A media server for buddycloud channels. It provides a simple REST-like HTTP interface where clients can do several operations like:
- upload: upload media to private/public channels, the permissions are based on channels pubsub subscriptions;
- download: download/visualize media from channels that you have enough permissions;
- delete: you can delete medias that you've uploaded or if you are a channel moderator/owner;
- update: update media metadata, with similar permissions as the delete operation.
To authenticate HTTP requests, the media server uses XEP-0070, this means that the client must have an XMPP client that "understands" such protocol in order to do media requests. There is only one exception: download media from public channels - any client has access.
Note: Always ensure that you have a database/XMPP server set up and running first.
mvn package
java -jar target/buddycloud-media-server-<VERSION>-jar-with-dependencies.jar
must be in the classpath.
docker run -d buddycloud/media-server
Note: Don't forget to expose the HTTP port (plus additional as required).
When running with docker there are two methods which you can use to configure the server. For more information see configuration parameters.
'Mounted volume' configuration works the same as including a mediaserver.properties
file. In this case you need to mount your configuration directory at /config/media-server
on the docker image. The media server is set up to check this directory for config files.
Starting a docker container with the environment variable of DATABASE
set to a postgresql connection string will load configuration from the database, e.g.:
docker run -d DATABASE="jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/media-server?user=media&password=tellnoone" buddycloud/media-server
You'll also need a mount a volume to store your media files. Ensure the mounted location matches that in your configuration.
The API endpoints are described in detail here.
In order to figure out which endpoint to send HTTP calls to, we use [XMPP Service Discovery] (http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0030.html) against the domain running the media server. In the folowing example, we use buddycloud.org as the target domain. We first list all services provided by buddycloud.org and then we pick the one with name "Media Server".
disco#items against buddycloud.org:
<iq to="buddycloud.org" type="get">
<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items" />
<iq type="result" from="buddycloud.org">
<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items">
<item jid="mediaserver.buddycloud.org" />
<item jid="directory.buddycloud.org" />
<item jid="channels.buddycloud.org" />
<item jid="topics.buddycloud.org" />
<item jid="search.buddycloud.org" />
<item jid="anon.buddycloud.org" />
disco#info against mediaserver.buddycloud.org:
<iq to="mediaserver.buddycloud.org" type="get">
<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info" />
<iq type="result" from="mediaserver.buddycloud.org">
<query xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info">
<identity category="component" type="generic" name="Media Server" />
<feature var="http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#info" />
<feature var="urn:xmpp:ping" />
<feature var="jabber:iq:last" />
<feature var="urn:xmpp:time" />
<x xmlns="jabber:x:data" type="result">
<field var="FORM_TYPE" type="hidden"><value>http://buddycloud.org/v1/api</value></field>
<field var="endpoint" type="text-single"><value>https://demo.buddycloud.org/api/media_proxy</value></field>
The response of the disco#info query against the media server contains a dataform that holds information on how to communicate with the server. Then field named 'endpoint' will then give us the endpoint for HTTP calls. In the previous example, we should use https://demo.buddycloud.org/api/media_proxy.
The endpoint can be advertised by adding the following key (example data) to your mediaserver.properties
You don't need an Authorization
header. Notice that if you're building a web frontend, embedding public media from the media-server means just creating an <img>
curl https://demo.buddycloud.org/api/media_proxy/media-channel@example.com/mediaId
You need to verify your request via XMPP and generate an Authorization
header as following:
As per XEP 0070, every transaction with the media server that requires authentication must have an unique identifier within the context of the client's interaction with the server. This identifier will be sent over to the media server via HTTP and then sent back to the client via XMPP in order to confirm the client's identity.
For this example, we will use a7374jnjlalasdf82 as a transaction id.
Before sending the actual HTTP request, the client has to setup an XMPP listener for the confirmation request. The message sent by the media server complies with XEP 0070 and will be in the lines of:
<message type="normal" from="mediaserver.buddycloud.org">
<body>Confirmation message for transaction a7374jnjlalasdf82</body>
<confirm xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/http-auth" url="https://demo.buddycloud.org/api/media_proxy/media-channel@example.com" id="a7374jnjlalasdf82" method="GET" />
The client should simply confirm the request by replying to the message:
<message type="normal" to="mediaserver.buddycloud.org">
<body>Confirmation message for transaction a7374jnjlalasdf82</body>
<confirm xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/http-auth" url="https://demo.buddycloud.org/api/media_proxy/media-channel@example.com" id="a7374jnjlalasdf82" method="GET" />
In order to build the URL for HTTP requests, we must consider the media endpoint, the channel the media was (or will be) posted and the media id (in case of GET or DELETE).
The requests that require authentication must go with an authorization header, which should be the concatenation of the client's full jid, plus a ':', plus the transaction id, converted to base64 (URL safe). I.e., let's assume the client's full jid is media-user@example.com/media-resource and the transaction id is, again, a7374jnjlalasdf82:
Authorization: Basic urlbase64('media-user@example.com/media-resource:a7374jnjlalasdf82')
Authorization: Basic bWVkaWEtdXNlckBleGFtcGxlLmNvbS9tZWRpYS1yZXNvdXJjZTphNzM3NGpuamxhbGFzZGY4Mg==
Note: the urlbase64 method should comply with http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4648#page-7. In python, for instance, that's base64.urlsafe_b64encode(s).
The following curl examples perform media-related operations within the media-channel@example.com channel.
curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Basic bWVkaWEtdXNlckBleGFtcGxlLmNvbS9tZWRpYS1yZXNvdXJjZTphNzM3NGpuamxhbGFzZGY4Mg==" -F filename=localfile.jpg -F data=@localfile.jpg -F title="New media" -F description="New media description" https://demo.buddycloud.org/api/media_proxy/media-channel@example.com
curl -H "Authorization: Basic bWVkaWEtdXNlckBleGFtcGxlLmNvbS9tZWRpYS1yZXNvdXJjZTphNzM3NGpuamxhbGFzZGY4Mg==" https://demo.buddycloud.org/api/media_proxy/media-channel@example.com/mediaId
curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: Basic bWVkaWEtdXNlckBleGFtcGxlLmNvbS9tZWRpYS1yZXNvdXJjZTphNzM3NGpuamxhbGFzZGY4Mg==" https://demo.buddycloud.org/api/media_proxy/media-channel@example.com/mediaId
The server is written on top of Java using RESTlet.
It uses Maven to build its packages. You can build the package manually or download it from here.
Setup database tables using the scripts at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/buddycloud/buddycloud-media-server/master/postgres
You can configure the media server by copying mediaserver.properties.example
in the server's root directory, and then editing as
The server is able to pick up a mediaserver.properties
file up from anywhere in the system path.
Set an environment variable as per the following example:
The server will then use the database values to configure itself, the configuration.properties file will be ignored.
This file has multiple properties definitions:
# Whether the client will use SASL authentication when logging into the server (true|false).
# TLS security mode used when making the connection (disabled|enabled|required).
# How much time it will wait for a response to an XMPP request (in milliseconds)
# Max threshold beyond which files are written directly to disk, in bytes
# Only used while uploading multipart form data files
# File System
The following configuration options are supported:
HTTP related configurations:
- http.endpoint (Optional): if provided the HTTP endpoint of the media server will be advertised via DISCO#info using XEP-0128 Service Discovery Extensions.
- https.enabled (Optional): if the HTTPS is enabled (default is false). If is set to true you must provide the others https properties.
- https.port: the port where the server will listen for HTTPS requests.
- https.keystore: the HTTPS keystore location.
- https.keystore.type: the keystore type.
- https.keystore.password: the keystore password.
- https.key.password: the HTTPS key password.
- http.port (Optional): the HTTP port where the server will listen for HTTP requests (default is 8080).
- http.tests.port (Optional): the HTTP port where the server will listen for HTTP requests while running tests (default is 9090).
XMPP related:
- xmpp.component.host (Required): the XMPP server location where the media server's component will connect.
- xmpp.component.port (Required): the XMPP server components connection listening port.
- xmpp.component.subdomain (Required): the subdomain that will be used by the component.
- xmpp.component.servername (Required): the servername (server domain).
- xmpp.component.secretkey (Required): the secretkey defined at the XMPP server for components connections.
In addition of the component, the media server also have a simple client that handles pubsub queries:
xmpp.connection.username (Required): the username used by the cient's connection.
xmpp.connection.password (Required): client's connection password.
xmpp.connection.host (Required): XMPP server location.
xmpp.connection.port (Required): XMPP server port for clients connections.
xmpp.connection.servicename (Required): client's connection servicename.
xmpp.reply.timeout (Optional): timeout in milliseconds to wait a response to an XMPP request (default is 30000)
Storage related:
- jdbc.db.url (Required): the server uses PostgresSQL to store media's metadata and uses JDBC to access it.
- jdbc.driver.class (Optional): if someday the media server allow a different database, this property will be used (default is org.postgresql.Driver).
- media.storage.root (Required): root path where the media server will store the media files.
- media.sizelimit (Optional): the tolerated file content size which the media server will store (default is 104857600 - 100 MB).
- media.todisk.threshold (Optional): the tolerated file size in bytes (default is 1048576 - 1 MB) which beyond are directly stored on disk.
The buddycloud media server relies on logback for writing logs out. In order to configure itself, Logback will:
try to find a file called logback.groovy in the classpath.
If no such file is found, it tries to find a file called logback-test.xml in the classpath.
If no such file is found, it checks for the file logback.xml in the classpath..
If neither file is found, logback configures itself automatically using the BasicConfigurator which will cause logging output to be directed to the console.
A logback.xml with two appenders (STDOUT
writing in the console and FILE
writing on a file) and with the root logger using the FILE
appender looks like this:
<appender name="FILE" class="ch.qos.logback.core.FileAppender">
<pattern>%-5relative %-5level %logger{35} - %msg%n</pattern>
<appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
<pattern>%-5relative %-5level %logger{35} - %msg%n</pattern>
<root level="DEBUG">
<appender-ref ref="FILE" />