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If you are like most information technology and information security professionals, the idea of becoming compliant with PCI DSS or countless other regulations doesn't sound fun. It's much more common to associate compliance efforts with pain. Whether it's the pain of not knowing what to do, pain of failing your first assessment, or pain of complying without any budget, there are plenty of challenges for anyone tasked with doing this well.
We faced a challenge, to write a fun, useful, and insightful book about PCI DSS. We are committed to the challenge! We’d like to invite you, our reader, to travel with us in the hopes that when you turn the last page, you would come to realize that PCI DSS compliance can indeed be fun!
You can use the book during the entire lifecycle from complete PCI unawareness to ultimate security and compliance enlightenment. Specifically, you can use it to:
- Learn what PCI DSS is and why it is here to stay
- Figure out how it applies to you and your organization
- Learn what to do about each of the 12 main requirements to get compliant
- Gain knowledge about dealing with PCI assessors and how to make your compliance validation as painless as possible
- Learn how to plan and manage a PCI DSS compliance project
- Understand all the technologies referenced by PCI DSS
- Understand what Visa and MasterCard really want from you
- Get the best experience out of what can be seen as a painful assessment process
- Build your plans even if you are a small business
- The PCI Security Standards Council Website
- PCI DSS 4.0.1
- Summary of Changes from 4.0 to 4.0.1
- Summary of Changes from 3.2.1 to 4.0
- PCI DSS 4.0 At a Glance
- Sample Cybersecurity Policy Option 1
- Sample Cybersecurity Policy Option 2
Even though Anton was not a part of the 5th Edition of this book, we wanted to bring his links forward from previous editions.
- “Data Flows Made Easy” by Branden
- “The Seven Deadly Sins of a QSA” by Branden
- “The Art of the Compensating Control” by Branden
- "Consumer Attitudes Toware Breaches, How Consumers React to Retail Breaches", by Branden
- “How Tokenization and Encryption can enable PCI DSS compliance,” Information Security Technical Report (ISTR2187), Elsevier (February 2011), by Branden
- “Security First or Compliance First?” by Anton
- “How to Stay Compliant? or Ongoing Tasks in PCI DSS” by Anton
- “More on PCI DSS and Logging” by Anton
- “PCI DSS logging: A must for compliance” (part 1) by Anton
- “Practical priorities in PCI DSS logging” (part 2) by Anton
- All blog posts about PCI DSS from Branden’s blog
Presentations by the authors on PCI DSS:
- “The Mistakes QSAs Make” by Branden
- Brando’s PCI Requirements Review: Sampling
- Brando’s Guide to Making a Mobile App Comply with PCI DSS
- The Great PCI Security Debate of 2010
- The PCI Guru
- Merchant Resources from the Council
- Dr. Branden R. Williams
- James K. Adamson
Check each author’s website for upcoming talks, but expect to see them at RSA Conference, mWISE, and lots of local events.