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Tiny Face Detection with TensorFlow 2.0

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Quick start

  • Install tensorflow and other requirements.txt
  • Get DataSet
  • run python (takes a while, depends on your machine)
  • run python --image my_image.jpg

Important files

  • ./data/ - generates train/val data from WIDER FACE
  • ./model/ - generates TF model
  • ./model/ - definition of the loss function for training
  • ./model/ - definition of the validation for training
  • ./ - stores network/training/validation config for network
  • ./ - runs model against given image and generates output image
  • ./draw_boxes - helper function for ./, draws boxes on cv2 img
  • ./ - prints current model structure
  • ./ - starts training our model and create weights base on training results and validation function


We want to use WIDER FACE dataset. It contain over 32k images with almost 400k faces and is publicly available on

Please put all the data into ./data folder.

Data structure is described in ./data/wider_face_split/readme.txt. We only need to use boxes annotations but there is more data available if someone wants to use it.


@config_path - path to data/wider_face_split/wider_face_train_bbx_gt.txt file (defined in cfg.TRAIN.ANNOTATION_PATH) @file_path - path to folder with images (defined in cgf.TRAIN.DATA_PATH)

  • __init__(file_path, config_path, debug=False) loops over all images in txt file (base on config_path) and stores them inside generator to be retrieved by __getitem__
  • __len__() unsurprisingly returns length of our data (exactly number of batches `data/batch_size)
  • __getitem__(idx) - returns data for given idx, data returned as Array<imagePath>, Array<h, w, yc, xc, class>

  • create_model(trainable=False) - creates model base on definition, if you want model to be fully trainable (not only output layers) then set trainable to be True

  • loss(y_true, y_pred) - returns value of loss function for current prediction (y_true is a box from dataset, y_pred is a output from NN)
  • get_box_highest_percentage(arr) - helper function for loss to get best box match

  • on_epoch_end(self, epoch, logs) - calculates IoU and mse for validation set
  • get_box_highets_percentage(self, mask) - helper function, you can ignore it

Just a config, there is couple of important things in it:

  • ALPHA - mobilenet's "alpha" size, higher value means more complex network (slower, more precise)
  • GRID_SIZE - output grid size, 7 is a good value for low ALPHA but you might want to set it to higher value for larger ALPHAs and add UpSample layer to
  • INPUT_SIZE - value should be adjusted base on initial network used (224 for MobileNetV2, but check input size if you changing model)

Inside TRAIN prefix there is couple training hyperparameters you can adjust for training

You have to first train model to get at least one model-0.xx.h5 weights file


# basic usage
python --image path_to_my_image.jpg

# use different trained weights and output path
python --image path_to_my_image.jpg --weights model-0.64.h5 --output output_path.jpg

There is no parameters for it but you might want to read that file. It's running base on and other files already described. If you want to train your model from specific point then uncomment IF TRAINABLE and add weights file.

After running training script will generate ./logs/fit/** files. You can use Tensorboard for visualise training

tensorboard --logdir logs/fit