rank | related_endpoints | related_guides | required_guides | related_resources | alias_paths | notes | ||||||
1 |
Lazy copy of old docs. Needs rethinking. |
The Box APIs uses HTTP status codes to communicate if a request has been successfully processed or not.
Most client errors in the HTTP 4XX, and some server errors in the HTTP 5XX range returns a standard client error JSON object.
"type": "error",
"status": 400,
"code": "bad_digest",
"help_url": "https://developer.box.com/guides/api-calls/permissions-and-errors/common-errors/",
"message": "The specified content-md5 did not match what we received",
"request_id": "abcdef123456"
See the Client Error resource for more details.
Check our Developer Troubleshooting Articles for solution to common errors encountered when working with the Box APIs.
Error | bad_digest |
Message | The specified content-md5 did not match what we received. |
Solution | While uploading a file, a content-md5 header with the SHA-1 hash of the file can be supplied to ensure that the file is not corrupted in transit. The SHA-1 hash that was supplied in the request did not match what was received in the upload. Supply a valid SHA-1 hash of the uploaded file. |
Error | bad_request |
Message | |
Solution | Required parameters supplied in the API request are either missing or invalid. Check the extended error message in the response body for more details. |
Error | cannot_make_collaborated_subfolder_private |
Message | Cannot move a collaborated subfolder to a private folder unless the new owner is explicitly specified. |
Solution | Specify the ID of the user that the content should be transferred to by setting the owned_by.id field in the request. |
Error | collaborations_not_available_on_root_folder |
Message | Root folder cannot be collaborated |
Solution | You cannot set collaborators on a user's root folder (folder ID 0). Use a different folder ID than the root folder. |
Error | cyclical_folder_structure |
Message | Folder move creates cyclical folder structure |
Solution | The folder ID specified in the folder move would create a cyclical folder structure (for example moving a folder to a subfolder within itself). Change the folder ID for the folder move request. |
Error | folder_not_empty |
Message | Cannot delete – folder not empty |
Solution | Delete all content from the folder before attempting to delete it. |
Error | invalid_collaboration_item |
Message | Item type must be specified and set to 'folder' |
Solution | The item.type field of the collaboration item should be set to folder. |
Error | invalid_grant |
Message | Verify the authorization code is set correctly in your request, or your application likely needs to get a new authorization code. |
Solution | The authorization code supplied in the API request is missing or no longer valid. Possible solutions are to verify that the access token is added correctly in the request. If correctly set, the access token may have expired. Attempt to refresh the access token or fetch a new one. |
Error | invalid_grant |
Message | Current date time must be before the expiration date time listed in the 'exp' claim. |
Solution | This error occurs when the Unix time on your local machine and the Box server are out of sync. To fix this error, update the Unix time on your machine to match a synchronized time server, then try the request again. |
Error | invalid_limit |
Message | Limit is not a valid number |
Solution | Add a valid numeric value for the supplied limit value. |
Error | invalid_offset |
Message | Offset is not a valid number |
Solution | Add a valid numeric value for the supplied offset value. |
Error | invalid_request_parameters |
Message | Invalid input parameters in request |
Solution | Invalid parameters were sent in the API request. Check the API reference documentation for the correct request parameters that should be supplied for the API operation. |
Error | invalid_status |
Message | You can change the status only if the collaboration is pending |
Solution | The status of a collaboration can only be updated to accepted or rejected by the user specified in the accessible_by field when the current status is set to pending. |
Error | invalid_upload_session_id |
Message | The upload session ID provided in the URL is not of a valid format. |
Solution | The session ID supplied when making a chunked upload API request was invalid. Use the same session ID from the session that was created. |
Error | item_name_invalid |
Message | Item name invalid |
Solution | Verify that the file's name is valid. Box only supports file or folder names that are 255 characters or less. File names containing non-printable characters, names containing the characters / , \ , < , > , : , ` |
Error | item_name_too_long |
Message | Item name too long |
Solution | Shorten the length of the name that is being supplied for the item. The maximum length of a file or folder name in Box is 255 characters or less. |
Error | metadata_after_file_contents |
Message | Metadata is included after file contents in a file upload request. |
Solution | Include the file metadata before the file's contents. |
Error | password_reset_required |
Message | User needs to reset password |
Solution | The user has not yet completed account setup steps. |
Error | requested_page_out_of_range |
Message | Requested representation page out of range |
Solution | The range header supplied does not fit within the size of the specified item. Adjust the bounds to fit within the size of the item and try again. |
Error | requested_preview_unavailable |
Message | Requested preview unavailable |
Solution | The thumbnail size requested for the file is not valid. See the reference docs for the API operation for available format sizes. |
Error | sync_item_move_failure |
Message | Cannot move a synced item |
Solution | The item is set to be synced by the Box sync clients and cannot be moved. A possible solution is to set the sync_state of the item to not_synced . |
Error | task_assignee_not_allowed |
Message | Assigner does not have sufficient privileges to assign task to assignee |
Solution | The user who is attempting to assign the task does not have the appropriate permissions to do so. Adjust the user permissions to allow the assignment of tasks. |
Error | terms_of_service_required |
Message | User must accept custom terms of service before action can be taken |
Solution | The admin of your Box account has set custom terms of service and the user has not logged in to accept the terms yet. The user will need to accept the terms of service, or the admin will have to disable them, in order to proceed. More information is available here. |
Error | user_already_collaborator |
Message | User is already a collaborator |
Solution | The user that you are attempting to collaborate in on an item is already collaborated on that item. This request is not needed. |
Error | unauthorized |
Message | Unauthorized |
Solution | Authorization token is not authorized, check extended error message in body for more details. |
Error | access_denied_insufficient_permissions |
Message | Access denied – insufficient permission |
Solution | The Access Token does not have the appropriate user permissions or scopes. See here for solution information. |
Error | insufficient_scope |
Message | The request requires higher privileges than provided by the access token. |
Solution | This error is typically produced when scopes that are needed for the API operation are not enabled. Check your configured application scopes and reauthorize your application, if applicable. |
Error | access_denied_item_locked |
Message | Access denied – item locked |
Solution | You are attempting to access a locked item without appropriate permissions to access it. Unlock the item first, then try to access it again. |
Error | access_from_location_blocked |
Message | |
Solution | You’re attempting to log in to Box from a location that has not been approved by your admin. Talk to your admin to resolve this issue. |
Error | file_size_limit_exceeded |
Message | File size exceeds the folder owner’s file size limit |
Solution | See here for maximum file size limits based on account type. |
Error | forbidden |
Message | |
Solution | Client does not have permission to upload to this session. Only the user who initiated the upload session may upload to it. |
Error | forbidden_by_policy |
Message | Access denied – Blocked by Shield Access Policy |
Solution | Shield access policies applied on your enterprise have prevented this action. Contact your enterprise admin to adjust the applied Shield access policies. |
Error | forbidden_by_policy |
Message | Access denied – Blocked by Shield Malware Detection Rule |
Solution | An active Shield malware detection rule prevents download or local editing of potentially malicious content, but preview and online editing remain available. Contact your enterprise admin to adjust the applied Shield policies. |
Error | incorrect_shared_item_password |
Message | |
Solution | A password is required for the shared item, but it was either incorrect or not supplied. |
Error | storage_limit_exceeded |
Message | Account storage limit reached |
Solution | The storage limit of the account has been reached. Either upgrade your account or permanently delete content to continue. Content that is simply moved to the trash will still count towards the account total until it is permanently deleted. |
Error | user_email_confirmation_required |
Message | User needs to complete email confirmation |
Solution | The user has not yet completed steps for email confirmation. |
Error | cors_origin_not_whitelisted |
Message | Access denied - Did you forget to safelist your origin in the CORS configuration of your app? |
Solution | Your application tried to access the Box API from a website. The application needs to explicitly allow Cross Origin Resource Sharing for the domain your site is hosted on. |
Error | not_found |
Message | |
Solution | The resource could not be found. Check the extended error message in the response body for more details. |
Error | not_trashed |
Message | Item is not trashed |
Solution | The item that is to be permanently deleted is not in the trash. Send the item to the trash first. |
Error | preview_cannot_be_generated |
Message | Preview cannot be generated |
Solution | You are not able to generate a preview thumbnail for the specified file. |
Error | trashed |
Message | Item is trashed |
Solution | The item that is to be accessed is in the trash and unavailable for modification. Move the item out of the trash and try again. |
Error | method_not_allowed |
Message | Method Not Allowed |
Solution | The HTTP method used for the API operation is not allowed. Check the API reference documentation for the HTTP verb needed for the API operation. |
Error | conflict |
Message | A resource with this value already exists |
Solution | This error may be produced when the resource to be created already exists. Check the extended error message in the response body for more details. |
Error | item_name_in_use |
Message | Item with the same name already exists |
Solution | This error is produced when a resource with the same name already exists. Ensure that the resource name being added / modified is unique. |
Error | name_temporarily_reserved |
Message | The item name is reserved by another processing item. Wait and then retry the request, or wait and check the parent folder to see if the name is in use. |
Solution | Two duplicate requests have been submitted at the same time. Box acknowledges the first and reserves the name, but a second duplicate request arrives before the first request has completed. Allow the first request to complete before sending the second. |
Error | operation_blocked_temporary |
Message | The operation is blocked by another ongoing operation |
Solution | This error is returned when trying to access a folder that is blocked by another folder operation, such as a move or copy. Try again at a later interval. |
Error | recent_similar_comment |
Message | A similar comment has been made recently |
Solution | A similar comment was recently made, and the API has flagged it as a potential duplicate. Verify that the comment was indeed made, or modify the comment content and try again. |
Error | user_login_already_used |
Message | User with the specified login already exists |
Solution | A user with the same email already exists. Either refer to the existing user or specify a different email. |
Error | session_expired |
Message | |
Solution | The upload session associated with the given upload session ID has expired and can no longer be accessed. |
Error | upload_failed |
Message | |
Solution | The upload session is in an unrecoverable state and cannot continue. This or other requests have resulted in the upload session reaching a bad state (for example parts overlapping). Possible situations where this may arise include when the maximum number of parts has been exceeded or when overlapping parts have been uploaded. |
Error | length_required |
Message | content-length header was required, but not provided. |
Solution | Supply a content-length header within your API request. |
Error | precondition_failed |
Message | The resource has been modified. Retrieve the resource again and retry |
Solution | Check the extended error message in the response body for more details. |
Error | sync_state_precondition_failed |
Message | The resource has been modified. Retrieve the resource again and retry |
Solution | Check the extended error message in the response body for more details. |
Error | request_entity_too_large |
Message | Request Entity too Large |
Solution | This error is produced when the size of the upload is more than the allowed maximum. Check the extended error message in the response body |
Error | unsupported_media_type |
Message | Previews for boxnote files are not yet supported. |
Solution | This error is produced when requested an embed preview of a Box Note. Embedded previews are currently unsupported for Box Notes. |
Error | rate_limit_exceeded |
Message | Request rate limit exceeded, try again later. |
Solution | The client is performing operations too quickly and has been rate limited. Client is advised to retry their request after the amount of time specified by the retry-after header. There are four rate limits to be aware of. |
Error | internal_server_error |
Message | Internal Server Error |
Solution | Client should retry using exponential back-off strategy |
Error | bad_gateway |
Message | |
Solution | Client should retry using exponential back-off strategy |
Error | unavailable |
Message | Unavailable |
Solution | If a Retry-After header is provided in the response, the client should retry the request according to the header value. In rare situations, a write operation may eventually persist its changes after the 503 response is received by the client, so the client should handle this case upon retry. If the issue persists, check our Status Site for any known outage information. |