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File metadata and controls

65 lines (51 loc) · 1.67 KB

JS include notations

borschik can merge JS files. But there is no standard method for this in Javascript so borschik uses the following syntax borschik:include:path/to/file.js.

This expression must be in:

  • block comment /*borschik:include:file.js*/
  • curly brackets like object {/*borschik:include:file.js*/}
  • square brackets like array [/*borschik:include:file.js*/]
  • string "borschik:include:file.js".

Comment and string have several semantic.

/* borschik:include:path/file.js */

If include is in a comment it will be replaced by the file's content without any transformation. page.js

var prj = {};
/* borschik:include:components/cookie.js */


var prj = {};
/* components/cookie.js begin */
prj.cookie = {
    set: function(){},
    get: function(){}

/* components/cookie.js end */

There are some problems with code validity in case you want to include JSON file like this

var myData = /* borschik:include:file.json */;

For this case borschik has object and array notations.

// object notation
var myData = {/* borschik:include:file.json */};
// array notation
var myData = [/* borschik:include:file.json */];

In these examples block comment and brackets will be replace with file content.

There is no differents beetween {} and [] notations. This options is for better code style only.


If include is in a string it will be replaced with the result of applying JSON.stringify to the file's content. page.js

prj.STATIC_HOST = "borschik:include:components/host.txt";

page.js will be transformed to:

prj.STATIC_HOST = "//";