This repository contains source code for the experiments conducted in the paper This Patient Looks Like That Patient: Prototypical Networks for Interpretable Diagnosis Prediction from Clinical Text.
A demo application can be found here: ProtoPatient Demo.
Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt
For training the ProtoPatient model, which achieved the best results in our experiments, run:
--model_type PROTO
--train_file {TRAIN.csv}
--val_file {VAL.csv}
--test_file {TEST.csv}
--num_warmup_steps 5000
--num_training_steps 5000
--lr_features 0.000005
--lr_prototypes 0.001
--lr_others 0.001
--use_attention True
--reduce_hidden_size 256
--all_labels_path {ALL_LABELS.txt}
To train the PubMedBERT baseline with the best hyperparameters, use the following command:
--model_type BERT
--train_file {TRAIN.csv}
--val_file {VAL.csv}
--test_file {TEST.csv}
--num_warmup_steps 1000
--num_training_steps 5000
--lr_features 0.00005
--all_labels_path {ALL_LABELS.txt}