This is the old code for a project I made when I was 16. I have vague memories of working on it in my grandma's attic. It was a site that showed the top users for a now-defunct social network called Hyves. I remember at one point I could see the demise of Hyves, with all the top users losing tonnes of 'followers' every single day. I've decided to open source this project, hardcoded secrets and all, so others might gain some wisdom from my (s)crappy PHP code. If you're interested in the history of Hyves (and know some Dutch) I suggest you read 'van 3 naar 10 miljoen vrienden', about the history of Hyves and how it exploded in popularity in The Netherlands.
I remember the design of the site being pretty cutting-edge, with rounded corners and gradients and everything. This is what it looked like: