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Source for my blog site which uses to generate HTML files from Markdown text files and IPython notebooks.


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Keystroke Countdown

This is the source for a static site generator that generates my personal blog, It uses as its engine. The site generates HTML files from Markdown text files and IPython notebook files. For rendering, I use:

The inclusion of KaTex allows me to embed math equations in a Markdown post. This can be done in two ways, as a separate block or inline in Markdown text. First, separate block:

y = \frac{\sum x^2}{\sum (x - \bar x)^2}

Next, inline math: \\(E = mc^2\\). The above should render something like:

The line with the inline math should look something like this:

Sorry for the images, but Github's own markup code base does not support math typesetting at this time.


I heavily borrowed from what others were doing in this area. In particular, I learned much from two blogs with Github repos:

And though at times I had to jump into code in ./node_modules to see what was going on, a big thanks to the developers of and the developers of the various Metalsmith plugins I use.

Feel free to fork this repo and reuse what you want for your own blog.


The blog building script (build) is in Javascript so it requires Node to run. It should work with the latest version, but I'm currently using v9.5.0 on macOS High Sierra (10.13.3). The only other dependdency is on the ImageMagick image manipulation software since the blog building script depends on the imagemagick-native NPM package for scaling images embedded in the posts. For now, I must use v6 of ImageMagick as the NPM package does not support v7.

New Posts

In my blog, all posts are under the src/articles directory. I first create a new directory to host the posting, then I create a new within the new directory (can be named anything ending with an md extension ). If necessary, I add image files to the directory and then reference them without any path info in the Markdown text. For example:

This is my new car: ![new car](newCar.jpg)

In the file, I populate the preamble that contains the metadata that describes the new post. Here is the preamble for one of my posts:

title: Power of Optimal Algorithm Design
description: A brief look at how a simple choice in algorithm implementation can greatly affect performance.
date: 2016-05-01 12:18:02+01:00
author: Brad Howes
tags: Algorithms
layout: post.hbs
image: power.png

Generating Site

To generate static pages from what is found in src, do

node build

After generating the pages, this will start up a simple web server at localhost:7000 at which you can connect via a browser to view the blog site. To just build without the server, use -n option. Also, there is a production build mode which is subtly different than the normal development build. This happens with the addition of the -p option.

Rebuilding on File Change

There is an existing plugin -- metalsmith-watch -- which will instantiate a rebuild of generated artifacts when source elements change. Unfortunately, it does this in the same context as the initial build. As a result, one must be careful with plugins and one's own processing and discard any previous state. I was encountering problems with this -- specifically, the conversion from IPython to HTML was creating clones during each rebuild -- so I opted for a much simpler approach: rebuild everything in a new context. To do so, I simply refactored build.js to contain everything inside a run function. Next, I used a gazer to watch for changes in a set of paths. When gazer detected a change in one or more files, the code stages a new call to the run function.

.use(ifFirstTime(function(files, metalsmith, done) {

    // Watch for changes in the source files.
    var paths = [
        "src/**/*.+(ipynb|md)", // HTML source files
        "src/css/**/*",         // CSS and font files
        "src/js/**/*",          // Javascript files
        "templates/**/*"        // Handlebar templates and partials

    if (typeof metalsmith["__gazer"] == "undefined") {

        // Need to create a new file watcher
        var pendingUpdate = false;
        var updateDelay = 100; // msecs

        console.log("-- watcher: starting");
        metalsmith.__gazer = new Gaze(paths);
        metalsmith.__gazer.on("all", function(event, path) {
            console.log("-- watcher:", path, event);
            if (pendingUpdate) {
            pendingUpdate = setTimeout(function() {
                console.log("-- watcher: rebuilding");
                console.log("-- watcher: done");
            }, updateDelay);

    return done();

This works fine, but it is of course expensive to do when there are many files to rebuild. However, the watching is only useful to me for development of the site, and a subset of sources could always be had if rebuild times were becoming too large.

Data Model

When the processing engine runs, it propagates a data object for each Markdown (*.md) or IPython notebook (*.ipynb) file it finds under ./src. The data object contains metadata accrued during the various processing steps. One of the last processing steps involves converting Handlebars templates into HTML files.

All of these templates take information from the data metadata object that corresponds to the Markdown or IPython source file. They also use information found in the site object that contains metadata associated with the blog site itself. Here are the specific items that are referenced:

From the site definition:

Name Definition
site.url URL for the site (
site.title The title of the site (Keystroke Countdown)
site.description Short description of the blog site My name (Brad Howes) Short description of myself An image file for the author, shown in a circle at the bottom of the page Where I am currently located (Paris, France) I use this to show my LinkedIn link

From the source document's metadata:

Name Definition
title The title metadata from the preamble of the soure file. Sets both the browser window and the first heading of the page
date When the article was written
formattedDate Formatted representation of the date value (in MONTH DAY, YEAR format)
image Optional relative URL pointing to a JPEG or PNG file to use as the banner for the page
layout Handlebars template to use for rendering
description Used to set the <meta name "description"> HTML tag in the generated HTML file
tags Comma-separated list of tags associated with the article
contents The body of the article or IPython notebook
relativeURL The partial URL of the page (minus the hostname:port). Always starts with a / character
absoluteURL Concatenation of the site.url and the relativeURL
url Same as relativeURL. This is used by the RSS feed generator
snippet Optional text that contains the first 280 or so characters from the source material

Most of the above have defaults that will be used, or alternatively the generated HTML will account for a missing value.


The metalsmith-collections plugin generates an ordered list of postings (sorted by date), and updates article data objects with previous and next links to each other. The plugin also creates a collections.articles object which the ./templates/archive.hbs uses to show the reverse chronological list of articles and their links.


The metalsmith-tags plugin scans the set of articles for tag metadata and generates a mapping of tag values to articles. For each tag, it also creates a new build object with a URL specific for the tag (e.g. topics/foobar.html for the tag foobar).

Presumably, this second group of build objects matching the pattern topics/*.html could be collected using the metalsmith-collections object, but I opted instead to do this step myself with the following snippet taken from the build.js file:

.use(function(files, metalsmith, done) {

    // Generate an array of tag objects alphabetically ordered in case-insensitive manner. Also, add to
    // each tag object an `articleCount` with the number of articles containing the tag, and a `tag`
    // attribute containing the tag value.
    var sortedTags = [];
    var tags = metalsmith.metadata()["tags"];
    Object.keys(tags).forEach(function(tag) {
        var count = tags[tag].length;
        tags[tag].articleCount = count;
        tags[tag].tag = tag;
        sortedTags.push([tag.toLowerCase(), tags[tag]]);

    // Sort the lower-case tags
    sortedTags.sort(function(a, b) {return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]);});

    // Save the array of tag objects that are properly ordered
    metalsmith.metadata()["sortedTags"] = {return a[1];});

    // Revise article metadata so that each tag is the tag object, and if there is no image, use
    // a default one from the home page.
    Object.keys(files).forEach(function(file) {
        var data = files[file];
        if (! data["image"]) {
            data["image"] = "/computer-keyboard-stones-on-grass-background-header.jpg";

        if (data["tags"] && data["tags"].length) {
            data["tags"] = data["tags"].map(function(a) {return tags[a];});

    return done();


For the site, there are five distinct page styles, each one with their own template:

  • ./templates/about.hbs -- generates a web page that talks about me
  • ./templates/archive.hbs -- generates a web page that shows a chronological list of articles starting with the most recent
  • ./templates/post.hbs -- generates an article from a Markdown file or IPython notebook
  • ./templates/tag.hbs -- shows a list of articles associated with one tag
  • ./templates/tags.hbs -- shows all of the tags found in the article metadata


There is some duplication among the Handlebar templates, but most of the common HTML material is found in the ./templates/partials directory. These are snippets of template code that can be shared amoung the template files. To use them, one uses the Handlebar include construct:


where foo is the name of the partial to insert.

There are currently seven partials:

Name Definition
author.hbs Shows information about the author (me) as well as links for sharing of the post on social media sites
footer.hbs Shows copyright info at the bottom of the page
header.hbs Shows banner image and navigation menu
html-head.hbs Defines the page's metadata (meta tags) and CSS stylesheets to use
navigation.hbs Defines the contents of the navigation menu shown on the right of the page
scripts.hbs Contains the Javascript files to load after the HTML body contents
title.hbs Generates the first heading of the page that contains the article's title


Nearly all of the data necessary for HTML generation is available from the above data or site sources. However, there are a few cases where one must dynamically determine content. I only need the services of three Handlebar helpers -- functions that Handle bar will invoke when requested to assist in generating HTML output.

Name Definition
encode Run encodeURIComponent on a given URL fragment
date Format a date value, either one that is given or the current time when generating HTML
asset Generate a relative URL for a given CSS or Javascript file

Remarkable Customizations

The Remarkable processor for Markdown is great utility, but it does have some limitations. First, the 'fence' processing was too limiting for my taste -- in particular, I could not easily adapt it to use Prism for highlighting code or console output. I could get it to run OK from within the user's browser, but the whole point of having a static site was to minimize amount of processing done by the browser.

Here is the snippet of code that initializes the Remarkable object that does the Markdown processing:

const md = new Remarkable("full", markdownOptions)

The three custom use injections are described below.

Custom Static Prism Highlighting

Below is my adaptation of the fence function that resides in Remarkable. It simply enables highlighing of fenced text before adding it to the rendered output. Since it usually involves code, I put it in the codeFence.js file, but this is more of a misnomer since it applies to all fence blocks that are not handled by another fence type handler (see below).

const escapeHtml = require("./escapeHtml.js");

// Tweaked version of stock Remarkable code fence renderer that works with Prism as a highlighter.
module.exports = (md, options) => {
  md.renderer.rules.fence = (tokens, idx, options, env, instance) => {
    const token = tokens[idx];
    const langPrefix = options.langPrefix;

    let langName = '', fences, langClass = '';
    if (token.params) {

      // ```foo bar
      // Try custom renderer "foo" first. That will simplify overwrite for diagrams, latex, and any other fenced
      // block with custom look
      fences = token.params.split(/\s+/g);
      if (instance.rules.fence_custom.hasOwnProperty(fences[0])) {
        return instance.rules.fence_custom[fences[0]](tokens, idx, options, env, instance);

      langName = fences.join(' ');
      langClass = ' class="' + langPrefix + langName + '"';

    let highlighted;
    if (options.highlight) {
      highlighted = options.highlight.apply(options.highlight, [ token.content ].concat(fences))
        || escapeHtml(token.content);
    } else {
      highlighted = escapeHtml(token.content);

    return '<pre' + langClass + '><code' + langClass + '>' + highlighted + '</code></pre>\n';

  return md;

Console Output

I have a need to show Unix commands and their output in my blog postings. Prism and friends have a nice way to do this -- though not without some customization on my part: see Formatting Console Output.

const escapeHtml = require("./escapeHtml.js");

// Custom fence block render used when 'prompt' follows the beginning of the block -- ```prompt
// Emits the contents of the fence block wrapped in <pre> and <code> elements. The <pre> element has classes
// `command-line` and `language-console` in order to take advantage of the `command-line` plugin from Prism code
// colorizing library. Additional text after the `prompt` tag will appear in the <pre> tag as attributes,
// presumably ones that `command-line` understands.
module.exports = (md, options) => {
  md.renderer.rules.fence_custom.console = (tokens, idx, options, env, instance) => {
    const token = tokens[idx];
    const body = token.content.replace(/(^\s+|\s+$)/g,''); // strip leading/trailing whitespace
    let lines = body.split('\n');
    const bits = token.params.split(/\s+/g);
    let args = bits.length > 1 ? bits.slice(1) : [];
    if (args.length > 0) args = args[0].split(',');

    let demo = false;
    if (args.length > 0 && args[0] == "-d") {
      args = args.slice(1);
      demo = true;

    const prompt = args.length > 0 ? args[0] : '%';
    const lang = 'language-' + (args.length > 1 ? args[1] : 'console');

    const promptOut = '<span data-prompt="' + prompt + '"></span>';
    let output = '<pre class="' + lang + '"><code class="' + lang + '"><span class="command-line-prompt">';

    for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
      const line = lines[i];
      if (demo) {
        if (args.length == 1 || i == 0) {
          output = output + promptOut;
        else {
          output = output + '<span data-prompt=" "></span>';
      else if (line.slice(0, prompt.length) == prompt) {
        lines[i] = '<span class="command-line-command">' + escapeHtml(line.slice(prompt.length + 1)) +
        output = output + promptOut;
      else {
        lines[i] = escapeHtml(line);
        output = output + '<span data-prompt=" "></span>';

    return output + '</span>' + lines.join('\n') + '</code></pre>';

  return md;

Embedded SVG Graphics

Sometimes, I wish to draw something in a textual form that I can then render as a pretty picture. Editing the text is fairly easy whereas editing a graphic is much more cumbersome to get into a format that is suitable for the web. Enter the viz.js package (or hack per the author) which brings the power Graphviz to browsers and static site generators.

An older version worked just fine, but recent updates made it difficult to use with Remarkable due to how it manages asynchronicity. However, I was able to get it working reasonably well by adding some Promise support to Remarkable and my build.js script. I added a addPromise method to the Remarkable instance which records promises of future rendering output. These are stored under placeholder token which is also injected into the rendered HTML output.


// Custom fence processor for "```graph" blocks.
module.exports = (md, options) => {
  md.renderer.rules.fence_custom.graph = (tokens, idx, options, env, instance) => {
    const token = tokens[idx];
    const title = token.params.split(/\s+/g).slice(1).join(' ');
    const viz = new Viz({ Module, render });
    const promise = viz.renderString(token.content);
    const placeholder = instance.addPromise(token.content, promise);
    return '<figure class="graph">' + placeholder + '<figcaption>' + title + '</figcaption></figure>';

  return md;

In the processMarkdown function of my build.js file, I process all promises with the following:

// Generate HTML from the Markdown.
var contents = md.render(data.contents.toString());

// If the rendering left any promises, allow them to update the content with their resolved value.
for (let [placeholder, promise] of Object.entries(md.renderer.promises)) {
  promise.then(value => {
    contents = contents.replace(placeholder, value);
    return value;

// Finally, when all promises are done, we update the metadata and signal Metalsmith to continue.
let allPromise = Promise.all(Object.values(md.renderer.promises));
allPromise.then(value => {
  data.contents = Buffer.from(contents);
  delete files[file];
  files[htmlPath] = data;

First, we replace each placeholder value with the actual value from the promise. Next, we wait for all promises to be resolved, and then we update the Metalsmith records with the new HTML output. Finally, we signal Metalsmith that we are done by calling the Metalsmith done sentinal function.


Home/Archive Page (/index.html)

Shows a list of articles in reverse chronological order.

Home/Archive Page

About Me Page (/about/index.html)

Vanity page.

About Me

IPython Import

Example of HTML generated from an IPython notebook.





Source for my blog site which uses to generate HTML files from Markdown text files and IPython notebooks.








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