/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GTSAM Copyright 2010, Georgia Tech Research Corporation, * Atlanta, Georgia 30332-0415 * All Rights Reserved * Authors: Frank Dellaert, et al. (see THANKS for the full author list) * See LICENSE for the license information * -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * @file Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3.cpp * @brief A 3D Pose SLAM example that reads input from g2o, and initializes the Pose3 using InitializePose3 * Syntax for the script is ./Pose3SLAMExample_initializePose3 input.g2o output.g2o * @date Aug 25, 2014 * @author Luca Carlone */ #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace gtsam; int main(const int argc, const char *argv[]) { // Read graph from file string g2oFile; if (argc < 2) g2oFile = findExampleDataFile("pose3example.txt"); else g2oFile = argv[1]; NonlinearFactorGraph::shared_ptr graph; Values::shared_ptr initial; bool is3D = true; boost::tie(graph, initial) = readG2o(g2oFile, is3D); // Add prior on the first key NonlinearFactorGraph graphWithPrior = *graph; noiseModel::Diagonal::shared_ptr priorModel = // noiseModel::Diagonal::Variances((Vector(6) << 1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-6, 1e-4, 1e-4, 1e-4).finished()); Key firstKey = 0; for(const Values::ConstKeyValuePair& key_value: *initial) { std::cout << "Adding prior to g2o file " << std::endl; firstKey = key_value.key; graphWithPrior.add(PriorFactor(firstKey, Pose3(), priorModel)); break; } std::cout << "Optimizing the factor graph" << std::endl; GaussNewtonParams params; params.setVerbosity("TERMINATION"); // this will show info about stopping conditions GaussNewtonOptimizer optimizer(graphWithPrior, *initial, params); Values result = optimizer.optimize(); std::cout << "Optimization complete" << std::endl; std::cout << "initial error=" <error(*initial)<< std::endl; std::cout << "final error=" <error(result)<< std::endl; if (argc < 3) { result.print("result"); } else { const string outputFile = argv[2]; std::cout << "Writing results to file: " << outputFile << std::endl; writeG2o(*graph, result, outputFile); // ADDED fstream stream_cov(outputFile.c_str(), fstream::out); Marginals marginals(*graph, result); for(const auto& key_value: result) { auto p = dynamic_cast*>(&key_value.value); if (!p) continue; stream_cov << "VERTEX_SE3:cov " << key_value.key << endl << marginals.marginalCovariance(key_value.key) << endl; } std::cout << "done! " << std::endl; } return 0; }