feeder is the simplest possible RSS reader. You export you subscriptions.xml
from Google Reader and run this program. feeder opens all unread entries in
your browser and saves the stuff you've read in read.txt
This little program is the result of my very specific, very simple needs. I have a dozen RSS feeds that I read daily, in their entirety, in only one device, without using folders or stars or anything. If this is not your case, please be very careful and review the source code before running it.
doesn't depend on external servers and can't be shutdown
easy to review items you have read and your feed list
trivial exporting to other services
no required input
easily extensible
plays well with sync software
no pretty feed titles, stars, folders, tags or comments
no social features whatsoever
"mark as unread" is a manual action
uses very stupid regexes to parse the feeds
if you miss an item and it falls off the feed list, it's lost for good
takes a moment to fetch all feeds (but does so in parallel)
no preview, opens everything regardless of your opinion