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VMware Carbon Black EDR - ThreatConnect Threat Intelligence Connector.


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VMware Carbon Black - ThreatConnect Connector (CentOS 6/7/8)

VMware Carbon Black EDR provides integration with ThreatConnect by retrieving Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) from specified communities. To support this integration, Carbon Black provides an out-of-band bridge that communicates with the ThreatConnect API. Built with python3!


To create a build for EL7, run:

FISH: ./gradlew build
BASH: ./gradlew build

To create a build for EL8, run:

FISH: env DOCKERIZED_BUILD_ENV=centos8 ./gradlew build
BASH: export DOCKERIZED_BUILD_ENV=centos8; ./gradlew build

Other common commands for ./gradlew:

  • runPyTest - Runs the python test suite
  • generatePepperReport - Generates a flake 8 based pepper report.
  • createVirtualEnv - Creates the appropriate python virtual environement to build and execute the connector. Can also be used for your IDE's virtual environment.
  • runSmokeTest - Runs the smoke tests available.

Installation Quickstart

As root on your EDR or other RPM based 64-bit Linux distribution server:

cd /etc/yum.repos.d
curl -O
yum install python-cb-threatconnect-connector

Once the software is installed via YUM, copy the /etc/cb/integrations/threatconnect/connector.conf.example file to /etc/cb/integrations/threatconnect/connector.conf. Edit this file and place your EDR API key into the carbonblack_server_token variable and your EDR server's base URL into the carbonblack_server_url variable.

Next, place the credentials for your ThreatConnect API account into the api_key and secret_key variables. The api_key variable is the numeric API identifier issued by ThreatConnect, and the secret_key is a long alphanumeric + symbols secret key assigned to you. Any special characters in the secret key do not have to be escaped in the configuration file.

To receive IOCs from your organization as a source, enter your organization's source name in default_org.

To specify which sources to pull from, enter your sources as a comma separated list in sources or * to pull from all sources.

Once you have the connector configured for your API access, start the ThreatConnect service:

service cb-threatconnect-connector start

Any errors will be logged into /var/log/cb/integrations/cb-threatconnect-connector/cb-threatconnect-connector.log.


If you suspect a problem, please first look at the ThreatConnect connector logs found here: /var/log/cb/integrations/cb-threatconnect-connector/cb-threatconnect-connector.log (There might be multiple files as the logger "rolls over" when the log file hits a certain size).


  • View all API and integration offerings on the Developer Network along with reference documentation, video tutorials, and how-to guides.
  • Use the Developer Community Forum to discuss issues and get answers from other API developers in the Carbon Black Community.
  • Report bugs and change requests to Carbon Black Support.

Reporting Problems

When you contact Carbon Black Support with an issue, please provide the following:

  • Your name, company name, telephone number, and e-mail address
  • Product name/version, CB EDR Server version, CB EDR Sensor version
  • Hardware configuration of the EDR Server or computer (processor, memory, and RAM)
  • For documentation issues, specify the version of the manual you are using.
  • Action causing the problem, error message returned, and event log output (as appropriate)
  • Problem severity