YASB (Yet Another Static Builder) is a Website generator written in Python. With it you can :
- Build a static website.
- Generate a personal blog.
- Host the result of the build anywhere you want.
- Write simple plugin to extend YASB according to your need.
- Write your article using reStructuredText. (You can also add Jinja2 synthax if you want -Example-)
- Make theme for your project using Jinja2 (with Code Syntax Highlighting).
- A plugin mechanism to extend YASB.
- CLI tool to invoke the build of your project.
- A set of builtin plugin :
- Blog (Pagination, Archive, RSS)
- Pyscss (SASS Integration to build your CSS when you make html) (Using pyScss)
- sitemap (Generate a sitemap.xml at the end of the build process)
pip install -U https://github.com/c4software/YASB/archive/master.zip
mkdir myproject && cd myproject
# Create your first article in the source/ folder
You can also use the prebuilt Yasb image :
docker run -it -v $(pwd):/sources/ c4software/yasb:latest yasb
The only NEEDED file in your project is the params.py. This file contain at least :
settings = {"site_title":"Demo blog", # Title of the website
"author":"Valentin Brosseau", # Author of the website
"url":"http://demo.url", # Url of the website
"input":"./source/", # RST source file, Location of RST file
"output":"./output/", # Output folder for the build
"plugins":[], # Enable plugin for this demo project
"title_as_name": False, # Use the title in the RST as the filename for the output
"theme":"./theme/demo/", # Folder of the theme
"build_diff":False, # Enable the differencial build, if True the Yasb script will build only New or Modified file since the last build.
# ...
For a full/working example you can take a look at the Sample Project (YASB-SAMPLE).
Note: All Flags/Settings you put in this stucture will be available in your templates.
For a complete... complete example see the settings of my current blog :
settings = {"site_title":"Un peu de tout, un peu de rien...",
"author":"Valentin Brosseau",
('Accueil', '/'),
('Archives', '/archives.html'),
('Moi', 'http://valentinbrosseau.lesite.us/'),
('Twitter', 'http://twitter.com/c4software'),
('Google+', 'https://plus.google.com/104883394321573041618/about'),
('Flux RSS', 'feeds/all.atom.xml')
To build your project you need to run the "yasb" command directly from the project folder.
# yasb --help usage: yasb [-h] [-v] [--ignore PLUGIN] [--debug] [--silent]
Yasb builder tool
- optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit --ignore PLUGIN Ignore the execution of the specified plugin (Overide your params.py) --debug Change the log level to debug --silent Disable output (except error)
- Classic usage :
- # yasb
- Advanced usage (Run the build, without the plugin static and theme) :
- # yasb --ignore theme --ignore static
More documentation : Soon
To simplify the build/update/etc.. process you can write a simple makefile like this one :
yasb --ignore static --ignore theme --ignore pyscss --silent
yasb --ignore static --ignore theme --ignore pyscss
yasb-monitor --ignore static --ignore theme --ignore pyscss --silent
@echo ' '
@echo 'Usage: '
@echo ' make minimal '
@echo ' make minimal-verbose '
@echo ' make autobuild '
@echo ' make full '
@echo ' make clean '
@echo ' make rsync '
@echo ' '
rm -rf $(OUTPUTDIR)
mkdir $(OUTPUTDIR)
rsync -avzh --exclude '.diff_build_db' --exclude '.lastbuild' --delete -e "ssh -p $(SSH_PORT)" $(OUTPUTDIR)/ $(SSH_USER)@$(SSH_HOST):$(SSH_TARGET_DIR)
.PHONY: help clean minimal minimal-verbose autobuild full rsync
With this makefile you can run command like :
- make clean : Empty your output path.
- make minimal : Build your project without copying theme, building pyscss and copying static.
- make minimal-verbose : Same as minimal but with some output.
- make full : Build your project with default settings (Usefull for the first init).
- make rsync : Sync the output result with your personnal webserver.
- make autobuild : Autobuild the website when a change is detected in the source folder
For example to init your project you can do :
make clean full
Note: By default running make without any other argument will do the minimal rule