From 51b3d0a4f625ca722d81bccf8d9dfb53c1f4ca5e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jason Chang Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2019 16:15:53 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 1/4] short paper --- | 81 +++----------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 95c418e9..7619a368 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -44,29 +44,10 @@ A typical scientific computing workflow includes: [``EspressoDB``]( is a programmatic object-relational data management framework implemented in Python and based on the [``Django`` web framework]( ``EspressoDB`` was developed to streamline data management workflows, centralize and guarantee data integrity, while providing domain flexibility and ease of use. -The [*Features* section](#features) summarizes ``EspressoDB``. -[``LatteDB``](, an application of ``EspressoDB`` that is specialized to contain table definitions for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations, is currently being used to manage the workflow of the 2019 INCITE project titled *The Proton's Structure and the Search for New Physics* [@incite:2019] -and it will be used for the 2020 INCITE project titled *The Structure and Interactions of Nucleons from the Standard Model* [@incite:2020]. -The corresponding website generated by ``LatteDB`` can be found at []( -A precursor to ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB`` was used to support a series of LQCD projects -[@Nicholson:2018mwc; @Chang:2018uxx]. The framework provided by ``EspressoDB`` aims to support the ever increasing complexity of workflows of scientific computing at leadership computing facilities, with the goal of reducing the amount of human time required simply to manage the jobs, thus giving scientists more time to focus on science. -The [*Use case* section](#use-case) presents how ``LatteDB`` is integrated in the INCITE project. # Features - -``EspressoDB`` utilizes Python's ``Django`` Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework. -Tables correspond to Python classes, rows correspond to instances and columns correspond to attributes of the instances. -Thus it is possible to filter for objects by their attributes or generate summary tables (``pandas.DataFrame``) within one line of code. -Furthermore, using an ORM allows one to have the same interface independent of the backend. -It is possible to store data in a file based `SQLite` solution, or use more scalable options like `MySQL` or `Postgresql`. - -``Django`` is part of many open-source projects and thus comes with extensive documentation. -Additionally, ``Django`` is scalable, comes with reliable tests and vast community support which manifests in the fact that it is commonly used in large scale projects (BitBucket, Instagram, Mozilla, NASA and many more). -One guiding principle of ``EspressoDB`` is to not "re-invent the wheel" but instead leverage the support coming from ``Django``. -As a result, one can easily incorporate many of ``Django``'s extensions and find solutions to technical questions online. - Data integrity is important to scientific projects and becomes more challenging the larger the project. In general, a SQL framework type-checks data before writing to the database and controls dependencies and relations between different tables to ensure internal consistency. ``EspressoDB`` implements an abstract ``Base`` class which allows additional user-defined constraints not supported by SQL (*e.g.* unique constraints using information across related tables). @@ -92,20 +73,10 @@ More details, usage instructions and examples are documented at [ # Use case +[``LatteDB``](, an application of ``EspressoDB`` that is specialized to contain table definitions for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations, is currently being used by the CalLat Collaboration ([]( in their computations on Summit at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility ([OLCF]( through DOE INCITE Allocations [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. LQCD is one of the main applications awarded time at leadership computing facilities each year through the competitive DOE [INCITE]( and [ALCC]( Allocations. The website generated by ``LatteDB`` used by CalLat can be found at []( A precursor to ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB`` was used to support a series of LQCD projects +[@Nicholson:2018mwc; @Chang:2018uxx]. -For an explicit use case, we describe the use of ``LatteDB`` by the CalLat Collaboration ([]( in their computations on Summit at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility ([OLCF]( through DOE INCITE Allocations [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. LQCD is one of the main applications awarded time at leadership computing facilities each year through the competitive DOE [INCITE]( and [ALCC]( Allocations, and therefore represents a major use case. - - -LQCD is an inherently a stochastic method of simulating quantum chromodynamics (QCD) the fundamental theory of nuclear strong interactions, which is responsible for confining quarks into protons and neutrons and ultimately, for binding these nucleons into the atomic nuclei we observe in nature. -The application of LQCD to forefront research applications in nuclear physics is necessary to build a quantitative connection between our understanding of nuclei and QCD. This is important as nuclei serve as laboratories and/or detectors for many experiments aiming to test the limits of the Standard Model of particle physics in our quest to understand questions such as: Why is the universe composed of matter and not anti-matter? Does dark matter interact with regular matter other than gravitationally? What is the nature of the neutrino and is it related to the observed excess of matter over anti-matter? See Ref. [@Drischler:2019xuo] for a recent review of the interface of LQCD with our understanding of nuclear physics. - - -The application of LQCD to nuclear physics is an exascale challenge. One of the main reasons these calculations are so expensive is that when LQCD is applied to systems of one or more nucleons, an exponentially bad signal-to-noise problem must be overcome. While the optimal strategy for overcoming this challenge is not yet known, one thing common to all methods is the need for an exponentially large amount of statistics. -As such, these LQCD computations require the completion of millions of independent sub-calculations (or tasks), with chained dependencies, in order to complete a single calculation. These chained tasks write large amounts of temporary files to the scratch file system which are used as input for subsequent files, often with multiple input files required for the later computations. -Several such calculations must be performed in order to extrapolate the results to the physical point, defined as the limit of zero discretization (the continuum limit), the infinite volume limit and the limit of physical quark masses which are _a priori_ unknown and so must be determined through this extrapolation/interpolation procedure. -These requirements lead to a very complex set of computations that must be carried out with great care and a significant amount of human time and effort to ensure the computing cycles are used as efficiently as possible. - -Compounding these challenges, the new computer Summit, is _disruptively fast_ compared to previous generations of leadership class computers. Full machine-to-machine, Summit is approximately 15 times faster than Titan when applied to LQCD applications such as those carried out by CalLat [@Berkowitz:2018gqe]. While this is great for scientific throughput, it also means the management of the computational jobs has become unwieldy with the management models typically used for such computations: Summit churns through the computations so fast, and produces so much data, it is not possible to keep up with the data processing and management with our older management tools. At a high level, there are two challenges which are both critical to address for near-exascale computers such as Summit, which will become more important in the exascale era: +The new computer Summit, is _disruptively fast_ compared to previous generations of leadership class computers. There are two challenges which are both critical to address for near-exascale computers such as Summit, which will become more important in the exascale era: 1. _Efficient bundling and management of millions on independent tasks with various resource requirements on heterogenous nodes_: For good reason, the leadership computing facilities do not allow the submission of millions of small tasks to the supercomputers (clogged queues, overtaxed service nodes etc.). It is therefore imperative to have a light-weight, user-friendly task manager capable of efficiently bundling these millions of small tasks into large jobs while carefully distributing the work to various components of the heterogeneous nodes to take full advantage of the computing capability of current and future machines. This also enables a throughput of work such that the full calculations can be completed in a typical allocation period; @@ -113,54 +84,8 @@ For good reason, the leadership computing facilities do not allow the submission 2. _Dependent task generation and data processing_: The nested dependencies of all the tasks, and the subsequent data processing and collection must happen in near real time. In the case of the CalLat production, multiple peta-bytes of temporary files are written to the scratch file system and these must be used for subsequent computations and processed sufficiently quickly such that they are not purged by the supercomputing centers. Ultimately, these multi-petabytes of data are processed down to hundreds of tera-bytes of valuable data worth saving spread over hundreds of thousands of files. It is essential to have a light-weight, user-friendly, and real time tracking of what tasks have been completed, what files are missing etc., so that users can nimbly fill in missing dependent tasks to complete and process the data without having to keep the full working tree in human memory. - Members of CalLat are addressing issue 1 through the creation of job management software, [METAQ]( [@Berkowitz:2017vcp] and MPI_JM [@Berkowitz:2018gqe; @Berkowitz:2017xna]. ``EspressoDB`` is designed to address the second issue. A feature that will be added to ``LatteDB`` very soon is integration with MPI_JM. -As a concrete example, we consider the nucleon elastic form factor project being carried out by CalLat [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. For each _ensemble_ of gauge configurations used (one choice of input parameters) the computation requires the following dependent steps: - -1. For each gauge configuration (of O(1000)) in an ensemble (of O(20)), make several quark sources (grouped in batches of 8); -2. For each source, create a quark propagator; -3. For each quark propagator: - 1. Create a proton correlation function to determine the proton mass; - 2. Create O(10) proton _sequential_ sinks at different separation times (times 4 for different spin and flavor combinations); -4. For each time-separation, group the 8 _sequential_ sinks from the 8 propagators into a single _coherent sequential_ sink [@Bratt:2010jn]; -5. For each time-separation, Solve a _sequential_ propagator from the _coherent sequential_ sink; -6. For each time-separation, tie each of the original 8 propagators with the sequential propagator to construct a 4-dimensional (4D) _formfactor_ correlation function; -7. Process the data to prepare it for analysis and the extraction of physics. -8. Repeat for multiple source sets (of 8) if more statistics are required. - -Each of the steps above leads to the generation of many large (multi-gigabyte) data files, most of which are not saved. ``LatteDB`` is used to track the status of these data files to know if they need to be created or if the next step can proceed. The final data production step, 6, leads to our final data file that need further processing prior to our final analysis and saving of the files. - -Inheriting the functionality of ``EspressoDB``, ``LatteDB`` has the flexibility to faithfully reproduce a one-to-one mapping between the above computational workflow to database tables. -For example, in step 1, the table of gauge configurations is defined such that every row in the table specifies a single gauge configuration. -This reflects how on disk, we have thousands of files, each containing a snapshot of the QCD vacuum, and as such, every file, and every subsequent file as a result of the gauge configuration (*e.g.* propagators or correlation functions in steps 2 through 6) can also be tracked individually. -However, at the end of the calculation, an observable is only well defined with an ensemble of gauge configurations. -``LatteDB`` allows one to define an ensemble table, with a ``Django ManyToMany`` data type which may be interpreted as a single column containing a list of references (foreign keys) to the table of gauge configurations. -In ``SQL``, a list of foreign keys is not a fundamental data type that is supported, and is only made possible with ``Django``. -However, even with ``Django``, unique constraints can not be implemented on such a column. -With ``LatteDB``, we make it possible to define a unique constraint, which for this example, prohibits the user from inserting the exact same list of gauge configurations in the ensemble table more than once. -Users are encouraged to consult the documentation of ``EspressoDB`` and examples in ``LatteDB`` for more information. - -Additionally, ``LatteDB`` is also tremendously useful for managing the data processing steps (step 7) which proceed as: - -7a. For each configuration, for each time separation, for each of the 8 sources, _time slice_ the 4D data formfactor files to only the time slices containing relevant data; -7b. For each configuration, for each time separation, for each source set, average the 8 formfactor_tsliced files to a source averaged file. -7c. When all configurations are complete, concatenate these files together. -7d. As needed, Fourier Transform these files to project the formfactors onto definite momentum transfers. -7e. Analyze the correlation functions to extract the relevant physics. - -In Figure 1, we show an example ``LatteDB`` Table from step 7b. The user is able to filter on each column to very quickly assess the production status (green means the tsliced_source_averaged file exists, red means it is missing) and decide what configurations in what ensembles need to be managed in production. - -More importantly, our production scripts interact with ``LatteDB``, therefore even without the visualization, the scripts will only generate work that ``LatteDB`` records as missing. This interaction with ``LatteDB`` significantly reduces the amount of human time required to manage the computations. We are actively constructing routines to also store the final data files to tape, the status of which is stored in a related ``LatteDB`` table. Thus, the user can query the database instead of the file system for the existence of data files, significantly reducing the load on the file system as well. Example use scripts for interacting with ``LatteDB`` can be found in our management repository for these INCITE projects []( in the `scripts` folder and the `notebooks` folder in ``LatteDB``. These scripts will be updated regularly to encompass more and more utilities from ``EspressoDB`` providing a complete working example. - - -![Example table view of file status with column specific filters and dynamic progress bar.](doc-src/_static/lattedb-example.png) - -Other features that can be implemented is the storing of the data files in ``LatteDB`` as well as storing the analysis of the data files. This allows for communal data analysis within a collaboration with a centralized location for results, making it easier to combine results from different members and reduce redundant work. -Depending upon the success and popularity of ``EspressoDB``, it may be worth exploring whether OLCF (or other LCF) would be willing to allow users to host databases locally on the machines such that the compute nodes could interact with the database allowing users to minimize the number of small input files that are typically written to the file system as well. In our case, each separate task requires an input file and typically generates two or three small output files, rapidly polluting the file system with millions of small files. ``EspressoDB`` will minimally allow users to _clean up_ these small files and store the relevant log and output information in the database. - - - # Acknowledgements From 0f9ef2c4987af9ec4ee3df3141513d22d1b4fe23 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christopher Koerber Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2019 17:25:30 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 2/4] Consensus version --- | 34 +++++++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 7619a368..553211a2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -38,26 +38,25 @@ A typical scientific computing workflow includes: 1. Defining all input parameters for every step of the computation; 2. Defining dependencies of computational tasks; -3. Storing some of the output data to tape; +3. Storing some of the output data; 4. Post-processing these data files; 5. Performing data analysis on output. [``EspressoDB``]( is a programmatic object-relational data management framework implemented in Python and based on the [``Django`` web framework]( ``EspressoDB`` was developed to streamline data management workflows, centralize and guarantee data integrity, while providing domain flexibility and ease of use. -The framework provided by ``EspressoDB`` aims to support the ever increasing complexity of workflows of scientific computing at leadership computing facilities, with the goal of reducing the amount of human time required simply to manage the jobs, thus giving scientists more time to focus on science. +The framework provided by ``EspressoDB`` aims to support the ever increasing complexity of workflows of scientific computing at leadership computing facilities (LCFs), with the goal of reducing the amount of human time required to manage the jobs, thus giving scientists more time to focus on science. # Features Data integrity is important to scientific projects and becomes more challenging the larger the project. -In general, a SQL framework type-checks data before writing to the database and controls dependencies and relations between different tables to ensure internal consistency. - ``EspressoDB`` implements an abstract ``Base`` class which allows additional user-defined constraints not supported by SQL (*e.g.* unique constraints using information across related tables). +In general, a ``SQL`` framework type-checks data before writing to the database and controls dependencies and relations between different tables to ensure internal consistency. + ``EspressoDB`` allows additional user-defined constraints not supported by ``SQL`` (*e.g.* unique constraints using information across related tables). Once the user has specified a set of conditions that entries have to fulfill for each table, ``EspressoDB`` runs these cross checks for new data before inserting them in the database. -Another aspect of ``EspressoDB`` is to support collaborative and open-data oriented projects. -For this, ``Django``'s web hosting component is leveraged and extended. -In addition to providing a centralized data platform, it is possible to spawn[^1] customized web pages which can be viewed, on a local machine only, a local network, or the world wide web. +``EspressoDB`` also supports collaborative and open-data oriented projects by leveraging and extending ``Django``'s web hosting component. +In addition to providing a centralized data platform, it is possible to spawn customized web pages which can be hosted locally or on the world wide web[^1]. ``EspressoDB`` simplifies creating projects by providing default ``Django`` configurations that set up for example, connections to the database and webpages to view associated tables. -With the default setting, ``EspressoDB`` spawns: +For example, with the default setting, ``EspressoDB`` spawns: * Documentation views of implemented tables; * A project wide notification system; @@ -73,25 +72,30 @@ More details, usage instructions and examples are documented at [ # Use case -[``LatteDB``](, an application of ``EspressoDB`` that is specialized to contain table definitions for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations, is currently being used by the CalLat Collaboration ([]( in their computations on Summit at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility ([OLCF]( through DOE INCITE Allocations [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. LQCD is one of the main applications awarded time at leadership computing facilities each year through the competitive DOE [INCITE]( and [ALCC]( Allocations. The website generated by ``LatteDB`` used by CalLat can be found at []( A precursor to ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB`` was used to support a series of LQCD projects +[``LatteDB``](, an application of ``EspressoDB`` that is specialized to contain table definitions for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations and analysis. +``LatteDB`` is currently being used by the [CalLat Collaboration]( in their computations on Summit at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility ([OLCF]( through DOE INCITE Allocations [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. +The website generated by ``LatteDB`` used by CalLat can be found at []( A precursor to ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB`` was used to support a series of LQCD projects [@Nicholson:2018mwc; @Chang:2018uxx]. -The new computer Summit, is _disruptively fast_ compared to previous generations of leadership class computers. There are two challenges which are both critical to address for near-exascale computers such as Summit, which will become more important in the exascale era: +Summit at OLCF is disruptively fast compared to previous generations of leadership class computers. There are two challenges which are both critical to address for near-exascale computers such as Summit, which will become more important in the exascale era: -1. _Efficient bundling and management of millions on independent tasks with various resource requirements on heterogenous nodes_: -For good reason, the leadership computing facilities do not allow the submission of millions of small tasks to the supercomputers (clogged queues, overtaxed service nodes etc.). It is therefore imperative to have a light-weight, user-friendly task manager capable of efficiently bundling these millions of small tasks into large jobs while carefully distributing the work to various components of the heterogeneous nodes to take full advantage of the computing capability of current and future machines. This also enables a throughput of work such that the full calculations can be completed in a typical allocation period; +1. _Efficient bundling and management of independent tasks_: +LCFs prohibit the submission of millions of small tasks to their supercomputers (clogged queues, overtaxed service nodes etc.). It is imperative to have a task manager capable of bundling many tasks into large jobs while distributing the work to various components of the heterogeneous nodes; 2. _Dependent task generation and data processing_: -The nested dependencies of all the tasks, and the subsequent data processing and collection must happen in near real time. In the case of the CalLat production, multiple peta-bytes of temporary files are written to the scratch file system and these must be used for subsequent computations and processed sufficiently quickly such that they are not purged by the supercomputing centers. Ultimately, these multi-petabytes of data are processed down to hundreds of tera-bytes of valuable data worth saving spread over hundreds of thousands of files. It is essential to have a light-weight, user-friendly, and real time tracking of what tasks have been completed, what files are missing etc., so that users can nimbly fill in missing dependent tasks to complete and process the data without having to keep the full working tree in human memory. +As an example, CalLat creates peta-bytes of temporary files that are written to the scratch file system, used for subsequent computations and ultimately processed down to hundred of tera-bytes that are saved for analysis. +It is essential to track the status of these files in real-time (identify corrupt, missing, or purgeable files). -Members of CalLat are addressing issue 1 through the creation of job management software, [METAQ]( [@Berkowitz:2017vcp] and MPI_JM [@Berkowitz:2018gqe; @Berkowitz:2017xna]. ``EspressoDB`` is designed to address the second issue. A feature that will be added to ``LatteDB`` very soon is integration with MPI_JM. +Members of CalLat are addressing issue 1 through the creation of job management software, [METAQ]( [@Berkowitz:2017vcp] and ``MPI_JM`` [@Berkowitz:2018gqe; @Berkowitz:2017xna]. +``LatteDB`` is designed to address the second issue. +A future feature of ``LatteDB`` is integration with ``MPI_JM``. # Acknowledgements We thank Even Berkowitz, Arjun Gambhir, Ben Hörz, Kenneth McElvain and Enrico Rinaldi for useful insights and discussions which helped in creating ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB``. C.K. gratefully acknowledges funding through the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship. -The work of A.W-L. was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a joint project of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science and National Nuclear Security Administration, responsible for delivering a capable exascale ecosystem, including software, applications, and hardware technology, to support the nation's exascale computing imperative. +The work of A.W-L. was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a joint project of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science and National Nuclear Security Administration, responsible for delivering a capable exascale ecosystem, including software, applications, and hardware technology, to support the nation's exascale computing imperative. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725, with access and computer time granted through the DOE INCITE Program. From 18f14c6408bb1ef5c764d05c7f1cb0f1519cc2d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jason Chang Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2019 16:15:53 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 3/4] short paper --- | 81 +++----------------------------------------------------- 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 95c418e9..7619a368 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -44,29 +44,10 @@ A typical scientific computing workflow includes: [``EspressoDB``]( is a programmatic object-relational data management framework implemented in Python and based on the [``Django`` web framework]( ``EspressoDB`` was developed to streamline data management workflows, centralize and guarantee data integrity, while providing domain flexibility and ease of use. -The [*Features* section](#features) summarizes ``EspressoDB``. -[``LatteDB``](, an application of ``EspressoDB`` that is specialized to contain table definitions for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations, is currently being used to manage the workflow of the 2019 INCITE project titled *The Proton's Structure and the Search for New Physics* [@incite:2019] -and it will be used for the 2020 INCITE project titled *The Structure and Interactions of Nucleons from the Standard Model* [@incite:2020]. -The corresponding website generated by ``LatteDB`` can be found at []( -A precursor to ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB`` was used to support a series of LQCD projects -[@Nicholson:2018mwc; @Chang:2018uxx]. The framework provided by ``EspressoDB`` aims to support the ever increasing complexity of workflows of scientific computing at leadership computing facilities, with the goal of reducing the amount of human time required simply to manage the jobs, thus giving scientists more time to focus on science. -The [*Use case* section](#use-case) presents how ``LatteDB`` is integrated in the INCITE project. # Features - -``EspressoDB`` utilizes Python's ``Django`` Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) framework. -Tables correspond to Python classes, rows correspond to instances and columns correspond to attributes of the instances. -Thus it is possible to filter for objects by their attributes or generate summary tables (``pandas.DataFrame``) within one line of code. -Furthermore, using an ORM allows one to have the same interface independent of the backend. -It is possible to store data in a file based `SQLite` solution, or use more scalable options like `MySQL` or `Postgresql`. - -``Django`` is part of many open-source projects and thus comes with extensive documentation. -Additionally, ``Django`` is scalable, comes with reliable tests and vast community support which manifests in the fact that it is commonly used in large scale projects (BitBucket, Instagram, Mozilla, NASA and many more). -One guiding principle of ``EspressoDB`` is to not "re-invent the wheel" but instead leverage the support coming from ``Django``. -As a result, one can easily incorporate many of ``Django``'s extensions and find solutions to technical questions online. - Data integrity is important to scientific projects and becomes more challenging the larger the project. In general, a SQL framework type-checks data before writing to the database and controls dependencies and relations between different tables to ensure internal consistency. ``EspressoDB`` implements an abstract ``Base`` class which allows additional user-defined constraints not supported by SQL (*e.g.* unique constraints using information across related tables). @@ -92,20 +73,10 @@ More details, usage instructions and examples are documented at [ # Use case +[``LatteDB``](, an application of ``EspressoDB`` that is specialized to contain table definitions for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations, is currently being used by the CalLat Collaboration ([]( in their computations on Summit at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility ([OLCF]( through DOE INCITE Allocations [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. LQCD is one of the main applications awarded time at leadership computing facilities each year through the competitive DOE [INCITE]( and [ALCC]( Allocations. The website generated by ``LatteDB`` used by CalLat can be found at []( A precursor to ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB`` was used to support a series of LQCD projects +[@Nicholson:2018mwc; @Chang:2018uxx]. -For an explicit use case, we describe the use of ``LatteDB`` by the CalLat Collaboration ([]( in their computations on Summit at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility ([OLCF]( through DOE INCITE Allocations [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. LQCD is one of the main applications awarded time at leadership computing facilities each year through the competitive DOE [INCITE]( and [ALCC]( Allocations, and therefore represents a major use case. - - -LQCD is an inherently a stochastic method of simulating quantum chromodynamics (QCD) the fundamental theory of nuclear strong interactions, which is responsible for confining quarks into protons and neutrons and ultimately, for binding these nucleons into the atomic nuclei we observe in nature. -The application of LQCD to forefront research applications in nuclear physics is necessary to build a quantitative connection between our understanding of nuclei and QCD. This is important as nuclei serve as laboratories and/or detectors for many experiments aiming to test the limits of the Standard Model of particle physics in our quest to understand questions such as: Why is the universe composed of matter and not anti-matter? Does dark matter interact with regular matter other than gravitationally? What is the nature of the neutrino and is it related to the observed excess of matter over anti-matter? See Ref. [@Drischler:2019xuo] for a recent review of the interface of LQCD with our understanding of nuclear physics. - - -The application of LQCD to nuclear physics is an exascale challenge. One of the main reasons these calculations are so expensive is that when LQCD is applied to systems of one or more nucleons, an exponentially bad signal-to-noise problem must be overcome. While the optimal strategy for overcoming this challenge is not yet known, one thing common to all methods is the need for an exponentially large amount of statistics. -As such, these LQCD computations require the completion of millions of independent sub-calculations (or tasks), with chained dependencies, in order to complete a single calculation. These chained tasks write large amounts of temporary files to the scratch file system which are used as input for subsequent files, often with multiple input files required for the later computations. -Several such calculations must be performed in order to extrapolate the results to the physical point, defined as the limit of zero discretization (the continuum limit), the infinite volume limit and the limit of physical quark masses which are _a priori_ unknown and so must be determined through this extrapolation/interpolation procedure. -These requirements lead to a very complex set of computations that must be carried out with great care and a significant amount of human time and effort to ensure the computing cycles are used as efficiently as possible. - -Compounding these challenges, the new computer Summit, is _disruptively fast_ compared to previous generations of leadership class computers. Full machine-to-machine, Summit is approximately 15 times faster than Titan when applied to LQCD applications such as those carried out by CalLat [@Berkowitz:2018gqe]. While this is great for scientific throughput, it also means the management of the computational jobs has become unwieldy with the management models typically used for such computations: Summit churns through the computations so fast, and produces so much data, it is not possible to keep up with the data processing and management with our older management tools. At a high level, there are two challenges which are both critical to address for near-exascale computers such as Summit, which will become more important in the exascale era: +The new computer Summit, is _disruptively fast_ compared to previous generations of leadership class computers. There are two challenges which are both critical to address for near-exascale computers such as Summit, which will become more important in the exascale era: 1. _Efficient bundling and management of millions on independent tasks with various resource requirements on heterogenous nodes_: For good reason, the leadership computing facilities do not allow the submission of millions of small tasks to the supercomputers (clogged queues, overtaxed service nodes etc.). It is therefore imperative to have a light-weight, user-friendly task manager capable of efficiently bundling these millions of small tasks into large jobs while carefully distributing the work to various components of the heterogeneous nodes to take full advantage of the computing capability of current and future machines. This also enables a throughput of work such that the full calculations can be completed in a typical allocation period; @@ -113,54 +84,8 @@ For good reason, the leadership computing facilities do not allow the submission 2. _Dependent task generation and data processing_: The nested dependencies of all the tasks, and the subsequent data processing and collection must happen in near real time. In the case of the CalLat production, multiple peta-bytes of temporary files are written to the scratch file system and these must be used for subsequent computations and processed sufficiently quickly such that they are not purged by the supercomputing centers. Ultimately, these multi-petabytes of data are processed down to hundreds of tera-bytes of valuable data worth saving spread over hundreds of thousands of files. It is essential to have a light-weight, user-friendly, and real time tracking of what tasks have been completed, what files are missing etc., so that users can nimbly fill in missing dependent tasks to complete and process the data without having to keep the full working tree in human memory. - Members of CalLat are addressing issue 1 through the creation of job management software, [METAQ]( [@Berkowitz:2017vcp] and MPI_JM [@Berkowitz:2018gqe; @Berkowitz:2017xna]. ``EspressoDB`` is designed to address the second issue. A feature that will be added to ``LatteDB`` very soon is integration with MPI_JM. -As a concrete example, we consider the nucleon elastic form factor project being carried out by CalLat [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. For each _ensemble_ of gauge configurations used (one choice of input parameters) the computation requires the following dependent steps: - -1. For each gauge configuration (of O(1000)) in an ensemble (of O(20)), make several quark sources (grouped in batches of 8); -2. For each source, create a quark propagator; -3. For each quark propagator: - 1. Create a proton correlation function to determine the proton mass; - 2. Create O(10) proton _sequential_ sinks at different separation times (times 4 for different spin and flavor combinations); -4. For each time-separation, group the 8 _sequential_ sinks from the 8 propagators into a single _coherent sequential_ sink [@Bratt:2010jn]; -5. For each time-separation, Solve a _sequential_ propagator from the _coherent sequential_ sink; -6. For each time-separation, tie each of the original 8 propagators with the sequential propagator to construct a 4-dimensional (4D) _formfactor_ correlation function; -7. Process the data to prepare it for analysis and the extraction of physics. -8. Repeat for multiple source sets (of 8) if more statistics are required. - -Each of the steps above leads to the generation of many large (multi-gigabyte) data files, most of which are not saved. ``LatteDB`` is used to track the status of these data files to know if they need to be created or if the next step can proceed. The final data production step, 6, leads to our final data file that need further processing prior to our final analysis and saving of the files. - -Inheriting the functionality of ``EspressoDB``, ``LatteDB`` has the flexibility to faithfully reproduce a one-to-one mapping between the above computational workflow to database tables. -For example, in step 1, the table of gauge configurations is defined such that every row in the table specifies a single gauge configuration. -This reflects how on disk, we have thousands of files, each containing a snapshot of the QCD vacuum, and as such, every file, and every subsequent file as a result of the gauge configuration (*e.g.* propagators or correlation functions in steps 2 through 6) can also be tracked individually. -However, at the end of the calculation, an observable is only well defined with an ensemble of gauge configurations. -``LatteDB`` allows one to define an ensemble table, with a ``Django ManyToMany`` data type which may be interpreted as a single column containing a list of references (foreign keys) to the table of gauge configurations. -In ``SQL``, a list of foreign keys is not a fundamental data type that is supported, and is only made possible with ``Django``. -However, even with ``Django``, unique constraints can not be implemented on such a column. -With ``LatteDB``, we make it possible to define a unique constraint, which for this example, prohibits the user from inserting the exact same list of gauge configurations in the ensemble table more than once. -Users are encouraged to consult the documentation of ``EspressoDB`` and examples in ``LatteDB`` for more information. - -Additionally, ``LatteDB`` is also tremendously useful for managing the data processing steps (step 7) which proceed as: - -7a. For each configuration, for each time separation, for each of the 8 sources, _time slice_ the 4D data formfactor files to only the time slices containing relevant data; -7b. For each configuration, for each time separation, for each source set, average the 8 formfactor_tsliced files to a source averaged file. -7c. When all configurations are complete, concatenate these files together. -7d. As needed, Fourier Transform these files to project the formfactors onto definite momentum transfers. -7e. Analyze the correlation functions to extract the relevant physics. - -In Figure 1, we show an example ``LatteDB`` Table from step 7b. The user is able to filter on each column to very quickly assess the production status (green means the tsliced_source_averaged file exists, red means it is missing) and decide what configurations in what ensembles need to be managed in production. - -More importantly, our production scripts interact with ``LatteDB``, therefore even without the visualization, the scripts will only generate work that ``LatteDB`` records as missing. This interaction with ``LatteDB`` significantly reduces the amount of human time required to manage the computations. We are actively constructing routines to also store the final data files to tape, the status of which is stored in a related ``LatteDB`` table. Thus, the user can query the database instead of the file system for the existence of data files, significantly reducing the load on the file system as well. Example use scripts for interacting with ``LatteDB`` can be found in our management repository for these INCITE projects []( in the `scripts` folder and the `notebooks` folder in ``LatteDB``. These scripts will be updated regularly to encompass more and more utilities from ``EspressoDB`` providing a complete working example. - - -![Example table view of file status with column specific filters and dynamic progress bar.](doc-src/_static/lattedb-example.png) - -Other features that can be implemented is the storing of the data files in ``LatteDB`` as well as storing the analysis of the data files. This allows for communal data analysis within a collaboration with a centralized location for results, making it easier to combine results from different members and reduce redundant work. -Depending upon the success and popularity of ``EspressoDB``, it may be worth exploring whether OLCF (or other LCF) would be willing to allow users to host databases locally on the machines such that the compute nodes could interact with the database allowing users to minimize the number of small input files that are typically written to the file system as well. In our case, each separate task requires an input file and typically generates two or three small output files, rapidly polluting the file system with millions of small files. ``EspressoDB`` will minimally allow users to _clean up_ these small files and store the relevant log and output information in the database. - - - # Acknowledgements From f2af506741787ee56c2162ec3a1b94527f41dbc6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Christopher Koerber Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2019 17:25:30 -0800 Subject: [PATCH 4/4] Consensus version --- | 34 +++++++++++++++++++--------------- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 7619a368..553211a2 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -38,26 +38,25 @@ A typical scientific computing workflow includes: 1. Defining all input parameters for every step of the computation; 2. Defining dependencies of computational tasks; -3. Storing some of the output data to tape; +3. Storing some of the output data; 4. Post-processing these data files; 5. Performing data analysis on output. [``EspressoDB``]( is a programmatic object-relational data management framework implemented in Python and based on the [``Django`` web framework]( ``EspressoDB`` was developed to streamline data management workflows, centralize and guarantee data integrity, while providing domain flexibility and ease of use. -The framework provided by ``EspressoDB`` aims to support the ever increasing complexity of workflows of scientific computing at leadership computing facilities, with the goal of reducing the amount of human time required simply to manage the jobs, thus giving scientists more time to focus on science. +The framework provided by ``EspressoDB`` aims to support the ever increasing complexity of workflows of scientific computing at leadership computing facilities (LCFs), with the goal of reducing the amount of human time required to manage the jobs, thus giving scientists more time to focus on science. # Features Data integrity is important to scientific projects and becomes more challenging the larger the project. -In general, a SQL framework type-checks data before writing to the database and controls dependencies and relations between different tables to ensure internal consistency. - ``EspressoDB`` implements an abstract ``Base`` class which allows additional user-defined constraints not supported by SQL (*e.g.* unique constraints using information across related tables). +In general, a ``SQL`` framework type-checks data before writing to the database and controls dependencies and relations between different tables to ensure internal consistency. + ``EspressoDB`` allows additional user-defined constraints not supported by ``SQL`` (*e.g.* unique constraints using information across related tables). Once the user has specified a set of conditions that entries have to fulfill for each table, ``EspressoDB`` runs these cross checks for new data before inserting them in the database. -Another aspect of ``EspressoDB`` is to support collaborative and open-data oriented projects. -For this, ``Django``'s web hosting component is leveraged and extended. -In addition to providing a centralized data platform, it is possible to spawn[^1] customized web pages which can be viewed, on a local machine only, a local network, or the world wide web. +``EspressoDB`` also supports collaborative and open-data oriented projects by leveraging and extending ``Django``'s web hosting component. +In addition to providing a centralized data platform, it is possible to spawn customized web pages which can be hosted locally or on the world wide web[^1]. ``EspressoDB`` simplifies creating projects by providing default ``Django`` configurations that set up for example, connections to the database and webpages to view associated tables. -With the default setting, ``EspressoDB`` spawns: +For example, with the default setting, ``EspressoDB`` spawns: * Documentation views of implemented tables; * A project wide notification system; @@ -73,25 +72,30 @@ More details, usage instructions and examples are documented at [ # Use case -[``LatteDB``](, an application of ``EspressoDB`` that is specialized to contain table definitions for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations, is currently being used by the CalLat Collaboration ([]( in their computations on Summit at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility ([OLCF]( through DOE INCITE Allocations [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. LQCD is one of the main applications awarded time at leadership computing facilities each year through the competitive DOE [INCITE]( and [ALCC]( Allocations. The website generated by ``LatteDB`` used by CalLat can be found at []( A precursor to ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB`` was used to support a series of LQCD projects +[``LatteDB``](, an application of ``EspressoDB`` that is specialized to contain table definitions for lattice quantum chromodynamics (LQCD) calculations and analysis. +``LatteDB`` is currently being used by the [CalLat Collaboration]( in their computations on Summit at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility ([OLCF]( through DOE INCITE Allocations [@incite:2019; @incite:2020]. +The website generated by ``LatteDB`` used by CalLat can be found at []( A precursor to ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB`` was used to support a series of LQCD projects [@Nicholson:2018mwc; @Chang:2018uxx]. -The new computer Summit, is _disruptively fast_ compared to previous generations of leadership class computers. There are two challenges which are both critical to address for near-exascale computers such as Summit, which will become more important in the exascale era: +Summit at OLCF is disruptively fast compared to previous generations of leadership class computers. There are two challenges which are both critical to address for near-exascale computers such as Summit, which will become more important in the exascale era: -1. _Efficient bundling and management of millions on independent tasks with various resource requirements on heterogenous nodes_: -For good reason, the leadership computing facilities do not allow the submission of millions of small tasks to the supercomputers (clogged queues, overtaxed service nodes etc.). It is therefore imperative to have a light-weight, user-friendly task manager capable of efficiently bundling these millions of small tasks into large jobs while carefully distributing the work to various components of the heterogeneous nodes to take full advantage of the computing capability of current and future machines. This also enables a throughput of work such that the full calculations can be completed in a typical allocation period; +1. _Efficient bundling and management of independent tasks_: +LCFs prohibit the submission of millions of small tasks to their supercomputers (clogged queues, overtaxed service nodes etc.). It is imperative to have a task manager capable of bundling many tasks into large jobs while distributing the work to various components of the heterogeneous nodes; 2. _Dependent task generation and data processing_: -The nested dependencies of all the tasks, and the subsequent data processing and collection must happen in near real time. In the case of the CalLat production, multiple peta-bytes of temporary files are written to the scratch file system and these must be used for subsequent computations and processed sufficiently quickly such that they are not purged by the supercomputing centers. Ultimately, these multi-petabytes of data are processed down to hundreds of tera-bytes of valuable data worth saving spread over hundreds of thousands of files. It is essential to have a light-weight, user-friendly, and real time tracking of what tasks have been completed, what files are missing etc., so that users can nimbly fill in missing dependent tasks to complete and process the data without having to keep the full working tree in human memory. +As an example, CalLat creates peta-bytes of temporary files that are written to the scratch file system, used for subsequent computations and ultimately processed down to hundred of tera-bytes that are saved for analysis. +It is essential to track the status of these files in real-time (identify corrupt, missing, or purgeable files). -Members of CalLat are addressing issue 1 through the creation of job management software, [METAQ]( [@Berkowitz:2017vcp] and MPI_JM [@Berkowitz:2018gqe; @Berkowitz:2017xna]. ``EspressoDB`` is designed to address the second issue. A feature that will be added to ``LatteDB`` very soon is integration with MPI_JM. +Members of CalLat are addressing issue 1 through the creation of job management software, [METAQ]( [@Berkowitz:2017vcp] and ``MPI_JM`` [@Berkowitz:2018gqe; @Berkowitz:2017xna]. +``LatteDB`` is designed to address the second issue. +A future feature of ``LatteDB`` is integration with ``MPI_JM``. # Acknowledgements We thank Even Berkowitz, Arjun Gambhir, Ben Hörz, Kenneth McElvain and Enrico Rinaldi for useful insights and discussions which helped in creating ``EspressoDB`` and ``LatteDB``. C.K. gratefully acknowledges funding through the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation through a Feodor Lynen Research Fellowship. -The work of A.W-L. was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a joint project of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science and National Nuclear Security Administration, responsible for delivering a capable exascale ecosystem, including software, applications, and hardware technology, to support the nation's exascale computing imperative. +The work of A.W-L. was supported by the Exascale Computing Project (17-SC-20-SC), a joint project of the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Science and National Nuclear Security Administration, responsible for delivering a capable exascale ecosystem, including software, applications, and hardware technology, to support the nation's exascale computing imperative. This research used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, which is a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported under Contract DE-AC05-00OR22725, with access and computer time granted through the DOE INCITE Program.