title: Chafer Activity id: ce6e34ca-966d-41c9-8d93-5b06c8b97a06 related: - id: 53ba33fd-3a50-4468-a5ef-c583635cfa92 type: derived description: Detects Chafer activity attributed to OilRig as reported in Nyotron report in March 2018 status: test references: - https://nyotron.com/nyotron-discovers-next-generation-oilrig-attacks/ tags: - attack.persistence - attack.g0049 - attack.t1053.005 - attack.s0111 - attack.t1543.003 - attack.defense_evasion - attack.t1112 - attack.command_and_control - attack.t1071.004 date: 2018/03/23 modified: 2021/09/19 author: Florian Roth, Markus Neis, Jonhnathan Ribeiro, Daniil Yugoslavskiy, oscd.community logsource: category: process_creation product: windows detection: selection_process0: CommandLine|contains: '\Service.exe' CommandLine|endswith: - 'i' - 'u' selection_process1: - CommandLine|endswith: '\microsoft\Taskbar\autoit3.exe' - CommandLine|startswith: 'C:\wsc.exe' selection_process2: Image|contains: '\Windows\Temp\DB\' Image|endswith: '.exe' selection_process3: CommandLine|contains|all: - '\nslookup.exe' - '-q=TXT' ParentImage|contains: '\Autoit' condition: 1 of selection* falsepositives: - Unknown level: high