To have more information on how to integrate with our checkout widget visit Quickstart guide
Verify that you have added the Connect.min.js script on the Head section of your application. Remember to add both the CDN URL and your public key. Mentioned on the quickguide
Add the Pay button object from the quickguide where you want to load it.
Create an order before loading the Widget Creating order
Finally pass the order when initializing the widget.
Callback functions can be passed to the widget when initializing it. onSuccess: happens when a charge is created correctly and users close the widget. onComplete: happens when a charge is created correctly. Even if the widget remains open. onAbort: happens when the users intentionally close the widget onError: happens when the holacash service cannot succesfully generate a charge correctly at that moment
Click on the holacash button Or use the initiate widget function on a custom button.
Go into your desired framework and check the readme guide for that version