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Customizing icons and colors

cake-pie edited this page Apr 19, 2019 · 1 revision

The icons and colors in Community Trait Icons are fully customizable.
The settings are stored using a simple config file format.

It is strongly recommended that you use Module Manager [ forum | github ] to write a patch with your customizations rather than edit the existing config files directly. For a quick guide to Module Manager syntax, please refer to the Module Manager Handbook

For instance, to make the Pilot icon a glaring hot fuschia:

@CommunityTraitIcons:NEEDS[CommunityTraitIcons] {
    @Trait[Pilot] {
        @color = 1.0,0.0,1.0,1

For reference, the default settings for the icons packaged with Community Trait Icons can be found in

If you have other mods that add their own icons for their own crew specialization types, look in the respective mod folder for their icon settings.

If your icons and colors differ from the expected, check if you have other mods installed that include Module Manager patches that also modify the Community Trait Icons settings.