cedf8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDC390, hash = 21d60a4f028cedf8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDC390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17508, handle = 00000176A0426CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 14ba796c52c216a4 shader registered for possible reloading: 14ba796c52c216a4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD9E50, hash = 14ba796c52c216a4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17564, handle = 00000176A04F5CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5ee47a0d4a75214e shader registered for possible reloading: 5ee47a0d4a75214e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD9150, hash = 5ee47a0d4a75214e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9150 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15520, handle = 00000176A04B5790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 773db9ddb4944b85 shader registered for possible reloading: 773db9ddb4944b85_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDA6D0, hash = 773db9ddb4944b85 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDA6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15576, handle = 00000176A0489AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5075ec9b85b0cf87 shader registered for possible reloading: 5075ec9b85b0cf87_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDA850, hash = 5075ec9b85b0cf87 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDA850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18380, handle = 00000176A04DF040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d82ded7a917b9798 shader registered for possible reloading: d82ded7a917b9798_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDAC90, hash = d82ded7a917b9798 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDAC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18436, handle = 00000176A04E69F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cf7773359a0c4b7 shader registered for possible reloading: 1cf7773359a0c4b7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDDA90, hash = 1cf7773359a0c4b7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDDA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16788, handle = 00000176A04FA190, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 666d31c8e83b50e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 666d31c8e83b50e5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDBF50, hash = 666d31c8e83b50e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDBF50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16844, handle = 00000176A04EB200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb10cc2766ea0a57 shader registered for possible reloading: fb10cc2766ea0a57_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDDF10, hash = fb10cc2766ea0a57 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDDF10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20100, handle = 00000176A04B9440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 351a9a02f92f0f58 shader registered for possible reloading: 351a9a02f92f0f58_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDB110, hash = 351a9a02f92f0f58 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDB110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20156, handle = 00000176A04D34B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9a5e0c20fb162e5 shader registered for possible reloading: b9a5e0c20fb162e5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDAF90, hash = b9a5e0c20fb162e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDAF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18604, handle = 00000176A045FAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c5682fe878f1c7ce shader registered for possible reloading: c5682fe878f1c7ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD9CD0, hash = c5682fe878f1c7ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD9CD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18660, handle = 00000176A04FE330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c55ab7904c878a3e shader registered for possible reloading: c55ab7904c878a3e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDD090, hash = c55ab7904c878a3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDD090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18360, handle = 00000176A050DD40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5c7d70076d47445f shader registered for possible reloading: 5c7d70076d47445f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDB250, hash = 5c7d70076d47445f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDB250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18416, handle = 00000176A042B120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53838d312705692b shader registered for possible reloading: 53838d312705692b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDB6D0, hash = 53838d312705692b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDB6D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16836, handle = 00000176A04CCBA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c88e68bd6263970e shader registered for possible reloading: c88e68bd6263970e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDB810, hash = c88e68bd6263970e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDB810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16892, handle = 00000176A04437B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4ea8aa198ca67ecd shader registered for possible reloading: 4ea8aa198ca67ecd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD8FD0, hash = 4ea8aa198ca67ecd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18020, handle = 00000176A04ACF30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48a359aac522752d shader registered for possible reloading: 48a359aac522752d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDCC50, hash = 48a359aac522752d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDCC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18076, handle = 00000176A0467530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d94ed94e7f3c5cf3 shader registered for possible reloading: d94ed94e7f3c5cf3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDD210, hash = d94ed94e7f3c5cf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDD210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15508, handle = 00000176A0527020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d381a1253e192fa8 shader registered for possible reloading: d381a1253e192fa8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDE050, hash = d381a1253e192fa8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDE050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 15564, handle = 00000176A0485DD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6aa4fea60abd2ef5 shader registered for possible reloading: 6aa4fea60abd2ef5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDE1D0, hash = 6aa4fea60abd2ef5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDE1D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19248, handle = 00000176A046E7A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 79c5036c67932461 shader registered for possible reloading: 79c5036c67932461_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDA290, hash = 79c5036c67932461 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDA290 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19304, handle = 00000176A03BAC90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 03778f69cf7aa1c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 03778f69cf7aa1c2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDB990, hash = 03778f69cf7aa1c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDB990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17416, handle = 00000176A0491440, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a353f4225b8567bd shader registered for possible reloading: a353f4225b8567bd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDA110, hash = a353f4225b8567bd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDA110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17472, handle = 00000176A051E570, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3fbc5a69bea48493 shader registered for possible reloading: 3fbc5a69bea48493_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDE610, hash = 3fbc5a69bea48493 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDE610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16188, handle = 00000176A0481E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d235a10db5138471 shader registered for possible reloading: d235a10db5138471_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FD8D10, hash = d235a10db5138471 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FD8D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16156, handle = 00000176A047B370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3945d45c1de56015 shader registered for possible reloading: 3945d45c1de56015_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDA410, hash = 3945d45c1de56015 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDA410 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18008, handle = 00000176A05229C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a1738fd256d4eece shader registered for possible reloading: a1738fd256d4eece_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDC0D0, hash = a1738fd256d4eece returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDC0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 17976, handle = 00000176A045B490, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b92ef372c323dc40 shader registered for possible reloading: b92ef372c323dc40_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDC250, hash = b92ef372c323dc40 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDC250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16236, handle = 00000176A04A5140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9fa6c313fbd247a shader registered for possible reloading: e9fa6c313fbd247a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDC510, hash = e9fa6c313fbd247a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDC510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16204, handle = 00000176A0506FB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a8c4ce966c6097fa shader registered for possible reloading: a8c4ce966c6097fa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE26D0, hash = a8c4ce966c6097fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE26D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16816, handle = 00000176A04DAE80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 914209c1a3757297 shader registered for possible reloading: 914209c1a3757297_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDF490, hash = 914209c1a3757297 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDF490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16784, handle = 00000176A0433AE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58164e82289ca7c3 shader registered for possible reloading: 58164e82289ca7c3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE2E10, hash = 58164e82289ca7c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE2E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18632, handle = 00000176A03B4C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2132ccc8208220d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 2132ccc8208220d4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDEA90, hash = 2132ccc8208220d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDEA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 18600, handle = 00000176A0454140, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29ebc5b1b0544c0b shader registered for possible reloading: 29ebc5b1b0544c0b_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE2850, hash = 29ebc5b1b0544c0b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE2850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16864, handle = 00000176A04B15A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 006d20b8f329b4ac shader registered for possible reloading: 006d20b8f329b4ac_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE12D0, hash = 006d20b8f329b4ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE12D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16832, handle = 00000176A0437C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f6babfc7903bdce7 shader registered for possible reloading: f6babfc7903bdce7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDF610, hash = f6babfc7903bdce7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDF610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16224, handle = 00000176A03A47C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b224a3162b6f555a shader registered for possible reloading: b224a3162b6f555a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE2F90, hash = b224a3162b6f555a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE2F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16192, handle = 00000176A0497F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cf17fee2506b36ba shader registered for possible reloading: cf17fee2506b36ba_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FDF310, hash = cf17fee2506b36ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDF310 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16852, handle = 00000176A0422AD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 533619a6becb840a shader registered for possible reloading: 533619a6becb840a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE0190, hash = 533619a6becb840a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 16820, handle = 00000176A042F920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ecf0412f6c08485 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ecf0412f6c08485_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE30D0, hash = 0ecf0412f6c08485 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE30D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A009B800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b00698355c6bbf6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDEBD0, hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDEBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176A00E96D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 896d836e4bc38513 shader registered for possible reloading: 896d836e4bc38513_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE4210, hash = 896d836e4bc38513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE4210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2300, handle = 00000176A0220E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d shader registered for possible reloading: 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE2550, hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE2550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A0045560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 435eb788190e93fe shader registered for possible reloading: 435eb788190e93fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE4390, hash = 435eb788190e93fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE4390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7164, handle = 00000176A01A8A30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 shader registered for possible reloading: 96c9d66e5f68d745_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDF190, hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDF190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7332, handle = 00000176A01D4740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 shader registered for possible reloading: 78419f9aacae6ac2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDE910, hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDE910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2172, handle = 00000176A01DCE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2128f8af8f55a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE2C90, hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE2C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2348, handle = 00000176A035E100, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fcc315619520c1e shader registered for possible reloading: 4fcc315619520c1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE3250, hash = 4fcc315619520c1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE3250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7212, handle = 00000176A0169F20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd5547126858bce0 shader registered for possible reloading: bd5547126858bce0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE1E50, hash = bd5547126858bce0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE1E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7380, handle = 00000176A021C670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c shader registered for possible reloading: 4e7133c6bebefa7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE02D0, hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE02D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2148, handle = 00000176A01A4580, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 shader registered for possible reloading: d74c8b665c4c83f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE05D0, hash = d74c8b665c4c83f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE05D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2324, handle = 00000176A01A2D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d74197d5e9dbd44_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE1410, hash = 0d74197d5e9dbd44 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE1410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7188, handle = 00000176A021E350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 shader registered for possible reloading: 2c3b20db7fb4ea91_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDF8D0, hash = 2c3b20db7fb4ea91 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDF8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7356, handle = 00000176A01EBC30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 shader registered for possible reloading: f3c462e3e3c27641_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE3550, hash = f3c462e3e3c27641 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE3550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2196, handle = 00000176A01865E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 shader registered for possible reloading: 1f0d6cbacc4bce60_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE29D0, hash = 1f0d6cbacc4bce60 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE29D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2372, handle = 00000176A010B5F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e shader registered for possible reloading: 41cf13dbf3c2367e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDFE90, hash = 41cf13dbf3c2367e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDFE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7236, handle = 00000176A035C4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b4e179db3798a00f shader registered for possible reloading: b4e179db3798a00f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE3F50, hash = b4e179db3798a00f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE3F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7404, handle = 00000176A0237120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 shader registered for possible reloading: b935dfe9f51176b6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE0450, hash = b935dfe9f51176b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1844, handle = 00000176A012B040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 shader registered for possible reloading: 6080b0f0290a8776_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE0750, hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 000001766960D240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6d86041ee6068ac shader registered for possible reloading: a6d86041ee6068ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE1150, hash = a6d86041ee6068ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE1150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2020, handle = 00000176A00472D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e27589d17ecceed shader registered for possible reloading: 8e27589d17ecceed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE0D10, hash = 8e27589d17ecceed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0D10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A01AA640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0e66468f874b82b shader registered for possible reloading: d0e66468f874b82b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE0890, hash = d0e66468f874b82b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7168, handle = 00000176A01AC350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDED50, hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDED50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 00000176A001E870, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72c3853eed25f3d shader registered for possible reloading: c72c3853eed25f3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE0A10, hash = c72c3853eed25f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0A10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 00000176A00FA500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18944063f61adf0c shader registered for possible reloading: 18944063f61adf0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE0010, hash = 18944063f61adf0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176A00F5E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b shader registered for possible reloading: edf7a0cbf9e7730b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE0B90, hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 00000176A01DD6E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 shader registered for possible reloading: bcf4218a2ca0dfd6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDEED0, hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDEED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A023B310, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a343fdb20e033805 shader registered for possible reloading: a343fdb20e033805_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE2110, hash = a343fdb20e033805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE2110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 00000176A01C6A60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 shader registered for possible reloading: ec389e2d99b0b6a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE1590, hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE1590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A018C730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 shader registered for possible reloading: a3e729a1960e2f35_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE0E50, hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3428, handle = 00000176A02770D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4588aa5e60505609 shader registered for possible reloading: 4588aa5e60505609_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE3690, hash = 4588aa5e60505609 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE3690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3604, handle = 00000176A0129220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e37a68e35bdb7c9 shader registered for possible reloading: 8e37a68e35bdb7c9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDF750, hash = 8e37a68e35bdb7c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDF750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8856, handle = 00000176A0285BD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62db5d30c44457ec shader registered for possible reloading: 62db5d30c44457ec_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE33D0, hash = 62db5d30c44457ec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE33D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9024, handle = 00000176A02CCA80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9cdee7bba16f71e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 9cdee7bba16f71e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE1710, hash = 9cdee7bba16f71e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE1710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3996, handle = 00000176A01C86A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cb02b05fec8c5e05 shader registered for possible reloading: cb02b05fec8c5e05_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDF050, hash = cb02b05fec8c5e05 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDF050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10752, handle = 00000176A0229A00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7de059b76ad4012 shader registered for possible reloading: a7de059b76ad4012_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE0FD0, hash = a7de059b76ad4012 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE0FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9896, handle = 00000176A01D2090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 737ea6284611cf67 shader registered for possible reloading: 737ea6284611cf67_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE1890, hash = 737ea6284611cf67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE1890 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4064, handle = 00000176A016BB60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4c6f4ebe81de72e1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4c6f4ebe81de72e1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE2B10, hash = 4c6f4ebe81de72e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE2B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10904, handle = 00000176A0126780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3863c6d303a347d4 shader registered for possible reloading: 3863c6d303a347d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE1CD0, hash = 3863c6d303a347d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE1CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9964, handle = 00000176A02C8070, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e509229a3ca469fe shader registered for possible reloading: e509229a3ca469fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE3810, hash = e509229a3ca469fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE3810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4020, handle = 00000176A0277E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8647703e4369661 shader registered for possible reloading: c8647703e4369661_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDFA50, hash = c8647703e4369661 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDFA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10760, handle = 00000176A00F7AF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1bed2c93515b4389 shader registered for possible reloading: 1bed2c93515b4389_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDFBD0, hash = 1bed2c93515b4389 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDFBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9920, handle = 00000176A0196DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4f4d9d4c35ba553b shader registered for possible reloading: 4f4d9d4c35ba553b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE3990, hash = 4f4d9d4c35ba553b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE3990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4088, handle = 00000176A012A040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ff4530f09c50bef shader registered for possible reloading: 9ff4530f09c50bef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE3B10, hash = 9ff4530f09c50bef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE3B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10912, handle = 00000176A01A0290, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d194b6508e1e13ee shader registered for possible reloading: d194b6508e1e13ee_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FDFD10, hash = d194b6508e1e13ee returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FDFD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9988, handle = 00000176A0357510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fa4f590d13480df9 shader registered for possible reloading: fa4f590d13480df9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE3C50, hash = fa4f590d13480df9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE3C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3188, handle = 00000176A025D740, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7d93e54c7429004 shader registered for possible reloading: d7d93e54c7429004_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE19D0, hash = d7d93e54c7429004 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE19D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A01FB250, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d0f6049917cbcc5 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d0f6049917cbcc5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE1B50, hash = 6d0f6049917cbcc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE1B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9348, handle = 00000176A02720D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 864a89723a713b4d shader registered for possible reloading: 864a89723a713b4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE1F90, hash = 864a89723a713b4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE1F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3264, handle = 00000176A024F2C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0482c9012b80e1a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 0482c9012b80e1a2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE2290, hash = 0482c9012b80e1a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE2290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9960, handle = 00000176A0167830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e9ff1ede3953b0a shader registered for possible reloading: 3e9ff1ede3953b0a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE2410, hash = 3e9ff1ede3953b0a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE2410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9424, handle = 00000176A0234C40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36fadea2474e5a65 shader registered for possible reloading: 36fadea2474e5a65_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE3DD0, hash = 36fadea2474e5a65 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE3DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4408, handle = 00000176A0156AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c1096a1e99abaf18 shader registered for possible reloading: c1096a1e99abaf18_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE40D0, hash = c1096a1e99abaf18 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE40D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10380, handle = 00000176A01DA5B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ab1dc9f0fd34bdda shader registered for possible reloading: ab1dc9f0fd34bdda_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FE4510, hash = ab1dc9f0fd34bdda returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE4510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 00000176A0359C20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE5D90, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE5D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5856, handle = 00000176A03B95A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19095adde386f206 shader registered for possible reloading: 19095adde386f206_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE5350, hash = 19095adde386f206 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE5350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 00000176A000F830, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE5210, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE5210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6824, handle = 00000176A0390010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 51271eaba1772f45 shader registered for possible reloading: 51271eaba1772f45_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE4D90, hash = 51271eaba1772f45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE4D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7636, handle = 00000176A039D630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e0140cfbcb167226 shader registered for possible reloading: e0140cfbcb167226_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE5650, hash = e0140cfbcb167226 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE5650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7692, handle = 00000176A03B08C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6ff48336e31ed622 shader registered for possible reloading: 6ff48336e31ed622_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE4690, hash = 6ff48336e31ed622 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE4690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5340, handle = 00000176A0399BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 48577cad86925785 shader registered for possible reloading: 48577cad86925785_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE57D0, hash = 48577cad86925785 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE57D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5396, handle = 00000176A03AF3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cba5dc6f687b0b68 shader registered for possible reloading: cba5dc6f687b0b68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE5910, hash = cba5dc6f687b0b68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE5910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8276, handle = 00000176A0397B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8ce02941d2bd04f shader registered for possible reloading: c8ce02941d2bd04f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE5A90, hash = c8ce02941d2bd04f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE5A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8332, handle = 00000176A039F410, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 705fc21c29fa9d52 shader registered for possible reloading: 705fc21c29fa9d52_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE47D0, hash = 705fc21c29fa9d52 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE47D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6704, handle = 00000176A023E560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 66557eddfa8696db shader registered for possible reloading: 66557eddfa8696db_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE4950, hash = 66557eddfa8696db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE4950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6760, handle = 00000176A037E2E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d2b2a95b789d9a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 7d2b2a95b789d9a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE4F10, hash = 7d2b2a95b789d9a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE4F10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8200, handle = 00000176A03A8DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 59217a7341f9cfb6 shader registered for possible reloading: 59217a7341f9cfb6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE4AD0, hash = 59217a7341f9cfb6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE4AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8256, handle = 00000176A03AD350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8834fcf039a6465a shader registered for possible reloading: 8834fcf039a6465a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE4C50, hash = 8834fcf039a6465a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE4C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5376, handle = 00000176A03A14B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 580235c4063651a8 shader registered for possible reloading: 580235c4063651a8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE5090, hash = 580235c4063651a8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE5090 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5432, handle = 00000176A023D020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 244c421eeb96af70 shader registered for possible reloading: 244c421eeb96af70_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE5C10, hash = 244c421eeb96af70 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE5C10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9544, handle = 00000176A03AAE00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7a56d9f5ee9d5b7a shader registered for possible reloading: 7a56d9f5ee9d5b7a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FE54D0, hash = 7a56d9f5ee9d5b7a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FE54D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9600, handle = 00000176A03B26E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 58b763fe022813d9 shader registered for possible reloading: 58b763fe022813d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FA6C50, hash = 58b763fe022813d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA6C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7672, handle = 00000176A03A29C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9244ceae34a8a116 shader registered for possible reloading: 9244ceae34a8a116_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FA7D90, hash = 9244ceae34a8a116 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA7D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7728, handle = 00000176A0391AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8c8576a1468b127e shader registered for possible reloading: 8c8576a1468b127e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176B7FA6DD0, hash = 8c8576a1468b127e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA6DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 00000176A021BCF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 309bfe5c3f708e9d shader registered for possible reloading: 309bfe5c3f708e9d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA9790, hash = 309bfe5c3f708e9d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA9790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7944, handle = 00000176A0133930, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5262855d523970ba shader registered for possible reloading: 5262855d523970ba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA6F50, hash = 5262855d523970ba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA6F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7452, handle = 00000176A0232F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bbd0cdd1747972f7 shader registered for possible reloading: bbd0cdd1747972f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA5F50, hash = bbd0cdd1747972f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA5F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2488, handle = 00000176A0229040, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4354af799be06649 shader registered for possible reloading: 4354af799be06649_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA5550, hash = 4354af799be06649 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA5550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8080, handle = 00000176A0148CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9822757848f990a shader registered for possible reloading: b9822757848f990a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA8ED0, hash = b9822757848f990a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA8ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7520, handle = 00000176A017CDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 299c0966ff2d9c3a shader registered for possible reloading: 299c0966ff2d9c3a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAA450, hash = 299c0966ff2d9c3a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAA450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2444, handle = 00000176A0051000, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ced9ba106b232b1c shader registered for possible reloading: ced9ba106b232b1c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA6AD0, hash = ced9ba106b232b1c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA6AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A0112220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = afb22eb950b99377 shader registered for possible reloading: afb22eb950b99377_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA84D0, hash = afb22eb950b99377 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA84D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2512, handle = 00000176A00BDBC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c2878ea4276c8f3 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c2878ea4276c8f3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA8A90, hash = 7c2878ea4276c8f3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA8A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7544, handle = 00000176A01FD8C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 377a187fe1bf0bf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 377a187fe1bf0bf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA8090, hash = 377a187fe1bf0bf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA8090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2140, handle = 00000176A00DDCA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 shader registered for possible reloading: 46180fc7c974abf3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAAB90, hash = 46180fc7c974abf3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAAB90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7676, handle = 00000176A0208F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = db4500e6d5904d88 shader registered for possible reloading: db4500e6d5904d88_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA60D0, hash = db4500e6d5904d88 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA60D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7456, handle = 00000176A015C650, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 shader registered for possible reloading: e3f36c0ad36ded56_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA9D50, hash = e3f36c0ad36ded56 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA9D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11656, handle = 00000176A011AE90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 549909256f09394a shader registered for possible reloading: 549909256f09394a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA56D0, hash = 549909256f09394a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA56D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11076, handle = 00000176A0159B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d1d4cbffb7655cd shader registered for possible reloading: 0d1d4cbffb7655cd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA5C90, hash = 0d1d4cbffb7655cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA5C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17220, handle = 00000176A0116B40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd4734577fda68c3 shader registered for possible reloading: bd4734577fda68c3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA98D0, hash = bd4734577fda68c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA98D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16672, handle = 00000176A014AC80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c81cc4929f16d498 shader registered for possible reloading: c81cc4929f16d498_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA8650, hash = c81cc4929f16d498 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA8650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16836, handle = 00000176A016D120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd52b9d281ed0e27 shader registered for possible reloading: dd52b9d281ed0e27_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA5850, hash = dd52b9d281ed0e27 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA5850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16268, handle = 00000176A012F990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cee51051b932afaa shader registered for possible reloading: cee51051b932afaa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA7210, hash = cee51051b932afaa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA7210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11396, handle = 00000176A02186D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7e62d078617bd04d shader registered for possible reloading: 7e62d078617bd04d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA5E10, hash = 7e62d078617bd04d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA5E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10836, handle = 00000176A02569C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b487745689d19e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b487745689d19e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA9050, hash = 7b487745689d19e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA9050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16576, handle = 00000176A009D150, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e63e4c8904e5c88b shader registered for possible reloading: e63e4c8904e5c88b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAA5D0, hash = e63e4c8904e5c88b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAA5D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16028, handle = 00000176A01D6700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 46c6b0dd83b1431c shader registered for possible reloading: 46c6b0dd83b1431c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA6990, hash = 46c6b0dd83b1431c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA6990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2016, handle = 00000176A00A1220, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2b17b2c2183ce3cc shader registered for possible reloading: 2b17b2c2183ce3cc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA9E90, hash = 2b17b2c2183ce3cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA9E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7332, handle = 00000176A013DDC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d3fb4dd436ec22b8 shader registered for possible reloading: d3fb4dd436ec22b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA8C10, hash = d3fb4dd436ec22b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA8C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11516, handle = 00000176A0063510, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 47b1b7090b408238 shader registered for possible reloading: 47b1b7090b408238_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA8790, hash = 47b1b7090b408238 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA8790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10956, handle = 00000176A01AEA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5a08ad53948ee265 shader registered for possible reloading: 5a08ad53948ee265_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAA010, hash = 5a08ad53948ee265 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAA010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16696, handle = 00000176A02452A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 01598b315fcfc836 shader registered for possible reloading: 01598b315fcfc836_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA7390, hash = 01598b315fcfc836 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA7390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16148, handle = 00000176A02138D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c327aa97d75eb624 shader registered for possible reloading: c327aa97d75eb624_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA6250, hash = c327aa97d75eb624 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA6250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11540, handle = 00000176A0203950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 63d9517962e0f70c shader registered for possible reloading: 63d9517962e0f70c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA5290, hash = 63d9517962e0f70c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA5290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10980, handle = 00000176A01461F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4e933c9f82c473a shader registered for possible reloading: e4e933c9f82c473a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA6510, hash = e4e933c9f82c473a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA6510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16720, handle = 00000176A01DE730, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c39419b4b60f5b22 shader registered for possible reloading: c39419b4b60f5b22_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA8D50, hash = c39419b4b60f5b22 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA8D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16172, handle = 00000176A010C090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce1c3fac100d04f0 shader registered for possible reloading: ce1c3fac100d04f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA91D0, hash = ce1c3fac100d04f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA91D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11516, handle = 00000176A013B0B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e823cd1f05147565 shader registered for possible reloading: e823cd1f05147565_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA9BD0, hash = e823cd1f05147565 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA9BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10956, handle = 00000176A00FAD10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62361fba0a9fcb85 shader registered for possible reloading: 62361fba0a9fcb85_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA9310, hash = 62361fba0a9fcb85 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA9310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16696, handle = 00000176A01BEFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2cd3761a767315b shader registered for possible reloading: b2cd3761a767315b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA9490, hash = b2cd3761a767315b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA9490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16148, handle = 00000176A020AD70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8b37de30386621a1 shader registered for possible reloading: 8b37de30386621a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA81D0, hash = 8b37de30386621a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA81D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1984, handle = 00000176A004E5B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed9e541c29a00fc9 shader registered for possible reloading: ed9e541c29a00fc9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA7510, hash = ed9e541c29a00fc9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA7510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7300, handle = 00000176A0151050, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 42710fe79f1e63a3 shader registered for possible reloading: 42710fe79f1e63a3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA6690, hash = 42710fe79f1e63a3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA6690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3932, handle = 00000176A02493E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 881d1e4fa58861b8 shader registered for possible reloading: 881d1e4fa58861b8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA5990, hash = 881d1e4fa58861b8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA5990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10460, handle = 00000176A0206670, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2efa89b085860b1d shader registered for possible reloading: 2efa89b085860b1d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA9610, hash = 2efa89b085860b1d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA9610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9836, handle = 00000176A0267CF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12cae812d13dd93f shader registered for possible reloading: 12cae812d13dd93f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAA190, hash = 12cae812d13dd93f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAA190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4000, handle = 00000176A00BCC10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d18733e304a0dba5 shader registered for possible reloading: d18733e304a0dba5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA7650, hash = d18733e304a0dba5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA7650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10596, handle = 00000176A00E11F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 81e8a3c21a09acc5 shader registered for possible reloading: 81e8a3c21a09acc5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA77D0, hash = 81e8a3c21a09acc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA77D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9904, handle = 00000176A0135840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e4c816158707e4ad shader registered for possible reloading: e4c816158707e4ad_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA63D0, hash = e4c816158707e4ad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA63D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3956, handle = 00000176A0082940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 341210d10b6228f7 shader registered for possible reloading: 341210d10b6228f7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA7950, hash = 341210d10b6228f7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA7950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10468, handle = 00000176A01E2890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 93656a301d919f03 shader registered for possible reloading: 93656a301d919f03_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA7AD0, hash = 93656a301d919f03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA7AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9860, handle = 00000176A00AAC80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c740260c34a122d4 shader registered for possible reloading: c740260c34a122d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA5110, hash = c740260c34a122d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA5110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4024, handle = 00000176A01F0010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4b5ea485dec984a2 shader registered for possible reloading: 4b5ea485dec984a2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAA310, hash = 4b5ea485dec984a2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAA310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10604, handle = 00000176A017A450, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7d353800108c859e shader registered for possible reloading: 7d353800108c859e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA9A50, hash = 7d353800108c859e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA9A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9928, handle = 00000176A01F1920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dbad9a6841467f78 shader registered for possible reloading: dbad9a6841467f78_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA7C10, hash = dbad9a6841467f78 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA7C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3188, handle = 00000176A006CB50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7d93e54c7429004 shader registered for possible reloading: d7d93e54c7429004_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA7F10, hash = d7d93e54c7429004 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA7F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9792, handle = 00000176A00D75A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6d0f6049917cbcc5 shader registered for possible reloading: 6d0f6049917cbcc5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA8350, hash = 6d0f6049917cbcc5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA8350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9348, handle = 00000176A01BAAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 864a89723a713b4d shader registered for possible reloading: 864a89723a713b4d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAA750, hash = 864a89723a713b4d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAA750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 15188, handle = 00000176A01A4ED0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bf1cfa236c45f541 shader registered for possible reloading: bf1cfa236c45f541_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAA8D0, hash = bf1cfa236c45f541 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAA8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14076, handle = 00000176A019CB80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd12399986182fce shader registered for possible reloading: bd12399986182fce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FAAA10, hash = bd12399986182fce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FAAA10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21768, handle = 00000176A02218F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4cd7180a9b8df0f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 4cd7180a9b8df0f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176B7FA5B10, hash = 4cd7180a9b8df0f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176B7FA5B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20700, handle = 00000176A018E7F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a621eaceae6a1e70 shader registered for possible reloading: a621eaceae6a1e70_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13510, hash = a621eaceae6a1e70 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 21160, handle = 00000176A01B1520, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a7bccf9f95b4ab75 shader registered for possible reloading: a7bccf9f95b4ab75_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE151D0, hash = a7bccf9f95b4ab75 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE151D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20044, handle = 00000176A01C9910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e6e7cf34f5ff76c3 shader registered for possible reloading: e6e7cf34f5ff76c3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE16750, hash = e6e7cf34f5ff76c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE16750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14432, handle = 00000176A0182D70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9d930fa31999d129 shader registered for possible reloading: 9d930fa31999d129_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE15790, hash = 9d930fa31999d129 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE15790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13316, handle = 00000176A007C6B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 631dc525f5924a94 shader registered for possible reloading: 631dc525f5924a94_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE14790, hash = 631dc525f5924a94 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE14790 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20404, handle = 00000176A00EB750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e2e7897cb843137c shader registered for possible reloading: e2e7897cb843137c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE14A90, hash = e2e7897cb843137c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE14A90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19284, handle = 00000176A011DC20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 473e68cd95ad0154 shader registered for possible reloading: 473e68cd95ad0154_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE15BD0, hash = 473e68cd95ad0154 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE15BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2600, handle = 00000176A01CE770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fafcb98bb1a2414 shader registered for possible reloading: 4fafcb98bb1a2414_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE11110, hash = 4fafcb98bb1a2414 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE11110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8760, handle = 00000176A0055E50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a390f7ea3db7facc shader registered for possible reloading: a390f7ea3db7facc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE15610, hash = a390f7ea3db7facc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE15610 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14660, handle = 00000176A004AC60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 26cde3c81ee6242d shader registered for possible reloading: 26cde3c81ee6242d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE15490, hash = 26cde3c81ee6242d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE15490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13544, handle = 00000176A00F0710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d32f5e8a193afe06 shader registered for possible reloading: d32f5e8a193afe06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE165D0, hash = d32f5e8a193afe06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE165D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20632, handle = 00000176A025E6B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9b3bd708f1a2d19b shader registered for possible reloading: 9b3bd708f1a2d19b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE12510, hash = 9b3bd708f1a2d19b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE12510 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19512, handle = 00000176A020EC90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc0544a079fee37c shader registered for possible reloading: bc0544a079fee37c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE15A50, hash = bc0544a079fee37c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE15A50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14684, handle = 00000176A013FA70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 314fc5b545dc49c5 shader registered for possible reloading: 314fc5b545dc49c5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE168D0, hash = 314fc5b545dc49c5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE168D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13568, handle = 00000176A01938E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 568c04692b0e2ea5 shader registered for possible reloading: 568c04692b0e2ea5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE12F50, hash = 568c04692b0e2ea5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE12F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20656, handle = 00000176A00B7B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f16ffae3fc48ca95 shader registered for possible reloading: f16ffae3fc48ca95_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE10E10, hash = f16ffae3fc48ca95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE10E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19536, handle = 00000176A00E3B60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36b2552ff61dcda0 shader registered for possible reloading: 36b2552ff61dcda0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE10F90, hash = 36b2552ff61dcda0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE10F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 14660, handle = 00000176A01C3110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e7812a241da211c shader registered for possible reloading: 4e7812a241da211c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE15E90, hash = 4e7812a241da211c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE15E90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 13544, handle = 00000176A00FD7F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 176ccd6757c302b2 shader registered for possible reloading: 176ccd6757c302b2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE14090, hash = 176ccd6757c302b2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE14090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 20632, handle = 00000176A026D030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9ba417df227a39af shader registered for possible reloading: 9ba417df227a39af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE14350, hash = 9ba417df227a39af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE14350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 19512, handle = 00000176A0175810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cd70ade998c73ddc shader registered for possible reloading: cd70ade998c73ddc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE116D0, hash = cd70ade998c73ddc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE116D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2532, handle = 00000176A01F5E60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1cc01ea541539556 shader registered for possible reloading: 1cc01ea541539556_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE14650, hash = 1cc01ea541539556 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE14650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8692, handle = 00000176A00A5EE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f50f6237ed76381a shader registered for possible reloading: f50f6237ed76381a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE141D0, hash = f50f6237ed76381a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE141D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3768, handle = 00000176A01F3FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 298b63e5d72f4b45 shader registered for possible reloading: 298b63e5d72f4b45_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE158D0, hash = 298b63e5d72f4b45 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE158D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9388, handle = 00000176A01EDB50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b40ca688797df76e shader registered for possible reloading: b40ca688797df76e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE11F50, hash = b40ca688797df76e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE11F50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8764, handle = 00000176A010FFD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 65f8f0dc33d1669b shader registered for possible reloading: 65f8f0dc33d1669b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13090, hash = 65f8f0dc33d1669b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3836, handle = 00000176A01E5180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 755141398e72c910 shader registered for possible reloading: 755141398e72c910_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE11290, hash = 755141398e72c910 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE11290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9524, handle = 00000176A01F6850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ef3c38dd2e7d63fa shader registered for possible reloading: ef3c38dd2e7d63fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE12C50, hash = ef3c38dd2e7d63fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE12C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8832, handle = 00000176A0138E20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c94f630c3a333d86 shader registered for possible reloading: c94f630c3a333d86_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE15D50, hash = c94f630c3a333d86 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE15D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3792, handle = 00000176A02177F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b951d25250a04c81 shader registered for possible reloading: b951d25250a04c81_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE14910, hash = b951d25250a04c81 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE14910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9396, handle = 00000176A01F8D90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7dfefdc129114eba shader registered for possible reloading: 7dfefdc129114eba_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13AD0, hash = 7dfefdc129114eba returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8788, handle = 00000176A024FFA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 547056f673d0a5e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 547056f673d0a5e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13390, hash = 547056f673d0a5e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3860, handle = 00000176A0137F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0fb26147fadb610 shader registered for possible reloading: b0fb26147fadb610_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE12AD0, hash = b0fb26147fadb610 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE12AD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9532, handle = 00000176A0242D50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec8ed7884467e95f shader registered for possible reloading: ec8ed7884467e95f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE15310, hash = ec8ed7884467e95f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE15310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8856, handle = 00000176A014EDB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1e0bc4f97bbe14d3 shader registered for possible reloading: 1e0bc4f97bbe14d3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE113D0, hash = 1e0bc4f97bbe14d3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE113D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3024, handle = 00000176A0232330, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 143265c2b391e4e9 shader registered for possible reloading: 143265c2b391e4e9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE16010, hash = 143265c2b391e4e9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE16010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8748, handle = 00000176A0226E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b757fdf41b859bf shader registered for possible reloading: 0b757fdf41b859bf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE16190, hash = 0b757fdf41b859bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE16190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8304, handle = 00000176A01BCF50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cc11af40d1d8012e shader registered for possible reloading: cc11af40d1d8012e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE16310, hash = cc11af40d1d8012e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE16310 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12540, handle = 00000176A0199A70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 936134abeb75a835 shader registered for possible reloading: 936134abeb75a835_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE14D50, hash = 936134abeb75a835 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE14D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11960, handle = 00000176A015E380, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 34463e8668415b0f shader registered for possible reloading: 34463e8668415b0f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13210, hash = 34463e8668415b0f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 18360, handle = 00000176A0252200, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aeb0bfd88fe36314 shader registered for possible reloading: aeb0bfd88fe36314_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13650, hash = aeb0bfd88fe36314 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17812, handle = 00000176A0263750, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 471b22842acb8e0c shader registered for possible reloading: 471b22842acb8e0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE11B10, hash = 471b22842acb8e0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE11B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17684, handle = 00000176A01712F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d76edfde72e60d83 shader registered for possible reloading: d76edfde72e60d83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE137D0, hash = d76edfde72e60d83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE137D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17116, handle = 00000176A01B67D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89bebe7ec1b3caef shader registered for possible reloading: 89bebe7ec1b3caef_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13950, hash = 89bebe7ec1b3caef returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11780, handle = 00000176A01433E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1012effc3acaf778 shader registered for possible reloading: 1012effc3acaf778_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13C10, hash = 1012effc3acaf778 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11220, handle = 00000176A0113F60, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 159c64bed71dc087 shader registered for possible reloading: 159c64bed71dc087_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE16450, hash = 159c64bed71dc087 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE16450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16924, handle = 00000176A017EB40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = dd1f4b94b1d825f1 shader registered for possible reloading: dd1f4b94b1d825f1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13D90, hash = dd1f4b94b1d825f1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16376, handle = 00000176A0122780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 64c50f6cabeaddaf shader registered for possible reloading: 64c50f6cabeaddaf_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE14C10, hash = 64c50f6cabeaddaf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE14C10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2436, handle = 00000176A021B360, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ba7083bc0f21006 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ba7083bc0f21006_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE11C90, hash = 0ba7083bc0f21006 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE11C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7716, handle = 00000176A0157CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 143b21d12fa6bfc2 shader registered for possible reloading: 143b21d12fa6bfc2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE11550, hash = 143b21d12fa6bfc2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE11550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12008, handle = 00000176A01E6AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 64d3f59aab72dba9 shader registered for possible reloading: 64d3f59aab72dba9_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE144D0, hash = 64d3f59aab72dba9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE144D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11448, handle = 00000176A024A350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8fa515789a18f17c shader registered for possible reloading: 8fa515789a18f17c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE123D0, hash = 8fa515789a18f17c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE123D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17152, handle = 00000176A0100CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a75b6c29b72fe7d4 shader registered for possible reloading: a75b6c29b72fe7d4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE11E10, hash = a75b6c29b72fe7d4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE11E10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16604, handle = 00000176A008C1E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f8b63e2a4c6d6580 shader registered for possible reloading: f8b63e2a4c6d6580_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE11850, hash = f8b63e2a4c6d6580 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE11850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12032, handle = 00000176A0187560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c7ba2d088338e9a shader registered for possible reloading: 7c7ba2d088338e9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE120D0, hash = 7c7ba2d088338e9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE120D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11472, handle = 00000176A0152CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce2c7b90b82e11ca shader registered for possible reloading: ce2c7b90b82e11ca_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE12690, hash = ce2c7b90b82e11ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE12690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17176, handle = 00000176A0259420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32716ab34e25a06f shader registered for possible reloading: 32716ab34e25a06f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE12990, hash = 32716ab34e25a06f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE12990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16628, handle = 00000176A0104FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 002073bc01d563ce shader registered for possible reloading: 002073bc01d563ce_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE13F10, hash = 002073bc01d563ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE13F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 12008, handle = 00000176A01CF1A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06bde9eacb4f7154 shader registered for possible reloading: 06bde9eacb4f7154_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE11990, hash = 06bde9eacb4f7154 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE11990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11448, handle = 00000176A026A370, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ded4e9b89efc12fd shader registered for possible reloading: ded4e9b89efc12fd_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE14ED0, hash = ded4e9b89efc12fd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE14ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 17152, handle = 00000176A01FF640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8f4967e8d807f79d shader registered for possible reloading: 8f4967e8d807f79d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE12250, hash = 8f4967e8d807f79d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE12250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 16604, handle = 00000176A0161240, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8c4c15daa41d9ec6 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c4c15daa41d9ec6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE12810, hash = 8c4c15daa41d9ec6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE12810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2368, handle = 00000176A01F0FD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0d2bbf8e9b27c898 shader registered for possible reloading: 0d2bbf8e9b27c898_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE12DD0, hash = 0d2bbf8e9b27c898 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE12DD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7648, handle = 00000176A012B850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 929ded57d195ce24 shader registered for possible reloading: 929ded57d195ce24_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE15050, hash = 929ded57d195ce24 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE15050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 504, handle = 00000176A007FAC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9f385d0403288f79 shader registered for possible reloading: 9f385d0403288f79_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE18F90, hash = 9f385d0403288f79 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE18F90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7348, handle = 00000176A0355850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c96e34fe33cb47d5 shader registered for possible reloading: c96e34fe33cb47d5_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1A0D0, hash = c96e34fe33cb47d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1A0D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 540, handle = 00000176A00A80E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f2bc978cbd60923 shader registered for possible reloading: 5f2bc978cbd60923_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE196D0, hash = 5f2bc978cbd60923 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE196D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7976, handle = 00000176A02C3420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4d100c7deca106cd shader registered for possible reloading: 4d100c7deca106cd_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1C350, hash = 4d100c7deca106cd returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1C350 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8748, handle = 00000176A027EE50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d4d346474463dd6 shader registered for possible reloading: 3d4d346474463dd6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1A390, hash = 3d4d346474463dd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1A390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8804, handle = 00000176A0374950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6c4c8313d2fccb38 shader registered for possible reloading: 6c4c8313d2fccb38_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE19110, hash = 6c4c8313d2fccb38 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE19110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8228, handle = 00000176A0301DC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 45c0d639351347bb shader registered for possible reloading: 45c0d639351347bb_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE16D10, hash = 45c0d639351347bb returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE16D10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8284, handle = 00000176A02CAA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ecedf2176fb009c7 shader registered for possible reloading: ecedf2176fb009c7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE17A10, hash = ecedf2176fb009c7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE17A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9892, handle = 00000176A0359E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 666d3dfc9c95185d shader registered for possible reloading: 666d3dfc9c95185d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE19250, hash = 666d3dfc9c95185d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE19250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A0378E10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1fe19c328973757f shader registered for possible reloading: 1fe19c328973757f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1B7D0, hash = 1fe19c328973757f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1B7D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9360, handle = 00000176A0349180, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b1500a6a826e1434 shader registered for possible reloading: b1500a6a826e1434_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1B4D0, hash = b1500a6a826e1434 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1B4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9416, handle = 00000176A030C0F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 929ec0937a1284be shader registered for possible reloading: 929ec0937a1284be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE17450, hash = 929ec0937a1284be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE17450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10556, handle = 00000176A027C500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c310cc6addd3c124 shader registered for possible reloading: c310cc6addd3c124_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE19F50, hash = c310cc6addd3c124 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE19F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10612, handle = 00000176A0281090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b2ac2fbd6338df7 shader registered for possible reloading: 0b2ac2fbd6338df7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE16A10, hash = 0b2ac2fbd6338df7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE16A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8720, handle = 00000176A02A86A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0e215ea13497cb7d shader registered for possible reloading: 0e215ea13497cb7d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE18E10, hash = 0e215ea13497cb7d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE18E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8776, handle = 00000176A0376BC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 245c57e9a229d0b6 shader registered for possible reloading: 245c57e9a229d0b6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1A950, hash = 245c57e9a229d0b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1A950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11688, handle = 00000176A034B620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c34d04dcd42bcd1e shader registered for possible reloading: c34d04dcd42bcd1e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE193D0, hash = c34d04dcd42bcd1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE193D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11744, handle = 00000176A02A58B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c33df20f9fe84125 shader registered for possible reloading: c33df20f9fe84125_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE19990, hash = c33df20f9fe84125 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE19990 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9852, handle = 00000176A028D0E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc479f0469ae5a99 shader registered for possible reloading: bc479f0469ae5a99_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE17710, hash = bc479f0469ae5a99 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE17710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9908, handle = 00000176A0303DF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b9013d3a6107b988 shader registered for possible reloading: b9013d3a6107b988_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE17890, hash = b9013d3a6107b988 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE17890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9432, handle = 00000176A0288530, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d848810b9537bfe8 shader registered for possible reloading: d848810b9537bfe8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1B210, hash = d848810b9537bfe8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1B210 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9556, handle = 00000176A034E3D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aea457da4d04bdd4 shader registered for possible reloading: aea457da4d04bdd4_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1B390, hash = aea457da4d04bdd4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1B390 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8568, handle = 00000176A03727D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2a03cf7df1f58954 shader registered for possible reloading: 2a03cf7df1f58954_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE19550, hash = 2a03cf7df1f58954 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE19550 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8624, handle = 00000176A0283A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 802ca9fe6e1ed2ca shader registered for possible reloading: 802ca9fe6e1ed2ca_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1A690, hash = 802ca9fe6e1ed2ca returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1A690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10736, handle = 00000176A0279B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = aa81d9294c2b575a shader registered for possible reloading: aa81d9294c2b575a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1AAD0, hash = aa81d9294c2b575a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1AAD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10792, handle = 00000176A03096C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a4475d3fe5e5b2dc shader registered for possible reloading: a4475d3fe5e5b2dc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1BA90, hash = a4475d3fe5e5b2dc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1BA90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9860, handle = 00000176A02E87F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 27690e9ae45f2681 shader registered for possible reloading: 27690e9ae45f2681_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1AC50, hash = 27690e9ae45f2681 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1AC50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9916, handle = 00000176A028AA10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 358fff2c9b75518a shader registered for possible reloading: 358fff2c9b75518a_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1ADD0, hash = 358fff2c9b75518a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1ADD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11532, handle = 00000176A02C5350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6029fe689fff1af6 shader registered for possible reloading: 6029fe689fff1af6_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE18B50, hash = 6029fe689fff1af6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE18B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11588, handle = 00000176A02EAE80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cef33540cf4387c9 shader registered for possible reloading: cef33540cf4387c9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1BC10, hash = cef33540cf4387c9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1BC10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9392, handle = 00000176A02BEA70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 99d35ec34437332f shader registered for possible reloading: 99d35ec34437332f_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1A810, hash = 99d35ec34437332f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1A810 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9448, handle = 00000176A02C0F30, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0b2a1a3ab5072e79 shader registered for possible reloading: 0b2a1a3ab5072e79_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1B950, hash = 0b2a1a3ab5072e79 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1B950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12804, handle = 00000176A03064B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43dd36222500ed61 shader registered for possible reloading: 43dd36222500ed61_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE17B50, hash = 43dd36222500ed61 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE17B50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12860, handle = 00000176A02E2C70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 862eb6786b03918c shader registered for possible reloading: 862eb6786b03918c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE17E50, hash = 862eb6786b03918c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE17E50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10684, handle = 00000176A0352E80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0711e22aed586619 shader registered for possible reloading: 0711e22aed586619_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE19B10, hash = 0711e22aed586619 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE19B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10740, handle = 00000176A028F770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2407704ba4ce7758 shader registered for possible reloading: 2407704ba4ce7758_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1A250, hash = 2407704ba4ce7758 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1A250 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79624, handle = 00000176A030E5C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6e3b0408e33b8d28 shader registered for possible reloading: 6e3b0408e33b8d28_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE17FD0, hash = 6e3b0408e33b8d28 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE17FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79708, handle = 00000176A0335A10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 87a42f35911a31fc shader registered for possible reloading: 87a42f35911a31fc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1C4D0, hash = 87a42f35911a31fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1C4D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81196, handle = 00000176A0321CD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d7ef49dc4d37c69d shader registered for possible reloading: d7ef49dc4d37c69d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1B650, hash = d7ef49dc4d37c69d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1B650 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 81280, handle = 00000176A035EA40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5f6e28ad4433c01d shader registered for possible reloading: 5f6e28ad4433c01d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1A510, hash = 5f6e28ad4433c01d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1A510 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79660, handle = 00000176A0292170, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7b005864d6fc37d9 shader registered for possible reloading: 7b005864d6fc37d9_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE19DD0, hash = 7b005864d6fc37d9 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE19DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 79744, handle = 00000176A02CF4E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f95388c4f7f428cf shader registered for possible reloading: f95388c4f7f428cf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE16E90, hash = f95388c4f7f428cf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE16E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82344, handle = 00000176A02AA8C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a750f5f1a7f0733e shader registered for possible reloading: a750f5f1a7f0733e_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE16FD0, hash = a750f5f1a7f0733e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE16FD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 82400, handle = 00000176A02EDBD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f3e024f4dad51636 shader registered for possible reloading: f3e024f4dad51636_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1C050, hash = f3e024f4dad51636 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1C050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2328, handle = 00000176A00665F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a5fbf7ef2c652d7e shader registered for possible reloading: a5fbf7ef2c652d7e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE17150, hash = a5fbf7ef2c652d7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE17150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8012, handle = 00000176A00809E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cce75cb72ecb6976 shader registered for possible reloading: cce75cb72ecb6976_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE18110, hash = cce75cb72ecb6976 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE18110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2492, handle = 00000176A0098EB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 12714604df8a108a shader registered for possible reloading: 12714604df8a108a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE189D0, hash = 12714604df8a108a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE189D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8172, handle = 00000176A0058160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a496f3429ce57357 shader registered for possible reloading: a496f3429ce57357_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE18290, hash = a496f3429ce57357 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE18290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7368, handle = 00000176A0020BA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ee246c2427ed386e shader registered for possible reloading: ee246c2427ed386e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1C1D0, hash = ee246c2427ed386e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1C1D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176A00617A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 827544715c281d25 shader registered for possible reloading: 827544715c281d25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE19C90, hash = 827544715c281d25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE19C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2396, handle = 00000176A00503B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b025dae4af16e12c shader registered for possible reloading: b025dae4af16e12c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE18850, hash = b025dae4af16e12c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE18850 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8148, handle = 000001769817C800, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d3e76d22ef4e1dd2 shader registered for possible reloading: d3e76d22ef4e1dd2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1B090, hash = d3e76d22ef4e1dd2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1B090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2560, handle = 00000176695EF110, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e336cf85551f0d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 4e336cf85551f0d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE18590, hash = 4e336cf85551f0d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE18590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8308, handle = 00000176A0084910, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c52212d6d0d80e98 shader registered for possible reloading: c52212d6d0d80e98_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE186D0, hash = c52212d6d0d80e98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE186D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7436, handle = 00000176A005BE80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d18e80f63c7e4c3e shader registered for possible reloading: d18e80f63c7e4c3e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE18C90, hash = d18e80f63c7e4c3e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE18C90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7596, handle = 00000176A0090940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8940a0b19990320 shader registered for possible reloading: c8940a0b19990320_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1CED0, hash = c8940a0b19990320 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1CED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2352, handle = 00000176A004A320, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94c3c35189c8b12d shader registered for possible reloading: 94c3c35189c8b12d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE21690, hash = 94c3c35189c8b12d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE21690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2516, handle = 00000176A009C770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0eaf9323fdcd6be shader registered for possible reloading: d0eaf9323fdcd6be_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1E190, hash = d0eaf9323fdcd6be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1E190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176A005DBA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2297e84b9e344a01 shader registered for possible reloading: 2297e84b9e344a01_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE21990, hash = 2297e84b9e344a01 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE21990 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7552, handle = 00000176A00540C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18f3ddeae45fa907 shader registered for possible reloading: 18f3ddeae45fa907_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1DD10, hash = 18f3ddeae45fa907 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1DD10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2420, handle = 000001766960F560, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d49214f14c34d113 shader registered for possible reloading: d49214f14c34d113_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1F2D0, hash = d49214f14c34d113 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1F2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2584, handle = 00000176A004F120, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b0e980c5ad6efd2d shader registered for possible reloading: b0e980c5ad6efd2d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1D750, hash = b0e980c5ad6efd2d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1D750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7460, handle = 00000176A008A4B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8965d309411942fc shader registered for possible reloading: 8965d309411942fc_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1E2D0, hash = 8965d309411942fc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1E2D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7620, handle = 00000176A00522F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af9eeb4d73809fb7 shader registered for possible reloading: af9eeb4d73809fb7_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE21550, hash = af9eeb4d73809fb7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE21550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2152, handle = 00000176A004FB40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 shader registered for possible reloading: 9287bc5c57cf9c03_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1F9D0, hash = 9287bc5c57cf9c03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1F9D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7780, handle = 00000176A0077CB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e08e7d08f4c24def shader registered for possible reloading: e08e7d08f4c24def_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1FE50, hash = e08e7d08f4c24def returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1FE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2316, handle = 00000176A0095E90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e shader registered for possible reloading: 78d5eeaf5a8af08e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1DA50, hash = 78d5eeaf5a8af08e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1DA50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7940, handle = 00000176A005F890, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa shader registered for possible reloading: fd6c08e1599c34fa_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1DE90, hash = fd6c08e1599c34fa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1DE90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7476, handle = 00000176A000DAF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7956d38a89935a2f shader registered for possible reloading: 7956d38a89935a2f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1F150, hash = 7956d38a89935a2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1F150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7636, handle = 0000017695E1C7C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 shader registered for possible reloading: 4a678a1850a488e0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1D490, hash = 4a678a1850a488e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1D490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176A0072420, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 656d2cba4764557b shader registered for possible reloading: 656d2cba4764557b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1ED10, hash = 656d2cba4764557b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1ED10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7884, handle = 00000176A0009CE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 9bfefe771fdb8bc1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1FF90, hash = 9bfefe771fdb8bc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1FF90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2288, handle = 00000176A00519F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 shader registered for possible reloading: 3c9e521019bed3b1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1F410, hash = 3c9e521019bed3b1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1F410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8044, handle = 00000176A0099880, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a shader registered for possible reloading: 92c91681d2f40e9a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1CBD0, hash = 92c91681d2f40e9a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1CBD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176A005A160, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 shader registered for possible reloading: 6b9506e3c4502808_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1E010, hash = 6b9506e3c4502808 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1E010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7608, handle = 00000176A0070660, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 54a014b0e9312047 shader registered for possible reloading: 54a014b0e9312047_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1F710, hash = 54a014b0e9312047 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1F710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4068, handle = 00000176A0066F10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 shader registered for possible reloading: e9ecfd7a9a181378_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1C910, hash = e9ecfd7a9a181378 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1C910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10980, handle = 00000176A0086990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 shader registered for possible reloading: bd86789f594cd9c3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1E750, hash = bd86789f594cd9c3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1E750 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9972, handle = 00000176A00967B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 5e8ca8689505213c shader registered for possible reloading: 5e8ca8689505213c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE20110, hash = 5e8ca8689505213c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE20110 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4136, handle = 00000176A0089480, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f54fc0d533f261ff shader registered for possible reloading: f54fc0d533f261ff_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1EE50, hash = f54fc0d533f261ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1EE50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11132, handle = 00000176A0079B20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f shader registered for possible reloading: d2d77f2b8146ad4f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE210D0, hash = d2d77f2b8146ad4f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE210D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10040, handle = 00000176A0092700, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 shader registered for possible reloading: 09ce2b9890906f25_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE21B10, hash = 09ce2b9890906f25 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE21B10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4092, handle = 00000176A0083900, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b76f821613d6700b shader registered for possible reloading: b76f821613d6700b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE20F90, hash = b76f821613d6700b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE20F90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10988, handle = 00000176A0072C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 shader registered for possible reloading: 3e8f446749a01d83_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE21C50, hash = 3e8f446749a01d83 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE21C50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9996, handle = 00000176A0067F00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db shader registered for possible reloading: ce379bf3ba5db5db_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1D190, hash = ce379bf3ba5db5db returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1D190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 4160, handle = 00000176A0094E40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f shader registered for possible reloading: 06c235bcb5ddf25f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE20290, hash = 06c235bcb5ddf25f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE20290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 11140, handle = 00000176A006DAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e76742d85360740a shader registered for possible reloading: e76742d85360740a_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE20410, hash = e76742d85360740a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE20410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10064, handle = 00000176A0042E00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 shader registered for possible reloading: fe177d918a8d71b0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE20550, hash = fe177d918a8d71b0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE20550 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 00000176695EE3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 shader registered for possible reloading: 36ea0c33a13b68f5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1F590, hash = 36ea0c33a13b68f5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1F590 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9948, handle = 00000176A0040710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 shader registered for possible reloading: e24b5f338d5b4cd1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE1D8D0, hash = e24b5f338d5b4cd1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1D8D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9504, handle = 00000176A006A620, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 shader registered for possible reloading: 86a59be4e2a1f509_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE21810, hash = 86a59be4e2a1f509 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE21810 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3336, handle = 00000176A007FCD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d7f63977dfda7c0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE21250, hash = 2d7f63977dfda7c0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE21250 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10184, handle = 00000176A0047B50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 shader registered for possible reloading: f7ab20a7ef6c8132_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE206D0, hash = f7ab20a7ef6c8132 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE206D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 00000176A0075780, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 53426ef6186603f0 shader registered for possible reloading: 53426ef6186603f0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE21DD0, hash = 53426ef6186603f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE21DD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 512, handle = 000001769DE7FDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f038d6c31231ce95 shader registered for possible reloading: f038d6c31231ce95_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1F890, hash = f038d6c31231ce95 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1F890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6220, handle = 00000176A00A4680, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b753a6fde1998054 shader registered for possible reloading: b753a6fde1998054_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1DBD0, hash = b753a6fde1998054 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1DBD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 548, handle = 00000176695EFB20, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c13f786265586e39 shader registered for possible reloading: c13f786265586e39_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE209D0, hash = c13f786265586e39 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE209D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7348, handle = 00000176A00B0350, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 74acece8ce3b9dae shader registered for possible reloading: 74acece8ce3b9dae_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1E450, hash = 74acece8ce3b9dae returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1E450 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10496, handle = 00000176A00DE8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = fb6d3ccf07114fa7 shader registered for possible reloading: fb6d3ccf07114fa7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1FB50, hash = fb6d3ccf07114fa7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1FB50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10540, handle = 00000176A00A8340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bbd30dc8269985e0 shader registered for possible reloading: bbd30dc8269985e0_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE20850, hash = bbd30dc8269985e0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE20850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10564, handle = 00000176A00C4340, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = abe6d32b420543de shader registered for possible reloading: abe6d32b420543de_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1E5D0, hash = abe6d32b420543de returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1E5D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 10620, handle = 00000176A00CC3C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 89e834ec6f651106 shader registered for possible reloading: 89e834ec6f651106_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE21F50, hash = 89e834ec6f651106 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE21F50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11124, handle = 00000176A00B2010, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bfcefad7d61e53be shader registered for possible reloading: bfcefad7d61e53be_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE220D0, hash = bfcefad7d61e53be returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE220D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11168, handle = 00000176A00C1790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b55562ac45947456 shader registered for possible reloading: b55562ac45947456_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1E890, hash = b55562ac45947456 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1E890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11192, handle = 00000176A00A1AC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 430f338fc8c3b1ce shader registered for possible reloading: 430f338fc8c3b1ce_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE20B10, hash = 430f338fc8c3b1ce returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE20B10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11248, handle = 00000176A00CED50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3d2a34586ce047bf shader registered for possible reloading: 3d2a34586ce047bf_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1EA10, hash = 3d2a34586ce047bf returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1EA10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11072, handle = 00000176A00D9D00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f2c727f8e7413a7 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f2c727f8e7413a7_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1C610, hash = 6f2c727f8e7413a7 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1C610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11108, handle = 00000176A00C9850, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 731688fdbd9e69b3 shader registered for possible reloading: 731688fdbd9e69b3_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1EB90, hash = 731688fdbd9e69b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1EB90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11336, handle = 00000176A00D4950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 853ceaba591604ff shader registered for possible reloading: 853ceaba591604ff_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1C790, hash = 853ceaba591604ff returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1C790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 11188, handle = 00000176A00C6C90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bde67d5de92d6caa shader registered for possible reloading: bde67d5de92d6caa_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1EFD0, hash = bde67d5de92d6caa returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1EFD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12144, handle = 00000176A00BE810, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 62ab37103f594513 shader registered for possible reloading: 62ab37103f594513_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1FCD0, hash = 62ab37103f594513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1FCD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12200, handle = 00000176A00AD3A0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 417313501971a9f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 417313501971a9f2_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1D610, hash = 417313501971a9f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1D610 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12212, handle = 00000176A00B4B90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f33df7c34fa62456 shader registered for possible reloading: f33df7c34fa62456_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE20E10, hash = f33df7c34fa62456 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE20E10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 12268, handle = 00000176A00D1950, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 02276afa1a762e03 shader registered for possible reloading: 02276afa1a762e03_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE1D050, hash = 02276afa1a762e03 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE1D050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1844, handle = 000001769819F8B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 shader registered for possible reloading: 6080b0f0290a8776_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE24BD0, hash = 6080b0f0290a8776 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE24BD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 000001769DE7D790, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a6d86041ee6068ac shader registered for possible reloading: a6d86041ee6068ac_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE24050, hash = a6d86041ee6068ac returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE24050 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2020, handle = 000001769DE7F3F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8e27589d17ecceed shader registered for possible reloading: 8e27589d17ecceed_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE241D0, hash = 8e27589d17ecceed returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE241D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176695EAAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0e66468f874b82b shader registered for possible reloading: d0e66468f874b82b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE22F10, hash = d0e66468f874b82b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE22F10 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7168, handle = 00000176695EC7E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 shader registered for possible reloading: 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE23210, hash = 6f3d8f9cf73b5a06 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE23210 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7336, handle = 000001769817AB50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c72c3853eed25f3d shader registered for possible reloading: c72c3853eed25f3d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE26450, hash = c72c3853eed25f3d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26450 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 1900, handle = 000001769817F600, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 18944063f61adf0c shader registered for possible reloading: 18944063f61adf0c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE27290, hash = 18944063f61adf0c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE27290 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7256, handle = 00000176A00059E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b shader registered for possible reloading: edf7a0cbf9e7730b_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE26150, hash = edf7a0cbf9e7730b returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2076, handle = 0000017695E1F6C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 shader registered for possible reloading: bcf4218a2ca0dfd6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE26FD0, hash = bcf4218a2ca0dfd6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26FD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7424, handle = 00000176A000BDE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a343fdb20e033805 shader registered for possible reloading: a343fdb20e033805_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE23D90, hash = a343fdb20e033805 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE23D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7224, handle = 000001769819D030, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 shader registered for possible reloading: ec389e2d99b0b6a1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE24ED0, hash = ec389e2d99b0b6a1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE24ED0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 0000017695E1AAD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 shader registered for possible reloading: a3e729a1960e2f35_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE24D50, hash = a3e729a1960e2f35 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE24D50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3264, handle = 0000017695E1E9F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 90820aa2cf5533a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 90820aa2cf5533a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE22D90, hash = 90820aa2cf5533a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE22D90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9868, handle = 00000176A0007640, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = af2e1590603c844c shader registered for possible reloading: af2e1590603c844c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE265D0, hash = af2e1590603c844c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE265D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9424, handle = 000001769DE7B2B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 6fe35573d210f162 shader registered for possible reloading: 6fe35573d210f162_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE24350, hash = 6fe35573d210f162 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE24350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3340, handle = 000001769817E8E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 43910a9b8b2ec929 shader registered for possible reloading: 43910a9b8b2ec929_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE23350, hash = 43910a9b8b2ec929 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE23350 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 10036, handle = 000001766960AB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c8bf43e66f98f1af shader registered for possible reloading: c8bf43e66f98f1af_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE25490, hash = c8bf43e66f98f1af returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE25490 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9500, handle = 000001769819AB00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 277aecc946f2a4e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 277aecc946f2a4e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE255D0, hash = 277aecc946f2a4e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE255D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 448, handle = 000001769817FD80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = c657384b633b2c53 shader registered for possible reloading: c657384b633b2c53_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE279D0, hash = c657384b633b2c53 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE279D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5856, handle = 00000176A003F020, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 19095adde386f206 shader registered for possible reloading: 19095adde386f206_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE26710, hash = 19095adde386f206 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26710 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 484, handle = 000001769DE7FBE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e768198a7c094723 shader registered for possible reloading: e768198a7c094723_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE23A90, hash = e768198a7c094723 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE23A90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 6884, handle = 00000176A0022EA0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 962122c992eb9bc1 shader registered for possible reloading: 962122c992eb9bc1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE22C50, hash = 962122c992eb9bc1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE22C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21196, handle = 00000176A0039D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b7466dc339de665 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b7466dc339de665_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE25750, hash = 1b7466dc339de665 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE25750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 19688, handle = 00000176A0014920, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0bfa40bcd6edc68 shader registered for possible reloading: d0bfa40bcd6edc68_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE26A10, hash = d0bfa40bcd6edc68 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26A10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21788, handle = 00000176A002EEB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d8a93bdb270045e1 shader registered for possible reloading: d8a93bdb270045e1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE26010, hash = d8a93bdb270045e1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26010 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20264, handle = 00000176A0029F80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3776207ea75dc18c shader registered for possible reloading: 3776207ea75dc18c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE26890, hash = 3776207ea75dc18c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21984, handle = 00000176A0024990, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2d241e8d2fada717 shader registered for possible reloading: 2d241e8d2fada717_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE24490, hash = 2d241e8d2fada717 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE24490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 20156, handle = 00000176A000FA50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0064d96ce2e9e37d shader registered for possible reloading: 0064d96ce2e9e37d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE25E90, hash = 0064d96ce2e9e37d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE25E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 22868, handle = 00000176A00343E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 824e8286d6068782 shader registered for possible reloading: 824e8286d6068782_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE24910, hash = 824e8286d6068782 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE24910 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 21068, handle = 00000176A0019610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = e78455c92b61c014 shader registered for possible reloading: e78455c92b61c014_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE23C10, hash = e78455c92b61c014 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE23C10 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 9820 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2094 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 19800 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4020 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 17960 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 7092 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 15100 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 5766 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 13980 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2628 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 10420 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3660 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16040 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3792 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16820 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6192 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A91490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A91540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A91640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767468A1B8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888917D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688891800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212568, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A8D170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A8E190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A8F9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A909D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888917A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688891770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768821254C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A87B00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A88E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A8AAC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A8BDE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768857F4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768857F540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D7498, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A52110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A5C120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A6B140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A7F160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768857F420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768857F480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D7460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A09840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A21290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A32E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A3EB00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888916B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176888916E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889DDE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889EF3E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889FC440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688A04F30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688891650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688891680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212514, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889A1BD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889B95C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889CB130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889D6E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888915F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688891620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882124F8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768894BDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688967EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768897CF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688999030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688891590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176888915C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882124DC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688949F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688949FE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768894A090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888824C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688891530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688891560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882124C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889497E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688949920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688949AF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688949C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888914D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688891500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882124A4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688948950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688948C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688949020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889492E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688891470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176888914A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212488, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688937DC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768893AB60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768893EFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688944B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688948360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688948400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768888F620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889266C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688928550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768892B330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768892D1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688890EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688890ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882123A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889167A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688919880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768891E1D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176889212B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688890E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688890E70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768821238C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888F5160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888FBBE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688905BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768890C620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688890DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688890E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888ABB10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888B8510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888CB400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888E47F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688890D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688890DB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212354, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 264 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 940 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688877580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688877940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882122AC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 300 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1080 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688876510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688876950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F8A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 228 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 760 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688875770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688875A70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212274, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 420 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688874BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688874D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F7B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F7E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212258, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 216 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 820 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688873150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688873490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768821223C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 180 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688872020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688872410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F6F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 252 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1200 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888710A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888705B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212204, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 468 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2360 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768886E450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768886ED90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768857D620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768857D680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882121E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768885DF20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768885E330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882121CC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688855300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768885BE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768885D690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768885D9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768884B260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688852CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688854950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688854CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6EE8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768882C750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888439A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688849830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768884A410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6EB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768882BA60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768882BEC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F3F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882121B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688822FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688829BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768882B230, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768882B510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6E78, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688819190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688820B90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176888226A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688822A10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887FA530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688811780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688817490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688818040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688818BF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887F8BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887F8FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785F270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785F2A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212194, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887F03D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887F6EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887F83F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176887F86A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212178, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887E6470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887EDF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887EFA80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176887EFDF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6E08, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887CCA70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887E0070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887E4D00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176887E56A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887BE810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887C7CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887CA270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176887CA730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6D28, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887B8CA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887BC4C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887BDCD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176887BDFE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887B7180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887B8130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768857D320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768857D380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212108, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887B1E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887B5FE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887B6BF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176887B6D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882120EC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887A8A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887AFF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887B15E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176887B18C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882120D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887981D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887A4A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887A7710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176887A7CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882120B4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768877DE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688790F60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887961F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688796C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887976B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768877B520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768877C6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768877CCD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768877CDA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688778290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768877A380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768877AF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768877B120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6C48, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688773DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688776B50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688777BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688777E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768876E5F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688771F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887735B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688773890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D6BD8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768872EFC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768876D690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768857D080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768857D0E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887694E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768872DE20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768872EA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768872EBC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212044, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688761F30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768872BD80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768872D590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768872D8A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688212028, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688740010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768875BAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768872A1D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768872AE70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768821200C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768870EDA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176887223A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688727030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176887279D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176882D5DD8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768870C430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768870DF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768870E400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768870E4A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688211FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768870A500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768870BBF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768870C080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768870C120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688211FD4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688707060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688709900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768870A090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768870A190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688211FB8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176886E0EC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176886FA8E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688704670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017688705A30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688211F9C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768864F810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176886513E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688653D90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688655960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785E190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785E1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688211DA4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176886432F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176886462C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768864AA70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768864DA40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785E130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785E160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688211D88, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768862E930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176886338C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768863B020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768863FFB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785E0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785E100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688211D6C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768860AF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688613950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688620860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688629270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768785E070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768785E0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017688211D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768629BD10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768629C3B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768629CDA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768629D440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D3E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070674, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686296CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686298030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686299D60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768629B0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC8640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC86A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF28E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768628E200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176862902A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686293380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686295420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC8580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC85E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF28B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768627E140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686281C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686287450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768628AF20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC84C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC8520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF2530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176862658B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686269F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176862709D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686279780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D3B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070658, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686251080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686254540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686259450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768625FDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768607063C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768623C850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768623FD10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686244C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768624B590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D2F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686228020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768622B4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176862303F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686236D60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070604, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768620D810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686211EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686218920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176862216C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D230, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860705E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861F8BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861FC0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686201030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686207A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D1D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860705CC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861F4E70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861F57D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861F65D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861F7880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860705B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861DBF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861E05F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861E6FD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176861EFD00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D0E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1D110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070594, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2796 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 7140 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3384 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 7880 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4200 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 9820 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 852 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2980 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 852 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3120 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1494 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 7020 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 432 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1920 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860DA800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860DAF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768607032C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 300 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1240 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D9900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D9DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A7A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 324 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1400 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D88B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D8E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860702F4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 288 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1240 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D79C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D7EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A6B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860702D8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 756 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2900 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D5770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D62D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860702BC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1992 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6560 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D0E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D2810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D3120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176860D3250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860702A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 108 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 320 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D0740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860D0890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070284, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 288 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1680 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860CF4D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860CFB70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A5F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E1A620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070268, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 432 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2680 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860CD890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860CE310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768607024C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 720 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2492 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860AECF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860AE2D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC69C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070230, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860975F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686097AC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18D60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070214, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860962A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686097070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC66C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860701F8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686094950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686095A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686095EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686095F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860701DC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686092D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686094110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860945A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686094640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860701C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686090300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686091AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860923F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686092520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860701A4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768608E660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768608F110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18C40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18C70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070118, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768608C6F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768608DE20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768608E2B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768608E350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860700FC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686089630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768608BAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768608C280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768608C380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860700E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686085AF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686088850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686089160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686089290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860700C4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686083140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860841A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860847B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686084880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860700A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686081B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686081F50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18B50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18B80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768607001C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686081220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860815A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC63C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF1500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686080920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686080CA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC62A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF14C8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860800D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686080450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC61E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF1490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606F3C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606F570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18AF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686070000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606E390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606EEF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC60C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF1458, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606DCE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606E080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC6060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF1420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606C4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606C880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC5F40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC5FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF13E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606AA50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606B2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E189A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E189D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369FF48, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686068FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606A210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768606A6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768606A740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369FF2C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686066C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860685A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686068BB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686068C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369FF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686064210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686066090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686066820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686066920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369FEF4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860626F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686062B60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E188B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369FE68, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686060CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686061CD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860622E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176860623B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369FE4C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768605E530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768605FEE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860607F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686060920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369FE30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768605A700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768605CFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001768605DEE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001768605E0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF0FF8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686058CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686059270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685E18790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369FDA4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686057190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686058380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686058990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686058A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF0E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686054B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686056640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686053EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686054040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF0DC8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176860502C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686052700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017686053490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017686053650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685FF0D90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E7E080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685E7E410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC4140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC41A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369E498, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 504 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1792 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685DAC860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685DACF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC10E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017685CC1140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369E2F4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685D14930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685D50010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685D19840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017685D576B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786DCB10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786DCB70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369D3A4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678C53EC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678C61AC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678C6BFC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678C79BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D98A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CB00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678C09840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678C20030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678C30E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678C47610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CAE4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BF8300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BFAE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BFCE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BFE3F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D97B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D97E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CAC8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BF0170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BF33C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BF5980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BAF2F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CAAC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BE0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BE7D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BCBC80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BEDB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D96F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CA90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BB0000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BC0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BD0000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BA5200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D96C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CA74, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B9D1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B9F290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BA0B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678BA1BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CA58, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B8B590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B926E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B97BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B9B490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D95D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CA3C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B6E570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B79990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B820B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B87AC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D95A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B50000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B410D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B60010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B67A80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369CA04, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AF7580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B0CE30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B1D0B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678B32960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D94B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D94E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369C9E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678ADC290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678ADC510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678ADC8C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678ADCB40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D92D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369C9CC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AB0200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AB8960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AC5470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AD6330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D92A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369C9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AAA6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AAB9C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AAD670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AAE990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369C994, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AA4860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AA5D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AA7D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AA9240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D91B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D91E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369C978, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A9ADB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A9C7F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A9EF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678AA23B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D9180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369C95C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A8C160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A8E7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A92140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A96DF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D90C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D90F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369C940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A38EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A50010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A3C1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678A54CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D89D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D8A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369C64C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 192 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 700 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176789062A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678906570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D35A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D3570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B264, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 336 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1280 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678900D00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678901210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D3450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D33F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B248, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788F5080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788F9ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788FC460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176788FC920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788CD5F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788ED470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788F1C70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788F4080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176788F4510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788CDB80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788E8BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788EB6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788ECA50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176788ECCD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D144E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788E4A20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788E6FD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788E81E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176788E8430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D144B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788DF840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788E2C70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788E3E80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176788E40D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D14478, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788D94B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788DD4F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788DED00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176788DF010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D14440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788D4BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788D7700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788D8A90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176788D8D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D14408, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788CF340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788D3420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788CE520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176788CE7D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D143D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3840 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6820 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788C7D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788C9830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788CA740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176788CA930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B22C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 168 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 680 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788B8E70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788B9120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2FD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 156 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 740 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788B83E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788B86D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2F40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B1F4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 204 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 740 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788B7920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788B7C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2F10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B1D8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 264 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 940 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788A1550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788A1910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D27F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B168, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 300 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1080 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788A04E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788A0920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D27C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B14C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 228 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 760 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767889F740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767889FA40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 420 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767889EB70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767889ED20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D26D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B114, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 264 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 940 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678896A30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678896DF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D24F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B0F8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 300 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1080 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788957E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678895C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D24C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B0DC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 228 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 760 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678894860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678894B60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B0C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 460 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678893A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678893C40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D23D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D2400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B0A4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678869F60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767886A100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D17D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D1800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B088, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 47616 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 82000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678820160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176788341C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767883FBD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017678841320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369B06C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1944 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6888 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787F4CD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787F7890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787F8F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176787F9200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AFFC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787F0C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787F1B80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787F3280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787F41D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AFE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787EA960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787EC130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787EE4F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787EFCC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D07E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AFC4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787E0770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787E2E70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787E68E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787E8FE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D07B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AFA8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787BF910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787C5CD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787CF270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787DB9F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AF8C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787BB610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787BC630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787BDE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787BEE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D06C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D06F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787B4BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787B65E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787B8CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787BA6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AF54, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787AA190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787ACA90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787B0810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787B3110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AF38, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678797F60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767879C350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787A2940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787A6D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D05A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D05D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AF1C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678794160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678795040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678796690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678797570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AF00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767878D3A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767878EE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678791680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678793140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D04E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AEE4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787822B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678784C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678788B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767878B510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D04B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AEC8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767876A880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767876EFF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678775B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767877EA00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AEAC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678768640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787690F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787698F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678769E50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D03C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D03F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AE90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787658B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678766860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678767420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678767C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AE74, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678760C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678762600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678763970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678764660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AE58, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678758510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767875B400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767875D730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767875EEB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D02A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D02D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AE3C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787544C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787554C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678756CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678757CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AE20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767874DA70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767874F4C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678751C40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678753690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D01E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AE04, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678741740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787447A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678749020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767874C080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D01B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369ADE8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767872BE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678730F40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678738910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767873DA40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369ADCC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678728EB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767872A0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767872AE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767872B710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7B280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7B2E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11FB8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678723EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678725D70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678727460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176787283B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7B1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7B220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767871B990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767871EC50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678721260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678722BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7B100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7B160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11F48, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767870D600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678712B90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678716BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678719690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7B040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7B0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11F10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786FB550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786FF940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678705F30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767870A320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D00C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D00F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369ADB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786F7FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786F94E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786FA490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786FAF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AF80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AFE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11ED8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786F2290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786F47D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786F63C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786F7660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AEC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AF20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786E9510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786ECCD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786EF6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786F1280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11E68, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786C98F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786E0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786E45D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786E7450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AD40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7ADA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786C58D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786C68C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786C80A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786C9090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AD94, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786BE380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786C00B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786C2C70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786C49A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176786D0030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AD78, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786B2450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786B5300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786B9900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786BC7B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FF60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AD5C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767869CA70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786A1CD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786A9850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786AEAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FF00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FF30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AD40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678695D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678698750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767869A6F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767869BC00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AC80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7ACE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11DF8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767868A750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767868EE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678692300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678694660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7ABC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11DC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678672B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767867BF60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678682E80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786878A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AB00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AB60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11D88, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678648870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678658A80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678664C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767866CD20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AA40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7AAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678643670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786448E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678646480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786476F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FEA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AD24, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767863B760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767863D530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176786401F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678641FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FE40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FE70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AD08, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767862C020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767862FA10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678635100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678638AF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FDE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369ACEC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767860EBB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678615830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767861FAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678626760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FD80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FDB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369ACD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678609280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767860B410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767860CD40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767860DE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A9E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11D18, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785FECC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678602C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678605B90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678607B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A8C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785EBE90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785F3050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785F85A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785FBE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11CA8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C9FE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785D6A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785E0220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785E6760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A7A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11C70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C7D70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C8560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C9140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C9930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FD20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FD50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369ACB4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C1C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C3470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C5850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C7040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FCC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FCF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AC98, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785B7A20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785BA210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785BDDF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785C05E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FC60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FC90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AC7C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767859A6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785A1CA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785ACD90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785B4390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FC00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FC30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AC60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678594510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678596A30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678598610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785998A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11C38, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767858A070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767858E010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678590FD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678592FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A5C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785783B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767857EFC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785840D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785876E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11BC8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678555800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678562820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767856C440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678572C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A4A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11B90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767854F840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678551D00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678553890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678554AF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A3E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11B58, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678544A20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678548D60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767854BFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767854E170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678531480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176785389F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767853E200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678541CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11AE8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767850F880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767851C300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678525AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767852C020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678509210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767850B8C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767850D5C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767850E920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A0E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11A78, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784FE460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678502720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678505930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678507A90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B7A020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11A40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784EAD20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784F22E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784F7B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784FB610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79F00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79F60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11A08, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784C5BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784D3BB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784DE3A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784E53A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D119D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784C2E80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784C38C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784C4810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784C5250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FB40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FB70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AC44, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784BDC50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784BEF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784C0C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784C1FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FB10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AC28, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784B2E50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784B57E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784B9640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784BBFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FA80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AC0C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767849E4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784A32F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784AA800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784AF610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3FA50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369ABF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678497CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767849A390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767849C090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767849D3F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11998, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767848CF30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784911F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678494400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678496560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784797F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678480DB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678486600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767848A0E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11928, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678454790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678462780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767846CF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678473F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D118F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678448EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767844B910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767844F840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678452260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F9C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F9F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369ABD4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767843D690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784400A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678443FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784469C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369ABB8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678431E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678434840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678438750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767843B160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AB9C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678420970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784246C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767842A2B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767842E000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F8A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AB80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767841D630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767841E1B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767841F2F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767841FE70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AB64, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678417C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176784191B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767841B1B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767841C700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F7E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AB48, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767840CE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767840F7A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678413600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678415F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F7B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AB2C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783F2C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783F7A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783FEF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678408B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AB10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783EB430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783EDD40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783EFC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783F10A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79A80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D118B8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783E0B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783E4CD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783E7E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783E9EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B799C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79A20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783CF590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783D5F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783DAE50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783DE320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11848, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783AFE90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783BB9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783C45F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783CA380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B798A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783A8FD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783AAB70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783AD4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783AF080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F6F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AAF4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767839DF00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783A0AA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783A4C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783A77A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AAD8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767838B250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767838FAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678396740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767839AFA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AABC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767835FE70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783681A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678374670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678384CD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F5A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F5D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767835D010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767835D860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767835E4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767835ED30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AA84, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678357370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783588B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767835A880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767835BDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AA68, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678348460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767834BBF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678350F40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783546D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F4B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AA4C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783246D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767832B0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678334F60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678342300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678320D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678321600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678322370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678322C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F3C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F3F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369AA14, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678319C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767831B310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767831D560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767831EC40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A9F8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783097D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767830D190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678312830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176783161F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A9DC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782E77C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782EDBB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782F7190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678303960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F2A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F2D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A9C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782E0D90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782E2480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782E46E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782E5DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A9A4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782D81F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782DA590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782DDB00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782DFEA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F1E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A988, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782CB020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782CE470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782D32F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782D6740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F1B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A96C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782B5AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782BAE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782C2AC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782C7DF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782B1BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782B2B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782B4260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782B51D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B797E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D117D8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782AB940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782AD110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782AF4D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782B0CA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B796C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D117A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767829FAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782A43B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782A7A70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782A9EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11768, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678289DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782920A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782982B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767829C410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B795A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D11650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678286040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678286EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678288430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678289290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F0C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F0F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A934, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767827D5E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767827F6B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782827E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782848B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A918, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767826F160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678272550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678277340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767827A730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3F030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A8FC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767824E6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782546C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767825D6F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678269730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EFA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A8E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678246DA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678248900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767824B200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767824CD60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A8C4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767823C6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767823EF30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678242BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678245450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EEE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A8A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767822C880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678230420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678235D90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678239930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EEB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A88C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767820A050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678210720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767821A150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678226EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EE20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EE50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678204D40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678205E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678207770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678208850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EDF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A854, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781FD510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781FF0C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678201A40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176782035F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ED60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ED90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A838, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781EF2F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781F2710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781F7540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781FA960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ED00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ED30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A81C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781CE290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781D4310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781DD3C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781E94B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ECA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ECD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781CB050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781CB840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781CC420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781CCC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EC40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EC70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A7E4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781C5DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781C6EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781C87C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781C9880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EBE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A7C8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781B8CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781BBAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781BFF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781C2D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EB80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EBB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A7AC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678197860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767819D8F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781A69D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781B2AF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EB20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EB50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678194800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678195070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678195D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678196590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EAC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A774, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767818EE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678190270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678192100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678193560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EA60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EA90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A758, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678180C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781840C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678188FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767818C440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EA00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3EA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A73C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767815D150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678163B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767816D9E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767817AD80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E9D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767811F3B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767815AC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767815B870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767815C0B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A704, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767811E1E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678157310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678158DC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678159F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E8E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A6E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767811AD10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678150010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767813BBB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678154F40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E8B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A6CC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678120000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678130010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678140000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176781148C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A6B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767810C140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767810D750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767810F870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678110E80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E7F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A694, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678103CB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678105C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678108BB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767810AB50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A678, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780F33F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780F7210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780FCF30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678100D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A65C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780C7FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780D02E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780DC9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780ECFF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780C4790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780C5050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780C5D70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780C6630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A624, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780BFC40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780C0C70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780C24C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780C34F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E5E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A608, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780B1BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780B4DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780B9910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780BCB30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E5B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A5EC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678096160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767809B200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780A2AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780ACC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A5D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780913F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678092130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678093500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678094240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E4C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E4F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A5B4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767808A1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767808BB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767808E270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767808FC60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A598, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767807D9E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780806C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678084A10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780876F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A57C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678057E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678063790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767806C2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678077C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E3A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E3D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780539C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678054430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780553E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678055E50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A544, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767804F3E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678050460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678051D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678052D90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E2E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A528, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678049660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767804AB70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767804CB00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767804E010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E2B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A50C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767803FF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678042010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678045190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678047290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A4F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767803AF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767803C1B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767803DD50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767803EFC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E1F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A4D4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678033070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678034E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678037AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678039890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A4B8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780239A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678027370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767802CA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678030400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A49C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678006620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767800D2A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678017560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767801E1E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176780024E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678003580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678004E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678005F00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A464, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FFD570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FFEC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017678000E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FCECF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DFE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3E010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A448, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FF3AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FF6060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FF98E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FFBE90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DF80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DFB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A42C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FE0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FE49C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FEB840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FF01F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DF20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FA3680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FA3E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FA43F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FA47D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DD40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DD70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A3F4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FA14B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FA1F40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FA2730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FA2C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DCE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DD10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A3D8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9E200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9F210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9FE20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677FA0630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DC80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DCB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A3BC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9C740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9CEF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9D4B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9D890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DC50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A3A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9A570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9B000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9B7F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F9BD40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DBC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DBF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A384, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F96AC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F97AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F986E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F996F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DB60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A368, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F95000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F957B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F95D70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F96150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DB00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DB30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A34C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F92E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F938C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F940B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F94600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DAD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8F380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F90390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F90FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F91FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DA40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DA70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A314, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8E3F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8E640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8E9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8EC00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D9E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3DA10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A2F8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8CCB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8D0E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8D720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8DB50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A2DC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F892F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F89C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8A990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F8BBA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F882C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F88510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F88880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F88AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D8C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D8F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A2A4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F86B80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F86FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F875F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F87A20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A288, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F83300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F83C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F849A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F85BB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A26C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F822D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F82520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F82890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F82AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D7A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D7D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F80B90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F80FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F81600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F81A30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A234, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7D310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7DC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7E9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7FBC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A218, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7C880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7C9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7CB40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7CC60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D6B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A1FC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7BA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7BC80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7BFF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7C240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A1E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7A2F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7A720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7AD60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F7B190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D5C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D5F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A1C4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F76A70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F77380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F78110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F79320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A1A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F75A40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F75C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F76000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F76250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A18C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F743B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F747E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F74E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F75250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D4A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D4D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F712B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F71C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F72B50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677F73530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3D470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A154, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D54F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D55FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D577C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D587D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D59830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017670D59900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D599D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4FDD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D50BB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D52080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D52E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D53C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017670D53CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4C240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4F110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4F670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4E630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4EB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B793C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369A004, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4DB50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4E0B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B792A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699FE8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4D070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670D4D5D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B791E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B79240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699FCC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C5DF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C5E420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C5E790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C5EC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C59C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C5ACB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C5B8F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C5C940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C1E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699CF4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C58160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C585F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C58960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C58DF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C1B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699CD8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C53ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C54F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C55B60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C56BB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699CBC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C52170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C526E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C52AF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C53060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C0C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C0F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699CA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C4D700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C4EA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C4F890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C50BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699C84, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C4BCA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C4C130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C4C4A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C4C930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3C030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699C68, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C47A10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C48A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C496A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017670C4A6F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BFA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699C4C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D8C240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D8E300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D91410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D934D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D95320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677D95570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D957C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D7A6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D7E210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D83B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D87660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D8B160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677D8B3B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D8B600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D5AF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D61760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D6B390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D71BB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D79220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677D79470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D796C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D177D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D22EB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D340F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D4AEA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D58F60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677D591B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D59400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D14DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D15320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D15720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D159D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BEB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D131B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D13A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D14040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D14470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BE20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BE50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699C14, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D0C9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D0E660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D0FBE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D11890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BDF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699BF8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D05340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D07980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D09630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D0A950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BD60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BD90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699BDC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CF7D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CFC550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CFFB30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677D01F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BD00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BD30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CDDA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CE6570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CECDF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CF13A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BCA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BCD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699BA4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CA13B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CB22F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CBEE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677CCFDA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BC40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BC70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699B88, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C9D880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C9DDD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C9E1D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C9E480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BBE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699B6C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C9BC60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C9C4B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C9CAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C9CF20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BB80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BBB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699B50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C95460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C97110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C98690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C9A340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BB20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BB50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699B34, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C8B340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C8D400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C90510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C925D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C94420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677C94670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C948C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C79670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C7D220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C82BB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C86760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C8A260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677C8A4B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C8A700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C59AC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C60410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C6A210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C70B60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C781D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677C78420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C78670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 57528 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 46800 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x9 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE860, pSrcData:0x0000017677C22130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE860, pSrcData:0x0000017677C33370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C140B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C14600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C14A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C14CB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BAC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699B18, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C12490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C12CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C13320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C13750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BA60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BA90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699AFC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C0BC90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C0D940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C0EEC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C10B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BA00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3BA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C04620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C06C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C08910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C09C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B9D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699AC4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BF7060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BFB830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BFEE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677C01200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699AA8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BDCD00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BE5850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BEC0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BF0680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B8E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699A8C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BA0690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BB15D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BBE140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677BCF080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B8B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699A70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B94180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B96240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B99350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B9B410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B9D260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677B9D4B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B9D700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B82640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B86180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B8BA60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B8F5A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B930A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677B932F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B93540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B62E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B69670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B732E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B79B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B811A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677B813F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B81640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B1F6B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B2AD90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B3BFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B52D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B60E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677B61090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B612E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B16D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B193C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B1B070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B1C390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699A54, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B097C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B0DF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B11570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B13960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B7F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699A38, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AEF460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AF7FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AFE830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677B02DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699A1C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AB2DF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AC3D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AD08A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AE17E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AAA6B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AAB9D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AAD680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AAE9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736999E4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A9F480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AA1870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AA4E50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677AA7240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736999C8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A82C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A8B7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A92080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A96660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B5E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736999AC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A453B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A562C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A62E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A73D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B5B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A37BF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A39C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A3CC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A3EC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A40860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677A40A20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A40BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A25CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A29470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A2E800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A31FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A35910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677A35AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A35C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A05DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A0C3A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A15C40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A1C200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A23800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677A239C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A23B80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779C20C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779CD840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779DEB70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779F5A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A038D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677A03A90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677A03C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779BEC40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779BF410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779BF9F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779BFDE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699974, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779BCC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779BD780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675008B60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779BE010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B4C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B4F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699958, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779B5300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779B7710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779B9220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779BB630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369993C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677996A70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767799D450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779A7320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779ADD00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675006420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176750066A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675006920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767794D1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677958AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767796A010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779811E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767798F050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767798F2D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767791FDF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677948F10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677949A80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767794A310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767794A8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677940EC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779432D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677944DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176779471F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B3A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B3D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699904, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677916220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677930010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677936890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767793AE40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736998E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D97A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778EA6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778F7250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677908190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B2E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736998CC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D5400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D5BD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D61B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D65A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B2B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736998B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D2F10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D3A80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D4310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D48D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699894, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778CAD90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778CD1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778CECB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778D10C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B1F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699878, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778C1960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778C4B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778C7100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778C8A10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369985C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778B0780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778B69A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778BB340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778BE450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677891DB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767789C830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778A4810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778A9D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699824, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767784E910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677861F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778707B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677883DC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699808, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677842460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677844540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677847680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677849760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767784B3A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767784B5C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767784B7E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677830C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677834710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677839EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767783D970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778412D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677841550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778417D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677806530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767780FF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767781E6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677828110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767782F710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767782F990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767782FC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777ADE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777BDEA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777D5F00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777F5F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677803DF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677804070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176778042F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767778BE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677792840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767779C6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777A30A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777AA6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176777AA920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777AABA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777478C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777531D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677764760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767777B970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777897E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677789A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677789CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777432F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677743E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777446F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677744CB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AFE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3B010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736997EC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767773B030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767773D440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767773EF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677741360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AF80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AFB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736997D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677720B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677729690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767772FF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176777344C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AF20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736997B4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776E40C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776F5000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677701B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677712AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AEC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AEF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699798, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776D7910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776D9A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776DCC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776DED60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776E09A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176776E0C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776E0EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776C6110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776C9BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776CF370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776D2E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776D6760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176776D69E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776D6C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767769B9C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776A5400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776B3B60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776BD5A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776C4BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176776C4E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776C50A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776432F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677653330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767766B390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767768B410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677699280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677699500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677699780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767763FA80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677640250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677640830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677640C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AE90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369977C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767763D590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767763E100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767763E990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767763EF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AE30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677635410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677637820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677639330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767763B740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ADA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ADD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699744, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767761AE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176776239D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767762A250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767762E800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AD40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AD70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699728, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775DE400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775EF340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775FBEB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767760CDF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ACE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AD10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369970C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775D9620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775DA190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775DAA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775DAFE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AC80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ACB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736996F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775D1360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775D3770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775D5280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775D7690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AC50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736996D4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775CF310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775CFAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775D00C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775D04B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ABC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3ABF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736996B8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775CCE20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775CD990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775CE220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775CE7E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AB60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369969C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775C4CA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775C70B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775C8BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775CAFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AB00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AB30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775BB870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775BEA80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775C1010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775C2920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AAD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699664, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775AE1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775B2990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775B5F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775B8360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AA40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AA70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699648, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677593E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767759C960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775A31E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775A7790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A9E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3AA10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369962C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677550970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677563F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677572810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677585E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767754BB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767754C700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767754CF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767754D550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736995F4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775438D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677545CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176775477F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677549C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A8C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A8F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736995D8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677524F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767752DBF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677534540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677538B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736995BC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774E8430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774F93C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677505F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677516F00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736995A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774C63E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774CCDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774D6C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774DD670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774E4C70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176774E4EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774E5170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774818C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767748D1B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767749E710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774B58E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774C3750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176774C39D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774C3C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677475AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677477BF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767747ADC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767747CF00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767747EB40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767747EDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767747F040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774642A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677467D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767746D510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677470FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677474900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677474B80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677474E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677439B50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677443590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677451CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767745B730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677462D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677462FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677463230, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773E0F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773F0FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677409020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176774290A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677436F10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677437190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677437410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773BFE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773C6780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773D0500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773D6E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773DE400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176773DE650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773DE8A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767737BD80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773875A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773989C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773AF9F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773BD860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176773BDAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773BDD00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773779F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677378560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677378DF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773793B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A7A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A7D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699584, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767736F730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677371B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677373650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677375A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699568, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677355150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767735DCA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677364520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677368AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369954C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773187F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677329700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677336250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677347160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A6B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767730C200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767730E2E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677311420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677313500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677315140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677315390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773155E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767727BAC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772FF7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677304EB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176773088A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772AFA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176772AFC70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767727F4B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772DDE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772E7800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772F5E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772A7C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772AF220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176772AF470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772AF6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677280000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677290010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772B0000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772D0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677278850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017677278AA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677278CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677274FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772757C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677275DA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677276190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699514, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677272B00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677273670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677273F00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772744C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A5C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A5F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736994F8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767726A980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767726CD90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767726E8A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677270CB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736994DC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677262FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677265630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772672E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677268600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736994C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677255940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767725A110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767725D6F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767725FAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A4A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A4D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736994A4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677236F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772419F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772499D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767724EF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699488, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771F3AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176772070E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677215970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677228F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A3E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369946C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771E4E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771E6FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771EA170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771EC2B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771EDEF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176771EE170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771EE3F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771D36C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771D7150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771DC930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771E03C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771E3D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176771E3FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771E4220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771B3690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771BA130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771C4120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771CABC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771D21C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176771D2440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771D26C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767716E6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767717A100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767718B820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771A2C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771B0AC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176771B0D40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771B0FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767714D2D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677153CB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767715DB80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677164560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767716BB60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767716BDE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767716C060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677108E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677114700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677125C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767713CE30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767714ACA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767714AF20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767714B1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770FCEE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770FF020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176771021F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677104330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677105F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176771061F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677106470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770EB740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770EF1D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770F49B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770F8440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770FBDA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176770FC020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770FC2A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770CBA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770D23E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770DC280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770E2C40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770EA240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176770EA4C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770EA740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770874F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677092DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770A4320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770BB4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770C9350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176770C95D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770C9850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677082210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770829E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677082FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770833B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A3B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767707FD20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677080890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677081120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770816E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699434, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677077BF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767707A000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767707BB10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767707DF20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A2F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699418, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767706A990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767706DBA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677070130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677071A40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736993FC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176770597B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767705F9D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677064370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677067480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A230, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736993E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767703ADE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677045860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767704D840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677052D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A1D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736993C4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FF7990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767700AFA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017677019830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767702CE40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736993A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FEC2B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FEF4C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FF1A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FF3360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A0E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369938C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FDB5D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FE17F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FE6190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FE92A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A0B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176725AC6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176725B7150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FD0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017676FD5550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D39FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699354, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176725692E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767257C8F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767258B180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767259E790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D39F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D3A020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699338, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672559930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672559BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D39AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D39AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369931C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 210 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 560 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672553880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672553AC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D39990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D39960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1920 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176725456B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672545E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B78220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B78280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736992E4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672542290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672543880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672544010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017672544110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672544210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767253C650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672540370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672541A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017672541CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672541FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672531F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672538F30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767253B940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767253BE90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672531D90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672520680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767252BCB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672530640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017672530F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176725318C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672518EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767251CF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767251DE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767251E050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672516CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672517FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672518740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017672518840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672518940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672512D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672515700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672516610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017672516800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176725169F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767250A730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767250FD30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672512140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176725125D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672512A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724FF1D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176725062C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672509450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017672509A90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767250A0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724EDAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724F8ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724FCDE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176724FD5D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724FDDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724EA940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724ECC40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724ED3D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176724ED4D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736991CC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724E59B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724E93E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724EA2F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176724EA4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736991B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724DC930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724E3370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724E5000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176724E53A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699194, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724CD280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724D7E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724DB750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176724DBE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673699178, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724AC3A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724AF5A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724B40A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176724B72A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B77E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B77E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672407A48, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2496 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 5260 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767247D270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767247E710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767247F1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767247F300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673698C1C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671C0BF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176722E5E90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D36EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D36ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673698848, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176722B5A70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176722C0DC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176722D1AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176722DCE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671B77680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671B776E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176721E15A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672107070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017672106BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D32E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D32E80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673698068, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176720FD7E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176721036A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176720FD060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017672105C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369804C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671C07530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767209C800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D327C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D327F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697E54, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8256 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 34944 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 30000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 280000 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 21684 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 93072 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 72 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 480 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671F35B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671F362B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D32160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D321C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697E38, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1120 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671F1F130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671F1F5A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D31A70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D31AA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697D90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 180 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671DAD8E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671DAD9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D30BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D30BD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697CE8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 300 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671DAE6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671DAE800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D30B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D30B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697CCC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 41892 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 98480 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D4B240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D63300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D6D810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D6ECC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697CB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 240 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1360 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D48B60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D490C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D30270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D302A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697C94, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1736 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D47AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D46B90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D30210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D30240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697C78, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 156 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 720 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D2A5B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D2A890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017671D30000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017671D30030, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697C5C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 43320 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 135688 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 29232 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 136400 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176755C34E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176755E49C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176755EBD50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176755ECBD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736973B8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 960 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1820 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176755B6500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176755B6C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176755B3E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176755B50E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369739C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 732 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2960 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675372870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675375E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767537AED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767537E490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D49120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673D49180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674B4D120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767535DA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176753628F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675369F00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767536EDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674988100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674988130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736970A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752D7A90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752EFDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675314280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176753448D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D49060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673D490C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674B4D0E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752CA4F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752CD600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752D1F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752D50A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749880A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749880D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369708C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752B5860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752BA7F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752C1F50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752C6EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674988040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674988070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675283D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767528F820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752A10C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752ACBD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987FE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674988010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697054, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751F6D40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675210320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176752363F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675268FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697038, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751F18A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751F25D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751F3990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751F46C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987F50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369701C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751EA7E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751EC080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751EE570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751EFE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987EC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673697000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751DDB60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751E0740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751E4910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751E74F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987E90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696FE4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751C1D40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751C6B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751CDFC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751D7B50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696FC8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751BC1F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751BD050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751BE5D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751BF430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987DA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696FAC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751B62A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751B7710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751B95C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751BAA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987D40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987D70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751A9960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751AC430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751B0460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751B2F30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696F74, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767518CCA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675191D40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675199620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751A3750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987CB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696F58, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767518AFB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767518B470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767518BB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767518C050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696F3C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751882D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675188A60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751895B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675189D40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987BF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4578 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6180 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 7944 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 10080 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675172170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675173A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675175ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675177760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987AA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696ECC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751661F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675169310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767516DCC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675170DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987A40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987A70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696EB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675158E70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767515C3F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675161420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176751649A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749879E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987A10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696E94, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767514B720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767514EB80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675153A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675156E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749879B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696E78, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675143F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675145C40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675148770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767514A440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696E5C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675132EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675137CD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767513F190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176750AB280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749878C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749878F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767509F1F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767510EB10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767511F910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767512AD10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696E24, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767508A120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176750B0000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176750D0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176750FA1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696E08, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176750391F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176750480D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767505E710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767507C4C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673D49000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674B4D078, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675009390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176750146E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176750253D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675030720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48F40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674B4D040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FFCFA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FFE9F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675001170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017675002BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749877A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696DEC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FEED10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FF14C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FF5040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FF9F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FEC2E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FEC9D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FED440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FEDB30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749876B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749876E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696DB4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FDC860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FDFAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FE4620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FE7870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48E80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674B4D008, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FD81F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FD93D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FDAEA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FDC080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696D98, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FD01A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FD2260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FD5370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FD7430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749875F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696D7C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FBF500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FC33A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FC9180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FCD020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749875C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696D60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FAA9D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FAE870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FB4650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FBC380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696D44, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FA7A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FA85A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FA9690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FAA1E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749874D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696D28, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FA2DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FA40E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FA5D70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FA7080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749874A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696D0C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F99790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F9BA00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F9EDB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674FA1020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F8DD50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F8FFC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F93370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F97850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749873B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749873E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696CD4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F89140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F8A3C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F8BF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F8D1F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696CB8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F81640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F835B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F864D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F88440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749872F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696C9C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F6D1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F71D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F78EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F7DA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749872C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F53EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F58A80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F5FBD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F692E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987230, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696C64, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F50470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F511D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F525D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F53330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749871D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696C48, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F49EB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F4B870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F4DF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F4F8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749871A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696C2C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F3BE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F3F2A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F440D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F474F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F2A8A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F2DCC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F32AF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F39330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749870B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749870E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696BF4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F23BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F260F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F27CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F28F50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674987050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696BD8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F155B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F1A300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F1DD00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F203B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674986FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674987020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696BBC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EF6770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F013A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F094C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674F0EAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674986F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674986FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EACDD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674ED0000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EE0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EC14F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674986F30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674986F60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696B84, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EA6A90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EA6E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EA73C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EA7770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674986D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674986D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696B68, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E822D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E8D0C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E95330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EA0120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EA6680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674EA6720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674EA67C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E76C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E7AC30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E7DC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E7FC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48D60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48DC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674B4CFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E4BD10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E58D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E62950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E6F970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E75ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674E75F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E76010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E3E2B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E420F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E44FA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E46EC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48CA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48D00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674B4CF98, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E13730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E20750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E2A370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E37390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E3D8F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674E3D990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E3DA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E04AA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E08D60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E0BF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E0E0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673D48C40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674B4CF60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674DD9D60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674DE6D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674DF08F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674DFD8B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674D82880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674E03E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674E03EB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674C6DBC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674C6DC70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176749850A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176749850D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673696778, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1920 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3620 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767463D9D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767463E800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767463EF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767463F090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736941F4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745C7BD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745CBE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745CC770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176745CC8A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736941A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745BF9E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745C5F00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767455FB50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176745C7890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176743A5E80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745AF9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745BB9F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745BED00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176745BF370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176743A5E48, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674560000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745A0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176745AC7A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176745AE0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176743A5E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744FE610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744FEAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674455040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674455070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673694168, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744FD8C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744FDD80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674454FE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674455010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369414C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744FC5D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744FCBF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744FD080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176744FD120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673694130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744F9CD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744FB720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744FBEB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176744FBFB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673694114, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744D2D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744D58E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744D6F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176744D7250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736940F8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744C8FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744C93B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674453450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674453480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693FFC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176744374A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674438060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674438930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674438F10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375FAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375FB10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693EAC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7A30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741AF840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375EB80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375EBB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693C98, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741A8690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741AD3E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741AEEF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176741AF260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693C7C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD79E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741A8390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375EB20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375EB50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767419DED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741A5B00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673EBDFF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673EBE510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693C44, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673EBDBF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375EAC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375EAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693C28, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674196160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767419BF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673EBD180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673EBD580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693C0C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673EBCD80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375EA60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375EA90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693BF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767418E780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741918C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674192950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674192B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693BD4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD78F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767418E380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375EA00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375EA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693BB8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674182350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767418A6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767418D550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767418DB30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693B9C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674181E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674181F50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E9D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693B80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674176650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767417E710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674181120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674181670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693B64, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674176180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674176250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693B48, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674170120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741742C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674175950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674175C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693B2C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD78A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767416FD20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E8E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674167FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767416D6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767416F370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767416F710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693AF4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674167BB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E8B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693AD8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767415CAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674164490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674166EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176741673F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693ABC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767415C6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693AA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767414FDC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674158800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767415B810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767415BE20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693A84, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767414F8F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767414F9C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E7F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693A68, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674148A10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767414D670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767414F000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767414F340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693A4C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674148550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674148610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693A30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767413E6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741453D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674147960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674147E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693A14, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD77B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767413E2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736939F8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741368E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767413BC80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767413D910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767413DCB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736939DC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741364E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736939C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767412FEB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674134440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674135C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674135F60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736939A4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767412F9E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767412FAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693988, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674126CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767412CE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767412EF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767412F340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369396C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7710, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741268F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E5E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767411B3C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176741231D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674125BE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674126130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693934, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD76C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767411AFC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E5B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693918, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674113520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674118980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767411A610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767411A9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736938FC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674113120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E550, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736938E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767410B340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674110AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674112770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674112B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736938C4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767410AF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E4C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E4F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736938A8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740FD580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674106CE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674109FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767410A660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369388C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD75D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740FD180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740F63B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740FAF00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740FC890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740FCBD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693854, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740F5FB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693838, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740EDFA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740F3790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740F55A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740F5970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369381C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740EDBA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E3A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E3D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740E31C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740EA840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740ECF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740ED440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736937E4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD74E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740E2DC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736937C8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740D7060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740DF2E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740E1FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740E25A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736937AC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740D6C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E2E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740D05E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740D4BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740D63D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740D66E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693774, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740D0120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740D01E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E2B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693758, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740CBE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740CEBC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740CFAD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740CFCC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369373C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740CBA00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E220, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740C7050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740CA2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740CB350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740CB570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693704, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD73F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740C6C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E1F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736936E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740C12A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740C4F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740C6480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740C6730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736936CC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD73A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740C0EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736936B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740BC6A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740BF760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740C07F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740C0A10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693694, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740BC180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740BC2A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693678, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740B2280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740B9000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740BB590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740BBA50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369365C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740B1CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740B1E80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E0D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740ABF80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740B0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740B1520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740B17D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693624, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740ABB80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375E040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693608, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740A77A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740AA6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740AB5E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176740AB7D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736935EC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767408F9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767408FA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375DFE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375E010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736935D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740A0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740A5990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767408EF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767408F360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736935B4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD7300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767408EB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375DF80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375DFB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693598, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674089BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767408D270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767408E480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767408E6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369357C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673AD72B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674089370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375DEF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375DF20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740849E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674087C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674088CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017674088EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693544, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674059ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674059FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767405A1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767405A2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375DBC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375DBF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693528, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674019480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674019530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674019630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740196E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375DB00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375DB30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369350C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674018A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674018B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674018CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674018DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375DAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375DAD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736934F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740176B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674017990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674017DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740180C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375DA40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375DA70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736934D4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674014530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674014CD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674015840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674016780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D9E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375DA10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736934B8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740132D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674013610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674013AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674013E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369349C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767400FF60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674010B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674011D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740128F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2244 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 5028 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2808 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 5316 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740055C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674005BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674006460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674006A40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D830, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369342C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674001D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674002690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176740034A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017674003E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D7A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D7D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4836 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12100 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 9972 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 13548 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FEA580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FEABA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FEB4C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FEBAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D6B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736933BC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FE1B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FE3D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FE6F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FE9120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736933A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FD47E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FD7640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FDBBC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FDEA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D5C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D5F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693384, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FB9FD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FBEAC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FC5B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FCF0F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693368, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FB4E50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FB5DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FB7530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FB84C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369334C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FAE230, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FAFA00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FB1DC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FB3590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D4A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D4D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FA2510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FA4F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FA8EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673FAB950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693314, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F826F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F88270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F90BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F9C290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D3E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736932F8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F7FC30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F803B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F80EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F81660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D3B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736932DC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F7C400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F7D0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F7E380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F7F020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D320, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736932C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2808 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 5316 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2808 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 5316 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F64750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F68350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F6DD50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F71950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D230, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369326C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F4AAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F50760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F59280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F5EF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D1A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D1D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F1EB80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F28790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F371A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F40DB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693234, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673EBEE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673ED0040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673EE9BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673F0C020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375D0E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375D110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693218, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E9D0E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E9DE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E9F1D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673EA0C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375CC00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375CC30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E96A30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E97C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E996C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E9A890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375CBA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375CBD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693154, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E8ED40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E90C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E93AF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E95A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375CB40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375CB70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693138, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E7E970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E82630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E88140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E8BE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375CAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375CB10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369311C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E6A670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E6E340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E73E70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E7B800, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375CA80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375CAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E65250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E66590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E68270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E695B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375CA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375CA50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736930E4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E5D840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E5F640, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E62330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E64130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C9C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C9F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736930C8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E4D750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E51310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E56CA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E5A860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736930AC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E39920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E3D4E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E42E70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E4A5E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693090, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E34B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E35CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E37750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E38900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C8A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693074, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E2D9C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E2F5A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E31F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E33B50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693058, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E1CF60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E20DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E26B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E2A9E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C7E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369303C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E084D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E0C350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E12100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E19DF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C7B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E068D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E06B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E06E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E070A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673693004, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E02950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E036A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E04A90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673E057E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C6F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692FE8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6318 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 6318 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 12288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DEC610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DECAC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DED1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DED670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C5A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C5D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692F94, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DE9B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DEA470, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DEB260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DEBBB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692F78, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1536 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3888 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 7968 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DDCF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DDD7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DDE460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DDECD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692F24, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DDA0B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DDAB30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DDBAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DDC560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C3C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C3F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692F08, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DD2080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DD3E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DD6B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DD8900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692EEC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DC0790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DC39D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DC8520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DCE990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBCFC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBD380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBD910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBDCD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C2A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C2D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692EB4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBBAB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBBE70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBC400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBC7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692E98, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB9C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBA2B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBABD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DBB1F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C1E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692E7C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB64D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB6DC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB7B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB8CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C1B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB2890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB2DA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB3530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB3A40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692E44, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB03B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB0B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB1690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DB1E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375C0C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375C0F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692E28, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1968 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3936 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2688 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4920 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DA43B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DA51C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DA66D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DA74E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375BFA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375BFD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692DD4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D9AFE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D9C980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D9EFF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673DA0990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375BF40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375BF70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692DB8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D8CFE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D8FEA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D944B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D97370, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375BEE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375BF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692D9C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D70760, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D75620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D7CC30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D869A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375BE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375BEB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D625A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673D62620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767375B8E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767375B910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673692C4C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739D5250, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739D6930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739D73C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176739D7520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739D7680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739D1CA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739D4360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739D4C70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176739D4DA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736917A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739C0390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739C2C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739C99C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x00000176739CA780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176739CB540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767396A020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767396A120, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767396A5B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767396A650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767396A6F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673602FD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736A12E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2EAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2EB20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673690038, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673602F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736A0C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2EA90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2EAC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767369001C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767368F510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767368F660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767368FC70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767368FD40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767368FE10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673602EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767368EE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2EA00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2EA30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673690000, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673641840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176736418C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2D560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2D590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83F730, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767304E5B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673561060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2B100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2B130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83EC08, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767351EF80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767351F150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2A230, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB2A260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83E63C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767350BF00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767350D040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767350D650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767350D720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83E1C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x00000176734FD7D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673503660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017673504FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x0000017673505330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83E0E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE74C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE7F80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB28850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB28880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83DA18, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE5AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE6D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFD2BD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE71B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDDBE50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE3440, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE4EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE5670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE5770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDDBE18, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFD3480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFDD5C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE1F50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FFE2890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDDBDE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF59B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF5EA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF606B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FF60A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83D270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF4AA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF53B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF58200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FF58AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83D238, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF3C960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF45AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAA890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FF4A140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83D21C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF1F0C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF307D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF37B60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FF389E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF39860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF16B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF17680, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767062AA40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767062AAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83D158, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF105C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF110D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF0FB60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FF116E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83D0E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF0E140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF0D410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001767062A8C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001767062A920, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83D0B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF07DB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF0AA40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF0BDD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FF0C050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83D094, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FEF4B00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FEFDC50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FF022E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FF02BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83D05C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1080 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2520 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FEEF8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FEEEC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FEEF690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FEEF0B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CFEC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FED1820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FEE8F50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FEEC3E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FEECA80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDDAAD8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB4C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB4D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB24050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB24080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CC88, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB47D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB4890, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB24020, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CC6C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB4310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB43D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23FC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CC50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB3E50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB3F10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23F30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23F60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CC34, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB3990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB3A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23F00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CC18, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB34D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB3590, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23E70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23EA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CBFC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB3010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB30D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CBE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB2B50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB2C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23DB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23DE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CBC4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB2690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB2750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CBA8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB21D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB2290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CB8C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB1D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB1DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CB70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB1850, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB1910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CB54, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB1390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB1450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23BD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CB38, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB0ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB0F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CB1C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB0A10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB0AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CB00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB04D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB0610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23AE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CAE4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAEA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAF7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAFF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FDB0050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FA4F960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAE510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAE620, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23A80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CAC8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAE050, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAE110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB239F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23A20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CAAC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDADB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDADC50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB239C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CA90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAD6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAD790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CA74, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAD1B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAD2D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB238D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23900, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CA58, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDACBC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDACDB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB238A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CA3C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAC6C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAC7C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAC200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAC2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB237B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB237E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83CA04, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDABD40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDABE00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23750, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C9E8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAB880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAB940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB236F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C9CC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F47DF50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F47E010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB236C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F47DA90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F47DB50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23630, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C994, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAA540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAA600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB235D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C978, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAA080, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDAA140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23570, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB235A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C95C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA9BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA9C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23540, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA9700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA97C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB234B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB234E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C924, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA9240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA9300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23480, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C908, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA8D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA8E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB233F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C8EC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA87B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA8870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB233C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C8D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA8110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA83B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C8B4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA7A70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA7D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB232D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23300, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C898, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA45C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA6510, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA7420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA7610, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C87C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA1110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA3060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA3F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA4160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C860, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA06B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FDA0B10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FB23270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C844, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FD49110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FD836C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FD9A4D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FD9D2A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F83C828, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FAA16F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FAA7970, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FAA0CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766FAA1060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766FAA1400, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F58F600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F5904E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F591010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F591780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F384EF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F384F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B87738, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F58AAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F58C770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F58DCD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F58EB10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F384E90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F384EC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B8771C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F583930, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F586420, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F588450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F5899D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F384E30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F384E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B87700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F579660, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F57C9F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F57F0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F582430, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F384DD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F384E00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B876E4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4BE170, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4BF2D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4BF8E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F4BF9B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B874EC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4BA700, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4BCC40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4BD9D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F4BDB90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B874D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F49F9C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4A2560, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4A32F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F4A34B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B87498, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 600 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x2 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1860 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x1 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F47E350, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F405F90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F313360, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3133C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B87444, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F478A90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F47B7F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F47C880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F47CAA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BFD8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F475880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F475D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4761C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F476260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F45C2E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F45C9A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F460A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F466B50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F46AC00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F313180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3131E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BD38, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4466E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F447C50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4483E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F4484E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4485E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F440B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F444CB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F43A2A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F446040, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F437B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F438200, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F43FC30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F437EE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F437940, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F43A240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F43A820, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F435A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4370E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F4373C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4376A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F433960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F434B80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F435190, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F435260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BD00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F42D740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F431AD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F432FE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F433290, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BCC8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F425580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F427650, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F427C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F427D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BC90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F428130, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F423450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F424960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F424C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BC58, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F421670, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F422490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F422AA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F422B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BC20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F41E530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F41FF80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F420B90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F420D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BBE8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F41B530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F41D600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F41DC10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F41DCE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BBB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4137C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4196A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F41ABB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F41AE60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BB78, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4107E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F412910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F412F20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F412FF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BB40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F408D30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F40EA00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F40FF10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F4101C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BB08, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F4064F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F408720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F55E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F6E40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BAD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3FE600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F404790, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F6770, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F6A50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BA98, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3FC870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F58E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F5010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F54E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F5110, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F78A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F2F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F4600, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F48E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F4BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3EFFC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F1A20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F21B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3F22B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C8E20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3E7B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3EDF80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3EF490, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3EF740, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C45C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3E4A20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3E6B90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3E71A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3E7270, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34BA28, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3DB310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3E26B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3E3A40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3E3CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F39FF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C92A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3CB340, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3CB950, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3CBA20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34B9F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3D3C10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C71A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C86B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C8960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34B9B8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C4D40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C65F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C4260, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C4330, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34B980, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3BE0F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C1ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C33E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F3C3690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F34B948, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3B0010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F3B9160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F39D3D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F39DCB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B871C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F39B6E0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F39BA60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F39BF90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F39C310, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F383CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F383D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B8716C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F399AB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F39A0A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F39A990, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F39AF80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F383C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F383CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B87150, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F2ABBD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F398C20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766F383C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766F383C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B87134, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B36B6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B36DAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B36E280, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B36E380, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82F24, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B34DE50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B362010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B3696A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B36A580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2E5960, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B34B810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B34CCB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B34D2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B34D390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82F08, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B348F40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B34B070, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B3393B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B34B500, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82EEC, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B345F70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B348520, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B348B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B348C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B342ED0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B344E10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B3458A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B345A00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82EB4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B3419B0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B342690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B342B20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B342BC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82E98, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B339C80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B33FEB0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B341240, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B3414C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82E7C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B339450, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B339880, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9D20, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9D50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82E60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B335910, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B3383F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B338E80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B338FE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82E44, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B334D90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B335390, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766A686840, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766A6868A0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82E28, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B3326F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2EF690, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B3348C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B3349F0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82E0C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B330010, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2EE6D0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2EF160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B2EF2C0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82DF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2E7140, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2ECAF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2EDE80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B2EE100, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82DD4, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2E6810, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2E6D40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9CC0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9CF0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82DB8, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2E6160, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2E6410, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9C60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9C90, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82D9C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2E5B30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2E5D60, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9C00, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9C30, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82D80, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DF580, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DF720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9BA0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9BD0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82D64, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DF060, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DF180, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9B40, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766A7F9B70, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82D48, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DD870, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DEAE0, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766A686720, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766A686780, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82D2C, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB09178, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DC210, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB057B8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DCE50, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05CF8, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DD460, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB17878, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE8C0, pSrcData:0x000001766B2DD530, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::UpdateSubresource(pDstResource:0x000001756BB05A38, DstSubresource:0, pDstBox:0x00000040099FE870, pSrcData:0x0000017669B82D10, SrcRowPitch:0, SrcDepthPitch:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2904, handle = 00000176436EB0D0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7c725ac04a253a96 shader registered for possible reloading: 7c725ac04a253a96_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE258D0, hash = 7c725ac04a253a96 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE258D0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8184, handle = 0000017643819710, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = eac3a26f5fbde039 shader registered for possible reloading: eac3a26f5fbde039_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE23ED0, hash = eac3a26f5fbde039 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE23ED0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 4976, handle = 00000176438C7AB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0ad544adb94680f8 shader registered for possible reloading: 0ad544adb94680f8_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE22AD0, hash = 0ad544adb94680f8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE22AD0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 5012, handle = 00000176438B58B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 3b494ff8b4b9f741 shader registered for possible reloading: 3b494ff8b4b9f741_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE234D0, hash = 3b494ff8b4b9f741 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE234D0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C40F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C40F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8508, handle = 00000176436F0DB0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 163932d0f83212c2 shader registered for possible reloading: 163932d0f83212c2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE24610, hash = 163932d0f83212c2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE24610 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 448 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C26B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C26B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C8FB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C8FB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C5B38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C5B38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C65B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C65B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C6AF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C6AF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C7038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C7038, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C2938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C2938, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C8278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C8278, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C8CF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C8CF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C1438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C1438, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9238, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C16F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C16F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C4378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C4378, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C94F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C94F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9778, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C2E78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C2E78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9A38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9A38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9CB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9CB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9F78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C9F78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CA1F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CA1F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CA4B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CA4B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3648, handle = 0000017643729770, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 60bd54191e815055 shader registered for possible reloading: 60bd54191e815055_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE25190, hash = 60bd54191e815055 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE25190 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8644, handle = 00000176438548B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = de7767f33b8b7a37 shader registered for possible reloading: de7767f33b8b7a37_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE23650, hash = de7767f33b8b7a37 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE23650 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2124, handle = 00000176437131F0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1b00698355c6bbf6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE27710, hash = 1b00698355c6bbf6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE27710 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2300, handle = 0000017643856A80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d shader registered for possible reloading: 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE26B90, hash = 1b4c20f1a3f93a0d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7164, handle = 0000017643814550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 shader registered for possible reloading: 96c9d66e5f68d745_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE25010, hash = 96c9d66e5f68d745 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE25010 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7332, handle = 00000176437F3F70, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 shader registered for possible reloading: 78419f9aacae6ac2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE26CD0, hash = 78419f9aacae6ac2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26CD0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8972, handle = 00000176437F6C80, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 8c8ac670c9555ee4 shader registered for possible reloading: 8c8ac670c9555ee4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE27410, hash = 8c8ac670c9555ee4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE27410 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7360, handle = 00000176437CAC90, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 896d836e4bc38513 shader registered for possible reloading: 896d836e4bc38513_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE26E50, hash = 896d836e4bc38513 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE26E50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7528, handle = 00000176437A2C00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 435eb788190e93fe shader registered for possible reloading: 435eb788190e93fe_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE25A50, hash = 435eb788190e93fe returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE25A50 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CA738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CA738, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 96 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CA9F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CA9F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CAC78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CAC78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CAF38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CAF38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 384 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C33B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C33B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 384 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CB1B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CB1B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C3678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C3678, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CB478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CB478, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C38F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C38F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CB6F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CB6F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 384 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9C3BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9C3BB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE3B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE3B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CDE78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CDE78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0878, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CBC38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CBC38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 720 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D22B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D22B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3696, handle = 00000176437FF500, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d0ef208d3551a9c8 shader registered for possible reloading: d0ef208d3551a9c8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE22390, hash = d0ef208d3551a9c8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE22390 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8692, handle = 000001764384D630, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 08802745620be9f2 shader registered for possible reloading: 08802745620be9f2_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE237D0, hash = 08802745620be9f2 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE237D0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 384 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD9B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD938, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2172, handle = 0000017643806260, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 shader registered for possible reloading: 1c2128f8af8f55a6_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE25B90, hash = 1c2128f8af8f55a6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE25B90 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2348, handle = 00000176437F0720, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4fcc315619520c1e shader registered for possible reloading: 4fcc315619520c1e_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE27150, hash = 4fcc315619520c1e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE27150 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7212, handle = 0000017643836EC0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bd5547126858bce0 shader registered for possible reloading: bd5547126858bce0_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE23090, hash = bd5547126858bce0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE23090 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 7380, handle = 0000017643810C50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c shader registered for possible reloading: 4e7133c6bebefa7c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE25D10, hash = 4e7133c6bebefa7c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE25D10 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1FF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD930) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1FF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 336 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD9B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0338, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CDBB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CDBB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CBEF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CBEF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D12F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D12F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2D38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2D38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2538, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 720 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D34F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D34F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 720 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2A78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2A78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3124, handle = 00000176437DD400, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 88bf357405fb79e5 shader registered for possible reloading: 88bf357405fb79e5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE23910, hash = 88bf357405fb79e5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE23910 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9284, handle = 00000176437C78C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = bc07478211ffa4e8 shader registered for possible reloading: bc07478211ffa4e8_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE27850, hash = bc07478211ffa4e8 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE27850 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7392, handle = 00000176438B6C50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 29dcb26501571038 shader registered for possible reloading: 29dcb26501571038_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE227D0, hash = 29dcb26501571038 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE227D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8060, handle = 000001764388FDD0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 11d52f063e9d0a2c shader registered for possible reloading: 11d52f063e9d0a2c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE27590, hash = 11d52f063e9d0a2c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE27590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7956, handle = 0000017643877A50, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f199383babfec2bc shader registered for possible reloading: f199383babfec2bc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE24790, hash = f199383babfec2bc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE24790 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9308, handle = 00000176438634E0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 2457135ddcf74ab1 shader registered for possible reloading: 2457135ddcf74ab1_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE25310, hash = 2457135ddcf74ab1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE25310 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 240 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE0F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE0F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 3068, handle = 00000176437BB940, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 78630deb14775e98 shader registered for possible reloading: 78630deb14775e98_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE27B50, hash = 78630deb14775e98 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE27B50 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9228, handle = 0000017643767BF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b6e098bc119f05d5 shader registered for possible reloading: b6e098bc119f05d5_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE27CD0, hash = b6e098bc119f05d5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE27CD0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 240 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D05B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D05B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9552, handle = 000001764380C9B0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 28727d51a6cd62d1 shader registered for possible reloading: 28727d51a6cd62d1_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE22210, hash = 28727d51a6cd62d1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE22210 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD9B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1038, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD9B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC178, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1AB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD9B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1AB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CB9B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CB9B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D27F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D27F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D37B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D37B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF0B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF0B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 720 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2FB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2FB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1D78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1D78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 9552, handle = 00000176437F1060, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ccd30b49da3b34e3 shader registered for possible reloading: ccd30b49da3b34e3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE22510, hash = ccd30b49da3b34e3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE22510 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3A38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3A38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 176 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3278, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1578, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC438, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD3F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD3F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 352 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CEE38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CEE38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0078, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3CF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3CF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3F78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3F78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE8F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE8F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CEB78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CEB78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC978, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 224 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE638, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CCBF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CCBF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF378, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 2960, handle = 00000176436E4550, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = be84d31e20810f6d shader registered for possible reloading: be84d31e20810f6d_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE22690, hash = be84d31e20810f6d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE22690 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8240, handle = 0000017643816FF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 0bb8e47739c3053c shader registered for possible reloading: 0bb8e47739c3053c_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE22950, hash = 0bb8e47739c3053c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE22950 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 8508, handle = 00000176436D7FE0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = b2147633556c36b3 shader registered for possible reloading: b2147633556c36b3_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE2A090, hash = b2147633556c36b3 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE2A090 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D1838, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0AF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0AF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 336 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF5F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF5F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 432 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF8B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD9B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF8B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 176 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD138, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 288 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CFB38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CFB38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 176 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0DB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0DB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4238, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CFDF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CFDF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC6B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC6B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D44B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D44B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4778, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D49F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D49F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CCEB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CCEB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4CB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4CB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4F38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4F38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D51F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D51F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD678, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5478, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5738, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D59B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D59B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5C78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5C78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5EF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5EF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6978, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB838, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DADB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DADB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6C38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6C38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D76B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D76B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D61B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D61B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6EB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6EB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBD78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBD78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7178, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7BF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7BF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7938, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9638, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA5F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA5F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6438, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D90F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D90F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7E78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7E78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8138, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDA78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDA78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9B78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9B78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB5B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB5B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB078, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBAF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBAF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCFF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCFF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8E38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8E38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9DF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9DF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA878, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD278, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9378, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC7F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC7F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB2F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB2F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D83B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D83B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC038, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC2B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC2B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC578, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDCF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDCF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D98B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D98B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA0B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA0B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCAB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCAB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD538, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D73F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D73F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCD38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCD38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDFB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDFB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD7B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD7B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8678, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE238, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D66F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D66F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DAB38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DAB38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE4F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE4F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFC78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFC78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE778, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEA38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEA38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA338, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DECB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DECB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEF78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEF78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D88F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D88F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFF38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFF38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF1F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF1F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF4B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF4B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E06F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E06F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8BB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0478, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF738, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E01B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E01B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF9F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF9F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7538, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5338, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5078, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E4B38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E4B38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E55B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E55B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5AF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5AF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E09B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E09B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E3638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E3638, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2138, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5878, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E3B78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E3B78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1438, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E62F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E62F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5DB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5DB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6038, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2E78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2E78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 528 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6578, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6838, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E8278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E8278, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 720 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6AB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6AB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1178, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6D78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6D78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1978, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 720 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E77F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E77F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6FF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6FF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 7448, handle = 00000176438AD090, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ed209d3aa1827ddc shader registered for possible reloading: ed209d3aa1827ddc_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE28110, hash = ed209d3aa1827ddc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE28110 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8116, handle = 00000176438A8D40, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = ca15e5ca551e5941 shader registered for possible reloading: ca15e5ca551e5941_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE2CA50, hash = ca15e5ca551e5941 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE2CA50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 8012, handle = 000001764389BCF0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = f649c82ee3935249 shader registered for possible reloading: f649c82ee3935249_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE29C50, hash = f649c82ee3935249 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE29C50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 9364, handle = 000001764386BC10, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 85f4febef4a1db19 shader registered for possible reloading: 85f4febef4a1db19_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE2B090, hash = 85f4febef4a1db19 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE2B090 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E45F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E45F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E30F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E30F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E72B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E72B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0C38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0C38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1BF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1BF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7FB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7FB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7A78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7A78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E3E38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E3E38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7D38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7D38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E38F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E38F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E23F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E23F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD9B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2BB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 720 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E16B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD9B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E16B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2678, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E87B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E87B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E2938, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E84F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E84F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E8A38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E8A38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0EF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0EF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E33B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E33B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E8CF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E8CF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E8F78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E8F78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E40B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E40B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E9238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E9238, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 144 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E4378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E4378, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E94B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E94B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 112 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E9778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E9778, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 384 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E99F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FDA20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E99F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1EB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x00000040099FD9B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E1EB8, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000176B0DA9170) = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: McDSP.dll. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000176B0DABE70) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000176B0DAC030) = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: IDXGIDevice1 returns result = 0 for 000001756AE100E8 *** Hooked IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain(0000017552091420) called Device = 000001756AE100E8 SwapChain = 00000176781C3B10 Description = 00000176781C3B30 -- UnhookableCreateSwapChain called lookup_hacker_device(000001756AE100E8) IUnknown: 000001756AE10090 HackerDevice: 000001754DDCDD00 Got resolution from swap chain: 1264x681 Windowed = 1 Width = 1264 Height = 681 Refresh rate = 0.000000 BufferCount = 3 SwapEffect = 0 Flags = 0x2 CreateSwapChain returned handle = 00000176BA0B1180 Checking what interfaces 00000176BA0B1180 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176BA0B1180 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported Supports IDXGIDeviceSubObject: 00000176BA0B1180 IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176BA0B1180 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported Supports IDXGISwapChain: 00000176BA0B1180 Supports IDXGISwapChain1: 00000176BA0B1180 IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported ID3D10Multithread not supported ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) HackerDevice::GetHackerContext returns 0000017551E31B80 Overlay::Overlay created for 00000176BA0B1180 on HackerDevice: 000001754DDCDD00, HackerContext: 0000017551E31B80 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: combase.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: advapi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\d3d11.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: D:\Games\Assassin's Creed Origins\d3d11.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d10. HackerSwapChain 000001756B15F050 created to wrap 00000176BA0B1180 -> HackerSwapChain = 000001756B15F050 wrapper of ppSwapChain = 00000176BA0B1180 ->UnhookableCreateSwapChain result 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=15035, this=000001754DDCDD00 ->IDXGIFactory::CreateSwapChain return result 0 HackerSwapChain::GetDesc(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns Windowed = 1 returns Width = 1264 returns Height = 681 returns Refresh rate = 0.000000 returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::SetPrivateData(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with GUID: {115233E4-E083-42FC-BD81-462E54C0E4B8} DataSize = 8 returns result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d11. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dxgi. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory called with riid: IDXGIFactory Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176AD814550 CreateDXGIFactory returned factory = 00000176AD814550, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain called with pAdapter = 0000000000000000 Flags = 0x40000000 pFeatureLevels = 0xa000 FeatureLevels = 1 pSwapChainDesc = 0000000000000000 ppSwapChain = 0000000000000000 ppDevice = 000000400C45F0B0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa000 *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory2 called with riid: IDXGIFactory Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176AD814910 CreateDXGIFactory2 returned factory = 00000176AD814910, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176AD815F90 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176AD815F90, result = 0 HackerSwapChain::QueryInterface(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with IID: IDXGISwapChain1 return HackerSwapChain(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) wrapper of 00000176BA0B1180 HackerSwapChain::GetPrivateData(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with GUID: {115233E4-E083-42FC-BD81-462E54C0E4B8} returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::AddRef(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050), counter=3, this=000001756B15F050 HackerSwapChain::Release(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050), counter=2, this=000001756B15F050 HackerSwapChain::Release(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050), counter=1, this=000001756B15F050 HackerSwapChain::QueryInterface(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with IID: IDXGISwapChain3 *** returns E_NOINTERFACE as error for IDXGISwapChain3. HackerSwapChain::GetDesc(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns Windowed = 1 returns Width = 1264 returns Height = 681 returns Refresh rate = 0.000000 returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetBuffer(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with IID: ID3D11Texture2D returns 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000176B0DAA230) = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176B5CFED08, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176B5CFED08 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176B5CFE4C0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176B5CFE518 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176B5CFE518 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176B5CFE518 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176B5CFE518 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported Supports ID3D10Device: 00000176B5CFEDB8 Supports ID3D10Device1: 00000176B5CFEDB8 ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176B5CFED40 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176B5CFED08 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176B5CFED08 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176B5CFED08 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176B5CFE4C0 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B85A33E0 HackerDevice 00000176B85A33E0 created to wrap 00000176B5CFED08 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B85A33E0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9EC6B8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A4C40. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176B5CFED08, device wrapper = 00000176B85A33E0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->Return with HRESULT=0, No swapchain created. HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176B85A33E0) called with IID: ID3D10Device returns result = 0 for 00000176B5CFEDB8 HackerDevice::Release counter=4, this=00000176B85A33E0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d10. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d11. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dxgi. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\winbrand.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\Branding\Basebrd\Basebrd.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\Branding\Basebrd\Basebrd.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: ntdll.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: psapi.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory called with riid: IDXGIFactory Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176AD814550 CreateDXGIFactory returned factory = 00000176AD814550, result = 0 *** D3D11CreateDeviceAndSwapChain called with pAdapter = 0000000000000000 Flags = 0x40000000 pFeatureLevels = 0xa000 FeatureLevels = 1 pSwapChainDesc = 0000000000000000 ppSwapChain = 0000000000000000 ppDevice = 000000400C45F0B0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa000 *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory2 called with riid: IDXGIFactory Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176C4116510 CreateDXGIFactory2 returned factory = 00000176C4116510, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176C41177D0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176C41177D0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176B5CF50A8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176B5CF50A8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176B5CF4860 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176B5CF48B8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176B5CF48B8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176B5CF48B8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176B5CF48B8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported Supports ID3D10Device: 00000176B5CF5158 Supports ID3D10Device1: 00000176B5CF5158 ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176B5CF50E0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176B5CF50A8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176B5CF50A8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176B5CF50A8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176B5CF4860 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509E9AA0 HackerDevice 00000176509E9AA0 created to wrap 00000176B5CF50A8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9AA0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9EC938 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A28C0. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176B5CF50A8, device wrapper = 00000176509E9AA0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->Return with HRESULT=0, No swapchain created. HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9AA0) called with IID: ID3D10Device returns result = 0 for 00000176B5CF5158 HackerDevice::Release counter=4, this=00000176509E9AA0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d10. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d11. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dxgi. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\winbrand.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\Branding\Basebrd\Basebrd.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\Branding\Basebrd\Basebrd.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: ntdll.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: psapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: ntdll.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: ntdll.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176C4117050 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176C4117050, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: WiFiDisplay.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: WiFiDisplay.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176C4119990 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176C4119990, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\D3D12Core.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory2 called with riid: {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A} Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176C41186D0 CreateDXGIFactory2 returned factory = 00000176C41186D0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176C4116C90 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176C4116C90, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38CCC40 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 4 ppDevice = 00000176BAF8AD48 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 00000176BAF8AD50 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB36AF18, context handle = 00000176CB5FCA50 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB36AF18 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB36A6D0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB36A728 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB36A728 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB36A728 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB36A728 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB36AF50 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB36AF18 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB36AF18 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Checking what interfaces 00000176CB5FCA50 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB5FC960 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB5FCA28 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 00000176CB5FCA50 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 00000176CB5FCA50 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 00000176CB5FCA50 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB36AF18 QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 00000176CB5FCA50 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB36A6D0 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509E9F70 HackerDevice 00000176509E9F70 created to wrap 00000176CB36AF18 Creating FrameAnalysisContext HackerContext 00000176993A29D0 created to wrap 00000176CB5FCA50 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9F70) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9EB6F8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A74C0. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. -> device handle = 00000176CB36AF18, device wrapper = 00000176509E9F70, context handle = 00000176CB5FCA50, context wrapper = 00000176993A29D0 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 692, handle = 00007FFB67FC0840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f shader registered for possible reloading: 94a6d6d93b8e554f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE303D0, hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE303D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 596, handle = 00007FFB67FC0B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c shader registered for possible reloading: 32e13a6781b55c3c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE2E2D0, hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE2E2D0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9F70) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000176CB36A728 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::SetPrivateDataInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9F70) called with IID: {55007386-1530-4A02-B5FE-7A7B64D96701} HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9F70) called with IID: ID3D11Device return HackerDevice(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9F70) wrapper of 00000176CB36AF18 returns result = 0 for 00000176509E9F70 HackerDevice::Release counter=10, this=00000176509E9F70 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9F70) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000176CB36A728 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 680, handle = 00007FFB67FA1610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 shader registered for possible reloading: d441fa6e93843ab4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE32950, hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE32950 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 584, handle = 00007FFB67FA13C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 shader registered for possible reloading: 7992e19ea2cdb450_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE2DD10, hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE2DD10 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1124, handle = 00007FFB67FA18C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfffff9822b8872d shader registered for possible reloading: cfffff9822b8872d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE32390, hash = cfffff9822b8872d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE32390 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9F70) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000176CB36A728 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dxilconv.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-2. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993A29D0)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993A29D0)::Flush() HackerContext::Release counter=0, this=00000176993A29D0 deleting self HackerDevice::GetHackerContext returns 00000176993A29D0 clearing mHackerDevice->mHackerContext HackerDevice::Release counter=8, this=00000176509E9F70 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xc100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xc100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176C4116150 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176C4116150, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB369508, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB369508 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB368CC0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB368D18 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB368D18 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB368D18 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB368D18 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB369540 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB369508 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB369508 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB369508 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB368CC0 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B7D3BC20 HackerDevice 00000176B7D3BC20 created to wrap 00000176CB369508 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3BC20) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9ECBF8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A3800. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB369508, device wrapper = 00000176B7D3BC20, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3BC20) called with IID: {10EC4D5B-975A-4689-B9E4-D0AAC30FE333} Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. returns result = 0 for 00000176CB3694F8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3BC20) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB368D28 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176B7D3BC20 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xc000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xc100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xc000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176C41168D0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176C41168D0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB3660E8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB3660E8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB3658A0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB3658F8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB3658F8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB3658F8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB3658F8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB366120 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB3660E8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB3660E8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB3660E8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB3658A0 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B7D3C7D0 HackerDevice 00000176B7D3C7D0 created to wrap 00000176CB3660E8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3C7D0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9EB1B8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A3EC0. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB3660E8, device wrapper = 00000176B7D3C7D0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3C7D0) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB365908 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176B7D3C7D0 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xc000 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176E3D36A90 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176E3D36A90, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB35F8A8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB35F8A8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB35F060 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB35F0B8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB35F0B8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB35F0B8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB35F0B8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB35F8E0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB35F8A8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB35F8A8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB35F8A8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB35F060 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509E8E40 HackerDevice 00000176509E8E40 created to wrap 00000176CB35F8A8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509E8E40) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9EB978 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A7640. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB35F8A8, device wrapper = 00000176509E8E40, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509E8E40) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB35F0C8 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509E8E40 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xb100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176E3D33610 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176E3D33610, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB3612B8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB3612B8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB360A70 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB360AC8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB360AC8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB360AC8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB360AC8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB3612F0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB3612B8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB3612B8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB3612B8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB360A70 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509ECD80 HackerDevice 00000176509ECD80 created to wrap 00000176CB3612B8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECD80) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9EBC38 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A2F80. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB3612B8, device wrapper = 00000176509ECD80, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECD80) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB360AD8 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509ECD80 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xa100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176E3D35B90 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176E3D35B90, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB36FD48, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB36FD48 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB36F500 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB36F558 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB36F558 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB36F558 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB36F558 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB36FD80 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB36FD48 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB36FD48 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB36FD48 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB36F500 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EC3E0 HackerDevice 00000176509EC3E0 created to wrap 00000176CB36FD48 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EC3E0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9EC178 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A6580. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB36FD48, device wrapper = 00000176509EC3E0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EC3E0) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB36F568 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509EC3E0 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xa000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xa100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176E3D34150 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176E3D34150, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB374B78, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB374B78 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB374330 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB374388 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB374388 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB374388 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB374388 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB374BB0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB374B78 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB374B78 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB374B78 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB374330 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EB620 HackerDevice 00000176509EB620 created to wrap 00000176CB374B78 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EB620) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9EBEB8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A6A80. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB374B78, device wrapper = 00000176509EB620, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EB620) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB374398 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509EB620 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9300 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xa000 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9300 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176E3D35F50 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176E3D35F50, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB37B3B8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB37B3B8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB37AB70 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB37ABC8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB37ABC8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB37ABC8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB37ABC8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB37B3F0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB37B3B8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB37B3B8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB37B3B8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB37AB70 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B7D3CCA0 HackerDevice 00000176B7D3CCA0 created to wrap 00000176CB37B3B8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3CCA0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. CreateTexture1D call failed with result = 80070057. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Failed to create pinking pixel shader: -2147024809 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB37B3B8, device wrapper = 00000176B7D3CCA0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3CCA0) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37ABD8 HackerDevice::Release counter=0, this=00000176B7D3CCA0 deleting self unregister_hacker_device: Unregistering IUnknown 00000176CB37AB70 -> HackerDevice 00000176B7D3CCA0 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9200 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0x9300 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9200 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176E3D36310 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176E3D36310, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB373168, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB373168 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB372920 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB372978 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB372978 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB372978 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB372978 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB3731A0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB373168 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB373168 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB373168 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB372920 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B7D3B750 HackerDevice 00000176B7D3B750 created to wrap 00000176CB373168 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3B750) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. CreateTexture1D call failed with result = 80070057. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Failed to create pinking pixel shader: -2147024809 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB373168, device wrapper = 00000176B7D3B750, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3B750) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB372988 HackerDevice::Release counter=0, this=00000176B7D3B750 deleting self unregister_hacker_device: Unregistering IUnknown 00000176CB372920 -> HackerDevice 00000176B7D3B750 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0x9200 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176E3D36E50 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176E3D36E50, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB373168, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB373168 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB372920 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB372978 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB372978 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB372978 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB372978 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB3731A0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB373168 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB373168 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB373168 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB372920 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B7D3C930 HackerDevice 00000176B7D3C930 created to wrap 00000176CB373168 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3C930) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. CreateTexture1D call failed with result = 80070057. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Failed to create pinking pixel shader: -2147024809 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB373168, device wrapper = 00000176B7D3C930, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3C930) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB372988 HackerDevice::Release counter=0, this=00000176B7D3C930 deleting self unregister_hacker_device: Unregistering IUnknown 00000176CB372920 -> HackerDevice 00000176B7D3C930 *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory2 called with riid: {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A} Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176E3D34510 CreateDXGIFactory2 returned factory = 00000176E3D34510, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000176E3D34510 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000176E3D34510, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 0000017712F2BBC0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 4 ppDevice = 00000176D3085558 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 00000176D3085560 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB371758, context handle = 0000017713176050 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB371758 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB370F10 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB370F68 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB370F68 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB370F68 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB370F68 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB371790 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB371758 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB371758 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Checking what interfaces 0000017713176050 supports... Supports IUnknown: 0000017713175F60 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 0000017713176028 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 0000017713176050 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 0000017713176050 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 0000017713176050 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB371758 QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 0000017713176050 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB370F10 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EDF60 HackerDevice 00000176509EDF60 created to wrap 00000176CB371758 Creating FrameAnalysisContext HackerContext 00000176993A44D0 created to wrap 0000017713176050 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EDF60) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9ADBF8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A5480. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. -> device handle = 00000176CB371758, device wrapper = 00000176509EDF60, context handle = 0000017713176050, context wrapper = 00000176993A44D0 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 692, handle = 00007FFB67FC0840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f shader registered for possible reloading: 94a6d6d93b8e554f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE43490, hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE43490 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 596, handle = 00007FFB67FC0B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c shader registered for possible reloading: 32e13a6781b55c3c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE3EF90, hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE3EF90 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EDF60) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000176CB370F68 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::SetPrivateDataInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EDF60) called with IID: {55007386-1530-4A02-B5FE-7A7B64D96701} HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EDF60) called with IID: ID3D11Device return HackerDevice(class HackerDevice@00000176509EDF60) wrapper of 00000176CB371758 returns result = 0 for 00000176509EDF60 HackerDevice::Release counter=10, this=00000176509EDF60 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EDF60) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000176CB370F68 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 680, handle = 00007FFB67FA1610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 shader registered for possible reloading: d441fa6e93843ab4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000176BAE41D90, hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE41D90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 584, handle = 00007FFB67FA13C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 shader registered for possible reloading: 7992e19ea2cdb450_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE43E90, hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE43E90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1124, handle = 00007FFB67FA18C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfffff9822b8872d shader registered for possible reloading: cfffff9822b8872d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000176BAE43610, hash = cfffff9822b8872d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BAE43610 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EDF60) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000176CB370F68 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dxilconv.dll. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993A44D0)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993A44D0)::Flush() HackerContext::Release counter=0, this=00000176993A44D0 deleting self HackerDevice::GetHackerContext returns 00000176993A44D0 clearing mHackerDevice->mHackerContext HackerDevice::Release counter=8, this=00000176509EDF60 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xc100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xc100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713375070 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713375070, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB37CDC8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB37CDC8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB37C580 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB37C5D8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB37C5D8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB37C5D8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB37C5D8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB37CE00 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB37CDC8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB37CDC8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB37CDC8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB37C580 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509ECF90 HackerDevice 00000176509ECF90 created to wrap 00000176CB37CDC8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B0338 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A59C0. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB37CDC8, device wrapper = 00000176509ECF90, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {10EC4D5B-975A-4689-B9E4-D0AAC30FE333} Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37CDB8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {10EC4D5B-975A-4689-B9E4-D0AAC30FE333} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37CDB8 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with:000000400C45DEF8 *** HackerContext missing at HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext Checking what interfaces 0000017721C458A0 supports... Supports IUnknown: 0000017721C457B0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 0000017721C45878 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 0000017721C458A0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 0000017721C458A0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 0000017721C458A0 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Creating FrameAnalysisContext adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerContext 00000176993A5C70 created to wrap 0000017721C458A0 returns handle = 00000176993A5C70 HackerContext::QueryInterface(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993A5C70) called with IID: {A7F026DA-A5F8-4487-A564-15E34357651E} returns result = 0 for 000000400C45DED8 HackerContext::Release counter=1, this=00000176993A5C70 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509ECF90) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000176CB37C5E8 HackerDevice::Release counter=4, this=00000176509ECF90 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xc000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xc100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xc000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000177133779B0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000177133779B0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB37E7D8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB37E7D8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB37DF90 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB37DFE8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB37DFE8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB37DFE8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB37DFE8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB37E810 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB37E7D8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB37E7D8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB37E7D8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB37DF90 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EDA90 HackerDevice 00000176509EDA90 created to wrap 00000176CB37E7D8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EDA90) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B27F8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A32C0. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB37E7D8, device wrapper = 00000176509EDA90, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509EDA90 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xc000 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713374170 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713374170, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000176CB377F98, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000176CB377F98 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000176CB377750 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000176CB3777A8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000176CB3777A8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000176CB3777A8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000176CB3777A8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000176CB377FD0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000176CB377F98 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000176CB377F98 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000176CB377F98 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000176CB377750 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B7D3B800 HackerDevice 00000176B7D3B800 created to wrap 00000176CB377F98 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3B800) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9AF638 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A3D00. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000176CB377F98, device wrapper = 00000176B7D3B800, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176B7D3B800 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xb100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713374CB0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713374CB0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669CC958, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669CC958 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669CC110 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669CC168 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669CC168 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669CC168 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669CC168 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669CC990 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669CC958 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669CC958 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669CC958 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669CC110 -> HackerDevice: 0000017766EBB0A0 HackerDevice 0000017766EBB0A0 created to wrap 00000177669CC958 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@0000017766EBB0A0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B2AB8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A4F80. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669CC958, device wrapper = 0000017766EBB0A0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=0000017766EBB0A0 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xa100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000177133757F0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000177133757F0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669CE368, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669CE368 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669CDB20 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669CDB78 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669CDB78 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669CDB78 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669CDB78 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669CE3A0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669CE368 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669CE368 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669CE368 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669CDB20 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EB830 HackerDevice 00000176509EB830 created to wrap 00000177669CE368 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EB830) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B1078 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A2200. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669CE368, device wrapper = 00000176509EB830, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509EB830 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xa000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xa100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713371470 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713371470, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669D4BA8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669D4BA8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669D4360 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669D43B8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669D43B8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669D43B8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669D43B8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669D4BE0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669D4BA8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669D4BA8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669D4BA8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669D4360 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EBBA0 HackerDevice 00000176509EBBA0 created to wrap 00000177669D4BA8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EBBA0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B3538 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A9140. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669D4BA8, device wrapper = 00000176509EBBA0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509EBBA0 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9300 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xa000 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9300 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713372EB0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713372EB0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669D7FC8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669D7FC8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669D7780 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669D77D8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669D77D8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669D77D8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669D77D8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669D8000 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669D7FC8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669D7FC8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669D7FC8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669D7780 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B7D3C9E0 HackerDevice 00000176B7D3C9E0 created to wrap 00000177669D7FC8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3C9E0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. CreateTexture1D call failed with result = 80070057. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Failed to create pinking pixel shader: -2147024809 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669D7FC8, device wrapper = 00000176B7D3C9E0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=0, this=00000176B7D3C9E0 deleting self unregister_hacker_device: Unregistering IUnknown 00000177669D7780 -> HackerDevice 00000176B7D3C9E0 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9200 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0x9300 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9200 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713371830 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713371830, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669CFD78, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669CFD78 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669CF530 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669CF588 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669CF588 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669CF588 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669CF588 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669CFDB0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669CFD78 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669CFD78 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669CFD78 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669CF530 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B7D3CB40 HackerDevice 00000176B7D3CB40 created to wrap 00000177669CFD78 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3CB40) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. CreateTexture1D call failed with result = 80070057. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Failed to create pinking pixel shader: -2147024809 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669CFD78, device wrapper = 00000176B7D3CB40, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=0, this=00000176B7D3CB40 deleting self unregister_hacker_device: Unregistering IUnknown 00000177669CF530 -> HackerDevice 00000176B7D3CB40 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176B38C2370 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0x9200 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713371FB0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713371FB0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669D65B8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669D65B8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669D5D70 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669D5DC8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669D5DC8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669D5DC8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669D5DC8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669D65F0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669D65B8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669D65B8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669D65B8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669D5D70 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B7D3B6A0 HackerDevice 00000176B7D3B6A0 created to wrap 00000177669D65B8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B7D3B6A0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. CreateTexture1D call failed with result = 80070057. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Failed to create pinking pixel shader: -2147024809 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669D65B8, device wrapper = 00000176B7D3B6A0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::Release counter=0, this=00000176B7D3B6A0 deleting self unregister_hacker_device: Unregistering IUnknown 00000177669D5D70 -> HackerDevice 00000176B7D3B6A0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvd3dumx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: winnlsres.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: winmm.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msasn1.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: drvstore.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: devobj.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: cryptbase.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wintrust.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\cryptnet.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713375430 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713375430, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000177B77711A0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 4 ppDevice = 00000177B7B4BA58 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 00000177B7B4BA60 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669D1788, context handle = 000001778EFD1EA0 Checking what interfaces 00000177669D1788 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669D0F40 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669D0F98 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669D0F98 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669D0F98 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669D0F98 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669D17C0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669D1788 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669D1788 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Checking what interfaces 000001778EFD1EA0 supports... Supports IUnknown: 000001778EFD1DB0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 000001778EFD1E78 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 000001778EFD1EA0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 000001778EFD1EA0 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 000001778EFD1EA0 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669D1788 QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 000001778EFD1EA0 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669D0F40 -> HackerDevice: 000001755131E170 HackerDevice 000001755131E170 created to wrap 00000177669D1788 Creating FrameAnalysisContext HackerContext 00000176993AD440 created to wrap 000001778EFD1EA0 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@000001755131E170) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B2D38 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A8A80. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. -> device handle = 00000177669D1788, device wrapper = 000001755131E170, context handle = 000001778EFD1EA0, context wrapper = 00000176993AD440 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 692, handle = 00007FFB67FC0840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f shader registered for possible reloading: 94a6d6d93b8e554f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000177B7538750, hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B7538750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 596, handle = 00007FFB67FC0B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c shader registered for possible reloading: 32e13a6781b55c3c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B753B250, hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B753B250 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131E170) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669D0F98 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::SetPrivateDataInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131E170) called with IID: {55007386-1530-4A02-B5FE-7A7B64D96701} HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131E170) called with IID: ID3D11Device return HackerDevice(class HackerDevice@000001755131E170) wrapper of 00000177669D1788 returns result = 0 for 000001755131E170 HackerDevice::Release counter=10, this=000001755131E170 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131E170) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669D0F98 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 680, handle = 00007FFB67FA1610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 shader registered for possible reloading: d441fa6e93843ab4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000177B7537A50, hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B7537A50 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 584, handle = 00007FFB67FA13C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 shader registered for possible reloading: 7992e19ea2cdb450_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B753AC90, hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B753AC90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1124, handle = 00007FFB67FA18C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfffff9822b8872d shader registered for possible reloading: cfffff9822b8872d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B753B3D0, hash = cfffff9822b8872d returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B753B3D0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131E170) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669D0F98 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993AD440)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993AD440)::Flush() HackerContext::Release counter=0, this=00000176993AD440 deleting self HackerDevice::GetHackerContext returns 00000176993AD440 clearing mHackerDevice->mHackerContext HackerDevice::Release counter=8, this=000001755131E170 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: winmm.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713373270 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713373270, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E339A9C0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 4 ppDevice = 00000177B7B4A448 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 00000177B7B4A450 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669CFD78, context handle = 00000177B79DB200 Checking what interfaces 00000177669CFD78 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669CF530 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669CF588 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669CF588 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669CF588 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669CF588 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669CFDB0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669CFD78 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669CFD78 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Checking what interfaces 00000177B79DB200 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177B79DB110 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177B79DB1D8 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 00000177B79DB200 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 00000177B79DB200 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 00000177B79DB200 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669CFD78 QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 00000177B79DB200 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669CF530 -> HackerDevice: 000001755131DA90 HackerDevice 000001755131DA90 created to wrap 00000177669CFD78 Creating FrameAnalysisContext HackerContext 00000176993A7770 created to wrap 00000177B79DB200 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@000001755131DA90) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9AF378 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A9300. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. -> device handle = 00000177669CFD78, device wrapper = 000001755131DA90, context handle = 00000177B79DB200, context wrapper = 00000176993A7770 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 692, handle = 00007FFB67FC0840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f shader registered for possible reloading: 94a6d6d93b8e554f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000177B753AF90, hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B753AF90 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 596, handle = 00007FFB67FC0B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c shader registered for possible reloading: 32e13a6781b55c3c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B75399D0, hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B75399D0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131DA90) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669CF588 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::SetPrivateDataInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131DA90) called with IID: {55007386-1530-4A02-B5FE-7A7B64D96701} HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131DA90) called with IID: ID3D11Device return HackerDevice(class HackerDevice@000001755131DA90) wrapper of 00000177669CFD78 returns result = 0 for 000001755131DA90 HackerDevice::Release counter=10, this=000001755131DA90 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131DA90) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669CF588 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 680, handle = 00007FFB67FA1610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 shader registered for possible reloading: d441fa6e93843ab4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000177B7537750, hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B7537750 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 584, handle = 00007FFB67FA13C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 shader registered for possible reloading: 7992e19ea2cdb450_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B7539590, hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B7539590 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1124, handle = 00007FFB67FA18C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfffff9822b8872d shader registered for possible reloading: cfffff9822b8872d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B753C210, hash = cfffff9822b8872d returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B753C210 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131DA90) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669CF588 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993A7770)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993A7770)::Flush() HackerContext::Release counter=0, this=00000176993A7770 deleting self HackerDevice::GetHackerContext returns 00000176993A7770 clearing mHackerDevice->mHackerContext HackerDevice::Release counter=8, this=000001755131DA90 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: NVCPL. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d10. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d11. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dxgi. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\winbrand.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\Branding\Basebrd\Basebrd.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\Branding\Basebrd\Basebrd.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wldp.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\dxdiagn.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: ntdll.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dsound.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: psapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: ntdll.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: ntdll.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 00000177133739F0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 00000177133739F0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: WiFiDisplay.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: crypt32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: WiFiDisplay.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\dxgi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\gdi32.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713373630 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713373630, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\D3D12Core.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory2 called with riid: {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A} Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713373DB0 CreateDXGIFactory2 returned factory = 0000017713373DB0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713376AB0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713376AB0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33B1B50 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 4 ppDevice = 00000177B7B44C08 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 00000177B7B44C10 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669D7FC8, context handle = 00000177EE785750 Checking what interfaces 00000177669D7FC8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669D7780 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669D77D8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669D77D8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669D77D8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669D77D8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669D8000 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669D7FC8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669D7FC8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Checking what interfaces 00000177EE785750 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177EE785660 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177EE785728 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 00000177EE785750 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 00000177EE785750 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 00000177EE785750 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669D7FC8 QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 00000177EE785750 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669D7780 -> HackerDevice: 000001755131F1F0 HackerDevice 000001755131F1F0 created to wrap 00000177669D7FC8 Creating FrameAnalysisContext HackerContext 00000176993ABCA0 created to wrap 00000177EE785750 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@000001755131F1F0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B2FF8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A8080. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. -> device handle = 00000177669D7FC8, device wrapper = 000001755131F1F0, context handle = 00000177EE785750, context wrapper = 00000176993ABCA0 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 692, handle = 00007FFB67FC0840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f shader registered for possible reloading: 94a6d6d93b8e554f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000177B753C690, hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B753C690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 596, handle = 00007FFB67FC0B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c shader registered for possible reloading: 32e13a6781b55c3c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B7537490, hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B7537490 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131F1F0) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669D77D8 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::SetPrivateDataInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131F1F0) called with IID: {55007386-1530-4A02-B5FE-7A7B64D96701} HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131F1F0) called with IID: ID3D11Device return HackerDevice(class HackerDevice@000001755131F1F0) wrapper of 00000177669D7FC8 returns result = 0 for 000001755131F1F0 HackerDevice::Release counter=10, this=000001755131F1F0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131F1F0) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669D77D8 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 680, handle = 00007FFB67FA1610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 shader registered for possible reloading: d441fa6e93843ab4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000177B7538190, hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B7538190 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 584, handle = 00007FFB67FA13C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 shader registered for possible reloading: 7992e19ea2cdb450_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B75382D0, hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B75382D0 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1124, handle = 00007FFB67FA18C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfffff9822b8872d shader registered for possible reloading: cfffff9822b8872d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B7538450, hash = cfffff9822b8872d returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B7538450 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001755131F1F0) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669D77D8 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dxilconv.dll. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993ABCA0)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993ABCA0)::Flush() HackerContext::Release counter=0, this=00000176993ABCA0 deleting self HackerDevice::GetHackerContext returns 00000176993ABCA0 clearing mHackerDevice->mHackerContext HackerDevice::Release counter=8, this=000001755131F1F0 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xc100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xc100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713375F70 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713375F70, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669E0218, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669E0218 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669DF9D0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669DFA28 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669DFA28 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669DFA28 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669DFA28 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669E0250 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669E0218 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669E0218 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669E0218 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669DF9D0 -> HackerDevice: 00000177B7B2E130 HackerDevice 00000177B7B2E130 created to wrap 00000177669E0218 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000177B7B2E130) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B0DB8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993AB180. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669E0218, device wrapper = 00000177B7B2E130, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000177B7B2E130) called with IID: {10EC4D5B-975A-4689-B9E4-D0AAC30FE333} Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. returns result = 0 for 00000177669E0208 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000177B7B2E130) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000177669DFA38 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000177B7B2E130 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xc000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xc100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xc000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 0000017713377D70 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 0000017713377D70, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669DE808, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669DE808 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669DDFC0 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669DE018 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669DE018 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669DE018 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669DE018 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669DE840 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669DE808 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669DE808 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669DE808 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669DDFC0 -> HackerDevice: 00000177B7B2F100 HackerDevice 00000177B7B2F100 created to wrap 00000177669DE808 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000177B7B2F100) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B05F8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993A9800. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669DE808, device wrapper = 00000177B7B2F100, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000177B7B2F100) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000177669DE028 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000177B7B2F100 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xc000 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001781C99E080 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001781C99E080, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669D65B8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669D65B8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669D5D70 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669D5DC8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669D5DC8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669D5DC8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669D5DC8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669D65F0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669D65B8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669D65B8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669D65B8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669D5D70 -> HackerDevice: 00000177B7B2F730 HackerDevice 00000177B7B2F730 created to wrap 00000177669D65B8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000177B7B2F730) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B3278 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993ADB80. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669D65B8, device wrapper = 00000177B7B2F730, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000177B7B2F730) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000177669D5DD8 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000177B7B2F730 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xb100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001781C99BB00 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001781C99BB00, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669ED298, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669ED298 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669ECA50 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669ECAA8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669ECAA8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669ECAA8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669ECAA8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669ED2D0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669ED298 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669ED298 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669ED298 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669ECA50 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509E9D60 HackerDevice 00000176509E9D60 created to wrap 00000177669ED298 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9D60) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9AF0F8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993ADD40. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669ED298, device wrapper = 00000176509E9D60, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509E9D60) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000177669ECAB8 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509E9D60 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xa100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001781C99BEC0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001781C99BEC0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669E6A58, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669E6A58 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669E6210 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669E6268 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669E6268 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669E6268 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669E6268 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669E6A90 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669E6A58 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669E6A58 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669E6A58 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669E6210 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EAD30 HackerDevice 00000176509EAD30 created to wrap 00000177669E6A58 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EAD30) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B12F8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993AAFC0. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669E6A58, device wrapper = 00000176509EAD30, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EAD30) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000177669E6278 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509EAD30 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xa000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xa100 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001781C99EBC0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001781C99EBC0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669EECA8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669EECA8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669EE460 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669EE4B8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669EE4B8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669EE4B8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669EE4B8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669EECE0 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669EECA8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669EECA8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669EECA8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669EE460 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EEB10 HackerDevice 00000176509EEB10 created to wrap 00000177669EECA8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EEB10) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9B1AF8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993ABD40. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669EECA8, device wrapper = 00000176509EEB10, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EEB10) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000177669EE4C8 HackerDevice::Release counter=3, this=00000176509EEB10 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9300 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0xa000 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9300 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001781C99DCC0 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001781C99DCC0, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669F3AD8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669F3AD8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669F3290 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669F32E8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669F32E8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669F32E8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669F32E8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669F3B10 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669F3AD8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669F3AD8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669F3AD8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669F3290 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B85A2990 HackerDevice 00000176B85A2990 created to wrap 00000177669F3AD8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B85A2990) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. CreateTexture1D call failed with result = 80070057. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Failed to create pinking pixel shader: -2147024809 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669F3AD8, device wrapper = 00000176B85A2990, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176B85A2990) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000177669F32F8 HackerDevice::Release counter=0, this=00000176B85A2990 deleting self unregister_hacker_device: Unregistering IUnknown 00000177669F3290 -> HackerDevice 00000176B85A2990 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9200 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0x9300 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9200 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001781C99D540 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001781C99D540, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669F20C8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669F20C8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669F1880 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669F18D8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669F18D8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669F18D8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669F18D8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669F2100 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669F20C8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669F20C8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669F20C8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669F1880 -> HackerDevice: 00000176B85A2FC0 HackerDevice 00000176B85A2FC0 created to wrap 00000177669F20C8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176B85A2FC0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. CreateTexture1D call failed with result = 80070057. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Failed to create pinking pixel shader: -2147024809 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669F20C8, device wrapper = 00000176B85A2FC0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176B85A2FC0) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000177669F18E8 HackerDevice::Release counter=0, this=00000176B85A2FC0 deleting self unregister_hacker_device: Unregistering IUnknown 00000177669F1880 -> HackerDevice 00000176B85A2FC0 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0x9200 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001781C99D900 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001781C99D900, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooking Quirk: Unexpected call back into D3D11CreateDevice, passing through Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669F20C8, context handle = 0000000000000000 Checking what interfaces 00000177669F20C8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669F1880 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669F18D8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669F18D8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669F18D8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669F18D8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669F2100 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669F20C8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669F20C8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669F20C8 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669F1880 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EF2A0 HackerDevice 00000176509EF2A0 created to wrap 00000177669F20C8 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EF2A0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. CreateTexture1D call failed with result = 80070057. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Failed to create pinking pixel shader: -2147024809 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms -> device handle = 00000177669F20C8, device wrapper = 00000176509EF2A0, context handle = 0000000000000000, context wrapper = 0000000000000000 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EF2A0) called with IID: {B898D4FD-B5B3-4FFC-8694-0259864FFCF8} returns result = 0 for 00000177669F18E8 HackerDevice::Release counter=0, this=00000176509EF2A0 deleting self unregister_hacker_device: Unregistering IUnknown 00000177669F1880 -> HackerDevice 00000176509EF2A0 *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory2 called with riid: {1BC6EA02-EF36-464F-BF0C-21CA39E5168A} Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001781C99EF80 CreateDXGIFactory2 returned factory = 000001781C99EF80, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\d3dcompiler_47_64.dll. *** Hooked_CreateDXGIFactory1 called with riid: IDXGIFactory1 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Upcast QueryInterface(IDXGIFactory2) returned result = 0, factory = 000001781C997F00 CreateDXGIFactory1 returned factory = 000001781C997F00, result = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000178A8AF6440 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 4 ppDevice = 00000177B7B56AD8 pFeatureLevel = 0xb000 ppImmediateContext = 00000177B7B56AE0 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. D3D11CreateDevice returned device handle = 00000177669F3AD8, context handle = 00000178C9A0F430 Checking what interfaces 00000177669F3AD8 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000177669F3290 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported Supports IDXGIDevice: 00000177669F32E8 Supports IDXGIDevice1: 00000177669F32E8 Supports IDXGIDevice2: 00000177669F32E8 IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported Supports IDXGIObject: 00000177669F32E8 IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000177669F3B10 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported Supports ID3D11Device: 00000177669F3AD8 Supports ID3D11Device1: 00000177669F3AD8 ID3D11DeviceChild not supported ID3D11DeviceContext not supported ID3D11DeviceContext1 not supported ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Checking what interfaces 00000178C9A0F430 supports... Supports IUnknown: 00000178C9A0F340 HackerDevice not supported HackerContext not supported FrameAnalysisContext not supported ReShadeD3D10Device not supported ReShadeD3D11Device not supported ReShadeD3D11DeviceContext not supported ReShadeDXGIDevice not supported ReShadeDXGISwapChain not supported SpecialKD3D11DeviceContext not supported IDXGIAdapter not supported IDXGIAdapter1 not supported IDXGIAdapter2 not supported IDXGIDebug not supported IDXGIDevice not supported IDXGIDevice1 not supported IDXGIDevice2 not supported IDXGIDeviceSubObject not supported IDXGIDisplayControl not supported IDXGIFactory not supported IDXGIFactory1 not supported IDXGIFactory2 not supported IDXGIInfoQueue not supported IDXGIKeyedMutex not supported IDXGIObject not supported IDXGIOutput not supported IDXGIOutput1 not supported IDXGIOutputDuplication not supported IDXGIResource not supported IDXGIResource1 not supported IDXGISurface not supported IDXGISurface1 not supported IDXGISurface2 not supported IDXGISwapChain not supported IDXGISwapChain1 not supported IDirect3D9 not supported IDirect3DBaseTexture9 not supported IDirect3DCubeTexture9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9 not supported IDirect3DIndexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DPixelShader9 not supported IDirect3DQuery9 not supported IDirect3DResource9 not supported IDirect3DStateBlock9 not supported IDirect3DSurface9 not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9 not supported IDirect3DTexture9 not supported IDirect3DVertexBuffer9 not supported IDirect3DVertexDeclaration9 not supported IDirect3DVertexShader9 not supported IDirect3DVolume9 not supported IDirect3DVolumeTexture9 not supported IDirect3D9Ex not supported IDirect3D9ExOverlayExtension not supported IDirect3DAuthenticatedChannel9 not supported IDirect3DCryptoSession9 not supported IDirect3DDevice9Ex not supported IDirect3DDevice9Video not supported IDirect3DSwapChain9Ex not supported ID3D10BlendState not supported ID3D10BlendState1 not supported ID3D10DepthStencilState not supported ID3D10InputLayout not supported ID3D10RasterizerState not supported ID3D10SamplerState not supported ID3D10Asynchronous not supported ID3D10Blob not supported ID3D10Counter not supported ID3D10Debug not supported ID3D10Device not supported ID3D10Device1 not supported ID3D10DeviceChild not supported ID3D10InfoQueue not supported Supports ID3D10Multithread: 00000178C9A0F408 ID3D10Predicate not supported ID3D10Query not supported ID3D10StateBlock not supported ID3D10SwitchToRef not supported ID3D11Asynchronous not supported ID3D11BlendState not supported ID3D11BlendState1 not supported ID3D11CommandList not supported ID3D11Counter not supported ID3D11DepthStencilState not supported ID3D11Device not supported ID3D11Device1 not supported Supports ID3D11DeviceChild: 00000178C9A0F430 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext: 00000178C9A0F430 Supports ID3D11DeviceContext1: 00000178C9A0F430 ID3DDeviceContextState not supported ID3D11InputLayout not supported ID3D11Predicate not supported ID3D11Query not supported ID3D11RasterizerState not supported ID3D11RasterizerState1 not supported ID3D11SamplerState not supported Win 8.1 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 & DX12 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) Win 10 RS3 interfaces not checked (3DMigoto built with old SDK) QueryInterface(ID3D11Device1) returned result = 0, device1 handle = 00000177669F3AD8 QueryInterface(ID3D11DeviceContext1) returned result = 0, context1 handle = 00000178C9A0F430 register_hacker_device: Registering IUnknown: 00000177669F3290 -> HackerDevice: 00000176509EF4B0 HackerDevice 00000176509EF4B0 created to wrap 00000177669F3AD8 Creating FrameAnalysisContext HackerContext 00000176993AA860 created to wrap 00000178C9A0F430 HackerDevice::Create3DMigotoResources(class HackerDevice@00000176509EF4B0) called. HackerDevice::CreateStereoParamResources NvAPI_Stereo_CreateHandleFromIUnknown failed: -140 creating .ini constant parameter texture. IniParam texture created, handle = 00000176BB9AF8B8 creating IniParam resource view. Iniparams resource view created, handle = 00000176993AB680. Created pink mode pixel shader: 0 Optimising command lists... Command List Optimiser finished after 0ms adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. -> device handle = 00000177669F3AD8, device wrapper = 00000176509EF4B0, context handle = 00000178C9A0F430, context wrapper = 00000176993AA860 ->UnhookableCreateDevice result = 0 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 692, handle = 00007FFB67FC0840, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f shader registered for possible reloading: 94a6d6d93b8e554f_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000177B754D050, hash = 94a6d6d93b8e554f returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B754D050 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 596, handle = 00007FFB67FC0B00, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c shader registered for possible reloading: 32e13a6781b55c3c_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B754D790, hash = 32e13a6781b55c3c returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B754D790 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EF4B0) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669F32E8 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 16 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::SetPrivateDataInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EF4B0) called with IID: {55007386-1530-4A02-B5FE-7A7B64D96701} HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EF4B0) called with IID: ID3D11Device return HackerDevice(class HackerDevice@00000176509EF4B0) wrapper of 00000177669F3AD8 returns result = 0 for 00000176509EF4B0 HackerDevice::Release counter=10, this=00000176509EF4B0 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EF4B0) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669F32E8 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvcuda64.dll. HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = 0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateVertexShader called with BytecodeLength = 680, handle = 00007FFB67FA1610, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 shader registered for possible reloading: d441fa6e93843ab4_vs as bin - vs: handle = 00000177B7548890, hash = d441fa6e93843ab4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B7548890 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 584, handle = 00007FFB67FA13C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 shader registered for possible reloading: 7992e19ea2cdb450_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B754B690, hash = 7992e19ea2cdb450 returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B754B690 HackerDevice::CreatePixelShader called with BytecodeLength = 1124, handle = 00007FFB67FA18C0, ClassLinkage = 0000000000000000 FNV hash = cfffff9822b8872d shader registered for possible reloading: cfffff9822b8872d_ps as bin - ps: handle = 00000177B754B390, hash = cfffff9822b8872d returns result = 0, handle = 00000177B754B390 HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@00000176509EF4B0) called with IID: IDXGIDevice returns result = 0 for 00000177669F32E8 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: dxilconv.dll. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993AA860)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@00000176993AA860)::Flush() HackerContext::Release counter=0, this=00000176993AA860 deleting self HackerDevice::GetHackerContext returns 00000176993AA860 clearing mHackerDevice->mHackerContext HackerDevice::Release counter=8, this=00000176509EF4B0 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xc100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xc100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. ->failed with HRESULT=887a0005 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 887a0005 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xc000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xc000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. ->failed with HRESULT=887a0005 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 887a0005 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. ->failed with HRESULT=887a0005 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 887a0005 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xb000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xb000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. ->failed with HRESULT=887a0005 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 887a0005 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xa100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. ->failed with HRESULT=887a0005 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 887a0005 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0xa000 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0xa000 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. ->failed with HRESULT=887a0005 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 887a0005 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9300 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9300 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. ->failed with HRESULT=887a0005 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 887a0005 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9200 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9200 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. ->failed with HRESULT=887a0005 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 887a0005 *** D3D11CreateDevice called with pAdapter = 00000176E33A1BD0 Flags = 0 pFeatureLevels = 0x9100 FeatureLevels = 1 ppDevice = 000000400C45DFF0 pFeatureLevel = 0 ppImmediateContext = 0000000000000000 -- UnhookableCreateDevice called ->Feature level allowed through unchanged: 0x9100 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCameraAllowlisting64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\NvCamera\NvCamera64.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. ->failed with HRESULT=887a0005 ->D3D11CreateDevice result = 887a0005 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_47917a79b8c7fd22\nvldumdx.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: d3d12.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\user32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\devenum.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: setupapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msdmo.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: wdmaud.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: msacm32.drv. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: midimap.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: midimap.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: midimap.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: midimap.dll. HackerSwapChain::SetFullscreenState(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with Fullscreen = 0 Target = 0000000000000000 returns 0 HackerSwapChain::SetFullscreenState(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with Fullscreen = 1 Target = 0000017552A92490 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000176CAEB4730) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000176CAEB12B0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000176CAEB1670) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000176CAEB1830) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B5A1F0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B596B0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B58230) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B57130) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B5A5B0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B59A70) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B57E70) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B598B0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B59C70) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B59E30) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B583F0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B57C70) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B57AB0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BA5E0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x00000040099FEBB0 -> 0x00000178C9B576F0) = 0 Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: gdi32.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\OneCoreCommonProxyStub.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Windows\System32\OneCoreUAPCommonProxyStub.dll. returns 0 HackerSwapChain::ResizeTarget(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called Width: 1920, Height: 1080 Refresh rate = 59.940060 returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetPrivateData(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with GUID: {115233E4-E083-42FC-BD81-462E54C0E4B8} returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetPrivateData(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with GUID: {115233E4-E083-42FC-BD81-462E54C0E4B8} returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::ResizeBuffers(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called Got resolution from swap chain: 1920x1080 returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetDesc(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns Windowed = 0 returns Width = 1920 returns Height = 1080 returns Refresh rate = 0.000000 returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetPrivateData(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with GUID: {115233E4-E083-42FC-BD81-462E54C0E4B8} returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetDesc(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns Windowed = 0 returns Width = 1920 returns Height = 1080 returns Refresh rate = 0.000000 returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetBuffer(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with IID: ID3D11Texture2D returns 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6B670, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6BFB0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6B830, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6B0B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6B2B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6BDF0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6B470, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6C370, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6BBF0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6C570, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6C730, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6BA30, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6C930, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6C1B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6CAF0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650D6CCF0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F81770, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F840B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F82A30, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F82DF0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F842B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F82670, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F82C30, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F82870, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F81D30, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F82FF0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F83B30, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x0000017650F81B30, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000176B0DA9170, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000176B0DABE70, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000176B0DAC030, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000176B0DAA230, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000176CAEB4730, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000176CAEB12B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000176CAEB1670, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000176CAEB1830, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5A1F0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B596B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B58230, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B57130, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5A5B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B59A70, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B57E70, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B598B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B59C70, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B59E30, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B583F0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B57C70, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B57AB0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B576F0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D61B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE0F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCAB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2A78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D61B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6EB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6EB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBD78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCAB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBD78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE0F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2A78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD538, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D73F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7BF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D73F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7BF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCD38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCD38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7938, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDFB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDFB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9638, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD7B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA5F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD7B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA5F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8678, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6438, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D90F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D90F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D66F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7E78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D66F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7E78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DAB38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DAB38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8138, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE4F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDA78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE4F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDA78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFC78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9B78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFC78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9B78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE778, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB5B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEA38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB5B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEA38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DECB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DECB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBAF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEF78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBAF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEF78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCFF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCFF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8E38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8E38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D88F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9DF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D88F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFF38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9DF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFF38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF1F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF1F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF4B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF4B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA878, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0)FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D05B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D05B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD278, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC438, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9378, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CEE38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC7F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CEE38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC7F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB2F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB2F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D83B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3F78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D83B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3F78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE638, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF8B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF8B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E16B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC038, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E16B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC2B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC2B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4CB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDCF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDCF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E06F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D98B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D98B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA0B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4CB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4F38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4F38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA0B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D51F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E06F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D51F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD678, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8BB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D59B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E01B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E01B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D59B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF9F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5C78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF9F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5C78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5EF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7538, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5EF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6978, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB838, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DADB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E4B38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E4B38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DADB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6C38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6C38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D76B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEA80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D76B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::QueryInterface(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with IID: ID3D11Device return HackerDevice(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) wrapper of 000001756AE108D8 returns result = 0 for 000001754DDCDD00 HackerDevice::GetImmediateContext(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) called with:0000004009EFF6B8 returns handle = 0000017551E31B80 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Begin(pAsync:0x00000178A8DAB880) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::End(pAsync:0x00000178A8DAB880) HackerContext::Release counter=24, this=0000017551E31B80 HackerDevice::Release counter=13584, this=000001754DDCDD00 HackerSwapChain::GetFullscreenState(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetPrivateData(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with GUID: {115233E4-E083-42FC-BD81-462E54C0E4B8} returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetFullscreenState(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetPrivateData(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with GUID: {115233E4-E083-42FC-BD81-462E54C0E4B8} returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetDesc(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns Windowed = 0 returns Width = 1920 returns Height = 1080 returns Refresh rate = 0.000000 returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetBuffer(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with IID: ID3D11Texture2D returns 0 HackerSwapChain::Present(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with SyncInterval = 0 Flags = 0 Running frame actions. Device: 000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto pre { FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] run = customshaderdebug2d Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\System32\msctf.dll. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto pre { FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] run = builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto pre { Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctf.dll. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o0 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o1 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o2 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o3 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o4 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o5 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o6 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o7 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] od = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto } FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] o0 = set_viewport bb HackerSwapChain::GetOrigSwapChain returns 00000176BA0B1180 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto copying by reference View Type = Render Target Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) ViewDimension = TEXTURE2D Texture2D.MipSlice = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] local $bak_x = x FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] local $bak_y = y FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] local $bak_z = z FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] local $bak_w = w FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] x = $amplify FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 4.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] y = $flip FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] z = $channel FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 4.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] w = $power FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 1.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] Draw(4, 0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto } FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto post { FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] ps-t100 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] x = $bak_x FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] y = $bak_y FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] z = $bak_z FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] w = $bak_w FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto } FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $tutorialbckg_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $text_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $message_visible = $message_visible_current FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $message_visible_current = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $locationcomplete_visible_previous = $locationcomplete_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $locationcomplete_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpbar_visible_previous = $xpbar_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpbar_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpbar_bg_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpincrease_visible_previous = $xpincrease_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpincrease_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $results_visible_current = $results_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $results_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bar_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bar_count2 = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bar_visible_last = $bar_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bar_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $last_legendvisible = $legendvisible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $legendvisible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $totalleveltext_visible = $leveltext_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $leveltext_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $map_is_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $senyutextfloat_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $message_text_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $levelup_visible_previous = $levelup_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $levelup_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $senyu_visible_previous = $senyu_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $senyu_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bayek_visible_previous = $bayek_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bayek_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $button_count_previous = $button_count FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $button_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $photomode_visible_previous = $photomode_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $photomode_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $parchemnt_visible_previous = $parchemnt_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $parchemnt_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $hbcursed_visible_previous = $hbcursed_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $hbcursed_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $boss_visible_previous = $boss_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $boss_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $boss_count_previous = $boss_count FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $boss_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $underwaterhint_visible_previous = $underwaterhint_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $underwaterhint_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $regenaura_visible_previous = $regenaura_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $regenaura_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $indicator_visible_previous = $indicator_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $indicator_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto } Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvContainer\MessageBus.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\iphlpapi.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\WINDOWS\system32\bcrypt.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NvContainer\MessageBus.dll. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: kernel32. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-string-l1-1-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-datetime-l1-1-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-localization-obsolete-l1-2-0. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-core-sysinfo-l1-2-1. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-2. Hooked_LoadLibraryExW load: winmm.dll. stereo parameter texture missing. returns 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A4600) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerSwapChain::GetFullscreenState(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Begin(pAsync:0x000001756B1A0DC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::End(pAsync:0x0000017838F391C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::End(pAsync:0x0000017838F39300) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1105920 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 34560 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2211840 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 2 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8847360 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(pUnorderedAccessView:0x00000176CAE9C610, Values:0x0000004009EFF570) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(pUnorderedAccessView:0x00000176CAE9C750, Values:0x0000004009EFF570) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(pUnorderedAccessView:0x000001781C37D210, Values:0x0000004009EFF570) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9B3CF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF600) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9B3CF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9AD3F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF600) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9AD3F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x80 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = ec919534 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9AD6B8 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x20000 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = edab959c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9B0B38 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x20000 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = edab959c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9AD938 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 3 BindFlags = 0x0 CPUAccessFlags = 0x20000 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = edab959c returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9B0878 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9B2038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF730) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9B2038, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 32 Height = 32 Depth = 32 MipLevels = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004009EFF6B0->000001767824E530, SysMemPitch: 128, SysMemSlicePitch: 4096 Texture3D length: 131072 bad v1.2.1 length: 32768 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004009EFF6B0, hash = b131fc16 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32240)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B5A030) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5A030, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B58030) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B58030, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B578B0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B578B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B585F0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B585F0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B587B0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B587B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B589B0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B589B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B5A3F0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5A3F0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B59130) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B59130, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 98017abe returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004009EFEC40->00007FF63221D7F0, SysMemPitch: 16, SysMemSlicePitch: 64 Texture3D length: 256 bad v1.2.1 length: 64 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture3D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004009EFEC40, hash = 33b22275 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16_FLOAT (54) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 80f68f90 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R10G10B10A2_UNORM (24) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 789ab481 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16_FLOAT (54) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 80f68f90 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 4bf02f13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9B54B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 4bf02f13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9AE8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = b0ed5fad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9AEBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = b0ed5fad returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9B5738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_TYPELESS (27) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 827e5cec returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9B59F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 768d6f13 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9AE678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 8192 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 16 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G8X24_TYPELESS (19) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x48 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = c5057d7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9AE138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 2fe1ed37 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9B6478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 2fe1ed37 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9B5F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UINT (62) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = e49e6a5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9B61B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UINT (62) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = e49e6a5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9B66F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 512 Height = 256 MipLevels = 9 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 987f1523 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176BB9AEE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 262144 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 6c16bb38 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 6c16bb38 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 6c16bb38 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 6c16bb38 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 6 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x4 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 697d6d57 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644397CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 32 Height = 32 Depth = 32 MipLevels = 1 Format = R10G10B10A2_UNORM (24) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 01db122a returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 32 Height = 32 Depth = 32 MipLevels = 1 Format = R10G10B10A2_UNORM (24) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 01db122a returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 193f06cd returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644393338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443920B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644395A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644399EB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644397F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644393AF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443925F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644392378 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439A178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439A3F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443928B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439A6B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443967B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644392B38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443952B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439A938 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443942F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644392DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439ABF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439AE78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439B138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443935B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439B3B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439B678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644396CF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644396F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439B8F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644393DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439BBB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439BE38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 264 Height = 264 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 619ce09d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439C0F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 5120 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 20 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4096 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB (29) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 5349f82a returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644394D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f15c731e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644396A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f15c731e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644397238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f15c731e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439D5F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R11G11B10_FLOAT (26) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 3315d2b5 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A2738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 59321e6b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439F7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R10G10B10A2_UNORM (24) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 72d2b22c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439E838 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = dee30266 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 3812b386 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1CB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = dee30266 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1F78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = dee30266 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439C638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = dee30266 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1A38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16_FLOAT (54) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 38aec1cc returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439FFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 480 Height = 270 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 8595deab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A29F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 480 Height = 270 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 8595deab returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A24B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 2fe1ed37 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439FD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 2fe1ed37 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439ED78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 60 Height = 34 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 44a712b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A36F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 480 Height = 270 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UINT (62) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 4eea59c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A4178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UINT (62) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = e49e6a5d returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A0278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 2fe1ed37 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439D338 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 2fe1ed37 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A39B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 60 Height = 34 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 44a712b6 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A21F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 30 Height = 17 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_FLOAT (16) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f3f2560e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439DB38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 240 Height = 136 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = b47ebd47 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A2C78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 64 Height = 32 MipLevels = 7 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = d9076d2f returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A07B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8_UNORM (49) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 22ec6f67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A2F38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = c62c9975 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A0A78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = c62c9975 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A0538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 261120 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 128 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 60 Height = 34 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 09b5bdc4 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A31B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = b7f5cf15 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439FAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16_FLOAT (54) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 38aec1cc returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A3478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 480 Height = 270 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UINT (62) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 4eea59c1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439EAF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UINT (62) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = e49e6a5d returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439D878 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1960 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1568 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x10 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 3198720 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32_UINT (17) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 8df46603 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439F038 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 8 Height = 4 Depth = 2 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = fae45f72 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 4 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 4 Height = 4 Depth = 4 MipLevels = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 98017abe returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 4 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G32B32A32_FLOAT (2) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 2779ca67 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A4978 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = c31ed8c1 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A0FB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1024 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_FLOAT (41) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = c31ed8c1 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439CDF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f15c731e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A4BF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2088960 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 89640 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 128 Height = 128 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 96d5d810 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A5138 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 588e2a7e returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A53F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 0a4103a0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A5678 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 8 Height = 8 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = e16a7a54 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A1238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 1 Height = 1 Depth = 1 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 7a4e3795 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 1 Height = 1 Depth = 1 MipLevels = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = b3cde6d8 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 2 Height = 2 Depth = 2 MipLevels = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 42a1b0ec returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 1 Height = 1 Depth = 1 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16_FLOAT (54) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 96ae033d returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 2 Height = 2 Depth = 2 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16_FLOAT (54) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 67c25509 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 1 Height = 1 Depth = 1 MipLevels = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 7099d0e3 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 2 Height = 2 Depth = 2 MipLevels = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 81f586d7 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 1 Height = 1 Depth = 1 MipLevels = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 8e59f613 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 1 Height = 1 Depth = 1 MipLevels = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = b3cde6d8 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 1 Height = 1 Depth = 1 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 7a4e3795 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 1 Height = 1 Depth = 1 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 7a4e3795 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture3D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture3D Width = 2 Height = 2 Depth = 2 MipLevels = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 8b2261a1 returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 074c81f0 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A6B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 68 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 074c81f0 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764439F2B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 48 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 4 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 6e42f400 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A6E38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = ffb8fb07 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443A70B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = ffb8fb07 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644387B78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 8b42f72a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438BA78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 36f63b9f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438EC38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32_UINT (42) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = da00f92b returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438D4B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 512 MipLevels = 11 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x1 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 01145075 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438BCF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x88 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x40 StructureByteStride = 32 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R11G11B10_FLOAT (26) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 3315d2b5 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438AAB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G8X24_TYPELESS (19) SampleDesc.Count = 4 SampleDesc.Quality = -1 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x48 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = a48975df returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438A7F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 4 SampleDesc.Quality = -1 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 577a333e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438E1B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 588e2a7e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438CA38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R32G8X24_TYPELESS (19) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x48 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = c5057d7e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644387DF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateDepthStencilView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 85a67f33 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438EEF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 85a67f33 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438C4F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 85a67f33 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644388DB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 960 Height = 540 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 85a67f33 returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443895B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 480 Height = 270 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f11313ab returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644387638 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 480 Height = 270 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f11313ab returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438E478 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 240 Height = 135 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 651bc678 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438BFB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 240 Height = 135 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 651bc678 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438AD38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 67 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 41ffa604 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438AFF8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 120 Height = 67 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 41ffa604 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438B278 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 60 Height = 33 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 538d963a returns result = 0, handle = 00000176443892F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 60 Height = 33 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 538d963a returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438DC78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 30 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 5ab48e25 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438B538 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 30 Height = 16 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 5ab48e25 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438F178 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 15 Height = 8 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 30c808bf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438D738 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 15 Height = 8 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 30c808bf returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438B7B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 7 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = b728e295 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438CCB8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 7 Height = 4 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0xa8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = b728e295 returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438E9B8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 36f63b9f returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438C238 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f15c731e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438CF78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f15c731e returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644389D78 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = f15c731e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438C778 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 588e2a7e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438D9F8 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1920 Height = 1080 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8_UNORM (61) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 0 BindFlags = 0x28 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 InitialData = 0000000000000000, hash = 588e2a7e returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438DF38 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateRenderTargetView(class HackerDevice@000001754DDCDD00) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 1024 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R16G16B16A16_FLOAT (10) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004009FFF990->00007FF632D2BFE0, SysMemPitch: 8192, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 84 57 84 57 74 57 00 00 4C 57 4C 57 3C 57 00 00 Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 1024 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004009FFF990, hash = 912a140c returns result = 0, handle = 000001764438F438 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1024 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1024 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1024 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1024 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1024 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1024 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1024 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 1024 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001764438E6F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFFAD0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764438E6F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9ADE78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFFAA0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9ADE78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 47 Height = 25 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 0000004009FFF9B0->0000017691B329D0, SysMemPitch: 188, SysMemSlicePitch: 4700 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Texture2D length: 4700 bad v1.2.1 length: 1175 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 0000004009FFF9B0, hash = d8ba1b54 returns result = 0, handle = 0000017644389078 HackerDevice::CreateShaderResourceView called returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::ClearDepthStencilView(pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7550E38, ClearFlags:3, Depth:0.000000, Stencil:1) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B585F0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x0000004009FFFCE0 -> 0x00000178C9B58030) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::ClearRenderTargetView(pRenderTargetView:0x00000177B75534F8, ColorRGBA:0x000000400A1FF9A0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A5FF9D0 -> 0x00000178C9B59130) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A3FF9B0 -> 0x00000178C9B589B0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A5FF9D0 -> 0x00000178C9B58F30) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A0FF710 -> 0x00000178C9B578B0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A2FF5A0 -> 0x00000178C9B587B0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(pUnorderedAccessView:0x00000178A8DAC310, Values:0x0000004009EFF8C0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B58D70) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 256 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A5FF9D0 -> 0x00000178C9B58B70) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A2FF5A0 -> 0x00000178C9B5A970) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A4FF630 -> 0x00000178C9B5A3F0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 256 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B919838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FD0D0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017643ADD1F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A4FF4F0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x0000004009FFFCE0 -> 0x00000178C9B5A7B0) = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 256 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B59130, RestoreContextState:false) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 256 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 256 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 256 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017643ADD1F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B919838, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 256 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9B2578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FD0D0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017643ADC9F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A4FF4F0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 256 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017643ADC9F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9B2578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764438FEB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF810) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CopySubresourceRegion(pDstResource:0x000001764439C378, DstSubresource:0, DstX:0, DstY:0, DstZ:0, pSrcResource:0x0000017643ADC9F8, SrcSubresource:0, pSrcBox:0x000000400A4FF490) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CopySubresourceRegion(pDstResource:0x0000017644394AB8, DstSubresource:0, DstX:0, DstY:0, DstZ:0, pSrcResource:0x0000017643ADD1F8, SrcSubresource:0, pSrcBox:0x000000400A4FF490) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764438FEB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B919AB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF460) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644390938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1D0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::ClearRenderTargetView(pRenderTargetView:0x00000177B754E478, ColorRGBA:0x000000400A4FF540) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176443885F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEF00) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644390BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FC780) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644388338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644503BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FEE40) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176443903F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEA0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B919AB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644390938, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::ClearRenderTargetView(pRenderTargetView:0x00000177B7554EF8, ColorRGBA:0x000000400A4FF540) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176443885F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176443903F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644388338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644503BB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644390BB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644505B38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEB10) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644505B38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A4FF630 -> 0x00000178C9B5AB70) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9B4238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A4FEEB0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9B4238, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644504378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A4FE560) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644504378, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644508A78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644502178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF170) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644501978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFED80) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445048B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FC9F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644506838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF110) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445055F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEE50) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445050B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF0B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445094F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A4FE7D0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644508A78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644502178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644501978, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445048B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644506838, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445055F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445050B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445094F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550199F40, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550E71A80, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x0000017550E71AFC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019C540, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550E74080, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550E76680, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x0000017550E766FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x0000017550E76870) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x0000004009EFF290, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550E794C0, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:1, pRects:0x0000017550E71C70) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001755019C5BC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019C730) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x0000017550199FBC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019A130) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x000000400A4FECE0, SampleMask:4294967295) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x000000400A0FF3A0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001755019F3FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019F570) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x000000400A2FCF00, SampleMask:4294967295) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x0000017550E7953C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x0000017550E740FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x0000017550E74270) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x000000400A3FF5C0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x0000004009FFF950, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x000000400A1FF6C0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x0000017550E796B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E76E78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 1, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB4E0, BlendFactor:0x000000400A5FF660, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E76EF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E72278) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C2F8) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 1, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E722F8) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C3F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E72378) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 1, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E76F78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C478) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79CB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E723F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E72478) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E724F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) returns result = 0 returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E76FF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C4F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79D38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C578) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79DB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79E38) returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A2A0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79EB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79F38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E77C60) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E70220) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A738) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CD38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E78070) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E70630) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A6B0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E77078) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E70A40) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AAC0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A7B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CDB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E70E50) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AED0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E74878) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E78480) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E770F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E748F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E71260) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B2E0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E78890) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CE38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B6F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A838) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E78CA0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CEB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CFB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E74978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E749F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A8B8) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019ACE0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E71670) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A938) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FB78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B0F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E701D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A9B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x00000175501986E0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FBF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E74E20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198AF0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E74A78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E74AF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E72820) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B500) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001754314A250, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198F00) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E790B0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FC78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199310) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017645A4E350, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FCF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B910) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017645A4E350, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E75230) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764B653A50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E72C30) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FD78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FDF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019DB20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E75640) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E73040) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019BD20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017645A4E210, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199720) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 000001764B653A50, hash = 0dbf754213d38115 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E75A50) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 0000017645A4E210, hash = 4be46495130666aa FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019DF30) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BEC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017648F18210, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199B30) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFA8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C018) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C088) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C0F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E340) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E75E60) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 0000017648F18210, hash = 8ebb3adace85a122 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B58D70, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550198690, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E76270) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019C130) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E750) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E74DD0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019AC90, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017645E60AD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E73450) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 0000017645E60AD0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E71E48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017645E62310, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019EB60) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E71EB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E71F28) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E71F98) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E73860) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 0000017645E62310, hash = b81b748be53c6ca1 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764C0B9210, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019EF70) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x0000017550E79800, pStrides:0x0000017550E79830, pOffsets:0x0000017550E79820) shader found: handle = 000001764C0B9210, hash = b1623ac5beb6f4e6 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E73C70) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019DAD0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x0000017550E79850, pOffsets:0x0000017550E79870) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E72008) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A308) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79888) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E72078) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A3E8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A458) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A4C8) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017645A4C250, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E798F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:5, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A538) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017645A4C250, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79968) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E799D8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79A48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:60, ThreadGroupCountY:34, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017645A4E4D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9AC978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FD0D0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 0000017645A4E4D0, hash = 514b5f03f532d8e6 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019C880, pStrides:0x000001755019C8B0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199E48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017646959790, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9AC978, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017646959790, hash = 7235959d8af7d9a1 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B91A538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF560) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019C8D0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445077F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF720) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76A48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B91A538, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550198690, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C908) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445077F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:4, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E71988) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76AB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76B28) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76B98) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76C08) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76C78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E701D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764CDCDF90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B91A7F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF5B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764C0B6410, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C978) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 000001764CDCDF90, hash = cf87ae5a4ed8ff4c FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:15, ThreadGroupCountY:9, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017648F1B010, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74448) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 000001764C0B6410, hash = bfe746f95b29ead5 shader found: handle = 0000017648F1B010, hash = f527725e483985eb FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C9E8) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B91A7F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E720A8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:60, ThreadGroupCountY:34, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E744B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74528) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74598) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74608) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74678) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:32, ThreadGroupCountY:32, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GenerateMips(pShaderResourceView:0x000001756B91D880) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CA58) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:15, ThreadGroupCountY:9, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019F6C0, pStrides:0x000001755019F6F0, pOffsets:0x000001755019F6E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A3FF9B0 -> 0x00000178C9B592F0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019F710, pOffsets:0x000001755019F730) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F748) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F828) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F898) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F908) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B91AA78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CAC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B91AA78, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x0000004009FFFCE0 -> 0x00000178C9B5AD30) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CB38) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::ClearUnorderedAccessViewUint(pUnorderedAccessView:0x000001756B1A4B50, Values:0x0000004009FFFC50) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CopySubresourceRegion(pDstResource:0x000001756BAC21F8, DstSubresource:0, DstX:0, DstY:0, DstZ:0, pSrcResource:0x000001756BAC1778, SrcSubresource:0, pSrcBox:0x0000004009FFFBA0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A0FF710 -> 0x00000178C9B57330) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::ClearRenderTargetView(pRenderTargetView:0x00000177B7556038, ColorRGBA:0x0000004009FFFC00) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B920B38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFFA90) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450BC38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FEE20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644507D38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEDD0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B920B38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450BC38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644507D38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644505878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEFE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644509238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEC60) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644505DB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF090) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644503E38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF040) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644505878, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644509238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644509778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEF10) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644508538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A4FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450BEF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF140) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644506D78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEED0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644509778, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644508538, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450BEF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644505DB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644503E38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:13, NumSamplers:1, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E72560) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445040F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF3B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550E74080, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644506D78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644504638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF180) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:7, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E71988) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550E794C0, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644504638, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:15, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E76520) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445040F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x0000017550E740FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x0000017550E74270) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x000000400A3FF5A0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E701D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x0000017550E7953C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x0000017550E796B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E74DD0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550199F40, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x0000004009EFF550, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764CDDDC90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x000000400A5FF3E0, SampleMask:4294967295) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x0000017550199FBC) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001755019F3FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019F570) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x000000400A1FF6D0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FB78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FBF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FC78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FCF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FD78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FDF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019DB20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019A130) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C2F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C3F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C478) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C4F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C578) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A2A0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019DF30) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017646958910, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A6B0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E340) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 000001764CDDDC90, hash = 948707489c4031cb FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x0000004009FFF8C0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E750) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79CB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79D38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79DB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79E38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79EB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E79F38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019EB60) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 0000017646958910, hash = c0464612fa9d0790 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E74878) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E77C60) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019EF70) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E748F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E74978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E749F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E74A78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E74AF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E72820) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AAC0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76CA0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019DAD0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017645E63010, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E78070) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450CBF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF580) shader found: handle = 0000017645E63010, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450CBF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E78480) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017645E64450, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644389838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF330) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017646959310, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AED0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 0000017645E64450, hash = 6aad369de6ff06f5 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E72C30) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 0000017646959310, hash = 4432e42d5e036d70 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A738) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644389838, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E73040) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B2E0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E78890) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E720A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B6F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E78CA0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A7B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644501EB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001754314A250, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:120, ThreadGroupCountY:68, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:15, ThreadGroupCountY:9, ThreadGroupCountZ:98) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E73450) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764C0BB610, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E73860) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644501EB8, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A4FF630 -> 0x00000178C9B574F0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644506AF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEA20) shader found: handle = 000001764C0BB610, hash = d00f0d2efe4606ac FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BEC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFA8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C018) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C088) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C0F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A838) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E73C70) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A4FF630 -> 0x00000178C9B594F0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644506AF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:7, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E71988) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CopySubresourceRegion(pDstResource:0x000001756BB086F8, DstSubresource:0, DstX:0, DstY:0, DstZ:0, pSrcResource:0x000001756BB06778, SrcSubresource:0, pSrcBox:0x0000004009EFF6F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A8B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A938) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A9B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x00000175501986E0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5A7B0, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E790B0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A4FF630 -> 0x00000178C979E630) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E701D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019F6C0, pStrides:0x000001755019F6F0, pOffsets:0x000001755019F6E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198AF0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019F710, pOffsets:0x000001755019F730) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F748) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F828) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F898) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F908) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644507AB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEC90) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764CDDE0D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644510338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A4FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198F00) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B58D70) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644510338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B585F0, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644507AB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199310) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017645A4E650, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019C540, pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7550E38) shader found: handle = 000001764CDDE0D0, hash = 70c6fbc33c948a5a FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199720) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644504DF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A4FEE60) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. shader found: handle = 0000017645A4E650, hash = 1b73925268efd2be FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644504DF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:120, ThreadGroupCountY:68, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B587B0, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001755019C5BC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019C730) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199B30) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74448) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550E76680, pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7550E38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B922FF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FF1F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3E9C50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550198690, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x0000017550E766FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x0000017550E76870) shader found: handle = 000001764F3E9C50, hash = 1ab86bbe8a6b1753 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E744B8) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C979DAF0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74528) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74598) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74608) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E74678) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79888) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E798F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79968) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E799D8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79A48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:30, ThreadGroupCountY:17, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93B9FA0, BlendFactor:0x000000400A4FF3B0, SampleMask:4294967295) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 1, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B923278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93B9460, BlendFactor:0x000000400A0FF1A0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E76E78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644513A38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF530) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644513A38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B923278, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E76EF8) Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B922FF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 3, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445112F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEBC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E76F78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E76FF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E77078) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E770F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E74E20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CD38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CDB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CE38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CEB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CFB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019ACE0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:6, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E71988) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445112F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E701D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764CDDEDD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E75230) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 000001764CDDEDD0, hash = 4b269f088c48745a FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B0F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E75640) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E720A8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E75A50) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B500) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:120, ThreadGroupCountY:68, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B910) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E75E60) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017649CBB090, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E76270) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001756B9200B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF850) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019BD20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 0000017649CBB090, hash = 9edddc9da98a5885 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001756B9200B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E74DD0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017648F14FD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445137B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF580) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A308) shader found: handle = 0000017648F14FD0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445137B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A3E8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A458) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A4C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A538) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019C130) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017648F14A10, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019AC90, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 0000017648F14A10, hash = 28d06d86a44aeafb HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A2FF5A0 -> 0x00000178C9B587B0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::ClearRenderTargetView(pRenderTargetView:0x00000177B7556038, ColorRGBA:0x000000400A2FF430) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450CEB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::ClearDepthStencilView(pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7554938, ClearFlags:3, Depth:0.000000, Stencil:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450CEB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::ClearDepthStencilView(pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7554938, ClearFlags:2, Depth:1.000000, Stencil:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:5, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450E0F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF560) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D19850, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445062F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF9F0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450E0F8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D19850, hash = 9c1578afff81372e FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::ClearRenderTargetView(pRenderTargetView:0x00000177B754FB78, ColorRGBA:0x000000400A2FF290) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x0000017550E769C0, pStrides:0x0000017550E769F0, pOffsets:0x0000017550E769E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450C178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FF260) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445062F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450C178, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x0000017550E76A10, pOffsets:0x0000017550E76A30) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76A48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76AB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76B28) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76B98) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76C08) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E76C78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A4FF630 -> 0x00000178C979F170) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019C880, pStrides:0x000001755019C8B0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019C8D0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8F0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C908) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C9E8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CA58) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CAC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CB38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644510878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF560) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445127F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF530) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450DE78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644510878, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445127F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450DE78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:4, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32FC0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A4FF630 -> 0x00000178C979D570) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450EB78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEE30) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3E9210, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001764F3E9210, hash = b8b88d86b12a4f9c FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D18E10, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D18E10, hash = 5f23aca387b96364 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450EB78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1020) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001755019F3FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019F570) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x000000400A1FF380, SampleMask:4294967295) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450F8B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450F8B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FB78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 2048 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D172D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450E8F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF0A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:5, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) shader found: handle = 0000017646D172D0, hash = 0a9810b84902b4c2 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450F0B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FE8E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FBF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450F378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEBC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1040) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FC78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450F378, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450F0B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644511FF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FCF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FD78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644513F78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A2FEB50) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644511FF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450E638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEE30) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FDF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019DB20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450FDF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450E8F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450EE38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF4C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019DF30) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D15ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:5, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550199F40, pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7550E38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450EE38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450FDF8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D15ED0, hash = 1622691c72d7e1d5 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450E638, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644513F78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E340) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 1, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550E71A80, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1060) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x0000017550E71AFC) returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E750) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450D938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x0000004009EFF380, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x0000017550E71C70) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019EB60) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:82, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198780) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:4, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019EF70) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x000000400A2FF0A0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450D938, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateRasterizerState called with FillMode = 3, CullMode = 1, DepthBias = 0, DepthBiasClamp = 0.000000, SlopeScaledDepthBias = -0.000000, DepthClipEnable = 1, ScissorEnable = 0, MultisampleEnable = 0, AntialiasedLineEnable = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) returns result = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019DAD0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x000001764C0C94D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D1B210, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D1B210, hash = e51d0fac076fd78d FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) shader found: handle = 000001764C0C94D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3F2090, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:82, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198B90) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450FB38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017648F11090, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017648F11090, hash = 9559e7ef786c1794 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BBAA0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E72278) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BBAA0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C2F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C3F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C478) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C4F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C578) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A2A0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:50, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198FA0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450FB38, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 000001764F3F2090, hash = bd93c347da4431eb FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E722F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E72378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E723F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E72478) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x0000017550E724F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E70220) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:50, ppShaderResourceViews:0x00000175501993B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:50, ppShaderResourceViews:0x00000175501997C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:80, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199BD0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550198690, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644511838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E70630) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1080) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445122B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF4C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E70A40) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644511838, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017649CBD190, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017649CBD190, hash = bf75e2483af9d82f HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017649CBA210, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017649CBA210, hash = ea469e29d9f64239 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A6B0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445122B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019F6C0, pStrides:0x000001755019F6F0, pOffsets:0x000001755019F6E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019F710, pOffsets:0x000001755019F730) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F748) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AAC0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E70E50) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F828) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F898) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F908) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E71260) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E71670) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E701D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x000001764EA20710, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450DBB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF4C0) shader found: handle = 000001764EA20710, hash = d78cf214e3a22b9d FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019A280, pStrides:0x000001755019A2B0, pOffsets:0x000001755019A2A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019A2D0, pOffsets:0x000001755019A2F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:6, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A310) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:6, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A380) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A3F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A460) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A4D0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:6, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A540) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x000001756BAC21F8, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764EA205D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AED0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450DBB8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 000001764EA205D0, hash = 647e26760ae31b91 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3EBBD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B2E0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B6F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 000001764F3EBBD0, hash = 1b9a780e096c9d9f FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001756BBFB3D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 000001756BBFB3D0, hash = a42c6a5fad514ec1 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001754314A250, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017649515010, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) shader found: handle = 0000017649515010, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017649514A50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017649514A50, hash = c8ab5b92743c189e FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001754314BE40, pStrides:0x000001754314BE70, pOffsets:0x000001754314BE60) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001754314BE90, pOffsets:0x000001754314BEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BEC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFA8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C018) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C088) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C0F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445134F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644514CB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445134F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644514CB8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x0000017550E71DC0, pStrides:0x0000017550E71DF0, pOffsets:0x0000017550E71DE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x0000017550E71E10, pOffsets:0x0000017550E71E30) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E71E48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E71EB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E71F28) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E71F98) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001756BBFA110, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001756BBFA110, hash = 34b1465cd5dbec6d HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E72008) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E72078) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D1A250, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32C60)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A2FF5A0 -> 0x00000178C979C670) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644512A78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644512A78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644515478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445161B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFFAE0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D1A250, hash = 82ac4e1d49856618 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644515478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445161B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644516978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF530) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445166F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF4C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550199F40, pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7550E38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644516978, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445166F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1100) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644511D78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEBC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450F5F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF400) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:3, ppShaderResourceViews:0x00000175501989F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644511D78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644515738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450F5F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:3, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198E08) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644515738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3EBBD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:4, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199DE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:50, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A340) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:81, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A750) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:50, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AB60) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:50, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AF70) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:50, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B380) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:20, NumViews:50, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B790) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017649513650, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001764F3EBBD0, hash = 1b9a780e096c9d9f FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) shader found: handle = 0000017649513650, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017649515190, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F8138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001755019F3FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) shader found: handle = 0000017649515190, hash = 2fc82a93aba7322d FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F8138, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550198690, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017648F13010, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FA0B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF4C0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D18CD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017648F13010, hash = 4dc0474e2ffc1e57 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D18CD0, hash = 48bb653b8322d61e FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BED0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:6, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF40) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017649CBD750, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644510AF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FA0B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F7178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1120) shader found: handle = 0000017649CBD750, hash = 45a738542e9d377e FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F7178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445159B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644510AF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C020) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C090) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:1, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C100) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FB878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644513278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF390) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3EBBD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445159B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A338) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A3A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A560) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FB878, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644513278, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 000001764F3EBBD0, hash = 1b9a780e096c9d9f FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001756BBFA110, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FE7B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF410) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::ClearRenderTargetView(pRenderTargetView:0x00000177B7557738, ColorRGBA:0x0000004009FFF760) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D17150, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644390138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF890) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F7EB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 000001756BBFA110, hash = 34b1465cd5dbec6d FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F7EB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F9B78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF4C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FE7B8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D17150, hash = e1362e8baa656cfc FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F9B78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644390138, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450C6B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1140) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450D678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFEF40) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450C6B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644515C78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450D678, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FE278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3EBBD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450E3B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644515C78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A9C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FE278, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 000001764F3EBBD0, hash = 1b9a780e096c9d9f FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x00000176495162D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F9638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 00000176495162D0, hash = bae0facf3d93e281 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F9638, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450E3B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FB078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF4C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x0000017550199F40, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF68) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445105B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF400) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x0000017550199FBC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:1, pRects:0x000001755019A130) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x0000004009FFF6C0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D13C50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445105B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FB078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC5E0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FCAB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) shader found: handle = 0000017646D13C50, hash = 1bc32d2c0a1a6147 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001755019F3FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017648F13010, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450D138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF390) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FCAB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A738) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 0000017648F13010, hash = 4dc0474e2ffc1e57 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1160) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A7B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3EBBD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450D138, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A838) shader found: handle = 000001764F3EBBD0, hash = 1b9a780e096c9d9f FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644515EF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644510078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A8B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A938) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019A9B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x00000175501986E0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644515EF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644510078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FB338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF410) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198AF0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FB338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550198F00) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D1B090, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199310) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199720) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D1B090, hash = 19f5e620574131e0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1180) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644516438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A9C8) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF68) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450D3F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF390) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644516438, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D19B10, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001756BBFA110, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550199B30) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550198690, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450D3F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001756BBFA110, hash = 34b1465cd5dbec6d HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D19B10, hash = 4bad8f147a3ddec7 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1200) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644512D38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644516C38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000017648F121D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644512D38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644516C38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017648F121D0, hash = 9397ab9e70fad34a FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A308) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D16490, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A3E8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A458) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A4C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019A538) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:240, ThreadGroupCountY:135, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D16490, hash = 62739dc7e7c00e11 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CopyResource(pDstResource:0x00000176BB9B6478, pSrcResource:0x000001764439D338) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1220) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644513CF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF400) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::CopyResource(pDstResource:0x00000176BB9B61B8, pSrcResource:0x000001764439D878) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644513CF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::ClearRenderTargetView(pRenderTargetView:0x00000177B7555D38, ColorRGBA:0x0000004009FFFC50) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x0000004009FFFCE0 -> 0x00000178C9B5A7B0) = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001755019F3FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017648F13010, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017648F13010, hash = 4dc0474e2ffc1e57 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450C438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450C438, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001756BBFA110, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 000001756BBFA110, hash = 34b1465cd5dbec6d HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FB5B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FB5B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D18F90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017646D18F90, hash = 95a65d69b1d48992 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FEA38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FD2B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF410) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FEA38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FD2B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1240) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FC038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FC038, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A9C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF68) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F8BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F8678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF4C0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F8BB8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D14210, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017646D14210, hash = 708c3734da1e8d51 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F8678, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1260) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FBAF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FC2F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FBAF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FC2F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3EBBD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 000001764F3EBBD0, hash = 1b9a780e096c9d9f FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FAB38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FCD78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF650) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FAB38, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D19C90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FCD78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F90F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F90F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F76B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F76B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FCFF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FCFF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 512 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644501438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF650) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644500478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644501438, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644500478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FECF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:4, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FECF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3E8B10, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 000001764F3E8B10, hash = 6e33cade4f866c78 shader found: handle = 0000017646D19C90, hash = 22dcbc0c6aa32c73 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1280) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644512538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF400) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644512538, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FF4B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FBDB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FF4B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FBDB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001755019F3FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017648F13010, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017648F13010, hash = 4dc0474e2ffc1e57 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F8938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF390) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:3, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F8938, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FE4F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF410) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F83F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF700) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F9E38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FE4F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F83F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F9E38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A9C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:17, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E79360) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001756BBFA110, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF68) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3ECE90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001756BBFA110, hash = 34b1465cd5dbec6d shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) shader found: handle = 000001764F3ECE90, hash = 72184b27a45a2038 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:5, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441ABD78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441ABD78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FADF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF700) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FEF78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FADF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FEF78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E79360) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:5, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F8E78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF650) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F8E78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x000001764438A578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF6B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441AD4F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF650) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764438A578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441AD4F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F7438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:2, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F7438, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001755019F3FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:17, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E79360) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BA520, BlendFactor:0x000000400A1FF4B0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:9, NumSamplers:2, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FBC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3EAD90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FA378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:9, NumSamplers:2, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FC40) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:11, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019DDD0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FA378, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 000001764F3EAD90, hash = 36af2495aef77a67 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441AD7B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF390) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D1ADD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:3, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) shader found: handle = 0000017646D1ADD0, hash = 33f8f215148c91e0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:86, NumViews:11, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E1E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1300) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FF238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FFCB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x000001764B653190, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FF238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FFCB8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 000001764B653190, hash = 5138d8410099d50e FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441AD7B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FC578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF650) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764B654890, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FA8B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF410) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FC578, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 000001764B654890, hash = 43148b460dca23e0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F770) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FA8B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441AA338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF650) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D15050, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441AA338, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D15050, hash = b174389f9558826f FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FFF38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF860) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1320) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FFF38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F7978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445001F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445001F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F7978, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FD538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FD538, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FF778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A9C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D16D10, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF68) shader found: handle = 0000017646D16D10, hash = d71e66a86b5039a3 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FF778, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1340) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F7BF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F93B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 64 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F93B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F7BF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B4338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FF700) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FD7F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B4338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FD7F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644514238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FED80) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:4, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D17A10, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A6178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF390) shader found: handle = 0000017646D17A10, hash = 8b880aff3add6ca4 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644514238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444F98F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1360) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444F98F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A6BF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEFF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445011B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A6BF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445011B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019F380, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FF9F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001755019F3FC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D1AF50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D1AF50, hash = 5855e8ea28ad2583 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1380) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FF9F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019F570) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176445016F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FDA78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93B9B20, BlendFactor:0x000000400A1FF540, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176445016F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FDA78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FB78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FBF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176444FDD38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D19990, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A6178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3E8B10, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D19990, hash = 344788d7714646a8 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176444FDD38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FC78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1400) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FCF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FD78) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019FDF8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441AA5B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441AA5B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019DB20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 000001764F3E8B10, hash = 6e33cade4f866c78 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441ADA38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF410) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019DF30) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E340) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D14650, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441ADA38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019E750) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) shader found: handle = 0000017646D14650, hash = dd849d57e41a9eec FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019EB60) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1420) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019EF70) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A9DF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019DAD0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x000001764EA1FB90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A9C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A9DF8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 000001764EA1FB90, hash = 42fcb81d29c83fd4 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF68) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441AB2F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF390) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764CDC3D10, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D168D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441AB2F8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 000001764CDC3D10, hash = fe616470bce706f3 shader found: handle = 0000017646D168D0, hash = 542c06f070ebacfa HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A7678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A7678, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D15D50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D15D50, hash = bfff9322e66bfaac HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1460) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441AA078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441AA078, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D13690, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D13690, hash = b8819576ca17fc57 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1480) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441AA878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441AA878, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D18150, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D18150, hash = 25c00e83bc22cc89 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1500) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A7938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A7938, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D14C10, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D14C10, hash = adcf7f955b0f792e HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1520) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 128 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B9C78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B9C78, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B16B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FF770) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B38B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B3B78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF410) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D15A50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B3B78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019F6C0, pStrides:0x000001755019F6F0, pOffsets:0x000001755019F6E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D15A50, hash = 813d923fe831e278 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B38B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B16B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1540) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441BA1B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:4, ppShaderResourceViews:0x0000017550E793C8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441BA1B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E77C10, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x000001764F3E9690, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001764F3E9690, hash = 6c00ba38b377cc17 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019F710, pOffsets:0x000001755019F730) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F748) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F7B8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F828) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F898) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F908) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019F978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E79AE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:5, ThreadGroupCountZ:1) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B1E78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D1A0D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A5FF9D0 -> 0x00000178C9B59130) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A9C8) shader found: handle = 0000017646D1A0D0, hash = 213cfa3a34ae5476 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B1E78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF68) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A1FFA30 -> 0x00000178C9B585F0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1560) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B4878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B4878, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B77B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A80F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF390) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D137D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A80F8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D137D0, hash = b3798d21bf848acc FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B77B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1580) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441BAC38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B5AF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441BAC38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B5AF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B2138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D18410, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B40B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF410) shader found: handle = 0000017646D18410, hash = 8b83e9ac06f7436d FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B2138, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1600) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B1938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419F878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B1938, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419F878, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B40B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D16010, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) shader found: handle = 0000017646D16010, hash = e03d2fc0f40e370b FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1620) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419E8B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B5D78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419E8B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B5D78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D15BD0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A9C8) shader found: handle = 0000017646D15BD0, hash = 84cdd2d09c987dbf FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1640) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A0D78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B23B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A0D78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B23B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D193D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:2, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF68) shader found: handle = 0000017646D193D0, hash = 5e28f6036bb48097 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1660) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419EDF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419EDF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D13950, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() shader found: handle = 0000017646D13950, hash = 4e45e12802f68a47 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B6038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1680) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B6038, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A2CF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A2CF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B7A78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D14ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() shader found: handle = 0000017646D14ED0, hash = c7fb3faf3f88a896 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B7A78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1700) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419EB78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419EB78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D165D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. shader found: handle = 0000017646D165D0, hash = c76a5677af0795dc FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B01B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1720) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B01B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A0078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A0078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D17450, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. shader found: handle = 0000017646D17450, hash = d8eab1de9da2f731 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B45F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1740) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B45F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A1578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A1578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D1A3D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B58F30, RestoreContextState:false) shader found: handle = 0000017646D1A3D0, hash = c5cf9bcec0e13d45 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1760) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B0EB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A1FF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B0EB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A1FF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B8A38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B8A38, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D19550, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() shader found: handle = 0000017646D19550, hash = 03898093a7b7e516 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1780) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B84F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419E378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B84F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419E378, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B7FB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B7FB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D147D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D147D0, hash = 562920839749f06c FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1800) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B8238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A1AB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B8238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A1AB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B8778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D17010, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. shader found: handle = 0000017646D17010, hash = d97fac459922487b FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B8778, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1820) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419F0B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419F0B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B1178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B1178, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D14D90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B8CB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFFB20) shader found: handle = 0000017646D14D90, hash = 6ffa6e2d036d1b38 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B8F78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B8F78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1840) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419CBF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419CBF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B91F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D196D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D196D0, hash = 29c3965336152f2e FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1860) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B91F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419D138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419D138, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B94B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B94B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B8CB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D19290, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644510DB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1D0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D19290, hash = ba182b5e12fbdec0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1880) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A2FB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B9738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A2FB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B9738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D144D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644510DB8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D144D0, hash = beb17fc7406b8962 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1900) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B99F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A3238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B99F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A3238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441ACFB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D16750, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441ACFB8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646D16750, hash = 061d5d701771d11b FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441BA478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441BA478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1920) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419B978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF370) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419B978, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958ED0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B9F38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958ED0, hash = 49e2e5fa620d4005 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x0000017646D16310, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x000001764CF20B60, BlendFactor:0x0000004009FFF950, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC020, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C2F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C3F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C478) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C4F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C578) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A2A0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B9F38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A6B0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 shader found: handle = 0000017646D16310, hash = f7e4277f1df65367 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AAC0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AED0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441BA6F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B2E0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:1940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B6F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441BA6F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001754314A250, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x00000176456FEC50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 00000176456FEC50, hash = 1731a54c2165604a FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BEC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441AD278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF360) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFA8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441AD278, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C018) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419B6F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF250) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C088) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419B6F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C0F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644511038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FE900) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:32) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644511038, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644388878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF9D0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B7278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEB70) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644388878, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B7278, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:13, NumSamplers:1, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C5E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019C540, pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7550E38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314BA08) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001754314A250, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x00000176456FDF50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001755019C5BC) shader found: handle = 00000176456FDF50, hash = b9911c98fdc343f1 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:6, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C128) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:32) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441BA9B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441BA9B8, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019C730) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B592F0, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5AB70, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419C6B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419C6B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B578B0, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419C938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419C938, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B58030, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A0AF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B589B0, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A0AF8, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5A3F0, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A17F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A17F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B58B70, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B57330, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419E0F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5A970, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419E0F8, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419DBB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419DBB8, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419BEB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B58D70, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419BEB8, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B59130, RestoreContextState:false) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419C178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419C178, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x000000400A0FF080, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A1038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BA760, StencilRef:9) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A1038, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CD38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CDB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CE38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CEB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CFB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419B1B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019ACE0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419B1B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B0F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B500) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A12B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B910) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A12B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019BD20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019C130) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419B438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019AC90, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958790, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419B438, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958790, hash = f0e2dbd065c02d66 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764CDC3B90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) shader found: handle = 000001764CDC3B90, hash = 67143125cc0b17e0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419C3F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419C3F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019C880, pStrides:0x000001755019C8B0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019C8D0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C908) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C9E8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419CE78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CA58) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419CE78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CAC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CB38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:780) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419D3B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF250) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419D3B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A2A78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019C540, pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7550E38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A2A78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BA9A0, StencilRef:8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A1D38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A1D38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B408) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A2278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958790, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A2278, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958790, hash = f0e2dbd065c02d66 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764CDDC110, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A2538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 000001764CDDC110, hash = f46c3155a7500831 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A2538, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:780) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419FB38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF250) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419FB38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A34F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:1, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019C540, pDepthStencilView:0x00000177B7550E38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A34F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B408) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A27B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958790, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958790, hash = f0e2dbd065c02d66 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764CDDCB50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001764CDDCB50, hash = ab1f197c9ac5c632 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:780) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A27B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419D678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF250) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A3778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419D678, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A3778, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB2A0, BlendFactor:0x000000400A0FF080, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B408) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958790, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419BC38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958790, hash = f0e2dbd065c02d66 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764CDC2A50, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419BC38, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 000001764CDC2A50, hash = f2155bd4d2573c10 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:780) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A3F78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF250) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419FDB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A3F78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419FDB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB3E0, BlendFactor:0x000000400A0FF080, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A3CB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BBDE0, StencilRef:1) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:110, NumViews:2, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B050) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B408) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x0000017646958790, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 0000017646958790, hash = f0e2dbd065c02d66 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764CDDC850, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001764CDDC850, hash = e9de4d2aaa537a13 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:7, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C940) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DrawInstancedIndirect(pBufferForArgs:0x00000176443A3C38, AlignedByteOffsetForArgs:780) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A3CB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176443878B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF400) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A44B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176443878B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A44B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764450C978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEA90) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A49F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764450C978, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A49F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B4DB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FED00) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A02F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B4DB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A02F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019C540, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A51B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001755019C5BC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019C730) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x000000400A0FF250, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807A9A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CD38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CDB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CE38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CEB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CFB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019ACE0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A51B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B0F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B500) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A05B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B910) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A05B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019BD20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A5478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019C130) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A5478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019AC90, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x000001764C0C94D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 000001764C0C94D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001756BBF8750, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) shader found: handle = 000001756BBF8750, hash = ece2ad88201d3e2c FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419DE38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419DE38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419D8F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019C880, pStrides:0x000001755019C8B0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019C8D0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C908) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C9E8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419D8F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CA58) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CAC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CB38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GenerateMips(pShaderResourceView:0x00000176993B7540) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::ClearRenderTargetView(pRenderTargetView:0x00000177B75534F8, ColorRGBA:0x000000400A0FF480) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetRenderTargetsAndUnorderedAccessViews(NumRTVs:2, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019C540, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000, UAVStartSlot:2, NumUAVs:6, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019AB60, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:1, pViewports:0x000001755019C5BC) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BC6E0, BlendFactor:0x000000400A0FF250, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:99, NumViews:1, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B408) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001756BBF8890, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 shader found: handle = 000001756BBF8890, hash = aa9cc6f97b821ed6 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CopySubresourceRegion(pDstResource:0x00000176BB9B44F8, DstSubresource:0, DstX:0, DstY:0, DstZ:0, pSrcResource:0x000001764438D1F8, SrcSubresource:0, pSrcBox:0x000000400A0FF420) HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 HackerDevice::CreateBuffer called Resource Type = Buffer ByteWidth = 32 Usage = 2 BindFlags = 0x4 CPUAccessFlags = 0x10000 MiscFlags = 0x0 StructureByteStride = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A56F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419E638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FF4D0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A56F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419E638, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644511578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEB60) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644511578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B3DF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEDD0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441A0838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B3DF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441A0838, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001755019C540, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001755019C5BC) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001755019C730) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x000000400A0FF320, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764419F338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CD38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764419F338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CDB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CE38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CEB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001755019CFB8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019ACE0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E95C78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B0F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E95C78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B500) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019B910) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019BD20) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001755019C130) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E990F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001755019AC90, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x000001764C0C94D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E990F8, Subresource:0) shader found: handle = 000001764C0C94D0, hash = 949d4776f9bfb477 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764C0C70D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) shader found: handle = 000001764C0C70D0, hash = 241c6f6fa361fff5 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E96EF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E96EF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001755019C880, pStrides:0x000001755019C8B0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:5) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001755019C8D0, pOffsets:0x000001755019C8F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C908) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E993B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E993B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019C9E8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CA58) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CAC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001755019CB38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Draw(VertexCount:4, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E961B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E961B8, Subresource:0) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A0FF710 -> 0x00000178C9B57330) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9C2F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9C2F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E998F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E998F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E97178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E97178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9A0B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9A0B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9CAB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9CAB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E954B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E954B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9A8B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9A8B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9B5B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9B5B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E95738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E95738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9D7F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9D7F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9DA78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9DA78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9DD38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9DD38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9F238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9F238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9F4B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9F4B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E9F778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E9F778, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAB478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAB478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAE0F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAE0F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAFDF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAFDF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAA1F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAA1F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAD938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAD938, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EADE78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EADE78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAB6F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAB6F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAB9B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAB9B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAA738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAA738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EB34F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EB34F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EB37B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EB37B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAE3B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAE3B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EABEF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EABEF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EAC178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EAC178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698EB6978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698EB6978, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E86078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E86078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E816F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E816F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E81EF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E81EF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E80738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E80738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E819B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E819B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E850B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E850B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E855F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E855F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E83BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E83BB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E85378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E85378, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E80F38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E80F38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E86338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E86338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E81C38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E81C38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E82178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E82178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E87D78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E87D78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E87578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E87578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E87838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E87838, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E86878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E86878, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E865B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E865B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E848F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E848F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E85B38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E85B38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E811B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E811B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E81478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E81478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E858B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E858B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E82438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E82438, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E826B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E826B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E833F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E833F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E82BF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E82BF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E82EB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E82EB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E83138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E83138, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E83E78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E83E78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E843B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E843B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E85DF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E85DF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E84638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E84638, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E92578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E92578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E905F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E905F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017698E8C6F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017698E8C6F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410E278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410E278, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441116F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441116F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410E538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410E538, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644110C78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644110C78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410E7B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410E7B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410EA78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410EA78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441109F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441109F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410DFF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410DFF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410ECF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410ECF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644110738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644110738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644111C38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644111C38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410DAB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410DAB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410F238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410F238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644111EF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644111EF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644110F38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644110F38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644111478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644111478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410DD38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410DD38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644112178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644112178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441111B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441111B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644112438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644112438, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441126B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441126B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410F4F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410F4F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410F778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410F778, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:16, ThreadGroupCountY:16, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410FA38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410FA38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:8, ThreadGroupCountY:8, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410FCB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410FCB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:4, ThreadGroupCountY:4, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441101F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441101F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:2, ThreadGroupCountY:2, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441104B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441104B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644106C78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644106C78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644103D38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644103D38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441054B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A3FF7A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441054B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x0000017550E727D0, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:5, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x0000017550E746A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::Dispatch(ThreadGroupCountX:1, ThreadGroupCountY:1, ThreadGroupCountZ:6) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32E10)::FinishCommandList(ppCommandList:0x000000400A3FF9B0 -> 0x00000178C9B589B0) = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B587B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5AD30, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B574F0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B589B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B5A7B0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B57330, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B594F0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C979E630, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C979F170, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C979DAF0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C9B585F0, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C979C670, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ClearState() adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::ExecuteCommandList(pCommandList:0x00000178C979D570, RestoreContextState:false) adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. adding ini constants as texture to shader resources in slot 120. FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017650F8A3F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF6F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B4B38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF4C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B4B38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644105778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF4B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644105778, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017650F8A3F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644511AB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFED00) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644511AB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B6578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEF70) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B6578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetRenderTargets(NumViews:8, ppRenderTargetViews:0x000001754314BB00, pDepthStencilView:0x0000000000000000) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetViewports(NumViewports:15, pViewports:0x000001754314BB7C) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetScissorRects(NumRects:15, pRects:0x000001754314BCF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetBlendState(pBlendState:0x00000178C93BB960, BlendFactor:0x0000004009EFF4C0, SampleMask:4294967295) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::RSSetState(pRasterizerState:0x00000178A807AC20) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::OMSetDepthStencilState(pDepthStencilState:0x00000178C93BC3A0, StencilRef:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C2F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C378) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C3F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C478) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C4F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetSamplers(StartSlot:0, NumSamplers:16, ppSamplers:0x000001754314C578) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x00007FF632129400, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A2A0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A6B0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AAC0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AED0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B2E0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:0, NumViews:128, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B6F0) Game attempted to unbind IniParams, pinning in slot 120 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetUnorderedAccessViews(StartSlot:0, NumUAVs:8, ppUnorderedAccessViews:0x000001754314A250, pUAVInitialCounts:0x00007FF632129440) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShader(pVertexShader:0x000001764C0CDC90, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001764C0CDC90, hash = 4b72435d1ddccf1b FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShader(pPixelShader:0x000001764CDC59D0, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) shader found: handle = 000001764CDC59D0, hash = 14efc09c0b399e5b FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShader(pHullShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShader(pDomainShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShader(pShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShader(pComputeShader:0x0000000000000000, ppClassInstances:0x0000000000000000, NumClassInstances:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetInputLayout(pInputLayout:0x000001756B4BD8E0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:4, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001754314BE40, pStrides:0x000001754314BE70, pOffsets:0x000001754314BE60) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetIndexBuffer(pIndexBuffer:0x0000000000000000, Format:0, Offset:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetPrimitiveTopology(Topology:4) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::SOSetTargets(NumBuffers:4, ppSOTargets:0x000001754314BE90, pOffsets:0x000001754314BEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BEC8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF38) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFA8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C018) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C088) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:14, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C0F8) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:6, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017650F8A3F8, Subresource:0, MapType:5, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF6F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B13F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF4C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B13F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x000001764410ADF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF4B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x000001764410ADF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017650F8A3F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B28F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEF70) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B28F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A528) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:6, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A938) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AD48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B158) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B568) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:1, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001754314BE40, pStrides:0x000001754314BE70, pOffsets:0x000001754314BE60) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:5, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BEE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:5, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF50) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C030) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C0A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C110) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:6, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017650F8A3F8, Subresource:0, MapType:5, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF6F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B0C38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF4C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B0C38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017644108178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF4B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017644108178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017650F8A3F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B5078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEF70) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B5078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A528) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:6, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A938) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AD48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B158) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B568) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:1, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001754314BE40, pStrides:0x000001754314BE70, pOffsets:0x000001754314BE60) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:5, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BEE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:5, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF50) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C030) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C0A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C110) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:6, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x0000017650F8A3F8, Subresource:0, MapType:5, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF6F0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B7CF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF4C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B7CF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441059F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFF4B0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441059F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x0000017650F8A3F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Map(pResource:0x00000176441B2BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009EFEF70) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176441B2BB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A528) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:6, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314A938) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314AD48) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B158) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B568) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetShaderResources(StartSlot:81, NumViews:5, ppShaderResourceViews:0x000001754314B978) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::IASetVertexBuffers(StartSlot:0, NumBuffers:1, ppVertexBuffers:0x000001754314BE40, pStrides:0x000001754314BE70, pOffsets:0x000001754314BE60) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::VSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:5, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BEE0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::PSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:5, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BF50) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314BFC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::HSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C030) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::DSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C0A0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::CSSetConstantBuffers(StartSlot:3, NumBuffers:1, ppConstantBuffers:0x000001754314C110) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::Draw(VertexCount:6, StartVertexLocation:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::End(pAsync:0x0000017545D4C600) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::End(pAsync:0x0000017545D4C880) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::End(pAsync:0x000001756B1A0DC0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::GetData(pAsync:0x000001756B1A0DC0, pData:0x0000000000000000, DataSize:0, GetDataFlags:1) = 1 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2A78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A1FEF10) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCAB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D61B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E33170)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D2A78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE0F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCAB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE0F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D05B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD538, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D73F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D61B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D05B8, Subresource:0) HackerDevice::CreateTexture2D called with parameters Resource Type = Texture2D Width = 2048 Height = 1 MipLevels = 1 ArraySize = 1 Format = R8G8B8A8_SNORM (31) SampleDesc.Count = 1 SampleDesc.Quality = 0 Usage = 1 BindFlags = 0x8 CPUAccessFlags = 0x0 MiscFlags = 0x0 pInitialData = 00000040099FE810->000001767818C660, SysMemPitch: 8192, SysMemSlicePitch: 8192 4C 00 58 00 4C 03 58 00 4B 07 58 00 4B 0B 58 00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6EB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D73F8, Subresource:0) Texture2D length: 8192 bad v1.2.1 length: 2048 Using 3DMigoto v1.2.1 compatible Texture2D CRC calculation InitialData = 00000040099FE810, hash = aeb71c19 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCD38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6EB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCD38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBD78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDFB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBD78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDFB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7178, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD7B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7178, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD7B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7BF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7BF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8678, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7938, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7938, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D66F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9638, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D66F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA5F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DAB38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA5F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DAB38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6438, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE4F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6438, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE4F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D90F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFC78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D90F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFC78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7E78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE778, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D7E78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DE778, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8138, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEA38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8138, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEA38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDA78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDA78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9B78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DECB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9B78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DECB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB5B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEF78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB5B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DEF78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D88F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D88F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBAF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFF38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DBAF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DFF38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCFF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF1F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DCFF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF1F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8E38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF4B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8E38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF4B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9DF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E06F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9DF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E06F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA878, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8BB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA878, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D8BB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD278, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DD278, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E0478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9378, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D9378, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC7F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E01B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC7F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E01B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB2F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF9F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB2F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DF9F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D83B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7538, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D83B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E7538, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC038, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5338, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC038, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5338, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC2B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC2B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E5078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E4B38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DC578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E4B38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDCF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6578, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A5FEEB0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DDCF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@000001756B6BBBD0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E6578, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D98B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CC438, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D98B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CEE38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA0B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x0000004009FFF1C0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CEE38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E325A0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DA0B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0078, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D0078, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3F78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D3F78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE638, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CE638, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF8B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CF8B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9E16B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9E16B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4238, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4238, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4CB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4CB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4F38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D4F38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D51F8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D51F8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD678, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9CD678, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5478, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5478, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5738, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5738, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D59B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D59B8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5C78, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5C78, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5EF8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D5EF8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6978, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6978, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB838, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DB838, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9DADB8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9DADB8, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6C38, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D6C38, Subresource:0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Map(pResource:0x00000176BB9D76B8, Subresource:0, MapType:4, MapFlags:0, pMappedResource:0x000000400A0FEBF0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E32AB0)::Unmap(pResource:0x00000176BB9D76B8, Subresource:0) HackerSwapChain::GetFullscreenState(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetPrivateData(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with GUID: {115233E4-E083-42FC-BD81-462E54C0E4B8} returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetFullscreenState(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::GetPrivateData(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with GUID: {115233E4-E083-42FC-BD81-462E54C0E4B8} returns result = 0 HackerSwapChain::Present(class HackerSwapChain@000001756B15F050) called with SyncInterval = 0 Flags = 0 Running frame actions. Device: 000001754DDCDD00 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto pre { FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] run = customshaderdebug2d FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto pre { FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] run = builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto pre { FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o0 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o1 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o2 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o3 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o4 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o5 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o6 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] o7 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [builtincommandlistunbindallrendertargets] od = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto } FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] o0 = set_viewport bb HackerSwapChain::GetOrigSwapChain returns 00000176BA0B1180 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto copying by reference View Type = Render Target Format = R8G8B8A8_UNORM (28) ViewDimension = TEXTURE2D Texture2D.MipSlice = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] local $bak_x = x FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] local $bak_y = y FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] local $bak_z = z FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] local $bak_w = w FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] x = $amplify FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 4.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] y = $flip FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] z = $channel FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 4.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] w = $power FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 1.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] Draw(4, 0) FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto } FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto post { FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] ps-t100 = null FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] x = $bak_x FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] y = $bak_y FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] z = $bak_z FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [customshader\debug_2d\debug2d] w = $bak_w FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto ini param override = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto } FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $tutorialbckg_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $text_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $message_visible = $message_visible_current FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $message_visible_current = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $locationcomplete_visible_previous = $locationcomplete_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $locationcomplete_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpbar_visible_previous = $xpbar_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpbar_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpbar_bg_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpincrease_visible_previous = $xpincrease_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $xpincrease_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $results_visible_current = $results_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $results_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bar_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bar_count2 = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bar_visible_last = $bar_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bar_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $last_legendvisible = $legendvisible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $legendvisible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $totalleveltext_visible = $leveltext_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $leveltext_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $map_is_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $senyutextfloat_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $message_text_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $levelup_visible_previous = $levelup_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $levelup_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $senyu_visible_previous = $senyu_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $senyu_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bayek_visible_previous = $bayek_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $bayek_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $button_count_previous = $button_count FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $button_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $photomode_visible_previous = $photomode_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $photomode_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $parchemnt_visible_previous = $parchemnt_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $parchemnt_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $hbcursed_visible_previous = $hbcursed_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $hbcursed_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $boss_visible_previous = $boss_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $boss_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $boss_count_previous = $boss_count FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $boss_count = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $underwaterhint_visible_previous = $underwaterhint_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $underwaterhint_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $regenaura_visible_previous = $regenaura_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $regenaura_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $indicator_visible_previous = $indicator_visible FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto [Present] $indicator_visible = 0 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto = 0.000000 FrameAnalysisContext(class FrameAnalysisContext@0000017551E31B80)::3DMigoto }