Helps to attach Pivotal Tracker story id to git commit.
gem install git-storyid
git storyid -m "Initial implementation of campaign tags"
# Api token ( a56f0e9a4fbXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
# Use SSL (y/n): y
# Your pivotal initials (e.g. BG): BG
# Project ID: 494XXX
Interactive menu to select an ID of Started stories
[1] Removing Billing Page
[2] Welcome Email
[3] Email Shares - Capture
[4] Speed up activities by dates aggregation
[5] Mass Email to Customer List - thurs AM
[6] Investigate production error
[7] Tag campaign insertion points and campaigns with an identifier
Indexes(csv): 7
[campaign-tags 3020407] [#44116647] Initial implementation of campaign tags
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 2 deletions(-)
Result commit:
commit 3020407e92cb125083cf50ad494ff15169a7f2e6
Author: Bogdan Gusiev <>
Date: Fri Mar 15 12:42:32 2013 +0200
[#44116647] Initial implementation of campaign tags
Feature: Tag campaign insertion points and
campaigns with an identifier,
so only campaigns with matching identifier will get shown
-m, --message [MESSAGE] Add addional MESSAGE to comit
-f, --finish Specify that this commit finishes a story or fixes a bug
-d, --deliver Specify that this commit delivers a story or a bug