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braibant committed Mar 22, 2013
1 parent 45ce42e commit c8fe783
Showing 1 changed file with 26 additions and 29 deletions.
55 changes: 26 additions & 29 deletions invert.ml4 →
@@ -1,25 +1,32 @@
module P = struct module P = struct
open Print include Print

(* from a coq pp_command to a Pprint document *)
let pp x = Format.ksprintf string "%a" Pp.pp_with x

let constr x = pp (Printer.pr_constr x)
let goal gl = pp (Printer.pr_goal x)
let id x = pp (Names.Id.print x)
let name x = function
| Names.Anonymous -> string "_"
| Names.Name x -> id x

let constrs l = separate_map hardline constr l
let rel_context ctx =
surround_separate_map 2 1
(brackets empty) (* when void *)
(fun (n, _, ty) ->
name n ^/^ colon ^/^ constr ty
List.rev ctx

end end

let pp_constr fmt x = Pp.pp_with fmt (Printer.pr_constr x)
let pp_constr_env env fmt x = Pp.pp_with fmt (Termops.print_constr_env env x)
let pp_gl fmt x = Pp.pp_with fmt (Printer.pr_goal x)
let pp_id fmt x = Pp.pp_with fmt (Names.Id.print x)
let pp_name fmt = function
| Names.Anonymous -> Format.fprintf fmt "_"
| Names.Name id -> pp_id fmt id
let pp_list pp fmt l = List.iter (fun x -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a; " pp x) l
let pp_list_nl pp fmt l = List.iter (fun x -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a;\n" pp x) l
let pp_constrs fmt l = (pp_list pp_constr) fmt l
let pp_rel_context fmt ctx =
let rec aux = function
| [] -> ()
| (name, _, ty)::q -> Format.fprintf fmt "%a:\t%a\n" pp_name name pp_constr ty;
aux q
aux (List.rev ctx)

let debug = true let debug = true

let sanity env sigma t = let sanity env sigma t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -422,13 +429,3 @@ let invert h gl =
) )
) gl ) gl

open Tacmach
open Tacticals
open Tacexpr
open Tacinterp
open Genarg

| ["invert" ident(h)] -> [invert h]

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