The implementation of my M.S. Thesis titled: Learning Explanatory Models for Robust Decision-Making Under Deep Uncertainty
Additional documentation can be found on the homepage for this project.
- NetLogo
- Python 3.7+
- Quick:
- Manual:
git clone
cd /path/to/strategy_learning_system
python3 -m venv .env
source .env/bin/activate
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- To experiment with the Contaminant Plume Model:
- Above steps
cd examples; git clone
The following code snippet is for the Contaminant Plume Model. It can be found in ./examples/
# the path to the .nlogo model
model_path = './contaminant_plume_model/Scala-Plume-Model/nlogo-model/'
# the name of the .nlogo model
model_name = 'plume_extended.nlogo'
# the path to NetLogo. Note: make sure your NetLogo version is reflected here
netlogo_path = '/Applications/NetLogo-6.0.4/'
# the version of netlogo as a string. Specify only the major release version
# I.e, '6.0', '7.0', etc.
netlogo_version = '6.0'
# the path to the mediator object that SLS will create and manage
mediator_save_path = './experiment_data/'
# the name of the mediator
mediator_name = 'plume'
# create the mediator object for the contaminant plume model
# This line needs to be executed only once. It should be commented out after.
# If not, it will overwrite any existing experiment data.
plume_mediator = create_plume_mediator(model_path, model_name,
netlogo_path, netlogo_version,
mediator_save_path, mediator_name)
# loads a previously created mediator
# plume_mediator = sls.ModelMediator.load('{}/{}'.format(mediator_save_path, mediator_name))
# create a context for a single experiment.
# If you are performing multiple experiments, each experiment
# requires its own context.
# This is the process of experimenting with a single hypothesis about
# the model.
# This line needs to be executed only once and should be commented
# out afterwards. Otherwise, it will overwrite existing data.
cxt = create_validation_1(plume_mediator)
# If you are experimenting with a context over multiple python executions,
# you can load a previously created experiment using this line.
# Note: a context needs to (at least) be explored before it will be saved.
# cxt = plume_mediator['validation_1']
# Execute the modeling via explroation and EMA
# This is the phase where we explicity evaluate many model instances
# and collect their performance using AUC
# After exploration, we learn from the exploratory data.
# This is the processes of learning the patterns, and generating
# rules that explain the larger ensemble.
# For this task, there are two algorithms: XCSR and MLP+HAC
# plume_mediator.learn(cxt, algorithm='xcsr')
plume_mediator.learn(cxt, algorithm='mlp_hac')
# Next we can explain the context given our experiment hypothesis.
# This will generate two heats maps: one for the explored data
# and another for the learned rules.
# Lastly, we save the mediator and its contexts.
print(plume_mediator, cxt)
print('exploratory data:\n', cxt.exploratory_data)
print('rules:\n', cxt.learned_data[:3])