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Terraform module to create both public and private websites, with private websites being protected by Cognito


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Creates a public or private website behind a cloudfront distribution, with SSL enabled, including support for multiple domain names (e.g. as well as CORS is also configured for you. Cognito hosted UI is put in front of it.

The website files are hosted in an S3 bucket which is also created by the module.


module "website" {
    source = "bwindsor/website/aws"
    deployment_name = "tf-my-project"
    website_dir = "${path.root}/website_files"
    additional_files = { "config.yaml" = <<EOF
a: 1
b: 2
    hosted_zone_name = ""
    custom_domain = ""
    alternative_custom_domains = ["", ""]
    alternative_custom_domain_hosted_zone_lookup = {
      "": ""
    template_file_vars = { api_url = "" }
    is_spa = false
    csp_allow_default = [""]
    csp_allow_style = ["'unsafe-inline'"]
    csp_allow_img = ["data:"]
    csp_allow_font = []
    csp_allow_frame = []
    csp_allow_manifest = []
    csp_allow_connect = []
    cache_control_max_age_seconds = 86400
    mime_types = {}
    override_file_mime_types = {
        "myfile.txt": "application/json",
    redirects = [{
        source = '/home',
        target = '/index.html',
        regex  = false,
    }, {
        source = '^/device/[0-9]+$',
        target = '/index.html',
        regex  = true,
    allow_omit_html_extension = false

    is_private = true
    auth_type = "COGNITO"
    # These settings are requred when is_private is true and auth_type is BASIC
    basic_auth_username = "username"
    basic_auth_password = "password"
    # This setting is required when is_private is true and auth_type is COGNITO
    auth_config_path = "authConfig.json"

    # These settings are only used when is_private is true and auth_type is COGNITO
    create_cognito_pool = true
    refresh_auth_path = "/refreshauth"
    logout_path = "/"
    parse_auth_path = "/parseauth"
    refresh_token_validity_days = 3650
    oauth_scopes = ["openid"]
    additional_redirect_urls = ["http://localhost:3000"]  // Useful for development purposes
    # This setting is only required when is_private is true and auth_type is COGNITO and create_cognito_pool is true
    auth_domain_prefix = "mydomain"
    # This block is required when is_private is true and auth_type is COGNITO create_cognito_pool is false. Otherwise it is ignored.
    cognito = {
        user_pool_arn = aws_cognito_user_pool.mypool.arn
        user_pool_id =
        client_id =
        auth_domain = ""
    # Optional
    create_data_bucket = true
    data_path = "/data"


Ensure environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are set.

  • deployment_name A unique string to use for this module to make sure resources do not clash with others
  • website_dir A folder containing all the files for your website. The contents of this folder, including all subfolders, will be stored in an S3 website and served as your website
  • additional_files A mapping from file name (in S3) to file contents. For each (key,value) pair, a file will be created in S3 with the given key, with contents given by value
  • hosted_zone_name The name of the hosted zone in Route53 where the SSL certificates will be created
  • custom_domain The primary domain name to use for the website
  • alternative_custom_domains A list of any alternative domain names. Typically this would just contain the same as custom_domain but prefixed by www.
  • alternative_custom_domain_hosted_zone_lookup Mapping from alternative custom domain to hosted zone name, if the hosted zone for the alternative custom domain should be different from the hosted_zone_name input.
  • template_file_vars A mapping from substitution variable name to value. Any files inside website_dir which end in .template will be processed by Terraform's template provider, passing these variables for substitution. The file will have the .template suffix removed when uploaded to S3
  • is_spa If your website is a single page application (SPA), this sets up the cloudfront redirects such that whenever an item is not found, the file index.html is returned instead
  • csp_allow_default List of default domains to include in the Content Security Policy. Typically you would list the URL of your API here if your pages access that. Always includes 'self'
  • csp_allow_script List of places to allow CSP to load scripts from. Always includes 'self'
  • csp_allow_style List of places to allow CSP to load styles from. Always includes 'self'
  • csp_allow_img List of places to allow CSP to load images from. Always includes 'self'
  • csp_allow_font List of places to allow CSP to load fonts from. Always includes 'self'
  • csp_allow_frame List of places to allow CSP to load iframes from. Always includes 'self'
  • csp_allow_manifest List of places to allow CSP to load manifests from. Always includes 'self'
  • csp_allow_connect List of places to allow CSP to make HTTP requests to. Always includes 'self'
  • cache_control_max_age_seconds Maximum time in seconds to cache items for before checking with the server again for an updated copy. Default is one week
  • mime_types Map from file extension to MIME type. Defaults are provided, but you will need to provide any unusual extensions with a MIME type
  • override_file_mime_types Map from exact file name to MIME type. If the specified file is available in website_dir, it will be set to the specified MIME type
  • redirects List of redirects. Each item in the list contains:
    • source - the relative path to redirect from
    • target - the relative path to redirect to
    • regex - optional, default false. If True, then source is interpreted as a regular expression. Whether a path matches is determined by the outcome of javascript's new RegExp(source).test(path)
  • allow_omit_html_extension Boolean, default false. If true, any URL where the final part does not contain a . will reference the S3 object with html appended. For example would retrieve the file home.html from the website S3 bucket.
  • is_private Boolean, default true. Whether to make the site private (behind Cognito)
  • auth_type String, default COGNITO. Method of making site private when is_private is true. Set to COGNITO to use AWS Cognito. Set to BASIC to use HTTP basic auth
  • basic_auth_username String, required if is_private is true and auth_type is BASIC. Username to use for basic authentication
  • basic_auth_password String, required if is_private is true and auth_type is BASIC. Password to use for basic authentication
  • create_cognito_pool Boolean, default true. Whether to create a Cognito pool for authentication. If false, a cognito configuration must be provided
  • refresh_auth_path Path relative to custom_domain to redirect to when a token refresh is required
  • logout_path Path relative to custom_domain to redirect to after logging out
  • parse_auth_path Path relative to custom_domain to redirect to upon successful authentication
  • refresh_token_validity_days Time until the refresh token expires and the user will be required to log in again
  • oauth_scopes List of auth scopes to grant (or which are granted, if a Cognito pool is created externally). Options include phone, email, profile, openid, aws.cognito.signin.user.admin
  • additional_redirect_urls List of additional allowed redirect URLs for Cognito hosted UI to redirect to (such as "http://localhost:3000"). Do not use localhost in production
  • auth_domain_prefix The first part of the hosted UI login domain, as in https://{AUTH_DOMAIN_PREFIX}
  • auth_config_path The path at which to place a file containing the Cognito auth configuration. This can then be read by your Javascript to configure your auth provider.
  • cognito Configuration block for an existing user pool. Required when create_cognito_pool is false
    • user_pool_arn User pool ARN of an existing user pool
    • user_pool_id User pool ID of the existing user pool
    • client_id Client ID of an existing user pool client
    • auth_domain Domain name for the existing hosted UI. Could be in the format https://{AUTH_DOMAIN_PREFIX} or could be a custom domain
  • create_data_bucket Whether to create an empty S3 bucket, the contents of which will be available under data_path (default /data)
  • data_path String, default /data. Only used if create_data_bucket is true. This is the path under which the contents of the data bucket will be hosted.


  • url The URL on which the home page of the website can be reached
  • alternate_urls Alternate URLs which also point to the same home page as url does
  • data_bucket_name If create_data_bucket is true, this contains the created data bucket name


Terraform module to create both public and private websites, with private websites being protected by Cognito







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