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A personal front-end template / framework

This is my attempt at coming up with a reusable, extensible, responsive and accessible front-end framework / boilerplate for any future web projects I work on. It's intended to be an ever-changing / improving framework of the components I use on an everyday basis while developing.

This isn't meant to be massively original in terms of the technical resources & methods used here. A lot of the code contains stuff I've carefully chosen (and sometimes modified) because of their benefit to my web development projects. However, I certainly won't take sole credit for it. Like most, my thinking has been hugely influenced by other superb developers over the years - for that I'm grateful.

You're welcome to use it.

What's in it?

  • A pattern type library of components such as typography, lists, links, buttons, form fields, images, video, grid etc.
  • WCAG Accessibility considerations added in eg. decent semantics, can use TAB, SHIFT+TAB & ENTER keys to navigate site, can zoom in without compromising the websites layout, can increase browser's default font setting without compromising the websites layout, ARIA roles & attributes and progressive enhancement techniques.
  • Some Progessive enhancement measures in place to hopefully optimise the user's experience - regardless of the device they're on - thanks to (Scott Jehl, Filament Group)
  • Web fonts load progressively
  • Critical CSS generation and non-critical CSS loading - thanks to (Scott Jehl & Jeremy Keith)
  • Various SCSS partials in a structure that works for me. It includes things like Normalise.css as well as useful CSS helpers, mixins and default print CSS.
  • em based media queries cause of inconsistencies in browser.
  • A Grunt build config for common development & build tasks I use.
  • The latest jQuery via CDN, with a local fallback.
  • Protection against any stray console statements causing JavaScript errors in older browsers
  • An optimized Google Analytics snippet - thanks to HTML5 Boilerplate.
  • Apache server caching, compression, and other configuration defaults for Grade-A performance - thanks to HTML5 Boilerplate.
  • A basic PHP based application framework.
  • Custom error messages/pages configuration (404, 401, 403, 500).
  • Simple, zero-configuration command-line http server.
  • Build directory output examples.
  • It's built using a Mobile First approach which can then be progressively enhanced as screen space and device features allow. I think it's always worth remembering that websites do not need to look the same in every browser - so I haven't attempted to make legacy browsers (eg. IE 8 and less) behave like more modern browsers.

Future enhancements

Here are some of the things I'm currently exploring and will add to this repository in due course.

Suggestions welcome.


Requirements: Node, NPM, Grunt and SASS installed globally, then...

To install as a new project, checkout the repo and run the following commands

npm install

Should you run in to errors when using the 'npm install' command, the best solution is to cancel the command using CTRL+C and then typing the following command:

npm cache clean

Once this has been done, you can once again attempt to run 'npm install'. This may take a few attempts if you are running an older version of Node (specifically 0.10.29 or older). It's worth upgrading your version of Node if you can.

NOTE: Make sure 'autoprefixer' has been installed locally as well...

npm install autoprefixer

Now you should be ready to start playing!

Watching Files

Automatic watching of files can be used. To run, simply use the command...

grunt develop

Any edits of SCSS files or JS files will result in the correct bundle being recreated.

Full Build

To produce a full build, run the following command which will output the necessary CSS, JS, Imagery & PHP partials markup into the 'build' directory. This is what can then be deployed to your server.


Need a simple local server?

http-server is a simple, zero-configuration command-line http server. It is powerful enough for production usage, but it's simple and hackable enough to be used for testing, local development, and learning.

  • Install http-server globally...
npm install http-server -g
  • Command line to required directory path and run...

This launches a local server at localhost:8080. The default Grunt build uses 'browserSync' and watches for any changes to .html and .php files or anything in the /application and /static directories. The browser automatically renders any changes.

Grunt config tasks

This is a breakdown of the Grunt tasks in the Grunt file.


Compiles SASS or SCSS into CSS.

sass: {
    // Development output...
    dev: {
        options: {
            lineNumbers: true,
            style: 'compact', // Use for development output
        files: {
            // Compile SCSS ino CSS...
            '<%= dirs.css %>/styles.css': '<%= dirs.scss %>/styles.scss',
    // Production output...
    prod: {
        options: {
            lineNumbers: false,
            style: 'compressed', // Use for production ready output
        files: {
            // Compile SCSS ino CSS...
            '<%= dirs.css %>/styles.css': '<%= dirs.scss %>/styles.scss',


Checks SCSS rules.

scsslint: {
    styles: [
      '<%= dirs.scss %>/**/*.scss'
    options: {
        colorizeOutput: true,
        // Don't lint these SCSS files...
        exclude: [
          '<%= dirs.scss %>/vendors/_normalize.scss',
          '<%= dirs.scss %>/vendors/_foo.scss'


Adds vendor prefixes to CSS.

postcss: {
    options: {
        // map: false, // inline sourcemaps

        // or
        map: {
            inline: false, // save all sourcemaps as separate files...
            annotation: 'static/css/maps/' // the specified directory

        processors: [
            //require('pixrem')(), // add fallbacks for rem units
            require('autoprefixer')({browsers: 'last 10 versions'}), // add vendor prefixes
            //require('cssnano')() // minify the result
        dist: {
            src: '<%= dirs.css %>/*.css'


Creates a critical CSS output that can then be added inline to the <head>.

criticalcss: {
    custom: {
        options: {
            url: "http://localhost", // State the URL the script needs to run against
            width: 1024, // Screen width
            height: 768, // Screen height
            outputfile: "<%= dirs.css %>/critical.css",
            forceInclude: [], // An array of selectors that you want to guarantee will make it from the CSS file into your CriticalCSS output.
            filename: "<%= dirs.css %>/styles.css", // The file where the critical CSS is to be picked up from
            buffer: 800*1024, // Sets the maxBuffer for child_process.execFile in Node. Necessary for potential memory issues.
            ignoreConsole: false


In this instance it's used to minify the 'critical css' output before inserting into the <head>.

cssmin: {
    target: {
        files: [{
            expand: true,
            cwd: '<%= dirs.css %>',
            src: ['critical.css'], // Primarily for the critical inline CSS
            dest: '<%= dirs.css %>'


Concatenation of files. In this instance it's just JavaScript.

concat: {
    dist: {
        src: [
            '<%= dirs.js %>/vendor/*.js', // All JS in the vendor folder
            '<%= dirs.js %>/plugins.js',  // This specific file
            '<%= dirs.js %>/foo.js',  // This specific file
            '<%= dirs.js %>/main.js',  // This specific file
        dest: '<%= dirs.jsBuild %>/scripts.js',


Minifies the JavaScript and copies to the build directory.

uglify: {
    dist: {
        // Specifying multiple dest/src pairs...
        files: {
            '<%= dirs.jsBuild %>/plugins.js': '<%= dirs.js %>/plugins.js',
            '<%= dirs.jsBuild %>/main.js': '<%= dirs.js %>/main.js',
            '<%= dirs.jsBuild %>/loadCSS.js': '<%= dirs.js %>/loadCSS.js',
            '<%= dirs.jsBuild %>/jsInline.js': '<%= dirs.js %>/jsInline.js',


Compresses imagery and copies to the build directory.

image: {
  dynamic: {
    options: {
      pngquant: true,
      optipng: false,
      zopflipng: true,
      advpng: true,
      jpegRecompress: false,
      jpegoptim: true,
      mozjpeg: true,
      gifsicle: true,
      svgo: true
    files: [{
      expand: true,
      cwd: 'static/img/',
      src: ['**/*.{png,jpg,gif,svg}'],
      dest: 'build/static/img/'


Copies relevant (specified) files to the build directory.

copy: {
    main: {
        // Includes files within path and its sub-directories
        files: [
            // CSS
            {expand: true, src: ['static/css/**'], dest: 'build/', filter: 'isFile'},
            // JS libraries
            {expand: true, src: ['static/js/vendor/**', '!static/js/vendor/jquery-3.1.1.js'], dest: 'build/', filter: 'isFile'},
            // PHP partials, templates & application directory .htaccess (permissions) file
            {expand: true, src: ['application/**'], dest: 'build/', filter: 'isFile'},
            {expand: true, src: ['application/.htaccess'], dest: 'build/', filter: 'isFile'},
            // Root files
            {expand: true, src: ['*', '!Gruntfile.js', '!package.json', '!'], dest: 'build/', filter: 'isFile'},
            {expand: true, src: ['.htaccess'], dest: 'build/', filter: 'isFile'},


Process html files at build time to modify them depending on the release environment eg. jQuery file call change to min version for production.

processhtml: {
    dist: {
        options: {
            process: true,
            data: {
                title: 'My app',
                message: 'This is production distribution'
        files: {
            'build/application/php_partials/_footer.php': ['application/php_partials/_footer.php']


Appends a cachebreaker timestamp to plugins.js, main.js & styles.css which are all located in the build directory. Ensures the browser gets the latest CSS and JS.

cachebreaker: {
    dev: {
        options: {
            match: [
                //'styles.css' // Leaving CSS off for now as using manual PHP variable to determine this.
            position: 'filename'
        files: {
            src: [
                '<%= dirs.appBuild %>/php_partials/_head.php',
                '<%= dirs.appBuild %>/php_partials/_footer.php'



Checks JavaScript for any errors.

jshint: {
    all: [
        '<%= dirs.js %>/main.js',
        '<%= dirs.js %>/plugins.js',
        '<%= dirs.js %>/jsInline.js',
        '<%= dirs.js %>/loadCSS.js',
        '<%= dirs.js %>/enhancements.js'


Various notification messages for tasks you wish to be notified about when they've completed successfully.

notify: {
    sass: {
        options: {
            title: 'SASS Task Complete',  // optional
            message: 'SASS compiled successfully', //required
    postcss: {
        options: {
            title: 'PostCSS Task Complete',  // optional
            message: 'PostCSS completed successfully', //required
    jshint: {
        options: {
            title: 'JS Linting Task Complete',  // optional
            message: 'JS Linting completed successfully', //required


For synchronised browser testing. eg. live reloads etc.

browserSync: {
    dev: {
        bsFiles: {
            src : [
                '<%= dirs.css %>/*.css',
                '<%= dirs.js %>/**/*.js',
                '<%= %>/**/*.php'
        options: {
            watchTask: true,
            server: 'http://localhost/'
            // proxy: "localhost"


Insert a timestamp into a file. CSS and JS files in this instance.

insert_timestamp: {
    // Default options
    options: {
        prepend: true,
        append: false,
        format: 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:ss',
        template: '/* {timestamp} */',
        datetime: new Date(),
        insertNewlines: true

    // CSS files
    css: {
        options: {
            template: '/*! Personal framework CSS - v0.1.0 - {timestamp}\n *\n * Copyright (c) 2016 Bruce Taylor */'
        files: [{
            // Use dynamic extend name
            expand: true,
            // Source dir
            cwd: 'build/static/css',
            // Match files
            src: ['**/*.css'],
            // Output files
            dest: 'build/static/css',
            ext: '.css'

    // JS files
    js: {
        options: {
            template: '/*! Personal framework JS - v0.1.0 - {timestamp} */'
        files: [{
            // Use dynamic extend name
            expand: true,
            // Source dir
            cwd: 'build/static/js',
            // Match files
            src: ['**/*.js', '!vendor/**/*.js'], // All JS files except vendor JS files
            // Output files
            dest: 'build/static/js',
            ext: '.js'


Watches specified files while you're developing.

watch: {
    // Compiling SCSS on watch...
    sass: {
        files: [
            '<%= dirs.scss %>/**/*.scss'
        tasks: [
    // Checking JS on watch...
    js: {
        files: [
        tasks: [

Helpful resource links & worthwhile reads

Web Performance & Testing

Browser Compatability



Grunt & Gulp





Front-end Dev Tools & Helps


My attempt at coming up with a reusable, extensible, responsive and accessible front-end framework / boilerplate for any future web projects.






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