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srqm.ado gentle rewrite
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briatte committed Sep 7, 2018
1 parent 0cc82a8 commit c39ecb2
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 20 deletions.
71 changes: 51 additions & 20 deletions setup/srqm.ado
@@ -1,25 +1,56 @@
*! SRQM setup utilities
*! version 4.0 (split to parts and utils)
*! check integrity of the course utilities
*! returns error -1 if anything is missing
*! , i , info : print system information
*! , v , verbose : print ado-file descriptions
cap pr drop srqm
program srqm
syntax, [Verbose]
di as txt "Date:", as res c(current_date), c(current_time)
di as txt "Software: Stata", as res c(stata_version)
di as txt "OS:", as res c(os), c(osdtl)
di as txt "Computer:", as res c(machine_type)
di as txt "Working directory:", as res c(pwd)
di as txt "Stata directories:"
syntax, [Info] [Verbose]

loc pid "[SRQM]"

di as txt "`pid' Date:", as res c(current_date), c(current_time)
di as txt "`pid' Software: Stata", as res c(stata_version)
di as txt "`pid' OS:", as res c(os), c(osdtl)
di as txt "`pid' Computer:", as res c(machine_type) _n

di as txt "`pid' Stata directories:"
di as txt "Course material:"
di as txt _s(2) "folders: ", as res "$srqm_folders"
di as txt _s(2) "datasets:", as res "$srqm_datasets"
qui tokenize "$srqm_packages"
di as txt _s(2) "packages:", as res "`1',", "`2',", "...", "(`:word count `*'' packages)"
if "`verbose'" == "" exit 0
foreach x in srqm_data srqm_datamake srqm_datatrim srqm_demo srqm_get srqm_link srqm_pkgs srqm_scan srqm_wipe stab stab_demo sbar sbar_demo utils {
loc f "setup/`x'.ado"
di as txt _n "`f'"
cap noi type `f', star
if _rc di as err "Error: utility `x' is missing"

di as txt _n "`pid' Working directory:", as res c(pwd)
di as txt "`pid' Course folders: ", as res "$SRQM_FOLDERS"
di as txt "`pid' Course datasets:", as res "$SRQM_DATASETS"
qui tokenize "$SRQM_PACKAGES"
di as txt "`pid' Installed packages:", ///
as res "`1',", "`2',", "...", "(`:word count `*'' packages)"


loc f = "$SRQM_SETUP/`x'"
if !regexm("`x'", ".do") loc f = "`f'.ado"

cap confirm f "`f'"

if _rc {

di ///
as err "`pid' ERROR:" , ///
as txt "missing" , ///
as inp "`f'"

exit -999 // quit with bogus error code

else if "`verbose'" != "" {

noi di as txt _n "`pid' `f'"
cap noi type "`f'", star




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