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Ben committed Dec 19, 2012
1 parent 3f2fdfe commit 75fdadf
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Showing 3 changed files with 378 additions and 1 deletion.
10 changes: 9 additions & 1 deletion
@@ -1,4 +1,12 @@

A Javascript library for controlling the Philips Hue light system.
A Javascript library for controlling the Philips Hue light system.

This library is still in its infancy, but it is designed to let javascript control the Philips Hue wifi Lights.

* JQuery
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions example.html
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
<script src=""></script>
<script src='spectrum.js'></script>
<script src="huejs.js"></script>
<link rel='stylesheet' href='spectrum.css' />
var hjs = HueJS({
username: "22a828f1898a4257c3f181e753241337"
hjs.authenticate( function(f){
alert("Successfully Authenticated");
alert("Error connecting to Hue");
var res = hjs.getValue(1,['bri', 'alert','name']);
res = hjs.getValue([2,3],['bri', 'alert','name', 'hue', 'sat']);
var res = hjs.setHueSat([1,2],41648,255);
res = hjs.setHueSat(3,0,255);
res = hjs.setHueSat(4,0,255);





<h1> Testing Hall Lights</h1>

<div id="lights"></div>
<a id="btn1" href="#">Authenticate</a>
<a id="btn2" href="#">Get Some Values (outputs to console)</a>
<a id="btn3" href="#">Set Some Values (outputs to console)</a>

309 changes: 309 additions & 0 deletions huejs.js
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@

HueJS = function(params){
"use strict";
var config = {
ipAddress : params.ipAddress,
devicetype : params.devicetype || "HueJS Client",
username : params.username || "22a828f1898a4257c3f181e753241337",

baseUrl ="http://"+config.ipAddress+"/api/",
cache = {},

initialize = function(){
var valid = 0;
var description = "";
var stat = {};
var checkStat = function(e){
if(e.length > 0){
//This is no longer right, since we aren't getting the list of lights.
if(typeof e[0] != 'undefined'){
//Type 1 is unauthorized user.
valid= 0;
description = e[0].error.description;
//Not type 1 means there was a different error
valid= -1;
description = e[0].error.description;
stat = e;
valid= 1;
stat = e;
valid= 1;

url: baseUrl+config.username+'/',
data: '',
success: checkStat,
dataType: 'JSON',
async: false
cache = stat;
return {valid:valid, description:description};

* Authenticate handles the authentication of the system.
* It goes in and sees if your username and devicetype have already been authenticated first.
* If it hasn't been authenticated, it will prompt you to press the link button.
* After pressing the link button on the hardware, and pressing okay, you should be good to go.
* success: What to call when you are successfully initialized.
* failure: What gets called when you are not successfully authorized.
authenticate = function(success, failure){
var valid = initialize();
if(valid.valid == 1){
//Already initialized;
//Valid.valid being less than 1 means that we probably aren't authenticated.
//Let's try to authenticate.
var data = JSON.stringify({devicetype:config.devicetype, username:config.username});
var suc = function(e){
// var res = JSON.parse(e);
// console.log(e[0]);
if(e.length > 0){
if(typeof e[0].error != 'undefined'){
//This is the link button error.
console.log("You must press the link button");
var r = confirm("Press the link button and then press Okay");
if(r === true){
initialize(success, failure);
//Pressed cancel.
if(typeof e[0].success !='undefined'){
var valid = initialize();
if(valid.valid == 1){
//Already initialized;

$.ajax({url: baseUrl,
data: data,
type: "POST",
success: suc,
dataType: 'JSON'

* Function: doPost
* Generic factory method for generating Ajax requests to the backend
* Arguments:
* urlEnd - *(String)* The end of the URL to hit (such as lights/1/state)
* params - *(Object)* Any additional parameters to pass along with the request. Sends the session ID with all requests
* onSuccess - *(Function)* The callback function to fire on a successful response.
* onError - *(Function)* The callback function to fire on an error response
* async - *(Boolean)* Whether or not to run the request asynchronously. Defaults to true (async).
doPut = function( urlEnd, params, onSuccess, onError, async) {

var postData = {}, errorCallback, xhr;
onSuccess = (typeof onSuccess === 'function') ? onSuccess : function(response){};
errorCallback = (typeof onError === 'function') ?
function(jqXHR, text, status) {
if (jqXHR.status === 0 || jqXHR.readyState === 0) {
return; //We skip this to avoid throwing errors on cancelled AJAX requests:
onError(jqXHR, text, status);
} : function(response) {
async = (typeof async === 'boolean') ? async : true;
// postData = {devicetype:config.devicetype, username:config.username};
xhr = $.ajax({
url : baseUrl + config.username+'/'+urlEnd,
type : 'put',
data : JSON.stringify($.extend(postData, params)),
async : async,
success : onSuccess,
error : errorCallback
return xhr;
getCache = function(forceRefresh){
if(forceRefresh || $.isEmptyObject(cache)){
var res = initialize();
return cache;
* Gets a value (or multiple values) in the state of one or more lights.
* lightId: An individual light ID (i.e. 1 or 2 or 3) or an array of these (i.e. [1,3])
* attr: An individual attribute to get the value of or an array of attributes (i.e. ["bri", "hue", "name"]);
* forceRefresh: Set to true if you want to request new data from the lights. Defaults to false.
* return: An object with the values requested broken up by light ID{1:{bri:123,hue:456, name:"ABC"}, 3:{bri:123, hue:789, name:"DEF"}}
getValue = function(lightId, attr, forceRefresh){
//First, let's force the refresh is necessary.
if(typeof lightId == 'string' || typeof lightId == 'number'){
lightId = [lightId];
var values = {};
//Now let's look for this attr.
for(var thisLightIndex in lightId){
var thisLightId = lightId[thisLightIndex];
values[thisLightId]= {};
if(typeof cache.lights[thisLightId] === null){
return false;
var light = cache.lights[thisLightId];
if(typeof attr == 'string'){
attr = [attr];

for(var i in attr){
var thisAttr = attr[i];
//First see if it is a key in the top level
if(typeof light[thisAttr] == 'undefined'){
//It isn't, so let's check if it is from the state
if(typeof light.state[thisAttr] == 'undefined'){
//It isn't in state. This means it must not be supported yet.
console.error("The attribute "+thisAttr+" could not be found in Light "+lightId);
values[thisLightId][thisAttr] = 'undefined';
values[thisLightId][thisAttr] = light.state[thisAttr];
values[thisLightId][thisAttr] = light[thisAttr];

return values;


* Sets a value (or multiple values) in the state of one or more lights.
* lightId: An individual light ID (i.e. 1 or 2 or 3) or an array of these (i.e. [1,3])
* attr: An object with key value pairs for attributes to set. i.e.{bri:123, hue:456}
* return: An object with the values requested broken up by light ID. i.e.{1:{bri:{success:true, value:123},hue:{success:true, value:456}}, 3:{bri:{success:true, value:123},hue:{success:true, value:456}}}
* If the parameter can not be set, then a description will also be provided (instead of a value) and success will be false.
* This only works for state parameters right now.
setValue = function(lightId, attr){
if(typeof lightId == 'string' || typeof lightId == 'number'){
lightId = [lightId];
var results = {}, addrSplit, light, param;
var successHandler = function(e){
for(var i in e){
var thisResult = e[i];
addrSplit = thisResult.error.address.split('/');
param = addrSplit[addrSplit.length -1];
light = addrSplit[2];
if(typeof results[light] =='undefined'){
results[light] = {};
results[light][param] = {success:false, description:thisResult.error.description};
for(var j in thisResult.success){
addrSplit = j.split('/');
light = addrSplit[2];
if(typeof results[light] =='undefined'){
results[light] = {};
results[light][addrSplit[addrSplit.length - 1]] = {success:true, value:thisResult.success[j]};

var failureHandler = function(e){
console.error("There was a problem with the put");
for(var thisLightIndex in lightId){
var thisLightId = lightId[thisLightIndex];

doPut('lights/'+thisLightId+'/state', attr, successHandler, failureHandler, false);
return results;
* Turns the specified light or lights off.
* lightId: A single id or an array of ids.
* return: The same type of response as setValue.
turnOff = function(lightId){
return setValue(lightId, {on:false});
* Turns the specified light or lights on.
* lightId: A single id or an array of ids.
* return: The same type of response as setValue.
turnOn = function(lightId){
return setValue(lightId, {on:true});
* Changes the hue and saturation of a light
* lightId: A single id or an array of ids.
* hue: The hue on a scale of 0-65536.
* sat: The saturation on a scale of 0-255.
* return: The same type of response as setValue.
setHueSat = function(lightId, hue, sat){
return setValue(lightId, {hue:hue, sat:sat});

* Sets the brightness of a light.
* lightId: A single id or an array of ids.
* bri: The brightness on a scale of 0-255 (note that 0 is not off)
* return: The same type of response as setValue.
setBri = function(lightId, bri){
return setValue(lightId, {bri:bri});

authenticate: authenticate,
getCache : getCache,
getValue: getValue,
setValue: setValue,
turnOn : turnOn,
turnOff : turnOff,
setHueSat : setHueSat,
setBri : setBri


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