A Google Chrome extension to draw on Slack and share the drawings with the team.
Check this short video to see how it works!
The initial idea was to work just as a proof-of-concept about generating a bitmap from a canvas element and sharing across the network. Check section "TODO" to see what cool things we can do to improve this extension even more!
Save the CRX to computer: https://github.com/caiosba/slackdraw/raw/master/extension/slackdraw.js.crx
Open Chrome Extensions: chrome://extensions/
Drag and Drop CRX file onto Extensions window
The extension will autoupdate via Github but you can click "Update Extensions Now" to force a check/update
Or: You can also install from Google Chrome App Store.
Go to the options page of the extension and put your Slack token, which you can get from here (click you on the green button "Create token" and you'll get a token like
) -
Reload Slack page
PS: It doesn't work with the Slack app, you need to use the web interface (e.g.: http://*.slack.com)
- Add more drawing options, like stroke width and stroke color
- Possibility to edit/annotate existing images
- Choose canvas dimensions
- Port to Firefox
Caio SBA caiosba@gmail.com