This software has been developed by @PerseusDL team to provide a simple and ready to use Javascript abstraction/implementation of the CTS norm. On the road leading to the CTS abstraction, we thought it might be nice to provide ready-to-use plugins for various uses and various libraries.
To build the compressed files, in a terminal, in the root of this repository:
npm install
grunt build
- LLT.Tokenizer : A Service implementation for the Latin Language Toolkit Tokenizer API (Support more than Latin language !)
- Add your own
- LLT.Segtok_to_tb : An xslt which transform a tokenized output of LLT.Tokenizer to an OpenAnnotation Treebank XML layout
- Add your own
- jQuery.cts.selector : A way to browse and construct an URN using
<select />
- jQuery.cts.typeahead : A way to search for an edition or translation
- jQuery.cts.service : A way to embed service parameters and form in your html
- jQuery.cts.xslt : A way to embed XSLT parameters and form in your html and transform the text
Sparrow packages are registered as npm and bower packages. The release process is follows:
- Update the release version in bower.json and package.json
grunt build
- commit the updated json and package files and push to github
grunt page
to update the gh-pages branch with latest code documentation- Using the GitHub interface create a new release tag and release notes.
npm publish
to publish the new release to NPM (Bower is published automatically from GitHub)