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add startsites command. Changed deploy_webservers to deploy_webconf a…
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…nd webservices to webservers. Added a reload_webservers function. Fixed some issues relating to using the wrong settings file in production
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bretth committed Aug 16, 2010
1 parent b54fba1 commit f31acf2
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Showing 8 changed files with 138 additions and 31 deletions.
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions woven/
Expand Up @@ -18,14 +18,14 @@
from woven.virtualenv import activate, active_version
from woven.virtualenv import mkvirtualenv, rmvirtualenv, pip_install_requirements

from woven.webservers import deploy_wsgi, deploy_webservers, start_webservices, stop_webservices
from woven.webservers import deploy_wsgi, deploy_webconf, start_webservers, stop_webservers, reload_webservers

def deploy():
deploy a versioned project on the host
deploy_funcs = [deploy_project,deploy_templates, deploy_static, deploy_public, deploy_webservers, deploy_wsgi]
deploy_funcs = [deploy_project,deploy_templates, deploy_static, deploy_public, deploy_webconf, deploy_wsgi]
if not patch_project():
deploy_funcs = [deploy_db,mkvirtualenv,pip_install_requirements] + deploy_funcs
for func in deploy_funcs: func()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ def setupnode(rollback=False, overwrite=False):

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions woven/management/
Expand Up @@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ def handle(self, *args, **options):
state.env['roles'] = state.env['roles'] + [r]
if all_role_hosts: comma_hosts = ','.join(all_role_hosts)
state.env.hosts = comma_hosts

if comma_hosts:
state.env.hosts = comma_hosts
if 'hosts' in state.env and isinstance(state.env['hosts'], str):
state.env['hosts'] = state.env['hosts'].split(',')
elif hasattr(settings,'HOSTS') and settings.HOSTS:
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8 changes: 3 additions & 5 deletions woven/management/commands/
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,10 @@

from woven.api import deploy, activate
from woven.api import deploy_project, deploy_templates, deploy_static, deploy_public
from woven.api import deploy_wsgi, deploy_webservers
from woven.api import deploy_wsgi, deploy_webconf

from import WovenCommand

class Command(WovenCommand):
Patch the current version of your project on hosts and restart webservices
Expand All @@ -29,7 +27,7 @@ class Command(WovenCommand):

help = "Patch all parts of the current version of your project, or patch part of the project"
args = "[project|templates|static|public|wsgi|webservers] [user@hoststring ...]"
args = "[project|templates|static|public|wsgi|webconf] [user@hoststring ...]"
requires_model_validation = False

def parse_host_args(self, *args):
Expand All @@ -40,7 +38,7 @@ def parse_host_args(self, *args):
new_args = args
sub = args[0]
if sub in ['project','templates','static','public','wsgi','webservers']:
if sub in ['project','templates','static','public','wsgi','webconf']:
self.subcommand = args[0]
new_args = args[1:]
except IndexError:
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63 changes: 63 additions & 0 deletions woven/management/commands/
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from optparse import make_option
import os

from fabric import state
from fabric.decorators import runs_once
from fabric.context_managers import settings
from fabric.operations import sudo
from fabric.contrib.files import exists

from import WovenCommand
from woven.webservers import _get_django_sites, deploy_wsgi, deploy_webconf, domain_sites, reload_webservers
from woven.project import deploy_sitesettings

class Command(WovenCommand):
Create sitesetting files for new django.contrib.sites.
In django site creation is through the production database. The startsite command
creates the sitesetting files for each of the new sites, and deploys them.
Basic Usage:
``python startsite [hoststring|role]``
help = "Create a sitesetting file for new django sites"
requires_model_validation = False

def handle_host(self,*args, **options):
if not hasattr(state.env,'sites_created'):
local_settings_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),state.env.project_name,'sitesettings')
sites = _get_django_sites()
site_ids = sites.keys()
for id in site_ids:
sitesetting_path = os.path.join(state.env.project_name,'sitesettings',''.join([sites[id].replace('.','_'),'.py']))
if not os.path.exists(sitesetting_path):
f = open(sitesetting_path, "w+")
f.write("from %s.sitesettings.settings import *"% state.env.project_name)
f.write("\nSITE_ID=%s\n"% str(id))
state.env.sites_created = True
created = deploy_sitesettings()
with settings(patch=True):

#activate sites
activate_sites = [''.join([d.replace('.','_'),'-',state.env.project_version,'.conf']) for d in domain_sites()]
site_paths = ['/etc/apache2','/etc/nginx']

#activate new sites
for path in site_paths:
for site in activate_sites:
if not exists('/'.join([path,'sites-enabled',site])):
sudo("chmod 644 %s" % '/'.join([path,'sites-available',site]))
sudo("ln -s %s/sites-available/%s %s/sites-enabled/%s"% (path,site,path,site))
if state.env.verbosity:
print " * enabled", "%s/sites-enabled/%s"% (path,site)

15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions woven/
Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,21 @@ def deploy_project():

return created

def deploy_sitesettings():
Deploy to the project directory in the virtualenv

sitesettings = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'project',env.project_name,'sitesettings'])
local_dir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(),env.project_name,'sitesettings')

created = deploy_files(local_dir, sitesettings)
if env.verbosity and created:
print,"DEPLOYING sitesettings"
for path in created:
tail = path.split('/')[-1]
print ' * uploaded',tail

def deploy_templates():
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions woven/templates/woven/nginx-template.txt
Expand Up @@ -21,14 +21,14 @@ server {
{% if media_url %}
location {{ media_url }} {
root {{ deployment_root }}/public/;
#expires 1d;

{% endif %}

{% if static_url %}
location {{ static_url }} {
root {{ deployment_root }}/env/{{ project_name }}/static/;
#expires 1d;

{% endif %}

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10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions woven/
Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@

from woven.deployment import mkdirs, run_once_per_host_version, deploy_files
from woven.environment import deployment_root,set_server_state, server_state, State
from woven.webservers import _ls_sites, stop_webservices, start_webservices, domain_sites
from woven.webservers import _ls_sites, stop_webservers, start_webservers, domain_sites
from fabric.contrib.files import append

def active_version():
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def activate():
active = active_version()

if env.patch or active <> env.project_fullname:

if not env.patch and active <> env.project_fullname:

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def activate():
print env.project_fullname,"is the active version"

if env.patch or active <> env.project_fullname:

Expand All @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ def sync_db():
Runs the django syncdb command
with cd('/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'project',env.project_name])):
with cd('/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'project',env.project_name,'sitesettings'])):
venv = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'bin','activate'])
if env.verbosity:
print " * python syncdb --noinput"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def migration():

#activate env
with cd('/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'project',env.project_name])):
with cd('/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'project',env.project_name,'sitesettings'])):
#migrates all or specific env.migration
venv = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'bin','activate'])
cmdpt1 = ' '.join(['source',venv,'&&'])
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59 changes: 44 additions & 15 deletions woven/
Expand Up @@ -25,16 +25,17 @@ def _activate_sites(path, filenames):
if not exists('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled'+ filename):
sudo("ln -s %s%s %s%s"% (self.deploy_root,filename,self.enabled_path,filename))

def _deploy_webserver(remote_dir,template):
def _deploy_webconf(remote_dir,template):

if not 'http:' in env.MEDIA_URL: media_url = env.MEDIA_URL
else: media_url = ''
if not 'http:' in env.STATIC_URL: static_url = env.STATIC_URL
else: static_url = ''
else: static_url = ''
if not static_url: static_url = env.ADMIN_MEDIA_PREFIX
log_dir = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'log'])
deployed = []

for d in domain_sites():
domains = domain_sites()
for d in domains:

u_domain = d.replace('.','_')

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -74,15 +75,14 @@ def _ls_sites(path):
return dom_sites

def _get_django_sites():
Get a list of sites as dictionaries {site_id:''}
deployed = server_state('deploy_project')
if not env.sites and 'django.contrib.sites' in env.INSTALLED_APPS and deployed:
with cd('/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'project',env.project_name])):
with cd('/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'project',env.project_name,'sitesettings'])):
venv = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'env',env.project_fullname,'bin','activate'])
output = run(' '.join(['source',venv,'&&',"./ dumpdata sites"]))
sites = json.loads(output)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,19 +111,19 @@ def domain_sites():

def deploy_webservers():
def deploy_webconf():
""" Deploy apache & nginx site configurations to the host """
deployed = []
log_dir = '/'.join([deployment_root(),'log'])
#TODO - incorrect - check for actual package to confirm installation
if exists('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/') and exists('/etc/nginx/sites-enabled'):
if env.verbosity:
print,"DEPLOYING webservers:"
print,"DEPLOYING webconf:"
if not exists(log_dir):
run('ln -s /var/log log')

deployed += _deploy_webserver('/etc/apache2/sites-available','django-apache-template.txt')
deployed += _deploy_webserver('/etc/nginx/sites-available','nginx-template.txt')
deployed += _deploy_webconf('/etc/apache2/sites-available','django-apache-template.txt')
deployed += _deploy_webconf('/etc/nginx/sites-available','nginx-template.txt')
sudo('chmod ugo+r /var/www/nginx-default/maintenance.html')
Expand All @@ -140,7 +140,8 @@ def deploy_wsgi():
deployed = []
if env.verbosity:
print,"DEPLOYING wsgi", remote_dir
for domain in domain_sites():
domains = domain_sites()
for domain in domains:
deployed += mkdirs(remote_dir)
with cd(remote_dir):
u_domain = domain.replace('.','_')
Expand All @@ -163,7 +164,34 @@ def deploy_wsgi():
run("chmod ug+xr %s"% filename)
return deployed

def stop_webservices():
def reload_webservers():
Reload apache2 and nginx
if env.verbosity:
print, "RELOADING apache2"
with settings(warn_only=True):
a = sudo("/etc/init.d/apache2 reload")
if env.verbosity:
print '',a
if env.verbosity:

#Reload used to fail on Ubuntu but at least in 10.04 it works
print,"RELOADING nginx"
with settings(warn_only=True):
s = run("/etc/init.d/nginx status")
if 'running' in s:
n = sudo("/etc/init.d/nginx reload")
n = sudo("/etc/init.d/nginx start")
if env.verbosity:
print ' *',n
return True

def stop_webservers():
Stop apache2
#TODO - distinguish between a warning and a error on apache
with settings(warn_only=True):
if env.verbosity:
Expand All @@ -174,7 +202,10 @@ def stop_webservices():

return True

def start_webservices():
def start_webservers():
Start apache2 and start/reload nginx
with settings(warn_only=True):
if env.verbosity:
print,"STARTING apache2"
Expand All @@ -188,8 +219,6 @@ def start_webservices():
if env.verbosity:
#Reload used to fail on Ubuntu but at least in 10.04 it works

#TODO - Check that it is already running
print,"RELOADING nginx"
with settings(warn_only=True):
s = run("/etc/init.d/nginx status")
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