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brownag committed Aug 5, 2020
1 parent 3496fea commit 50536bb
Showing 1 changed file with 80 additions and 0 deletions.
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions BlockDiagram/dem-to-block_diagram_NAIP.R
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# dem-to-block_diagram_NAIP.R

# revised for use with NAIP as overlay

# last revised: 08/04/2020
# @authors: andrew paolucci, andrew brown, dylan beaudette

library(rgl) # 3D rendering
library(av) # MPEG output
library(scales) # Scaling of RGB matrix
library(raster) # Raster data manipulation
library(rayshader) # Rayshading

#### SETUP

# I created these TIF files in QGIS. You can do it the ~same way in ESRI products
# - Pan to desired area
# - Right click DEM in Browser and select "Export" >> "Save As..."
# - Set CRS and resolution to common target (0.6m is NAIP resolution; 3m is good for computation)
# - Set Extent to "Map view extent"
# - Repeat with identical parameters and extent for NAIP .sid

# Default assumption is both of these are in same resolution/CRS/extent
elev_orig <- raster('demo_dem2.tif')
names(elev_orig) <- "elev"

theme <- stack("naip_overlay.tif")
names(theme) <- c("r","g","b")

# stack the elevation and theme rasters
# if this does not work, then you need to be more careful matching up your exports
dat <- try(stack(elev_orig, theme))
if (inherits(dat, 'try-error'))
stop("check to make sure CRS, resolution and bounding box are IDENTICAL", call. = FALSE)

agg.factor <- 5 # 5 * 0.6m = 3m resolution
dat.agg <- aggregate(dat, agg.factor)

# convert elevation raster -> matrix
elmat <- rayshader::raster_to_matrix(dat.agg$elev)

# convert NAIP into RGB matrix
r_cropped <- rayshader::raster_to_matrix(dat.agg$r)
g_cropped <- rayshader::raster_to_matrix(dat.agg$g)
b_cropped <- rayshader::raster_to_matrix(dat.agg$b)

rgb_array <- array(0, dim = c(nrow(r_cropped), ncol(r_cropped), 3))

rgb_array[,,1] <- r_cropped / 255
rgb_array[,,2] <- g_cropped / 255
rgb_array[,,3] <- b_cropped / 255

rgb_array <- aperm(rgb_array, c(2,1,3))
rgb_contrast <- scales::rescale(rgb_array, to = c(0,1))

# inspect 2D NAIP arrays

if (!dir.exists("NAIP/animation/static/"))
dir.create("NAIP/animation/static/", recursive = TRUE)

# animate
rayshader::plot_3d(rgb_contrast, elmat, zscale = 2, fov = 0, theta = -45,
zoom = 0.7, phi = 25, windowsize = c(1000,800), lineantialias = TRUE)
rayshader::render_camera(theta = -45, zoom = 0.7, phi = 25)
angles <- seq(0, 360, length.out = 1441)[-1]
for (i in 1:length(angles)) {
rayshader::render_camera(theta = -45 + angles[i], zoom = 0.7, phi = 25)
rayshader::render_snapshot(filename = sprintf("NAIP/animation/static/ca649_huntersvalley_%i.png", i),
title_text = "Mariposa County, CA (Hunters Valley) | NAIP 2018 + NED 10m DEM",
title_bar_color = "#1f5214", title_color = "white", title_bar_alpha = 1)

av::av_encode_video(sprintf("NAIP/animation/static/ca649_huntersvalley_%i.png", 1:length(angles)),
framerate = 30,
output = "NAIP/animation/ca649_huntersvalley.mp4")

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