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Mapcover.js: start customizing map elements & UIs by writing HTML/CSS/JS!

Mapcover is one tool to enable you to write fully customizable elements on and over map. "Fully customizable" means writing HTML, CSS and JS for elements of map just like what you did on other parts of webpage.

Mapcover currently supports Google Map, Mapbox, will support Bing Map and so on.


alt text For "Custom Markers", with Mapcover, developers can create Classes that inherit CustomMarker. By taking into different compiled HTML template functions, instances of different CustomMarker subclasses can have different HTML contents. With the help CustomMarkerController, instances of subclasses of CustomMarker are easy to manage. Helper functions of CustomMarkerController such as getDOM(), getContainer() can quickly retrieve DOM nodes of corresponding instances. Also, since HTML contents are generated by yourself via templates, you can specify "identifier css classes" to specify how it would viewed. Bootstraps and other frameworks can also be used.

For context menu, Mapcover provide one predefined css class .mc-ascontextmenu. So you can turn one element beneath "mapcover container element" into map context menu, by assigning this css class to that element. This css class .mc-ascontextmenu does not specify any concrete CSS, just serving as indentifier for Mapcover to know which one is context menu target.

For control UI elements like "zoomin", "zoomout", instead of using those original, deeply embeded UI DOMs provided by Map venders, one can create UI DOMs for map at same depth with the map container DIV, just like creating any other DOMs on your webpage.

dependency: Backbone.js/Underscore.js, jQuery, Google Map API V3,

Goto 15s Mapcover.js Demo and read following to learn it works. Then you can right click on map to start playing with Mapcover.

Let's start from "demo.js"

var mapcover = initMapCover( 'mapcover', 'mapcover-map' );

The initMapCover function is gloabally introduced after import "mapcover.js" into your page. And this is the only one it introduced under window scope. The initMapCover takes two arguements, first one is the id of the element you want it to be "mapcover" DIV. The second argument is the id of the DIV you want it to be map container. Then Mapcover will put one google map into it. (later I will enable options of whether loading map by Mapcover or loading map yourself, then notifying Mapcover where is target map)

mapcover.initCustomMarker( "CustomMarker1" , _.template( $('#customMarkerTemplate').html()  ));  
mapcover.initCustomMarker( "CustomMarker2", _.template($('#AnotherClassTemplate').html() ) );

create two Classes for two kinds of CustomMarker, using two different templates specified in "index.html" You are free to pass in any compiled template function as argument of initCustomMarker(). As long as the compiled template functions has usage similar with following

var generatedText = compiledFunction( dataobj);

Now lets's see the content of $('#customMarkerTemplate').html()

<div class="mc-static2mapcanvas customized-marker">
  <div class="content"><%= displayedText %></div>
  <div class="text-center remove-background">
    <span aria-hidden="true" class="glyphicon glyphicon-triangle-bottom">

and the less styling it

  background-color: rgba(0, 255, 255, 0);
    background-color: #FF5A5F; 
    color: #fff;
    padding:0px 5px;
    font-size: 14px;

    padding: 0px;
    margin: 0px;
    margin-top: -4px;
    background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0);
    background-color: #252525;

With those HTML template and Less(css), Soon you will create one custom Map Marker like this.

alt text

Somewhat like using google map API, before creating one google marker, you need to pass in an option object. The same thing applies here. Following shows the option object for a Custom Marker

var custom_marker_option = {
  anchor: null,
  datacontent:{"displayedText":"This Marker1"},
  latLng: new google.maps.LatLng(-34.397, 150.644),
  map: mapcover.model.get("map"),
    console.log("marker heard mouseover");
    // console.log(event.latLng);
    // console.log(container_node);
    var dom = container_node.childNodes[0];
    console.log("marker heard mouseout");
    // console.log(event.latLng);
    // console.log(container_node);
    var dom = container_node.childNodes[0];
    console.log("you clicked me");

With this option object you can instantiate one instance of the CustomMarker class (which I have already templated basic javascript logic to make it behave like a marker, but still allow you to FULLY customize it.)

the content of attribute 'datacontent' specifies the data which is necessary for the compiled template function of CustomMarker Class to generate HTML for instances of CustomMarker.

var custom_marker_option2 = _.clone(custom_marker_option);
var custom_marker_option3 = _.clone(custom_marker_option);
custom_marker_option2.latLng = new google.maps.LatLng(-33.897, 151.644);
custom_marker_option2.datacontent = {"displayedText":"Marker2"};
custom_marker_option3.latLng =new google.maps.LatLng(-34.697, 150.644);
custom_marker_option3.datacontent = {"hotelname": "JingJiang Hotel", "number":2, "price": "五毛钱"};

above code show creating another two different marker options. But please pay attention, the custom_marker_options3 is for CustomMarker2, so it has different structure in terms of datacontent property.

Now comes the code creating an instance of CustomMarker1

var temp_marker_controller = mapcover.addCustomMarker("CustomMarker1"  ,custom_marker_option );

Also addCustomMarker() return one controller for this instance of CustomMarker1

By setting the latLng property of controller, the geoposition of this marker is changed.

setTimeout(function timeout(){
  temp_marker_controller.set("latLng",new google.maps.LatLng(-33.397, 150.644) );
  $('#log').html( $('#log').html()+ "<br/>2. moved one custom marker")

By setting map null, the marker is temporarily removed from DOM tree and hidden.

  temp_marker_controller.set({ map:null });

I store the map object in the model of Mapcover. By setting map to the working map, marker appears.

temp_marker_controller.set({ map:mapcover.model.get("map")});

Remove these two event handlers. Remember, when I create the first marker option, I specified three event handlers respectively for 'mouseover', 'mouseout', 'click'. For a complete reference of MouseEvent, please go to Google Map API V3 reference.


Attempting deleting the first instance of Class CustomMarker1. At the same time, add one instance of CustomMarker2 with custom_marker_option3 loaded

setTimeout(function timeout(){
  temp_marker_controller = null;
  mapcover.addCustomMarker("CustomMarker2"  , custom_marker_option3);
} ,15000);


start customizing map elements such as Markers by writing HTML/CSS/JS







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