import { SchedulerPro, SchedulerResourceModel, SchedulerEventModel, SchedulerDependencyModel, StringHelper } from '../../build/schedulerpro.module.js'; import shared from '../_shared/shared.module.js'; class Gate extends SchedulerResourceModel { static get fields() { return [ 'capacity' ]; } } new SchedulerPro({ appendTo : 'container', features : { tree : true, regionResize : true, dependencies : true }, rowHeight : 45, barMargin : 5, columns : [ { type : 'tree', text : 'Name', width : 200, field : 'name' }, { type : 'number', text : 'Capacity', width : 80, field : 'capacity' } ], startDate : new Date(2017, 11, 2, 8), viewPreset : 'hourAndDay', enableUndoRedoKeys : true, // Scheduler always has a Project instance internally, we need to configure its internal StateTrackingManager // so that the UndoRedo widget gets customized titles in its transaction dropdown. project : { autoLoad : true, transport : { load : { url : 'data/data.json' } }, // This config enables response validation and dumping of found errors to the browser console. // It's meant to be used as a development stage helper only so please set it to false for production systems. validateResponse : true, stm : { autoRecord : true, getTransactionTitle(transaction) { const lastAction = transaction.queue[transaction.queue.length - 1]; let { type, model } = lastAction; if (lastAction.modelList && lastAction.modelList.length) { model = lastAction.modelList[0]; } let title = 'Transaction ' + this.position; if (type === 'UpdateAction' && model instanceof SchedulerEventModel) { title = 'Edit flight ' +; } else if (type === 'UpdateAction' && model instanceof SchedulerResourceModel) { title = 'Edit gate ' +; } else if (type === 'RemoveAction' && model instanceof SchedulerEventModel) { title = 'Remove flight ' +; } else if (type === 'RemoveAction' && model instanceof SchedulerResourceModel) { title = 'Remove gate ' +; } else if (type === 'AddAction' && model instanceof SchedulerEventModel) { title = 'Add flight ' +; } else if (type === 'AddAction' && model instanceof SchedulerDependencyModel) { title = StringHelper.xss`Link ${} -> ${}`; } return title; } } }, eventRenderer({ eventRecord, resourceRecord, renderData }) { renderData.iconCls = 'b-fa b-fa-plane'; if (resourceRecord.isLeaf) { renderData.eventColor = 'blue'; return StringHelper.encodeHtml(; } else { renderData.eventColor = 'orange'; return ''; } }, tbar : [{ type : 'undoredo', icon : 'b-fa-undo', items : { transactionsCombo : { width : 250, displayValueRenderer(value, combo) { const stmPos = combo.up('panel', true).project.stm.position || 0; return stmPos + ' undo actions / ' + ( - stmPos) + ' redo actions'; } } } }] });