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PDF.js Mini Viewers (PMV) v1.0.0 MIT license

PDF.js Mini Viewers offers a completely different web viewer experience than the one that comes with the PDF.js library natively. PMV is designed to be an easy drop-in for any project or website that needs the ability to display PDFs. PMV was originally created for use with the JamsEDU application to easily embedded multiple PDFs on a single page.


PDF.js is a Portable Document Format (PDF) viewer built with HTML5. PDFJS is community-driven and supported by Mozilla. PMV is built on top of PDFJS which uses the Apache-2.0 license.

Apache-2.0 license


You can view a live demo here.


Your project will need to copy in everything from the css and js directory.

You can separate the JavaScript files from the CMAP files but you will need to tell PMV where you put them; see the usage section for more information.


  1. Include the PDFJS script pdf.js on every page you wish to display a PDF; this script must be loaded before the next script.
  2. Include the PMV script pdf-viewer.js on every page you wish to display a PDF.
  3. At the bottom of the page or from another function that is already part of your site, such as a document ready function, initialize PMV:
Paths can be relative or absolute but should be on the same server:
path/to/pdf-worker.js ==> Tell PMV where pdf-worker.js is located
path/to/cmaps         ==> Tell PMV where the CMAP folder is located.
PDFMiniViewers.initialize( 'path/to/pdf-worker.js', 'path/to/cmaps' );

After you initialize PMV it will automatically search the page for PDF divs to convert into mini viewers. Here is the basic HTML you will need to add a PDF to the page.

<div data-pdf="path/to/your.pdf"></div>

Advanced Usage

Hiding Buttons

You can hide the print and download buttons by adding the following option(s) to the PDF div. Keep in mind that a tech savvy user can easily bypass this restriction since the PDF source URL is exposed. You should treat any PDF you show to users as printable or downloadable from a security perspective.

<div data-pdf="path/to/your.pdf" data-options="no-print no-download"></div>

Dynamically Adding PDFs

If you dynamically add PDFs to a page you can call the initialize function again. PMV protects from duplicate PDF processing and will only convert new PDFs into a mini viewer.

Responding to Fullscreen

If your website design needs to respond/ react to a PDF entering or exiting fullscreen you can use the following methods:

// Register a function for PMV to call when a PDF enters or exits fullscreen.
PDFMiniViewers.addFullscreenCallback( function );

// Remove a previously registered function so it stops being called on fullscreen events.
PDFMiniViewers.removeFullscreenCallback( function );

You can register an anonymous function with PMV using addFullscreenCallback but it is recommended that you provide a function name instead. When a PDF enters fullscreen your function (or functions if you registered multiple) will be called with a single boolean argument: true a PDF is in fullscreen mode, false the PDF is no longer fullscreen.


PMV is an open source community supported project, if you would like to help please consider tackling an issue or making a donation to keep the project alive.


This is a simplified custom viewer for Mozilla's popular JavaScript PDF Reader.






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