From a89eb4467529ee12c5a588cfe006184113f6c549 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ivanminutillo Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 09:06:27 +0000 Subject: [PATCH] deploy: 3c9e40553f05c009831d4da428d82521291f1681 --- 404.html | 6 +- AbsintheClient.Helpers.html | 8 +- AbsintheClient.html | 30 +- ActivityPub.Actor.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Config.Error.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Config.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.APPublisher.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.Adapter.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.Fetcher.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.HTTP.Connection.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.HTTP.RateLimit.html | 8 +- ...vityPub.Federator.HTTP.RequestBuilder.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.HTTP.RetryAfter.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.HTTP.Tesla.html | 162 +++++----- ActivityPub.Federator.HTTP.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.Publisher.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.Transformer.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.WebFinger.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.Worker.html | 8 +- ...Pub.Federator.Workers.PublisherWorker.html | 8 +- ...yPub.Federator.Workers.ReceiverWorker.html | 8 +- ...Federator.Workers.RemoteFetcherWorker.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Federator.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Fixtures.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Instances.Instance.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Instances.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.MRF.SimplePolicy.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.MRF.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Object.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Pruner.PruneDatabaseWorker.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Pruner.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Queries.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Safety.Containment.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Safety.Keys.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Safety.Signatures.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Utils.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.ActivityPubController.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.ActorView.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.Endpoint.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.ErrorHelpers.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.ErrorView.html | 8 +- ...Pub.Web.IncomingActivityPubController.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.LayoutView.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.ObjectView.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.Plugs.DigestPlug.html | 8 +- ...Pub.Web.Plugs.EnsureHTTPSignaturePlug.html | 8 +- ...yPub.Web.Plugs.FetchHTTPSignaturePlug.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.Plugs.HTTPSignaturePlug.html | 8 +- ...b.Plugs.MappedSignatureToIdentityPlug.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.RedirectController.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.Router.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.Telemetry.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.UserSocket.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.WebFingerController.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.Web.html | 8 +- ActivityPub.html | 46 +-- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Auth.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.CommonResolver.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.CommonSchema.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Cursor.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.FetchFields.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.FetchPage.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.FetchPages.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Fields.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.JSON.html | 8 +- | 8 +- ...API.GraphQL.Middleware.CollapseErrors.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Middleware.Debug.html | 8 +- | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Page.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.PageInfo.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Pages.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Pagination.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.PlugPipelines.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Plugs.GraphQLContext.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.QueryHelper.html | 18 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.ResolveField.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.ResolveFields.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.ResolvePage.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.ResolvePages.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.ResolveRootPage.html | 8 +- ...PI.GraphQL.RestAdapter.EndpointConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.RestAdapter.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.Router.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.SchemaPipelines.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.SchemaUtils.html | 8 +- | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.UserSocket.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.API.Graphql.html | 6 +- Bonfire.Classify.Categories.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Classify.Category.Queries.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Classify.Category.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Classify.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Classify.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Classify.Simulate.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Classify.Tree.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Classify.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Acts.AttachMedia.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Acts.URLPreviews.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.BannerUploader.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Blurred.html | 8 +- ...ire.Files.CapsuleIntegration.Attacher.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.DOI.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Definition.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.DocumentUploader.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.EmojiUploader.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.FaviconStore.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.FileDenied.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.IconUploader.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.ImageUploader.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Media.Queries.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Media.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.MediaEdit.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Prepare.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Queues.VideoTranscode.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.ResponsiveImage.html | 12 +- Bonfire.Files.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Simulation.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.Versions.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.VideoUploader.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Files.html | 12 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.Geocode.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.Geolocation.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.Geolocations.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.GraphQL.Hydration.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.Places.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.Queries.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.Simulate.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.Web.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Geolocate.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Label.Acts.LabelObject.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Label.Fake.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Label.Labelling.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Label.Labels.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Label.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Label.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Label.Web.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Label.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Localise.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.Client.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.Fake.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.Plugs.AuthRequired.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.Plugs.Authorize.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.Plugs.ClientID.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.Provider.ClientApps.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.Provider.OAuth.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.Web.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenID.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenId.html | 6 +- Bonfire.OpenScience.APIs.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenScience.Fake.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenScience.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenScience.Web.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.OpenScience.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Acts.Choices.Upsert.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Choice.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Choices.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Fake.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Question.Create.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Question.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Questions.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Vote.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Votes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.Web.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Poll.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Quantify.GraphQL.Hydration.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Quantify.Measure.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Quantify.Measures.Queries.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Quantify.Measures.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Quantify.Simulate.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Quantify.Unit.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Quantify.Units.Queries.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Quantify.Units.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Quantify.html | 8 +- Bonfire.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Seeder.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.Acts.Tag.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.Autocomplete.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.GraphQL.TagResolver.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.Hashtag.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.Queries.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.Simulate.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.Tagged.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.Tags.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.TextContent.Formatter.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.TextContent.Process.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.Web.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tag.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Tags.Acts.AutoBoost.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Telemetry.Metrics.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Telemetry.Storage.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Telemetry.SystemMonitor.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Telemetry.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Testing.InsecurePW.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Testing.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Coordination.FeedLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ...e.UI.Coordination.ProcessLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ...UI.Coordination.ProcessesLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Coordination.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Coordination.TaskLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ...ire.UI.Coordination.TasksLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Coordination.TodoLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Coordination.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Groups.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Groups.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Groups.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Groups.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Kanban.BoardLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Kanban.HomeLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Kanban.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Kanban.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Reflow.Integration.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Reflow.InventoryLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Reflow.MaterialsLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Reflow.ProcessLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Reflow.ProcessesLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ...I.Reflow.ProfileInventoryLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Reflow.ResourceLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Reflow.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Reflow.html | 6 +- Bonfire.UI.Topics.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Topics.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Topics.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Topics.html | 8 +- ...I.ValueFlows.AddMilestoneLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ...s.CreateEconomicEventLive.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- ....UI.ValueFlows.CreateResourceSpecForm.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.ValueFlows.CreateUnitForm.html | 8 +- ...ValueFlows.CreateValueCalculationForm.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.ValueFlows.Integration.html | 8 +- ...ntentCreateActivityFieldsLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.ValueFlows.RuntimeConfig.html | 8 +- | 8 +- Bonfire.UI.Valueflows.html | 6 +- Bonfire.Upcycle.IntentLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Upcycle.MapLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Upcycle.ResourceLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Upcycle.Web.HomeLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ...ire.Upcycle.Web.InventoryLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Upcycle.Web.Routes.html | 8 +- ...ire.Upcycle.Web.TransfersLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Upcycle.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Valueflows.html | 6 +- Bonfire.ValueflowsObserve.html | 6 +- Bonfire.Web.Endpoint.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Web.FakeRemoteEndpoint.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Web.Router.CORS.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Web.Router.Reverse.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Web.Router.Routes.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Web.Router.html | 8 +- Bonfire.Web.ViewInventoryLive.GraphQL.html | 8 +- Bonfire.epub | Bin 817444 -> 817452 bytes Bonfire.html | 6 +- EctoSparkles.AutoMigrator.html | 8 +- EctoSparkles.Changesets.Errors.html | 8 +- EctoSparkles.DataMigration.Config.html | 8 +- EctoSparkles.DataMigration.Runner.html | 8 +- EctoSparkles.DataMigration.html | 40 +-- EctoSparkles.ErlangTermBinary.html | 8 +- EctoSparkles.JSONSerdeData.html | 8 +- EctoSparkles.Log.html | 8 +- EctoSparkles.Migrator.html | 8 +- EctoSparkles.NPlus1Detector.html | 8 +- EctoSparkles.SanitiseStrings.html | 26 +- EctoSparkles.html | 30 +- Grumble.html | 36 +-- Iconify.MaterialSymbols.CalendarMonth.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Agent.Agents.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Agent.Organizations.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Agent.People.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Agreement.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.AllMigrations.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Claim.Claims.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Claim.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Claim.Queries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Claim.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicEvent.EconomicEvents.html | 8 +- ...eFlows.EconomicEvent.EventSideEffects.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicEvent.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicEvent.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicEvent.Queries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicEvent.Trace.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicEvent.Track.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicEvent.html | 8 +- | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicResource.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicResource.Queries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.EconomicResource.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Knowledge.Action.Actions.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Knowledge.Action.html | 8 +- ...nowledge.ProcessSpecification.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ...ssSpecification.ProcessSpecifications.html | 8 +- ...nowledge.ProcessSpecification.Queries.html | 8 +- ...eFlows.Knowledge.ProcessSpecification.html | 8 +- ...owledge.ResourceSpecification.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ...dge.ResourceSpecification.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- ...owledge.ResourceSpecification.Queries.html | 8 +- ...eSpecification.ResourceSpecifications.html | 8 +- ...Flows.Knowledge.ResourceSpecification.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.Classifications.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.Hydration.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.Integration.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.ObservablePhenomenons.html | 8 +- ....Observe.ObservablePhenomenonsGraphQL.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.ObservableProperties.html | 8 +- ...s.Observe.ObservablePropertiesGraphQL.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.Observation.Queries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.Observation.html | 8 +- | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.Observations.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.Seeds.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Observe.Simulate.html | 8 +- ...Flows.Planning.Commitment.Commitments.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Commitment.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Commitment.Queries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Commitment.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Intent.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Intent.Intents.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Intent.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Intent.Queries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Intent.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Satisfaction.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Satisfaction.Queries.html | 8 +- ...s.Planning.Satisfaction.Satisfactions.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Planning.Satisfaction.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Process.LiveHandler.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Process.Processes.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Process.Queries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Process.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Proposal.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Proposal.Proposals.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Proposal.ProposedIntent.html | 8 +- ...eFlows.Proposal.ProposedIntentQueries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Proposal.ProposedIntents.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Proposal.ProposedTo.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Proposal.ProposedToQueries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Proposal.ProposedTos.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Proposal.Queries.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Proposal.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Util.Federation.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.Util.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.ValueCalculation.GraphQL.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.ValueCalculation.Queries.html | 8 +- | 8 +- ValueFlows.ValueCalculation.html | 8 +- ValueFlows.html | 8 +- add-a-new-widget.html | 68 ++--- add-a-page-to-the-sidebar.html | 44 +-- add-an-extension-settings.html | 6 +- api-reference.html | 8 +- architecture.html | 12 +- blog.html | 6 +- bonfire-flavoured-elixir.html | 68 ++--- boundaries.html | 6 +- changelog.html | 6 +- classic.html | 6 +- community.html | 6 +- cooperation.html | 6 +- coordination.html | 6 +- create-a-new-extension.html | 8 +- create-a-new-page.html | 6 +- database.html | 286 +++++++++--------- deploy.html | 18 +- deps-classic.html | 6 +- deps-cooperation.html | 6 +- design_guidelines.html | 6 +- edit-an-existing-extension.html | 6 +- extensions-overview.html | 24 +- graphql.html | 64 ++-- hacking.html | 8 +- index.html | 2 +- just-commands.html | 6 +- mrf.html | 42 +-- open-science.html | 6 +- project-structure.html | 6 +- readme.html | 6 +- reflow.html | 6 +- routing.html | 6 +- search.html | 6 +- upcycle.html | 6 +- what-is-flavour.html | 6 +- 390 files changed, 1966 insertions(+), 1966 deletions(-) diff --git a/404.html b/404.html index 2d600456db..f086853f87 100644 --- a/404.html +++ b/404.html @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@ - + - 404 — Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.97 + 404 — Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.98 @@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Bonfire diff --git a/AbsintheClient.Helpers.html b/AbsintheClient.Helpers.html index 0b58d51bea..bf257bbeb7 100644 --- a/AbsintheClient.Helpers.html +++ b/AbsintheClient.Helpers.html @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ - + - AbsintheClient.Helpers — Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.97 + AbsintheClient.Helpers — Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.98 @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Bonfire @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@

AbsintheClient.Helpers - (Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.97) + (Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.98)

diff --git a/AbsintheClient.html b/AbsintheClient.html index f35a3d48f2..a6d31a348a 100644 --- a/AbsintheClient.html +++ b/AbsintheClient.html @@ -5,10 +5,10 @@ - + - AbsintheClient — Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.97 + AbsintheClient — Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.98 @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ Bonfire @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@

AbsintheClient behaviour - (Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.97) + (Bonfire v0.9.10-cooperation-beta.98)

@@ -135,29 +135,29 @@


First, use AbsintheClient, passing your schema and -notifying Absinthe to operate in internal mode:

defmodule MyAppWeb.UserController do
+notifying Absinthe to operate in internal mode:

defmodule MyAppWeb.UserController do
   use MyAppWeb, :controller
-  use AbsintheClient, schema: MyAppWeb.Schema, action: [mode: :internal]
+  use AbsintheClient, schema: MyAppWeb.Schema, action: [mode: :internal]
   # ... actions

For each action you want Absinthe to process, provide a GraphQL document using +end

For each action you want Absinthe to process, provide a GraphQL document using the @graphql module attribute (before the action):

@graphql """
   query ($filter: UserFilter) {
     users(filter: $filter, limit: 10)
-def index(conn_or_socket, %{data: data}) do
+def index(conn_or_socket, %{data: data}) do
   render conn_or_socket, "index.html", data

The params for the action will be intercepted by the +end

The params for the action will be intercepted by the AbsintheClient.Action plug, and used as variables for the GraphQL document you've specified.

For instance, given a definition for a :user_filter input object -type like this:

input_object :user_filter do
+type like this:

input_object :user_filter do
   field :name_matches, :string
   field :age_above, :integer
   field :age_below, :integer

And a query that looks like this (assuming you have the normal -Plug.Parsers configuration for param parsing):


Then Absinthe will receive variable definitions of:

%{"filter" => %{"name_matches" => "joe", "age_above" => 42}}

(For how the string "42" was converted into 42, see cast_param/3).

The params on the conn_or_socket will then be replaced by the result of the +end

And a query that looks like this (assuming you have the normal +Plug.Parsers configuration for param parsing):


Then Absinthe will receive variable definitions of:

%{"filter" => %{"name_matches" => "joe", "age_above" => 42}}

(For how the string "42" was converted into 42, see cast_param/3).

The params on the conn_or_socket will then be replaced by the result of the execution by Absinthe. The action function can then match against that result to respond correctly to the user:

It's up to you to handle the three possible results: