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Code for evolving a Dark Matter minispike under the influence of a perturbing body, injecting energy through dynamical friction.


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DOI arXiv License: MIT

Code for evolving a Dark Matter minispike under the influence of a perturbing body, injecting energy through dynamical friction.

Code released alongside the arXiv pre-print "Detecting Dark Matter around Black Holes with Gravitational Waves: Effects of dark-matter dynamics on the gravitational waveform" ( See also animations at DOI:10.6084/m9.figshare.11663676.

Getting started

See the example notebook Example.ipynb on how to initialise the code and the DM halo. The script evolves the halo in the case of an body orbiting at fixed radius, and generates various illustrative plots (in plots/).


The main functionality of the code is through the function dfdt, which calculates the time derivative of the distribution function over a grid of energies Epsilon.

    def dfdt(self, r0, v_orb, v_cut=-1):
        Time derivative of the distribution function f(eps).
            - r0 : radial position of the perturbing body [pc]
            - v_orb: orbital velocity of the pertubing body [km/s]
            - v_cut: optional, only scatter with particles slower than v_cut [km/s]
                        defaults to v_max(r) (i.e. all particles)

An alternative implementation delta_f computes the change in the distribution function over a timestep dt. This behaves better under large timesteps as it prevents the distribution function going negative.

    def delta_f(self, r0, v_orb, dt, v_cut=-1):
        """Change in f over a time-step dt.
        Automatically prevents f_eps going below zero.       
            - r0 : radial position of the perturbing body [pc]
            - v_orb: orbital velocity [km/s]
            - dt: time-step [s]
            - v_cut: optional, only scatter with particles slower than v_cut [km/s]
                        defaults to v_max(r) (i.e. all particles)

The code also allows you to calculate the rate at which energy is carried away from the system. Particles which receive a 'kick' in energy that unbinds them (Epsilon < 0) are no longer tracked by the code, so this function allows you to calculate how much energy is being carried away by these particles are each timestep, in order to check energy conservation.

    def dEdt_ej(self, r0, v_orb, v_cut=-1):
        Calculate carried away by particles which are completely unbound.
            - r0 : radial position of the perturbing body [pc]
            - v_orb: orbital velocity [km/s]
            - v_cut: optional, only scatter with particles slower than v_cut [km/s]
                        defaults to v_max(r) (i.e. all particles)
            - n_kick: optional, number of grid points to use when integrating over
                        Delta-eps (defaults to N_KICK = 100).

At any time during the simulation, the density of DM at a given radius can be extracted using:

    def rho(self, r, v_cut=-1):
        DM mass density computed from f(eps).
            - r : radius in pc
            - v_cut : maximum speed to include in density calculation
                     (defaults to v_max if not specified)

Or the rate of energy loss due to dynamical friction can be computed using:

    def dEdt_DF(self, r, v_cut = -1, average = False):
        """Rate of change of energy due to DF (km/s)^2 s^-1 M_sun.
            - r : radial position of the perturbing body [pc]
            - v_cut: optional, only scatter with particles slower than v_cut [km/s]
                        defaults to v_max(r) (i.e. all particles)
            - average: determine whether to average over different radii
                        (average = False is default and should be correct).


  • 05/10/2021: Added a script for solving the full system. This is just an illustration and uses a very simple Euler step and should not necessarily be used for 'production' calculations.
  • 26/02/2020: Cleanup up script. Ready for initial realise alongside arXiv preprint.
  • 02/12/2019: Rewritten the code to do the calculation more carefully, in particular integrating over the different sizes of kick (Delta-epsilon) now conserves energy. The full integration over Delta-epsilon is now the default option (in fact, using a single average kick is no longer supported, although I might bring it back later.) Note also that the "average = True" option for the dynamical friction calculation is now no longer recommended.
  • 23/06/2019: Added "average" option to dynamical friction calculation (allowing you to average the density over r0 - b_max < r < r0 + b_max before calculating the DF force). Energy should be conserved at the %-level or better now.
  • 20/06/2019: I've now added a new method, which does the calculation a bit more carefully - unfortunately we're still not conserving energy :(
  • 19/06/2019: Updated the method yet again. Basically, I've reverted to the old method of using a single 'kick' in energy, which seems to conserve energy correctly.
  • 12/06/2019 (b): Updated integration over delta-eps (now uses a correct trapezoidal scheme). May be a bit slower, but no change needed by the user.
  • 12/06/2019 (a): The class DistributionFunction() now takes an optional argument Lambda when initialising. If you don't specify Lambda, it's calculated as Sqrt(M_BH/M_NS).


This work is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details


Code for evolving a Dark Matter minispike under the influence of a perturbing body, injecting energy through dynamical friction.







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