Powered by ADB-Local&Remote ADB Shell, Download url https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.standardadb adb connect error: could not install *smartsocket* listener: Address already in use * daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5038 * ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * error: cannot connect to daemon error: could not install *smartsocket* listener: Address already in use ADB server didn't ACK * failed to start daemon * error: cannot connect to daemon * daemon not running. starting it now at tcp:5038 * logcat --------- beginning of main I/MultiDex( 3512): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support I/MultiDex( 3512): install I/MultiDex( 3512): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. W/art ( 3512): Suspending all threads took: 20.096ms I/art ( 3512): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1493(76KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 1% free, 3MB/3MB, paused 26.534ms total 81.957ms I/art ( 3512): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2388(127KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 2.429ms total 110.363ms I/SafeDK ( 3512): SafeDK Device ID: c1af9b7a-6fd7-473e-8118-480be37b9cb7 I/SafeDK ( 3512): SafeDK version: 4.8.1 I/FirebaseApp( 3512): Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT] I/FirebaseCrashlytics( 3512): Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 18.3.2 for com.github.standardadb W/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3512): com.github.standardadb requires the Google Play Store, but it is missing. E/DynamiteModule( 3512): Invalid GmsCore APK, remote loading disabled. I/DynamiteModule( 3512): Considering local module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:86 and remote module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:0 I/DynamiteModule( 3512): Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite E/DynamiteModule( 3512): Invalid GmsCore APK, remote loading disabled. W/FA ( 3512): Failed to register event listener on calling thread. Trying again on the dynamite thread. I/FA ( 3512): App measurement initialized, version: 74029 I/FA ( 3512): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE I/FA ( 3512): To enable faster debug mode event logging run: I/FA ( 3512): adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.github.standardadb I/FirebaseInitProvider( 3512): FirebaseApp initialization successful W/art ( 3512): Suspending all threads took: 16.807ms I/art ( 3512): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 9016(658KB) AllocSpace objects, 8(128KB) LOS objects, 13% free, 4MB/5MB, paused 22.982ms total 110.218ms D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): designWidthInDp = 360, designHeightInDp = 640, screenWidth = 800, screenHeight = 1232 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): initDensity = 1.0, initScaledDensity = 1.0 I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3512): SharedPreferencesUtils: CONFIG D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): [AppLovinSdk] D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ======================================== D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): SDK Session Begin D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ======================================== W/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3512): com.github.standardadb requires the Google Play Store, but it is missing. E/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3512): GooglePlayServices not available due to error 9 I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3512): SharedPreferencesUtils: CONFIG D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged I/art ( 3512): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 5884(471KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(48KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 5MB/5MB, paused 5.130ms total 38.776ms I/art ( 3512): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class I/art ( 3512): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class W/art ( 3512): Before Android 4.1, method android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter androidx.vectordrawable.graphics.drawable.VectorDrawableCompat.updateTintFilter(android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter, android.content.res.ColorStateList, android.graphics.PorterDuff$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.graphics.drawable.Drawable W/art ( 3512): Suspending all threads took: 7.437ms I/art ( 3512): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3171(291KB) AllocSpace objects, 1(16KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 5MB/9MB, paused 11.230ms total 58.403ms D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): com.github.standardadb.SplashActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): The com.github.standardadb.SplashActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): SplashActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 360.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 360.000000, targetDensity = 2.222222, targetScaledDensity = 2.222222, targetDensityDpi = 355, targetXdpi = 2.222222, targetScreenWidthDp = 359, targetScreenHeightDp = 543 I/dex2oat ( 3589): /system/bin/dex2oat --runtime-arg -classpath --runtime-arg --instruction-set=arm --instruction-set-features=default --runtime-arg -Xrelocate --boot-image=/system/framework/boot.art --dex-file=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/files/audience_network.dex --oat-fd=24 --oat-location=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/app_optimized/audience_network.dex --runtime-arg -Xms64m --runtime-arg -Xmx512m W/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3512): com.github.standardadb requires the Google Play Store, but it is missing. W/FA ( 3512): Service invalid D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): com.github.standardadb.MainActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): The com.github.standardadb.MainActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): MainActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 360.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 360.000000, targetDensity = 2.222222, targetScaledDensity = 2.222222, targetDensityDpi = 355, targetXdpi = 2.222222, targetScreenWidthDp = 359, targetScreenHeightDp = 543 I/FA ( 3512): Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used W/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3512): Google Play services is missing. I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3512): SharedPreferencesUtils: CONFIG D/SystemUtils( 3512): isTablet1:true D/OpenGLRenderer( 3512): Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true D/Atlas ( 3512): Validating map... D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): com.github.standardadb.MainActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): The com.github.standardadb.MainActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3512): MainActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 360.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 360.000000, targetDensity = 2.222222, targetScaledDensity = 2.222222, targetDensityDpi = 355, targetXdpi = 2.222222, targetScreenWidthDp = 359, targetScreenHeightDp = 543 D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/libEGL ( 3512): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_vr.so I/art ( 3512): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 46328(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 32(566KB) LOS objects, 19% free, 7MB/9MB, paused 4.248ms total 103.328ms D/libEGL ( 3512): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_vr.so D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): [AppLovinSdk] D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ======================================== D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): =====AppLovin SDK===== D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ===SDK Versions=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Version: 11.4.0 D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Plugin Version: D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Ad Review Version: 4.8.1 D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): OM SDK Version: 1.3.30-Applovin D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ===Device Info=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): OS: 5.1.1 (LOLLIPOP_MR1 - API 22) D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): GAID: D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Model: AOSP on Drone D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Locale: en_US D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Emulator: false D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Tablet: true D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ===App Info=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Application ID: com.github.standardadb D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Target SDK: 32 D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ExoPlayer Version: -1 D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ===SDK Settings=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): SDK Key: ThKw7q19GSX5rJaLkZQ9mqBmnhw5W79WiU_8uHenazS_qCCwk8phguHuGpx1SLOn95dGCkQh6O6-0ueoLxHnoh D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Mediation Provider: max D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): TG: 62 D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Test Mode On: false D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Verbose Logging On: false D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ===Privacy States=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Please review AppLovin MAX documentation to be compliant with regional privacy policies. D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Age Restricted User - No value set D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): Has User Consent - No value set D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): "Do Not Sell" - No value set D/AppLovinSdk( 3512): ======================================== D/libEGL ( 3512): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_vr.so I/OpenGLRenderer( 3512): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 D/OpenGLRenderer( 3512): Enabling debug mode 0 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3512): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3512): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 W/drawable( 3512): Bad element under : span W/dex2oat ( 3589): Verification of boolean com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.Qn.onTouch(android.view.View, android.view.MotionEvent) took 626.266ms W/dex2oat ( 3589): Verification of boolean com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.Qm.onTouch(android.view.View, android.view.MotionEvent) took 626.684ms W/dex2oat ( 3589): Verification of boolean com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.Qp.onTouch(android.view.View, android.view.MotionEvent) took 624.995ms W/dex2oat ( 3589): Verification of void com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.I5.AF3(int) took 701.352ms W/dex2oat ( 3589): Verification of void com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.I7.A04() took 703.969ms W/dex2oat ( 3589): Verification of void com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.K7.() took 695.552ms W/dex2oat ( 3589): Verification of void com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.MS.A0X(android.widget.TextView, boolean, int) took 674.630ms W/dex2oat ( 3589): Verification of android.graphics.Bitmap com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.MZ.A00(com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.Xy, android.graphics.Bitmap, int) took 694.296ms I/art ( 3512): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 2347(340KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(31KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 9MB/9MB, paused 7.492ms total 770.996ms D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO I/Choreographer( 3512): Skipped 40 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread. D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO W/dex2oat ( 3589): Verification of void com.facebook.ads.redexgen.X.a9.(android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice) took 493.668ms I/FA ( 3512): Install Referrer Reporter is not available --------- beginning of system E/ActivityThread( 3512): Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gms.phenotype I/dex2oat ( 3589): dex2oat took 3.898s (threads: 8) arena alloc=406KB java alloc=5MB native alloc=10MB free=9MB W/FA ( 3512): Callable skipped the worker queue. W/FA ( 3512): Callable skipped the worker queue. W/System ( 3512): Ignoring header If-None-Match because its value was null. D/FBAudienceNetwork( 3512): SDK dex loading time: 4287 I/AdInternalSettings( 3512): Test mode device hash: 906ba8ce-f0b2-43f3-8da0-691d08efff07 I/AdInternalSettings( 3512): When testing your app with Facebook's ad units you must specify the device hashed ID to ensure the delivery of test ads, add the following code before loading an ad: AdSettings.addTestDevice("906ba8ce-f0b2-43f3-8da0-691d08efff07"); D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0Oo.OooO0Oo.o00Ooo D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0Oo.OooO0Oo.o00Ooo D/EventBus( 3512): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3512): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3512): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3512): requestCursorAnchorInfo on inactive InputConnection W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3512): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3512): getTextBeforeCursor on inactive InputConnection I/Process ( 3512): Sending signal. PID: 3512 SIG: 9 I/MultiDex( 3663): VM with version 2.1.0 has multidex support I/MultiDex( 3663): install I/MultiDex( 3663): VM has multidex support, MultiDex support library is disabled. W/art ( 3663): Suspending all threads took: 23.683ms I/art ( 3663): Background partial concurrent mark sweep GC freed 515(80KB) AllocSpace objects, 2(32KB) LOS objects, 39% free, 3MB/5MB, paused 25.978ms total 40.065ms I/SafeDK ( 3663): SafeDK Device ID: c1af9b7a-6fd7-473e-8118-480be37b9cb7 I/SafeDK ( 3663): SafeDK version: 4.8.1 I/FirebaseApp( 3663): Device unlocked: initializing all Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT] I/FirebaseCrashlytics( 3663): Initializing Firebase Crashlytics 18.3.2 for com.github.standardadb W/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3663): com.github.standardadb requires the Google Play Store, but it is missing. E/DynamiteModule( 3663): Invalid GmsCore APK, remote loading disabled. I/DynamiteModule( 3663): Considering local module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:86 and remote module com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:0 I/DynamiteModule( 3663): Selected local version of com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite E/DynamiteModule( 3663): Invalid GmsCore APK, remote loading disabled. W/FA ( 3663): Failed to register event listener on calling thread. Trying again on the dynamite thread. I/FA ( 3663): App measurement initialized, version: 74029 I/FA ( 3663): To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE I/FA ( 3663): To enable faster debug mode event logging run: I/FA ( 3663): adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.github.standardadb I/FirebaseInitProvider( 3663): FirebaseApp initialization successful I/art ( 3663): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 10034(648KB) AllocSpace objects, 6(96KB) LOS objects, 13% free, 4MB/5MB, paused 18.037ms total 52.092ms D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): designWidthInDp = 360, designHeightInDp = 640, screenWidth = 800, screenHeight = 1232 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initDensity = 1.0, initScaledDensity = 1.0 W/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3663): com.github.standardadb requires the Google Play Store, but it is missing. W/FA ( 3663): Service invalid I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3663): SharedPreferencesUtils: CONFIG D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): [AppLovinSdk] D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ======================================== D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): SDK Session Begin D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ======================================== I/art ( 3663): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 1981(95KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 7% free, 4MB/5MB, paused 10.360ms total 21.438ms I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3663): SharedPreferencesUtils: CONFIG W/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3663): com.github.standardadb requires the Google Play Store, but it is missing. E/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3663): GooglePlayServices not available due to error 9 I/art ( 3663): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class I/art ( 3663): Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class W/art ( 3663): Before Android 4.1, method android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter androidx.vectordrawable.graphics.drawable.VectorDrawableCompat.updateTintFilter(android.graphics.PorterDuffColorFilter, android.content.res.ColorStateList, android.graphics.PorterDuff$Mode) would have incorrectly overridden the package-private method in android.graphics.drawable.Drawable D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.SplashActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.SplashActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): SplashActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 D/FBAudienceNetwork( 3663): SDK dex loading time: 207 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.MainActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.MainActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): MainActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): [AppLovinSdk] D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ======================================== D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): =====AppLovin SDK===== D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ===SDK Versions=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Version: 11.4.0 D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Plugin Version: D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Ad Review Version: 4.8.1 D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): OM SDK Version: 1.3.30-Applovin D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ===Device Info=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): OS: 5.1.1 (LOLLIPOP_MR1 - API 22) D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): GAID: D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Model: AOSP on Drone D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Locale: en_US D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Emulator: false D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Tablet: true D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ===App Info=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Application ID: com.github.standardadb D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Target SDK: 32 D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ExoPlayer Version: -1 D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ===SDK Settings=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): SDK Key: ThKw7q19GSX5rJaLkZQ9mqBmnhw5W79WiU_8uHenazS_qCCwk8phguHuGpx1SLOn95dGCkQh6O6-0ueoLxHnoh D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Mediation Provider: max D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): TG: 62 D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Test Mode On: false D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Verbose Logging On: false D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ===Privacy States=== D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Please review AppLovin MAX documentation to be compliant with regional privacy policies. D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Age Restricted User - No value set D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): Has User Consent - No value set D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): "Do Not Sell" - No value set D/AppLovinSdk( 3663): ======================================== I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3663): SharedPreferencesUtils: CONFIG D/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: true D/Atlas ( 3663): Validating map... D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.MainActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.MainActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): MainActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0Oo.OooO0Oo.o00Ooo D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0Oo.OooO0Oo.o00Ooo D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/libEGL ( 3663): loaded /system/lib/egl/libEGL_vr.so D/libEGL ( 3663): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv1_CM_vr.so D/libEGL ( 3663): loaded /system/lib/egl/libGLESv2_vr.so W/FA ( 3663): Callable skipped the worker queue. I/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 D/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Enabling debug mode 0 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 I/FA ( 3663): Tag Manager is not found and thus will not be used W/GooglePlayServicesUtil( 3663): Google Play services is missing. W/drawable( 3663): Bad element under : span W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.000000945695056 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.000000945695056 E/ActivityThread( 3663): Failed to find provider info for com.google.android.gms.phenotype D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0o0.OooOO0 D/EventBus( 3663): No subscribers registered for event class org.greenrobot.eventbus.OooOOO D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ToolsActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ToolsActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ToolsActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3663): SharedPreferencesUtils: CONFIG W/OooO00o ( 3663): Android Keystore requires at least Android M W/OooO00o ( 3663): keyset not found, will generate a new one W/OooO00o ( 3663): java.io.FileNotFoundException: can't read keyset; the pref value __androidx_security_crypto_encrypted_file_keyset__ does not exist W/OooO00o ( 3663): at OooO0Oo.OooO0O0.OooO0OO.OooO00o.o0ooOO0.OooO00o.OooO0o.OooO0O0(SharedPrefKeysetReader.java:4) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at OooO0Oo.OooO0O0.OooO0OO.OooO00o.o0ooOO0.OooO00o.OooO0o.read(SharedPrefKeysetReader.java:1) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at OooO0Oo.OooO0O0.OooO0OO.OooO00o.OooO0O0.OooO00o(CleartextKeysetHandle.java:1) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at OooO0Oo.OooO0O0.OooO0OO.OooO00o.o0ooOO0.OooO00o.OooO00o$OooO0O0.OooO0o0(AndroidKeysetManager.java:4) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at OooO0Oo.OooO0O0.OooO0OO.OooO00o.o0ooOO0.OooO00o.OooO00o$OooO0O0.OooO0o(AndroidKeysetManager.java:1) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at OooO0Oo.OooO0O0.OooO0OO.OooO00o.o0ooOO0.OooO00o.OooO00o$OooO0O0.OooO0Oo(AndroidKeysetManager.java:3) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at androidx.security.crypto.EncryptedFile$Builder.build(EncryptedFile.java:6) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at OooO0Oo.OooO00o.OooO0OO.OooO0Oo.OooOo00.OooO0O0(SecurityFileUtils.java:6) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at com.github.baseproject.function.OooO0O0.OooOO0(CommandPointManager.java:3) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at com.github.baseproject.function.OooO0O0.OooO0Oo(CommandPointManager.java:4) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at com.github.baseproject.function.tools.BaseToolsActivity.onCreate(BaseToolsActivity.java:2) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:5990) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1106) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2278) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2387) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at android.app.ActivityThread.access$800(ActivityThread.java:151) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1303) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:135) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:5254) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:372) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:903) W/OooO00o ( 3663): at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:698) I/o000oOoO( 3663): Provider GmsCore_OpenSSL not available W/OooO00o ( 3663): Android Keystore requires at least Android M W/OooO00o ( 3663): Android Keystore requires at least Android M I/art ( 3663): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 41503(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 17(288KB) LOS objects, 19% free, 10MB/13MB, paused 6.148ms total 40.668ms I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3663): SharedPreferencesUtils: History I/ShellPool( 3663): command:alias adb="/data/app/com.github.standardadb-1/lib/arm/libfs.so" I/ShellPool( 3663): command:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/files/so I/ShellPool( 3663): command:export HOME=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/files I/ShellPool( 3663): command:export TMPDIR=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/cache I/ShellPool( 3663): command:adb start-server I/ShellPool( 3663): command:alias adb="/data/app/com.github.standardadb-1/lib/arm/libfs.so" D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ToolsActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ToolsActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ToolsActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/ShellPool( 3663): command:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/files/so I/ShellPool( 3663): command:export HOME=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/files I/ShellPool( 3663): command:export TMPDIR=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/cache I/ShellPool( 3663): command:adb start-server E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 I/ShellPool( 3663): command:adb devices I/art ( 3663): Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 3006(155KB) AllocSpace objects, 4(64KB) LOS objects, 0% free, 14MB/14MB, paused 12.138ms total 30.350ms W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.0017168798919895 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.0017168798919895 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.0071863538699475 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189173596104902 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189176350758764 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189176350758764 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189176350758764 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189176350758764 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189176350758764 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189176350758764 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189176350758764 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189176350758764 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.189176350758764 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.001875197981003 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.001875197981003 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.001872335840801 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.001872335840801 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.0018780601222295 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.001872335840801 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.001872335840815 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.001872335840815 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.000000945695056 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.000000945695056 W/System ( 3663): Ignoring header If-None-Match because its value was null. E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ToolsActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ToolsActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ToolsActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/ShellPool( 3663): command:adb devices I/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 I/ShellPool( 3663): command:adb devices I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3663): SharedPreferencesUtils: CONFIG E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 W/drawable( 3663): Bad element under : span D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/SharedPreferencesUtils( 3663): SharedPreferencesUtils: CONFIG W/OooO00o ( 3663): Android Keystore requires at least Android M W/OooO00o ( 3663): Android Keystore requires at least Android M W/OooO00o ( 3663): Android Keystore requires at least Android M D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.baseproject.function.shell.fragment.ShellFragment used the global configuration. D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 360.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 360.000000, targetDensity = 2.222222, targetScaledDensity = 2.222222, targetDensityDpi = 355, targetXdpi = 2.222222, targetScreenWidthDp = 359, targetScreenHeightDp = 543 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/ShellPool( 3663): command:alias adb="/data/app/com.github.standardadb-1/lib/arm/libfs.so" I/ShellPool( 3663): command:export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/files/so I/ShellPool( 3663): command:export HOME=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/files I/ShellPool( 3663): command:export TMPDIR=/data/data/com.github.standardadb/cache I/ShellPool( 3663): command:adb start-server I/ShellPool( 3663): command:adb connect E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 W/drawable( 3663): Bad element under : span W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.0009138543248355 W/PathParser( 3663): Points are too far apart 4.0009138543248355 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): finishComposingText on inactive InputConnection I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar W/OooO00o ( 3663): Android Keystore requires at least Android M W/OooO00o ( 3663): Android Keystore requires at least Android M I/ShellPool( 3663): command:logcat W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): endBatchEdit on inactive InputConnection D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar I/TRuntime.CctTransportBa( 3663): Making request to: https://firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com/v1/firelog/legacy/batchlog W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection I/TRuntime.CctTransportBa( 3663): Status Code: 200 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar I/TRuntime.CctTransportBa( 3663): Making request to: https://firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com/v1/firelog/legacy/batchlog I/TRuntime.CctTransportBa( 3663): Status Code: 200 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 2.285714, targetScaledDensity = 2.285714, targetDensityDpi = 365, targetXdpi = 2.285714, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 318 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 2.285714, targetScaledDensity = 2.285714, targetDensityDpi = 365, targetXdpi = 2.285714, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 318 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged W/IInputConnectionWrapper( 3663): showStatusIcon on inactive InputConnection I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar I/TRuntime.CctTransportBa( 3663): Making request to: https://firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com/v1/firelog/legacy/batchlog I/TRuntime.CctTransportBa( 3663): Status Code: 200 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): initScaledDensity = 1.0 on ConfigurationChanged D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ShellActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ShellActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/OpenGLRenderer( 3663): Initialized EGL, version 1.4 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 W/InputEventReceiver( 3663): Attempted to finish an input event but the input event receiver has already been disposed. D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): com.github.standardadb.ToolsActivity implemented by me.jessyan.autosize.internal.CustomAdapt! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): The com.github.standardadb.ToolsActivity has been adapted! D/AndroidAutoSize( 3663): ToolsActivity Info: isBaseOnWidth = true, designWidthInDp = 560.000000, designWidthInSubunits = 560.000000, targetDensity = 1.428571, targetScaledDensity = 1.428571, targetDensityDpi = 228, targetXdpi = 1.428571, targetScreenWidthDp = 560, targetScreenHeightDp = 844 I/ShellPool( 3663): command:adb devices E/[EGL-ERROR]( 3663): EGLBoolean __egl_platform_create_surface_window(egl_surface*, mali_base_ctx_handle):933: =========> usage 0x900 I/ExtraActivity( 3663): removeTimerShowRatingStar D/applovin-anr-detector( 3663): ANR reported with code 200