allows you to split your CSS into small, logical files. Every file holds one declaration and is named exactly the same.
Let's say you want to add a class like .my_super-bada55-cl4s5
. The file for this would be called my_super-bada55-cl4s5.css
- easy as that! Once the script finds your class name in the DOM it will create a new link
element containing a link to assets/css/my_super-bada55-cl4s5.css
. Awesome!
This works for all pages, so you'll always get exactly the styles you need - no more, no less.
Include the script (Best Practice: Inline the minified version from cssplit.min.js
<script type="text/javascript">
!function(a,b){var d=b.querySelectorAll("*"),e=b.querySelector("head"),f=[],g=[],h="assets/css/";!function(a){[].forEach.call(a,function(a){""!==a.classList.toString()&&a.classList.toString().split(" ").forEach(function(a){f.push(a)})})}(d);var i=function(a){var c=b.createElement("link");c.rel="stylesheet",c.href=h+a,e.appendChild(c)},j=function(a){return a+".css"};f.forEach(function(a){g.push(j(a))}),g.forEach(function(a){i(a)})}(window,document);
Next, split your CSS in thousands of files and place them in the assets/css
Your CSS is now automatically loaded. csSPLIT.js is written as immediately Invoked Function Expression, that is, it is calling itself!
Made with love by 🐮💩 ~ 2015