This program ‘PBSViewer’ also known as Punkbuster (pb) Screenshot Viewer will download punkbuster screens from your gameserver. Those downloaded screens are published on your website. Next to this you can search for pb screens by name or guid.
*Due to lack of time I decided to no longer maintain PBSViewer. I really enjoyed helping the gaming community and learned a lot! At the moment I'm working on several other projects, one of my favorite projects is, a game server hosting company.
- Download latest version here
- The change log is located here: changelog
- PHP version 5.0 or higher, did not tested it for lower versions
- MySQL version 4.0 or higher.
- Web hosting that supports .htaccess files.
- Punkbuster server with ftp acces to your pb screens directory.
- America's Army 2.8.5
- America's Army 3
- Battlefield 2
- Battlefield 2142
- Battlefield Bad company 2
- Battlefield Play 4 Free
- Battlefield 3
- Call of Duty 4
Probably it can also be used for other punkbuster supported games. For more info please visit the supported games page.
- Download pb screens from your gameserver and show them on your website.
- Shows your pb screens independently to your visitors, without user/admin intervention.
- Easy search for screens, search supports wildcards. You can search by guid or name.
- Great image enhancement tools, you can easily make an image darker or brighter.
- Secure Admin login.
- PBSViewer has an Admin Control Panel (ACP), here you can easily configure your PBSViewer.
- Option to make PBSViewer private, only those who know password can use PBSViewer.
- Automated checking of md5 hashes of screens, it can automatically check if screens have been altered or not.
- Get aliases of player.
- Easy installation script included.
- Reset feature included to delete all screens and logs.
- Check for ss ceiling, read pbsv.cfg file during install
- Add detailed error message about ftp connection if something goes wrong during or after install
- Multi-server support, servers can be added in admin menu
- Separate page where admin can keep track of all statistics, for example total download size of all .png files.
- Bandwidth limiter to prevent that admin reach his/her limit of web hosting
- History of player and screens
A list of the people who have helped me can be found on the ThankYouList page.
For contact details see the following link:
PBSViewer is developed by Brett Rijnders ( and is released under the GPL licence ( see 'licence.txt').