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Halil Umut Özdemir

Halil Umut Özdemir edited this page May 28, 2020 · 6 revisions

Who am I?

I am a junior student at Boğaziçi University and my major degree is in Computer Engineering, also I study a minor degree in Electrics and Electronics Engineering. As a student, I am a responsible and hardworking person. I want to work on Robotics in the future. Finally, I like everything about basketball.

Work Experiences

  • I worked in IBM as an intern for 20 workdays. During my internship, I do some research and write some scripts to ease some tasks. The scripts that I write can be found on my GitHub repository.

Programming Languages that I have experienced

  • C\C++

  • Python


Contact With Me


Documentation of my Endpoint(Search)

This module makes a search in the registered users of the platform. You can give a search string and filters about the job and field of study of the user that you want to find. Also, a sorting criteria can be given as parameter. It searches and finds a list of users according to your criteria.

Input Format

This endpoint has no POST request. So if you send a post request it will give an error. The output is the following:

    "detail": "Method \"POST\" not allowed."

GET request parameters:

    token = "Your token will be here!!",
    search_string = "The string that you want to search will be here",
    filter = {"job" = "job_filter", "field_of_study" = "field_of_study_filter" },
    sorting_criteria = "Sorting criteria will be here"
  • token parameter is explained in the Authentication part.
  • search_string parameter can be any string that you want to search. To see all of the users give an empty string(like search_string="" not search_string=) as the value of this parameter. You have to give the search_string parameter.
  • filter parameter is set of filters in the system. job can be any job in our system. field_of_study can be any string. filter parameter and its subparameters are not obligatory parameters. If you don' give this as a parameter system makes a search without filtering.
  • sorting_criteriais the sorting criteria of the result list. If any parameter is given the default sorting is made according to the semantic points of the results. name_increasing, name_decreasing, surname_increasing, surname_decreasing can be given as a parameter. It sorts the result list according to the parameter given.


This module uses the tokens of the system for authentication. To use this endpoint, firstly register to the system with ../api/register/ endpoint and get a token using ../api/login/ endpoint. And give this token as an input to the request as:

    token = "Your token will be here!!" 

Sample Output




        "name": "Test1",
        "surname": "Test1",
        "e-mail": "",
        "about_me": "I am a test user and I will be deleted when API is deployed!!",
        "job": "Student",
        "field_of_study": "Test Field1"
        "name": "Test1",
        "surname": "Test1",
        "e-mail": "",
        "about_me": "I am a test user and I will be deleted when API is deployed!!",
        "job": "Student",
        "field_of_study": "Test Field1"
        "name": "Test1",
        "surname": "Test1",
        "e-mail": "",
        "about_me": "I am a test user and I will be deleted when API is deployed!!",
        "job": "Student",
        "field_of_study": "Test Field1"
        "name": "Test1",
        "surname": "Test1",
        "e-mail": "",
        "about_me": "I am a test user and I will be deleted when API is deployed!!",
        "job": "Student",
        "field_of_study": "Test Field1"

Error Codes

  • Token Error:


"You have to give your token" Status Code: 401
  • 3rd Party API Error:


"There is a problem about the 3rd party APIs that I used. Please try again!!" , Status Code: 500
  • Input Error:


"You give your input in wrong format. Please check the API documentation for the appropriate input format!!" Status Code: 400

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