# Get number of transmissions query transmissions { transmissionEntities { totalCount } } # Get number of transmissions # Create an aggregate with distinctCount to get number of unique field # Get distinct nftId to get number of NFTs that used transmissions query transmissions2 { transmissionEntities { totalCount aggregates { distinctCount { nftId } } } } # Get number of transmissions # Create an aggregate with distinctCount to get number of unique field # Get distinct nftId to get number of NFTs that used transmissions # Add the "from" field to get number of wallets that initiated a transmission query transmissions3 { transmissionEntities { totalCount aggregates { distinctCount { nftId from } } } } # Get number of transmissions # Create an aggregate with distinctCount to get number of unique field # Get distinct nftId to get number of NFTs that used transmissions # Add the "from" field to get number of wallets that initiated a transmission # Create a new "average" aggregate on "threshold" field to get the average number of thresholds setup in transmissions query transmissions4 { transmissionEntities { totalCount aggregates { distinctCount { nftId from } average { threshold } } } } # Get number of transmissions # Create an aggregate with distinctCount to get number of unique field # Get distinct nftId to get number of NFTs that used transmissions # Add the "from" field to get number of wallets that initiated a transmission # Create a new "average" aggregate on "threshold" field to get the average number of thresholds setup in transmissions # Create new "sum","max","min" aggregate on "threshold" field to get the sum,max,min of threshold for all results query transmissions5 { transmissionEntities { totalCount aggregates { distinctCount { nftId from } average { threshold } sum { threshold } max { threshold } min { threshold } } } } # Get number of transmissions # Create an aggregate with distinctCount to get number of unique field # Get distinct nftId to get number of NFTs that used transmissions # Add the "from" field to get number of wallets that initiated a transmission # Create a new "average" aggregate on "threshold" field to get the average number of thresholds setup in transmissions # Create new "sum","max","min" aggregate on "threshold" field to get the sum,max,min of threshold for all results # Create a groupedAggregate on "from" field # Show the key of each grouped "from" result query transmissions6 { transmissionEntities { totalCount aggregates { distinctCount { nftId from } average { threshold } sum { threshold } max { threshold } min { threshold } } groupedAggregates(groupBy: FROM) { keys } } } # Get number of transmissions # Create an aggregate with distinctCount to get number of unique field # Get distinct nftId to get number of NFTs that used transmissions # Add the "from" field to get number of wallets that initiated a transmission # Create a new "average" aggregate on "threshold" field to get the average number of thresholds setup in transmissions # Create new "sum","max","min" aggregate on "threshold" field to get the sum,max,min of threshold for all results # Create a groupedAggregate on "from" field # Show the key of each grouped "from" result # Get the number of transmissions initiated for each "from" wallet query transmissions7 { transmissionEntities { totalCount aggregates { distinctCount { nftId from } average { threshold } sum { threshold } max { threshold } min { threshold } } groupedAggregates(groupBy: FROM) { keys distinctCount { id } } } } # Get number of transmissions # Create an aggregate with distinctCount to get number of unique field # Get distinct nftId to get number of NFTs that used transmissions # Add the "from" field to get number of wallets that initiated a transmission # Create a new "average" aggregate on "threshold" field to get the average number of thresholds setup in transmissions # Create new "sum","max","min" aggregate on "threshold" field to get the sum,max,min of threshold for all results # Create a groupedAggregate on "from" field # Show the key of each grouped "from" result # Get the number of transmissions initiated for each "from" wallet # Add the number of different NFTs + the average of threshold only for wallets having average of threshold > 1 query transmissions8 { transmissionEntities { totalCount aggregates { distinctCount { nftId from } average { threshold } sum { threshold } max { threshold } min { threshold } } groupedAggregates( groupBy: FROM having: { average: { threshold: { greaterThan: 1 } } } ) { keys distinctCount { id nftId } average { threshold } } } }