diff --git a/python/python/bystro/proteomics/README.md b/python/python/bystro/proteomics/README.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..beda1fed8 --- /dev/null +++ b/python/python/bystro/proteomics/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ +# Proteomics README +This module provides functionality for analyzing proteomics datasets, principally from Fragpipe +software suite, in conjunction with genomic annotations provided by Bystro. + +## Proteomics Datasets +The fundamental entity in a proteomics dataset is an _abundance matrix_, which records the measured +protein abundances of a set of proteins in a set of samples. Also included in the dataset is an +_annotation matrix_, which records metadata pertaining to the samples. Such datasets are +represented within Bystro by the class `TandemMassTagDataset` in `fragpipe_tandem_mass_tag.py`. +(The file `fragpipe_data_independent_analysis.py` provides similar functionality for Fragpipe DIA +datasets. Although there are many proteomics protocols with their own file formats, they are +largely `sui generis` and we will constrain our discussion to Fragpipe TMT datasets below. For +further details see the [Fragpipe +documentation](https://fragpipe.nesvilab.org/docs/tutorial_fragpipe_outputs.html)). + +## CLI +The file `proteomics_cli.py` provides a CLI for uploading proteomics datasets to Bystro. AFter +authentication, the user may upload a dataset via the command: + +``` +python proteomics_cli.py upload-proteomics-dataset --protein-abundance-file PROTEIN_ABUNDANCE_FILE \ + --experiment-annotation-file EXPERIMENT_ANNOTATION_FILE + [--dir DIR] +``` +where `DIR` is an optional location for storage within Bystro. + +## Proteomics Listener +The loading of proteomics datasets within Bystro is handled by the proteomics listener, a python +service that is initialized during Bystro startup and listens to the `proteomics` beanstalkd tube +for incoming `ProteomicsSubmission` messages. Upon receipt of a `ProteomicsSubmission` message, the +listener loads the file described in the submission payload and returns the result in a +`ProteomicsResponse`. + +## Annotation Interface +It's often desirable to analyze a proteomics dataset in conjunction with a genomic annotation file +(of the same subjects) provided by Bystro. The basic workflow of this joint analysis is as follows: + +1. The user queries the annotation file with an arbitrary OpenSearch query in order to select a + subset of rows (i.e. variant records) from the annotation file. For example, a user might + provide the query: "exonic (gnomad.genomes.af:<0.1 || gnomad.exomes.af:<0.1)" which means + "return all exonic variants where the allele frequency in gnomad.genomes or gnomad.exomes is + less than 10%". +2. The annotation interface returns a list of variant / sample pairs, i.e. for every valid variant + and every sample containing that variant, we return a record of the form: `(sample_id, chrom, + pos, ref, alt, gene_name, dosage)`. This functionality is provided through the method + `get_annotation_result_from_query`. +3. The annotation query results are then joined to a given proteomics dataset on `sample_id` and + `gene_name`. That is to say, the result will be a Pandas dataframe with the columns: + `(sample_id, chrom, pos, ref, alt, gene_name, dosage, protein_abundance)`, where + `protein_abundance` is the abundance of protein `gene_name` for sample `sample_id`. This + functionality is provided through the method `join_annotation_result_to_proteomics_dataset`. + +Notes: +1. In general, a given subject's `sample_id` in the genomic annotation file may not be identical to + its `sample_id` in the proteomic dataset. Instead, a subject may globally identified through a + `tracking_id`. In that case, the user may provide two mappings: + `get_tracking_id_from_genomic_sample_id` and `get_tracking_id_from_proteomic_sample_id`, and + these helper functions will be used to canonicalize the `sample_ids` before joining the two + datasets. + +2. We assume (in accordance with the datasets we have seen so far) that Fragpipe will map peptide + Uniprot IDs to HUGO gene name symbols, so that annotation gene names can be identified with + proteomics gene names in that namespace, but this may not always be the case. Functionality to + map from Uniprot IDs to HUGO symbols and vice versa is described below. + +## Uniprot / HUGO symbol mapping + An additional module, `uniprot_id_gene_name_mapping.py`, is provided to convert Uniprot IDs to + gene names and vice versa. This module provides two public methods, + `get_gene_names_from_uniprot_id` and `get_uniprot_ids_from_gene_name`. (NB: this mapping is in + general many to many, hence each returns a list of cognates in the other namespace.) These + mappings are populated by a data download from Uniprot, which can be run by the script + `scripts/get_uniprot_id_gene_name_mapping.py`. Currently, this script only queries the human + proteome, but can be trivially amended to include all model organisms supported in + `bystro/config/*.mapping.yml`, or indeed all of Uniprot. + + + + +