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Merge pull request #311 from Deraen/gpg-binary
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Use gpg binary for signing and reading credentials from encrypted file
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Deraen committed Nov 8, 2015
2 parents 8fad2b3 + 7b643ba commit c49e69c
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Showing 9 changed files with 211 additions and 94 deletions.
12 changes: 12 additions & 0 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
# Changes

## Unreleased

- Added support for reading repository credentials from encrypted file
(`~/.boot/credentials.clj.gpg`) and environment variables.
- **BREAKING**: `gpg` binary is now used for signing jars and reading encrypted
credentials file
- Deprecated `push` option `gpg-keyring`
- `push` task can now be provided with `repo-map` option to set the deployment
repository. This is useful for example in case a repository needs different
settings for downloading dependencies and deploying, like additional

## 2.4.2

- Fix issue where the wrong classloader was being used to
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1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions boot/aether/project.clj
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:license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
:url ""}
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.6.0" :scope "compile"]
[boot/base ~version :scope "provided"]
[boot/pod ~version :scope "compile"]
[com.cemerick/pomegranate "0.3.0" :scope "compile"]])
72 changes: 69 additions & 3 deletions boot/aether/src/boot/aether.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,11 +6,14 @@
[cemerick.pomegranate.aether :as aether]
[boot.util :as util]
[boot.pod :as pod]
[boot.gpg :as gpg]
[ :as ansi]
[boot.kahnsort :as ksort])
[boot App]
[ File]
[java.util.jar JarFile]
[java.util.regex Pattern]
[org.sonatype.aether.resolution DependencyResolutionException]))

(def offline? (atom false))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -59,13 +62,75 @@
:password password
:non-proxy-hosts (get-non-proxy-hosts)}))))

(defn ^{:boot/from :technomancy/leiningen} credentials-fn
"Decrypt map from credentials.clj.gpg in Boot home if present."
([] (let [cred-file (io/file (App/bootdir) "credentials.clj.gpg")]
(if (.exists cred-file)
(credentials-fn cred-file))))
(let [{:keys [out err exit]} (gpg/gpg "--quiet" "--batch"
"--decrypt" "--" (str file))]
(if (pos? exit)
(binding [*out* *err*]
(util/warn (format (str "Could not decrypt credentials from %s\n"
"See `boot gpg --help` for how to install gpg.")
(str file) err)))
(read-string out)))))

(def credentials (memoize credentials-fn))

(defn- ^{:boot/from :technomancy/leiningen} match-credentials [settings auth-map]
(get auth-map (:url settings)
(first (for [[re? cred] auth-map
:when (and (instance? Pattern re?)
(re-find re? (:url settings)))]

(defn- ^{:boot/from :technomancy/leiningen} resolve-credential
"Resolve key-value pair from result into a credential, updating result."
[source-settings result [k v]]
(letfn [(resolve [v]
(cond (= :env v)
(System/getenv (str "BOOT_" (string/upper-case (name k))))

(and (keyword? v) (= "env" (namespace v)))
(System/getenv (string/upper-case (name v)))

(= :gpg v)
(get (match-credentials source-settings (credentials)) k)

(coll? v) ;; collection of places to look
(->> (map resolve v)
(remove nil?)

:else v))]
(if (#{:username :password :passphrase :private-key-file} k)
(assoc result k (resolve v))
(assoc result k v))))

(defn ^{:boot/from :technomancy/leiningen} resolve-credentials
"Applies credentials from the environment or ~/.boot/credentials.clj.gpg
as they are specified and available."
(let [gpg-creds (if (= :gpg (:creds settings))
(match-credentials settings (credentials)))
resolved (reduce (partial resolve-credential settings)
(empty settings)
(if gpg-creds
(dissoc (merge gpg-creds resolved) :creds)

(defn resolve-dependencies*
:coordinates (:dependencies env)
:repositories (->> (or (:repositories env) @default-repositories)
(map (juxt first (fn [[x y]] (if (map? y) y {:url y}))))
(map (juxt first (fn [[x y]] (resolve-credentials y))))
(map (juxt first (fn [[x y]] (update-in y [:update] #(or % @update?))))))
:local-repo (or (:local-repo env) @local-repo nil)
:offline? (or @offline? (:offline? env))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,17 +232,18 @@
:local-repo (or (:local-repo env) @local-repo nil))))

(defn deploy
[env repo jarfile & [artifact-map]]
[env [repo-id repo-settings] jarfile & [artifact-map]]
(let [{:keys [project version]}
(-> jarfile pod/pom-properties pod/pom-properties-map)
pomfile (doto (File/createTempFile "pom" ".xml")
.deleteOnExit (spit (pod/pom-xml jarfile)))]
.deleteOnExit (spit (pod/pom-xml jarfile)))
repo-settings (resolve-credentials repo-settings)]
:coordinates [project version]
:jar-file (io/file jarfile)
:pom-file (io/file pomfile)
:artifact-map artifact-map
:repository [repo]
:repository {repo-id repo-settings}
:local-repo (or (:local-repo env) @local-repo nil))))

(def ^:private wagon-files (atom #{}))
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39 changes: 28 additions & 11 deletions boot/core/src/boot/cli.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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(symbol? type) (assoc m k (parse-type type v))
(coll? type) (update-in m [k] (fnil conj (empty type)) (parse-type (first type) v))))))

(defn- format-doc [optarg type doc]
(defn- deprecated [short]
(:deprecated (meta short)))

(defn- deprecated-doc [doc]
(str "DEPRECATED: " doc))

(defn- format-doc [short optarg type doc]
(let [atom? (symbol? type)
flag? (not optarg)
incr? (and flag? (= 'int type))]
incr? (format "Increase %s" (decap doc))
flag? doc
atom? (format "Set %s to %s." (depunc (decap doc)) optarg)
:else (let [f "Conj %s onto %s"
v ((parse-fn optarg) (str optarg))]
(format f (if (string? v) v (pr-str (mapv symbol v))) (decap doc))))))
incr? (and flag? (= 'int type))
docstring (cond
incr? (format "Increase %s" (decap doc))
flag? doc
atom? (format "Set %s to %s." (depunc (decap doc)) optarg)
:else (let [f "Conj %s onto %s"
v ((parse-fn optarg) (str optarg))]
(format f (if (string? v) v (pr-str (mapv symbol v))) (decap doc))))]
(cond-> docstring
(deprecated short) deprecated-doc)))

(defn- argspec->cli-argspec
([short long type doc]
Expand All @@ -99,7 +107,7 @@
[:id (keyword long)
:long-opt (str "--" long)
:required (when optarg (str optarg))
:desc (format-doc optarg type doc)
:desc (format-doc short optarg type doc)
:parse-fn `(#'parse-fn ~(when optarg (list 'quote optarg)))
:assoc-fn `(#'assoc-fn ~(when optarg (list 'quote optarg)) '~type)]))))

Expand All @@ -113,11 +121,19 @@
(throw (IllegalArgumentException.
~(format "option :%s must be of type %s" long type)))))))

(defn- argspec->deprecation-warning
([short long type doc]
(argspec->deprecation-warning short long nil type doc))
([short long optarg type doc]
(if-let [deprecated (deprecated short)]
`(when-not (nil? ~long)
(util/warn ~(format "option %s is deprecated. %s\n" long (if (string? deprecated) deprecated "")))))))

(defn- argspec->summary
([short long type doc]
(argspec->summary short long nil type doc))
([short long optarg type doc]
[(str ":" long) (str (when (:! (meta type)) "^:! ")) (str type) doc]))
[(str ":" long) (str (when (:! (meta type)) "^:! ")) (str type) (cond-> doc (deprecated short) deprecated-doc)]))

(defn- argspec-seq [args]
(when (seq args)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,6 +201,7 @@
~'*args* (:arguments parsed#)
~'*usage* #(print ~cli-doc)]
~@(mapv (partial apply argspec->assert) argspecs)
~@(mapv (partial apply argspec->deprecation-warning) argspecs)
(if-not ~'help (do ~@body) (~'*usage*))))
(with-meta ~varmeta)))))

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44 changes: 35 additions & 9 deletions boot/core/src/boot/task/built_in.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[boot.util :as util]
[boot.from.table.core :as table]
[boot.task-helpers :as helpers]
[boot.gpg :as gpg]
[boot.pedantic :as pedantic])
[ File]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -684,17 +685,37 @@
(core/deftask push
"Deploy jar file to a Maven repository.
The repo option is required. If the file option is not specified the task will
If the file option is not specified the task will
look for jar files created by the build pipeline. The jar file(s) must contain
pom.xml entries."
pom.xml entries.
The repo option is required. The repo option is used to get repository map
from Boot envinronment. Additional repo-map option can be used to add
options, like credentials, or to provide complete repo-map if Boot
envinronment doesn't hold the named repository.
Repository map special options:
- `:creds :gpg`
- Username and password are read from encrypted file at ~/.boot/credentials.clj.gpg.
- `:username :gpg :password :gpg`
- Username and password are read from encrypted file at ~/.boot/credentials.clj.gpg.
- `:username :env :password :env`
- Username is read from envinronment variable `BOOT_{{REPO_NAME}}_USERNAME` and password from `BOOT_{{REPO_NAME}}_PASSWORD`.
- `:username :env/foo :password :env/bar`
- Username is read from envinronment variable `FOO` and password from `BAR`.
- `:username [:gpg :env :env/foo]`
- Username is read from first available source."

[f file PATH str "The jar file to deploy."
F file-regex MATCH #{regex} "The set of regexes of paths to deploy."
g gpg-sign bool "Sign jar using GPG private key."
k gpg-user-id NAME str "The name used to find the GPG key."
k gpg-user-id KEY str "The name or key-id used to select the signing key."
^{:deprecated "Check GPG help about changing GNUPGHOME."}
K gpg-keyring PATH str "The path to secring.gpg file to use for signing."
p gpg-passphrase PASS str "The passphrase to unlock GPG signing key."
r repo ALIAS str "The alias of the deploy repository."
r repo NAME str "The name of the deploy repository."
e repo-map REPO edn "The repository map of the deploy repository."
t tag bool "Create git tag for this version."
B ensure-branch BRANCH str "The required current git branch."
C ensure-clean bool "Ensure that the project git repo is clean."
Expand All @@ -712,9 +733,13 @@
(core/by-ext [".jar"])
((if (seq file-regex) #(core/by-re file-regex %) identity))
(map core/tmp-file)))
repo-map (->> (core/get-env :repositories) (into {}))
r (get repo-map repo)]
(when-not (and r (seq jarfiles))
; Get options from Boot env by repo name
r (get (->> (core/get-env :repositories) (into {})) repo)
repo-map (merge
; Repo option in env might be given as only url instead of map
(if (map? r) r {:url r})
(when-not (and repo-map (seq jarfiles))
(throw (Exception. "missing jar file or repo not found")))
(doseq [f jarfiles]
(let [{{t :tag} :scm
Expand All @@ -726,7 +751,8 @@
snapshot? (.endsWith v "-SNAPSHOT")
artifact-map (when gpg-sign
(util/info "Signing %s...\n" (.getName f))
(helpers/sign-jar tgt f gpg-passphrase gpg-keyring gpg-user-id))]
(gpg/sign-jar tgt f {:gpg-key gpg-user-id
:gpg-passphrase gpg-passphrase}))]
(assert (or (not ensure-branch) (= b ensure-branch))
(format "current git branch is %s but must be %s" b ensure-branch))
(assert (or (not ensure-clean) clean?)
Expand All @@ -743,7 +769,7 @@
(format "jar version doesn't match project version (%s, %s)" v ensure-version))
(util/info "Deploying %s...\n" (.getName f))
(boot.aether/deploy ~(core/get-env) ~[repo r] ~(.getPath f) ~artifact-map))
(boot.aether/deploy ~(core/get-env) ~[repo repo-map] ~(.getPath f) ~artifact-map))
(when tag
(if (and tags (= commit (get tags tag)))
(util/info "Tag %s already created for %s\n" tag commit)
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12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions boot/core/src/boot/task_helpers.clj
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(String/valueOf (.readPassword (System/console) prompt nil)))

(defn sign-jar [out jar pass keyring user-id]
(let [prompt (pod/with-call-worker
(boot.pgp/prompt-for ~keyring ~user-id))
pass (or pass (read-pass prompt))]
~(.getPath out)
~(.getPath jar)
:keyring ~keyring
:user-id ~user-id))))

(defn print-fileset
(letfn [(tree [xs]
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66 changes: 66 additions & 0 deletions boot/pod/src/boot/gpg.clj
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
(ns boot.gpg
[ :as io]
[ :as shell]
[boot.pod :as pod]
[boot.util :as util])
(:import [ StringReader File]))

(defn ^{:boot/from :technomancy/leiningen} gpg-program
"Lookup the gpg program to use, defaulting to 'gpg'"
(or (System/getenv "BOOT_GPG") "gpg"))

(defn- ^{:boot/from :technomancy/leiningen} get-english-env []
"Returns environment variables as a map with clojure keywords and LANGUAGE set to 'en'"
(let [env (System/getenv)
keywords (map #(keyword %) (keys env))]
(merge (zipmap keywords (vals env))
{:LANGUAGE "en"})))

(defn ^{:boot/from :technomancy/leiningen} gpg
"Shells out to (gpg-program) with the given arguments"
[& args]
(let [env (get-english-env)]
(shell/with-sh-env env
(apply shell/sh (gpg-program) args))
(catch e
{:exit 1 :err (.getMessage e)}))))

(defn ^{:boot/from :technomancy/leiningen} signing-args
"Produce GPG arguments for signing a file."
[file opts]
(let [key-spec (if-let [key (:gpg-key opts)]
["--default-key" key])
passphrase-spec (if-let [pass (:gpg-passphrase opts)]
["--passphrase-fd" "0"])
passphrase-in-spec (if-let [pass (:gpg-passphrase opts)]
[:in (StringReader. pass)])]
`["--yes" "-ab" ~@key-spec ~@passphrase-spec "--" ~file ~@passphrase-in-spec]))

(defn ^{:boot/from :technomancy/leiningen} sign
"Create a detached signature and return the signature file name."
[file opts]
(let [{:keys [err exit]} (apply gpg (signing-args file opts))]
(when-not (zero? exit)
(util/fail (str "Could not sign " file "\n" err
"\n\nIf you don't expect people to need to verify the "
"authorship of your jar, don't set :gpg-sign option of push task to true.\n")))
(str file ".asc")))

(defn sign-jar
[outdir jarfile opts]
(let [jarname (.getName jarfile)
jarout (io/file outdir (str jarname ".asc"))
pomfile (doto (File/createTempFile "pom" ".xml")
(spit (pod/pom-xml jarfile)))
pomout (io/file outdir (.replaceAll jarname "\\.jar$" ".pom.asc"))
sign-it #(sign (.getPath %) opts)]
(spit pomout (sign-it pomfile))
(spit jarout (sign-it jarfile))
{[:extension "jar.asc"] (.getPath jarout)
[:extension "pom.asc"] (.getPath pomout)})))
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion boot/worker/project.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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[clj-jgit "0.8.0"]
[clj-yaml "0.4.0"]
[javazoom/jlayer "1.0.1"]
[mvxcvi/clj-pgp "0.5.4"]
[ "4.1.0"]
[alandipert/desiderata "1.0.2"]
[org.clojure/data.xml "0.0.8"]
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