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catbaron0 committed Jun 5, 2019
0 parents commit 9e34e07
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106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# Byte-compiled / optimized / DLL files

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# PyInstaller
# Usually these files are written by a python script from a template
# before PyInstaller builds the exe, so as to inject date/other infos into it.

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80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
# SearchMessage: A middleware for EFB

## Notice

**Middleware ID**: `catbaron.search_msg`

**SearchMessage** is a middleware for EFB, to search message from the chat history.

Usually, you may have trouble to search messages with **Chinses** key words in Telegram clients,
thus here is the middleware could help you out.

Be aware that this is a very early develop version. Please let me know if you found any problem.

You need to use **MessageBlocker** on top of [EFB]( Please check the document and install EFB first.

## Dependense

* Python >=3.6
* EFB >=2.0.0
* peewee
* PyYaml
* python-dateutil

## Install

* Install
git clone
cd efb-search_msg-middleware
Python install # You may need su permission here
* Register to EFB
Following [this document]( to edit the config file. The config file by default is `~/.ehforwarderbot/profiles/default`. It should look like:
master_channel: foo.demo_master
- foo.demo_slave
- bar.dummy
- foo.other_middlewares
- catbaron.search_msg

You only need to add the last line to your config file.

* Config the middleware

The config file by default is `$HOME/.ehforwarderbot/profiles/default/catbaron.search_msg/config.yaml`.
Please create the config file if thers is not one. Edit it as:

# The name of master channel
master: 'blueset.telegram'
# The max number of message the middleware would show you.
# Set it to 0 for no limitation.
max_num: 15

* Restart EFB.


## How to use
### The command:
`\sr [key_word] [from:datetime] [to:datetime]`
* `key_word`: text without whitespace characters
* `datetime`: Datetime string, such as `1989-6`, `2008-8-8 12:0`. Note that `from:` and `to:` are necessary and there should be no space in this argument. Messages of last 15 days will be searched by default.

### Usage
1. Sent command to a chat
* There should be at least one of the three arguments
2. Reply the command to an message
* Search message sent by the author of the replied message
* Some times the author is saved as `None` in the database, so it's not always reliable.
3. To locate the message in Telegram, you can:
* Search the full message in Telegram
* Search some segment of message splitted by non-chinese characters.
* For instance, say you have a message `这是一条被空格分开 的消息`, to locate this message, you coulde search the entire message, `这是一条被空格分开` or `的消息` in Telegram.
70 changes: 70 additions & 0 deletions README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
# MessageBLocker: A middleware for EFB

## Notice

**Middleware ID**: `catbaron.message_blocker`

**MessageBLocker** is a middleware for EFB, to manage filters and block some specific messages.

Be aware that this is a very early develop version. Please let me know if you found any problem.

You need to use **MessageBlocker** on top of [EFB]( Please check the document and install EFB firset.


## Dependense

* Python >=3.6
* EFB >=2.0.0
* peewee
* PyYaml

## Install

git clone
cd efb-msg_blocker-middleware
Python install # You may need su permission here
## How it works
MesageBlocker support three types of filter:

1. `user`: The unique ID of a user in a chat. It's useful when you want to block some users in a group.
2. `type`: Block some specific type of image. Support all the `MsgType` defined by `EFB`, including `image`, `audio`, `file`, `link`, `location`, `status`, `sticker`, `text`, `video`, and `unsupported`.
3. `text`: Block messages matched by a Regex string. Only effective for `text` type of messages.

A filter is a dictionary with at least one of three keys: `user`, `type` and `text`. Messages matched by all the provided filters will be blocked.

For instance, here is a filter:
"type": ["image", "video"],
"user": "e5141de3"
This filter matches messages in type of `image` or `video`, and sent by the user whose id is `e5141de3`.

## Usage
Three commands are supported by this middleware.

* `\list`: List all the filters you have added to one chat. The EFB will reply to you with a list of `json` string. e.g.:

{'id': 1, 'author_channel_id': 'blueset.wechat', 'author_channel_name': 'WeChat Slave', 'author_chat_name': '', 'author_chat_alias': 'None', 'chat_chat_uid': 'c00003', 'chat_chat_name': '', 'chat_chat_alias': 'None', 'filter_text': '{"type": ["image"], "user": "12345"}'}

`id` is the unique ID for this filter, and `filter_text` is the content of this filter. The others are information about chat where the filter is active.

* `\del {id}`: Delete a filter with filter `id`. e.g.

\del 1

* `\add {arg}`: Add filters. There are some ways to add filters.

* `arg` is one of any supported `type`, so that all the messages in the specific type will be blocked. For example `\add image` adds a filter to block all the image messages.
* `arg` is `filter_text`, like `\add {"type": ["image"]}`
* You cloud reply `\add {arg}` a message in order to block messages from one user. Foe example, after you reply `\add {"type": ["image"]}` to a message sent by user whose `id` is `12345`, it's equivalent to `\add '{"type": ["image"], "user": "12345"}`

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