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Stephan Stricker edited this page Nov 11, 2019 · 4 revisions

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The sample consists of two main components. The sample page is used to operate the software management. The task mappBackup_01 drives the software management. The two helper task USBdevice and NETdevice are used to connect to USB sticks and network resource's.

The following functions are currently supported.

  • Creat, restore and update the PLC
  • List and Delete backups
  • Generate backup names

Depending on the PLC speed and project size a backup or restore command will take several minutes. The task uses a variable structure to communicate with the outside world that can also be used to interact with other tasks. The structure Backup_01 looks as follows:

Level 1 Level 2 Level Description
CMD Used to trigger commands like backup, restore, delete, ... A command is triggered by setting it to true, when the command is finished the task will reset the command. This indicates that the command is finished. Do not change any parameters or set another command until the previous command is finished.
Backup Create a backup
Restore Restore an existing backup or install an update
Delete Delete the selected backup
GenerateName Generate backup name by using the default name plus the date and time
RefreshInfo Refresh details for the selected backup
RefreshDirectory Refresh the list of available backups
ErrorReset Resets pending errors
PAR Parameters like backup name, file path, ...
BackupName Name of the backup to be created or restored
DefaultName Name used for auto generating backup names
DeviceName Device where the recipe is created or restored. This can be a USB stick or network resource. The user partition is not a valid device since it is part of the backup and restore process.
UniqueName This name is used to create folder in the restore location when the restore command is called. When the PLC reboots after the restore process this folder is used to detect that a restore was completed. When using USB devices for restore the name is not relevant. When using network shares this name should be unique for each PLC that uses the location to restore updates.
DeviceList List of devices where the backups are stored
VisuSlotID Web session that triggered the command. This is used to show the message box only on the client that triggered the command.
VisuSlotID This is the session ID for the current command. This is used to identify where to send response messages.
ShowMessageBoxOK Show message box when backup or restore is finished
ShowMessageBoxError Show message box when error occurs
MpLink MpLink from the mappRecipe configuration under the physical view.
DAT Backup list as well as status information
CurrentID ID of the current project
CurrentVersion Version of the current project
RequestedName Name of the selected backup
RequestedID ID of the selected backup
RequestedVersion Version of the selected backup
LastName Name of the last backup
LastDate Date and time of the last backup
LastType Last backup was manual or automatic
BackupNames All directories found at the location. This includes backups or any directory found. To check if a directory is a valid backup select it first and then check the backup details.
BackupNum Number of backups found
Status Shows the result for the last command
VIS Data specific for the visualization
DeviceList List with all devices formatted as data provider for the mappView listbox
BackupNames List with all backups names formatted as data provider for the mappView listbox
EnabledCommand Used to disable the group boxes while command is active
EnabledDelete Only enable delete if at least one backup exists
ShowMessageBoxOK Show a message box when command was successful
ShowMessageBoxError Show a message box when command was not successful
ERR Information about errors
No Error number
State State where the error occurred
Text Error text


The following constants located in the package mappBackup under Variables.var can be adjusted if necessary.

Constant Default Text
BACKUP_DEVICE_LIST List of predefined devices for backup and restore.
BACKUP_LIST_NUM 20 Maximum number of backups that are listed.
BACKUP_NAME_LENGTH 100 Maximum length for a backup name.
BACKUP_DIRECTORY By default the backups must be in the root of the device. If this is not possible a folder path can be defined here.


  • For obvious reasons it is not possible to trigger concurrent backups or restore processes from multiple clients at the same time. However, the sample will only show message boxes on the web client that triggered the command.
  • Backup and restore does not work when the target is in simulation mode.

Update package generation

Update packages can be generated directly within Automation Studio. Use Project->Project Installation->Generate Project Installation Package.

Copy the folder on a USB stick or network location and use the restore function to install the update.


The sample generates the following list of error messages. All other error numbers are generated from included libraries that can be found in the Automation Studio help.

No Constant Text
50000 ERR_BAC_NAME_IS_EMPTY Backup name is empty
50001 ERR_BAC_DEVICE_IS_EMPTY Device name is empty
50010 ERR_BAC_MAX_NUM Backup name already exists
50011 ERR_BAC_NAME_LENGTH Backup name length exceeds maximum size
50020 ERR_BAC_NAME_EXISTS One or more backup names exceed the maximum length

Revision History

Version 0.1

First public release