Spreadsheets cannot be previewed from Nextcloud app.
The problem relies on: https://onlyoffice.example.net/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/index.html redirecting to a 404.
This is because: /var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/index.html
is not in the final package.
We are going to attempt a vanilla build so that we can submit a bug to upstream if that's the case.
sudo -i
cd /root
git clone \
--depth=1 \
--recursive \
--branch v7.2.2.56 \
https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/build_tools.git \
# Ignore detached head warning
cd /root/build_tools
mkdir out
docker build --tag onlyoffice-document-editors-builder .
docker run -e PRODUCT_VERSION='7.2.2' -e BUILD_NUMBER='56' -e NODE_ENV='production' -v $(pwd)/out:/build_tools/out onlyoffice-document-editors-builder /bin/bash -c 'cd tools/linux && python3 ./automate.py --branch=tags/v7.2.2.56'
After a long time building we get:
make file: makefiles/build.makefile_linux_64
copy warning [file not exist]: /build_tools/scripts/../../sdkjs/common/HtmlFileInternal/AllFonts.js
delete warning [folder not exist]: /build_tools/scripts/../../document-server-integration/web/documentserver-example/nodejs/node_modules
[git] update: onlyoffice.github.io
branch does not exist...
switching to master...
delete warning [file not exist]: /build_tools/scripts/../out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver-snap/var/www/onlyoffice/documentserver/example/nodejs/example
install dependencies...
Node.js version cannot be less 10.20
install qt...
build branch: tags/v7.2.2.56
build modules: desktop builder server
And we can check if the file exists or not.
ls -l out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/index.html
ls: no se puede acceder a 'out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/index.html': No existe el fichero o el directorio
The file does not exist.
We report this as a bug here: ONLYOFFICE/build_tools#605 .
Now let's do the same thing but without the production Node, I guess it will default to the development Node.
sudo -i
cd /root
git clone \
--depth=1 \
--recursive \
--branch v7.2.2.56 \
https://github.com/ONLYOFFICE/build_tools.git \
# Ignore detached head warning
cd /root/build_tools
mkdir out
docker build --tag onlyoffice-document-editors-builder .
docker run -e PRODUCT_VERSION='7.2.2' -e BUILD_NUMBER='56' -v $(pwd)/out:/build_tools/out onlyoffice-document-editors-builder /bin/bash -c 'cd tools/linux && python3 ./automate.py --branch=tags/v7.2.2.56'
And we can check if the file exists or not.
ls -l out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/index.html
ls: no se puede acceder a 'out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/index.html': No existe el fichero o el directorio
The file does not exist.
Apparently a workaround so that the build outputs these files is bumping the Node.js version.
So we will make some new commits on the
branch and v7.2.2.56-btactic2
tag (in all of the repos)
That way we will have a completely different tag because the old one was
And we will try to build this again.
Server repo does not have any meaningful change
git checkout
git checkout -b
git tag -a 'v7.2.2.56-btactic2' -m ''
git push origin
git push origin v7.2.2.56-btactic2
document-server-package repo does not have any meaningful change
git checkout
git checkout -b
git tag -a 'v7.2.2.56-btactic2' -m ''
git push origin
git push origin v7.2.2.56-btactic2
build_tools repo needs an additional commit.
So first of all let's create the new branch and work on it.
git checkout
git checkout -b
We just replace 10.x to 12.x.
sed -i -e 's/_10\.x/_12.x/g' tools/linux/deps.py
git add tools/linux/deps.py
git commit -m 'Update node.js to 12.x.'
Finally we create a new tag and push everything.
git tag -a 'v7.2.2.56-btactic2' -m ''
git push origin
git push origin v7.2.2.56-btactic2
sudo -i
cd /root
git clone \
--depth=1 \
--recursive \
--branch v7.2.2.56-btactic2 \
https://github.com/btactic/build_tools.git \
# Ignore detached head warning
cd /root/build_tools
mkdir out
docker build --tag onlyoffice-document-editors-builder .
docker run -e PRODUCT_VERSION='7.2.2' -e BUILD_NUMBER='56' -e NODE_ENV='production' -v $(pwd)/out:/build_tools/out onlyoffice-document-editors-builder /bin/bash -c 'cd tools/linux && python3 ./automate.py --branch=tags/v7.2.2.56-btactic2'
come from our tag version.
After many hours the build ends and our expected file is there:
ls -l out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/index.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 6458 ene 18 22:46 out/linux_64/onlyoffice/documentserver/web-apps/apps/spreadsheeteditor/mobile/index.html
apt install build-essential m4 npm
npm install -g pkg
cd /root
git clone \
--depth=1 \
--recursive \
--branch v7.2.2.56-btactic2 \
https://github.com/btactic/document-server-package.git \
# Ignore detached head warning
cd /root/document-server-package
cat << EOF >> Makefile
deb_dependencies: \$(DEB_DEPS)
PRODUCT_VERSION='7.2.2' BUILD_NUMBER='56+btactic2' make deb_dependencies
cd /root/document-server-package/deb/build
apt build-dep ./
# Workaround for installing dependencies - END
cd /root/document-server-package
PRODUCT_VERSION='7.2.2' BUILD_NUMBER='56+btactic2' make deb
Packaging everything takes quite a long ( 1 hour in 2023), for what it's usual in a Debian package. I think it's related to how the packaging uses strip to remove debug data so that the final package is not so big.
The final onlyoffice-documentserver_7.2.2-56+btactic2_amd64.deb
deb package can be found at: /root/document-server-package/deb/
Get your onlyoffice-documentserver_7.2.2-56+btactic2_amd64.deb
to your local machine.
Visit: https://github.com/btactic/document-server-package/releases/tag/v7.2.2.56-btactic2 and click Create release from tag button.
Fill in appropiate release title, description, and finally attach your renamed deb as a binary.
Publish release.
- https://www.btactic.com/build-onlyoffice-from-source-code-2023/?lang=en
- https://github.com/btactic/document-server-package/releases/tag/v7.2.2.56-btactic2
- https://github.com/btactic/document-server-package/blob/btactic-documentation/README-BUILD-DEBIAN-PACKAGE-NO-LIMITS.md
- https://github.com/btactic/document-server-package/blob/btactic-documentation/onlyoffice-no-limits-2023-01.md
- https://github.com/btactic/document-server-package/blob/btactic-documentation/onlyoffice-no-limits-2023-02.md
Fork OnlyOffice repos from Github UI
Then clone the repos from your own username/organisation
Onlyoffice remote for server repo:
cd onlyoffice_repos/server
git remote add upstream-origin git@github.com:ONLYOFFICE/server.git
- Onlyoffice remote for build_tools repo:
cd onlyoffice_repos/build_tools
git remote add upstream-origin git@github.com:ONLYOFFICE/build_tools.git
- Onlyoffice remote for document-server-package repo:
cd onlyoffice_repos/document-server-package
git remote add upstream-origin git@github.com:ONLYOFFICE/document-server-package.git
- Use screen, byobu or tmux when building in your virtual machine so that build is not lost because of a network disconnection
This is not an official onlyoffice build. Do not seek for help on OnlyOffice issues/forums unless you replicate it on original source code or original binaries from them.
This is not an official onlyoffice build. Do not seek for help on OnlyOffice issues/forums unless you replicate it on original source code or original binaries from them.