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Releases: sailthru/sailthru-mobile-android-sdk

Marigold Android SDK 20.2.0

04 Apr 20:54
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This release deprecates the Marigold.clearDevice() method, replacing it with two new methods:
EngageBySailthru.clearEvents() - for clearing custom events from the device.
MessageStream.clearMessages() - for clearing the device's message stream.

Marigold Android SDK 20.1.0

06 Mar 22:31
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This release adds a new listener: InAppNotificationTappedListener
This allows you to override the default behaviour when an in-app notification banner is tapped on by a user. It provides the message in question for any custom handling you would like to do. It can be set through the MessageStream setInAppOnClickListener method.

Marigold Android SDK 20.0.0

07 Feb 02:26
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We've rebranded! The Sailthru Mobile Android SDK is now the Marigold Android SDK! There have been several important changes to the class and package names so make sure you check out our rebrand migration guide here.

The most important change is that the old SailthruMobile class is now Marigold! If you're a Sailthru customer you'll notice that some of the functionality has been moved out into a new EngageBySailthru class. This class now holds all the methods that only apply to Sailthru customers.

Sailthru Mobile Android SDK 19.1.0

12 Nov 21:21
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  • The recommendations methods and ContentItem are deprecated and will be removed in the next major release.

Sailthru Mobile Android SDK 19.0.0

10 Aug 23:22
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Breaking Changes

This release prepares the SDK for the upcoming Android 14 release. While there are no API changes to worry about, we have made updates to our build versions in ways that may impact your app.

Kotlin Version

We have updated the Kotlin version used in the SDK from 1.6.21 to 1.8.22. Kotlin supports one version of forward compatibility, so if Kotlin is also used in your app this change requires it to be 1.7+.

Java Compatibility

The Java compatibility version used has been upgraded from 1.8 to 17. This should not have any impact on your app but please raise it if any issues occur that you think may be related.

Bug Fixes

Profile Vars

Previously the setProfileVars method would always return an error response, even though the vars were set correctly on the platform. This was due to an internal handling error in the SDK that has now been rectified.

Other Changes

Target SDK Version

The library targetSdkVersion tag has been deprecated as it was largely advisory for libraries. We have removed it in this release. The SDK compileSdkVersion is now 34.

Sailthru Mobile Android SDK 18.0.1

30 Jan 23:20
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes an issue in the MessageStream.deleteMessage response handling that would result in an error result always being returned, even when the message deletion was successful.

Sailthru Mobile Android SDK 18.0.0

30 Nov 02:59
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Breaking Changes

This release is mostly internal updates, removing the use of deprecated methods and incorporating changes to back pressed handling. However, we have also made a change to how Message objects are passed around by the SDK. Previously once a Message was retrieved from the platform it would be added to a Bundle or Intent extras to allow it to be accessed in other areas, including listeners used by the parent app. This has now been removed in favor of passing just the ID of the message, which can be used to retrieve the message through the MessageStream class. If any of your app handling currently retrieves the message object directly using the EXTRA_PARCELABLE_MESSAGE key, this has been removed (as have the message objects), so you will need to get the ID with the EXTRA_MESSAGE_ID key and call MessageStream.getMessage instead. The SDK maintains a cache of previously retrieved messages so in this instance the message will be returned directly from the cache.

Sailthru Mobile Android SDK 17.0.4

18 Oct 02:25
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Updates the internal Android lifecycle handling

Sailthru Mobile Android SDK 17.0.3

06 Sep 00:56
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Bug Fixes

  • Fixes the location of obfuscated classes - they are now located in an internal SDK package to prevent collisions with other obfuscated dependencies.

Sailthru Mobile Android SDK 17.0.2

22 Aug 04:44
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  • Adjusts the universal link verification process to make it less restrictive.