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Seongnoh Sean Yi edited this page Feb 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

Since v1.1.0, a normal user can add his custom command in the configuration without modifying source(to add .getCommands()) by himself, FINALLY!!

customCommands: [
    command: "test",
    callback: (command, handler) => {
      handler.reply("TEXT", "This is test command!")
    command: "detailnews",
    description: "For detail of current news article"
    callback: (command, handler, self) => {
      handler.reply("TEXT", "Yes, sir!")

This example will register two commands - /test and /detailnews. Basically, the structure of custom command is the same as the existing command. Read the How to add commands before.

  command, /** REQUIRED **/
  callback, /** REQUIRED **/ 
  description, /** OPTIONAL **/
  args_pattern, /** OPTIONAL **/
  args_mapping, /** OPTIONAL **/

But callback is slightly different. You need to assign a callback function directly.

callback: ([command[, handler[, thisModule]]]) => {
  /** Do what you need **/

thisModule will be instance of MMM-TelegramBot module. When you need to handle module MMM-TelegramBot directly, use this.

Or you can get specific modules like this.

  command: "hideallmodules",
  callback: (command, handler) => {
    MM.getModules().enumerate((m) => {

Read Guide for design command also.