Node.js server for providing build status badges for GitHub branches.
Used by Buildasaur, XcodeServerSDK and other projects backed by Xcode Server to show a build status badge like the ones coming from hosted CI services. Since Xcode Server is self-hosted, if you use Buildasaur to sync your build results from Xcode Server to GitHub, you can take advantage of Satellite to get a badge of your own.
- Runs on
Just add a badge like this to your README and satellite will return the right badge - by going to GitHub and checking the GitHub status (you know, those little green tickmarks and Pull Request statuses) - and returning the appropriate badge.
Add this to your README:
If you don't specify a branch, master will be used.
And since the service is running on
, an example call would be
which returns an SVG image of the badge.
Returns 301 redirect to xcbot://HOSTNAME/botID/BOT_ID/integrationID/INTEGRATION_ID
so that you can link to your Bots from e.g. GitHub, which blocks all non-https URL schemes.
The service uses Redis for caching of the status (1 minute) and of the badge image data (1 hour).
There is an instance running at
, but you can also run your own if you want.
Clone the repo and run npm install
and then start the server locally with ./bin/www
Or, deploy it to your heroku account:
Please create an issue with a description of a problem or a pull request with a fix.
Honza Dvorsky -, @czechboy0