2024-02-28 06:09:59,242 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 79 :: ************************************************** 2024-02-28 06:09:59,242 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 80 :: Processing MAIN package: com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 2024-02-28 06:09:59,243 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 82 :: ************************************************** 2024-02-28 06:09:59,243 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 13 :: cmd='grep -E \'^(NAME=)\' /etc/os-release | awk -F= \'{print $2}\' | tr -d \'"\'' 2024-02-28 06:09:59,249 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 17 :: Result ▼▼▼▼▼ ►►►[RetCode]>>> 0 ►►►[STDOUT]>>> shivsite Linux Server ►►►[STDERR]>>> 2024-02-28 06:09:59,249 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 13 :: cmd='grep VERSION_ID /etc/os-release | awk -F= \'{print $2}\' | tr -d \'"\'' 2024-02-28 06:09:59,255 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 17 :: Result ▼▼▼▼▼ ►►►[RetCode]>>> 0 ►►►[STDOUT]>>> 8.9 ►►►[STDERR]>>> 2024-02-28 06:09:59,255 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 13 :: cmd='java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | awk -F \'"\' \'{print $2}\'' 2024-02-28 06:09:59,293 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 17 :: Result ▼▼▼▼▼ ►►►[RetCode]>>> 0 ►►►[STDOUT]>>> ►►►[STDERR]>>> 2024-02-28 06:09:59,293 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 13 :: cmd='mvn -v | grep "Apache Maven" | awk \'{print $3}\'' 2024-02-28 06:09:59,476 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 17 :: Result ▼▼▼▼▼ ►►►[RetCode]>>> 0 ►►►[STDOUT]>>> 3.9.4 ►►►[STDERR]>>> 2024-02-28 06:09:59,476 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 13 :: cmd='gradle -v | grep -o "Gradle[0-9. ]*" | awk \'{print $2}\' | head -n 1' 2024-02-28 06:09:59,952 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 17 :: Result ▼▼▼▼▼ ►►►[RetCode]>>> 0 ►►►[STDOUT]>>> 8.2.1 ►►►[STDERR]>>> 2024-02-28 06:09:59,952 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 13 :: cmd="ant -version | head -n 1 | awk '{print $4}'" 2024-02-28 06:10:00,061 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 17 :: Result ▼▼▼▼▼ ►►►[RetCode]>>> 0 ►►►[STDOUT]>>> 1.10.14 ►►►[STDERR]>>> 2024-02-28 06:10:00,061 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 13 :: cmd="node -v | awk '{print $1}' | cut -c 2-" 2024-02-28 06:10:00,069 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 17 :: Result ▼▼▼▼▼ ►►►[RetCode]>>> 0 ►►►[STDOUT]>>> 20.10.0 ►►►[STDERR]>>> 2024-02-28 06:10:00,070 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 13 :: cmd="python3 --version | awk '{print $2}'" 2024-02-28 06:10:00,075 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 17 :: Result ▼▼▼▼▼ ►►►[RetCode]>>> 0 ►►►[STDOUT]>>> 3.9.6 ►►►[STDERR]>>> 2024-02-28 06:10:00,076 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 88 :: Find dep: True 2024-02-28 06:10:00,076 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 89 :: pp type, main 2024-02-28 06:10:00,076 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 258 :: Env from pkg: {'maven': 'default', 'java': 'default', 'gradle': 'default', 'sbt': 'default', 'ant': 'default'} 2024-02-28 06:10:00,076 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 299 :: Finalized jdks for testing: [''] 2024-02-28 06:10:00,076 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 316 :: all builds cmds: ['mvn clean install -DskipTests'] 2024-02-28 06:10:00,076 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 328 :: using java:, build_cmd: mvn clean install -DskipTests 2024-02-28 06:10:00,076 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 337 :: PATH ENV: /opt/jdk- 2024-02-28 06:10:00,076 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 338 :: java home: /opt/jdk- 2024-02-28 06:10:00,076 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 260 :: Package with github link, converting to git source 2024-02-28 06:10:00,077 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 518 :: cloning the repo 2024-02-28 06:10:00,077 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 525 :: Clone command: git clone https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j.git -b 7.6.0 /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0 --depth 1 2024-02-28 06:10:03,992 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 528 :: Clone successful! 2024-02-28 06:10:03,993 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 216 :: Compressing cloned source code 2024-02-28 06:10:03,993 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 49 :: version='1', cmd_type='live', running command=zip -r -q /tmp/pkgs_downloads/bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.zip ./ -x '.git/*', supress_exception=False 2024-02-28 06:10:03,995 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 60 :: Waiting for cmd out... 2024-02-28 06:10:04,306 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 254 :: Compressing source code done at /tmp/pkgs_downloads/bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.zip 2024-02-28 06:10:04,306 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 302 :: changing to uncompressed path: /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0 2024-02-28 06:10:04,306 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 49 :: version='1', cmd_type='live', running command=chmod 776 ./gradlew, supress_exception=False 2024-02-28 06:10:04,309 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 60 :: Waiting for cmd out... [28 06:10:04.310] | chmod: cannot access './gradlew': No such file or directory 2024-02-28 06:10:04,311 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 335 :: Checking for patch in: https://artifactory.engine.shiv.com/artifactory/api/storage/Oracle_IndiaEngineeringODCFY22_maven_local/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/ 2024-02-28 06:10:04,874 [ WARNING ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 354 :: Patch file not present, but patch flag is true 2024-02-28 06:10:04,875 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | build_fixes.py | 475 :: checking for fix in maven build 2024-02-28 06:10:04,875 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | build_fixes.py | 414 :: checking for generic pom changes 2024-02-28 06:10:04,875 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | build_fixes.py | 425 :: no fixes available for group: com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov, skipping 2024-02-28 06:10:04,875 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | build_fixes.py | 376 :: fixing generic issues 2024-02-28 06:10:04,876 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | build_fixes.py | 382 :: search result: [] 2024-02-28 06:10:04,876 [ WARNING ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | build_fixes.py | 396 :: Jackson version [] unchanged 2024-02-28 06:10:04,876 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | build_fixes.py | 410 :: updated /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/pom.xml 2024-02-28 06:10:04,882 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 363 :: <<<<<<<<<< BUILDING PACKAGE: com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 >>>>>>>>>> 2024-02-28 06:10:04,882 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 366 :: starting build 2024-02-28 06:10:04,883 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 13 :: cmd='java -version 2>&1 | head -n 1 | awk -F \'"\' \'{print $2}\'' 2024-02-28 06:10:04,921 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 17 :: Result ▼▼▼▼▼ ►►►[RetCode]>>> 0 ►►►[STDOUT]>>> ►►►[STDERR]>>> 2024-02-28 06:10:04,921 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | log_utils.py | 122 :: {'package': 'com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0', 'language': 'java', 'framework': 'maven', 'build_cmd': 'mvn clean install -DskipTests', 'os_name': 'shivsite Linux Server', 'os_version': '8.9', 'compiler/interpreter': 'javac', 'python_version': '3.9.6', 'java_version': '', 'maven_version': '3.9.4', 'gradle_version': '8.2.1', 'ant_version': '1.10.14', 'node_version': '20.10.0', 'http_proxy': None, 'https_proxy': None, 'java_home': '/opt/jdk-', 'path': '/opt/jdk-'} 2024-02-28 06:10:04,924 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | log_utils.py | 148 :: Environment +----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | ENV | VALUE | |----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PACKAGE | com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | | LANGUAGE | java | | FRAMEWORK | maven | | BUILD_CMD | mvn clean install -DskipTests | | OS_NAME | shivsite Linux Server | | OS_VERSION | 8.9 | | COMPILER/INTERPRETER | javac | | PYTHON_VERSION | 3.9.6 | | JAVA_VERSION | | | MAVEN_VERSION | 3.9.4 | | GRADLE_VERSION | 8.2.1 | | ANT_VERSION | 1.10.14 | | NODE_VERSION | 20.10.0 | | HTTP_PROXY | None | | HTTPS_PROXY | None | | JAVA_HOME | /opt/jdk- | | PATH | /opt/jdk- | | | ant-1.10.14/bin:/opt/sbt/bin:/opt/jdk- | | | .9.4/bin:/opt/gradle-8.2.1/bin:/opt/sbt/bin:/opt/python3.9/bin:/opt/node-v20.10.0-linux-x64/bin:/usr | | | /local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin | +----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2024-02-28 06:10:04,924 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 617 :: Current dir: /builds/lohiteshkn/manifest_automation 2024-02-28 06:10:04,924 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 654 :: building java 2024-02-28 06:10:04,924 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 692 :: build cmd: mvn clean install -DskipTests -q -e 2024-02-28 06:10:04,924 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 49 :: version='1', cmd_type='live', running command=mvn clean install -DskipTests -q -e, supress_exception=True 2024-02-28 06:10:04,927 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 60 :: Waiting for cmd out... 2024-02-28 06:14:20,238 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 778 :: pom file found: /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/pom.xml 2024-02-28 06:14:20,238 [ WARNING ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 637 :: finally, chdir /builds/lohiteshkn/manifest_automation 2024-02-28 06:14:20,239 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 398 :: build success, stopping build cycle for this package 2024-02-28 06:14:20,239 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | main.py | 215 :: ======================================== STARTING TESTS ======================================== 2024-02-28 06:14:20,239 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 979 :: Starting tests 2024-02-28 06:14:20,239 [ DEBUG ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 49 :: version='1', cmd_type='live', running command=mvn test, supress_exception=True 2024-02-28 06:14:20,243 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 60 :: Waiting for cmd out... [28 06:14:22.456] | [INFO] Scanning for projects... [28 06:14:22.821] | [WARNING] [28 06:14:22.821] | [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective model for com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-redis:jar:7.6.0 [28 06:14:22.821] | [WARNING] 'dependencies.dependency.(groupId:artifactId:type:classifier)' must be unique: com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-core:test-jar -> duplicate declaration of version ${project.version} @ line 76, column 21 [28 06:14:22.821] | [WARNING] [28 06:14:22.821] | [WARNING] It is highly recommended to fix these problems because they threaten the stability of your build. [28 06:14:22.821] | [WARNING] [28 06:14:22.821] | [WARNING] For this reason, future Maven versions might no longer support building such malformed projects. [28 06:14:22.821] | [WARNING] [28 06:14:22.844] | [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [28 06:14:22.844] | [INFO] Reactor Build Order: [28 06:14:22.844] | [INFO] [28 06:14:22.849] | [INFO] bucket4j-parent [pom] [28 06:14:22.849] | [INFO] bucket4j-core [jar] [28 06:14:22.849] | [INFO] bucket4j-jcache [jar] [28 06:14:22.849] | [INFO] bucket4j-ignite [jar] [28 06:14:22.849] | [INFO] bucket4j-infinispan-all [pom] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-infinispan [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-infinispan-8 [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-hazelcast-all [pom] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-hazelcast [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-hazelcast-3 [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-benchmarks [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-examples [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] lincheck-tests [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-dynamodb-sdk-v1 [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-redis [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-coherence [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-postgresql [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-mysql [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j-caffeine [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] Bucket4j Documentation [jar] [28 06:14:22.850] | [INFO] bucket4j [pom] [28 06:14:22.877] | [INFO] [28 06:14:22.877] | [INFO] ----------< com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-parent >----------- [28 06:14:22.877] | [INFO] Building bucket4j-parent 7.6.0 [1/21] [28 06:14:22.877] | [INFO] from bucket4j-parent/pom.xml [28 06:14:22.877] | [INFO] --------------------------------[ pom ]--------------------------------- [28 06:14:23.433] | [INFO] [28 06:14:23.433] | [INFO] --- flatten:1.2.1:flatten (flatten) @ bucket4j-parent --- [28 06:14:24.308] | [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-parent:pom:7.6.0... [28 06:14:24.421] | [INFO] [28 06:14:24.421] | [INFO] --- gplus:1.5:compile (default) @ bucket4j-parent --- [28 06:14:24.776] | [INFO] No sources specified for compilation. Skipping. [28 06:14:24.776] | [INFO] [28 06:14:24.778] | [INFO] --- gplus:1.5:testCompile (default) @ bucket4j-parent --- [28 06:14:24.780] | [INFO] No sources specified for compilation. Skipping. [28 06:14:24.780] | [INFO] [28 06:14:24.780] | [INFO] -----------< com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-core >------------ [28 06:14:24.780] | [INFO] Building bucket4j-core 7.6.0 [2/21] [28 06:14:24.780] | [INFO] from bucket4j-core/pom.xml [28 06:14:24.781] | [INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]--------------------------------- [28 06:14:24.883] | [INFO] [28 06:14:24.883] | [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:resources (default-resources) @ bucket4j-core --- [28 06:14:24.967] | [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/src/main/resources [28 06:14:24.968] | [INFO] [28 06:14:24.968] | [INFO] --- flatten:1.2.1:flatten (flatten) @ bucket4j-core --- [28 06:14:24.970] | [INFO] Generating flattened POM of project com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-core:jar:7.6.0... [28 06:14:24.978] | [INFO] [28 06:14:24.978] | [INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:compile (default-compile) @ bucket4j-core --- [28 06:14:25.148] | [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [28 06:14:25.163] | [INFO] Compiling 131 source files to /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/target/classes [28 06:14:28.507] | [INFO] /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/src/main/java/io/github/bucket4j/distributed/serialization/InternalSerializationHelper.java: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [28 06:14:28.507] | [INFO] /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/src/main/java/io/github/bucket4j/distributed/serialization/InternalSerializationHelper.java: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [28 06:14:28.507] | [INFO] [28 06:14:28.507] | [INFO] --- gplus:1.5:compile (default) @ bucket4j-core --- [28 06:14:28.511] | [INFO] No sources specified for compilation. Skipping. [28 06:14:28.511] | [INFO] [28 06:14:28.511] | [INFO] --- resources:3.3.1:testResources (default-testResources) @ bucket4j-core --- [28 06:14:28.515] | [INFO] skip non existing resourceDirectory /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/src/test/resources [28 06:14:28.516] | [INFO] [28 06:14:28.516] | [INFO] --- compiler:3.8.1:testCompile (default-testCompile) @ bucket4j-core --- [28 06:14:28.526] | [INFO] Changes detected - recompiling the module! [28 06:14:28.529] | [INFO] Compiling 31 source files to /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/target/test-classes [28 06:14:29.065] | [INFO] /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/src/test/java/io/github/bucket4j/distributed/serialization/AbstractSerializationTest.java: Some input files use or override a deprecated API. [28 06:14:29.065] | [INFO] /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/src/test/java/io/github/bucket4j/distributed/serialization/AbstractSerializationTest.java: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. [28 06:14:29.065] | [INFO] /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/src/test/java/io/github/bucket4j/distributed/proxy/optimization/batch/mock/CombinedResult.java: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations. [28 06:14:29.065] | [INFO] /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/src/test/java/io/github/bucket4j/distributed/proxy/optimization/batch/mock/CombinedResult.java: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details. [28 06:14:29.066] | [INFO] [28 06:14:29.066] | [INFO] --- gplus:1.5:testCompile (default) @ bucket4j-core --- [28 06:14:29.278] | [INFO] Using Groovy 2.4.1 to perform testCompile. [28 06:14:31.006] | [INFO] Compiled 35 files. [28 06:14:31.009] | [INFO] [28 06:14:31.009] | [INFO] --- surefire:2.20:test (default-test) @ bucket4j-core --- [28 06:14:31.471] | Downloading from central: https://artifactory.engine.shiv.com/artifactory/Oracle_IndiaEngineeringODCFY22_maven_virtual/org/apache/maven/surefire/surefire-junit4/2.20/surefire-junit4-2.20.pom [28 06:14:32.680] | Progress (1): 3.3 kB [28 06:14:32.680] | [28 06:14:32.680] | Downloaded from central: https://artifactory.engine.shiv.com/artifactory/Oracle_IndiaEngineeringODCFY22_maven_virtual/org/apache/maven/surefire/surefire-junit4/2.20/surefire-junit4-2.20.pom (3.3 kB at 2.7 kB/s) [28 06:14:32.703] | Downloading from central: https://artifactory.engine.shiv.com/artifactory/Oracle_IndiaEngineeringODCFY22_maven_virtual/org/apache/maven/surefire/surefire-providers/2.20/surefire-providers-2.20.pom [28 06:14:32.911] | Progress (1): 2.6 kB [28 06:14:32.912] | [28 06:14:32.912] | Downloaded from central: https://artifactory.engine.shiv.com/artifactory/Oracle_IndiaEngineeringODCFY22_maven_virtual/org/apache/maven/surefire/surefire-providers/2.20/surefire-providers-2.20.pom (2.6 kB at 12 kB/s) [28 06:14:32.965] | Downloading from central: https://artifactory.engine.shiv.com/artifactory/Oracle_IndiaEngineeringODCFY22_maven_virtual/org/apache/maven/surefire/surefire-junit4/2.20/surefire-junit4-2.20.jar [28 06:14:33.209] | Progress (1): 6.3/82 kB [28 06:14:33.337] | Progress (1): 7.5/82 kB [28 06:14:33.338] | Progress (1): 13/82 kB [28 06:14:33.340] | Progress (1): 16/82 kB [28 06:14:33.342] | Progress (1): 24/82 kB [28 06:14:33.343] | Progress (1): 30/82 kB [28 06:14:33.469] | Progress (1): 37/82 kB [28 06:14:33.469] | Progress (1): 47/82 kB [28 06:14:33.471] | Progress (1): 48/82 kB [28 06:14:33.472] | Progress (1): 57/82 kB [28 06:14:33.472] | Progress (1): 65/82 kB [28 06:14:33.473] | Progress (1): 69/82 kB [28 06:14:33.474] | Progress (1): 73/82 kB [28 06:14:33.474] | Progress (1): 81/82 kB [28 06:14:33.475] | Progress (1): 82 kB [28 06:14:33.475] | [28 06:14:33.475] | Downloaded from central: https://artifactory.engine.shiv.com/artifactory/Oracle_IndiaEngineeringODCFY22_maven_virtual/org/apache/maven/surefire/surefire-junit4/2.20/surefire-junit4-2.20.jar (82 kB at 161 kB/s) [28 06:14:33.485] | [INFO] [28 06:14:33.485] | [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:33.485] | [INFO] T E S T S [28 06:14:33.485] | [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:33.740] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.BlockingStrategyTest [28 06:14:35.784] | [INFO] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 2.037 s - in io.github.bucket4j.BlockingStrategyTest [28 06:14:35.784] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification [28 06:14:36.103] | [ERROR] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 7, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.312 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification [28 06:14:36.103] | [ERROR] test success async case(io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.006 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.103] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture(java.lang.Object) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util.concurrent" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.103] | at io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification.test success async case(BatchHelperSpecification.groovy:27) [28 06:14:36.103] | [28 06:14:36.103] | [ERROR] test sync batching(io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.006 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.103] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch$Sync java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch.sync accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util.concurrent" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.103] | at io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification.runBlockingInNewThread(BatchHelperSpecification.groovy:241) [28 06:14:36.103] | at io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification.test sync batching(BatchHelperSpecification.groovy:41) [28 06:14:36.103] | [28 06:14:36.103] | [ERROR] test async batching(io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.104] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch$Sync java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch.sync accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util.concurrent" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.104] | at io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification.test async batching(BatchHelperSpecification.groovy:86) [28 06:14:36.104] | [28 06:14:36.104] | [ERROR] test that fail of single task does not prevent to start next batch in sync execution(io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.007 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.104] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Throwable.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.104] | at io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification.test that fail of single task does not prevent to start next batch in sync execution(BatchHelperSpecification.groovy:123) [28 06:14:36.104] | [28 06:14:36.104] | [ERROR] test that fail of single task does not prevent to start next batch in async execution(io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.104] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Throwable.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.104] | at io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification.test that fail of single task does not prevent to start next batch in async execution(BatchHelperSpecification.groovy:150) [28 06:14:36.104] | [28 06:14:36.104] | [ERROR] test that fail of batch of tasks does not prevent to start next batch in sync execution(io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.104] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Throwable.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.104] | at io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification.test that fail of batch of tasks does not prevent to start next batch in sync execution(BatchHelperSpecification.groovy:178) [28 06:14:36.104] | [28 06:14:36.104] | [ERROR] test that fail of batch of tasks does not prevent to start next batch in async execution(io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.104] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Throwable.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.104] | at io.github.bucket4j.util.concurrent.BatchHelperSpecification.test that fail of batch of tasks does not prevent to start next batch in async execution(BatchHelperSpecification.groovy:211) [28 06:14:36.104] | [28 06:14:36.104] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification [28 06:14:36.163] | [ERROR] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 7, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.056 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification [28 06:14:36.163] | [ERROR] GetAvailableTokens specification #testNumber(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.019 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.163] | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketBuilder io.github.bucket4j.Bucket.builder()' must be InterfaceMethodref constant [28 06:14:36.163] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification.GetAvailableTokens specification #testNumber(BucketStateSpecification.groovy:37) [28 06:14:36.163] | [28 06:14:36.163] | [ERROR] addTokens specification #testNumber(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.019 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.163] | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketBuilder io.github.bucket4j.Bucket.builder()' must be InterfaceMethodref constant [28 06:14:36.164] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification.addTokens specification #testNumber(BucketStateSpecification.groovy:88) [28 06:14:36.164] | [28 06:14:36.164] | [ERROR] delayAfterWillBePossibleToConsume specification #testNumber(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.02 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.164] | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketBuilder io.github.bucket4j.Bucket.builder()' must be InterfaceMethodref constant [28 06:14:36.164] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification.delayAfterWillBePossibleToConsume specification #testNumber(BucketStateSpecification.groovy:144) [28 06:14:36.164] | [28 06:14:36.164] | [ERROR] calculateFullRefillingTime specification #testNumber(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.024 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.164] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.164] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification.calculateFullRefillingTime specification #testNumber(BucketStateSpecification.groovy:230) [28 06:14:36.164] | [28 06:14:36.164] | [ERROR] Specification for refill simple bandwidth #n(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.038 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.164] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field protected transient int java.util.AbstractList.modCount accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.164] | [28 06:14:36.164] | [ERROR] Specification for refill classic bandwidth #n(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.046 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.164] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field protected transient int java.util.AbstractList.modCount accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.164] | [28 06:14:36.164] | [ERROR] Specification for consume #n(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.054 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.164] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field protected transient int java.util.AbstractList.modCount accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.164] | [28 06:14:36.164] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification [28 06:14:36.185] | [ERROR] Tests run: 9, Failures: 0, Errors: 9, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.017 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification [28 06:14:36.185] | [ERROR] regression test for https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j/issues/51(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.185] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.185] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.regression test for https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j/issues/51(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:18) [28 06:14:36.185] | [28 06:14:36.186] | [ERROR] Should check ArithmeticOverflow when add tokens to bucket(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.186] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.186] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when add tokens to bucket(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:41) [28 06:14:36.186] | [28 06:14:36.186] | [ERROR] Should firstly do refill by completed periods(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.008 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.186] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.186] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should firstly do refill by completed periods(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:57) [28 06:14:36.186] | [28 06:14:36.186] | [ERROR] Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by completed periods(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.186] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.187] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by completed periods(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:75) [28 06:14:36.187] | [28 06:14:36.187] | [ERROR] Should down to floating point arithmetic if necessary during refill(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.187] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.187] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should down to floating point arithmetic if necessary during refill(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:93) [28 06:14:36.187] | [28 06:14:36.187] | [ERROR] Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by uncompleted periods(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.187] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.187] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by uncompleted periods(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:112) [28 06:14:36.187] | [28 06:14:36.187] | [ERROR] Should down to floating point arithmetic when having deal with big number during deficit calculation(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.187] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.187] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should down to floating point arithmetic when having deal with big number during deficit calculation(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:130) [28 06:14:36.188] | [28 06:14:36.188] | [ERROR] Should detect overflow during deficit calculation for interval refill(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.188] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.188] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should detect overflow during deficit calculation for interval refill(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:153) [28 06:14:36.188] | [28 06:14:36.188] | [ERROR] Should detect math overflow during initial tokens calculation for intervally aligned refill(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.188] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.188] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.integer.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should detect math overflow during initial tokens calculation for intervally aligned refill(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:187) [28 06:14:36.188] | [28 06:14:36.188] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketRoundingRulesSpecification [28 06:14:36.197] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.008 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketRoundingRulesSpecification [28 06:14:36.198] | [ERROR] rest of division should not be missed on next consumption(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketRoundingRulesSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.198] | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketBuilder io.github.bucket4j.Bucket.builder()' must be InterfaceMethodref constant [28 06:14:36.198] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketRoundingRulesSpecification.rest of division should not be missed on next consumption(BucketRoundingRulesSpecification.groovy:23) [28 06:14:36.198] | [28 06:14:36.198] | [ERROR] rest of division should cleared when addTokens increases bucket to maximum(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketRoundingRulesSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.198] | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketBuilder io.github.bucket4j.Bucket.builder()' must be InterfaceMethodref constant [28 06:14:36.198] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketRoundingRulesSpecification.rest of division should cleared when addTokens increases bucket to maximum(BucketRoundingRulesSpecification.groovy:42) [28 06:14:36.200] | [28 06:14:36.200] | [ERROR] Partially refilled token should not be missed when calculating time for refill #bucketType(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketRoundingRulesSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.008 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.200] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.200] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketRoundingRulesSpecification.Partially refilled token should not be missed when calculating time for refill #bucketType(BucketRoundingRulesSpecification.groovy:88) [28 06:14:36.200] | [28 06:14:36.200] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification [28 06:14:36.240] | [ERROR] Tests run: 7, Failures: 0, Errors: 7, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.036 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification [28 06:14:36.241] | [ERROR] GetAvailableTokens specification #testNumber(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.241] | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketBuilder io.github.bucket4j.Bucket.builder()' must be InterfaceMethodref constant [28 06:14:36.241] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification.GetAvailableTokens specification #testNumber(BucketStateSpecification.groovy:47) [28 06:14:36.241] | [28 06:14:36.241] | [ERROR] addTokens specification #testNumber(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.241] | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketBuilder io.github.bucket4j.Bucket.builder()' must be InterfaceMethodref constant [28 06:14:36.241] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification.addTokens specification #testNumber(BucketStateSpecification.groovy:104) [28 06:14:36.241] | [28 06:14:36.241] | [ERROR] delayAfterWillBePossibleToConsume specification #testNumber(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.008 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.241] | java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Method 'io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketBuilder io.github.bucket4j.Bucket.builder()' must be InterfaceMethodref constant [28 06:14:36.241] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification.delayAfterWillBePossibleToConsume specification #testNumber(BucketStateSpecification.groovy:160) [28 06:14:36.241] | [28 06:14:36.241] | [ERROR] calculateFullRefillingTime specification #testNumber(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.011 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.241] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.241] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification.calculateFullRefillingTime specification #testNumber(BucketStateSpecification.groovy:255) [28 06:14:36.241] | [28 06:14:36.241] | [ERROR] Specification for refill simple bandwidth #n(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.015 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.242] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field protected transient int java.util.AbstractList.modCount accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.242] | [28 06:14:36.242] | [ERROR] Specification for refill classic bandwidth #n(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.026 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.242] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field protected transient int java.util.AbstractList.modCount accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.242] | [28 06:14:36.242] | [ERROR] Specification for consume #n(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.BucketStateSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.034 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.242] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field protected transient int java.util.AbstractList.modCount accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.util" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.242] | [28 06:14:36.242] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.FixedIntervalRefillSpecification [28 06:14:36.263] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.017 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.FixedIntervalRefillSpecification [28 06:14:36.263] | [ERROR] Basic test of fixed interval refill(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.FixedIntervalRefillSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.011 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.263] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.263] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.FixedIntervalRefillSpecification.Basic test of fixed interval refill(FixedIntervalRefillSpecification.groovy:17) [28 06:14:36.263] | [28 06:14:36.264] | [ERROR] Complex test of fixed interval refill(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.FixedIntervalRefillSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.004 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.264] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.264] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.FixedIntervalRefillSpecification.Complex test of fixed interval refill(FixedIntervalRefillSpecification.groovy:47) [28 06:14:36.264] | [28 06:14:36.264] | [ERROR] Test for refill time estimation https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j/issues/71(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.FixedIntervalRefillSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.264] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.264] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.FixedIntervalRefillSpecification.Test for refill time estimation https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j/issues/71(FixedIntervalRefillSpecification.groovy:94) [28 06:14:36.264] | [28 06:14:36.264] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification [28 06:14:36.298] | [ERROR] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 8, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.031 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification [28 06:14:36.299] | [ERROR] regression test for https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j/issues/51(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.299] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.299] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.regression test for https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j/issues/51(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:34) [28 06:14:36.299] | [28 06:14:36.299] | [ERROR] Should check ArithmeticOverflow when add tokens to bucket(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.299] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.299] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when add tokens to bucket(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:58) [28 06:14:36.299] | [28 06:14:36.299] | [ERROR] Should firstly do refill by completed periods(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.299] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.299] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should firstly do refill by completed periods(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:75) [28 06:14:36.299] | [28 06:14:36.299] | [ERROR] Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by completed periods(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.299] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.299] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by completed periods(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:94) [28 06:14:36.299] | [28 06:14:36.299] | [ERROR] Should down to floating point arithmetic if necessary during refill(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.008 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.299] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.299] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should down to floating point arithmetic if necessary during refill(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:113) [28 06:14:36.299] | [28 06:14:36.299] | [ERROR] Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by uncompleted periods(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.009 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.300] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.300] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by uncompleted periods(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:133) [28 06:14:36.300] | [28 06:14:36.300] | [ERROR] Should correctly calculate time to close deficit when having deals with big number(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.01 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.300] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.300] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should correctly calculate time to close deficit when having deals with big number(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:152) [28 06:14:36.300] | [28 06:14:36.300] | [ERROR] Should detect overflow during deficit calculation for interval refill(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.300] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.300] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should detect overflow during deficit calculation for interval refill(HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.groovy:175) [28 06:14:36.300] | [28 06:14:36.300] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification [28 06:14:36.309] | [ERROR] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 4, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification [28 06:14:36.310] | [ERROR] #n Initial token calculation spec(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.310] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.310] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.#n Initial token calculation spec(IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.groovy) [28 06:14:36.313] | [28 06:14:36.313] | [ERROR] complex spec for case when useAdaptiveInitialTokens=false mathType = #mathType(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.004 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.313] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.313] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.complex spec for case when useAdaptiveInitialTokens=false mathType = #mathType(IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.groovy:122) [28 06:14:36.313] | [28 06:14:36.313] | [ERROR] complex spec for case when useAdaptiveInitialTokens=true mathType = #mathType(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.004 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.313] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.313] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.complex spec for case when useAdaptiveInitialTokens=true mathType = #mathType(IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.groovy:182) [28 06:14:36.313] | [28 06:14:36.313] | [ERROR] check that boundary of interval is not missed during long time of inactivity mathType = #mathType(io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.313] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.313] | at io.github.bucket4j.core_algorithms.IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.check that boundary of interval is not missed during long time of inactivity mathType = #mathType(IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.groovy:210) [28 06:14:36.313] | [28 06:14:36.313] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification [28 06:14:36.350] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.035 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification [28 06:14:36.350] | [ERROR] Should delay sync consumption(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.034 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.350] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.350] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:21) [28 06:14:36.350] | [28 06:14:36.350] | [ERROR] test synchronization by requirement(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.351] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.351] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:21) [28 06:14:36.351] | [28 06:14:36.351] | [ERROR] test synchronization by conditional requirement(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.351] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.351] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:21) [28 06:14:36.351] | [28 06:14:36.351] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification [28 06:14:36.356] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification [28 06:14:36.357] | [ERROR] Should delay async consumption(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.357] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.357] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:22) [28 06:14:36.357] | [28 06:14:36.357] | [ERROR] test synchronization by requirement(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.357] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.357] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:22) [28 06:14:36.357] | [28 06:14:36.357] | [ERROR] test synchronization by conditional requirement(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.357] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.357] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.delay.DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:22) [28 06:14:36.357] | [28 06:14:36.357] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification [28 06:14:36.364] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification [28 06:14:36.364] | [ERROR] Should delay sync consumption(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.364] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.364] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:23) [28 06:14:36.364] | [28 06:14:36.364] | [ERROR] test synchronization by requirement(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.364] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.364] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:23) [28 06:14:36.364] | [28 06:14:36.364] | [ERROR] test synchronization by conditional requirement(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.364] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.364] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:23) [28 06:14:36.364] | [28 06:14:36.364] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification [28 06:14:36.370] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification [28 06:14:36.370] | [ERROR] Should delay sync consumption(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.370] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.370] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:22) [28 06:14:36.370] | [28 06:14:36.371] | [ERROR] test synchronization by requirement(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.371] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.371] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:22) [28 06:14:36.371] | [28 06:14:36.371] | [ERROR] test synchronization by conditional requirement(io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.371] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.371] | at io.github.bucket4j.distributed.proxy.optimization.predictive.PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification.groovy:22) [28 06:14:36.371] | [28 06:14:36.371] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.HashMapOutputSerializationTest [28 06:14:36.389] | [INFO] Tests run: 16, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.017 s - in io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.HashMapOutputSerializationTest [28 06:14:36.389] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JdkDataOutputSerializationTest [28 06:14:36.413] | [INFO] Tests run: 16, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.02 s - in io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JdkDataOutputSerializationTest [28 06:14:36.413] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest [28 06:14:36.665] | 06:14:36.646 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.665] | 06:14:36.650 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.BucketConfiguration: [28 06:14:36.665] | { [28 06:14:36.665] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.665] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.665] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.665] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.665] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.665] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.665] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.665] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.666] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.666] | } ], [28 06:14:36.666] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.666] | } [28 06:14:36.666] | 06:14:36.651 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.677] | 06:14:36.677 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.677] | 06:14:36.677 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteBucketState: [28 06:14:36.678] | { [28 06:14:36.678] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.678] | "consumedTokens" : 666, [28 06:14:36.678] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.678] | }, [28 06:14:36.678] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.678] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.678] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.678] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.678] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.678] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.678] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.678] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.678] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.678] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.679] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.679] | } ], [28 06:14:36.679] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.679] | }, [28 06:14:36.679] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.679] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.679] | "stateData" : [ 1218894772854860, 10, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.679] | }, [28 06:14:36.679] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.679] | } [28 06:14:36.679] | 06:14:36.677 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.681] | 06:14:36.681 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.681] | 06:14:36.681 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteBucketState: [28 06:14:36.682] | { [28 06:14:36.682] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.682] | "consumedTokens" : 666, [28 06:14:36.682] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.682] | }, [28 06:14:36.682] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.682] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.682] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.682] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.682] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.682] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.682] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.682] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.682] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.682] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.682] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.682] | } ], [28 06:14:36.682] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.682] | }, [28 06:14:36.682] | "tokens" : [ 10.0 ], [28 06:14:36.683] | "type" : "BucketStateIEEE754", [28 06:14:36.683] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.683] | "lastRefillTime" : [ 1218894778932541 ] [28 06:14:36.683] | }, [28 06:14:36.683] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.683] | } [28 06:14:36.683] | 06:14:36.681 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.683] | 06:14:36.683 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.683] | 06:14:36.683 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.Bandwidth: [28 06:14:36.683] | { [28 06:14:36.683] | "refillTokens" : 200, [28 06:14:36.683] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.683] | "refillIntervally" : true, [28 06:14:36.683] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.683] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.683] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 420000000000, [28 06:14:36.683] | "capacity" : 30, [28 06:14:36.683] | "initialTokens" : 30 [28 06:14:36.683] | } [28 06:14:36.683] | 06:14:36.683 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.685] | 06:14:36.685 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.685] | 06:14:36.685 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.local.LockFreeBucket: [28 06:14:36.686] | { [28 06:14:36.686] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.686] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.686] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.686] | "refillTokens" : 1, [28 06:14:36.686] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.686] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.686] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.686] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.686] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.686] | "capacity" : 1, [28 06:14:36.686] | "initialTokens" : 1 [28 06:14:36.686] | } ], [28 06:14:36.686] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.686] | }, [28 06:14:36.686] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.686] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.686] | "stateData" : [ 1709100876684000000, 1, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.686] | }, [28 06:14:36.686] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.686] | } [28 06:14:36.686] | 06:14:36.685 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.688] | 06:14:36.688 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.689] | 06:14:36.688 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.local.SynchronizedBucket: [28 06:14:36.689] | { [28 06:14:36.689] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.691] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.691] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.691] | "refillTokens" : 1, [28 06:14:36.692] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.692] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.692] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.692] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.692] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.692] | "capacity" : 1, [28 06:14:36.692] | "initialTokens" : 1 [28 06:14:36.692] | } ], [28 06:14:36.692] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.692] | }, [28 06:14:36.692] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.692] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.692] | "stateData" : [ 1709100876686000000, 1, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.692] | }, [28 06:14:36.692] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.692] | } [28 06:14:36.692] | 06:14:36.688 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.692] | 06:14:36.689 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.692] | 06:14:36.689 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.local.ThreadUnsafeBucket: [28 06:14:36.693] | { [28 06:14:36.693] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.693] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.693] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.693] | "refillTokens" : 1, [28 06:14:36.693] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.693] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.693] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.693] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.693] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.693] | "capacity" : 1, [28 06:14:36.693] | "initialTokens" : 1 [28 06:14:36.693] | } ], [28 06:14:36.693] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.693] | }, [28 06:14:36.693] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.693] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.693] | "stateData" : [ 1709100876689000000, 1, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.693] | }, [28 06:14:36.694] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.694] | } [28 06:14:36.694] | 06:14:36.689 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.694] | 06:14:36.692 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.696] | 06:14:36.692 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.BucketConfiguration: [28 06:14:36.696] | { [28 06:14:36.696] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.696] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.696] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.696] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.696] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.696] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.697] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.697] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.697] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.697] | }, { [28 06:14:36.697] | "refillTokens" : 300, [28 06:14:36.697] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.697] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.697] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.697] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.697] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 7200000000000, [28 06:14:36.697] | "capacity" : 20, [28 06:14:36.697] | "initialTokens" : 20 [28 06:14:36.697] | }, { [28 06:14:36.697] | "refillTokens" : 1000, [28 06:14:36.697] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : true, [28 06:14:36.697] | "refillIntervally" : true, [28 06:14:36.697] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : 1709100876691, [28 06:14:36.697] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.697] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 172800000000000, [28 06:14:36.697] | "capacity" : 400, [28 06:14:36.697] | "initialTokens" : 400 [28 06:14:36.697] | } ], [28 06:14:36.697] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.697] | } [28 06:14:36.698] | 06:14:36.694 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.698] | 06:14:36.695 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.698] | 06:14:36.696 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.Bandwidth: [28 06:14:36.698] | { [28 06:14:36.698] | "refillTokens" : 300, [28 06:14:36.698] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : true, [28 06:14:36.698] | "refillIntervally" : true, [28 06:14:36.698] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : 1709100876695, [28 06:14:36.698] | "id" : "123", [28 06:14:36.698] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.698] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 4200000000000, [28 06:14:36.698] | "capacity" : 40, [28 06:14:36.698] | "initialTokens" : 40 [28 06:14:36.698] | } [28 06:14:36.698] | 06:14:36.696 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.698] | 06:14:36.697 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.698] | 06:14:36.697 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.698] | { [28 06:14:36.698] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.698] | "type" : "BucketNotFoundError", [28 06:14:36.698] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.698] | }, [28 06:14:36.699] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.699] | } [28 06:14:36.699] | 06:14:36.697 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.699] | 06:14:36.699 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.699] | 06:14:36.699 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.700] | { [28 06:14:36.700] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.700] | "typeId" : 1000, [28 06:14:36.700] | "type" : "UnsupportedTypeError", [28 06:14:36.700] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.700] | }, [28 06:14:36.700] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.700] | } [28 06:14:36.700] | 06:14:36.699 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.700] | 06:14:36.700 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.700] | 06:14:36.700 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.700] | { [28 06:14:36.700] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.700] | "maxSupportedFormatNumber" : 9, [28 06:14:36.700] | "requestedFormatNumber" : 10, [28 06:14:36.701] | "type" : "UsageOfUnsupportedApiError", [28 06:14:36.701] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.701] | }, [28 06:14:36.701] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.701] | } [28 06:14:36.701] | 06:14:36.700 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.702] | 06:14:36.701 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.702] | 06:14:36.702 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.702] | { [28 06:14:36.702] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.702] | "requestedFormatNumber" : 1, [28 06:14:36.702] | "type" : "UsageOfObsoleteApiError", [28 06:14:36.702] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.702] | "minSupportedFormatNumber" : 9 [28 06:14:36.702] | }, [28 06:14:36.702] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.702] | } [28 06:14:36.703] | 06:14:36.702 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.703] | 06:14:36.703 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.703] | 06:14:36.703 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.703] | { [28 06:14:36.703] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.703] | "typeName" : "something", [28 06:14:36.703] | "type" : "UnsupportedNamedTypeError", [28 06:14:36.703] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.703] | }, [28 06:14:36.703] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.703] | } [28 06:14:36.703] | 06:14:36.703 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.704] | 06:14:36.704 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.704] | 06:14:36.704 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.704] | { [28 06:14:36.704] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.704] | "type" : "Long", [28 06:14:36.704] | "value" : 42 [28 06:14:36.704] | }, [28 06:14:36.704] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.704] | } [28 06:14:36.704] | 06:14:36.704 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.706] | 06:14:36.706 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.706] | 06:14:36.706 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.706] | { [28 06:14:36.706] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.706] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.706] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 20, [28 06:14:36.706] | "canBeConsumed" : false, [28 06:14:36.706] | "type" : "EstimationProbe", [28 06:14:36.706] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.706] | }, [28 06:14:36.706] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.706] | } [28 06:14:36.707] | 06:14:36.706 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.708] | 06:14:36.708 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.708] | 06:14:36.708 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.708] | { [28 06:14:36.708] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.708] | "type" : "BucketNotFoundError", [28 06:14:36.708] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.708] | }, [28 06:14:36.708] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.708] | } [28 06:14:36.708] | 06:14:36.708 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.709] | 06:14:36.709 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.709] | 06:14:36.709 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.709] | { [28 06:14:36.709] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.709] | "type" : "Long", [28 06:14:36.709] | "value" : 42 [28 06:14:36.709] | }, [28 06:14:36.709] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.709] | } [28 06:14:36.709] | 06:14:36.709 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.710] | 06:14:36.710 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.710] | 06:14:36.710 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.CommandResult: [28 06:14:36.710] | { [28 06:14:36.710] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.710] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.710] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 20, [28 06:14:36.710] | "canBeConsumed" : false, [28 06:14:36.710] | "type" : "EstimationProbe", [28 06:14:36.710] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.710] | }, [28 06:14:36.710] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.710] | } [28 06:14:36.710] | 06:14:36.710 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.711] | 06:14:36.710 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.711] | 06:14:36.710 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.EstimationProbe: [28 06:14:36.711] | { [28 06:14:36.711] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.711] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 20, [28 06:14:36.711] | "canBeConsumed" : false, [28 06:14:36.711] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.711] | } [28 06:14:36.711] | 06:14:36.710 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.712] | 06:14:36.712 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.712] | 06:14:36.712 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.EstimationProbe: [28 06:14:36.712] | { [28 06:14:36.712] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.712] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 0, [28 06:14:36.712] | "canBeConsumed" : true, [28 06:14:36.712] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.712] | } [28 06:14:36.712] | 06:14:36.712 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.721] | 06:14:36.713 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.721] | 06:14:36.713 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.ConsumptionProbe: [28 06:14:36.721] | { [28 06:14:36.721] | "consumed" : false, [28 06:14:36.721] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.721] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 20, [28 06:14:36.721] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.721] | "nanosToWaitForReset" : 43 [28 06:14:36.721] | } [28 06:14:36.721] | 06:14:36.713 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.721] | 06:14:36.714 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.722] | 06:14:36.714 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.ConsumptionProbe: [28 06:14:36.722] | { [28 06:14:36.722] | "consumed" : true, [28 06:14:36.722] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.722] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 0, [28 06:14:36.722] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.722] | "nanosToWaitForReset" : 46 [28 06:14:36.722] | } [28 06:14:36.722] | 06:14:36.714 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.722] | 06:14:36.716 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.722] | 06:14:36.716 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.EstimationProbe: [28 06:14:36.722] | { [28 06:14:36.722] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.722] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 20, [28 06:14:36.723] | "canBeConsumed" : false, [28 06:14:36.723] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.723] | } [28 06:14:36.723] | 06:14:36.716 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.723] | 06:14:36.717 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.723] | 06:14:36.717 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.EstimationProbe: [28 06:14:36.723] | { [28 06:14:36.723] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.723] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 0, [28 06:14:36.723] | "canBeConsumed" : true, [28 06:14:36.723] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.723] | } [28 06:14:36.723] | 06:14:36.717 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.723] | 06:14:36.718 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.723] | 06:14:36.718 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.ConsumptionProbe: [28 06:14:36.723] | { [28 06:14:36.723] | "consumed" : false, [28 06:14:36.723] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.723] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 20, [28 06:14:36.723] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.724] | "nanosToWaitForReset" : 66 [28 06:14:36.724] | } [28 06:14:36.724] | 06:14:36.718 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.724] | 06:14:36.719 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.724] | 06:14:36.719 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.ConsumptionProbe: [28 06:14:36.724] | { [28 06:14:36.724] | "consumed" : true, [28 06:14:36.724] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.724] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 0, [28 06:14:36.724] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.724] | "nanosToWaitForReset" : 66 [28 06:14:36.724] | } [28 06:14:36.724] | 06:14:36.719 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.724] | 06:14:36.721 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.725] | 06:14:36.721 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.MultiResult: [28 06:14:36.725] | { [28 06:14:36.725] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.725] | "results" : [ { [28 06:14:36.725] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.725] | "type" : "Nothing" [28 06:14:36.725] | }, [28 06:14:36.725] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.725] | }, { [28 06:14:36.725] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.725] | "type" : "Boolean", [28 06:14:36.725] | "value" : false [28 06:14:36.725] | }, [28 06:14:36.725] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.725] | }, { [28 06:14:36.725] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.725] | "type" : "Long", [28 06:14:36.725] | "value" : 0 [28 06:14:36.725] | }, [28 06:14:36.725] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.725] | }, { [28 06:14:36.725] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.726] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.726] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 20, [28 06:14:36.726] | "canBeConsumed" : false, [28 06:14:36.726] | "type" : "EstimationProbe", [28 06:14:36.726] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.726] | }, [28 06:14:36.726] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.726] | }, { [28 06:14:36.726] | "data" : { [28 06:14:36.726] | "type" : "BucketNotFoundError", [28 06:14:36.726] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.726] | }, [28 06:14:36.726] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.726] | } ] [28 06:14:36.726] | } [28 06:14:36.727] | 06:14:36.722 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.727] | 06:14:36.724 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.727] | 06:14:36.724 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteVerboseResult: [28 06:14:36.727] | { [28 06:14:36.727] | "result" : { [28 06:14:36.727] | "type" : "Nothing" [28 06:14:36.727] | }, [28 06:14:36.727] | "remoteState" : { [28 06:14:36.727] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.727] | "consumedTokens" : 42, [28 06:14:36.727] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.727] | }, [28 06:14:36.727] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.727] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.727] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.727] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.728] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.728] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.728] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.728] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.728] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.728] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.728] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.728] | } ], [28 06:14:36.728] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.728] | }, [28 06:14:36.728] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.728] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.728] | "stateData" : [ 1218894804462884, 10, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.728] | }, [28 06:14:36.729] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.729] | }, [28 06:14:36.729] | "operationTimeNanos" : 323, [28 06:14:36.729] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.729] | } [28 06:14:36.729] | 06:14:36.724 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.729] | 06:14:36.727 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.729] | 06:14:36.727 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteVerboseResult: [28 06:14:36.729] | { [28 06:14:36.729] | "result" : { [28 06:14:36.729] | "type" : "Boolean", [28 06:14:36.729] | "value" : true [28 06:14:36.729] | }, [28 06:14:36.729] | "remoteState" : { [28 06:14:36.729] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.730] | "consumedTokens" : 42, [28 06:14:36.730] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.730] | }, [28 06:14:36.730] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.730] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.730] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.730] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.730] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.730] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.730] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.730] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.730] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.730] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.730] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.731] | } ], [28 06:14:36.731] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.731] | }, [28 06:14:36.731] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.731] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.731] | "stateData" : [ 1218894804462884, 10, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.731] | }, [28 06:14:36.731] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.731] | }, [28 06:14:36.731] | "operationTimeNanos" : 323, [28 06:14:36.731] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.731] | } [28 06:14:36.731] | 06:14:36.727 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.731] | 06:14:36.729 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.732] | 06:14:36.729 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteVerboseResult: [28 06:14:36.732] | { [28 06:14:36.732] | "result" : { [28 06:14:36.732] | "type" : "Long", [28 06:14:36.732] | "value" : 6666666 [28 06:14:36.732] | }, [28 06:14:36.732] | "remoteState" : { [28 06:14:36.732] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.732] | "consumedTokens" : 42, [28 06:14:36.732] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.732] | }, [28 06:14:36.732] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.732] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.732] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.732] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.733] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.733] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.733] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.733] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.733] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.733] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.733] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.733] | } ], [28 06:14:36.733] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.733] | }, [28 06:14:36.733] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.733] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.733] | "stateData" : [ 1218894804462884, 10, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.733] | }, [28 06:14:36.733] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.733] | }, [28 06:14:36.734] | "operationTimeNanos" : 323, [28 06:14:36.734] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.734] | } [28 06:14:36.734] | 06:14:36.729 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.734] | 06:14:36.731 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.734] | 06:14:36.731 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteVerboseResult: [28 06:14:36.734] | { [28 06:14:36.734] | "result" : { [28 06:14:36.734] | "consumed" : true, [28 06:14:36.734] | "remainingTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.734] | "nanosToWaitForRefill" : 0, [28 06:14:36.734] | "type" : "ConsumptionProbe", [28 06:14:36.734] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.734] | "nanosToWaitForReset" : 32 [28 06:14:36.734] | }, [28 06:14:36.734] | "remoteState" : { [28 06:14:36.734] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.734] | "consumedTokens" : 42, [28 06:14:36.734] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.734] | }, [28 06:14:36.734] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.734] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.734] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.734] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.734] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.734] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.734] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.735] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.735] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.735] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.735] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.735] | } ], [28 06:14:36.735] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.735] | }, [28 06:14:36.735] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.735] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.735] | "stateData" : [ 1218894804462884, 10, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.735] | }, [28 06:14:36.735] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.735] | }, [28 06:14:36.735] | "operationTimeNanos" : 323, [28 06:14:36.735] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.735] | } [28 06:14:36.736] | 06:14:36.731 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.739] | 06:14:36.733 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.739] | 06:14:36.733 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.BucketState64BitsInteger: [28 06:14:36.739] | { [28 06:14:36.739] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.740] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.740] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.740] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.740] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.740] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.740] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.740] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.740] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.740] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.740] | }, { [28 06:14:36.740] | "refillTokens" : 300, [28 06:14:36.740] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.740] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.741] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.741] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.741] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 7200000000000, [28 06:14:36.741] | "capacity" : 20, [28 06:14:36.741] | "initialTokens" : 20 [28 06:14:36.741] | }, { [28 06:14:36.741] | "refillTokens" : 1000, [28 06:14:36.741] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.741] | "refillIntervally" : true, [28 06:14:36.741] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : 1709100876732, [28 06:14:36.741] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.741] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 172800000000000, [28 06:14:36.741] | "capacity" : 400, [28 06:14:36.741] | "initialTokens" : 400 [28 06:14:36.741] | } ], [28 06:14:36.742] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.742] | }, [28 06:14:36.742] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.742] | "stateData" : [ 1218894831630111, 10, 0, 1218894831630111, 20, 0, 1708928076732000000, 400, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.742] | } [28 06:14:36.742] | 06:14:36.733 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.742] | 06:14:36.736 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.742] | 06:14:36.736 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.BucketStateIEEE754: [28 06:14:36.742] | { [28 06:14:36.742] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.742] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.742] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.742] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.742] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.742] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.742] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.742] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.742] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.742] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.742] | }, { [28 06:14:36.742] | "refillTokens" : 300, [28 06:14:36.742] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.742] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.742] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.742] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.743] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 7200000000000, [28 06:14:36.743] | "capacity" : 20, [28 06:14:36.743] | "initialTokens" : 20 [28 06:14:36.743] | }, { [28 06:14:36.743] | "refillTokens" : 1000, [28 06:14:36.743] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.743] | "refillIntervally" : true, [28 06:14:36.743] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : 1709100876735, [28 06:14:36.743] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.743] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 172800000000000, [28 06:14:36.743] | "capacity" : 400, [28 06:14:36.743] | "initialTokens" : 400 [28 06:14:36.743] | } ], [28 06:14:36.743] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.743] | }, [28 06:14:36.743] | "tokens" : [ 10.0, 20.0, 400.0 ], [28 06:14:36.744] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.744] | "lastRefillTime" : [ 1218894834365639, 1218894834365639, 1708928076735000000 ] [28 06:14:36.744] | } [28 06:14:36.744] | 06:14:36.736 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.744] | 06:14:36.737 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.744] | 06:14:36.737 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.Bandwidth: [28 06:14:36.744] | { [28 06:14:36.744] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.744] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.744] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.744] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.744] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.744] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 20000000000, [28 06:14:36.744] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.744] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.745] | } [28 06:14:36.745] | 06:14:36.737 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.745] | 06:14:36.740 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.745] | 06:14:36.740 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.BucketState64BitsInteger: [28 06:14:36.745] | { [28 06:14:36.745] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.745] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.745] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.745] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.745] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.745] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.745] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.745] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.745] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.745] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.745] | } ], [28 06:14:36.745] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.745] | }, [28 06:14:36.745] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.745] | "stateData" : [ 1218894837318931, 10, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.746] | } [28 06:14:36.746] | 06:14:36.740 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.746] | 06:14:36.741 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.746] | 06:14:36.741 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.BucketStateIEEE754: [28 06:14:36.746] | { [28 06:14:36.746] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.746] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.746] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.746] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.746] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.746] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.746] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.746] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.746] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.746] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.746] | } ], [28 06:14:36.746] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.746] | }, [28 06:14:36.747] | "tokens" : [ 10.0 ], [28 06:14:36.747] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.747] | "lastRefillTime" : [ 1218894839617216 ] [28 06:14:36.747] | } [28 06:14:36.747] | 06:14:36.741 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.747] | 06:14:36.744 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.747] | 06:14:36.744 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.BucketState64BitsInteger: [28 06:14:36.747] | { [28 06:14:36.747] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.747] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.747] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.747] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.747] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.747] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.747] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.748] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.748] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.748] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.748] | } ], [28 06:14:36.748] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.748] | }, [28 06:14:36.748] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.748] | "stateData" : [ 1218894842364506, 10, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.748] | } [28 06:14:36.748] | 06:14:36.744 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.748] | 06:14:36.746 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.748] | 06:14:36.746 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteBucketState: [28 06:14:36.748] | { [28 06:14:36.748] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.748] | "consumedTokens" : 66, [28 06:14:36.748] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.748] | }, [28 06:14:36.748] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.749] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.749] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.749] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.749] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.749] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.749] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.749] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.749] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.749] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.749] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.749] | }, { [28 06:14:36.749] | "refillTokens" : 300, [28 06:14:36.749] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.749] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.749] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.749] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.750] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 7200000000000, [28 06:14:36.750] | "capacity" : 20, [28 06:14:36.750] | "initialTokens" : 20 [28 06:14:36.750] | }, { [28 06:14:36.750] | "refillTokens" : 1000, [28 06:14:36.750] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.750] | "refillIntervally" : true, [28 06:14:36.750] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : 1709100876745, [28 06:14:36.750] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.750] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 172800000000000, [28 06:14:36.750] | "capacity" : 400, [28 06:14:36.750] | "initialTokens" : 400 [28 06:14:36.750] | } ], [28 06:14:36.750] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.750] | }, [28 06:14:36.750] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.750] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.751] | "stateData" : [ 1218894844230558, 10, 0, 1218894844230558, 20, 0, 1708928076745000000, 400, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.751] | }, [28 06:14:36.751] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.751] | } [28 06:14:36.751] | 06:14:36.746 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.751] | 06:14:36.748 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.751] | 06:14:36.748 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteBucketState: [28 06:14:36.751] | { [28 06:14:36.751] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.751] | "consumedTokens" : 66, [28 06:14:36.751] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.751] | }, [28 06:14:36.751] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.751] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.751] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.752] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.752] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.752] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.752] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.752] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.752] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.752] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.752] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.752] | }, { [28 06:14:36.752] | "refillTokens" : 300, [28 06:14:36.752] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.752] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.752] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.752] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.752] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 7200000000000, [28 06:14:36.752] | "capacity" : 20, [28 06:14:36.752] | "initialTokens" : 20 [28 06:14:36.753] | }, { [28 06:14:36.753] | "refillTokens" : 1000, [28 06:14:36.753] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.753] | "refillIntervally" : true, [28 06:14:36.753] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : 1709100876747, [28 06:14:36.753] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.753] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 172800000000000, [28 06:14:36.753] | "capacity" : 400, [28 06:14:36.753] | "initialTokens" : 400 [28 06:14:36.753] | } ], [28 06:14:36.753] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.753] | }, [28 06:14:36.753] | "tokens" : [ 10.0, 20.0, 400.0 ], [28 06:14:36.753] | "type" : "BucketStateIEEE754", [28 06:14:36.753] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.753] | "lastRefillTime" : [ 1218894846416150, 1218894846416150, 1708928076747000000 ] [28 06:14:36.753] | }, [28 06:14:36.753] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.753] | } [28 06:14:36.754] | 06:14:36.748 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.754] | 06:14:36.749 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.754] | 06:14:36.749 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.CreateInitialStateCommand: [28 06:14:36.754] | { [28 06:14:36.754] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.754] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.754] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.754] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.754] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.754] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.754] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.754] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.754] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.754] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.754] | } ], [28 06:14:36.755] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.755] | }, [28 06:14:36.755] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.755] | } [28 06:14:36.755] | 06:14:36.750 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.755] | 06:14:36.751 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.755] | 06:14:36.751 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.CreateInitialStateAndExecuteCommand: [28 06:14:36.755] | { [28 06:14:36.755] | "targetCommand" : { [28 06:14:36.755] | "limit" : 13, [28 06:14:36.755] | "type" : "ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleCommand", [28 06:14:36.755] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.755] | }, [28 06:14:36.755] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.755] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.755] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.756] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.756] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.756] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.756] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.756] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.756] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.756] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.756] | } ], [28 06:14:36.756] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.756] | }, [28 06:14:36.756] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.756] | } [28 06:14:36.756] | 06:14:36.751 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.756] | 06:14:36.752 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.756] | 06:14:36.752 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.MultiCommand: [28 06:14:36.757] | { [28 06:14:36.757] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.757] | "commands" : [ { [28 06:14:36.757] | "tokensToAdd" : 3, [28 06:14:36.757] | "type" : "AddTokensCommand", [28 06:14:36.757] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.757] | }, { [28 06:14:36.757] | "type" : "GetAvailableTokensCommand", [28 06:14:36.757] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.757] | }, { [28 06:14:36.757] | "type" : "TryConsumeCommand", [28 06:14:36.757] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.757] | "tokensToConsume" : 10 [28 06:14:36.757] | } ] [28 06:14:36.757] | } [28 06:14:36.758] | 06:14:36.753 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.758] | 06:14:36.754 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.758] | 06:14:36.754 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.ReserveAndCalculateTimeToSleepCommand: [28 06:14:36.758] | { [28 06:14:36.758] | "waitIfBusyNanosLimit" : 20, [28 06:14:36.758] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.758] | "tokensToConsume" : 10 [28 06:14:36.758] | } [28 06:14:36.758] | 06:14:36.754 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.758] | 06:14:36.755 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.758] | 06:14:36.755 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.AddTokensCommand: [28 06:14:36.758] | { [28 06:14:36.758] | "tokensToAdd" : 3, [28 06:14:36.758] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.759] | } [28 06:14:36.759] | 06:14:36.755 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.759] | 06:14:36.756 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.759] | 06:14:36.756 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.ForceAddTokensCommand: [28 06:14:36.759] | { [28 06:14:36.759] | "tokensToAdd" : 666, [28 06:14:36.759] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.759] | } [28 06:14:36.759] | 06:14:36.756 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.759] | 06:14:36.757 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.759] | 06:14:36.757 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleCommand: [28 06:14:36.759] | { [28 06:14:36.759] | "limit" : 13, [28 06:14:36.759] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.759] | } [28 06:14:36.759] | 06:14:36.757 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.760] | 06:14:36.757 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.760] | 06:14:36.757 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.GetAvailableTokensCommand: [28 06:14:36.760] | { [28 06:14:36.760] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.760] | } [28 06:14:36.760] | 06:14:36.757 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.760] | 06:14:36.758 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.760] | 06:14:36.758 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.CreateSnapshotCommand: [28 06:14:36.760] | { [28 06:14:36.760] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.760] | } [28 06:14:36.760] | 06:14:36.758 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.760] | 06:14:36.758 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.760] | 06:14:36.758 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.EstimateAbilityToConsumeCommand: [28 06:14:36.761] | { [28 06:14:36.761] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.761] | "tokensToConsume" : 3 [28 06:14:36.761] | } [28 06:14:36.761] | 06:14:36.759 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.761] | 06:14:36.759 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.761] | 06:14:36.759 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.TryConsumeCommand: [28 06:14:36.761] | { [28 06:14:36.761] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.761] | "tokensToConsume" : 10 [28 06:14:36.761] | } [28 06:14:36.761] | 06:14:36.759 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.761] | 06:14:36.760 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.761] | 06:14:36.760 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingTokensCommand: [28 06:14:36.761] | { [28 06:14:36.761] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.762] | "tokensToConsume" : 11 [28 06:14:36.762] | } [28 06:14:36.762] | 06:14:36.760 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.762] | 06:14:36.761 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.762] | 06:14:36.761 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.ReplaceConfigurationCommand: [28 06:14:36.762] | { [28 06:14:36.762] | "tokensInheritanceStrategy" : "PROPORTIONALLY", [28 06:14:36.762] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.762] | "newConfiguration" : { [28 06:14:36.762] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.762] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.762] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.762] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.762] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.762] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.763] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.763] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.763] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.763] | } ], [28 06:14:36.763] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.763] | } [28 06:14:36.763] | } [28 06:14:36.763] | 06:14:36.761 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.763] | 06:14:36.762 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.763] | 06:14:36.762 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.ReplaceConfigurationCommand: [28 06:14:36.763] | { [28 06:14:36.763] | "tokensInheritanceStrategy" : "AS_IS", [28 06:14:36.763] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.763] | "newConfiguration" : { [28 06:14:36.763] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.764] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.764] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.764] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.764] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.764] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.764] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.764] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.764] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.764] | } ], [28 06:14:36.764] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.764] | } [28 06:14:36.764] | } [28 06:14:36.764] | 06:14:36.762 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.764] | 06:14:36.763 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.764] | 06:14:36.763 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.ReplaceConfigurationCommand: [28 06:14:36.764] | { [28 06:14:36.765] | "tokensInheritanceStrategy" : "RESET", [28 06:14:36.765] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.765] | "newConfiguration" : { [28 06:14:36.765] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.765] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.765] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.765] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.765] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.765] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.765] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.765] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.765] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.765] | } ], [28 06:14:36.765] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.765] | } [28 06:14:36.766] | } [28 06:14:36.766] | 06:14:36.763 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.766] | 06:14:36.764 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.766] | 06:14:36.764 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.ReplaceConfigurationCommand: [28 06:14:36.766] | { [28 06:14:36.766] | "tokensInheritanceStrategy" : "ADDITIVE", [28 06:14:36.766] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.766] | "newConfiguration" : { [28 06:14:36.766] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.766] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.766] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.766] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.766] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.766] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.766] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.766] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.766] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.766] | } ], [28 06:14:36.766] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.767] | } [28 06:14:36.767] | } [28 06:14:36.767] | 06:14:36.764 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.767] | 06:14:36.765 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.767] | 06:14:36.765 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.GetConfigurationCommand: [28 06:14:36.767] | { [28 06:14:36.767] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.767] | } [28 06:14:36.767] | 06:14:36.765 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.767] | 06:14:36.766 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.767] | 06:14:36.766 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.ConsumeIgnoringRateLimitsCommand: [28 06:14:36.767] | { [28 06:14:36.767] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.767] | "tokensToConsume" : 100 [28 06:14:36.768] | } [28 06:14:36.768] | 06:14:36.766 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.768] | 06:14:36.767 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.768] | 06:14:36.767 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.VerboseCommand: [28 06:14:36.768] | { [28 06:14:36.768] | "targetCommand" : { [28 06:14:36.768] | "type" : "ConsumeIgnoringRateLimitsCommand", [28 06:14:36.768] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.768] | "tokensToConsume" : 100 [28 06:14:36.768] | }, [28 06:14:36.768] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.768] | } [28 06:14:36.768] | 06:14:36.767 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.768] | 06:14:36.768 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.768] | 06:14:36.768 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.VerboseCommand: [28 06:14:36.769] | { [28 06:14:36.769] | "targetCommand" : { [28 06:14:36.769] | "type" : "GetAvailableTokensCommand", [28 06:14:36.769] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.769] | }, [28 06:14:36.769] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.769] | } [28 06:14:36.769] | 06:14:36.768 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.769] | 06:14:36.768 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.769] | 06:14:36.768 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.VerboseCommand: [28 06:14:36.769] | { [28 06:14:36.769] | "targetCommand" : { [28 06:14:36.769] | "tokensInheritanceStrategy" : "AS_IS", [28 06:14:36.769] | "type" : "ReplaceConfigurationCommand", [28 06:14:36.769] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.770] | "newConfiguration" : { [28 06:14:36.770] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.770] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.770] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.770] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.770] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.770] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.770] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 1000000000, [28 06:14:36.770] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.770] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.770] | } ], [28 06:14:36.770] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.770] | } [28 06:14:36.770] | }, [28 06:14:36.770] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.771] | } [28 06:14:36.771] | 06:14:36.768 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.771] | 06:14:36.769 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.771] | 06:14:36.769 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.SyncCommand: [28 06:14:36.771] | { [28 06:14:36.771] | "nanosSinceLastSync" : 10000000, [28 06:14:36.771] | "unsynchronizedTokens" : 20, [28 06:14:36.771] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.771] | } [28 06:14:36.771] | 06:14:36.769 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.771] | 06:14:36.770 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.771] | 06:14:36.770 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.commands.ResetCommand: [28 06:14:36.771] | { [28 06:14:36.771] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.771] | } [28 06:14:36.772] | 06:14:36.770 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.772] | 06:14:36.770 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.772] | 06:14:36.770 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.Request: [28 06:14:36.772] | { [28 06:14:36.772] | "backwardCompatibilityNumber" : 1, [28 06:14:36.772] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.772] | "command" : { [28 06:14:36.772] | "type" : "GetAvailableTokensCommand", [28 06:14:36.772] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.772] | } [28 06:14:36.772] | } [28 06:14:36.772] | 06:14:36.771 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.772] | 06:14:36.771 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.772] | 06:14:36.772 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.Request: [28 06:14:36.772] | { [28 06:14:36.772] | "backwardCompatibilityNumber" : 1, [28 06:14:36.773] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.773] | "clientTime" : 0, [28 06:14:36.773] | "command" : { [28 06:14:36.773] | "type" : "GetAvailableTokensCommand", [28 06:14:36.773] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.773] | } [28 06:14:36.773] | } [28 06:14:36.773] | 06:14:36.772 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.773] | 06:14:36.773 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.773] | 06:14:36.773 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.Bandwidth: [28 06:14:36.773] | { [28 06:14:36.773] | "refillTokens" : 100, [28 06:14:36.773] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.773] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.773] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.773] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.773] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.773] | "capacity" : 20, [28 06:14:36.773] | "initialTokens" : 20 [28 06:14:36.773] | } [28 06:14:36.773] | 06:14:36.773 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.775] | 06:14:36.775 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.775] | 06:14:36.775 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.Bandwidth: [28 06:14:36.775] | { [28 06:14:36.775] | "refillTokens" : 300, [28 06:14:36.775] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : true, [28 06:14:36.775] | "refillIntervally" : true, [28 06:14:36.775] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : 1709100876774, [28 06:14:36.775] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.775] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 4200000000000, [28 06:14:36.775] | "capacity" : 40, [28 06:14:36.775] | "initialTokens" : 40 [28 06:14:36.775] | } [28 06:14:36.775] | 06:14:36.775 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.776] | 06:14:36.776 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.777] | 06:14:36.776 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteBucketState: [28 06:14:36.777] | { [28 06:14:36.777] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.777] | "consumedTokens" : 14, [28 06:14:36.777] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.777] | }, [28 06:14:36.777] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.777] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.777] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.777] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.777] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.777] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.777] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.777] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.777] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.777] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.778] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.778] | } ], [28 06:14:36.778] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.778] | }, [28 06:14:36.778] | "type" : "BucketState64BitsInteger", [28 06:14:36.778] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.778] | "stateData" : [ 1218894875234671, 10, 0 ] [28 06:14:36.778] | }, [28 06:14:36.778] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.778] | } [28 06:14:36.778] | 06:14:36.776 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.778] | 06:14:36.777 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.778] | 06:14:36.777 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - io.github.bucket4j.distributed.remote.RemoteBucketState: [28 06:14:36.778] | { [28 06:14:36.778] | "stat" : { [28 06:14:36.778] | "consumedTokens" : 14, [28 06:14:36.778] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.778] | }, [28 06:14:36.778] | "state" : { [28 06:14:36.779] | "configuration" : { [28 06:14:36.779] | "bandwidths" : [ { [28 06:14:36.779] | "refillTokens" : 10, [28 06:14:36.779] | "useAdaptiveInitialTokens" : false, [28 06:14:36.779] | "refillIntervally" : false, [28 06:14:36.779] | "timeOfFirstRefillMillis" : -9223372036854775808, [28 06:14:36.779] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.779] | "refillPeriodNanos" : 42000000000, [28 06:14:36.779] | "capacity" : 10, [28 06:14:36.779] | "initialTokens" : 10 [28 06:14:36.779] | } ], [28 06:14:36.779] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.779] | }, [28 06:14:36.779] | "tokens" : [ 10.0 ], [28 06:14:36.779] | "type" : "BucketStateIEEE754", [28 06:14:36.779] | "version" : 1, [28 06:14:36.779] | "lastRefillTime" : [ 1218894876137751 ] [28 06:14:36.780] | }, [28 06:14:36.780] | "version" : 1 [28 06:14:36.780] | } [28 06:14:36.780] | 06:14:36.777 [main] INFO io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest - ---------------------------------------------------------- [28 06:14:36.781] | [INFO] Tests run: 16, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.366 s - in io.github.bucket4j.distributed.serialization.JsonOutputSerializationTest [28 06:14:36.781] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification [28 06:14:36.800] | [ERROR] Tests run: 15, Failures: 0, Errors: 15, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.014 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification [28 06:14:36.802] | [ERROR] #bucketType should forget about previously consumed tokens when replace configuration in reset mode(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.802] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.802] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should forget about previously consumed tokens when replace configuration in reset mode(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:49) [28 06:14:36.802] | [28 06:14:36.802] | [ERROR] #bucketType should forget about previously consumed tokens when replace configuration for bandwidth which not matched by id(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.006 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.802] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.802] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should forget about previously consumed tokens when replace configuration for bandwidth which not matched by id(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:87) [28 06:14:36.802] | [28 06:14:36.802] | [ERROR] #bucketType should match bandwidth by id during configuration replacement(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.007 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.802] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.802] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should match bandwidth by id during configuration replacement(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:128) [28 06:14:36.802] | [28 06:14:36.802] | [ERROR] #bucketType test replace configuration as_is from gready refill to gready refill(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.007 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.802] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.802] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration as_is from gready refill to gready refill(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:176) [28 06:14:36.802] | [28 06:14:36.802] | [ERROR] #bucketType test replace configuration as_is from gready refill to intervally refill(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.008 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.802] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.802] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration as_is from gready refill to intervally refill(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:229) [28 06:14:36.803] | [28 06:14:36.803] | [ERROR] #bucketType should decrease available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens as_is(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.009 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.803] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.803] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should decrease available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens as_is(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:254) [28 06:14:36.803] | [28 06:14:36.803] | [ERROR] #bucketType test replace configuration additive from gready refill to gready refill when capacity increased(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.01 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.803] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.803] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration additive from gready refill to gready refill when capacity increased(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:300) [28 06:14:36.803] | [28 06:14:36.803] | [ERROR] #bucketType test replace configuration additive from gready refill to intervally refill when capacity increased(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.01 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.803] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.803] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration additive from gready refill to intervally refill when capacity increased(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:353) [28 06:14:36.803] | [28 06:14:36.804] | [ERROR] #bucketType should decrease available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens additive(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.011 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.804] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.804] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should decrease available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens additive(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:379) [28 06:14:36.804] | [28 06:14:36.804] | [ERROR] #bucketType should increase available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens additive(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.011 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.804] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.804] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should increase available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens additive(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:406) [28 06:14:36.804] | [28 06:14:36.804] | [ERROR] #bucketType should decrease available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens proportionally(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.012 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.804] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.804] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should decrease available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens proportionally(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:431) [28 06:14:36.804] | [28 06:14:36.804] | [ERROR] #bucketType test replace configuration proportionally from gready refill to gready refill(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.013 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.804] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.804] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration proportionally from gready refill to gready refill(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:489) [28 06:14:36.805] | [28 06:14:36.805] | [ERROR] #bucketType test replace configuration proportionally when capacity overflown(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.013 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.805] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.805] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration proportionally when capacity overflown(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:530) [28 06:14:36.805] | [28 06:14:36.805] | [ERROR] #bucketType test replace configuration proportionally from gready refill to gready refill. Case for roundingError propogation(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.014 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.805] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.805] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration proportionally from gready refill to gready refill. Case for roundingError propogation(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:572) [28 06:14:36.805] | [28 06:14:36.805] | [ERROR] #bucketType test replace configuration proportionally from gready refill to gready refill. Case for roundingError propogation and negative amount(io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.014 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.805] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.805] | at io.github.bucket4j.ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration proportionally from gready refill to gready refill. Case for roundingError propogation and negative amount(ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.groovy:616) [28 06:14:36.805] | [28 06:14:36.805] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.ToStringSpecification [28 06:14:36.812] | [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.006 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.ToStringSpecification [28 06:14:36.813] | [ERROR] check that toString does not fail(io.github.bucket4j.ToStringSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.006 s <<< FAILURE! [28 06:14:36.813] | org.spockframework.runtime.UnallowedExceptionThrownError: Expected no exception to be thrown, but got 'java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException' [28 06:14:36.813] | at io.github.bucket4j.ToStringSpecification.check that toString does not fail(ToStringSpecification.groovy:28) [28 06:14:36.813] | Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.813] | at io.github.bucket4j.ToStringSpecification.check that toString does not fail(ToStringSpecification.groovy:15) [28 06:14:36.813] | [28 06:14:36.814] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.BucketListenerSpecification [28 06:14:36.816] | [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.BucketListenerSpecification [28 06:14:36.817] | [ERROR] #type bucket created by toListenable should share tokens with source bucket(io.github.bucket4j.BucketListenerSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:14:36.817] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:14:36.817] | at io.github.bucket4j.BucketListenerSpecification.#type bucket created by toListenable should share tokens with source bucket(BucketListenerSpecification.groovy:43) [28 06:14:36.817] | [28 06:14:36.817] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.ConsumptionProbeTest [28 06:14:36.824] | ConsumptionProbe{consumed=true, remainingTokens=1, nanosToWaitForRefill=0, nanosToWaitForReset=100} [28 06:14:36.824] | ConsumptionProbe{consumed=false, remainingTokens=0, nanosToWaitForRefill=10, nanosToWaitForReset=100} [28 06:14:36.824] | ConsumptionProbe{consumed=false, remainingTokens=0, nanosToWaitForRefill=10, nanosToWaitForReset=100} [28 06:14:36.824] | [INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 s - in io.github.bucket4j.ConsumptionProbeTest [28 06:14:36.824] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketsSerializationTest [28 06:14:36.830] | [INFO] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.007 s - in io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalBucketsSerializationTest [28 06:14:36.830] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalTest [28 06:14:41.876] | Consumed 84 tokens in the 5040 millis, actualRatePerSecond=16.667, permitted rate=16.667 [28 06:14:46.878] | Consumed 83 tokens in the 5001 millis, actualRatePerSecond=16.597, permitted rate=16.667 [28 06:14:51.880] | Consumed 83 tokens in the 5001 millis, actualRatePerSecond=16.597, permitted rate=16.667 [28 06:14:56.921] | Consumed 84 tokens in the 5040 millis, actualRatePerSecond=16.667, permitted rate=16.667 [28 06:15:01.924] | Consumed 83 tokens in the 5001 millis, actualRatePerSecond=16.597, permitted rate=16.667 [28 06:15:06.965] | Consumed 84 tokens in the 5040 millis, actualRatePerSecond=16.667, permitted rate=16.667 [28 06:15:06.966] | [INFO] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 30.135 s - in io.github.bucket4j.local.LocalTest [28 06:15:06.967] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.VerboseApiTest [28 06:15:06.972] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.VerboseApiTest [28 06:15:06.972] | [ERROR] calculateFullRefillingTime specification #testNumber(io.github.bucket4j.VerboseApiTest) Time elapsed: 0.004 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.972] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.972] | at io.github.bucket4j.VerboseApiTest.calculateFullRefillingTime specification #testNumber(VerboseApiTest.groovy:32) [28 06:15:06.973] | [28 06:15:06.973] | [ERROR] getAvailableTokens(io.github.bucket4j.VerboseApiTest) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.973] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.973] | at io.github.bucket4j.VerboseApiTest.getAvailableTokens(VerboseApiTest.groovy:112) [28 06:15:06.973] | [28 06:15:06.973] | [ERROR] getAvailableTokensPerEachBandwidth(io.github.bucket4j.VerboseApiTest) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.973] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.973] | at io.github.bucket4j.VerboseApiTest.getAvailableTokensPerEachBandwidth(VerboseApiTest.groovy:147) [28 06:15:06.973] | [28 06:15:06.973] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification [28 06:15:06.978] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification [28 06:15:06.978] | [ERROR] #n tryConsumeAndReturnRemaining specification(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.004 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.978] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.978] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification.#n tryConsumeAndReturnRemaining specification(TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification.groovy) [28 06:15:06.978] | [28 06:15:06.978] | [ERROR] #type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsumeAndReturnRemaining(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.978] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.978] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsumeAndReturnRemaining(TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification.groovy:81) [28 06:15:06.978] | [28 06:15:06.979] | [ERROR] #type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsumeAndReturnRemaining(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.979] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.979] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsumeAndReturnRemaining(TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification.groovy:110) [28 06:15:06.979] | [28 06:15:06.979] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ForceAddTokensSpecification [28 06:15:06.982] | [ERROR] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 2, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ForceAddTokensSpecification [28 06:15:06.982] | [ERROR] #n Force Add tokens spec(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ForceAddTokensSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.982] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.982] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ForceAddTokensSpecification.#n Force Add tokens spec(ForceAddTokensSpecification.groovy:52) [28 06:15:06.982] | [28 06:15:06.982] | [ERROR] Tokens that was added over capacity should not be lost(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ForceAddTokensSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.982] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.982] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ForceAddTokensSpecification.Tokens that was added over capacity should not be lost(ForceAddTokensSpecification.groovy:63) [28 06:15:06.982] | [28 06:15:06.983] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ResetTokensSpecification [28 06:15:06.984] | [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ResetTokensSpecification [28 06:15:06.984] | [ERROR] resetBucket spec(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ResetTokensSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.984] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.984] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ResetTokensSpecification.resetBucket spec(ResetTokensSpecification.groovy:18) [28 06:15:06.984] | [28 06:15:06.984] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.EstimateAbilityToConsumeSpecification [28 06:15:06.987] | [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.EstimateAbilityToConsumeSpecification [28 06:15:06.987] | [ERROR] #n estimateAbilityToConsume specification(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.EstimateAbilityToConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.987] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private static final long java.lang.Number.serialVersionUID accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.987] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.EstimateAbilityToConsumeSpecification.#n estimateAbilityToConsume specification(EstimateAbilityToConsumeSpecification.groovy) [28 06:15:06.987] | [28 06:15:06.987] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeSpecification [28 06:15:06.990] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeSpecification [28 06:15:06.990] | [ERROR] #n Should return #requiredResult when trying to consume #toConsume tokens from Bucket #configuration(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.990] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.990] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeSpecification.#n Should return #requiredResult when trying to consume #toConsume tokens from Bucket #configuration(TryConsumeSpecification.groovy:40) [28 06:15:06.990] | [28 06:15:06.990] | [ERROR] #type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsume(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.990] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.990] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsume(TryConsumeSpecification.groovy:72) [28 06:15:06.990] | [28 06:15:06.990] | [ERROR] #type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsume(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.990] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.990] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.TryConsumeSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsume(TryConsumeSpecification.groovy:101) [28 06:15:06.990] | [28 06:15:06.990] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification [28 06:15:06.994] | [ERROR] Tests run: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 6, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification [28 06:15:06.994] | [ERROR] #n Should return #requiredResult when consumeAsMuchAsPossible tokens from Bucket #builder(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.995] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.995] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#n Should return #requiredResult when consumeAsMuchAsPossible tokens from Bucket #builder(ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.groovy:38) [28 06:15:06.995] | [28 06:15:06.995] | [ERROR] #n Should return #requiredResult when trying to consumeAsMuchAsPossible with limit #limit tokens from Bucket #configuration(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.995] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.995] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#n Should return #requiredResult when trying to consumeAsMuchAsPossible with limit #limit tokens from Bucket #configuration(ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.groovy:56) [28 06:15:06.995] | [28 06:15:06.995] | [ERROR] #type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.995] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.995] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible(ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.groovy:87) [28 06:15:06.995] | [28 06:15:06.995] | [ERROR] #type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible with limit(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.995] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.995] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible with limit(ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.groovy:126) [28 06:15:06.995] | [28 06:15:06.995] | [ERROR] #type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.995] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.995] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible(ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.groovy:155) [28 06:15:06.995] | [28 06:15:06.995] | [ERROR] #type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible with limit(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.995] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.995] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible with limit(ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.groovy:194) [28 06:15:06.995] | [28 06:15:06.995] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification [28 06:15:06.998] | [ERROR] Tests run: 3, Failures: 0, Errors: 3, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification [28 06:15:06.998] | [ERROR] #n case when limits are not overflown(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.998] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.999] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification.#n case when limits are not overflown(ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification.groovy:62) [28 06:15:06.999] | [28 06:15:06.999] | [ERROR] #n case when limits are overflown(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.999] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.999] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification.#n case when limits are overflown(ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification.groovy:107) [28 06:15:06.999] | [28 06:15:06.999] | [ERROR] Reservation overflow case(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:06.999] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:06.999] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification.Reservation overflow case(ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification.groovy:116) [28 06:15:06.999] | [28 06:15:06.999] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.GetAvailableTokensSpecification [28 06:15:07.001] | [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.GetAvailableTokensSpecification [28 06:15:07.001] | [ERROR] #n getAvailableTokens specification(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.GetAvailableTokensSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.001] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.001] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.GetAvailableTokensSpecification.#n getAvailableTokens specification(GetAvailableTokensSpecification.groovy:34) [28 06:15:07.001] | [28 06:15:07.001] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.AddTokensSpecification [28 06:15:07.003] | [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.AddTokensSpecification [28 06:15:07.003] | [ERROR] #n Add tokens spec(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.AddTokensSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.003] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.003] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.regular.AddTokensSpecification.#n Add tokens spec(AddTokensSpecification.groovy:38) [28 06:15:07.003] | [28 06:15:07.003] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification [28 06:15:07.008] | [ERROR] Tests run: 4, Failures: 0, Errors: 4, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.004 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification [28 06:15:07.008] | [ERROR] #type test for blocking consume(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.008] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.008] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification.#type test for blocking consume(BlockingConsumeSpecification.groovy:57) [28 06:15:07.008] | [28 06:15:07.008] | [ERROR] #type test listener for blocking consume(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.008] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.008] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for blocking consume(BlockingConsumeSpecification.groovy:95) [28 06:15:07.008] | [28 06:15:07.008] | [ERROR] #type test for blocking consumeUninterruptibly(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.008] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.008] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification.#type test for blocking consumeUninterruptibly(BlockingConsumeSpecification.groovy:130) [28 06:15:07.008] | [28 06:15:07.008] | [ERROR] #type test listener for blocking consumeUninterruptibly(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.004 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.008] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.008] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for blocking consumeUninterruptibly(BlockingConsumeSpecification.groovy:168) [28 06:15:07.008] | [28 06:15:07.008] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification [28 06:15:07.017] | [ERROR] Tests run: 8, Failures: 0, Errors: 8, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.008 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification [28 06:15:07.017] | [ERROR] #n Should sleep #requiredSleep when trying to consuming #toConsume tokens from Bucket #configuration(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.017] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.017] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#n Should sleep #requiredSleep when trying to consuming #toConsume tokens from Bucket #configuration(BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.groovy:67) [28 06:15:07.017] | [28 06:15:07.017] | [ERROR] #n Should sleep #requiredSleep and return #requiredResult when trying to synchronous consume #toConsume tokens with limit #sleepLimit from Bucket #builder(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.017] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.017] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#n Should sleep #requiredSleep and return #requiredResult when trying to synchronous consume #toConsume tokens with limit #sleepLimit from Bucket #builder(BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.groovy:102) [28 06:15:07.017] | [28 06:15:07.017] | [ERROR] Should throw InterruptedException when thread interrupted during waiting for token refill(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.004 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.017] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.017] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.groovy:34) [28 06:15:07.018] | [28 06:15:07.018] | [ERROR] #n Should sleep #requiredSleep and return #requiredResult when trying to synchronous consume #toConsume tokens with limit #sleepLimit from Bucket #configuration(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.005 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.018] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.018] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#n Should sleep #requiredSleep and return #requiredResult when trying to synchronous consume #toConsume tokens with limit #sleepLimit from Bucket #configuration(BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.groovy:160) [28 06:15:07.018] | [28 06:15:07.018] | [ERROR] should complete future exceptionally if scheduler failed to schedule the task(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.018] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.018] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.$spock_initializeFields(BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.groovy:34) [28 06:15:07.018] | [28 06:15:07.018] | [ERROR] #type test listener for blocking tryConsume(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.018] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.018] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for blocking tryConsume(BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.groovy:227) [28 06:15:07.018] | [28 06:15:07.018] | [ERROR] #type test listener for blocking tryConsumeUninterruptibly(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.018] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.018] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for blocking tryConsumeUninterruptibly(BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.groovy:270) [28 06:15:07.018] | [28 06:15:07.018] | [ERROR] #type test listener for async scheduled tryConsume(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.018] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.018] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.blocking.BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for async scheduled tryConsume(BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.groovy:303) [28 06:15:07.018] | [28 06:15:07.018] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.scheduler.BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification [28 06:15:07.019] | [ERROR] Tests run: 2, Failures: 0, Errors: 2, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.002 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.scheduler.BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification [28 06:15:07.019] | [ERROR] #type test for async delayed consume(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.scheduler.BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.019] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.019] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.scheduler.BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification.#type test for async delayed consume(BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification.groovy:47) [28 06:15:07.019] | [28 06:15:07.019] | [ERROR] #type test listener for async delayed consume(io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.scheduler.BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification) Time elapsed: 0.001 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.019] | java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make field private final java.lang.String java.lang.Enum.name accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.lang" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.019] | at io.github.bucket4j.api_specifications.scheduler.BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification.#type test listener for async delayed consume(BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification.groovy:75) [28 06:15:07.019] | [28 06:15:07.019] | [INFO] Running io.github.bucket4j.DetectionOfIllegalApiUsageSpecification [28 06:15:07.022] | [ERROR] Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 1, Skipped: 0, Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< FAILURE! - in io.github.bucket4j.DetectionOfIllegalApiUsageSpecification [28 06:15:07.022] | [ERROR] io.github.bucket4j.DetectionOfIllegalApiUsageSpecification Time elapsed: 0.003 s <<< ERROR! [28 06:15:07.023] | org.spockframework.util.InternalSpockError: Failed to instantiate spec 'DetectionOfIllegalApiUsageSpecification' [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(JUnit4Provider.java:365) [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeWithRerun(JUnit4Provider.java:272) [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(JUnit4Provider.java:236) [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(JUnit4Provider.java:159) [28 06:15:07.023] | Caused by: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(JUnit4Provider.java:365) [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeWithRerun(JUnit4Provider.java:272) [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(JUnit4Provider.java:236) [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(JUnit4Provider.java:159) [28 06:15:07.023] | Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException: Unable to make private java.time.Duration(long,int) accessible: module java.base does not "opens java.time" to unnamed module @6f29c911 [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.execute(JUnit4Provider.java:365) [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeWithRerun(JUnit4Provider.java:272) [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.executeTestSet(JUnit4Provider.java:236) [28 06:15:07.023] | at org.apache.maven.surefire.junit4.JUnit4Provider.invoke(JUnit4Provider.java:159) [28 06:15:07.023] | [28 06:15:07.359] | [INFO] [28 06:15:07.359] | [INFO] Results: [28 06:15:07.359] | [INFO] [28 06:15:07.359] | [ERROR] Failures: [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ToStringSpecification.check that toString does not fail:28->Specification.noExceptionThrown:118 Expected no exception to be thrown, but got 'java.lang.reflect.InaccessibleObjectException' [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] Errors: [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BucketListenerSpecification.#type bucket created by toListenable should share tokens with source bucket:43 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should decrease available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens additive:379 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should decrease available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens as_is:254 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should decrease available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens proportionally:431 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should forget about previously consumed tokens when replace configuration for bandwidth which not matched by id:87 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should forget about previously consumed tokens when replace configuration in reset mode:49 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should increase available tokens when reducing capacity and copying tokens additive:406 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType should match bandwidth by id during configuration replacement:128 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration additive from gready refill to gready refill when capacity increased:300 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration additive from gready refill to intervally refill when capacity increased:353 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration as_is from gready refill to gready refill:176 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration as_is from gready refill to intervally refill:229 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration proportionally from gready refill to gready refill:489 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration proportionally from gready refill to gready refill. Case for roundingError propogation and negative amount:616 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration proportionally from gready refill to gready refill. Case for roundingError propogation:572 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] ConfigurationReplacementSpecification.#bucketType test replace configuration proportionally when capacity overflown:530 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] VerboseApiTest.calculateFullRefillingTime specification #testNumber:32 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] VerboseApiTest.getAvailableTokens:112 » InaccessibleObject Unable to make priv... [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] VerboseApiTest.getAvailableTokensPerEachBandwidth:147 » InaccessibleObject Una... [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingConsumeSpecification.#type test for blocking consume:57 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingConsumeSpecification.#type test for blocking consumeUninterruptibly:130 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for blocking consume:95 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for blocking consumeUninterruptibly:168 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#n Should sleep #requiredSleep and return #requiredResult when trying to synchronous consume #toConsume tokens with limit #sleepLimit from Bucket #builder:102 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#n Should sleep #requiredSleep and return #requiredResult when trying to synchronous consume #toConsume tokens with limit #sleepLimit from Bucket #configuration:160 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#n Should sleep #requiredSleep when trying to consuming #toConsume tokens from Bucket #configuration:67 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for async scheduled tryConsume:303 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for blocking tryConsume:227 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.360] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.#type test listener for blocking tryConsumeUninterruptibly:270 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:34 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:34 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] AddTokensSpecification.#n Add tokens spec:38 » InaccessibleObject Unable to ma... [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#n Should return #requiredResult when consumeAsMuchAsPossible tokens from Bucket #builder:38 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#n Should return #requiredResult when trying to consumeAsMuchAsPossible with limit #limit tokens from Bucket #configuration:56 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible with limit:194 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible:155 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible with limit:126 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ConsumeAsMuchAsPossibleSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsumeAsMuchAsPossible:87 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification.#n case when limits are not overflown:62 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification.#n case when limits are overflown:107 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ConsumeIgnoringLimitsSpecification.Reservation overflow case:116 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] EstimateAbilityToConsumeSpecification.#n estimateAbilityToConsume specification:-1 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ForceAddTokensSpecification.#n Force Add tokens spec:52 » InaccessibleObject U... [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ForceAddTokensSpecification.Tokens that was added over capacity should not be lost:63 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] GetAvailableTokensSpecification.#n getAvailableTokens specification:34 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] ResetTokensSpecification.resetBucket spec:18 » InaccessibleObject Unable to ma... [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification.#n tryConsumeAndReturnRemaining specification:-1 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsumeAndReturnRemaining:110 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] TryConsumeAndReturnRemainingSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsumeAndReturnRemaining:81 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] TryConsumeSpecification.#n Should return #requiredResult when trying to consume #toConsume tokens from Bucket #configuration:40 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] TryConsumeSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for async tryConsume:101 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] TryConsumeSpecification.#type verbose=#verbose test listener for tryConsume:72 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification.#type test for async delayed consume:47 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BlockingTryConsumeWithSchedulerSpecification.#type test listener for async delayed consume:75 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BucketRoundingRulesSpecification.Partially refilled token should not be missed when calculating time for refill #bucketType:88 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BucketRoundingRulesSpecification.rest of division should cleared when addTokens increases bucket to maximum:42 IncompatibleClassChange [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BucketRoundingRulesSpecification.rest of division should not be missed on next consumption:23 IncompatibleClassChange [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.GetAvailableTokens specification #testNumber:47 IncompatibleClassChange [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.Specification for consume #n » InaccessibleObject Una... [28 06:15:07.361] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.Specification for refill classic bandwidth #n » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.Specification for refill simple bandwidth #n » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.addTokens specification #testNumber:104 IncompatibleClassChange [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.calculateFullRefillingTime specification #testNumber:255 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.delayAfterWillBePossibleToConsume specification #testNumber:160 IncompatibleClassChange [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] FixedIntervalRefillSpecification.Basic test of fixed interval refill:17 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] FixedIntervalRefillSpecification.Complex test of fixed interval refill:47 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] FixedIntervalRefillSpecification.Test for refill time estimation https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j/issues/71:94 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when add tokens to bucket:58 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by completed periods:94 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by uncompleted periods:133 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should correctly calculate time to close deficit when having deals with big number:152 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should detect overflow during deficit calculation for interval refill:175 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should down to floating point arithmetic if necessary during refill:113 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should firstly do refill by completed periods:75 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.regression test for https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j/issues/51:34 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.#n Initial token calculation spec:-1 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.check that boundary of interval is not missed during long time of inactivity mathType = #mathType:210 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.complex spec for case when useAdaptiveInitialTokens=false mathType = #mathType:122 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] IntervallyAlignedRefillSpecification.complex spec for case when useAdaptiveInitialTokens=true mathType = #mathType:182 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.GetAvailableTokens specification #testNumber:37 IncompatibleClassChange [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.Specification for consume #n » InaccessibleObject Una... [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.Specification for refill classic bandwidth #n » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.Specification for refill simple bandwidth #n » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.addTokens specification #testNumber:88 IncompatibleClassChange [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.calculateFullRefillingTime specification #testNumber:230 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] BucketStateSpecification.delayAfterWillBePossibleToConsume specification #testNumber:144 IncompatibleClassChange [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when add tokens to bucket:41 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by completed periods:75 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should check ArithmeticOverflow when refilling by uncompleted periods:112 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should detect math overflow during initial tokens calculation for intervally aligned refill:187 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should detect overflow during deficit calculation for interval refill:153 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should down to floating point arithmetic if necessary during refill:93 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.362] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should down to floating point arithmetic when having deal with big number during deficit calculation:130 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.Should firstly do refill by completed periods:57 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] HandlingArithmeticOverflowSpecification.regression test for https://github.com/vladimir-bukhtoyarov/bucket4j/issues/51:18 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:22 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:22 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] DelayedAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:22 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:21 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:21 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] DelayedCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:21 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:23 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:23 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] PredictiveAsyncCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:23 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:22 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:22 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] PredictiveCommandExecutorSpecification.$spock_initializeFields:22 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] BatchHelperSpecification.test async batching:86 » InaccessibleObject Unable to... [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] BatchHelperSpecification.test success async case:27 » InaccessibleObject Unabl... [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] BatchHelperSpecification.test sync batching:41->runBlockingInNewThread:241 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] BatchHelperSpecification.test that fail of batch of tasks does not prevent to start next batch in async execution:211 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] BatchHelperSpecification.test that fail of batch of tasks does not prevent to start next batch in sync execution:178 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] BatchHelperSpecification.test that fail of single task does not prevent to start next batch in async execution:150 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] BatchHelperSpecification.test that fail of single task does not prevent to start next batch in sync execution:123 » InaccessibleObject [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] JUnit4Provider.invoke:159->executeTestSet:236->executeWithRerun:272->execute:365 » InternalSpock [28 06:15:07.363] | [INFO] [28 06:15:07.363] | [ERROR] Tests run: 178, Failures: 1, Errors: 115, Skipped: 0 [28 06:15:07.363] | [INFO] [28 06:15:07.364] | [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [28 06:15:07.364] | [INFO] Reactor Summary for bucket4j 7.6.0: [28 06:15:07.364] | [INFO] [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-parent .................................... SUCCESS [ 1.906 s] [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-core ...................................... FAILURE [ 42.584 s] [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-jcache .................................... SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-ignite .................................... SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-infinispan-all ............................ SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-infinispan ................................ SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-infinispan-8 .............................. SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-hazelcast-all ............................. SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-hazelcast ................................. SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-hazelcast-3 ............................... SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-benchmarks ................................ SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-examples .................................. SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] lincheck-tests ..................................... SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-dynamodb-sdk-v1 ........................... SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-redis ..................................... SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-coherence ................................. SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-postgresql ................................ SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-mysql ..................................... SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j-caffeine .................................. SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] Bucket4j Documentation ............................. SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] bucket4j ........................................... SKIPPED [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] BUILD FAILURE [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] Total time: 44.968 s [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] Finished at: 2024-02-28T06:15:07Z [28 06:15:07.365] | [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.20:test (default-test) on project bucket4j-core: There are test failures. [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] Please refer to /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-core/target/surefire-reports for the individual test results. [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] Please refer to dump files (if any exist) [date]-jvmRun[N].dump, [date].dumpstream and [date]-jvmRun[N].dumpstream. [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] -> [Help 1] [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e switch. [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging. [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please read the following articles: [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] [Help 1] http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the command [28 06:15:07.366] | [ERROR] mvn -rf :bucket4j-core 2024-02-28 06:15:07,410 [ WARNING ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | cmd.py | 78 :: Command failed but supress is true, error handling skipped 2024-02-28 06:15:07,410 [ ERROR ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | tester.py | 51 :: Test failed 2024-02-28 06:15:07,410 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 1001 :: Tests Complete 2024-02-28 06:15:07,463 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 963 :: uploading /tmp/pkgs_raw/bucket4j-hazelcast/7.6.0/bucket4j-hazelcast-all/bucket4j-hazelcast/target/bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.jar as bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.jar on artifactory 2024-02-28 06:15:09,669 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 973 :: Upload successful. 2024-02-28 06:15:09,669 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 963 :: uploading /tmp/pkgs_downloads/bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.zip as bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.zip on artifactory 2024-02-28 06:15:13,572 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 973 :: Upload successful. 2024-02-28 06:15:13,573 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 963 :: uploading /tmp/bucket4j-hazelcast_7.6.0.xml as bucket4j-hazelcast_7.6.0.xml on artifactory 2024-02-28 06:15:15,586 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 973 :: Upload successful. 2024-02-28 06:15:15,587 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 963 :: uploading /tmp/Copyright-Notice-License-bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.txt as Copyright-Notice-License-bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.txt on artifactory 2024-02-28 06:15:16,363 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 973 :: Upload successful. 2024-02-28 06:15:16,364 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 843 :: uploading artifacts importable path 2024-02-28 06:15:16,912 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 835 :: pom file downloaded successfully. 2024-02-28 06:15:16,913 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 889 :: uploading bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.jar 2024-02-28 06:15:18,363 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 901 :: Upload successful. 2024-02-28 06:15:18,363 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 889 :: uploading pom.xml 2024-02-28 06:15:19,296 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 901 :: Upload successful. 2024-02-28 06:15:19,296 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 889 :: uploading bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0.pom 2024-02-28 06:15:19,980 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 901 :: Upload successful. 2024-02-28 06:15:19,982 [ INFO ] oos_automation.build.com.github.vladimir-bukhtoyarov:bucket4j-hazelcast:7.6.0 | package.py | 806 :: uploading build-bucket4j-hazelcast-7.6.0-2024-02-28-06-09-59-242-6273909608.txt