From 46456764e744169f582cc9e031b029cd6b4a90fe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ayoub BERDEDDOUCH Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2021 18:46:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 1/3] Updated the Structure of README I hope this structure suits the Book and your vision, well I didn't categorize all the commands need help with, and the commands highlighted are the ones mentioned. Best, --- | 506 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 500 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 3cab47e5..61ec36be 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -22,14 +22,508 @@ This is an open-source eBook with 101 Linux commands that everyone should know. - [Light mode]( -## 📃 List of commands: +--- +# Content +- [Basics](#basics) + - [File Hierarchy Standard (FHS)](#file-hierarchy-standard-fhs) + - [Commands](#commands) + - [Globs (Wildcards)](#globs-wildcards) + - [Regex](#regex) + - [Stream redirection](#stream-redirection) +- [Disk and File System Management](#disk-and-file-system-management) + - [General Disk Manipulation (non-LVM)](#general-disk-manipulation-non-lvm) +- [Text Readers & Editors](#text-readers--editors) + - [Less](#less) + - [VI](#vi) +- [User and Group Management](#user-and-group-management) +- [File System Permissions](#file-system-permissions) +- [SSH](#ssh) +- [Cronjobs](#cronjobs) +- [Package Management](#package-management) + - [RPM](#rpm) + - [YUM](#yum) +- [📃List of commands](#list-of-commands) +- [🔗Links](#links) +- [📖Other E-Books](#other-ebooks) +- [🤲Contributing](#contributing) +--- +# Basics +## File Hierarchy Standard (FHS) +| Path | Content | +| ------ | ----------------------------------- | +| `/bin` | Binaries (User) | +| `/boot` | Static boot loader files | +| `/etc` | Host specific configs | +| `/lib` | Shared libraries and kernel modules | +| `/sbin` | Binaries (System/root) | +| `/var` | Varying files (e.g. Logs) | +| `/usr` | 3rd party software | +| `/proc` | Pseudo file system | +| `/sys` | Pseudo file system | +| `/mnt` | Mountpoint for internal drives | +| `/media` | Mountpoint for external drives | +| `/home` | User homes | +| `/run` | PID files of running processes | + +--- +## Commands +**File System Commands** -If you want to contribute, feel free to pick up a topic marked as `TODO` and submit a pull request 🙌 +| Command | Options | Description | +| ------- | ---------------- | ------------------------------------------------- | +| [`cd`]( | `-` | Navigate to last dir | +| | `~` | Navigate to home | +| | `~username` | Navigate to home of specified user | +| [`pwd`]( | | Print working dir | +| [`ls`]( | | Print dir content | +| | `-l` | Format as list | +| | `-a` | Show hidden items (`-A` without `.` and `..`) | +| | `-r` | Invert order | +| | `-R` | Recurse | +| | `-S` | Sort by size | +| | `-t` | Sort by date modified | +| [`mkdir`]( | `-p` | Create dir with parents | +| [`cp`]( | `-r` | Copy dir | +| [`rmdir`]( | `-p` | Remove dir and empty parents | +| [`rm`]( | `-rf` | Remove dir recursively, `-f` without confirmation | +| [`mv`]( | | Move recursively | +| [`find`]( | `-iname pattern` | Search dir/file case-insensitive | +| | `-mmin n` | Last modified n minutes ago | +| | `-mtime n` | Last modified n days ago | +| | `-regex pattern` | Path matches pattern | +| | `-size n[kMG]` | By file size (`-n` less than; `+n` greater than) | +| | `! searchparams` | Invert search | -Feel free to add new topics in case that you don't find one that you like from the current list. +--- +**File Manipulation** + +| Command | Options | Description | +| ------- | ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------ | +| [`cat`]( | `file` | Print content | +| [`tac`]( | `file` | Print content inverted | +| [`sort`]( | `file` | Print sorted | +| | `file -r -u` | Print sorted descending without dublicates | +| [`head`]( | `-n10 file | tail -n5` | Print lines 5-10 | +| [`tail`]( | `-f file` | Print new lines automatically | +| [`cut`]( | `-f -4,7-10,12,15- file` | Print selected fields (tab delimited) | +| | `-c -4,7-10,12,15- file` | Print selected characters positions | +| | `-f 2,4 -d, --output-delimiter=$'\t' file` | Change delimiter (but use tab for output) | +| [`uniq`]( | `file` | Hide consecutive identical lines | +| | `file -c` | Show consecutive identical line count | +| | `file -u` | Hide consecutive identical lines | +| `file` | `file` | Get file type | +| `wc` | `file` | Count Lines, Words, Chars (Bytes) | + +--- +**Archiving** + +| Command | Options | Description | +| ---------------- | -------------------------------- | -------------------------------------------------------- | +| [`tar`]( | `cfv archiv.tar file1 file2` | Create archive / add or overwrite content | +| | `tfv archiv.tar` | Show content | +| | `xf archiv.tar [-C ~/extracted]` | Extract (and decompress) archive (to ~ / extracted) | +| | `cfvj archiv.tar.bz2 file` | Create bzip2 compressed archive | +| | `cfvz archiv.tar.gz file` | Create gzip compressed archive | +| | `cfa archiv.tar.[komp] file` | create compressed archive (auto type based on name) | +| [`bzip2`]( | `file1 file2` | Dateien (einzeln) komprimieren | +| | `-d file1 file2` | Compress files (one at a time) | +| [`gzip`]( | `file1 file2` | Dateien (einzeln) komprimieren | +| | `-d file1 file2` | Decompress files | + +--- + +# Disk and File System Management + +## General Disk Manipulation (non-LVM) +Creating physical partitions is **not required**! You can create PVs directly! + +| Command | Options | Description | +| ---------------|---------------------------- | ------------------------------------ | +| `fdisk` | `-l` | List physical disks and partitions | +| | `/dev/sdb`
`n` | Create new partition | +| | `/dev/sdb`
`8e` | Change partition type to *Linux LVM* | +| `mkfs.xfs` | `/dev/myVG/myVol` | Format LV with XFS | +| `mkfs.ext4` | `-f /dev/myVG/myVol` | Format LV with EXT4 (overwrite) | +| `blkid` | `/dev/myVG/myVol` | Show UUID and formatting of volume | +| `mount` | | Show what is mounted where | +| | `-t ext4 /dev/myVG/myVol /mountpoint` | Mount LV to /mountpoint | +| | `-a` | Mount as configured in /etc/fstab | +| `umount` | `/dev/myVG/myVol` | Unmount LV from /mountpoint | +| | `/mountpoint` | Unmount LV from /mountpoint | +| [`df`](| - | Show disk usage | +| `xfs_growfs` | `/dev/myVG/myVol` | Resize xfs filesystem | +| `resize2fs` | ` /dev/myVG/myVol` | Resize ext3/4 filesystem | + +--- + +**Other** + +| Command | Options | Description | +| ----------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------------ | +| `` | `--help` | Help of current command (not standardized) | +| | `-h` | | +| | `-?` | | +| [`man`]( | `` | Manual page of command | +| | `-k keyword` | Search command by keyword (oder `apropos`) | +| `alias` | | Show aliases | +| | `name='befehl'` | Create alias | --- +## Globs (Wildcards) +The dot `.` in front of hidden items is ignored by glob patterns! + +| Character | Description | +| --------- | ----------------------- | +| `?` | Any single character | +| `*` | Any characters | +| `[ac-e]` | 1 character in enum | +| `[!ac-e]` | 1 character not in enum | + +## Regex +Bash itself does not know regex. Use programs like `grep`, `sed`, `awk`. + +**Control characters** + +| Character | Description | +| -------------- | ----------------------- | +| `.` | Any single character | +| `[ac-e]` | 1 character in enum | +| `[^ac-e]` | 1 character not in enum | +| `^` | Start of string | +| `$` | End of string | +| `\d` | Digit | +| `\D` | Not a digit | +| `\s` | Whitespace | +| `\S` | Not a Whitespace | +| `\<` | Start of word | +| `\>` | End of word | +| `pattern?` | Quantifier 0 or 1 | +| `pattern*` | Quantifier 0..n | +| `pattern+` | Quantifier 1..n | +| `pattern{x}` | Quantifier exactly x | +| `pattern{x,}` | Quantifier x..n | +| `pattern{x,y}` | Quantifier x..y | +| `pattern{,y}` | Quantifier 0..y | + +**Grep** + +| Command | Options | Description | +| ------- | ----------------- | -------------- | +| [`grep`]( | `pattern file` | Extended Regex | +| | `-E pattern file` | Extended Regex | +| | `-v pattern file` | Invert match | +| | `-w pattern file` | Word match | +| | `-i pattern file` | Ignore case | + +## Stream redirection +- `>` overwrite +- `>>` append + +| Character | Description | +| --------------------- | ------------------------------- | +| `> file` or `1> file` | STDOUT to file | +| `< file` | Datei to STDIN | +| `2> file` | STDERR to file | +| `2>&1` | STDERR to same target as STDOUT | +| `> file 2>&1` | STDOUT and STDERR to file | + + +# Text Readers & Editors +## Less +| Command | Description | +| ------------------- | ------------------------------- | +| `q` | Quit | +| `R` | Refresh content | +| `F` | Auto scroll | +| `g number` | Go to line | +| `m lowercaseLetter` | Mark line | +| `' lowercaseLetter` | Go to mark | +| `/pattern` | Search forward | +| `?pattern` | Search backward | +| `n` | Next search result | +| `N` | Last search result | +| `ESC u` | Remove highlighting from search | + +## VI + +[`VI/VIM`]( +**Editing** + +To leave editing mode press `ESC`. + +| Command | Description | +| --------- | --------------------- | +| `i` | insert before cursor | +| `a` | insert after cursor | +| `A` | insert at end of line | +| `o` | new line below | +| `O` | new line above | +| `u` | undo | +| `.` | repeat last command | +| `yy` | copy line | +| `5yy` | copy 5 lines | +| `p` | paste below | +| `P` | paste above | +| `x` | delete character | +| `5x` | delete 5 characters | +| `dd` | delete line | +| `5dd` | delete 5 lines | +| `:10,20d` | delete lines 10-20 | +| `d0` | delete to line begin | +| `d$` | delete to line end | + +**Navigation** + +Navigate as usual with `arrow keys`, `home`, `end`, `pg up`, `pg dn`. + +| Command | Description | +| ------- | ---------------------- | +| `5G` | go to line 5 | +| `H` | go to top of screen | +| `M` | go to middle of screen | +| `L` | go to end of screen | +| `5w` | move over 7 words | +| `5b` | move back 5 words | + +**Other** + +| Command | Description | +| ----------- | ---------------------------- | +| `/foo` | search forward | +| `?foo` | search backwards | +| `n` | repeat search | +| `:w` | save | +| `:q` | close | +| `:wq` | save and close | +| `:q!` | close without saving | +| `:!command` | run bash command | +| `:r foo` | read file foo into this file | + + +# User and Group Management +**UID** + +| UID | Type | +| ----- | -------------- | +| <1000 | system account | +| >1000 | user account | + +**User Database** + +User info without passwords is stored in `/etc/passwd`. + +| username | PW | UID | GID | Kommentar | HOME | SHELL | +| -------- | --- | ---- | ---- | --------- | ----------- | --------- | +| hfict | x | 1000 | 1000 | | /home/hfict | /bin/bash | + +**Group Database** + +Group info with secondary group members are stored in `/etc/group`. +Primary group members are identified by GID in user database. + +| groupname | PW | GID | Users | +| --------- | --- | --- | ----------- | +| wheel | x | 10 | hfict,user2 | + +**Password Database** + +Hashed user passwords are stored in `/etc/shadow`. +Password encryption is configured in `/etc/login.defs`. + +| username | PW | Last PW change | Minimum | Maximum | Warn | Inactive | Expire | +| -------- | ------ | -------------- | ------- | ------- | ---- | -------- | ------ | +| hfict | [hash] | 17803 | 0 | 99999 | 7 | | | + +PW: +- `[hash]` Encrypted test password +- `! [hash]` Account locked +- `!!` or `*` Account locked, no password set + +** Commands ** + +| Command | Param | Description | +| ---------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------- | +| `id` | `username` | Show a user's ID and groups | +| [`who`]( | | Show logged in users | +| [`last`]( | | Show last logins | +| `lastb` | | Show last failed logins | +| [`sudo`]( | `-u user command` | Execute command with user rights (default is root) | +| | `-i` or` su -` | Shell with root rights | +| [`su`]( | | Shell as root (non-login shell) | +| | `-` | Shell as root (login shell) | +| | `- user` | Shell as user | +| [`useradd`]( | `-u 2101 -g primarygroup -c comment username` | Create user (without `-g`, new group will be created) | +| [`usermod`]( | `-G group1, group2` | Define (overwrite) secondary groups | +| | `-ag group, group2` | Add secondary groups | +| | `-l username` | Change username | +| | `-L` | Lock Account | +| | `-U` | Unlock Account | +| | `-s shellpath` | Change shell | +| [`userdel`]( | `-r username` | Delete user including home and mail spool | +| [`passwd`]( | `username` | Change password (interactive) | +| `groupadd` | `groupname` | Create group (optionally set GID with `-g`) | +| `groupdel` | `groupname` | Delete group | + + +# File System Permissions +Permissions can be set on: +- User (owner) +- Group (owner) +- Others + +Only root can change *User*. *User* can change *Group*. + +Basic permissions (Add binary flags to combine): + +| Char | Binary Flag | Permission | +| ---- | ----------- | ---------- | +| r | 4 | read | +| w | 2 | write | +| x | 1 | execute | + +Advanced permissions (place in front of basic permissions: `chmod 1777 shared`).: + +| Char | Binary Flag | Name | Description | +| ----- | ----------- | ---------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | +| t / T | 1 | Sticky Bit | *Others* can't delete content (only applicable for directories) | +| s / S | 2 | SGID-Bit | File: run with permissions of *Group*
Dir: New elements inherit *Group* | +| s / S | 4 | SUID-Bit | File is run with permissions of *User* (only applicable for files) | + +Advanced permissions replace the **x** when using `ls -l`. Lower case if **x** is set, upper case if **x** is not set. + +*Read* permission on a directory only allows to see the directory itself but not it's contents. Use *execute* permission to show contents. + +**Commands** + +| Command | Options | Description | +| --------- | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------- | +| [`chmod`]( | `-R [uog] dirname` | Set permissions recursively using binary flags | +| | `+[suog] filename` | Add permissions using binary flags | +| | `-[suog] filename` | Remove permissions using binary flags | +| | `u+x filename` | Add *execute* permission for *User* | +| | `g+wx filename` | Add *write* and *execute* permissions for *Group* | +| | `o-r filename` | Remove *read* permission for *Others* | +| [`chown`]( | `-R user:group filename` | Change owner (*User* & *Group*) recursively | +| | `user filename` | Change owner (*User*) | +| | `:group filename` | Change owner (*Group*) | +| `chgroup` | `group filename` | Change owner (*Group*) | + +# SSH + +[`SSH`]( +Configuration is done in `/etc/ssh/sshd_config`. + +Reload SSH service with `systemctl reload sshd` to apply changes! + +DenyUsers, AllowUsers, DenyGroups, AllowGroups override each other and are applied in the order listed above. + +| Config | Option | Description | +| ----------------- | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------- | +| `PermitRootLogin` | `no` | Deny root to login via SSH | +| | `yes` | Allow root to login via SSH | +| | `without-password` | Allow only with private/public key auth | +| `AllowUsers` | `user1 user2` | Allow only user1 and user2 | +| `DenyUsers` | `user1 user2` | Allow all users but user1 and user2 | +| `AllowGroups` | `group1 group2` | Allow only users from specified groups | +| `DenyGroups` | `group1 group2` | Allow all users but those in specified groups | + + +# Cronjobs +**[`Crontab`](** + +Cronjobs are configured in crontab files. Do not edit these files directly. Use `crontab -e` instead. This runs all required actions to activate a cronjob after saving the edited crontab. The locations are as follows: +- `/var/spool/cron/username` user specific +- `/etc/crontab` system wide crontab + +The format of the files is (user specific crontabs **do not** have the column *user-name*): +``` +Example of job definition: +.---------------- minute (0 - 59 | */5 [every 5 minutes]) +| .------------- hour (0 - 23) +| | .---------- day of month (1 - 31) +| | | .------- month (1 - 12) OR jan,feb,mar,apr ... +| | | | .---- day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0 or 7) OR sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat +| | | | | +* * * * * user-name command to be executed +``` + +| Command | Description | +| -------------------------------- | ----------------------------- | +| `rpm -q cronie` | Check if package is installed | +| `systemctl status crond.service` | Check if service is running | +| `crontab -l` | List current users crontab | +| `crontab -e` | Edit current users crontab | +| `crontab -e -u username` | Edit specific users crontab | +| `crontab -r` | Remove current users crontab | + +**Script folders** + +Scripts in one of the following directories will be executed at the intervall specified by the directory's name: +- `/etc/cron.hourly` +- `/etc/cron.daily` +- `/etc/cron.weekly` +- `/etc/cron.monthly` + +**Allow / Deny usage** + +Add user names one per line to the following files: +- `/etc/cron.allow` Whitelist +- `/etc/cron.deny` Blacklist + +If none of the files exists, all users are allowed. + +**Logs and Results** + +Execution of cronjobs is logged in `/var/log/cron`. +Results are sent to the users mail `/var/spool/mail/username`. + +# Package Management +## RPM + +[`RPM`]( + +| Command | Description | +| ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------- | +| `rpm -i rpmfile|rpmurl` | Install package | +| `rpm -e packagename` | Uninstall package | +| `rpm -q packagename` | Check if package is installed | +| `rpm -ql packagename` | List files in a package | +| `rpm -qa` | List all installed packages | +| `rpm -qf /path/to/file` | Get package that installed the file | +| `rpm -qf $(which )` | Get package that installed the executable | +| `rpm -V packagename` | Validate installed package | + +## YUM +[`YUM`]( is configured in `/etc/yum.conf` + +Repos are configured in `/etc/yum.repos.d/` + +Log is in `/var/log/yum.log` + +| Command | Description | +| ------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | +| `yum install packagename [-y]` | Install package (`-y` no confirm message) | +| `yum remove packagename` | Uninstall package | +| `yum update` | Update all installed packages | +| `yum update packagename` | Update specific package | +| `yum update pattern*` | Update packages using wildcard | +| `yum info packagename` | Get detailed info about package | +| `yum list packagename` | List installed and available packages | +| `yum search searchstring` | search for a package (name & summary) | +| `yum search all searchstring` | search for a package (all infos) | +| `yum deplist packagename` | List dependencies of a package | +| `yum reinstall packagename` | Reinstall (corrupted) package | +| `yumdownloader --resolve packagename` | Download rpm package with dependencies | + +--- + +# 📃List of commands: + +If you want to contribute, feel free to pick up a topic, update it with `New Examples | [Options]`and submit a pull request 🙌 + +Feel free to add new topics in case that you don't find one that you like from the current list. + - [](ebook/en/content/ - [](ebook/en/content/ - [](ebook/en/content/ @@ -138,7 +632,7 @@ Feel free to add new topics in case that you don't find one that you like from t - [](ebook/en/content/ - [](ebook/en/content/ -## 🔗 Links +# 🔗Links - [Free $100 Credit For DigitalOcean]( - [Join DevDojo]( @@ -147,13 +641,13 @@ Feel free to add new topics in case that you don't find one that you like from t - [Tails]( - [Katacoda]( -## 📖 Other eBooks +# 📖Other eBooks - [Introduction to SQL]( - [Introduction to Git and GitHub]( - [Introduction to Bash Scripting]( - [Laravel tips and tricks]( -## 🤲 Contributing +# 🤲Contributing If you are contributing 🍿 please read the [contributing file]( before submitting your pull requests. From a5e0ff5fa782ad77222a645f5376b5507959d55c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ayoub BERDEDDOUCH Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2021 22:14:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 2/3] Updated the Readme it was only mutter of a pipe '|' so I add the \ before. We can add later a Sort of the commands, and add others to their respective category. --- | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 61ec36be..4d0e85e1 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ This is an open-source eBook with 101 Linux commands that everyone should know. --- # Basics ## File Hierarchy Standard (FHS) -| Path | Content | -| ------ | ----------------------------------- | +| Path | Content | +| -------- | ----------------------------------- | | `/bin` | Binaries (User) | | `/boot` | Static boot loader files | -| `/etc` | Host specific configs | +| `/etc` | Host specific configs | | `/lib` | Shared libraries and kernel modules | | `/sbin` | Binaries (System/root) | | `/var` | Varying files (e.g. Logs) | @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ This is an open-source eBook with 101 Linux commands that everyone should know. | [`tac`]( | `file` | Print content inverted | | [`sort`]( | `file` | Print sorted | | | `file -r -u` | Print sorted descending without dublicates | -| [`head`]( | `-n10 file | tail -n5` | Print lines 5-10 | +| [`head`]( | `-n10 file \| tail -n5` | Print lines 5-10 | | [`tail`]( | `-f file` | Print new lines automatically | | [`cut`]( | `-f -4,7-10,12,15- file` | Print selected fields (tab delimited) | | | `-c -4,7-10,12,15- file` | Print selected characters positions | @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ Results are sent to the users mail `/var/spool/mail/username`. | Command | Description | | ------------------------ | ----------------------------------------- | -| `rpm -i rpmfile|rpmurl` | Install package | +| `rpm -i rpmfile\|rpmurl` | Install package | | `rpm -e packagename` | Uninstall package | | `rpm -q packagename` | Check if package is installed | | `rpm -ql packagename` | List files in a package | From d01c2755498ddea8d423ee243da62e87ead7cb84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Bobby Iliev Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 11:36:28 +0300 Subject: [PATCH 3/3] Update --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 4d0e85e1..7983ea2f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ This is an open-source eBook with 101 Linux commands that everyone should know. | [`tac`]( | `file` | Print content inverted | | [`sort`]( | `file` | Print sorted | | | `file -r -u` | Print sorted descending without dublicates | -| [`head`]( | `-n10 file \| tail -n5` | Print lines 5-10 | +| [`head`]( | `-n10 file` | Print lines 5-10 | | [`tail`]( | `-f file` | Print new lines automatically | | [`cut`]( | `-f -4,7-10,12,15- file` | Print selected fields (tab delimited) | | | `-c -4,7-10,12,15- file` | Print selected characters positions |