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Timeago plugin, initial commit.
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ddevlin committed Aug 15, 2011
1 parent 7bc8190 commit d8df2e9
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Showing 4 changed files with 223 additions and 0 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions timeago/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#Candy Timeago plugin

This plugin replaces the exact time/date with 'fuzzy timestamps' (e.g. 'less than a minute ago', '2 minutes ago', 'about an hour ago'). The timestamps update dynamically. All the heavy lifting is done by Ryan McGeary's excellent jQuery Timeago plugin (


To enable Timeago include it's JavaScript code and CSS file (after the main Candy script and CSS):

<script type="text/javascript" src="candyshop/timeago/candy.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="candyshop/timeago/candy.css" />

Then call its init() method after Candy has been initialized:

8 changes: 8 additions & 0 deletions timeago/candy.css
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
.message-pane dt {
width: 120px;
padding-right: 10px;

.message-pane dt abbr {
border-bottom: none;
195 changes: 195 additions & 0 deletions timeago/candy.js
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
* candy-timeago-plugin
* @version 0.1 (2011-07-15)
* @author David Devlin (
* Integrates the jQuery Timeago plugin ( with Candy.

var CandyShop = (function(self) { return self; }(CandyShop || {}));

CandyShop.Timeago = (function(self, Candy, $) {

self.init = function() {

Candy.View.Template.Chat['adminMessage'] = '<dt><abbr title="{{time}}">{{time}}</abbr></dt><dd class="adminmessage"><span class="label">{{sender}}</span>{{subject}} {{message}}</dd>';
Candy.View.Template.Chat['infoMessage'] = '<dt><abbr title="{{time}}">{{time}}</abbr></dt><dd class="infomessage">{{subject}} {{message}}</dd>';
Candy.View.Template.Room['subject'] = '<dt><abbr title="{{time}}">{{time}}</abbr></dt><dd class="subject"><span class="label">{{roomName}}</span>{{_roomSubject}} {{subject}}</dd>';
Candy.View.Template.Message['item'] = '<dt><abbr title="{{time}}">{{time}}</abbr></dt><dd><span class="label"><a href="#" class="name">{{displayName}}</a></span>{{{message}}}</dd>';

Candy.Util.localizedTime = function(dateTime) {
if (dateTime === undefined) {
return undefined;

var date = Candy.Util.iso8601toDate(dateTime);
return date.format($.i18n._('isoDateTime'));

Candy.View.Event.Message.onShow = function(message) {

Candy.View.Event.Chat.onAdminMessage = function(message) {

Candy.View.Event.Room.onSubjectChange = function(message) {

Candy.View.Event.Room.onPresenceChange = function(message) {

return self;
}(CandyShop.Timeago || {}, Candy, jQuery));

* timeago: a jQuery plugin, version: 0.9.3 (2011-01-21)
* @requires jQuery v1.2.3 or later
* Timeago is a jQuery plugin that makes it easy to support automatically
* updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago").
* For usage and examples, visit:
* Licensed under the MIT:
* Copyright (c) 2008-2011, Ryan McGeary (ryanonjavascript -[at]- mcgeary [*dot*] org)
(function($) {
$.timeago = function(timestamp) {
if (timestamp instanceof Date) {
return inWords(timestamp);
} else if (typeof timestamp === "string") {
return inWords($.timeago.parse(timestamp));
} else {
return inWords($.timeago.datetime(timestamp));
var $t = $.timeago;

$.extend($.timeago, {
settings: {
refreshMillis: 60000,
allowFuture: false,
strings: {
prefixAgo: null,
prefixFromNow: null,
suffixAgo: "ago",
suffixFromNow: "from now",
seconds: "less than a minute",
minute: "about a minute",
minutes: "%d minutes",
hour: "about an hour",
hours: "about %d hours",
day: "a day",
days: "%d days",
month: "about a month",
months: "%d months",
year: "about a year",
years: "%d years",
numbers: []
inWords: function(distanceMillis) {
var $l = this.settings.strings;
var prefix = $l.prefixAgo;
var suffix = $l.suffixAgo;
if (this.settings.allowFuture) {
if (distanceMillis < 0) {
prefix = $l.prefixFromNow;
suffix = $l.suffixFromNow;
distanceMillis = Math.abs(distanceMillis);

var seconds = distanceMillis / 1000;
var minutes = seconds / 60;
var hours = minutes / 60;
var days = hours / 24;
var years = days / 365;

function substitute(stringOrFunction, number) {
var string = $.isFunction(stringOrFunction) ? stringOrFunction(number, distanceMillis) : stringOrFunction;
var value = ($l.numbers && $l.numbers[number]) || number;
return string.replace(/%d/i, value);

var words = seconds < 45 && substitute($l.seconds, Math.round(seconds)) ||
seconds < 90 && substitute($l.minute, 1) ||
minutes < 45 && substitute($l.minutes, Math.round(minutes)) ||
minutes < 90 && substitute($l.hour, 1) ||
hours < 24 && substitute($l.hours, Math.round(hours)) ||
hours < 48 && substitute($, 1) ||
days < 30 && substitute($l.days, Math.floor(days)) ||
days < 60 && substitute($l.month, 1) ||
days < 365 && substitute($l.months, Math.floor(days / 30)) ||
years < 2 && substitute($l.year, 1) ||
substitute($l.years, Math.floor(years));

return $.trim([prefix, words, suffix].join(" "));
parse: function(iso8601) {
var s = $.trim(iso8601);
s = s.replace(/\.\d\d\d+/,""); // remove milliseconds
s = s.replace(/-/,"/").replace(/-/,"/");
s = s.replace(/T/," ").replace(/Z/," UTC");
s = s.replace(/([\+\-]\d\d)\:?(\d\d)/," $1$2"); // -04:00 -> -0400
return new Date(s);
datetime: function(elem) {
// jQuery's `is()` doesn't play well with HTML5 in IE
var isTime = $(elem).get(0).tagName.toLowerCase() === "time"; // $(elem).is("time");
var iso8601 = isTime ? $(elem).attr("datetime") : $(elem).attr("title");
return $t.parse(iso8601);

$.fn.timeago = function() {
var self = this;

var $s = $t.settings;
if ($s.refreshMillis > 0) {
setInterval(function() { self.each(refresh); }, $s.refreshMillis);
return self;

function refresh() {
var data = prepareData(this);
if (!isNaN(data.datetime)) {
return this;

function prepareData(element) {
element = $(element);
if (!"timeago")) {"timeago", { datetime: $t.datetime(element) });
var text = $.trim(element.text());
if (text.length > 0) {
element.attr("title", text);

function inWords(date) {
return $t.inWords(distance(date));

function distance(date) {
return (new Date().getTime() - date.getTime());

// fix for IE6 suckage
Binary file added timeago/screenshot.png
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