Kii Cloud Library for Ruby. This library provides APIs for Kii Cloud and data structures.
Currently in development, limited support for now.
Please register at and fill in your config file.
you can install the dependencies with
bundle install --path vendor
and get a command shell to run examples :
bundle exec pry -r Kii
Run the tests with
bundle exec rspec
You can init your app with
@app =
create app scope objects like :
@data = {'a' => 'b', 'c' => 'd'}
@object = @app.new_object(@data)
if you want to create in a specific bucket, you can use
@object = @app.buckets("my_bucket").new_object(@data)
create users like :
@user = @app.new_user({
login_name: 'your_username',
display_name: 'Your Name',
country: 'JP',
password: '123456',
email: '',
phone_number: '09012341234'
you can create user scope objects like
@object = @user.new_object(@data) # default bucket which is 'mydata'
@object = @user.buckets("my_bucket").new_object(@data)
etc. (moar to follow...)
Please check
Represents Application user. User is authorized by
- username and password
- email and password
- phone and password
Represents Group in Kii Cloud. Group consists of
- Member : A list of KiiUser
- Name : The name of group
- Owner : Group owner
Represents Bucket in Kii Cloud. Bucket consists of
- Owner : Bucket owner. Application / Group / User can be an owner of bucket.
- Name : The name of bucket.
Represents Topic in Kii Cloud. Topic consists of
- Owner : Topic owner. Application / Group / User can be an owner of topic.
- Name : The name of topic.
This Readme is shamelessly copied from fkm's PHP lib :) check it out at :